#well the last is purely subjective matter ill admit that
empty-dream · 11 months
I know Tumblr has glitches every now and then, but to be honest, I feel it has been smooth for me at least during the last 5 months (at least when I login and be active once in a month). Now I come back after 2 months and lmao everything is in shambles
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Arkham Files: Mirror Master II (Evan McCulloch)
Hugo Strange: From the patient files of Dr. Hugo Strange, director of Arkham Asylum. Patient: Evan McCulloch, also known as the Mirror Master. Yes, there are apparently two of them. This is the younger one. (Pause) The patient displays a number of antisocial tendencies, admitted to having a cocaine addiction in the psychological evaluation that was administered to him upon his arrival at Arkham Asylum, and most likely also suffers from Schizophreniform Disorder or Schizoid Personality Disorder. Session One. Hello, Mr. McCulloch. 
Mirror Master: Howzitgoan, Dr. Strange? 
Hugo Strange: Pardon? 
Mirror Master: Ah wiz like, “Howzitgoan?” 
Hugo Strange: Are you...are you all right, Mr. McCulloch? 
Mirror Master: Aye. I’m doin’ awright. Cannae say the same for yeh, I’m afraid. Ye look loused; like ye haven’t had a good kip in yonks. 
Hugo Strange: I..you...what? 
Mirror Master: (Laughs) Dinnae get yer knickers in a twist, chief. I’m just having a wee bit of fun with yeh. Always quality to watch the reactions of you Yanks when I use the full Glasgee burr. Pure deid brilliant, so they are! 
Hugo Strange: (Muttering) Glasgow? Well, that explains his incomprehensible accent. (Aloud) I take it you’re from Scotland, Mr. McCulloch? 
Mirror Master: Aye. Lived in an orphanage in Kirkcaldy as a wee lad; then ran away tae Glasgow, the city of culture. 
Hugo Strange: So, how did a Scotsman end up working as a costumed criminal in the United States? 
Mirror Master: A group of American corporate and government high heejins had heard that I was good at makin’ problems disappear. Offered tae dircht my slate and give me all the dosh I could ever want if I made their problems disappear, tae. Sounded hoora good tae me, so I accepted. Gave me some of the Mirror Master’s gear and one of his auld costumes; sent me after a superhero named Animal Man. Had a square go with him; but when my bosses told me tae murder his Kelly Ann and their wee ones, I quit. Told them there was no way I was gonna kill a woman and her weans; then trapped ‘em all in a mirror dimension. After that, I decided I wanted to meet the man who built all the mental tech I’d been using. I followed Sam Scudder’s trail to Central City, decided I liked it there, and joined the Rogues. They’re good lads-for bad guys, I mean. 
Hugo Strange: So you didn’t come here to fight the Flash? 
Mirror Master: Flasher? Naw. Never planned tae end up fightin’ him...but it kinda comes with the costume. 
Hugo Strange: Yes. The costume. Why did you keep it, Mr. McCulloch? The technology, I can understand...but why the costume? What benefit does it serve? 
Mirror Master: It’s a fashion statement, int it no? (Laughs) 
Hugo Strange: Mr. McCulloch, what sort of statement do you think you are making by wearing that garish leotard? The costume isn’t even yours; it was created by Mr. Scudder. 
Mirror Master: Naw, chief. It was made by Gambi. 
Hugo Strange: Who? 
Mirror Master: Paul Gambi. He’s our tailor. 
Hugo Strange: You...have a tailor? 
Mirror Master: Aye. What, d’ye think a bunch of career criminals ken eno about sewing tae make their own costumes? 
Hugo Strange: Regardless, the costume is irreparably associated with someone else’s costumed identity. What sort of “statement” could becoming a copy of another costumed criminal possibly make? 
Mirror Master: Not just a copy. A mirror image, ken? 
Hugo Strange: (Frustrated) Yes, Mr. McCulloch, I understand the reference to your powerset. But that does not answer the question.
Mirror Master: When I put on the costume, I become naebody; just a reflection of another man. Nae past. Nae identity. Nae weaknesses. It’s everything wee little Evan’s ever wanted. 
Hugo Strange: In speaking of your past, Mr. McCulloch, I’ve noticed that your file is remarkably scant on pertinent information about your life. Why is that? 
Mirror Master: The government high heejins who wanted me tae take care of their problems deleted all ‘a’ the records on me when they hired me. Was part of the clean slate they offered me, ken? All of the information in that file is two years old or less, chief. 
Hugo Strange: (Flips through the file) You don’t even have a listed birthdate, Mr. McCulloch. 
Mirror Master: Nae danger, chief. A reflection does nae need a birthdate. 
Hugo Strange: You are not a reflection, Mr. McCulloch….or is that even your real name? 
Mirror Master: Aye. (Pause) And nae. 
Hugo Strange: It is either your real last name or it is not, Mr. McCulloch. It cannot be both. 
Mirror Master: When I was just a wee bairn, I was left on the doorstep of an orphanage run by a Miss McCulloch. The note pinned tae the basket called me “Evan”, but there was nae last name, and Miss McCulloch never could work out who my parents really were. When I ran away from the orphanage at 16, I took her last name with me. It’s the only one I’ve ever had. (Pause) Miss McCulloch was a good woman. Tried tae be a mother to us all. ‘S why I always send a portion of the dosh I make from jobs tae her. Helps her keep the orphanage running, it does. 
Hugo Strange: So you’ve never met your biological parents?
(Long pause)
Mirror Master: (Rapidly) Nae. Nae. I haven’t.
Hugo Strange: I see. (Changing the subject) So, Mr. McCulloch, are you an inventor like Mr. Scudder? 
Mirror Master: Feart not. His science talk goes straight over my head. (Pause) But I have something he doesn’t have.
Hugo Strange: What’s that, Mr. McCulloch? 
Mirror Master: A love of Wonderland.
Hugo Strange: Wonderland? 
Mirror Master: Aye! A bonny world it is, full ‘a’ colors and shapes and light. It’s the most wonderful place in the world. Scudder does nae understand. He treats it like the London Underground; just a transport system. He’s blind to the paradise that it is, and I dinnae understand how. Why go through the looking glass if you’re just going to ignore Wonderland? 
Hugo Strange: Mr. McCulloch, what in the world are you talking about?  
Mirror Master: I’m talking about the world on the other side of every mirror on the face of the Earth. Scudder calls it the Mirror Realm, because he has no imagination. It’s another world you access by going through the looking glass. What else would you call it but Wonderland? 
Hugo Strange: (To himself) Note to self: do not include both Mr. McCulloch and Mr. Jervis Tetch in the same group therapy session. (Aloud) I take it you enjoy your time spent in this other dimension?
Mirror Master: Aye, chief. Very much so. And it’s what makes me better with the Mirror Tech than Scudder is. 
Hugo Strange: How so? 
Mirror Master: On some level, Scudder’s afeared of Wonderland, ken? Says it’s dangerous to stay in there too long; doesn’t talk with it like I do. If he wanted tae, he could access all the same powers as I can...but his fear of the place holds him back. 
Hugo Strange: An interesting theory, Mr. McCulloch. (Pause) Your file mentions that you sometimes abuse cocaine, Mr. McCulloch. Do you access this...this Mirror Realm whilst intoxicated? 
Mirror Master: Tried it once. But Wonderland didn’t much like that, so I never did it again. 
Hugo Strange: So...these things you see in the Mirror Realm...you see them even while not intoxicated? 
Mirror Master: Aye. All the time. 
Hugo Strange: And...and you believe that it is alive in some way? 
Mirror Master: It is alive! 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Scudder doesn’t seem to think so. 
Mirror Master: That’s because he does nae know Wonderland like I do! 
Hugo Strange: Mr. McCulloch, have your teammates ever told you that you were seeing or hearing something that wasn’t really there?
Mirror Master: (Annoyed) Ah’m no’ seeing things! 
Hugo Strange: Mr. McCulloch, I’m sure the things you think you have seen seem real to you, but they are the result of a mental illness.
Mirror Master: It is nae! (Pause) And even if it is, it does nae matter. That’s the best part about Wonderland, ken? Everyone’s mad there. Pure deid brilliant, int it no? (Laughs)
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Character Meme: Through Another’s Eyes - Hawkeye Pierce on Elizabeth O'Neil
This was taken from a deviant art account, linked here. (Sorry, I couldn’t link it directly, you know how tumblr is about linking outside websites)
The idea is to choose a character who interacts a lot with your OC and answer questions from their point of view. You can also do this is reverse if that’s your fancy. With that out of the way, let’s try this out.
Tumblr media
01 - What’s your name?
Doctor Benjamin Franklin Pierce. Hawkeye to anybody who wasn't Mrs. Baily in third grade.
02 – Are you male or female?
Male, last time I checked.
03 – What age are you?
Somewhere between thirty and a hundred. It's hard to say sometimes.
04 – Describe yourself.
I am a doctor first. A lover second. And an unapologetic coward last.
05 – What do you do for a living?
I'm supposed to be a surgeon, but lately I feel more like a meat packer. I'm just trying to keep everything wrapped together just so we can ship it off somewhere else.
06 – Choose five words that describe your personality
Handsome. Charming. Irreverent. Pessimistic and just overall a little rascal.
07 – What is their name?
Doctor Elizabeth J. O'Neil. Doc to the illustrious members of the 4077th and Liz to just about everyone else.
08 - How do you know them?
By pure happenstance. Of all the patches of hell, in all the countries, in all the world, she walked into mine. Willingly, I might add.
09 – Describe them in three sentences.
Just three? Alright. Liz is...a woman of pure will. She's like if Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale, and Barbara Stanwyck all got mushed into a five foot nothing package. It also helps she's easy on the eyes.
10 – Are they male or female?
Female, and she won't let anyone forget it.
11 – How old are they?
I've been told on multiple occasions it's not polite to ask a woman's age.
12 - Describe them
You mean physically? God, where to start. She's such a tiny little thing. She's got this button of a nose that looks so cute scrunched up. Uh, let's see, brown eyes. Auburn hair. Soft curves. And she's got this lovely little mouth you either want kiss or sit back and watch turn up into that smile of hers...
And she's got a fantastic ass.
13 – Do they have any distinguishing features; scars or tattoos?
Nothing that can't be covered by something.
14 – Are they fit; Athletic.  Do they do any sports?
She's stronger than she looks, that's for sure. But, I don't think Liz is exactly what one would consider "sporty". The closest she's gotten to a football field is the bleachers, third row.
15 – What about Illnesses, War Wounds or Physical Disabilities?
War wounds...yeah. She's got one of those.
16 - What would you say is their best ability?
Her ability to change a person’s mind. I don't know how she does it. I've seen so many kids come in here who couldn't comprehend the idea of a woman working a scalpel, but the second they walk out they can't picture a world where they wouldn't. Not just the enlisted men either, but officers and generals, and well...me if I'm being honest. It's embarrassing to realize just how often she does it. But, it's the truth.
17  - What do they think their best ability is?
She'd probably say her intelligence, which, I can't exactly argue with. But I will say her common sense is no where to be found. She's here after all.
18 - What else are they good at?
Uh, let’s see...she’s very good at just cutting through the weeds and getting to the heart of the matter. Doesn’t matter what it is. She just knows what’s really bothering you, even if you don't want to admit it.
19 - What are they not good at?
Chess. I can beat her at chess.
20 - Do they have any artistic talent?
Okay, one other thing she's not good at. She once tried to draw a picture of Radar and it ended up looking like a potato with glasses.
21 - What about Musical Ability?
Now that she's got. You should hear her in O.R. If surgery doesn't pan out she could go in for radio.
22 - Are they good at a particular sport?
Does poker count?
23 - What about combat; can they fight?
Now, I didn't see this myself, but apparently she gave Frank a black eye. Trapper had to pull her off him and run her under some cold water. God, I wish I'd seen it. All I got is a blurred picture.
24 - Do they have any… powers or abilities you would describe as supernatural or superhuman?
Not that I know of. Though sometimes I think she can turn herself invisible. She just sneaks up on you sometimes.
25 - If you had to choose one word to describe their personality; what would it be?
26 - Can you expand on that?
She just...isn't afraid. Well, no, I shouldn't say that. I know she gets scared, but she...doesn't let it effect her. I've seen her face down bullets and shrapnel and...she doesn't stop. It's just not in her. And then when she talks about all the stuff she had to go through just to be able to put M.D. at the end of her name; I couldn't do that. She's one of the bravest people I know.
27 - What do you like best about them?
Her sense of humor. It's not obvious, but it's sharp. And she knows how to laugh, like really laugh. She tries to hold it in sometimes, but when she lets it out, it's contagious.
28 - What personality trait or behaviour particularly gets on your nerves?
Probably that same bravery, if I'm being honest. There are times I swear she has a death wish. I've got an ulcer I named after her.
29 -  Are they sociable; do they mix well with others?
Absolutely. I don't know a single person in camp she's not at least friendly with. Well...Charles, but they can still have a civil conversation.
30 - Do they dress well?  Are they Fashionable?
The wardrobe is a little limited around here to say for sure. But, there is this little blue number she got in Tokyo... Let's just say I've thought about it.
31 - What would you say is important to them?
Being a doctor. More than anything. She's wanted to be a doctor her whole life and she's not about to stop now.
32 - Do you know of any deep, dark secrets they keep buried?
None I'd share with a stranger.
33 - Would you want them as an enemy; What sort of enemy would they make?
I'm not sure if she's capable of having an enemy. I'm not sure anyone could get her that angry. A rival though? Well, I doubt I'd be chief surgeon for long.
34 - How did you first meet?
We met in camp. Liz had just got off the jeep and was looking for her own tent when she wandered into the Swamp. I had just gotten out of surgery and was ready to pass out. She was dressed in her finely starched uniform and I was in dirty underwear. I knew then we were destined to be.
35 -  Are you friends?
Without a doubt.
36 -  Are you rivals?
Only on occasion.
37 - Are you Lovers?
That's ah...that doesn't seem to be the right word for it. It makes it sound like we're having some torrid affair in a dime store novel. On the other hand boyfriend and girlfriend sounds like we're a couple of teenagers. We really need a better word for it. But to answer your question, yeah. I guess we are.
38 - Do you love them?
For a long time now.
39 - Do they love you?
I know she does.
40 - Who, if anyone, do you think they are in love with?
She said she was falling in love with me. I'm not sure if she's there yet, but I've got my hopes up.
41 - Are they currently in a relationship?
Yes, with me. Can you believe it?
42 - Do you like them?
Now this sounds like highschool. Yes, I like her.
43 - Do they like you?
I sure hope she does. Otherwise, she's give some very mixed signals.
44 – How do you think they feel about children?
I know she likes kids and she's really good with them. But, it's a little early to ask if she wants them for herself.
45 - What about their family?
She's an only child. She doesn't talk much about her parents except that they don't really talk to her. Apparently they wanted to her marry a successful surgeon rather than be one.
46 – And finally.  If you could change one thing about them, what would it be?
Not a thing. Sure, there are things about her that can drive me crazy, but it's all surface level stuff. And if those things didn't drive me crazy, I wouldn't think she was a real person. No, she's perfect just the way she is.
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blaydiud · 3 years
[ 𝖑𝖔𝖌 ] - 07.   𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖌𝖚𝖊.
Although it still ran rampant, oftentimes it seemed like the plague had reached a more manageable point- at least within what Faerghus considered manageable. The country had always struggled with diseases and outbreaks- its bustling capital, Fhirdiad, was nothing more than a dirty nest of rats and illness with raw filth in its streets before Cornelia was admitted as the new court mage and began aiding King Lambert in improving the city’s sanitary problems. Yet this one felt different than the ailments that disturbed the north country of Fódlan, it felt like a product of magic rather than nature’s punishment for living in filth. One much similar to the country’s last documented plague that killed its queen. 
Needless to say, the air was one of pure grief and fear. Entire families wiped, widows and orphans raising in numbers, homeless searching for shelter after theirs were destroyed, the injured and elderly on the brink of death from the shortage of available healers.
It was “manageable”, but the prince couldn’t help but feel like he failed spectacularly at his own job. Helping and aiding his people, ensuring their safety and wellbeing- no matter what he did, nothing worked. He didn’t want to kill those infected in hopes that there may be a way to save them, yet he didn’t want to leave the healthy and innocent to perish. All in all, he felt like he disappointed much more than just his friends or family- rather, he disappointed his country. He wouldn’t be surprised if his own friends and allies began to turn their backs on him after witnessing such poor performance as a ruler-to-be. Such failure from a prince and house leader.
He wanted to be left alone for a bit. It wasn’t the best action, he was well aware- being alone with nothing but his own thoughts was an invitation to unwelcome ideas and voices, but at the same time he felt too ashamed to face others. Icy eyes that usually scouted the area from above were now directed to the found, instead. The blue cape that often blazed brightly under the sunlight was droopy and hidden in the shadows, close to the walls. The confident and mildly fast pace of his boots were now quiet and slow.
The blond hair that was compared to the sun’s mighty rays was obscured by clouds, his posture akin to a withering flower.
Fate had it out for him however, when one of the monastery’s messengers approached. Someone came to visit.
At first Dimitri frowned in confusion, after all who would want to visit him like that? Perhaps Rodrigue, to check in on him? Margrave Gautier? But the plague hadn’t reached the north. Count Galatea? Maybe to report losses and request aid. Maybe Cornelia, to give a detailed report of the disease and discuss what could be done to avoid this type of thing from happening in the future. Of course, all diplomatic matters- although usually directed to the Regent King rather than to him.
What he wasn’t expecting however, was to be sitting inside his room, a tray with boiling hot chamomile tea on the wooden table, two cups, right in front of his uncle- who eyed the room with an arched brow.
He hadn’t seen any signs in the monastery that would suggest the arrival of his uncle. No trumpets, no kingdom soldiers roaming the area, not even the flying units that always accompanied the royal carriages. It was quiet and simple, almost as if his uncle himself didn’t want it to be known that he was here. Maybe that was done on purpose- Rufus was unpredictable as ever. Sometimes he wanted to be received with parties and glamour, other times he’d much rather sneak around the halls like a weasel. He ever chose to meet Dimitri in the prince’s own quarters, rather than reserve a proper meeting room.
“Not bad. Nice non-existent decoration, by the way. Heheh.” A joke that didn’t land, received with silence. Dimitri’s gaze never really met his uncle’s eyes, instead focusing on his cravat, his beard, the teacups or his own hands sitting atop his lap, fiddling nervously with the hem of his jacket.
Dimitri wasn’t sure what to expect from this- it was the first time Rufus had visited him in the monastery ever since the prince left Faerghus for his studies. Did the man come here to scold him? Lecture him? Just hang out?  It was hard to tell. Shouldn’t Rufus be at Fhirdiad, acting on his duties and helping to make sure the city was still safe? The prince’s memories went to the response letter Rufus sent after the Church’s complaints about Dimitri’s behaviour in the ball- and the Regent King actively supported his nephew. But now, looking at the older man’s face, Dimitri wasn’t so sure if he came here to support and comfort him...or to yell at him for his incompetence. Or both, or neither.
Another moment of silence, nothing but their quiet breaths and idle noise from outside the room to fill up the void. Old blues lines the details on the room’s stone and wood walls, before stopping at the sight of Dimitri’s form.
“So? How are you holding up?” Rufus tried to strike conversation again, still not touching the steaming cup of tea, nor the sweet buns on a nearby plate. They were all brought from the Kingdom, all things done exactly the way Dimitri would like. The chamomile tea from the palace’s storehouse- the same kind that Lambert would drink in his afternoons, the buns prepared by the royal bakery- with marshmallow fillings, chewy and soft. Their smell was familiar enough for the prince’s own poor nose to catch on their scents, the smell of nostalgia dulled but present.
The intention behind these was still gray to the prince, however.. He reached out for his teacup, gauntlets long discarded, sitting atop his bed. “I feel well.”
The regent’s expression was neutral, unconvinced. With slow blinks, one would think he’s much older than his early fifties. His long blond mane was clearly messier than usual, some white hairs poking out. The blue of his eyes was lined by dark circles, his posture looked both at ease and crumbling down. Stress, perhaps. Exhaustion, unhappiness. Things that seemed alien for the king that would throw feasts and extravagant parties nearly every month- at least from others’ point of view. The Rufus people saw occupying the throne, the Rufus people used to suspect had a hand in the late king’s murder, the Rufus called sleazy and useless.
Dimitri’s silly, rebel uncle and his only family. Two completely different people.
    “I…” The prince started again, unsure. “...I feel like I did a poor job.” 
“Poor job at what?” The older man’s brows furrowed slightly, confused. “Got bad grades?”
    “No, my grades are fine.” At least for now, they looked good enough. “I performed poorly in aiding the people in the Kingdom. So much was happening, there was so much to be done and I could not-”
“You’re not a mage, boy. Not a healer, either.” And you’re not king yet. “There was nothing for you to do there.” Rufus’ words were quick and sharp, spoken seemingly without a care. 
As if they didn’t hurt at all, a simple fact. Dimitri deflated, visibly. Noticing that his words were perhaps too harsh, Rufus scratched his bearded cheek, suddenly uncomfortable. “You- train to be a knight, don’t you? So. Unless you walked out there to kill those diseased people, then there wasn’t anything you could do. Maybe stand there and grant the people comfort, but just that.” The more the regent king tried to do damage control, the more salt was added to the prince’s wounds.
Rufus frowned, huffing. Uncle was always horrible at this, Dimitri thought. After a pause that seemed infinite, the older man tried to speak once more.
“What I mean is that-...ugh, sorry boy but there’s no other way to put it. I’d much rather have you doing nothing and being healthy than you running around the diseased and ending up like one too.” Typical of the older Blaiddyd. Dance around the issue in hopes of sugarcoating or changing the subject, only to drop a bucket of cold water- of truth, unceremoniously like that. Dimitri, unamused, finally met Rufus’ own.
    “You want me to just stand aside and watch them fall one by one? You want me to watch them die and do nothing about it? What kind of ruler does that to his people?” Icy eyes grew a flame of their own.
“That’s not it at all- listen to my words, Dimitri. It is dangerous out there, even now. As much as I hate this damned building it’ll be better for literally everyone if you stay here.” Both voices were quickly rising in volume- once a quiet and controlled argument, now a potential shouting match. 
The prince’s hands were flat against the table, as if he were close to abruptly standing up- to prove a point. Or to just leave the room and be by himself, even though he knew well that Rufus would follow. “I will not sit on my hands and watch the people of Faerghus sink in a sea of torment! Even if I cannot perform healing spells, I wish to at the very least be there for them! So that they know they have someone to rely on!” 
“You’ll die out there if you do that! Leave that task to me-”
    “-You’re doing nothing about it! Nothing!” 
Although slightly taken aback by the shout, it was unclear if the prince’s words hurt Rufus. “Dimitri, think. I’m not telling you to sit and eat imported steak from Almyra next to a dying villager, what I’m saying is that there’s no use for you to roam around in a situation that’s unsafe and that you cannot directly interfere in! Lances and swords can only do so much, you know that better than me!” Rufus’ voice wasn’t a shout of anger, but rather a steady- and loud, command. He was defining an ultimatum for Dimitri to back down and obey. “It’s unfortunate that you had no means or ways to have a say in what happened but there’s no use in moping about it all day.”
The prince seemed to be stuck between curling in on himself and glaring back at his uncle with defiance. 
Rufus glared back with a similar fire in his eyes. “Don’t make that face at me.” The regent leaned in the chair, sighing. He finally reached for the tea- still warm, but not as much as before. Dimitri was still silent, immobile in the opposing chair. His emotions were a swirl of anger, grief, outrage and sadness- he felt justified in his points, yet felt that his outburst was horribly childish. Also unfit for a prince, as well as for someone his age.
Old, greyed azures roamed the room once more before focusing on one of the lances leaning against the wall. The lance Dimitri took with him when he left for Garreg Mach, a steel so smooth and clear that the lance was almost white in color with a charming blue decorating its hilt and the middle of its blade.
His vision wasn’t great as it used to be, but he could make out stains around its blade. Blood was a stubborn little thing, sometimes. The hilt was straight and seemed intact, save for subtle indents from what could only be Dimitri’s hands grasping it. Rufus had always supported having the prince learn how to fight, but he couldn’t help but get a grim feeling from seeing the weapon. From knowing that Dimitri was training to kill. It was all expected, but never easy to swallow. 
“Fhirdiad was a little nightmare. No disease, but the people were scared. Panicking.” The regent started casually, slightly tired. He took a sip of the tea, then finally grabbed one of the buns and took a bite. 
    “Did you do something about it, at least? Did you talk to them?” With words sharper than a knife, Dimitri reached out for his own teacup but stopped midway. Depending on Rufus’ answer, the cup could shatter in his hold- which would be quite unfortunate.
“Me? Dimitri, they hate me. If I stepped out of that balcony to say a ‘good morning’ Goddess knows what they’d throw at me in rage.” The older man stated with similar, ominous indifference. It filled the prince with a dull anger, but not enough to justify another fit.
Always avoiding anything that could prove to be inconvenient to you, uncle. The prince wanted to find it disgusting, outrageous, but his heart didn’t allow it. This was family.
Dimitri decided to fully reach for his cup, despite unfavorable feelings brewing in his chest. “I could have gone to Fhirdiad and offered moral support to its citizens, in that case. The lack of my presence is unforgivable. I will be perceived as unreliable-” 
Rufus’ hand came down on the chair’s wooden handle, not hard enough to shatter it but enough for the furniture to audibly creak. “The roads to Fhirdiad were crawling with the diseased! Our pegasus and wyvern knights were tasked with transporting medical equipment and food, and the mages skilled enough to cast a Warp spell were too busy trying to find a cure! Even that pink haired witch was too busy! There was no safe way for you to return, Dimitri!” The regent’s gaze was piercing, making full contact with Dimitri’s icy blues- which still burned in defiance, but the flame was weak. “Can’t you see that as much as the people need their ruler, no level headed person in Faerghus wants another royal funeral? You doing nothing and staying alive- nobody will hold this against you, dammit! Nobody here wants you dead!”
Rufus ran his hands through his hair, an ashy golden mane naturally messy that went past his shoulders. “Me included. So stop having those stupid ideas already.” The outburst from before was reduced to a meek, shaky mumble. With his face obscured from view, it was hard to make out his gaze- if it was one of anger, of exhaustion, or one of tears.
It tore a shuddered breath out of the prince. “...my apologies.” If this answer was genuine or performative, it was unclear. “But I...have to disagree with you.”
The regent simply shook his head and leaned back on the chair again, frowning at how one of the wooden handles was now slightly crooked from his fit. It seemed like another moment of silence, except Rufus knew that any time now Dimitri would say something. From the trembling of his lips and how his gaze zipped around aimlessly. Working up the courage to speak, rehearsing words in his brain.
It came out with an audible sob and a wobbly voice that the regent was most definitely not expecting.
    “I just don’t want to be like this…” Helpless, useless. “To stand there...with nothing to do- while people-” Die around me. “I-”
    “I don’t want it again.” The sentence was slightly mangled. “To have no control on the- the situation and-”
    “People keep dying around me and I can’t do anything about it!”
    “I’m ne- ever enough to make it stop! It's unfair! Unfair that I get to breathe all day doing nothing and they-”
“Silence!” The prince yielded, but his sorrow blazed on.
“...Sometimes it happens. And there’s nothing you can do about it. Call it fate or the Goddess throwing a fit or whatever, but there’s...there are things we can’t stop.” At first unsure, Rufus reached for the prince’s forearm, rubbing it gently.
“Being royalty, having a crest- none of these things matter sometimes. You’re just a person. And some things are just out of your power for...being a person like any other. Doesn’t make you weak, but...well, it happens. You’re helpless as I am.”
Dimitri replied with silence.
“And if any of your friends give you crap for it, then guess what? They’re not friends.” Rufus still didn’t know who Dimitri was friends with- except from the ones he’d spot on the palace sometimes. The youngest boy from Duke Fraldarius, the one from Margrave Gautier, and one of Count Galatea’s little girls. They seemed like good kids, at least. “And if that happens then- whatever! I’m here! It’s not much but I’m here!”
What could only be interpreted as a meek chuckle was all Dimitri reacted with. A funny thing for Rufus to say, considering how sometimes he didn’t bother to read his letters and never came to visit. He was too tired to confront the man about it however- so he let it pass. Rufus would probably forget about it later, anyway.
“Also can you- ugh, wait.” The regent produced a handkerchief and handed it out. “I know it’s rough and you’re sad but wipe your face? It’s three quarters water at this point. Gross as hell.” The Blaiddyds never looked pretty while crying. Always a red-faced wet mess, yet the redness and the tears made the blue of their eyes jump out exponentially. 
    “Language, uncle.” Dimitri grabbed the offered handkerchief- it held the emblem of Itha, not of the Royal banner- and pressed it against his face. He didn’t care, blew his nose on it despite an audible sound of disgust from the regent and handed it back.
“...you can keep it.” Rufus’ grimace was enough to finally make the prince laugh softly. A real laugh.
Dimitri sighed, feeling a headache coming in- one of exhaustion, the typical ones after a cry. Instead of looking down, however, he stared at the now cold cup of tea and the mostly untouched buns. “I just do not wish for my people, allies and friends to perceive me as… weak and unreliable. That is all.” I don’t want to be abandoned again.
The older man chuckled. “It’s funny to hear you speaking all fancy after all of that.” Dimitri simply huffed.
“Prince or not, you’re still a kid. Kids aren’t perfect, I bet that princess from Adrestia also has her slip ups as well as the little guy from Leicester you threw hands with. If people cast you aside for a mistake out of your power, then they’re the ones in the wrong for putting on impossible expectations.” Dimitri noddled idly, although he didn’t seem to be fully on board. Stubborn little thing, just like his dad, Rufus thought.
