#we can all pick each other up like claw machines
corrodedcoughin · 1 year
it won't let me send a hug gif so unfortunately the best I can do is this abomination of an emoji: 🤗
I'm sure your friends do like you. Sometimes brains are just mean 💚
going to find you and subject you to my affection anon. You can take that as threateningly or non-threateningly as you please
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mavrintarou · 4 months
[11:16 PM] Sakusa Kiyoomi
It's been a while since I last posted about Omi-Omi. Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!
Warning: mild angst but reconciled and happy smut (18+)
Kiyoomi set his gym bag in the usual spot of his apartment. Tonight, his home felt unusually cold and empty.
Switching the lights on, he is met with two floating balloons and a bag with red and pink hearts printed all over it.
He let out a chuckle and grabbed the bag, pulling out the tissue paper that was stuffed inside. He found all sorts of chocolate inside, his favorite chocolates.
Happy Valentine’s Day, jerk.
Kiyoomi released a deep sigh. He and Y/n had gotten into an argument two nights ago, he couldn’t even remember what it was about. But it was 48 hours of silence from Y/n, 48 hours of emptiness.
The phone line rang repeatedly until it went to her voicemail.
He’s sent her three texts and they were left unread.
“C’mon…” he whispered, pacing around his place. “Pick up, please…”
A click came from the other line and he exhaled, “Y/n, thank goodness, where – “
“Hi, this isn’t Y/n but I’m her coworker!”
Kiyoomi frowned, and growled, “where is Y/n?”
“We are at a company dinner and she’s here… a little intoxicated…”
Kiyoomi could hear mumblings in the background, “… who is it…”
“Where are you guys?” he asked, heading to the shoe rack to put his shoes on.
He heard muffling but couldn’t hear clearly.
“… don’t tell him where I am…”
“… he’s mean and I don’t – I don’t wanna see him right now…”
His heart dropped.
“Hi, hello? Are you still there? Omi? Is this Omi with a white heart emoji next to your name? The Omi that is mean?”
“Yes,” Kiyoomi answered defeatedly, “this is Omi.”
“Look,” whoever this person on the other line whispered, “she keeps saying you are mean and she doesn’t want to see you but I secretly know she does, women to women, she wants to see you… we’re… we’re at the XXXX restaurant.” She paused before whispering loudly, “come get your girl!”
Kiyoomi’s strides were only half their usual length, and he inserted a two-second pause between each step. Y/n, with a gloomy mood, followed four feet behind him.
Arriving at the restaurant, he discovered her sitting sadly at the end of the table, all alone. Her colleagues were accompanied by their partners, but Y/n was left by herself. Kiyoomi felt a lump of guilt in his throat; he should have been there with her.
Their most recent argument stemmed from this issue. Y/n had requested him to cut short his training if possible for one night, but he declined, emphasizing the priority of his training.
“I’m simply asking if you could leave an hour earlier, or even thirty minutes early to make it to dinner, if it’s feasible. Can you not even manage that?” Her voice was tinged with angst.
“No, you understand how important my training is. I can’t simply leave early for something like this.”
Something like this…
Now, he felt the full weight of guilt engulfing him.
He halted and glanced back, noticing that Y/n had also come to a stop, gazing into the distance. Following her gaze, he spotted a small shop with claw and capsule machines.
He is reminded of his snarky comment about her liking such stupid things.
Walking up to her, he waited until she looked at him. “Let’s go,” he said jerking his head towards the shop.
Her cheeks were still rosy from the alcohol, her eyes weren’t as lively as they should be. “No,” she grumbles, looking away with a pout. “It’s just stupid stuff,” she attempted to walk around him when he caught her wrist and began tugging her towards the store. “What are you doing?”
He ignores her question and tugs her gently along until they get to the change machine. Stuffing a few bills inside to exchange for tokens. “What would you like?”
She looked at the handful of tokens and then his eyes, and with a weary tone she asked, “why are you doing this?”
“Because you like it and it makes you happy,” his tone is gentle and careful, “and I want to see you happy.” He puts a handful of tokens in her palm. “Go, show me what makes you happy.”
Still pouty, she closed her fingers around the token and walked around him.
Kiyoomi smiled to himself, knowing deep down she was excited.
“Are you satisfied with your wins?” He stared at the bag full of plushies and capsule toys.
Y/n nodded, restraining a bright smile on her lips. “Thank you,” she whispered.
Seizing the opportunity, Kiyoomi extended his left hand, asking, “can you hold my hand?” He let out a quite breath when she placed her palm in his. They walked side by side in silence.
“Where are we going?” she asked quietly.
“Let’s go grab some junk food at 7/11 and... my place?” He prayed she would come over but instead, she looked at him as if he had two heads. Chuckling, he knew why she was looking at him weirdly. He was completely against eating any junk food, let alone anything from a convenience store. “A little junk food won’t kill me.”
“It might make you sick though?”
“Shh, don’t jinx me like that.”
Sure enough, it did make him feel sick.
All he ate was a cup of instant ramen, and within less than an hour, he started experiencing stomach churning.
“I told you,” Y/n scolded, yet concern was written all over her face. She quickly ushered him to lie down on the couch.
If it meant for Y/n to nurse him and show him affection again, the stomach ache was worth it.
He groaned, “it hurts…”
Digging through her purse, she tried to look for her pill box. “Here, take this medication. It’ll help with the tummy ache.”
He accepted the small pill and popped it into his mouth, taking it down with water. He grabbed her hand, “rub my tummy like you did that one time.”
Y/n hesitated, staring at him suspiciously before reaching to push his shirt up to reveal his abdomen. She ignored the ripples of muscles and put pressure on a certain area of his body.
Kiyoomi groaned, feeling instant relief.
She reached for his hand and placed it with hers, “when you have a tummy ache, always press this pressure point.”
She was about to stand up when he stopped her. Panicking he asked, “wait, where are you going?”
“I’m just going to make you some rice soup.”
He still pouted, watching her walk away to his kitchen.
A few minutes later, she returned with a bowl of steaming contents. “Bland, just the way you like it,” she mentioned, taking a seat on the edge of the couch. “How is your stomach feeling?”
“It’ll feel a lot better if you do it…”
Y/n scoffed and slapped his hand away, “you’re such a baby.”
“Correction, I’m your baby…”
Y/n narrowed her eyes at him, “who are you and what have you done to Kiyoomi?”
Kiyoomi’s lips turned downwards. “Omi…” he corrected quietly. When she doesn’t respond he bites his lips nervously. “I’m sorry.”
Her brow raised, and she looked at him as if she didn’t comprehend what he was saying.
“I’m sorry,” he says again, louder this time. “I have been a jerk and insensitive to you… I have not been compromising and mean to you and I’m sorry,” he bowed his head. “I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore. I’ll do better, I promise. Please don’t leave me.” His voice cracked at his last part of his sentence.
“Leave you? Who said I was leaving you?”
“But you didn’t want to see me?”
Y/n frowned, confused. “When did I say that?”
“Earlier on the phone, I heard you telling your coworker that you didn’t want to see me…” very quietly he added, “that hurt my feelings.” He felt childish but he wanted to be honest.
“I didn’t want to see you is very different from I’m leaving you,” Y/n clarified. She sighed, running a hand through her hair before reaching for the bowl of soup. She blew to cool the spoonful of soup before bringing it to his mouth. “I said that I didn’t want to see you because I knew I would give in and forgive you.”
He swallows the soup before asking, “please forgive me?”
“I saw your face so I already forgave you.”
He couldn’t ignore the cheering in his mind. “Do you really mean it? You forgive me for being a jerk?”
“Yes, you jerk.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“But you called yourself that too?” Y/n countered, shoving a spoonful of soup into his mouth. “Eat and feel better.”
Kiyoomi smiles, “… kiss me, that would really make me feel better.”
The corner of her lips tugged upward, “you sly jerk…”
He sits up, bringing his face close to hers. “Please, a kiss?”
She pecks his lips.
He pouted, “that’s not a kiss.”
“Yes it is, my lips touched yours.”
He blinked and then frowned, “that was hardly a kiss…”
Y/n raised a brow, challenging him, “then what’s a kiss to you then?”
And he showed her.
He cupped her face, tilting it before pressing his lips against hers. As soon as she gasped, he slipped his tongue in, meeting hers in a tango.
“Omi…” Y/n breathed, pushing him away to catch a breath.
His lips continued to her jaw and down her neck. “Please Y/n…” he begged, tugging at her tucked-in dress shirt. He pulls away and looks at her with dark pupils, waiting for her consent.
She launched at him, knocking him onto his back once more. Her mouth moved hungrily against his as she tugged at his clothes.
“I’m not going anywhere…” he chuckled.
“You will be if you don’t take help take our clothes off…”
Their clothes lay carelessly on the ground seconds later.
Y/n raised herself and straddled his lap. She rocked her hips, gliding her pussy along the length of his cock.
Kiyoomi hissed loudly as his hands gripped her hip tightly, nails digging into her hip bone. “Don’t –“ he choked, “don’t tease me…” He didn’t miss the smirk on her lips.
Having enough of not being inside of her already, Kiyoomi flipped them and shifted her underneath him. His hand found one of hers and threaded their fingers together, clasping tightly. He searched her eyes and she answered by lifting her hips.
“Haa, you’re going to be the death of me,” he sank his cock into her sweet pussy.
He waited a few seconds, savoring the intimate bond. Kiyoomi peers down at her before pressing his forehead against hers and without breaking eye contact, he whispers, “I love you.”
He doesn’t express those three words as frequently as he ought to, but he can observe the way her eyes illuminate when he does. “I love you, Y/n…” he repeated, rocking his hips slowly but deeply. “I know I don’t say it often enough for you but you are my everything… and I never want to be without you again…”
Y/n released a soft whimper and cupped his face, connecting their lips. “I love you too, Omi…”
It was soft lovemaking.
Each rock of his hips was gentle with care, with love.
“Let’s cum together?”
Y/n nodded, tightening her arms around his shoulders and soon their bodies trembled in release.
Kiyoomi pulls Y/n up and they sit down, still connected very intimately. He reached for the bag of chocolate, took a piece, and unwrapped it before placing it into her mouth. Then, he helped himself to a piece as well.
“Thank you for the chocolate,” he murmurs.
Pressing a kiss to his cheek, she whispered, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Omi.”
. . .
E/n: Going back to Teo now...
>>> @queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy
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st4rwon · 10 months
dates w skz
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maknae line x reader (separate)
hyung line ver.
warnings: none that i’m aware of!
