#wayfarer by idrelle games
valkatra · 2 years
Oh no, I’m only in the Wayfarer prologue and it’s real good
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chromadrop · 6 months
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ripflemeth · 2 years
so im playing wayfarer and im not flirting with anyone but aeran and aurora (my PC) have been getting along and they have been taking care of him and making sure he’s ok and shit so their bond has been increasing and then i reach this threshold
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idk yall
there was something so powerful to me about the bond being described as *loving*
like.... idk.... that really struck a chord with me and had a Huge emotional impact. and yes i know it’s just one silly little word, but ... there is something so powerful in building a loving bond with someone that really resonates with me
yes. yes please. let characters be caring and supportive and invested and found family for each other and *allow that to be called love* without there being the necessity of romance or sexual attraction.
thank you, wayfarer.
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exilethegame · 2 years
From what you created/planned in the beginning until now in your vision has the game changed a lot? and is that the reason for the rewrite or do you just want to connect a few more plot points and add more stuff? because the way it is I think this game will be the biggest IF in the 5th chapter already 800k+ words, (I'm not complaining for me you can send more).
While I was writing Chapter 4 I sort of figured out all the nuances of the plot and what I was aiming to send as a message through the story. Since then, both a lot and nothing has changed. The big picture is identical, the details are ever-shifting. I have a very specific goal of what I want to accomplish with The Exile, and everything is working towards that goal.
I'm not rewriting because I dislike what I've written. It's just that Chapters 1 - 5 aren't polished by any means-- so when I go back I intend to edit and revise until the game resembles what I deem to be "good quality." I'm mainly doing the second thing you mentioned-- connecting plot points better, adding more foreshadowing and hints towards the plot, etc, etc.
I didn't know wtf I was doing in Chapters 1 - 2, and Chapter 3 is sort of just a... mess. I intend to fix everything up, add more branches and variations, and add some more lore throughout the game. I also have a codex I want to add in, detailed character pages, a "memories" system (short stories included in the game), and a sort of journal that keeps track of your Commander and how they've changed. There's a lot to do, and it's likely all going to be done in stages to avoid burnout.
The rewrites are a natural part of the process-- they were always planned to be done, even back in the early writing stages. I'm just breaking it into being done in sections to keep it manageable. I'm going to have to comb through likely a million words-- I don't even want to imagine what it would be like to put all the editing off until the end 💀
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signalhill-if · 1 year
will certain story routes block off others at any point, or are we going full skyrim?
I haven't actually played Skyrim beyond the intro, but it's going to work somewhat like New Vegas- there will be choke points at which you will need to pick who to side with, and if you piss a faction off, it'll lock you out of the rest of their leads. But that's going to be mid- or late-game, which, given that this game is being developed by one guy on my own and is probably going to clock in at like twice or three times the length of a David Cage script, is probably going to be years from now lol
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joy-fires · 2 years
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Happy Anniversary Wayfarer!
Reconciliation angst!! 
check out wayfarer here- @idrellegames
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idrellegames · 2 years
hello good ser!! just out of curiosity may i ask where you got the name idrelle games from? (also how is it pronounced?)
Idrelle has been my online pseudonym in various forms for almost 18 years. It's a comfort name for me. When I made my sideblog, I used it in combination with "Games" because I was making a game, I was streaming on Twitch at the time under the same name, and I couldn't think of anything else.
I keep thinking of changing it to something more professional sounding (especially as Wayfarer moves further and further from hobby/passion project to professional indie development), but I'm stuck on alternatives. I like it? It's not exactly what I want for a game studio name, but it's mine. Idrelle is me.
Idrelle is pronounced ih (short I, like in it) - drelle (like bell).
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fatale-distraction · 2 years
I need more Cere Nalos art but I am Unwilling to create said content myself because I can’t feckin draw 🙃
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if-whats-new · 1 month
Meet the Team!
Since we started this blog, we received quite a few messages about us, so we'll answer it all here!
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HALLO! Ich bin Erika (they/them)
I'm in charge of communication (replies, dms, etc) and monitoring the blog and posts' responses. And I also help with finding news.
I've been into IF since... late 2019? when it started to explode on Tumblr (especially during COVID, so many new authors!). When my nose is not stuck to the screen, reading IF, it's deep inside German Employment Law books 😭🔨
One of my super fav game of all time: Attollo by AJendryke
Hi, I'm Marjorie (she/her)
I... kinda started this whole thing? It was like a joke, but they all ran with it and now it's a real thing? I'm still ??????.png I guess I fill in wherever is needed.
I was told the Choices app was IF so that's what started it all (it's been a while). Then I just binged any VNs I foudn, and I only got into text-only games recently (covid). My internet is so happy I made the switch to the tiny downloads.
I can't choose so... VA-11 Hall-A (is it IF?), Please Answer Carefully (yeah), anything by GBPatch and dino999z, Butterfly Soup, The Bastard of Camelot, Zorlok, Uroboros and Crème de la Crème.
