canisalbus · 5 months
Something about baby machete makes me cry really hard. he looks so nervous and little I just want to hug him and tell him it will all be okay
(Also I’m not 100% sure which one’s machete and which ones Vasco so incase I get the name wrong I’m talking about the martyr)
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People seem very touched by the bread, I'm delighted.
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amalsoappickle · 1 year
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Lloyd never played ANY videogames after this point /j
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iunpackmyadjectives · 4 months
This has been said before, but I just love how wild ninjago shipping culture is
Four guys all living together and fighting crime? Yeah their poly ship is of one the most popular in the fandom
Which one won a “best ship” tournament? The (probably ace) robots of course
You want middle age men in love? We got two that are very popular, take your pick
The various of female side characters that were created almost exclusively to be love interests for the male leads, why not ship them together?
You want the main character shipped with a kid he used to go to school with and has only been in like two episodes? Almost universally considered better than what was almost his canon ship
You like the canon ships? Great for you, we got stuff for that too and we’ve added some much needed depth
Any flavor you want them, whether it be enemies to lovers or doomed by the narrative or canon compliant, it probably exists somewhere
And is shipping not your thing? There are more gen fics than anything else
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rabid-invertibrate · 1 year
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Lloyd is experiencing harumi Vietnam flashbacks
Based on fanfic by @bumblebeeenby
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ivushka00 · 10 months
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Some ninjago stuff 😇
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xlebcmaslom · 8 months
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coffee-master · 4 months
[Warning: Contains Survivalshipping]
Lloyd confused: *looks at the photo of Vinny & his dad together*
Lloyd: Vinny you like my dad, the way my mom does..?
Vinny confused even more: Your mom likes your dad??
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vinny-lloyd · 1 year
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Lately I have been reread several last Harry Potter's book and I'm enjoying the most of Snape :)
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bebackthen · 15 days
its still raining, why is it still raining?
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destinysbounty · 1 year
Survivalshipping is funny and amazing and i love it but yknow what would make it even funnier? If, on top of Garmadon dating Vinny, Misako ends up dating, like, Gayle Gossip. Completely independently of him, like neither Misako nor Garmadon are aware of the other's new relationship. So then when they both get invited as the plus-one to like an NGTV News company dinner or something, theyre both just kinda staring at each other like -
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Meanwhile Lloyd is just kinda dying in the background. He thought his family drama would end with his dads evil corpse disowning him and adopting a plant instead, but nope! Now hes gotta deal with whatever the hell this is
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pandemonium-kidz · 2 months
Lloyd: Dad? Why did you call us? Morro: Yeah man we've got... homework... Nya: Homework, yeah sure Morro: Chst Garmadon puts the photo of a young man on the table. Wyldfyre: Uh? Who's that? Garmadon: *Smiling* My boyfriend. *Collective silence* Skylor: Come again? Garmadon: My boyfriend. *Silence* Garmadon: And I would like you meet him. Morro: We? Him? Garmadon: Well, as my children I think It wouldn't be a bad idea. *Silence* Lloyd: Uh... I... I... *Looks around for help* Harumi: *Stays silent for a moment* No thanks. *Walks out of the room* Kai: Well! *Claps hands* Good thing our parents haven't been declared dead! *Grabs Nya* Come on Nya, let's go. Nya: *Whispering* Sorry Lloyd. Skylor: Yeah uh... my dad is in prison but he's alive so... *Walks out* Morro: I'll just... *Leaves* Wyldfyre: Yeah same. *Scurries out* Lloyd: ... Garmadon: ... Lloyd: *Defeated* ... Okay. Garmadon: Alright, his name is Vinny. Lloyd: *Heavy sigh*
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derlingly · 9 months
Post-Crystalized Garmadon and Lloyd????
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They went to visit Vinny :)) They probs fell asleep to the news lol
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I love survival shipping for like zero reason (that's a lie I have multiple) and I just think they're so silly. In my heart they get to be normal and they go on walks and be sweet, I'm delusional okay? Also I swear he has his 2nd set of arms but I couldn't fit it right in the frame I chose T-T
Some silly HC because I'm bored and who knows what happened to them after crystalized:
-Garmadon likes dressing up/dressing modern to sort of pull away from his old identity
-Wu and Garmadon have started getting together for tea again after he realized his brother was genuinely trying to change, it took Lloyd a little longer but eventually he started talking to his father again as well
-Garmadon works some really random normal ass job, like working the floor at a book shop or something cause I find it funny when super powerful characters get normal jobs just cause they can
-Vinny has like a million shirts with stupid graphics or quotes on them that he probably makes himself
-Vinny likes hiking, I don't know why but he seems like the type (I have no real backing for this)
Anyways I love them and I think they're cute and I'm well aware that this ship will probably neeever be confirmed but it's okay I can just do it myself lol. I hope yall have a great day/nigh, peace out!
