#we'll see how it falls in the end lol
akkivee · 2 months
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The Rosho Special☆ Cream of the Crop Curry: Hypmic Curry Drama Track TL
Sasara: Oh, you’ve really been cookin’!
Rei: That curry smell is really making me hungry!
Rosho: It’s a miracle I was able to even decipher what you meant in that text! Why am I the only one working on this??
Sasara: Don’t sweat the small stuff! Have you finished making our super interesting curry yet?
Rosho: I did my best to follow your recipe but…
Rei: Hm? You didn’t make a normal curry?
Sasara: Tut tut tut! You see, this curry was made with some special ingredients!
Rei: It looks brown like any other curry, so I can’t tell the difference.
Sasara: I’ll give you a hint! I was thinking of calling it, "This Curry's Got You Gigged!!" Setting off any bells??
Rei: You can’t be thing about… Actually, no, that hint was so stupid, I got nothing for you.
Sasara: Hey now!!
Rosho: I used flounder in the curry, but if you can’t tell that at a glance, that’s gotta mean your joke’s fallen flat, right?
Rei: The curry’s meant sell, so it should have a little more impact.
Sasara: I guess you’re right… It’s gotta be appealing televised too…
Rosho: Let’s take a moment to brainstorm.
Sasara: *pops a cold one open* Man, nothing’s coming to mind at all…!
Rei: The theme you had settled on was, “A Bizarre Brown Curry,” right?
Rosho: We shouldn’t even try to be teeming with themes! It’s all about the flavours!!
Sasara: “Okra-zy Curry” doesn’t sound too bad!
Rosho: Okra me a river!!
Rei: How about “Kelp!! Addicted to Seaweed Curry”?
Rosho: Oh, now you’re just sailing on his coattails!
Sasasa: “Ya Kraken Me Up Squid Curry”!!
Rosho: Quit it with the seafood puns!! Geez, you’re not even trying to solve the root of the problem.
Sasara: Nyahaha…! No, yeah, you’re right.
Rei: But curry’s just curry, isn’t it? How can you even get someone to give a laugh at it at just a glance?
Rosho: How many times do I gotta say, that’s why we’re sittin’ around thinkin’ about it!!
Sasara: I think the alcohol’s getting to us~ Let’s get some food down, so we can sober up.
Rei: I agree. I’d like one order of flounder curry with rice!
Rosho: You takin’ my home as an izakaya?? Serve your own curry!!
Sasara: Phew whee, Mista Rosho here sure is stingy!
Rei: Well, sounds like I got no other choice.
Rei: Hey, so this is getting annoying to handle, you mind if I use this whole pot?
Sasara: Rosho, whatcha want me to do with this bag?
Rosho: Shut up, the both of you!! For now, just bring everything to me.
Rei: And there. Rice is served~
Sasara: And here’s a bit of the curry to top it off!
Rosho: Oh yeah, we’re using this too!
Sasara: “A White Stew for Rice”? You brought out some boil in bag goods you had bagged up?
Rosho: A student of mine gave it to me as a souvenir from a Hokkaido trip. It apparently has some Hokkaido specialties in it.
Rei: Their milk is incredibly tasty. And so… *pours it in*
Rosho: Hey!!!! What the heck are you doing??
Rei: This is my specialty, “Stew On This Rice”!
Rosho: The bag wasn’t even boiled yet… I guess I’ll stick it in the microwave.
Sasara: Wait a sec!
Rosho: What are you making that serious face for?
Sasara: If it’s cream… How does “Cream Of The Crop Curry” sound??
Rei: Ohhh, we are aiming for something eye-catching but… Wait, actually, this might work.
Rosho: It’s more of a stew though…
Sasara: Let’s have a taste test first!
*microwave dings*
DH: *eats*
Sasara: Woah??? This creamy stew and rice pair together so well!!
Rei: And this white colour gives it quite the impact.
Sasara: This is it! This is the curry that’s going to carry Dotsuitare Hompo to victory!
Rosho: But this isn’t curry?? What do you mean we’re going to use a stew??
Rei: Why’re you fussing? All we have to do is say we made a white curry.
Rosho: Then how do you explain how we made it??
Rei: White curry does exist, you know. There are spices for it and everything. Curry connoisseurs would be familiar with it.
Sasara: Is that so?? Well, there you have it, Rosho! I’ll let you figure out what those spices are!
Rosho: No, you won’t!! Shouldn’t we all be trying to figure this out??
Rei: Ahaha! I believe you’ll figure it out somehow.
Sasara: Alright! “The Rosho Special☆ Cream of The Crop Curry” is definitely going to take us to the top!!
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fennthetalkingdog · 4 days
One of my new friends is trying to get me into K-pop and it's slowly working 😭😭😭 I was restraining myself to a few Stray Kids songs and maybe an NCT-127 song before, but now she's got me listening to Ateez and P1Harmony too! And worse, she drives me back from one of my classes twice a week and I just KNOW she's gonna be showing me a new song every time :')
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satowooo · 5 months
I said "I love you."
you say nothing back
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Falling in love with Gojo Satoru was as easy as reading the pages of your favorite book, not until you reached the very end of the chapter and the author just loves to twist the story.
contents: it was all a bet trope, angst lol, fluff, hurt!gojo, groveling, satoru gojo x fem!reader, college AU, playboy!gojo, comfort
credits to @/toOOfu for the art above!! ^^
September 1, 2023
"She looks like an easy target," Satoru chuckled as he watched you walk over to your friend, Utahime Iori, in the school cafeteria. It was one of those days when he would joke with Suguru and Shoko, with Suguru always making sure Satoru gets riled up by his joke.
Suguru simply told Satoru that girls may swoon over him, but he's sure that they're some others who probably would find him annoying, someone like you. That statement made Satoru cocky, and as prideful as he was, he made it into a bet that he'll make sure to make you fall in love with him by the end of December, enough time to swoon you over.
"We'll see about that, Satoru." Suguru smirked. "The end of December, you say?"
The latter nodded his head, a wide and annoying grin on his face. "Watch and you'll see, Suguru."
The catch? Nothing, just plain fun and feeding his ego.
"Satoru!" Oh, and here comes one of his girls. His flings.
September 2, 2023
Satoru wastes no time. The next day after making their bet, he quickly made advances towards you. After seeing you in the lockers first thing in the morning, he walked over and leaned to the locker right next to yours. And when you turned, you found him there with a smirk on his face.
"Hey, darling..." He said, almost seductively, if not only for the furrowed eyebrows in your face.
"Excuse me, who are you?" Your soft voice echoed in his head.
Now that hurts his ego. Satoru Gojo. Gojo Satoru. The handsome Satoru. The greatest. The flirt. The smartest. The playboy. The Gojo Satoru. The damn Gojo Satoru who you didn't even know who.
His mind was floating elsewhere after hearing your question. As unbelievable as it may sound, you were, unfortunately, serious about not knowing him. And guessing by the look in your face, he definitely was not making a good first impression.
First attempt: Failed.
But he's not the Gojo Satoru for nothing. No, he won't give up just yet.
So he straightened his composure, faking a cough as he flashes his smile that makes all his girls go crazy, and lowers his head to show you his ocean blue eyes underneath his glasses.
He definitely made sure you won't forget his name as he asks forces you to walk you into class, blabbering nonsense by your side.
You were just too nice to tell him to go away.
September 16, 2023
Gojo Satoru was persistent. Walking you to class, even waiting for you outside the door when he was vacant, disturbing your quiet study session at the library, sitting with you at the cafeteria table when Shoko or Suguru was not there. You definitely didn't forget his name this time as he became the annoying Gojo Satoru who's becoming a nuisance to your somewhat quiet life turned into a roller coaster.
During those days, Gojo found out things about you. You were studying at the architecture department, you like arts and coffees as for what he noticed when you were at the library, you were at the top of your class, and you have a few admirers that you turned down in a nice way possible, just like how you were turning him down too.
He also took note of the fact that you were introverted, and a little shy with people so he might just go easy on you. You had a soft voice, however, you weren't as innocent as you came out to be. You are honest with your words, so when you say you're not interested in him, then you're truly not.
You weren't an easy target after all. But Gojo Satoru loved the thrill, you challenged him so much that he wasn't about to give up now that you intrigued him. He wanted to prove to himself that he can get anyone, he can have whatever he wants, and he definitely will.
"It's raining, it won't hurt to get in my car, princess." He said nearly in your ears. You pushed his face away with a look of disgust.
"No way, Gojo. You probably took so many girls in there already, and how can I be so sure you won't do anything bad?" You frowned at him, shoving his chest away as you stand outside the doors of your building, waiting for the rain to stop. You were angry, but damn you can't even raise your voice at him.
Soft. Too damn soft. Can he break you?
Through the days that he came by to woo you, it didn't matter anymore what words came out of your mouth. People may see you as the shy type of girl, but you're not afraid to voice out your opinion, and your somewhat intimidating face speaks a lot for you.
"Jealous?" He laughed when you glared at him. "Princess, I can assure you I haven't taken anyone inside my car. Plus, I can even buy a new one exclusively just for you if it bothers you too much." He grinned, annoyingly.
You gave him a moment of silence, and that sparked a new hope in Satoru's ego that you might be considering his offer now.
"Well... no."
But he could only smirk, assuming you were only playing hard to get. Girls always liked when boys chase after them, no?
"I'll walk you home then."
You shot daggers at his back as he ran to his car, and came back with an umbrella. His shirt got a bit soaked, hair a little wet after running to the car, but damn, he still got that annoying smirk on his face.
You sighed, how annoying.
September 29, 2023
He never gave up despite how you rejected him multiple times. He stuck by your side even though you don't want him to, and he was somehow getting into your system. He carries your bag when he walks you to class, or just about anywhere, and you didn't even give your bag to him—he practically forced you. He'd buy you coffee in the morning, making sure he gets the right order, and when you give money to pay, he'd refuse and shove the money back in your wallet. Sometimes, he'd give you sweets even if you don't ask him to, giving you the flavors that he likes the most.
Funny how you can't even get him to stop whatever he's trying to do. No man has ever pursued you like he does.
"That's Satoru for you, love." He cut you off with a playful smile. "Haven't I told you already?"
"Gojo." You repeated seriously. His eyes glinted with interest as he waited for your words. "Get lost, please."
How nice of you to say please.
He laughs. He had the audacity to laugh. "You know, you're really cute."
"Look," you sighed tiredly. "Whatever this is you're trying to do, stop. I'm not interested. If you want to get into my pants like you did to those other girls, that's not going to happen."
With one look at him, you snatched your bag from him and walked away with your heart beating loudly. Your face was heating up after saying each word, and never in your life have you turned someone down so harshly.
Satoru watched as you walked away. Sure, that hurt his pride, but he can't let his ego step on so easily.
He left you alone during the day, just giving you the space since he seemed to have pushed your buttons a bit. Plus, he was busy with basketball practice since his coach was already nagging him for not attending their training.
However, your assumptions were only proved to be true when you caught him with a girl at the parking lot the same day. A cheerleader, stroking his chest as if she was comforting him as her other hands wiped his sweat with a towel. You looked at his physique, Satoru Gojo was in his basketball uniform, showing a lot of his biceps. You watched as his adam's apple protruding as he drank his water.
You felt annoyed. Your eyes turning red when you see just how he didn't mind the cheerleader. Of course, Gojo Satoru was a playboy.
Who cares? You definitely didn't.
That's what you thought.
You walked in the opposite direction, just so you wouldn't cross paths. But of course, Gojo Satoru will always see you. After all, he was at the parking lot waiting just for you, and only you.
"Wait up!" You heard his voice from behind, and you didn't even look back, thinking he wasn't calling out for you. You wished he was calling for you.
Satoru grabbed your wrist, and forced you to look at him. "Hey!"
Your brows furrowed, trying to yank your wrist away at his strong hold. "What do you want?"
"Woah... slow down." He said as he grasped your elbows with both hands. His eyes searched yours, his piercing blue eyes staring at the raging fire burning in your gaze. "What's wrong?"
You swear, your brows almost met each other at him. But you didn't want to burst. At least, not in front of him. "Go back to your cheerleader, Gojo." You frowned at him.
He observed you for a minute, then a small smile crept on his lips. Realizing just how much he's finally having an effect on you.
"Sorry," he chuckled.
"What?!" You almost shout at him in annoyance.
"I said, I'm sorry, princess." He repeated. "I didn't think of you as the jealous type. Plus, she was just helping me."
"Help you what? Wipe off your sweat? Since you don't have the hands to do it for yourself?" You glared at his annoying handsome face. "You playboy. I knew you were just trying to play with me." You said, pushing his chest with your pointer finger.
He pursed his lips as he caught your wrist, stopping you. "Now, now, don't think like that." He chuckled. "I'm sorry, I'll be sure to push those girls away so you won't be mad at me anymore."
And damn, he was true to his words. He didn't know what got into him, but he definitely started rejecting every girl that came his way. He didn't even feel sorry, and he even stopped calling those poor girls with sweet endearments as he rejected them.
Gojo Satoru was slowly starting to feel something for you. But he doesn't even know it just yet.
In a span of a month, he successfully got into your system.
October 6, 2023
"How's the deal going?" Suguru asked as they walked together to their class.
"Poor girl, I heard from people that she's nice." Shoko added, shaking her head at them. "Though people may see her as intimidating, they said she's really kind. A soft voice, and all that. Shouldn't you stop, Satoru?"
"Nah, I think I'm enjoying this." Satoru shrugged.
Of course, Satoru definitely felt something tugging at his heart. He definitely liked having you around, since you were giving just the right thrill to rile him up, he loved every rejection, and every attention you gave him. But somehow, he was feeling a little guilty. But he's too prideful to even admit that.
"Plus, she's friends with Utahime. That girl hates you a lot, Satoru." Shoko said. "You wouldn't want to hurt her best friend."
October 13, 2023
"Didn't I tell you to call me Satoru?" He raised his eyebrows at you as he accompanied you in the library, placing a coffee and a small cookie right next to your books.
"We're not friends, Gojo."
"Right, since you're going to be my girlfriend."
You shot him a look, sighing as you turned the pages of your book. "What do you want this time?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to spend time with my favorite person." He smiled, opening his books too. "I'll study with you. I promise, I'll be quiet."
You didn't respond to that, just expecting him to keep his words. And when he did stay silent like he promised, you were already thanking god for having to hear your prayers.
As the hours went by, you slowly fell asleep, your head resting in your arms as your books laid discarded. Satoru looked at you, a small smile crept on his face as he gently stroked your hair.
He stood up, organizing your books in a pile, taking your pencil case as he shoved your pens in them and putting it inside your bag, he got the empty cup of coffee that he got for you and threw it in the trash can, and he did it all so as to not wake you. He waited for a few hours, tenderly watching you doze off, before he tapped your shoulders to wake you up so he could take you home.
October 18, 2023
Maybe Satoru felt guilty now.
He twists and turns in his bed, thinking of you and how you put up with him everyday. And everything you do, never escape in his eyes as he finds himself memorizing you.
You'd smile at him nicely, despite how your eyes show how annoyed you were.
Your feet would tap the floor when you get too nervous.
You don't even know but you unconsciously hold a piece of fabric in his shirt when it gets too crowded, hiding behind him when there's a lot of people.
He notices how your hands move gracefully as you trace your art project, eyes furrowed and focus on getting your work done.
Truthfully, he adores your smiles. The way your eyes would squint every time your lips stretch in delight. He held your hands once at his attempt of flirting, and it was so soft that he couldn't even get himself to let go. He loved playing with your soft, silky hair whenever you fell asleep in the library, staying by your side until you woke up. He also loved your silence, the comforting atmosphere that you give off seems to calm something in his heart. When he manages to get a proper conversation with you, he just wants to melt every time he hears your sooting voice.
And nervously, he thinks he's starting to like you.
October 23, 2023
Slowly, Satoru became a part of your day. Somehow, he managed to finally be friends with you, and still, you refused to call him Satoru, indicating that you still cannot allow yourself to be casual with him.
That's fine. He can settle for whatever you can give him. For now.
"Baby, there's a basketball game coming up this Friday..." Satoru trailed off. You were almost going to point out his endearment, but then again, it's Satoru, and you were slowly getting used to him.
"What?" You asked. "So?"
"I bought you tickets so you can watch. It's two tickets, so you can bring your friend."
He didn't even ask if you wanted to, but then again, for a hundredth time, it's Satoru. He wanted you to watch his game, nonetheless.
And you did. Your seat being close to their benches so he can see you easily.
October 27, 2023
"Seriously? I'm about to watch our school's basketball game, because Gojo Satoru invited you?" Utahime said annoyed as you both sat at your assigned seats.
"Well... yes..." You said shyly, looking around at the amount of people in the stadium. "You know, we've been hanging out a lot–"
"I told you, he's bad news." Utahime cut you off. "How am I supposed to get that in your head?"
"I know, I know... But he's actually been nice. Haven't you notice?"
Utahime thought for a moment. Of course, she noticed some changes. Gojo Satoru seemed to be spending his time with you lately. He didn't even care about his ex flings, or his admirers, he was solely focused on you. Usually, Gojo would take a girl wrapped around his fingers in a day, and then disposing them just as quick after he got what he wanted. He looks like he's not like that to you, Utahime thought. Though, she hated his guts, Utahime knew you were enjoying having him around.
She sighed, "Just... don't get hurt, okay?"
You chuckled at her. "Why would I?"
After the game ended, with your school cheering loudly at winning, Utahime said she had to go home quickly, so you were left alone.
You didn't know what to do, or where to go. Satoru was busy with his teammates, talking and congratulating each other. Satoru wanted to go to you quickly, but his fans surrounded him, stopping him from going your way as they celebrated their victory.
Satoru knew too well that you didn't like the crowd, so he was trying hard to escape from it.
Your eyes watched as his fans congratulated him, asking for pictures, and even giving him gifts. You sighed, texting him that you'll be going home since he wasn't about to finish anytime soon.
You understood that he was famous, and all that. He's Satoru Gojo, after all. And it's another part of him that you're still not used to.
A part of you was proud of him. And you couldn't possibly be selfish about him, especially if you only recently got to know him.
Satoru hurriedly ran away from the crowd, excusing himself politely as he saw you walking through the exit doors. He got his bag, and ran to catch up to you.
Thanks to his long legs, and his intense basketball training, he was able to catch up to you quickly. "Hey!" He called.
