#which I'm taking as her coming to terms with the fact that she's gonna be gathering her shit
phynali · 11 months
My brother-in-law has pulled a whole ass John Winchester and told his youngest that if she leaves (moves back in to her mother's house because her father won't let her go stay at the stables to give her horse life saving medicine it needs because ~she's grounded~), that door is closed and she is not welcome back
I hope my sister divorces his ass
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sl-ut · 6 months
random college!abby hcs
more!college abby
warnings: mentions of sex, drinking, drugs, and nudity, cursing, mild hint homophobia
first things first: jerry is alive and abby is his pride and joy
i'm serious... her mom died when she was a toddler and jerry hasn't had a long-term relationship since, so he's the only parental figure that she has
he took every precaution while raising her to make sure she always had everything she could ever need while also making sure that she didn't end up being an entitled brat
otherwise, she is very close with both of her father's siblings (her aunt is the only maternal relationship she has and definitely relied on her for all of her personal issues as a teenager), has a good relationship with jerry's mother and step-father
her mother was an only child, but her parents always come over for thanksgiving and even christmas sometimes
she was very supportive of her father taking in yara and lev after she moved out. she knew he was suffering from a severe case of empty nest syndrome. she def makes them feel so welcome right away like those strangers became her siblings in a matter of minutes
i'll only say it once ppl: OLD MONEY
jk i'll say it again. the andersons are a long line of surgeons and doctors so obvi they're gonna be well off
like, not "fund a research facility to get my kid into college" rich, they're more "i casually have a summer home, a ski chalet, and a ridiculously nice house to live in year round" rich.
her only real relationship was in high school (trigger warning: it was owen)
our bby had a bad case of comphet as a teenager
like fr she had not even considered the fact that she might be gay until she was two knuckles deep in some sorority girl during a party in her freshman year
after that she sort of just accepted it, she had no concern of her dad bc obviously he would be so accepting and supportive, but a few of her relatives def had an issue with it right off the bat (old money, old values)
she's been friends with manny, nora, owen, and mel since middle school, and the only one whose view of her seemed to change was owen (and mel too ig bc she stopped seeing abby as such a threat)
he drunkenly questioned her about it once, saying something super gross and along the lines of "you didn't seem gay when we were together"
to which she responded by offering him two choices; he could sit down and shut up or she would knock him tf out
he's cooled it since then but everyone knows that he still has a big fat crush on her so he still wants to believe he has a chance (even tho he was literally already talking to mel before they broke up and announced they were together only a few days after)
she's pre-med, majoring in bio and minoring in something totally different like classical lit or history or something
she's gonna end up being an orthopedic surgeon but later on in her career i can see her turning to teaching at a university or something
like doctor!abby turned prof!abby???? omg
is very health conscious
she's a gym rat, this we already know
she also takes her diet very seriously as well, but always has a secret stash of junk for when she really needs it
also careful with her alcohol/drug intake
she drinks on occasion (birthday, christmas, new years, etc, etc) but usually not very much (will almost always be sober enough to be the sober driver if need be)
she refuses to do any drugs during lacrosse season. she's so strict with her diet during the season that she won't ingest anything other than quality, nutritious food. she also needs to submit a drug test a few times per season so she doesn't wanna risk it.
in the off season, she's more willing to have a puff or two at a party or take an edible before a movie night or something (i don't see her doing any drug other than weed)
she lived with manny during her freshman and sophomore years
they had a shitty little apartment a few minutes away from campus
it was the only one that manny could afford on a student budget, and he refused abby's offer to get a nicer apartment and let her pay a larger portion of the rent than he did
they still had fun either way
manny loved having another person he could talk about girls with (he was initially gonna move in with owen but then he got ditched for mel)
every sunday morning they would get takeout for breakfast so manny could recount his night with the girl that had snuck out only a few hours earlier
she was a little hesitant to join in and share her own stories, but she finally got more comfortable in talking to him about it (RESPECTFULLY!!!!!!! she was so scared that she was gonna end up sounding like a literally disgusting pig but she keeps the details to a minimum and only says nice things unless the girl was a major bitch)
she's a lululemon/gymshark girly. her go-to style is definitely any variation of athlesiure. she wears lots of joggers, dry-fit tops, and the cleanest pair of white sneakers you'll ever see
underneath, i'm picturing her as more of a bralette type of girl. obviously she wears a sports bra to the gym, but on a regular basis, she likes wearing bralettes over bras bc she doesn't need that much support so they offer just enough without the discomfort of a bra
i'm settling the debate rn everyone, college!abby wears boxers AND panties
she finds boxers more comfortable on a day to day basis, but she likes wearing cheekies and thongs especially when she's wearing leggings
so dorky
she was definitely a sci-fi/fantasy kid
she grew up on harry potter, lord of the rings, star wars, etc etc
would love a partner who would watch them with her and actually enjoy it
unironically makes gym thirst traps on tiktok
her followers always comment supportive things like: looking good!, major gainssss, muscle mommy come destroy this pu-
still wears the iconic braid, but usually only when she's on the field. she occasionally wears her hair down, but i hc that she still likes to wear her hair pulled back in a cute little braided ponytail or a messy low bun
when she's older SHE CUTS HER HAIR OMG OMG OMG like literally i'm purring rn
like ik you've all seen that edit of her with super short hair omg she's so hot
in her junior year she decided to live on her own
manny moved in with jordan, who had been begging him for a while since the rent was more than he could handle on his own, though manny's rent would actually be cheaper than it was in his apartment with abby
they still do their traditions tho, still having sunday breakfast, still going to the campus pub on fridays for trivia, still going to the gym together on wednesdays...
they're actually besties i love them
when she's on her period, she craves salty foods
is so frustratingly confident in her emotions
will always try to diffuse the situation and pissing the other person off with her calmness
takes really good care of her skin
her favourite drink is diet cranberry gingerale
she's a dog person, but she would definitely enjoy having a cat around too
adopts a rescue dog a few weeks after finishing her residency
uses old spice fiji body wash and deodorant (SHE SMELLS SO FUCKING GOOD) and a musky vanilla body spray
likes to feel and be clean, but isn't too fussed about her body hair so long as it looks tidy. she isn't anti shaving, and will probably make an effort to shave more regularly in the early stages of a relationship until she's more confident and comfortable around the person
down-there hair? duh
like i said, she likes to keep things tidy so she'll trim and maybe shave her bikini line if she's feeling it but that's it. she's not fussed with body hair, whether it's her or her partner's
again, she'll make an effort to keep herself looking neat and tidy for the first bit of a relationship but after a few weeks she's not afraid to go full-bush when she doesn't wanna shave
she doesn't love penetration. fingers are one thing, but she has only had not-so-great experiences with sex that involved a penis-like object. she'd wanna be the one wearing the strap for the most part, but she'd be willing to try it again with the right person
slow and passionate sex >>>>>
considers herself to be very vanilla but she's actually kinda kinkyyyyy (she gets so embarrassed and blushy when anyone calls her out for it)
she prefers scissoring to using her strap (but she LOVES her strap)
she doesn't like to choke her partners, but she will reach her hand up and just hold their throat while they're fucking
she's always so sensitive
came in like thirty seconds during her first time with another girl
she's noiiiiisssyyyyyyyy
she usually starts out with just heavy panting breaths, then they turn into deep grunts, then she begins to whine from low in her throat, and finally she begins to gasp out words of praise or curses
she squirts teehee
like i said she's always so sensitive, so if she's any ways worked up when someone's going down on her they better watch out bc they're in the splash zone
her strap is purple and sparkly
abby anderson eats ass
her nipples are super sensitive too
not really nsfw but she really loves casual nudity with her partners, changing in front of each other, hopping in the shower together, using the bathroom with the other person in the room...
she's a boob girl. doesn't matter if they're big, small, saggy, or perky, she just wants to suck them
when she's on top, she likes to pull her partner's leg over her shoulder and will just start like trailing kisses along the length of their calf
she's a literal munch
will use it to her advantage too
tells her partner she'll go down on them if they finish their assignments
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kalims · 1 year
Can i request a fluff with Octa trio(separately) on a date but being disturbed by the first year by questioning “why are you dating with this shady guy mom— you could’ve get better step father for us.” ace said…
that time where you became a parent | octavinelle
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premise. there's a lot of firsts in relationships and getting your date crashed by your partner's self-proclaimed kids for the first time is apparently one as well.
cw. mention of getting tortured once (brief), someone disappears, mention of mafia as a comparison to the octa trio, not proofread
includes. gender neutral reader, fluff
note. hi yes, after ten years /j I've decided to test my flexibility with requests since I plan to take up commisions 😚
also ik that cw is really concerning but it's nothing bad in the writing i swear!! also you sent this ask a few hours ago (4) but I'm already done?? wow
hey also im so sorry I just realized you used a feminine term 'mom' and i only realized after I finished writing 💀 you didn't specify the reader and I didn't notice so I thought it's like gender neutral my bad!
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azul ashengrotto | all of the above
"azul you've been frozen for a minute,, are you okay?"
"I'm,,, fine?" he thinks?
ace snorts. "dude you call that fine? you look like you just saw one of ursula's tentacles get cut off,"
shocked? flabbergasted? speechless? azul is just one huge combination of those three even though they're pretty much the same thing. he's just suprised, albeit a little disturbed that your... five grown men friends—‎also your apparent 'children' have now kidnapped you as their parent and is planning to make him a step-father without his consent!
he looks at you with a blink as if to as 'what in the great seven are they talking about' meanwhile you just shrug and take a bite out of the lunch azul had just bought you, thoroughly enjoying it because come on. who wouldn’t enjoy free food? it's your right as his partner to experience getting spoiled but that doesn't mean you don't get to not like it.
judging by the casual, indifferent demeanor you display and even your unbothered face? azul can tell that this happens lots of times and at some point you had accepted it.
also the ursula comment.. he got offended on her behalf, no way the great ursula would even let that happen to her. she's the epitome of greatness! plus... he'll have your bratty child know that octopuses can regrow a limb!
wait a minute.
azul sputtered and frowned defensively. "excuse me? shady?" he'll have them know that he is a perfectly—perfect father for your children! there is no 'better' because he simply is the best.
oh azul... who's gonna tell him that he's obviously showing off whenever your grown 'kids' are around in hopes of getting their approval? no one apparently cause ace thinks it's too funny for it to be stopped and he needs seriously good entertainment that matches up to this level.
god lord if anyone sees him snooping around the library on topics that typically interest teens.. or jade leaking out the fact that he sent the tweels to collect information about the five.. that makes for good blackmail according to them and he's starting to get concerned with how many material they had gotten from him.
jade leech | more amused than suprised
"I believe that I am capable of reaching the standards of your 'children'," a chuckle.
epel quips over from the side casually, toning his pitch up a notch to showcase the knowing voice. "hows your criminal record? clean?"
the chuckling ceases.
okay maybe he can reach their expectations in ways that doesn't involve a clean record. in his defense that person had crossed a line so jade had to... remind them which line to stay behind. it's not like epel knows that the speeding ticket was just a cover up for the more concerning one and as much as jade liked to tell the tale, he supposes he'd get much more disagreement if he told the other story, so he resorted to talking about the less... severe crime.
jack in particular voices his disagreement, more so when jade had commented on craving meat while eyeing jack in a way that the buff man immediately got offended and snitched to you.
safe to say that as much as you love your concerning, tall, red flag boyfreind he's definitely gonna feel the heat from your glare. that day jade learned not to mess with jack cause despite how ironically strong the man is? apparently he's a pretty big snitch cause he always goes to you and tries to 'convince' you that even kalim makes a better lover.
jade did not like that at all. why like the excruciatingly boring sunshine of scarabia? I mean come on, over kalim and jade? who's less boring? he questions you with a particularly coy smile.
for your sake, he supposes. the five troublesome first years had gotten less treatment for him nowadays and he's made it perfectly clear that he has the capability to mess with them once again, be it in a battle of mentality, or strength. but just cause he let them off doesn't mean their off the hook yet! which is great because with the subtly implications he had made meant that jack with the quick mouth wouldn't be so quick to snitch on him.
for a guy who tortur—I mean, gave a perfectly justified punishment to a sinner jade is pretty childish and competitive to prove that he's a pretty damn good boyfriend that no one,,, absolutely no one (not even your kids lol) can mess with.
floyd leech | thinks it's really funny and wants to be the dad
"awww.. shrimpy you didn't tell me you got a whole troupe of baby shrimpies," floyd giggles.
"I mean they didn't tell me that I was their parent too so,"
"hmph! calling the prefect my parent would be disrespecting master lilia!" sebek bemoaned—loudly despite accepting a parental scold about volume from you.
most of the sentence that ace commented about him being... shady? just went in one ear and out the other. I mean yeah, he isn't gonna blow the 'cover' but they're mafia type shit shady and he can't exactly deny what they see. and apparently what ace sees is that you need a better 'husband' and they need a better 'step-father' to which floyd replied a; "there's no one else. you're stuck with me baby shrimpies,"
floyd's grin was very ominous but when was it not? though his specific harder emphasis on 'no one' concerns you a little and you even had a moment of realization because besides that one guy who miraculously disappeared after he flirted witn you quite literally disappeared from thin air... who else approached you after that?
but just like any other MC you shrug it off :) (for the sake of the plot)
for some reason floyd believes the family thing wholly and had now squeezed himself into it—to the dismay and endless complaints from sebek. besides the obvious dislike the angry teen had out for him, floyd seems to think the opposite and even finds sebek amusing! (to the further suffering of sebek floyd had requested for him to call him dad)
sebek refused of course and explained he already had a father and simply could not!
floyd took it the wrong way and asked you if you were seeing another person 😭 I mean there's only one person 'lilia' in the school and from sebek's 'master-lilia' from their conversation it's clear that the boy was referring to whoever lilia is as his father so he tried to get jade up in it (who loved the idea of storming diasomnia but hell, even jade was wary of the nobody floyd never heard of in his life!)
^ coughs that was his jealousy speaking. in the end jade outright talked him out of it and told him that he could always spread some.. things since it always works.
out of jealousy floyd had told you that lilia sounds like a 5 year old name and is lame. jealousy may come in fire but floyd's come in grude. you just feel kinda bad for lilia lol
──  ko-fi
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lastoneout · 7 months
Okay, honest question, who is Yotsuba?
Yotsuba is a character from the greatest manga ever made, Yotsuba&!(or Yotsuba to! it translates weird, most fans just call it Yotsuba) which is a comedy slice-of-life manga about Yotsuba Koiwai, a five year old girl, and her very strange yet wholesome family and friends!
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It's from the same mangaka who gave us Azumanga Daioh, though while that manga is told in a four-panel comic style and doesn't really have much of an overarching plot, Youtsuba is done in a traditional manga style and despite also being very episodic there is a bit of a throughline surrounding Youtsuba getting settled into the neighborhood she just moved to, growing up, and eventually, in the later chapters, getting ready to go to school for the first time. Also, there are storylines that take place over multiple chapters as well! Despite the fact that the manga has been releasing since 2003, the chapters are pretty sporadic and the comic has only really covered about one year of the character's lives, but it never really feels slow or aimless. It feels almost...timeless? I guess. It's really nice.
Anyway, the manga is legit one of the most wholesome, funny, heartwarming things I have ever read. Kiyohiko Azuma is a fucking MASTER of comedy(you may have seen screencaps from a Sailor Moon fan comic he made going around on tumblr in which Jupiter accidentally sends Venus shooting across a pool that made me laugh so hard I cried) and he balances it well with lots of slow moments with GORGEOUS artwork where you can really take in the scenery and all of it is seeped in a wonderful nostalgia for childhood that legit makes me super emotional.
I don't think the manga has ever really taken off in terms of popularity, at least not to the degree that it deserves imo, which is likely in part due to the creator being firm about it never getting an anime adaptation and the sporadic release schedule, but it's far from unknown. There's been an official(I think??) score released and plenty of figurines and merch. It's also birthed a lot of memes, and it def has the same issue as One Piece where if you read it and love it you will turn into a walking billboard and try to drag your friends and family in with you. It's just THAT good!
You may have seen art of or people cosplaying Danbo, a "robot" made of old cardboard boxes that Yotsuba adores (Totally a real robot btw, def doesn't have a middle schooler shoved inside there, that would be silly wdym /s)
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And this pose from the back of one of the manga volumes featuring Yotsuba, her father, and their extremely tall friend Jumbo has been redrawn with other characters like 500000 billion times
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And you've also probably seen this going around tumblr before (that's Fūka she's my favorite cringe fail daughter I would literally die for her).
