#vulcan mind meld my beloved
kirksmassiverack · 1 year
not romance, not bromance, but a secret third thing (vulcan mind meld)
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sachiko1309 · 6 months
Pon Farr
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Summary: After Spock and Lucy established a relationship, Spocks nature calling sends them into taking a few more steps as a couple.
Word count: 4941
Warnings: smut with plot, violence, Minors DNI!!! this contains adult content
* sa-fu = son
* ashayam = beloved/darling
* kal'i'farr = wedding
* nafai = okay 
* Oekon you ri goal fai -tor, ra you aishan tor = you have no idea what you're doing to me
Other notes: The extended mind meld is ssth that grew in my imagination. Just ignore or run with it. Thx 🥰
Knowing you might want to read it @mystery-star I tagged you 😇
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I woke up in the night to someone caressing my body.
I smiled at him. His face was brightly lit by the moonlight. But when I recognized his expression, the smile slipped away. His eyes were full of hunger and sexual desire. Pon Farr had begun. Spock leaned over me. "You look so beautiful, t'hy'la ." I tried to push him away, but he was far too strong. He easily took my hands and held them tied above my head. "Spock, stop. Your Pon Farr has begun. We must..." He interrupted me with an urgent kiss. With one hand he still held my hands above my head. The other started pulling my nightgown up.
"Stop! Stop it! That's not you!" My voice got louder and I tried to wriggle out of his grip unsuccessfully. His lips kissed my neck, my face, my cleavage. "Stop. I don't want this. Spock, please." I pleaded. Fear rose inside me. Tears formed in my eyes. But Spock didn't stop. He had now pushed my nightgown up so far, that he could easily slide his fingers over my panties.
"Jim!" I screamed, hoping to wake him. "Jim help me! Please!"
“He won’t be able to help you. He's far too weak." Spock sneered and pushed my panties aside. "No!" I had actually started to cry. There was a big lump in my throat and I felt sick. Images of Hanesh kept flashing through my head. "Jim!"
The bedroom door slammed shut with a crash. Jim threw himself at Spock and actually managed to pry him off of me. I jumped out of bed and stood frozen in the middle of the room.
“Lucy run! Get Ambassador Sarek ." Jim shouted. Spock punched him in the face and then tried to reach for me again. But Jim didn't let go and pulled him back onto the bed. "Go!" he shouted at me again. Blood ran from his nose. Suddenly, I spun around and ran. Out of the room and down the long hallway. My nightgown billowed dangerously high on my hips, but I didn't care. I ran like a madwoman all the way to Spock's father's apartment. When I got there I banged furiously on the door.
“Ambassador Sarek. I need your help! It's about Spock." I pounded and pounded. I'm sure I woke up almost every one of his neighbors, but I didn't care. Suddenly the door opened and I fell forward into a dark brown tunic. Large hands straightening me again.
“Lieutenant Esteban. "What happened?" Sarek asked me and let me go.
"Spock... He..." I stammered, unable to calm myself.
"Remain calm." Sarek took my hands. I immediately felt his calmness. I tried to orientate myself on that. It took a few breaths, but then I managed to say: "Spock forced himself on me. I think his Pon Farr has started. Jim could stop him and now they're fighting."
As if struck by lightning, Sarek let go of my hands and gathered up his tunic. And then he ran. I could not believe it. Ambassador Spock, a full-blooded Vulcan ran! I quickly ran after him and was able to catch up with him at the door. The sight that greeted me was terrifying. The room was completely devastated. Jim layed beneath Spock. Holding his hands protectively in front of his head. Blood ran from his nose and lip. "Spock!" I uttered. His eyes were immediately on me. Jim took advantage of the moment, clamping Spock's legs between his and rolling around. With his hands he pushed his arms to the ground and tried to pin him to the ground with his entire body to keep.
"Sa- fu*!" Ambassador Sarek's voice boomed through the room. And as if he was breaking through an invisible wall, Spock immediately stopped struggling. He blinked a few times and then looked between me and Jim. When Spock saw my tears, he was shocked. "What have I done? Did I hurt you?" I shook my head.
"Let go of me, Jim!" Spock demanded.
"Are you sure?" Jim looked uncertainly at Spock and then at Sarek .
"Yes. I can control myself now."
Jim reluctantly got up from the ground, trying to keep the blood on his face from dripping onto the floor.
Behind me the door swung open again. "What happened here?" Scotty and Bones. Presumably woken up by the noise, they pushed past me. Bones was immediately at Jims side and looked at his face. "I'm fine. Get your hands out of my face," Jim said and slapped his hands away.
“You are not. Your nose is broken." Bones protested.
"Ay, I think the Commander got the Captain pretty good." Scotty's eyes were on Spock's hands. Bones spun around. "You what?" He waved his hands angrily at Spock. Jim stepped in. Probably out of concern that Spock might freak out again in his current state. “Everything’s fine, Bones. He didn't do it on purpose. He has Pon Farr." Jim pronounced it as if it was an illness, causing Scotty to raise an eyebrow: " Pon Farr? Is that contagious?" He immediately took a few steps back and looked at Spock uncertainly.
"No it's not. Our first officer has just become this wild, sex-crazed animal. That's why we're here, isn't it Jim?" Bones started to press Jim's face again. He just whined and didn't answer. "I thought so." Bones murmured, barely making it audible. Scotty stared between the two, obviously confused. "Ay, and what does that mean exactly?" Bones looked at him annoyed. "He over there..." He pointed to Spock. “Must mate with Lucy in the next eight days or he’ll die. Pon Farr is a vulcan mating ritual."
“Doctor, I appreciate it, if you didn’t talk about my culture like that. Pon Farr is very important to us and your condescending attitude is insulting to my people." Spock growled, his jaw clenched tight, his hands clenched at his sides. "Condescending." Bones hissed. "Jim looks like he's been run over and you're worried about whether I'm insulting your culture or not." Spock took a step toward Bones, growling even louder, but I was faster.
I put my hands calmly on his chest and held him back. I had barely touched him before he recoiled from me as if I had burned him. “That’s enough, Bones. For Vulcans, Pon Farr is one of the most intimate things. I need you to be my friend in this, so at least try not to get thrown out, okay ?" I asked him. Bones just grumbled, but then nodded.
"Well." Ambassador Sarek raised his voice. "I think it would be best for everyone if we go our separate ways. Spock, you come with me. The others stay here and take care of Captain Kirk. I'll go to the High Priestess straight away and make the necessary preparations. Until tomorrow." He stepped aside and waited for Spock to walk past him. But he hesitated and looked at me.
"I'm fine. You didn't hurt me." I said and took him in my arms. "I'll wait for you here and it'll be over tomorrow, okay?"
"Okey." Spock hid his face in my hair. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me, ashayam*." I hugged him tighter. “I was never mad at you, sa t’hy’la. You can not help it."
Before Spock left the room, he turned to Jim. “I'm sorry, Jim. Thank you for protecting Lucy from me. I'll be eternally grateful to you." Jim waved him off with a wry smile. "Oh, nonsense. You're my friend, that's a given. Even if I wouldn't say no if the next few drinks went to you." Spock's mouth twitched before he turned away and left the room, followed by his father.
When I woke up the next morning I felt completely exhausted. Bones, Scotty, Jim and I stayed up a little longer trying to put the room back in order. I peeled myself out of bed and went into the living room. In one corner the broken furniture lay piled on top of each other, a pile of dust in front of it. Jim was sprawled out on the sofa, snoring softly. I shook him awake. “Come on, get up. I'm going to get ready and then it's your turn, okay ?" Jim hummed and rubbed his face. " Hmm... Yeah..."
Shaking my head, I went into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and showering, I sat on the edge of the bathtub and stared at the traditional dress hanging neatly on the hanger on the door like a dark omen. It was floor length and had medium length balloon sleeves. Like flowing water, blue and green colors flowed around the dress and made it shimmer like a lizard rising from the water. I tied my hair up and slipped into the dress. It was light and made of thin, fine material. It fell in soft lines over my body and billowed on the floor. Great. It was way too long. Hopefully I wouldn't trip. I mentally cursed the much taller Vulcans.
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A pounding on the door broke me out of my thoughts. “Lucy, hurry up. Scotty and Bones are already waiting and I haven't even showered yet." I pulled the door open and switched with Jim. Carefully, so as not to step on the dress, I went into the living room. Scotty and Bones were sitting there on the sofa. They were dressed in floor-length white tunics and wore something like a gray wool parka over their shoulders.
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A little later, Jim emerged from the bathroom in the same outfit. "I think I'm dying." He announced, pulling the tunic up to his hips. "How on earth do they not shrink in these clothes?" Bones shook his head. “Were you not paying attention in the academy? Vulcans are used to heat. Their body temperature is higher than ours and they experience hypothermia much later than we do."
"And then they wear carpets for miles on a desert planet?" Jim put the parka on the sofa and tried to somehow sit with his tunic on. It looked really ridiculous. I had to laugh, which earned me a dirty look.
“Ay Lassie , it is definitely beneficial to wear long, loose clothes in such temperatures and sunlight. They provide enough UV protection and keep you reasonably cool." Scotty chimed in, leaning back more comfortably. "I like this tunic. Maybe I can take one home with me."
Jim opened his mouth but was interrupted by a knock on the door. I stood up and waded through the masses of skirt to the door. When I opened it I saw Ambassador Sarek and Spock. Sarek was dressed in the same robes as the others, but when my eyes landed on Spock, I stopped breathing. He looked hot. He wore a gold tunic with a white collar made of fine silk. Over it he wore a knee-length blue jacket embroidered with gold decorations. His face was framed by the high collar of his jacket and contrasted wonderfully with his black hair.
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I walked the path in silence next to Spock. All my concentration was on not tripping. A tingling feeling spread through my body the longer the walk went. As we turned a corner, there was a woman standing there in an equally elaborate red dress. Spock stopped me. "Do you know what you have to do?" I nodded uncertainly. "I'm going with the high priestess, right?"
"Correctly. We'll meet again soon." He squeezed my hand encouragingly and I slowly walked towards the High Priestess with unsteady steps. "Hello Lieutenant Esteban. I'm High Priestess T'Pau . Do you know what you have to do?" The older Vulcan woman asked me. "Yes. When we start, I have to be the last to follow the group." I answered, out of breath. A gong could be heard in the distance. She nodded. "Then let's get started."
Scotty and Bones got in line behind T'Pau and I followed them last into the small stadium. It was surrounded by high stone walls. A large jade gong hung in the middle; Spock stood patiently by. Standing next to a wall behind Spock were his father and Jim. I stood there, Scotty and Bones at my side, waiting for my turn.
The priestess greeted Spock with the Vulcan salute, which he returned. He knelt before her and placed the fingertips of her right hand right next to his ear. He stood up and looked at his father and Jim. As if on command, they stepped next to him. “As you probably remember, Priestess, this is Captain James Tiberius Kirk and my father is Ambassador Sarek . "I have chosen them to be my witnesses to the ceremony." Spock explained calmly.
"And how do you guarantee their presence?" She asked him.
"With my life." Spock replied firmly.
“What will happen now comes from the beginning of time. It is the volcanic heart, the volcanic soul. It is kal'i'farr*." she began to recite.
Spock slowly walked back to the gong and I followed him. Scotty and Bones stayed where they were supposed to. We stopped briefly in front of the gong. Spock slowly reaching out, giving me time to interrupt him, but I didn't. The deep sound of the gong echoed through the stadium. “As it was destined from the beginning, and it will be for all tomorrow, for you, sa t'hy'la, I will do everything I can." I said in a loud voice and raised two fingers. "Lucy, my k'diwa, from you comes everything that I am." Spock replied and placed his fingers on mine. I pressed sensitively against his fingers.
"As it was in the beginning, so it shall be now." I gently stroked his fingers. Spock took my entire hand in his. "Two bodies, one spirit." He finished the ritual and took me in his arms.
After we had completed the ritua, we were led by the priestess to a single small hut at the edge of the rite site. The hut was made of reddish stone with a black roof. The door was made of dark wood and was decorated with volcanic symbols. Small windows nestled between black shutters
A few meters away there were a few benches under a small canopy. Soft pillows were spread across them. A fire burned in the middle. The small square was surrounded by a low blue hedge with red flowers. Plants that were unfamiliar to me were planted loosely around the hut. The priestess opened the door and motioned for us to enter. “We will wait for you here. The bonding ritual is an important part of our culture; correct execution and witnessing are essential. If any difficulties or questions arise, do not hesitate to reveal yourself."