You turned as you heard his voice, seeing his disheveled hair and sweaty forehead as he ran to you. "Gojo, hey, I texted you and–"
"Hey..." He greeted, panting heavily.
You pursed your lips, getting a handkerchief from your pocket so you can wipe the sweat off his face. "Why did you leave them? Everyone was celebrating with you."
"You weren't there." He frowned. "What's the point of it..."
Satoru was tired after the game, but he was regaining his strength once he saw you.
"Nonsense." You chuckled, in which he frowned even more.
"I'll take you home." He said as he holds your hand to his, leading you to his car. "I invited you anyway, it's my responsibility to take care of you."
You nodded, getting in his car since you had been tired from all the crowd.
When he reached your home, he quickly got off so he could open the door for you.
Oh, the little things that he does.
You both stand outside of your house awkwardly, both trying to find the right words to say. You looked away, tapping your feet nervously as Satoru watches you.
"Congratulations... Satoru."
Satoru... Satoru... Satoru... His name never felt so good until you said it. It was like an achievement, a big prize that he won in his life. And his heart was almost about to explode when you finally called him by his name.
Satoru almost stuttered thanks to you. Slowly, he was approaching you until your back leaned in his car.
He closed his eyes, as his head fell on your shoulders. "Say that again... please?"
"Huh?" You were confused, your face blushing at the proximity. "Congratulations?"
"No... say my name... please, baby?"
His voice was so soft, desperately asking you to say the words he longed to hear from you. Satoru felt weak in his knees.
He looked up at you finally, his eyes searching your soul. Despite the darkness of the night, his eyes were glowing brighter than the moon.
Satoru Gojo knew he's in danger.
The moment he locked eyes with your eyes, looking at them until it darted on your lips. Before he knew it, he was leaning down for a kiss.
And fuck it, just how dangerous it was that you weren't even pulling away.
October 28, 2023
You were confused when you saw Satoru at your front door the next morning, his hands holding a bouquet of flowers. He looked absolutely handsome in his shirt, his sleeves tucked until his elbow.
You blush when you remember what happened last night. "Satoru, what are you doing here? It's a Saturday."
"I know," he said, handing you the bouquet of tulips. "I missed you."
"Will you allow me to take you out on a date?"
His heart was at bliss when you said yes to him. It was a simple coffee shop date, but you felt so happy as he made sure you were also comfortable and having fun. Having casual talks with you, but this time, there was a lying affection between you two.
And when he took you home, he slowly sealed your lips in a kiss. Exploring your mouth gently, smiling as he pulled away.
October 30, 2023
Satoru finally told Suguru he wants to stop whatever game they started with each other.
"Just about time you do."
Satoru swears he felt his ears heat up when Suguru said those words with a teasing grin. Shoko was laughing at his flushed state, clapping her hands in delight.
"Ah! I knew it!" She exclaimed. "Knew you were going to fall on your own trap. Well, that's actually good."
Satoru blushed even more. Finally, he can admit that he was starting to like you. Love you even.
In all honesty, he felt like he couldn't even live without you in his life. He felt like every moment with you was precious, and he was desperate to make you his, seriously this time.
All those times that he accompanied you to class, were influenced by his own choice. He could've just left you alone some days, but he didn't even know he was doing all those things unintentionally. Buying you snacks, and your coffee, he could've easily stopped that after every rejection, but he chose not to.
Gojo Satoru wanted to always be a part of your day. He was already a part of your present, and he wants to be there in your past, and still be in your future.
November 3, 2023
Satoru, as usual, was eating lunch with you in the cafeteria. Everyone in the school knew by now that he was not entertaining anyone anymore, just you. And he made it that obvious, looking at you so lovingly everyone who passed by would've looked at you in envy.
"Why aren't you with Shoko and Suguru?" You asked as you take a sip of your coffee. You looked over to the table where his friends sat, both busy at whatever conversation they had.
"They don't mind." Satoru replied, scooting closer in your seat. "You should get used to it by now."
"To what?"
"Sitting with you during lunch." He smiled when you looked away. "I like being with you."
Your mind wandered off somewhere when he said that. Does he like you or does he like the company that you give?
November 10, 2023
Satoru was frowning at you when he saw you sitting with another guy in the library. At your usual spot, in his seat, in front of you. He was annoyed that someone even had the guts to make a move to you.
Slowly, with heavy steps, he approached your table, sitting at the vacant chair next to you. His hands wrapped itself between your waist, as his jealousy pulled him to kiss your cheek in front of your innocent classmate.
"Baby..." He whispered closely in your ear. "I was looking for you."
He looked in front to shoot daggers at the guy you were with. The innocent stranger blushed as he looked away, "Uh... I guess I'll see you tomorrow. I'll message you if I need help."
The guy hurried on his feet, stumbling as he exited the library. Satoru's arms tighten on your waist and you looked at his angry face.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Who is he and why is he going to message you?" A frown was evident in his face, and he was getting a little too close. You had never seen him this intimidated.
"That's my partner for a group project, idiot." You muttered the last word. "You scared him off."
Satoru pulled you close, nuzzling his nose against your temple. "It's annoying..."
"What's annoying?"
Satoru cursed under his breath, "Come on, I'll take you out to dinner."
But while he was driving, it was painfully silent. You're not used to this kind of mood, he was always playful and teasing, but now, he was glaring ahead at the car in front of him, as if the car did something wrong.
His knuckles were white on the steering wheel, and for some reason, you find yourself putting your hands above his, running circles on his tensed ones.
His hold loosened up a bit, and he sighed heavily.
"Tell me, what's wrong, Satoru."
Satoru pulled over to the side, facing you with a nervous face. "I'm sorry..."
"For what?"
"I was... jealous." He answered truthfully. He frowned, not liking the feeling twisting in his stomach. "I've never felt this before, baby. I want to keep you to myself, to always have you by my side and not anyone else, and it's so selfish that I hate myself for it. You're driving me crazy, and fuck it, I love you. I love you for making me like this. You don't understand... I'm head over heels–"
You interrupted him with a kiss. Satoru didn't even realize that he was already confessing, not until he felt your mouth against his.
It felt like there were fireworks exploding in your surroundings. Feels like he was finally breathing for the first time ever. Like the summer melting his winter.
"I love you too, Satoru."
He felt like dying right then and there, cupping your cheeks in a hungry kiss. Pulling you to his lap as you both make out in his car.
"Can I be your boyfriend?"
How can he be so cute, muttering those words weakly underneath you?
His question was not even a 'will you be my girlfriend' but a 'can i be your boyfriend?'
It was so cute. He was asking you your permission, he was asking to be yours.
He was... surrendering his heart to you.
And who were you to deny him?
November 20, 2023
You found out Gojo Satoru is a clingy man. It was obvious, the first time that he never left you alone, but this time, it only got worse, in a good way though.
He holds your hand when you're together, not even caring when girls would look at the two of you jealously. He doesn't care if a teacher sees him snuggling his face against your neck, he just wants to be that close to you. He will ask for a cuddle every time you two spend your time in your house. He would dart his tongue out teasingly at Shoko and Suguru when all of you sat at the same table, and he was hugging your waist and leaning his head on your shoulder. And when you two are in a private space, especially his car, he'd pull you in his lap for a long make out session.
You weren't even complaining, since you loved him just as much.
"Utahime!" You smiled when you saw your best friend in the cafeteria. "Haven't seen you in a while."
Utahime gave out a tired sigh. "I know, the professor is always giving out so many tasks, I might pass out anytime soon." She chuckled. "How are you? You and Gojo? He's like a lovesick puppy always sticking by your tail."
You chuckled. "That's so exaggerated, Utahime... But I'm really really happy."
Utahime was glad to hear her only best friend was this happy. She was thanking god that Gojo finally decided to be serious over a girl for once, and if he ever just breaks your heart, she'd be so sure to be the first to kick his ass.
December 4, 2023
"You're still with her?" Gojo's ex flings, Jia, asked him during his basketball training. Jia was the cheerleader girl that you saw him with in the parking lot, the fling that Satoru had for a month, longer than usual. He already rejected her, but she's still desperately trying to get with him.
"Of course, I am." He muttered, annoyingly. He snatched the towel that she was holding, her attempt to help him wipe his sweat. "Jia, I already told you–"
"Isn't she just a bet?"
Satoru froze, as if a bucket of ice was dropped all over his body. Her voice rang in his head, and he blinked furiously a few times.
"She's not–"
"But I heard you and Geto." Jia smirked, knowing she was just pushing the right buttons. "Come on, you were at the cafeteria, were you not expecting someone to hear you? I was pitying her when I saw the poor girl slowly starting to–"
"Whatever you heard, Jia, is none of your business." Satoru said in a cold-hearted tone. "I love her. Get that in that little brain of yours." He scoffed, walking away.
Jia was furious, her eyes turning black in anger. Oh, she wanted to hurt you. She was the last fling of Satoru, and just because of you, he was acting like this. She didn't like the fact that you easily stole him from her.
December 13, 2023
The fall. The breaking point.
Suguru was having a party in his house, a public year-end party with a few of his college friends and blockmates, everyone was invited to have fun. Satoru took you with him, making sure to just stay by your side so you won't get lost at the sea of people.
"How are you two holding up?" Suguru approached you two, handing a cup to Satoru. "You two having fun?"
You nodded your head quietly. "Yeah... there's a lot of people. Are they all from our university?"
"Some are outsiders," Suguru chuckled. "Satoru, we're about to play by the pool. We'll wait for you there."
Satoru nodded, pulling you by the waist as Suguru left. "You okay, baby? Do you want to go home?"
You shake your head, "No, no, it's fine. We can stay a bit more."
"Mhmm, just tell me if you get tired, okay?"
You two walked together to the backyard, where the swimming pool was at. It was a bit crowded, but definitely fewer than inside Suguru's house. Shoko was there, a few of Suguru's friends, and Satoru's basketball teammates. They were all passing out their drinks, mixing whatever liquor was there.
Everyone said hi to Satoru, even to you. You watched silently as a few of his friends talked to him.
"Satoru, I'll go to Shoko first." You whispered above the noise. He turned his head at you, stopping his conversation with his friends.
"What? I'll go with you then–"
"No, it's fine, Shoko's just there." You said, pointing at Shoko who was lighting a cigarette right next to Suguru. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."
Satoru nodded reluctantly as he let you approach Shoko and Suguru, turning back to his friends, glancing at you once in a while.
But when he wasn't looking, Jia just had the perfect timing to enter the scene, stopping you midway.
"Oh, it's Satoru's little toy." Jia slurred her words. You looked at her confused as she looked at you judging. "He's still not breaking up with you? He wants to hurt you that bad, huh?" She chuckled.
You were trying to assess her words. You recognized her as the cheerleader Satoru was with last time, and her aura and words were making you nervous. What was she trying to say? What did she mean by that?
Satoru saw you, and his breath hitch when he saw who you are with. He looked over at Shoko and Suguru, who both stood up to approach you, but Jia was already taking advantage of you being alone.
"Poor girl," she frowned teasingly. "I'm pretty sure Satoru didn't want to go too far with the bet."
"Bet?" Your voice came out hoarse. You looked over at Jia's shoulder, where Shoko and Suguru stood frozen in their spot, their eyes widened in horror, and it gave you just enough explanation about what's happening.
"Oh, they were just betting about how Satoru can make you fall in love 'til December." She laughed wickedly. "I'm sorry, honey, you had to find out this way, but really, I was feeling sorry that I have to tell you–"
Her words were cut short when you felt a hand on your wrist. And you turned to see Satoru, his eyes red and shaking, "Baby..."
"Satoru? Was that true?" You looked into his eyes, hopeful. Your eyes welled up in tears, and his silence just made it worse. His hold on you was trembling, and he couldn't even say the right words out of his mouth.
You looked at Suguru and Shoko, your eyes pleading. "Shoko? Suguru?"
Another silence. It's like something was pulling the strings of your heart, threatening to cut your lifeline. And it hurt so much when they couldn't even say something.
You heaved a gasp, trying to stop a sob to escape your lips. But you failed miserably as Satoru tried to pull you in his embrace. "Let me explain–"
You pushed him away furiously, eyes angrily glaring at him. "Explain? Explain what?! That what she said was true?!"
Satoru's hands balled in a fist, and he felt his eyes burning as you pushed him away from his touch. His heart aches when you look at him full of hatred, and hurt. He felt his world slowly crumbling apart when you ran away in a hurry.
You quickly called Utahime, asking her to pick you up as soon as possible. While Satoru stood there helpless, his feet glued to the ground. He looked at Suguru, his eyes searching for help.
All of you were equally shocked, and nervous.
"Fucking go after her, Satoru!" Shoko shouted as she pulled Jia's hair. "Fucking bitch!"
The latter cried, but Satoru couldn't care less as Suguru pushed him to move. As fast as he could, he ran outside the door of Suguru's house, walking past every dancing body, he didn't even care if he crashed into someone, he just wanted to get to you.
And when he found you walking by the sidewalk, his heart started crying at your panicked state. He approached you, holding your wrist to stop you from walking any further.
"Let's talk, please–"
"Let go of me!"
"Let's talk, baby. Let's talk this out." He pleaded desperately, hands grasping your shoulders to stop you from moving.
Your body trembled against him, hands covering your face as you tried to stop your tears from falling continuously. "I hate you."
"I know you do–"
"Fucking jerk."
"I know, I know–"
"Don't touch me!" You burst, pushing him away harshly. His heart crashed into pieces, his breath coming out shallow and slow. Just like you, he was crying just as bad. "I knew! I knew from the very start you were up to no good! Utahime warned me, my friends warned me! But fuck you! I thought you actually cared! I thought you loved–"
"I love you, baby..." He said, weakly.
"You lying skim! I thought you changed!"
"Please, baby, let's talk about this when we're not angry? Please?" He tried to reach out for you, but his heart felt like it was losing its strength when you back away.
"I don't want to see you–"
"N-no, you don't mean that..." His voice came out as a whisper, a desperate plea for you to listen to him. "I'll take you home, we'll talk, okay? I'll explain and–"
"There's no use, Gojo."
Cruel. How cruel of you to say his last name so coldly. It was a sign that Satoru refused to look at. A sign that you were tired, that you want to let this go already.
His beautiful blue eyes seemed to lose its life, the same way that he was losing you. One moment, you were there by his side, and now... you looked at him as if you wanted to get him out of your life.
And it hurt so bad. It hurt so bad when he tried to touch you, but you still furiously backed away.
"I love you." His voice cracked, looking at you weakly. His hands shake by his side, fighting the urge to reach out for you.
You breathed heavily, shaking your head at him as you said nothing back. You clenched your teeth, not wanting to let him hear your sobs. You're starting to pity yourself, of how stupid you had become. You should've listened to Utahime the first time.
December 14, 2023
Satoru had never felt this lifeless before. Even Shoko and Suguru couldn't help him as he refused to talk to any of them.
His eyes were searching for you everywhere in the cafeteria, but to his dismay, you never showed up the whole day, not even in your classes. He wanted to ask Utahime when he saw her walking down the hallways, but the girl only glared at him as she walked passed. And Gojo was just as helpless as ever.
He messaged and called you a few times, but you didn't answer. He wanted to go to your house, but he can't even find the courage to do it.
December 15, 2023
Satoru finally saw you after a day of absence. You looked tired, and he was mentally cursing at himself for making you like this. He was starting to hate himself, and he's not going to forgive himself anytime soon.
Satoru tried to approach you, but you didn't even dare look him in the eye. He bit his lower lip, trying his hardest to stabilize his breathing. Just like he usually does, he walks you to class, only a few steps behind this time.
Fine, he'll settle for this. He'll give you the space you needed first before anything else.
At the cafeteria, he didn't see you once again. That worried him as he left Shoko and Suguru to look for you. The first place he thought of was the library, and he was glad to see you there.
You glanced up from your book, feeling someone staring at you. And you were right as your eyes met with Satoru, and your heart ached as your brows furrowed at him.
You looked away, trying not to be affected.
All throughout the day, Satoru thought of you and your last interaction. Every time the memory flashed in his mind, he wanted to punch himself. Hurt himself twice as much.
He fucked up so bad, and he wanted to make it up to you.
So he finally had the courage to wait outside your classroom's door after his class, waiting for the professor to dismiss everyone. He didn't waste anymore time as he got by your side quickly when you walked out the door.
Your name rolled out his tongue slowly, and you stopped dead on your track.
"I'll t-take you home..." He stuttered, his eyes searching yours for any emotion. But your eyes were dead, not even a single anger, or love for him in there.
"I'm fine, Gojo. You can go away–"
"I'm not going away."
You turned to him furiously. It was like you two are back to square one, to the first time you two met, and no one should ever forget that Gojo Satoru was persistent. But this time, two hearts were breaking and in a need to mend.
"P-please, let's talk–"
You didn't respond as you walked away fast, but damn his legs for always being able to keep up with you. Despite how Satoru took the hint that you don't want to talk to him, he still didn't care. It didn't matter to Satoru if he couldn't take you home with his car, he'll walk with you instead, like how he used to.
He'll be quiet. He just wants to be with you.
December 16, 2023
You hated Saturday classes. And you hate it even more that Satoru Gojo was tailing you behind. Trying his best to get you to talk to him.
"Don't call me that."
He coughed awkwardly, blinking his tears away. "You didn't eat lunch today again, let me take you–"
"Cut the crap, Gojo."
He gulped when you looked at him, with hatred in your eyes.
Maybe, just maybe he can settle for this. Look at him. Just look at him. At least look at him, even if you don't want to love him anymore. It's fine. He understands. Just look at him.
"Stop with the act already. I'm so tired of it. I'm so tired of you."
"I'm sorry..." He muttered against his breath. "But I can't. Not until you listen to me." Not until you take him back.
"There's nothing for you to explain anymore, Gojo. I've had enough, and I get it. I understand as bright as day that it was just a game–"
"It's fucking not." He gritted his teeth. As much as he didn't want to be harsh, he was so desperate in wanting you to lend your ears to him. "It wasn't a game for me. And I did love you. I fucking love you still. Yes, it was a bet at first, but I told Suguru that I wanted to stop. He knows just how much I love you. Shoko knows. Fucking everyone knows at this point. Why can't you just listen to me?"
He catches his breath as he finishes voicing out his words. But no, you were a little hard in the head. You wouldn't believe him that fast. You didn't want to hurt your heart again.
