#what does it MEAN
akashicrecord · 7 months
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puccadraws · 3 months
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when the most random combination of characters show up in your dream
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theoneofwhomisblue · 4 months
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Nonsense rule
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roll4gay · 5 months
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I love that Emily wanted enough for Fig to just be happy after fhsy that she was ready to retire her 🥹
And I know I would have LOVED whatever new character she came up with
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etinterrapax · 6 months
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i am going to throw up
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chthonic-kids · 27 days
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share with me your secrets, random blue gem in chaos' new design
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rainbowpopeworld · 6 months
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(The "double rainbow" viral video that this idea came from)
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nintendont2502 · 3 months
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striders and chests man
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offkilterkeys · 2 months
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I made this image like a month ago but I don’t remember the context at all other than it was supposed to be sent to my younger sibling.
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steddieas-shegoes · 24 days
congrats on 3000 followers 💫 you deserve it honey!🧡 Also, Chappell Roan has been stuck in my head, so I’m suggesting a lyric of hers for a prompt:
“I could be the one, or your new addiction.”
(Or any lyric from HOT TO GO!)
Thank you! I’m right there with you, Chappell Roan the incredible bitch that you are 👏🏻
“He’s had one drink and he’s acting like he had a bottle of vodka,” Robin shook her head while she watched Steve dancing with two guys in the middle of the club they’d only been at for an hour.
“He needed to let loose,” Eddie shrugged, looking down at the drink he’d barely taken a sip from.
Robin looked at him, frowned, then looked back to Steve. She desperately needed them to get their shit together, but Steve acting like this definitely wasn’t going to work. It didn’t help that Eddie had been acting moody all day, barely even wanted to come with them.
“And what about you?” She finally asked him. “Are you gonna let loose tonight or keep the stick up your ass until you go to bed?”
Eddie’s head shot up, ready to argue. He didn’t, though. He looked back down at his drink and sighed.
“Not really feeling like letting loose, birdie.”
“Why not?”
Eddie shrugged and stayed silent.
“Did something happen?” She pushed. Even on his moody days, he was still usually capable of putting on a smile for her or the kids.
“No, just me being dumb. Making assumptions,” Eddie snorted. “Should be used to it by now.”
“What assumptions?” The song changed to something even louder and she considered dragging Eddie to the outside seating so they could talk.
“Just thought I was making progress on something and I clearly wasn’t.”
Oh, so it’s about Steve.
Eddie hadn’t really talked to her about his feelings, but she caught on early. She watched the way Eddie prioritized Steve over everyone and everything else, how he smiled when Steve was happy, how his mood shifted when Steve was having a bad day. She’d be worried more about it if she didn’t know that Steve was the exact same way.
They were idiots, both of them.
“What makes you think that?” She took a sip of her drink to seem more casual, but Eddie wasn’t that much of an idiot.
“Pretty obvious where I stand when someone’s leaving his room early in the morning, Robin.”
So he did know Robin knew.
“Someone slept over last night?” Robin didn’t know that. Steve rarely brought people to his apartment he shared with Eddie, and he hadn’t in nearly a year. Robin didn’t even know the last time he showed interest in anyone beyond getting a free drink from them.
“Yeah. She seemed like his type. I’m sure you’ll hear all about it soon.”
Robin squinted back at Steve dancing.
He would have told her by now about bringing someone home. They’d been together all afternoon.
“I don’t think he slept with her,” she finally said.
“Yeah, okay. I’m sure they just cuddled all night.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “It’s not what you think, I’m telling you.”
She couldn’t do or say anything else, just had to let Eddie brood about not being in Steve’s bed even though he could fix it if he just said something.
She finished her drink and excused herself to join Steve. Maybe he could tell her what was going on.
“Hey dingus,” she yelled as she got closer.
Steve turned and smiled at her, sweat dripping from his forehead. “Robs! Hi!”
“Hey, babe. Did you forget to eat today?”
Steve nodded.
“Thought so. Let’s go get you some water.”
She dragged him to the bar and managed to get the bartender to get him water before anyone else got more drinks. She forced him to drink half of it before they walked back towards the table in the corner Eddie hadn’t moved from.