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dandelion-blues · 2 months
Ninjago One-shot
An Adult? (not really)
Now also on Ao3
Lloyd Garmadon didn’t notice at first that he wasn’t really aging. He didn’t really think much about it at first. After all, he was already so much older when the Tomorrow's Tea aged him up. Except his voice hardly even deepened. Then, 8 years later, when Lloyd was chronologically 16 but supposed to be in his twenties physically, his voice finally deepened, as evident by the ninja’s teasing.
Zane predicted that perhaps Tomorrow's tea worked differently on him and that perhaps Lloyd’s age was now aligned. After all, Zane is a nindroid and isn’t supposed to age like humans, and yet he did.
Except Lloyd discovered that he wasn’t even fully human. He was a part oni-dragon hybrid. It’s fine. Everything is fine. Lloyd had bigger things to deal with than his weird aging. After all, he had a father villain to defeat.
5 more years passed. The Overlord, or should Lloyd say the Crystal King, is finally defeated. Garmadon isn’t quite as evil anymore and is actually staying around. 
And now that they believe the Overlord is finally never returning, all the venom from the Great Devour that the Overlord orchestrated for Garmadon to have just left his system. 
Now Garmadon is just an oni-brand of evil and has purple eyes. They remind Lloyd a lot of the human version of his father, his dad, but apparently that was a lie too because it’s just shapeshifting since the oni-version is his dad’s natural form. But everything is fine. He got his dad back. Really, he’s just a little rough around the edges, and his memories still aren’t fully back, but it’s a process. Everything is fine.
Anyways. What else? Oh, and all the Ninjas are alive and together.
It’s been a long journey. Cole just had his 30th birthday, and after all the pestering from his fans about dating, he decided to get married to a triple-layer chocolate cake so they would finally back off. Because. He’s. Not. Interested. Honestly, Lloyd can relate. He thought he liked Brad, and then Harumi and Akita when he was younger, but it was actually just wanting to be friends with them (though Harumi long since lost her chance even if she joined their side in the end), and it’s really making him uncomfortable with how many people are asking about his dating life.
Moving on…
Zane and Pixal are running a school open to all types of people and beings to learn about all manner of things.
Kai and Skylar finally got engaged! Lloyd teased his big brother endlessly for that. It took them long enough!
Nya and Jay got married and are happily exploring ninjago for their honeymoon!
Of course all the ninja stay in touch and make sure to meet up at the monastery at least monthly if not more in case another realm ending disaster pops up, but everyone is enjoying the peace while it lasts, but still staying in shape and being vigilant. Not wanting to be caught off guard again.
And well, Lloyd’s the same staying at the monastery for now and trying to avoid the limelight and all his crazy fans. Lloyd’s also trying really hard to reconnect with Garmadon, but part of himself still flinches whenever he gets too close. Remembering cold red eyes, saying he has no son, and slamming him into a wall. His body breaking and blood pooling around him. And everything is cold and dark. And Lloyd feels so alone and scared. He was dying.
Uncle Wu is also staying with Lloyd and Garmadon and really trying to be a good brother, but centuries, if not millennia, of strained relations, and polar personalities and ideals, make it hard for them to bond over, well, anything. 
Though they did finally make a breakthrough recently. Lloyd just wishes he wasn’t at the center of it.
“Son,” Garmadon's deep gravelly voice says behind Lloyd, and Lloyd jumps; swearing, he almost hits his head on the ceiling by how far he jumped.
“Where is your mother?” Garmadon’s purple eyes have an unknown glint in them. The oni looks at Lloyd like his dad used to look at him when starting a serious conversation, and Lloyd swallows.
“Why do you want to know?” Lloyd says, his voice definitely not cracking. It’s been years. Why is his voice still cracking?!
“Well, I wanted her to sign these divorce papers so I could happily pursue a relationship with Vinny.” Garmadon says and pulls out divorce papers like it’s just a random Tuesday.
“What?!” Lloyd shrieks. And he expects Garmadon to say he’s joking. Divorce?! And who’s Vinny?!
Instead, Garmadon says in a worried tone, his voice sounding so close to the dad that Lloyd misses, “Now son. I’m sure it’s not easy to accept that your parents are getting divorced, especially since you are so young, but your mother and I are mature adults and need to get this done, so we can move on in our lives.”
Lloyd sputters, “I’m in my twenties! I’m not a kid.” It’s been 13 years since Lloyd’s been magically aged up to around 14. And even then, he was 8 before he magically aged up, so he would be in his twenties either way! Sure, he has an extreme baby face, but he is an adult! Even if he doesn't feel like it. And why does Garmadon suddenly care now? He can't try and parent him years too late and expect everything will be fine!