"I don't love you."
You didn't know what gave you the urge to say that. It wasn't really true, but the wrong words seem to be the only right words to cut it out.
If Satoru's heart is already breaking, he was sure it is now turning into ashes. You're a liar, he tried to convince himself. You love him, and he's not about to give up just yet.
December 18, 2023
You can hurt Satoru how much you want, but that will never stop him from loving and chasing after you.
Another frustrated sigh came out from you when he left a cookie on your table to your first class, with a note saying, 'I love you. Don't forget to eat.' with his name underneath and a heart. You didn't even know how he managed to put these on your table so early in the morning, and your heart just wants to surrender.
But no, you're not.
So, even if it comes out too heartless, you offered the cookie to the person next to you as you crumpled the note, throwing it away inside your bag so no one would see it.
During lunch, Satoru saw you at your usual table, and tried to sit with you. But you got up in a hurry, pulling Utahime who just got back from the bathroom with you.
Being angry at him is one thing, but avoiding him? No, he can't take that. He'd rather have you stay mad at him, scream and hurt him verbally, even slap him if you want, but giving him the cold shoulder was you telling him that he doesn't exist in your world anymore. Satoru's heart is barely living at this point.
Satoru cursed to himself, standing up and going back to Shoko and Suguru who looked at him with a sad smile.
"Give it time, Satoru."
But time doesn't seem to be on his side.
And fate doesn't get along with you on your most desperate days as you watched the rain poured down once again. It was like deja vu. Standing outside the building, waiting for the rain to stop so you can go home.
But the rain was falling a little too harsh, and you know it's not about to stop anytime soon. It was like the rain also had a turmoil within itself, crying heavily just the same way your heart did.
You hate yourself for always forgetting an umbrella as you take a step, lifting your bag to your head, as you let the rain soak your clothes. It's the last day of school today anyway, you're finally taking your Christmas vacation tomorrow, and it wouldn't hurt to get sick for a few days.
Unbeknownst to you, Satoru comes to the rescue at the right time.
He held an umbrella as he ran after you, being careful as he strides so he won't trip on his feet.
He called your name, stopping shortly when he finally got you under the umbrella and pulling you close by the waist.
"I'll take you home." He shouted above the rain.
Your body trembled in the cold, and Satoru was embracing you like he used to. He didn't even mind if you got his clothes wet. But you still have the guts to push him away. "No! I can go home by myself!"
"Stop being stubborn!" Despite holding you with one hand, his other hand holding the umbrella, he still managed to keep you on your feet, his hand squeezing your waist tightly.
"Stop it!"
"Let go of me!"
"You're going to get sick!"
"I don't fucking care!"
"No, I'll take you home–"
"Gojo Satoru!"
Satoru gave up as you writhed from his embrace. He dropped his umbrella, using both his hands to grab your waist, and kissing you in the rain.
His tongue was invading, seeking every corner of your mouth desperately. Fuck, he missed this. He missed you so much. And he didn't even care if the rain was slowly ruining his hair and clothes, as long as he had you right here in his arms.
It was a dangerous dance underneath the cold waters beneath the rain. Two lovers, hopelessly trying to heal their broken hearts. Their lips tangled together like it was their last chance to be like this again.
"I'll take you home..."
How did you let yourself become weak for him?
You handed him a towel as both of you entered your home. Despite how upset you are with him, you couldn't possibly just leave him wet by the rain and catch a cold. You were just being nice, you said to yourself. It's not because of your affection towards him, you're just being a helpful woman who still has a heart so you invited him into your house. Thats it, that's all there is, perhaps.
Before you can leave him, Satoru holds your hand, electrifying the two of you to stop you from your tracks. You tried to look at him in the eye, but it was impossible. Satoru doesn't even try to hide how much he's hurting in front of you, and that just doubles the pain that you're feeling right now.
"Let's talk..." He said weakly. "Please? I'm not leaving if we don't talk."
"Satoru, please, just let it go..."
"No," he shakes his head stubbornly. "You mean so much to me."
Your breath hitched as he pulled you close, cupping your cheeks with both hands as he leaned his forehead against yours.
"It's true, we did make a bet..." He closed his eyes, the words falling in his mouth felt like daggers shot straight to his heart. "And I hate myself for it. For being a prideful jerk who wanted to prove he can have whoever he wants, and hurting you in the process..."
Satoru breathed heavily, his hands rubbing circles on your cheek. "Before I knew it, I was down badly on my knees. I wanted you. I love you. I wanted to spend each and every waking moment with you. And I told Suguru, and Shoko, that I wanted to stop whatever game we agreed upon, so I can start loving you truthfully..."
"And I felt so alive, baby. When you told me you love me too, when you let me be your boyfriend, when you finally accepted my love for you. Fuck, I can die a happy man. I just... love you. I love being loved by you. I love it when you let me love you. I love it when you do nothing and it just drives me wild. I love it every time I see your eyes looking at me. I love hearing your voice, seeing you smile, and love it even more when you let me hold your hand! I love every single piece of your soul, and I want you. I want to always be with you. My heart aches for you, baby... please..."
He was crying. Oh, god, he was crying as he confessed everything to you. And you swear your heart wants to come out from your chest.
Your heart was swelling, he was mending your bruises, healing your scars in every word he uttered. Your tears were falling nonstop, and your hands quiver to place it above his.
"Satoru..." You sobbed, looking at his helpless blue eyes who'd been crying buckets as well. "I hate the fact that I love you so much."
Satoru heaved a gasp as he pulled you to his embrace, sealing you in a wet kiss. Somehow, it didn't even feel cold anymore now that you have your arms around him again.
His face settled on your neck, and he was catching his breath. He ran his hands in your hair, holding you tight as if he was afraid to let you go.
"Don't leave me again..."
"I won't. I promise." You let out a low chuckle. This time, you cupped his cheek so he could look at you. "I love you so much, Satoru. I'm so sorry for hurting you."
"I deserved it." He smiled. Finally, he was smiling at you. "And I love you more."
Satoru made sure he's not letting you escape this time. Everyday, he's going to make it up to you. He's going to tell you how much he loves you, and he's going to make sure you'll never even forget it until you fall asleep. He's going to love you like it's breathing, and he promised to himself he's going to love you until the next lifetime.
i know i said I'll do the part 2 of my Suguru fic, but im so sorry this was in my head for ages 😭 i promised ill start part 2 in a while... anyways, thanks for reading! its not proofread so im sorry for any typographical errors and spelling ^^
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orcelito · 1 year
INTL chapter 9 is like "Oops, still depressed about wolfwood"
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leigh-kay · 1 year
Phone Calls || Ethan Landry
warnings// overused gf phonecall smut plot, you all mad at me for cutting it short probably, she touches herself and he watches lol, ethan being a menace, degradation <3
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She was alone when the phone rang, watching her favorite show. She was biting into a piece of the watermelon she'd grabbed in the kitchen when it startled her into dropping it.
"Hello?" she huffed, picking up the piece from her comforter.
"Hello y/n," the rasp was unmistakable to her ears.
Reagrdless, her eyes rolled, "Turn that stupid thing off. You made me drop my watermelon you jerk."
He sighed on the other end of the line, cutting the voice changer, "You know I thought it'd be funny-"
"To call me using your serial killer persona voice? Ha. I find it hilarious."
"You said it was hot when I showed up covered in blood ," she could hear his pout.
Switching to speaker phone, she sat the phone on the pillow beside her, "It was. Hell even the voice effect is... something. But your voice is my favorite."
She continued to eat her fruit, smiling at the sound of his silence at the end of the line.
He never knew how to take compliments. His flustered behavior gave her an idea. Why not push his limits?
"You sound pretty all the time but I love when you whisper in my ear. Or when you get all grumpy and assertive and sound all... aggressive."
He can tell what she's up to, and it has the opposite effect she'd imagined. Rather than turn bashful, he cuts straight to the very tone she'd talked about.
"Is that so, baby?"
"Mhm," she smiles, though he can't see her.
"Now that I think about it... you do fall apart so easily with just a few words," he's tempting with his words, "dont you pretty?"
The fruit is moved to her bed side table as she readjusts in her sheets, "The words you choose to say play a part too you know."
"Yeah? Like what?"
Heat floods her body as she thinks of all the different things he says. When she's on top of him. When she's pinned beneath him. How he begs when he's in her mouth.
"When you call me yours."
"And don't forget it. What else?"
She can feel her panties as they catch the heat pouring out of her.
"How you say my name when you.." she trails off, eyes shut.
"When I what baby?"
A sigh rushes out of her, "when you're inside of me."
"You just love when I fuck you, don't you?"
Her fingers trail to the line of her shorts, inching them down, "You know I do."
He could hear the slight whine in her voice, "Are you touching yourself?"
She gave no answer as her fingers run through her slit.
"Answer me slut."
She rolled her eyes.
"Yes mr. psycho killer," she snorted.
"Don't roll your eyes at me baby," his voice was less angry and more teasing, "now you're gonna do what I say, yeah?"
She'd come to the conclusion that he was watching her. Which also led her to believe that if she did as she was told, he'd fuck her the way she really wanted. Deal.
"Yes sir," she smiled, eyes wandering to the window at the far side of the room. She imagined he'd be sitting there, up in the tree beside it, watching her.
"Good. Now, play with that pretty pussy just like I would hm?"
She didn't need to be told twice. Slow circles across her clit made bumps break on her skin. She could feel her temperature rising as she grew needier with the teasing touches she granted herself.
"Look at you, teasing yourself just like I would. I bet you wish it was me though," she could hear the pride in his voice and while it annoyed her, orgasms trumped annoyance any day.
She took a breath, "Ethan please."
"Please what baby?"
"Just come in and touch me," she tried to keep her composure, "I'll do anything."
"Make yourself come and we'll talk about me touching you."
She groaned in frustration, "feels so much better when its you though!"
He laughed in a breath, "I know it does. But i want to watch you."
She knew he'd get what he wanted. He always did with that smile and those stupid fucking brown eyes of his. Disagreements were nonexistent the moment he made her look at him and shes pissed at the fact just picturing him is enough to make her more agreeable.
Regardless, her fingers slip into her cunt as she mumbles his name, dragging through her in a quick speed.
"Faster, angel," he demands.
"Please," she moans, "keep talking baby, please"
"God you're a whore. Touching yourself to my voice?"
Fucking hell.
Her eyes squeeze shut as he continues, "Such a pretty whore though hm? My pretty whore."
She nodded, curling her fingers in just the right way to make her whine.
"Sound so needy too, can't fucking wait to touch you honey."
She curses as she falls apart, crying his name and within seconds her closet door is thrown open.
A scream fills her room as he steps into the light.
"Fuck you!" she huffs, shooting daggers into the man ten feet away.
"You knew I was watching," he grins, making his eay towards her before crawling ontop of her.
"You know you say my name so pretty when you come?" he teases.
She finds her eyes rolling again as she glares up at him, "You said you'd fuck me if I listened."
He laughs, fingers stroking the column of her neck as he takes her lips on his own. She was perfect for him. So needy and so fucking mean. He loved it. He loved her.
Her fingers find home in his hair as she wraps her legs around his waist, dragging him closer into her.
The hand beside her head is supporting him as his free hand locks on her waist, holding her to the mattress beneath them.
As she gives a particularly sharp tug to his hair, he gasps into the kiss, hand rushing to her throat. As he sinks his fingertips into the flesh of her neck, she grins into the kiss hes pressing to her lips, "Harder."
He fights the laugh in his throat as she stares up at him, "You're in no place to make demands."
Before she can utter another word, he's squeezing tighter and letting his mouth cover the space across her chest, enjoying the way her body reacts to every move he makes. The way her back arched and her hips would roll against nothing gave him a pride he'd never had before her. She gave him a lot of things he'd never had before.
"I think," he began to drag his hand over her still dripping pussy, "I want a taste."
Her body shivered at the contact as he got between her legs. She could feel that she was insanely wet, but his commentary on it made her body burn with embarassment.
"You get so wet for me," he grinned, pressing his lips along the insides of her thighs.
Her hands attach to his shoulders as his mouth connects with her clit, tongue immediately rolling over it in slow motions. As her hips rose from the bed, his hands locked around her waist, forcing them down.
Her head fell back as his fingers slipped inside of her. She knew she was in for a long fucking night.
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atryoshka · 8 months
Frenchie and Izzy getting together would be genius and tbh I can't unsee it now
Love that Izzy and Frenchie actually have a lot in common on a deeper level that wasn't really apparent to me until s2 when we see how they deal with trauma in equal but opposite ways. We have Frenchie with his little box that allows him to straight up ignore the dark shit he's been through like it doesn't exist, happily eat some blood cake, and thinking that his death being given a clear deadline is a comfort. Then we have Izzy trying to stone face his way through having his body parts severed, just business as usual bc that's the pirate life and it won't change even though he's visibly holding back tears, and then accusing the crew of being too cowardly to kill him, actively inviting death bc he doesn't get why any of it even matters so keeping him alive is pointless.
What's interesting is that given the right circumstances, they could easily trade places, with Izzy being more lighthearted and Frenchie falling apart at the seams.
We've already seen signs of this with Izzy being much more chilled out after the crew made him the new unicorn, finding something in this terrible life that make him see them, and himself, in a more positive light. Like yeah, life is still filled with unimaginable horror, but now has a custom gold painted unicorn leg to trudge through it with, which is absolutely absurd but now he can't help but smile. So he decided his life is so unserious right now and you know what? A shark took his leg, end of story, here's a little wooden shark I made today just for fun lol. Frenchie on the other hand is still pretty relaxed despite everything that's happened so far, but I have a feeling that he was probably very similar to izzy in the past before he joined the crew of The Revenge. His past is pretty mysterious even with the little tidbits we get like him being in the service for bit. It doesn't sound like he was doing it for too long so the other things in his life that he doesn't talk about remain unknown, probably even to himself. The box exists so he can pretend any trauma he experiences doesn't even exist, unlike a fiction which still somewhat acknowledges that there was something that happened to him in a way he could accept. The truth is, he actually never moved on bc all the parts of his life that he's ignoring are still lurking inside him waiting to break out at anytime. I think when something accidentally triggers a memory he suppressed, we'll see a different side to him. Less chill, more shrewd survivalist, like when he and the others reunited with the revenge crew after being stranded at sea. He bounced back pretty fast after they got past the pinnata and cake standoff but it was interesting to see how ready he was to be violent and how untrusting he was of everyone's intentions in that context. He'd usually be much more chill and willing to fast talk his way out of a situation, even when he knows someone has bad intentions. (There's also probably something with religious trauma he's hiding but that's a whole other can of worms I won't get into. All I'll say is that combined with his very strong beliefs of the supernatural and grudging flippant way he does the cross symbol on himself when others do it, when they boarded the cursed ship, he was that only one to not step in the satanic circle before anyone even questioned what the strange lines even were. Did he immediately recognize it and consciously avoid it or was it gut reaction? Idk, but he sure as hell didn't speak up about it and just wearily watched the other step into it and draw their own conclusions. ) But getting back on track Honestly, their dynamic would be really interesting to explore in the show bc they could understand and care about each other in ways that would probably surprise them if given the opportunity to spend more time together on screen. tl;dr: All this to say that I fell down the rabbit hole after realizing that they are basically this meme, which has a lot of potential for so many hilarious and accidentally heartbreaking moments
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shall-we-die · 11 months
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#Part 1📍 || #Part 2
What are their kisses like? || Where do they like to kiss you? || Where do they like to be kissed?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Obey me!}࿐
↬[Characters]•⊰ {Lucifer || Mammon || Diavolo || Barbatos || Simeon || Solomon}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {None}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰────┈┈{0001}┈──╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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• He's such a prideful demon; so your kisses, of any kind, will be in private. in his room, or yours...
• Bet your ass, he'll ask your permission first; that if he can kiss you or not.
• But "asking for your permission", takes as long as you're in the beginning of your relationship. After some time, you have to say goodbye to your rights about your body; cause this man... the avatar of pride, will kiss you at any time without any warnings...
• He leans down, puts his arms around your shoulders and hugs you from behind. A funny scene will surely be created because of the height difference between you. nice ass luci
• He whispers in your ear with a smirk on his face. And sure enough, his breath hits your ear, and he ends up smelling your hair calmly.
• {"Dear, you smell really nice. That's my shampoo? Hmmm... You worked hard today, I think you deserve a kiss."}
• Another version is, when you're sitting on his lap while he's doing paperwork. It depends on how you're sitting on his lap. If you're facing him and resting your head on his shoulder, the best for him place to kiss you is, on your temple or forehead. But if you're leaning back on him, your shoulders and the back of your neck will be bitten in addition to being kissed by him.
• We were talking about forehead kisses. Yes, this is one of the types of kisses he gives you. You can't change my mind, he has a very cute father figure behind that bitchy face. He usually cups your cheeks with his two hands, keeps you steady, bends down and kisses your forehead. Of course, you get this kiss also when you fall asleep on the sofa + his warm and big coat that covers you like a blanket.
• Hand kisses. Hand kisses. HAND KISSES.
• The French kiss is also one of his favorite. He tries to act like the gentleman he's, but sometimes, (always) he gets out of control and sadistic. So you have to attend classes with swollen or bruised lips. lol
• He'll happily accept any kind of kiss from you as long as it's in private, but, 1) If he wants to make others jealous (Mammon or Satan lol)/ 2) punish you for a mistake you made, He'll definitely kiss you in public.
• let's get to the second brother. (my best boy I love him) A man who tries his best to look normal but his face turns completely red. (It's fun teasing shy Tsundere guys Lol) At first he's so awkward. He doesn't know how to ask you to kiss him. (Everyone says that he has had many partners. But look at this kid! I think his only partner before you was Luci's credit card...)
• He has no idea what he's even doing! So he needs time to change from "Oi...H-human...I..I let you k-kiss the... great Mammon... I-I mean...No! You know what? I take my words back! Go away human!" *runs away with red face* to "Hey babe... come here I wanna kiss ya..."
• After banging his head against the wall several times and Lucifer hanging him from the ceiling for making noise. he finally realizes that he loves you and you love him back; so he finally calms down a bit and opens up to you more.
• He likes to kiss you in public especially in front of his brothers. He wants to prove to everyone that the Great Mammon is your FIRST man. (Maybe everyone sees him a submission in bed, but that's another issue that has nothing to do with this post, we'll talk about it later.) He holds your chin or cheeks with one hand and kisses your lips after looking into your eyes for a while.