I looked between Jim, Bones, Scotty, Ambassador Sarek , and the priestess with wide eyes.
But I didn't have time to think about it any further. Spock pulled me into the hut behind him. As soon as the priestess had closed the door behind us, Spock's hands were on mine. "What do you think, k'diwa?" He asked, feeling my confusion and fear through his hands.
"Are the others going to sit out there the whole time?" I looked down and blushed. Just the thought that Spock's father knew what his son was going to do was so embarrassing, that I wanted to sink into the ground. And the possibility that he could hear us... I didn't even want to think about it.
"This ritual is very important to my people." Spock replied. "Do you trust me when I tell you that none of the witnesses present find it strange?"
“You probably don’t believe that yourself. On the other side of that door sits James Tiberius Kirk. How do you think he's going to tease us for the next few months when we go out there again?"
“Jim knows how important my culture is to me. He won't dare joke about it. And if he does, I will use the Vulcan neck hold to silence him." Spock smiled mischievously at me. And the image of Jim passing out on the floor brought a small grin to my face. "Okey. " I breathed. I trusted Spock to stand up for me if Jim did anything. I wasn't worried about Bones and Scotty as they were mostly just dragged into the taunts by Jim. Then I looked Spock in the eyes: "Doesn't it bother you that there are five people out there listening to us having sex?"
Spock smiled with hungry eyes. "On the contrary. I'm happy thinking about everyone now knowing who is claiming you. Let all New Vulkan hear who you belong to. I need you. I want to hear how good I make you feel. I want you to moan louder than you have ever done before. You belong to Me!"
Jesus... Spock during Pon Farr was already a different number. My usually stoic Vulcan now circled me like a hungry lion its prey. His eyes were dark with lust and he was breathing heavily. I felt the desire boiling inside me and pooling between my legs. Without taking his eyes off me, Spock stripped off his ritual clothing until he stood naked in front of me. He then began to pull my dress over my head.
Carelessly dismissing, he pressed his lips hard against mine. He grabbed me by my thighs and lifted me up. A short sound of horror escaped my mouth as my back slammed against the wall. “Sorry, t'hy'la . Did I hurt you?"
"No. It just surprised me." I replied breathlessly. Spock hummed in relief against my lips and kissed my chin, my neck, up to the sensitive spot under my ear. When he sucked the soft skin between his teeth, the first moan escaped me .
" T'hy'la ..." Spock's voice was hoarse and strained. "I can't hold back any longer. Please... allow me to begin the ritual."
"Nafai*." I breathed. As soon as I had agreed, Spock lowered me onto his member. I threw my head back, a loud moan on my lips.
He held me tightly with one arm and didn't move at all. He placed the other on my cheek, ready to merge our consciousnesses together to build the foundation for the bonding ritual. He looked at me expectantly, "Are you ready?"
I nodded and closed my eyes.
He merged our consciousness and our memories blurred together. Then he began to say the ceremonial words in Vulcan. I had made a translation in my language a few days earlier. The priestess had explained to me that it was extremely important for Spock and me to perform the ritual in both languages because we come from different races.
„T'nash-veh k'diwa.
Nash-veh spock ugaya tor kwon-sum tanilau klashausu, ashaya heh savety tor du.
Nash-veh dungi kwon-sum nam-tor tra' na' du tor nenikaya du k'fai ek' ra sarlah.
Tor gol'nev du svi' rom heh svi' rasahkos.
La' nash-veh lamok heh ya'akash du tor kal-tor nash-veh tor nam-tor kashek klimtau k' du na' etwel ha-tor.
Sanoi nem-tor nash-veh u' ish-veh telan katelau.
Etwel tel-tor dungau to'ovau karik abru' wak heh tanilau etek k' ek' wuh a'rak vel ik sarlah k' ha-tor telan."
I answered him in Vulcan to complete his part of the ritual: „Nash-veh lucy nem-tor du u' t'nash-veh telan katelau."
Now it was my turn to say the same words to complete the bonding ritual:
"My beloved.
I, Lucy, promise to always offer you protection, love and security.
I will always be there for you to support you in whatever comes.
To support you in good and bad.
Here I stand and ask you to allow me to merge with you for our lives.
Please accept me as your bonding mate.
Our bond should grow stronger over time and provide us with all the positive aspects that come with a lifelong bond."
Spock replied in my language, ending the ritual. "I, Spock, accept you as my bonding mate." Then he removed his hand from my cheek and I opened my eyes.
" T'hy'la ? " Can you hear me?" I put my hand over my mouth. "Oh my God..." I gasped. “I heard you in my head! It worked!" Spock smiled slightly. "Of course it worked. Did you have any doubts?"
"Just a little." I admitted, watching with relief as his eyes widened as he heard me in his head. "Fascinating," he exhaled, carrying me to the bed.
Only then did I look around the small room. Everything was decorated in orange-brown earth tones. A landscape painting of Vulcan hung in the middle above the bed. Next to the bed were two small, triangular bedside tables and two flower pots with plants I didn't recognize. On the opposite wall there was a brown leather sofa, a glass display case and a small shoe cabinet. To my left was a trellis with an ivy-like plant and a picture of a vulan poem, which I couldn't decipher. Spock sank into the soft mattress with me. The cover was rough against my skin. I suspected it was made from the coarse linen of simple Vulcan clothing.
The change in position caused Spock to penetrate me deeper. "Hmph." I mumbled, trying to muffle my volume with my hand. “K’diwa. Stop hiding. Everyone knows what's happening between us here. Trying to make them believe otherwise is extremely illogical." Spock murmured between gentle kisses. "I know... It's just... This is extremely embarrassing for me. For us humans, intimacy rarely happens in public." I whispered, trying not to blush any further.
"Understandable. We Vulcans are also not a people who openly show affection physically. But this can hardly be called public."
"Still..." I muttered. "It's weird."
"T'hy'la, what can I do to stop you from being embarrassed?" he asked, looking at me intently. His brown eyes were almost completely black. Hunger and worry alternated as if he were himself not sure what he should feel.
I put a hand on his cheek. "Talk to me. Tell me what you think, what you feel, what you want from me to make me forget where we are. Make me feel like there is only you. I want you to own me completely. I want to be completely at your mercy."
" K'diwa ..." Spock groaned, pushing himself onto his hands with his head thrown back. „Oekon du ri tor fai-tor, ra du aishan tor.*"
And then he started moving. He slowly increased the pace until he was thrusting hard and deep into me. He took my hands and held them pressed to the mattress above my head. Like a train crashing into a wall, his emotions rushed through me. His desire was overwhelming and I wondered how he hadn't jumped on me much sooner. " Look at me!" His voice echoed in my head. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "You're only mine, understand?"
I nodded, but that wasn't enough for him.
"Answer me!"
"Yes Commander."
I let my gaze wander over his body. The key to my collar dangled around his neck on a thin silver chain. It stood in stark contrast to his dark, hairy chest. A thin line of hair ran down his stomach to his crotch. As if hypnotized, my gaze remained fixed on the spot where he penetrated me.
As Spock leaned down to kiss me, the key clinked rhythmically against the metal ring around my neck. His mouth traveled over my chin and neck. He stayed just below my ear for a moment before sucking the skin between his teeth. His tongue glided over it again and again causing hot waves of pleasure to run through my body.
"Do you trust me?"
"Yes Commander."
I had no idea what he was planning to do, but I didn't care as long as he didn't stop fucking me. When he bit, I was so surprised that I reared up and let out a scream. Pain shot through my throat, but Spock didn't stop. On the contrary, his movements became faster and his grip on my wrists became stronger. He threw his head back and let a loud growl rumble through his chest. Warm liquid ran down my neck. Was I bleeding? I got the answer when Spock kissed me. I tasted the metallic taste of blood on his lips.
"I'm bleeding!" I accused him telepathically.
“Forgive me, t'hy'la . I didn't mean to..." Worry rose in his mind. "I forgot you were human. What can I do to make it up to you?"
"Fulfill your promise." I grinned diabolically at him as I shared my thoughts with him. "Make me cum. I want everyone to hear how good you fuck me."
"Anything for you t'hy'la ."
He took both of my hands in one and then placed his free fingers on my clit. "I don't want you to hold back, understand?" He panted, his voice strained. "Yes, Commander." I answered obediently.
He slowly circled two of his fingers over my sensitive spot, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from me. He adjusted his pace to his hand and didn't take his eyes off me. His eyes wandered attentively over my face, my breasts, over his hand on my crotch and back again. The familiar tension began to form in my stomach, indicating that my orgasm was not far away. My legs were shaking and my breathing was heavy, punctuated by ragged moans.
"Spock..." I breathed. "Please... I have to... I can't..."
"Come for me, k'diwa." His fingers increased their pace, the thrusts becoming heavier and deeper. And then the band snapped. I bucked beneath him, lips formed in an O. "Oh God! Spock!" I didn't hold back. My moans were loud and definitely unmistakable to anyone sitting outside or walking by.
"T'hy'la." He called to me in his mind, pressing his forehead hard against mine. His consciousness forced its way into my head. He didn't hold it back and I could see what he saw, felt how hard it was for him to control himself. Spock was on the verge of his orgasm. His entire thinking was animalistic and possessive and I kept catching glimpses of his thoughts. His mind connected and disconnected from mine in waves.
"Mine. I have to..."
Spock closed his eyes. His breathing was heavy and uneven. He reached for my hand, but instead of taking it, I put it to my mouth. I waited until he opened his eyes again and looked at him as I slowly put two fingers in my mouth. I started sucking on them, letting my tongue dance around them. He gritted his teeth hard, his eyes fixed on my mouth and his fingers. I knew what I was doing to him. Vulcan hands and ears were the most sensitive areas. I practically gave him a blowjob. " K'diwa ..."
I took his fingers deeper into my mouth. His movements becoming frantic and it wasn't long before he emptied himself inside me, twitching and growling. With a soft pop I released his fingers from my mouth. But Spock apparently wasn't done with me yet. He forcefully grabbed me by the waist and pulled me down to the edge of the bed.
Then he knelt in front of me. The head between my thighs. Without hesitation he licked my entire entrance once. I reared up and clawed at the bed sheet. Instinctively I tried to close my thighs, but Spock held me tight. He happily pushed his tongue into my entrance and began to collect the mixture of his cum and my wetness in his mouth, then he stood up and leaned over me.
"Open your mouth!" he ordered. I obeyed and he spit everything into my mouth. "You only swallow when I allow you to, understand?"
"Yes Commander."
"Good girl."
A quiet hum could be heard from his chest as he knelt in front of me again. Without warning, he pushed two fingers inside me and wrapped his lips expertly around my clit. I groaned and his sperm ran from the corner of my mouth down my cheek. I quickly swiped it back into my mouth. A knot beginning to build inside me as his ministrations went on. My walls fluttered around his fingers and I twitched under his tongue, my mind completely fogged up. Every time I exhaled; a moan escaped me. Regardless, Spock drove me closer and closer to the edge. It was like he was trying to break a record.
His tongue circled my clit in sloppy figure eights, the fingers massaged my sensitive point in the same rhythm. "Spock!" I called him in my mind. Signaling how close I was.
And I swallowed right at the moment the knot burst. I called out his name, gurgling as the wave washed through my body. The edges of my vision went black and I raised my hands, shaking, hoping to hold on to him. As if he sensed it, he was on top of me. He took me in his arms and rolled over onto his back. Exhausted, I collapsed on top of him and snuggled under his chin. His hand gently stroked my back, the other held my head. We lay there for a few moments to regain our strength.
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Yuris - Sacrifice
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"The Vulcan society has more intolerance today than there was a thousand years ago."
"The High Command recognize what you have done and therefore are suspending you."
This was the current situation your husband, Yuris, was facing. No matter what he had said, challenging the prejudice in your race and how difference is dealt with, the High Command were not listening.
Yuris had a successful career in the medical industry, providing insightful research and experiments for the betterment of Vulcan society. New knowledge had come as a direct result of some of his papers, and though he was one of the younger doctors, he was still very respected for his tenacity and willingness to do better.
That was where you had met. Your own career in medical research had taken off, and after you graduated from the Vulcan Science Academy, you found yourself working alongside Yuris in a lab, often trading facts and new findings with each other. Then, it became something you did over dinner, before you began sharing stories and personal journeys. You had grown close, very close, and soon enough, it was love.
Yuris had married you around three years ago, and in those three years he had shown you nothing but loyalty and care, always striving to be a better man and be the man he knew you deserved. Yuris valued you and loved you, as did you him, and you showed one another that love in many ways, some that denied your Vulcan blood and some that didn't. It was healthy and you were both happy.
