#vinland fanfic
apawtheosis · 10 months
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Welllll. I didn't take that break I said I would. Got too emotionally invested 🥴
The canon must go on! So here's the first chapter of the final part to my Askeladd/Reader fic. It'll be a little bit of a doozy, sorry.
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almost-blondee · 1 year
Shit Disturber
Thorfinn x Reader
Reader is Askeladds daughter
Fluff, mentions of the deed, SFW
word count: 1.2k
i might turn this into multiple little stories because i like the idea. Just like different scenarios regarding Thorfinn, Reader, and Askeladd.
If there is grammar mistakes or spelling errors please ignore them, i tried my best to find them all, thank you!
Being on so many treacherous journeys just comes with the lifestyle. Having to go on endless marches day in and day out like it’s another walk in the park. Travelling with Askeladd and his group wasn’t exactly the ideal situation but you didn’t really have a choice. Being Askeladds only daughter, he was generally very protective of you and didn’t feel safe leaving you with your mother. You were a product of a one nightstand. Askeladd finding out he had a daughter was an odd thing for him, Although never pursuing a further relationship with your mother, he felt inclined to take up his fathering duty’s and keep you safe. Usually when your father would leave for a trip, you would stay with your mom, in Wales. Unfortunately, in your later teenage years your mother had gotten caught up with dangerous people and creating a not so safe environment for you. When Askeladd heard about this he wasn’t pleased, so he took it upon himself to bring you with him and teach you how to defend yourself. He thought you were old enough to be with him on his travels. What he didn’t expect though, was for you to catch feelings for the only other teenager in his crew. Thorfinn. You not having known what your Dad has done to the poor kid, couldn’t help but develop feelings for the boy. You guys didn’t talk much, if you did it was a quick couple words. Thorfinn doesn’t talk much in the first place so it is hard to engage in a conversation with him. However, you will talk to him any chance you get. He’s injured, perfect you can tend to his wounds. He’s leaving to eat by himself, you make sure he has enough food and water. Since Thorfinn is usually straight faced at all times, you can never tell if he appreciates the gestures or not. He never tells you to stop or tells you off, so you just assume he doesn’t mind.
Thorfinn definitely doesn’t mind the gestures, if anything he enjoys them but is to proud to say anything. Having known you’re Askeladds daughter, at first he was incredibly upset with your existence. But it was not long before he came to the realization that you had nothing to do with what your father had done to him. He still doesn’t recognize his feelings for you, but he knows he feels something and Askeladd was not having it.
He couldn’t believe that his only daughter had fallen for that scoundrel. He admits Thorfinn had been very useful to him and he’s somewhat thankful, but no way in hell he’s going to let him get with his precious daughter. Askeladd did everything in his power to keep you guys separated, but you were too stubborn, always clinging to Thorfinns side. As much as he could see Thorfinn pretending to dislike it, Askeladd knew he was secretly enjoying it
In one particular incident, you had gone to visit Thorfinn while he was eating alone when you guys had stopped in a little village. You had been sat beside him talking his ear off, not that he said anything back. It was getting later than you could realize and you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder. At first he was taken aback, his immediate reaction being to push you off of him. But when he looked a your, oh so beautiful face he couldn’t bring him self to disrupt your peace. As Thorfinn was admiring your face looking at every wrinkle and stray hair that had fallen in front of your face. Askeladd rounded the corner catching the boy tucking your hair behind your ear and caressing it further. Askeladd was enraged that he had the guts to preform such an intimate act on you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Askeladd spat at Thorfinn in a harsh tone. Thorfinn jumped at the stern voice, he had thought no one would find them out here. The one time he was bold enough to admire you he had been caught, and by the worst person, your dad.
“uhh…. i was just… relaxing?” That was the only thing Thorfinn could muster up. “Relaxing.” Askeladd said in a flat tone. “Relaxing my ass, you were trying to cop a feel.” Thorfinn immediately denied any intention of touching you in any other way, than how he just had. It went silent. Thorfinn had begun glaring at Askeladd for ruining the moment, and Askeladd glaring back at him for touching his daughter. “Take your hands off of her” Askeladd finally spoke up. Thorfinn was confused for a second, his hands weren’t on you anymore. Then he realized that his arm had absentmindedly wrapped its self around you to support your body. Thorfinn rolled his eyes and sighed “No, it’ll wake her, you wouldn’t want to wake your precious daughter would you, old man?” Thorfinn said, his voice dripping in sarcasm.
“oh you little brat!” Askeladd replied, now angrier than before. “i don’t care if it wakes her, get away from her or i’ll rip your arm off”
“jeez okay old man. Don’t get your panties in a twist.” Thorfinn slowly shook you trying to wake you in the most gentle way possible just to make Askeladd more mad. “Hey, (y/n). Wake up, i’ll bring you to a proper bed” He whispered, but made sure it was loud enough for your dad to hear. Askeladd just rolled his eyes trying not to rip Thorfinns head off.
“huh, oh…Thorfinn.” was the first thing you said when you woke up. You looked so pleased to be woken up by him, it made Askeladd sick. “sorry i must have fallen asleep” you apologized. “don’t worry about it, just go find a bed to sleep in.” Thorfinn replied. As you stretched you pushed your head further into Thorfinns neck, keeping it there. Thorfinn could feel your hot breath on his neck, it made his hair stand up. Now this was extra awkward. Thorfinn realized that you hadn’t noticed your dad standing about 2 metres away from you guys.
“ahem…..” Askeladd cleared his throat to make him self noticeable to you. As soon as you heard him you jumped up, looked at your dad and got up from beside Thorfinn. “ohhh, Haha… Dad i didn’t know you were there….” you said in an embarrassed tone. Askeladd hated how you were so smitten with the boy sitting on the ground. Enough to cuddle up to him unprovoked. “we are leaving, you can sleep in my room tonight. If i hear you get up you’re dead.” your dad said in a harsh tone. Meanwhile, Thorfinn was enjoying how angry Askeladd was getting over something so trivial, it’s not like he caught you guys doing the deed. Although that probably would have been funnier, Thorfinn thought. The boy sat on the ground with a smirk waiting for Askeladds next move. Askeladd began to walk away with you tailing, when Thorfinn spoke up and said
“(y/n), you should come sleep with me more often.” purposefully making it sound more lewd then it actually was, in order to make Askeladd more mad. You turned red with embarrassment and looked at your dad, who was fuming. You then looked at Thorfinn and whispered an “okay”.
“ YOU’RE GETTING IT NOW BOY!” Askeladd had snapped, shouting at the boy for who knows how long as Thorfinn sat there trying not to laugh. Once Askeladd was done, he pulled you to his room. You gave Thorfinn a quick wave, and he just nodded. As you retreated you were wondering what you had gotten yourself into…
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4seasonsofart · 8 months
A reader insert who is the Prince(ss) of England and ends up a war prisoner during the war arc with Thorfinn and Canute at your side. The entire band is just awestruck at the fact that they managed to capture an English royal, and many boast about it. You know the lewd things they say about you; they are nothing but savages who happen to align with the enemy of your own country.