• I feel that he's more into biting than kissing. Mammo bites your lips, cheeks, ear lobe, neck and even your nose. Of course, he does it slowly because he doesn't want to hurt you.
• He's the type to hug you tightly, with his arms wrapped around your neck and his head close to your neck and head, smelling your hair. Then he presses his cheek to yours. Just like a jealous boy who hasn't received attention from his crush for a long time.
• {"Mine mine mine mine... I'm your first man! I'm the greatest! I'm the great Mammon!...Hey Human! give me my daily Kisses!"}
• He's more interested in being kissed. Especially when cuddling under the blanket. Kiss his forehead, kiss his neck and kiss his eyes. He loves it. His whole face may turn red, but he won't run away. He sits there looking at you and waiting for more kisses.
• One of his dirty secrets in kissing? Showing off with your lipstick mark on his body. (Tbh I really love his skin color) He's a model so it's natural that he has an attractive body. Now imagine the lipstick mark on his body. Maybe with every kiss his body trembles or tickles and laughs a little, but after that he goes in front of the mirror and takes a picture of himself.
• He also likes very simple kisses on the cheek. When all his brothers have offended him in some way and he's sitting on the couch feeling lonly. Then you come and kiss his cheek and caress his face and tell him how much you love him. Well, he can now endure their bad behavior for another hundred years.
• Another one of his favorite things is to put his head on your lap and sleep. I can say that biting and kissing your stomach and thighs is another thing that he likes to do but is shy about.
• Giant fluffy puppy. Pure sunshine. Sexy cute dady. I don't know how to describe him better (lol)
• Kisses? You can't escape from this man. Good morning kisses, good night kisses, hello kisses, goodbye kisses, praise kisses, comfort kisses and sudden kisses are a must.
• He has no problem with expressing his feelings in public. tbh, he believes that expressing his love for you in front of others is necessary and something romantic.
(Brothers will get jealous, and Barbatos keeps warning Dia, not to jeopardize his position as crown prince.)
• {"Y/n... you make my heart beat faster; see?... come here... no, no! You can't run away dear!..."}
• Most of the time you sit on his lap like a little child. You're shorter, so it's difficult to reach his lips. What's the best option? Kissing his chin will surely melt his heart.
He looks at you with surprise for a moment and then, hugs you tighter with a warm smile and kisses your cheek.
• He likes to hug you when he's doing paperwork and kisses you whenever he's tired. You're his best motivator.
He gets bored quickly, so every ten minutes you have to spend time with a little boy who plays with your hair, rubs his lips on your neck and makes unintelligible sad noises.
• He's a softy. So it's not like he's interested in biting you. (However, it's not that he has no interest.) He's just afraid of hurting you. What if he presses his teeth too hard and breaks your bones?
• His lips are big and warm, also he has a lot of stamina; So you get out of breath after every kissing time and have to break the kiss up.
• He's fond of your neck and collarbone, he likes to lay his head on your small shoulders and then, put small kisses on your collarbone or run his lips over it.
• Okay, you can't tell me that he's not into praise kink. You just stand facing him when he is sitting (cause he's too fucking tall bruh), stroke his hair and kiss his forehead. Tell him something like "good boy" / "good job" or / "I love you"... and then, you'll have a happy little baby who hugs you tightly and presses his head to your belly or chest.
• Handsome gentleman who asks your permission before doing anything. Don't get me wrong, this guy asks for permission 'cause he IS polite. (Just the opposite of other guy [luci bitch] who asks permission with a fucking sexy grin on his face just to make you blush)
• And also a man who's interested in privacy. well, doing things like this (kissing, cuddling, blah blah) in the Demon Lord's castle isn't something  right to do. Also, nothing interesting will happen if a child (Dia lol) sees you guys in that situation.
• {"You seem to be doing well, don't you, Y/n? How about you come to my room for some tea?..."}
• And you know when he says something like that in the school hallway, then, gives you a smile like that and then moves on his way; It means that interesting things will happen while having tea in his room.
(I'm sure even if he wants to propose to you, he'll do it with a box of tea in his hand.)
• Oh! You want him to kiss you? What a shameless little human you are... He giggles and bows; kisses your forehead, cheek, nose and even your eyes. Then, he fixes your hair and walks away from you with a smile.
No kiss for lips! The school corridor isn't the right place for that! go to horny jail Y/n...
• A feeling tells me that Barbatos has hand fetish and you CAN'T change it! He likes to kiss your hands. He usually plays with them, massages them or puts moisturizer on them. He kisses your palm and each one of your fingers. Then he slyly stares at you. Are you blushing Y/n? yes you are. And if you kiss his hands? His heart melts completely. (the first time you did this, he was completely red) Thank him for his efforts and take care of his hands.
• Contrary to everything that has been written about him, something tells me that this man is a pure, soft and kind sweetheart who prefers everything to be fluffy. and Yes, neck kisses when you're cuddling IS a must!
again something tells me HE IS SECRETLY SUPER TICKLISH. So kiss his neck, even lick it. I'm sure he jumps up in shock. However, it will not end well for you. Good luck y/n
• I said he was a fluffy calm guy, didn't I? Ok, but we should not forget his sadistic side. Kisses and bites that leave you bruised are for times when he's angry or jealous of someone. (we need another post for this part)
• And one of his favorite things is to gently brush his lips over your skin.(ok bye) This guy is amazing. Especially when he does this to your spine in the bathroom while washing your body.
• (I'm a simp for this demon)
• Pure lovely angel? Nope... I mean, he's trying! he's trying his best not to touch or kiss you before marriage... but... ok he just can't avoid you. (and I don't think he really cares, specifically after lesson 79/80....) anyways...
• At first, he's really gentle. Before doing anything, he asks your permission, kisses your hand, caresses your cheek... After kissing your eyelids and cheeks, he finally kisses your lips slowly.
• Then, he looks at you with seductive eyes and slowly turns his face away from you. (Of course, at night before going to sleep, by remembering these movements, he asks God for forgiveness many times.)
• (But we all know who horny he is...) So you have to cover your neck every day and avoid wearing short clothes for a while.  Unfortunately, Asmo will ask you out loud if this is the new fashion or not; And you just laugh in embarrassment.
• {"sorry... but you're so cute, Y/N."} *purely giggle*
• Let me give you a piece of advice. Best place to kiss him? Between his shoulders, somewhere between his two wings. I'm sure he's very sensitive and ticklish there.
• And as someone who has prayed for a long time and loves to praising and being praised. He talks a lot.
• You'll sit on his lap and he starts praising you. like, How beautiful and charming you are, blah blah blah (no I'm not jealous)
• He always behaves as if he has been away from you for about 100 years, while you met him at school just an hour ago.
• And no, you are not allowed to have physical contacts in front of Luke. Simeon is kinda sensitive about this. (Luke sits between you on the couch and likes to pretend you're a family... and Simeon thinks it's so cute.)
• Our old man is not someone who gets too touchy with you quickly. Maybe he flirts with you, but he maintains physical distance to some extent. And when he gets comfortable with you, he will certainly do whatever he wants without any shame.
• He is one of those types who appears from behind you when everyone's sitting in silence and suddenly bites your earlobe. And you have to muffle your sudden scream so the brothers don't notice anything.
• Although he kisses you in front of demon brothers on purpose to make them angry. And in fact he's happy because they can't kill him.
• (Luci and Satan finally work together to find a way to make Solomon's death look like an accident.)
• In fact, there are very few times when he really kisses you out of love and really thinks about you. (Solomon looks cold and serious in that moment but he's really good at it.)
• His favorite part is your lips. Most of the time, your kisses end in a biting fight.
• He also likes to dig his fingers into your hair and gently grab and pull them to some extent.
• {"hehe, you look dazed... maybe amazed. Is it really that good?}
• It might be hard to tease Solomon by kissing him. In fact, you're the one blushing in the end, and he's the one laughing and teasing you.
• But!... the best way to stop him when he decides to cook is to pull his collar and kiss him. He completely forgets to try his new recipe.
• Let me tell you something, he really enjoys it when you caress his wounds by kissing him. He may not talk much about his feelings or show them, but every time you kiss him, Solomon feels butterflies in his stomach.
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[And here we go; First post on the new blog... Yaaaay!~ I think I've come up with something great as my first post! Hope it gets enough attention and gets the blog going... Wait for Part 2!]
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520 notes · View notes
starsval · 11 months
remus lupin x reader
summary: you and remus find wonderland, or, you fall in love, even if it's not perfect.
word count: 7,7k
warnings: remus has a mullet because i said so, kissing, mentions of s*x lol, like, it happened, reader is pureblood so the cruciatus curse ig, punching, remus being mean, reader gets called a b*tch, lower case intended, no use of y/n
a/n: this took forever and i don't even think i like it, but still, thanks to @myriadmoons and @aastonishment for helping me writing this, love u<3
btw idk why i called this wonderland, it was originally called dancing with our hands tied but i didn't end up writing someone that fit, and for some reason there were lyrics of wonderland on the top of the document since i've been writing it so yeah
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"how's my favourite girl doing?" sirius talks as he puts an arm over your shoulders, just as james takes the book out of your hands. 
"sirius black and james potter talking to me when we're not at a pureblood party? what's happening?"
"don't be mean, you know we love you" james replies, putting the book behind his back, so you wouldn't be able to get it even if sirius let you go. 
"we realised we rarely talk to you, which is sad because you're one of the only pureblood people we actually like" sirius then lets you go to play with your hair as he talks. 
"so, we wanted to invite you to the party we're throwing tonight, at the gryffindor common room" james says, but he quickly looks behind you and his friend. 
"you invite me to a party, so we can talk?" you ask, taking advantage of james' sudden distraction when regulus walks past to take your book back. 
"yes, we want to get to know you" sirius is the one who talks now, unaware of the reason his friend suddenly stopped talking
"okay, i'll see you there" you tell them, walking away. 
"what? really? was it that easy?" sirius asks, shocked. 
"yes, i'll see you there, bye" 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"they don't know that you always go to the parties?" lily asks as she puts on her earrings, looking on your mirror. 
"i tend to hide from them" you tell them from your bed. 
"why?" she questions, you shrug, unable to give her an answer.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"so, what's your type?" sirius finds you while you were choosing something to drink. 
"what?" you ask him, accepting the drink he recommends you. 
"what kind of person do you like, men, women, tall, short?"
"tall skinny men with messy mullets, when it looks like they'll break if you breathe too hard on them?" sirius' eyes seem to light up with your answer. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"she's just like you, she likes books and stuff, i swear you'll like her" sirius insists, following remus through the hall, heading to the library. 
"books and stuff? that's all you know about me?"
"i'm telling you i found your soulmate and you care about that?"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you were in the library, focused on your book when three people sat on your table. you look up to find sirius, james and who you know is called remus, maybe your eyes focus on the last one for a bit when sirius talks. 
"we need help" he says, pulling out a book. 
"what?" you ask, uninterested in anything they have to say. 
"we need help, you're like the smartest person we know" this time james is the one who talks. 
"and why would i help you?" 
"because you're a good person?" you don't change your expression "and we'll buy you chocolate the next time we go to hogsmeade"
"help with what?" this time, the boy that caught your eye talks. 
"we need to learn how to do this charm" he points to the book, and maybe you look at his hand before reading the words he's pointing to. you also notice how sirius and james smile when remus talks. 
"why would you need to know how to turn someone's clothes pink, permanently?" you ask, they all look at each other before looking at you. you sigh "why would i know how to do this?" 
"i'd quite fall in love with you if you did" sirius talks. "but you're smart, you'll be able to learn it" you start packing your things. "is that a yes?"
"what do i win?" you ask, already standing. 
"chocolate" you start to walk away, leaving the book there. "we'll give you alcohol at the next pureblood party" you smile before grabbing the book. 
"i'll tell you as soon as i get it"
they all hear you say goodbye to peter before he sits. 
"why did she talk to you?" james asks. 
"we're friends?" peter explains, getting started with his homework. 
"soooo… do you like her?" sirius asks remus, who just rolls his eyes before getting up. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time he sees you, you're walking to him, who's reading at the library. you put the book with the charm before him, and quickly sit besides him. 
"i know how to do the charm… " you wait for him to introduce himself. 
"remus, remus lupin" he answers, putting his book aside. 
"remus, right" you talk, like you didn't know his name before. 
you explain how to do it, and after he gets the theory right, all there's left to do is practise it. 
"i'll do one of his socks and you'll do the other one" you point at snape, who has glared at you since you've been here. 
"i didn't expect you to be like this" remus says, smiling, before slowly pulling out his wand. 
"what did you expect?" 
"i don't know, sirius and james don't usually talk about you"
"i wonder why" you smile, before quietly charming one of snape's socks, turning it bright pink. "your turn"
remus copies your actions, successfully turning snape's left sock pink. you look at each other, quietly laughing, and quickly pack your things so you can walk out before he notices. 
you walk next to him in the hallway, though neither of you know where you're going. 
"what do you need the charm for?" you ask him. 
"we're pranking someone" he explains. 
"should i be scared?" you question and he chuckles. 
"no, your clothes will be safe"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time you talk, he's the one who approaches you. 
"can i sit here?" he points at the chair next to you "i want to study but they're being to loud" you nod, and you talk as he sits. 
"why don't you do a silent charm on them?" he chuckles. 
"they'll find a way to be even louder" 
and that's how it starts, neither of you know why, but since then, we you enter the library, you immediately look for each other. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"you're the one who did that research on werewolves aren't you? teachers don't stop talking about how good it is" some guy asks you as he stands in front of you, the table in between you two. 
"yes" he was one of those pureblood guys, who only cared about their status. 
"you didn't talk about them being bad people" you stare at him, trying to find out why he's telling you that. "i just thought you'd like someone to tell you about your mistake"
"it's not a mistake, they aren't bad people" you tell him. 
"well, then you're wrong, they're obviously bad" he rolls his eyes, like it's obvious that he's right. 
"did you just come here to talk shit about werewolves?" you focus on your homework, mentally aiming in case you have to throw something at him. 
"no, i came here to see if you were a respectable pureblood, but let me guess, you fight for elves' rights too?" he seems upset with you, but he doesn't leave, instead, he looks at you like a challenge. 
"what, you want me to join your cause too and fight for arseholes' rights? maybe we should put your face on the banner so they know how one looks" you smile sarcastically at him. 
"what is wrong with you? i just wanted to let you know that werewolves are bad and you're being a bitch" he seems actually upset, his superior grin gone now. 
"oh, so you were looking out for me? what would I do without people minding my business? now just shut up and maybe look into your prejudices instead of my life" you stop looking at him. 
"how can you think that they aren't bad? i thought you were smart" now he seems offended that you aren't like he imagined, but maybe he thinks that he can change you, because he smiles again. 
"sorry to disappoint you. and, something can be dangerous but good at the same time, just because they have claws doesn't mean they'd stab you, but maybe a girl who’s been bothered by you will" you say, as his eyes go to the pen on your hands.
“did you just threaten me?” he has the audacity to look offended as he talks.
“i don’t know, did i? a bitch like me wouldn’t know” you smile, faking innocence.
"you’re fucking crazy” he mutters as he turns around.
when he leaves -not before insulting you again-, neither of you notice a certain tall guy, with scars on his face and a knitted sweater standing around a bookcase, listening to all the conversation.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you don’t know how, but james and sirius convinced you to hang out with the marauders, maybe the mention of some boy with honey eyes and a mullet, but still. you find yourself on the gryffindor common room, listening to them as they tell you about their best pranks.
and remus must’ve sensed that you’re cold, because the next thing you know is that hes handing you his sweater.
“what?” you ask him
"you're cold" he shrugs. 
"but, what about you?" you question, not taking the sweater. 
"i'm fine, just put in on love" you obey, thanking him before looking back at james and peter, acting as you're not noticing sirius' smile. 
when you finally get up to go back to your room, while peter, james and sirius are too distracted talking to frank, you take of the sweater and hand it to remus. 
"what?" he asks, frowning. 
"it's yours" 
"you can give it to me other day"
"but i won't need it"
"love, just let me have an excuse to talk to you" he tells you, and you stop for a moment before answering, not believing him. 
"you don't need an excuse to talk to me" he smiles. 
"keep it anyway" 
"if you insist" he kisses your cheek goodbye, and that night you're only thinking about him. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"please just this once" james asks, and it looks like he's actually going to beg you to help them. 
"i don't have time for pranks" you walk away, and the four marauders immediately follow you. 
"you just need to distract him" sirius talks, walking to stand in front of you. 
"and why would i do that?" you ask, going around him. 
"because you appreciate our friendship?" this time is peter who talks, and you actually think about it for a second. 
"i don't-" before you can finish, remus intervenes. 
"love, just this once, okay? then we won't bother you" and you know it's not true, that they will bother you. but every doubt you had disappeared as soon as he talked. so you nod. 
"where is he?" 
and that's how you find yourself talking to binns, asking him about his class, solving questions you never had. 
then you see remus walking towards you, looking so innocent, and you keep nodding at binns, like you're so interested in what he's saying. 
when he turns around due to the sound of an explosion that you definitely had no idea about, remus walks next to you, grabbing your hand, and suddenly you're running down the hallway next to him. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
remus’ face is so close to yours that your noses are practically touching as you giggle.
“why are we hiding?” you ask, a smile not leaving your face and his hand not letting go of yours.
“because, certain friends of ours are bothering me" he closes his eyes, his forehead on yours as he talks. 
"what if they're not bothering me?" you joke, sarcasm in your tone. 
"oh, so you're saying I dragged you into this cupboard?" he pulls away, his hand on your chest as he acts offended. 
"yes, i didn't expect this behaviour from you, lupin" he rolls his eyes at the mention of his last name, as you laugh. 
"then leave" he challenges, but his hand doesn't let go of yours. 
"ok" you say, but you don't move.
when you walk out of the cupboard, both of you hear people talking. 
"do you think they're dating?"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you're just peacefully lying on your bed, reading a book remus had lent you when someone opens your door. you assume it's one of your roommates when that someone approaches you, grabs the book from your hands, and turns you so you're on your back. just to lie on top of you. 
"hi" you say, not sure what to do when he puts his head on your chest and closes his eyes. 
"hi love" he replies. and after a while he lifts his head, grabs your hand and puts it on his hair. 
"what are you doing?" you question him. 