    “...I wish to support Faerghus still, however. Even if I could not do much when the disease was out of control...now that everything has reached a more stable point, I would like to help the people in every way I can.”
“And that’s alright. Just don’t skip school and be a good boy.”
“What? You can’t be in two places at the same time, Mitya.” That baby nickname was enough to calm the prince down slightly. It was only ever used by his family nowadays- as his friends have all but stopped calling him anything other than Your Highness. It felt a bit embarrassing at times, as if Rufus were babying him, but it also brought comfort.
     “I- okay, I yield!” The prince crossed his arms, huffing out. “You are impossible, truly. Quite frustrating, at times.”
“Yadda yadda.” Rufus smirked, sipping on the now cold tea. ”Sheesh, this thing tastes like leaf water when it’s cold. Bad leaf water.”
     “That is more or less what tea is composed of.” Dimitri grabbed one of the sweet buns, taking a bit and munching with visible glee once he noticed that the pastries were bakes to fit his preferences.
“Finally, dammit! I thought you wouldn’t eat any of these! Well, you could at least spare one to give to a pretty girl you like.” Rufus winked and grabbed another pastry, powdered sugar lining his golden beard.
Dimitri made noises of disapproval, but preferred to just continue eating. Although his heart was still heavy with uncertainty and disappointment in himself, he felt that at least at that very moment, he could afford to occupy himself with something- or someone else. Other than death and suffering, other than despair. 
He’d brace himself for a difficult path, now. One of painful recovery and unfortunate difficulties.
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eremiss · 3 years
WIP Asks: "Reminisce" next
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder,   regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little   snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many   people as you like.
I’m not sure when this one is set yet, definitely post-Dragonsong War and post-Foibles (FFXIVWrite2020.) Maybe post-4.0, depending. This is another Thancred PoV one, where they both open up a little bit about their pasts, him about Sharlayan and Gwen about how she made a living and what made her decide to learn botany and pick up a lance.
I’m really liking this one so far, but I’ve been torn about how the conversation about Gwen’s past should go. I’m not sure if I would rather it be dialogue, or a more vague description of what she’s talking about and his reactions to it. I’m sorta-kinda writing both at once and waiting for one of them to start coming easier and/or take off lol
(this is also where that First Lines snippet came from!)
Part of the WIP and a bit more summary below the cut.
Gwen and Thancred are fairly solidly together by this point, though they’re both still avoiding labels or addressing ‘them’ like the plague lest they upset this good thing they have going on. They’re both dinguses.
Despite that, he still doesn’t know much about her, as Gwen isn’t prone to offer much about herself unless it’s something particularly prudent or useful (”You need to shoot something? Don’t give me a bow, I’m not good with them.”) and even when asked she’s more likely to sort of avoid the question or give half-answers as she’s embarrassed about her past, even with Thancred. She’s very self-conscious about growing up alone and with nothing, struggling to get by and picking up and honing skills out of pure desperation. She’s also just a private person in general and not used to talking about herself, so even when she’s asked 100% judgement-free she’s just not sure what to say.
It can grow to be a bit frustrating, to say the least lol
Despite what the Adders’ reports and the increase in Ixali activity seemed to suggest, two days of reconnaissance in the Shroud has yielded little and less. No news is good news in the case of Primals, however, even if it makes the investigation feel a bit tedious.
The Ixali haven’t created any new routes to try and smuggle crystals under the Wailer’s and Adders’ noses, and their old paths have been abandoned since the last time Gwen laid Garuda low. The items stolen in roadside attacks were mostly sundries and foodstuffs bound for Coerthas which, while troubling, isn’t cause for the Scions’ concern. 
None of the travelers and merchants they’ve spoken with over the course of their investigation have been happy about being accosted in the middle of the woods, no matter how politely Gwen and the Adder recruits try to go about it. 
Thancred watches the latest victim of circumstance storm off down the road from his vantage point high in the trees. He lifts a hand to his linkpearl and remarks, “Seems he took offense.”
Gwen shakes her head, casting her gaze around the trees in search of him. “Just a bit. See anyone else?”
Thancred scans the road. “The road is clear, apart from your new acquaintance.”
She passes that on to the Adders, and they have a small discussion he can only assume pertains to what they intend to do next. Given the way things have been going, this investigation will surely be coming to an end soon.
Eventually the recruits salute and depart back up the way the traveler had come. Gwen doesn’t follow.
Thancred waits until they’re yalms away before speaking into the linkpearl. “What’s the word?”
“They’re going to the rendezvous with the other team, then contact the Adders’ Nest.” She tries to spot him in the trees again. And misses him, again. 
“And we get to hold position and await further word?” he drawls.
She nods. Then she remembers they’re speaking over linkpearl, “Yes.”
He sighs at the thought of more bells in the muggy forest. “Wonderful.”
Rather than continue searching the treetops for him, Gwen turns and makes for the bushes on the far side of the road. He watches with mild interest as she wanders through the untamed foliage, ducking out of sight every now and then and gradually wandering further from the road until he’s lost sight of her.
Foraging, if he had to guess. She’s never been a fan of sitting still, and it’s the perfect way to pass the time in a forest. He’s not sure how much she’ll find close to the road, as surely other travelers have already helped themselves to everything convenient.
Gwen has never hidden her skills as a botanist, per say, but she’s a great deal more open about them than she used to be, particularly when it comes to gathering herbs for her own use. Fetching tea leaves for a friend or herbs for a leve is all well and good, but collecting esoteric botanicals for herself is, apparently, a different matter. Perhaps a few too many people have commented about her snacking on dandelions and roots, or balked at the suggestion that they could do the same. 
Thancred winces and shifts on the branch, knowing he ought to count himself amongst the former. He puts that little blunder out of his mind, reminding himself he’d meant no ill will and had only been teasing. Her knowledge of Eorzea’s vegetation is nothing to be embarrassed about, nor is utilizing it as she sees fit, and they’re both well aware of that. She knows more than he does, despite the fact she hadn’t had access to the same extensive education and training.
He idly surveys the road, musing about how she’s rather reluctant to discuss how she learned botany, evasive when asked and quick to direct the conversation elsewhere. He can’t fault her for that, though. Many people consider childhoods spent mired in hardship to be a sore subject, and the two of them are no exceptions. Necessity, desperation and survival are wonderful motivators, but they don’t make for good small talk.
Which is likely also why comments about nibbling on weeds or foraging for odd ingredients are unwelcome; those ‘weeds’ may well have kept her alive. And isn’t that a hell of a thing to admit to? It’s not unlike the fact he’s not embarrassed by his ability to pick locks in seconds, but he recoils from the thought of admitting he’d picked up the skill breaking into homes and shops to steal food.
Eventually her lightly-staticy voice rings in his ear again. “Hungry?”
He’s mostly bored, and tired of the tree bark making an impression in his rear. “I take it you are, if you went looking for a snack.” 
“Just passing time, mostly.” A pause. Communicating when he can’t read her expression or fidgeting is always interesting, and occasionally vexing. “But we’ve been out here a while, so…”
Thancred gets to his feet and peers up and down the road again, straining his eye and searching for the shapes of travelers through the sparse trees. It’s all clear. 
“I don’t suppose you managed to find a wild bakery growing out there?” he asks, stretching his arms and legs in preparation for his descent. 
She laughs as the red of her coat comes into view through the trees. “I’m afraid not.”
He scoffs. “All that time studying botany and you can’t track down fresh bread in the wilderness?”
“Not even a single loaf,” she confesses, her remorseful tone colored with mirth.
“Shameful, honestly. Why did I even bring you along?” He starts climbing back down to the ground, her laugh bubbling warmly in his ear.
 Gwen’s excursion into the woods turned up a handful of roots, weeds and flowers that the average traveler wouldn’t look twice at. Between his survival training and his time in Dravania, particularly before he’d fashioned those obsidian knives, Thancred isn’t so easily perturbed.
They stroll along the road and snack, chatting and keeping an eye out for travelers or signs of movement in the trees. She walks on his left, sparing him the inconvenience of his blindspot. He has to turn his head to see her, though, but doesn’t mention it.
She shows him how to shave the hard skin off the roots, and then stares confusedly when he does it more masterfully than she had. He makes a bit of a show of it, carelessly flipping his hunting knife around in his fingers in a way that always makes her tense and reveling in her silent disapproval.
Gwen asks about Sharlayan and what the time he spent there was like, intent as ever to know more about him and draw out the things he normally keeps hidden. 
He chews, thinks, and decides to oblige her. Mayhap she’ll be convinced to return the favor.
He tells her about the city, the people, and the Studium to start. Then they spend a handful of yalms musing about the growing pains that came with maturing from a Lominsan wharf rat into a Sharlayan scholar. She has some questions, he has some answers --some more open and direct than others. Secrecy and facades are his habit, despite how easy she is to speak to and how well she can coax him out of his shell.
With the scene set, he weaves her a tale about some of his more harrowing lessons with Sharlayan’s masters of stealth and subtlety, sprinkling in a bit of the mischief he’d gotten up to here and there. She makes a good audience, listening attentively and reacting at the right parts. 
He finishes his tale and throws in a flick of his wrist for a bit of flourish, followed by a grandiose half-bow that earns him a laugh and a brief applause.
 They haven’t run into another traveler yet, or seen any suspicious movement in the woods. They turn around and begin making their way back to where they’d parted with the Adders recruits.
“Your turn,” Thancred prompts, lacing his fingers together behind his head.
Gwen cocks her head.
“A story for a story,” he says. “Tell me about yourself.”
(((Tangent: This reminded me I also want to write a fic about Gwen studying her ass off post-ARR because and struggling with self-consciousness when she realizes how limited her knowledge is and how little she knows about the fine details and advanced aspects of Aetherology and a dozen other things the Archons all discuss and debate with ease. She doesn’t feel stupid per say, it’s more she’s intimidated and embarrassed at how limited her knowledge is in comparison to them, as well as feeling a bit foolish for being proud of her novice conjury and thaumaturgy, and even her red magic. (Which is ridiculous, obvs.) It’s a bit like being a novice at something and then being humbled, even unintentionally, by an expert. Also a little bit of “being a smart person in a room of smarter people,” kind of feeling. She’s not dumb, but she feels way less smart than she is/thought she was when she’s around the Archons (too much so, even.) There’s also no small amount of envy about them growing up at studying in Sharlayan, and wishing she’d ever had, or would have, the chance to go to school and get/have that same breadth of knowledge. She’s not a very prideful person, but she is/was proud of learning all she did despite her situation, and being reminded of how non-comprehensive her knowledge is kinda stings. She did great, considering her circumstances... and that qualifier has never ceased to be annoying. Some of her self-consciousness also stems from her realizing a great deal of her mastery of red- and black-magic skills has to do with the Echo letting her absorb stuff super quickly, and she almost feels like that was cheating and wonders if she really actually knows it all as well as she thinks, or if the Echo is just...doing it for her, kinda.))) 
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mehrauli · 4 years
Away From the Hindus
This essay is Chapter 27 in Ambedkar’s W&S Volume 5. It’s not one of his more widely-read works, and I think it should be, because it spells out his view on religion in much clearer terms than you’ll find elsewhere. It is not just his view of religion but the correct view of religion which does us the favour of dispelling a lot of the bad discourse that remain current in religious studies today. It’s also considerably shorter than some of his other pieces like Annihilation of Caste or Philosophy of Hinduism and may make a good jumping-off point point for people who haven’t read him yet at all.
A large majority of Untouchables who have reached a capacity to think out their problem believe that one way to solve the problem of the Untouchables is for them to abandon Hinduism and be converted to some other religion. At a Conference of the Mahars held in Bombay on 31st May 1936 a resolution to this effect was unanimously passed. Although the Conference was a Conference of the Mahars1, the resolution had the support of a very large body of Untouchables throughout India. No resolution had created such a stir. The Hindu community was shaken to its foundation and curses imprecations and threats were uttered against the Untouchables who were behind this move.
Four principal objections have been urged by the opponents against the conversion of the Untouchables:
What can the Untouchables gain by conversion ? Conversion can make no change in the status of the Untouchables.
All religions are true, all religions are good. To change religion is a futility.
The conversion of the Untouchables is political in its nature.
The conversion of the Untouchables is not genuine as it is not based on faith.
It cannot take much argument to demonstrate that the objections are puerile and inconsequential.
To take the last objection first. History abounds with cases where conversion has taken place without any religious motive. What was the nature of its conversion of Clovis and his subjects to Christianity ? How did Ethelbert and his Kentish subjects become Christians ? Was there a religious motive which led them to accept the new religion ? Speaking on the nature of conversions to Christianity that had taken place during the middle ages Rev. Reichel says:1
“One after another the nations of Europe are converted to the faith; their conversion is seen always to proceed from above, never from below. Clovis yields to the bishop Remigius and forthwith he is followed by the Baptism of 3,000 Franks. Ethelbert yields to the mission of Augustine and forthwith all Kent follows his example; when his son Eadbald apostatises, the men of Kent apostatise with him. Essex is finally won by the conversion of King Sigebert, who under the influence of another king, Oswy, allows himself to be baptised. Northumberland is temporarily gained by the conversion of its king, Edwin, but falls away as soon as Edwin is dead. It anew accepts the faith, when another king, Oswald, promotes its diffusion. In the conversion of Germany, a bishop, Boniface, plays a prominent part, in close connection with the princes of the country, Charles Martel and Pepin; the latter, in return for his patronage receiving at Soissons the Church’s sanction to a violent act of usurpation. Denmark is gained by the conversion of its kings, Herald Krag, Herald Blastand and Canute, Sweden by that of the two Olofs; and Russian, by the conversion of its sovereign, Vladimir. Everywhere Christianity addresses itself first to kings and princes; everywhere the bishops and abbots appear as its only representatives.
Nor was this all, for where a king had once been gained, no obstacle by the Mediaeval missionaries to the immediate indiscriminate baptism of his subjects. Three thousand warriors of Clovis following the example of their king, were at once admitted to the sacred rite; the subjects of Ethelbert were baptised in numbers after the conversion of their prince, without preparation, and with hardly any instruction. The Germans only were less hasty in following the example of others. In Russia, so great was the number of those who crowded to be baptised after the baptism of Vladimir, that the sacrament had to be administered to hundreds at a time.”
History records cases where conversion has taken place as a result of compulsion or deceit.
Today religion has become a piece of ancestral property. It passes from father to son so does inheritance. What genuineness is there in such cases of conversion ? The conversion of the Untouchables if it did take place would take after full deliberation of the value of religion and the virtue of the different religions. How can such a conversion be said to be not a genuine conversion ? On the other hand, it would be the first case in history of genuine conversion. It is therefore difficult to understand why the genuineness of the conversion of the Untouchables should be doubted by anybody.
The third objection is an ill-considered objection. What political gain will accrue to the Untouchables from their conversion has been defined by nobody. If there is a political gain, nobody has proved that it is a direct inducement to conversion.
The opponents of conversion do not even seem to know that a distinction has to be made between a gain being a direct inducement to conversion and its being only an incidental advantage. This distinction cannot be said to be a distinction without a difference. Conversion may result in a political gain to the Untouchables. It is only where a gain is a direct inducement that conversion could be condemned as immoral or criminal. Unless therefore the opponents of conversion prove that the conversion desired by the Untouchables is for political gain and for nothing else their accusation is baseless. If political gain is only an incidental gain then there is nothing criminal in conversion. The fact, however, is that conversion can bring no new political gain to the Untouchables. Under the constitutional law of India every religious community has got the right to separate political safeguards. The Untouchables in their present condition enjoy political rights similar to those which are enjoyed by the Muslims and the Christians. If they change their faith the change is not to bring into existence political rights which did not exist before. If they do not change they will retain the political rights which they have. Political gain has no connection with conversion. The charge is a wild charge made without understanding.
The second objection rests on the premise that all religions teach the same thing. It is from the premise that a conclusion is drawn that since all religions teach the same thing there is no reason to prefer one religion to other. It may be conceded that all religions agree in holding that the meaning of life is to be found in the pursuit of ‘good’. Up to this point the validity of the premise may be conceded. But when the premise goes beyond and asserts that because of this there is no reason to prefer one religion to another it becomes a false premise.
Religions may be alike in that they all teach that the meaning of life is to be found in the pursuit of ‘good’. But religions are not alike in their answers to the question ‘What is good ?’ In this they certainly differ. One religion holds that brotherhood is good, another caste and untouchability is good.
There is another respect in which all religions are not alike. Besides being an authority which defines what is good, religion is a motive force for the promotion and spread of the ‘good’. Are all religions agreed in the means and methods they advocate for the promotion and spread of good ? As pointed out by Prof. Tiele, religion is:
“One of the mightiest motors in the history of mankind, which formed as well as tore asunder nations, united as well as divided empires, which sanctioned the most atrocious and barbarous deeds, the most libinous customs, inspired the most admirable acts of heroism, self renunciation, and devotion, which occasioned the most sanguinary wars, rebellions and persecutions, as well as brought about the freedom, happiness and peace of nations—at one time a partisan of tyranny, at another breaking its chains, now calling into existence and fostering a new and brilliant civilization, then the deadly foe to progress, science and art.”
Apart from these oscillations there are permanent differences in the methods of promoting good as they conceive it. Are there not religions which advocate violence? Are there not religions which advocate nonviolence ? Given these facts how can it be said that all religions are the same and there is no reason to prefer one to the other.
In raising the second objection the Hindu is merely trying to avoid an examination of Hinduism on its merits. It is an extraordinary thing that in the controversy over conversion not a single Hindu has had the courage to challenge the Untouchables to say what is wrong with Hinduism. The Hindu is merely taking shelter under the attitude generated by the science of comparative religion. The science of comparative religion has broken down the arrogant claims of all revealed religions that they alone are true and all others which are not the results of revelation are false. That revelation was too arbitrary, too capricious test to be accepted for distinguishing a true religion from a false was undoubtedly a great service which the science of comparative religion has rendered to the cause of religion. But it must be said to the discredit of that science that it has created the general impression that all religions are good and there is no use and purpose in discriminating them.
The first objection is the only objection which is worthy of serious consideration. The objection proceeds on the assumption that religion is a purely personal matter between man and God. It is supernatural. It has nothing to do with social. The argument is no doubt sensible. But its foundations are quite false. At any rate, it is a one-sided view of religion and tat too based on aspects of religion which are purely historical and not fundamental.
To understand the function and purposes of religion it is necessary to separate religion from theology. The primary things in religion are the usages, practices and observances, rites and rituals. Theology is secondary. Its object is merely to nationalize them. As stated by Prof. Robertson Smith:
“Ritual and practical usages were, strictly speaking the sum total of ancient religions. Religion in primitive times was not a system of belief with practical applications; it was a body of fixed traditional practices, to which every member of society conformed as a matter of courage, Men would not be men if they agreed to do certain things without having a reason for their action; but in ancient religion the reason was not first formulated as a doctrine and then expressed in practice, but conversely, practice preceded doctrinal theory.”
Equally necessary it is not to think of religion as though it was super-natural. To overlook the fact that the primary content of religion is social is to make nonsense of religion. The Savage society was concerned with life and the preservation of life and it is these life processes which constitute the substance and source of the religion of the Savage society. So great was the concern of the Savage society for life and the preservation of life that it made them the basis of its religion. So central were the life processes in the religion of the Savage society that every thing which affected them became part of its religion. The ceremonies of the Savage society were not only concerned with the events of birth, attaining of manhood, puberty, marriage, sickness, death and war but they were also concerned with food. Among the pastoral peoples the flocks and herds are sacred. Among agricultural peoples seedtime and harvest are marked by ceremonies performed with some reference to the growth and the preservation of the crops. Likewise drought, pestilence, and other strange irregular phenomena of nature occasion the performance of ceremonials. As pointed out by Prof. Crawley, the religion of the savage begins and ends with the affirmation and consecration of life.
In life and preservation of life therefore consists the religion of the savage. What is true of the religion of the savage is true of all religions wherever they are found for the simple reason that constitutes the essence of religion. It is true that in the present day society with its theological refinements this essence of religion has become hidden from view and is even forgotten. But that life and the preservation of life constitute the essence of religion even in the present day society is beyond question. This is well illustrated by Prof. Crawley, when speaking of the religious life of man in the present day society he says how:
“man’s religion does not enter into his professional or social hours, his scientific or artistic moments; practically its chief claims are settled on one day in the week from which ordinary worldly concerns are excluded. In fact, his life is in two parts; but the moiety with which religion is concerned is the elemental. Serious thinking on ultimate questions of life and death is, roughly speaking, the essence of his Sabbath; add to this the habit of prayer, the giving of thanks at meals, and the subconscious feeling that birth and death, continuation and marriage are rightly solemnized by religion, while business and pleasure may possibly be consecrated, but only metaphorically or by an overflow of religious feeling.”
Students of the origin and history of religion when they began their study of the Savage society became so much absorbed in the magic, the tabu and totem and the rites and ceremonies connected therewith they found in the Savage society that they not only overlooked the social processes of the savage as the primary content of religion but they failed even to appreciate the proper function of magic and other supernatural processes. This was a great mistake and has cost all concerned in religion very dearly. For it is responsible for the grave misconception about religion which prevails today among most people. Nothing can be a greater error than to explain religion as having arisen in magic or being concerned only in magic for magic sake. It is true that Savage society practises magic, believes in tabu and worships the totem. But it is wrong to suppose that these constitute the religion or form the source of religion. To take such a view is to elevate what is incidental to the position of the principal. The principal thing in the religion of the savage are the elemental facts of human existence such as life, death, birth, marriage, etc., magic, tabu and totem are not the ends. They are only the means. The end is life and the preservation of life. Magic, tabu, etc. are resorted to by the Savage society not for their own sake but to conserve life and to exercise evil influence from doing harm to life. Why should such occasions as harvest and famine be accompanied by religious ceremonies ? Why are magic, tabu and totem of such importance to the savage ? The only answer is that they all affect the preservation of life. The process of life and its preservation form the main purpose. Life and preservation of life is the core and centre of the religion of the Savage society. That today God has taken the place of magic, does not alter the fact that God’s place in religion is only as a means for the consecration of social life.
The point to which it is necessary to draw particular attention and to which the foregoing discussion lends full support is that it is an error to look upon religion as a matter which is individual, private and personal. Indeed as will be seen from what follows, religion becomes a source of positive mischief if not danger when it remains individual, private and personal. Equally mistaken is the view that religion is the flowering of special religious instinct inherent in the nature of the individual. The correct view is that religion like language is social for the reason that either is essential for social life and the individual has to have it because without it he cannot participate in the life of the society.
If religion is social in the sense that it primarily concerns society, it would be natural to ask what is the purpose and function of religion. The best statement regarding the purpose of religion which I have come across is that of Prof. Charles A Ellwood. According to him:
“religion projects the essential values of human personality and of human society into the universe as a whole. It inevitably arises as soon as man tries to take valuing attitude toward his universe, no matter how small and mean that universe may appear to him. Like all the distinctive things in human, social and mental life, it of course, rests upon the higher intellectual powers of man. Man is the only religious animal, because through his powers of abstract thought and reasoning, he alone is self-conscious in the full sense of that term. Hence he alone is able to project his values into the universe and finds necessity of so doing. Given, in other words, the intellectual powers of man, the mind at once seeks to universalise its values as well as its ideas. Just as rationalizing processes give man a world of universal ideas, so religious processes give man a world of universal values. The religious processes are, indeed, nothing but the rationalizing processes at work upon man’s impulses and emotions rather than upon his precepts. What the reason does for ideas, religion does, then, for the feelings. It universalizes them; and in universalizing them, it brings them into harmony with the whole of reality.”
Religion emphasizes, universalizes social values and brings them to the mind of the individual who is required to recognize them in all his acts in order that he may function as an approved member of the society. But the purpose of religion is more than this. It spiritualizes them. As pointed out by Prof. Ellwood :
“Now these mental and social values, with which religion deals, men call ‘spiritual’. It is something which emphasizes as we may say, spiritual values, that is, the values connected especially with the personal and social life. It projects these values, as we have seen, into the universal reality. It gives man a social and moral conception of the universe, rather than a merely mechanical one as a theatre of the play of blind, purposeless forces. While religion is not primarily animistic philosophy, as has often been said, nevertheless it does project mind, spirit, life, into all things. Even the most primitive religion did this; for in ‘primitive dynamism’ there was a feeling of the psychic, in such concepts as mana or manitou. They were closely connected with persons and proceeded from person, or things which were viewed in an essentially personal way. Religion, therefore, is a belief in the reality of spiritual values, and projects them, as we have said, into the whole universe. All religion—even so-called atheistic religions—emphasizes the spiritual, believes in its dominance, and looks to its ultimate triumph.”
The function of religion in society is equally clear. According to Prof. Ellwood the function of religion:
“is to act as an agency of social control, that is, of the group controlling the life of the individual, for what is believed to be the good of the larger life of the group. Very early, as we have seen, any beliefs and practices which gave expression to personal feelings or values of which the group did not approve were branded as ‘black magic’ or baleful superstitions; and if this had not been done it is evident that the unity of the life of the group might have become seriously impaired. Thus the almost necessarily social character of religion stands revealed. We cannot have such a thing as purely personal or individual religion which is not at the same time social. For we live a social life and the welfare of the group is, after all, the chief matter of concern.”
Dealing with the same question in another place, he says :
“the function of religion is the same as the function of Law and Government. It is a means by which society exercises its control over the conduct of the individual in order to maintain the social order. It may not be used consciously as a method of social control over the individual. Nonetheless the fact is that religion acts as a means of social control. As compared to religion, Government and Law are relatively inadequate means of social control. The control through law and order does not go deep enough to secure the stability of the social order. The religious sanction, on account of its being supernatural has been on the other hand the most effective means of social control, far more effective than law and Government have been or can be. Without the support of religion, law and Government are bound to remain a very inadequate means of social control. Religion is the most powerful force of social gravitation without which it would be impossible to hold the social order in its orbit.”
The foregoing discussion, although it was undertaken to show that religion is a social fact, that religion has a specific social purpose and a definite social function it was intended to prove that it was only proper that a person if he was required to accept a religion should have the right to ask how well it has served the purposes which belong to religion. This is the reason why Lord Balfour was justified in putting some very straight-questions to the positivists before he could accept Positivism to be superior to Christianity. He asked in quite trenchent language.
“what has (positivism) to say to the more obscure multitude who are absorbed, and well nigh overwhelmed, in the constant struggle with daily needs and narrow cares; who have but little leisure or inclination to consider the precise role they are called on to play in the great drama of ‘humanity’ and who might in any case be puzzled to discover its interest or its importance ? Can it assure them that there is no human being so insignificant as not to be of infinite worth in the eyes of Him who created the Heavens, or so feeble but that his action may have consequences of infinite moment long after this material system shall have crumbled into nothingness ? Does it offer consolation to those who are bereaved, strength to the weak, forgiveness to the sinful, rest to those who are weary and heavy laden ?”
The Untouchables can very well ask the protagonists of Hinduism the very questions which Lord Balfour asked the Positivists. Nay the Untouchables can ask many more. They can ask: Does Hinduism recognize their worth as human beings ? Does it stand for their equality ? Does it extend to them the benefit of liberty ? Does it at least help to forge the bond of fraternity between them and the Hindus ? Does it teach the Hindus that the Untouchables are their kindred ? Does it say to the Hindus it is a sin to treat the Untouchables as being neither man nor beast ? Does it tell the Hindus to be righteous to the Untouchables ? Does it preach to the Hindus to be just and humane to them ? Does it inculcate upon the Hindus the virtue of being friendly to them ? Does it tell the Hindus to love them, to respect them and to do them no wrong. In fine, does Hinduism universalize the value of life without distinction ?
No Hindu can dare to give an affirmative answer to any of these questions ? On the contrary the wrongs to which the Untouchables are subjected by the Hindus are acts which are sanctioned by the Hindu religion. They are done in the name of Hinduism and are justified in the name of Hinduism. The spirit and tradition which makes lawful the lawlessness of the Hindus towards the Untouchables is founded and supported by the teachings of Hinduism. How can the Hindus ask the Untouchables accept Hinduism and stay in Hinduism ? Why should the Untouchables adhere to Hinduism which is solely responsible for their degradation ? How can the Untouchables stay in Hinduism ? Untouchability is the lowest depth to which the degradation of a human being can be carried. To be poor is bad but not so bad as to be an Untouchable. The poor can be proud. The Untouchable cannot be. To be reckoned low is bad but it is not so bad as to be an Untouchable. The low can rise above his status. An Untouchable cannot. To be suffering is bad but not so bad as to be an Untouchable. They shall some day be comforted. An Untouchable cannot hope for this. To have to be meek is bad but it is not so bad as to be an Untouchable. The meek if they do not inherit the earth may at least be strong. The Untouchables cannot hope for that.
In Hinduism there is no hope for the Untouchables. But this is not the only reason why the Untouchables wish to quit Hinduism. There is another reason which makes it imperative for them to quit Hinduism. Untouchability is a part of Hinduism. Even those who for the sake of posing as enlightened reformers deny that untouchability is part of Hinduism are to observe untouchability. For a Hindu to believe in Hinduism does not matter. It enhances his sense of superiority by the reason of this consciousness that there are millions of Untouchables below him. But what does it mean for an Untouchable to say that he believes in Hinduism ? It means that he accepts that he is an Untouchable and that he is an Untouchable is the result of Divine dispensation. For Hinduism is divine dispensation. An Untouchable may not cut the throat of a Hindu. But he cannot be expected to give an admission that he is an Untouchable and rightly so. Which Untouchable is there with soul so dead as to give such an admission by adhering to Hinduism. That Hinduism is inconsistent with the self-respect and honour of the Untouchables is the strongest ground which justifies the conversion of the Untouchables to another and nobler faith.