“Eddie! You should dance with me,” Steve exclaimed as he sat next to Eddie and grabbed his arm.
“Maybe next time, Stevie,” Eddie smiled at him, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Steve was still a little too drunk to notice, but Robin saw it.
“Awww, you never dance with me anymore. I miss you.”
Robin could see how hard it was for Eddie to hold himself together. Every possible emotion was flickering behind his eyes.
“Maybe that girl you had over last night will dance with you,” he finally settled on, which Robin immediately wanted to shove back into his mouth.
Steve sat back and seemed to be trying to figure out what Eddie meant when the beat of his current favorite song came on.
“Oh my god! Eddie! Please dance with me!” Steve clapped his hands and stood from the stool he’d been sitting on.
Eddie looked sad, but also endlessly endeared by Steve’s excitement.
“I could be the one or your new addiction!”
Steve was yelling the lyrics right at Eddie, not realizing how much Eddie was hurting.
Robin was his platonic soulmate and Eddie was on of her best friends. She couldn’t keep watching this.
“Steve, maybe you should get some fresh air,” she grabbed his shoulder and tried to turn him away, but he looked mad.
“No, this is my favorite song.”
“Steve, c’mon. Just for a minute. We can listen to this when we get outside if you want.”
Eddie was looking back down at his drink, biting his lip so hard it looked like it might bleed.
“Only if Eddie goes with me,” Steve folded his arms across his chest and pouted.
“Eddie’s gonna save our table in here,” Robin said.
But surprisingly, Eddie interrupted her by standing up and throwing back the rest of his drink.
“I’ll take him.”
Steve cheered and started singing along again as Eddie and Robin shared a look.
Eddie wrapped an arm around Steve’s waist and guided him towards the back door that led to a small seating area outside. Steve was singing the whole way, but he rested his head against Eddie’s shoulder while they walked.
“Why are you sad tonight?” Steve asked as they made their way to the only available table outside.
“I’m not.”
“Friends don’t lie.”
“I’m not lying,” Eddie lied.
“Then dance with me. I love dancing with you,” Steve didn’t move his head from Eddie’s shoulder even when they sat down.
“I love dancing with you too,” Eddie managed to say before he felt a lump in his throat.
He loved doing everything with Steve, even dancing to pop songs at a club, and it was only hurting him more to keep pretending it was enough.
“I even taught you the dance to that song,” Steve said quieter. “Remember?”
“Yeah,” Eddie smiled to himself, tightening his grip around Steve’s shoulders. “Made me put my hips into it.”
“Because you have nice hips,” Steve sighed.
Eddie could feel his face heating up. Steve wasn’t sober enough, he didn’t know what the hell he was saying.
“I barely have hips at all,” Eddie managed to choke out.
“Not true. I like holding them. They’re perfect.”
Okay, Eddie couldn’t do this. Robin needed to read his mind and come outside and-
“Wanna hold them now.”
“Steve, you’re drunk. You-“
“Can we dance?” Steve interrupted.
“The music isn’t loud out here.”
“I can sing it.”
“We’ll be the only ones dancing.”
Steve tilted his head back and looked at Eddie. “When has that stopped you before?”
Eddie stood and let Steve hold his hips, almost a slow dance, while Steve started singing the song.
“Baby, do you like this beat, I made it so you’d dance with me.”
Eddie loved when Steve sang. He wasn’t the best, but he had a smooth voice that made Eddie smile, regardless of the song he was singing.
They were swaying like it was a slow song, but the vibrations of the bass line coming through the walls of the club made it obvious it wasn’t meant to be.
“I didn’t sleep with her,” Steve said after he went through the chorus once.
Steve looked frustrated. “Some guy was trying to take her back to his place and he wouldn’t take no for an answer so I let her Uber back with me and she ended up just spending the night. Nothing happened.”
“That’s…fine. I don’t need to hear about it,” Eddie knew he sounded rude, but he truly couldn’t make it through the night if Steve gave a play by play of getting cozy with someone else.
“I don’t ever want anything to happen with anyone but you.”
Eddie stopped swaying. He was pretty sure the music stopped inside. No one else existed except for them.