"touch my hair" he demands, and you don't, just to mess with him. 
"what if i don't want to?" you smile, and he groans. 
then, when he notices that you're being serious, he puts his head up once again, this time to glare at you. 
he repeats his actions and puts your hand on his hair, and closes his eyes again. 
"don't move"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"what did you do?" you ask remus as he sits in your bed. 
"they were talking shit" he says as you go to the bathroom to look for the first aid kit you keep in there. 
"you got into a fight because they were talking shit?" you stand in front of him, in between his legs. 
he doesn't answer, instead, he winces when you start cleaning his face. 
"remus?" you insist, waiting for an answer 
"yes?" he acts oblivious, though it doesn't last much, as you start cleaning his face again, you mutter a quiet sorry before talking again. 
"why the fuck did you get into a fight?"
"they were talking sh-" you glare at him. 
"last name basis?" he tries to smile at you, but you turn his face to the side so you can look at the bruise forming on his cheek. 
"yes, answer" he sighs before talking. 
"i told you, they were talking shit" you keep glaring at him until he talks again "they were talking shit about you"
you stop moving for a second, processing the information. 
"you got into a fight because they were talking shit about me?"
"yes" he stares at you, waiting for a reaction. 
"are you fucking stupid?"
"maybe that wasn't the reaction i expected" he mutters to himself. 
"you are actually stupid" you don't talk again, you just focus on cleaning his face, which means he has a lot of time to talk. 
"what did you want me to do? i just couldn't stand there as he was saying how you were a bitch and shit like that" he groans when you don't answer "i warned them, i said that if they didn't stop i'd punch them"
"oh, you warned them, how nice" you reply, sarcastically. 
"don't be mad at me, please" he wraps his arms around your legs, and puts his head on your stomach. 
"what do you want me to do?" you put your hand on his hair. 
"i don't care, just don't be mad at me"
"oh, so i should just congratulate you? thank you so much remus for defending me, should i kiss you to show my gratitude?" 
"you could kiss me, not because of that, but you could" you don't even acknowledge him as you walk to the bathroom to throw away everything you used to clean his face. 
when you come back, he's in front of you, touching your cheek as he talks. 
"you're not gonna say anything?" he asks, as you try your best to not look away from his eyes. 
"about what?" he chuckles, but doesn't move his hand away from your face. 
"about the fact that i said that you could kiss me" you fail your goal, because your eyes immediately go to his lips. and of course, he notices. 
"what do you want me to say?" you ask, rolling your eyes at his smirk. 
"i think the question is what i want you to do"
"you just got into a fight" you remind him. 
"just because you're mad doesn't mean you can't kiss me"
"i know"
and you really know, so you kiss him. and it starts as a sweet kiss, slow, just to prove that it's real. but then one of his hands goes to the back of your neck and the other cups your jaw. 
your hands go to the back of his neck, finding balance when he pulls you closer to him.
you pull away for a second, breathing heavily as you look at each other's eyes. 
"we shouldn't do this" you remind him. 
"i know" he says, slowly walking so you have to walk back. 
"i'm still mad at you" you tell him, sitting in your bed, looking up at him. 
"i got into a fight because of you and you say that?" he smirks, pushing you so you have no choice but to lie down. 
one of his knees rests in between your legs, his hands on both sides of your head. your hands go to the back of his neck again. 
"you wound me" he tells you, before kissing your neck. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you had plans today, it was friday and you had no classes after lunch, so you were gonna start getting ready and maybe drinking with the girls before going to the party the gryffindor were hosting. 
but those plans got a bit ruined when you got a letter from your family during lunch, which usually meant bad news. 
you don't really remember a lot from the letter, all you know is that you had two choices: marrying barty or getting disowned. 
after reading the letter, all you can do is put it in your pocket and try to stop the tears coming from your eyes. you don't even look at your friends or at the food that remus put on your plate. instead, you think about the words you just read. 
"i have to go" you suddenly get up, grab your things and walk away, not noticing the concerned looks on your friends faces, especially on remus'. 
they all stare at you as you walk out the great hall.
you find an empty hall and sit in one of the windows, finally letting out the tears. you don't long how long you stay like that, but suddenly someone walks next to you. 
"hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay" all you notice are the tears running down your face, and remus' arms around you. as he holds you and tells you that everything is fine. 
once you calm down, he waits a bit to ask
"what happened? do you wanna talk about it?" he asks, and you don't even look at him, not wanting to see the worry in his eyes. 
"no, it's okay" he seems disappointed with your answer, but doesn't stop rubbing your back "thank you" 
"it's nothing" he tries to find something to say, something to comfort you, but before he can even think of anything, you get up. 
"you're going to the party, right?" you look at him, drying your tears. 
"are you gonna go?" he asks, frowning. 
"yes" he seems a bit surprised, because now you're smiling. 
"then yes" you smile even more at his answer. 
"i'll see you there" you give him a quick peck on his cheek before walking away. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time remus sees you, you're dancing, lily and marlene next to you.
he stands away for a bit, not in the mood to dance, but when he sees you're gonna refill your cup for the fifth time since he has been there. he decides to approach you. 
"hi" he says, standing next to you.
"hi remus" you smile at him, drinking from your now full cup. 
"how many of those have you had?" he asks. 
"i don't know, seven, maybe eight? who cares" you tell him, holding his hand and dragging him to the dance floor, but he quickly redirects you to one of the sofas. 
"i do, you're gonna pass out if you keep drinking" he says as he tries to get the cup from your hand, but you quickly move your hand away and frown. 
"i'll be okay"
"no you won't"
"i'm not even that drunk"
"you saw sirius and called him reggie" you smile, remembering the horrified look in sirius' eyes. 
"they look alike" you shrug.
"you should stop drinking"
"i'll be okay" he tries to reply, tries to tell you that maybe you won't, but you get up, and before he can even stand up, you get lost among the people. 
the next time he sees you, you're on the couch, head in your hands as you try to stop the tears from your eyes. 
remus sits next to you. a hand on you back as he leans to see your face. 
"are you drunk?" you nod "do you want to go to sleep" you nod, so he gets up and holds your hand, making your way through the crowd. 
once you reach the hall, he doesn't let go of your hand. he notices that something's wrong, he notices that you haven't complained to sirius about being in a pureblood family, like you do each time you receive a letter from them. he notices that you're trying not to cry. he notices that you're barely holding his hand, maybe it's because you're drunk or you're too sad to. 
and he wants to say something, he wants to help. but he decides to wait until you're in your room. he helps you get your makeup off and change into your pjs. he's folding your clothes while you're sitting on the side of your bed when he hears smalls sobs. 
he immediately sits next to you, drying your tears. 
"it's okay, everything will be alright" he hugs you, mentally cursing when you shake your head. 
"you don't get it" you tell him, in between sobs. 
"then explain it to me" he says, wondering if it's the same thing as what happened at lunch. 
"i can't" you sigh, pulling away from him as you dry your tears. 
"yes you can, i want to help you" his hands go to your face, holding you. 
"you can't-" you insist, putting your hands over his. 
"please let me help"
"i don't care if it's hard, i want to help" he insists, staring at your eyes. 
"let's sleep" he knows better than to insist more, so he just lets you sleep. 
when you wake up, you don't talk, you just walk with him to breakfast, and when you're finished, you walk away, not letting him know where you're going. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"i don't know what's happening in between us, but-" you look away from his eyes "i can't do this"
"what?" he asks, praying that he's dreaming, or that it's a bad joke, praying that you're not breaking up with him, even if you're not together. 
"what did i do? what happened?" he tries to find your gaze. 
"you didn't do anything, i just can't" i have to marry someone else. 
"let me fix it, whatever i did, let me fix it, you can hate me but don't go away" 
"i'll probably leave school as soon as i can" you admit, you don't even know why, you just don't want to disappear without explanations. 
"what? no, you can't leave" he panics, he looks around trying to find someone laughing at him. he doesn't. 
"i'm sorry" you talk, unable to look at his eyes. 
"don't, please, don't apologise" he says, grabbing your hands, in case you want to run away. 
"i'm so sorry" you repeat. 
"you don't have to do that" he insists, because he doesn't want to lose you. 
"i don't want to hurt you" you tell him, thinking about the letter your parents just sent you, thinking about your future, which is already decided, not by the stars, but by your family. 
"then stay, stay here, with me" he pulls your hands, so your bodies are closer. 
"you know i can't" you lament, even though he doesn't know that much. 
"yes you can, you just have to try" he suddenly lets your hands go, taking a step away from you. and you try to get mad at him, but you can't, not when he's looking that hurt, hurt by you. 
"remus-" you try to get him to listen, maybe if he gives you a chance, you'll show the letter to him, you'll explain everything to him. how you have no choice but to listen to your parents. 
"are you even sorry? you don't seem to have tried to stay" you know he doesn't mean it, he knows he doesn't mean it. but it's better that way, it'll be easier if he's mad at you. so you don't answer. you just stare at him.
"you're not gonna answer?" he asks, tears on the corner of both of your eyes. "i thought you liked me" you swear you can feel your heart break as the words leave his mouth. 
"i do-" he cuts you off. 
"then why don't you stay? is it just a game to you? you wanted to play with me?" he keeps talking, he tries to stop, he wants to, but the hurt in his heart makes him keep going. 
"i didn't, remus, it's not that easy" you tell him, begging him to understand. 
"i never said i wanted things to be easy. especially not with you" he fights the urge to walk away, thinking that maybe there's a chance that you'll change your mind. 
"i don't want to hurt you" you repeat, maybe more to remind you than to him. 
"you're already hurting me" 
"you have to understand"
"when you defended werewolves from that guy you already knew i was one didn't you? maybe he was right and you're a bitch after all, did you tell him that just to shag me?" he doesn't even blink as he talks, pretending he's not mad at himself right now, even more than with you. 
"you don't mean that" you say as the tears fall from your eyes. 
"oh, i do" that's what it takes for him to finally walk away, letting the tears out of his eyes. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you couldn't focus, it was all too much. the pain from the unforgivable curse, the sadness from your own family doing that, the realisation that you could never go back to your house. 
all you could do is try to not pass out as you walk to the potter's mansion. 
once you reach their door, and ring it, you wait. you don't know if it was ten seconds, ten minutes or even ten hours. all you know is that when james opens the door, you practically throw yourself at him, who catches you as he calls for his parents. 
"i'm sorry" you whisper in between sobs. 
"it's okay, you'll be okay, everything's going to be fine" james tries to not show the concern on his voice, he really tries, but everyone must've sense it, because remus, sirius and peter quickly appear, staring at you as effie kneels down next to you. 
when you finally pass out, all you know is that it hurts, everything hurts. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you wake up with effie folding clothes next to you. 
"oh hi sweetie, how are you feeling?" she immediately sits next to you, touching your forehead to check your temperature. 
"good" you answer, quietly. 
"you have clothes here, you can take a shower and i'll make dinner" she walks to the door as you sit up. 
"effie, thank you so much, you don't have to do this, i'll be okay"
"we'll talk later" she doesn't give you room to talk, instead, she leaves after giving you a smile. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
effie and fleamont sit in front of you as you eat, staring at you and then at each other.
"we want you to stay here" fleamont is the first to talk as soon as you finish eating. 
"what? no, i can't, i'll find somewhere to stay"
"no, you'll stay here, we have your room ready" effie insists. 
"i can't" 
"sweetie, there's no way to stop this now, the faster you accept it the better" fleamont talks as effie gets up and tells you to follow her to show you your room. 
they leave you a moment to see your room before walking in. 
"thank you so much" you say before they hug you, drying your tears before they fall on your face. 
"it's okay honey, you'll be fine" they assure you before walking out of the room. "and, by the way, the boys are sleeping, we'll tell them to come here when they wake up, they're really worried"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
he thinks it's unfair, remus thinks that it's unfair that you're talking to peter like nothing happened, that you're playing quidditch with james and sirius like you weren't crying in his arms just a few weeks ago. he thinks it's unfair that you haven't even glanced at him. he thinks it's unfair that you look like nothing ever happened, he hates that you're acting like everything it's okay, like you're not hurt by your family, by his words.
he also thinks he's being selfish, by slightly hoping that you're as hurt as him. that you think of him as much as he thinks of you. he hopes that you also have the urge to go to his room in the middle of the night. he hopes that you're as jealous as he is when someone starts flirting with you at the party james organised at his house. 
but he also thinks that none of it it's possible, that you look way too happy to be thinking of him, that if you're planning on getting drunk, you definitely don't want his help. 
he doesn't know if it was between staring at you as you flirted back with that guy, or when he was searching for you while you were nowhere to be found. but he gets drunk.
and suddenly, all the doubts he had about you disappear, because you're next to him, rubbing his back and asking him if he's drunk. and you wouldn't help him if you hated him would you?. 
he just stares at you as you hold his hand and make your way through the crowd, not so kindly pushing people who didn't move. you help him through the barrier james magically applied on the stairs so no one but his friends could walk upstairs.��
when you reach his room, you help him walk to his bed, which is kinda difficult seeing his stumbling tall figure. once he is in the safety of his mattress, you walk to the door, but his voice stops you. 
"i can't sleep with my shirt on" when you turn around, he's smirking. 
"then take it off" you turn your back to him again. 
"i need help" when you turn around, not before rolling your eyes, he's giving you puppy eyes. 
remus lupin. is. giving. you. puppy eyes. 
"you aren't that drunk" you don't even move from the door. 
"yes i am. you're really gonna leave me here, drunk and defenceless?" he lies back on his bed. 
"are you trying to blackmail me?" you frown, leaning your back onto his closed door. 
"is it working?" he asks, hoping it does. 
"no" he sighs, before leaning on his elbows to look at you. 
"c'mon love, just help me take my shirt off" you don't answer, instead, you just get closer to him, and help him sit up, once he is, he doesn't move, he just looks up at you. 
"you're not gonna put your arms up?" you groan, frustrated, when he just smiles at you. 
after a few minutes of work, due to his boycott, you finally take his shirt off, throwing it aside before walking away. 
or that's what you try, because before you can even turn around, his arms are around you. and you don't know how he's so strong, or why you didn't try to fight back more, maybe it was the alcohol. but before you notice it. you're on the bed next to him, and he's hugging you so tight that you have no choice but to fall asleep. 
when you wake up he's still hugging you, luckily not as strong as last night, so you can get up and slowly walk to the door, quietly closing it and making the way to your room. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
remus is almost convinced that it was a dream, he thinks he imagined everything when he wakes up and you're not there, he thinks it was his mind tricking him when you sit next to marlene at breakfast. even though he purposely left the sit next to him free. 
he's basically drowning in his tea when marlene says something that makes him look at you. 
"where were you last night? you left soon" he stares at you, noticing the way your eyes linger at him for a moment before saying that you were tired. and it would be childish for him to admit that it made him happy, that he doesn't even notice the hangover now, that he's smiling so much that even effie asked him about it. 
and it would be even more childish to admit that he's been giving james the idea to throw another party just before holidays end, that he doesn't need to invite anyone, just the group of friends it's okay. and who is james to say no to a party?. 
he spends more time that he wants to admit staring at you. as you talk to lily and mary, as you almost make sirius drop his drink, as you hug james. and especially, as you ignore him. so he does what he knows will make you talk to him, getting drunk. 
it follows the same order as the other night. you approach him, lead him upstairs and help him get ready to bed. 
"why did you leave?" he asks, holding your wrist after you tried to walk to the door. he sees how you think about the answer. and to be honest, he didn't think he was ready to hear it. 
"because that's what a bitch would do" you break free from his grip and walk to the door. he just stays there as you go back downstairs. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next morning, no one knows why remus looks so miserable, why he's being so grumpy to everyone, except you. why he's putting food on your plate, why he's making everyone put on the movie you want to see. 
they also don't know why you're ignoring him, why you offered the plate to james, why you changed your mind and told marlene to decide what movie to watch. 
but you knew, you knew because you've been listening to him apologise every other minute, you've been listening to him knocking on your door every night. you've been reading his apology letters. 
but that wasn't enough, because just two days before classes start again, he decides that he's had enough, and that he won't leave before giving you a proper apology. so he follows you to the kitchen when everyone is focused on the movie. and he stands on your way to the door so you have no choice but to listen. 
"i didn't mean it, and you know that, you know i'd never think that. and i know it's not an excuse, but it was days before a full moon, and i wanted to hate you, i wanted to hate you for making me love you and then leaving me. and i wanted you to hate me because i wouldn't be able to be around you. and i'm so sorry, i'll do anything to take it back, i need you to understand that i didn't mean it, and that i'm so sorry i ever made you feel bad. there's no day i haven't thought about you, about how much i miss you, about how i ruined everything. so please, give me a second chance, i'll apologise every minute if i have to, i'll do anything for you to forgive me. because i don't think i can stand the thought of what we could've had if i hadn't ruined everything." he takes a deep breath "i'm so so so sorry"
and you know that you shouldn’t, that he’s hurt you as much as you’ve hurt him. but you’re both teenagers, you both make mistakes, and you both miss each other. so you do what everyone would’ve done in this situation, and hug him, breathing him in.
“does that mean you forgive me?” he asks.
“yes, i’m sorry” you close your eyes, your head in his chest.
“you have nothing to apologise for, love”
“yes i do-” he cuts you off by pressing a quick kiss to your lips.
“let’s just go to sleep”
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you don’t know why james drags you from the kitchen, where you were talking with everyone, to your room, with the suitcase half done on the floor. you don’t know why he slams the door. or why he’s staring at you like you told him you forbade quidditch.
but then he talks.
“did you forgive him?”
and you remember the conversation you had with him after spending a few nights here.
“weren’t you two in love?” you’re on his bed, still not used to your new room, you’re both laying on your backs, him throwing his snitch and catching it.
“who?” you ask, staring at the ceiling.
“remus” he says it like it’s obvious, and it actually is.
“i don’t know” you shrug. 
“what happened?” he asks. 
“i ruined everything” you explain. 
“that’s not true” he frowns. 
“how do you know that?” you chuckle. 
“you wouldn’t ruin anything” he says, so sincere. 
“i was supposed to marry barty” the snitch falls and hits his face.
“what?!” he immediately sits up. 
“so i told him i couldn’t do whatever we were doing" 
"and he just accepted it?" he's frowning even more. 
"he was sad at first, then mad, but he stopped talking to me, so it worked" you shrug again, and he gets closer to you. 