Ragnar is treating you with respect, as even as a political prisoner, he believes you have some rights. Canute is hiding behind Ragnar and anxiously—just barely—looking at you at the beginning of your trip together. Thorfinn just rolls his eyes and complains about having to look after another spoiled brat.
"Do you even speak any Norse?" Thorfinn inquires in a haughty tone as he rolls his hazel irises and lists profanities under his wretched breath.
He was slightly surprised to learn that you do indeed speak some Norse. He doesn't show it, as he just waves you off and smirks at the fact that this stuck-up royal could speak some Norse. He constantly says things in Norse that you don't understand, and he'll speak quickly on purpose just to make it hard for you to interpret his words. He gets irritated when you start speaking in English, as he doesn't understand what you are saying. You rarely speak, but when you speak in English, you do it to Askeladd. He hates that with a burning passion. What are you two even talking about? Him???
As the trip progresses and Canute becomes bolder and wiser, he begins trying to subtly manipulate you. If you are more fem-aligned, then he tries to get you to fall in love with him, and if you are more masc-aligned, then he tries to make you his ally. He tries to be subtle about flirting, although it comes off as more of an awkward teenage interaction.
"I know we are born enemies, made lovers."
Askeladd is trying not to laugh as he already had to deal with trying to teach Thorfinn to flirt. If you know... you know...
Thorfinn just grumbles and reluctantly learns to enjoy more of your presence.
You are worried about your fate as a political prisoner and are therefore very closed off. Which makes it hard for Canute to connect with you and try to manipulate you into betraying your own country and joining him. Of course, Askeladd helps the young prince in this endeavor, as he has become his new retainer at this point.
So as the trip progresses, Thorfinn protects you, and Canute tries to manipulate you. Your fate and what will happen when you meet the Danish king are still unknown.
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shinjisdone · 4 months
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𝑉𝜄𝜋𝑙𝛼𝜋𝜕 𝑆𝛼𝑔𝛼
(𝘼𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮)
To Soften A Warrior's Heart - War Arc
[Scenarios of crawling your way into Thorfinn's heart in the form of headcanons. Slow burn. Each part follows an chronological order and will loosely follow the plot of season 1]
Sᴇᴀsᴏɴ ₁ ﹙Wᴀʀ Aʀᴄ﹚﹕
Part 1 - (Meeting Thorfinn at 14y/o)
Part 2 - (Meeting & bonding with Thorfinn at 17y/o)
Part 3 - (Blooming friendship with Thorfinn)
Part 4: - (Thorfinn unwittingly opening his heart)
Part 5.1: - (Headcannons of sweet things Thorfinn would do for you)
Part 5.2: -(Headcannons of other sweet things Thorfinn would do for you)
Part 6: - (Meeting Canute and becoming his guard - Thorfinn accepts your relationship and bond)
Part 7: -(Canute grieving over Ragnar and Thorkell catching up to you; Thorfinn leaves you behind for revenge)
Part 8: -(Thorfinn wins against Thorkell; Questioning your bond with Thorfinn)
Part 9: -(Meeting Leif and Thorfinn dueling Askeladd)
Part 10, Finale: -(Thorfinn and you bound by heart; Promises toVinland broken and abandoned)
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
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☾ Yandere Thorfinn ☾
"Hmm. There is nowhere you can hide among all of these lands where I won't find you. For even the gods would fear my wrath if they took you from my arms."
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greenofhue · 3 months
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another short thorfinn fic!! This takes place in the Baltic Sea Arc, the night after the jomsvikings fight/after they were disbanded, I didn't edit it much so beware of any typos!
Thorfinn lies asleep on the bed. Back facing me; his blonde hair merging with the furs, the cushions filled with golden straw. Firey shadows dancing across him; warm and focused. I can't help but be reminded of the dream I keep having. The wood crackles, tumbling over as it cools. He stirrs. Suddenly I am frozen in place. Yet, his movement is slow and sluggish. Slight relief fills me, as he sleeps- chest rising and falling- I think of his ribs. I think of the bruises.
I promised myself not to dwell. But perhaps it was the combination of fatigue and sight of him that caused my mind to fall back to the thought. The dream. We were both running through some field. I could never remember where, but I knew he was taking me somewhere. I keep running after him. Reaching, but he was so fast, and all I could see was the back of his head slipping away into the field. I could still feel that feeling after I woke; that he was going somewhere that doesn't need me. I couldn't help but feel it now even as he slept. It pulses in my heart, this terrible feeling.
I see that glimmer in his eyes all the time. The ocean, the woodlands; distant, eager atonement. His words are simpler, heavier, engraved with more than he lets on.
It constantly made my head spin; emotions I hadn't even registered that I had about him. Fear, frustration. I worry too much and I say too little. I wonder if it is because I fear it won't matter. The sight of him, full of arrows on his knees. He is chasing after something, something that isn't meant to be. Eventually it will fall through; this belief. I can't help but hope that I'm wrong.
"It's stupid." The words are airy, and yet ripped out of me. Full with the weight of something as they leave mouth. "I keep seeing it- this day. That we all loose you."
Impulsively, regretfully I draw my hand out from the warmth of my own furs. Resting it along his spine. Warm; enveloped. And I am following, counting his steady breaths as if he were something that could vanish at any moment. As if these breaths are numbered.
My words continue, being pulled; drawn out of my chest, "You're becoming careless. Wreckless with your life." I pause brows knit together, mulling over my thoughts before I speak. "I can't loose y-"
The furs shift with a weight pushed into my hand as he leans into my touch. Panicked, I remove myself. Falling deeper into my chair.
I felt a slight sense of loss when my hand left his back. I knew that my touch was just purely out of care, but I couldn't help but want more. As my hand left his skin, I felt a little colder. I watch as he stirrs, drifting; leaning into my dissipating warmth, into my now foregone embrace. Yet for that moment, the sudden fear, and frustration felt so small. The feeling of that was a bit intimidating, but familiar all at once.
I low rumble filled the room as he spoke. His voice was soft, filled with conviction. And I was startled by how much truth was hidden behind his words as he spoke.
"I would never leave you guys."
Dread shoots up my spine. Had he heard everything? No. He would've said something else. The realization sets in. 'you guys' - Not 'you.' I mentally punch myself for being so stupid. So vulnerable. Silence englulfs the room in a thick haze. I'm not sure how to respond. Am I over thinking it? Why would I?
Before I can even spit something out, Thorfinn turns to face me. A pained look on his face as he holds his side where the stitches were.
We are close. Close enough that I could make out his features in the dim lighting. His short unruly hair. Scar carved into the surface of his flushed cold cheeks. A face forged by the sea, hardened by years of war; still as soft as ever as he watches me. Eyes tracing the sight of me, and I'm drifting. Loosing any words that I might've had before. If there was ever a time to say my convictions, then it was right now.
For the first time in years, I can't hold his gaze. And for the first in time in years, my heart is pounding out of my chest. The feeling is familiar. Panicked, and the strong urge to run away; Embarrassment?