“What?” He finally squeaked out.
Steve was looking at him like he was the sun.
“No matter who I dance with or flirt with or hang out with, you’re the only one who matters. It’s just you, Eds.”
He was drunk, but drunk Steve never lied. Eddie knew that for a fact. He’d said some harsh truths before when he had more whiskey than he should’ve.
“I don’t understand.”
Steve searched his eyes and bit his lip, like he was considering what to say.
But then his lips were on Eddie’s, soft, cautious.
He was holding back.
Eddie didn’t want him to.
Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist and pulled him forward so their chests were flush against each other, tongue licking along Steve’s bottom lip to deepen the kiss.
Steve allowed it, moaning as he let Eddie hold most of his weight.
Before they could get too carried away in public, Eddie pulled away to catch his breath and try to get his heart to slow before he passed out.
“Steve, this can’t just be a fun thing. This is…this is everything to me. You’re everything to me.”
Steve nodded, eyes never leaving Eddie’s. “I know. You’re maybe the love of my life. I’m drunk but I know how I feel. Felt that way for years.”
“Years? And you just now decided to say something?” Eddie wasn’t looking forward to Robin’s ‘I told you so.’
“Couldn’t. Didn’t wanna scare you away.”
“There’s no fucking way you’d ever do that. I’ve been yours for three years whether you knew it or not,” Eddie laughed in disbelief.
“We should go home,” Steve said quickly.
“You tryin’ to take me hot to go?” Eddie teased.
“If you’ll let me,” Steve nodded, tugging on Eddie’s hand to get him to move faster.
“I’ll let you do anything you want, Stevie.”
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oddberryshortcake · 1 year
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Silver’s biological family heirloom ring in the shape of Aurora’s crown with an auroral gem in the middle that makes him sleepy just looking at it is mAKING ME LOSE MY MIND
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fruitydiaz · 26 days
buck lying to eddie about tommy
eddie being the only person buck intentionally came out to
eddie lying to buck about kim
buck?? having?? a scene?? with kim?? and going?? oh you’re not shannon???
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xx-sketchy-xx · 9 months
Hello neighbor-r, w-w-w-weeelllll ccccoome
stand still:
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ahfrickenfrick · 2 months
dick: i am tired of this, damian just give tim a simple compliment about ANYTHING
damain: drake, most of the time you smell like fresh water and day old fruit
tim: *eye twitches*
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
what does it mean that Vaggie was the only Exorcist with ONE strip on her wings, instead of TWO
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what does it MEAN that, when she regains her wings, they don't look like they used to anymore? They aren't the stark black/white of an Exorcist. They're... faded. A soft gradient of gray, with the stripe almost completely invisible?
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why- if the change comes from spending 3 years in hell- do they not look anything like Lucifer's wings?
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and instead have more the colors of a seraphim?
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was she the newest Exorcist? just hadn't earned her STRIPES yet?? but she was one of the best! was she the youngest???? how good at killing would she have to be to be both the youngest AND one of the best- with a kill count in the quadruple digits-
did she NEVER have two stripes or did she lose one somehow? did that non-conformity make her stand out to Lute, make Lute suspicious (in a group that's supposed to look almost identical and kill in lock step without question) is tHAT why Lute followed her into the alley and was there to see her spare the sinner child???
is it something about her personally? that she was serious about the exterminations but not GLEEFUL or FANATIC about them-
that she was ready to Not Kill, against orders, when she felt it was wrong- meanwhile her former fellows who she probably "learned to trust on the battlefield" are all more than HAPPY to go head hunting for her later on? none of them, even looks upset about it????
is it something ELSE? WHY ARE HER WINGS GRAY NOW! Do the Exorcist DYE their wings to get that black/white color? do NONE of them actually have two strips or black markings?????
if the above-
are all their wings actually like vaggie's, or all they all different from each other too, underneath the Exorcist colors?
(and why the FUCK does her hair have the double stripe now, when it didn't used to, but her wings STILL don't. is SHE dying her hair?? why... why would she choose THOSE markings, if it was a choice...?)
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ourheartofthecards · 3 months
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angela laughing when shayne mentions damien | 2 truths 1 lie
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