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Also, I would be doing a disservice if I didn't mention Yanda, who is a friend of Yotsuba's dad and also Yotsuba's nemesis. He's a loser who constantly gets dunked on by a toddler it's fucking hilarious.
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But yeah it really is just like, a manga that feels like a hug, or a warm blanket or something, it's so comforting and funny and fantastic, I find myself re-reading it any time life gets to be too hard just bcs it's that good at distracting me and reminding me that live is worth living.
And also given that it's literally my favorite manga, I saved up a bunch of screencaps to use as reaction images after a read one time, and thus now it's my own little joke that if you send me anon hate I'm just gonna send you back a picture of this cutie
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Bcs come on how can you be angry when you're looking at this???
Anyway here's some screencaps of the main supporting cast bcs I love all of them so much <3
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hollowed-theory-hall · 4 months
Secrets of the Darkest Art: How to Make a Horcrux
So I saw many theories regarding how to make a Horcrux, but none of them really made perfect sense to me, so I decided to give it a crack myself as part of my mission to understand Lord Voldemort/Tom Marvolo Riddle (Which I think I did, big post coming about that at some point, this is but another piece of that puzzle of a man)
So this is my reverse engineering of a ritual to create Horcruxes based on book evidence, my knowledge of real-world alchemy, real-world ancient Greek cults and rituals and linguistic analysis.
How to reverse engineering a dark magical ritual:
The first thing, is to define what we knew fore certain:
The name: "Horcrux"
The creator is an Ancient Greek wizard named Harpo the Foul.
A death is required in the making.
A Horcrux holds a piece of the casters soul that anchors them to life so they won't die.
I'll actually start with the third point.
How to split a soul?
Both Dumbledore and Slughorn mention a death being required to tear your soul to make a Horcrux, and that never really sat right with me. It magically doesn't make sense and even the canon examples we have for Horcrux murders make this statment iffy.
We have seven examples of murders used to create Horcruxs (thanks to one Tom Riddle being dramatic):
The Diary - Myrtle Warren - killed by a basilisk. Sure, Tom freed the Basilisk, but it hardly seemed targeted at Myrtle specifically and you can argue he didn't actually kill her (more a manslaughter by negligence). He didn't cast the spell, so how come this tore his soul?
The Ring - his father (Tom Riddle Sr) - Avada Kadevra.
The Cup - Hepzibah Smith - she was poisoned by her house elf. Sure, the elf was under the imperious, but it wasn't a first-degree murder, and like with the Basilisk I find it hard to consider this the same as casting a killing curse. Magically those are very different things.
The Locket - Muggle Tramp - Avada Kadevra
The Diadem - Albanian Peasant - Avada Kadevra
Harry Potter - himself - backfired Avada Kadevra
Nagini - Bertha Jorkins - Avada Kadevra
Now, I used the term "magically different" or "magically make sense" what do I mean by that?
Well, besides the fact I'm going to make a full post about how I see magical theory in the Harry Potter Wizarding World, I'll say it takes a lot after occult philosophies from Alchemy that are very old, Slughorn mentions as much in book 6 and there are a few other references to it. I'm just gonna cover the basics required for this theory.
In Alchemy, everything (people, animals, plants and rocks) are built of three base components:
The Salt - the body - the physical form.
The Sulfur - the soul - the self that holds the divine flame.
The Murcury - the spirit - the life essence that binds the salt and sulfer together.
Now, in Alchemy, the main study is in purifying and combining these different aspects of material. Let's look at a herb, for an example:
If we want to retrieve its salt, we'll dry the herb completely using fire to leave behind a fine light grey ash that represents only the physical form.
If we wanted its mercury we'd distill all liquids from it until we get a purified, clear liquid which in the case of plants would be alcohol (it's why alcohol is referred to as "spirit").
And if we wanted its soul, we would take the remains from the distillation and drying process which would be a kind of oil.
(it can get more complicated with different materials, but this isn't a post about Alchemy)
Now, back to Horcruxs.
So, if we would want to split a soul, Alchemecly, how do we go about it?
Well, we don't. Not really. See a soul can't really be split, as every part of it, every bit of that oil from our random herb represents the entire soul. It's why something like a Horcrux could theoretically work in giving a full life to the diary the way we see in Chamber of Secrets.
Additionally, to work with any material in Alchemy, you are required to purify it first. It means that to get a piece of soul to bind to a diary, you need a pure soul.
Killing someone else won't sever your own soul from the spirit and the body, it's not how this works. Killing someone severs their spirit and therefore splits their body, spirit, and soul. Besides, an Ancient Greek man, like Herpo was, would hardly consider murder as vile as we do today. It wouldn't even cross his mind that any murder (even an indirect one) could harm one's own soul.
No, the only way to "split" a soul is to first sever it from life, disconnecting the bond between soul and body. Essentially, the only way to promise you immortality is to kill yourself.
I know it sounds a little confusing, but, essentially, once the soul is severed from the spirit and body you can split it. Think of the herbal oil, once you have the oil, separate from the rest of the plant parts, you can combine it with new ingredients. You can only work on a specific aspect once you severed it from the other two and as what binds all three together is spirit — life — the only way to do it for a human soul — is death.
But really, how?
Well, here comes the second thing we know about making Horcruxs — that dear Herpo was Ancient Greek.
In Ancient Greece they had multiple different religious cults, some of which were Chthonic cults. Cults that dedicated themselves to death or ditties and heroes associated with death and more importantly — rebirth.
Many of these cults were dedicated to figures like Orpheous, Dyonysus, Persephone, characters in mythology who are known for going through the underworld — through death — and coming back out. These cults were very secretive and not much is known about their practices, but some is.
What is known is that they had rituals were they reenacted a death and then rebirth (usually drinking wine — a water if life, was the representation of rebirth).
This created a very clear idea in my head — to split a soul, you'll have to ritualisticlly, magically kill yourself, severe a peice of your soul and then revive yourself with a water of life — a potion.
This potion is never mentioned, but I believe it exists due to these Chthonic cult rituals and how they were structured. Not only that, but the Greek underworld did have a river known for being incredibly painful to drink, literally made of fire, but being able to bring the dead back - The Phlegethon River.
Note: Lethe River Water (the river in the Greek Underworld that makes the drinker forget) is a canon ingredient in a Forgetfulness Potion.
So what is the dead body for?
Well, congratulations, you killed yourself to retrieve a sliver of your soul and revived yourself so you won't stay dead. You found an item you can keep secure to tie that sliver of soul, too. Now, how would you bind then? After all, the only thing meant to bind a human soul to a body is a human spirit - a human life... you get where I'm going with this.
This is why Tom didn't have to be the one to do the deed. As long as he had a recently deceased corpse to harvest the life from to use to bind his newly split soul and the item of his choice.
It explains why nothing was missing from the bodies. Myrtle and the Riddles were investigated by the Ministry of Magic. One would assume the aurors would've noticed if any corpse was missing a hand due to the killer eating it (as other Horcrux theories suggest).
Not only was nothing missing from the body, the soul was intact. Myrtle became a ghost after death, a ghost is quite literally, just the soul, no body, no spirit.
So the only thing that was taken from Tom's victims was their life, quite literally at that.
Is that all? Can we make a Horcrux now?
Not really. See, when analyzing spells in Harry Potter is their name.
Avada Kadevra - is a reference to an Aramaic healing spell "Abracadabra" pronounced in Aramaic as: "Avra Kadebra" and meaning "I will create as commanded". Merged with the Latin word "cadaver" meaning "corpse" to create -> "I will create dead bodies as commanded"
Or Wingardium Laviosa - is a cross of the English word "wing", the Latin word "arduus" (meaning "high, tall, lofty, steep, proudly elevated"), or "arduum" (meaning "steep place, the steep" and the Latin word "levo" (meaning to "raise, lift up"). So together the spell means -> "lift high up".
So, it's pretty clear spells, their names and incantations are very self-explanatory. So a Horcrux should be no different.
I've seen some attempts at translating the name Horcrux. Unfortunately, these attempts treated the name as Latin, modern Greek, or Old English. Herpo, was Ancient Greek, though, so I went and translated a few possible meanings from Ancient Greek (Classical Greek and Homeric Greek are what I looked at):
ὅρκος (orkus, pronounced "hor-kus") - an oath, the object by which one swears, bound by oath (still used in modern Greek).
κρόκες (crukes, pronounced "cru-kes") - saffron-colored (blood red in Greek), crocus flower. The crocus flower symbolizes both death (the saffron that is the spice) and rebirth (the golden crocus which brings renewal and joy) because Demeter wears them when Persephone returns from the underworld in myth.
So what we have is a spell called "binding oath of death and rebirth" which all around sounds fitting.
There might also be a "made in blood" tucked at the end due to the association of κρόκες with the color of blood.
But what does it matter?
Well, somewhat. As now with this name, I expect the binding between the spirit from the victim, the split soul, and the item would be done in a sort of oath - an orkus.
The association with blood gives us another hint. Blood is the part of the human body most representative of life. Therefore, in Alchemy, your blood is your spirit. So it'll make sense that your own blood would be used in the binding process or more correctly in the process of turning another person's spirit into your own. Making the thread to bind the body (item) and the soul piece your own. As it also refers to just a red firey color, it can indicate the Phlagatton potion I hypothesize should be part of the ritual due to how Chthonic rituals usually went, as the Phlagaton river is made of fire.
So we have a general idea on how to make a Horcrux. You need an item of your choice to bind your soul to. You need a life (spirit) harvested from a human that you transformed into being your own using your blood. And you need a piece of your own soul, which you get by killing yourself and then reviving yourself. And you finish it off by binding it all together with an oath.
But how could you make one accidentally?
So, everyone knows Voldemort succeeded in somehow making a Horcrux accidentally, something a lot of theories I saw don't account for. Becouse whatever process you need to go to to make a Horcrux, Voldemort went through all of it the night he died the first time and marked Harry.
All the steps for my method of making a Horcrux were met that night.
The item in qustion is baby Harry, nothing interesting there.
The soul sliver was split the way it always is — through death. Voldemort dies, killed by his own killing curse and that is what splits his soul.
The life or spirit that then binds his soul to Harry isn't Lily's spirit or James'; it's his own spirit that acts as a binder between Harry and Voldemort’s split soul. Because the spirit was already his, there was no need to transform it by blood.
Step-by-step guide to making Horcruxes:
I'm not going to actually give the full step-by-step least a budging dark lord is looking for this information. I do have notes about exact incantations and even the full recipe and instructions for the Phlagaton potion I'm going to mention. These instructions won't be here since they are more in the realm of speculation and headcanon. This is just the overview of the ritual based on canon information and the occult philosophy I mentioned above.
Step 1 - Life and Blood
Get access to a recently deceased human and extract their Mercury (Spirit or Life Essence).
Submerge the retrieved life essence with your own blood on a new moon (life and vitality). (7 drops of blood will probably do)
Step 2 - Water of Fire
To complete the cycle of death and rebirth you’ll need the Phlegeton Water potion to return you to life at the end of the cycle.
As you brew the potion, it must be brewed in a dark room, preferably underground to remind as much of the underworld as possible.
While brewing the potion one must be in the mindset of the Phlegeton, must be willing to go through agony to achieve eternal life and imbue these thoughts in their potion. (In alchemy, when working, it is believed you imbue your work with your thoughts during the Alchemical process. As an Alchemical process affects both the material being worked and the Alchemist themselves)
Likley Ingrediants:
Saffron spice
Golden crocus flower juice
Pomegranate juice
Step 3 - The Ritual Preparation
Set up your space so none of the components may escape the ritual space and so the ritual will not be interfered with.
Make sure the spirit you retrieved is within reach.
Make sure the item you desire will hold the Horcrux will be within reach as well.
Coax the spirit into the item and prepare it to tie your soul to the next step.
Step 4 - Death and Rebirth
To create a thread of your soul to tie to the ritual, you must die figuratively. Go through death to return stronger from the underworld.
Once you feel like death has reached you and your soul is separated you should heal your soul and finish the cycle, bringing you out of death and back to life by drinking the Phlegeton potion.
After the pain subsides you will feel healthier than before, stronger than before, and you’ll have an additional thread of sulfur (soul) in your chest to be pulled out and placed into the Horcrux.
The split-off soul should, on its own, try to search for life and a body to be bound to. If it doesn't, coax it out yourself and bind it to the Horcrux with the spirit you made in step 1.
Step 5 - Oath of Life
The connection between the body (the item), soul, and spirit is still unstable, if most likely strong enough to hold.
Swear the oath of life to finalise the bound between you, the Horcrux, and the soul thread together to ward off death.
I'll end with this note I made regarding Horcruxes when I started working on this theory:
I don't know what all goes into the process of making a Horcrux but I don't believe a person who truly likes themselves and doesn't want to inflict pain on themselves could make a Horcrux. Tearing up your soul is an act of arrogance above nature, sure, thinking you deserve to change the laws of the world and be the exception is part of it, but it's also an act of self-hatred. You need to hate yourself enough to be willing to kill yourself, hurt yourself, and tear yourself up in the most unnatural ways — hence why so few can do so, let alone more than once.
And Tom Riddle does seem to have that exact mix of arrogance, spite, and low self-esteem that would allow it.
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fernsnailz · 1 year
how did Shadow and Omega (mainly Shadow) deal with Rouge's death? Was it Maria Robotnik all over again?
(cw: i talk about grief and death a lot in this one)
nah i don't think it would be like maria, i imagine rouge would be able to live a full life so her death wouldn't be sudden and tragic like maria's. but it would still hurt - personally i think it takes a while for shadow to come to terms with the fact that he's immortal and has to continuously watch the people he cares about die. he doesn't really allow himself much time to process his traumas so once he comes face to face with his lack of mortality it's a sorta "ah. right. everything i care about is temporary. ok cool that fucking sucks i'm gonna go sit in a cave for five years" sorta deal to me. i imagine he would be pretty reclusive after rouge's death, at least long enough for him to come to terms with it. which is probably a very long time
personally i think it would take a while for shadow to choose to live with the memories of an old friend instead of being burdened by them, but omega gets it the moment rouge is gone. omega lives by very clear rules and directives, so he simply chooses to keep living since rouge can't anymore. omega is fueled by spite and anger, but i think he's able to live 200 more years because he has a lot of love in him as well. but he probably mistakes it as rage because homeboy was only programmed with one emotion lol
but yeah i don't think rouge's death would be anything like maria's, mostly because i don't think rouge would want to leave shadow and omega with some sort of burden. i don't think she would ask them to carry on a legacy or make one final promise to her, she just wants them to continue living their lives however they want. and so when shadow and omega continue to carry her old trinkets and their memories of her, it's not because she asked them to do that - it's their own decision, simply because they love her and choose to remember. man i love team dark what the fuck
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cozy-cinnamon-roll · 2 months
Stitches (Part II)
(Read Part I Here! used to be We Interrupt This Broadcast... changed the name because I feel like this fits better 😅)
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Ler!Rosie, Ler!OC, Lee!Alastor (strictly platonic)
Content/Trigger Warnings: tickling, very brief blood mention, medical themes (non-graphic & painless). And again, this is set right after Alastor gets his ass handed to him by Adam, so you can expect some angst (don't worry, he gets better).
If there are any trigger warnings you'd like me to add in the future (and/or to this fic), PLEASE let me know! I am always happy to oblige. 💕
This is a ticklefic! If that's not your cup of tea, kindly move along.
"Almost ready" I said. "Basically finished" I said. Sorry y'all, the Chronic Illness Fairy struck. 😅 I will say this was my favorite part to write, but also the one I'm most uncertain about... bit more angst in this installment and I'm not much of an angst writer lol... but with Rosie in the mix (especially as a ler), angst never lasts long. 🥰
Also I changed the title. Hopefully it's not confusing that way... cuz without Part 1 this fic makes zero sense 😅
One last thing... I'm so happy y'all like Trudy! Was thinking about posting a lil sketch of her at some point (I need a new insomnia project now that this fic is done 😅). I've been having a truly awful few weeks on the anxiety front, so all the positive feedback on Part I has been quite literally making my days 💕
Hope you enjoy!!
"Ooh, you stubborn little bastard. You're still gonna refuse to laugh?" Rosie mutters.
Alastor doesn't dare try to speak. All he can manage is a defiant shake of his head.
"Look, my friend. If you 'don't mind a little tickling,' and getting all giggly is your specialty…" Rosie tweaks his bottom rib, eliciting a noise that comes just short of a squeak. "What, exactly, is the problem here?"
"I'm supposed to be in control!" he grinds out through his twitching grin.
"You are in control, sir." Trudy abruptly withdraws her hands, holding them up innocently. "You can tell me to stop at any time."