"Pfah," I choke back compelling laughter.
"What is it?" He squints, I can feel his stare; worn and heavy. Still, all the more focused as he watches me. My head is pounding now with too many things at once.
"I'm, sorry."
"Sorry?" He echos.
"I didn't realize you were awake." My gaze stays locked to the floor boards. There are twice as many cracks in the wood than usual.
"I'm the one who should be sorry."
Almost impulsively, my gaze finds his again. He stares at me, then at the bed, bashful; perhaps even as embarrassed as I am. Hands loosely clasped on his lap.
"I didn't mean to scare you. Or the others."
I turn my gaze to my hands, picking at the skin. I exhale deeply, consciously realizing how quiet it is that I'm not saying anything. And that I probably should say something. My body sinks deeper into the chair.
"I had a plan, I didn't go in there blind." Thorfinn continues, exhaustion evident as his shoulders fall, rousing from the warmth of the bed.
"Yeah, a bad one that almost cost you your life." I bite back a scoff, watching him rise. The skin on my hand turning red from my little habit.
"I know." he whispers. Leveled with me now as he sits on the edge of the bed, facing the chair I'm seated in. I notice how close our knees are.
He watches the cooling embers through his lashes. "I'm sorry."
"You know how it is. Out here." I sniff, nose runny from the seeping cold. "Those people need you." I purposefully leave out myself. Feeling his gaze on me as a result. I ignore it, wiping the hair from my eyes.
Words drift as the silence stretches out. Almost tangible. Obviously waiting for the things left unsaid; the doors left open. Thorfinn, deep in thought- rarely is he ever not in thought- opens his mouth to say something.
But I'm already standing. Air escaping my lungs. Wood creaking beneath my feet as I'm shifting from one foot to the other. Sheepish in all my ways. Ready to leave. Ready to forget this night, to forget what I feel- what I can't seem to face.
"But do you, need me?" Thorfinn breathes. Quick at the sight of me leaving. His words impulsive, yet so carefully chosen. The crack in his voice betraying him.
The question didn't startle me as I thought it would. I know him. I knew it was coming. He's always been blunt like this. Whether that was a good or bad thing.
Yet, it sets me off. "It's not fair." I turn to him, "What would've happened if you had died?" Despite the fear in my voice, the words are harsher than I intend, they ring in my ears.
"I had no intention of dying back there." He stands in defense. Though part of me doesn't even believe him.
"But you almost did!"
And suddenly it feels like we've already had this argument before. I'm fond of the burden he carries, I wish things were different, but they aren't. And just as soon as the argument starts, it ends.
"I know- I know." His words are heavy. Laced with something distant, something far off as they leave his mouth. And I can recognize it just as well as he can. Guilt.
"That doesn't make it anymore right." I barely whisper, sitting back down. Tension and exhaustion strung in all the way to my bones. The ache in my limbs grow, there's never enough time to rest.
"Then I'll make it right." His gaze turns back to his hands. Drifting over the scars there. I find myself watching too. "I promise."
The words ring, he's going somewhere that doesn't need me. I sigh, worn out. Reasoning with him is like trying to tell a goat to fly. "Then start with trying not to get yourself killed all the time." Hiding the desperation in my voice before I speak again, "Please?"
"I promise." He echos. But I know that words don't mean anything. Not here, not with this.
Yet I still cringe as the words leave my own mouth, trying not to believe them. Not to believe that it would make him stay. It's better not to dwell. It's better not to dwell. It's better not to- "I don't not, need you."
Regretfully, I look up to meet his face. managing to catch the subtle twitch in the corner of his lips. Fleeting, there for just a moment. "Never thought I'd actually hear you say something like that." He pauses, impishly. "To my face at least."
Oh- he did hear me. And when his gaze meets mine, I am painfully reminded of how the warmth from his back felt, seeping into my hand. I avert my gaze to the side.
"I meant what I said." I speak into the cold.
"As did I."
"Yeah, about what? Promises you can't keep?" A dismissive scoff escapes my mouth, digging into the wound a bit more for good measure. Part of me doesn't even realize how well I mask these feelings into defensiveness.
"To you and everyone else." He chuckles, trying to make light of the situation. Which turns into a small fit of coughs as he holds his injured chest.
I take the chance to jab at his side, causing him to bat my hand away in pain. Still coughing and laughing. "Yeah, you deserve that." I grin, a breathy chuckle growing in the air.
"Shu-" More coughs, "Shut up." He manages to wheeze out, still fighting away my hand.
Part of me knows this; familiarity. It's so easy to have my guard down around him. To laugh at each other like children. Yet these flaring feelings surprise me again when he catches my wrist. And perhaps it was even just a flicker of his past self. That old cocky arrogance when his lips upturned into a grin. "What? Not funny?"
"No." I frown, distracted. "I completely love seeing you in pain." I put on a devilish grin. Making an effort to pry my wrist out of his hand. "Forgive me?"
"Always." He exhales from his nose, rolling his eyes. Acting annoyed, but clearly not fooling anyone. He enjoys this too. The familiarity.
Yet I couldn't help but notice the way his thumb naturally traced along my wrist, tracing the curve of my skin in a way that was endearing and almost tender. Holding onto me a little longer than he actually should. He hesitates before dropping my wrist. Eyebrows furrowed and turning his gaze away as if forgetting something important. And once again these feelings resurface a tenfold.
Silence falls upon us again, taking over the room. He watches irresolute; brown eyes heavy against the faltering cracklings of flame. It felt as if we were both still processing everything, and he could tell that I wasn't sure what to say as well. It left me uncertain of what was going on between the two of us. We had both uttered some sort of truth for one another. But It's easier to pretend. It's safer this way. It always has been.
"I'm sorry." I breathe. Finding myself saying that a lot recently.
"For what?"
"Bout' what I said before."
"That doesn't matter." He shrugs.
"Because it's the truth, is it not?"
I watch his hands, how his thumb mindlessly traces the curve of his knuckles. I notice how he does that when he's thinking, trying to frame out his words.
"Do you.." He spaces out the words with hesitance, "Feel some way about me?" He finally whispers. And I notice how his breath is shaky; uneven.
The the same feeling from before returns. Increased heart rate, panicked, the strong urge to run. Yet I don't feel like running this time. Reminding myself to breathe. Instead I feel the urge to turn and face him and-
"Yes. I've grown, fond of you." I don't turn my head. Instead I watch the shadows dancing across my lap. Fond, that word sticks in my mouth like a taste you can't get out.
"Fond." Thorfinn breathes out as if he was anticipating something more. But I know him too well to know that something as simple as that is enough for him. And my mind focuses on the whisper of that one word. Repeating over and over. Fond, fond.
"Are you surprised." I whisper. Trying to swallow down this feeling that I did something wrong. That I shouldn't have said anything at all.
"No." He averts his gaze.
"Why?" I can't stop myself from inquiring more, I should stop.
"Because.." he trails off, "I have many reasons." He replies, voice a soft hush as if thinking about something that was pushed far away and buried. Feelings resurfacing.