The opponents of conversion are determined not to be satisfied even if the logic of conversion was irrefutable. They will insist upon asking further questions. There is one question which they are always eager to ask largely because they think it is formidable and unanswerable; what will the Untouchables gain materially by changing their faith ? The question is not at all formidable. It is simple to answer. It is not the intention of the Untouchables to make conversion an opportunity for economic gain. The Untouchables it is true will not gain wealth by conversion. This is however no loss because while they remain as Hindus they are doomed to be poor. Politically the Untouchables will lose the political rights that are given to the Untouchables. This is, however, no real loss. Because they will be entitled to the benefit of the political rights reserved for the community which they would join through conversion. Politically there is neither gain nor loss. Socially, the Untouchables will gain absolutely and immensely because by conversion the Untouchables will be members of a community whose religion has universalized and equalized all values of life. Such a blessing is unthinkable for them while they are in the Hindu fold. The answer is complete. But by reason of its brevity it is not likely to give satisfaction to the opponents of conversion. The Untouchables need three things. First thing they need is to end their social isolation. The second thing they need is to end their inferiority complex. Will conversion meet their needs ? The opponents of conversion have a feeling that the supporters of conversion have no case. That is why they keep on raising questions. The case in favour of conversion is stronger than the strongest case. Only one does wish to spend long arguments to prove what is so obvious. But since it is necessary to put an end to all doubt, I am prepared to pursue the matter. Let me take each point separately.
How can they end their social isolation ? The one and the only way to end their social isolation is for the Untouchables to establish kinship with and get themselves incorporated into another community which is free from the spirit of caste. The answer is quite simple and yet not many will readily accept its validity. The reason is, very few people realize the value and significance of kinship. Nevertheless its value and significance are very great. Kinship and what it implies has been described by Prof. Robertson Smith in the following terms :
“A kin was a group of persons whose lives were so bound up together, in what must be called a physical unity, that they could be treated as parts of one common life. The members of one kindred looked on themselves as one living whole, a single animated mass of blood, flesh and bones, of which no member could be touched without all the members suffering.”
The matter can be looked at from the point of view both of the individual as well as from that of the group. From the point of the group, kinship calls for a feeling that one is first and foremost a member of the group and not merely an individual. From the point of view of the individual, the advantages of his kinship with the group are no less and no different than those which accrue to a member of the family by reason of his membership of the family. Family life is characterized by parental tenderness. As pointed out by Prof. McDougall :
“From this emotion (parental tenderness) and its impulse to cherish and protect, spring generosity, gratitude, love, pity, true benevolence, and altruistic conduct of every kind; in it they have their main and absolutely essential root, without which they would not be.”
Community as distinguished from society is only an enlarged family. As such it is characterised by all the virtues which are found in a family and which have been so well described by Prof. McDougall. Inside the community there is no discrimination among those who are recognized as kindred bound by kinship. The community recognizes that every one within it is entitled to all the rights equally with others. As Professors Dewey and Tufts have pointed out :
“A State may allow a citizen of another country to own land, to sue in its courts, and will usually give him a certain amount of protection, but the first-named rights are apt to be limited, and it is only a few years since Chief Justice Taney’s dictum stated the existing legal theory of the United States to be that the Negro ‘had no rights which the white man was bound to respect’. Even where legal theory does not recognize race or other distinctions, it is often hard in practice for an alien to get justice. In primitive clan or family groups this principle is in full force. Justice is a privilege which falls to a man as belonging to some group—not otherwise. The member of the clan or the household or the village community has a claim, but the Stranger has nothing standing. It may be treated kindly, as a guest, but he cannot demand ‘justice’ at the hands of any group but his own. In this conception of rights within the group we have the prototype of modern civil law. The dealing of clan with clan is a matter of war or negotiation, not of law; and the clanless man is an ‘outlaw’ in fact as well as in name.”
Kinship makes the community take responsibility for vindicating the wrong done to a member. Blood-flood which objectively appears to be a savage method of avenging a wrong done to a member is subjectively speaking a manifestation of sympathetic resentment by the members of the community for a wrong done to their fellow. This sympathetic resentment is a compound of tender emotion and anger such as those which issue out of parental tenderness when it comes face to face with a wrong done to a child. It is kinship which generates, this sympathetic resentment, this compound of tender emotion and anger. This is by no means a small value to an individual. In the words of Prof. McDougall :
“This intimate alliance between tender emotion and anger is of great importance for the social life of man, and the right understanding of it is fundamental for a true theory of the moral sentiments; for the anger evoked in this way is the germ of all moral indignation and on moral indignation justice and the greater part of public law are in the main founded.”
It is kinship which generates generosity and invokes its moral indignation which is necessary to redress a wrong. Kinship is the will to enlist the support of the kindred community to meet the tyrannies and oppressions by the Hindus which today the Untouchables have to bear single-handed and alone. Kinship with another community is the best insurance which the Untouchable can effect against Hindu tyranny and Hindu oppression.
Anyone who takes into account the foregoing exposition of what kinship means and does, should have no difficulty in accepting the proposition that to end their isolation the Untouchables must join another community which does not recognise caste.
Kinship is the antithesis of isolation. For the Untouchables to establish kinship with another community is merely another name for ending their present state of isolation. Their isolation will never end so long as they remain Hindus. As Hindus, their isolation hits them from front as well as from behind. Notwithstanding their being Hindus, they are isolated from the Muslims and the Christians because as Hindus they are aliens to all—Hindus as well as Non-Hindus. This isolation can end only in one way and in no other way. That way is for the Untouchables to join some non-Hindu community and thereby become its kith and kin.
That this is not a meaningless move will be admitted by all those who know the disadvantages of isolation and the advantages of kinship. What are the consequences of isolation ? Isolation means social segregation, social humiliation, social discrimination and social injustice. Isolation means denial of protection, denial of justice, denial of opportunity. Isolation means want of sympathy, want of fellowship and want of consideration. Nay, isolation means positive hatred and antipathy from the Hindus. By having kinship with other community on the other hand, the Untouchables will have within that community equal position, equal protection and equal justice, will be able to draw upon its sympathy, its good-will.
This I venture to say is a complete answer to the question raised by the opponents. It shows what the Untouchables can gain by conversion. It is however desirable to carry the matter further and dispose of another question which has not been raised so far by the opponents of conversion but may be raised. The question is : why is conversion necessary to establish kinship ?
The answer to this question will reveal itself if it is borne in mind that there is a difference between a community and a society and between kinship and citizenship.
A community in the strict sense of the word is a body of kindred. A society is a collection of many communities or of different bodies of kindreds. The bond which holds a community together is called kinship while the bond which holds a society together is called citizenship.
The means of acquiring citizenship in a society are quite different from the means of acquiring kinship in a community. Citizenship is acquired by what is called naturalization. The condition precedent for citizenship is the acceptance of political allegiance to the State. The conditions precedent for acquiring kinship are quite different. At one stage in evolution of man the condition precedent for adoption into the kindred was unity of blood. For the kindred is a body of persons who conceive themselves as spring from one ancestor and as having in their veins one blood. It does not matter whether each group has actually and in fact spring from a single ancestor. As a matter of fact, a group did admit a stranger into the kindred though he did not spring from the same ancestor. It is interesting to note that there was a rule that if a stranger intermarried with a group for seven generations, he became a member of the kindred. The point is that, fiction though it be, admission into the kindred required as a condition precedent unity of blood.
At a later stage of Man’s Evolution, common religion in place of unity of blood became a condition precedent to kinship. In this connection it is necessary to bear in mind the important fact pointed out by Prof. Robertson Smith that in a community the social body is made not of men only, but of gods and men and therefore any stranger who wants to enter a community and forge the bond of kinship can do so only by accepting the God or Gods of the community. The Statement in the Old Testament such as those of Naomi to Ruth saying : “Thy sister is gone back into her people and unto her gods” and Ruth’s reply “Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God” or the calling of the Mobites the sons and daughters of Chemosh are all evidences which show that the bond of kinship in a community is the consequence of their allegiance to a common religion. Without common religion there can be no kinship.
Where people are waiting to find faults in the argument in favour of conversion it is better to leave no ground for fault-finders to create doubt or misunderstanding. It might therefore be well to explain how and in what manner religion is able to forge the bond of kinship. The answer is simple. It does it through eating and drinking together.1 The Hindus in defending their caste system ridicule the plea for inter-dining. They ask : What is there in inter-dining ? The answer from a sociological point of view is that is everything in it. Kinship is a social covenant of brotherhood. Like all convenants it required to be signed, sealed and delivered before it can become binding. The mode of signing, sealing and delivery is the mode prescribed by religion and that mode is the participation in a sacrificial meal. As said by Prof. Smith :
“What is the ultimate nature of the fellowship which is constituted or declared when men eat and drink together ? In our complicated society fellowship has many types and many degrees; men may be united by bonds of duty and honour for certain purposes, and stand quite apart in all other things. Even in ancient times—for example, in the Old Testament—we find the sacrament of a common meal introduced to seal engagements of various kinds. But in every case the engagement is absolute and inviolable; it constitutes what in the language of ethics is called a duty of perfect obligation. Now in the most primitive society there is only one kind of fellowship which is absolute and inviolable. To the primitive man all other, men fall under two classes, those to whom his life is sacred and those to whom it is not sacred. The former are his fellows; the latter are strangers and potential foemen, with whom it is absurd to think of forming any inviolable tie unless they are first brought into the circle within which each man’s life is sacred to all his comrades.”
If for the Untouchables mere citizenship is not enough to put an end to their isolation and the troubles which ensue therefrom, if kinship is the only cure then there is no other way except to embrace the religion of the community whose kinship they seek.
The argument so far advanced was directed to show how conversion can end the problem of the isolation of the Untouchables. There remain two other questions to be considered. One is, will conversion remove their inferiority complex ? One cannot of course dogmatize. But one can have no hesitation in answering the question in the affirmative. The inferiority complex of the Untouchables is the result of their isolation, discrimination and the unfriendliness of the social environment. It is these which have created a feeling of helplessness which are responsible for the inferiority complex which cost him the power of self-assertion.
Can religion alter this psychology of the Untouchables? The psychologists are of opinion that religion can effect this cure provided it is a religion of the right type; provided that the religion approaches the individual not as a degraded worthless outcastes but as a fellow human being; provided religion gives him an atmosphere in which he will find that there are possibilities for feeling himself the equal of every other human being there is no reason why conversion to such a religion by the Untouchables should not remove their age-long pessimism which is responsible for their inferiority complex. As pointed out by Prof. Ellwood :
“Religion is primarily a valuing attitude, universalizing the will and the emotions, rather than the ideas of man. It thus harmonizes men, on the side of will and emotion, with his world. Hence, it is the fee of pessimism and despair. It encourages hope, and gives confidence in the battle of life, to the savage as well as to the civilized man. It does so, as we have said, because it braces vital feeling; and psychologists tell us that the reason why it braces vital feeling is because it is an adaptive process in which all of the lower centres of life are brought to reinforce the higher centres. The universalization of values means, in other words, in psycho- physical terms, that the lower nerve centres pour their energies into the higher nerve centres, thus harmonizing and bringing to a maximum of vital efficiency life on its inner side. It is thus that religion taps new levels of energy, for meeting the crisis of life, while at the same time it brings about a deeper harmony between the inner and the outer.”
Will conversion raise the general social status of the Untouchables ? It is difficult to see how there can be two opinions on this question.
The oft-quoted answer given by Shakespeare to the question what is in a name hardly shows sufficient understanding of the problem of a name. A rose called by another name would smell as sweet would be true if names served no purpose and if people instead of depending upon names took the trouble of examining each case and formed their opinions and attitudes about it on the basis of their examination. Unfortunately, names serve a very important purpose. They play a great part in social economy. Names are symbols. Each name represents association of certain ideas and notions about a certain object. It is a label. From the label people know what it is. It saves them the trouble of examining each case individually and determine for themselves whether the ideas and notions commonly associated with the object are true. People in society have to deal with so many objects that it would be impossible for them to examine each case. They must go by the name that is why all advertisers are keen in finding a good name. If the name is not attractive the article does not go down with the people.
The name ‘Untouchable’ is a bad name. It repels, forbids, and stinks. The social attitude of the Hindu towards the Untouchable is determined by the very name ‘Untouchable’. There is a fixed attitude towards ‘Untouchables’ which is determined by the stink which is imbedded in the name ‘Untouchable’. People have no mind to go into the individual merits of each Untouchable no matter how meritorious he is. All untouchables realize this. There is a general attempt to call themselves by some name other than the ‘Untouchables’. The Chamars call themselves Ravidas or Jatavas. The Doms call themselves Shilpakars. The Pariahs call themselves Adi-Dravidas, the Madigas call themselves Arundhatyas, the Mahars call themselves Chokhamela or Somavamshi and the Bhangis call themselves Balmikis. All of them if away from their localities would call themselves Christians.
The Untouchables know that if they call themselves Untouchables they will at once draw the Hindu out and expose themselves to his wrath and his prejudice. That is why they give themselves other names which may be likened to the process of undergoing protective discolouration.
It is not seldom that this discolouration completely fails to serve its purpose. For to be a Hindu is for Hindus not an ultimate social category. The ultimate social category is caste, nay sub-caste if there is a sub-caste. When the Hindus meet ‘May I know who are you’ is a question sure to be asked. To this question ‘I am a Hindu’ will not be a satisfactory answer. It will certainly not be accepted as a final answer. The inquiry is bound to be further pursued. The answer ‘Hindu’ is bound to be followed by another; ‘What caste ?’. The answer to that is bound to be followed by question : “What sub-caste ?” It is only when the questioner reaches the ultimate social category which is either caste or sub-caste that he will stop his questionings.
The Untouchable who adopts the new name is a protective discolouration finds that the new name does not help and that in the course of relentless questionings he is, so to say, run down to earth and made to disclose that he is an Untouchable. The concealment makes him the victim of greater anger than his original voluntary disclosure would have done.
From this discussion two things are clear. One is that the low status of the Untouchables is bound upon with a stinking name. Unless the name is changed there is no possibility of a rise in their social status. The other is that a change of name within Hinduism will not do. The Hindu will not fail to penetrate through such a name and make the Untouchable and confer himself as an Untouchable.
The name matters and matters a great deal. For, the name can make a revolution in the status of the Untouchables. But the name must be the name of a community outside Hinduism and beyond its power of spoliation and degradation. Such name can be the property of the Untouchable only if they undergo religious conversion. A conversion by change of name within Hinduism is a clandestine conversion which can be of no avail.
This discussion on conversion may appear to be somewhat airy. It is bound to be so. It cannot become material unless it is known which religion the Untouchables choose to accept. For what particular advantage would flow from conversion would depend upon the religion selected and the social position of the followers of that religion. One religion may give them all the three benefits, another only two and a third may result in conferring upon them only one of the advantages of conversion. What religion the Untouchables should choose is not the subject matter of this Chapter. The subject matter of this Chapter is whether conversion can solve the problem of untouchability. The answer to that qustion is emphatically in the affirmative.
The force of the argument, of course, rests on a view of religion which is somewhat different from the ordinary view according to which religion is concerned with man’s relation to God and all that it means. According to this view, religion exists not for the saving of souls but for the preservation of society and the welfare of the individual. It is only those who accept the former view of religion that find it difficult to understand how conversion can solve the problem of untouchability. Those who accept the view of religion adopted in this Chapter will have no difficulty in accepting the soundness of the conclusion.
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another-snape-story · 4 years
Sowing the Seeds of Liking
Chapter VIII
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To your displeasure, the next few days brought you no chance to meet Professor Snape – something you heartily anticipated. You still haven’t thanked him properly for his special gift. Except the task of spreading the Devil’s Snare in one of Hogwarts’ basements Headmaster gave you and your colleague Professor Sprout, you realized you had not much to preoccupy yourself (the gloomy man might’ve known it firsthand).  Whiles your days offered you some job, evenings felt especially lonely, and Thaumatagoria seed which took a conspicuous place on your desk really helped to chase boredom away. You had so many questions and not a single answer. You were not even sure, if you could look for any information about the plant in the library, if it wouldn’t give out your secret, and if it was some kind of a secret at all.  
As it was too early to go to bed, you decided a short walk wouldn’t hurt. You’ve already learned the ways to all strategic places in the castle such as Great Hall, staff room, Headmaster’s office, your own office, Greenhouses, and a few other. So why not to explore some new?
The darkness of the corridor still seemed unfriendly. You felt much better accompanied by… You sighed at the thought. Where could he be? You were not going to knock on his door, clearly, but stealing just one glance from him would certainly make your day better – or to be precise – what was left of it.
Fresh air and a picturesque view opening from higher floors returned serenity into your soul. There was nothing more pacifying than this quiet solitude in the last rays of falling sun. Standing on a balcony, you tried to absorb as much warmth as you could before going back in the cold of the dungeons, which met you with blood freezing howling, as you climbed down. The sound echoing through the passageway frightened you even more, when you realized it was getting closer and closer.
“For Merlin’s sake, Peeves!” you heard a deep voice of a man you longed to see.
Once you felt relieved, a sudden ‘BOO’ in your ear forced a desperate scream out of your lungs, and finally a culprit of all this rumpus materialized out of nowhere, jumping in the air and laughing mischievously.
“I swear, I’m going to kill you, you filthy bastard!” annoyed, you threatened the Poltergeist, being aware his death was, by definition, impossible.
“What a hell do you think you’re doing?” Professor Snape’s voice thundered, as he showed up from around the corner.
Embarrassed, you were about to open your mouth to explain yourself, but without even looking in your direction, the man resolutely strode past you, pressing the naughty guy into the wall.
“I warned you to stay away from here?” Snape growled. “Or you’ve been missing the Bloody Baron? So I can make you a favor and arrange your meeting! Right now.”
“No!” Poltergeist’s face twisted in a fright. “Don’t do it, sir!” he pleaded. “I just couldn’t help giving in to temptation of trying acoustic down here. It’s so incredibly phenomenal!” he raised his eyes in delight. Taking a moment, as Snape’s eyebrows sank to meet at the bridge of his nose, the prankster disappeared again, leaving another wicked laughter resound under the ceiling.
“Loafer!” Snape hissed, turning back to you. “Are you all right?”
“Yes,” you sighed. “This place seems to gather all the childish tricks known to the world… Could someone give me a list?”
Displeased expression on your face softened as he slowly approached you.
“I… I’m glad I met you,” you admitted. “I didn’t want to bother you… and since you’ve made yourself rather clear about seeing me at your door…”
A faint smirk curved his lips. “But I don’t remember saying a thing about seeing you in-side,” your heartbeat fastened, as he emphasized the last word stretching it in entrancing manner of his.
You answered him with astonished yet cheerful smile and lowered your head, feeling blood rushing to your face bringing color to your cheeks. “Didn’t know your words could be interpreted this way.”
Once in his office again, you looked around, knowing already how rare all these specimens on his shelves were, but barely holding back from studying them closely – you’ve come here for another purpose after all.
“Take a seat,” the man gestured at an armchair. “I’ll join you in a minute. The idiot didn’t let me finish…” With these words he left you tear apart between manners and curiosity.
You slowly walked along his shelves, taking a note of what they contained and were about to sit where he showed you, as suddenly your glance fell on a carefully folded wool plaid blanket hanging on an armrest. What? You didn’t remember seeing it here the previous time. Did he bring it for you? Was he waiting for you to come? All the flasks which were an object of your highest interest till this moment now blurred in the distance, while your sight narrowed to one small spot on a black old armchair. Coming closer, you traced your palm along woolen fabric, and a soft smile adorned your face.
“Why you’re still on your feet?” the quiet question sounded like another invitation to sit down, so you sank into the cushions, making yourself comfortable, while Professor Snape placed a couple of vials of different size and shape on his desk.
“So what is it, you wanted to talk about?” he didn’t take his usual place, but joined you on another armchair, opposite to yours, peering intently into your eyes.
“I apologize for taking your time…” you started uncertainly, coming to realization, that desire to thank for the seed was actually just an excuse to see him. Still a matter, but of less importance though.
“My schedule is free till the morning,” he stated calmly. “Neat work with the Devil’s Snare, I must admit.”
“Oh,” you were grateful he took the lead in this conversation. “I still doubt it will serve well…”
“The plant is not resistant to light, which makes it not fully reliable.”
“None of these can be considered absolutely reliable,” he agreed.
“Why then it was a choice?”
“Ask Dumbledore,” he sighed, not really pleased with it either.
“And what was your part? I assume this –” with a slight jerk of your head you pointed at the freshly appeared vials on his desk, “– is what kept you busy this whole time?”
“How insightfully,” he sneered.
“Never thought I’d say it,” you laughed, “but your sarcasm suits you so good!”
“Does it?” his brow sprang teasingly, as his glance wandered your face. “Not popular opinion.”
Without taking his eyes off you, he pulled the wand out of his sleeve and waved it to the side, lighting the fireplace – the gesture suggested he was eager to bear you longer than you’d expected, what pleasantly surprised you. Although his words might be scratchy sometimes, his actions spoke otherwise, and you couldn’t help enjoying it.
“You don’t often use it, do you?” you smiled gratefully, trying to hide your hands under a corner of the blanket, which still hung on the armrest, and which you still didn’t dare to lay hold of without permission.
“Not really,” he confirmed your assumption. “You may take it,” your movement didn’t go unnoticed, clearly.
“Thank you,” you shyly pulled the blanket on your shoulders and snuggled in its welcoming warmth. You felt much more comfortable now, not only physically, but also emotionally. Even though the man looked as cold as it was in his office, the softness of his tone and rare shadows of a smile betrayed it was just a seeming.
“So. Do you like it here?” Snape asked quietly.
“Did I fail to express how thrilled I was with everything you have in your dungeon?” you took another chance to look around.
“Not this particular place,” he smirked, “but Hogwarts in general.”
“Hogwarts. Sure…” you laughed again, not believing your own stupidity. “May I tell you tomorrow, when students arrive? I absolutely love it just like this, but I’m not sure I could repeat these words after children overflow the castle.”
Once sullen and apparently ill-tempered, Professor Snape now smiled with content. You must have said something he felt the same about. This smile suited him even more than his sarcasm, but by no means were you going to apprise him of it.
Your lively conversation purled so naturally, touching many different subjects – most of which were professional though, but surely not without some additional guidance about the school – none of you did even think of putting an end to it, and when you mentioned the magical seed of Thaumatagoria, there was no chance of you to ever stop.
Snape found your company surprisingly pleasant, pacifying in a way. It frightened him as much as it delighted him at the same time. Although he still knew not much about you, the one and the main thing he recognized distinctly – you had a pure soul, and there was no way he could let someone harm you.
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Tag: @diaryofafan17 @yul-is-sparkling @fullmoonshadowwrites @forthehonourof @mayumikurosake @redrehab @space-helen @fluffymadamina nadiigh
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nelllraiser · 4 years
hacker voice: | margot & nell
LOCATION: pat’s place. PARTIES: @g0t-ri5h​ and @nelllraiser​. SUMMARY: two snoops get snooped a la spiderman meme, and a deal is struck.  CONTENTS: mass poisoning, food poisoning.
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Margot was simply curious, or obsessed, depending how you looked at it. She knew what had happened at Pat’s Place was no accident. It was a feeling she could not shake, a feeling that had kept her awake, tossing and turning the past week. Now that the sun had gone down, Margot felt a spur of energy and couldn’t stand the thought of another sleepless night. So she’d put on her warmest coat and backpack, and made her way to Pat’s. When she arrived, she found it plastered with caution tape that no one had bothered to remove, and why would they? This place would never reopen. Margot was saddened at the thought. She’d only been there once, a burger last December when she’d come to tour the university. Margot hadn’t enjoyed the tour, but the burger had been delicious. She shook herself from the memory. She wasn’t here to reminisce, she was here to investigate. Margot rounded the building and came to the back alley, where a feral rat greeted her with red eyes. She hissed at it jokingly, watched it scamper away and out of sight. She leaned against the brick of Pat’s back wall and slumped down to sit. Her laptop out, she booted it up. Then -- footsteps. Margot could hear them coming closer, seeing the outline of who, or what was coming her way. “Hello?” She called out.
Nell hadn’t realized that Remmy wouldn’t want to go back to the site of the poisoning, too caught up in getting to the bottom of everything to think that her friend might not want to revisit the site of such a traumatic event. Who in their right mind would? Then again...what did that say about Nell? Shaking that thought from her head, she pushed the memories of choking on air, being unable to breathe, and ultimately passing out from the poison from her mind. She needed to be focused if she wanted to find anything of worth here, even if the sight of that Pat’s Place sign set her slightly on edge. Remmy had mentioned something about a man in the alley, and that would be the witch’s first stop. Creeping under the caution tape, Nell froze as she heard a hissing sound, body tensing as she tried to determine whether or not it belonged to a threat. But someone who’d poisoned an entire restaurant wouldn’t return to the scene of the crime, right? That’d just be irresponsible. Nevertheless, she approached with a wary gait, brows furrowed in confusion as she saw the face of a girl illuminated in the glow of a laptop. “Who are you?” she asked with a frown, not entirely sure what to make of the sight.
A voice. Margot was relieved by the sound, not that she believed in monsters or ghosts or anything. “I’m Margot.” She closed her laptop hastily, not wanting the stranger to see what she had been doing, or planning to do. She knew how suspicious she must look, crouched in the back alley at the site of a triple murder. Margot hoped it was not some detective she was face-to-face with, or someone who would question why she was there and what she was doing. What she had planned wasn’t entirely legal and may be considered a felony in some states. Margot squinted through the darkness, trying to make out the person’s face. “Hey, I know you.” Margot recognised her from her profile picture on Facebook. “Penelope isn’t it?” Nell had told Margot about Faetal Attraction; how exclusive it was and how she should avoid it. It made Margot want to go there even more. Like a moth to a flame. “What are you doing here?” Margot said rather rudely, as if Nell had interrupted her.
Margot. Nell remembered the name from their online interactions as well, and now that she looked closer at the other girl, it did look like the little picture that had been next to her messages. “Yeah, Penelope.” It seemed too ambiguous and tense of a moment to mention that most people just called her Nell. The witch’s frown only deepened at Margot’s tone, eyes narrowing slightly as her arms crossed over her chest. “What are you doing here?” she echoed back out of pure stubbornness. In truth, she wasn’t all that opposed to revealing what she was looking into, but she also didn’t know much about the girl before her other than she was relatively new to town, and a college student. It didn’t exactly provide any reasons as to why Nell should trust her or not. And what was with the laptop? Margot had mentioned computer science online, but who just decided to set up camp in the back alley of a recently poisoned restaurant? “You a fan of Pat’s?” Had the girl been here for the poisoning? 
Margot wanted to snap back, an ‘I asked you first’ retort, but she resisted, knowing that it would get her nowhere. “I was just - I don’t know, interested? I want to know what happened.” Margot didn’t want to give out more than that, not knowing what the girl’s intentions in being here might be. Hell, Nell could even be the notorious poisoner for all Margot knew. “Your turn.” Margot mimicked Nell’s stance, arms crossed in opposition, staring her down in the same manner, “What are you doing here?” She waited for Nell’s answer, hoping it was something good. This interaction was beginning to sound like an interrogation. Margot felt like she was on trial, as if she were guilty of something, maybe she was. “I came here once, a while back. I wasn’t poisoned, lucky for me I guess.” Margot looked grimly at the back door to the restaurant. “It’s sad though, ‘was a pretty good meal. I would’ve liked to come back.” She turned her attention back to Nell, “Were you there, you know, when it happened?” Margot had only heard about the incident through the newspapers, and that had been horrific enough. 
Nell gave Margot a once over, trying to glean whatever she could from the girl’s stance and body language that might aid Nell’s decision of whether or not to trust her for the time being. “Can’t I be interested too?” she asked back, though this time it had less of an edge to it, a hint of tease entering the words. Nell was fairly certain Margot was telling the truth about not being poisoned, as she couldn’t remember seeing anyone that looked like Margot at the grand re-opening. “Yeah, it was good before the whale shark crushed it.” Had Margot been here long enough to know about the real strangeness of White Crest? “I was here.” There wasn’t any real need to mention she was poisoned, right? Nell hated admitting to the fact, as if it somehow made her appear weaker, more vulnerable, so she’d keep it to herself for the moment. “So you’re just nosing around? Is that it?” That’s what ‘interested’ meant, didn’t it? After all, Nell herself had given the vague excuse on many on occasion when she was doing something she most likely shouldn’t have been doing.
The distrust in Nell’s eyes was obvious. Margot knew she wasn’t going to get any real information from her, at least not yet. “A whale shark, that’s how he died, right? The owner? I think I read it somewhere.” She had, just a few days ago, using multiple search engines and a small hack that let her into the White Crest Press’ database. People needed to encrypt their data more thoroughly. Margot had found more while she was there; the reporter’s notes on last week’s tragedy, the names of the deceased. It had made her more determined to figure out the mystery. It was worse to hear that Nell had actually experienced it, firsthand. “That sounds awful.” Margot said no more, sensing that it was a subject better left untouched. She couldn’t stand this beating around the bush any longer, it was getting them nowhere, “I was going to connect to this place’s wifi router.” Connect. That was a better word than hack. It sounded far less illegal, “Maybe find out if they kept receipts of everyone who ate here on that day, trace the credit cards used, or even see what employees were working at the time.” Margot’s plan was a broad one, one that she hadn’t considered greatly before coming down here. 