Alastor cringes. He was sorta hoping no one would point that out.
"Which is why I find it so fascinating that you haven't yet." A sly smirk creeps across Rosie's face.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
"I- I'm humoring you!"
"Humoring me?" Rosie tilts her head. "My dear, I hope you're not doing this just for my sake. If you don't want Trudy to check for further injury-"
"No, I do! O-on my terms!"
"This is on your terms."
"Yes, but-"
"In fact, you insisted."
He stumbles again, before mumbling another meager, "…to humor you!"
Trudy shoots her boss a disoriented look - but Rosie, as usual, is hearing her friend loud and clear.
"Alastor." Rosie rolls her eyes, gestures for Trudy to step aside, and scoots over to place a hand on his knee. "Adam is dead. Everyone in hell thinks you're either succumbing to your wounds in some remote gutter or hiding in whatever alternate dimension you just spent the last seven years. You're not even 'on air'." She leans in. "You can drop the act for a moment, if it's what you need."
That certainly hits the mark. For the first time, Alastor's smile falters - not completely dropping, but certainly losing much of the strained quality it's had since he arrived.
"I wish I could, my dear."
Encouraged, Rosie continues. "Well, what's stopping ya? As much as I love spending time with Alastor the Radio Demon… if you wanna take this opportunity to let out whoever's underneath that effervescent grin of yours, you know we wouldn't mind."
Alastor swallows - and for the first time in a decades, Rosie finds his expression difficult to read. "Rosie, I'm afraid I can't really..."
"I mean, you've been holding that same silly show-host-smile for years! Don't tell me you've never gotten tired of it!"
"It's sewn on, Rosie."
He hesitates. "Let's just say today wasn't the first time I've been, ah... stitched up." As he speaks, he gestures to his toothy grin. And for once, there's not a trace of distortion in his voice.
Rosie's dark eyes go wide when she realizes what he means. The cannibal overlord just stands there for a beat, in an uncharacteristic moment of shock.
But, being Rosie, she quickly recovers. "Well, so what?"
"I'm just saying, I'm afraid I can't really drop the act."
"Nonsense! Since when has your act had anything to do with your face?" Rosie flicks her hand, as if brushing the thought aside. "Who cares if you can't show genuine Alastor. I wanna hear him."
"But my microphone..."
"You're doing just fine without it."
Once again, this attempt at reassurance only makes Alastor look more disturbed. "Th-this can't be me!"
"...Well, no. This right here sure isn't the Alastor I know. But…"
Alastor is barely listening to her anymore. His broadcast persona has been his sole identity since he was alive. Now his radio tower has been reduced to rubble, his microphone snapped clean in half, even his carefully-styled clothing left in tatters…
If this is the Genuine Alastor he's now stuck with - panicked, stuttering, weak - he can't imagine how he'll ever be able to face the rest of hell…
But these racing thoughts are once again interrupted by nails tracing up his sides. A sharp yelp cuts the air as poor Alastor just about jumps out of his skin.
"…Perhaps I can offer a little help?" Rosie suggests gently, once she has his undivided (and adorably flustered) attention. "On your terms, of course?"
Alastor just gazes back at her for a long moment. "What do you have in mind?"
"I happen to know something about you that even you can't fake."
The radio demon hesitates… before heaving a sigh and, to Rosie's surprise, giving a small nod of consent.
She breaks into a brilliant (and frankly terrifying) smile.
Before Alastor can brace himself, Rosie's hands have both found his sides and begun working into his waist. Having just watched him squirm around under Trudy's thorough probing twice (and adored every second of it), she already has a pretty good idea of where his worst spots are.
Which is made abundantly clear by Alastor's reaction. Within seconds he's gone from still trying to hold it all in by habit, to giggling into his hands, to cackling hysterically.
And it's the kind of laughter she's spent the last seven years missing. This isn't the confident, taunting chuckle he brings out for battles or brushing off rivals; this is bright, helpless, occasionally hiccuping laughter, the kind that is nearly impossible for him to stop once he starts - and the kind she only has the privilege of hearing when something truly amuses him.
"You can't sew your laughter on," Rosie reminds him. "This is all yours."
Rosie's fingers creep up under his shirt to scribble on bare tummy, adding a couple new sweet spots to her mental catalogue. This technique brings out even more of her favorite little quirks: the way he bats playfully (and completely ineffectually) at her wrists; his repeated attempts to speak around his laughter that only result in frantic spurts of incomprehensible, giggle-laced gibberish.
As she traces her nails across his lower belly she also finds a tiiiny layer of unexpected pudge. Which probably shouldn't surprise her - he's been out of the battle scene for seven years, after all. All those deer carcasses have to go somewhere.
Regardless, she finds it terribly endearing for some reason... and the surge of affection translates into a corresponding surge in the intensity of Rosie's tickles.
"AHaha! Ro- Rosie!" he blurts, his voice jumping a full octave higher than normal. "Stop!!"
Rosie removes her hands immediately. "Stop?"
"Aha- ah- well- I mean, er…" He stumbles breathlessly, and gives a sheepish cough.
"You didn't really want me to stop, did you?"
Rosie resumes with a chuckle, reeling herself in just a little. "How 'bout we say... oh... 'enough,' if you really want me to quit?"
Of course, she has to go and say it out loud.
"M-more of a reflehex..." he admits reluctantly.
Alastor tosses a shaky thumbs-up at her, already too lost in his own giggles to manage a verbal reply.
And he's gotta admit… Rosie was absolutely right. He wouldn't stop her right now for all the souls in hell. There's a reason Alastor has the most recognizable evil cackle of any other overlord. He can't help but find dissolving into laughter as cathartic and exhilarating as always - even if this time, it's not at some poor soul's misfortune. It's a result of his best friend's affection for her darling deer demon.
"As fun as getting your soft little belly is," Rosie muses, pausing to let Alastor catch his breath for a moment, "I can't help but wonder if you're ticklish anywhere else…"
Alastor may be off the air, but Rosie can practically hear the screech of microphone feedback just by the look on his face. "….I plead the fifth."
"Have you considered his ears?" Trudy pipes up shyly. While she'd managed to restrain herself behind an impeccably professional bedside manner earlier, it had taken everything in her power not to stroke Alastor's ears when she'd been close enough to do so. They were just. so. fluffy.
"Ohhh, heavens…" Alastor, for his part, curls in on himself at the mere suggestion.
Rosie grins. "Hey, 'no' is always an option."
A long pause. Alastor can't believe he's considering this. But the sensation of being tickled, as unbearable as it is, does feel awfully pleasant… and it's been so long since anyone has dared to touch him…
And what else does he have to lose at this point, anyway?
"I suppose if you're… very gentle…"
"Are you aware that your ears are the softest thing in the nine circles?"
This stipulation ends up backfiring. When it comes to his ears, gentle is worse. So, so much worse.
Poor Alastor is too busy clutching his stomach and snickering madly into his sleeve to reply.
"I should know, I work in retail. These right here-" Rosie traces her fingers down the feathery-soft edges, sending the radio demon into a new round of hysterics. "-Would fetch a pretty penny."
"They're nohot for saHA-ale!!"
"Nooo, I should say not." Rosie's hapless victim lurches back into the cushions as her fingers find the fluffy region at the base of his ears. Even without the microphone, his cackles have no problem filling the room. "You're the only demon classy enough to wear them."
"And don' you - GAHaha! - f-forget it!" He's so drunk on laughter now that he's beginning to slur his words. His careful elocution has gone the same place as his steady tone, and lack of stutter.
Luckily, he's also far too drunk on laughter to care.
...Right about there, Rosie notices that the faint hum of radio static in the air is no longer just in her head.
He is laughing his heart out for the first time in weeks. Genuinely laughing for the first time in decades. And laughing completely for himself, for his own enjoyment, without need for intimidation or control or image or audience, for the first time since long before he died.
While Trudy typically can't say much for her self-preservation instinct, she's got enough of one to feel hesitant joining her boss in tickling the most powerful overlord in hell (outside the pretense of medical intervention, at least). So she just stands back, watching fondly as The Most Dangerous Overlord This Side of the Pentagram utterly destroys the deer demon.
...At least, until she notices a flicker of green light out of the corner of her eye. Lying forgotten on the end table, the splintered ends of Alastor's microphone are sparking and crackling like live wires.
The surgeon creeps over for a closer look, staring in fascination. And then - just as Rosie gets poor Alastor behind the ears and delivers a scribble to his tummy at the same time - she ever-so-gently nudges the fractured ends closer to one another.
To her surprise, a bright green spark arcs clear across the gap. For a fraction of a second, the whole staff radiates a flash of a familiar green glow.
"Keep him laughing, Rosie," Trudy murmurs over her shoulder. It appears the Radio Demon's downfall will be nothing more than an intermission.
Thanks for being so patient with me y'all! Hope it was worth the wait 💕
💜- Cozy
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warrenposts · 1 year
I Know It Hurts
I Know It Hurts (Lockwood x Reader)
Request: Prompts 3, 11, 12 with Scenario 1 for @avelinageorge + 3 with Scenario 4 for anon
Summary: You get hurt on a job and are forced to face a phobia in the hospital followed by comfort from Lockwood back at Portland Row
Warning: Slightly graphic description of needles
Word Count: 5K
Requesting Information Here            Masterlist
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“Y/N!” Screamed Lockwood.
You barely registered his desperate voice as your back hit the fence of the cemetery, having been forced off your feet and tossed to the side by the Ghost. You fell to the ground and looked up to see Lockwood slicing the ghost through the stomach with his rapier. You’re not sure how he made his way across the grounds to you so quickly but you're glad he did.
The ghost dissipated for a moment and Lockwood turned his back to you, shielding you in case she apparated close by you again. “Lockwood,” you groaned, struggling to stand after the blow to your side. It took you a moment, but eventually you pulled yourself up to your feet and stepped away from the fence, grimacing with each crunch your boots made on the gravel. 
You were confused as to why it hurt so much more than it should have and glanced down only to be faced with blood, fanning out on your shirt. You couldn't pull your eyes away from the sight and started to feel sick, hands shaking as your mouth went dry. Time slowed down for a minute before you were quickly snapped back into reality when you felt someone grab your arms.
"Y/n," Lockwood was shaking you gently, holding your biceps to keep you upright. That seemed like a good idea since you felt yourself tip back, about to stumble back into the fence. "No, no, no, none of that." You heard him insist as he pulled you away from the hazard.
Your body responded limply and feel forwards, which he let you do this time by wrapping his arms around you and slowly lowering you to your knees then safely into his arms. He held you in a seated position, keeping you upright against his chest.
Groaning at the sticky sensation you glanced down and flinched at the sight, your breath catching in your throat as you tried to make sense of the situation.
"It's all right, I've got you," he soothed. "It's not that bad, you're gonna be okay. We'll get you-"
He was interrupted by the sound of Lucy calling out over the now hauntingly silent graveyard, “We got it! We got the source! It’s over...” Her voice trailed off as she and George came to a halt, eyes widening at the sight before them.
After a second of shock, the two ran over and dropped down by your side. "We've got to get them to a hospital!" George analyzed, although it didn't take a genius to draw that conclusion. They were all thinking the same thing as they watched the blood pool on your side.
"No!" You interrupted, choking back a sob as Lucy pressed her hands down over your wound, something Lockwood seemed too in shock to remember to do. "I'm okay, no hospitals," you strained, trying to push Lucy away, hoping it would ease some of the pain. The two boys were quick to stop you and you threw your head back in pain as you fell back into Lockwood’s chest.
"You need help, Y/n." Lockwood insisted. "We're not equipped to deal with this."
"Please," you begged. "I can't do hospitals, with all the death and needles and," Your words were cut short by you trying to catch your breath ad you began to panic at the thought.
All eyes on you were drowning in sympathy. "It will be easy, I promise."
"Don't lie to me," your voice was small and helpless, something they'd never heard from you before. You couldn’t help the tears that fell from your eyes as you became more and more aware of the pain. Reality started to kick in when you heard the DEPRAC relief sirens, blaring down the street and you shot a hand up to grab one of the arms that Lockwood had wrapped around you. He tightened his grip on you and you started to tremble, struggling to come to terms with the fact that whether you liked it or not, they were taking you to a hospital.
Lucy coaxed, "We'll be there the entire time." You vaguely heard her sniffles as she bit back the tears threatening to fall.
“That’s right,” Lockwood spoke softly into your ear. “We won’t let them hurt you.”
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Time was warped in your mind and you only clued in to the fact that you were being pulled into an ambulance on a gurney when you could no longer feel Lockwood behind you. You started to panic as the paramedics shoved your friends away, telling them they can meet you at the hospital.
“No, no, no, no,” you objected. “They have to come with me they-AH!” You were interrupted by a sharp pain in your side and looked down to see the longest needle you’d ever seen embedded into your side. Continuing to scream, you jerked away and tried to fight them, doing anything you could to dislodge it from your side. The paramedics held you down tightly while they fished out the anesthetic and all the distress you were feeling built up in your throat. “LOCKWOOD!” You screamed as tears streamed down your face.
You vaguely heard the voice of Barnes, shouting out to let Lockwood into the ambulance and before you knew it, his grasp returned, exactly where it belonged.
You were quick to squeeze his hand, tighter than you ever thought you could. Everything was so intense and moving too quickly for you to catch up. "Lockwood," you sobbed. "Please, make them stop," you begged.
“It’s alright. I know it hurts,” he soothed. “We’re almost done, I swear.” He kept glancing over to the people surrounding you, silently asking for any indication that the words he was saying had any truth to them.
Despite his comforting hand tightly holding yours, thumb rubbing gently over yours, you couldn't keep the agony at bay. You still felt the air catch in your lungs and strangle you, taunting you in your torment. The ambulance felt hot and much smaller than it actually was and there was nothing you could do to control the rapid suffering of your lungs. Lockwood’s voice was far away but you were still happy to hear it, it being the last sound you hear as your eyes fell shut and you drifted off into suffocating darkness.
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When you awoke, Lockwood was already awake. He sat by your bed, sleeves rolled up his forearms to sit just under his elbows, one of which was propped up on the armrest as he rested his knuckles against his temple. You could see his tie was missing and he'd undone a few buttons on the shirt that was now disheveled, blood-soaked and smudged with grave soil.
 His eyes glanced over to you and when he saw you shifting around, he was quick to move and take a seat on the edge of the bed to instantly start fussing over you, “Try not to move,” he coaxed.  “You're okay, but you shouldn't move.”
In an attempt to sit up, you glanced down and immediately took notice of the IV needle sticking out of the back of your hand. Lockwood sighed in sympathy at your realization. You took a shaky breath, feeling the bile build in your throat. “Lockwood.” You hadn’t planned your next words; in fact, you were barely aware of the one you’d just said.
“I know, I know,” he hushed.
Your throat was starting to hurt with all the hyperventilating you'd done. "I-" You couldn’t do this again. You were exhausted from the anguish that today had caused you. Impulsively, you decided that if nobody was going to listen to you then it was time you pulled off the Band-Aid yourself. You reached down, fumbling to grab the IV line but Lockwood grabbed your hand and pulled it away while the other stayed petrified on the bed.
He sighed, frustrated that he couldn't make this easier on you. “I was hoping you’d sleep through all of this-”
“I can't do this again-" You whispered, voice hoarse from all the screaming. He’d never heard such desperation in your voice and every moment of it made his heart ache.
“You need it," he insisted, rubbing his thumb over your hand while you squirmed uncomfortably. "To stop it from getting infected.”
“I can do that with a pill,” You argued, dropping your head back onto the pillows behind you, no longer able to hold the weight of it up as you started feeling hot and sick.
He reached out and shifted the monitor so you couldn't see the time left on the IV drip. “It will be out before you know it," he soothed.
Every word that left your mouth was purely impulsive and happened without any prior thoughts. “I’m going to pass out," you choked, hardly registering what you were even saying, "or I'm gonna rip it out." Honestly you didn't even mind which; you just wanted one to happen soon so you could have some peace and get rid of the sickly feeling that rolled in waves over your body.
The needle on your hand started to feel bigger than it was and the quantity increased. Soon you felt one poking every vein in your body, tormenting your vulnerable position.
Rapid beeping echoed throughout the room as you heart monitor increased speed. Lockwood was quick to react. He let go of your hand and ducked under the IV line to crawl into the bed. He positioned himself behind you, holding you more upright so you could breathe easier. "It's alright," he whispered. "I'm here, I've got you, just breath and everything will be okay."