I'll end this here. Snapping my thoughts together, I stand from my chair. "I should let you rest." I try not to look at him, it's better not to dwell. "The others want to be out of here by daylight. Who knows what Thorkell might ask of you in the morning."
I'm so stupid, so incredibly stupid. I should have never said that. Never said anything at all. And suddenly all these feelings are rising like ocean tides, I feel it in my throat.
His fingers close around my wrist in a swift motion, the suddenness of it catching me off guard. At first, all I registered was the warmth of his touch against my skin. Hands, scarred and callused. A constant reminder of my doubt. Of my fear.
"Why won't you look at me?" His voice, barely above a whisper, breaking through the silence like wind through a wind chime.
I'm not brave enough to meet his gaze, yet I picture it. Eyes like deep caverns of brown, like the woodlands; so familiar over the years, etched into the fabric of my every memory.
"You don't want to know how I feel? You'd rather run?" I can feel the way he's searching all the angles of my face.
"It doesn't matter what you feel, or what I feel." Do not dwell.
"Then why did you say it?" His words convict me. "All these years, why now?"
"I barely even said anything!" My voice is high in my ears, as if I were about to start laughing at the stupidity of the situation.
"But you did." Thorfinns voice is firm, laced with so much belief, so much certainty.
"I don't-" I shake my head, I can't think straight. "You're always like this. Saying things and doing things. Stop confusing me." My voice is strained, tired. "It's not easy."
"It's never been easy!" His voice is soft and desperate for me to just listen.
"And it never will be easy. Not now. Especially not with this." I reason, "There's always going to be something." I trail off, guiltily. The burden hangs heavy. Survival, fear, regret. "We aren't like everyone else, you and I aren't made for this," I shake my head. "All I know is now, and surviving now. There's no time for anything else."
"I know that- these things- but It's made us the same." He breathes, trying to find his words. "All these years-" I feel his hand reach to cup my neck, thumb along my cheek, his voice faltering with the words,
"I just- I know you." His is touch so gentle it's almost ghostly. I don't think we've ever been so close before.
Everything moves so fast that I remain rooted in the stillness of the moment. Slowly faltering, loosing the urge to retreat as he draws nearer. His forehead meets mine, a gentle collision.
"Please- stay." Closer, closer. I can feel the warmth of his breath seeping through all my layers of cloth and furs. Closer, and I can feel his heart racing just as much as mine. Closer still, until there is nothing left.
I could feel the warmth of his skin, the slight tremble of his touch as he hesitates for a fraction of a moment. It was fleeting, almost instinctive as his lips brush against mine. A soft pressing; hardly a kiss. Each movement deliberate yet tentative. His breath, warm and steady, mingling with mine. The warmth from his lips linger long after. As if it etching itself into my skin, and I feel lost when we part; breaths mixing with the dark aroma of burning logs, I look at him. Hand still cupping my face, his hair tickling my forehead. He smells like the woods before rain.
Eyes the color of bison hide, watching. Darting from my lips back to me. Flustered as ever, never would I have expected such a bold act from him. Dusty red tints his face, rushing to the tip of his ears.
And he whispers to me, "I've, grown fond of you as well."
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fairyceridwen · 1 year
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nekojirou · 8 months
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Ao3 fanfic art: Holy and unholy (or How to conquer England with a comb) by errataporridge
One of my most personal favorite.
When I first read this, I knew the writer has style. But it's a bit slow-paced and I thought "this is not so good" until... it became amazing.
It touched my heart, gave me feelings. Maybe because I can relate to both of the characters, specially Canute and his gay guilt. "The holy and unholy..." how could someone so adorable and innocent be called "unholy" it's offensive. But of course, they can be. If unholy things are ugly to our eyes, it'll be far more easy to do holiness... but the urge to do "unholiness" is something innate to us sinners. It makes me wonder about the author, maybe we can relate to each other.
"...the unpronounced syllables of a name that over time had started to become bland from having sucked all the flavor out of it, leaving only the dissatisfaction of never having found it again: not on the lips of his wives, nor of the servants’, nor of the noblewomen’s, nor of the occasional men’s he had no difficulty in obtaining.
The inability to find it, or perhaps the impossibility of feeling it, as if he were by now insensitive to the taste and of that happiness there was nothing left but the frustrated memory of having tasted it only once."
These lines left a bittersweet trail in my heart.
I love that there's "flash forward" scenes. It gave such impact on the current situation.
It's weird because it inspires me to make a yuri comic based on it. I hope the author will allow me.
Edit: I found out author's tumblr account: @errataporridge
I'd like to thank you again. I hope you won't stop writing and I know very well it's not only me who you'll inspire.
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jotaromane · 7 months
Thorkell x fem! reader (smut)
hi, this his my first post on this app!! sorry in advance for the grammar errors, i'm french soooo i'm practicing writing in english,, i hope you enjoy this os about Thorkell <3 i just love this man so much
including : oral sex ; face sitting ; dirty talk ; praise kink words : 1054
Not only were you desperate for sex, but also nobody would notice that in the camp. Nobody except Thorkell. The way he looked at you when you rode your horse. The way he smirked when he noticed your legs pressing around the horse to make him move forward.This could be me, he used to think. 
Tonight was the night, you knew it when Thorkell convened you in his personal tent. He pretended that you two have some things to share about the next battle. Liar. But his lies didn’t bother you. Of course they didn’t. 
-You wanted to see me, Thorkell ? you asked innocently. 
The sexual tension was definitely there. Thorkell was barely naked, only wearing thin pants. You could admire his enormous shoulders, connected to his generous chest and abs. He truly was a giant.
-Actually, I wanted to see you tonight, he responded with a strange smile on his face.
It was a hungry smile. Oh god, you thought. He desired you so badly. You approached him, slowly, but surely. His eyes opened wide when he saw you innocently pull your tunic so he could see your breasts through the fabric.
-Fuck this, he growled by taking off the banda he always used to wear. Do you want to do this with me ? Now ? 
-Isn’t it why you wanted me to come ? 
-I wanted you to come to me, but I would add that now, (y/n), I want you to come for me. 
You couldn’t wait any longer. You barely jumped into his powerful arms, and he adjusted the grip so your cunt and his cock were meeting deliciously. Immediately, you could tell that it was huge. His lips crushed on yours, and you appreciated the kiss like it was your first. 
-Take off your clothes, he ordered. I’ll do the same. Where do you want to do it ? 
-On your bed, you responded without hesitation. 
The blankets just called the two of you. It was sweet and warm. 
-(y/n), sit on my face. You can’t imagine how many times I’ve pictured myself doing this with you… 
-Will you shut up ? you said, falsely irritated. 
With no pity for him, you took out his breath with your flesh. It was now your turn to skip a beat : Thorkell ate you like you were his last meal ever. His middle finger pushed his way into you as he caressed your clitoris with his large tongue, circling it. Your legs quickly started to shake over him, but he supported your weight easily with his arms. You could feel the pressure of his hands on your thighs. You ended up coming on his satisfied face a few seconds later. 