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jisung 지성
han takes you on arcade dates at least once a month
he is definitely a bit competitive
but likes to let you win just so he can see your pretty smile
both of you have every two player game they have
tried to win you things from the claw machine to impress you
but half the time it doesn’t work
loves to buy you stupid things with the tickets you earn
he’ll buy you stuffed animals, yo-yos, tiny trinkets, you name it
you have a small area on your desk where you keep all the stuff he’s gotten you
“we should definitely name him sam” you said, smiling at the bear jisung had gotten you “what the fuck, no” you shot his a look of disappointment “what’s wrong with sam?” “it’s hyunjin hyung’s english name, there’s no way you’re naming him that” “aww you jealous ji?” you said poking him as his cheeks heated up “whatever, let’s just think of a better name for our child” you giggled at his words “alright you baby”
other members under the cut!
felix 페릭스
picnic dates!! or cafe dates
always comes to pick you up with a bouquet of flowers (each time they are different and they always have a meaning to them) and some chocolates
such a sweetheart
constant compliments
“you look so pretty baby” “ooh that necklace is so pretty! isn’t it the one i got you?”
makes sure you’re enjoying the date and always caters to your needs
“oh you’re not feeling well? well let’s just stay inside then, i’m sure we can still find something fun to do”
makes you smile so much that your mouth hurts
“felix how did you find this place??” you said looking at the beautiful flower field around you. “i have my ways” he giggled “i’ll take it as you like it?” felix questioned “like it? i love it! i get to spend the day with my favorite boy and be in such an amazing place place!”
seungmin 승민
night time dates
seungmin really enjoys the atmosphere at night
it’s quiet, you can hear the insects, and the wind blows just enough to keep you from getting hot
he likes taking you on walks, sometimes around the neighborhood, or around the park
he likes the fact that he is able to see your face illuminated by the streetlights
though whenever he finds you to be a bit too cute he moves away so that his blush is hidden
little does he know that you’ve caught on to this and mentally give yourself a pat in the back for getting the kim seungmin embarrassed
you and seungmin walked hand in hand, walking towards the park that you typically went to. it was by the convenience store so the two of you would typically grab some snacks and go sit in the field. “minnie” you spoke, grabbing your boyfriend’s attention. he turned his head towards you in response, “you look so pretty today” you said grabbing his arm, pulling it next to you. seungmin lifted the mask further up his face, “no darkness for you to hide your blush today” you snickered. “you knew?” he questioned, “of course! i always pay attention to you” you said proudly, but before you could speak again you felt yourself falling forward, you held tightly onto seungmin’s arm. he swiftly pulled you up with both arms, now it was his time to laugh. “maybe most more attention to yourself pretty”
jeongin 정인
100% shopping dates
all the time!
tbh you guys actually don’t buy many things
it’s just fun to be around each other and try of different clothes to see what styles look good
you’ve definitely bribed him to buy matching clothes a couple times
but how could you not? they were so perfect for the two of you!
whenever you go to the mall, you’ll both run around different stores until you get tired and end up in the food court
jeongin is so happy to have someone that loves his passion for fashion just as much as he does
he’ll also keep in mind what your eyes are on, so that he is able to buy them as future gifts
“innie you need to try this on!” you said dragging him towards a rack, “ooh i love the color” he said, picking it up by the hanger. you both walked over to the dressing room and tried on your respected clothing. “looks nice…” jeongin said, as you twirled around showing him your outfit, “but i feel like the color clashes with you, it doesn’t fit your personality. the outfit you put on earlier complimented your skin tone perfectly! it really brought out all my favorite features on you” “really??” you asked surprised, “i thought it pointed out some of my flaws…” you mumbled. “baby you’re flawless in my eyes, and trust me with this. this color suits you really well! lets find some more” jeongin smiled. “let me go change back,” you said turning to the dressing room, “wait you haven’t tried on your clothes yet” you frowned. “it’s okay, i can always shop later. i wanna get something special for you first”
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please don’t spam like posts, repost, translate, or use my work without my permission. all work is fictional and only used for entertainment purposes. © azurez 2023
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
Could you do headcanons on how skz would act around their crush? 😂
how stray kids would act around their crush
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genre: headcanons; romance, fluff, slight crack
word count: 1k
warnings: cursing, you stan 8 dorks btw i hope you know that
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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he's actually such a flirt, bro-
but he's also shy so it's like... pick a lane, yk??
because when he's like not-so-subtly flirting with his crush and they flirt back?? he's all giggly and stuff
such a dork lmao
compliments you as much as he possibly can without seeming like a simp
but he is so
wants to get closer to you and be your bestie. finding out more about you and getting to know you on a more personal level is his goal
because, in his mind, there's one thing having a crush on someone. but it's another thing entirely once you build a special connection with someone based on that initial attraction
lee know
ahh minho
he's my favourite when it comes to his response to a crush because it is pure taking the absolute piss
minho builds a playful connection with his crush; he wants to tease them, mock them, and make fun of them any chance that he can get, without completely hurting their feelings and missing his chance.
he is learnt over time how to balance his playfulness in this way
spends a lot of time thinking about you
so much so that it distracts him from his daily tasks
he would never admit this though. it makes him frustrated
like "how dare they consume my thoughts 24/7"
overall, it's totally obvious that he has a crush on you to onlookers because he can't help his ever-growing smile when talking to you
his mission overall is to make you smile or laugh
invites you out A LOT
yeah he doesn't really try hiding his crush on you because he doesn't really see the point
in his opinion, he shouldn't have to hide such feelings
talks to his friends about you
so they definitely know
wooyoung and yeonjun be sighing dramatically as changbin brings you up in their conversation yet again
"we went to the arcade the other day an-" "y/n love arcades, we should totally go with them next time! they said they were good at the claw machine but-"
you get the idea
he's super sweet about you. gushes and brags about you to no end
and this doesn't really change once he actually starts dating you
he's a very consistent boy
this man has probably written poetry about you before he even talks to you
he's such a cute little dumpling, wtf
smiles softly at you
compliments you boldly but with a shy tone
tries not to make it obvious that he likes you. idk he's very aware of himself so he is always second-guessing his actions
each time he sees you, he seems to find it harder and harder to talk to you without you knowing he's head-over-heels in love
he just falls deeper and deeper
until he just comes out and says it
abruptly and messily
yeah <3
very engaging
probably a tad bit hesitant going up to you but does it anyways
he fights through his little bit of nerves because seeing you smile means more to him
he will try and find any excuse to be next to you and talk your ear off
he wants to get to know you. wants to know what you like, what you dislike. what makes you tick?
he can be a master of small talk when he needs to be so easing himself into any conversation with you proves to be straightforward to him
laughs louder than usual around you
talks faster, too
he just gets excited once he's finally up and talking to you, it's hella cute
has eyes only for you
very obvious that he likes you
and it's because he always singles you out
he makes a beeline to where you are as soon as he clocks you're in the same room as him
unintentionally flirty
overall just super friendly and wants to get to know you from the get-go
but doesn't want to come across too strongly
probably overthinks everything he does or says to you
will meditate and reflect on how he interacted with you later that night when he is alone with your thoughts, probably torturing himself over things he said or things he didn't say
overall he has a very conflicting time
i relate to him so much, dammit 🚶
he doesn't stop smiling around you
so smiley that his cheeks hurt after being near you for at least five minutes
but then he realises in order to actually be with you he needs to try and talk to you first
baby step seungmin, come on
so he's racking his brain to say something funny or interesting. if you look at him, it's like you can see the cogs in his brain working at full speed. fascinating to watch i must say
but what comes out of his mouth is a simple "hey, how have you been?"
impressive, isn't it?
honestly, it's good to start simple. and seungmin finds that these little interactions with you are better than he could have ever dreamed of.
he does not SPEAK
avoids you at all costs, no i'm not exaggerating
so awkward bro, the amount of harassing the other members had to do to get him to talk to you is embarrassing
but honestly same, innie. it's hard speaking to your crush, cut him some slack!
once he's into it, he's fine
"what was i worried about?"
all he has to do is be his cute and awesome self and there's not much else to it!
is kind of formal when he speaks to you
once he loosens up and gets closer to you, he starts becoming more casual and relaxed
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7ndipity · 8 months
Arcade Date
Jimin X Reader
Summary: When you worry that you've screwed up on an important exam, Jimin decides to try and cheer you up with a cute date at the arcade.
Warnings: Swearing, lil suggestive,
A/N: Thanks to @minnie1013 for this request! Sorry it took me a lil while to get to it, I hope you like it!
Requests are open
You're expression was noticeably deflated as Jimin picked you up for date night following your last class of the day.
“Hey, how’d the exam go?” He asked sweetly, pressing a kiss to your temple as you climbed into the passenger seat.
“Don’t ask.” You groaned, burying your face in his shoulder.
“Was it bad?” He asked, frowning.
“It felt like my brain went through one of those rug cleaning machines. I bombed, I’m sure of it.” you groaned, leaning back in your seat and closing your eyes.
You don’t know that, I’m sure you did your best.” He said reassuringly. He felt so bad for you, he’d seen how hard you’d been studying lately in preparation for this test. You’d been running yourself ragged, staying up till all hours of the night to cram whenever you could. “When do the results come out?”
“Next week.” You mumbled. “Ugh, I don’t know, can we just talk about something else, please?”
“Sure,” He agreed easily, eager to distract you. “How ‘bout we talk about the fact that you haven’t kissed me in almost six hours and I’m about to die from withdrawals?”
You let out a tired huff of laughter at that. “Alright, you big baby.” You said, finally giving him a smile, albeit a tiny one, before leaning over and connecting your lips to his, instantly feeling your body start to relax at the familiar feel of him against you.
You pulled back suddenly, looking up at him curiously as you licked your lips. “Are you wearing my chapstick?”
“Um, Maybe.” He admitted, avoiding your eyes.
“Would you stop stealing my shit?!” You shoved him lightly, laughing in disbelief.
“It’s not my fault you pick better flavors than me!” He tried to defend with a pout. “And I didn’t steal it, you left it at my place the other day.”
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes. “Let’s go, I’m hungry.”
The rest of the drive to his place was somewhat quiet, it was clear you were still feeling down, staring silently out the window, lost in thought, while Jimin tried to wrack his brain for a way to cheer you up. Struck by a sudden idea, he made a quick left turn, drawing a curious look from you as he changed routes.
“I thought we were going to your place for dinner?” You asked.
“Change of plans, I’m taking you out.” He said simply.
“It’s a surprise.” He said, giving you a mischievous look before turning his attention back to the road, biting back a grin.
Several minutes later, you pulled up outside a familiar building with various game posters plastered on the windows.
“The arcade?” You looked at him in surprise. “We haven’t been here in ages.”
“I know, but I figured you deserve some fun, so here we are.” He said.
“Chim, I don’t know…” You said.
“C’mon, it’ll be good to take your mind off things. Or are you afraid of me beating you at DDR?” He smirked, raising a brow at you in challenge.
“Oh, you’re so on.” You replied.
The two of you spent the next couple hours squaring off against each other in various games, starting out light-heartedly enough, until you started to get overly competitive and started to attach increasingly ridiculous bets to each game, from having to pay for the all snacks to Jimin having to give you a lap dance for beating him at DDR.
“That one was a joke though, right Y/n?” He asked out of breath, growing nervous at your silence. “Y/n?!”
Before you could leave though, Jimin made it his mission to win you a plushie from the claw machine, spending easily twice the amount of money that the toy was actually worth in his attempt to succeed.
“Jimin, it’s okay, you really don’t have to-”
“Aha!” He yelled victoriously, holding the plush animal up in the air as a trophy before presenting it to you. “For you, my love.”
“Aww, it’s so cute!” You cooed, accepting the toy and petting its head. “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome.” He asked, examining the toy closer. “Is it a bear or a dog?”
“It doesn’t matter, he’s our child and I love him!” You said, making his heart melt as he watched you hug the toy to your chest.
“What?” You asked, catching his expression.
“Nothing, it’s just nice to see you happy like this.” He said with a small smile.
“I’m always happy when I’m with you.” You said softly, feeling shy for some reason at that admission. “Anyway, what should we name our child?”
“Greg.” He replied without hesitation.
“Does he honestly look like a Greg to you?” You asked incredulously.
“You try coming up with something better, then!” He said defensively.
You thought for a moment. “B-Bartholomew.” You said slowly.
“Absolutely not.” He rejected. “That sounds like a 17th century tailor.”
“That was my grandfather's name.” You retorted.
“It was not!”
You continued to argue all the way back to the car, before you paused to look up at him, admiring the way he managed to look gorgeous even under the artificial glow of the streetlights.
“Yeah?” He replied, turning to look at you.
“Thank you for tonight.” You said, smiling softly. “You were right, I needed this.”
“Of course." He said, gently grabbing hold of your hand. “You know anytime you need a pick-me-up, I'll be there for you."
“I know.” You said, pushing up on your tip-toes to press a quick kiss to his lips.