He held your hand in your lap and kept his other arm around your waist. Your heart warmed at his actions. He didn't even think about it, you were scared and he wanted to do everything in his power to help you. You tried to listen to him and took a deep breath of air but it was shaking and croaky. Regardless, it helped for a moment but soon your attention returned back to the needle and you tightened your grip on Lockwood’s hand instinctively.
He let out a forced laugh and began whispering into your ear. "You think you’re stressed? Your bestie George was practically pacing a hole into the floor.”
His words caught you off guard, it wasn't a strange claim but why was he bringing this up now? You shifted slightly to look over your shoulder at him and, while minding your wound, moved you so you were tucked under his arm. You still rested on his chest, but now had a better angle to lock eyes and ask, “Is he okay?”
“Completely bonkers," he insisted, cracking a mischievous grin. "By now he’s probably broken into the café, trying to cook you something better than the hospital food.”
You let out a small laugh, which at this point felt like such a foreign concept. "I wouldn't put it past him."
“Can you imagine?" He teased, "Lucy pulling him by the legs, up in the air as he clings to the oven?”
Giggling again, you tilted your head in thought. “Knowing him, he’s stealing a heart or something from the cadaver lab.”
Lockwood furrowed his eyebrows, putting on a fake look of concern. “Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t have left him alone.” He began glancing at the door, comedically trying to look into the hallway for your friends.
“He’s with Lucy," you defended in an unconvinced confidence, if that could classify as defending him.
“Yes," he laughed and countered, "the second worst influence.”
“The first being you?” You asked, raising an eyebrow to his theatrics.
“No! George." He argued, "He stole the skull remember?"
“Yeah and Lucy stole ring, twice,” you mocked. "Remember?"
“Maybe she is two,” he caved, smiling at how your demeanor had changed. He didn’t dare ask if you were feeling better, but he never let go or stopped the soothing tracing on your hand.
“Okay so ‘You, Lucy, George, me’,” You listed, looking up at him for confirmation.
Scoffing, Lockwood did a double take and further continued the debate. “George is not last.” 
You groaned and leaned your head onto his shoulder. “I’m afraid to say it but he is usually the voice of reason in our little group.”
“We’re doomed,” he replied, resting his head on top of yours.
“It’s not like he enjoys it,” you defended. “It’s just that the bar for what we consider responsible is so low, thanks to you.” He would have loved to point out that your current condition rated you at least third on the ranks but he didn't want to redirect your attention back to your situation.
“Okay fine,” he gave in and negotiated. “Lucy, then Me, George. Final ruling.”
You gently shrugged causing him to lift his head off of yours, much to your disappointment. “I can live with that,” you agreed. “If you’re comfortable being wrong.” Lockwood narrowed his eyes as he smirked and opened his mouth to argue but was interrupted by a voice entering the room.
“Sounds accurate to me,” George agreed, entering the room with Lucy by his side. They looked uninjured but still worse for wear, tired at the very least.
She glanced at the needle but Lockwood kindly and subtly shook his head. She couldn’t stop wringing out her hands in discomfort, unable to bear seeing a sight so similar to Norrie. It hurt to see her best friend in such a state and couldn’t think of a single thing to say, so she was grateful when George took the lead.
“Don’t worry,” He nudged your arm and flopped onto the chair by the bed, stretching his legs out onto the mattress. “When we get home, I'll make you Noon Khamei,” he smiled, even more so when you mirrored his expression.
Lockwood let out a ‘tsk’ and scolded in an amused voice, “You’re too soft on her.”
“Says you, cradling her in your arms to distract her,” he proclaimed, his often deadpanned voice now laced in humor.
Lockwood felt a pang of nerves in anticipation of your reaction but you didn't start panicking. Instead, you smiled softly and croaked out in a small voice “It’s helping,” you admitted. “But do you know when I-” As if on cue, the monitor next to you began rapidly beeping and Lucy was quick to react. 
She was yanked out of her concerned trance and announced, “The drip is finished, I’ll get the nurse.” Before speeding out of the room. It was obvious that she couldn't wait to get you out of there.
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When Lucy returned, she had a nurse in tow. The two stopped at the door and Lucy rasped out, “George? Could you come here?” She looked nervous and assumingly only called George because she didn’t want to pull Lockwood away from you.
You watched the two intensely as they spoke to the nurse; whatever Lucy was hearing seemed to dial up the concern that already took residence on her face and George began shaking his head, clearly disagreeing with what he was hearing.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” You asked, not taking your eyes off them, hoping it was clear to Lockwood that you needed him to either lie or comfort you.
He shrugged and joked, “They’re probably just interrogating George about the missing hearts in the morgue.”
You wanted so badly to take comfort in his words but by this point you were at your limit and just wanted to go home. “Please just get me out of here,” you exhaled.
“It’s alright,” he whispered into your ear. “I know it’s been rough, but you’re safe now and I won’t let go of you again.” You took a deep breath, taking in his words and feeling a wave of comfort when he pressed his lips to your head.
The three approached and you swallowed your fear as best you could. “Give it to me straight, Doc,” you joked, although your voice didn’t have a whole lot of humor to it. “How long do I got?”
He nodded and ignored your discomfort. “We’re concerned about the state of the environment in which you were injured,” he explained. “You said it was a cemetery fence that cut you?” He asked. Despite him doing his best to explain himself, you began to feel impatient. You just wanted him he’d get to the point so you could go home. The walking on eggshells was starting to bother you after a whole evening of pain and losing your autonomy.
“That’s right,” Lockwood answered after seeing you freeze. “Nasty accident,” he eased, always trying to dampen the danger of any situation. 
“Well, we believe that it’s in your best interest to receive a tetanus shot,” he announced.  “To prevent serious infections that may have congregated from the rust on the fence.”
“Oh no, it’s okay,” you reassured, letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “I've had them before. When I was a kid,” you confirmed.
“It’s not always enough and a sixth dose is always recommended at your age,” he pushed. “It’s the best avenue to prevent us from having to see you here again.” 
‘Was that supposed to be a joke?’ You thought. “I’m sure it will be okay-” You started to get the uneasy feeling that regardless of what you said, he was going to do as he liked. That’s what doctors usually did. ‘No, that’s not fair. It’s his job and he’s just trying to help you.’ You reminded yourself. ‘You’re just stressed out. You have to remember, your friends are here. Lockwood is here.’  That’s when you looked around and realized that in all the commotion, you’d forgotten that you had people looking out for you.
At first the idea that you were being forced into a situation that you hated, one that made you so afraid and sick with no control over what happened to you, just reiterated how cruel DEPRAC had been to you over the years. But it wasn’t like that anymore, you had your friends and they were just as intent on getting you home as you were. It was a new experience that you were still getting used to but it was true none the less.
“It’s alright, It won’t be like before, I swear,” Lockwood promised, maneuvering himself to look at you directly. “I’ll be here the entire time.”
“We all will be,” Lucy chimed in, this being the first time she’d confidentially spoken all day. She lurched forward to grab your hand and you barely noticed the needle that was still lodged in your hand.
“Only when you’re ready this time,” George added. “Only when she’s ready,” he repeated, looking at the nurse who nodded in confirmation. 
You thought for a moment. You still had no choice on the outcome but this time your friends were going to make sure it happened on your terms. “Okay,” you whispered, looking upwards, trying to remain as confident as possible.
Your friends all started smiling, their chests swelling with pride as the nurse left the room to prepare. George spoke first, “I had no idea you were afraid of needles.”
“George,” Lockwood gently scolded but you were quick to ease their minds.
“It’s okay, hospitals have always bothered me,” you informed. “They stick you with the needle when you’re not ready or prepared or even aware it’s happening.” They all nodded and you tried to find the words to explain yourself. “It’s like, the moment a doctor walks into the room, I know that nothing I say or do matters, I've been completely robbed off all autonomy.”
“It won’t be like that this time,” Lockwood promised, now sitting beside you on the mattress. He cycled between rubbing your back and gently brushing your hairline as you spoke.
Smiling, you locked eyes with him and said with absolute confidence, “I know. I trust you.” George and Lucy shot each other a look that neither of you caught.
You didn’t tear your eyes away from him until the nurse returned with a second following beside. They explained that they were going to remove the IV, give you the shot then you could be discharged.
“Are you ready?” Lockwood asked. It had been the first time you’d ever been asked that before getting a needle and you couldn’t help but smile as you nodded.
The man from before got to work disconnecting the IV from your hand and you couldn’t help but feel the nausea return. However, the moment you started taking deep breaths, your friends all started talking to you about random facts from the case. Lucy held your hand and Lockwood refused to move from your side.
When the nurse asked him to move, he simply swapped sides to give them access to your arm. As he took his seat on your opposite side, he brought a knuckle up to your jaw and gently turned your head to be looking at him, pulling your attention away from the needle in her hand. “Just let us know when you’re ready” he asked, causing the nurse to halt her actions.
You nodded, keeping your eyes on him and whispered, “Go ahead.” You still felt sick and uncomfortable but you knew you were safe and it was enough to help you get through the last of the prodding. 
When it was finally over, proud smiles were plastered onto your friends faces and George let out a deep sigh, breaking the silence. “Brilliant, let’s get you out of here then,” he declared before rushing off to collect the discharge papers. Lucy followed, practically sprinting after George.
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It had been almost two hours since you were finally sent home and George had made the Noon Khamei cream puffs he’d promised and Lucy had given you a blue teddy bear she’d bought from the gift shop in her frantic exit to collect the discharge forms. They made tea and Lucy sat with you for a while George went upstairs to check on Lockwood.
After a while, Lucy had started to doze off on the couch and you encouraged her to go to bed. She was reluctant to leave you but you promised that you were happy with some quiet time in front of the fire. Since then, you had sat on the couch finishing your tea and fiddling with the blue, fuzzy bear that Lucy bought. You hadn’t seen Lockwood since he set you down where you’d asked and you’d began to worry that you’d exhausted him today.
After George went up to check on him, you’d heard the shower running for some time. Since then, it had been silent and all you could think about, now that you were alone was Lockwood. How in your moments of distress, all you wanted was him and when faced with a situation where you could barely breath, he’d made it all the more bearable.
Your frantic thoughts were interrupted when you heard someone step into the room.  “Nice teddy bear” Lockwood commented, leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed in a pose you were sure he’d practiced. His hair was slightly damp and he was now dressed in black sweatpants and his grey hoodie. You always found it comforting to see him in such a calm, domestic state.
A smile broke onto your face, “I’m calling it ‘Henry’.”
Lockwood shook his head and pushed himself off the doorframe and began walking over to you. “After the ghost that nearly killed you today? You’ve lost it.” It didn’t take long before he was towering over you as you sat, nestled on the couch. “How are you feeling?” He asked.
“I’m sorry I yelled today,” ignoring his question, you were quick to apologize, now much more conscious than you were on the field. “The pain made me a little delirious and you were just trying to help."
“Don’t be,” he shook his head in an unsteady fashion. He didn’t look so good; a little shaken and disturbed. “It was a rough day," he shrugged. "For all of us.” You were waiting for an unconvincing smile but he never gave one.
“I’m just glad to be home.” Something warmed in Lockwood’s chest every time somebody described the place as ‘home’, you could see it in his eyes, clear as day.
For the first time since you arrived home, he locked eyes with you and you let out a breath of relief when you saw the subtle smile on his face. “Well perfect reason to never let it happen again,” he joked before his smile turned bitter sweet. “I couldn't bear it,” he admitted.
The silence made you a little uncomfortable under the circumstances, you weren’t sure what he meant by that but you decided to overthink it later. So instead of asking you just raised your plush bear up a little higher and asked, “Couldn’t bear it?”
He tried so hard to not smile, but he couldn’t hide it, “Damn, Lucy.” You laughed at his feigned frustration and set the bear down next to you on the table.
“Will you sit with me?” You asked, scooting over on the couch to make more room for him. “It really did help at the hospital.”
Lockwood swallowed and took a nervous breath, fidgeting slightly where he stood. “You need to rest,” he declared.
“But- But," you fake stuttered, feigning a pout in a dramatic fashion. "It's so uncomfortable over here all on my lonesome."
“No,” he insisted, a genuine smile now slowly growing on his face. He narrowed his eyes in false disapproval, the smile giving him away. “I won’t spoil you just because you have been so careless as to injure yourself.” For a moment, he lost the humor in his tone and it felt like you were being scolded.
“Really,” you pressed. “I’m sorry I panicked so much, I just-”
Lockwood was quick to interrupt you and softly asked, “How could you ever be at fault for that?” He seemed serious in his question, genuinely confused as to why you held yourself accountable for that.
“Maybe you’re just not bothered because you’re so infatuated with me,” you teased. “Can’t do any wrong in your eyes.”
He held the eye contact, almost challenging you and you were relieved that your usual dynamic had come back into play. “Oh, you’d like that wouldn't you?” He asked.
“It was nice taking advantage of how much you care for me,” you opposed. You both has matching smiles lighting up your faces. It was a nice contrast from the previous events of the night.
“I’m afraid to say, I'd gladly do it again.” He admitted, “You might be on to something.” It almost sounded like a confession or admission but you chose to accept it as confirmation.
“How do you always know exactly what I need?” You asked, “at the hospital, you completely distracted me.” It was a fair question. You were aware of how well you all knew each other but Lockwood seemed to have a hold over you that you couldn’t quite identify.
“Because you’re obnoxiously vocal when you’re uncomfortable,” he teased and gave in, taking a seat next to you before shaking out the blanket that had begun to slip off your lap so it was now covering you both.
“Well, that’s because I know you’ll cater my every need and desire," you mumbled, leaning in immediately to his side.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, mumbling into your hair.
“Everything is a little sore,” you admitted. “But I’m glad it’s over, I feel better now that I’m here.” You didn’t specify whether you meant Portland Row or your current position, but it didn’t really matter. Either one was true.
Feeling your eyelids start to drop, you turned as subtly as you could, nestling further into his side, hoping he'd pull you in to cuddle closer with the arm he had draped over your shoulders.
He didn’t pull you in, instead he tapped your arm and started indicating for you to sit up. "Uh-uh," he softly protested, guiding you to an upright position. “You shouldn’t sleep on the couch in this state. Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”
Immediately you threw your head back and began pouting at his actions. “Nooo, it’s so hard to get comfortable,” you practically sulked. “And you just sat down," you added, hoping to appeal to his own exhaustion.
"We'll I wouldn't have if I'd known you were this tired,” he bickered back. “Besides, what does that matter?" he asked.
"I don’t know,” you mumbled, not shifting your weight to keep him on the couch. “It’s just more comfortable with you,” you admitted sheepishly.
His heart burned at the way you practically buried your face into his chest, he tilted his head back, starting at the ceiling to hide the giddy smile that fought its way onto his face. “Well, you don’t get everything you want just because you’re hurt,” he goaded, still nudging you to sit up.
“I get you, don’t I?” You asked, locking eyes with him after he gently pulled you to your feet.
“You do,” he whispered and he held your face gently in his hands before tilting your head down to press his lips to your forehead. You closed your eyes and held his wrists tightly, leaning in further as didn’t to find much separation between the two of you anytime soon. “You do get me.”
"Will you stay with me tonight?" You pleaded, looking up into his eyes. “You need to rest just as much as I do.”
“Well, in the interest of not giving in to everything you want,” he teased, gently shaking your head in his hands, causing you to laugh and pull them away from your cheeks. He leaned down and whispered in your ear. “Whatever you want.”
“Lockwood?” You asked softly, looking up at him through your eyelashes. He hummed in response. “Don’t forget my bear.” The frustrated huff that left his nose was worth the profanities you were likely to read on the thinking cloth in the morning.
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Just a matter of timelines
I 💯 believe Storer never envisioned The Bear as a love story per se but romance was rather a closure/ending for his original movie script. My reason to believe this is quite factual: He said The Bear was actually thought of as a movie about dysfunctional characters finding each other -found family- in a dysfunctional (realistic) kitchen. Not a rom-com. I already talked about that here quoting his interview with the Enquirer.
That being said, I also figured by 02x01 that he had been converted (I assumed by Calo, but ultimately doesn’t matter how) and turned into a Sydcarmy shipper. I go over that here. That’s why his constant gaslighting makes me sick! When I found out that Kasama means together in Filipino and that its owners are married IRL, I was soooo ready to sue this guy.
