#very unlikely but itd be very funny
cl0wnhaus · 6 months
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taken aback?
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kinuhanino · 2 years
Imagine if wenclair doesn't become canon but every interaction with them just smells fruity bcuz that actors are the fruity ones
Like imagine they're supposed to be straight but the actors just took them and ran and went gay gay homosexual gay
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floorpancakes · 1 year
if watanuki was ALL id/dere and had no shame he would be like mabu 2 this is my conspiracy theory
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surshica · 1 year
: CL16
genre: stupid fluff, social media (smau)
warnings: translated french
A/N: let’s ignore everything that happened in this gp! this is my first EVER f1 fic so ernmmm bare with me! i’ve had this like whole thing in my head for a while but i was just too lazy LMAO ANYWAYS i’m also deprived of some fics..ENJOY ?!!
synopsis: soft launching a relationship with charles — charles leclerc x streamer fem!reader (fc: tina kitten)
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liked by lilymhe, alex_albon, georgerussell63, charles_leclerc and 793,610 others
yourusername when he gets the princess treatment instead of me..
user1 my streamer is in a relationship..🫠
user2 this means we can’t be parasocial no more…I HOPE THIS “MAN” CAN FIGHT.
alex_albon okay tell him to stop being clingy so you can play goat simulator with us
yourusername he said, “they suck at the game so they can wait, i like the princess treatment” soo…
user4 as much as i want to theorize and say it’s an F1 driver it’s unlikely…she’s just a twitch streamer.
user8 “just a twitch streamer” my ass..as if she isn’t the biggest streamer and influencer
user4 i mean itd be a downgrade for a professional to date a non professional athlete or like model or idol🤷‍♀️
charles_leclerc okay little buddy it’s past your bedtime
landonorris okay buddy..don’t make me use THE blackmail.
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, tomholland and 2,072,473 others
charles_leclerc my jpg era? nahh
user3 okay so are we going to talk about who took these photos cause i know damn well you didn’t take them..
yourusername whoever styled you should get a raise
charles_leclerc i’ll tell her that, it’ll inflate her ego some more
yourusername she doesn’t deserve you 😐
user6 this is kinda suspicious..what if.
user2 WHAT IF????
user6 what if yn and charles are 🤞
carlossainz55 charlie finally got a sense of style !!
pierregasly groundbreaking ‼️
user9 okay but why does he actually look good in this outfit..
user10 f1 twt going crazy over this fit
liked by yourusername
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, georgerussell63 and 628,927 others
yourusername stream today!! we’ll be playing among us vr with *drumroll* landonorris and georgerussell63, be sure to tune into it today
user1 WITH THOSE TWO??? it sounds chaotic..
user10 HMMM….
charles_leclerc where is my invite ☹️
yourusername you said no because chat would laugh at you..
charles_leclerc this makes it seem like those two are your favorites…
yourusername they are.
charles_leclerc hand back the paddock passes<3
liked by charles_leclerc
user5 bye they’re literally flirting.
liked by charles_leclerc and yourusername
user6 THE HEART AFTER PADDOCK..am i seeing this correctly
user2 what if you actually predicted it…
alex_albon i can already hear lando screaming..
landonorris slanderous.
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly, landonorris, lewishamiliton, alex_albon and 1,729,168 others
charles_leclerc désolé mon amour le secret est sorti..😅❤️
user6 YEAH I KNEW IT. everyone who made bets pay up! i do apple pay venmo zelle paypal
user1 bye you’re so unserious 😭
user3 aye they tryna make bank i don’t blame them
user2 it’s like they’re a mastermind..IS CHARLES GOING TO WIN THE NEXT GP?!?
user6 yes. he is going to podium and be at least 2 or 3
yourusername you couldn’t wait just a little longer..not till your next gp? ;;
charles_leclerc my fingers slipped!!
yourusername fat fingers!
charles_leclerc that’s not very nice chéri:(
yourusername yeah no more princess treatment for you.
charles_leclerc HEY NOW…THATS NOT FUNNY.
landonorris are mom and dad fighting..☹️
charles_leclerc i hope you never get imposter when you play amongus again
landonorris HEY MAN TOO FAR.
user10 the pictures..THE PICTURES. sleeping on a highway tonight 🤞
user4 interesting choice in a s/o…
yourbestie that person would be me 😍
yourbestie took y’all forever, im surpised charlie brown over here didn’t spill the beans earlier
charles_leclerc who are you calling charlie brown? 😒
yourbestie you.
@ surshica | rb & follow.