-That’s it, baby, he said while tasting you even better. You taste divine, just like I’ve imagined you would.
As a response, you caught his blonde hair in your hands, so you can pull them to help you push your body on his insatiable mouth. He chuckled a little but understood the assignment. 
-Will you now fuck me like your guards told me you will ? 
-What did they tell you ? he asked, while wiping his shiny mouth.
You went down from his chest so you were on the top of him. You could feel his tip waiting to slip into you.
-They told me that… You were a beginner, with no experience…
Thorkell frowned like a kid. It was nearly cute until he said : 
-When I’me done with you, I’m gonna cut their heads off, I swear. But for now, let me prove them wrong. 
Without any warning, Thorkell pushed him into you with no mercy. His hugeness made you scream. He didn’t seem to care and started to pound into you. You could tell he was in pleasure by his eyes literally devouring you. He caught your breasts in his large hands and started massaging them. 
-Fuck, you sighed. You’re so good. 
-Tell it again, he ordered.
-You’re doing it so well, Thorkell the Tall. Love your dick so much. 
Thorkell literally shivered when he heard you calling him by his nickname. He continued to fuck you until, your legs started pressing around his. 
-Gonna come, babe ? 
And before you could answer, he pushed you off him. Surprised and frustrated, you looked at him with an angry look. 
-Get on all fours, (y/n), I beg you. I’m gonna finish you this way.
With lust in your eyes, you obeyed. You felt his cock fill you again and again. In this position, he could fuck you faster and harder. Paradise. 
-Oh my God ! you said after he roughly smacked your butt. 
-Move on it, babe. I wanna see your perfect ass wiggle on my cock before I come on it. 
With tears slowly filling your eyes, you obeyed and took all the pleasure he could give you. After all, creating this story about the guards wasn’t a bad idea. Thorkell took your breasts back in his hands, and pressed them softly. It became hard for you to catch your breath and he noticed it. 
-Stop resisting me, he said. Let it go around me. 
-I just… I’m gonna… 
But you couldn't finish your sentence because your orgasm catched you like a hurricane. Your walls squeezed around Thorkell’s cock, and he let go a satisfied sigh. He slipped him out of you and started jerking himself. You wanted to help him. 
After noticed you moved to go towards him, he gently pushed you on the bed. 
-No, babe, stay like that. I'm coming on your ass, that’s what I want. 
You said nothing and felt his cum spurt on your body. You were recovering from your second orgasm. 
Gently, Thorkell took you in his arms and placed you under the heavy blanket. You could fall asleep just now, what happened just got all your energy. 
-How was it ? he asked by caressing your hair. 
-Hm…Not bad. Maybe I’ll consider meeting you again… 
Thorkell put on his animal gaze. If you two didn’t just had sex, you could tell that he was ready to eat you alive. Now. 
-What about tomorrow night ? I can’t wait to fill this pretty chatty mouth with my cock. 
hope you liked it<3 gonna post more OS soon,, i'm sorry in advance, idk how to use this app honestly :(
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kate7h · 1 year
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I Found - Vinland Saga canon divergent fic
Chapter 1
I just completed this thing, so I thought I would post a thing with the first chapter linked. But it's completed finally, and wow I'm amazed it ended up around 65k
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wirtsclowning · 2 years
Sweeter than Honey
thorfinn x gn! reader smut
minors and ageless blogs dni
cw: body appreciation, fellatio, fingering, and creampie
word count: 3.5k
note: edited it. third times the charm! (hopefully) takes place in the vinland arc
with a heavy sigh, thorfinn plopped onto their shared bed. (name)’s arms instantly wrapped itself onto his waist.
“tough day?” (name) asked softly while pressing a kiss on the back of thorfinn’s neck.
“hmm… the sheep were acting up more than usual. had to make sure there weren’t any other animals lurking around. hild was too busy teaching the kids- i didn’t want go interrupt her” he groaned out, leaning into their tender embrace. the warmth of them quickly comforted him without needing a word to be spoken.
“have you eaten? i’ll prepare you a snack quickly.” with a quick kiss to his jaw, they unwrapped their arms and got up from the bed before being pulled back in.
“let’s leave that for another time. right now, i want to be with my lovely spouse.” he offered a sweet smile, his hand letting go of their hand before having it travel to their hips- his other hand joining in.
(name) gave a low laugh before settling themselves on their lover’s lap. their arms snaking around his neck, their lips pressing itself against his lips lovingly.
“i’ll be here for as long as you need.” were the words spoken before they fell into blissful silence with kisses being exchanged between the two. occasionally, they would lightly trace their fingers over one of his facial scars. they gazed at him lovingly before closing their eyes and kissing each one. no matter how much time this happens, the man would become flushed with the loving gesture.
deciding that two can play that game, he pulled himself away from them and moved to their neck, leaving gentle kisses along the way. his hands moving up from their hips to hold onto their waist, his thumbs rubbing in short circles.
they sighed contently, one of their hands stroking his hair as they used their other arm around his neck to gently pull him closer to them. the man’s lips curled up into a smile hearing them hum, pressing a kiss on the man’s blond hair before whispering, “i love you, finny.”
he pulled his head back to look up to his lover, “i love you more, love.” they smiled sheepishly in return, their eyes wrinkled upwards with joy.
he ran a hand through their hair, his other hand caressing their waist. in turn, one of their hand is pressed against his chest, their other on his cheek- holding him in place while they shared another kiss- this time, the kiss became heated. their tongues caressing themselves against the other. their faces flushed while heat in their lower abdomen started forming.
thorfinn broke the kiss, his lips still hovering over the other, he voiced out a groan as a grinding sensation was applied to his groin. (name) smirked coyly, pleased with themselves as they continued to grind against their husband. the latter’s hands traveled down to his lover’s hips- whom whined softly when his hand left their hair- and helped them by moving their hips.
“do you like that? if you’re too tired, we can continue later.” they asked, their movement coming to a stop before doing anything else. the man shook his head, his hands grip tightening on their hips.