Anyway, my point is that now with S2 under our belts we can read more into S1 than what Storer wrote originally when all he had was the movie script adapted for TV and no guarantee about the show being picked up for a 2nd season, however, the fact that the ending of the movie/S1 was about leaving the door open for a potential romance between Carmy and Syd as Braciole (Storer has a fetish with naming characters and eps) foreshadowed and that threshold was indeed kinda crossed in S2 (aka the most Sydcarmy season so far), especially in ep 02x09,
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it’s important to notice the storytelling length pattern here. Meaning: Storer starts in the opposite direction he actually wants to take, which is what most great writers do BTW and it's not uncommon, ofc. So if he wants to dive into Sydcarmy waters by the end of S3, we can expect a full-on Clairmy renaissance in the first half of the season. You guys know how I feel about her and thus how opposed I am to that, but on Storer terms, the fact that we see Claire get her fucking way at first is gonna be actually a good sign for Sydcarmy.
I have my mind set up to have to wait till S4 to get what I want but with all this new info about the pasta decoding and the storytelling patterns Storer is showing, I’m starting to believe in a S3 Sydcarmy breakthrough. 🤞
There is NO DOUBT in my mind about The Bear getting a star this season or some kind of award like the James Beard that is usually what all Michelin star chefs get first, that’s what makes it so important in the big leagues. More about that here and here.
I have also mentioned that the star will bring them together and also break them up because it comes with a price. And Carmy doesn’t want the star, he wants Sydney and to give her what she wants.
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She’s the one who wants The Bear to be a Michelin star spot, Carmy just wanted it to be their spot.
He could have been content with just that. So he will get her the star and probably lose her in the process (I bet but wish I was wrong on this one), which leads me to believe that in S4 he will get her back and that’s why I have my $ on the grand finale, not on S3 for Sydcarmy, but if Storer wants to take a U-turn in S3 as now that I saw this I'm starting to kinda infer... I’m all for it, sure! Unfortunately, he chose the love triangle dynamic, which I hate, to do that, but I’ll take it.
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If S3 is Sydcarmy territory as opposed to pre-Sydcarmy territory, I’m here for it.
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knightyoomyoui · 9 days
The 1% Of Chances | TWICE Jeongyeon x Male Reader Fanfic: CHAPTER 9
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Hellooo! Damn, it's been almost 8 months now since I haven't updated this book, and I almost forgot where I left off, which required me to re-read this book and the plot outline I made. Sorry for those who waited, but what's important now is that IT'S BACK, and I'm finally going to finish this to lessen the worklist I have on my drafts. We are now down to 3 chapters left, and so far, I'm also applying some little changes to the ending because I just thought of something better than the originally planned one.
Actually, there's nothing much going on here in the entirety of this chapter, but it serves as a short "calm before the storm" moment that will finally set us up for the climax down to the conclusion of the story.
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Since Jeongyeon doesn't have a schedule for today—which includes you as her personal manager—you've both agreed to go somewhere more fun with your spare time rather than just spending it in the dorm.
She offered to drive you home in Jeongyeon's own vehicle, taking the wheel as soon as you were done loading. You were taken aback at first, but because it was her initiating the task, you didn't mind objecting and allowing her to proceed so as not to ruin her fun.
You sat at the passenger's seat next to Jeongyeon and laughed together before she started the engine and operated the vehicle, stepping on the accelerator to get you both to your first destination.
"Do you want me to play some music while you drive?" You asked her, aware at the fact that although you can find yourselves some topic to talk about throughout the ride, it might die down and make the atmosphere a bit boring and quiet.
"Sure." She quickly replied to you, agreeing to listen too. "Hey, wanna do some carpool karaoke?"
"Was that like doing a karaoke while in a car?"
"Nice catch, genius…?" Jeongyeon looked at you in a deadpan manner which caused you to be slightly embarrassed. "Ofcourse silly, you just reversed the name. And yeah, it's simply singing along while we're on a ride."
"Hmm sure, I'll take the male vocals."
"Nope, I want you to sing with me even if it's female." Jeongyeon shook her head.
"I can't sing that well, my voice isn't low pitch." You declined. "And… it's making me shy."
"What? Why? It's just the two of us come on." Jeongyeon whined as she bounced at her seat to express her disappointment. "I wanna see you sing along to some female led-songs."
"I don't sing one, I'm mostly into male-leds."
"You sure?" She side-eyed you. "Hmm then what about when I saw you having that Sabrina Carpenter song on your Spot-"
"Okay okay stop!" You became flushed as you didn't expect Jeongyeon would use this as a retort card to capture you on the corner. "Ugh, fine. But I was just curious about it because I've been hearing it a lot on my Insta feed so… I tried to give it a listen."
"It was a vibe actually." She agreed.
"Yeah it sounds so good. Don't know her that much but that's probably one of my songs I could use to cheer myself up."
"Should we listen to it?"
"Okay…" You were about to search for it on your playlist until you paused. "Wait, we're gonna sing too right?"
"But her voice was smooth there, I might ruin the song with my monstrous voice."
"Hey, who told you that?!" Jeongyeon knitted her brows in disapproval at the self-deprecating term you chose. "I always thought you'd be a great voice actor or something, and you probably had such a great deep voice. It doesn't even matter if you can't match the notes; all I want is for us to have fun. Just go with the vibe of the song, that's all."
Also, don't you want your partner to be happy?" She was teasing you, pouting her lips and making fun at you with her sulky attitude. You've noticed her habit, and it was too irresistable to ignore without being continuously obstinate.
"Okay, fine, I'm going to play it. Damn it, Jeong, you really know how my weak spot is." You clicked your tongue as you pinched her cheeks, which made her giggle like a little girl. As you played the music, both you and her sang along together. She did laugh at you, but not because of how horrible you sound as what you think of yourself. You were pretty average, and she was just reacting this way because she was obviously impressed by you.
After going through your third song, you noticed in the GPS tracker that you're shortly meters away from reaching the place where you are heading both. You've decided to share something that popped into your mind.
"This is honestly my second time of going here." You recalled. "I remember when me and my family used to come here way before I was young."
"How old were you back then?"
"Hmm… 17 I guess?" You said. "It was a celebration for my brother being an honor awardee in his school. I kinda missed going here, well I wanted to bit you know, time passes and we grow old enough and some interests don't stay with us forever. My brother is already at the right age and he doesn't feel to visit these sort of place anymore like he used to be. Well even if he does, we still wouldn't be able to do so anyway."
"Why so?"
"Broken family." You bitterly smiled. "It won't feel the same as before anymore."
Jeongyeon looked at you concerned and gripped your hand. "Sorry to hear that. Hey, let's stop talking about it if it'll make you comfortable. We're now here, let's not kill the mood alright?"
"Yeah, sorry Jeong. It's my fault."
"No, don't mind it. You just want to recollect some memories you had, and you know I'm willing to listen to your stories anytime you want. I'll be here if you need something to release within yourself okay?" She lightly punched you in the chest then ruffled your hair.
"Okay." You smiled nicely at her. She gave you a quick kiss on the lips after that, increasing your energy back at its full capacity for today.
"Let me park this big boy right here first." She said as she paid for the parking fee at the guard before proceeding to enter the vacant lot.
You and Jeongyeon got out of your car and took your stuff after finding a spot to park for a while. You take her hand obediently as she shows the tickets to gain entry into Lotte Park, your first of three destinations to have some alone time together. You strolled across the park's entrance afterwards.
She put on her mask to reduce the attention she might get from individuals who might recognize her as a member of TWICE and a K-Pop idol. Even if it means that she will have to give up her freedom to display her bare face in public, she doesn't want anyone to disrupt this moment with you. She doesn't care because, at this point, all that matters to her is to be with you today.
"Where should we head on first?" Jeongyeon said as she viewed the entire interior of the amusement park, the different rides, attractions, arcades and many more all visible in your eyes to choose.
"Hmm… I want to… I want to eat first."
"Yah, seriously?" She chuckled at you. "We just ate before going out of the dorm and now you're hungry again?"
"I love eating, you can't blame me."
"You're also unfair and unbelievable, you know? You eat this much and yet you don't get fat." Jeongyeon elbowed you on the stomach. "Alright, you male counterpart of Momo, what fast-food chain you want?"
"Some hotdog station will do."
"I'm easy to talk with, so let's go." She grabbed your wrist and pulled it with her like you're a child being dragged along by your mother.
Reaching the 2nd floor where the food section is at, both of you stepped in front of the hotdog station where you wanted to eat. She lets you choose the order first since you're the one who requested this, and you kindly obliged to it.
Minutes later, you have received your foods altogether and ate it while watching the visitors around the place, having fun in their own ways. Even at sightseeing was fun to do so with your carefree and adventurous girlfriend, there won't be an instance where she wouldn’t try to find something hilarious for both of you to share laughters with.
For instance, she was telling you how much the other members enjoyed hotdogs when she just broke out into laughter. She mentioned that she had just witnessed a dad stumble in front of the playhouse while chasing his child when you asked her why. Even though you may not have witnessed it directly, Jeongyeon's laughter is contagious enough to make you get along with her easily.
After emptying your hotdogs, Jeongyeon brought yourselves back onto the main business of going here in the park. You immediately said your first preference to try.
The couple has attempted almost the entire selection of rides, attractions, and arcades all around the main lobby of the park, leading to yourself being highly exhausted from the adrenaline, enthusiasm, and laughter you have both spent playing like crazy.
You two rest on a bench first to conserve your energy for the next destination. You volunteered to wipe Jeongyeon's sweat across her back and arms and also bought some cotton candy for you and her. Another brief conversation has passed through, and after making yourselves satisfied, you exit and ride the car again with her to head to the following location.
You took the wheel this time as you let Jeongyeon sleep for a while after she shared that she's feeling sleepy. It was a silent ride, so you reopened your playlist and played it at a minimal volume to avoid disrupting your girlfriend's peaceful sleep.
It took like 45 minutes to get to the Seoul Museum of History, which was your suggestion to visit with her since you have to learn the history of everything, from its origin to how it evolved and what it left for the next generations to either adapt or innovate with respect to the progress of time in our world.
You woke up, Jeongyeon, after successfully reaching the designatedplace. She nodded in response, and she did some adjustment of her look to prevent looking haggard outside from her sleep. Bringing your camera with you, she walked with you again with arms clasped on each other, accompanying you towards the entrance of the museum.
You happen to roam around and snap pictures of the items, people, and events that transpired or existed in South Korea with Jeongyeon as a keepsake of your time spent with her, and these areas are organized into categories via each floor. Additionally, Jeongyeon was amazed and intrigued by several fascinating informations you learnt about Seoul and South Korea as a whole.
Once you've finished looking over all of the artifacts, antiques, statues, and other items on exhibit inside, you tell Jeongyeon that your time is up and you may go on to your final destination and finish the day with her.
Driving under the sky of Korea, about to greet the nightfall with the gradual emergence of the bright moon and the soft transition of the clarity of the clouds to the darkness of the aerial perspective, you and Jeongyeon calmly watched the surroundings you two were passing while on the way there.
Sighting the familiar spot from the distance, it brought relief for the both of you that you have made through all of these safely and successfully, bringing much joy to each other. Parking the car again for the third time, you joined Jeongyeon to stroll with you around Seokcheon Lake Park, your final place to spend the remaining time available tonight with her.
Apart from the rows of cherry blossoms that surrounding them, both of them were thrilled to capture the stunning scenery that would be perfect for a lovely pair like you and Jeongyeon.
You have spotted a tteobokki cart and without hesitation, you bought each for yourselves and claimed an available bench in front of the lake as you take a break along with her.
"Oh… mhmm… wow. Tteobokki will always remain one of the greatest foods I've ever tasted." You complimented after chewing the rice cake and sipping its sweet and spicy sauce.
"I'm with you on that." She also took a bit again and hummed at how satisfying delicious it is. "We did shaped this day better as what we expected, right?"
"And we deserve this too, after such hectic schedule that we had from you. I just hope the girls are doing well too on their own." You replied.
"I'm most certain they are. They aren't choosy or like timid to try something to entertain themselves through their day off. They're basically easy to explore things as long as they develop interest to it." She said.
You finished your food and threw it at the nearby trash bin before returning beside your girlfriend and cuddle with her. While watching the reflection of the nightsky through the crystal clear water of the lake, you inserted a topic that suddenly crossed your mind.
"Jeongyeon, do you think we'll last long?"
She looks at you before returning her gaze back at the scenery in front of you two. You felt her shoulders shrug, but the way her arms clenched yours tighter is enough to confirm her answer.
"I don't know, but I really hope we do. We just have to commit ourselves to do anything that won't break our trust for each other."
"Yeah, and for me… I don't even think it's possible for neither one of us to fell out of love someday. Especially me, I really do love you a lot, Jeongyeon. So much that I think even after everything that may happen to us for better or for worse, my heart would always bring me back to you."
"Can tell the same as mine." Jeongyeon smiled and made her head more comfortable laying atop on your shoulder. "We'll either just leave the fate on us… or we create a fate of our own where no matter what happens, from the start until the end, it will still remain to be you and I forever."
"I really can't wait for our wedding in the future." You chuckled as you caress her hand, especially the finger that you would love to insert your engagement and wedding ring for her. "But about that… I still have something to accomplish first before we get through there."
Jeongyeon may have caught what you meant by that. "Are you sure about that, YN?"
"They definitely knew about our relationship now anyway, it's all around the news and internet. I say we must not take them too long waiting for us to confirm it ourselves."
"So you're ready now."
"Almost… but I can handle it. I-I'm a bit nervous still at what your parents are going to react."
"They have no problem with it when they confronted me about it. They're nice, YN. I'm sure you'll easily win their approval, I mean… you fit the qualities of what they like the most for a guy that will take their daughter to marry." Jeongyeon giggled and and blushed at that fact.
"So you mean they're not also against on you loving a non-celebrity guy like me?"
"Tsk, as if they give a damn about it." She rolled her eyes and stared at you a bit intensely. "Them and even I don't need somebody who is also popular to be told as my perfect match. I take love seriously, and what I need in return is somebody who can give me that pure and sincere. I'm not someone who prefers bragging a relationship because of our social status, I just want a man who is willing to love me for who I am inside and outside, and I found it from you, YN. Because of that, you have stolen my heart and gave me the feels."
She tried to be serious after admitting it all to you until she slowly cracks a laughter after she saw your expression noticing something suspcious.
"Wait a minute…" You also began to cackle with her. "Did you really just included a reference to The Feels?"
"Yah! I thought I was too slick for that." She conceded defeat. "But I said what I said, and you know I mean what I mean, YN."
You pulled her head against you and kissed her directly on the lips, which took some time for yourselves to separate as you encouraged her to move your mouths deeper to make your intimacy more passionate, just as you wanted it.
You leaned away for a second and stared deeply at Jeongyeon's sparkling eyes while brushing her pink tinted cheeks. "I know, Jeongyeon, and I'll always have it on my mind while I feel your love for me."
"Great, then get back here and let me give you more." She pulled your collar through her, forcefully inviting you back into another heated kiss of affection.
As they arrived on the dorm, you both tried to continue making out with each other when suddenly it got interrupted again when you felt a stinging pain again in your head returned from yesterday.
"YN what's happening to you?" Your girlfriend checks up on you as she observes you loose the hem of her shirt from your grip while you groan and crunch your face.
"It's hurting again…"
"What? Where is it?"
"My head." You said as you hold your skull to endure the kicking pain that causes you severe discomfort.
It made Jeongyeon alerted at your condition. She went through the first aid kit and looked for some painkiller pills and filled a glass of water before going back to you and instructed you to take it.
You followed her advice and she let you lay your head beside her neck as she cuddled you. She slowly laid you down on the bed with her and gently stroked your hair.
"Calm down, YN. It will be gone shortly. I think you're tired of everything we did today, so rest up for now okay?"
"There you go. Goodnight and love you." She kissed you on the forehead before she continues taking care of you.
"Love you too, Jeong. Goodnight."
Both of you went calm that it disappeared and the medicine worked atleast… although only for a while.
Two days later while you are currently helping the stylists who are applying make ups to Jeongyeon and cleaning all the managers' leftover food containers, another episode of pain attacked your head again. It became confusing and quite frightening to you that the more you're suffering from this, the more painful it gets compared to last time .
What's surprising was that it didn't also occur at night which was way earlier today, pointing that it also happens now at a random period of time.
“Unnie, he’s been like this since few days ago. I don’t know what to do.”
"Jeongyeon, join YN. I'll call emergency and JYP for a while." Sadness said as she hurriedly reported your condition to both of these important people that can hold responsibility for your currently worrying state.
She returned to the dressing room, passing through staffs and the other TWICE members who are heavily scared and worried for both of their friends. "The ambulance are on their way now. JYP also agreed and mentioned that he will pay some visit for YN afterwards."
"Thank you unnie." Jeongyeon nodded before she returned her gaze at you who is still clenching your body like a ball while gripping your head furiously in pain.