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strwberri-milk · 4 months
Do you think you could do genshin charas (I don't mind who! Your pick 🫶) with a reader who has a reaaaaally clingy cat
The kitty hates everyone but the reader and follows them everywhere. When the reader leaves and the cat can't follow it meows SO loud for hours until the reader comes back. Kitty will jump up on the readers shoulder and sometimes sit on their head (small kitty) and if anyone comes close to reader the kitty will start hissing and swatting at them until they back away. Basically like a guard dog but a guard kitten
hmm im giving you diluc and kaveh!! i'm also making it so that kitty warms up to him *eventually* because itd be so sad if it hated him forever :( ALSO my friends kitten literally hates me she refused to take a treat from my hand for like half an hour [sob] she would sniff it but wouldnt eat it :((( oh ya also surprise rafayel bc hes so funny LMAO
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I can see Diluc taking to cats. They're more self sufficient than dogs and considering his busy work schedule he'd think it'd be a little difficult to keep a dog busy without also worrying for it's safety. When you tell him you have a cat he doesn't mind it at all but he's a little concerned when your cat starts hissing and spitting at him.
He looks at you, unsure of what to do and you explain that the cat is simply just protective of you. He doesn't want to somehow offend your cat by encroaching on your shared bubble so he looks to you to see what he can and can't do.
Now whenever your cat and Diluc hang out it's like a game of chicken. Diluc's trying to figure out what he's allowed to do (by permission of your cat) and you're trying to make sure your cat doesn't scratch Diluc/hurt itself trying to jump onto him to protect you.
Diluc also tries other ways of acclimating your cat to him. He leaves a jacket in the room you and your kitty are in together so it can explore his scent freely, waits to see if it'll come to him rather than you bringing it to him, etc. When it slowly finally warms up to him he can barely hide his relief, hating the thought of you having to choose between him or your pet.
He's very patient and your kitty seems to appreciate it, hissing at him less until finally, one day you come home and find Diluc sitting incredibly still watching your kitten sleep soundly on his lap. He's barely breathing, turning to you when he sees you come in with awe in his eyes not unlike a child's. It definitely helped that his body runs warm and kitty just needed a place to nap.
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Kaveh jumps the first time your cat hisses at him. He wasn't expecting that to happen since most animals warm up to him pretty quickly. Similar to Diluc, he knows not to force a relationship between himself and your kitten so he also takes his time to acclimate your cat to him.
Unlike Diluc I think your cat would warm up to him faster. Kaveh has absolutely great vibes and animals tend to follow him around because he also has a habit of feeding them if he can. This natural kindness is shown in the way he respects your cat's boundaries and the way he watches you care for the animal.
Your cat slowly explores Kaveh only if you're close to him. He has a bit more success if he's wearing something or has something you've recently worn draped over him but he's careful if your kitty starts circling around his feet. Even if it lightly nips or hisses at him he tries not to react too strongly, knowing that it's just trying to protect you and getting mad at it is just going to halt progress.
Eventually your cat starts to slowly enjoy sitting with Kaveh and watching him sketch. It doesn't interrupt his drawings but you notice it's eyes watching his pencil flit about. When it gets more comfortable it might tentatively bat at it, Kaveh carefully picking it up and depositing it into your lap to avoid any actual damage being done to his work.
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Rafayel is incredibly dramatic and because you know he's afraid of cats you've decided to keep your cat away from him. That was mostly successful until one day he came in as you were getting dressed in your room. You knew he'd be coming over and you forgot that he could just let himself in and quickly tried to make yourself decent the second you heard his screaming.
You're ready to attack whatever it is that made him lose his composure, thinking you're ready to go face to face with a Wanderer when you find him crouched on top a kitchen counter glaring daggers at you. He knew you had a cat and was under the impression that since you knew he was coming today you would have put it away.
In a weird way he tells you he's glad that your cat isn't "trying to trick him" by being cute and cuddly. He's very adamant about not touching your cat and keeping his distance away from the "creature". You'd have to convince him to touch your cat but that only happens once your cat actually calms down in his presence. It sees how you act around him and over time realises that you care a lot about him.
It takes some more time but your cat and boyfriend have some sort of peace treaty with each other that's never actually communicated. They relatively leave each other alone and tolerate each other's presence only for you.
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AITA for telling my bff what my ex said about them?
I had broken up with my ex 6 months beforehand and didn't talk about it with anyone but my mom and therapist for that amount of time. My friends knew it effected me pretty bad but didn't pry when I just wanted to keep it private. My ex was very long distance and didn't have many friends, so I introduced her to my irl friend group so she could have some people to talk to virtually at least. I didn't want me wanting to break up be the reason for our friends to pick sides or anything like that.
Now long story short, my ex was not happy I was ending things. She got angry saying I wasn't allowed to do this, telling me how she'd lie to our friends about me to get them to leave me as alone as she was. She gave me an order of names based on how likely she thought they'd believe her. She made "rules" for the breakup that I would still have to talk to her daily and keep an eye on her mental health so she didn't "do something stupid" and how it was my fault she was like this.