“no… no. i’m fine, continue please.” he begged while nesting his head onto their neck.
with the green light, they placed both of their hands to the man’s chest and gently pushed him down onto the bed. understanding what they are non-verbally jesting at, he pushed himself further up the bed, unbuckled his belt and took off his tunic- along with the undershirt. his lover followed him onto the bed and climbed onto his lap once he settled.
it wasn’t the first time they had done this, their first was the night of when thorfinn asked them to marry him. still, they took their time to admire his body. his scars littering his body, the imperfections that they grew to love and admire. they were a statement, saying ‘i’ve been through terrible shit but i was able to pull through despite the odds and better myself’- at least, that’s how they view it. they mentioned it to thorfinn once, the man only shook his head, let out a low laugh with a soft smile and ruffled their hair playfully, saying ‘sure, i suppose so.’
with a firm hand on his chest, they used their other hand to move the hair away that had fallen onto his face. they caressed his cheek, “relax. i’ll take care of everything. you do so much for us, let me do this for you.”
the tips of the man’s ears turned a light pink, before nodding and teasingly asking, “i trust you know what to do?”
they gave a playful scoff, “of course i do! now just stay there and enjoy yourself.” with that said, their hands dragged themselves over his chest. fingers traced over his scars, gently caressing them before leaning down and pressing a short kiss on each of them. the man wore a soft smile, his eyes soft with admiration and his cheeks sporting a pink hue.
each passing kiss, (name) traveled down his left arm. placing soft kisses before reaching his hand. the scared littered hand was rough from years of continuous use- too many scars to count. they opted to lay a soft kiss on the back of his hand, staying like this for a second or two longer than the other kisses. releasing his hand, they brought their lips back onto their lover’s chapped ones.
pulling themselves away, they sat themselves up before shifting their legs further down the bed- now almost being face to face with thorfinn’s trousers. carefully, they dragged his trousers and undergarment down his legs, freeing his half hard cock from its confinement. he let out a small gasp, not fully expecting the cool air to hit him so quickly. with a greedy smile, they gently laid one of their hands on his cock and began stroking him.
“finn… i really do hope that you don’t mind me having my fun before we start,” they bit their lip, “it’s just been so long since i’ve taken you inside my mouth.”
a soft hum left them as they recall those past events. it has been too long, since the both of them are too busy tending to their own chores, they hardly had time to engage anything other than sex. sex was amazing, but it’s just something about tending to their lovers needs first before their own that made the experience so much more enjoyable. so when both of them do have time for other things than sex, they both relish what the other has to offer.
seeing thier husband give them a small nod was all they needed to continue their erotic act. the now-almost fully- hardened cock twitched helplessly as they brought their full attention towards it. the head of his cock flushed with a deep pink, precum seeping out of the slit- his foreskin covering one fourths of his tip. although he wasn’t the biggest length wise, the mouthwatering girth truly made up for it.
teasingly, they pressed their tongue on the base of the back of his cock, having it slide up to the tip. the veins seen on his cock throbbed in great anticipation. with their lips on the tip, they used one of their hands to peel down the foreskin before swirling their tongue around the tip- cleaning up the precum it produced. the bitter taste hit their taste buds, however, they continue, not minding the taste- actually finding it arousing more than anything. they then focused their attention on dipping their head down on his cock. saliva dribbled over his girth after they pulled their head back up- their cheeks hollowing as they sucked along the way. while they began bobbing their head, their eyes looked up to peek at their husband.
with a heavy blush across his face, his jaw was hanging open as pants escaped from him. he used his hand to push the hair out of their face to get a better look at them. a shiver ran down his spine after the vibrations of a soft moan came out of his lover, it only adding to the pleasure that he is already experiencing.
pulling away for a moment, they used that time to regain their breath- as well as letting more of their saliva drip down onto his girth. they stroked his cock at a slow pace, teasing his tip by stroking gentle circles around his slit. their free hand brought itself onto his balls, fondling them with a small teasing giggle. once they had regained their breath, they impatiently brought their lover’s cock back inside their mouth.
they continued using their hand to stroke the remaining length that they couldn’t fit, using their saliva that was dripping down his cock as a lubricant. simultaneously, thorfinn allowed his hand to intertwin itself with their hair, groaning as they whimpered weakly. his head rolled backwards, his lips parted with short breathy moans escaping him. the tightened on his groin increased, with each stroke further increasing the sensual sensation each time. they kept a watchful eye on him, although they can’t see his face, they can still see what effect they are having on him. his chest rose up and down from all the panting, small shimmers of sweat radiating from his skin could be seen and, the one that tied it all together, the hardened grip he had on their hair.
meeting his breaking point, he clenched his teeth, his cock twitched inside their mouth before a string of his load shot out of him. groaning loudly, the man brought his attention back to his lover. a surprised muffled gasp rang out of them, bringing their head back up, using their hand to clean up their face from the cum escaping their lips. teasingly, they made eye contact with him, before dragging their fingers into their mouth. they closed their mouth, sucking off his load from their fingers- giggling when he looked at them in awe.
slipping their fingers out of their mouth with a small pop, they sat up, “let’s let the fun begin, shall we?”
they started with their tunic, trousers, under shirt and lastly their undergarments. discarding the clothing to the side, they climbed on top of him, eagerly pressing their lips over his, the blond man following suit. he instantly tasted himself on their tongue, a hum of arousal erupted from him as he deepened the kiss. the man got a hold of their hips. directing them over his cock, firmly pressing them down to have both of their sexes pressing up against the other. (name) moved their hips to grind on top of his, a small muffled mewl releasing itself into their lover's mouth. each of their sexes grinding against the other as each of them tried to gain friction from one another.
releasing themselves from their shared kiss, they sat up and lifted their hips. thorfinn stared at them, his heart pounding fast with excitement for what is to come. with a moan, they carefully inserted the still moist finger inside themselves. they then added another finger, easing them with the stretch it provided. though it was nothing compared to their lover’s cock. they moved their fingers, scissoring themselves as an attempt to stretch themselves further.
he watched them intently, his once soft cock hardening once more. one of his hands left their hips and found it’s place on their sex, stroking it to see how they reacted. a pitiful moan fell from their lips as they buckled their hips forward- needing him to touch them more.
a small laugh escaped his lips, “you’re being so needy~” running his fingers to rub against their sex once more, with much more intensity than the first time. a whine came out of his lover at this, slipping another finger inside of them and rocked their hips forward.
mixtures of moans and pants slipped out of them as they thrust their fingers inside of themselves repeatedly, their head hanging down as their half lidded eyes looked at the man underneath them. his hand still on their sex, the man increased his speed, watching as his lover cried out in pleasure.
“sh- shit… thorfinn…~”, they felt him using his other hand to take out their fingers before replacing them with his. they bit their lip, shutting their eyes as a whine made it out of them. they buckled their hips towards his hands- placing their hands behind them to balance themselves. his thick fingers curled inside of them before thrusting them in and out of them, the man feeling his lover grinding their hips further onto his hands.
“ohh! thorfinn! just like that!,” their hips moved frantically, them now riding his fingers while he kept stroking their sex. their eyes wandered up, finding themselves fixated on the ceiling as they felt an orgasm about to roll by, “mmm…~ thorfinn- i’m… i’m going to cum! oh- oh fuck!~”
he felt his fingers being clenched around, a small moan escaping him. carefully, he removed both his hands from them; them giving him a tired moan, their hips trembling slightly before coming to a halt.
“i…” they panted, soon shifting their hips to be right above his cock, it standing up- a slight curve could be seen from (name)’s point of view, “fuck- i can’t wait any longer! i need you inside me right now…”
as they carefully lowered themselves eagerly on his cock, their body trembled with delight. pants escaped from their parted lips, the same could be said with the man underneath. his rough hands found their way to their hips, squeezing them when they fully sheathed themselves onto him. they stayed still, wanting to savor the feeling of being filled up to the brim as the other groaned loudly as he felt them clench onto his cock.
after a few moments, they coyly pulled themselves upwards slowly, the tip of thorfinn’s girth still remaining inside them, before sliding back downwards. a small groan escaped their mouth, their hands placing themselves on top of his chest. they used their arms as support as they continued their movement, going slowly to enjoy the feeling of his cock exiting and re-entering inside them, stretching their walls in a delicious way.