"Hold on for a while, YN. Okay? Help is coming. Please, I hope nothing bad must happen to you," she said as she started to get teary-eyed seeing the love of her life suffering in her arms.
The medical team arrived at the place a few minutes later and immediately rescued the poor YN, putting him on a stretcher while Jeongyeon insisted on joining her boyfriend's side on the way to the hospital.
She guarded you intently, watching you barely opening your eyes and weakly breathing, while the thoughts and feelings disturbing her were filled with fear and anxiety regarding your health.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Nosebleed Section // Jake Seresin
Part Two: Conflict Diamond 
Summary: Jake struggles with putting his love for you into words which ultimately ends up pushing you further and further away. When everything comes to a boiling point? Is he able to say the three words you’re so desperately seeking.
Word Count: 4.4K
Warnings: Mentions of bar fights, mild themses of injuries associated with a bar fight. Jake Seresin x F!reader
Author Note: Part One Is Linked Here. Angsty little two parter to get the blood pumping. Dunno how well this will take but I enjoyed writing it nevertheless. So here you go.
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Bob knew the second he saw the blue and red lights flashing through the window from the car park that you’d be done for. You were young, lithe and homely, wise by no means. Knowing that you were one guys, for his eyes and only—you’d go down any day of the week for Jake. If it meant he didn’t have to deal with people treating him like sex on legs. 
“Hey—“ Bob shoved at your foot as you groaned and jolted from your sleep. Looking at him as you pushed yourself up onto your elbows in the back of Roosters Bronco. Head spinning from the copious amount of liquid courage and bones throbbing from the impromptu bar fight. Your nose killed. Your lip swollen. Blood still stained your shirt and face, dried and caked into crevices you didn’t even know you had. If Rhett could see you know he’d tell you to pull yourself together and stop acting like a delinquent—little hypocritical coming from a guy who’s wrap sheet was the same thickness as the dictionary. “If you think I’m gonna bail you out of your responsibilities Y/n you got another thing coming.” Bob and Rhett were five years older than you but they both, each to their own respect, acted like your fucking dad. 
“Hell are you on about Bob?” Questioning your brother’s scowl, he pulled Roosters Bomber off your chest. “The fuck?” 
“Cops are here.” Your heart sank as you sat up and saw Sam Taylor standing behind Bob. The North Island local Constable. He was a nice guy—hated bringing you in. But he always made sure whenever you were that you got what you needed. 
“Hiya Sam.” Your head was throbbing as the alcohol in your system had started to break down. 
“Abbott, we gotta stop meeting like this.” Sam sighed as Bob stepped aside to let you climb out of the back of Rooster Bronco. “You’re gonna have to come down to the station—“
“Yeah yeah I know the drill.” You turned on your heels, heading towards the police car parked in the lot just across the way. “No need for the cuffs alright they give me a rash.” 
“Shit—“ Jake saw the slights as he came out of the bathroom, fixing his fly as he dashed out the front door, brushing past his colleagues who all stood around watching the events take place. They all knew this was coming. “Brawler!” 
“I’m fine Hangman go back to whatever it was that you were doing.” Constable Taylor just followed you back to his car. Shaking his head because this wasn’t the first and certainly wouldn’t be the last time he picked you up. “Gonna catch a lift with Sam here.” You didn’t both turning around, why would you when Jake had basically said he didn’t want to love you. Struggling to come to terms with the fact he’d fallen for someone like you—just a girl from Wyoming who couldn’t hack it. A Brawler. 
“Sam, hey.” Jake caught up to the young constable as he shut the door behind you. “She was just defending me—“ 
“From a twenty something blonde? Yeah, get outta here Seresin, I'm not buying it, Abbotts a smart girl but she’s got rocks in her head. She knew what she was doing.” 
“In all seriousness. Jake lowered his voice. “That girl assaulted me.” It was the first time Jake had actually admitted it. “She wasn’t takin’ no for an answer and just wouldn’t stop.” 
“Who threw the first punch?” Sam asked, stunning Jake into silence for a moment as he watched you lay down in the back of the cop car like you’d done it a million times before. “Exactly, as for your assault, file a report, but she’s going to the drunk tank, she’ll sleep it off—cop a charge and hopefully get to keep her job if this shit doesn’t make it to trial.” 
Jake loved you. He really did. He’d just never loved anyone like he loved you before. His own feelings scared him half to death because he couldn’t control them. It truly frightened him that the feelings he had for you went so deep that he’d move mountains and part seas just to get to you if you needed him. 
Struggling with his own emotions may have cost him everything when he’d worded it the way he had. But deep down Jake knew if grief ever darkened his door, you'd light it up the way you brighten up a room. It hits him right in the chest, 
puts the breath inside of his lungs every time he sees you smile. A gift all for him each time because those smiles seem less and less genuine nowadays.
He wonders briefly, while looking at you through bright reds and deep blues if you’d stopped smiling for him when you stopped believing in the idea he may have loved you back like you so openly loved him. 
“Ring me when her bails set, would ya Sam.” Jake knocked on the window to grab your attention. You didn’t bother looking up as you send him a half assed wave of acknowledgment. That was good enough for Jake as a smile crept its way across his face. 
“Why?” Sam just shook his head as he made his way around to the driver's side door. “You gonna pay for it?” Jake turned to Bob who’d been standing off to the side just taking it all in. This hadn’t been the first time he’d watched one of his siblings get carted off in the back of a paddy wagon and it sure a shit wasn’t about to be the last. It was in his blood, your blood. 
“Someone’s gotta.” Jake replied softly as he made his way over to the weapons system officer. Meeting him toe to toe. “Neither one of you have ever told me why you're Floyd and Rhett and Y/n and Abbott?” 
Much like Rhett who’d always been chasing a way out of Amelia county but could never pull the trigger, Bob was right there. Firing off on all cylinders the day the twins turned eighteen. He ran, but you ran straight after him. 
“Because I didn’t wanna be an Abbott.” 
You didn’t remember being brought in and being detained in the drunk tank at the Miramar station. But you do remember Sam slamming the sliding roller door open the next morning. The sudden ringing in your head as you fell from the small fold out to the concrete flooring below told you all you needed to know. You’d fucked up. Again. 
“Bails been posted, Jakes waiting outside for you.” He smiled softly as he watched you scramble to your feet. You looked like hell but that bitch looked worse and that alone was worth it. No one touched Jake if he didn’t want to be touched, it didn't matter if he was usually the one initiating the conversation or approaching whoever he had set his sights on. on. Consent was consent—for everyone. “You should go home, get cleaned up, stay outta trouble long enough for this to figure itself out.” 
“Where’s the fun in that Constable Taylor?” You tried to remain your usual stoic self. Carefree and honest. “But I’ll do my best—“ But the cracks in your shell were starting to crack ever since Jake fucking Seresin said he didn’t want to love you. Well, he didn’t quite say it like that but you knew how to read between the lines. “Thanks for the free lodging.” You tapped his chest before making your way down the hall to the clerk's office to grab your things. Your shoes, your phone, wallet, keys and whatever was left of your remaining dignity. 
“There she is, How ya doing Brawler?” Jake beamed as he leaned against the hood of his pick up. Smirking at you with that thousand watt smile as you stumbled down the front staircase a little less than graciously. Groaning as you held your hand against your rib and started on that nasty limp you had when putting pressure on your right leg. An old rodeo injury that was only ever exacerbated when you decided physical altercations were far more exciting and adrenaline enduring than verbal confrontations.
“There’s definitely a lesion here.” You groaned as you made your way over to the passenger’s side door without so much as a hello or a thank you.. Despite your inner turmoil, you and Jake had a connection that didn’t need to be spoken, he knew you were thankful for the lift just like deep down despite his inability to admit it out loud that he was thankful you came to his defense last night. “But I’m not gonna be the one who figures it out—“ Clipling in your belt, you let your head hit the back of the chair as you sank lower and lower. “Take me home please—I need a shower and a fucking tylenol.”
“You definitely take the whole fuck around and find out analogy to a whole knee level huh?” It was silent when you didn’t answer straight away—not even a song playing softly through the speakers could be heard as your head throbbed from the bruising that had started the shine through in shades of deep purples and gross greens. 
“Yeah well, stop fucking around with Badge Bunnies and we wouldn’t have this problem.” You huffed as you picked dried blood out from under your fingernails, noticing just how cut up your right hand truly was and how much your wrist killed when you rolled it around. “Did you get a New Year’s Eve kiss?” You weren’t asking to be nice, you were asking to see if Jake had gone back to his merry little ways after you were taken away,
Trying to see if he’d done exactly what you’d told him not to do and fuck around with yet another girl who just wasn’t good for him. Not that you were any better. You weren’t good enough for anyone. 
“Rooster gave me a pretty sexually awakening smooch.” Jake chuckled when he saw your lips turn up into a fleeting smile. His hand had wandered over to your knees, gently resting against the denim of your jeans. Thumb rubbing absentmindedly as he drove with one hand. “But no, no I didn’t get a new years kiss.” He paused, wondering if he should try his luck again because what were the odds you’d jump out of a movie car to get away from him if he put his foot in it again. “The person I wanted to share a New Year's kiss with got carted away in the back of a cop car around eleven.”
“Damn, bet you’re really struggling to wrap your head around that aren’t you.” You couldn’t help but to throw what he’d said back at him. You thought, which was so stupid now that you really knew how Jake felt—that for a moment there he really did like you. Or even just liked the idea of you. But you didn’t want to make his life any more complicated than the Navy already made it. You didn’t want someone struggling to love you. You just wanted someone to love you for who you were, as fiercely and as unconditionally as you loved them. 
“Y/n—“ Nope. You weren’t doing this. Jake's grip on your knee tightened as his heart sank into his stomach. Ah, the proverbial foot in mouth he was worried about. “I didn’t mean it like that, I just—“ Interrupting Jake with a scoff you shook your head as he pulled up into your street. Removing his hand from your knee as you unclipped your seatbelt. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it, Hangman, just uh—you can drop me at the end of the drive.” Jake slowed the car to a halt, expecting you to jump out even before he put the car in park. But you sat there for a second in silence—looking into your lap. “Thanks for the lift, and I’ll pay you back for the bail—you know I’m good for it.” The mistake was yours to believe you and Jake could ever work. You’d wear it like a sunburn that might disappear but it won't leave you. The sting of loving someone who just couldn’t commit entirely. “I’m glad that nothing happened, you’re a pain in the arse sometimes but no one deserves to be treated like that.” You let your eyes linger at Jakes as he drank in the sight of you. Bloodied, bruised, fresh out the slammer. “I’ll see ya around Seresin.” 
“Yeah.” Jake didn’t know why but he just couldn’t say what he wanted to say. It’s like the cat had his tongue, his inability to tell you how he felt was pushing you further and further away and the tension hung in the air like cigarette smoke. Any time Jake Seresin had to face his feelings head on or had to try articulate those feelings into words so that those around him understood wholeheartedly how he felt, felt like he was trying to talk with a mouth full of sediment. “I’ll see you around.” 
When you got out of the car, you couldn’t see—vision blurred by tears that welled because why wasn’t Jake fighting to keep you around? It sucked. Simple. It sucked that you were in this position, but you weren’t going to let him see how easily he affected you. Show no emotion, no empathy. No heart. 
“Seeya Jake.” You mumbled as you fished your keys from your pocket. Unlocking the front door as Jake watched from the driver's seat as you disappeared into your home. 
“I love you so fucking much—“ Jake gritted his teeth as he clenched his jaw and tightened his grip on around the steering wheel so tight it turned his knuckles white. “Why the fuck can’t you just say that?” 
The unimaginable temperature of the water that rushed over your aching muscles soothed your entire being as you washed away the blood that stained your skin and clumped in your hair. Notes of raspberry blossom and juniper filled that bathroom as you scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. Washing away the pain of heartbreak, worse than any physical pain you’d ever endured. 
Your phone that sat on top of the vanity cut off whatever song had been playing—your ringtone blasting out as you blindly reached out to see who was calling. With hesitation, you let it ring a few more times before settling on the fact that to get this out of the way and done with would be better than to drag it out for days on end. Dodging calls you knew wouldn’t stop. 
“Rhett—before you start, just know, the bitch had it coming.” Trying to defend yourself before the conversation even started.
“A FUCKIN’ BAR FIGHT ARE YOU SHITTIN ME Y/N.” Rhett’s voice was so loud in your ear you had to pull your phone away from your ear and place it on speaker. Making sure to hold it far enough away from the water that cascaded itself down your body. “Are you insane!?” 
“I don’t need shit from you.” You reminded Rhett as you heard the sound of rodeo announcements coming from the background. “Sounds like you're meant to be focusing on your next ride, cowboy.” 
“Rob said you might lose your job?” Fucking Bob, of course he snitched. You made a mental note to put a thumbtack on his seat next time you saw him. “What in god's name are you tryin’ to prove here kid?” Rhett asked as he kicked the dirty at his feet. Holding his phone to his ear as he fixed his hat. 
“Yeah well, win some you lose some—“ You sighed, just wishing for this conversation to be over sooner rather than later. “Could always kickstart my comeback career.” You knew that would rival Rhett up. Everyone in Amelia county knew he was the best bull rider in the nation, but you were just a little better. Key word being were. 
“Shut Up Brawler you know you can’t.” It wasn’t often that Rhett referred to you with your call sign, still gobsmacked you decided a career in the Navy was what was going to drag you out of the hole you put yourself in. “Stop doing whatever it is that you’re doing kid, shit ain't worth losing everything you worked so hard to achieve.” 
“You’re just scared because it won’t be Rhett Abbott at the top of the scoreboard anymore, it’d be me.” He knew you were right but he wasn’t going to give you the satisfaction of hearing it. “And you’d be surprised just how worth it he really is.” 
“I did the same thing one—“ Rhett had made it out once. Made it all the way to New Jersey. Settled for a little, had a whole new life. “Look where it got me.” Until Maria turned around and told him he still wasn’t enough for her. 
“Jake isn’t Maria Rhett—“ You immediately defend Jake when you caught onto what Rhett was alluding to, cutting off the shower and stepping out with a towel wrapped around your body. Tucked under your armpits. 
“No, Jakes a hell of a lot worse considering you two aren’t even a thing.” You had nothing to say as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Eyes bloodied, eye socket bruised. Cuts and abrasions littered your skin and all the colours of the rainbow seemed to pepper your complexion like badges of honour or horror. Depending on what way you wanted to look at it. 
“Listen to me kid, you know I used to put my crooked foot in what I couldn't resolve. But I’ve taken control now, hard work is good for my soul and I love it, growing through life and stress knowing the fight is just half of self-imposing righteousness.” Rhett paused as you stood just eyeing off whatever pathetic version of yourself stood staring back at you. “I think it’s time you did the same damn thing before you either get yourself kicked out of the Navy or worse—killed.” 
Knocking at the front door pulled you out of the self loathing trance you’d fallen into while your brother took it upon himself to lecture you about the path less travelled. 
“Rhett, I love you—but I gotta go, someone’s at my door.” 
“Don’t throw your life away Y/n, come home?” He asked as you held your breath at the offer. “You’re in over your head there kid.” 
“Make sure you don’t get Mickey bull—he bucks anyone off with two seconds.” You shook your head as the knocking continued, hanging up before Rhett could say anything more. The knocking wasn't stopping, if anything it got louder and more despite the longer you let it keep going. 
“Alright! Fuckin’ hell im coming!” You shouted as you barrelled down the stairs in your towel. “Don't get your knickers in a wod.” You sighed just as you opened your front door to see Jake standing there. “Jake? What are you doing here?” He’d come to just tell you how it was. Had every intention of pouring his heart out to you because you of all people deserved to know exactly how he felt and then some. 
But the longer you stood before him in just that towel with your hair dripping and your skin bruised and cut and all beat up he couldn't find the words. Silenced by his own nervousness and fear of rejection. Jake didn't do love, he did flings and moments and possible weeks. But with you? He wanted you forever. 
“I just came–” He stumbled over the words he wanted to say as Jake looked down at his feet. “I uh–came to say that–uh.” Jake knew about female rage, he’d seen it when his sister lost her fiance in a car accident just after they just celebrated their engagement party. He’d also seen it when Phoenix was passed up on a promotion because she'd mentioned that there would be a possibility in the near distant future that she and her partner Alex wanted to start trying for a family and the Navy wasn't ready to dish out maternity pay for her. 
But in all the times he’d seen female rage play out in all kinds of ways before him he’d never been on the receiving end of that rage. That clear pain that couldn't be held back. That couldn't be contained any longer. That needed an escape. 
“Oh for fuck sake Jake just say it and get it over with!” You hissed as you stepped back and turned around to try and cool off before you really lost your shit at him. 