I have had previous close relationships where I felt responsible for peoples lives so I agreed. I may not have wanted to be with her romantically anymore, but of course I wanted her to live and move on and be happy. Over the months I was listening to her talk about her declining mental health, her refusals to seek professional help, her angry speeches about how I was living my life, etc. One of these speeches was about my bff and about how she blamed my bff for our breakup. And how if I didn't talk to my bff I would still be dating her. (untrue of course, if anyone blame my mom and therapist lol)
One day, my bff came over for the first time in ages for some one on one time rather than a group hang out. Our schedules were always just all over the place. I listened to her tell me about some life updates, and then she brought up how weird it was that my ex had recently started dming her wanting to be closer friends. Bff made comments about how she thought it was funny because why would she want to be closer to the person causing me grief for this long.
At this point, my mind had gone through the cycles of fearing that my ex had gotten to my bff on her list of "friends to lie to to take her side" and also shock and relief that my bff was able to tell how bad my emotional state had been for months without talking to her about what happened.
I just broke down crying
After some comfort from bff, she asked if I wouldnt mind telling her what happened and I ended up telling her.
Now my bff was pissed at my ex after I told her everything. The next day she had written an angry message to my ex defending me, and told me about it. This had me panicking more because I was scared of what my ex would do.
It turned into my ex berating me for telling my friend that "she hates her" in reference to the blaming her for the breakup because it was something she didnt feel anymore (unlikely, she had told me like 2 weeks before this she still felt that way) so I was just trying to ruin her friendships. she ordered me to tell my bff i was lying about everything
I had grown so tired of this, so I said no. I told her I only told my bff the truth and she made her own opinions. I was not responsible for that. and I told her finally that I was not responsible for her at all and thought it'd be better to go no contact.
At the same time, my bff had removed my ex from our group chats (without me telling her i was gonna go non contact, but because she thought itd be good for me) and apologized for sending the message to my ex as it was just causing more drama.
It still eats me up sometimes though. Was I the asshole for telling my bff what my ex said about her? Given, I could have just told her the exact details of the breakup without what my ex said about blaming her after the fact. Given the heightened emotions of what brought the conversation up, I just let it all out.
What are these acronyms?
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prince-liest · 3 months
who else in the 666 universe is aware that vox and alastor r rubbing wires and uh other things? lol bcs angel and valentino r both aware so … 👀 (itd be a funny overlord meeting topic ngl)
I'm going to be totally honest, I think my answer to this is 100% colored by the fact that public exhibitionism and anything related to it is, like, very squarely on my list of squicks, so: I hadn't truly thought about it beyond the characters who are shown to know in 666 canon!
Like, obviously Vox is going to bitch about everything Alastor-related to the other Vees. By the point that he decides to start respecting Alastor's privacy on this subject, that ship has long sailed! (And he probably wouldn't be able to respect it wrt Velvette and Valentino anyways, lmao.) But the Vees don't seem to actually be particularly involved with the other Overlords if they don't have to be, and they also don't seem to be on good enough terms to share gossip about it.
Alastor, meanwhile, I imagine is not really inclined to outright talk about the particulars to anyone other than Angel Dust (who figured it out on his own), but also wouldn't go out of his way to outright hide anything. I feel like he might find it very entertaining to see people's reactions when they find out, but in a very roundabout "there is some sort of weird relationship happening" way, not a "they're hooking up" way, because unlike Vox's oversharing motormouth and his pornstar pimp boyfriend, he does not see explicit details as something that should be shared.
Rosie almost certainly knows, though, I'd imagine! And Mimzy will probably ferret it out very quickly once she stops being shirty about the fact that he asked her to step out of the hotel. Husk is probably squinting very suspiciously, because Alastor getting up to no good is always something he has to keep an eye out for.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 3 months
okaaaaaay. ranking the library's floors based on how nice it would be to take a nap there. graded by ambiance and comfort. trying not to let too many of my own biases shine through but also no promises. im sleepy. ok 👍
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> Lobby/Halls: im counting it because itd be funny. the ambiance is not unlike a hotel hallway; kind of really unsettling in its uniformity and undefinedness, but it Does make you sleepy if youre brave enough to risk it. feels like there'd be a chaser monster in there. and there is, if you count angela, i guess. 5/10 ambience. im pretty sure it is like 60-70% stairs if you look at it, which is deeply funny. where do the stairs go. i guess the better question is where Don't the stairs go. there are also no chairs or Anything; just bookshelves and lamps. its pretty clear you arent supposed to be in there long. dim lighting's pretty nice at least. 3/10 comfort. VERDICT: 4/10. At least it's got presentation.
> Floor of General Works: the vibe is pretty nice, if you can get past feeling like a tree on a prairie. a hawk could swoop in and snatch you or something. the towers of books could be kinda comforting for the right people, though. 4/10 ambiance. this is books. 3/10 comfort. VERDICT: 3.5/10. Don't Fall Off.