Thus, Lloyd yells at Garmadon before he can answer “Also, I have no idea where Misako is, and honestly I don’t give a damn! I hardly even know her! She left me when I was a baby! And she only came back into my life when I had to fight the Overlord for the first time. Then she just disappeared for years on end till she suddenly pops up with some cryptic message for a day and leaves again! So honestly good on you for getting a divorce! But don’t pretend that I care!” And Lloyd stomps out and slams the door to his room and screams into his pillow.
Eventually, Lloyd fell asleep, but it wasn’t long before a knock interrupted his rest, and he had to face reality again.
“What?” Lloyd answers, his voice muffled by his pillow.
“Lloyd,” Uncle Wu says softly, “Can Garmadon and I come in?”
‘Ugh, please no,’ Lloyd wants to say more than anything, but he relents, and sits up in his bed and tries to comb through his messy blond hair. 
Lloyd finally sighs, “Come in.”
Uncle Wu and Garmadon enter Lloyds room, and they stand opposite him. Lloyd looks at them and waits for them to start speaking, but they just glance worriedly at Lloyd.
Lloyd rolls his eyes, “What do you guys want to talk about?”
Garmadon clears his throat, “Well after you… talked about Misako,” he says her name with venom, and Lloyd has to hide his flinch. Somehow, though, Garmadon seems to notice and breathes in deeply before continuing, “I went to talk to my brother, and neither of us knew about what you told me earlier. We just want to know where exactly you were raised and who raised you since Misako didn’t.”
Lloyd scowls, “Stop talking to me like I’m a child. I’m already in my twenties. I’m an adult for crying out loud! Also, why do you two suddenly care so much? It’s not like it’s hindering my ability to be the green ninja.” 
Garmadon raises an eyebrow in disbelief and looks at his brother in worry.
“Lloyd,” Uncle Wu reaches over to Lloyd, but Lloyd pulls away, and Wu's golden eyes look so sad, “You are still a child, and you will be one for quite some time. And we care about you more than just being the green ninja. You are family, and we are worried about you.”
Lloyd shakes his head in disbelief. Just because Wu’s like a thousand years old doesn't mean that Lloyd deserves to be treated as a kid just because he’s so much younger.
“Besides you haven’t even lost your baby fangs or even molted your first dragon skin. You're still just a pup,” Garmadon gruffly replies.
“Hatchling.” Uncle Wu corrects.
Garmadon's purple eyes narrow at his brother, “Pup.”
Wu’s golden eyes narrow back, “Hatchling.”
“ENOUGH!” Lloyd shouts over the two brothers, and they shut up in shock. “Is this seriously about my oni-dragon heritage?! What does that even matter? I’m still half human and obviously take more after my human half, and therefore, I age like a human. SO. I. AM. NOT. A. CHILD!”
“Oh son,” Garmadon’s voice breaks, and it truly sounds exactly like his dad’s, and it’s like the last piece finally clicks in Garmadon’s mind to fully remember. “I am so sorry I haven’t been able to teach you about your heritage and that I missed that your mother wasn’t in the picture since I was hardly there. I’ve truly failed you son.”
Garmadon goes closer to Lloyd and goes to embrace him in a hug, and Lloyd lets him, too shocked because Garmadon’s apologizing?! Is his dad finally back? Does he remember everything?
And then Garmadon’s sitting next to Lloyd on his bed and hugging him for dear life, and he starts sobbing, “I’m so so sorry, my son. I’ve hurt you, and I don’t know how I can ever make up for that.”
And Lloyd's shock fades away, and he embraces his dad back just as fiercely, “Dad. I-I’ve m-missed y-you. I’d t-thought you’d n-never truly be b-back!” And he sobs into his dad’s chest. Except Lloyd doesn’t just sob, but whines. Though Lloyd hardly notices as he's too busy focusing on the overwhelming emotions he’s feeling right now.
Garmadon, though, notices and instantly tightens his embrace on his son, and deep purrs start emitting from him to help his pup calm down. He puts his son’s head in the crook of his neck, and Garmadon instinctually broadens his shoulders as if to seem bigger and threatening to outsiders to protect his pup.
Wu smiles sadly at the scene, tears escaping his eyes, as he stares at his brother and nephew.
Eventually, their crying dies down, and Lloyd tries to pull away, but his dad holds onto him. Lloyd sighs but relents since he feels so warm and comfortable. Still, Lloyd looks down embarrassed. He’s not a child anymore. He can't be with all he's faced.
Garmadon lifts Lloyd’s chin up, and Lloyd glances at his dad’s comforting purple eyes, and Garmadon gently wipes some tears out of Lloyd’s face with his thumbs, the dark scales of his dad’s fingers surprisingly soft, and Garmadon hugs Lloyd gently.