“Yep,” Nell confirmed, wondering whether or not Margot believed the story of the whale shark. There were still a good chunk of White Crest residents about it even after having seen fish rain from the sky with their own two eyes. “I guess sushi was their real competitor all along.” Was it ill to joke about the dead? Probably. But Nell was bad at boundaries, and she hadn’t known Pat that personally. “But yeah, I don't imagine it was a fun way to go.” The mention of connecting to the router was already sparking Nell’s interest, though. Wasn’t the thing password protected? “That’s handy.” She took another step closer to Margot, her intrigue growing larger by the second as Margot listed off all sorts of information she could apparently obtain. Another thought came to her mind. “What about cameras? Could you also see who was around?” Specifically a well-dressed man in this very alley way that tipped his hat to my friend, was her unspoken addition to that request. 
Margot sniggered at the pun, “At least death by sushi is an unique way to go. More exciting than a heart attack or pneumonia.” Margot didn’t think anyone around here died via heart attack, or any natural cause for that matter. Fish deaths might be more common than she even knew. As Nell took a step forward, Margot opened her laptop back up. There was no point in hiding it now. Margot thought about Nell’s question for a moment. It was admittedly, a better idea than her own. “If they had the camera feed transmitting to a harddrive or computer inside, it should be no problem.” Margot got to work, opening up her cracking software. “Looks like Pat was too cheap for free wifi. That would’ve made this easier,” Still, she’d only have to run a basic dictionary sweep to get the wifi password. Margot didn’t speak for a few moments, deep in concentration. The password: bigkahuna543. Margot nudged the screen so Nell could see the result. “Original.” Margot commented. She entered the password and scanned for devices, finding a server connection that looked like their target. “And, we are in.” Margot brought the server up remotely on her screen. They were now looking at the camera feed. “When was the poisoning?” 
“We can only hope for such an interesting death,” Nell joked back in a rather dry tone. At one time, Nell had been a victim of the folly of youth, and the sense of invincibility that came with being young. After all, she’d had an incredibly lucky streak when it came to escaping deathly situations by the skin of her teeth. But that had shifted after Bea’s death. Now, she couldn’t help but feel that she’d meet a bloody end some day. It was only a matter of time, just as it was for most everyone. There wasn’t time to think about all that now, though. She only vaguely understood what it was Margot was saying about all this tech stuff, but it sounded promising. “You really should meet my friend, Winston. They’re a giant ass computer nerd.” A pleased and vindicated grin came over Nell as she saw the product of Margot’s work displayed on the screen, suddenly much more invested in this girl and what she was delivering. “That was beautiful,” she praised before carrying on. “The thing started at seven, but what I’m looking for probably happened around a half hour later— in the back alley. A well-dressed man with a hat.”
“Winston.” Margot repeated, “I’ll keep their name in mind.” It might be nice to know another techie in town, they seemed so few and far between around here. “Okay, so we’ll start the footage from seven, go from there.” Margot changed the time and date stamps to match. They were accessing three camera feeds, one inside the restaurant and two externally. Margot began the clip, watched as the horrific event unfolded inside. She could make out Nell, though the footage was grainy. Margot looked towards the girl now, swallowing a lump that had formed in her throat. Perhaps seeing this again would cause her to relive it. “I’ll skip ahead.” Margot whispered, feeling as though speaking at a higher decibel would be insensitive. She fast forwarded. It was difficult to watch the chaos ensue, even more so at two times speed. The panicked expressions on each of the diners faces would be ingrained in Margot’s mind for at least a few weeks. Twenty minutes or so into the recording, she hit play. It was now the aftermath of the tragedy, medics and body bags. Then, just as Nell had predicted, movement on one of the external camera angles. The back alley, almost exactly where they sat right at this very moment. Margot stayed silent, as they watched. 
“I can point you their way after all this, if you want,” Nell said with a shrug. Of course...it might be best not to mention the hacking outright to Winston. Not when her friend worked for the police, still. As the poisoning began to replay itself, Nell’s jaw tightened, momentarily fixated on her own form going limp, eventually losing consciousness. Her eyes settled on Bea for a fleeting moment before she realized she couldn’t watch her sister die again, not after the first time. But watching Jared, Remmy, and the other assorted faces wasn’t any better, anxiety clawing its way up her throat at the thought of her loved ones dying. Instead, she focused on the outside where Remmy said they’d seen the suspicious man. “There he is!” Nell practically leaped towards the screen, trying to get a closer look. Here was the key to figuring out what the fuck had happened, and whether or not she was inadvertently responsible for what had happened at Pat’s. Squinting at the grainy picture, she was dismayed to find that she didn’t recognize the man. But maybe she knew someone that would. “Can you send a shot of that to me? His face and everything?” 
Margot zoomed in on the unknown person. A man, brown hair, average build, not someone she had seen around town, and it seemed that Nell didn’t recognise him either. “You don’t know him?” Margot asked, just to be sure. There wasn’t much to make out, his features were obscured by the poor quality of the footage. Was he the one responsible for such chaos? Were they looking at the face of a murderer? Margot clipped the image of him in the alley, a full body shot and a few close ups of his face. “Type in your email.” Margot turned the computer in Nell’s direction and waited for her to enter her address before hitting send. Nell had a bigger stake in this investigation than Margot did. Margot just wanted answers. Nell needed them. “What’re you going to do? You know, when you figure out who he is?”
Nell continued to scrutinize the picture of the anonymous man, trying to wrack every inch of her brain to remember if she’d seen him anywhere near the Ring or not. But it was fruitless. “I don’t know him.” There was only a tinge of frustration to the words before her tone shifted into something harder, and a plan began to hatch. “But I might know someone who does.” She’d been planning to hunt down the rest of the big Ring names anyway, might as well ask them if they recognized the photo while she was at it. Her phone pinged, and she glanced at the screen, confirming that she’d gotten the picture as the corner of her lips twitched upwars in satisfaction. Then she looked at Margot, taking in the girl in front of her. She couldn’t be any older than Nell, and it was hard to tell if she was familiar with the supernatural or not. Maybe she was simply good at hiding it. Either way, Nell didn’t want to take the risk. “I’m gonna make sure he doesn’t do it again. Or anything like it.” 
Nell seemed satisfied with Margot’s work and she was glad to be of service. This hack had proved advantageous for her too, now one step closer to uncovering this town’s secrets. Yet Margot wasn’t satisfied; “I usually charge people for doing work like this.” Margot explained as she began to pack up her equipment. “But, I’d be willing to waive my regular fee, if you promise to keep me in the loop.” Margot had no leverage in this scenario, she’d already done what Nell wanted, but she had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time Nell would need her help. A partnership could benefit both of them. “I want to find that guy as much as you.”
It made sense that Margot would charge, after all a girl had to eat. Nell had already been thinking about how useful it would be to have someone like Margot helping with this entire thing, but at the mention of money...she wasn’t entirely sure how feasible that would be with her current situation. Then the mention of a waiving came along, and an eager expression quickly replaced her previously neutral one. “I think I could do that. You can tell me a bit more about what you do, and I can tell you a bit more about what I’m doing.” And if Margot was passionate about finding this guy along with her, Nell wasn’t going to ask too many questions. But she did have just one. “Why do you want to find him?”
Margot hesitated. Would her reason for being here make her sound insane? A kook? She took a deep breath. “Ever since I moved here, I have this feeling. Like I’m missing out on something -- like there’s some big secret I’m not privy to.” She looked at Nell, gauging her response to the confession. “That’s why I want to find him. Not just for those poor bastards who died last week, but for me. I want to know the truth.” It was a selfish reason, but it felt right to be honest. She needed Nell to trust her. 
Nell matched Margot’s hesitation, knowing just how well knowledge of the supernatural could make or break someone’s life. It was a hard line to walk. If you didn’t know enough, you might just waltz into a vampire’s lair and become a midnight snack. But if you knew too much...it sucked you in and never let you go. Made you realize that the world was full of things that were trying to kill you and everything you loved, and that there was only so much you could do to combat it. But maybe Margot didn’t need to know everything. Maybe they could find that balance. “Alright,” Nell replied simply, giving the other girl a single nod. “Then it’s a deal.”
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
Crazy idea that I figured right now. Thomas dosn't hear like someone that would get married, even with a person of his kind (g r u m p t y) so, Allison is a witch (cannon btw).. love potion? Sorry is pretty funny for me.
Summary: One of Allison's more peculiar interests turns out better than she expected, if only because of a slight mistake.
If questioned on the subject, Allison wouldn't exactly call herself a witch. She had an interest in witchcraft, sure, but she herself was not an expert nor a professional on the arts of ancient beldams and shamans.
She was, however, the owner of a vast and ever growing collection of tomes that were the aglommoration of such olden knowledge.
Of these powerful tomes came the biggest of her fixations: Potion brewing, more specifically the refinement of elixirs.
It was amazing what a few select ingredients could produce if you were to extract or prepare them in a certain way. From all natural remedies to combat the effects of illness, to powerful poisons and even blends that could condition the mind to do certain things.
It was an art that could be used to do as much good as it could do evil, and Allison knew a few select witches of the past had indeed done evil when others scorned them so. To the detriment of those that had been pure in their intentions, as were many of the victims of the Salem Witch Trials.
But Allison wasn't looking to do much with her knowledge besides sate her curiosity and test a few interesting blends. Most went into helping those around her anonymously...
A few drops in a cup of coffee and suddenly Jack's bad cough was gone. A whiff of her perfume, and Sammy was a lot calmer than he'd been a minute or so ago. Even a few delicious homemade cupcakes got everyone into a creative rut that kept Joey off their backs.
She was benevolent in her actions... But... There was one particular blend she wanted to try for more selfish reasons. A love potion of a sort, composed of natural aphrodisiacs and calming herbs.
One she hoped to try on the object of her affections, a man that had such an impeccable work ethic that she doubted he even knew she even existed (which was odd as most men often buzzed around her like bees to a flower, because of her attractive features). It frustrated her to no end that Thomas Connor was a difficult person to understand, or to get close to.
Her previous experiences with past boyfriends had always been quite linear, so the mysterious engineer being so hard to read was baffling. No man nor any woman should be a puzzle so hard to figure out, and her lack of progress on this matter only made her feel more attracted towards him.
So here she was, trying to find Mr. Connor's coffee mug, ready to slip him an all natural drug that would definitely turn his gaze towards her... You know, like some degenerate wench...
"Oh you've sunk low Al... You've sunk very low." She murmured to herself as she looked through the shared cupboard. There was a myriad of different mugs that were unique so as to distinguish them from someone else's property. A lot of people in the studio were against sharing their cups after all, thus this fun little measure that definitely wasn't making it hard for her right now.
She knew the mug with brightly colored polkadots was Norman's, as it was a silly play on his last name (one Mel had started as a means to poke fun at him). She also knew the white one with intricate depictions of songbirds and forget-me-nots was Sammy's (a gift to him from his sister apparently), and that the bright green one with stocky writing on it was Shawn's (Mr. Flynn was, after all, fond of yelling 'Top o' the Morning to ya' to everyone at the earliest hours of the morning).
But, for the life of her, she couldn't find a mug that she thought might fit Thomas's personality at all... They were all varying degrees of either pretty or silly and none really screamed his name. Not until she squinted and found one that was bland enough to be a no-nonsense GENT employee's pick.
A simple black mug with absolutely nothing extraordinary about it, sitting besides a white mug with paw prints on it (likely Wally's as he had a fondness for dogs).
Taking that bland old mug, she proceeded with her plan.
By 9 AM sharp, Allison was a bundle of nerves. She'd prepared Thomas's coffee separately before making everyone else their own mugs to avoid suspicion. Then she'd set out a plate of cupcakes (some vanilla, some chocolate) to make it seem like an innocent little gesture rather than the shameful and depraved act that it actually was, and greeted everyone on her way out of the break room.
Morale was great that morning, but so was her increasing guilt... She shouldn't be meddling with what others felt, especially not trying to bewitch her crush into liking her for a brief moment. Yet here she was, hoping to bump into a drugged up Thomas Connor and get him to praise her in some form.
Her need for validation was... Rotten. She hated it, she hated that she'd gone to these lengths just to feel like someone genuinely cared for her rather than her good looks.
So when she did find her crush at last, she didn't feel so good about the plan anymore.
"Allison could I maybe speak to you for a second?" The gruff voice of Thomas Connor wasn't particularly loud, at least not louder than many of the other employees in the music department, so she jumped slightly when he approached her quietly during her break from recording.
"I... Yes certainly." Her stomach felt like it was doing flips as she followed the taller man, considering her options here. She could lightly reject any advances he tried to make in his state of unknowing inebriation, admit she may have slipped something in his coffee, or even straight up lie and say there was weed in the cupcakes... But, instead of doing anything, she resigned herself to the fact the next words out of his mouth weren't going to be genuine.
"I wanted to thank you." Thomas began as they'd gotten out into a quieter hall with little to no movement. "For always trying to brighten things up a little here at the studio. Drew's been a right pain in the ass, and it really sets off a chain... But here you are, getting up bright and early to bake cupcakes and brew everyone a cup of coffee, being the most genuine and selfless person at this damn madhouse..."
The guilt was excruciating, and Allison felt herself blush slightly as her eyes began to sting. He likely thought it was humility on her part.
"Hey, no need for that. Just stating the facts Miss Pendle..." He smiled, really smiled, and it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. Thomas Connor had this shy little smile that started at the corner of his mouth and just barely exposed his front teeth a bit. "I was wondering... If maybe I could pay you back. With uh... With lunch?"
"I understand if you're busy, it's just... I'd just like to be able to repay your kindness in kind. Lunch for an impromptu breakfast seems fair... And it's well within our schedules I hope..." He added. She couldn't bring herself to decline even if she knew she should.
"It... It sounds good to me. Uh... Wednesday?" She shyly suggested.
"Wednesday." He nodded in agreement. "Best we both go back to work now, before Lawrence has a fit..."
"Yeah... Thank you Thomas." She smiled sadly, watching him as he nodded her way. Her smile vanished once she noticed him bring a mug up to his lips. A white mug with paw prints on it.
Once he took a sip from his coffee he went on his way, leaving Allison in a confused state. On one hand, her crush had genuinely just asked her out and that was amazing! On the other... Who's coffee mug was it that she had drugged then?
Henry groaned as he hung up his phone for the 20th time that day. Whoever the hell was calling his landline only to breathe heavily into the speaker as he questioned them, was really starting to aggravate him.
Damn kids and their stupid pranking antics... He had half a mind to call the cops!
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fortunatelylori · 5 years
1/2 Hi! I really liked your review of Sanditon ep. 7! I wanted to ask for your thoughts about the Heraclitus comment but the conversation around it. I agree Sidney absolutely did not intend to insult Charlotte, but Eliza turned it into an insult and the rest of the party (except Lady Susan) all laughed at Charlotte's expense. And it cut to Charlotte's insecurity about not fitting in with the London crowd, which we also saw at the ball in ep. 6.
2/2 But while at the ball Sidney told her “not to doubt” herself and “you’re more than equal to any woman here,” in ep. 7, he doesn’t laugh, but he doesn’t say anything reassuring either when he catches up with her. He only says he hopes she wasn’t she wasn’t offended by Mrs. Campion, and that it was all “in jest.” He clearly meant well, but that’s the worst thing to say to someone who is clearly hurt and upset by said “jest.” And he didn’t reassure her, which hurt as well. What do you think?
Hi! Sorry this turned into a 3/3. I would have really liked to see more of Sidney and Eliza, especially after her behavior toward Charlotte. Because we know Sidney doesn’t agree with her assessment of Charlotte, but not if he said anything about it to Eliza. I wish we had seen their last conversation! We know so little about their story. Did he realize how mean she actually is and how her behavior was inappropriate?
Hey, nonnie!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed my review.
 I wanted to ask for your thoughts about the Heraclitus comment but the conversation around it.
Oh, good! We get to talk about my current favorite subject: Sidney Parker. You have unleashed the cracken, nonnie! Get your tea, biscuits, sausages or whatever and strap in. This is going to be a loooooong one!
I actually thought it would be interesting to try and analyze Sidney throughout this episode because, as I said, the narrative choice of making Eliza’s reappearance all about Charlotte’s unrequited love drama has robbed us of some insight into Sidney. For all intents and purposes Eliza was his plot, not Charlotte’s and it’s a shame Davies didn’t explore it. 
That being said, I do think that enough was given in order to create a pretty clear picture of what Sidney was going through if you are willing to look more in depth. And let’s face it, we’re all willing since we’re spending inordinate amounts of time watching these scenes.
Btw, I’m at my 87th rewatch of the dance scene. Anyone else keeping score? And speaking of that glorious tv moment to be treasured for all time, that’s where our clue hunt must start. In this particular moment to be precise:
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This is the genesis, the big bang if you will of Sidney’s crisis and the word that can describe him from this moment on is: CONFUSION! Sidney spends the entirety of episode 7 in a state of confusion.
You can see it in this moment above. He goes from complete calm decisiveness in regards to what he feels for Charlotte and what he wants from her to completely losing the plot in a matter of seconds when faced with the return of Eliza Campion.
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Look at him! I don’t think we’ve ever seen Sidney this flustered. And the way he walks towards her, like a moth to the flame? In an instant it’s very clear just how much he must have loved this woman and that, for the time being, he’s forgotten all about Charlotte.
There is a brief moment where he remembers her that will be echoed in episode 7, when he brings Eliza to Tom’s house:
Episode 6: 
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Episode 7: 
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Theo James is really bringing his A game to these micro expressions because you can see very clearly that Sidney hesitates and also feels a bit uncomfortable having Charlotte see him with Eliza. He is, however, spellbound by Eliza in the London scene:
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Incidentally we will never see Sidney this happy in her presence again. On the subject of micro expressions, I would like to draw your attention to this smile Theo James does over and over again. It’s almost a tic at this point:
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Once you see it, you can’t really unsee it. This is the face Sidney does every time he doesn’t actually want to say what’s on his mind and it’s his way of keeping people at arm’s length. The reason why this is important is that he has this expression in every single scene he shares with Eliza:
Beach scene: 
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Boatus interruptus: 
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Tent of doom: 
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The don’t make me do this scene: 
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He’s also pretty much retired this expression when talking to Charlotte, instead hitting her with the irresistible combination of:
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and …
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My guess is Eliza didn’t see those pearly whites once during her whole stay in Sanditon.
So, given all of this distant body language, why is Sidney confused to begin with? Clearly Charlotte makes him happy while Eliza makes him indifferent at best and unpleasantly surprised at worst (we’ll get to that).
In order to answer that, we need to pay a little attention to this line Sidney says, during his scene with his brothers:
Sidney: It is a strange feeling. You’ve wanted something impossible for so long and suddenly it’s within your grasp.
If we were to do an exercise of imagination, we could go back in time to a young Sidney Parker. What would he have been like? I would argue he wouldn’t be all that dissimilar to Charlotte. Basically a happy, go lucky kind of guy who grew up in a loving family. Or as Eleanor Tilney in Northanger Abbey would put it, a person with a dangerous upbringing. 
Sidney grew up thinking that the world was a basically wonderful place and everyone was “as pure of heart”as he. With the romantic notions of a young man, he fell in love with the pretty and witty Eliza and perhaps turned a blind eye to her more disagreeable traits. That was until those traits hit him right in the emotions organ and she left him to marry an older, richer man.
I don’t think it can be understated just how cruelly Eliza behaved. This isn’t Anne Elliot refusing Fredrick Wentworth’s proposal because she’s a young girl who’s a little too trusting when it comes to the adults in her life. This is a girl who knowingly strung Sidney along, through an engagement, only to leave him in the dust the moment a more “appealing” option came along.
Despite all of this, Sidney isn’t angry at her (supposedly at least). Moreover, he admits to having dreamed about their reunion for years. Usually when you dream about getting back with someone who showed so little care for you it’s because you’ve idealized them in your head and you probably remember that relationship through rose colored glasses.
That’s why Arthur is truly the genius of the Parker family. Just look at this smooth motherfucker smashing those glasses of delusion:
Arthur: Do you know that for years all I knew about my brother Sidney was that he was driven to the West Indies with a broken heart?
He instinctively understands that if he were to outright tell Sidney that getting back with the woman who used his heart for minced meat, that would make his brother dismiss him immediately. Instead he gently reminds him of  the pain she caused. Which still elicits a defensive answer from Sidney:
Sidney: And what is your point, Arthur?
So in his very jovial, kind way, Arthur kicks Sidney right in the feeling nuts:
Arthur: I admire your spirit of forgivness. That is all. If it were me, I do not think I could bring myself to trust her again.
Still, Arthur’s intervention can only go so far. Sidney’s wanted to be with Eliza for so long … How could he help himself from being in her company when given the opportunity?
Well actually he can help himself quite easily …
Coming back to the whole topic that you were talking about, we need to separate Sidney’s actions from Sidney’s words because his failure to understand himself is displayed in this marked difference. 
Let me give you an example: Sidney says he’s wanted Eliza for a long time. But how does Eliza Campion get to Sanditon? Does Sidney bring her, eager to have her near him?
No … Sidney doesn’t bring her because Sidney left London after the ball and is now spending his time waiting for Charlotte in Mrs. Griffith’s drawing room. Eliza gets to Sanditon on her own, surrounded by her minions. And this creates a trend throughout the episode, where Sidney might be talking about Eliza but seeks Charlotte out every chance he gets and it’s actually Eliza that is pursuing him.
Sidney’s true confusion doesn’t even really come from having to choose between Charlotte and Eliza but rather because he can’t get his mind around the fact that he is no longer in love with the woman that has occupied his thoughts for years. He’s carried her around with him for so long that now that she’s here and available, he can’t really grasp why he’s no longer interested.
It must be because:
Sidney: I haven’t picked up an oar in years.
Or because
Sidney: I had convinced myself that I was destined to remain alone. That I was ill suited for matrimony.
These series of excuses go on and on throughout his interactions with Eliza because what Sidney really loved was the way he had loved her and not Eliza herself. And that idyllic image of what might have been is shuttered by reality because:
Sidney: A man cannot step into the same river twice.
Charlotte: For he is not the same man and it is not the same river.
How fitting it is that it’s Charlotte who finishes this quote for him. Because in Eliza and Charlotte, Sidney has the opportunity to either go back and relive the what might have been or go forward and live the what can be. To go back means to try and be the same man on the same river. To go forward means to leap into the unknown with someone new.
What does Sidney do?
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Might I just point out that if he wanted to balance the boat he could have invited Eliza? But he doesn’t … He might not be ready to admit it, even to himself, but only Charlotte can truly balance his boat.
However things don’t end up coming to a head until the tent scene. That’s because the last stage after releasing yourself from someone you used to be attached to is to see them for what they truly are. To discover the chink in their armor to quote Lady Susan. And boy, does Eliza wreck her freaking armor!
Did he realize how mean she actually is and how her behavior was inappropriate?
Of course he did. He actually realizes it much sonner than you’d think.
Eliza: There must be a boy in your village that’s caught your eye.
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That’s not a happy face.
Also it’s very important to note that when Sidney says Charlotte would be happier reading a book, he doesn’t actually say that even though that’s what she understands. What he says is exactly this:
Sidney: I have no doubt Charlotte would rather be sat somewhere, quietly reading Heraclitus.
If he had said anything else, then it might be debatable whether or not he was making a joke at her expense but because he mentions Heraclitus in particular, this becomes his attempt at bonding with her, one outlier to another.
He doesn’t say anything reassuring either when he catches up with her. He only says he hopes she wasn’t she wasn’t offended by Mrs. Campion, and that it was all “in jest.” He clearly meant well, but that’s the worst thing to say to someone who is clearly hurt and upset by said “jest.” And he didn’t reassure her, which hurt as well. What do you think? 
I get how from Charlotte’s point of view she feels hurt by his lack of reassurance and by feeling like she’s a “source of amusement” for him. But you know …. Charlotte’s in the whole “I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy …”phase. She’s not thinking all that clearly.
Sidney runs after her because he realizes she’s upset and tries to comfort her. But I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect him to understand why she’s upset. I’d argue most people have the source of her sadness wrong.
Eliza isn’t the first person to make jokes regarding Charlotte’s marriage prospects. Lady Denham did the same thing to her in episode 1 and 2. Only Lady Denham was far harsher and rudder about it. And Charlotte wasn’t the least bit upset. She responded in kind and, in Lady Denham’s own words, “couldn’t help but stand up for herself”.
She doesn’t do it with Eliza because what’s causing her pain isn’t the lame ass attempt at making jokes about her not finding a husband. What’s truly hurting her is that Sidney is revealing something personal to the two of them to this woman that, in Charlotte’s mind, has made it impossible for her to ever be with him. She feels exposed, vulnerable and insecure.
When Sidney runs after her, trying to comfort her, there’s truly only one thing Charlotte wants to hear:
Charlote: What is it you want from me?
That’s something Sidney can’t answer at that time. He can’t really formulate what he wants from her because he’s just coming out of the whole Eliza spell and is himself uncertain about what Charlotte may or may not be feeling for him.
However, as I said, at this point his words are less important than his actions and given the sequence of events, it’s pretty obvious that the tent scene is the last time he is actually in Eliza’s company until she seeks him out at the end of the episode. So he might not have found the words to reassure Charlotte but he made certain he taxed Eliza for hurting her.
And when Eliza finally does track him down, what’s the first thing he tells her?
Sidney: You know, you didn’t have to wait for me.
Well … color me swooning. What girl doesn’t dream of hearing that?
I truly wish they had given us this complete scene because I really wanted to see how he would resolve this chapter of his life but given that she says this:
Eliza: The truth is now that I have found you again, I can scarcely bring myself to let you out of my sight. (beat) You know I never lost hope that we would stand besides each other once more and here we are! Fate has gifted us a second chance.
And he looks like this:
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I’m willing to bet Eliza’s minions wasted all of their handkerchiefs on her on the coach ride back to London.
Which leaves us with:
Sidney:  [Mrs. Campion] has already left. I decided against joining her. On reflection, I realized I would rather be here. I am a great deal less than perfect. You’ve made me all too aware of that. But, for whatever it’s worth, I believe I am my best self, my truest self, when I’m with you.
Sidney’s words finally match his actions. He chooses to go forward as the man he is now, wanting the woman that’s in front of him and not as the boy he used to be, chasing the dream of the girl that never was. Because …
A man cannot step into the same river twice. For he is not the same man and it is not the same river.
Thanks for the ask!
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satonthelotuspier · 4 years
❄️ Untamed Winter Fest 2019 ❄️
Day 29 - Frozen - 1.8k
Jiang Cheng watched the gently waving fan as it moved hypnotically, still covering the lower half of Nie Huaisang’s face. He wondered if this was the Nie Sect leader’s version of those flesh eating plants that lured in their prey with pretty colours and tempting smells before snapping closed and devouring what was caught.
The thought made him uncomfortable and he tried to banish it as his eyes lifted and travelled a little further up to find those solemn dark eyes watching him watch the fan.
And really now he was looking for it Jiang Cheng wondered how he, how everyone, had missed that underlying tone of cold cunning in their depths.
But perhaps it was just that he could see it now because he knew it was there; people only saw what they wanted to see, nothing in the world was truer than this.
Nie Huaisang had been a consummate strategist, matching Jin Guangyao move for move, year after year, in a hidden game of chess only one of them had been aware they were playing.
While one man acted the benevolent patriarch of the cultivational world the other played the clown in the background, wept and shook his head when pushed to the forefront and cleverly used his prey as his protection.
Jin Guangyao hadn’t ever seen it coming. That was scheming on another level entirely.
Jiang Cheng considered that they’d come a long way from those silly boys who’d met at the Cloud Recesses and spent their days fooling around, drinking, sharing pornographic books, whilst going about their young lives with their seemingly all-consuming worries.
The worries of children.
Life had chewed them up and spit them out since, and while he didn’t think there was a cultivator of their generation that had come through the last several years unscathed Jiang Cheng had closed himself off emotionally in order to survive, his frozen heart refusing to allow any further possibility of hurt.
He wondered if, like himself, Nie Huaisang would give anything to return to those carefree days of innocence, to be surrounded by his family again. He liked to think he’d not be nearly as ill-tempered with Wei Wuxian as he had been, that he’d appreciate that lively, conceited yet warm-hearted brother of his more, that he wouldn’t waste time bickering in front of his sister and instead just be in her calming company and give her all the love she deserved.
Perhaps Nie Huaisang had the same regrets, wishing he’d not spent so much time avoiding Nie Mingjue and instead been more appreciative of the love and care his elder brother held for him.
He would be the first to admit the meeting hadn’t held his attention and he had let most of the discussion flow over his head despite Lotus Pier being the host location, it had been a relief as it drew to a conclusion so he could see the other attendees off to their accommodations.
Afterwards, though it was late in the evening, he found himself in the company of the man who most of his thoughts had been on during the conference as they walked leisurely along the walkways and paths along the lake.
“Jiang-xiong was quite preoccupied during the discussion” Nie Huaisang commented, giving him a quick look from the corner of his fox-eyes.
“It’s the same discussions over and over though isn’t it? Patting themselves on the back for seeing through the Chief Cultivator and having a part in bringing him down” he sneered. The discussion was mostly made up of the smaller Sects due to the current political climate. He had heard Lan Xichen of Gusu had retreated into seclusion after Yunping City; the Jin Sect was in complete shambles despite his attempts to help Jin Ling settle things down, and that only left the Nie and Jiang sects of any size, and the smaller sects were full of their own importance.
They strolled on.
As ever Nie Huaisang was elegantly dressed; he’d always had that interest in beautiful fabrics, intricate braids and hair ornaments and beautifully painted fans. His was the soul of a poet or an artist, not a warrior or a diplomat. And look what he had accomplished.
It was another truism that war made murderers out of even the gentlest souls; one just had to find out what one was prepared to go to war for.
“I thought of the past. Of Cloud Recesses” he broke the companionable silence as Nie Huaisang walked on beside him, his closed fan tapping occasionally into the palm of his left hand.