> Floor of History: its pretty busy, but the kind of busy where it just kinda turns into comforting background noise. its like the equivalent of having on cafe noises to study or sleep to. less of a "lulling you to sleep" sort of deal and more of a "i am so tired i could literally pass out sitting up." and then you do. might be a little much, but if you can find a nice corner somewhere it might be refreshing. nice little power nap. 7/10 ambiance. not Really the most conducive to taking a nap physically-- best you've got is facedown on the desk. which, honestly, isnt too bad. theyre nice desks. could make yourself a little hidey hole with the books sitting around. just be careful not to let anyone spot you. 7/10 comfort. VERDICT: 7/10. Respectably cozy for a quick pick-me-up.
> Floor of Technological Sciences: the light from the windows is probably jarring as hell, but away from that is pretty nice honestly. a bit uniform for my own liking, but the dim light looks like it'd do wonders. cant imagine how anyone doesn't already get sleepy working in there. 7/10 ambiance. the geaaaarrrsssss.... good luck getting any actual sleep with That nonsense going on 24/7. also i dont think theres a Single non-90 degree angle in the entire floor besides the gears, (which you Really shouldnt be sleeping near,) which i cant imagine does anyone's backs any favors. not a single good desk in sight beyond yesods, and i dont think hed take kindly to sharing this way. also that is the most uncomfortable looking couch i have ever seen. 2/10 comfort. VERDICT: 4.5/10. Almost, buddy. Bring your own pillow. And earplugs.
> Floor of Literature: the little ceiling lights are absolutely Lovely. could argue for it being too bright, but honestly that's an easy fix. its comfy in the way a school library is-- honestly one of the more inviting floors to be on. its practically Begging for a nap tbh. very neat and comfortable. 8/10 ambiance. girl how small is that table???? even with leniency for art style with the size, the chair backs barely reach th edge of the table. looks like youd be ppppretty squished sleeping there. doesn't look like theres many other notable spots to sneak your way into either, so its the table or the floor. one way or another you are waking up as if youve been hit by a truck. 3/10 comfort. VERDICT: 5.5/10. Very polite and comfy, but oh Man is that gonna mess you up later.
> Floor of Art: YEAH BABEY!!!!! very dim but with several soft light sources, the loose and comfortable feel of the place-- this is what its all about honestly. the paintings and such are a nice touch as well. chances are, no ones gonna really bat an eye if they catch you asleep here. it just feels like the place for it. the natural look must be very nice after everything, too. 9/10 ambiance. those floorboards are Going to kill you. cant imagine trying to walk in there without tripping. not a lot of obvious places to set up, but if youre feeling brave you can probably nest up in a pile of books somewhere. on the other hand, theres probably all sorts of little spaces and nooks to tuck into if youre crafty. as someone who would enjoy sleeping in a cabinet, can approve. 6/10 comfort. VERDICT: 7.5/10. He gets a 10/10 in MY heart. Taking that back pain like a CHAMP.
> Floor of Natural Sciences: the same kind of comfort as an old ladys guest room. aka i Wish i could take a nap there. only caveat is the blinding light coming in from pretty much everywhere. its like trying to sleep with an open curtain, but like... all the time. looks like itd smell nice in there, at least. 7/10 ambiance. has actually comfy-looking chairs! seems like thered be a few places you could manage to tuck into comfortably in a corner someplace with a cushion or something. also one of (maybe the only?) floors that actually has carpeting! so no getting woken up by footsteps, or having to sleep on floorboards. 7/10 comfort. VERDICT: 7/10. Probably like sleeping in a sunbeam. Equally disorienting when Tiph inevitably gets at you for slacking off.
> Floor of Language: its kinda scruffy looking, but if youre not bothered by that it looks like it might be pretty comforting actually. i wont explain. lightings pretty nice as long as youre not looking directly out the window. soundscape might not be horrible, its a bit of a coinflip with the industrial look though. caveat? cigarette smoke... 7/10 ambiance. Comfy! Looking! COUCH!!! you Are passing out on that thing whether you want to or not. also you could probably have a nice time tucking up against the windowsill if you can handle the brightness. might even be warm. im kinda surprised actually. 8/10 comfort. VERDICT: 7.5/10. I could swear I've fallen asleep here before. Minus the um. Lava. But you get what I mean.