“lord… how did i get so lucky,” they began, their eyes hazy with want, “being able to be with a man like you.”
a moan slipped out of his mouth, his cheeks burning red as the silky walls of his lover stroked him in a slow motion- the soft sounding slaps from their skins connected just added more fuel to the fire. his grip on their hips tightened as they began grinding onto him at a faster pace, their walls occasionally squeezing his hard cock.
“i… i can say the same thing about you“ he stared up at his lover, becoming frivolous when their lips pressing against his opened one, their tongue slipping inside his mouth
“shh… ,” they pulled away, their lips now only being connected by two small strings of saliva, “what did i say? this is your night.” they gave him a small pout, a playful one. their hips continued their movements, moans and mewls slipped from their swollen lips as their eyes watched their lover’s face twist in pleasure. his hands helped with their movement, desperately needing them to go faster.
“(name)..” he stammered, “please, i need you to go faster.”
said person nodded, cursing under their breath when they hit his cock brush up against their g-spot and obeyed his request. he bit his lip, he thrusted up his hips when they pushed their hips down, making both their hips meet halfway. seeing an opportunity, the man twisted his lover to have them underneath him. a breathless gasp escaped them as they felt one of their legs bend over his shoulder- the other wrapping around his waist- , the sharp pain from having this done so quickly had only amplified their pleasure and lust. The blond man pushed his mouth against theirs, the kiss becoming sloppy as saliva seeped from the corners of their lips. he inserted his cock back inside them, his release right around the corner.
the moans of both of them were muffled from their sloppy kiss, the sound of the wet noise coming from it and their love making drove him crazy. his trusting had increased, no longer being able to control himself. (name) pulled away from him, the room suddenly erupted with moans and pants.
“fuck…! thorfinn!,” his lover cried out, immediately sucking their lips in order to muffled their voice when his cock once again brushed up against their sweet spot- their toes curling inwards, “please! i need your cum inside me..!”
he grunted at this, biting his swollen lips and his eyebrows furrowed. his hips stilled for a moment for him to position their leg onto his waist- causing them to link both their ankles together and pull him back inside.
“don’t stop…!” they whined out, using their arms to wrap around thorfinn’s neck.
The man cursed under his breath, his forehead now pressed up against his lovers as he carefully watched how smoothly they took him. he grunted when he felt how they sucked him back inside just when he pulled out- this sensation almost becoming too overwhelming. his cock throbbing as he felt the tightening of their legs around his waist.
“thor… finn..~,” they weakly cried, “i’m… i’m going to cum.. god!~” their arms stretched along thorfinn’s back, their nails almost digging into his skin as they felt themselves getting close to their peak. their hip’s weakly grinding against his as they tried chasing their incoming orgasm.
his thrusting noticeably became sloppy, his cock throbbing much more often than it had before. “shit.. me too” he admitted, his eyes redirected themselves onto his lover’s eyes. both of their lips instantly connected, vibrations could be felt from their mouths as each of them moaned into each other. their teeth occasionally bumping into each other, resulting in groans to be let out.
feeling his peak approaching, used one of his hands to go in between their bodies and pressed up against his lover’s sex. just like earlier, he rubbed his fingers/hand up against it, the pace increasing as he felt them buckle their hips upwards.
“gah! thorfinn! fuck..!” they ripped away from their shared kiss, a lustful cry leaving them. their eyes becoming blurred, losing focus of their sight once everything felt too much for them. he buried his head onto their neck, kissing and sucking as his hips and hand tried to bring both of them to an orgasm.
he grunted, his teeth biting into his lovers’ neck, as his hip still. his cock throbbed before releasing his load into them, his hand still continuing its act. their eyes rolled back, a whiny moan ripping out of their mouth as they clenched onto his cock, their insides filled and hot with his cum.
with a last moan, they finally came undone. their legs tightened their hold onto thorfinn’s hips and their nails deliciously digging into his back.
both of them panted in unison, each trying to regulate their breathing- their chests bouncing off of each other. thorfinn was the first to recover, fixing both of them into a comfortable position. as he began to pull out, the legs wrapped around him tightened around his hips preventing him from doing so.
“don’t… don’t pull it… i want your cum to stay inside me throughout the night.” (name) tiringly mumbled.
he nodded and brought his lover closer to him as he pulled both of them to lay on their side together, only one of their legs wrapped around him.
carefully, he pulled over a woolen blanket over the two of them. they smiled lazily, getting a hold of his face and peppered his face with sweet kisses, making sure to whisper short ‘i love you’s’.
“god… i love you so much. i feel as if i don’t tell you every second, i might explode…!” they softly laughed, “i really do love you.”
the man leaned his head into their hand, turning his head to give a kiss on the palm. he hummed lightly as to say ‘me too’ causing his lover’s smile to widen before pressing a kiss on his nose.
a yawn interrupted the comfortable silence the two fell into, inevitable from how exhausting the overall day was. tears peaked out of (name)’s eyes once they finished yawning, they shifted their arm to wrap it around the man- their leg still in the same position. thorfinn used one of his hands to drag it up and down their back, a content noise dragging out of their mouth.
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apawtheosis · 11 months
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For the audience of: me?? I guess?? Here’s an Askeladd/Reader fic that took over my life for a day and a half.
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almost-blondee · 11 months
The Truth
Thorfinn x reader
Takes place on Ketil’s farm
SFW, Fluff, One kiss, suggestive comments
word count: 1.6k
Hopefully Thorfinn isn’t to out of character, it’s a little tricky writing for him. But i honestly enjoy it. Please try to ignore any spelling or grammar mistakes, i tried my best to find all of them. Enjoy!
Loving Thorfinn was great, he was a gentle, kind man. He is very admirable. However, he is very dense. No matter how many hints you drop, or Einar drops. He doesn’t catch on. I mean if you really think about it, it makes a lot of sense. All he knew was violence for the majority of his life. He may not know what it feels like to be loved, romantically.
Every morning you make sure to say good morning to him, and maybe slip in a question about how he slept. You asked this already knowing about his terrible nightmares, but you needed a reason to talk to him more than just a good morning. Thorfinn would usually say the same thing, “good morning (y/n), i slept okay”. Every-time you and Thorfinn interact Einar has to shake his head. Einar knows exactly how much you like Thorfinn, after all he is the only one you can talk to about it. “Oh, that’s good….” you reply back to Thorfinn, pausing before taking another breath to speak. “Do you and Einar have a lot to do today?” you question.
“We just have to do some chores for the old master and tend to our fields a bit.” Thorfinn replied in his smooth voice, one thing that made you fall for him. His voice was so soothing to you, it had such an effect on you. You try your best to stay calm and not get all giddy. “Well, good luck! Not that you’ll need it, you always succeed with your work.” you say with a big smile on your face.