Lloyd sinks into his dad’s embrace, feeling a deep rumble from his dad’s chest. It makes Lloyd’s eyes start to close as he feels warm and safe. But then Lloyd furrows his brows confused. What is that? It’s like…
Lloyd pushes away, shocked, “Dad are you purring?!” 
“Of course, Lloyd, and you are too, you know. It’s just part of our oni heritage.” Garmadon says softly, as if speaking to a child.
And Lloyd, to his growing horror, does indeed feel himself purring, a soft purr emitting from within his chest following his dad’s. And Lloyd whines in distress. Did he really just whine. What is this happening to him right now?! 
Garmadon pulls Lloyd closer, trying to calm his pup’s distress. But now that Lloyd is aware of the sounds, his distress is growing further, and he is starting to panic and wants his dad to let him go, but at the same time, he doesn’t. Lloyd is just so scared and confused.
Wu coughs loudly, getting his family’s attention. “Garmadon you need to let Lloyd go, he’s not used to his oni heritage right now, and it’s just further distressing him right now.”
Garmadon growls at his brother, his mind fogged up too much to think of anything else except protecting his pup.
Except Wu growls back just as hard and hisses in his dragonic tongue, “Let Lloyd go.” 
Garmadon, shocked, loosens his grip just enough for Lloyd to get out of his grip and run to Uncle Wu.
Garmadon growls deeply as Wu holds Lloyd and growls in oni, “Let go of my son.”
“No, brother.” Wu states calmly in Ninjagon but prepares to defend himself.
Just before Garmadon can attack, Lloyd whispers, his voice breaking, “Don’t fight, please.”
Garmadon instantly snaps out of it and stops growling as his mind clears up. He whispers brokenly, “I’m sorry.” 
Garmadon falls back on Lloyd's bed, looking down. He’s messed up again. 
‘Why can’t I be a good dad for my son, just once?!’ Garmadon thinks. Agony felt in his heart once again for his inability to not mess up with Lloyd.
Lloyd breathes in and out and calms himself down in his uncle’s hold, and then he looks over to his dad and sees him with the saddest look on his face.
Lloyd gingerly gets out of his uncle’s hold and nods when Uncle Wu asks if he’s okay.
“Dad. I’m sorry I panicked. I just…” Lloyd gulps, “I thought I was human. Or well, mostly human. I didn’t want to accept that I wasn’t aging like one. And I think deep down I knew. FSM, I still look basically the same age as I did after I used the Tomorrow's Tea!”
“I just thought that I could finally be normal.” Lloyd’s voice breaks.
Garmadon looks at his son, so heartbroken. He doesn’t know how to help his son. He’s not normal, and he’ll never be.
And then Lloyd clears his throat, his bright green eyes shining, “But normal's overrated anyways, and I don’t have it in me to keep rejecting myself and you to believe that I’ll ever be normal. I finally have my dad back again, and I’ll hate myself if I don’t take this chance to learn more about you and about our heritage while I still have the chance.”
Lloyd laughs bitterly, “Because destiny will eventually decide to fuck with me again and I won’t have time, so I can’t just continue to ignore this. Because one day it might be too late to learn this from my d-dad.” Lloyd's voice breaks at the end.
“Oh, Lloyd, I’ll gladly tell you whatever you want to know,” Garmadon agrees and smiles sadly, praying to his father just this once that his son can find peace.
Lloyd smiles, tears in his eyes, and looks back to his uncle, “A-and I think Uncle Wu needs to be here to help explain some things too.”
Wu looks at his nephew in shock, he answers, “If that’s what you want nephew.”
“It is.” Lloyd nods his head.
“Alright, what do you want to know first?” Garmadon asks and pats the bed for both his son and brother to sit next to him. Lloyd gladly goes over, and his dad embraces him in a side hug, while Wu sits next to Lloyd and looks to Garmadon, wondering how he’s going to explain their heritage.
“Well as long as you make sure you include the dragons, brother. You always seem to forget them when discussing our heritage.” Wu says with a mischievous voice.
Garmadon rolls his eyes, “As long as you don’t forget the oni.”
Lloyd laughs brightly, the weight of the world seeming to lift from his shoulders, and his family joins him and starts laughing as well, and Misako is all but forgotten, for now, to the small family of the First Spinjitzu Master’s descendants.
Next Ninjago One-shot
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mxshmxsh · 3 months
okay, so we have..
Jay likes nya. Check
Kai likes cole. Check
Zane likes pixal. Check
morro likes echo. Check
Lloyd likes Akita. Check
…and Garmadon likes… Vinny from ngtv? Check
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amalsoappickle · 1 year
Has Vinny accidentally called Garmadon bbg (babygirl) in front of Lloyd?
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yes and this is EXACTLY his reaction, he physically morphed to look like this /j
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