> Floor of Social Sciences: this place looks like a memory. this is the type of sleep youd get where youre briefly kinda disoriented on where you are for a while. ive gotta imagine the water sounds pretty nice too. and the coffee smells! can you imagine?? theres probably all sorts of small talk going on in the background, just a few people stopping by here and there to exchange pleasantries over a drink. i gotta stop here, i Will just keep going. 10/10 ambiance. i need to bump this up at least a little due to the theme alone. im listening while writing these and the sheer wave of peace it always brings is indescribable. howeverrrrr... return of The Couch. you Cannot convince me that thing is made of any sort of remotely soft material. at least its got pillows. on the other hand, you get good windowsill access (REALLY good windowsill too,) AND bar access. must be nice to find a quiet corner in, too. 8/10 comfort. VERDICT: 9/10. Is anyone honestly surprised. (But still, jeez dude.)
> Floor of Philosophy: the dim lighting AND the ceiling stars??? dude... its a bit quiet, but quiet in the way a classroom is after-hours. a silent sort of welcoming. if youre able, Nothing is going to bother you in there. this is where you go to Rest. 9/10 ambiance. girl there is NOWHERE to sleep. other than like the table. also is that just... water? on the floor? i appreciate the aesthetic deeply, but um. i dont think thats very nap conducive. the floor is probably wood but it looks almost like stone with how its shaped. cant imagine your back would thank you after that one. table's not too bad at least. 6/10 comfort. VERDICT: 7.5/10. The equivalent of passing out in a therapist's office. Hope you're ready for an in-depth personal conversation when you wake up.
> Floor of Religion: this looks like a principals office. cant shake the feeling of mild yet stern disapproval coming from this place. on the other hand, it Does feel Very secure. id imagine thered be at least faint clock ticking-- That has to be pretty nice. if youre the right person, i guess. the occasional ceiling light is pretty nice, but its already pretty bright in there. youll fall asleep in here and either feel like no time has passed at all after several hours or feel like its been an eternity after 5 minutes. no in-between. 5/10 ambiance. there is Nowhere to Sleep. maybe the stairs if youre cool with having to sleep against the railing, but also that Is a tripping hazard, and nobody likes a tripping hazard. has a similar problem to yesods floor, in that everything is Very straight-laced and proper, meaning there is like... nowhere comfortable to sit. other than like one desk and a table or two maybe. 3/10 comfort. VERDICT: 4/10. I'd say you rank better in my heart, but this is honestly about as expected. in conclusion: chesed's floor once again remaining the people's favorite. if you need me ill be tucked into a cubby at netzie's. come get me in like 3 hours or so, i will almost Certainly get stuck up there. ok 👍
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pigeonwit · 7 months
It's a sprace au bc sprace is my lifeblood
Set in a small town and on the outskirts of the town is a house- abandoned, run down, no one wants it and it never got sold
No one really knows what happened due to the amount of different rumours flying around, each equally unlikely
Anyway, spots brother Jack has decided that in order to impress his crush, he's gonna drag their entire group out to explore the house, so they're all out in the dead of night, stumbling around this place and general shenanigans but the entire time spot keeps walking into cold patches, and seeing stuff out the corner of his eye, and hearing a ghostly voice, or feeling breathing on the back of his neck or a touch on his shoulder when there is No One there
Davey and Albert notice it, but the rest of them are Clueless and Oblivious
So later on in the week or smth the three of them go back and oooo mystery and an old murder case and spoiler alert the ghost is race and they fall in love bc that's Not Weird Okay
Maybe they bring him back to life idk
thank you so much for indulging my need to consume newsies fan content like catnip.
anywhore THIS IS THE SHIT oh my god... love the idea of jack trying to impress his crush only for daveys autistic ass to get overly invested in true crime with jacks brother instead. peak jack kelly bi-fail moment. but MAN race as a ghost is Peak i love that. he'd be such a little shit about it too, no matter the iteration. love the idea of spot, who very much does not get involved in shit unless it affects him or his loved ones, going all in on trying to solve this dead kids murder because his moral compass is just that strong no matter how much he tries to hide it beneath his bravado. also im a big sucker for the whole 'the power of Love brought them back' its such a fantasy cliche but like thats what fanfic is baby!!! also. maybe im just basic but itd be so funny for spot to show the 'things that would kill a victorian child' meme to the victorian child who got killed.
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synthshenanigans · 1 year
Combinding my interests like a nerd and made a HMS Over the Garden Wall au! I have the last like, 4 episodes planned out and im very tempted to written them out for a fic! It might take a bit but i can hopefully do it
(I am very tired so please ignore the sloppyness of it all)
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More info on the idea below :}
They'd be fully human unlike there actual designs and be siblings or at least very close friends as well. So theyd use the more human names throughout the story
Heart/Juno- Mix of Wirt and Greg. Mainly has the optimism and goofiness like Greg but also the caution and fear like Wirt
Mind/Ciro- Also a mix of Wirt and Greg. Mainly is the seriousness and realistic outlook of Wirt but doesn't care much of the threats in the woods like Greg
Soul/Atlus- Mix of Wirt and Beatrice. Doesnt really care for any of the other people in the Unknown, but while also wanting to enjoy the adventure along the way.