Recently, Yuris and two other doctors who worked together had been informed that there was a Vulcan lady, T'Pol, suffering from Pa'nar Syndrome, aboard a Federation ship, Enterprise. Stigma in society was high, and upon finding out that she was inflicted with the disease, called for a meeting with her aboard the ship. Yuris was one of those doctors.
The night before they were due to have the meeting, you walked in on your husband standing on your balcony in silence.
"My love?" you questioned, and he didn't turn to you. Seating yourself at the edge of the bench, you looked at him with concern. It was rare for Vulcans to show emotion, but when it came to their loved ones, it's entirely a different story.
"I cannot bear attending this meeting tomorrow, Y/N. I cannot allow them to victimize her for something like this. I had hoped that perhaps society had grown to be more accepting by now, but I can see we still have a long way to go. I fear I may not be able to help her and I do not want to contribute to what may happen should they get their way."
"Yuris," your voice was soft as you moved closer to him. "Look at me."
Carefully, you took his face with one  of your hands and cupped his cheek. Staring into his eyes, you could see the worry present in his own, but he seemed ready to listen. You took his hand with your own free one, carefully stroking the back of it with your thumb as you spoke.
"I know you, and I know that you are a remarkable man. You have always stuck to your morals and I cannot envisage you straying from them now. Should she need help, I know you will do what you know is best. I have that faith in you."
"Thank you, beloved, I just hope I can do the right thing by her."
You brought his face to yours and placed your forehead against his own, the both of you closing your eyes and savouring the silent moment together. Quietly, your voice carried through the air and sat with him all night.
"You will do what is best, Yuris.
Your husband left that day, and by the time he had gotten back, you sensed he was distraught. Bringing him inside, you seated him and took his hands. Never had you seen your husband as stressed or as sad.
"What is the matter, Yuris?"
"I tried, Y/N, I tried to help. T'Pol, the lady, I told her I too am a mind-melder and that I saw nothing wrong with the practice. She confided in me that her mind meld was not welcomed, and I urged her to tell the council, but she had refused. I gave her all the information she needed, helped her where I could, but still they threatened her with decommission. Their captain, Archer, had a meeting with us and I told them..."
"What did you tell them?" You urged him on, holding his hands tighter, having never seen him so scared before.
"I told the council I am a mind-melder. I told them T'Pol's circumstances, too. I could not help it; I could not stand by and watch her ostracized for something she could not control. She has been allowed to remain aboard Enterprise,  however."
"This is good, there is nothing wrong with what you have done, Yuris."
"I have been suspended, and I believe I am no longer welcome in my research at the facility. They know now that I mind-meld, I am sorry, Y/N."
You smiled at him, your smile met with confusion. "What are you apologising for?"
"For allowing my emotions to get the better of me."
"That is not something you must apologise for, Yuris. You are carrying guilt and a burden you should not be carrying. Your actions have allowed an innocent lady to keep her job and her dignity; she can live as she has done and continue her life free of fear of judgement. What you have done is not only logical, it is also brave. Sacrificing yourself like that is the first step in showing society that prejudice holds no place in progression. We should strive to be more accepting and less judgmental, and you are that first step. You are brave, Yuris, and I am proud of you."
He smiled at you, gripping your hand a little tighter.
"But this will affect you, too. People will now look at you differently. That is not something I would want for you. You can't-"
"I care not for what people have to say about me. I will stand by you through anything, and if that means I am treated the same as they will treat you, then I am guilty by association. As long as I am with you, I care little for anything else."
"You are remarkable, Y/N, I am so lucky to have you."
You kissed your husband on the forehead, and stood with him.
"Now, let us face the council together."
Out the door you went, the same way you lived.
As one.
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worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
It's been so long , star trek my beloved I'm back.
Another note that I'm making from later on after I started making this post, is that apparently I miss numbered one of my posts a while ago and I'm on episode ahead of where I thought I was so my last post says 01X23-01X24 but should be 01X24-01X25 , sorry I didn't catch that it was the wrong numbers before now.
Series I'm currently on : The original series
Episodes watched: 01X26 - 01X27
Episode names:
The Devil in the Dark
Errand of Mercy
The devil in the Dark
A bunch of men walking around searching for a monster to dramatic music that almost deafened me because my tablets volume was all the way up and I didn't realize.
They left a singular person alone while they investigate some more I wonder what's going to happen /j
He got eaten all he wanted to do was see the enterprise, also these guys have to go how could this happen even though they left him alone knowing that something was killing everyone
Conveniently walks into a room right as your needed for part of the conversation
I love these neon colored jump suits
These monsters are a mafia bosses wet dream a walking version of a barrel of battery acid that destroys and dissolves absolutely everything it touches.
It fucked up the reactor that controls everything on the planet like life support and this has happened so many times that I question why they have no back up systems on these colonies
Scotty throwing shade at how old the reactor is
" we asked for your help and for you to take us off of this planet but now that you're here we don't want your help. And by we I mean I don't want your help but I'm going to make this decision for thousands of people because of my pride as the person in charge "
I love how Spock went " what if it is this theoretical cryptid being" and Kirk immediately went yes absolutely I am 100% behind you
Oop they just sent a bunch of red shirts in the tunnels to look for the creature you know what that means
Red shirt #1 has died , he also has the most 70s christian youth pastor hair cut I have ever seen
That is not how the monster was described as looking earlier on at all
This creature is made out of corrosive materials that have dissolved people alive and your just gonna bare hand pick up part of it that fell off when you shot it with your phaser not 5 minutes before ?
A crime against science ?
" I'm sorry if it makes you sad Spock but we're gonna have to kill the creature even if it is a crime against science"
More red shirts being sent into the tunnels to split up
Nah you can't tell me this isn't flirting like kirk's pulling that face again the one he only ever does with Spock you know
Spock being forced to squat to fit in the tunnel in his high heel channel uniform boots
Spock was about to go full Vulcan strength when he thought jim was hurt
These ball thing are eggs aren't they? I bet this is the trope of accidentally stealing an egg of a unknown creature and then they hunt you down because they want the egg back
Look at this thing :
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Does this look sparkly and glowy like it was described ?
Spock was all for making sure that the creature stayed alive but now that Jim is in danger he's going " kill that bitch , no hesitation just shoot it you have to stay alive"
Jim is like that cat bug meme of " we're friends now we're having soft tacos later"
Spock's gonna mind meld with the creature
It's calls itself the hort
" nonsense Spock, McCoy is a doctor he can heal anything "
No wonder he's always so done with kirk's shit
Oh my God the colonists just murdered the red shirts
They were the hort's eggs and she was killing them because they smashed her eggs and killed her babies
No one is acknowledging that they killed the red shirts
McCoy healed the hort !
What was left of the babies hatched
Mama hort had the hots for Spock
Errand of Mercy
They are mentioning the Klingon , ay !
Now they are being attacked
Sulu is in charge now
" we have no people in charge but we have a council that makes all of the decisions , you may speak with them "
So you do in fact have people in charge
There is no war in ba sing se
Spock and Kirk are now stranded because they made Sulu leave
Also the council members have the ability to see premonitions
Early Klingons look so weird
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This particular Klingon ( the one pictures above ) is almost obsessed with Kirk and it's so funny
Cause like all that Kirk has done is be silent and sassy
Spock has been arrested for being Vulcan
Now he is free after they probed his mind
Kirk and Spock are talking mighty loud in front of the Klingons for two people putting together a secret rebellion plan
I like how literally all of the people on this planet are fine with being taken over but Kirk is just sitting there yelling at them going " fight back, come on , care about this man. I know what's good for you and you don't ."
Kirk has been betrayed by the council
The Klingon dude is still obsessed with Kirk
I like how Kirk and Spock's clothes look like their uniforms
The council betrays the Klingon to help Kirk and Spock
Klingon phasers sound like magic tricks in cartoons
" if you don't let me stop violence then I will harm you "
These actors are so dramatic when there only job is to walk around and pretend to pass out or die , they really had to make sure they were gonna get that money huh ?
Klingons really came a long way development wise from this episode
So the council are alot more powerful than they let on and made everything extremely hot and shut off all of the ships and are trying to end the war
Now Kirk and the Klingon general are arguing like kids that got into a fist fight in elementary school
Is this a planet of Qs ?
Now everything is back to normal
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tocautiouslygo · 4 years
My Mind To Your Mind
Star Trek: TOS, Kirk/Spock, fluff, 987 words, rated G
Additional tags: mind melds, awkward conversations, established relationship, t'hy'la
Jim closed the door of his quarters and rested his forehead against the wall, exhaling deeply. Turning around, he was unsurprised to see Spock sitting stiffly on his bed, already changed out of his formal clothes and into a casual Vulcan robe that looked incredibly attractive on him. Jim stripped off the outermost layer of his dress uniform, threw it forcefully into a corner, then dove onto the bed, tackling Spock into a hug and pushing him into a lying position.
"I thought that meeting would never end," he sighed, cuddling into Spock's neck.
"My people can be difficult to deal with," Spock agreed, wrapping one arm around Jim.
"Diplomacy, sitting still for hours, those damn uniforms, being separated from you all day." Jim recognised the slight movement of Spock's eyebrows as indicating affectionate amusement, and stopped to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. "I'm convinced that whole event was designed specifically to torture me."
"That seems unlikely, Jim."
Jim smiled. "It was a joke, Spock."
"Of course. Then, would you update me on the events of the evening?" Spock asked, reaching his hand towards Jim's face.
It had become common for them to share their days with each other through a mind meld. Jim enjoyed the privilege of being connected with his boyfriend's thoughts, with his very being, and the comfort it provided. Spock insisted that it was simply the most efficient, and therefore logical, way to update each other on what had happened while they were apart, but Jim knew he found pleasure in connecting in such an intimate way too. But this time, Jim pulled away before Spock's mind could make contact with his.
"Talking of mind melds, Mr Spock," he said in a mock-stern voice.
"Captain?" Spock asked, confused.
"Would you care to explain to me why the waiter I made small talk with seemed so shocked when I mentioned our melds? She almost dropped the tray she was carrying."
Spock's eyebrows raised so high that Jim was almost surprised they stayed attached to his forehead.
"Jim," Spock said carefully, "what did you tell her?"
"I just mentioned how we use them to recap our days. It's not a big deal, right? I've been careful not to mention our relationship, but we started doing that before we ever got together. At least, I didn't think it was a big deal."
Spock gently extracted himself from underneath Jim, then sat up and turned to face him. He breathed, slowly, once in and once out, steadying his emotions.
"Jim," he said in a serious tone.
"Spock?" Jim said, sitting up too. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, the error was my own. I… I have failed to explain the culture around mind melds. In particular, how intimately my species view them."
"How so?" Jim asked, worried. He reached out and squeezed Spock's hand. "Ashayam, what's wrong? If I've made you uncomfortable, you can tell me."
Spock shook his head, a precise movement that was so cute Jim was momentarily distracted. "That was not my meaning. I allowed the situation to continue because I found it desirable. I let my emotions get the better of me, and of what is proper for my culture." He paused. "Casual mind melds of the type that has become customary for us are almost unheard of outside of marriage bonds. It is considered improper to bare one's soul so casually to someone to whom you are not bonded. I apologise for not informing you of this fact."
"Ah. That would explain why the waiter tried to convince me to take a free drink as a congratulations on our bonding. She looked scandalized when I told her we weren't married. What should I have done? She avoided me for the rest of the evening."
"I do not know what response would have been acceptable. My parents were not in attendance, were they?"
Jim laughed. "No. Your secret's safe."
There was an uncomfortable silence.
"Jim, if you would prefer our -" Spock paused, uncomfortable. "Our liaisons to stop, I understand."
"Is that what you want, Spock?" Jim asked softly.
Spock paused. "I would not be averse to them continuing," he answered carefully.
Jim reached out to Spock's hand, lifted it to his mouth, and gently kissed Spock's index and middle fingers.
"You wanted so badly to be close to me that you disobeyed the rules of your culture?"
Spock tilted his head slightly. "That is not how I would have phrased it."
"I'll take that as a yes. Mr Spock, you're a hopeless romantic. While I'd have preferred it if you told me, I'm not Vulcan. I respect your culture because it's important to you, but I don't live by its boundaries. I would be honored for our liaisons, as you put it, to continue."
Spock inclined his head, his face changing minutely into an expression Jim had learned to recognize as relief.