You don’t know what you did to deserve Jimin in your life, but you would be forever grateful to
have him.
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batrogers · 2 months
If It Can Die, I Can Kill It
From my Feral Prompts, for @recalled11 Legend
Also on AO3, about 1200 words. Rated G, some injuries.
Feral 10: “If it can die, I can kill it” = Recalled Legend @ a Gleeok
Link could tell there was something more than just a storm under the cloud. He’d seen the flash, even if the thunder had been muted: it hadn’t been very strong, whatever it was, but it’d come soon after. Too soon. Ravio – seated between Malon and Fairy behind him – was watching him pace but not doing anything, not yet.
He wasn’t trying to worry him; he was fine. It was far away.
It was some-thing and it was moving.
When he turned at the next pace, Wild was there in his way, almost close enough he hit him. He restrained the urge – Wild was a bad choice to pick a fight with – and smiled unpleasantly instead. He waved one hand at the thing on the edge of their view.
“What is that, anyways?”
The other man had to spell it, six letters -- gleeok, then added, “It’s a thunder one, they’re not that hard.”
“It’s in our way.” He could tell that much already. They were on a road and that fucking thing was not that far off; they’d be getting closer to it every step of the way.
Wild nodded, and Link wasn’t fucking doing that.
“If its not that hard, we can kill it.”
Wild simply tilted his head and smiled. He gestured that way once more – almost as if to say, after you – and Link bared his teeth. “Can that flying thing of yours carry two?”
It could, and it did.
The gleeok noticed them in the sky. It took exception, as only a giant beast like it could. It was a massive kind of lizard, with three heads each with a fat, bulging eye under its shimmering gold horns. Wild kept moving even as one of the heads opened its mouth and spat a flash of lightning at them. Link’s heart nearly stopped in his chest, but Wild’s flying thing kept ahead with seeming ease. Link knelt and tucked a leg around Wild’s and over the standing platform to pull his bow from a ring.
There was always a target if something had eyes. Link clung to the machine with his legs and aimed.
His first arrow missed; his second, the dragon had snapped its wings forward and threw off the arrow’s aim; it grazed a different head than intended.
“Fuck it all, turn around!” Link snapped.
Wild tried. The flying machine did not turn quickly or easily, and Link dropped one hand to brace himself on the platform, trying not to knock Wild’s footing free with his awkward positioning himself. The turn meant he was facing the wrong way to aim easily again, and he twisted to aim back the way he came.
He turned, just in time to see it bunch in place and lunge.
The machine’s engine cut. The fan under him went silent and they dropped from the air like a stone for a frozen second before it snapped back alive. The lizard’s gaping mouths went over their heads; the ground rushed up below and as the flying machine caught the air and slowed their fall again, a spear of lightning slammed into the front.
Green stone burst into nothing under his hands. Wild was thrown backwards, breaking his bow and tumbling into freefall, and Link hit the ground and rolled. His magic could take the teeth out of the fall, but he still came to, dazed and sore, several dozen feet away from the pieces of his bow.
Wild wasn’t in sight. Link’s throat choked, and he looked frantically for the other man. “Wild!”
He saw green, like his tunic, somewhere far – far too far away. How far had he been thrown? It wasn’t moving.
The air was thick with static, and green as soup and the gleeok slowly settled back on the high pillar of stone from which it had watched them before. It’s horns glittered with lightning.
Link licked his lips and checked the dot that was maybe Wild again. Far enough away.
Let’s see how this thing liked losings its footing too.
Quake was easy; the ground cracked and shivered, crumbling under the dragon’s claws. He tried to stand as the spell took, and realized his leg (the leg that had been between Wild’s feet on the flying machine...) was broken. He cursed at it and twisted it back into place before he drank a health potion to stop the screaming pain. As the gleeok staggered and collapsed in full, he stood and stalked to meet it. He didn’t need a bow; healed, he pulled his sword, snapping off three quick cuts.
Three beams, to each eye.
The creature slammed to the ground, stunned, and Link looked again at the still green.
Was that far enough away? Did he trust it?
The gleeok started to stir, and he realized he didn’t have much choice. This fight had to end now. (He was so damn tired of the constant storm, ever crackle in the air put his teeth grinding...)
But he had other spells, two more copper tokens. He wasn’t going to waste his time testing lightning against lightning: Fire rained harder than lightning ever could.
He put out each eye personally after that, before he dared walk away. Certain of its death, the stillness in the spot of green left him filled with terror greater than the dark skies could bring. As he came closer, and more sure it was Wild he ran to other man’s side.
When he arrived, he could see Wild had woken at least. The other man’s eyes rolled in his head, one hand dug into the dirt. The left eye – the damaged one – was shining, flashing brilliant blue light as he made a face before focusing on Legend. He half-smiled then and raised one arm, offering it to him.
Link took his hand, confused and watched him wince. Immediately he checked the forearm – fine – then upper arm – broken.
“You want me to set it?”
Wild nodded.
Easy enough. He could do it, although Wild hissed out something that could’ve been a swear. Seconds later, he grunted, his eye flashed, and he put weight on the arm and sat up. As he pulled himself together to stand, Link watched with morbid fascination. Every time he had to hesitate, that blue eye glowed again and he crouched himself.
“Are you just healing yourself as you go?”
Wild didn’t even look at him to nod.
“Sometimes I really wish I could do that.”
Wild paused, partway through checking his legs and looked at him. It was one of the darkest expressions he’d ever seen from the man – not the wild panic he sometimes showed around certain monsters, or determination. It was more like grief, and Link regretted saying that aloud.
He didn’t say anything else, but Link didn’t think he had to. It was plain as day what it meant.
‘No. You don’t.’
Link stood and looked back towards their camp. As he had expected, once his head cleared, he could already see a dark speck running and walking their way with two others behind. He sighed. Ravio was going to have so many words for him...
“Hey Wild, if its Ravio and Flower coming, who do you think is the third about to chew us out: Twilight or Captain?”
Bonus art:
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This man absolutely did not set his own leg ten minutes ago, what are you talking about.
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bl4cktourmaline · 4 months
🍙﹒星 — day 5 featuring asahina mafuyu
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knock knock!
heres some mail!
ଘ(੭´꒳`)°* ੈ‧₊ 💌
⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ...anon is typing... ♡
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
❝ hihi! for mango's bday event, can i have 5 with mafuyu? ❞
━━❝ Before you go... Can I kiss you ?❞
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"Look fuyu~! Aren't these plushies so cute?!"
A girl with tied up purple hair halted her tracks to see the direction you were pointing at.
What you were standing in front of was a claw machine filled with various plush animals who were too cute for your eyes!
Each animal in the claw machine reminded you of some of your friends. Like how this pink cat reminded you of Mizuki, as it is as adorable as Mizuki is! Or how a smaller orange sparrow next to it reminds you of Ena. Since a sparrow may be small but it is loud
As Mafuyu was standing right beside you looking at the plushies you were telling her about.
"They're just normal plushies.. I don't see anything special about them."
"Fuyu~!!! Don't be like tha-"
"Besides, I still think you're way more cute than the soft toys."
Mafuyu stated bluntly as she continued staring at the plushies to see how they are specially cute. You were lucky she didn't glance at you with how pink your face was.
You knew Mafuyu was blunt but you didn't expect her to outright flirt with you just like that! Although you did enjoy the compliment since it was rare to see Mafuyu compliment you without doing anything.
"W-well.. Those plushies reminds me about some friends of ours.. Like how that blue puppy in the corner reminds me of Kanade.. and some others.."
"Well now that you pointed it out.. Those plushies do resemble some of our friends.."
"Ah! Wait here Fuyu!! I want to go and get something!"
»»-----► After a few minutes flew by... ❍✧
"I-I'm back!"
You yelled, as you stopped to catch your breath for a bit. Since you ran back to prevent making Mafuyu wait too long.
"..What did you get?"
You slowly walked your way over to Mafuyu to show her what you got. Inside your purse was filled of coupons for the claw machine.
"Now we can both try to get the plushies! After all, we came out to have fun anyways right?"
You smiled as you input the coins into the machine to start it.
"Here! You can start first fuyu!"
You told her, only to not get a response of Mafuyu getting close to the machine.
"..? Fuyu, what's wrong?"
"..I've never played claw machines before.."
"..Oh- It's okayyy! I can teach you!"
As you walk in front of the machine. Prepared to teach Mafuyu how to use it.
"First you use this controller to move.."
As you glance at Mafuyu for a bit. Only to see her make an expression she has never made before. She looks.. Determined?
"...? Is something the matter [name]?"
"Oh uh! N-nothing. Anyways next click this button and you should pick up the plushy."
-As you said that the plushy dropped from the claw.
"Is that suppose to happen?"
"Ahaha.. Hang on let me try again.."
After a few of your tries, you only left less than half of the coupons of what you've started with.
"..I think I got the hang of it now, here [name] let me try."
As you gave the purse to Mafuyu to let her try out the claw machine after your failed attempts.
"Good luck Fuyu~ it's really ha-"
Mafuyu reached down to open the small door and took out the first plushy before dropping another 3 more down from all the coupons that were left.
"Here [name], sorry I failed some tries and couldn't get you every single different on-"
"Are you kidding Fuyu?! You got so many for me already! And it's the ones I wanted too~"
As you quickly jumped on Mafuyu giving her a hug. Although it was a bit awkward since Mafuyu didn't return the hug back. You could feel her heart beating a little faster.
You let go of the hug and picked up the rest of the plushies that were still inside the door. You examined each of them, looking at their cute faces before putting them inside your bag except for one.
"Why didn't you put that inside the bag too..?"
"Oh this one? It's because it's my favourite one you got me out of the 4!"
"Is it because it's the first one I got?"
"Oh, of course not! It's because it reminds me of you."
You replied, staring at a purple bunny. It was pretty fluffy too!
You and Mafuyu enjoyed the moment of silence together, until your phone decided to disrupt it.
You took out your phone to see it was your father telling you to come home since it's already quite late.
"Ah, sorry Fuyu~! I got to go home now. Thanks for hanging out and getting me the plushies today!"
"..No problem, thanks for inviting me"
Just as you were about to walk off, Mafuyu grabbed your hand.
"Hm? What is it Fuyu?"
You turned your head to look at her, wondering why you got stopped.
"...Before you go.. Can I kiss you?"
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(っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞💌 You receive a letter from X!
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
Not me bullying Ena a bit in this fic during ModEna's birthday xD
Happy birthday Mango/ModEna! Hope you'll have the best time celebrating it! >:3
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k0mfort · 7 months
pls could I get mei dating hcs bless thank you 🙏
this is much much longer than what i expected, but i kinda got carried away because i love mei sm.. hope u enjoy anon ♡ please ask me more mei things..
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♡ listen, if you want to date the narumiya mei — best pitcher of the generation, absolute ace of tokyo, blah blah blah — you have to be okay with not being his priority.
♡ mei has dreams, and so do you, but you have to admit that what he is aiming for is something that is too big even for you. but you believe in him, and you believe in the sort of process that it would take for him to get there. you are with him because you know how it would be and you are alright with it.
♡ and it gets hard, of course. you can never get used to the days where your messages would be left unread, or the way your study dates would end up with him snoring softly on your shoulders, tired at kunitomo's ruthless training regimens.
♡ mei knows that he is not perfect. and if there is any other way he can go about his life so that he can at least not be the source of your pain most times, he would take it. but this is a path that he chose. and he does not give up, nor does he not falter. he is narumiya mei. he will cease to be before willingly let go of his goal.
♡ but he loves you. dear god, he loves you. you don't know the amount of times he has sat in the dugout, peering under his battered cap, trying not to make it too obvious that he is hoping you are somewhere amongst the bustling crowd.