Darrell is Greg's frog of course.
(also can totally sing like him as well)
(also think itd be REALLY fuckin funny if the singing voice he has is the Announcers voice)
Some things would stay the same like Potterfield, but im also thinkin about the Manor episode being about Jekyll and Hyde. But instead of the whole ghost not ghost romance thing, they think the manor has 2 owners when it turns out to be one person the whole time. I want to put in more things from CJs other stuff but cant think of anything atm. Maybe the Announcer is involved with the Tavern episode idk. Also debating whether to even include beatrice in it since the idea i have doesnt quite have her fit into it.
Either way you can tell i dont at the moment have much of an idea for episodes 2-6. However the ideas i have for 7-10 are more layed out and are quite different compared to the original that im v existed to write for. but im very very tired atm so i can start on that (and maybe post a summary/synopsis) later.
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circusfreakk · 3 months
okay so i think caliborn being trans is very unlikely but funny either way
if he was transmasc itd make a bit more sense,because of his hatred of women.
BUTTT if he was TRANSFEM. can you IMAGINE??????
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theprimebell · 1 year
🌼 -wilbur and holly and schlatt. not sending separate asks that would just be annoying lol
ya itd be a bit fuckign annoying okaye here we go
WILBUR well youre literally my brother so bonus points but youre quiet and youre one of the only people allowed to poke fun at me in a mean way. i think youre really fuckingg nice and kinda gay but thats ok becayse i like gay peopel
holly youre like normal. i mean kinda normaall. i like how youre just really easy to be around its like i said being around you makes everyone for get their internet safety protocol. youre very funny too i like hanging out on call with you :)
schlatt you dont fucking speak much more than like a sentence at a time at most but theyre very funny things ithink anyone who doesnt get how u r a soother is a dumbass and they should die because you r very chill plus i think youre cool unlike gayass and fucgkin light yagami taking psych 101
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guideaus · 1 year
tristamp ep 9 thots. pt 1... again 😳
where the hell is knives even at
and what is that decor they used to have, lol??
im kinda disappointed they seemed to just go to basically where the last ep left off
idk why tf knives is hanging out in a place w a massive amount of plants being used, i think this whole scene will probably be from in trimax when he first witnesses it, but the difference there is he's just come upon it. here, it seems hes at least somewhat comfortable... unless it was like jenora rock where he also just found a piano lying around
the fucking used up plants look like celebi when it was dying dshdsjhds. dried out onion fairy
again, the people are annoying. faceless cruel nobodies. idek who this scientist is rn
this ep also didnt even bother to establish where they are. its just about the same scene from the manga, yet in trimax, it shows knives going through tons of people to get to the plants. while here theres no explanation for what theyre being used for. even these unnamed inhuman randos give an unspecific reason. esp if rn is only like 7 years into the twins' lives, how are the plants already dying
was there an explanation in the last ep how vash got here, lol?? i just watched the ep yesterday, and i cant even remember why. how did he get here
the place is so empty...
and when i think abt the last ep, its weird vash is shown to be doing nothing here?? like either he fucking spawned to that location AFTER the plant died, or didnt care at all, unlike in the last ep... where his new reason to live was caring for plants... he spent the last ep more upset than knives was here, but now is doing nothing
the nobodies again feel... unrealistic? this is a generation that could have known about plants, but here it's just kind of like "yeah, im sure they love being our batteries :)" said completely unironically and it just feels silly. itd be one thing if there were some leftover crazy unethical scientists still hanging out (like in the manga knives brings conrad), but here theyre just some guys
i think knives is shown as more sympathetic here (but in a dumb way as i said, all the humans present just being one-dimensionally bad, compared to knives being afraid of something he hadnt even witnessed first hand)
and the others not even reacting... did orange run out of budget for that too
at least knives still has a vengeance thing going on
knives declaring his name is so funny. but i support him, very transgender of him. i support any of his kinnies too
again, im disappointed this ep isnt his pov, like vash got, and now i more doubt rem will be shown more
luida just knows where hes gone for some reason? how did vash even know where knives was, how does she
at least rem didnt die in vain in tristamp
knives is fucking wolverine here
tristamp here at least implies rem spoke to them about their species, which trimax didnt show at all, besides tesla's reveal
not a single soldier shot his gun lol...