They sat there quietly for a while, content to be in each other's presence. Jim was the one who broke the silence.
"Spock, have you ever thought about it, when this is over? Marriage, I mean."
Spock didn't answer immediately. He seemed flustered, and Jim thought he saw a flicker of a blush across Spock's cheeks that quickly vanished as Spock worked to control his emotional response.
"I have. The possibility would be... desirable to me."
"Then, if mind melds are something married couples do," Jim said, grinning teasingly, "it seems only logical that we should practice now."
"Indeed it does, t'hy'la."
Spock reached out and placed his hand in the familiar points on Jim's face, and then he was there, in Jim's mind, their thoughts and their love merging together. The word Spock had used - t'hy'la - sat near the surface of his mind, and as they grew more deeply entwined Jim grasped the true meaning. This joining, for the rest of their lives. Exactly as they both wanted.
Ashayam: Vulcan word for beloved
T'hy'la: Vulcan word meaning friend/brother/lover
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lswritingdesk · 4 years
7. The Healing Day
The title is taken from the song ‘The Healing Day’ by Bill Fay. I’m not going to make this into a songfic, but the song definitely inspired the piece.
The Furling colony on Earth was a lot more like a large Embassy than a colony, with most of the staff living off-site and coming in every day, but they did have several suites within it that were open for off-world Furlings to come and stay in. Calla had reserved the largest one for her little family to stay in while they came to make use of the services there, namely those of the mind healers that were on staff.
Calla was nervous. She didn’t like talking about what had transpired on Vulcan. She didn’t like bringing up N’kaia, even to her daughters. The pain was still too great. She also didn’t like the reverence that some Vulcans now held for her after she had rescued so many of her people. She just wanted to be Calla, afforded some respect for being the Furling ambassador to New Vulcan, but otherwise a normal citizen.
She had to admit that there was some comfort in being among her own people again. No one looked twice at her for wearing a veil that nearly fully obscured her features or for the way her daughters ran and bounced along the corridors of the embassy. Her daughters felt freer here, too, unbound by the laws of logic that they had yet to master. She still meditated with them each evening and read them stories from Vulcan, but there was no expectation for them to school their emotions or act like little adults here. 
She explained to them why they were here- to see mind healers. She explained what the mind healers did and how they did it. She told them about the time she saw a mind healer when she was a little older than them and had had terrible nightmares after she had gone too far into the sea and nearly drowned and needed help. They seemed to understand this. The unique abilities of the different Houses made more sense to them than the mysteries of Vulcan mind melds and katras. She wished their Vulcan heritage came to them more easily, but that was a problem for another day.
It was three days into their stay before she saw a mind healer herself. She saw to the needs of the girls first. In fact, the healer seeing to the girls gently suggested to her that it was time she saw someone herself, and she felt embarrassment first of all. She was afraid. The girls had not shown fear, and they had not complained about the sessions, so why was she so afraid to face her own emotions? Perhaps she had spent too much time on Vulcan herself, she thought wryly.
She sat down across from the mind healer. Petra was her name. She was probably 40 Cycles older than Calla herself, making her almost an elder. 
“You are uneasy,” Petra stated. “Your veil is so dark I can barely see your face. Do you often veil so that other people cannot see your emotions?”
“I-” Calla’s voice broke off. “I live on a planet where showing your emotions is considered a weakness.”
“Well it’s not a weakness here, child. Take your veil off. Show me your true self.” Calla hesitantly undid the band that held the veil over her face. She folded it carefully, staring at her lap. “You are deeply sad. I don’t need to touch you to know that. Tell me about it.”
“Can’t you just-” Calla gestured at her hands.
“I could, but it’s better if you tell me about it in your own words. It’s more cathartic that way. I’ve been doing this a long time.”
“You know who I am?”
“I know you’re an ambassador to a planet that doesn’t value emotion in the way we do, so you’ve been burying yours so deep it’s beginning to make you crack.” Calla winced. “Yes, I know who you are. You’re the ambassador to Vulcan that saved all those children. There was a Vulcan who brought flowers to the shrine of Lakme and Lakira for a week several months back. He said it was a thank you for the woman who saved the children of his people.” This piqued Calla’s interest.
“A Vulcan came to the embassy with flowers? Did he have a name?”
“We’re supposed to be talking about you, not him. If you do what you’re supposed to in this session, I’ll tell you who it was.” Calla’s mind was spinning.
“I spent most of my childhood on Vulcan. My father was the previous ambassador. After my Rite, I returned, but I went back to Illyria for College, because their Science Academy wouldn’t have me.” Calla gave a harsh laugh. “Nothing but their precious Vulcan blood could enter that school. I don’t even know if they’ll let my daughters attend the new one. Anyway, I attended College on Illyria. I stayed for another three Cycles after that, and when my father was ready to retire, I was nominated and confirmed as the next ambassador to Vulcan. My family was so proud. It was ironic, considering how much of my childhood I spent saying I hated the planet.” Calla’s face softened. “I met N’Kaia a few months after moving back to Vulcan. I wanted to learn everything I could about my new/old home. She was a linguistics instructor at the Vulcan Science Academy, and she was giving a lecture on the evolution of the Vulcan language and its divergence from Romulan. I thought it sounded interesting, so I went. Not many people outside the government thought the new ambassador from the Furlings was that interesting, but she introduced herself- in Furling. I was so impressed that I only slightly corrected her pronunciation. We fell in love. But she was engaged and due for the Pon Farr that year. She would be furious that I am telling you that- Vulcans do not speak of the Pon Farr at all. She broke the engagement and her Pon Farr by the combat option to be with me. She fought like hell for me. I did not fight hard enough for her.”
“And why do you assume that?”
“Because I did not find her before Vulcan crumbled. She was my ashayam, my beloved, and I did not bring her back to the Corinth like I promised.”
“You searched for her, did you not?”
“I did. I looked for her in her usual lecture hall, her office, at the girls’ school, at home. I went everywhere I could portal to in the fifteen odd minutes I had while the ground shook beneath my feet. To this day I still do not know why I could not locate her or where she could have gone. But I still fault myself for not finding her. I found my daughters. I found the children of Vulcan in their learning bowls and brought all that I could aboard my ship but…” Calla looked at her lap again. “Every night that I carried our daughters while pregnant, she promised to be there for me, for them. I made a vow to her when I married her to find her even when light led to darkness. I broke that vow when I did not rescue her from Vulcan that day.”
“It is true that our vows to one another are sacred and binding. The vows our Houses made to one another to end the Lab Wars are what brought us out of the darkness and into the light millennia ago, but you are incorrect when you say that you have broken your vow to N’kaia. You searched for her with every precious second you had to you. I have it on good account that you were very nearly lost, too, because you insisted on looking in one last place instead of beaming back aboard your ship when it was safer to. If you had merely looked in one place or left the search to another or not searched at all, then yes, I would charge you with a breach of your vows, but you did not.”
“It haunts me that I do not know where she was in her final moments. I have false dreams of her hands slipping from mine. I see her shrieking as the ground crumbles beneath her, her calm logic betraying her.”
“I cannot give you the peace you seek where it concerns her last location, but I can help with the false dreams. Give me your hands.” Calla dutifully held out her hands, and Petra took them. “Breath with me, and bring up the dreams.” Calla’s face contorted as the nightmares filled her head, but slowly, her face calmed as they flowed away. “You are still haunted, child.”
It was a statement, not a question.
“I ran past so many while I looked for N’kaia,” Calla confessed. “So many that I knew that I nor my ship could save.”
“You cannot blame yourself for their loss. You knew you had limited capacity aboard your ship, and you made a hard but logical, if I may borrow their term for a moment, decision to save the children in the schools. If you had to go back and do it again, would you change your decision?”
“No,” Calla admitted.
“You must let go of that guilt yourself. I cannot help you with that. It will take time, probably longer than you want to give it. But for the guilt you feel, remember every life you did save.” Petra looked Calla over. “I think we’ve done enough for today. You look exhausted. You probably constantly feel exhausted, between those dreams I took from you and those two children of yours.” She smiled. “I saw them running laps around their caretaker today.”
Calla grimaced. “I meant for Caia to be able to explore Earth while she was here, but she keeps staying with the girls.”
“Let her stay with the girls a little longer and go to the inner garden for some time alone. You need it.” Calla gathered herself and was halfway out the door before she remembered. “The Vulcan- the one who left flowers at Lakme and Lakira’s shrine- who was he?”
“A fellow named Spock. He said he knew you personally, in fact. Said you were responsible for saving his mother.” Calla blushed heavily.
“It was the Caspian who saved her, not the Corinth.”
“Minor details.”
Calla connected headphones to her PADD and made a call to the Enterprise. She hoped that the lateness of the Earth day would somehow correspond with the hours on the Enterprise, but one never knew with ships on artificial time. It took about 10 minutes, but then Spock appeared on her screen.
 “Hello Calla. Do you need me to talk to Lialyah again?” Calla grimaced a little.
“No, actually, my little hellion is on a path to a calmer existence, I hope.” Calla could see the slight expression of curiosity on Spock’s face. She had spent enough time with full-blooded Vulcans to detect the traces of emotion on his face, or perhaps he just felt comfortable enough with her to show her emotion.
“You are not on New Vulcan. Or at least, you are not in a location that I am familiar with, not unless your greenhouse has changed significantly since I last saw it.” The corner of Calla’s mouth quirked.
“Ever the observer, Spock. No, I am in the Furling Embassy on Earth. Caia, the girls, and I made the journey here several days ago.” Calla wasn’t sure how much information she should divulge to Spock, but he had been instrumental in calming Lialyah down several times before. “I made the decision to bring the girls and myself here to see mind healers after some consultation with my parents. We- I-” Calla trailed off. 
“It was a wise decision. You have endured much loss and change in a short period of time. I’m sure that they can be of much help to you.”
“That’s the idea. My healer, Petra, told me that a Vulcan had brought flowers to the shrine of Lakme and Lakira after the destruction of Vulcan. She said that it was you.”
“Yes, I did. I thought it would be a suitable thank you to your people for their help in rescuing people from my planet during its destruction. I researched your customs, and I learned that Lakme and Lakira were your first spacefarers and are highly regarded among your people. They are as close to gods as you come, so I honoured them with a selection of flowers native to Vulcan.”
“That was very kind of you to do.”
“It was the least I could do. The people here at the Embassy were touched.” Silence fell between the pair for a moment as they pondered the months that had passed.
“Are Lialyah and Soraya well?”
“They are. I think they are relieved to be in a place where they can express their emotions without being made fun of. They are still...very much Furling children. They have made great progress in their meditation with your father, and I think they will progress further after these sessions with the mind healers, but I think Lialyah will always present more as a Furling than a Vulcan. Soraya, on the other hand, I think will take after N’kaia. She is quieter and much more observant. She reminds me a little of you, actually.”
Spock blinked at Calla. “Of me?”
“Yes, of you,” Calla said with a small laugh. “As a child you were very pensive and quiet, at least at school. You withdrew into yourself. Soraya is a lot like that. I know that you haven’t spoken to her at length like you have to Lialyah, but I’m sure you would draw similar comparisons if you did.”
“You were not quiet in school. You were always earning punishments from the instructors for your...emotional nature.”
“I was a Furling transplant in a Vulcan school that I didn’t want to be in. I don’t know what they really expected from me.”
“Adherence to the rules?”
“I adhered to the rules.”
“Are you making a joke?”
“It is possible.”
“I seem to remember several occasions where you did not adhere to the rules, either.”
“I was provoked. I wasn’t well-liked by my peers, if you will remember.”
“Well then, we were both odd ones out.”
“I would have to agree with that statement.”
“I can only hope that Lialyah and Soraya learn to fit in well enough that they have a better time in school than you and I did.”
“Yes, that would be preferable. Otherwise they will be begging you to stay on Illyria after their Rite as you once did with your own parents.”
“If they asked, I don’t know how I could deny them. Not after everything that has happened. I promised N’kaia that they would be raised with Vulcan values, but if they were truly unhappy on New Vulcan, I don’t know that I could keep them there.”
“You still have eight Cycles to make that decision. I think my parents would miss them, though.” Calla laughed.
“Even though Sarek would never admit it.”
“And you? Could you leave Vulcan?” Calla was silent. She was keenly aware of the fact that she did not have a veil to mask the emotions playing across her face.