♡ he thinks that you are too good for him. for a bratty, overachieving jerk like him. you are too patient and kind, and he has done things that does not deserve your forgiveness. and yet, you stayed.
♡ you would visit him without a fail everyday — even on the days where you know that he won't be able to meet you. you would watch him from the sidelines, pride and endearment continuously bloom in your chest the more you see him. sometimes, you would even get him a drink from the vending machine, and you have to push him away so that he wouldn't hug you in his sweat-drenched, dirt-covered baseball uniform.
♡ so, on the dates you get to go to between his busy schedules, mei can't help but feel fidgety — even if he doesn't seem like it — and thinks over his words carefully. he threads on invisible ropes, not knowing what will be your last straw.
♡ but ignoring all of his anxiety, what mei loves doing on dates is taking photo booth pictures.
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"Mei—" You whine as he practically drags you inside the building. Mirrors in funky shapes and sizes adorned the wall, and there are countless racks of sunglasses, headbands, and other fun accessories. "This is the second booth we see today. Can we not do this?"
"Don't be boring," he grins, already picking out headbands. He takes one with a crab claws coming out of it and scrunches his nose as he puts it on. "Do I look good?"
You purse your lips, holding in a titter before eventually bursting out in a series of laughter. "You look stupid."
"Ow," he pretends that something shoots him in the heart, clutching on his t-shirt with a pained expression on his face, eyes shut dramatically.
You push him away, still laughing, and he peeks through one eye just to savor the sight of your joy.
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♡ he would put his arms around your shoulders as the sound of the camera shutter fill the room. he would let you kiss his cheek, or even pull you in to gently press his lips against yours — you are repeating washed up poses in every frame glued on his dorm walls, but he doesn't mind. he hopes that you don't either.
♡ but talking about the photo booth strips attached on his clear phone case, or in a key chain-frame on his baseball bag, or folded in his wallet, the way he just lets every single person he encounters that you are together is close to obnoxious.
♡ your face is obnoxiously his lock screen, your handwriting is obnoxiously on each one of his notebook, and every one of your call equals to a delighted, yet somehow obnoxious, grin on mei's face.
♡ he has given you one or two of his caps the same way he just keeps some of the lunchboxes you lend him, never really returning it back to you. the water bottle you are using is currently his, and the key chain on the keys to his dorm room is one he teasingly stole from your school bag.
♡ you gave him back cap once without a word. he wanted to push it back into your hands when he noticed the scribbled handwriting under it, with little doodles of hearts all over it. it's messy, and the ink was bleeding all over — you must have had a hard time with the marker. from that moment on, he kisses his knuckles only to press it against your handwriting before a fateful pitch. no one has to know. no one has to know except you and him.
♡ and of course the whole fucking baseball team.
♡ you've turned into a celebrity within the scope of inashiro's prestigious baseball team.
♡ all thanks to mei and his blabbering mouth, of course — you have to be kidding him if you give him, basically, all that a high school baseball player would ever want from their significant other and not expect him to show off.
♡ but they've known you for a while by now, and it's generally just amazing to them to see you so willingly and enthusiastically date mei the same way he is too to you.
♡ being jealous of him is, of course, a given.
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"Someone get this man's phone away from him," Carlos groans rather loudly in the cafeteria as Mei laughs, kicking his shin softly under the table without even gazing up from his phone.
You are sending him a string of texts, telling Mei about your day, and sending selfies with the strange robot employee you met while upgrading your phone credit in town. When all that he can think about is to add the pictures that you just sent to his wallpaper carousel, Riku, from the far-end of the table, is feeding into Carlos' yaps.
"What's so funny, Mei?" His voice booms, asking a question that the answer to is just too obvious.
"Beat it," Mei shoots back, busy tapping away in his phone, letting his steaming rice grow cold. "Find some other jerk to annoy."
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♡ you are dating superstar mei, though for some reason, he seems to be the one who would boast about you. everyone knows about him. but you? no one knows about the way you take care of stray cats you found on school grounds or how excellent you are at molding things into your own nature. and he would be damned if you end up living under his shadow.
♡ he shows absolutely no interest to a person if what they offer is no more than support for his baseball career. and while he is grateful for everyone on his side, some people take it too far. and one should know to never cross narumiya mei's line. he has no problem cutting someone off of his life once he realizes their disrespect of his relationship — of you.
♡ oh, but fights with mei are quiet, and tearful. never in public, and always in secret. while mei basks on the spotlight usually on him, neither of you enjoys negative attention. communication really is key — though he is aware of every single one of his actions and words, slips-up cannot be avoided. the same thing goes for you.
♡ and mei doesn't really know why, but he doesn't cry even if you do. even on the verge of separation, or in a heated debate. his mind goes numb as fire takes over his body. during times like this, all he wants to do is swing his bat at nothing in particular, and hope that the problem would die after his 50th. but that isn't how life works, and that isn't certainly not how relationship works. mei is realistic, above all else, and to not be a hypocrite, he tames the temper raging in his bones and sit himself down. in all the times he has swallowed his ego for you, he always wishes that you would do the same to him.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Chief wich one of ur ocs is the best to take out on a Halloween night? With full costume and shi
We don't have Halloween here but I got curious 🤔 -🎃
My monster/sheet ghost oc Casper only comes out around Halloween and raids countless neighborhoods to bring you your favorite treats.
Liu embraces their hidden horrors and walks around in their parasite form, ready to bite the next person that tries to touch their face and carrying you around like a purse dog
Screamscicle. Screamscicle. Halloween is quite literally year round for this goofball. They stitch together a new costume leading up to the big day nearly twice every month. It breaks their heart each year to decide between a scary, "are you sure those aren't real organs" costume and a soft, innocent "I demand all your candy" vibe. Either way, you'll be returning to town at the crack with trash bags full of sweets. If the town holiday is in swing, you'll get up to a bit of mischief before you head out. Please don't give Apple or Milk Tea heartaches...again.
Cinnabar and Izzy love autumn/winter as a whole. As the weather cools, Izzy is able to venture outside with you more - and Cinnabar loves to welcome you home with a fresh batch of rolls and your drink of choice. As for Halloween, Cinnabar makes or looks for matching costumes for your trio (any suggestions lemme know). She makes popcorn balls and rice treat bars for treaters that stop by before you head out for the night - hiding a few in the back for you.
Honestly all of the candy fiends are good for the holidays. Gumi and Lollie rob trick or treat with you, but they also make you goodie bags out of their own flesh and blood like Sucrose, Jollie and Mocha.
D.Kay, Devlin, and Silas are the night's greatest tricksters. D.Kay sets up a haunted house in whatever location they can find, and doesn't let anyone leave until their smiling - while also ripping their mask off and revealing the endoskeleton underneath... probably covered in the skin of the last person that fucked with you. Devlin and Silas stage robberies and shot each other dead to sell the show. Whoever brings you more junk - whether it be money, candy, or lawn statues, gets to pick the night's movie and eat sixty percent of their haul as you cuddle. Silas goes as Ghost face. Devlin is the headless horseman. D.Kay is....D.Kay
Alien takes you to go alien hunting.....it doesn't go well with their shiny ass costume and platform boots. Once again, the only thing that's extraterrestrial is the time that you spend together - and their bones as they crack their neck and scare passing trick or treats out of their bags. This is the one night you can get them to try some ghost summoning rituals and if there's a ghost in the mirror... There's no more mirror. They're cool with a ghost from an ouija board because they can touch your hand.
C.C takes you out to a rave...after starting the night at a haunted house with Amyas if he's involved and ditching him there. Ass out, tits out - C.C is showing you his best moves and doesn't quit until he's passed out on your couch. Unfortunately, you'll have to sleep there too as his claws are quite literally embed into your clothes/clothes.
Gus, Ventri and Rush... (With the reluctant help of Sir) put together a mini circus in your living room/backyard. Popcorn machine, balloon station, face paints. If you can think it, they'll probably do or have it. Ventri steers clear of the apple picking game because they are afraid of their paint rubbing off - Gus is found head first still in the bucket. Sir is a little Jealous of Rush's candy giving methods (they are a living candy machine that dispenses them through their mouth), but he'll just tongue kiss you to get over it.
It's already been shown in last year's Halloween event that Host upstages this all. His entire stage and crowd becomes a circus for you, and he dons a new persona to fit the part. You'll always be the star here, but he has so many wonderful things to give and reveal to you. Aren't you lucky?
Miller hosts a big stream. With your consent, they hold costumes up at different goals for you to put on. They're all met before the first hour is up, and you're left changing countless times during that period. Miller orders whatever your heart desires and ends the stream earlier than planned so you can get up to something without the attention
Pin is another who makes costumes for you, and they're probably the best of the bunch. If you hand out treats they made the perfect prop and scare for your yard. You can convince them to take off their body, but they'll make the most elaborate and attention catching husk if you don't. Rag doll, scare-crow, or what makes them happiest and whatever goes along with yours
Ruthieland is great for the holidays. Despite being over the age limit, you're given a bucket for treats and allowed to wear your costume. Farmer Crow is especially active and always looks for you in a crowd when it's time for one of their "staged" kidnappings. Ruthie hovers around you and just dumps all of his candy into your bag when it's refilled
All hell breaks loses with the fast food yans. Halloween is when the fog that separates your realty from the ball pit entity is weakest. The mascot traverses outside the establishment to find supplies for their big surprise. The janitor is barricading you in the break room with strange symbols drawn in blood on the door. The ice cream machine ghost is searching for you and comes across your other coworker still smoking in the bathroom. Kidney Guy has gained a few more mouths from a passing van of college kids... and is singing the monster mash to lull you into false security.
Elliot creates the perfect film for the two of you to watch, mixed in with a few classics. If you think you recognize any of the actors...no you don't. More popcorn?
To round things out with the person who I think is the worse on halloween.... it's V it's always fucking V. If he has his way - you'll be walking around in strings... only for him to get jealous at the thought of others seeing you when you've finally worn him down to go out and do something. At least he buys candy and rents whatever films you want to see?
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novankenn · 4 months
Unbreakable Machine Arcs (2)
The mass of inky black flesh and pale white bone armored plates bowled over the pair of distracted blonds, sending them tumbling and rolling through the undergrowth. Slowly it turned and then rose up on its hind legs. Its slavering maw opened and bellowed a rage filled challenge at the pair of teens as then rose to their feet. As if mirrors of each other, they stood and cracked their necks, while clenching their hands into tight fists.
“I know, Joan, I know.”
The massive Ursa bellowed a second challenge at the pair of bond teens, who responded with snarls of their own. With spurts of dirt and grass erupting from where they pushed off the ground, Joan and Jaune shot forward. The Ursa raised it’s great paw, hooked claws gleaming in the light of the shattered moon. These two were nothing like the others it had faced and crushed. Those all ran, fear flooding from them. No, these two stunk of absolute rage. It was relishing the taste, secure in its superiority.
A pair of pale, bared fists struck home upon the beast’s exposed chest. The Ursa bellowed in pain filled rage, it’s primitive mind unable to grasp that its prey had closed upon it, in fractions of a second. Inky flesh rippled at the site of the impact, and then caved in. The once fearsome and formidable monster fell backwards, its chest compacted. It flailed about for a few moments, before finally growing still and disintegrating behind the pair of teens, as they walked off, onwards towards Beacon.
“This is all your fault.”
“This is my fault? How do you figure that?”
“Well, Jaune you lost the map, and then distracted me by trying…”
“No, no, no. You lost the map, Joan. You did. Not me, you.” Jaune responded in annoyance.
“Well, if it wasn’t for you, I would have heard that thing coming and put it down.”
“As if.”
“As if? What is that supposed to mean?” Joan questioned, her deep blues eyes narrowing on Jaune.