and why is that one scientist still standing there doing nothing lol
i dont really know what to say with knives and luida's interaction. in the 90s anime and manga, he never really interacts with anyone vash is currently allied with, i think? tristamp is just very different because here this is a reunion for vash (instead of them splitting up), they put the last run scene here, and im assuming they'll show off a potential power for vash? its just so different with them being apart, but stampede doesnt even act like that happened concerning knives. i cant really help but think that in trimax, a huge factor why knives was even more confident abt his feelings towards humanity was that the first time vash did decide to leave knives, knives was proven right bc the people who took him robbed him and left him to die, knives was arguably to the rescue and boasted his philosophy (that vash still couldnt agree with). here, luida is just some woman, i dont see how he'd know anything about her
and i cant help but again wonder wtf he'd been doing the past 6 years. i thought before he didnt care about vash, but here they do show him caring, but where was he when vash was basically imprisoned (like knives is now angry about). frankly, with how orange set up the previous ep making vash rudolph, he totally couldve come in trying to "rescue" vash. he's obviously not respecting vash, but still trying to act in a way that shows he loves his brother, but it feels like the last run scene is used here as an excuse for that. i dont think he'd be to the point of apathy yet
is there a reason that happened, or. i think conrad before said its bc empathy lol, but in trimax i always thought it was figurative
i wanna say knives cutting off vash's arm here is more sympathetic compared to the other versions, but it doesnt look like it here lol. i still dont know if i like that choice. i think him being reactive before added to his disrespect of vash, while here its kinda mixed whether its right or wrong
vash is doing great blood-wise for a guy that just lost his arm
the scientist truly was just standing there the whole time. i dont know why knives hasnt killed him
brad is the the one fixing that prosthetic bc orange doesnt allow other characters to exist
i am like vash here. what friends. he just met these people. one wants nothing to do with him and the other yells at him all the time
how is zazie (?) getting there... in the manga, they infiltrated bc the puppet guy was from there. idk abt the 90s anime
why are they 150 years old. how is vash 150 years old here. his and knives relationship HAS to be estranged if they arent younger than their 90s counterparts
its like... they gave an explanation for conrad in trimax, but also again in the opposite way i wouldve thought. are they even technically 150, they say it alongside vash, but its not quite the same as him lol. them being the only ones alive and in charge kind of almost make them sound like tyrants lmao?? ik orange cant have other characters, but it sounds off...
also it seems weird they just like. give all vash's info. to people they just met, vash himself was like "friends?"
why is luida being the one to show meryl...
meryl is cute ig
does tristamp not have geo-plants or is this meryl sheltered
its kinda nice that luida is shown to care for the plants. it the closest it comes to that family in vol 1. but i dont think her logic makes sense, lol. not to agree w the pessimist, but i think hes right. the flora need the Plant, they wont just magically take over bc theres a lot of them
also they're talking weird..? i dont think normal people talk like this..?
Kinda weird they gave the "that's the first time youve called me by my name" scene to roberto. and it makes me like him less. i only speak like that if i dont wanna get close to someone, but hes her coworker
vash staying in his room sucks. its again the people issue, but i cant be convinced he loves his home if hes not even venturing out of his room
has vash killed someone here im not aware of?? in trimax and to a lesser extent, the 90s anime gives him guilt for july, but that hasnt happened yet. i also cant believe he feels guilty abt the plant guards earlier bc he just stood there. i guess when knives appeared??
what brad is saying is absolutely weird. i dont know if people would speak like that either
speaking of brad, it sucks tristamp didnt show a reconciliation scene with them. its just kind of implied they did, which isnt good lol
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elevatortheory · 1 year
the way warriors name their kits is so funny because .... naming a cat immediately over their appearance is like the dumbest thing you can do . cats look way different when theyre born. i mean, everyone knows cats have blue eyes that eventually change, but even just pattern wise they change a lot too. but what im discussing in this psot specifically is just certain mutations or temporary effects . and a good deal of these are relevant to black/dark-furred cats so thats what im using as examples . s orry .
fever coats
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[id: two kittens, a tabby and a black kitten, with fever coats. their bodies are silver and mottled, while their faces show their real patterns. end id.]
first off, fever coat kittens ... ! a result of the kittens experiencing higher temperatures than usual in the womb (from their mother having a fever), this pattern lasts usually four months to a year . their fur presents as silvery across their back, but similarly to pointed cats, their extremities (face, legs, usually tail) show their real pattern almost normal. think itd be interesting to have a kitten like this born, hailed for their unusual pattern and given a name to fit it, (i can imagine names based off fog or mist prefixes especially), only for it to curiously fade away when the cat gets older, and the prefix no longer describes them. what a fun thing to explain at gatherings ! :) youcan tell i just wanted to make a post about fever coat kittens but thought itd be boring to discuss them alone.
2. vitiligo
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[id: a before-and-after photo of a tuxedo cat with vitiligo. the first photo shows the cat as black with a white muzzle and blaze, while in the second, the cat is almost entirely white with a black mottled pattern. end id.]
more well-known, but still an interesting idea. blackpaw ...is suddenly far more white than black ! again, just cool. fun idea. i dont have much to say about this one because everyone knows about this .