“They were simpler times” it was almost tentative and Jiang Cheng glanced over, but couldn’t read the reason as the fan flipped open and rose into place to hide his expression, “but no less sincere”
“Do you think of it sometimes?” Jiang Cheng asked, curious how close he’d been in his thoughts earlier.
“Sometimes. Rarely. It’s...raw. I haven’t allowed myself to want the things I wanted then for a long time. I was too focussed, too...consumed. And too dead inside”
That Jiang Cheng understood, hadn’t he acknowledged that frozen part of himself that kept him safe, but emotionally separated from the world? Nie Huaisang came to a halt then and turned to face him.
“Perhaps it’s time we looked forward instead, Jiang-xiong. Perhaps now all accounts are settled it’s time to accept that wanting some of those things we wanted as silly little children in the Cloud Recesses is permissible”
Jiang Cheng didn’t think he quite grasped what Nie Huaisang meant, there seemed to be a message for him, especially in those fox-eyes which stared at him over the top of the fan, but it eluded him.
“It’s perhaps time to let ourselves heal” Nie Huaisang touched his arm with the lightest of contacts, then folded his fan and moved off back towards the dwellings with a, “Goodnight, Jiang-xiong”
He spent a lot of time with Nie Huaisang over the following days. Jiang Cheng told himself it was because he was the least annoying claimant upon his time. But he did genuinely enjoy their evening walks which became a staple of the conference. Their talk rarely became as deep or personal as on the first evening, but they never lacked for subjects, and neither minded when silence fell between them when there was nothing that needed to be said.
Jiang Cheng being Jiang Cheng did notice that the other had started to act a little more solicitously towards him, there were often small touches or smiles that caught him off guard, and maybe made his pulse speed up a little. Purely through surprise, of course.
He thought it may be due to Nie Huaisang finding someone with a shared history who had suffered similarly, and who he could talk to about it that made the other move towards renewing their friendship, to which Jiang Cheng had no objections.
He was a little sad when the conference ended and it was time for the other sects to go their own ways. Although only due to the impending departure of Nie Huaisang; he’d happily row the boat away from Lotus Pier himself for any of the other Sect heads. He was at the pier most of the day seeing them all off on their separate journeys.
Nie Huaisang took his leave late in the morning, “Thank you for your hospitality Jiang-xiong, I hope to see you again very soon”
“I hope so too” he allowed himself to agree and didn’t miss the warming of the other man’s eyes in response.
Over the following days Jiang Cheng didn’t want to admit how empty Lotus Pier had suddenly become. He continued to take the evening constitutionals that had become the norm with Nie Huaisang but they were lonely and left him brooding more often that not.
He did think deeply on Nie Huaisang’s comment of letting themselves heal and what that meant to him, he felt like the message had carried a very important weight for the other man. For himself he considered part of the healing process would be to forgive and let go  as completely as he could of the hatred he had carried for Wei Wuxian in the years since the Burial Mounds. It was something Wei Wuxian had wished for him as well, as he’d informed Jiang Cheng during a time spent trapped in a cave awaiting rescue together.
They both knew it wasn’t going to be easy, there was no magic fix-all. They had hurt each other deeply. But his family was everything to Jiang Cheng, and knowing he’d been naive and childish enough to be manipulated into betraying the man he had always thought of as his brother left a sour taste in his mouth and a cold ache in his chest.
How they were going to get there, however, he had no idea. Perhaps he could start with writing to Wei Wuxian; he thought he might find it more freeing than having to be honest with his words, which Jiang Cheng was under no illusions he’d be terrible at.
He would think the matter over carefully before he committed himself, however, it was a delicate situation and something that should be approached with forethought.
Several days after Nie Huaisang had left for Qinghe a small box was delivered to Lotus Pier. It was carved with the beast-head sigil of the Nie sect so he had no questions over who it was from.
Inside was a jade pendant carved in the shape of a nine-petalled lotus flower. The petal tips had all been limned a delicate shade of purple and beneath the pendant was a silver bell and a matching purple tassel. It was an exquisite piece meant to be worn on his belt. Something told him Nie Huaisang had been the one to make it himself and that same something itched vaguely in the heart he thought frozen solid from years of grief.
Still, it was a lot of time and effort to spend on a gift to a friend. He would have to be sure to write and thank him, perhaps send a gift back, although he was under no illusion he wasn’t an artist like Huaisang; any gift would have to be commissioned by him only and therefore perhaps wouldn’t come across as quite as sincere?
He was just drifting off to sleep that night when something clicked in his head; he shot upright in bed.
Wait, what had Nie Huaisang meant about sincere feelings from their times at Cloud Recesses? About allowing themselves to move forward and heal, and accepting that childhood wants that were still valid?
His pulse sped up.
Was he being courted?
The conversation JC refers to with WWX occured in my Day 13 prompt for reference but it’s not necessary to have read for the above
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dysperdis · 4 years
tw: traumablogging, talking about suicide & abuse, sexual trauma.
I need to get this shit out, in one big chunk, before I lose track of it.
I keep wondering why the fuck Beru decided to spend so long treating me like shit. Do they just hate me? Was I just a convenient target? Did they realize they'd let their mask slip in front of me & decided I needed to go? Why did the abuse start so immediately? 
Beru basically started moving in within a week after I said it wasn't fair of the two of them to jump straight into the "overly-obsessed new couple" stage of a relationship without so much as a heads up to the other two people involved with this relationship, long before I had any inkling that they were actually already fucking by that point. By week 3, the complaints were pouring in about how "unwelcome" I was making Beru feel by, say, insisting that they tell the other people living in the suite when they're going to spend the night before putting on their pyjamas and setting up on the couch, or letting me know to make food that Beru could eat without taking over the single bathroom in the house for most of the evening (& of course, they "didn't want to make extra work" by saying anything when I was asking them to simply let me know before I started making food!), or literally any frustration I expressed over my boundaries being ignored, all of which were delivered to me by Monica, not Beru, but very clearly as a result of Beru's complaints. I wasn't allowed to set any boundaries; I could be lying half dressed in my bed with Monica with the door shut having a conversation & Beru would invite themselves not just into the room or conversation, but *into my fucking bed* without so much as a word to me. These violations were constant, and at the same time I was pressured into doing more to facilitate the relationship, including chauffeuring the two of them around so they could go to Beru's apartment (did I mention yet that Beru lived alone, and could have been inviting Monica to visit them instead of invading my only available workspace & telling me that wanting to work there made me an asshole?)
The "sleepovers" happening at random most nights a week over that summer were undermining my ability to do any work for the upcoming events I was paying for table space at, space I shared with Beru because I wasn't confident of my own ability to fill a table & thought a "friend" might be able to help. I was explicitly told that wanting to work in the living room overnight for creative work when no one else was awake to use  it was an unfair attempt to monopolize and dominate the suite's common space. Even after I asked Beru to spend time away from the home  because I felt like the lack of boundaries was incredibly unhealthy for me, I still felt obliged to facilitate the relationship in ways that continued to deny me a chance to set any sort of healthy boundaries because of the previous months spent harping on how "unfair" I was being by expecting Monica to prioritize the relationship she was still referring to as her "Primary" relationship & the health of the partner she was calling "husband" over the happiness of her continuing affair with Beru.
I'm pretty sure I paid for 100% of all the tables, including the Canzine table Beru had entirely to themselves because I knew if I went I'd end up pulling out the zine I made to vent about how stressed I was about everything going on, and all of the gaslighting I was starting to notice even then but let myself ignore. I don't know if knowing the answers to any of this would help me, but it probably would help Monica, if it's not another thing she already knows and has been trying to deny while everything burns around her. But I'm not sure if I can ask without my bitterness making it sound like pure pettiness. I kinda wish I had gone to Canzine and taken the zine & let it all blow up then, I would have felt bad about it afterwards but I doubt it would have been anywhere near as terrible as I've been feeling for the last 2 years, but I  wasn't willing to toss 6 years away for someone who only inserted themselves into our lives so substantially a few months prior.
When I told Monica about my discomfort, that I couldn't have this person involved in my life, she acted like she understood. She made a new friend during this time, and started visiting them "going out for coffee" a lot. She kept finding excuses for why I shouldn't worry about giving her a ride, and finally she admitted that it was because she was still seeing the person she had cheated on me with, and pressured me into agreeing that it was "incredibly unfair" to demand she either stop cheating, or stop pretending to respect our relationship. She told me she wanted to work on our relationship, while targetting my insecurities to convince me that expecting honesty and respect for my boundaries was abusive, and that I was overreacting. Throughout this time, I was gradually scheduling my life more and more around when Beru wanted to see Monica; the solution Beru, Monica, and Liz decided on for "letting me get Beru out of my life" was to continue seeing Beru while never mentioning their name, or giving me details I needed to know how to schedule my own day-to-day life. If you ever wanted to know how someone could participate in abuse without actually directly interacting with them, well, there's you're answer- you continue as a shadow presence in their life while your fellow abusers take all the direct action. And, every time the subject came up, Monica didn't actually want to break up with me, and agreed to "work on things" (tell me how I needed to forgive her & stop ~getting in the way of her happiness~, but also maybe planning 2 or 3 "date nights" with me before getting distracted & falling immediately back into the same habits. At some point, she started using the insecurities she had learned about me thru the years to start convincing me that I needed her, and that I wouldn't be able to survive without her. She knew exactly what fears to prey on, and I believed her. Meanwhile, Monica had a whole new circle of friends, who Beru has been telling that the reason I can't stand to be around them is jealousy or some shit. I thought I was imagining the distain in their voices when they realized I was there, but no- Beru has been telling lies to them about me, and Monica is too concerned with them liking Beru to intervene, so now she's surrounding herself with people who don't like me and are enouraging her to dislike me.
As for Liz, she pretended to be a neutral party throughout, shutting me down any time I tried to bring up concerns about the effect Beru's shadow presence in my life by telling me "she's Beru's friend, too" so it was inappropriate to talk to her about it- even when I had literally just tried to kill myself for the second time in 4 days. I had long ago noticed that Beru seemed to get upset any time word got back to them about me complaining about the various issues I had with their relationship with Monica & the implications of my own & that when that happened, Monica started taking it out on me; between that and a desire to "protect" Monica- who was slowly but surely picking up a lot of Beru's cruelty and boundary issues- from judgement because a) she was the one who was doing most of the direct harm, even the stuff that was clearly initiated by Beru, and 2) Beru has a bit more social padding to protect them (a cutesy autistic dfab enby vs a recently-transitioned trans woman with a history of ~scary~ mental illness DXs). So I stopped talking to friends about my issues. I'm not going to go into details about the boundary issues except to say that being surprise face-fucked the first time I tried to give head at 14 by a dude who was loudly disappointed I didn't swallow is no longer the most traumatic sexual violation I've experienced.
Meanwhile, Monica (and to a lesser extent, Liz) were encouraging me to distance myself from my last remaining safety net outside of that garbage fire of a relationship because the idea of coming out to anyone in my family made them uncomfortable. So, instead of dealing with it, they turned anything that involved me interacting with my family at the house for more than 5 or 10 minutes into a sign that my boundaries with my family were still too weak, and I needed to make them stronger. I needed to not talk to my elderly grandma because of how stressful it was for me (mostly because I kept having scramble to come up with more lies about so many details of my own relationship, because being honest with someone who had no way of outting them to anyone they'd care about even if they were inclined to do so was too uncomfortable.)
By the end of the relationship, when Liz walked out the door with less than 24 hours actual notice of her move out date (and no, a single spoken sentence a week before to a person who was between back-to-back suicide attempts, trying to keep track of a 3rd person in the convo who was bouncing rapidly between mania and an extreme suicidal state, and also on T3 & a bunch of antibiotics with harsh side effects does not fucking count, no matter how much she pretends otherwise,) someone tried to get me to see her side by asking me if it didn't make sense that she was avoiding actually giving me anything that resembled a reasonable amount of notice because she felt "awkward" talking to me, and I fucking snapped.
Maybe if she had sucked it up and had one or two of those "awkward conversations" a little earlier, I wouldn't have needed to ask her to hide the pills so I didn't go through with the plans I had made to kill myself that night (I was literally double checking my math on the dosages when she got home). Instead, she pretended to be a neutral bystander in her own relationship, while taking advantage of my subservience and inability to set boundaries in most situations. Most of the private time I sought out with Monica ended up including Liz because I felt I wasn't allowed to say no to that, either.
I was accused of driving away my support network by calling out Liz and saying that any other abuse apologists who wanted to defend Beru to me could piss off with her, but I strongly disagree. Considering Liz part of my support network was a dangerous mistake that could have gone much worse, if she had decided to stay out a little longer or something that night, or had snuck to her room without me noticing (a common occurrence, I had taken it as a sign that I was still taking up too much space by existing in the common spaces of the house.)
Basically, all three of them were fucking awful to me over the last 2 years, and used any negativity I displayed about the situations they were putting me in to beat me over the head, telling me how "unfair" I was.
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bigsnzstanacct · 4 years
Kn/ives Out - R/ansom Fic
Inspired by these posts, although I went a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle overboard with it, as is my wont. This may or may not be the first of a five-or-six part series, a sort of “Five Times Ransom Pissed Off Everybody By Sneezing, and One Time He Didn’t.” Or it might just be the one little story. You know the drill, over-the-top sneezing ahoy lmao.
    “Do we have to talk politics?” Joni asked, her fingers tensed, her eyes rolling as she walked rather briskly to the drink cart. “It’s not that I’m not willing it’s just it’s so contentious and I’m a little concerned about that kind of energy—”
“No, no, no Joni,”—Richard cutting in now, his words stretching longer in the way all of him seemed to extend and elongate when he was drunk, as though he forgot Linda and Harlan were watching and expecting—”No, Joni, you don’t get to throw stones and then hide your hand, if you say something about our President, I’m gonna say something back.”
“Now, now, Richard,”—The aforementioned Harlan—”I think we can all agree the President—”
“Our President, Harlan, our President, I’m not saying I like him but I’m saying he’s our—”
“N-now… now come on Richard”—Walt, briefly, before being steamrolled by—
“Richard, I think I’d like a change of subject now—” Linda, ordinarily authoritative enough to end the line of inquiry altogether, but apparently not tonight.
“Well I wouldn’t, Linda. I wouldn’t like a change of subject, and for that matter...” (Richard, elongated as though he forgot Linda and Harlan…)
“How boring,” Ransom said in an aside. Marta happened to be walking by, picking up Richard’s emptied drink, and Joni’s recently downed one. It wasn’t actually her job to provide maid service for these people but they seemed to expect it and Harlan encouraged it and they really were so generous.
So it was to Marta that Ransom delivered his aside, though it wasn’t really to her—it might as well have been to the drink cart, or the grandfather clock, or the nonexistent camera over his shoulder. Ransom was the sort of man who walked around as though there could always be a camera over his shoulder. In fairness, Ransom was also the sort of man cameras commonly followed around. He’d very nearly committed to at least two reality tv shows, mostly to annoy his family. He’d gotten his current sports car upon backing out of a reality tv show. It was too bad he was too old to start a YouTube channel. He was still waiting to see what he could get out of revealing Jacob’s channel to the family, whether it would be better to threaten Jacob with its reveal to his parents, his parents with its reveal to to the family, or perhaps the family as a whole with a leak to… whatever random book-related website might find that gossip interesting. Maybe just Reddit.
Marta was just about to respond, to perhaps engage Ransom in conversation. She had it on good authority--Harlan’s--that she could be good company to a Thrombey or a Drysdale. Everyone seemed rather wary of Ransom, but aside from his aversion to the dogs, Marta had no reason to think ill of him, and so tried to assume the best of him. And---she could admit somewhat blushingly---he certainly wasn’t unattractive. She could see how, in her younger, sillier days how she might nurse a bit of crush on him, the wealthy prince charming and the maid---although she was not a maid, no matter how they treated her, she was a well-trained professional, dammit---
But before she could speak, Ransom’s face suddenly underwent some sort squishing, snorting motion. His long nose scrunched up short as he took in a sharp sniff, nearly a snort. His eyes closed for a moment, and a smile played on his lips. “This’ll be fuhh-hun,” he said in half a whisper, airy breathing infusing and interrupting his murmur.
Marta tilted her head to the side, curious what Ransom could be referring to, until she saw his nose, which was twitching: once, then twice. A heavy sniff, then another, then two in a row, then a long one, for all the world like fanning a flame (a flame, as she would come to realize, to light a fuse, to burn down to an explosion...)
It was around this moment that Ransom abruptly stood, and she could not help but notice how broad his shoulders were, as his eyes fluttered, and his chest began to swell. His nose was starting to pinken around the nostrils, the flaring and scrunching continuing, his arms falling slack. The creak of his chair as he stood brought everyone’s attention towards him, and as they noticed the bizarre ritual Ransom was performing or enduring.
“Oh, god, Ransom, not this again…” (Linda, eyes rolling)
“Ransom, Ransom buddy, Ransom please...” (Richard, hands waving)
“Is he going to do that screaming thing again, I’m leaving the room---” (Joni, hands raising towards her ears)
“Leaving the room won’t do her much good.” (Harlan, with a bit of a snicker in his voice)
Ransom was starting to vocalize now, little “hehhhH… hEHHHhh…” sounds that sounded as though they were either being dragged out of him or as though he was dragging them out himself, perhaps both. His head was tilting back, that chest looking larger than ever as it stretched and air flowed in and his long nose scrunched and his mouth hung open in a tall O and his back arched and hands went over ears and then one last voiceless gasp in… “huuuUUHH!”
Ransom sprang forward, giving vent to what was plainly a titanic sneeze to begin with, let alone his leaning into it, relishing it, and then on top of that, as the sneeze went on it seemed to turn into a pure, guttural yell, his voice roughening in an obviously voluntary way. It sounded as though the sort of scream one might hear on a hardcore metal record was riding the rails of an involuntary, massive rush of air, and Marta couldn’t help but frown as a visible spray was ejected from Ransom’s face along with the helter skelter noise, but she could hardly notice the spray since, standing closest to the blast, her ears were assaulted worst with Ransom’s screaming sneeze or sneeze-flavored scream, whatever it was, and she dearly wished she’d followed the family’s example and plugged her ears.
The sneeze tapered off at last, and Ransom--who’d doubled over with the blast--bounced back up, face reddened from exertion, practically beaming. Or at least he would have been beaming, were his nose not already scrunching…
“Whew! Big wuhh-hunn…” He was presumably celebrating his sneeze, congratulating himself on a “big one” although the urge had not yet left him entirely, and it seemed another sneeze was one its way. Joni was just walking back into the room as he went into his sniffing routine again.
“Jesus! Ransom you’re gonna give your grandfather a heart attack…” she huffed, before seeing him building towards another sneeze, spinning on her heel and promptly marching out of the room again.
(Harlan, for his part, was chuckling.)
“S-suhh… sorry guys, think I gotta sn-sneeze again…” he warned, breath catching as he actively tilted his head back, presumably seeking some sort of light to look into. His eyes were tearing slightly as he fanned one hand in the general direction of his nose, perhaps… attempting to spark another sneeze by fanning dust at himself? He smiled as he could the whole way, clearly enjoying this performance.
“What the hell, kiddo, didn’t we tell you about your whole yelling routine…” Richard grumbled, making a move to walk towards Ransom but clearly thinking better of it as Ransom’s breath caught yet again.
“Ransom!” His mother interjected. 
“You’re not a kid, you get allergy shots, I don’t know why you put on this whole production…” (Richard again)
“Ransom stop that this instant, you know the neighbors called the police last time they thought someone was in here being murdered.” (Linda)
“Shh, shh, shh, you’ll make it go away… ooh, I can feel it…” (Ransom, giggling)
The rest of them were rolling their eyes, plugging their ears, shuffling away from the scene---Marta heard a door slam, clearly Joni wasn’t risking being within the house for Ransom’s next explosion.
Meanwhile Ransom seemed to have clinched the sneeze, no longer trying to coax it out but surrendering to it, preparing for it, getting ready to ride the wave and rattle the rafters… he held up his hand, and put his fingers down one by one, his giggling nearly putting him off his sneeze again as he counted down to the sneeze: five fingers, four, three, two... and just as he had one finger left up, he gave another of those great airy voiceless pulls with his flared nostrils and slack mouth and…
This one was less a heavy metal growl and more a pure scream, perhaps inspired by his mother’s mention of murder, as it bent higher pitched towards the end, and Marta couldn’t help but think she wouldn’t have imagined such a large man could reach such a high pitch.
Once again Ransom pitched forward, staying bent over, hands over his face this time as he pushed out the sneeze, dragging it out beyond all necessity, but clearly enjoying it. He popped up again, “whew! Think I got the itch out that time!” He said, beaming like a child pleased to have gotten away with something naughty, before he screwed his face up again, “W-well, I think I got it…”
“Ransom, stop it, I know you’re just putting it on this time, I can tell.” Linda said, although this time she was chuckling a bit. Harlan was outright laughing, although he rolled his eyes as he said “you’ve outdone yourself.”
Marta had prepared adequately for this one, fingers plugging her ears, but she was still rather distracted by the whole affair. She’d never seen anyone sneeze quite so dramatically. Still, he seemed to have some measure of control over the whole affair; standing behind him, she couldn’t help but notice the sheen of his hands, practically glistening with the moisture from the sneeze, before he wiped them roughly on his pants. Clearly this sneeze had been much… juicier, she thought with an alarmed frown. Ransom must have anticipated that, ergo the hands tented around his nose as he’d howled out that last sneeze. 
“You done yelling at us, buddy?” Richard asked, clearly irritated. His son had managed to take up even more space than he did, after all. Practically took up all the space in the house; certainly there wasn’t a room in the house (or on the grounds altogether, practically) that Ransom’s sneezes couldn’t be heard. 
“Yeah Dad, sorry.” Ransom said, his childish grin replaced with a more adolescent smirk, his eyes cutting over towards the couch where his father sat. “Just had a tickle in my nose.” His voice grew brighter, though no less mocking, as he looked over at Marta, who once again could have been a drink cart, a grandfather clock, a camera for all it mattered. He tilted his head at her, and adopted what might have been a boyish pout (if his face weren’t so smug) to say:
 “Allergies, you know. I can’t help it.”
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Hey back at it again for day two of @nutsandvoltsweek! I really got super inspired by reading other people's posts so i made another story! This is for the Role reversal prompt so i hope y'all enjoy!
I decided to keep Tyrian a faunus, it just feels more natural and my headcanon for Watts being a faunus is a spider.
(Apologies in advance if they seem a little too out of character)
An odd obsession
    Faunus were particularly interesting beings. More beastly than humans yet more intelligent than any other animal. And they were absolutely fascinating to Doctor Tyrian Callows. Now this doctor was not what you would call a good man, he was far from it actually, and he was positively insane. Tyrian himself was a faunus, a rare breed of scorpion, and he loved being himself. If he could poke and prod at every organ in his body he would, just so he can figure out how it works. Tyrian was a psychoanalyst, he took in information and translated it into mannerisms, ideas, documents, and any other way he could to understand it. He was brilliant and dangerous. Perhaps that's why he was kicked out of Atlas, perhaps his intelligence scared his colleagues and that's why his inventions were deemed unnecessary. But that was a world away from him now. Instead he preferred to spend his time studying his favorite creatures. And with his newest employer he was finally, truely, able to. Salem would allow him to experiment on any faunus he so desired. And currently he was waiting for his newest test subject. A lowly bat who had flown too close to important information. Salem wanted him disposed of, and Tyrian wanted to experiment on him. So she sent out her hunter, a brave, cunning man named Arthur Watts. He was as dangerous as Tyrian, just in a different way. Watts was observant, stealthy, and agile. That's what made him such a profound hunter, he could seem like a perfectly sane person and then abruptly snap and stab you in the back. Watts had been sent to hunt down the bat faunus and was due to return within the hour. Tyrian was practically vibrating in anticipation, Watts was his favorite associate under Salem. He was so mysterious and intriguing and absolutely stole the air from his lungs. Yes indeed, the scorpion had fallen head over heels for Watts. It really didn't help his obsession with Watts also being a faunus. He was even rarer than himself, most venomous faunai were. Nonetheless Tyrians obsession with his species, and watts for that matter, consumed most of his time. He sat quietly in his own laboratory, decorated in messy papers, skeletons, charts, books, and whatever else he had dragged in there since Salem made him clean it last. Watching the time tick by as he waited. Just before he grew too impatient the door to his lab slammed open, and in walked the alluring Watts. Behind him was the wrapped up, unconscious body of his prey. Tyrian cackled as he watched watts lift the body onto an examination table.
"My my! What an excellent job, Wattsy!" He clapped his hands in joy.
"Our goddess would have nothing less of me." He retorted plainly. Ah there it was, the praise for someone other than Tyrian. His smile faltered, but he composed himself again. He hated that Salem had won Watts' heart without even trying. All she did was break him out of a prison transfer truck! Tyrian had been tirelessly working for ages to even have Watts acknowledge his feelings. He made them so blunt and obvious but all the man ever cared about was Salem.
"Mm yes she wouldn't." He tried his best not to hiss out the response.
"Your tense." Watts observed.
"What could have given that away?" Sarcasm was his go to defense.
"You're still not angry at me for rejecting your advances, are you? We are not compatible as partners. Besides, your a littleold for me." Tyrian sighed.
"Only by a few years dear Arthur. And we are compatible, I've compared our personalities and lifestyles. We would make a rather good match." He smirked. If there was one thing that Watts could never argue against, it was logic. Cold hard facts and logic.
"You did what?" Apparently he had caught Watts off guard.
"Just simply compared ourselves. I have quite a bit of freetime in the evenings, although I would be ever so glad if you decided to fill that time." Watts turned away from him.
"I'm afraid I have actual work to do, besides tinkering with pointless machines." He spat. Tyrian recoiled slightly.
"Now don't be that way watts! I make good company!"
"If i spent time in your company i would more than likely end up on that dissection table. Speaking of which, he's going to wake up soon." And with that reminder Watts walked out of the lab, leaving Tyrian disheartened and alone, well mostly alone.
"I guess I have you to fill my time with then." He sighed and turned back to his patient. He was still quite excited to work with the Faunus so he set to do whatever he so pleased with the man.
It was hours after he had finished and thoroughly disposed of the bat Faunus when Watts made his appearance again. Or more so, Hazel did by bursting through his door muttering apologies. When Tyrian tried to ask why Hazel was apologizing, he realized that something was wrong. Hazel stretched out his hand, revealing a crumpled part of the arm Tyrian had replaced long ago. Before the doctor could even speak Watts came in himself, the rest of his right arm still attracted to him.
"It was an accident." He offered.
"Accident? How did you even manage to tear it in half!? It's Made of pure dust infused steel! What the hell happened?" Tyrian demanded, saddened that his precious creation had been so carelessly destroyed.
"I got carried away when we were training and didn't realize i broke his arm-"
"And i couldn't feel it because it's a prosthetic-"
"And then I tore it off." Hazel finished, looking down.
"You need to stop being so careless Hazel! Take some of Cinders advice and learn to control your anger. At least she has the decency to only lash out when she needs to." Tyrian grumbled. "Now I have to rebuild the entire thing! What a mess…" he sighed and pointed to the newly cleaned table. "Sit now. And Hazel go report to Salem. She'll need ro know of this setback." Hazel nodded and sulked out of the room.
"It really wasn't intentional." Watts spoke once Tyrian had turned to him again.
"I know but that was my favorite prosthetic! Even Emeralds legs don't compare. Alas there is some good news to this." His smirk returned.
"And what would that be?" Watts asked accusingly.
"Why that you need to spend more time with me of course! Ill need to make some new measurements and maybe add on a few new upgrades if you'll let me." He paced around the room excitedly.
"Well that depends on what you have in mind."
"How about, instead of just shooting your typical webs, i use electric dust and enhance them? So then you fire electrified webbing!" Watts looked at the scorpion, raising a brow.
"How… How long have you been planning that?" He asked skeptically.
"Since I made the prosthetic the first time! Oh now I'm all run up with ideas!" He cackled insanely.
"Why were you thinking about it for so long?" He continued to pester the doctor with questions.
"Why because i think of you so often! How to better help you in the field, if your adjusting enough to new equipment, how to truely win your heart, i mean truly Arthur if you only knew the things you do to me!" Watts was taken aback and his face protrayed his surprise.
"You think about how to court me? Like romantically?" Tyrian nodded.
"Well duh, why else would i have been hitting on you for so long?" he shrugged his shoulders carelessly.
"It wasn't to just have sex with me?" Now it was Tyrians turn to be shocked.
"Oh heavens no! I'm a romantic! I would rather poison myself then leave someone out in the air like that!"
"That's not what Hazel said…"
"Hazel told you I would do that? Really? How childish can that man really be? Arthur i would never do that to you, or anyone of interest for that matter. It's Common courtesy." There was a long pause.
"Then lets go on a date." Watts smiled at last, it was the first genuine smile Tyrian had ever seen of the murderers face.
"Wh- what?" He stuttered out flabbergasted.
"Well up until now I thought you just wanted to use me. That's why I never accepted your advances. When I first got here I had asked Hazel advice on how to ask you out, and well that clearly wasn't the way to go…" watts trailed off embarrassingly, he hated to admit his own faults in judgment, especially since he knew Hazel was a jealous and emotional individual.
"Well then I would be honored! When would you like to go?" Tyrians tail swished in excitement and he practically was jumping in happiness.
"How about after I get a new arm?" Watts said, pointing at the missing limb.
"Oh yes apologies! Lets get it done quickly then! I plan to hold you to that date."
Again, sorry for any mistakes, this was a little rushed lol.
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charminglatina · 4 years
Birthday Profiles Of Riverdale Actors Based On The Secret Language Of Birthdays Concept! (Part II)
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What Is The Secret Language Concept?