“It was my punch that put it down.”
“I hit it exactly at the same time you did!”
“So if anyone’s punch killed it, it was mine.”
“You wish!” Jaune snorted.
“It’s not a wish if it's the truth!”
Stepping into a small clearing, the pair stopped arguing and allowed their gaze to drift upwards into the starry night sky.
“She said she’ll be here.” Jaune replied, answering Joan’s unvoiced question. “So she and Ren will be here.”
“They are, powerful.” Glynda commented as she watched the video feed from over the Headmaster's shoulder. “A single punch to kill an Ursa, impressive.”
“That they are.” Ozpin agreed, “Are you sure we are not missing any applicants?”
“They are all accounted for, though we do have an odd number this year, so we will end up with one three-person team. If everyone passes.”
“Really, how so?” Ozpin asked as he picked up his mug, as he watches the pair walk out of view. “We only accept an even number of students each year.”
“One individual withdrew their application for medical reasons.”
“Pity.” Ozpin took a sip from his mug, as he regarded the two figures standing in the small clearing. “Well, with an opening, maybe they can be enticed to enroll. They would make fine candidates.”
“Regardless, they are wandering a grimm infest forest the night before we conduct our initiation. They shouldn't be out there, despite how strong they seem.”
“Very true. Who is closest?”
“Bart.” Glynda confirmed while looking at her tablet,
“Ask Bart to pick them up and escort them to Beacon. Also inform Ana. We should have them looked over, as we have no idea how long they’ve been out there before coming with in range of our cameras.”
“Done.” Glynda reported. “Though if we recruit them both we will stall have an odd number for initiation, and depending on what Ana reports… they may not be allowed to take part.”
“If that is what happens, then it happens. But I’m sure you’ll agree, getting them to the safety of Beacon is a primary concern.”
“It is,” Glynda’s tablet pinged. “ And Bart has just reported that he has located them."
/== Table of Contents ==/
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dragonclaude · 2 years
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I got a big ask by @isdisorigionalenoughforyou about little details of my Action game AU and I decided to dedicate a few sketches to it!
Question 2 is a reference to this older drawing, and if you'd like to see more about the AU checkout my pinned post for a quick link tree!
As usual, longer answers under the cut, enjoy!
There is a non-zero possibility that Togami corp has an entertainment room with a karaoke machine and card games/board games to play with others during moments of relaxation. Makoto, Hina, Yasuhiro and Kyoko could be options for their own solo songs and also there would be at least a duet in there with you and Hina. Making the rest of the game would be priority and I would only do something like this if there’s enough money and resources left over but y’know xD I wouldn’t want to add distractions like the Despair Karaoke places during the combat-focused sections; It would mean I’d have to consider something like that for every other remnant or else it would be……weird to choose only Ibuki for that. But maybe postgame she would welcome the challenge or something, who knows!
Stat bonuses, no, but I have been thinking for a while about them giving you a slightly different fighting style. Monokuma outfit starts off with claws and you fight more animalistically, Anniversary outfit starts with metal fans and you do more dodgy/graceful movements. The only problem is there's not really a reason sakura couldn't have different fighting styles on default except for the fact we may run out of buttons to be able to use them all xD But I LOVE the suggestion of each giving a minor change like hearing the monokumas or making the songs a rock cover.
I don't think there would be a traditional fishing minigame with a rod and actual fish but you will be able to find harpoons/hooks with ropes that you can pick up as weapons that could also be used in that way. There is no doubt going to be large holes or chasms in the ground that you could send a hook down and see what you get. Maybe a Monosalmon or something could be caught then thrown to distract Monokumas like Siren monokumas in UDG xD (But also, you’re absolutely right, every good game has a fishing minigame so this should be no exception)
I agree, I think that's what I'm going to decide on for Nagitos fight in the end! But there is no way Sakura is going to bring him to other fights especially after seeing how dangerous his luck is when bringing him back to base. Nagito is an SCP needing to be contained xD As for linearity, I think all the remnants will be divided in clusters of "early" "middle" and "late" with Imposter being the last that isnt Izuru that you could do in the order you want. Sonia will be a special case in which her fight is scheduled for a certain time in the late-game and you can either wait until then or go after some remnants before going to Novoselic.
Since there would be abandoned supermarkets all around, you would be able to grab ingredients for protein shakes, tea or coffee to make at the base and bring with you like a health and stamina potion. I didn't think it could have a minigame attached to it but now I want there to be xD Perhaps you could brew your potions mix protein shakes of various ingredients so you can personalize your healing item. For example, maybe some ingredients provide slightly longer focus time, higher health, healing over time etc. and you can create a drink to provide either purely one effect or mix of several for your upcoming mission depending on what you think you need. Could be cool!
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
hii !! can i ask for a gunil oneshot? you can decide on the plot, just make it angsty as possible with a fluff ending. thank you !!
Here go I hope it's angsty enough for you.
Koo Gunil
Summary: Unspoken confessions left you and Gunil heartbroken, but what was the point in confessing when you were leaving?
Warning:grammar, angst but it has a happy ending.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
From the very beginning you knew that you weren’t staying in Korea long term. Just for a few months then you would return home, back to your regular life. That didn’t stop your heart from falling in love though, despite how much your brain told it not to. Love really does find you unexpected places. Unexpected places being a street corner that had a money eating claw machine on it. That’s where you first met Gunil. He saw you playing the claw machine and offered his assistance in helping you capture the stuffed animal. To which you gladly accepted his offer, although he wasn’t much help either. After many failed attempts and too many dollars spent you finally won your desired stuffed animal. Getting a bit caught up in the excitement you embraced Gunil in a hug, pulling away quickly once you realized what you were doing.
“Sorry, I got a bit too excited,” you apologized to him.
“It’s ok, I didn’t mind it,” he reassured you. After that he walked you back to the place you were staying at and made sure that he left with your number saved to his phone. You could tell from the way that your heart beated after you closed the door that you were screwed. You were interested in a guy that you couldn’t be with. The only thing you could do is make the most of your time with him. 
Making the most of your time with him is exactly what you did. The two of you found a way to spend time together everyday, whether it was in person or via phone/video call. Gunil even introduced you to his members and occasionally you would all hangout together. The more time you spent with Gunil the harder you fell. Somehow the harder you fell also caused your heart to crack deeper. Because your growing feelings and the pain of leaving went hand and hand. You didn’t want to leave Gunil, but you also couldn’t rationalize picking up and moving your whole life.
Months have never felt so short. It was already your last week in Korea.
“Y/n this is really your last week here? You’re gonna leave us?” A very sad eyed and pouty Jooyeon asked, despite already knowing the answers. You sadly nodded your head before replying.
“I told you from the beginning I’m only here on a trip not to stay,” you reminded.
“But we’ve grown too attached to you to say goodbye,” an equally pouty Jiseok joined Jooyeon by your side. Each one of them holding onto one of your hands in a childlike manner. 
“You guys are acting like we don’t have each other's phone numbers. It’s not like I’m disappearing off the face of the earth,” you chuckled. 
“Yeah you two stop being so sad. It’s their last week here, we should make it unforgettable,” Gunil scolded them. As if I could forget any of you. You thought to yourself. 
Make your week unforgettable, they did. They took you to all their favorite places. Restaurants,cafes, sightseeing,indoor outdoor activities, you did it all. Your camera roll on your phone turned into a photobook of memories, capturing every moment of it.
‘Twas the night before your flight and you and Gunil were out on an overpass looking at the city as cars passed below you two. 
“I’m really gonna miss you,” I want you to stay. Gunil stated, turning to face you.
“I really gonna miss you too,” I’d stay if you asked me too. You returned with a sad smile, mirroring your body to face his. You thought about whether you should confess to him the entire week, but you’ve never felt more tempted to do it than right now, at this moment. You’re leaving tomorrow,so there’s no point. Is the thought that kept you from doing so. 
“I’m gonna miss your hugs,” I don’t want to let you go. Gunil voiced as he pulled you into his chest, arms holding you like he was scared you would disappear from his grasp. 
“Me too, no one's hugs compare to yours,” Don’t let me go. You revealed, snuggling impossibly deeper.
“I’d hope not,” he chuckled. Glad that your head rested on his shoulder so you couldn’t see the tears stinging his eyes. Gunil looked up, taking a breath and blinking his tears away. “We should get you back. It’s late and you have a morning flight,” I wish I could stop time and we could stay here forever. He reluctantly released his hold from you.
“You’re right,” But I’d rather just stay here with you, never leaving this moment. You pulled your head from his shoulder. Gunil held your hand all the way back to where you were staying, still not letting go even when you opened your door with your free hand. 
“The members and I will take you to the airport tomorrow,” I hate that I have to let you go. His hand loosens its grip on yours.
“Thanks, get home safe, text me,” Letting you go is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. You loosen your grip as well and with that your hands slowly slide apart. You offered each other one last smile, but both your faces carried gloom on them. After shutting your door the tears fell down your cheeks. You didn’t even bother to go to your bedroom, you just slumped down to the floor and cried. You never expected it to hurt this much. They say it’s better to have love than to have never loved at all, but is all this pain worth it? 
You don’t even remember when you managed to crawl yourself into bed. All you know is that you hear the sound of your alarm going off, you’re officially leaving today. 
Gunil and his members accompanied you to the airport as promised. You’re currently outside of your gate saying your final goodbyes. Hyeongjun, Jungsu and Seungmin’s goodbyes went smoothly. Yes they were all filled with downhearted smiles and foe laughters in attempts of lightening the mood. Seungmin threatened that would have to visit them again or he would go to your home and drag you back to Korea himself. The nuggets did not make it easy of course.
“Quick Jooyeon grab their passport!” Jiseok ordered while he had his arms locked around you like a boa constrictor. Jooyeon did just that, plucking the passport from your grasp before going to run away. Although he was quickly stopped by Gunil who just as easily plucked the passport from his grabs as he did to you. 
“Ahh Gunil! You want them to stay too! What are you doing?” Jooyeon complained. 
“We can’t just keep them here,” Gunil reasoned.
“But we want to,” he stated as he walked over to where Jiseok remained, having you locked up in his arms. He locked you up further by sliding his own arms around you. Gunil envied his younger members, wishing he too had the courage to proclaim how much he wanted you to stay. To confess how much he had fallen in love with you. 
A part of you wished Jooyeon did run away with your passport. Imagining a fantasy life where you could stay in Korea, confess to Gunil and live happily. Fantasies were not a reality though you remembered that when Gunil, with the help of Jungsu, managed to get the pair to finally release you from their grasp. 
Now was the time for your hardest goodbye, Gunil. He took your hand lovingly in his. He had so many words he wanted to tell you, but he couldn’t seem to put any of them into sentences. The intercom interrupted your moment as it made a call for your flight boarding.
“Have a safe flight,” I love you. I love you so much I want you to stay. I don’t care if it’s selfish, I just need you to stay. He squeezed your hand tighter. You nodded before speaking.
“I’ll text you when I land,” I love you. I want to be with you. Just tell me to stay and I will. I won’t leave you, I don’t want to. You gave his hand a final squeeze before letting go. Just like that you walk away turning around to give one last wave right before disappearing into your gate.
Gunil couldn’t hold back his tears anymore. They fell from his eyes as he stared at his feet. Seungmin stared at him sympathetically, walking over to him and pulling him into his side.
“You regret not telling them now?” he asked.
“It hurts,” Gunil stated. “They say if you love them let them go right?” he sniffled.
“If it’s meant to be, they'll come back to you,” Seungmin comforted. Meanwhile Jooyeon and Jiseok’s faces were also stained with tears.
“I get why Gunil is so upset, but why are you two crying?” Jungsu asked while rubbed their backs 
“They were our third nugget. How could we not cry over them leaving?” Jooyeon said, Jiseok firmly agrees with him.