"it's okay"
"i know how remus gets when he gets mad, did he say something to you?" he looks worried, already thinking about punching remus. 
"nothing to bad, the normal when the person you're in love with and it's in love with you dumps you for no reason" 
"what's the normal?" he questions. 
"james, it's okay"
and with that beautiful flashback, you come back to an angry james in front of you. 
"don't dare to move, i'll talk to you later, let me have a chat with remus first" he tries to get out of the room, but you stop him. 
"james wait" 
“stop trying to defend him, and don’t try to walk away, you won’t move until you tell me everything” he stands in front of you, arms crossed. 
"james let me explain" 
"you want to talk? talk, i'm not leaving until i know everything" he sounds determined, and you know that he won't stop until he knows everything. 
"there's nothing to know, just leave it" you insist. 
"what did he say to you?" he takes at step, so he's closer to you. 
"what did he say to you?"
"james, stop"
"now, i won't stop until you tell me what the fuck he told you, and why you're together with him after that"
"because it doesn't matter, it's already over"
"it doesn't matter?! you're saying it doesn't fucking matter? after weeks of seeing you miserable, and because of him?" he pinchs the bridge of his nose. "honestly, if you're not going to tell me what he told you, then don't even bother talking"
he tries to walk away, again, but you stand in front of the door. 
"what's the point? i already forgave him, so, what are you going to do, make me leave him?" you question him, praying that he doesn't actually say yes. 
"you don't know what i'm willing to do for you happiness" he tries to walk past you, but you don't move. 
"please don't be mad at me" 
"then tell me what he said to you" his eyes soften, looking at yours. 
"why? what are you going to do about it?" 
"it depends" he avoids your gaze. 
"maybe punch him" he looks away. 
"please tell me what he said" he asks, this time softer. 
and you don't know why, maybe it's the look on his eyes, or the fact that you know he wouldn't let it go until you did. but you say everything to him, from how you approached him, how you were both almost crying, how he walked away. 
and it takes him a moment to react, he's sitting in your bed, and you immediately get up to stand in front of him. 
"james…" he gets up. 
"i need to have a chat with remus" he tries to walk past you, but you don't let him. 
"please, just, stay here with me. you can help me pack" you give him your best puppy eyes until he agrees, sitting on the floor next to you, passing you clothes as you put them in your suitcase.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
and it all looked perfect. it seemed like james had already forgotten everything by the time dinner is ready. and it seems like he's really happy when he suggests to watch a movie. 
but then something changes. maybe it was remus' hand on your tight, or the fight scene on the movie. but the next thing you know, is that there's a fist right in remus' face. and that fist belongs to james. 
"you said you wouldn't do anything!" you immediately get up, putting yourself in front of remus, while sirius and marlene pull james back. 
"i had to!" he says. 
"james!" you fight the urge to roll your eyes. 
"i'm sorry! but i couldn't help it! i had to do something about it!" he explains. 
"about what?" lily asks, and you stiffen, looking at james with wary eyes. 
"yes, about what?" james asks you, and you glare at him as mary and peter take care of remus' face. 
"about nothing" you immediately say, backing up as they all stare at you. 
and they're complaining about it as soon as you say it, but remus stops them. 
"about me hurting her" no one knows how to react, you just stare at him as he stretches his neck. 
"you fucking hurt her?" lily talks, walking towards him, and it seemed like she had the intention of repeating james' actions. so you step in front of her. 
"it's all forgotten, there's no reason to punch anyone" you stare at james "especially when you promised you wouldn't"
"i'm sorry-" he tries to apologise. 
"it's okay, i deserved it" remus talks. 
"no you didn't?" you tell him, but he just smiles at you. 
"i'm going to sleep"
you all stare at him as he walks upstairs, and when you turn around they're all staring at you. 
"if i forgave him, you can do it too" you say, especially looking at james. "so, i hope you apologise to him, because he deserves it"
when you get to remus' room, he's looking at himself in the mirror. 
"i'm sorry" you sneak in front of him, hugging him as you put your head in his chest. 
"why" he chuckles, hugging you back. 
"what do you mean why, are you stupid?" you questions him. 
"love, it's not your fault" he smiles as you narrow your eyes at him. "i deserved it" 
"shut up" you immediately pull away from him, storming out of the bathroom. 
he grabs your wrist before you can walk out of the room, and as soon as he gets it his arms are around you. 
"don't be mad at me" he pleads, and when you don't answer, his lips go to your cheek. "please" 
when you don't answer he just keeps kissing you. 
this time is your other cheek. 
"cmon love"
your forehead. 
"just talk to me"
your nose. 
your lips
your neck. 
and you know that he'll start going lower if you don't stop him. and you know that if he does you won't be mad anymore. so you pull away from him. 
"you're stupid, remus lupin" you glare at him "if you ever say that you deserve any hurt ever again i'll be the one punching you instead of james. and i'll also cry" 
"why would you cry?" he genuinely asks, putting one of his hands on your cheek. 
"because you don't deserve anything bad remus. you're literally an angel" 
"don't say that" you frown at him, and he looks away. 
"remus, i mean it"
"i know" he puts his forehead on yours "that's why i don't want you to say it"
"because it's gonna make me love you even more"
before you can answer, he's kissing you again, this time for real, when he pulls away, he stares at you. 
"i know everyone already says that we're dating, but can we make it official?" his hands are on your cheeks, and he thinks that he's never been more nervous in his life. 
"i'd love to" this time, you're the one who kisses him, and you stay like that for a while, in each other's arms. before someone knocks on the door. 
when you open, you find james on the other side, with regret in his eyes. 
"can i talk to remus?" you narrow your eyes at him as remus appears behind you. 
"it's alright love" 
you go to the living room with everyone, and before you know it, james and remus are walking in, talking and laughing. 
everyone stares at them as they get closer to the couch. 
"what?" they ask, staring back at you. 
"everything's… fine?" lily asks, and when they both smile and nod, everyone smiles and cheers, a bit exaggerated. 
remus sits next to you, putting and arm around you and kissing you. 
and if before they were dramatic, now it's like their favourite team won the quidditch world cup.
"what?" this time remus and you ask, staring at them. 
"you just kissed?" mary says, not believing it. 
"yeah?" you answer. 
"why" marlene asks, narrowing her eyes. 
"we're dating" remus says, and the night ends between cheers, screams and hugs. 
sirius and james even cry a bit, hugging each other while saying "finally!" "we did it!" 
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thedeathlysallows · 7 months
Santa Baby
Pairing: Loki x F!reader
Summary: Think of all the fun I've missed/ Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed/ I really do believe in you/ Let's see if you believe in me.
Warnings: Smut. Degradation, dirty talk, loss of virginity (reader's), dom!Loki, oral sex (f!receiving), breeding kink, unprotected sex, ever so slight Jotun!Loki. Loki hasn't had his redemption arc yet
Okay, so, I really have no excuses for this one. It's borderline crackfic but I did my best lol
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You stand shoulder to shoulder with your brother as you watch your father embrace the Allfather. For as long as you can remember, this has been your family's Christmas tradition. After your father finishes delivering gifts all across the nine realms on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day is spent on Asgard with the royal family. You aren't sure why it's a tradition- the elves say it's because Odin was the one to gift your father his powers, to create Santa Claus as the worlds know him- but you've learned over the years it's best not to argue about it.
(There was one year you wanted to spend Christmas at home in the North Pole like a normal family... and your mom fainted from the shock. The elves wouldn't talk to you for a month (which wasn't all that disappointing if you were to be honest). So you considered that lesson learned and never brought it up ever again.)
You watch as your mother greets Frigga next, the two of them looking like the epitome of the Mother archetype. Frigga with her regal air and your mother with her kind smile. You can't imagine ever having to step into their roles and you feel relieved you'll never have to. Your brother is set to be the next Santa and his wife will be Mrs. Claus. Odin's throne will go to Thor and his wife we'll be Queen of Asgard.
All you have to be is yourself.
Free to make your own rules.
To forge your own path.
"Hello, little one." Loki smiles at you fondly and steps towards you. His hands are bound in front of him and the chains draped over his body rattle with each movement.
You tilt your head, observing him closely. "Loki. I knew you were on my dad's Naughty list for the whole New York thing, so I guess it makes sense you ended up on Odin's list too."
His smile morphs into a nasty sneer as he bares his teeth at you. A guard yanks on the chain around his neck, pulling him an appropriate distance from you.
"Must we do this today," Frigga whispers to her husband. "It's the last day of Yule. Let Loki have an hour of freedom."
"And what will that hour cost us," Odin counters.
Your father raises his hand. "If I may? The kids have been working on their magic and sugar plum over here has a real talent for it. I'm sure she could keep Loki in line for an hour."
Loki's eyes burn a hole into the side of your skull as he says, "Yes. The Santa baby can watch me."
"For an hour," you add, turning to your dad. You point a finger at the jolly old man. "And only an hour."
Odin strokes his beard thoughtfully, considering every possible outcome of letting Loki free for a bit. Eventually, he bangs his staff against the shimmering golden floor and Loki's chains fall away. Loki, for his part, makes an effort not to appear too eager. He rubs his wrists and rolls his neck before squaring his shoulders and turning to you.
"I'm at your mercy for the next hour, sugar plum."
And the way he says it so seductively has you reaching the realization that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.
You fidget uncomfortably, balling the ends of your long sleeves in your hands. Loki watches your twitchy movements silently. That's how he's always watched you. Ever since that first meeting when you were nothing more than a child coming to terms with her father being the Santa Claus. He's always watched you silently, thoughtfully, like he's waiting for you to decide who you'll be... and maybe, just maybe, if there will be a place for him beside you when you do decide who to be.
"I'm already regretting this," you say out loud to no one really.
No one is paying attention anymore anyway.
No one except Loki who places a hand at the small of your back and gestures in front of you with the other. "Come, we both know you're foaming at the mouth to get to the garden."
You can't help the eyeroll his words induce. "How eloquent."
"Thank you."
"I wasn't complimenting you."
Loki purses his lips, fighting back a grin. "No, you would never do that, would you?"
"Just shut up and follow me."
He pretends to zip his mouth shut and throw away the key, earning an aggravated groan from you.
If you were to be honest, you don't find Loki's presence all that objectionable. Sure, his ego is out of hand, he tried to take over your home planet, he can be a real pain in the ass, sassy, confrontational, a know it all... wait, what was your point again? Oh, right! Loki has many, many, many faults, but he's always been kind to you. Deep down you know his affection for you doesn't truly account for the monstrosities he's committed, but it does make him ten percent less Naughty in your eyes.
"When will you tell Jolly Old Saint Nicholas that I've been the one helping you with your magic, sugar plum."
Okay. Five percent less Naughty.
"Never," you say without looking at him. Instead you fix your eyes on the garden up ahead.
He clicks his tongue. "How absolutely Naughty of you. I approve."
Two percent.
"I don't need your approval. And stop calling me sugar plum!"
Loki stops walking abruptly, forcing you to turn around and meet him face to face. Or face to chest rather. He's taller than you by several inches and his broad figure almost blocks out the steadily rising sun. Hues of pink, orange, and purple burst from behind him in pastel streaks of color. The wind is soft and gentle as it wraps around the two of you, pressing your bodies ever closer. If you could paint you think you would paint him just as he is now, all soft edges and gentle eyes.
He shakes his head. "You don't need it, but you want it. You crave it, don't you, my darling?"
You think you prefer him calling you sugar plum. That feels far less intimate than hearing the words my darling come out of his mouth.
"I don't want anything from you," you say full of false bravado.
"Oh?" Loki pulls you in to his body and tilts your chin up with his thumb and forefinger. "Not even my cock? I think if I were to bend you over this balcony and fuck that tight little cunt of yours, you'd thank me by the end of it. Wouldn't you, sugar plum?"
You swallow the lump in your throat and will away the rising heat in the pit of your stomach. "I said stop calling me that, Loki."
"Then what would you prefer, hmm?" His lips are centimeters from yours, teasing you by brushing against you ever so lightly as he speaks. "You positively lit up when I called you my darling. How does my queen sound? Better yet, how about my whore?"
"Did you make it to the Nice list this year? No sneaking around and kissing boys behind my back?"
You grit your teeth, embarrassment washing over you with the realization that you actually enjoy having him talk to you like this. "Stop. I know what you're trying to do."
"And what would that be?"
"You want me to give up on you like everyone else. There's a past between us whether we like it or not and you want me to just... forget it. Let it go. Everyone else already believes you're a monster and you can't stand that there's one person in the world who still believes you can be good."
Silence stretches out between the two of you like a snake sunbathing on a rock. It's an almost tangible sensation. All you can hear is the air rushing through your lungs as Loki's chest rises and falls at an alarming rate.
"Is this the part where we hug and I thank you for always believing in me? Because... no, I don't think I'll do that," Loki finally says after a few painful seconds.
You huff in frustration, spinning on your heel to go back inside and forget the whole deal. You'll lock yourself in a guest room with some delicious Asgardian mead and that'll be that. This whole sexual tension thing with a man you shouldn't want in the first place will disappear along with the alcohol.
Before you can take a step forward and put you're new Christmas Day plan into motion, Loki grabs you by the arm and pulls you back. His chest presses into your back, a warm and solid wall of muscle.
"Where do you think you're running off to, sugar plum?" He bends down and whispers the words in your ear, his lips ghosting over your skin and leaving goosebumps all over your body.
"Your hour's up."
"I've still got forty five minutes."
"Yeah, well... I'm finished with this."
Loki slips an arm around your waist, grinding his hardened length into your ass. "You're through when I say you're through, and right now I want you down on your knees worshipping."
"But... we're outside..."
The protest dies on your lips as green sparks emanate from Loki's fingertips, circling the two of you before sinking back into his palm.
"There," he says simply. "Problem solved. Now if anyone were to walk by they would simply see us admiring the flowers. Now, on your knees."
You let him push you down on your knees, his long fingers curling in your hair. Through the tight leather of his trousers you can make out the imprint of his cock. You won't be able to take all of him in your mouth. There's just no way. You're willing to try though, you think to yourself as you look up into the familiar green-blue of his eyes.
He helps you undo his pants, picking up the slack when your nervous fingers tremble while untying the laces. He's eerily patient and allows you to take your time. Build your courage as it were. You want this. You know you do. You're just... nervous.
The realization strikes Loki suddenly. "You're a virgin?"
The accusation- however true- doesn't sit right in your chest. "Do you want me to do this or not?"
Loki's eyes shine bright with absolute glee. "You are!"
The world swirls and warps around you, the oxygen leaving your lungs in a sudden woosh. You suddenly find yourself in your usual guest chambers. Still on your knees. Still out of breath.
"Much better!" Loki sighs happily before making himself comfortable on the large bed. "Actually, one more thing."
A fire roars to life in the hearth and the bright gold decorations littering the room turn a deep shade of emerald.
"Lest you forget who you're with," he explains simply.
"I couldn't if I tried." You look at Loki out of the corner of your eye as he lounges on the bed. His pants are undone, exposing the deep V of his pelvic muscles and a light dusting of hair. He looks at you so intently you feel like you might explode. "What?"
Loki motions for you to come closer. "I want you to come on my face, sugar plum."
You swear your body just gives out as soon as you hear the words. "W-what?"
He growls and sits straight up. "You are going to walk that pretty little arse over here, and then your are going to straddle my face, so I can lick your cunt until you come."
It takes everything in you to do exactly as he says. You aren't completely inexperienced and you aren't a complete idiot either. You know what the fire in your belly and the slickness between your thighs means. You want Loki, wanted him for years. Never in your wildest dreams did you think he actually wanted you too.
It's a Christmas miracle in your opinion.
When you make it to the edge of the bed Loki tuts at you, toying with the hem of your dress. "I meant to comment earlier, but this is the most horrid thing I've ever seen."
Your brow furrows. "Hey! Sprinkle made this for me!"
"Sprinkle." The way Loki says the elf's name almost sounds like a curse.
"You've met him before. Back a few- oof!"
Loki rips the dress to tatters in the blink of an eye. You want to hit him, curse him, something, but he moves too quickly. Instead you make a mental note to apologize to Sprinkle when you get home, and let Loki manipulate your body so that your kneeling over his face. His breath on your core sends a shiver through your body.
"Loki," you whine, gripping at his hair.
"Good girl," he moans out as you tug on the long, dark strands. "Let's see if you taste as sweet as you look."
His tongue laves at your folds, teasing you. It's strange but nice and exhilarating all at once. Your hips buck involuntarily when he finally slips his tongue inside you and he sighs happily against your skin.
"Fuck, yes," Loki groans.
You whimper pathetically.
"I need inside you. Now," he says against your soaked cunt. "I need you, darling."
All you can do is nod. Your bones feel like jelly, but you want more. You want him. You want him inside you. You want him to come inside you. You want it so badly you can almost imagine a future filled with children who have your hair and his eyes.
When he looks up at you there's a split second where you think he sees that future too.
Loki ends the moment quickly though, telling you to get on your back. He positions his cock at your entrance and you have a momentary lapse in confidence. You don't want him to stop, but he's bigger than you could've guessed, and-
"Relax." Loki presses his mouth to yours, nipping at your bottom lip. "You were made to take this cock."
You nod and angle your hips up so his tip slips inside you. Your unused muscles twitch against the intrusion, making Loki hiss out something in Old Norse. One of his hands wraps around your throat while the other pins your hips against the bed. Using this leverage he pushes his entire length inside you, swallowing your screams with his lips. Loki pumps in and out of you slowly, watching your face for signs of discomfort.
"M-more," you sigh. "Harder... more... please..."
His breath hitches. "Are you sure, my darling?"
"Very well." Loki's hips snap, shoving himself even deeper inside you.
Your hands fly to grip his biceps. His skin is colder. Colder than you've ever felt it. And there's a slight blue tinge.
"Loki, fuck... oh my god..."
His hand not wrapped around your throat slaps across your cheek. "My king. Say it. Say I'm your king."
You manage a tiny nod. "You're... you're my king..."
Loki's grip tightens and his pace quickens. You can feel his thick cock sliding in and out of you, stretching you around him, forcing his way deep inside you.
"L-Loki..." You let out a short whine. "Come inside me. Please. I need it. Please, please..."
He chuckles darkly. "How pathetic. You're begging like a common whore. Is that what you are, darling? Are you my whore?"
"Yes what?"
"Yes, my king."