The Secret Language scientific personality reports have proven to be over 90% accurate after 21 years in use by millions of people in a dozen languages worldwide. Our data comes from Gary Goldschneider’s 40-year empirical study of the life stories of more than 20,000 people, analyzed by date of birth. Gary looked at 50 people born on your birthday and found the personality traits held in common by 45 of them. Then he created personality profiles from those traits for each day, week, month, season and year and I further combined those profile names into the ultimate distillation of your personality - your Secret Language Name. Combining astrology, numerology, and pure psychic intuition, The Secret Language of Birthdays is a wholly unique compilation that reveals one’s strengths, weaknesses, and major issues while providing practical advice and spiritual guidance. Many have suspected that your birthday affects your personality and how you relate to others. Nineteen years and over one million copies later, The Secret Language of Birthdays continues to fascinate readers by describing the characteristics associated with being born on a particular day. The 366 personality profiles are based on astrology, numerology, the tarot, and Gary Goldschneider’s observations of more than 14,000 people. Your strengths, weaknesses, and major concerns will be illuminated while you are given practical advice and spiritual guidance. After you study your profile, it will be hard to resist examining those of family, friends, colleagues, and even celebrities.
The Personality Periods
The forty-eight personality periods, made up of twelve cusps and thirty six weeks, are units between six and nine days in length. Personology predicts the personality characteristics of anyone born within these dates. In other words, those born in the same period will share certain predictable character traits. While this may not completely represent ever individual, it is sufficient to provide an understanding of his or her basic energies. Extrapolating from the personology periods, it is possible to predict the nature of the relationship between any two people. Thus, The Secret Language Of Relationships combines each period of the year with itself and every other period to predict the nature of the resulting relationship. For example, a person born on March 31 falls into the Aries I period. This is the Week of the Child which symbolizes the freshness and openness of early childhood and of the spring season (lasting from March 25 to April 1). People born during this time are characterized by a childlike, enthusiastic orientation. This in contrast to a person born on November 10, who would be a Scorpio II (encompassing November 3 to 11). Born in the fall, which is symbolically likened to middle age, this week takes Depth as its central symbol. Thus, it becomes possible to consider the theoretical implications of an Aries I-Scorpio II relationship.
The Fourty-Eight Periods & Cusps
1. Pisces-Aries Cusp (Mar 19-Mar 24) – The Cusp Of Rebirth
2. Aries I (Mar 25-Apr 02) – The Week Of The Child
3. Aries II (Apr 03-Apr 10) – The Week Of The Star
4. Aries III (Apr 11-Apr 18) – The Week Of The Pioneer
5. Aries-Taurus Cusp (Apr 19-Apr 24) – The Cusp Of Power
6. Taurus I (Apr 25-May 02) – The Week Of Manifestation
7. Taurus II (May 03-May 10) – The Week Of The Teacher
8. Taurus III (May 11-May 18) – The Week Of The Natural
9. Taurus-Gemini Cusp (May 19-May 24) – The Cusp Of Energy
10. Gemini I (May 25-Jun 01) – The Week Of Freedom
11. Gemini II (Jun 02-Jun 10) – The Week Of New Language
12. Gemini III (Jun 11-Jun 18) – The Week Of The Seeker
13. Gemini-Cancer Cusp (Jun 19-Jun 24) – The Cusp Of Magic
14. Cancer I (Jun 25-Jul 02) – The Week Of The Empath
15. Cancer II (Jul 03-Jul 10) – The Week Of The Unconventional
16. Cancer III (Jul 11-Jul 18) – The Week Of The Persuader
17. Cancer-Leo Cusp (Jul 19-Jul 25) – The Cusp Of Oscillation
18. Leo I (Jul 26-Aug 02) – The Week Of Authority
19. Leo II (Aug 03-Aug 10) – The Week Of Balanced Strength
20. Leo III (Aug 11-Aug 18) – The Week Of Leadership
21. Leo-Virgo Cusp (Aug 19-Aug 25)  – The Cusp Of Exposure
22. Virgo I (Aug 26-Sept 02) – The Week Of System Builders
23. Virgo II (Sept 03-Sept 10) – The Week Of The Enigma
24. Virgo III (Sept 11-Sept 18) – The Week Of The Literalist
25. Virgo-Libra Cusp (Sept 19-Sept 24) – The Cusp Of Beauty
26. Libra I (Sept 25-Oct 01) – The Week Of The Perfectionist
27. Libra II (Oct 02-Oct 10) – The Week Of Society
28. Libra III (Oct 11-Oct 18) – The Week Of Theater
29. Libra-Scorpio Cusp (Oct 19-Oct 25) – The Cusp Of Drama & Criticism
30. Scorpio I (Oct 26-Nov 02) – The Week Of Intensity
31. Scorpio II (Nov 03–Nov 11) – The Week Of Depth
32. Scorpio III (Nov 12–Nov 18) – The Week Of Charm
33. Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp (Nov 19–Nov 24) – The Cusp Of Revolution
34. Sagittarius I (Nov 25–Dec 02) – The Week Of Independence
35. Sagittarius II (Dec 03–-Dec 10) – The Week Of The Originator
36. Sagittarius III (Dec 11-Dec 18) – The Week Of The Titan
37. Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp (Dec 19-Dec 25) – The Cusp Of Prophecy
38. Capricorn I (Dec 26-Jan 02) – The Week Of The Ruler
39. Capricorn II (Jan 03- Jan 09) – The Week Of Determination
40. Capricorn III (Jan 10-Jan 16) – The Week Of Dominance
41. Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp (Jan 17-Jan 22) – The Cusp Of Mystery & Imagination
42. Aquarius I (Jan 23-Jan 30) – The Week Of Genius
43. Aquarius II (Jan 31-Feb 07) – The Week Of Youth & Ease
44. Aquarius III (Feb 08-Feb 15) – The Week Of Acceptance
45. Aquarius-Pisces Cusp (Feb 16-Feb 22) – The Cusp Of Sensitivity
46. Pisces I (Feb 23-Mar 02) – The Week Of Spirit
47. Pisces II (Mar 03-Mar 10) – The Week Of The Loner
48. Pisces III  (Mar 11-Mar 18) – The Week Of Dancers & Dreamers
Birthday Profiles Featured:
7. Charles Melton (1/04 – Capricorn II ) 8. Ashleigh Murray (1/18 – Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp) 9. Casey Cott (8/8 – Leo II) 10. Marisol Nichols (11/2 – Scorpio I) 11. Skeet Ulrich (1/20 – Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp) 12. Madchen Amick (12/12 – Sagittarius III)
#7. Charles Melton (Birthday: Jan. 4, 1991 – The Day Of The Formulators; Personality Period: Capricorn II – Jan. 3 to Jan. 9 – The Week Of The Determination; Place Of Birth: Juneau, Alaska, United States)
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Those born during the Week of Determination often have the drive and ambition necessary to reach the top of their profession. Whether or not they succeed, no one can fault them for not trying. They are strivers, like the mountain goat who seeks out the highest crags. Once embarked on a course of action, they are extremely difficult to dissuade from their plans. No matter how great or modest their gifts, they make the most of their abilities and stretch their talents to the outer edge of the envelope. Generally pictured as hard-headed, down-to-earth thinkers, they are often interested in theoretical, even metaphysical, religious or spiritual subjects and practices. Nor are their ideas in these areas at all conservative; they may, in fact, be rather radical. No idea is too strange or far out for them to at least consider, and they have an undeniable tendency to let their minds range over the broadest questions of cosmology and human existence. This philosophical bent, however, is usually based on fact and observation, for they have little time for idle or ill-founded speculation. These people often appear tough and aggressive, but most are highly sensitive, perhaps hypersensitive, underneath. They react strongly to criticism, often with denial. Although acutely aware of the disapproval of others, however, they usually have the strength to continue along their path if they believe in their heart that they are right. Of course, there are also immoral folks who get away with as much as they can whether they can justify it or not, for they know something about power and how to wield it. They may be vulnerable to using slightly underhanded or unscrupulous methods. Even the more idealistic, who put their energies into serving a cause or organization, may wind up making questionable judgment calls. Classically, they often believe the end justifies the means. They usually despise weakness in almost any form, and will not hesitate to use the deficiencies of those around them to their advantage. Such a person can only view personal failure as the ultimate humiliation. To say that these folks are unprepared for failure is an understatement: for many, in fact, admitting failure is not really a possibility. In their philosophy, defeat is only a temporary setback, and the very weapons that destroyed their project must be used to rebuild it. Letting go of or giving up on something can be extremely difficult in these circumstances. It may be years, then, before they can free themselves of the baggage of the past they carry on their able shoulders. On the other hand, they are capable of taking big chances at crucial points in their lives, in this way appearing as those prototypes of success who dare to fail. In a strange way, these people are masters of both reality and illusion, for many are so persuasive that they can convince others that an illusion is in fact reality. If they come to believe in their own illusions, however, they may become ineffectual in that they lose their credibility with those around them. Thus a single good friend who refuses to be conned and has the courage to report what he or she has seen, honestly and objectively, may be the most valuable resource they can have. In their personal lives, they are happiest when they have a partner with whom to share the joys and sorrows of everyday life. They can live alone but most often choose not to do so. They may well insist, however, that their work is an inviolable area that they have no duty to share with their mate, who may get the idea that he or she occupies only second place in their heart—that work comes first with these individuals. Consequently, they should avoid involvements with dependent types who need attention and are unable to keep their nose out of their mate’s business. It is not at all uncommon for these people to marry a spouse whose work has little, if anything, in common with what they do themselves. On the other hand, their friends are often colleagues, or at least work on similar pursuits. Extremely close relationships may develop with such individuals, and mates must accept this or face unhappiness, jealousy or feelings of rejection. Many come to lead three quite separate and mutually exclusive lives: their work life, their social life and their intimate personal life. They may have no interest in integrating these areas, and, indeed, it is often unnecessary for them to do so. Extremely resourceful, they are good at making the best of a bad situation. This and their loyalty enable them to hang in there for years trying to make a difficult or even somewhat undesirable relationships work out. What motivates them is less sympathy with or understanding of their partner than a refusal to admit failure. They can be extremely devoted not so much to a person as to the relationship itself, and to a belief in the concept of marriage or living together. As realistic as they are, those born during the Week of Determination are often seen as idealistic and even at times naive. Naiveté, in fact, can be considered their Achilles’ heel, but also may be a reason for others to love or feel fondness or sympathy for them. Being vulnerable and admitting to weakness is essential to sharing love, and many handicap themselves by maintaining a strong facade.
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Those born on January 4 have a natural talent for solving all sorts of problems. Most often this gift is of a technical nature. Those born on this day specialize in examining a situation and summing up what is wrong with it in a terse, concise style. By being able to formulate what others find it difficult to conceptualize they put themselves in great demand. January 4 people often have a practical knack for accomplishing tasks with a minimum of effort. But they also have imaginative ideas which can be far-reaching as well. Their imagination is rarely of a highly fanciful variety, however, and generally has a solid basis in everyday reality. January 4 people may thus be of the fortunate few who dream up schemes that actually work. More highly evolved January 4 people follow through on their ideas, developing a sequential process, from observation to formulation to implementation, and once this approach is mastered by them it can be applied over and over again in the future. January 4 people are natural collectors of all sorts of things, not only physical objects but facts and detailed information as well. They like to surround themselves with books, tools, materials and other useful paraphernalia, so that they can have it within hand’s reach when needed. Those born on this day are very direct, and do not specialize in idle speculation. Conversation is something they enjoy in a social sense, but it must have some meaning or purpose if it is to hold their interest for very long. Generally January 4 people are highly organized. They can drive others crazy with their insistence on order, whether it be a demand for mental clarity or orderly arrangement of their physical surroundings. It seems that to understand almost anything, including human emotions, they must apprehend them within a certain formal framework. Due to such an orientation they may be at odds with those who prefer to take their cue from emotions or intuition. This is particularly true in regard to love relationships. Similarly, though January 4 people can make excellent parents and providers, they also can arouse resentment from their children because of their dominance and control. They must remember that there is no single correct way to live and that if they let up a bit on their children and mates, they will allow everyone concerned to be freer and more themselves. Because of their own highly characteristic mode of operating, January 4 people are usually recognized as individuals who have their own distinct style. Not only in their thought but also in their dress and manner they are very much their own person. For this reason it may be difficult for them to take orders for very long, and although they can be very good at working with a team or as a valued member of an organization, most born on this day ultimately will want to form their own business or company. As artists, craftspeople or self-employed workers they are motivated enough to be highly productive. Those born on January 4 like everything eclectic. In other words, they like to collect, sort and then select only the best, and they use this quick-witted, creative approach in all aspects of their lives. A list of their friends looks like a media mogul’s address book, and their work résumé—with numerous stints in different lines of work—reflects their curious personality and unlimited powers of imagination. To others this may look like an undisciplined and erratic approach, but there is always method in the madness of those born on this day. By learning all that can be learned from a variety of sources, they eventually emerge triumphant with an encyclopedic knowledge of life that appears to serve them well in almost any situation.Because of their eclectic nature and interest in so many aspects of life, January 4 people tend to be the catalyst that stirs up issues in others and makes them face things that they might rather not face. They are very direct people and any interaction with them has to have meaning and purpose, otherwise they quickly lose interest. Their directness and inability to indulge in chitchat can work against them—as idle conversation is often a means of establishing rapport and common ground with others—but more often than not their ability to sum up a situation and to come straight to the point is welcomed as a breath of fresh air.Although these people do know how to have fun—especially when they are young—they don’t tend to be diverted by the trivial for long. In their thirties and beyond they prefer to exert their considerable energies and talents on a variety of projects to give them fulfillment; these are the years when their potential for professional success comes to the fore. Those born on this day really do need to concentrate their energies on finding a line of work that indulges their need for change but also allows them to be the creative, spontaneous and innovative person they were born to be. With their quick wit and encyclopedic knowledge, January 4 people naturally attract friends and admirers. Their changeable nature can sometimes make it hard for loved ones to keep up or know where they are coming from, and—until they find someone who is equally vibrant and experimental—their relationships can be a bit hit and miss. Their directness can be off-putting but underneath there lies a sensitive and caring person. The need of those born on this day for experimentation means that getting into a healthy lifestyle routine is not always easy to achieve. Over-reliance on caffeine and/or mood-changing drugs to feed their over-active mind is also a danger. It is extremely important for them to understand that a healthy body equals a healthy mind and for their minds to work at an optimum level they need to take care of themselves by eating sensibly, getting enough sleep and taking regular exercise. Meditation will be particularly beneficial. Ginger essential oils are known to clear the head and improve memory, so if they have a load of work or study in front of them, a ginger-scented aromatic candle is a good choice. It is vital for these people to choose a career that gives them plenty of variety, such as those within the media or travel industries. Their love of knowledge and great communication skills suggests that they can also make great motivators and teachers, as well as scientists, lawyers, researchers, writers, statesmen or stateswomen, journalists and inventors. Whatever career they choose, their ability to inform and inspire others has the potential to bring them great success and respect from their colleagues. The life path of people born on this day is to gather knowledge and to put all that knowledge to positive use. They can do this by showing the world ways to reconcile the practical with the idealistic. Through their help and creativity, visions of a better world can be realized. Their destiny is to inform and inspire. People born specifically on the 4th of January can be rather serious natured but at the same time have a great sense of humor. Like the Capricorn Goat symbol that represents your star sign you are a good mix of strong and protective yet kind and caring. The astrological planet designated to this particular day is Uranus and creates conscientious personalities who are usually goal orientated. If you have this birthday you crave success and like to see things through to the end. You will be stressed by and loathe leaving anything unfinished. Individual's with a January the fourth birthday tend to be described as dependable and fun but also sometimes overly demanding emotionally. Your quick witted charm and your need to be loved make you not as distant and guarded as other typical Capricorns. You have a touch more compassion and you present yourself as approachable putting others at ease in your company. Career choice is not particularly important to a person born on the fourth of January although they are usually quite ambitious. You will probably be undecided on what type of work you want to do until you have experienced several different jobs. Your versatility and dependability allow you to turn your hand to most tasks. Individuals with this birth date are believed to have a fortunate influence looking after their finances. While this luck on the financial side will be beneficial in life you should be careful not to be tempted by opportunities to take unnecessary gambles with money. In relationships the person born on the fourth day of January can be somewhat reserved in the early stages. As you do not wish to appear to need a soul mate you often hold back your emotions for quite a while. Once you learn to trust someone you will slowly begin to reveal your true self and let your guard down a little. As a committed partner you are supportive and practical and will want to be best friends above all else. You can be incredibly warm, devoted and sensual towards your other half and they must of course share your belief in being totally faithful. When in a long term personal relationship you are at your happiest and do not enjoy being unattached. Becoming a parent will allow you to further develop the ease of the expression of your inner feelings and evoke your fun loving characteristics. Those born on January 4th generally have good health if they can manage to keep stress levels down. You really love your food and will often have a keen interest in cooking and experimenting with different recipes. Your diet should be healthy enough but you can be a little lax when it comes to getting adequate physical exercise. You are advised to listen more carefully to your instincts and the messages your body tells you. You should avoid getting stressed out as it can have negative effects resulting in migraines or skin irritations as well as bouts of low mood or a bad temper. Your main strengths of character that will help you progress in life are your commonsensical approach to things and your wittiness. These sensible but humorous qualities and your shy but friendly temperament are sure to gain you many loyal friends. On the negative side those born on January 4th are prone to be occasionally too opinionated. You can sometimes be intolerant of certain people or situations and nothing will change your mind. Your stubbornness is your main weakness as it can prevent you forming an accurate judgment of circumstances so you need to tame it to flourish. Being born on the 4th of January means you are easily bored so you like to ideally structure your daily routines with plenty of variety. You do not like mundane things and will often use your imagination to escape, and daydream, when having to cope with monotonous tasks. Your wishes for the future are usually based on ensuring that you are self sufficient financially as you are full of pride and hate relying on others for your income. Your levelheadedness and expert organizational skills give you an abundance of talents useful in business. Staring your own enterprise should be a serious consideration. As you were born on the fourth day of the month your date of birth has a Root number of Four. Your birthday's number reference has the keyword 'Honesty' and highlights your sincere personality and straightforward outlook. The tarot card linked to your birthday is the 4th card in the Major Arcana known as the Emperor. This is a symbol of stability, wisdom and the gift of strong willpower and shows the strength of your determined spirit. The gemstone bringing the most luck for January the fourth birthdays is Topaz. If worn this powerful gem is thought to increase your confidence and luck. Saturn is the celestial body that influences all Capricorns giving them their typical responsible but fun attitude. The actual day, the fourth of January, when you were born is influenced by the planet Uranus. So it is a combination of these two planetary forces that have determined your collection of unique traits and thought processes. Your sincerity and dry wit make you a likeable person who can be relied upon to brighten the moods of others. If you are able to learn to be a bit more flexible in your opinions you can develop a greater understanding of the differences between us. An ending thought for people born on January the 4th is that you should always respect and not disregard things that are obscure. 
#8. Ashleigh Murray (Birthday: Jan. 18, 1988 – The Day Of Childlike Fantasy; Personality Period: Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp – Jan. 17 to Jan. 22 – The Week Of Mystery & Imagination; Place Of Birth: Kansas City, Missouri, United States)
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The vivid and expressive individuals born during the Week of Mystery & Imagination generate excitement wherever they go. Unable to keep out of the action for very long, they make their presence felt almost immediately upon entering a room. Their viewpoints tend to be controversial, and whether conservative or radical, are highly stimulating, often because of the dramatic way they are delivered. Their interest in the poor and downtrodden is more than theoretical: most of them will not hesitate to make direct contributions of time, money or energy to help anyone less fortunate than themselves. At the same time, however, they have little sympathy for those they see as freeloaders or parasites, able to pull their own weight but refusing to do so. There is structure and a feeling of responsibility in the personalities of these people, but their unpredictable energy may tend to break this order apart at any moment. It is not uncommon for them to have wide mood swings; they can appear sensible and reasonable one moment, uncontrolled the next. They can get pretty wild, so it is not surprising that violence can feature in their lives, whether they attract it or enact it. Chaotic, out-of-control energies can produce tremendous unrest in their lives. Their regard for their personal safety is usually not high, a trait they may reinforce with a daredevil nature—a deadly or at least dangerous combination. A disregard for their health in general, and an insistent confidence that their prodigious energies will bail them out, time and time again, can wear them down over the years, or induce chronic physical conditions. Concerned mates and lovers may have a hard time, for example, weaning them away from heavy drinking and smoking. These people have a pronounced dark side. Not ones to keep anger inside for very long, they can explode in fits of temper that will send others scurrying. The image of such a furious person hell-bent on punishment is at tremendous variance with the face they present when enjoying themselves and having fun. More than most, they can be at the mercy of their demons, so that their outbursts of temper are truly spontaneous. Because they are rarely calculating, it is hard to blame them for their tremendous mood swings, which are usually forgiven, though not easily forgotten, by those closest to them. Even the most settled and conventional among them will often have an active dream and fantasy life. They lead a kind of Walter Mitty existence, with few guessing the extent of their interior life or the degree of its inventiveness. Everyday situations can prove the springboard for bizarre mental gyrations, in which they become the central character in an imaginary world. These flights of fancy rarely indicate pathological states–quite to the contrary, they show how important being in touch with one’s fantasy life can be for mental health. These people love to tell and play jokes. Their mates, friends and family must not only understand but appreciate this need if they are to be kept happy. It isn’t always easy, however, to keep up with such persons, who may one moment be dealing seriously with day-to-day problems, the next exploding in riotous laughter. They also have a conventional side that can make them extremely exacting: they generally expect all family members to do their duty and discharge their obligations to the fullest. They can only fully respect people who share daily chores and duties with them fairly. These people often seek hard-working, dependable mates rather than beautiful or intelligent ones. Outside their permanent or primary relationship, however, the impulsive among them may be magnetically attracted to vivacious and exciting individuals, or to quieter but still passionate types. Their sexual powers are usually high, and their interest in sex is pronounced. When they stray, they suffer to an extent from guilt, but this can lend extra spice to their indiscretions. Although they may attach little importance to such flings, their partner may not be so understanding, and deep, long-lasting hurts may be inflicted. In their sexual and other escapades, they exhibit an immature side, like Peter Pan, who refused to grow up. Youthfulness is, in fact, one of the most obvious of their qualities. Those born during the Week of Mystery & Imagination do not necessarily age well; many risk burnout in their tumultuous lifestyles, others deteriorate through neglect or abuse of their bodies. Haste and carelessness may not only wear them down physically but contribute to psychological instability. On the other hand, those lucky enough to have a stable support group, whether in family, friends or, a mate, can have it all, establishing the many facets of their personalities. Those who live alone may, in fact, build up great inner strength through dealing with the most difficult and elusive customer they have ever met—themselves.
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  Those born on January 18 are never far removed from their childlike and playful selves. They may be chided from time to time for being naive, but rarely can they be criticized for being calculating, avaricious or opportunistic. Those born on this day are very much tuned in to what comes naturally. They enjoy having fun, but are not particularly fond of weighty matters. Indeed, they may suffer greatly when demands of the adult world are imposed on them. Consequently, the greatest challenge for January 18 people is to mature into an adult role but preserve their sense of playfulness. January 18 people usually make excellent parents themselves. They have a natural understanding of what pre-adolescent children like. They may, however, have a great deal of trouble with their own parents, particularly during their adolescence and late teens. Departing from childhood is often tragically difficult for January 18 people, and their parents must be extremely sensitive to their transitional needs, particularly in not laying heavy adult pressures on them too soon, or insisting that they abruptly give up childlike habits. Such demands will only foment discord and plant seeds of rebellion. January 18 people like to keep life light but also demand a heavy dose of excitement and adventure to keep them stimulated. When they are unable to find peak experiences in their daily lives, they may retreat to a fantasy world where everything is allowed and everything possible. Since their joys and interests are then internalized, they may unfortunately come to give up more and more on the outer world, in extreme cases withdrawing into their original childhood realm. More highly evolved January 18 people are able to first sublimate and then project their fantasies out on the world, not only summoning up peak experiences but also developing ideas, creating original products or perhaps just manifesting a highly unique outlook and approach to the art of living. Where love is concerned, January 18 people tend to attract more practical, down-to-earth types who perhaps feel gratified by an awakening of their own childlike nature. A successful relationship of this kind inevitably provides a deep sense of security for both January 18 people and their more grounded partner, and is thus very heavily based on mutual trust and sharing. Generally speaking, January 18 people may be happy even when working in mundane jobs, as long as they have free time which is absolutely their own to enjoy as they please. However, for the reasons stated earlier, it is best for them when they can integrate their more fanciful side in a creative or stimulating work environment. Without such stimulation, those born on this day may experience difficulties concentrating, especially when performing tasks of a repetitive nature, and may even be caught flagrantly daydreaming. The imaginative and creative powers of people born on January 18 can lead them to extraordinary heights. They have a quick wit that can delight others, and their company and irreverent opinions are always in demand. In fact they often attract other people like a magnet.Optimistic, trusting and childlike in nature, the only things that can bring down these friendly souls are rules, regulations and authority. Although they have boundless energy and drive, and love interacting with people, they don’t tend to thrive in a team or in a mundane job, unless they are one hundred per cent committed. They place an extremely high value on independence of thought and action; this can lead to reckless behavior and a stubborn refusal to conform. This trait is evident in both childhood and adulthood, and all the normal procedures for dealing with their rebellion don’t tend to work; they will simply withdraw even more as a result. They need to find an environment in which their need for freedom is respected, and once they do find that their gratitude, loyalty and devotion to it will be immense. They also need to make sure that they find ways to express their playful and friendly side, and their original sense of humor, as this will help them keep bitterness at bay.People born on this day can become bored quickly, losing their concentration and retreating into a world of fantasy or fits of temper if their needs aren’t being met or becoming restless and impatient if they feel too confined by responsibilities. They need to learn to find ways to deal more appropriately with a situation; this kind of emotional maturity tends to emerge in their early thirties, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Asking them to be more realistic simply isn’t an option—the way forward is for them not to deny their fantasies but to find ways to positively integrate their innovative ideas and extraordinary insights into their lives. By so doing they will be able to make not just their own lives—but those of all they touch—truly magical. Those with this birthday tend to throw themselves deeply into relationships and adore spending all their time with their loved ones. Some partners may find this too suffocating and this can deeply hurt those January 18 people to the extent that they hold back too much in future relationships. They often possess the fear that they will not find a soul mate who also wants to throw themselves into a relationship, but in the majority of cases they are successful. Those born on this day need to be careful that they don’t disappear into a dreamland by experimenting with mood-altering substances. They can keep their energy levels and their mood constant by getting plenty of sleep and engaging in regular exercise. Because they live so much in their heads, they also need to be careful that they don’t forget to eat regular meals and snacks. They need to keep their feet firmly on the ground with plenty of outside hobbies and interests; wearing and meditating on earthy colors such as brown and green will help them feel more grounded. These people have vast creative potential and if a field interests them they are likely to be successful in it. Once they learn how to combine their creativity with practical ability, the fields of advertising or fashion may appeal, as might the world of business, property development and banking. Their idealism may also draw them toward teaching, medicine and charity work; the dramatic side of their nature that enjoys entertaining others may draw them toward the arts, film, media and theater. The life path of people born on this day is to help others see the magic in almost any situation. Their destiny is not just to delight with their flights of fantasy but also to encourage others to take a bold, original and creative perspective on life. People born specifically on the 18th of January are believed to be very strong minded and serious but with a zany sense of humor. Like your zodiac sign of the typical Capricorn Goat you are full of determination and ambition. The astrological planet that rules this particular day is Mars creating personalities that know what they want and just go for it. If you have this birthday you have a good head for business and are excellent at noticing money generating opportunities. Although you are enthusiastically enterprising you are not driven by materialistic things. Individuals with a January the eighteenth birthday usually find it easy and natural to take charge but they are seldom bossy. You prefer to utilize your firmness and motivation to fight just causes as you get great satisfaction from helping others. On the outside you may appear a little distant emotionally but underneath you are a genuine warm and caring person. Success is not all about money to a person born on the eighteenth of January even though they are exceptionally career orientated. You have a lot of faith in your abilities and enough confidence within yourself to achieve most things you set your mind to. You can seem to be egotistical in this area but it will not be for selfish monetary reasons as you are generous natured with your finances. Despite the fact that you love luxuries you can live quite happily without them if you need to. This unfrivolous attitude allows you to be someone who almost always has something put away for unexpected expenses. Typical of a Capricorn the person born on the eighteenth day of January is cautious and cool concerning affairs of the heart. You will usually keep your true feelings locked up until you are absolutely sure that they will be reciprocated. This standoffish approach to romance sometimes means that it could take a while for you to meet the right person. Then you may be ready to reveal your surprisingly warm sensitivity and underlying passion. You are attracted to people that share your hardworking but fun adventurous nature that can appeal to your emotional side. In soul mate relationships you can be rather romantic and generally make a considerate and devoted partner. You are home loving and enjoy spending time making it comfortable as this is where you are at your most relaxed. You like nothing more than a quiet night in with the company of your partner. Food is especially important and enjoyable to those born on January 18th and so you find it difficult to control your appetite. As you try to ideally project an image of healthiness you will probably learn moderation in your diet. Aside from watching your waistline you sometimes have a cavalier outlook towards the rest of your health. This can have an effect on your energy levels making them up and down with the possibility of causing low bad moods and irritability. You are advised to take more interest in giving your body everything that it needs to function properly and aim for plenty of sleep. Your main strengths of character are more often than not in your pioneering helpfulness to others and your sensible but witty demeanor. These qualities gain you many friends and help you quickly get where you want to be in life. Weaknesses you are likely to notice in your personality are that you can occasionally be a bit naive socially and uncharacteristically immature in certain circumstances. These negative tendencies accompany your proneness to being easily distracted but they all seem to diminish as you get older and acquire more social awareness and learn to not get so freely sidetracked. One of the cosmic consequences of being born on the 18th of January means that you are constantly setting goals. Once you have achieved one of your aims you will speedily set yourself another as striving towards things helps you keep feeling optimistic. Some of your dreams for the future are made possible by you being in the right places at the best times so you should always trust any gut instincts. You dream of a simple peaceful life where you are happy and contented with the people and things you love surrounding you. You wish for just enough personal wealth to cover the necessities. As you were born on the eighteenth day of the calendar month your date of birth contains the digits 1 and 8 equating to a Root number of 9. This birthday number reference with the keyword 'Seeker' is an indication of your uncanny opportunistic luck in finding and seizing favorable probabilities. The Tarot card linked to your birthday is the 18th card in the Major Arcana representing the Moon. This could be an esoteric symbol of your heightened empathy and warmth to others. For January the eighteenth birthdays the luckiest gemstone is Bloodstone known to attract affluence and boost concentration. The astrological influence of the planet Saturn is thought to be mainly responsible for deciding the basic personalities of Capricorns. The actual day you were born on, the eighteenth of January is ruled over by the celestial body Mars as it combines with Saturn adding a few extras to your determined characteristics. Your added confidence and nonmaterialistic stance let you progress throughout life with pride and a sense of real purpose. You may need to brush up on your too trusting social skills or you will discover your kindness and good will could be taken advantage of. Finally a thought particularly for people born on January the eighteenth is to make one of your goals to try and look after yourself as well as you do others. 