3. sun-bleached
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[id: a black cat with a sun-bleached coat. its back is varying shades of red-and-brown, unlike a tortoiseshell pattern. end id.]
caused by radiation from the sun, the eumelanin in black cats fur can break down, causing it to actually lighten - and cause concern for sunburn, also. not good. but i imagine this happening to riverclan or windclan cats the most, considering how often theyre out in the sun. considering how this can also return to normal if they just shed naturally and spend less time outside , itd be another interesting anomaly for cats to figure out .... also a very pretty pattern . and also acknowledges that, yknow, letting your cats outside is not very safe for them actually so 👎 crowfeather looking a bit more like cardinalfeather lately ....lol ...
4. pointed cats
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[id: several pointed cats. all are primarily cream, with darker markings around their face, legs, and tail. one is a seal-point cat, with almost black markings. the next is a lilac-point, with blue-gray markings. the third is a pair of flame-point cats, with light ginger markings. end id.]
i also wanted to post about this one the most <- guy who LOVES pointed cats . oh this one has so much potential both ways. pointed cats are the result of certain temperatures impacting their bodies - the warmer parts of their bodies produce less pigment, while the colder parts around their face and legs will darken. and, as that might suggest, this process can be prevented by keeping them at other temperatures. pointed cats raised in warm environments, for example, will usually not darken as much. however, this is still coded into their genes, and can even be affected by the seasons and temperature changes then, which again, very fun ! very cool idea . a solid-white kit you found in twoleg-place, slowly changing as they age until suddenly that name snowkit doesnt quite fit them anymore, does it? a pair of visibly pointed cats that traveled to a sunnier territory, confused when their kits stay light and solid-colored. warriors having to get used to their clanmate changing colors with the seasons, making jokes about them seeming more like some kind of seasonal plant or prey than any other cat they know . cool .....
okay i dont have anymore examples you can tell i just really wanted to tell people about fever coats and also pointed cats ^ i like them a lot
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naninadz · 1 year
wait to clarify when i said pneumagate brook characters i didn't mean that i just mean your ocs in general sorry </3 btw sorry if i spell names wrong it is 6:25 in the morning.
anyways i feel like im going to explode sorry for my bug autism beam
i feel like Luca is a house centipede, specifically allothereua maculata since i think they are typically larger than the variety you find in north america (this also makes Eman a house centipede since. yea). house centipedes really feel like a her trait since they look like that yknow, but also because of how stealthy, quiet and overall dangerous they are (- to other invertebrates that is; they are not harmful to humans unlike Luca lol). she feels like a house centipede with the mannerisms of a mantis (but not quite the bloodthirst).
i know Adriel is already based off of the scolopendridae family of centipedes but i don't think itd hurt to say that luca is also a centipede since house centipedes and scolopendra are very different, so it wouldn't be to repetitive (btw idk if you had a specific centipede in mind when you were designing adriel but i feel like they are a chinese red-headed centipede :])
ok enough of centipedes i like those guys he he, so anyways Brayden is a kissing bug because of obvious reason. but also he just kinda looks like one, imo. he gives bowie chagas parasite for fun <3 though his flesh vampire form kind of reminds me of repipta taurus.
speaking of bowie i can't decide between her being a beetle because of how bulky she is or a scorpion (bc shes a reaper. lol). i don't wanna be generic and just say shes a stag/rhinoceros beetle bc thats the Classic beetle everyone thinks of but she really is like both of those. BUT scorpion wise she'd def be a tityus obscurus
little bowie baby guy bowie is a weevil of some sort and adam is a flatid planthopper nymph
is this too long??? is tumblr gonna cut off my bugtism?? that would be kind of ableist ngl. so if you respond to this and its cut off lemme know if you want me to send the rest of this ask sorry its so long and hard to read
anyways, Regan is definitely either an asian longhorn beetle or an earwig. idk she is very earwig to me but asian longhorn beetle kinda fits her appearance more? theyre both silly and weird
Harper is a click beetle, idk man calling her a roach seemed mean but like she(? you never post them idk their pronouns :sob:) seems like just a nondescript brown beetle to me. oh not that roaches are bad theyre just sorta the staple bug yknow. you see them and ur like "oh man.. bug"
actually dillards a roach that fits more
Lotte is a harlequin bug can you tell why? can you tell why? can y jk that doesnt really fit her actually, panacanthus intensus seems more like her
blue kinda seems like a tailless whip scorpion but like i literally cant think of anything else
i kinda dont really know too much about the rest of ur characters and i am very tired but my last thought is that dian is a solifuge bc they both look kinda funny thank you for listening *burrows into the mud and tar and becomes unconscious for 13 to 17 years*
This is so fascinating, thank u, autism be damned my boy can GRILL
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toyotacorrola · 1 year
as unlikely as it would be, i think itd be very funny if sally were to grow up to be taller than both of her brothers
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