Loki, seemingly satisfied by your answer, lifts your leg over his shoulder and shoves his way deeper inside you. There's a painful burn as you adjust to the new angle and pace, but the look of ecstasy on Loki's face is enough to send you over the edge again. You come on his cock once more, but this time he comes with you, filling you until it leaks out.
You aren't sure when you closed your eyes, but when you open them Loki is looking at you with a strange expression.
"My hour is up," is all he says.
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dropthedemiurge · 4 months
Love for Love's Sake | Things You Didn't Notice #4 | Fight with Homophobes
Honestly, I wanted to dissect these scenes right away but then we got the rest of the show uploaded and the emotions overshadowed me. But now we're diving into informal Korean speech, swearing and slurs! It's going to be a fun post, let's go :D
Disclaimer: I'll be writing down both English and Korean slurs strictly in educational manner, obviously.
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"Fuck. You two are always so fucking close together. (to Myungha) Are you also a faggot (homosekki)? Wow, Kyunghyun's skills are so good." "Why are you so vulgar? What's wrong with being homo?" "You're really crazy. Are you criticizing me?" ... (Myungha kisses Tak Junho) " Ah fu— You damn faggot!" "We both kissed. I'm not the only one who's homo. You're homo too~" "You did it yourself, you faggot!" "Ah, our Junho keeps saying 'homo'. Tss, slurs are forbidden." "Shut up, you faggot." "If you call me homo one more time, I can steal your lips for real. (Junho is silent) Ha, afraid you'll be robbed?"
Honestly, I like the translation in subs this time, I just wanted to give you a more technical version (and to show you the difference, because in Gaga subs the f slur is also used by Myungha but it's not exactly that)
So, as far as I noticed, the slur in Korean is a derivative from the term "homosexual" - thanks to the similar sounding, it became "homosekki" (from sekki - asshole, bastard, bitch etc). This is the word Junho keeps using in almost every sentence. And the socially accepted common term is now "gay" (at least, the cast and couple from Korean reality dating show "His Man 2" refers to themselves as 'gay' and not 'homo').
Myungha uses the original term, just "homo", which also gained a negative connotation but doesn't include a 'sekki' swearword. So he keeps saying "homo" to talk back in the language Junho used, only less derogatory. We'll see later but it's amazing, because both Myungha and Sangwon confidently used this word about themselves (Sangwon even went further and proudly reclaimed the slur itself).
Still, Myungha did threaten gangster Junho not to even call him "homo" or any similar terms. And here's the moment which made me laugh: in the next scene with Sangwon, Junho was angry ranting about Myungha, but he caught himself using the slur "homosekki" and quickly changed to the modern and neutral term "gay". LOL
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Which is what Gaga subs failed to show it to us. Again, let's see more technical translation:
"I'll go after Tae Myungha and Ahn Kyunghoon soon, just so you know. Those fa– Those gay bastards must die. That fucker Tae Myungha kissed me in the lips, shit. Isn't it fucked up? It was disgusting." (Sangwon, pouting) "Wow, really? It must've been nice." "Jeez, you asshole. You're not a victim so you dare talking shit." "I'm being serious, though?" (Junho, appalled) "What the hell are you talking about? You're not a faggot." "I am a faggot, though?"
One, why is it so funny that the first reaction Sangwon had, hearing about Myungha kissing someone in a fight, was: awww :( i wish it was me :((( you so lucky :((
Second, it's hilarious how the gangster ends up the ONLY person who ever uses nice and modern term "gay" once in this show because our protagonists both hit him back with the derogatory terms (Sangwon even attached the slur to himself, when he only liked girls before falling in love with Myungha at first sight, what a legend).
Let's wrap it up with slurs and check out another small detail: informal speech in Korean.
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(Sangwon to Myungha)"Why would we fight here?" (Yeowoon to Sangwon)"Hey, watch your tone (don't use informal speech)" "Was I talking like that with you?" "Talk curt (informally) only with me." "I'm already being curt (talking informally) with you."
This one is definitely a cultural thing that always gets lost in translation (but "being curt" is a nice way of putting it). There are two general styles of speech in Korean: Formal (존댓말, jondemal) and Informal (반말, banmal). Of course, it's a lot more complicated in the language, but I'll paint briefly the differences that are pointed out in the scene.
I talked in previous posts about properly addressing your senior in korean (usually by title/position). To convey respect to your senior, you also use 요 (yo) at the end of the sentences – and both Sangwon and Yeowoon talk politely to Myungha. UNTIL Sangwon uses the rude version of a question, without polite ending ("Why would we fight here?"), to which Yeowoon protests and tells Sangwon that it's banmal, informal speech, and he should only use it with him.
Because with your friends, same age people (Yeowoon and Sangwon in this case) or people younger than you, it's normal to use their names with different intonations (Think Myungha's "Yeowoon-ah, Yeowoon-ie") and talk informally.
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(Yeowoon to Myungha) "I asked who it was." "You're being curt (that's an informal speech)".
Fast forward – Yeowoon loses patience and demands Myungha "I asked who it was", question without polite ending as well. To which Myungha cheekily says "that was an informal speech", reminding Yeowoon of his own remark to Sangwon.
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Fast forward again – and now I have to take back my previous statement from another post that Yeowoon never called Myungha by his name because I found the rare case of him doing it xD
"Tae Myungha is so frustrating." "You're speaking informally more often these days."
Again, a youngster! calling his senior! by his own name! Not using the polite ending! The horrors of informal speech. He's not being too rude but he's sulking therefore he's rebelling. Though I can swear, again, Yeowoon hears Myungha's scolding and resorts back to speaking politely, and from now on, he'll keep using 'senior'.
If you survived until the end of this post, congratulations! The second half probably wasn't needed but in case you're learning Korean or you want to know why these seemingly normal phrases are being considered "curt" out of nowhere, I hope you understand it now a little bit better :)
// Previous messages translation + other language moments here //
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ishimondoevents · 27 days
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Here are the prompts. Thank you to everyone who contributed ideas to this! The list will be written down below the cut with some ideas for those who want a little elaboration, a little help brainstorming, or simply understand how loosely prompts can be interperted!
Please make sure to check out the RULES AND F.A.Q. so we can have a smooth week.
July 14th: Family / Dates
July 15th: Promise / Sickness
July 16th: Roleswap / Seasons
July 17th: Competition / Future
July 18th: Talentswap / Gifts
July 19th: Confessions / Soulmates
July 20th: Free Day*
* For the Free Day, you are free to use a prompt that you hadn't used on one of the previous days if you would prefer a specific prompt to follow.
Remember— these are just ideas to help with brainstorming, you are not limited to interpreting the prompts in just these ways. 
Family: You could choose to interpret this as being in relation family members (canon or head cannoned) for a scenario like meeting the in-laws; or them building one of their own (with pets, fan kids, v3 kid AUs, etc). Another angle could be a reflection on their own childhoods, with a focus on their family life/dynamics to tie it back to the prompt.
Dates: Quite a few options to go with, off the top of my head: first dates, blind dates, double/group date, fake dating, or even a study date lol. This could also be interpreted in the sense of important dates like birthdays, anniversary, etc.
Promise: This one might be a tad bit easier on the writers since all you'd need to really do to meet the prompt is throw in one 'promise between men', but you can definetly get creative with it. You could go a more canon route of 'I'll build your house bro' or 'We'll get out of the killing game alive' to anything else you could think of, big or small— perhaps even broken promises (as serious or silly as you'd like, e.g. 'you promised you'd stop speeding')
Sickness: Just a few ideas besides a literal cold— lovesickness (figurative or more literal like a hanahaki AU), a despair disease scenario, or a mental health day.
Roleswap: Anything that generally swaps the canon role would apply here. So Protagonist AUs, Mastermind AU, Survivor/Future Foundation AUs would all be applicable here. Remnants of Despair AUs may also apply, see the elaboration given in the Talentswap section.
Seasons: Take this as liberally as you'd like. Focus on one season or all; focus on seasonal activities like going to the beach, a seasonal school vacation; or a seasonal holiday/festival, just to offer a few different ways you could try and meet this prompt. 
Competition: With how competitive these two are, hopefully this won't end being too restrictive. Be this between the two of them, one rooting for the other for sports/other extracurricular activities, or a double date scenario with someone as competitively spirited. You could also stick to more canon moments for reference like the Sauna Scene or the race between Mondo and Daiya.
Future: You could do something with Futuristic themes like cyborgs/androids/etc. Or more broadly approach the prompt with discussions of the future (v3 talentplan style), or in settings where they're older (be that 30 or 80, however you wish to interpert it). 
Talentswaps: The difference from the roleswap Is that the former implies the talent isn't changed, just the role within the story. A talentswap may change several factors, but most notably the talent. So whether you're swapping just the talents between the THH cast or swapping game premises as well (e.g. v3 au with SHSL Inventor Oowada), all of that would be better suited here. Remnants of Despair AUs could go here if it's a talent swap that includes SDR2's general premise, but if the talents were to remain the same AND the concept to be (for example) that Junko chose Class 78 over 77 to brainwash, then that could fall under a Roleswap instead.
Gifts: This should hopefully be easier to achieve as a prompt, but this could be around any kind of celebration involving gifting (birthdays, holidays, etc.), or just a general occasion of wanting to get a gift. Maybe focusing on having difficulty with finding a present, etc.
Confessions: This could be anything from a love confession, or a completely innocuous thing like— oops, I’m the asshole that has been in your parking spot bc I’m dyslexic and thought it was mine meet cute(?). Perhaps it could be one of them receiving a love confession and the reaction around it.
Soulmates: Since I know there are quite a few ideas people have come up with over the years for soulmate AUs, I think this one should also not be too difficult (hopefully).
Here are four lists I got just from googling, should you need a few ideas about what you might do: 
You could also go more straightforward with red string of fate concepts for soulmates as well, or just the idea of soulmates, not necessarily a soulmate AU if none speak to you!
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In Modern Day Ghost, Ingo still gets Hisuied, but Akari finds a way to go after him and disguises herself as a human 10 year old. She's gotten better at her illusions at this point, and can now make herself look almost exactly as she did before she died, although her hair is still more gray than it is black. She also still has trouble emulating people past the age of 10.
Ingo still gets amnesia. Akari doesn't really know how to deal with that without possibly fucking Ingo up, like, psychologically, so she doesn't say anything to him and just waits for the opportunity to throw him at a modern doctor and therapist.
Around the end of the whole Hisui event, Akari drags Ingo to the temple and summons Arceus. She's like hey could you bring us home? And Arceus is like er. I can only do that with one of you.
And, Akari, being a literal ghost, realizes she's functionally immortal, so is like. Oh send Ingo then, lol, easy decision.
And Ingo, once again not knowing Akari's thought process as usual, is horrified by her quick decision. This is a child who just casually threw her chance at getting home away for him. What about her family?
And Akari's like oh don't worry about it, you ARE my family! Anyways, we'll see each other again in the future! Love you Dad, bye!
And then Ingo gets thrown back to Unova before he can say anything.
With her job done, Akari pats herself on the back. Arceus, watching this, comes to the sudden realization that Akari didn't actually make an informed decision just now. Because it doesn't seem to really hit her that she just doomed herself to waiting for two whole centuries before she can ever see her loved ones, her dad, again. There is a distinct possibility she won't even remember Ingo's face or voice by the time she rolls back to the modern day.
Arceus is like... Well, I can't send another person back right now, time and space is already EXTREMELY fragile and I need to get working on repairing this mess. Uhhh.
Hey Akari. How do you feel about being in stasis? It's just like time travel, sorta, you'll fall asleep and wake up back in your own time. Except you'll have to make the journey from here to Unova yourself.
Akari's like hmmm. Sounds cool! Okay let's do that!
Back in Modern Day Unova, Ingo is being reunited with his brother and SOBBING because his DAUGHTER AKARI got LEFT BEHIND, she's probably DEAD NOW—
And Emmet, remembering their Zorua Akari, who froze to death and was a weirdly big fan of Ingo the first time they met, is like UH. YOUR DAUGHTER WHO??
Wrong conclusions are being made.
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cuprohastes · 1 year
The WTF cycle of War with Humans
Most species that get to the point of being part of galactic society as are pretty chill. There's enough room on one planet to colonise for decades even if other species are doing the same. And everone's done the numbers and the cost of even a small skirmish is just not worth the gains.
But there's always someone who just needs to prove they're interstellar bad-asses or want to see what the new guys are up to.
And every so often they pick on the Humans.
When this happens the other species kick back, get some popcorn and start fuelling up the equivalent of Humanitarian Aid for afterwards.
And as for whichever belligerant species tried it this time... They all have the same Analysis: What the actual F-
Stage 1
Having beaten some colonists, razed a couple of more or less unarmed settlements and rofflestomped some farmboys, everyone is feeling pretty good about how these reputed Hellworlders aren't all that.
Sure some of them were an absolute terror but hey we got armour and theyu ain't. Job done, mission accomplished and... WTF was that?
Something huge jumps in system and out, leaving a couple of massive ships, which are travelling way too fast. WTF?
Stage 2
There is some half assed excuse for a spacecraft that just slammed into the atmosphere at around the speed of LOL. These guys are easy pickings. They just destroyed their own... what. Bomber? Troop carrier? WTF is wrong with these idiots? We'll be wiping our cloacas on their homeworld's treasures by the end of the year, yo.
Those ships... massive, big, wasteful and doomed. They're so big you can see them, glowing, making a streak across the sky... in fact... uh... wait, is that thing turning? It's definitely coming this way. And... shouldn't there be bits coming off at this point? WTF?
Stage 3
Now stuff is coming out. But it's coming out in order. Big chonky machinery, followed by... oh is that Humans?! You almost feel sorry for them. Their ship is doomed and they're throwing themselves out. Your superior lens based optics can see they're just... wrapped in cloth, falling. Did they get sucked out while sleeping? WTF?
Then the big ship opens up front ports and makes a sound like every angry soul that was ever condemned to the pits of the afterlife and all of a sudden this thing is flying?
It rips past overhead trailing a sonic shockwave and bombing the shit out of your landing craft, spiralling at twice the speed of sound while laying down some stupendous amount of white hot ballistic mayhem like you couldn't even imagine. And you're looking at it and you still cannot figure out what you're looking at.
Then a human zips past. WTF?!
They jsut spread their stupid arms and legs and they have a fucking curtain or something tied on and... they can fly?!
Then they're stopping, mid air using some sort of... what is that, sheets? They can do that? WTF?
Stage 4
Now you know what the Hellworlders are really like. They came in their own armour with this stupid blocky pattern that made it hard for you to figure what you were looking at, with guns and knives. They shot through the barricades and walls you hide behind.
They were covered in explosive shrapnel shells and they just did this thing where they twisted and those stupid arms suddenly became launchers, and those little orbs came sailing past and then turned your best soldiers into gooey lumps.
You saw the biggest guy in the unit leap out and this one dumb Human just flipped them over and... You wish you could unsee that. You wish with all your soul you could. WTF? Who does that? Even in a war?
Stage 5
Nobody waited for Command to issue an order to surrender. The Humans? You can kill them, but they'll get you and everyone around you. One of them just turned a command vehicle into a doughnut lined with the burning residue of everyone inside.
Then their tanks showed. They don't float. They roar. They claw along with terrifying speed. They go through your defenses without stopping and there's his big artillery piece on top that's turning your fortifications into a historical rumour. They're just... soaking up. All the punishment you can give. WTF?
Clearly you can die in the blood soaked mud or you can surrender. If Command wants to keep fighting they can come down here.
Stage 6
You threw down your weapons and they just... fed you. There's a cot, a blanket, three meals a day for some reason. Three. WTF? The injured are being patched up, nobody is being tortured and after a few months you even get a package and mail form your Szuch. You're even allowed to send them a message back saying that you're OK.
There's even members of the other Starfaring species showing up to check that the pretty nice barracks is... well. Pretty nice WTF? These guys rode a meteor in then threw themselves at you from a mile up and hand-slaughtered the best your military can train... just to have something to do while their giant, air splitting and ground shaking war machines showed up.
And now they're worried you aren't getting enough sleep or food.
Then they send you home and people see your uniform and ask... How did we lose? Are the humans really that bad? I mean come on, that's just propaganda, right? We're going back to show them who's boss... right?
And all you can do. Is stare and think... WTF?
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 6 months
Seven Days to Fall Again | Monday | Jeon Jungkook
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Inspired by the MV "Seven" by Jung Kook ft. Latto (obvi lol) Summary: Dinner and a Breakup. You're ready to end things but Jungkook asks for a second chance, not willing to let you go. Paring: Reader x Jungkook (almost exes to lovers lol) Word Count: 3.4k Warnings: No real warnings honestly just an argument. Start from the beginning
I watch from outside the restaurant window, seeing as he has already been seated and has ordered his favorite wine along with what I can assume is mine right across from his. 'You got this. It's better for the both of us if we just end things here and go our separate ways' I coach myself, hoping to gain some sense of resolve to help carry me through this dinner and do what I've been meaning to do for a while now.
As soon as I grab the handle I see that I've finally caught his eye and he stands up waiting patiently for me to come sit down with him. "There you are" he says with a warm smile and goes to give me a quick kiss to which I turn away a bit, making his lips ultimately land on my cheek. He pull away, giving me a questioning look and I make quick excuses, not wanting to start a fight right away. 
"Lipgloss, sorry. I know you don't like the feeling of it on your lips after kissing me" I say giving his as genuine of a smile as I can muster up, given the circumstances. "I don't really mind it," he says giving me a kiss on my forehead this time instead, "but thank you for telling me anyways" he says with his hands on my cheeks looking at me lovingly, placing a quick pec on my lips before he leads me over to my chair and pulls it out for me to sit down. 
"I thought you had forgotten about me" he teases while he walks back around to sit back down. "Traffic was horrible and I lost track of time" I say taking a quick swig of my wine, praying the alcohol hits my system as fast as possible. Needing what they always refer to as 'liquid courage' to help take the edge off. "Slow down love, let's get some food in you before you start on that" he says, his brows pinched together in confusion. Clearly puzzled as to what might be causing this sudden change in character.
"I just forgot how much I love this wine" I say taking another big gulp, not paying attention to maintaining a lady like image until this alcohol mellows my senses. "We can pick some up whenever you like Noona" he says amused but still concerned at my sudden excitement in my poison of choice as some might say. 