#9. Casey Cott (Birthday: Aug. 8, 1992 – The Day Of The Roleplayers; Personality Period: Leo II – Aug. 3 to Aug. 10 – The Week Of Balanced Strength; Place Of Birth: New Jersey, United States)
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Leo II’s are solid and tough and do not back down from challenges; in fact, they thrive on them, and are often at their best when facing problems and difficulties. Although drawn toward experiences that hold an element of danger, they are usually not foolhardy enough to attempt the impossible. Realists, they are well aware of their limitations, which they may stretch to the limit if necessary but will rarely try to overleap. Fixed attitudes characterize them, so it will take a great deal of patience and persistence to get them to change their mind. Leo II’s pride themselves on their ability to spot phoniness and nonsense, and are particularly critical of metaphysical ideas not strongly grounded in the here and now. Leo II’s generally exercise tremendous powers of concentration, but through their fixation on their object they may lose the peripheral vision necessary for keeping in touch with their surroundings. In a related problem, their reliance on logical reasoning can detract from what may well be their best suit—that is, their capacity for strong hunches and their intuitive strengths. These traits may lead them to get out of touch with reality while at the same time remaining convinced of their rightness—a dangerous combination. Gifted with endurance and tenacity, Leo II’s hang in there for the duration. The upside of this character trait is their intense loyalty and devotion; the downside is a streak of masochism—a tendency, for example, to suffer while trying to hold a romance, marriage or business together. They can continue in an unhappy or stressful relationship for years without undue complaint, patiently seeking ways to make it work. Although they would sometimes do better by quitting, they will usually refuse to take the easy way out, and they may have little respect for those who lack their level of commitment. When long-standing relationships that have proven unsatisfactory finally do collapse, perhaps due to a stroke of fate, or to the partner’s unwillingness to continue, Leo II’s have a tendency to sink into depression. Too often they blame themselves. A long period of grieving may be necessary before they are once again able to function well. They can certainly be their own worst enemies. Those born during the Week of Balanced Strength exude power and self-confidence when their prodigious energies meld, but these same energies also get out of control and can threaten to tear them apart. At such times they make a piteous sight. Alcohol or drug binges and borderline or outright criminal activities can all be the evidence of Leo II energies running amok. Keeping balanced is less an ideal for them to attain than an absolute condition for their healthy survival. The children and friends of Leo II’s can be severely jolted if these normally reassuring presences disintegrate. Thus Leo II desire to be a protector of the weak and a friend to the underdog can backfire. Those born in the Week of Balanced Strength do well in highly structured situations of their own making, situations in which they are at the helm. They periodically feel an acute need to withdraw into a private place, however, and sometimes to a strictly isolated one. The problem here is an accompanying tendency to nurse hurts and slights, and in extreme cases to manifest paranoia. Developing an accepting attitude and working to diminish dogmatic and intolerant thought are essential to their mental health.  For the most part, Leo II’s are extraordinarily faithful people. They see themselves as champions of the downtrodden and protectors of the weak. They despise exclusion and condescension and, for this reason, generally side with the common person rather than the privileged. It is not that they do not have an ability to mix well with a variety of social classes; rather, they dislike insincerity or pretension. In their toughness, Leo II’s are able to withstand many disappointments. They usually weather the storm and win out through knowing how to wait, “having the long breath.” They like being independent, but nonetheless tend to build a well-defined life in which they exert maximum power with a minimum of fuss. Those involved with Leo II’s, whether as co-workers, employees, family, mates or friends, know that they must not be pushed or prodded when in a negative frame of mind but, rather, must be left alone to work things out for themselves. Leo II’s also sometimes accused of insensitivity. This is more often a result of their being preoccupied than of a lack of understanding on their part, for many are psychologically astute; yet although they can comprehend another person’s emotional state, they may feel no need to sympathize with it. Leo II’s are not especially empathic with those around them, and are capable of a stony detachment. Many find emotional matters simply too messy to get involved in, a response that is sometimes traceable to unpleasant childhood experience. When the parent, child or lover of a Leo II is of a more feeling type, conflict can result. Being straightforward and unpretentious themselves, those born during the Week of Balanced Strength dislike people who put on airs. Nothing excites their often uncontrollable temper more than insincerity, lying or disingenuousness. Leo II anger and hotheadedness can weaken the psychological balance on which their strength depends. Those closest to these intense individuals know how to use sensual persuasion and a fun-loving outlook to keep their partners happy.
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Those born on August 8 manifest a strong desire to play numerous and varied roles in their lives. This should not be interpreted to mean that they are flighty people who shift gears easily, hopping from one career to another. Each change, each new role is painstakingly studied so that success may be assured. Those born on this day usually have a strong desire for professional recognition and stand a good chance of success unless their career choice has been highly unrealistic or poorly suited to their character. It may well be astonishing to others, and even to August 8 people themselves to realize just how fully they have played a given role, particularly when looking back on life from a later vantage point, or after subsequent changes. But as they are highly realistic and responsible, August 8 people generally only move on to a new role once they feel the previous one has been fully played out or satisfied. Mothers who transform into working women, men who change their company or occupation even when successful, children who seem like two different people depending on which family member they are spending time with are all typical models of the adaptability found on this birthday. Should those born on this day be performers or creative artists they will generally be involved in widely varied styles and modes of expression. Those August 8 people who fail at a particular endeavor most often remain undaunted and just pick up and move on to the next job or backtrack to a career which they may have temporarily neglected. However, most highly developed individuals born on this day do not allow a desire for change and varied interests to dissipate their energies; they are therefore loath to involve themselves in more than one project simultaneously if they feel the nature of their commitment is compromised. In the same way, they make faithful mates, business partners, parents and friends. Usually when August 8 people head in a wrong direction or go off the track, they remain open to helpful advice (which is somewhat notable for such stubbornly determined people); thus their closest friends and love mate are invaluable to them at such times. Ultimately, however, after weighing all reasonable points of view, August 8 people generally make independent and rather fixed decisions. In order to keep themselves happy, those born on this day should introduce all sorts of diversity into their daily life. Their egos must be kept under control, however, and goals realistic. A healthy desire for security will contribute stability to their career and lifestyle. Other people tend to think that success comes easily to people born on August 8 because they appear to be naturally good at everything they do. Their success, however, is the result of their sharp intellect and strong work ethic. It is also a result of their exceptional versatility and ability to learn new skills from scratch. Although they are versatile and will probably play many roles and sample many careers in their lives, they are not flighty by nature. Quite the opposite, in fact; when they are engaged in a particular project their focus is intense and their discipline inspirational. It is just that when they have learned all they feel they can learn or gained the recognition they feel they deserve, they like to move on to the next challenge, even if it is totally unrelated to the one they devoted themselves to previously. This ability to change direction and immerse themselves in different projects both confuses and surprises others, especially when these people change direction when they appear to be at the height of their success or capability. Until the age of forty-four there is an emphasis in their lives on order, problem solving and being more discriminating with their time and energy. It is particularly important during this period that their versatility does not lead them to make career or life choices that are unrealistic or simply unsuitable. After the age of forty-four there is a significant turning point which stimulates their need for balance and harmony, and heightens their awareness of partnerships and relationships in general. During this period in their lives the key to their happiness will be to develop more emotional depth and find ways to stamp their individuality on the world around them. Having said that, they should not try to suppress their characteristic versatility because, once they find a cause that is worthy of them, their affinity with diversity and love of fresh challenges will continue to be the key to their success. The all-round excellence of people born on August 8 may be intimidating to partners and friends alike, so for success in long-term relationships they need to ensure they allow others to see their vulnerable human qualities as well as their super-capable ones. In a relationship they work for harmony but they can become quarrelsome if they feel insecure. Learning to be more patient with others will help smooth over problems. Without realizing it, people born on this day are likely to push themselves very hard and they need to understand that even they need to take a step back and unwind every so often. Sticking to a regular sleep, exercise and meal routine will help them feel more secure, especially when they are going through one of their many life transitions. They are often very physical and sensuous individuals, and sports of all kinds are recommended. Weight problems, especially around the middle, could be a problem later in life but they can handle this by eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, and cutting down on the amount of refined foods they eat and the amount of stress in their lives. Time spent relaxing with friends and loved ones will help keep them on an even keel, and wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with the color yellow will increase their creative confidence. These inquisitive, imaginative and energetic people have an affinity for sporting or artistic careers, but they may also be drawn to theater, the world of media and entertainment, advertising, business, politics, and tourism. Because they are multi-talented, many careers will appeal to them and there are likely to be many changes, but their love of change means they will always be happiest in flexible careers. The life path of people born on this day is to find ways to stamp their individuality on all that they do. Once they are able to make their goals realistic and attainable, their destiny is to challenge convention with their versatility and ability to make even the hardest of challenges appear easy. People born specifically on the 8th of August are presumed to be highly practical, persistent and commonsensical with an abundance of the usual Lion leadership skills. The astrological planet that rules over this particular day is Saturn making you focused, precise with a great imagination and a craving for diversity. If you have this birthday your realistic and responsible approach grants you a strong sense of purpose, lots of self discipline and a preference to take charge. Undaunted by obstacles you are usually creative, adaptable and open to advice despite tending to make independent fixed decisions. Trustworthy and generous you are very ambitious, hard working, full of determination and especially good at dispelling your energies positively. Individuals with an August the seventh birthday are quite reliable but may have a bit of difficulty expressing their feelings and can also be occasionally hypocritical, stubborn and opinionated too. Career routes are often easily chosen to a person born on the eighth of August due to your high levels of ambition and disciplined attitude. Your responsibility, intellect and adaptability guide you to be particularly skilled at motivating others so managerial positions could be popular options. You are determined to succeed in your chosen job and are usually prepared to work hard for the chance of promotion. When it comes to monetary matters it is rare for you to make mistakes or get into serious debt. You are ordinarily excellent at saving and likely to be lucky with financial investments. For a Leo, the person born on the eighth day of August is typically warmhearted with a need for regular affection and approval from a lover. Incredibly close friendship is important to you in a relationship and you tend to prefer a partner who is open and not afraid to disclose their deepest feelings. Naturally romantic, sincere and devoted you have traditional views on love and romance and will usually be a strong believer in marriage. Considerate and dependable in general you are still proud like most Leo's but your ego is often much more fragile than the majority of your zodiac counterparts. You require a soul mate on the same page intellectually who can cope with your occasional bossy or demanding behavior. A perfect partner must also share your red hot passion and lusty sex drive and be sexy, imaginative and adventurous between the sheets. Healthiness experienced by those born on August 8th is usually maintained by your sensible approach to looking after body and mind. This common sense attitude directs you to ensure that your diet is normally adequate and nutritious but you may be a little lazy concerning the right amount of exercise. If you let this shortfall in your efforts to stay healthy continue it could have an adverse effect on your health. People born on this day should ideally include some form of exercise within their daily routine in order to maintain shape and suppleness as well as expelling excess stress. Your main strengths of character are observable in your versatile, multi-talented and rational manner and courses of action. These fortes of purposeful practicality, preciseness and your enterprising creativity give you everything you need to do anything you really wish to do in life. A keenness to save and try to channel your energy in positive ways are additional favorable traits. The personality weaknesses for those born on August 8th stem from your negative tendency to every now and then be a bit of a hypocrite. A temporary obstinate stance and intransigent views are common weak characteristics. Being born on the 8th of August gives you a proneness to want to lead others and this helps with giving you the motivation to be successful in life. You appear to tackle any goals you set yourself in step by step methods. Your expert planning and skill at overcoming setbacks makes it unlikely to consider shortcuts or the option of easier challenges. Dreams are often full of fantasy and vision as a result of your love of variety and mystery beside your heightened ability to imagine creatively. Any special wishes you have will probably feature in some of the scenes and themes of your dreaming. As you were born on the eighth day of the month your birth date favors you with a Root number of Eight. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Leader' indicating your likelihood to not follow others by express your independence instead. In Tarot the 8th card in the Major Arcana deck illustrating Courage is associated with your birthday. This highlights the strength of your spirit, precision and persistence. The luckiest precious gem for August the eighth birthdays is believed to be a Black Pearl, wearing one should attract good fortune and assist you to repel negativity. The principal influence astrologically on the probabilities of Leo personalities is imagined to be our Sun. The actual day you were born on, the eighth of August, is governed by the celestial body Saturn's authority. Therefore the influences of these 2 planets help determine your probable basic temperament qualities. Your admirable conscientious efficiency and responsible realism help you keep your feet firmly on the ground and concentrate your intentions on worthwhile endeavors. Your purposeful honesty, dependability and generosity make you an overall pleasant, reliable and kind person to know. You should consider remembering to think before you speak if you hope to avoid being overly hypocritical or uncompromising. A final advisory thought for people born on August the 8th is to aim to remain adaptable and flexible for the opportunity to increase your wisdom and understanding letting you follow the most fortunate directions. 
#10. Marisol Nichols (Birthday: Nov. 2, 1973 – The Day Of Transformation; Personality Period: Scorpio I – Oct. 26 to Nov. 2 – The Week Of Intensity; Place Of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, United States)
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Those born during the Week of Intensity are demanding personalities, who have few equals in attention to detail and applying their powers of concentration to the task at hand. They are extremely discriminating, possibly to the point of being judgmental. Particularly in matters of fairness and ethics, they are likely to evaluate people more for their motives than for their actions and sternly pass sentence on those they see as transgressing the bounds of morality. They can be equally strict themselves, however, and are highly prone to guilt over wayward thoughts and deeds. Thus their conscience is always powerfully at work. Getting the job done is important to them, but the way in which it is done has top priority. Even the mildest have more than a touch of the performer to them. Their virtuoso energies are often the outward manifestation of a needy side—a craving for approval and affection from their families and friends More than most, these individuals have a charged, polarized personality with two sides—one sunny, one dark. Their sunny side gives them a radiance and a seductive charm that can melt the hardest hearts; their dark side is destructive, and when out of control can inflict serious damage, not only on those around them but on themselves as well. It is this intensity that makes them unlikely to back down from confrontation, so that they often hang in until the bitter end. When they are troubled, their lack of confidence comes to the fore, and may manifest, for example, in a conviction that they cannot get anything right, or that those they care for dislike them. Accusing others of having negative emotions (such as anger, jealousy, or feelings of rejection) that they in fact are feeling and projecting themselves is too often the mechanism they use to ease their pain. They pride themselves on being aware of what they do, and on accepting responsibility for their actions. As a consequence, when another person commits an act against them they most often assume that it was done knowingly or willfully. This refusal to believe that the other person acted innocently or without premeditation can precipitate conflict. Further, they usually refuse to accept excuses for, say, lateness, or for missing an appointment altogether through forgetfulness. They too often view the claim of a memory lapse as a disguise for an intended hurt. Nor do they equally accept all the apologies other people make for their actions: they are more willing to forgive a false move than an impure motive. It may be difficult for them to forgive, but it is almost impossible for them to forget slights, condescension and anything they see as an insult to their intelligence. They are thin-skinned when it comes to criticism, so those close to them will have to tread lightly to avoid arguments. Such conflicts can ultimately have a destructive influence on a relationship, and may lead to a breakup; but they can also have the positive effect of clearing the air, promoting honesty and in general bringing partners to work on improving relations. Excepting in certain moral areas, which remain closed, they most often prefer discussion to combat, but must beware of argument for argument’s sake. If attacked directly, however, either verbally or physically, they will fight it out. Still, the main thrust of their judgments is not destructive per se—quite the contrary. They tend to feel that they wouldn’t even be bothering with someone unless they cared enough about them to help improve their lot. They believe in the positive value of criticism and doubt that a bad situation will get better by itself. Yet their lovers and friends may grow tired of their often painfully sharp analyses, no matter how perceptive these judgments may eventually prove to be. A “blame, blame, guilt and shame” mantra may, unfortunately, be the only message that either party remembers hearing.��Because they value quality far above quantity, they are suspicious of those who are overly versatile, or who make elaborate claims for the merit of all of the different parts of their work equally. They think it better to do one thing really well than to do many things acceptably well. Their friends may be few, their contacts with their parents may be carefully planned and controlled, their relations with co-workers or business partners may be highly selective. Those picked as the friend or mate of such discerning, often knowledgeable individuals often feel honored. To have the undivided attention of someone born during the Week of Intensity who is attractive, interesting and single-minded can be very gratifying, particularly to egos in need of bolstering. Lovers will attest to the highs of intimate relations with those born during the Week of Intensity, and friends know the warmth and good feelings that they engender. Of particular note is their sense of humor—they can keep those around them rolling around on the floor. They are often excellent mimics, imitating accents, gestures and movements equally well. They are also terrible teasers, one moment mock serious, then exploding in derisive laughter. Once they have found your weak spot or funny bone, they will not give up in their tickling, even when your amusement ends.
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Those born on November 2 are usually busy with some kind of transformation. The changes which they effect are both in themselves and in the environment around them. They are characters on life’s stage who change the action of the drama just by their presence, for better or for worse. More highly developed November 2 people are very much aware of how they impact on their surroundings, but less highly developed people born on this day are often at the mercy of impersonal forces which seem to be acting through them, using them as unconscious instruments, often with alarming results. November 2 people must thus develop a greater awareness of their transformative powers, and guide them in a moral direction. Their responsibility toward their family and friends is great in this respect. For example, sensitive individuals can be powerfully affected by the opinions, actions and even unspoken wishes of November 2 people. Also those born on this day sometimes wish to change those situations they see as needing improvement but may in fact be meddling in areas where they are not at all appreciated. Their capacity to exercise restraint regarding their influence is an indication of their spiritual development, as is their ability to wisely wait and patiently guide from afar the best interests of their mate or children. The transformations wrought by November 2 people can go very far indeed; the structure, direction and purpose of business organizations or social and religious entities can come under their sway. However, should they fail in the ultimate challenge of transforming themselves, personally, it may all be for nought. November 2 people generally arrive at a crossroads, often around age twenty-eight (first Saturn return), forty-four (Uranus, Saturn opposition) or fifty-six (second Saturn return) when they must drastically redirect the course of their lives. Should they be able to effect an internal change, becoming aware of their needs and ever more determined to realize them, then the chances of them succeeding on their path are great indeed. If they are not able to accomplish the necessary changes inside them, then they will begin to stagnate, eventually growing frustrated, angry and depressed. November 2 people are often taken up with matters concerning money, sex and power. They must be careful not to let such interests gain control of their essential personality. Rather they should keep things light as much as possible and maintain a sense of play and fun in their lives. If they assert their powers in the service of tangible, human concerns, they can make a great contribution to life around them. Like a serpent that sheds its skin, people born on November 2 often appear to be in the process of change, rebirth or renewal. Nothing gets them more excited in life than a new start. But it isn’t only their own lives that are constantly changing and evolving; they can also play an integral part in changing the lives of others in some way or in altering the course of events. For example, they may play a significant role in changing the structure of a business or they may encourage others to change the direction of their lives in some way, perhaps by leaving a relationship or by expanding their horizons with travel. As self-awareness doesn’t tend to be strong in these people, many of them will not realize just how influential they can be. It is important therefore for them to guard against advising change for the sake of change.Ironically, despite their love of change and regeneration, the one area of life they may be surprisingly resistant to change is themselves. Many of them simply aren’t aware of their real needs and, instead of focusing on their inner life, they will direct their energy outwards with constant fresh starts or changes of direction. It’s only when they can learn to listen to the quiet still voice within them that they will begin to realize that too much change is counterproductive. After the age of twenty, they enter a thirty-year period when there is an emphasis on expansion and adventure in their lives. This may come through study, education or travel. After the age of fifty there is a turning point which highlights the need for greater order, structure and realism in achieving their goals. Whatever their age or stage in life it will be an exciting one, but for the lasting success and outstanding creative potential associated with this birthday to be unlocked they need to understand that, although regeneration is a necessary process for psychological growth, it is not a goal in itself. People born on November 2 are imaginative, clever and rarely short of admirers but their taste for new experiences may lead them into short-lived relationships rather than lasting, meaningful ones. For a while this can be exciting and fun, but over the years a part of them will begin to long for something more enduring. When that longing emerges they will attract the right person into their lives. People born on this day don’t tend to have addictive personalities but alcohol and smoking could become a health problem, so it would be wise for them to limit or cut down on these. Nose, ear and throat problems, as well as problems with the digestive and reproductive organs, could also give problems so it is important for them to take special care of their health, with plenty of healthy, nutritious high-fiber food and plenty of exercise, preferably in the fresh air so they get all the mood-boosting effects of sunshine. Because they have an active and inquisitive mind, they are strongly advised to keep agile and not rely on work as a way of doing this; all forms of study, reading and intellectual challenge are therefore recommended, as is learning a new language. Meditation techniques will help them search within rather than without for answers, as will counseling and therapy, and wearing the color purple will encourage them to look beyond the material and focus on higher things. These people need careers that offer them constant variety and they are well suited to careers in tourism, aviation, finance, sales, law, public relations, psychology, education, charity work, and the media. Alternatively, they may express their creativity in music, drama or photography, and careers involving sport and leisure can be good outlets for their energy and ambition. The life path of people born on this day is to learn that the most important changes in their life are those that take place within. Once they are more in touch with their feelings and motivations, their destiny is to make a positive contribution to the welfare of others. People born specifically on the 2nd of November are predicted to be highly curious, sociable and charming with lots of the typical Scorpio determination and honesty. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is our Moon intensifying your warm courteous mannerisms and gracing you with a likeable diplomatic temperament. If you have this birthday you will be especially good at conveying your messages and wishes via subtle non-vocal communication. Emotionally you tend to be a bit detached and secretive with a strong dislike of being bossed around but you are also intensely thoughtful too. Sharply intuitive and analytical you are inclined to act on instinct and usually believe in following your destiny with a responsible and patient outlook. Individuals with a November the second birthday seem to reveal little about themselves yet be very insightful concerning others. Your plentiful stamina may manifest as stubbornness once in a while and your avid desire to improve things can occasionally be perceived as interfering. Teaching or work in a creative industry are often popular career choices to a person born on the second of November. You will usually feel strongly that you need to do a satisfying job that challenges your intellect and stimulates your sense of responsibility. Your patience and diplomacy are helpful attributes in any workplace. Rate of pay is likely to be less important when considering a suitable occupation as you are unlikely to be particularly finance focused or materialistic. You appear to prefer living simply and quite frugally and this approach helps you conceal your real generosity to all but those who know you really well. For a Scorpio, the person born on the second day of November is typically extremely loyal and will insist on the same loyalty in a close love relationship. You are usually uninterested in a short term or shallow romance. When you meet your soul mate you will see a serious commitment to them as a big part of your fate. You appear to be profoundly loving with a preference to control but this will be in a genuine very devoted way however occasional jealousy and possessiveness are common. Demonstrative affection, trust and security all make you feel loved and contented in a special long term partnership. Your skillful reading of body language and sensual emotional responses guide you to be a considerate partner and lover. You are inclined to possess an above average sex drive and a great imagination directs you to commonly enjoy watching and discussing some of your wildest sexual fantasies. A non conformist attitude can sometimes unsettle the usual healthy state experienced by those born on November 2nd. It is rare for you to follow recommended health advice as you tend to favor adopting your own healthiness routines. You will generally eat well and exercise regularly in ways that suit and feel right for you. You will often utilize exercising time to help relieve stress and to spend time alone with your thoughts. People born on this day should perhaps try and avoid having too many unresolved worries on their mind. If built up anxieties are not alleviated quickly it could slowly drain away your energies and make periods of insomnia a possibility. Your main strengths of character are displayed in your powerful curiosity and intuition along with your fairness and fondness of improvement. These positive characteristics when combined can make you incredibly productive, honest and determined. The personality weaknesses for those born on November 2nd have the potential to be sparked by any negative situation that makes you feel slightly insecure or distrustful. This kind of negativity when activated can intensify your cool secretiveness and also cause you to be particularly stubborn or nosy in response. In addition you may begin acting in a smothering or uncharacteristically manipulative manner. Being born on the 2nd of November sees you ordinarily welcoming challenges especially if they involve making something better. You like winning and are not usually adverse to a bit of suffering or inconvenience to attain a desired goal. Giving equal attention to professional and personal ambitions it is likely for an achievement to mean more if you feel you have truly earned it through hard work and effort. When it comes to dreams your perceptive nature, yearning for happiness and underlying generous streak could strongly dictate the content. As you were born on the second day of the month your birth date awards you a corresponding Root number of Two. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Harmony' highlighting your admirable predilections for tact and negotiation as well as your thoughtfulness. In Tarot the 2nd card in the Major Arcana symbolizing the Priestess is closely associated with your specific birthday. This symbol pinpoints your trusted natural instincts, high levels of inquisitiveness and intense sexuality. The lucky gemstone for November the second birthdays is a Pearl, to be worn for possible increases in inner peace, hope and overall contentment. Astrologically all Scorpion personalities are believed to have their probabilities derived from the influential planet Pluto. The actual day you were born on, the second of November is ruled over by the Moon's influence adding a few differences to your typified zodiac description. Your charm, sociability and inquiring mind fully express your warmth, subtlety and insight. Your polite demeanor, refined conduct and determined mindset assist you to easily make the most of your fated path. If you are able to conquer your slight insecurities and suspiciousness it will be unusual for your negative side to be revealed. A concluding thought for people born on November the 2nd is to beware of behaving hastily as timing could be essential to your success.
#11. Skeet Ulrich (Birthday: Jan. 20, 1970 – The Day Of The Freewheeler; Personality Period: Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp – Jan. 17 to Jan. 22 – The Cusp Of Mystery & Imagination; Place Of Birth: Lynchburg, Virginia, United States)
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The vivid and expressive individuals born during the Week of Mystery & Imagination generate excitement wherever they go. Unable to keep out of the action for very long, they make their presence felt almost immediately upon entering a room. Their viewpoints tend to be controversial, and whether conservative or radical, are highly stimulating, often because of the dramatic way they are delivered. Their interest in the poor and downtrodden is more than theoretical: most of them will not hesitate to make direct contributions of time, money or energy to help anyone less fortunate than themselves. At the same time, however, they have little sympathy for those they see as freeloaders or parasites, able to pull their own weight but refusing to do so. There is structure and a feeling of responsibility in the personalities of these people, but their unpredictable energy may tend to break this order apart at any moment. It is not uncommon for them to have wide mood swings; they can appear sensible and reasonable one moment, uncontrolled the next. They can get pretty wild, so it is not surprising that violence can feature in their lives, whether they attract it or enact it. Chaotic, out-of-control energies can produce tremendous unrest in their lives. Their regard for their personal safety is usually not high, a trait they may reinforce with a daredevil nature—a deadly or at least dangerous combination. A disregard for their health in general, and an insistent confidence that their prodigious energies will bail them out, time and time again, can wear them down over the years, or induce chronic physical conditions. Concerned mates and lovers may have a hard time, for example, weaning them away from heavy drinking and smoking. These people have a pronounced dark side. Not ones to keep anger inside for very long, they can explode in fits of temper that will send others scurrying. The image of such a furious person hell-bent on punishment is at tremendous variance with the face they present when enjoying themselves and having fun. More than most, they can be at the mercy of their demons, so that their outbursts of temper are truly spontaneous. Because they are rarely calculating, it is hard to blame them for their tremendous mood swings, which are usually forgiven, though not easily forgotten, by those closest to them. Even the most settled and conventional among them will often have an active dream and fantasy life. They lead a kind of Walter Mitty existence, with few guessing the extent of their interior life or the degree of its inventiveness. Everyday situations can prove the springboard for bizarre mental gyrations, in which they become the central character in an imaginary world. These flights of fancy rarely indicate pathological states–quite to the contrary, they show how important being in touch with one’s fantasy life can be for mental health. These people love to tell and play jokes. Their mates, friends and family must not only understand but appreciate this need if they are to be kept happy. It isn’t always easy, however, to keep up with such persons, who may one moment be dealing seriously with day-to-day problems, the next exploding in riotous laughter. They also have a conventional side that can make them extremely exacting: they generally expect all family members to do their duty and discharge their obligations to the fullest.  They can only fully respect people who share daily chores and duties with them fairly. These people often seek hard-working, dependable mates rather than beautiful or intelligent ones. Outside their permanent or primary relationship, however, the impulsive among them may be magnetically attracted to vivacious and exciting individuals, or to quieter but still passionate types. Their sexual powers are usually high, and their interest in sex is pronounced. When they stray, they suffer to an extent from guilt, but this can lend extra spice to their indiscretions. Although they may attach little importance to such flings, their partner may not be so understanding, and deep, long-lasting hurts may be inflicted. In their sexual and other escapades, they exhibit an immature side, like Peter Pan, who refused to grow up. Youthfulness is, in fact, one of the most obvious of their qualities. Those born during the Week of Mystery & Imagination do not necessarily age well; many risk burnout in their tumultuous lifestyles, others deteriorate through neglect or abuse of their bodies. Haste and carelessness may not only wear them down physically but contribute to psychological instability. On the other hand, those lucky enough to have a stable support group, whether in family, friends or, a mate, can have it all, establishing the many facets of their personalities. Those who live alone may, in fact, build up great inner strength through dealing with the most difficult and elusive customer they have ever met—themselves.