“It’s like losing a family member,” he claimed. The downcasted group of boys left the airport, not knowing when they’d be able to see you again.
You tried your best to keep your composure on the plane, but it was proving difficult. Your heart ached so much. Understand now how fitting the word heartbroken is. What if you had stayed? Decided to be reckless, throw caution to the wind and be with the man you loved?
Thoughts like these clouded your brain the whole flight back home.
Finally arriving back at your home you texted Gunil like you said you would. Then you went to your room and finally broke down, letting all your emotions out. You tried to reason with yourself that it would get better with time. Time heals all wounds right? You’ll be depressed for a while, mourn the relationship you never had, then you’ll get better.
Better never came. It’s been four months and your heart aches just the same, if not more. You talk to Gunil everyday and every time you hang up the phone it feels like when you walked away from him at the airport. 
Gunil wasn’t doing any better over in Korea. He couldn’t write any lyrics that weren’t about you. Anywhere he went something found a way to remind him of you and how much he wished you were there. Each day that passes he regrets not confessing more. Even if it didn’t make you stay, maybe it would have somehow made things better, hurt less. His members hated seeing how heartbroken their leader was, but they didn’t know how to help him. The only thing they could do was be there for him.
Proceeding the passing of six months since your return from Korea some may say you lost your mind. You threw caution to the wind, sorta. You quit your current job, found a job in Korea, found an apartment there, sold your current apartment and packed your things. You were actually doing it, the most reckless thing you ever did. Moving to a different country to be with the man you loved. It was the only solution that could fix your broken heart. Okay maybe it wasn’t but you didn’t care.
You didn’t even bother to unpack anything in your new apartment. Your only concern was meeting Gunil as fast as possible. You ran to the closest bus stop, then you ran from the stop all the way to their dorms, didn’t even stop to take the elevator, you ran up the stairs too. Only the door to their dorm stopped you. You panted heavily as you knocked on their door. The unexpected knock confused the boys on the inside.
“Did somebody order something?” Jungsu questioned as he walked over to the door.
“Not that I know of,” Hyeongjun replied. Jungsu opened the door and took in your disheveled, heavy breathing state.
“Y/n!” he shouted, surprised. 
“Y/n?!” Jiseok and Jooyeon simultaneously sprung up from the couch at the mention of your name, running over to the door, shoving poor Jungsu out the way.
“What are you doing here?” Jiseok asks you, pulling you inside, trapping you inside his arms just like he did at the airport. By this time all the members had now gathered in the living room. All shocked by your sudden appearance.
“I got a job here,” you tell them.
“A job here! So that means?” Jooyeon asked excitedly. You look around locking eyes with Gunil, staring directly at him when you say.
“I’m staying here. Long term.” That’s when Gunil rips you from Jiseok’s hold, pulling you into his own in a crushing hug. The members took that as their que to leave, heading into their rooms, definitely not planning on eavesdropping.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he tells you, unable to stop the tears from escaping his eyes. These tears were different from the tears he spent the past six months shedding, they were happy tears.
“I’ve missed you too,” your own happy tears falling from your eyes. 
“I need to tell you something I won’t keep myself from saying it any longer,” he said, pulling away from the hug to look at you. “I love you. I love you so much and I regret not telling you sooner,” he confessed. 
“I love you too Gunil, leaving you was the hardest thing I ever did. I regret not telling you too,” you confessed your feelings. Once more you two embraced yourselves in a hug, but this time you felt extra pairs of arms encircling you both. 
“Group hug,” Jooyeon announced. All the sadness left and all the happiness rushed back like it never left. You and Gunil were together, hearts no longer broken. Jooyeon and Jiseok’s third nugget was back and all was well.
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jaded-jezz · 9 months
Shutter Speed
(Part 3)
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Jack Champion x Photographer!Reader
Part 3/3
☁︎ Fluff
Summary: y/n is a photographer for the new scream promo and Jack thinks she belongs in front of the camera rather than behind.
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"So, how do I look?" I walk out into my room where Leah is patiently waiting. "OMG SHUT UP! YOU LOOK AMAZING!" Leah exclaims so loud that I jump back in surprise. "He is going to propose!"
"Jesus Leah, it's our first date chill out." I laugh while grabbing my bag off my bed. "Sorry but I am jealous of him, run through the plan again so we can work out how to woo him." Leah giggles after throwing her hands up in defense.
As we aren't the sportiest of people, we agreed to go to an arcade. This seemed like the next best way to settle our squabble over who is reigning champion of games. Since the day he asked for my number, we have been sending mini message games to each other when we get bored. Right now I have won the most of the varying games like cup pong, bowling and battleship, but Jack has accused me of cheating once or twice so he thinks he is the Jack Champion.
A knock at the door stops my rambling. Leah looks over as my eyes widen. “Pretend I’ve died,” I whisper. “Y/N WHAT NO GET UP!” Leah starts picking up my bag and pushing my down the hallway. “You will be fine, you know to text me if anything goes wrong. I’ll wait up for you and you can tell me all about it.” She gives a supportive grin before opening the door.
My mouth goes dry the second the door opens. She looks so beautiful I almost forget she is real. Stumbling for words I finally say, "Wow Y/N, you look stunning." It's a casual outfit, due to our dates location, but she has somehow managed to make it look like she is about to walk down a runway.
I see her cheeks turn pink just before she looks at the floor grinning. I re-gain her attention by presenting the bouquet that I spent too long choosing for her. Her eyes light up, I want to freeze this moment of time to remember it forever.
Behind Y/N, Leah clears her throat trying to remove the comfortable silence between us. "Thank you Jack. They are lovely, I'm going to put them inside and then we can go? She turns to Leah who promises to put them in water and shoos us out the door.
( Y/N POV)
After a short car journey of Taylor Swift and karaoke we arrived at the arcade. When we parked, Jack ran round and opened the door before I could even say a word.
We walked inside holding hands and Jack asked "What's first?" after scanning the place once over. "Oh my god, definitely the dance machine! I wanna see all those moves you were talking about during shake it off!" I laughed before dragging him over. I didn't give him time to decide as I entered the coins and started selecting a song.
"Easy mode?" I looked Jack up and down as if to challenge him. After finally agreeing on a song, it was a blur of limbs and laughs until the song ended and we waited to see who had won.
"It's rigged! I was so much better than you!" Jack sighed while the tickets where done printing our of my side of the machine. A short laugh escaped both our throats as we tried to catch our breath from the extensive workout we had completed. "Maybe Champion shouldn't be your last name?" I jest. "Maybe it should be yours," Jack whispers as he moves to stand closer to me. I feel my face heat up as he leans in and just before he gets too close he reaches down and steals the tickets from behind me. "Jack that's cheating!" I shout as he starts to run to the next game.
After Y/N and I had won enough tickets I made my way to cash them in for prizes as she went to try her luck one last time at a claw machine in a back corner.
"JACK!" Y/N jumps next to me, smile reaching her eyes. "Look who I won!" She is holding a plush toy of an Avatar character. "You'll never guess who it is as well..." She giggles with a certain look in his eye.
"No way. Send it back. Burn it" It's Neteyam. Also known as the character played by Jamie Flatters. I try to hold back my laugh as Y/N goes on and on about how he is her favorite character and what she would do to meet Jamie. I know she is just messing around but a part of me longs to know how much she liked me during the movie.
I realize I have been in my own world when I feel her eyes staring into me. "Jack I was just joking-" "I know sorry, I was just distracted at how cute you look while rambling and I may or may not be kinda jealous that you like Neteyam more than Spider!" I grin at her.
"But I like you more than Jamie, don't worry." I kind of feel bad for making her think she upset me so I grab her hand and drag her to the photo booth. I pull her to sit in my lap, as the booth is too small for us both to sit, and I see her cheeks glow lightly before she composes herself to discuss poses.
"Just go with the flow Y/N." I feel her relax against me as the countdown starts. We start with a cute smiley one, and then stupid fish pouts. Her lips look so perfect. This is my perfect opportunity to do what I have wanted to do since the day I mistook her for Leah and she came to correct me. The automated countdown pulls me out of my flash back and I place my hand at her chin and turn her face towards me. I look into her eyes waiting for a nod, a simple yes.
Sparks ignite as our lips touch and I never want to be apart from her. Ever again. She pulls away and we chuckle quietly. Awkward silence overtakes the air, but it is somehow comforting. She looks back at me, eyes sparkling as the last picture is taken featuring our stupid love-struck smiles.
( Y/N POV)
I carefully remove myself from Jack's grasp as we leave the both to collect our photos. I still can't work out if the kiss was real until the photos are shot out and being picked up by Jack. I pick up the second print and an overwhelming feeling of happiness overtakes me and I smile so wide that my eyes may burst out of their sockets. This feeling has given me a burst of confidence, I grab Jack's face for another kiss.
I never want to stop kissing him.
After playing a few more games, we decide to head back to the car. On the way out I hear small sighs of frustration and look to my right to see a small girl at the claw machine where I had won earlier. "Jack... I think she wants this more than me." Before Jack understands what on earth I am talking about, I have carefully removed our linked hands and I walk over to the young girl. "Hey there. I have too many plushes at home, Could you look after him for me?" The girl warily took the toy from me to make sure I wasn't messing around and in the process saw Jack walking over to me.
"I know you from my TV! You're in this machine!" She jumps towards the claw machine pointing to the poster at the back. "Oh yeah that's me!" Jack replies smiling politely. "Could i ask my mom to take a picture with you?" "Of course."
I felt bad for Y/N as she stood off to the side but after I said goodbye she came over looking far from upset. "You are so cute with fans." I roll my eyes, put my arm around her and hug her tightly as we walk back to my car.
It's safe to say that was not our last date, but it might be my favorite.
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That is finally the end of Shutter Speed! Let me know what you think in the comments! Sorry it took so long, I just lost interest in Jack especially after hearing rumors of what his girlfriend supports. I will no longer be writing for Jack but I wanted to finish this off before I started anything new.
As always, requests are currently open!
Please do not repost this, reblogs are appreciated.
@inlovewithfictionalcharacters27 @callmemady-love @iloveneilperry @indecisivefandoms-blog @0ppiateslove
@heyimrye @ilovemen2much @nini123 @daffodil-darlings @foxymask001 @multi-simp-page
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twistedoverbloat · 2 years
Crossover between Scp!yuu and Cyberpunk!yuu?
As the consept sounds interesting as Cyber sees SCP coming out of a random portal and they just pulled out a gun they hidden away and nearly shooting at them knowing well what they are capable of and what weird shit they might do
Foundation: *stepping out of their new portal* YES IT WO- *falls over from bullet hitting their leg* WTF-
Cyber: Who and how the fuck did you get here, bitch?
Dimension hopping!!
SO basically if you asked Foundation if their portal gun would work after using a mountain dew knock off from Twisted wonderland they would have said yeah that might work. BUT them actually doing it AND it WORKED?? They are very happy right now. BUT sadly was shot in the leg by another version of them. Cyberpunk!
So as they lay on the ground explaining i full detail their counterpart sighs and picks the portal gun up "You need to go back and not mess with the timeline since it could ruin other universes or even collapse the worlds we know nothing of." Foundation nodded "But I only used it twice I met another Yuu as well their name was Vuu, also you may call me Foundation!" Cyber nodded "But you really need to go back, like right now." Foundation was about to speak before that Hyena Leona always uses walked in "Babe want to get some- Who is that?" What was his name?? Puggie?? no Ruggie! Foundation always thought it was weird how he was named that.
Cyber sighed again already feeling a headache coming "his is another me from a different dimension, please don't ask I already have a headache dealing with Ace earlier." Their husband nodded "Well do we need to help them or.." Foundation finally got up and yanked the bullet out with their nails "Don't worry I've been shot, burned, clawed, and other things! This didn't really hurt if I'm being honest." Cyber then walked to her fridge that had the mountain dew knock off.