Bonjour! Moi, c'est Axel (ou Axelle - she/they/iel)
I'm in charge of formating all the info into the cool pages you see every weeks!
Un petit peu plus sur moi: I'm a francophone netizen from Belgium, about to finish my last year of highschool. I've been into FI since forever, cause my dad was introducing me to super old games on his Commodore 64. But I only found choice games last year, after playing Wayfarer by Idrelle.
My favourite game right now is: I Am Prey by Joey Tanden (I can't stop thinking about Prey and Predator...)
Hey, Noi (he/him)
I'm the info guy. I look at all the IF websites for new cool stuff and compile all the titles and links for Axelle.
I guess a bit more about me: I'm studying Comp Sci at uni and found IF by mistake looking for help for a test. Got into a weird rabbit hole, tried (and failed) to make a game (can't write). I'm leaving all the creative stuff for people who can do it. Axelle said I should look into parsers, but eh... can't get into them.
The best title out there: Choice of Robots by Kevin Gold (no contest) and DISCO ELYSIUM.
Former member:
👋, Zach (e/em) here
They wouldn't let me use the "Zuko here" meme as my intro...
I'm in charge of apologising for the stuff we got wrong (half /jk, this wasn't planned) and trying to keep up with releases. I'm also supposed to play the recommendations we receive. Except the old IF, Axel does that.
Random facts: I learnt BSL when I was kid. I prefer VN to IF (Doki Doki Literature Club! beloved!!). I really got into Ace Attorney during the pandemic (and I may or may not have contributed to this) and before that it was Fallen London. Also, I really really really like girls 🏳️‍🌈.
If I had to pick a title: missed messages. by angela he
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wayfarer-week · 1 year
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As part of Wayfarer Week, we'll be hosting a daily emoji poll starting Saturday, May 27 and ending Friday, June 2. The winning character will be drawn as an emoji by @lilas and added to the Wayfarer Discord for everyone to use! Characters can be viewed on Idrelle Game's character roster.
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brave-aioli · 2 years
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I present you my some initial concepts of my wayfarer: Nevere Varyn, formerly Hisadis. 
Child of the Seas origin
Mentor: Brissa Varyn
(Mostly) persuasive and perceptive
Scrambled to make this before I started ep 2, but now I’m ready (I think. Am I ready?). Thanks to Idrelle for making such an incredible game. If you haven’t yet, you need to play @idrellegames Wayfarer!!
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redwayfarers · 2 years
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He's such A Guy™ my delightful son, Aeran is very lucky
Art by the amazing @mepheesto​
He is my OC for the amazing Wayfarer by Idrelle Games that I think everyone should check out btw
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chromadrop · 8 months
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when you're trying to haggle for unrealistic prices on a grappling hook
(Thelkar is the elven blacksmith you meet in the Cove-- I haven't found much reference for him so this is my spin on his design, not canon!)
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ripflemeth · 2 years
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i cant believe Wayfarer by @idrellegames is making me want to draw... here is my first attempt at sketching my MC: Aurora Cenric, a half-aeda child of the seas. they accept that they have been cursed by the gods to live without magic and have devoted what remains of their short life to providing for and protecting the ones they love.
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Interactive Summer: Day 11 - Breeze Can you feel it? Finally a little breeze. Come on Aeran, let’s finish this job quickly, then retire for life together. [Wayfarer by Anna M./Idrelle Games]  ____________________________________________________ I still cannot shade properly... it’s been in darft stage for ages, and wanted to finally finish it at least as a sketch. Arms (muscles) and hands...oh dear lord.  But yesterday I finally started to read Episode II. I was so relieved my saved file worked. pfhuh~ It’s good to be back, I enjoy it tremendiously. Glad I can play dress up, still my poor “diplomat” wayfarer comes across a bit stingy sometimes ^^” ...and of course I’ve found Zenaida at first try, I’ve laught out at that.  Back to the pic, I imagined my wayfarer to be just joyous at the start of their journey, after finally leaving the humid misery of a city behind them, and just enjoying the fresh breeze. They can be grumpy, suspicious and worried the next day. Yes, her motives currently are to get the money, and eff off somewhere far away with her only family. Only if that would be that easy. If you haven’t heard about Wayfarer (are you living under a rock?), please check this unique interactive novel out! It is really different than the others, focused on more the storyline and RPG elements... but sometimes those ability check fails are just what my chaotic heart needs. Especially since I like playing persuasive/diplomatic/flamboyant asses (also mages...so it is weird to play a wayfarer) a failed agility check when showing off - that’s what I need. 
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just-eyris-things · 1 year
tagged by @hawkepockets! thanks for the tag!!
last song: Poets of the Fall - Once Upon a Playground Rainy
currently watching: Ranczo
currently reading: Kevin Hearne - Besieged
currently obsessed with: Wayfarer by idrelle games and Guild Wars 2! absolute BRAINROT!!!!!!!!
tagging @foxholemonster @thedreamsofgods @awerzo @astralarias and @mytalikes, muah <3
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