“It would be easier to mask the ache I feel when I remember N’kaia, were I not surrounded by people who look and sound like her,” she admitted quietly. “Though learning to healthily process my grief is something that I am learning here. I...was confusing processing with burying these past few months. The mind healer said I was burying my emotions until I cracked. I think, perhaps, you know that feeling.” Spock said nothing, but Calla knew instinctively that he had had to learn the same lesson at some point. “Leaving New Vulcan, though, would be leaving the home I have known for most of my life. Yes, I find comfort in being among my own people, but Illyria is alien to me at this point. I have spent the majority of my life among Vulcans. They are as much my people as Furlings now. It would be hard to leave, but I would if it was the best thing to do for my daughters.”
“I had no idea that you held my people in such high regard,” Spock said.
“Consider how your father feels for Earth,” Calla replied. “And then remember that I not only came there as an adult, but was raised there as well. Our fathers were ambassadors as adults. They only experienced their planets as adults. They do not understand the deep feelings of allegiance that stem from being raised on those planets as well. Yes, I begged to stay on Illyria after my Rite, but in my heart, I knew I belonged on Vulcan. It is why I immediately accepted the nomination to ambassadorship after my father announced his retirement. I wanted to go...home.”
“You have been most vulnerable with me today, Calla.”
“Call it a weakness of my people.”
“No, it is not a weakness. It is a strength. You have consistently shown to me that you are a very strong woman. I admire you for that.”
“I- thank you.” Calla was a little taken aback at Spock’s proclamation.
“I am afraid that I must get back to the bridge. It is still considered ‘daylight’ aboard the Enterprise. However, I enjoyed speaking with you. I hope that we will do it again. Please give my regards to Lialyah. I know she will be most disappointed that she was unable to speak with me.”
“Oh, she will be furious that I did not bring the PADD in for her to say hello. Thank you for taking a moment. I appreciate it.”
“I hope the mind healing sessions continue to be fruitful for you and your daughters. Your well-being has become important to me.” Calla raised an eyebrow. “After all, you are important to my mother and father.”
“Nice save.” Calla thought she could see the faintest blush at the tip of his ears. “Take care, Spock.”
“And you as well.” The screen went dark, and Calla went inside.
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thesadchicken · 5 years
@brynpoo said: Oh, you! I was ready for some really touching angst. *sigh*
@brynpoo so sorry to disappoint! That little ficlet is 4 years old now, so here, I wrote you a new ficlet to make up for the lack of angst in the old one:
It was raining over the bay. Droplets struck the windows and slid down the glass. Spock’s ears picked up the pitter-patter, the gentle song of the city beyond, and inside, the sounds of home. His tea, discarded on the table, was now cold. From the kitchen came the smell of Vulcan spices. Jim was making dinner.
Spock put down his PADD and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he noticed the sky was almost white, and through the haze of clouds and rain the streets seemed blurred. A heavy sigh from the kitchen – it sounded impossibly loud in the silence. Spock had been listening to the silence, to how it sometimes threatened to swallow them.
Jim never complained, but Spock could sense his frustration through their bond; he could see it in the tired smiles, the small nods. He could read the question in his husband’s eyes, and the quiet longing. It reminded Spock of how it had been in the beginning, all the yearning and the aching, the feelings flowing between them, and how he had refused to throw himself into that particular river for too long. Never again, he’d told himself, and yet even now as he pushed himself off the couch and walked into the kitchen, he felt the hurt thrumming through the bond.
Jim was standing near the kitchen counter, facing the wall. Spock stopped and watched him at work; watched how those beloved hands held the knife, cutting the vegetables into uneven shapes. Suddenly, Spock was overcome by an emotion he could not tame. He hurried to his husband’s side and slid two comforting arms around his waist, letting his chin fall onto Jim’s shoulder and kissing his cheek tenderly.
“Mm,” Jim hummed, slowly setting the knife down, “Hello, you.”
Spock pressed his lips against Jim’s neck, breathing him in. “May I be of assistance?”
“No, it’s alright, I’m almost done here,” Jim said, gathering the vegetables into a bowl, “Go finish your work.”
There was weariness in Jim’s tone, but Spock knew through the bond that it was not directed at him. It was a general state of tiredness, and a numbing fear – fear that things would revert to the way they were before. In Jim’s mind, this fear fed on a memory, a single, terrifying memory, and Spock latched onto it. He needed to know.
“Ashayam,” Spock whispered, pulling Jim closer.
Another heavy sigh. Jim abandoned his cooking and turned in Spock’s arms. Face to face, they stared into each other’s eyes. It had stopped raining outside, and everything was quiet – that silence, that dreaded silence. Was it illogical to feel the heaviness of one’s own heart?
But then Jim reached for Spock’s hand and held it up between them. Human fingers curled around Vulcan wrist. A gentle command. Spock understood.
With infinite tenderness, he pressed his fingertips against his bondmate’s psi points. Jim’s mental walls fell in a single motion. Yes, you can look.
Spock knew Jim’s mind. He reached for the memory directly; the one threaded with dread and relief and hope and suffering. The memory was red. Burning; on fire. Like the sky; like their hearts. It was a memory of Spock’s face, closed and confused. No recognition in his dark eyes. My father says that you have been my friend. Your name… is…
And then more fire, swallowing the world, and more coldness, good morning Admiral, the flames licking body and soul, pain in the chest, pain beyond the body, my name is Jim, you used to call me Jim, don’t you remember? Oh and how waking up hurt and going back to sleep hurt too. How the world kept ending every time they looked at each other. Don’t you remember?
The memory faded, and Spock slowly ended the mind meld. His fingers traced Jim’s jawline, slid down his neck, over his chest, and rested on his heart. He looked up, meeting his husband’s eyes once more.
So this was the fear that gripped him whenever Spock was busy for too long. It wasn’t just the time spent apart; it wasn’t the plans that they had to rearrange. It was the deep dark fear of losing him again, of Spock slipping back into the coldness of non-emotion. Of Spock forgetting that he loved Jim.
“I could never –” Spock started, but then he shook his head. Such things he so rarely expressed through words. He held Jim’s hand in his. “It is all that I am. If I forget it, I forget myself.”
Jim’s eyes glowed almost green in this light. His lips parted, but he said nothing. Hurt thrummed again through the bond, and fear.
“There is nothing to fear, t'hy'la” Spock’s voice was tinged with emotion, a hint of worry, but mostly fervour – for it was his deepest truth spilling out of his lips. “As long as I live, I am yours.”
The sun now shone weakly through the windows. Jim brought Spock’s hand to his mouth and kissed his palm. “I can’t lose you again,” he whispered.
“Never again,” Spock whispered back. “I love you.”
Like the sky, Jim’s face brightened, the clouds parting to reveal a smile. “I love you too.”
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tesstress · 5 years
Yesterday, September 8th was the 53rd Anniversary of Star Trek, and aren’t we lucky to have had this happyplace in our lives? Wishing Happy Anniversary to the surviving cast of The Original Series, William Shatner, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei and Walter Koenig, and happy memories of our beloved other cast members, Leonard Nimoy, Deforest Kelley, James Doohan, Majel Barret, Grace Lee Whitney, and of course the creator, Gene Roddenberry. The dream of a better future lives on with Star Trek in all of it’s incarnations! May its vision of a peaceful and caring society truly live long and prosper!
One thing I loved about the original series is that even though not all characters had equal time, there were countless little moments where we’d see the human (or otherwise) nature of characters that would give us a peek into their personalities. Little quirks anyone could understand. In honor of 53 years of Star Trek, here are 53 moments of my favorite TOS episodes, 🙂
Also, more coverage of my visit to TreKonderoga in August coming this week! 
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Vina gets her wish in The Cage
“Jim.” A sad second of helplessness from Gary Mitchell.
“I can hear it too!”
Uhura bored at a meeting in Corbomite Manuever
Spock nearly apoligizing to Kirk in Corbomite Manuever
Christine hears Corby for the first time in years
Eve tells Ben Childress what to do with his pots and pans
And he does.
Spock grins while playing his harp.
Uhura sings the charms of Spock
Riley in full cowboy mode
Spock collapses against door
Spock’s first mind-meld.
Jim’s beautiful eyes.
RUk lifts Kirk like a baby.
Sulu casually says ‘No’ to Trelane’s food.
Uhura does NOT like Trelane’s
“They are as high above us as we are above the ameoba.”
McCoy and his fantasy showgirls
“With all due respect to the young lady…”
“You’re holding a knife at your physcian’s throat.
Marla entranced by Kahn
‘WE offered the world ORDER!”
“You couldn’t pronounce it”
Kirk misty-eyed after Edith’s kiss.
McCoy gently giggles with Edith.
Kirk devastated.
“Athena! You were right!”
Evil Spock’s first appearance.
Jim reminding Marlena how a lover should kiss.
“Why are you monitoring my communications Mr. Sulu?”
“How is it…done?”
“Vulcan’s never bluff”
That damn transporter at a critical moment!
Mudd realizing there’s 500 Stellas.
The Companion see Ephram through Nancy’s scarf.
“Go to him, Please!”
Eleen trusting McCoy.
Kracko tossing darts at Bela poster.
The first glorious appearance of gangsters K & S.
Kirk all buzzed and happy after his pep talk.
“Well, Hello!”
Henoch makes Spock more laid back.
She just loves him.
“Really, Doctor?”
“I love you, Miranda!”
Bones finally gets a kiss.
Marta’s modern dance..
Spock nonchalantly taps a force-field.
Double Neck Pinch!
Beale tense as destruction sequence continues.
A gentle, curious kiss.
    53 TOS Images for Star Trek’s 53rd Anniversary! Yesterday, September 8th was the 53rd Anniversary of Star Trek, and aren't we lucky to have had this happyplace in our lives?
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doctortreklock · 5 years
I’ll Sing While I Simmer - October 23, 2019
Part of my Resolution19. Read it on AO3.
Prompt: Asexual character (because it’s Asexual Awareness Week!)
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Title: “Me-Stew” by Shel Silverstein
Words: 2330
Content Warning: Dubcon (see end notes for details)
It turned out that when Spock had told Jim that Vulcans tended toward asexuality outside "mitigating factors," he'd been shifty-eyed for a reason.
"I am going to be generous right now and assume that there was a very good reason why you didn't tell me," Jim said, fighting to keep his voice steady.
And there were the shifty-eyes again, the only tell in Spock's otherwise perfectly Vulcan visage. "I can assure you--"
"Because to me," Jim continued, barreling on, "this seems like the kind of thing one might be expected to tell their partner."
"Oh yes, dear," Jim mimed, "I'm terribly sorry, but I forgot to mention that I have to have sex every seven years. Guess it just slipped my mind." And there went all his calm veneer.
Spock's eyes were dark and perhaps a touch sympathetic. Jim felt a pang in his chest and crossed his arms against the sensation.
Off to the side of the exam room, Bones cleared his throat roughly. "I'm about three weeks behind on paperwork, so if either of you need me, I'll be in my office." The good doctor didn't flee, but it was near to. Jim envied him his quick escape from the fallout that was sure to ensue.
The door slid shut behind Bones and Spock took advantage of the brief lull to explain.
"Jim." He paused. "T'hy'la." Jim tried not to show how much he was melting around the edges at the familiar endearment. "As you know, I am not wholly Vulcan. There are no previous human-Vulcan hybrids to use as an example, and so it was unknown if I would be afflicted. It was postulated that I would be spared, as my mother's genetics run stronger in some specific strands." Spock's mouth twisted slightly and Jim knew he was thinking of Nero. "However, since the destruction of Vulcan-That-Was, there have been reports from the colony of individuals entering their Time prematurely, and so it seems that regardless of predictions, my Time is now upon me."
Well, Jim would say one thing about Vulcans - they never lacked drama.
He lifted one hand to rub at the side of his face and made a face at the rough stubble he found there. Just another reminder of the hellishly long day he was in that had started with a slightly snappish Spock and was now ending with a piece of very unwelcome news.
"Give it to me straight, Spock," Jim said, tired of the conversation already. "What are our options?"
"Are you asking as my captain or my beloved?" Spock asked without flinching. "Because the answers are quite different."
That didn't sound good. "Both."
"As my captain," Spock prefaced, then he squared his shoulders. "Captain, it is my estimation that given my current rate of deterioration, I will reach an inexcusable level of efficiency by approximately ship's noon, three days from now. It is my recommendation, then, that I be deemed medically unfit for duty at the end of alpha shift tomorrow. I would further recommend that Lieutenant Sanchez be promoted to Interim Science Officer in my stead and that her promotion be permanently secured upon my death. My position as First Officer--"
"Wait, wait, wait," Jim interrupted. "Hang on, go back." There was a cold panic creeping up his spine. "Your death?"