“I'm trying, I  just–I can't get my words out, but–” 
“Come on, Lie to me and tell me you love me.” You turned around with a look in your eye Jake had never seen before. “Tell me just how fucking hard I am to love!” It was painful to watch you unravel knowing he'd caused you to spiral. 
“It's not hard to love you.” Jake panicked as he stepped past the threshold of your doorframe. The closer he tried to get to you the more space you put between you and him. “Y/n, you aren't hard to love.” 
“Go on Seresin, do it–” You hissed like you hadnt just heard him as tears started freely falling down your cheeks, still holding the towel around your body. “Lie to me again and make me feel like the piece of shit I am.” 
“Do you love me or not?” You asked as all your rage just boiled over when you were given no response. Watching as Jake tried to say something, anything. “ANSWER ME!” Sobbing ensued as you couldn't hold back what you’d been trying to high for the longest time. “ANSWER ME JAKE!”
“I LOVE YOU!” He shouted way louder than you’d ever heard him scream before. It made you jolt as Jake took strides towards you, cupping your cheeks in his hands to keep you from moving any further away from him. Holding your stunned gaze as he looked down and you looked up. “I love you, do you hear me goddammit?” He asked as he pressed his thumb against your bottom lip. Softly caressing the slip you wore. “I love you and I'm not lying, or just saying that because I know it's what you want to hear.” He cooed as you started to feel the heat rising in your chest. “Y/n Brawler Abbott I love you and I'm so sorry I haven't been able to get my shit together enough to say it until now.” You were crying, sobbing as Jake walked you back towards your living room. You let him guide you as you cried between his palms. “You drive me crazy, you’re so funny and brilliant and you could kick my ass at anything ever and i don’t know why but i’m so obsessed with you it scares me away because i’ve never fucking loved anyone before you.” 
“You’re just saying what I want you to say–” You mumbled softly through tears. Jake finally got you where he wanted you, the lounge, sitting down before reaching out to grab the throw blanket for you. Guiding you to sit on his lap before he was wrapping you up. Covering you so you felt like you could drop the towel and just be in the moment with him. “You don't really love me, Hangman, there's nothing to love.” 
“You were the only person who saw I was in trouble.” Jake was quick to explain as you let your forehead rest against his. “Why were you looking huh?” 
“Because I wanted it to be me.” You cried. “Every girl who you've ever taken home, every girl who's ever gotten a chance to touch you, be with you, I wanted to be her so fucking bad but you never saw me.” 
“I saw you every second of every day.” It was the truth, Jake saw his moment and took it before you could think about the fact he’d taken so long to work up the courage to do it. He connected his lips with yours because surely you didn't have a concussion anymore or even at all. “I was just too afraid to let you in because if you broke my heart like you broke that girl's nose so help me god i’d never recover.” 
“There's a real big part of me who doesn't believe you, Seresin.” You admitted as you took his lips hostage again, your hands to car through the back of his hair and nap of his neck. “But since we’re airing everything out? I love you so much that that girls lucky she's not breathing through a tube right now.'' Jake knew you were holding back–it wasn't just a threat you made when you said next time you wouldn't go so easy. But a promise. 
Jake smiled up at you, just taking in the sight of you because he’d never seen you look so vulnerable with all your walls down. He wasn't about to take this moment for granted. No way no how. Kissing you softly and ever so slowly until you were pulling away for air. 
“Some people never find out what they have Y/n, only ever find out what they had and I could've been one of them. I know that– and I don't know if I still won't be one of them and that thought hangs around my neck like a millstone.” 
“Jake–” You whispered against his lips. 
“You're my refuge Brawler, the best person I know and I need you to see that the only one I let down more than you is me.” 
“You could never let me down Jake.” You cooed, sitting up just to drink in the sight of him beneath you. Still only covered by the throw blanket he’d given you. “But just for the record, you don't have to be afraid to tell me how you feel ever.” 
“Such a conflict diamond.” He beamed up at you because Jake knew he got his girl. Finally, the word seemed to spin again when you smiled back at him. A sight he’d missed far too much. “Just hope we can figure out a way to settle this whole mess before it goes to trial, can't lose you as my wingwoman just as i get you as my girl.” 
“So I'm your girl now am I?” You taunted, Jake knew the second your lips curled up into a mischievous smile that he was going to have to work every day of his life to keep you pumped full of the love you deserved to revel in. pulling you down into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you tight. Kissing your cheek. 
“You've always been my Brawler, and will always be my girl.”
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ripley-dean · 8 months
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Goliad is insane.
Heya Void,
So, I rewatched Goliad and i just realized how impactful it is for the main casts character development.
Quick summary, So, in this episode Princess bubblegum, soon after realizing she will die one day after being taken over by the lich, chooses to create a Candy sphinx, Goliad, with her DNA. She's too tired to take care of her so Finn and Jake do, and she starts getting the wrong idea and hijinks ensues.
I'm gonna address four things Goliad, Princess bubblegum, Jake and Finn.
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Goliad is a creature known as a "Candy Sphinx", created by princess bubblegum as an heir, Her mind, having just been created, is not aware of the world around her and needs assistance much like a child. But after reading Princess bubblegums mind and being threatened with "dismantling" looses her mind a little bit.
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However, I think Goliad would have turned out this way no matter what.
When Stormo was created at the end of the episode He immediately knew right from wrong, so it's literally in Goliad's DNA, Bubblegum's DNA, to use her power in a more chaotic way.
-Princess Bubblegum
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In this episode we see an extremely fragile princess bubblegum who is trying to manipulate her rulership after she passes by creating a sphinx. Now, I think it's extremely important to realize what sphinx represents "The sphinx has no history of real living existence, but exists only in art and literature, representing human desire for that which is greater than themselves, both in terms of the body and the mind." New world encyclopedia, She Created something that very literally symbolizes her desires and what she wishes she could be.
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Jake in this episode is pretty standard iwl he gets excited about teaching about good v. Evil and how to be a proper leader but gets RIGHTFULLY mad at the candy children after they attempt to CRAWL INTO HIS BRAIN and says some of the funniest lines in adventure time. But then Goliad repeats these phrases, because Goliad had never been introduced to patience before anger.
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Finn gets pretty messed in this episode, not really on a surface level but mostly mentally.
Goliad throws Finn around an obstacle course without his consent, Goliad tries to pry into Finn's mind (which she fails at because finne has one of the most repressed minds in ooo) and then he has a SON, Stormo, which he has to immediately come to terms with the fact that he never actually talk to or hang out with or anything.
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P.S However, I like to believe that sometimes Finn sits with Stormo and Goliad and just kinda listens to the little wavelength noises that they make in their eternal struggle.
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Great episode, I love it alot.
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anistarrose · 2 months
Lup's terms of endearment
[Plain text: "Lup's terms of endearment". End plain text.]
Lup is a character that it takes a lot of practice for me to write, but there's a particular calling card for Lup that jumps out both from her canon dialogue and from fanon, right? We all know it: Lup absolutely loves to call people "babe".
But... when I'm writing her, I also end up wondering if I'm overusing any given signature vocative, or other element of her speech. After all, fanfic writers, myself very much included, are always looking for quick effective ways to make characters sound like themselves — and in a case of a character like Lup, peppering in a "babe" often seems to work like a charm in terms of making her more Lup-like, especially if you're writing Blupjeans.
The thing about this vocative-centric, vocabulary-centric approach to character voice is that it can, at least theoretically, lead to us overdoing it, and overshooting how the amount that Lup would use "babe" in canon. Which isn't a big deal, it's just fic — but I'm very hyperfixated and I love Lup very much, so I wanted to break down a some of when, where, and why she uses "babe" and other terms of endearment, as well as other little nuances I noticed.
Continuing under the cut, but the tl;dr is: Lup absolutely calls people "babe" a lot, but it's not exclusively romantic, it can be either sincere or teasing in tone, and she tends to do so more as time goes on, not so much at the start of the century.
(Partially inspired by and overlapping with the contents of this post (link) by @keplercryptids!)
[Plaintext: "Babe". End plaintext.]
Lup (to Barry): Don’t blow yourself up, babe, I’m sure your beautiful body’s gonna get killed by the Hunger soon enough.
-Ep. 67: Story and Song Part 1.
Lup (to Barry): Babe, I love you more than life and undeath itself, but let’s get somewhere safe first, so we can really savor this tender reunion.
-Ep. 67: Story and Song Part 1.
Lup: Taako, Barry and I got this. You gotta keep trying babe, I know you can do this.
-Ep. 68: Story and Song Part 2.
Lup (to Barry): Hear that, babe? We're legends.
-Ep. 68: Story and Song Part 2.
Lup (to Barry): I’m about to smooch your fucking brains out, babe.
-Ep. 69: Story and Song Part 3.
Lup (to Barry, during heist planning): We’re good, babe.
-Live in Nashville!
The first thing that jumps out at me is how back-loaded, for lack of a better term, the use of "babe" is among all Lup's appearances. It's part of one of her most iconic lines from Story and Song, but she doesn't drop a single "babe" throughout the whole The Stolen Century! Go up and read those lines again — pre-Story and Song, there's not a single one!
I have a few conjectures here that might explain this. First, on a Doyalist level, one could attribute this to small sample size (Lup just doesn't have that much dialogue relative to her thematic presence), and/or to Griffin himself still feeling out her character in the first few episodes that she appeared in.
But on a Watsonian level: I'm purely speculating, but I wonder if it was a nickname she that first started using (or at least, using with regularity) for Barry at some point well into the establishment of their relationship, and from there, it bled out into platonic contexts too. Speaking of which, the fact that she predominantly uses it for Barry doesn't stop her from using it for Taako — in fact, though it only comes up once, it's in a very sincere moment of encouragement (as Taako struggles to transmute all of Phandalin into sapphire).
On that note, if there's anything I'll personally admit to wanting to see more of in fic, it's more of Lup using "babe" in platonic/familial contexts! It's hard to extrapolate from canon if this is a "just Taako" thing, an "any close platonic bond" thing, or an "anyone whatsoever" thing, but I just think it's so cute! (And I'd personally vibe check it as realistic for her to say to other IPRE crewmates, for example — but I'm possibly biased, as a Lup and Magnus friendship writer/enjoyer.)
Lastly on the topic of "babe," it comes up in a variety of contexts, but as alluded to above, it can be sincere or teasing — of which the teasing can, but doesn't necessarily, overlap with flirting.
Specifically, Lup uses "babe" twice while gently, lightheartedly questioning Barry's decisions or priorities, like his intent to blow himself up. It also comes up in teasing or flirtatious moments within emotionally charged moments, like the reunion, or when she gets her body back. It's just not exclusively used for deflating tension — see her sheer confidence in the "we're legends" line and how she revels in it, for example.
All in all, "babe" is clearly one of Lup's go-to all-purpose words, and I like that it shows her voice evolving over time, whether or not that was intentional by Griffin. "Babe" is by far the most worth analyzing of Lup's terms of endearment, but we'll also talk about:
[Plain text: "Dear". End plain text.]
Lup: We need to make sure our friends in the ethereal plane aren’t listening. Taako, could you do the honors and shoo them away? Taako: Go away! Lup: Dear, you need to Blink.
-Ep. 66, The Stolen Century Part 7.
Lup: Lucretia, dear, I’ve already forgotten about the whole thing. Oh, uh! [Smiling] Sorry, bad choice of words.
-Ep. 68, Story and Song Part 2.
With the obligatory caveat that we have an even smaller sample size here, it jumps out at me that Lup only ever uses "dear" in teasing contexts, reacting to mistakes both big and small. But it's also a word she uses to emphasize love and forgiveness — especially communicating that she won't breeze past a mistake like it didn't happen, but also isn't going to maintain hostility over it, which we see with Lucretia.
(You can even make an argument that Lup teasing Taako with a "dear" is at least a little tension-defusing too, because that scene happens in the leadup to Lup and Barry presenting the Relic plan. But it's less clear there if she's using it consciously with that purpose.)
Miscellaneous: "Honey," "Bud," "(My) Man"
[Plain text: "Miscellaneous". End plain text.]
Barry: I mean um… the Conservatories, I guess, for obvious reasons. Lup: Oh, oh sure, honey, that was a… that was a good one but, man, the food in Tesseralia though, like. It's hard to beat that.
-Ep. 66: The Stolen Century Part 6
Lup (to Magnus): What are you- why? [Laughs] We need to get- we need to- we gotta bounce. Look up. Look up, bud. It’s, it’s the Big H. It’s time to roll.
-Ep. 64: The Stolen Century Part 5.
Taako: Am I…? I’m not going to lose you again. Lup: Never. Never again, bud.
-Ep. 68, Story and Song Part 2.
Lup: So, uh, Davenport, bud, kinda curious why you’d, uh, decided to come back out here after you wrote us about all the ghost-based dangers you encountered, my man, didn’t you consider that we’d be coming to collect for, you know, the goddess of death?
-Live in San Francisco!
Now, a few more odds and ends for the sake of completeness! The first thing I noticed is that she calls Barry "honey" while teasing him a little bit, as they compare their favorite cycles (though I don't think she's necessarily lying, either) — overall very similar to how she uses "babe" in playful contexts sometimes, or how she uses "dear" with Taako or Lucretia.
"Bud" is for Taako, Magnus, and Davenport! Like "babe," it seems to be a very multi-purpose vocative — ranging from questioning her friends' judgment, all the way to deeply sincere moments. (Taako seems to bring out the sincerity more than anyone, unsurprisingly.)
Lastly, "Man" is used both as a general filler word/emphasizing word without necessarily filling in for a name or subject, or alternatively, transforms into "my man" exactly once when talking to Davenport. That one's interesting to me because "my man" is something associated a lot more with Taako — and specifically, used by Taako with people he likes and trusts (link), though it may or may not actually be a serious context.
Merle (giving Taako some shitty kelp shoes):  There’s a lot of give in kelp and if they’re too small, get ‘em wet and they’ll get bigger and these— These are for you. Taako (pretending he won't immediately cast Levitate on them): Oh, well, thank you, my man. These are just beautiful!
-Ep. 62: The Stolen Century Part 3.
Taako: Barry, I— You got all the time in the world, my man.
-Ep. 62: The Stolen Century Part 3.
To compare and contrast, Lup's only known "my man" is deployed against Davenport when she's kind of questioning his judgment, but he's obviously a person she likes. If you'll let me speculate, I wouldn't be shocked if Lup overheard Taako hit Davenport with plenty of "my man"-s over the course of the Stolen Century — just a guess, but it's something I'd really like to believe in, because the twins influencing each other's speaking styles is just so cute.
And that's all! This was an exercise I undertook to get better at writing Lup, but I always really intended to post it too, so I hope it was interesting and insightful — I knew it definitely left me with a new appreciation for how Lup's way of speaking evolves over time, in particular!
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epickiya722 · 30 days
I think people took the "hey, you should be aware of issues about the way some stories treat it's female characters" and instead of actually going forward and treating these characters as, well, characters that deserve to be fairly analized
they went backwards and put up impossibly high standards for these female characters and made anything remotely sexual about them regardless of context as "it is evil and bad writing" when they wouldn't ever do the same for the male characters.
They don't even bat an eye for the fact that whole fandoms will absolutely ADORE a guy who is either the most vile asshole in the story or straight up a bland nothing as long as he is generically attractive enough.
Like that's just misogyny but "girlbossed" now.
(I kind of went on a ramble here, I won't lie and I apologize for that. I just.. had a lot to say.)
And I definitely agree with you, Anon.
I made that same point that you stated in this point right here in a post I wrote a while back.
The same people who will say "it's bad writing" are the same people who don't take the time out to analyze a female character.
It's not "bad writing". You just don't want to understand her.
A male character can have the exact same traits as her and can be analyzed and "He's just misunderstood" and adored, but the most that female character can get is the bare minimum from the fandom.
I have my male faves, too, that I like to analyze. But don't the female cast also deserves the attention, too?
Everyone who follows me know I am a big Miruko fan. And I love her more now because over the past... 2 years or so I have written posts about her of why she probably acts the way she does or does the things she do. And it came easy to me.
Mind you, she is a minor character. She doesn't have a lot of screen time and we don't much about her backstory unless you have read Vigilantes where she gets a flashback arc. And even with all the little information she has from canon, analyzing her was fun for me.
Analyzing her actually why it's fun for me when I do so for Yuji.
It's just there.
Let's say a female character is comfortable with her own sexuality and femininity. "Slut, whore, oversexualized". But the same people who apply those terms to male characters in a more positive way.
"Such a slutty waist, look at him so sexy, he's such a whore and I'm here for it".