After having what is now my temporary fill of my wine Jungkook suggests we order so the alcohol doesn't hit me too hard, both of us knowing how messy I can get a times but not really voicing it. "Do you know what you'd like to order?" he asks, trying to maintain some sort of conversation between us. "I'm not too sure, I'm trying to decided between these two an-" "Are you ready to order?" our waiter asks while also taking the liberty of refilling our glasses. 
"I think we'll need another minute or so" Jungkook answers for the both of us. "Oh it's okay I think I know what I want now" I say butting in before the waiter leaves. "Oh no that's okay honey we can take an extra second for you to think a little more" he says waving off the waiter, disregarding what what I had said and making the choice for me. 
"Okay" I say dragging out the last syllable a bit and mumbling that I was ready and will order the same thing no matter how much time he thinks I need under my breath. "What was that love?" he questions, catching onto how my demeanor has changed a bit. "Nothing don't worry about it" I say and go back to scanning the menu.
Once the waiter has taken our order Jungkook decides to start asking me about my day. "It was okay, I wasn't too busy at work so it was kind of boring" I reply, giving somewhat of a vague answer but not enough for him to get suspicious. I decide to ask him about his day in turn so he can ramble off for a bit while I try to figure out how to go about this. 
"Jungkook" I say grabbing his attention after he's spoken for a while, cutting him off. He hums in acknowledgment, not bothered at my sudden interruption. But before I'm able to say anything else our food is brought out to our table.
"Was there anything else I could get you?" the waiter asks cutting off the conversation for a moment, another interruption by him added to the tally. "Oh no that's okay I think we're fine" Jungkook answers again for both of us before checking in with me and once again the waiter is sent on his way.
"Now what were you saying love?" he asks now bringing his attention back to me but the rumbling in my stomach leaving me unable to focus. "Nothing can we just eat now? I didn't realize how hungry I was" I laugh off awkwardly.
"Of course go ahead. I hope you end up liking what you ordered" he smiles. 'I had more than enough time to think about it thanks to you' I say to myself, irritated by that previous event that happened moments ago yet again.
"I'm sure I will" I say and take that first bite, realizing it's not what I ordered. "What's wrong?" he says immediately noticing the look on my face. "No I'm fine, it's just the wrong order" I say and take a drink of water to wash out the flavor, being caught off guard by the taste. "I can call the waiter back if you want to send it back" he says and takes a quick look around trying to find him. 
"No it's fine don't worry about it. I don't mind" I say and go ahead to make the effort and take another bite, now tasting a bit better since I know what to expect this time. "But it's not what you ordered" he says, but before he's able to lift his hand up to wave them down I take his hand in mine bringing his attention back over to me. "Jungkook it's fine, let's just go back to eating" I say sternly to which he finally pays attention to, now clearly using my age as a reminder to get him to listen to me.
"Okay Noona. But can we at least switch dishes? I know you'll like mine better than yours!" he offers, hoping this will provide some sort of solution. "Sure" I say and give him a sweet smile after seeing his doe eyes go round, genuinely wanting to find a way to make me happy. We switch plates but end up spilling some water on the floor in the meantime leaving a big puddle right next to us. 
"Waiter!" Jungkook calls for someone to come help. "I'm so sorry do you think you could give us some napkins so I can clean this up?" he asks, clearly embarrassed by the situation once they reach us. "Oh don't worry about it sir, I'll have someone come out to clean it up" the waiter says before scurrying off to the back to find someone to help with the mess. 
"I'm sorry" I say and try to come out from around the table and help pick up some of the bigger shards of glass. "Don't apologize, it was my fault" he excuses. "And don't worry about picking up the glass, I've got it" he says going to grab a smaller piece but pulls his hand back after having sliced his finger right on contact. 
"This is why you need to leave things to me sometimes" I say sitting back up and giving him a napkin to wrap his finger in to stop the bleeding.  "I'm sorry Noona I-" "Keep some pressure on it and go to the bathroom to wash it off" I say sternly cutting him off, not looking for any arguments to which he mouthes a silent 'okay' and heads towards the bathroom to do as I say.
"Is everything okay over here?" a bus boy says, coming over to clean up the mess. "Um yeah everything is fine" I say not really wanting to get into it. "If you're planning on breaking up with him then go for it. It'll be less messy if you just get it over with.
"How did you know?" I say widening my eyes at him once the words have left his mouth. "Girly it doesn't take a genius to tell that you're unhappy" he says before turning to leave, me now confused more than ever. "Are you okay?" Jungkook asks me, somehow sneaking up on me on his way back. 
"I think we should break up" I blurt out, surprising even myself by how easily it came out after talking to that bus boy. Who knew that it would just take one last push for me to finally speak my mind. "What? Why?" he asks completely caught off guard by the abrupt nature of the statement.
"Jungkook, I haven't been happy for a while and I know you probably haven't noticed that you're unhappy as well because you've just become too comfortable in this relationship" he tries to interrupt but I stop him by raising my hand and he gets the memo and sinks back in his chair to listen.
"We've been together for two years already and I feel like we're at the same place we were back then. It feels like I'm the same person I was back then and so are you. We haven't grown and changed at all, as a couple or individually. I feel like my life is going in slow motion, I'm still working on my damn degree because I cut down on my class load to get a job to help pay for our bills and I've lost all motivation to continue pursuing it" I say and take a deep breath.
"You could always quit your job so you can focus on your studies. I told you before that I make enough to support the both of us" he says, having been given an opportunity to jump in. "That's not the point. Do you know how horrible I would feel if I was living off of my younger boyfriend's money? Do you know what people would say about us, about me?" I say, him adding more fuel to the fire unknowingly. 
"They would say I'm a gold digger and that I was too lazy to try and make something out of my life. That I'm taking too much time to finish college and I should just give up on it all together and get a real job" I continue. "I thought you didn't care about what people think" he says quietly infuriating me even more since he obviously knows the answer to his stupid question but decides to make that comment anyways. 
"Well I obviously do" I say and sit back taking a breather for a second, giving him a chance to say something since he obviously feels the need to interrupt. "Did I do something? Did I say something that might've caused you to feel this way? I'll fix, it just tell me" he says trying to understand my reasoning. 
"Oh so now you want to put in an effort? Jungkook you're hardly ever around, and when you are, you're too tired to spend time together. For the most part just heading to bed or getting back when I'm already sleeping. Do you even know how long it's been since you've even bothered to touch me? How long it's been since we had a conversation that wasn't accompanied by a meal. How long it's been since we watched a movie together" I list off and the realization of the actual state of our relationship washes over him.
"Baby I'm so-" "You know it was my birthday last month right? I waited around all day hoping you just weren't saying anything because you had a surprise planned for me but at the end of the night all I had received from you was a simple good morning kiss and then you went about your day, paying no mind to me at all. Holed up in your office on your day off, working and making phone calls, not even bothering to come out to eat dinner" I say getting upset all over again at the memory. 
"Let's celebra-" he tries again. "This isn't about celebrating my birthday! This is about the fact that it feels like you don't even care about me anymore. Every time I try to make an effort to spend time together you cancel at the last minute and come home with a bouquet of tiger lilies asking me for forgiveness and promising to be there next time. Even the simple dinners that I've made when you told me you would be home early enough would go cold, leaving me to eat alone yet again with no call, no text, nothing" I say and I see him hang his head a bit finally seeing things from my side. 
"Is there someone else? Someone else in your life that you're wasting your love on, leaving just a shell of a person to come crawl into bed with me. Then in the morning I wake up alone, the only indicator that you even been there being some new clothes in the laundry basket and the rumpled sheets next to me. I've been thinking recently, 'What are either of us getting out of this relationship?'. At this point we could honestly be roommates and not much would change at all compared to what's going on with us right now" I say and see that he's been holding back from saying anything so I give him a chance to say his piece. 
"There's no one else and you know that" he says sternly, clenching his jaw at the thought that I would actually think that he would cheat on me. "How would I know that" I lower my voice and lean forward trying to provoke him but he's not taking the bait, too concerned about the people around us. "I only have eyes for you and it's been like that for years. I don't even find other women attractive anymore now that I have you". "Flattery will get you no where Jungkook" I roll my eyes at him. 
"Well you're just going to have to believe me then" he says sitting back, fixing his suit jacket a bit to straighten himself out and takes a deep breath. I wait for him to say something else but he just stays silent, I can see the wheels turning in his head but from the looks of it he just can't seem to formulate them the way he wants to. 
"That's another thing, I hate the fact that you're so cautious with me. Always carefully formulating your sentences so they come out perfectly, making choices for me because you think you know best, never even trying to do something new together because you don't want to push me out of my comfort zone" I argue, continuing to point out all of the big things he's done that frustrate me. 
"I just want you to enjoy everything we do together. I don't want something to not meet your expectations and then it all goes to waste" he explains, trying to get me to see some of these things from his perspective. "I understand that, really I do, but people are meant to grow and change and learn new thing, but I feel like since we've been together we've done none of that. Our first few months of course were exciting and new but we soon started to settle into a routine and that's not what I want. To me that's not living" I explain to him, making sure he sees my side as well. 
"This relationship just isn't good for either of us. We're stifling each other's growth and it seems like our ideas of how we want to live are at odds" I say trying to wrap it up. "What's wrong with the way we live? I thought you liked our apartment?" he asks clearly not understanding where I'm going with this.
"Jungkook I literally just explained to you everything that I was unhappy about with the way that we're living. It's not the material things it's us. The day to day with how we do or don't interact with each other. The consideration of making sure you'll follow through on something instead of just expecting forgiveness when you decide to apologize for failing after the fact. The way that I don't even feel like you love me anymore, you're just used to me now so you don't feel the need to put effort into our relationship" 
"But I do love you" he starts but I cut him off without a single care. "You know our anniversary was three days ago right? I wouldn't be surprised if you just took a shot in the dark and picked a random day and convinced yourself into thinking it was the right one" I scoff. "Really?" he asks softly, embarrassed that even now he's messed up. "Yes Jungkook why would I lie to you I-" I start but I cut myself off when the waiter comes by. 
"Would you both like some more wine?" he asks with bottle in hand and as soon as I'm about to accept, hoping to cool myself down a bit Jungkook places his hand over my wine glass, preventing him from refilling it. "No, I think she's had enough don't worry" Jungkook says and takes that as a not so subtle note to not come back over until he asks for the bill. 
"This is exactly what I was talking about Jungkook! You haven't listened to a word I've said have you?" "No I have I ju-" "I want to break up and I don't want to fix thing" I say stating my case, feeling like this whole conversation was meaningless and decide to stop explaining myself. "I'm sorry it was just a habit. I'm listening I promise, if you just give me some time I'll clean up my act and put more effort into us" he pleads with me.
"I said no! End of discussion" I huff, tired of playing his games. "One week, that's all I'll need" he asks, doing better than I am at maintaining a sense of decorum. "I said we're done! Why is that something that you just can't get through your head?" I argue. 
"Please Noona, can you keep your voice down?" he pleads with me, noticing a few more people have taken notice of our conversation. "You can't tell me what to do Jungkook. I'm still your elder whether we are together or not so you do not get to disrespect me like that!" I say getting up from my chair making moves to leave.
"All this time you've been messing around and playing with my heart and I'm done Jungkook. I'm sick of yo-" "Noona watch out!" he yells, grabbing me by my arm and yanking me towards him. "What? What happened?" I say after looking around once I've regained stability.
"There was a fire at that table and it got pretty close to you so..." he trails off getting embarrassed, now noticing that he's the only one that go scared by it. I turn around and take a look a said table where the supposed fire was and see that in fact is a fire over there. 
"It was a flambé Jungkook that's normal and it's far away from us anyway so I don't see why you would act like that" I say turning my vision back over to Jungkook and just now taking notice of how close he is to me. I look at him and I look down and realize that in his panic I somehow ended up on his lap. 
He gives me a shy smile which soon turns into a look of panic when I get up off his lap grabbing my stuff and walking towards the door. "Noona wait please" he says and grabs onto my wrist but I pull it out of his grasp, turning around to face him at the same time.
"Don't bother coming home tonight. Stay at a friend's house or wherever you want, just leave me alone. We'll talk about this later" I say and he calls out to me one final time but I leave before he's able to stop me again.
Teaser / Tuesday
Series Masterlist
a/n: I really hope you like Monday! I said I was going to post something else but I had this done already and I was too excited so I decided to post it! I really hope you guys like it! Also barely edited so have mercy on me. Thanks for all of the support recently on my fics as well! Love you guys <3
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0cta9on · 2 months
Their schedules got canceled and they are stuck in the hotel. What would you do if you've got 10 minutes in each of their rooms?😉
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And which hotel room would you end up staying in?
Hmmm, 10 minutes isn't a lot of time, what to do...
Sakura: She makes me sit on the bed and straddles my lap before pulling her top up to free her breasts. I start sucking on them while her hips grind against my crotch until my erection strains uncomfortably in my pants. Before we can take things further, however, she tosses me out of the room, saying she'd rather work on her crochet projects and catch up on some sleep now that her schedule is open. Right as the door closes, I catch a glimpse of a sly smirk on her face as I stand in the hallway horny and disappointed.
Yujin: When I get to her room, the door is already unlocked and I can hear muffled moans from the other side. Upon entering, I see that she's already splayed out on the bed, masturbating. After noticing my presence, she beckons me with her finger, begging me to fuck her just by the look of her eyes. I pull her hips towards me, plunging my still-erect cock into her dripping heat, and after a couple thrusts, Yujin cums quickly thanks to her touching herself already. Right as I suggest another position, she gives me a small peck on the lips before kicking me out of the room, saying that she's too tired now and wants to rest.
Chaewon: I knock on her door, and once she answers, she immediately notices the bulge in my pants. With a smirk on her face, she pulls me in and sits me down on the bed, whispering in my ear about how she'll "take good care of me." Chaewon kneels in front of me, unzipping my pants and freeing my cock for the third time that night. She begins deepthroating my cock, licking my precum and commenting how I "taste a little like Yujin." Right as I'm about to blow my load down her throat, her phone buzzes and she stops to read the text, much to dismay. Chaewon says that the Le Sserafim girls want to get some dinner now that their schedule cleared up and that we'll have to continue this some time later, leaving me alone in her hotel room.
Liz: While sitting alone in Chaewon's room, in desperate need of a release, I get a text from Liz telling me to come to her room to watch a movie with her. Not expecting anything, I knock on her door, and Liz answers wearing nothing but a silk bathrobe on. The sight of her exposed shoulder and her slim legs is enough to drive me crazy. I barge into her room, shutting the door behind me before untying her bathrobe and forcing her to bend over the bed. My fingers dig into her hips as I plunge my cock deep inside of her pussy, caring about my own pleasure over hers. Before I can even think about pulling out, I dump a massive load inside of her while my soul ascends to a higher plane of existence. My body collapses next to her on the bed, and I apologize for the roughness. Liz giggles, assuring me that it's okay and that Yujin texted her to take care of me since she couldn't. We spend the rest of the night cuddling while watching a movie, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.
In the end, I think I would pick Liz's room to stay in :) She seems like she would give the best after sex cuddles and there's just something about the cute face paired with that hot body that's so alluring. Maybe its her dimples :3
Thanks for the ask, frisky! This is probably a longer response than u were expecting, but it was really fun to write so lol
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gloomy-prince · 3 months
To celebrate RAINBOW!'s release today, I'm going to go over all the daydream references that have been made so far, since it's fun for me to sneak them in 💖 there's a lot of them though, so it's gonna be under the cut!
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Episode 1-- Kiki's Delivery Service and E.T.! People focus on the Kiki reference so much that the other seemed to be missed.
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Episode 2-- Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion, Sailor Moon. Another one obvious enough to be called out in some comments. It was referenced again in episode 54, where this panel was taken from.
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Episode 5-- Marceline, Adventure time. One of the few reference that isn't an outfit specifically, but a character.
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Episode 11-- Revolutionary Girl Utena. Not necessarily supposed to be the characters themselves, just the outfits.
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Episode 11-- Minako Aino, Sailor Moon. In hindsight, I don't remember why I chose this specific dress to reference and not the maid outfits from Sailor Stars or the fruits maid outfits from the manga... especially since I think the fruits maid outfits are adorable.
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Episode 11-- Catra, She-Ra reboot. I kind of regretted this one immediately just because like 80% of the comments on the episode were "CATRA SUIT!!!" as a result...
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Episode 18-- Sailor Moon manga. I was always intrigued by the way characters would be dressed in dreamlike/ethereal sequences in the manga, so this reference was a must for me. I went with the version that is a full dress with straps rather than the dresses from other moments in the manga that have no discernible top half.
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Episode 30 and 31-- Not a reference to any specific film or character, but just film noir in general. I do remember referencing a female character specifically for this but sadly I couldn't find it again.
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Episode 40-- Pomeranian scene, IT Chapter Two. Surely you saw this coming (or maybe not?) I don't think I got the camera angle good enough to really sell this reference, but I couldn't resist it anyways.
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Episode 43-- Adult Losers, IT Chapter Two. The only reference besides Marceline that references the characters themselves, since I normally use our other characters for background character purposes. Also one of the only references that isn't a daydream.
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Episode 54-- Disney's Snow White and Cinderella. I couldn't decide which to reference, so I ended up leaning mostly into Cinderella, but referenced the Evil Queen's crown as well. Boo's dress is also somewhat referenced from the the live action Cinderella dress instead of the animated version, just because I liked it.
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Episode 54-- Treasure Planet and Treasure Planet 2 concept art. Treasure planet is one of my favorite movies, so there was no way I was missing out on referencing it. A few people brought up some wlw pirate webcomic(s?) in the comments of this episode, but the actual reference seemed to be mostly missed. The sash around Boo's waist is also meant to be fabric from her princess dress in the previous panels.
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Episode 54-- Revolutionary Girl Utena. Another one I was kind of surprised wasn't called out just because of how iconic the whole clothed shadow/silhouette thing is.
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Episode 55-- Saint Tail. I couldn't reference this one as closely as I would have liked since it probably wouldn't have been very readable as a magician's costume to someone who didn't know it, so it mostly references the brooch from the anime and her hat.
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Episode 61-- Jane Fonda in Spirits of the Dead. A super random and out there reference, especially to end on, but I liked the outfit so much that I couldn't help it. Maybe Boo used to fall asleep to old movie channels, lol.
That's it, at least for now! We'll have to see what shows up in future episodes~
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