"Yes." Spock paused. Jim didn't say anything, panic sending his stomach swooping like the universe's most terrifying roller coaster. Spock continued. "If the urge to...couple is not sated, the plak tow, the blood fever, will set in. Unless satisfied, the fever will eventually lead to total system shutdown and my death."
Jim's mouth was dry. "Were you not going to mention that?" he croaked.
"I was," Spock said, shifting his weight slightly. "If you'll recall, I did say there were two different ways I could answer your question."
He was being evasive. Jim thought they were past that. "Spock," he said softly.
Spock looked at him, gaze softening. "Jim," he echoed. "On a personal note, I have few options. You are my beloved. I shall leave it to you to decide which course to take."
Jim opened his mouth to protest that this was unfair, that he shouldn't have that much power, that Spock shouldn't give him the responsibility for such an important decisions, but Spock simply held out two fingers in the ozh'esta, a Vulcan kiss, and he subsided, pressing his own fingers to Spock's in silent response.
Spock nodded as if there had been a decision made and lifted his eyes from their joined fingers to look at Jim again. "As my beloved. Jim, when I was young I was placed in a bond with T'Pring. This you know." Jim nodded. T'Pring and Uhura had been the only exes of note that the pair had. "This bond was intended to draw us together during my Time. Then, we would join and our bond would deepen." Jim couldn't suppress a frown at the idea. "Following the loss of Vulcan-That-Was, our preliminary bond was broken. T'Pring did not perish, but concluded that a bond with a full Vulcan was necessary for the propagation of my species." Jim's frown deepened. "Her logic was sound," Spock chided softly. "As a hybrid, I am by necessity sterile. There was no logic in remaining tied to me when there were others more suited to her own needs, just as you are more suited to mine." Jim's frown faded into a wry smile at the gentle reminder, accompanied by the subtle reassurance of Spock's fingers against his own.
"With T'Pring now bonded to another, there is no one set aside for me, no one waiting for me. Jim, please," Spock said when Jim opened his mouth to protest the last point. "I would ask that you allow me the courtesy to complete my thoughts and lay out my arguments."
Jim pursed his lips, but nodded. "Fine. But I reserve the right to ask an obnoxious number of questions afterwards."
A slight smile graced Spock's lips. "I would expect no less of you, t'hy'la." He pressed his fingers against Jim's for one last moment before pulling away and clasping his hands behind his back. Jim's fingers felt cold afterwards. "As I said, there is none set aside for me among my own people or elsewhere. My remaining options are limited. Those few Vulcans adept at kolinahr have been known to successfully dissipate the blood fever through meditation, though this method knows success only after the purging of all emotions. There were once rumors that physical exertion could disrupt the fever, but I do not know the specifics, and I fear those knowledgeable have perished on Vulcan-That-Was." Spock paused, and his face was the most perfect Vulcan mask Jim had seen on him yet. "The final option is the simplest. I do nothing, and the plak tow consumes me as it has Vulcans before me."
"Now you're just being ridiculous," Jim burst out. "There's no way that's going to happen. Bones will find something that can help. He's worked wonders before."
"Millions of hours, figuratively countless hours, have been spent by those at the Vulcan Science Academy in pursuit of a cure or relief for the pon farr. None has yet been found after decades of research," Spock intoned evenly. "While Doctor McCoy's efforts are laudable, it is highly improbable he would meet with any different success."
"What about me?" Jim asked before he nerves could get the better of him. "Am I not Vulcan enough for you?" He swallowed roughly around the lump in his throat.
Spock looked at him, and this time he looked at him. Jim felt simultaneous waves of panic and terror with a small underlying layer of excitement that tingled up and down his spine. "My blood burns for you, beloved," Spock said simply, his voice thick. "But I wouldn't ask that of you."
Jim could hear his pulse beating loudly in his ears. It was a well-guarded secret - though perhaps a less-well-guarded one on the Enterprise - that Jim was asexual. He had never been sexually attracted to anyone and - in point of fact - was repulsed by the very notion of sex. When he was seventeen and had first decided to attempt the feat, he had nearly thrown up when the other man had touched him.
After a half-dozen false starts that - through bad luck and poor timing - somehow managed to secure Jim a reputation as a playboy, he had resigned himself to a life alone. Well, as alone as you could be with Bones and the entire crew of the Enterprise determined to be your family.
Spock had been a surprise. First, as a congenial colleague, then as a friend. Then, after the realization that Vulcans were mostly asexual as well - with apparently some very important caveats - as a partner. Jim told Spock about Iowa and his father, and Spock told Jim about Shi'Kahr and his mother. They played chess and talked ship's business and exchanged Vulcan kisses (because human kisses were often too much for Jim) and melded for hours, the steady press of Spock's fingers on his face all the grounding Jim needed.
But this...this changed everything. No matter what Jim decided - because Spock had put the decision solely in Jim's hands and doesn't he understand that now - everything would be different. Obviously, a small voice reminded him. Because either you'll sleep with him or he'll die. Jim shushed the voice, because it had to be a more complicated decision, didn't it? Because that choice only led to one answer.
The look on Spock's face was serene and his eyes were calm, as if he'd already accepted Jim's answer. But he couldn't have, because Jim hadn't made one yet. Or maybe he had.
"Ask me."
Spock blinked and his peaceful expression shattered. "What?"
Jim took a deep, shaky breath and double-checked himself. Yep. Still decided. "Ask me."
Spock was wide-eyed and his lips were trembling ever-so-slightly. "Jim," he rasped. "Will you knowingly and willingly consent to join with me, here, during my Time, as I pass through the mating fires?"
"Yes." Jim's voice was low, but sure.
"Will you--" Spock faltered. "Will you knowingly and willingly consent to bond with me during this, the first of my Times?"
"Yes," Jim repeated, his voice ringing with certainty this time.
Spock's voice dropped to a near-whisper. "Will you knowingly and willingly consent to stay with me, t'hy'la, binding your family to mine?"
"Yes," Jim agreed. Then he added, "Is this usually quite so much like a marriage proposal?"
Spock looked a little dazed from Jim's agreement. "Not traditionally. Generally speaking, bonding usually occurs when one is young and does not require a formal declaration of intent. The mingling of families is a separate event, usually performed at the behest of the higher ranking matriarch shortly after the bond has matured." Now Spock looked faintly guilty. "I could not bear to be parted from you by any ritual known to my people, beloved. If I acted in undue haste, please forgive me."
"Nothing to forgive, Spock," Jim told him fondly. The panic that had accompanied him since Spock's initial description of pon farr hadn't dissipated, but it had settled and Jim could work around it now. The thin frisson of excitement that had run through him at Spock's gaze had vanished, but Jim had hopes that it might pop up again. The overwhelming emotion Jim was feeling right now was love. Love for Spock, who could lay out any problem with cool aplomb, no matter how personal. Spock, who trusted Jim to know his own limits. Spock, who proposed and then apologized for it. Spock, who was so dear to Jim and so very much Spock, that Jim feared for the fate of any universe without him in it.
"Very well, then," Spock said, the slightest blush of green across his cheeks the only hint of his pleasure at the exchange. "I trust you will keep the doctor appraised of the situation?"
"Of course," Jim agreed. "We'll need to talk about things, lay in supplies, antiemetics, that sort of thing."
Spock nodded and straightened up, attempting to revert back to the professionalism that was so familiar to them both. "If you do not have any further need for me, Captain, I will be spending my remaining leisure time in meditation."
"Sounds good, Mr. Spock."
Just before he reached the door, Spock paused and turned around, extending his fingers towards Jim once more. Jim obliged him, feeling relieved that at least this hadn't changed.
Once Spock had gone, Jim took a moment to breath and reevaluate himself. He was still good? Yeah. His lips curled in a smile. It would be rough. The panic and terror were still lurking beneath the surface, but for the moment they had subsided. He and Spock could get through this; just another one of the obstacles that ended up being no match for the Enterprise's command crew. They had this.
Jim squared his shoulders and walked out of the room to find Bones.
It wasn't easy. Jim suspected it would never be easy. But it wasn't bad, not with Spock. Not when Jim was doing this because of Spock. Because it would save Spock's life and there had never been anything more precious to Jim than that. Not his ship, not anything.
And when it was over, when the fever had passed and Spock slept peacefully at last, Jim had curled around him and run his fingers gently through Spock's sweat-soaked hair. And when Spock woke up, the first thing on his lips had been Jim's name and the second had been an apology. And Jim had shushed him firmly and kissed his forehead softly and told him there was nothing to forgive.
So Spock just held Jim tightly with trembling arms and murmured his gratitude into Jim's neck while Jim stroked his hair and held him back just as tightly.
----------------------------- *A/N: I'll just be over here inventing Vulcan courtship practices. Don't mind me.
Content Note:
Warning: This fic contains mentions of a sex-repulsed character engaging in consensual sex. He wouldn't ordinarily choose it, but events conspire and he consents to sex in this specific set of circumstances. He is still sex-repulsed afterwards, but will likely consent to sex under similar parameters in the future.
I am also sex-indifferent myself, and as such have no experience with the kind of situations Jim finds himself in in this fic. I have attempted to portray his feelings realistically, but I may be rather off base. Apologies.
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v-thinks-on · 5 years
The Saga of Spock
Part 2 of Aging With Mistakes
First | Next
Admiral James T. Kirk’s second five year mission came to an end with almost as much fanfare as his first. There were promotions all around - aside from the admiral who had received his premature promotion the first time - including a hard won captaincy for First Officer Spock. With Admiral Kirk’s blessing, Captain Spock returned to the stars mere months later on a ship of his own, and after less than a year, the admiral and his Enterprise followed.
But the admiral had already been given one full reprise and the duties afforded to him by his rank would not be staved off again. His next mission was a short one and they only got shorter as the tether tying him to Earth grew tighter and tighter.
A small blessing: Captain Spock, despite the admiral’s protest, did not accept another exploratory mission when his first ended; instead he opted for a conveniently Earthbound station as an instructor at Starfleet Academy. But Spock still spent more time running training exercises in the solar system than teaching on Earth, and so their apartment in San Francisco remained primarily Admiral Kirk’s.
The admiral sat in his usual chair by the fireplace, the heat turned almost all the way down without Spock there to enjoy it. The book Spock had given him earlier that day sat on the table, unopened, beside the reading glasses from Dr. McCoy. Captain Spock was up on the Enterprise already, preparing it for the admiral’s inspection. Spock’s thoughts had turned to Kirk as he boarded the ship that had once been theirs, and then again as he briefly entered his - also once their - quarters, but otherwise he had been lost in a flurry of duty.
Kirk finally gave in to temptation, put down his largely untouched glass of the Romulan Ale that Dr. McCoy had brought, and closed his eyes so he could search the back of his mind for the part of Spock that was always there with him. It was distracted, dull and distant - had it really been that long since they last melded? Kirk tried to reach a little deeper. With the clumsiness of an untrained mind, he sought the warmth and affection that usually flowed through their bond, but had stemmed to a mere trickle, more easily lost than found.
Spock, Kirk attempted to call out.
At last, Spock’s mind acknowledged his amidst the usual torrent of thoughts that filled the half-Vulcan’s mind. For an instant, Kirk could see a nervous young cadet stammering out an explanation in front of some malfunctioning machinery, and then it was gone, shielded from sight.
Kirk let out a sigh and rubbed his tired eyes. Spock was busy enough without his bored bondmate bothering him.
A burst of bemused, quiet affection interrupted Kirk’s self-pity. He could picture Spock’s expression; an eyebrow quirked and a smile in his eyes. Spock had work to do, but they would see each other tomorrow. As Spock’s concentration turned back to his duties, he left the thought of his birthday present, “A Tale of Two Cities,” in the admiral’s mind.
Kirk probably needed the sleep, but he doubted he was going to get it. And there was something about the book that Spock was shielding from him, some message that Spock wanted him to read for himself. It was no intergalactic crisis, but it was more than enough to pique Kirk’s curiosity, especially when the only other thing he had to look forward to was another inspection.
So, the admiral picked up the book and opened it up to the first page. After a moment’s hesitation, he put on those damn reading glasses and began: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”
Spock died. When all seemed lost, he sacrificed himself to save the ship and the man he loved. James Kirk sacrificed everything - his career, his ship, even his son - to bring Spock back.
When the ancient ceremony reuniting Spock’s soul with his body was over, Spock faced him in long, white, hooded robes, so uncertain, but alive, and he said, “Jim. Your name is Jim.” Spock couldn’t even remember his own name, but in that moment Kirk knew everything would be all right.