“Thanks…” Thorfinn says sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck. You go to say something but get interrupted by the mistress yelling at you.
“Ah, YES MISTRESS, COMING!” you shout back. You are about to tell Thorfinn that you have to go, when something possesses you to say something relatively bold for you.
“Sorry, I have to go. See you later handsome!”. As you finish your sentence you swiftly turn around and run back to the master's house. If you'd only stayed a few more seconds, you would have seen a bright blush on Thorfinns face. Thorfinn wonders to himself if you say that to every guy. Einar pats his shoulder startling him. “Well let’s get to work, “Handsome””. Einar exclaims in a teasing way. Thorfinn just looks at the ground while quietly telling him to be quiet. Einar sighs wondering when you guys will just get together already.
Later in the day, the sun had gotten higher, and beat down on everyone on the farm. Since Einar and Thorfinn have been doing physical labor all day, it’s not uncommon for them to have their shirts off. However, this was something new to you. The Mistress had told you to go check up on the old master, just to see how he was doing. As you were making your way to the old master's house, you saw Einar and Thorfinn working away. You extended your arm and shouted their names to get their attention. They waved back at you quickly, before getting back to work. As you neared them, the first thing you noticed was Thorfinns toned back. You almost fainted at the sight, never expecting him to be so well built. Einar being the first to realize you’re behind them, turned to see you gawking at Thorfinn.
“Jeez, would you stop drooling please, we are trying to work” Einar said mischievously, winking at you. You quickly turn your head to the side going red. “I was not drooling…” you said defensively, making Einar laugh. While Einar was laughing Thorfinn finished the task that he had himself busy with, making it so he was able to turn to you. You swear it was in slow motion, the way the sun glistened on his muscles as the sweat dripped down his body. When he was fully turned to you, you couldn’t help but stare at his well-toned abs. You looked him up and down for what seemed like forever, Thorfinn wondering why you were staring at him like that, just not saying anything. Thorfinn threw at quick questioning glance to Einar, who just rolled his eyes. “(y/n), are you done gawking at Thorfinn, i mean i know he’s well-built but, damn you act like you’ve never seen a guy with their shirt off.” Einar purposely said that so Thorfinn would know what’s happening. Thorfinn seemed to understand that at least, both of you looking away from each other blushing. Einar decided he was going to “ask if the old master needed any help”. Which was actually supposed to be your job, but how could you possibly pass up the chance to admire Thorfinn like this. You made a mental note to thank Einar later.
“Hi” you simply said in an attempt to clear the awkwardness from the air.
“Hi, (y/n)” Thorfinn replied. Now this was super awkward, both parties freaking out on the inside wondering what to say next. ahhhh, what do i say to her. Was she seriously staring at me like that. no, there’s no way. I mean i’m full of scars. yeah, she was probably looking at my scars. Thorfinn had convinced himself that you were looking at his scars in disgust and not admiring his body.
ahhhh, what do i say to him, i can’t believe Einar would say that. He totally knows i was gawking at him…He probably thinks i’m so weird. Now he probably hates me… You have somehow convinced yourself that Thorfinn hates you? However, that is far from the truth.
Thorfinn finally had the courage to say something. But it is not at all what you would have expected him to say.
“Sorry you had to see this.” he said in a quiet voice. It took you by surprise, what was he talking about? “I’m not sure i understand, Thorfinn?” you express your confusion.
“My scars, i’m sorry you have to see them, they are disgusting right?” Thorfinn looks up at you, and you can see the hurt in his eyes. At first you don’t say anything, baffled he could even think you’d think that of him. “What are you talking about! You are the most beautiful man i’ve ever seen!!!” you exclaim in an aggressive way, not even believing that he thought of himself that way. You see Thorfinn blush furiously at your comment. Making you think you may have gone too far. But no, you can’t stand here and watch the man you love call himself disgusting because of some scars. Thorfinn still doesn’t say anything, so you take it upon yourself to tell him how you really see him.
“Y’know Thorfinn, i don’t see your scars as disgusting, they are beautiful, i mean they tell your story, you have been through so much but still manage to want to change and better yourself, i really admire you. It takes a lot of courage to do what you’re doing.” You say, still not finished with your spiel. You continue. “I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you if i thought you were disgusting, if anything you are quite the opposite, you make me want to be a better person. You really are perfect in my eyes” you finish while walking closer towards him.
Thorfinn looks awestruck, he’s never had anybody talk so highly of him. It almost moves him to tears. But then he realizes something. YOU’VE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH ME!?!? Thorfinn thinks to himself. He cannot even think straight, since when did you love him, for how long, how did he not notice. Now all those time that you’ve tried getting closer to him, specifically making him food while cooking for the mistress, all the compliments you gave him. He thought you were just a really kind person. But now it all made sense.
“You fell in love with me?” Thorfinn finally has the courage to ask. You freeze, wait did i actually just say that out loud you think.
“Yes….” you say wincing, bracing yourself for him to reject you. Surprisingly, a rejection never came. You look up to see Thorfinn red in the face fidgeting with his fingers.
“Do you really mean all those things you said?” He asks. “Of course, i mean them, i truly think highly of you.” you confess.
Thorfinn then breathes out the biggest sigh you’ve ever heard. “Oh, thank goodness, i was really scared you were going to hate me” Thorfinn continues. “I’m also overjoyed to know we share the same feelings”. Now it’s your turn to be stunned. Thorfinn likes you!?!
“Wait seriously? you love me back?” you ask.
“of course, i do, how could i not.” he gives a little chuckle. It then went silent for a while, both of you inching closer to each other. Soon you were so close that you could basically feel the heat off of him. Thorfinn slowly moved his hand under your chin. leaning your head, while moving his closer to you. As you thought he was about to kiss you, he stops. looking you dead in the eye he says. “May i kiss you?” You eagerly nod your head yes. You’ve been waiting for this moment! With your answer, he smashes his lips onto yours giving you a passionate kiss.
You then get interrupted by Einar yelling. “GET A ROOM YOU TWO!!”. Both of you immediately pull away and go red with embarrassment. You turn to the window of the master's house and glare at him. “What. just saying” Einar shrugs. Then Thorfinn says something you definitely weren’t expecting.
“Getting a room doesn’t sound like a bad idea, i just hope Einar knows that he won’t just be hearing my screaming at night anymore.” Thorfinn says in his seductive voice, looking you straight in the eyes.
You are definitely looking forward to tonight. You will certainly be thanking Einar now.
HIS BACK 🫣 (This is where i got the idea from….)
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i-have-no-enemies · 2 months
Ao3 is down… how will I cope when I can’t read the same 10 Vinland saga fanfics on repeat all evening😭😭
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shinjisdone · 2 months
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@luopenis , @jinsecho , @mitsureigen , @theknightssecrets
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thepeculiarauthor · 1 year
aight vinland saga peeps who wants vinland saga fanfics let me knowwww
**EDITED: aight lol first fic is live on the blog, follow for moreee
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