Ruggie watched as Cyber open another portal to a different dimension, but sadly wasn't Foundations it was where the state yuu's were. Foundation was here before and with the help with New York was able to get back to their dimension. Cyber groaned "Ruggie hon I'll be back later okay?" and they kissed his cheek "Love you see you later!" And pulls both her and Foundation into the portal into the state dimension. Ruggie watched as his wife left and in shock "Okay my wife is gone so I guess food only for me??" And he walked out to get food for Cyber's return.
With the two Yuu's they walked into the bigger Ramshackle that was renewed with all the states help. Knocking on the door Cyber smirked as Oregon opened the door. He sighed and opened the door "Hey Cyber want me to get New York for you?" Cyber nodded "Yeah dumbass over here jumped to my dimension and I could get them back so we came here instead." He nodded and waled up the stairs, and as he did Florida was walking done "OH CYBER SUGAR HOW ARE YOU??" She came done and kissed her cheek and hugged her tight "It's been to long how your husband?" Cyber filled her in and Florida began to scold Foundation because what if it didn't work and they died?? Dimension hopping can be very dangerous since you don't know if the dimension your going to is going to be a good one.
Foundation nodded "Also may I ask why is there so many Yuu's here?" Florida went on a rant how a person from every state ended up in the coffin like a clown car and they ended up ruling the school mostly. Then it turned with them asking each other on their projects they were working on. Cyber smiled as Foundation was getting conformable with the states. Finally after 2 whole rants NY finally came done to see them "Sorry my partner was calling me." Cyber waved "I know it's fine we just need to get to our dimensions." NY nodded "Come with me to the basement where the other state are working on the machine, you know us we get bored and travel to others for the thrill of it." Florida nods "I was about to bring them done there actually but then Foundation asked about my outfit-" NY nodded and walked everyone down as Florida talked with Foundation on something else.
As they walked to the basement they need 4 states working on it Cali, Maryland, Colorado, and Massachusetts. They were talking as some of them were tinkering on the machine, Cali noticed them and squealed when she saw Cyber "OMG!!" The other states greeted them and Cali began to chat with her. Massachusetts started the machine and looked at Cyber "Were ready when you are hon." Nodding Cyber Grabbed Foundations hand "Here place your hand on this!" The scanner was able to use Foundations hand print to find their dimension. Foundation was in awe of everything and began to ask questions and the states gladly answered them, after that they were finally ready to leave. Turning to Cyber and the others they smile "I had an amazing time meeting you all, hopefully I see you again!" The smiled "Your welcome any time hun!" Florida said as everyone bid them goodbye.
Foundation was blipped into the living room of their Ramshackle and decided they need to get to work right away and rushed to the basement all of that talking gave them so many idea's!! They need to do more and learn even more!!
With Cyber they walked up and placed her hand then bid everyone good bye as they were teleproted in front of Ruggie, in return feel off his seat on to the floor "Hello dear." Cyber greeted as she helped him up. Ruggie held his chest and Cyber giggled and told him everything that happened when they left him.
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airbendertendou · 2 years
psychic!draken / fem!reader 11] “that’s not how it happened in my dream...” where draken knows she’s THE ONE but their first encounter doesn’t go as planned ?? fluff/funny ((btw this is like my third or fourth request and im loving every single one of them im just too shy to show myself </3))
the way you were going to meet - the way you were supposed to meet - was cute. draken had been thinking of it for a month - since the first dream. since takemichi had blurted out his time-leaping abilities, strange things had been happening to toman. it seemed like a blessing in disguise, though, considering how much closer it made the boys and how much easier daily life had become.
since the first dream, draken had visited the arcade daily. here, you were to be found pouting at a claw machine, upset that you couldn’t get the plushie you wanted. draken would saunter up to you nonchalantly, offering to try and grab the toy for you. in exchange, you offer to buy him anything he wanted from the convenience store if he won. [of course he won, no one doubted he would.]
from there, you would go on dates and fall deeper into each other until his hair was darker and you were both proposing to each other through giggles.
something went wrong one day. draken didn’t know what was happening, or why, but the world felt less saturated that day. everything felt duller, dimmer as he walked the streets of shibuya. hinata and emma were having a sleepover and he’d offered to walk them to and from the store to make sure they were safe.
the city after dark was not known for its safety, after all. everyone knew that - even you.
through hazy eyes, draken could see a figure in front of him. he thought nothing of it, walking with his hands tucked into his pockets as he headed back to the shrine. with a sudden jolt, draken ran into the stranger’s back, too lost in his own thoughts to watch out for others.
a pull on his arm and then the blond was airborn, flipping in the sky until he landed on his back. the air is taken from his lungs as he stares up at you. wide eyes peer down at him, narrowing at his silence. draken doesn’t mean to let his thoughts slip out, but they do anyways. “that’s not how it happened in my dream... we didn’t meet like this.”
your eyes narrow further at him, “is that supposed to be a pick-up line? it was awful.”
“you sure know how to crush a guy’s heart, huh?” draken attempts to move, but he’s stopped - your hand is still wrapped around his arm, threatening to twist it. “wanna let me go? didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”
eyeing him once more, you decide he seems safe enough. and, if he wasn’t safe anymore, you had an arsenal of self defense weapons hidden on your keychain. stepping back, you get a good look at the - admittedly - handsome boy.
draken finally got a look at the firgure that’s haunted his dreams for months now. sure, this wasn’t exactly the first meeting he saw, but he’s take what he could get. softening, draken lets out a sigh. “good to know you can take care of yourself, at least. i’m draken.”
“yn. you shouldn’t walk so close to strangers, dragon. could be a delinquent in disguise.” 
omg please dont b shy ]: im so glad you like them though <3 request yours here | read more
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sullustangin · 1 year
Little Boss
A/N:  So this is another prompt fic for @frutepye​ (I know I’m being as slow as molasses about these, but life  ~vaguely gestures ~~).  Here’s a fic about Blizz reuniting with Eva and her dislike of being called “Commander.” Some dialogue is drawn from the mission.  I apparently have some Jawa headcanons, so they’re in there too.
This can be 100% be read as the prequel to Theron’s adventures in Hello. 
I will give a minor content warning for Eva’s mental and physical health issues after carbonite.  They are mentioned, but not the focus.
Rating: PG (for the abovementioned)
Time:  Just after Chapter X of KotFE
Word Count: ~ 3000
Hey, Commander Captain,
One of my smugglers recently stumbled upon a piece of tech we've never seen. We tried to get the thing working, but none of us can figure it out. When we brought it to Doc Oggurobb, he just rambled on about how it "defied all precepts of engineering" or something.
Whoever made this thing obviously has a way with tech. Seems like it's changed hands a lot, but I managed to track it all the way to a salvager on Hoth. Might be worth talking to this guy to see where he got it. The Alliance could use an inventor with a knack for doing the impossible with limited resources.
Eva Corolastor harumph’ed at the corrected title – which was a bit ridiculous, now that they were months into this whole ‘end Arcann’ op.  She wondered if Lana had instituted a template for official Holo-Net mails within the network, and Eva’s insistence upon ‘Captain’ had thrown everything into disarray.  Sort of like her insistence on not living in the Commander’s Executive Suite and not being an armchair general.
“You’re very uncooperative.”
“That’s what you get for making a smuggler the savior of the galaxy.”
Eva looked at the bizarre little machine in the holo that Hylo had attached.  A strange sense of déjà vu came over her – this was familiar. Eva’s lips twisted into a frown.
She should be able to remember.  She should.  
Picking up the pieces after carbonite was difficult enough on a physical level.  The loss of memory and the dissociative episodes were another layer of awful.  Eva tilted her head to look at the holo again, trying to give her brain a good shake to trigger some sort of recall.
Didn’t recognize it by sight.
Time to go to Hoth. Eva consulted the shared calendar Theron had set up for all of the major players in the Alliance, including himself. As much fun as they’d had on Hoth keeping each other warm during a recruiting trip, Theron had cordoned himself and his data off from everyone; he was on Odessen but strictly “no contact” until he finished his latest data dive.
Well, that left one other obvious candidate.
“No trees.”  Bowdaar reiterated his complaint from the last time they were on Hoth together, but he also gave praise.  “Cold still feels good on the fur – never hot here.”  
“Glad you’re looking on the bright side of things,” Eva said as she cinched her parka a little tighter around her.  The cold seemed to find every little hole, every gap in cover and capitalize upon it.
…It wasn’t because she was uncomfortable.  No. One of Valkorion’s little games was to mess with her thermostat; her core temperature never dropped to dangerous levels, so she was never hypothermic, really.  But he certainly gave the illusion, with full body shivers, blue lips, and the agony of never being warm.  Theron was a pro now at thwarting it; the Emperor hated him around. At the same time, because “cold” was now a default setting, it was all the more dangerous for Eva to be on Hoth.  She had to be triply careful in suiting up.
“Base official was very helpful.  Camp is where it should be,” Bowdaar crooned as he pointed a hooked claw in the settlement’s direction.  
“Well, we did blow up the giant death machine that was threatening them.  A little gratitude goes a long way,” she gaily responded. “C’mon.”
Eva and Bowdar crunched along in the snow toward the Jawa encampment.  Eva reached up to her earpiece to adjust the language settings to ‘looser translation.’ 
Jawa language constantly shifted depending on who did the most business with the Jawas in question.  It was a simple thing if they worked with those who spoke Basic, but once they started communicating with Hutts, Wookiees, Trandoshians – anyone who didn’t or couldn’t speak Basic – their language evolved and reformed itself to suit needs.  What was ‘precisely correct’ last year might not be this year.  
It wasn’t the words that caught her off-guard.  It was the voice.  Jawas did have distinctive voices, despite the stereotypes.  This one was a little raspy and their accent was more neutral  -- not leaning Pub or Imp.  (Yes, Jawas did have accents too.)  
“Jreely!  Blizz need new roto-hammer!”
Bowdaar pulled up short alongside Eva.  “You hear it too.”
The Jawa apparently known as Jreely responded rather petulantly, “What Blizz want Jreely do about roto-hammer? Blizz build only one.  Why anyone else make stupid roto-hammer?”
Bowdaar and Eva exchanged a look, and both smiled, in their own ways.  It was Blizz!  He’d been on Gronn’s crew, but the crews of Virtue’s Thief and Ash Angel had gone more than a few rounds in a cantina and worked a few ops together.  Corellia, Makeb, Rishi, even Yavin 4, and some time in between.
…even though the last one, Gronn wasn’t around anymore…
Eva shoved that thought away – he was dead, but she was still alive, and so was Blizz, and he would totally want her to –
“Roto-hammer only stupid to stupid-Jawa like Jreely.  Do exactly what Blizz want, not like stupid Jreely!”  Blizz shook a finger at Jreely who signalled his surrender with a wave of his hands and a slouch in his robe.  
Blizz seemed to realize, at that moment, that he had an audience.  He startled at the long shadow cast by Bowdaar and used his hand as a make-shift visor to stare up the 10-foot-tall Wookiee.  But about halfway up bandoleer, Blizz’s bright yellow eyes jumped to Bowdaar’s right.  
“LADY BOSS!” he exclaimed with a jump.  “Oh! Lady Boss!  Lady Boss!  Lady Boss finally find Blizz!  Jreely, look, it Lady Boss, Blizz Boss friend.”  Impatiently he motioned Eva down toward him.
At his request, Eva crouched down in the cold snow, and Blizz bounced into an embrace.  
Jreely was thoroughly unimpressed.  Jawas typically did not like people bending or crouching down to talk them, but apparently, Blizz felt Eva’s arrival merited an exception, at least for a minute.