For three months, Kirk waited and watched from a distance as Spock was re-educated in the Vulcan way. At last Kirk and his loyal crew all agreed to return to Earth to face trial and judgement for their actions. Spock joined them to testify as a witness, but he still was not himself.
“Admiral, may I ask you a question?” Spock asked, his voice flat, his eyes wide and empty.
Kirk and Spock were crammed on a bus in the late 20th century, searching for a long-extinct species of whales. If they succeeded and managed to prevent Earth from being destroyed, Kirk would be tried and stripped of his rank anyway, but still, Spock insisted on the formality.
Again, Kirk protested, “Spock, don't call me Admiral. You used to call me Jim. Don't you remember? Jim.” But he knew it was a moot point and let Spock ask his question.
Of course, Dr. Gillian Taylor, the friendly, attractive cetacean biologist who might just be able to get them a pair of whales, noticed. Later, when it was just the two of them at dinner, she remarked, “Besides, I want to know why you travel around with that ditzy guy who knows that Gracie is pregnant and calls you 'Admiral'.”
“Captain. Even when he doesn't say it, he does,” Edith had said, something like forty five years ago from where he was standing, though for him it was closer to fifteen.
Gillian wasn't too different from Edith; intelligent, perceptive, and ready to fight for those hopeless causes that anyone else would have given up on. That's what he and Spock were these days, a hopeless cause.
When Spock used to call him “Captain,” it had almost been a term of endearment. It expressed loyalty and respect; a reminder that Spock would follow him anywhere. Those days, Spock saved his name for when they were in private or to reach Jim when nothing else could - as a dear friend instead of an officer.
But “Admiral” was something like a curse. It was a title Jim had never wanted that had brought him nothing good, spoken by the empty shell of his beloved as a reminder that Spock was no longer himself. He wondered what his wise, steady husband would have him do now, but he could hardly think over the gaping hole in his mind.
Something must have shocked Spock back into his usual demeanor after they crash landed in the San Francisco Bay, back in their own time, but Kirk knew better than to be fooled by the superficial return to normalcy.
Where there had once been unshakable implicit trust, now even the simplest order could not go without questioning. An invitation to join Kirk and Dr. McCoy on shore leave in Yosemite while Scotty attempted to repair their nearly inoperable ship was met with a petulantly contrary “Why?” - Spock teased, but without understanding what he was saying or what it meant, and when they were supposed to be relaxing he was as distant and formal as ever. Even when they were on leave, he was still reluctant to call the newly demoted captain by his name.
And then there was Sybok.
“He reminds me of someone I knew in my youth,” Spock said, but Kirk knew Spock - even when he wasn’t quite himself - better than to fall for that. Spock remembered this Sybok when he still couldn’t remember to call Kirk by his name.
And Sybok was a Vulcan, an enlightened, emotional Vulcan who was probably everything Spock ever wanted to be, but couldn’t let himself. Of course he could control minds too; turn anyone to his side, probably using those “Vulcan mind tricks,” as Dr. McCoy would call them. He didn’t care much for Kirk - no, it was Spock that Sybok wanted. He wanted Kirk’s ship, his first officer, everything.
Kirk refused to go down without a fight, but when it came down to it, and his life was in Spock’s hands, Spock could barely pick up a weapon, let alone fire it. They were done for, all of them. Without Spock, Kirk didn’t have a chance, and in that moment Kirk hated this shadow of his beloved first officer.
“Spock?” Sybok called for his brother to follow him down to the bridge and leave the deposed captain alone once and for all. And why would Spock refuse? Sybok had already done what no one else could, relieved Spock of the pain of never being quite good enough - Vulcan enough - that he had carried all his life.
But Spock replied, calm and steady as ever, “I cannot go with you.”
“Why not?” Sybok demanded.
“I belong here,” Spock said, and Kirk almost could not believe his ears.
It did not sink in until Kirk had been transported aboard the Klingon ship that saved him from the thing that called itself God. The Klingon ambassador introduced him to their “new gunner,” and finally it all seemed to fall into place.
“I thought I was going to die,” Kirk said, still shaken.
“Not possible,” Spock replied evenly. “You were never alone.”
He grabbed Spock - his Spock - by the arms and would have been happy to never let go, but Spock was right, it wasn’t the place, and Kirk relinquished his hold on his first officer until they were safely back aboard the Enterprise.
As the door to Kirk’s quarters closed behind them, Spock remarked, “Jim, might I remind you that we are no longer in front of the Klingons.”
A smile stretched across Jim’s face. His cheeks ached with the then unfamiliar expression, but he ignored it. He strode over to Spock and took him by the arms again. Their eyes met and Spock raised his eyebrows in an invitation; a teasing, “If you must.”
Jim leaned in and kissed him. Their lips pressed together, warm, soft, and so familiar. It felt like a thousand years had passed between them, not mere months, and Jim was overcome yet again with a desperate longing for everything they had so suddenly lost.
They slowly pulled away, though Jim kept both his hands on Spock’s arms, unwilling to let go. He could feel tears collecting in the corners of his eyes and could not meet Spock’s warm, concerned gaze.
Once he had collected himself a little, he said ruefully, “A far better thing I turned out to be.”
“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done,” Spock replied, his voice even and calm. A trace of a smile teased at the corners of his lips.
Jim hazarded a glance up at Spock and shook his head. “I don’t deserve that, not after everything I said to you. I should have known better than to doubt you…” he trailed off.
“I have also not been myself for some time,” Spock acknowledged. “And I have caused you much pain, for which I sincerely apologize. I am aware you still suffer from the broken bond.”
Jim nodded. “It’s still there.”
“It is remarkable that it has not driven you to madness,” Spock said.
“I don’t know, sometimes it feels pretty close,” Jim said.
Spock held out a hand toward Jim’s face. “Please, allow me to ease the pain.”
Jim hesitated, but at last he gave in. “When have you ever needed permission?” he said with a wry smile.
“I do not intend to presume,” Spock answered, much too serious, but Jim would take what he could get.
Spock gently pressed his fingertips against the side of Jim’s face and Jim resisted the urge to lean into his soft palm. Spock did not say a word - they did not need the traditional litany - but they came together slowly. Jim felt the strange euphoria; his chest seemed to begin to rise toward the ceiling as though he was on the verge of falling asleep.
And then, instead of crashing back down into his body, he was drawn further, into a deep, warm embrace. A steady, calm affection began to soothe the open wound in the back of his mind, to fill the bottomless well of emptiness that threatened to drown him in the loss he had felt upon seeing Spock behind the glass all those months ago. The barrier between them seemed to melt away.
I am alive, Spock’s voice resonated in his mind with Vulcan certainty and human love and Jim wanted nothing more than to believe him.
Much too soon, Spock pulled away and the emptiness he had held at bay rushed back to fill the space he left behind. Jim wiped the tears from his eyes before meeting Spock's solid gaze.
“How did you get to be so wise?” Jim teased with a weak smile. “All I’ve managed to do is make a fool of myself.”
“You have done much more than that,” Spock replied. “For one, you successfully brought me back to life.”
Jim shook his head. “I was just a courier.”
Spock’s eyebrows rose in well-practiced skepticism. “Then you are the most dedicated courier in the galaxy.”
That drew a bit more of a smile out of Jim. “It was a very important delivery.”
“Still,” Spock said, his expression turned serious, “I would not have wished for you to sacrifice so much to make it.”
Jim frowned. He glanced away and then reluctantly met Spock’s gaze again. “I know. I didn’t really do it for you or for Bones. I just didn’t know what to do without you. I need you.”
“I am sorry I put you through all of that. It was the only solution that occurred to me at the time.” Spock reached out for Jim’s hand almost without thinking. Jim released one of Spock’s arms to meet him halfway and brushed his first two fingers against Spock’s. Spock could feel the yawning emptiness in Jim’s mind that he would not have been able to shield even had he been a Vulcan.
“We must return to Earth now, but at the nearest opportunity, we may go to Vulcan and renew our bond,” Spock offered without releasing Jim’s hand.
Jim gave him a raw emotion-laden smile. “Yes, I’d like that,” he replied, his voice uneven. “And then we can go back to running around the galaxy like old times.” Spock could feel his boundless enthusiasm, but it was now tempered by a lick of fear.
Spock nodded and passed reassurance through their fingers. “Yes, I would likewise appreciate a return to normalcy.” A smile shone in his eyes.
May I? Jim asked through the link between their fingers.
Spock nodded in reply and Jim leaned in again to kiss him on the lips in the human way.
Note: Every fic I’ve read about Spock getting his memories back conveniently ignores The Final Frontier, and with good reason - it’s a mess of a movie that takes Kirk to his lowest point of the entire series. But somewhere, buried deep in there, is a surprisingly reasonable plot about Kirk dealing with Spock not being himself, and eventually realizing that Spock is still there for him despite it all.
Instead of rewriting the entire movie, I just filled in some of the gaps, not only in The Final Frontier, but also in the movies leading up to it. Of all the movies, only The Search For Spock really showed what was going on with Kirk and Spock’s relationship - I was especially surprised how little Spock showed up in The Wrath of Khan before his very dramatic (in a good way) death.
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douxreviews · 5 years
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) Review
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Kirk: "The needs of the one outweighed the needs of the many."
Fans refer to this movie as "The search for a plot", and yes, they have a point. The Search for Spock suffers from the high crime (or possibly just a misdemeanor) of being the middle movie in a trilogy, a bridge between the outstanding Wrath of Khan and the outstanding Voyage Home.
And yet, I realized during my rewatch that this is not a bad movie. There's a lot to like about it.
It's great fun to see the characters we love pulling off a starship heist. And like The Wrath of Khan, this movie features a major upsetting death, and I'm not talking about poor David, a good character who met a pointless (or pointy) end. It was the death of Enterprise herself. I can remember the first time I saw this movie, the destruction of our beloved ship really got to me. It echoed the theme of loss and rebirth in The Wrath of Khan.
But (and you knew there was a 'but' in there) as much as I love Spock, and I love him so very very much, bringing him back from the dead after killing him off so spectacularly was just a little bit wrong. So was retconning the beautiful, symbolically pure Genesis planet into a hopelessly screwed up mess. It was sad that it was all David's fault for using 'protomatter', as if they were giving the writers a reason for killing him off, although it did work as a device to make Spock's body age somewhat believably. If they hadn't started with regenerated Spock as a child, the other option would have been Vulcan zombies, and we can't have that. And I liked that Genesis turned into a "galactic controversy" because in real life, it would absolutely happen. It was interesting and somewhat disturbing that Starfleet was being just a little bit Gestapo about the whole thing.
But (and you knew there was another one a'comin') the fact that Vulcans had mind-meldable transferrable souls had never been mentioned before. You'd think that in all the years Spock served in Star Fleet, his comrades would have known that, just in case something happened to him. You'd think that Saavik, who was right there at the funeral, would have mentioned it in passing in between bars of "Amazing Grace." Okay, it was a fun plot point having Spock, already a divided being, with a disconnected body and soul to put together. But it did sort of come out of nowhere.
It was a cool plot point that the recovery of Spock was tied to saving McCoy as well. (Imagine if Kirk had lost Spock, McCoy and David all at the same time.) Loved DeForest Kelley mimicking Leonard Nimoy, up to and including an attempt at a Spock pinch. And of course, it was lovely in the end seeing Spock repeat his own dying words to Kirk: "The ship. Out of danger?" And Kirk giving him that "Needs of the one" response.
There were other bits that I loved, too. Even in his overwhelming grief over David, Kirk kept thinking and planning, very in character. The way he finally lost it with Kruge is still satisfying, not matter how many times I've seen it. "I... have had... enough... of YOU." One of my favorite bits was Scott, Sulu and Chekov trying to figure out the Klingon controls of the Bird of Prey, too, also wonderfully in character. And the self-destruct sequence was virtually identical to the same scene in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield."
So it's not The Empire Strikes Back. The Search for Spock got us where we needed to go. Good enough.
Casting bits:
-- Merritt Butrick (David Marcus) also appeared in an episode of Next Gen. And he died way too young.
-- It seemed a bit cheap of them to redo the Genesis presentation because they didn't want to pay Bibi Besch. Seriously. What happened to Carol Marcus? She wasn't even mentioned.
-- Christopher Lloyd did his usual good job as Kruge, a slimy Klingon who (of course) had a slimy dog.