So let me get straight. A woman can be a sexy character, but a man can even those that aren't even all that sexy.
Again, I'm using Miruko as an example.
People will have grievances over her costume but were so quick to be horny over the male characters wearing that same costume. Which, and I know some of you ain't gonna like, some of them did not look good in.
Also, then what about the male hero costumes or the fact that Shigaraki and Dabi are obvious fanservice now? You're telling me you're okay with the fact that Endeavor and All Might's costumes are super tight but Miruko shows some skin and it's a problem?
Oh, I'll give another example of some fandom misogyny.
Maki Zenin. The JJK fandom be pulling some tomfuckery when it comes to her. "She's such a girlboss". Okay, but you feel sympathize or empathize with her? "Oh my gosh, Sukuna is gonna kill her!" So, let me get this straight. Even though others who have been hit with Black Flash has survived, Maki the one female victim of it is going to die from that one blow? Whose body is pretty much a cheat code against cursed energy? That Maki? That one?
Let's not forget, you can bring her up without someone bringing up Yuta! I wrote a post about her and Nobara and someone goes "At least, Maki loves Yuta, right?" THIS IS NOT ABOUT YUTA!! GOOD GRIEF, CAN THIS BE ABOUT THE FEMALE CHARACTERS FOR ONCE? LIKE, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE WITH THAT!!
And Yuki! Sooo... y'all are upset that Gege killed her off, right? Okay, understanding. I like Yuki, too. With that said... um... then why in the fuck did I have to type a Yuki Lives tag for her despite her being dead in the manga since December 2022? Almost 2 years? There are currently 3 fics with that tag and two of them are mine!
Kaori, oh, the fandom doesn't love you enough! I had to type in a tag for her! There was no Itadori Kaori & Itadori Yuji tag! THAT IS STILL HIS MOM?! "But Kenjaku---" Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is still Kaori's body, right? If Choso states he has three parents, then Yuji can, too. Guess what, Kaori is his mother. People love to make sure others know Kenjaku and Suguru are separate people but what about Kaori? You don't think she was her own person?
From Wasuke's words and behavior, I figure she was different than how Kenjaku acted.
Also, with Delicious in Dungeon! I haven't even watched or read it and I have seen so many posts about how that one helmet guy had a lot of panty shots and loving it, yet I hear about people having problems with Falin and Marcille being sexualized? Makes no sense to me, it just doesn't.
It's like people in fandoms want something involving female characters just to bash those female characters.
Complex female characters - insult them
Female characters is written to have a variety of personalities and backstory - boring, shifts focus to more bland male characters
Female character exist with many characteristics - fandom focuses on one trait and make that her whole personality
Female character just exists - labeled just one single word, not worthy of any attention, post about her and someone will make it about a male character
Just... honestly, I feel like before you call a creator a "misogynist", how about taking a step back and observe how you treat female characters and understand the story in which those female characters come from?
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kimi240302 · 2 years
Falling like the stars
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A/N: As always I mention it, I run this issue through an app so that it is translated to English. My native language is German and even if I try I am too stupid for English.
A/N2.0: I have had this story on my old account before but my tumblr was blocked so I would have to make myself a new one
Summary: Y/N Swan and Felix Volturi were destined to fall for each other
Felix Volturi x female!reader
words: 2240
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist
" I swear to God
when I come home
I'm gonna hold you so close
I swear to God,
when I come home
I'll never let go"
-James Arthur
Overwhelmed and confused, Y/N Swan looked at the tall brown-haired vampire in front of her. She tilted her head questioningly. "Just so I understand this correctly, we are meant to be together. Which means I have to stay here in Italy , Volterra to be exact , so we can see what happens?" Felix looked at the younger sister of Bella Swan and nodded. Like her, he still hadn't quite come to terms with the fact that he had found his mate, and he didn't know what to make of the fact that she was a Swan. It was no secret that the Volturi were all annoyed with Bella and now being tied to her sister didn't seem to be a good thing. Felix also knew that the Cullens had certainly told Y/N about the Volturi and had not spoken well of his coven. Which would explain the tense attitude of his mate.
Aro , standing in front of his throne , watched the scene in front of him with amusement and then looked at Bella , who was holding Edward as if he were the reason for the air in her lungs . " Apparently the Swan siblings , are destined to stand at the sides of vampires and even become them in the end!" Aro clapped his hands joyfully and dismissed everyone.
" Are you okay?" Bella had let go of Edward and stood next to her sister. "After what Carlisle told me all about the Volturi , I'm a little scared." Bella looked at Y/N sorrowfully. " If I had known what was going to happen , you would have stayed home!" Bella gently grabbed her hand and squeezed it once , encouraging her .
Arriving in a small room , Y/N was to say goodbye to her friends and Bella . " Can't she come with us after all?" Alice looked at Felix with disdain. " You are taking her out of her life!" Edward took Y/N tightly , not too tightly , in his arms and pressed her against him. The Cullens had taken Y/N , like another sibling and reluctantly left her here , in the clutches of the Volturi. " She'll settle in here quickly and most importantly , she'll get out of Bella Swan's field of fire drama!" Alec looked at Bella deprecatingly. Felix took a step forward to stand right in front of Y/N. " Nothing will happen to her here that I can't say for sure if I send her back home with you." Y/N looked at Felix with a certain uncertainty that stung him. Nevertheless , he pointed to the door behind them . " When you're ready, I'll show you to your room." His voice had a surprisingly calming effect on Y/N and so she broke away from the last hug and followed him. The other three stayed behind with the Cullens and their sister.
Silently, the two walked side by side until Felix stopped. Which prompted Y/N to do the same. Looking up at the giant questioningly, she noticed how tense he was in her presence. Ignoring her gaze, Felix walked past her and opened a door for her. With hesitant steps she entered the room and stood in the middle of an old and cold looking room.
"My room and that of the others is here on the same corridor. So no one can do anything to you without one of us noticing. We can change the furnishings, after all, this is supposed to be your home." Y/N just nodded, still overwhelmed by all the information she had learned in the last half hour. Felix looked uncertain for a moment, but then moved from his seat, away from the door, and stood in front of the young girl. Gently he put his right, cold hand on her cheek. " No matter what Carlisle told you about our coven , I beg you to make your own picture of us." Y/N had to swallow at the thought that he had heard her. She started to defend herself when Felix leaned down and put his forehead on hers. Y/N was confused and shocked by herself that she didn't mind his closeness but liked it and this even though they had only known each other for a few moments. Felix had his eyes closed as he whispered the next words, " I've been waiting for you for so long, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in my presence!" Y/N did not know exactly what to say, but seconds later Felix had disappeared and the young girl stood alone in a huge room, which from now on was her home.
In the evening, Y/N sat wrapped in a blanket on the windowsill of her room and looked out into the starry night. Deep in thought, she overheard the knock on her door. Felix who immediately worried opened the door and looked around in panic. He calmed down immediately when he found Y/N unharmed. He stood next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. The girl flinched slightly and looked up at him, startled. When she recognized Felix she relaxed again and directed her gaze back.
" What are you doing here?" Y/N voice was slightly rough , as she had spoken few words today. " Checking if everything is well with you." He sat down opposite her on the vacant seat , of the window ledge . " I honestly do not know . I miss my home , but also somehow not . It sounds bad , but I'm glad to get away from all the Bella-Edward drama . Now that Jacob, a boy who has a crush on Bella, has come along, things are just getting more complicated and I don't know.... maybe I'll be lucky to be out of there." Y/N looked at Felix and smiled sadly, " I'm a bad sister aren't I?" " No. From what I've heard of Bella so far, she can be very demanding. So it's understandable that you want some time off."
Slightly sad, Y/N looked at the dark-haired vampire. " Felix don't do that." Confused , he looked at her . " What am I doing?" " Trying to calm me down! We both know I'm staying in Italy , here with you and it's not time off but my new life. "
There was a brief silence between the two. Felix cleared his throat and looked Y/N deep in the eyes. " Y/N if you never feel comfortable here , I will not force you to stay here." Surprised , she looked at him , but this changed at the sad expression of her counterpart . " And so that this does not happen , I want to know everything from you!" Y/N smiled at Felix with a sincere smile, which infected him. " I will tell you everything you want to know , on one condition!" Y/N raised an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly. " Your smile , it is beautiful ! Let me see it more often in the future!" With a blush she nodded.
Weeks passed since the conversation between Felix and his mate. He as well as she had to admit to themselves that their mutual prejudices did not correspond to the truth. In fact, they enjoyed each other's company.
Y/N also quickly got used to her new life on Volterra. She and Demetri quickly became friends and began to play pranks on every single guard in the castle. Felix was their favorite victim, which he didn't even like. Nevertheless, he was glad that his best friend and his mate understood each other. The twins had needed some time to accept Y/N, but now they saw her as a kind of sister. Felix was most excited about this, because now no one would dare come near Y/N with the intention of hurting her.
The kings found it interesting to see that such a young girl captivated everyone in the castle and at the same time they had to admit that they too had become accustomed to the presence of Y/N with positive feelings.
Nevertheless, she and Felix were still just friends , even if Y/N sought more and more the proximity of the brown-haired vampire. Just as he did in the last days. That was also the reason why Y/N stood shortly before midnight in front of Felix's room door and knocked on it, after she had taken another breath.
" Come in" Felix's deep voice sounded. Carefully, the young girl opened the door and looked at Felix. He was lying on his bed with a book in his hand and looked questioningly at his door. His expression turned into a smirk when he saw Y/N standing in the doorway in her pajamas.
" You didn't come by" , Y/N felt like a little kid. But it had become routine between the two of them for Felix to come over every night , place a kiss on her forehead and wish her a good night . "I thought you were already asleep and didn't want to wake you." Understanding , she nodded and seemed to think for a moment . When a smile formed on her face , Felix raised an eyebrow in confusion. " What's going on in that little head of yours?" One thing Felix had learned in the last few weeks was that when the younger girl starts smiling she is up to something or already has. Without answering, Y/N went in Felix's direction, crawled onto his bed and lay down with her upper body on his chest. She placed her head in the crook of his neck and her arms snaked under his.
Shocked by the sudden closeness, Felix tensed up for a few seconds. But he immediately put away his book and also placed his hands on her body to pull his beloved , carefully , closer to him. " Good night..." murmured Y/N. "Good night."
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When Y/N opened her eyes the next morning, still lying in her mate's arms, they both knew they had officially become more than just friends. Which the move from her room to his only confirmed. Their first kiss together also followed not more than 24 hours later.
Amused at his mate looking over, Felix stood in the doorway of the shared bathroom, where she tried to tame her hair after showering. But Y/N failed completely in this attempt. Pouting, Y/N looked at Felix through the mirror. "I don't know what the hell went wrong!" Complained the young girl to the vampire. Still grinning , Felix shook his head. He pushed himself off the door frame and held out his hand. " Give me the brush. I'll try!" As if on cue , Y/N's face lit up as she smiled and held out the brush to him. Laughing , he took it in his hand and murmured , " You wanted me to do this , didn't you ?" Innocently, Y/N looked at him as Felix carefully began to brush her hair, " Maybe a little."
Satisfied, Felix put the brush to the side. Not only had he gotten his mate's hair right, but he hadn't hurt Y/N either. "See I knew you were a natural!" Grinning , the vampire shook his head , noting that he hadn't smiled , laughed , or grinned as much as he did with Y/N at his side in a long time . His grin turned into a dreamy smile. His hands gently rested on Y/N's cheeks as she turned to look at him , he bent down to her and placed his lips on hers. Briefly, concern ran through him that he had gone too far, but Y/N returned the kiss immediately.
After the kiss, the young girl and her mate had established their own rhythm. Y/N spent the days when Felix was busy with his duties always with someone else. Even with Caius, after he found out that Y/N painted as well as drew. Aro taught her history and Marcus taught her to dance. The wives of Aro and Caius loved it when Y/N came to spend time with them. But in the evening she was always in the arms of Felix, who stayed with her until she woke up in the morning.
Just like it was the case today. Sleepily Y/N turned around. Only to collide with her boyfriend's body. Grumbling, she buried her head , as deep as she could , against his chest. This made Felix look down from his book to her. Laughing softly , he grumbled , " You look cute , so sleepy !" "Shut up!" Now he had to laugh out loud. " My little morning grumpy!" Again Y/N , growled at his chest, " You're lucky I like waking up next to you!" " As much as I would like to stay lying like this , you have to get up . The masters want to see you today! Right away to be exact and I have to go on a mission." Immediately Y/N rose , put her lips briefly on Felix's , murmured a 'I'll miss you ' and 'Take care of yourself ' ,and disappeared into the bathroom .
"Y/N!" Aro smiled at her and told her to sit down. Which she did. The three kings had gathered in Aro's study and looked smilingly at Felix's mate, who had become much more than that to all of them. " As you know , you have managed in a very short time to make everyone love , accept and even respect you." Y/N nodded , unsure of what this conversation would amount to . Marcus stood up , crossed the room and sat down right next to the young girl. " That is why we want to ask you if you would like to officially become a Volturi." , " And would allow me to turn you?" Caius looked at her questioningly. Relieved, she exhaled. " I was beginning to think no one would ever ask!" " So it means yes?" Caius stood , on the other side of Y/N and put a hand on her shoulder. She nodded. Aro clapped his hands . " Our Felix will make eyes when he comes back!"
" Will everyone be so annoyingly happy when they find their mate?" Alec looked at Felix. He couldn't stop grinning since they entered Volterra. "If you ever find yours, I'll remind you here!" Demetri laughed. Alec rolled his eyes, which Jane imitated. Secretly, though, they were happy for their buddy. "Master we have the vampire...." Jane started but Aro interrupted her. " We can settle that later , now we have a little surprise for our dear Felix!" Felix looked at Aro confused . " You came in time , she just woke up." Caius pointed to the entrance. All four guards turned around and their eyes widened. Y/N was standing in the doorway in a plain black dress looking at them through beautiful red eyes. Everyone in the room was immediately captivated by the smile that formed on Y/N's lips when she saw Felix. Y/N ran towards Felix. He took a step forward and lifted Y/N into his arms when she arrived at his side. The couple immediately joined their lips together. From that moment on, everyone in the room knew, as did the two themselves, that they were now officially each other's 'forever'.
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theninthdoor · 1 month
Could you do a reading on if Min Heejin is actually going to step down from her position at Hybe? I mean she’s been such an integral part of New Jeans success but she also seems to have been really shady with Hybe (leaking other Hybe artists personal information, leaking confidential contracts in order to convince Hybe to sell its shares of Ador) and I can’t see Hybe being forgiving with her.
If she does step down from Hybe, what will she do next in her career?
And also could you take a look at how New Jeans’ career will be affected by this, if she does step step down and leave Ador ? They will still have their signature producers so that’s a plus but min heejin was certainly a big reason for new jeans success and I wonder is they can keep that up if she is replaced by somebody else.
cards: eight of pentacles, six of pentacles rx, five of swords, knight of pentacles rx
If she stays, it's because one of the parties gave up, took the L and accepted a shitty deal, as it was either that or losing everything. They will be forced to consider the long-term, and might just decide this just isn't a battle worth fighting for right now. On the other hand, if MHJ leaves, it was because she saw herself trapped, without options, and had to accept the defeat. They're going against her with everything they have, and there's like a thousand men vs MJH in my head - which could be literal, and likely is to a certain extent, but may also just be how she's feeling. Based on these cards, the odds are leaning more towards her leaving, but it could still change, obviously…
what if she does step down? || cards: the hermit rx, judgement, the emperor rx
So… hybe could (allegedly) end up blacklisting her from the industry altogether, or attempt to. Either way, if she steps down by own her decision or not, she's going focus all of her future efforts on exposing and bringing down those who caused this, and everyone she thinks wronged her. She might even consider establishing a new company and debuting a new gg to prove them that NJ's success was all her doing and not the fact that they were under Hybe, but I don't think that's the smartest idea ever. It's not gonna help anybody.
newjeans' career if mhj leaves || cards: two of cups, page of wands, king of swords
Oh, if MJH leaves, whoever comes next (mtl a man, as we have the King of Swords here) is going to change a lot of things about the group, specially their sound and concept, but also promos, collabs, etc. I don't think they're going to completely erase their identity, but for sure get rid of all of the more childish, cartoonish stuff (and i'm soo sorry for saying it like that, but that's how I heard it 💀). As they do, people who stayed away + disliked NJ because of those things, will gain a new interest for them, and that's going to bring them even more attention and success. Even the fans that liked this stuff won't mind the change, I feel like, and neither will the girls. And I also heard "That's going to prove MHJ wrong", so... yeah.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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