“Glad I found you, Blizz. Didn’t expect to find you back here on Hoth, of all places.”  Once the hug was done, Blizz motioned for Eva to stand back up.  As she did so, Blizz gave Bowie’s shin a gentle punch, and the Wookiee’s huge palm came down to give Blizz’s head a good thump.
Eva’s shattered memory offered up a fragment of an early night at one of the few surviving cantinas on Corellia.  “Jreely – wasn’t that the name of the guy who sold you out?”
“Yup!”  Blizz slapped Jreely on the back so hard he nearly knocked the other Jawa over.  “Jreely think he be better off with White Maw, but he wrong.  Blizz think Jreely learned lesson, so Blizz help Jreely escape.”
“You were always a sweetheart, you know that?” Eva said with a smile.
The mumbling that ensued indicated that Blizz still didn’t know how to handle compliments from Lady Boss, and this time it was Jreely’s turn to slap him on the back to reboot his system.  “Where Lady Boss been?” he finally asked.
Eva froze.  What a simple question.  What a complicated answer.
Bowdaar, who’d mastered the art of schmoozing at his Platform Six Cantina, cut in gracefully. “You hear of the Outlander, the one who slew the Emperor?”
“Blizz has.”
“You know of the great Star Fortress over Hoth that fell?”
“Blizz make big credits from salvage!”
Bowdaar whickered and asked, more quietly, “You hear whispers of resistance, led by the Outlander?”
Blizz and Jreely both looked around, checking for nosy listeners in.  Then both Jawas nodded in unison.
Eva waved, half-heartedly.
Blizz considered this for a good minute.  “Lady Boss never abandon friends.  Blizz think dead… but now not.”  Then he asked, concerned, “Lady Boss in jail?”
“Something like that.” They could go over the specifics later. “What have you been up to, these past five years?” Eva asked instead.
Blizz brightened up at this shift in questioning.  “Blizz own boss now.  Have crew and everything!  Blizz crew hutn scrap and salvage and Hoth have lot of both, so Blizz build base!” Blizz turned to point toward a larger structure further back in the encampment.  “Blizz make sand crawler into white-sand crawler!”
Snow, Eva mentally corrected the translator.  
“It…um… not finished yet. Blizz think maybe parts lost rebuilding!” Blizz tried to minimize the technical snafu…and the obvious problem of it being a sandcrawler, not a snowcrawler.
Eva reassured him, “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.  In the meantime, I could use your help with something.”
“Blizz always ready to help Lady Boss!”  Blizz motioned excitedly with both hands.  “Blizz happy Lady Boss come back and find Blizz.  Boss want Blizz and crew to help hunt bounty?  Help smuggle salvage?”
Eva reached into her interior parka pocket and pulled out the device that had puzzled Hylo and the rest of the Alliance base.  “Seen one of these before?”
Blizz peered at the device for a split second before grabbing it right out of her hand.  “Oh!  Blizz been looking for that!  Blizz thought Blizz lose forever on shaky-planet that fell apart.  Thanks!”
Makeb – good times there, Eva … sort of recalled.  She remembered the feelings better than actual events, but that was progress.  
“You know where more tech like this exists?” Eva asked, not bothering to fight for the item back.
Blizz looked up at Eva almost quizzically.  “Of course Blizz know.  Blizz make this for cleaning.  Make things not stick to other things.  Blizz finally keep grease out of robes again!”  
Before anyone could stop him, Blizz spun around and attached the device to Jreely and activated it using a datapad.  There was an audible ‘ZAP’ and ‘SIZZLE’ and Jreely took off like a blaster bolt.
Bowdaar huffed, the equivalent of a Wookiee laugh.
 “Still works!” Blizz happily reported.  “Blizz want to thank boss for bringing Blizz stuff back. Blizz work for boss free of charge! But… um…
Jreely screeched from somewhere behind a tent, “FREE?!  FREE!?”
Blizz ignored him.  “Blizz need to finish job Blizz doing here first. Blizz always finish job like Boss taught.”
Eva gave him a half-smile at the memory.  “Just like Gronn taught.”
Blizz nodded vigorously. “Important Jedi-man hire Blizz and crew to hunt little box he leave in starship dead-place.”
“A little box?” Eva knew that there were … recorders?  Holos? Something that Jedi and Sith looked for all over the galaxy.  For some reason, the sands of Tatooine popped into her head.  She’d have to go back to the ship’s logs for this one.
“Yup!  Jedi-man tell Blizz where to find little box, but when Blizz and crew look ship gone!”  Blizz gestured out in the distance to the starship graveyard of Hoth.  “Blizz think what left of White Maw pirates maybe salvage wreck.  It strange though.”
“How so?” Eva asked, pulling out her macrobinoculars to get a preliminary scan of the wreck sites. The snow and the pirates had probably completely changed the landscape of Hoth over the last few years.  Add on top a blown-up Star Fortress, and stars knew what everything looked like now.
“White Maw sloppy. They only take best parts and leave rest – not usually take whole ship.”  Blizz shrugged.  “Blizz not even find loose screws!”
“Out of character for them,” Eva said, scanning the horizon.
“Blizz make things to help crew hunt.  Boss give to crew, maybe show new hunters how job done?”  The voice was exceedingly hopeful.
Eva tore her eyes away from their task. “Are you delegating, Boss?”
The Jawa laugh was gratingly high-pitched, but from Blizz, it was endearing.  
After giving her condolences to Dakk’ik over his lately deceased whomp rat, Eva hailed “Boss” on the holo comm.  Before she could get a word in, Blizz burst out, “Blizz have news!  Blizz crew find lead on little Jedi-man box!”  Bowdaar’s datapad buzzed with received coordinates. “Blizz spot little Ug-man poking around starship dead-place, so Blizz follow and find whole crew of Ug-men stealing salvage!  They have ship that Jedi-man say he stash little box in!  Blizz going take posse and get box.  Boss want to come?”
“Sounds good.  We’ll meet you at the camp.”  
Blizz clapped his hands twice, and the signal faded out.  
Bowdaar grumbled, “Ug-men?”
“I’m thinking Ugnaughts. Corso and I ran into a bunch of them on Coruscant.  Kind of like Jawas, but they often have a purpose and a plan to everything they do – not as… creative as Jawas.  They take a lot of pride in their work.”  Eva pulled out her own datapad. “Wonder what they’re working on out here.  And for whom?”
Bowdaar pushed the datapad back toward her parka.  “Detective work can wait until you’re in a warmer place, Little Girl.”  
She must have been looking a little blue, she realized.  As in cyanosis, not sadness.
The cave where the Ugnaughts had set up shop was indeed warmer on the inside compared to the harsh environs of Hoth’s surface.  Blizz and his crew were particularly enthusiastic and zealous about wiping out a rival team.  “Hah! Stupid Ug-men!  That show them not to mess with Jawas!”  Blizz patted Eva’s thigh.  “Lady Boss was great.  Blizz miss helping Lady Boss!”
Before Blizz could get too carried away, Jreely staggered over with the weight of what appeared to be a holoprojector in his hands.  “Boss, Jreely find little box like- Jedi-man want!  Look!”
Blizz inspected the device before making a disdainful, untranslatable noise.  “Look old and cheap.  Guess Jedi poor.  Blizz hope he have credits!”   Blizz carefully put the holoprojector down on the cave floor and pulled out a direct-line holocomm to his buyer.  
Eva watched as the signal came to life, but no visual from the other end appeared.  Odd.  
“Hello!  Hello!”  Blizz hailed the buyer.  “Jedi-man? Blizz have good news!”
“Are you calling from a bathroom?”
Eva felt her heart flip. She darted a look at Bowdaar, who stared in surprise at the holocomm
Only so many sentients sounded like that and would say something like that – and they knew one of them.  
Jedi-man, a holo-projector – Eva’s mind put the pieces together even as he continued to speak.  “I mean, I felt that we would speak soon, I’d hoped sooner.”
There was the con. That voice he’d used on her and Akaavi while pretending to be a full-fledged Jedi.  
Eva smirked as she leaned toward Blizz’s comm unit.  Using her best Port Nowhere customer service voice, Eva said, “Your device is safe and we’ll return it shortly.”
“Uh, that’s great.”  The man on the other end suddenly sounded uneasy again – like he knew what he heard but didn’t quite believe it.  Then the moment was gone.  “Wait, you didn’t open it, did you?  Don’t open it,” he quickly insisted.
Blizz stared at the comm unit.  “Um, Blizz not open yet.  Just find thing.  Now Blizz curious.”  His eyes darted over to the device on the ground.
“Don’t open it!  I-I won’t pay otherwise!!”  The stutter was marked, and it reminded Eva of the time Akaavi put fear of all things holy and unholy into him for looking at her wrong.
Good times.  Better times.
Eva couldn’t stop the grin from coming anyway, nor the impulse to torture Guss Tuno for a few minutes. “Sounds like this night be worth something to another buyer,” Eva said in a stage-whisper to Blizz, who rocked back and forth on his heels in silent laughter.
“I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT!” came the shout right over the line. “It’s… uh… sentimental.”
Now Bowdaar had to take a walk up to the front of the cave before he starting laughing.  “I bet it is” was the last comment Eva heard before he disappeared around the bend in the cave.
Blizz tilted his head, as if doing the credit math in his head. “Blizz think this cost extra.  Jedi-man never say Blizz can’t open and now Blizz be up all night wondering.”
“WHAT?”  But then all too quickly, the Jedi-man said, “Okay, okay, okay – Fine!  Just get it back to me soon. Unopened.  And don’t think I won’t know.  I’m a Jedi!”
And before Eva could say anything, before she could let Guss in on the joke, he cut the comm link.  “Guss!” she said, too late.
Then Blizz remembered the voice too, and he shook the comm unit frantically, to no avail.
The conversation was over.
Blizz jabbed at the device several times before looking regretfully up at Eva.  “All gone.  Sorry, Lady Boss.”  
The cave lights they wore on their parkas gave the cave an eerie glow, and their shadows played across the walls in the still.
Guss was alive, but he’d slipped right out of her hands.  
…but Guss was alive, and that beat the hell out of the alternative.  “I’m guessing your contract involves a dead drop?”
Blizz nodded, apologetically.  
“Eh, we’ll track him down. He’s slick, but as subtle as a shriekhawk.”  Eva gave the holoprojector a nudge with her foot.  “And we probably shouldn’t open that.  There’s probably something dirty in there.”
“Blizz think seal is intact – should be clean!”  
Eva stopped him before he could touch the holoprojector.  “I’ll explain later.  Good job on a contact well done – with bonus credits.”
That made Blizz jump excitedly.  “See! Blizz do good work still!  Lady Boss ready for Blizz and crew to come work for Lady Boss?”
Eva paused and then asked, “You sure?  You got this whole operation on Hoth – you are your own boss.  Don’t have to answer to anyone.”
“Yup.  But Hoth boring.  Lady Boss and Boss never boring.  Blizz know how to do good for Lady Boss!”
Eva grabbed key card from her parka pocket.  “Feed that into any nav computer you can get your hands on, and it’ll take you and the crew to my base.  We’ll take it from there.”
Blizz happily accepted the card, and it disappeared into his robes.  “Hmmm.”  Blizz’s mind was already on the next thing.  “Lady Boss Outlander.  Boss always been Blizz boss.  Lady Boss is Boss friend.  Boss gone now.  But now Blizz boss.  Lady Boss is Blizz boss friend?”  
Eva nodded to confirm.
“…so Blizz still call Lady Boss?”
Eva gave him a smile. “Sure beats ‘Commander.’”
I hope this brightens your day, @frutepye !  For Blizz’s arrival on Odessen, read Hello. 
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