-- Dame Judith Anderson played Vulcan matriarch T'Pau... excuse me, T'Lar. And with jarringly bright lipstick and and way too obvious eyeliner that I just couldn't see a Vulcan matriarch wearing.
-- Robin Curtis got the difficult job of replacing Kirstie Alley as Saavik, plus she had to talk about pon farr, too. I remember wondering at some point if she had remembered to bring her birth control to the Genesis planet.
-- We got a glimpse of Janice Rand (Grace Lee Whitney) at the space station.
-- And we got Sarek! And he even mentioned his lineage -- son of Skon, son of Salkar. I thought Vulcan society was matriarchal?
-- Five actors played Spock. And Leonard Nimoy directed.
Bits and pieces:
-- Star date 8210.3. We visited Earth, the Federation Science Vessel Grissom (which was destroyed), Enterprise (which was destroyed), Excelsior (which was screwed up), the Genesis planet (which was destroyed) and Vulcan. Which ... I'll shut up now.
-- Why a red alert if there were only five of them on the entire ship?
-- Why didn't Uhura get to go along and nearly die, too?
-- McCoy went to a shady bar full of freaky aliens to hire a ship. I don't know why they didn't just call the place "Mos Eisley."
-- The Excelsior with its new transwarp drive was introduced, but all we saw was it failing.
-- Why did Sulu decide on a Peter Pan cape as a fashion accessory? Only marginally worse was Chekov's shirt, which I bet came from the Little Lord Fauntleroy collection.
-- If Mount Seleya is the only place for a Vulcan's soul to go, you'd think it'd be a very busy place.
-- This movie is surprisingly quotable. So there's that.
Kirk: "It seems I have left the noblest part of myself back there on that newborn planet."
Kirk: "Have you always multiplied your repair estimates by a factor of four?" Scott: "Certainly, sir. How else can I keep my reputation as a miracle worker?" This is one of my favorite Star Trek quotes ever.
Kirk: "My friends, the great experiment: The Excelsior. Ready for trial runs." Sulu: "She's supposed to have transwarp drive." Scott: "Aye. And if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a wagon."
Kirk: "If there's even a chance that Spock has an immortal soul, it's my responsibility. Just as surely as if it were my own."
Alien with huge ears: "Oh, Mutara restricted! Take permits many, money more." McCoy: "There aren't going to be any damned permits! How can you get a permit to do a damned illegal thing? Look, price you name, money I got." Alien with huge ears: "Place you name, money I name, otherwise bargain, nooooo." McCoy: "All right, dammit! It's Genesis! The name of the place we're going is Genesis!" Alien with huge ears: "Genesis?" McCoy: "Yes, Genesis! How can you be deaf with ears like that?"
Kirk: (showing the Vulcan salute) "How many fingers do I have up?" McCoy: "That's not very damn funny."
Kirk: "You're suffering from a Vulcan mind meld, doctor." McCoy: "That green-blooded son of a bitch! It's his revenge for all the arguments he lost."
Elevator voice: "Level, please." Scott: "Transporter room." Elevator voice: "Thank you." Scott: "Up your shaft."
Scott: "All systems automated and ready. A chimpanzee and two trainees could run her." Kirk: "Thank you, Mr. Scott. I'll try not to take that personally."
Scott: "The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain."
Kirk: "Gentlemen, your work today has been outstanding and I intend to recommend you all for promotion. In whatever fleet we end up serving."
McCoy: "His mind is a void. It seems, Admiral, that I've got all his marbles."
Kirk: "Klingon Commander, this is Admiral James T. Kirk. I'm alive and well on the planet surface. I know that this will come as a pleasant surprise to you. But our ship was a victim of an unfortunate accident. Sorry about your crew, but as we say on Earth, c'est la vie."
Kirk: "You! Help us or die!" Maltz: "I do not deserve to live!" Kirk: "Fine. I'll kill you later."
Three out of four of Spock's marbles,
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.
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janeykath318 · 6 years
Broken Shackles 24
Having decided to get married sooner rather than later, Spock and Jim's wedding planning started fast and furious. Jim left most of it up to the ladies, putting in input when he was asked, of course, but most of the time letting them handle it since they knew way more than he did.  Bones agreed to be his best man and Pike said he'd be willing to officiate the human part of the ceremony, which made Jim happy. Spock took him aside and explained each part of the Vulcan ceremony and just what bonding entailed. 
"So, they'll literally connect our minds so we'll hear each other's thoughts?" He'd asked.
"Yes, Jim. Such bonds are not broken, but I will teach you shielding techniques to help you balance your privacy."
She'd given him a taste of what it felt like when he'd let her meld with him for the first time graduation evening and Jim had been very surprised and amazed at how right it felt, not invasive, to have her mind in his. How thankful he was that the Orions weren't telepathic. He'd had several heart to heart secure calls with Spock and L'Ren to discuss dealing with physical triggers and the ghosts of his past. Jim had a list of things that he knew would be problematic, but he didn't imagine Spock would be likely to try most of them, extreme as they were. He was pretty sure they'd freak her out as much as him, in fact, so he gave her the less specific concerns for now and she took it in soberly and thoughtfully. Jim had returned to Vulcan with Spock and her parents days after graduation to start putting their plans in motion. They only had five weeks before the big day, but it would be enough. Vulcans were extremely efficient with their ceremonial readiness and five weeks didn't faze them. Spock was as serene and calm as usual during the madness--Vulcans didn't do Bridezilla, Jim thought with some humor. T'Pau had met with him and made sure he thoroughly understood the ceremony and his husbandly duties to Spock. Jim blushed a bit, but he listened politely and told her he would do his best to love Spock as she deserved. Bones grumbled a bit over having to wear Vulcan garb as they dressed for the ceremony on the July afternoon before the evening ceremony. "What's the problem, Bones? You look great!" Jim teased, adjusting the elaborate blue tunic on his wedding outfit. Spock had strongly urged him to wear blue because it was so "aesthetically pleasing" on him. Bones had a forest green tunic that suited his darker complexion quite well, but the faces he was making ruined the effect. "It's too stiff and uptight. Pinches my neck. I feel unnatural." "Better than a tux," Jim reminded him. "You'll be okay, Bones. Anyway, I need your moral support right now. This is a huge deal for me." Bones's face softened. "Sure is, kid. Just think about how purty Spock will be all dolled up in her Vulcan Finest." Jim's stomach lurched thinking about it. He hadn't seen her for three days, that being the required period of separation for a betrothed couple before the bonding took place. He imagined she would be devastatingly beautiful, whatever she was wearing. Spock, meanwhile, was being pampered and beautified from her dark hair to her toes, her own nerves occasionally rising to the surface as Her cream and gold bridal array was carefully arranged and fastened precisely. Most of her hair was piled on her head except for two curled locks dangling in front of her ears and soft gold satin slippers added a pretty touch for her feet. Amanda and Nyota stepped back and smiled tearfully at the result of their labors and turned Spock to face the mirror. "See how beautiful you are, darling?" Amanda whispered. Spock was.... pleasantly surprised. She did indeed feel and look like a bride. In just one hour, she would be walking towards Jim in the ceremonial circle where all weddings were held on Vulcan. "I feel....emotional, mother," she said, slightly bewildered. "Happy and sad and nervous and excited all at once." "Of course you do, dear," Amanda said, smoothing out the gold Train that flowed from Spock's shoulders to sweep the ground behind her. "I felt that way myself when I married your father. It's a leap into a brand new chapter of your life. Soon you'll have the wonderful marriage bond and be able to teach Jim clever uses for it." Spock blushed. She did look forward to helping Jim adjust to the telepathic connection. What they did with it, well, she didn't dare imagine yet. "Nyota, you look very pleasing as well," she told her friend, who was wearing a red Vulcan gown and had done her own hair in similar style to Spock. "Thanks. I do love the design--sleek, elegant and pretty. I wonder how much Len's griping about his own Vulcan garb," she chuckled. Spock guessed quite a bit, knowing the doctor's propensity for grumbling.   As evening neared, both parties arrived at the ceremony site, where torches blazed and a audience of important Vulcans and earth friends stood waiting. The arches of stone in a circle made Jim think of Stonehenge, the ancient site in Britain, but these were still neat and standing. The air smelled faintly spicy from incense and Jim could feel the solemnity of the occasion hit him hard. This was it. No going back. Bones squeezed his arm supportively as he took his position at the center of the circle. The elders of Spock's clan arrived next and then T'Pau, Sarek, and Amanda and Uhura. Bones made a weird noise in his throat that he disguised as a cough and Jim smiled. Then he saw Spock and it was his turn to be awed. She was.......stunning--all in cream and gold with her black hair done up elaborately and gold jewelry sparkling in the torchlight. The dark eyes were looking at him approvingly and Jim couldn't believe this was happening to him of all people. The procession stopped as they met him in the center of the circle and T'Pau took charge. After giving a brief greeting and stating the purpose of the gathering she turned to the couple. "Do you, James Tiberius Kirk, intend to bind yourself to this woman as her mate for life? "Yes," Jim said, still looking at Spock. "Do you, S'chn T'gai Spock, intend to bind yourself to this man as his mate for life?" "Yes," Spock replied firmly. At the matriarch's nod, she slipped her arm through Jim's and they faced T'Pau. It was a fairly long ceremony with all the speeches and Vulcan blessings, but then they were kneeling for the bonding part and T'Pau placed her hands on them and facilitated the joining of their minds. Jim felt the presence of Spock in a way he'd only had glimpses of before. It was powerful and warm and he could feel her contentment and love washing over him as he tried to project his own joy right back to her. T'Pau gently placed Spock's hand in his, which brought color flooding into both their faces and completed the joining. Uttering another blessing upon them, their clan, and their future offspring, she bade them rise and pronounced them bondmates. That was the signal for Captain Pike to take her place and Jim and Spock to start the human vows. He beamed at them as they faced each other. This portion went smoothly and quickly: Jim and Spock repeated after him the well-known classic vows with the "for better or worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." Then an exchange of rings which got Spock blushing again, and Pike declared "Jim, you may kiss your bride." The humans cheered as Jim introduced Spock to the delights of human kissing, leaving them both a little breathless and giddy. He couldn't remember ever kissing someone he'd actually wanted to, let alone loved, so it was like a first time for him as well. No one else ever shall do so without your consent. he heard in his head. Spock must have read his thoughts. He smiled at her, mesmerized by her exquisite face glowing in the dim firelight. You're right, gorgeous. No one but you is allowed to kiss me. I shall endeavor to do so frequently, my adun. And Spock went up on tiptoe to kiss her beloved once again. Sarek was rather amazed at his daughter's boldness, but Amanda giggled with glee. Those two were so perfect for each other and Jim's face as he embraced his new wife was unforgettable. She barely recognized the hollow shell he'd once been standing in her house with broken Shackles lying at his feet. "Are you crying, my wife?" Sarek inquired. "Happy tears, honey, happy tears," she sighed, wiping them away. "I'm so glad you brought him home with you that day four years ago. Turns out Vulcans are the best thing for him." "And caring humans," he added, looking at her. "Now, shall we offer congratulations to the newly bonded pair?" Amanda took his arm and they joined the throng surrounding the bride and groom.
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ao3feed-spirk · 7 years
100 Words: Of the Mind
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wY0zDs
by HanaSheralHaminail
A flash of panic cursed from the Captain to his First Officer across the delicate link the latter was inadvertently feeding, and the Vulcan stiffened in response, even as Jim urgently asked: “Spock -do you know me?” He shifted on the bed so he could look his t’hy’la fully in those fascinating eyes of his, feebly projecting recognition and unwavering trust. “I know you,” he breathed, “I know you are my friend, and my brother, and my beloved. I know you frequently best me at chess; I know you enjoy eating unhealthy food, and that you are the most excellent cook I will ever encounter; I know you like it when I sing for you. You are kind, and daring, and smart, and irreverent. You are often in trouble. I know your smile, and your scent, and your touch. I cherish you.”
Words: 5997, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of 100 Words
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Spock (Star Trek), James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Christine Chapel, Sarek (Star Trek), Saavik (Star Trek), George Samuel Kirk
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock
Additional Tags: Telepathy, Mind-Melds, Kidnapping, Hurt!Spock, Hurt/Comfort, jim is a great partner, jim and spock are so in love, Gol - Freeform, but no v'ger, It'll be explained, bond, Vulcan Bond, Minor Character Death, Break Up, but also make up!, T'hy'la, lots of t'hy'la, Bones is an awesome friend, Nyota is my favourite badass, also my wife
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wY0zDs
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