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Those born on January 20 are intensely alive individuals who are very comfortable following their impulses wherever they lead. The capacity to make snap decisions and act on them is highly characteristic of people born on this day. Improvisatory rather than painstaking, they take life as it comes—no matter how chaotic or upsetting it is, they feel they can handle it. Their own internal state is often chaotic as well, although they miraculously impart an orderliness to their work, most often due to technical ease in their particular medium. Humor figures prominently in the makeup of these vibrant people. The most dire circumstances are often alleviated, lightened by their ready wit. But such a fine sense of irony also serves to protect a profound inner sensitivity. Though they are fond of jokes and will even play the fool themselves if it suits them, they are very proud individuals who take themselves very seriously indeed. January 20 people have a deeply human quality which endears them to their family and friends. Despite the fact that they can display a nasty temper and are sharply outspoken in their views, they are quickly forgiven by others, for there is no malice in their outbursts. Because of their love of fun they may be taken for superficial, except by those who really know them. Actually January 20 people often lead a highly private, even secret life, and share their hopes and dreams with but a few intimates. Most January 20 people are by nature big-hearted, and therefore share without a second thought. However, later they may well feel a bit put upon if they find the other party unworthy of their generosity. Although not always in the best health, January 20 people are highly resilient physically, emotionally and mentally, and capable of surviving many catastrophes in their lives. Somehow they always seem to pull through, buoyed by an incurable optimism. Although they are generally on the side of the underdog and have strong protective sympathies, January 20 people can themselves be very dictatorial, a role for which they are hardly suited. They are not particularly adept at forcing others (including their children) to obey the rules they set down, and perhaps because their own freewheeling style implies a kind of disregard for such restriction, others don’t take their authoritarianism seriously. Emotional, expressive and caring, these larger-than-life people may have glaring faults and make many mistakes of judgment, but do so with a singular absence of malice. Their insistence on a positive attitude toward life, and their courage and stick-to-it-iveness are an example to others. People born on January 20 are life’s ad-libbers. They may not always be sure where they are going but they also have no doubt that they will get somewhere. They are liberal, sensitive and charming individuals with a remarkable skill for cooperation and improvisation. They are constantly learning, adapting and perfecting their skills, and these qualities helps them climb the ladder of success, sometimes to the very top.Others may sometimes mistake people born on this day as dreamy, disorganized and scatter-brained. Although they give the appearance of confusion, every detail is stored in their methodical and analytical mind and they simply have an original way of approaching life. They are capable of remarkable endurance, their flexible style ensuring that they overcome the toughest of setbacks with their sense of humor intact.People born on this day have a genuine compassion and love for people, and will go to extraordinary lengths to help them. They are typically supportive of the underdog but when they are thrown into the role of leader they can come across as dictatorial. It is important for them to carefully consider their approach to leadership, given that their attitude toward the authority of others tends to be light-hearted rather than respectful.Although they appear tough, the respect of others is extremely important, sometimes too important to them. They need to learn to trust their own judgments more as they are usually right. Fortunately, around the age of thirty there is often a turning point which heightens their sense of self-worth and emphasizes the need for working with their gut instinct.The considerable personal charm and flexibility that characterizes people born on this day suggests that they have the potential to become wellrounded personalities. Once they can build a sense of self-worth and find a direction and sense of balance, people born on January 20 can display surprisingly intense powers of concentration and commitment that not only assure success but also win them the lasting admiration and respect of others. In love, people born on January 20 have a great sense of fun and spontaneity, and they make charming, optimistic and supportive lovers. There is a tendency for them to become insecure when they are deeply involved and to obsess too much about a partner’s opinion. They need to learn to apply their same relaxed and go-with-the-flow approach to life to their relationships. People born on this day may go through periods of recurring poor health. On the whole t heir optimistic, flexible approach always helps them through but if they can learn to pay attention to warning signs they can ensure that they don’t succumb to poor health in the first place. Regular health checks are important, as is an immune-boosting diet rich in fiber, whole grains and vegetables, and a regular exercise routine. They may also find that alternative therapies such as aromatherapy, hypnotherapy and homeopathy offer them a sense of well-being and calm. Wearing amethyst jewelry or placing an amethyst crystal under their pillow will also help calm their emotions and reduce stress. Any career that involves dealing with the public will attract these people, as they genuinely care for the well-being of others. They can also achieve much in medical and scientific fields, and their ability to communicate well means that they make great teachers, counselors and advisors and entrepreneurs. On the other hand, they also have latent creative abilities, and careers that put these to good use, such as writing (in particular science fiction), music and the media, may also appeal. The life path of people born on this day is to build up a sense of self-worth essential to their growth. Once they feel confident enough to progress, their destiny is to create harmony in the world by showing everyone a way forward. People born specifically on the 20th of January are often dreamier and more sensitive than their Capricorn zodiac symbol portrays. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is the Moon creating Goats that are not as reserved as usual and better in tune with their emotions. If you have this birthday you are an eccentric thinker who likes to look beyond the first appearances of things. You are hard working and realistic with high ambitions but you are also quite rebellious and do not enjoy being told what to do. Individuals with a January the twentieth birthday are usually cheerful, friendly and surprisingly persuasive in their communication making them good at getting their own way. Due to the prominent lunar influences on your natal date you can sometimes be a little unsure in your direction and confidence. You are fortunately bestowed with added resilience, decisiveness and focus which help you locate your directional purpose. Career path choices to a person born on the twentieth of January are not always easy as you find most work types too monotonous. You may try several occupations before deciding on something you will enjoy, self employment is often a consideration for the most job satisfaction. Individuals with this particular birth date are quick to adapt to most work challenges and are usually great at doing two things at once. Financially you organize your budget well even on a meager income and do not like to borrow. You do not generally run into problems in this area as you are able to spend and save wisely. Unlike a typical description of a Capricorn the person born on the twentieth day of January is fairly demonstrative with their feelings. Your surface emotional state remains typically cool concerning romance but your inner warmth and responsiveness peeps through quite easily to those you love and care about. As you search for a partner to be a friend as well as a lover you may find your destined soul mate among your close personal acquaintances. When in a long term relationship you are affectionate, generous, broad minded and protective and you love pampering your partner and being pampered. You are happy without an official commitment of your relationship but will probably feel unable to give up the whole of your heart. Your untypically characteristic dreaminess and sensitivity make you emotionally receptive and romantically inclined. To keep looking good and feeling great those born on January 20th should follow a sensible diet that avoids additives and includes lots of fluids. You are not generally a fan of keep fit activities but you are likely to enjoy noncompetitive, gentle or fun exercise to manage stress or unwanted weight gain. You are advised to try to listen to your body and the signals it gives you when it needs more or less of something physically or emotionally. If you smoke or drink too much it can have a big impact on your general health especially upon your skin. Try to moderate any bad habits you have for optimum fitness. The main strengths of your character are that you are immensely expressive, resilient and big hearted. These qualities seem to overpower your touch of shyness and insecurities complimenting your highly imaginative side. A prominent personality weakness for those born on January 20th is your tendency to every now and then be completely unrealistic in your ideas or opinions. As you have such a vivid imagination you can sometimes get carried away with voicing your impractical thoughts before thinking first. As you mature you tend to learn how to gain a bit more self-control over this negative trait. Being born on the 20th of January makes you determined to be successful in life and this is one of your biggest dreams and goals. You have a positive attitude and when you make decisions regarding your future you aim to definately stick to them. Being organized and quickly learning from any mistakes allows you to achieve much of what you wish for. Although you may not often dream of the perfect love relationship you unconsciously yearn for emotional happiness above anything else. You normally realize from a young age that your temperament needs a fine balance in its physical and mental state to be truly contented. As you were born on the twentieth day of the month the numbers of your date of birth, 2 and zero reduce to a Root number of Two. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Harmony' and reflects your yearning for balanced peaceful surroundings. The Tarot card associated with your special day is the 20th card in the Major Arcana named Judgment. This could signify your decidedness and high responsiveness to stimuli. The lucky gemstone for January the twentieth birthdays is the luxurious Pearl and it is thought to bring it's wearer good luck and generate calming positivity. As the planet Saturn influences Capricorn personalities you will acquire much of your character traits from its astrological authority. The actual day you were born, the twentieth of January is influenced by the strong presence of the Moon bestowing you with the additional finer features of your personality. These 2 planets combine to cosmically determine the unique way that you think, act and feel. Your expressiveness, ability to think outside the box and ingenuity set you apart from others but you should beware of being egotistical and try to think before you speak. A final thought to ponder for people born on January the 20th is the well known saying 'Remember to Look before you Leap' as this is pertinent advice for you.
12. Madchen Amick (Birthday: Dec. 12, 1970 – The Day Of Body Language; Personality Period: Sagittarius III – Dec. 11 to Dec. 18 – The Week Of The Titan; Place Of Birth: Sparks, Nevada, United States)
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Those born during the Week of the Titan think on a grand scale. Their minds are usually geared to big projects, whether planning a family get-together or mapping out a business strategy. Disliking pettiness in all forms, they see the total picture first, and generally avoid getting hung up on the details. These people are big-hearted, and give shamelessly, but are realistic enough to expect something in return. They reach for the stars, but they keep both feet solidly on the ground. Their ambitions and aspirations are firmly rooted in the here and now. Whether small or large of frame, they are physically imposing, and make their presence felt in any gathering. The persona they project is big, and hard to take in all at once. This feeling that they are difficult to walk around can also extend to the sense that they can’t easily be gotten out of the way—can’t be bamboozled by airy schemes or faulty reasoning. Those personally involved with these powerful individuals will inevitably have to reckon with playing a subordinate role. It can be dangerous to come between these individuals and their goals, for once they have made up their mind they move with lightning speed. Their friends and family learn soon enough what a given mood foretells—quiet or action. The people who get along best with them try to read their emotional weather report at the beginning of the day, for it may well determine the outcome of any project at the day’s end. Their more disturbing aspects may have to be overlooked or ignored in the cause of group harmony and effective action. There are moody and disturbing elements to their personality that may strain living and working relationships. If such individuals are depressed, they are hard to budge. They often internalize external pressures and may, in consequence, exhibit chronic (rather than acute) physical and mental symptoms. Those close to them will eventually have to try to cheer them up, or get them to take a more positive view of their lives, but often to no avail—for these people actually find these dark moods an essential way of withdrawing from the world to chew things over. Extremely thoughtful, they can ruminate over a problem or plan for weeks or months before finally coming up with a solution. In this activity they are best left alone. Since their emotions come from a very deep place, their eruptions of feeling can be nothing short of volcanic. It is extremely important, then, that they spend time with people who are sympathetic to them, and with whom they can periodically unburden themselves by discussing whatever is on their mind. Like a pressure cooker, smoldering crater or grinding tectonic plate, they need to let energy loose in small doses if they are to avoid being shaken apart by the “big one.” Complaining is actually healthy for these people, and those who understand them welcome their occasional fussing and grumbling; the alternative is a good deal worse. They are drawn to magical and ecstatic experiences, not only in their personal lives but also in their careers. What basically attracts them, after all, is the impossible challenge, and they love to pull off miracles both minor and major before their astonished colleagues’ eyes. Yet they cannot be called competitive, since there seems to be so little to fear from their fortified citadels that no real competition is possible. That outlook may seem egotistical, but it gives some idea of their self-confidence and assurance. And yet, behind the massive bulwark of their personality, somewhere in a remote back passage lurks insecurity. This is their greatest enemy. A wee voice still murmurs from time to time, “Are you really as rock-solid as you seem?” The answer, of course, is no, but the world is usually fooled until a crack appears in the Mount Rushmore–like facade. Everyone has some kind of insecurity, of course, so it should come as no surprise that they do, too; what is important, however, is their inability to recognize or deal with it. This lack of self-awareness may be the high price they pay for their peace of mind. The most successful lovers and mates for them are often those who can weave a magical spell around them, after first lulling them into letting their guard down. They actually enjoy being enchanted by those very special individuals who can lighten their ponderous workload or their crushing personal responsibilities. Their mates will benefit from their protective and capable ways but can also come to feel imprisoned, and may chafe under the feeling that the full expression of their own talents and abilities is denied. Those born during the Week of the Titan are so focused and single-minded by nature that there is usually little difficulty in distinguishing between their desires and their needs, which are in some cases identical. Those emotionally involved with them know what they demand, and usually face only one decision—comply or resist. Negotiation or compromise is not in the picture. Still, like the giant in a fairy tale, they can be fooled, often without finding out about it until later.
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Those born on December 12 put a great deal of emphasis on their physical condition, how they move and in general what they do with their bodies. This is in no way meant to imply that they are not mentally and spiritually oriented; it is simply that body attitudes fascinate them. Indeed, reading the body language of others can be their specialty. Those born on this day thus have a window into the psychological and emotional state of any person with whom they are interacting. December 12 people know how to put on a show, act a part and in general use their presence expressively. Again, this does not mean to imply any heaviness or grossly carnal attributes, for those born on this day are more likely to be lithe, active and healthy types. But whether fat or thin, December 12 people give the definite impression of being comfortable and relaxed around their bodies. Some December 12 people are even capable of compelling others through their presence alone, without posturing at all. This subtle form of coercion need not be overtly threatening, but certainly lets the other party know that they are there, and that they mean business. December 12 people put their most outstanding physical characteristics to work for them—whether it be their stature, muscularity or shapeliness. Should their appearance deviate greatly from the norms of attractiveness current in society (i.e., if they are overweight, short of stature or have irregular features) they will find a way to make these work to their advantage. Oddly enough, after one has been with a December 12 person for some time, his/her physical characteristics take on a transparent air and the real person underneath the external structure emerges. It is only then that one realizes how their physical characteristics serve as a symbolic facade for their real personalities, and the connection between the two. The voice of a December 12 person must be considered an important physical characteristic as well. More than with others, those born on this day reveal much about themselves through the quality of their voice, rather than by what they are saying or even the emotion behind it. Indeed, they know how to use their voice in a seductive or forceful manner with great effect. December 12 people must explore themselves at a deep level if they wish to grow spiritually. They should beware of becoming obsessed with physical characteristics, outward appearance, money, prestige and the like. Also they must not get too attached to physical objects or dependent on the approval of others. Keeping their independence and dignity intact in the face of life’s hardships and accompanying temptations is a great part of their growth. Non-material pursuits, whether religious, spiritual or philosophical can benefit them greatly. People born on December 12 often feel that they have an important message to deliver to the world—one that they believe will help others progress and learn. They also long to broaden their mind through study and travel, and as well as being mentally agile they also tend to be physically agile, enjoying traveling about from place to place or experience to experience.These people’s insatiable appetite for knowledge and experience is heavily influenced by their powerful desire to make a tangible, beneficial and enlightening contribution to the lives of others. Colleagues and friends will often admire their mental dexterity and their ability to identify areas in need of improvement and communicate their remedial visions to those around them in ways that are truly memorable.Until the age of thirty-nine there is an emphasis in their lives on the need for order and structure. These are the years when they are most likely to feel boxed in or tied down, and the struggle between their desire to establish themselves and their thirst for adventure can be complicating and confusing for them. After the age of forty there is an important turning point when they are likely to become even more experimental in their approach to life and when the drive toward freedom will be particularly strong. The term mid-life crisis would not be inappropriate here, and these people may suddenly feel the need to make dramatic changes in their personal and professional life.These people must never forget that they possess a tremendous amount of will-power and, when they finally devote themselves to a worthy career and set themselves clear goals and objectives, they have all the ambition and talent they need to be a success. When it comes to their personal life, if they can channel some of their energy inward to develop their intuition and spirituality, they will be able to draw on their extensive knowledge and life experience to realize their ambition of delivering an empowering message of hope, love and positive expectation to the world. People born on December 12, whether they are conventionally attractive or not, often have a seductive voice and a powerful and dramatic physical presence. They can use these to their advantage when it comes to attracting potential partners. They will probably have many relationships, but once they finally find a partner they want to commit to they are likely to fully commit to the relationship to make it work. People born on this day can sometimes think that they have inherited poor health and that they are likely to succumb to the same illnesses or conditions as their parents. In the great majority of cases their fears are unfounded, and if they take good care of themselves by practicing preventative medicine they can reduce or completely eliminate their risk of dementia, osteoporosis and high blood pressure. Once they understand the connection between their current eating, sleeping and lifestyle habits and the long-term health risks involved, it is often enough for them to make positive changes. These will include making sure their diet is fresh, nutritious and healthy, and that their exercise routine becomes a part of their life. They would benefit greatly from grounding and calming activities such as tai chi and yoga, and mental disciplines such as meditation. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to look within for a sense of excitement. These people have a message for the world, and careers that allow them to impart knowledge such as lecturing, teaching, writing, counseling, advising, politics, coaching, and training will therefore all appeal. They may also be drawn toward advertising, sales—especially the promoting of innovative new products—media, publishing, the theater, or the arts. The life path of people born on this day is to balance their need for freedom with their need to establish themselves. Once they have added a spiritual dimension to their lives, their destiny is to educate, advise and inspire others. People born specifically on the 12th of December are presumed to be independent and adventurous with the typical Sagittarian kind heart and occasional tactlessness. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Jupiter giving you competitive and idealistic streaks guiding you to be rather disciplined and thorough. If you have this birthday your alert and agile temperament is quick witted and communicative with a craving for variety and change. Your strong dislike of boredom, dullness and routine encourages you to broaden your horizons by way of travelling and study. Friendly, outgoing and organized you are also creative, good with words and great at reading the body language of others. Individuals with a December the twelfth birthday are fair and generous but a little scared of emotions too and although quite patient you tend to be overly cautious at times. You are a deep thinker with a lively, enthusiastic and determined approach and highly likely to have an avid interest in history and geography. The immensely articulate and eloquent disposition granted to a person born on the twelfth of December makes them suitable for the majority of careers. Your preference to keep busy sees you enjoying fast paced working environments best. Your carefully controlled discipline and thoroughness are excellent attributes for doing well in any job you choose. Spending money is something you are inclined to really enjoy but your generosity may cause a few financial problems if you are not careful to adequately control your budget. Your giving spirit and quest to try and live life to the fullest and seize the moment can also make saving a bit difficult. For a Sagittarius, the person born on the twelfth day of December is typically romantic but this is always with a hint of practicality in a relationship. Cheerful, spirited and freedom loving you will usually be a tad flirty but with the capability to love very deeply. In spite of your usual friendliness and wittiness the idea of too much intimacy or potential emotional dependency scares you so you can be sometimes hesitant to commit to a long term relationship. You will need a supportive soul mate partner who you feel you can trust implicitly if you wish to grow and strengthen emotionally. You will usually possess a lusty sex drive that makes you adventurous and fun in the bedroom but still considering friendship and an intellectual rapport more important than the physical side of a devoted partnership. As you love with your mind as well as your body erotic conversation can be a real sexual turn on. The right amounts of exercise and sleep is of much importance to the overall healthiness ordinarily experienced by those born on December 12th. As you seem to be forever on the go it is rare for you to have weight issues despite your fondness of rich foods. If you are ill you do not often find limiting or restricting your diet or high levels of activity easy so you will commonly be a grumpy patient. People born on this day could discover that any excesses of sugar or caffeine are particularly bad for overall general medical and dental health. Drinking plenty of water is advised to avoid potential skin problems and a proneness for quick dehydration. Your main strengths of character are revealed within your expressive expansive independence, enthusiasm and determination. These positive qualities enhance your creativity and eloquence and along with your friendliness, patience and lively sense of humor help you speedily adapt to new or changing circumstances. The personality weaknesses for those born on December 12th are frequently provoked by your slight fear of emotional closeness or a challenge to your keen competitiveness. In any of these type of negative situations or following something unexpected or upsetting your responsive behavior can become mardy, materialistic, tactless or compulsive. Being born on the 12th of December means your most likely desired goal is to do all you can to help others and this guides you to perform many good deeds. Achieving unselfish aims usually gives you immense motivation and satisfaction. You will ordinarily have really fond memories of all your worthwhile accomplishments and a hope that people will appreciate and remember your kindness. Dreams are often linked to your passion for travel and yearning to visit interesting places. As you were born on the twelfth day of the month your birth date digits of a one and a two give you a Root number of Three. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Innovation' pinpointing your efficient alertness, agility and organizational skills. In Tarot the 12th Major Arcana card featuring the Hanged Man is associated with your birthday. This identifies your deeply thoughtful nature in addition to your aversion to restriction. The luckiest gemstone for December the twelfth birthdays is imagined to be an Amethyst, to be worn for possible boosts to inspiration, wealth, wisdom, positivity and contentment. The probabilities of the personalities of all Sagittarians are thought to be greatly influenced by the planet Jupiter's astrological power. The actual day you were born on, the twelfth of December is ruled over by the same planetary influence intensifying most of your typified and expected characteristics. Your talkative yet composed manner and kindhearted attitude make your easily approachable and highly responsive. Your strong sense of adventure and avid wish to study usually curbs your hint of caution and can take you quite far in life. If you can conquer being slightly cool emotionally it should further develop your intellect and understanding. A finishing advising thought for people born on December the 12th is to try to be a little more realistic once in a while.
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rasoir-national · 5 years
This was bound to happen : I’m talking about immigration law
@ghostplantss i don't know v much about french immigration law would you tell me about it? i'm v curious?
Oh wow. First tea, and now this ? Either you are my secret Santa, or my enabler.
So let me tell you about the passion of my life, Immigration and refugee law, and the fuckery this country has made of it.
The way a city, community, country treats the “other” is one of the oldest legal questions in the History of Humanity. From Antique Greek cities to the Jus Gentium of the Roman Empire, laws concerning foreigners might be the first form of international law known to man. In many ways, it’s by acknowledging the existence of “others”, by giving and restricting their rights, that a social group both truly asserts itself as a “political community”, yet acknowledges the transcending quality of “humanity” of the outsider.
Nowadays, this question is as politically charged as ever : the way a country regards foreigners, welcomes them, rejects them, is one of the most interesting ways you can define the country, one of the ways the country sees itself. By the way we treat the one who is not “us”, we highlight which rights we consider to be inherent to humanity in and of itself, as well as which ones we consider intrinsically rooted in our identity as “citizen”.
And all this proud History, all this contemporary tension, makes Immigration law fascinating to FUCKING NO ONE.
Look, one thing you have to know about lawyers is how much they love intellectual wankery. A nicer way to put it would be to say lawyers love systems. And theory. And generalisation. And categorizing. They like to look at a set of rules and see a pattern, a logic, a paradigm. They like to be able to neatly present it in two titles, each divided in two subtitles, each divided in two sections, and repeat that until they run out of microsoft font points.
And Immigration law... It’s not that. It’s not that at all. It’s the opposite of that. It’s a law that’s almost entirely dictated by conjoncture, by what a government needs it to say, by whichever concept they’re going to twist then to suit their needs. Whatever few theoritical concepts Immigration law might have been based on have been destroyed by years of either haphazardous or plainly malignant reforms, often both.
And not only does that mean that this at this point is an intensely, punitively complex law, it has also become - if it hasn’t always been - illogical and incoherent. The only “logic” behind it anymore is how much it can be weaponized against its subjects - foreigners. Because that’s the only thing that politicians care about, and because lawyers and especially academics have pretty much given up on it, leaving the terrain free for the former. You have to realize, in terms of pure numbers, Immigration law is the most practiced law in the country. It represents almost a third of all disputes. Yet it is taught in NO university in France. Not a single one. There are no courses, no grad school, no thesis program about immigration law in all of France. There is no money in Immigration law : almost all involved subjects are destitute. There is no intellectual curiosity, because the discipline, from a theoretical point of view, is pretty uninteresting. There isn’t even public interest, because deceptively, the general public hears so much about immigration from either ignorant or ill-intentioned people, that getting through the complexity of the topic is immensely complicated and unrewarding.
Lawyers, for the most part, have deserted the topic for selfish reasons, despite the fact that this is perhaps where they were most needed to make sure fundamental rules were enforced, that politics didn’t come in the way of good justice. They abandoned the most vulnerable subjects of law to the whims of lawmakers and political interests. That’s unforgiveable.
So as a result, Immigration law today mostly resembles a cat-and-mouse game where the law sets up as many traps as possible for the immigrant to fall into, with dozens of obstacles to navigate to finally, finally be able to legally settle in a country you might be have been living in for several decades. There are specific stay rules for retirees. That’s a thing. Every rule is meant to exclude as many people as possible. As a result, immigrants must get increasingly creative or even downright shifty in order to qualify for a stay. And in turn, public opinion will yell and say they are manipulating the system - well, duh. We’ve made a system in which it’s impossible to win fair and square and then we criticize immigrants for trying to game it.
Let’s have just one example : demands of admission because of sickness. French law categorizes different reasons for an immigrant to be admitted to live on french soil for a little while : study, work, family matters, and health. France has a very good health system compared to the worldwide standard, so many people come here to receive treatment they might not be able to benefit from in their country of origin for various reasons. Some people already don’t think that’s a reason for welcoming them, but fuck those people. Anyway, there are many, many people who will ask for permission to stay on the grounds of an “invisible” illness : depression, PTSD, personality disorder... all of which are very difficult to prove. Before 2017, the prefect had to decide based on the opinion of a doctor from the regional authority after they’d met with the author of the request. But the administration quickly realized that doctors tend to have that pesky thing called deontology or even - perish the thought ! - empathy. So there was a reform, and now the way it works is the ill immigrant goes to a doctor who writes a report, then mails it to the person’s lawyer, who then mails it to a doctor that will do a second report based on that report, and will send that second report to a group of 3 doctors who, on the sole basis of that document, will advise the prefect on whether or not the person is ill, and whether or not they could have access to treatment in their country. And when I say advise, I mean they mail a form with boxes checked. That’s it. No text. So we have a prefect, who’s not a doctor, making a decision about the health situation of a person based on a box-based form filled by doctors who have never met the person, who themselves are judging based on the report of another doctor who has no met the person either, this last doctor writing based on the report of another doctor who might have met the person once. And all of this can take up to a year. That’s time during which the immigrant cannot work, or receive benefits. And then, if the prefect decides against letting the immigrant stay, then they have only 2 months to challenge that decision, otherwise after those 2 months have passed, they can be arrested, incarcerated and deported at any time.
So given all that, is it any wonder that immigrants tend to “discover” illness after illness and constantly ask for stays based on that ? This system is so random and unfair, that all you can really do is try and try again hoping something will eventually stick. So now you have people complaining that immigrants are faking mental illness in mass, causing prejudice to the “real” mentally ill immigrants. And yes, that’s the effect. But make no mistake : the cause is how difficult it is for an immigrant to have their illness acknowledged when it’s not something “extreme” enough to have you cross the border on a gurney. Because it’s not enough to google “availability of x medication in x country” to make sure the person can actually access treatment in their country of origin.
So that’s the hypocrisy infusing (haha, tea joke) the whole system. And on top of that, the procedure is getting more complicated with every reform : miss one deadline, fill out one form wrong, and you’re out. And please remember we’re dealing with people who for the vast majority do not speak french (the ONLY language allowed in administrative matters according to the Constitution) and know nothing of our administrative system. It’s up to the person’s lawyer to basically map out the life of each of their client. And because there is no money in immigration law - you only get paid in judicial aid from the state - there aren’t many immigration lawyers. You have to do this out of conviction, cuz you’re certainly not doing it for the money or career opportunities. In the practice I interned at last year, each lawyer would at all times manage on average 50 to 80 active cases. And let’s be clear, a lot of them are assholes, because lawyers in general tend to be assholes. But the work they do in downright heroic.
So that’s where I come in to fix it all, right ? Yeah, no. This entire system is fucked, and given what the world looks like right now, it might be for a while. I’m under no delusion that I can do anything to change that. My goal is to help the way I can : I want to become an administrative judge, the ones who are in charge of examining administrative decisions regarding immigrants. This type of challenge represents roughly 50% of the activity of any administrative tribunal : every chamber, no matter their specialty, has to do a little of it, otherwise the system is so backed up it would collapse. Some of those judges do amazing work, and are some of the most compassionate people I’ve ever met. Some of them are not. Most of them are plain bored by this type of claim, because they’re repetitive, not really technical from a legal standpoint and always depressing. And a handful of them have ties to the far-right and are there just to expel as many immigrants as possible. So yeah, if all goes well I’ll be a judge in a few years, and I’ll be one of the only ones who came to the job because of immigration law, not in spite of it. It’s not bragging on my part, it’s just a sad fact. Judges at the tribunal where I’ve worked had a schedule for who was supposed to be in charge of new immigration claims arriving, and some judges would hide from court reporters in order not to get attributed cases that arrived right before their shift was over. So yeah, if I can be a small drop in the bucket and be someone who actually looks at these cases with the explicit intent of finding a reason to approve the claim, that’ll be good enough for me. Because Immigration law, or at least what we’ve made of it, might not be “interesting” but it’s goddamn important, and people should pay attention to it.
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