#while rayla does not but callum does it for her
miyazakira623 · 2 days
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Their THE KISS scene on season 3 episode 5 (yes i remember exactly dont ask why) it was REALLY powerful because it literally showed us the development between the two characters from them trying to kill one another (mostly Rayla) to saving each other and Callum expressing it such a beautiful way by his speech with "Because she's Rayla" Playing in the background was just TO DIE FOR!!!! it was emotional, romantic, strong! It was everything! It wasnt forced it was just there in the perfect time. I can never stop praising the shows writers enough istg. Even rn im listening to that ost in the background.
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I cant lie bc it was adorable seeing these two being all lovey dovey with each other by kissing and hugging etc. But when season 4 begins, their relationship is just not there anymore. Yes there are bits and pieces but they're scattered everywhere. Callum reminiscing about her and their time together gives us half of the answer. Something happened that pulled them apart but what is it?
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When he was looking out in the balcony to the sky, their theme was also playing at the background but so soft and so weak that you felt Callums' pain. It was a sad track, it was a tragic track. Raylas' memories were still there but not herself. And it made him so sad that the dude said it was NOT his BIRTHDAY but the ANNIVERSARY OF RAYLAS' LEAVING!!!! THIS BOY CARES ABOUT RAYLA MORE THAN HE CARES ABOUT HIMSELF!!!
From then on the relationship starts to have a second build up. Its like strangers to friends to lovers to strangers to ??? . The only difference of this build up compared to first three seasons is that there is already an established relationship, its just broken. So in a way they start again. Going on adventures, being there for each other in case either of them needs help. Callum doesnt let his feelings for her suppress his hurt which was also caused by her but little by little it starts to heal. It starts to fix.
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Here we see Rayla admit to her mistake of going after revenge and leaving the most important thing she has behind (aka Callum obv) . Her admitting this out loud is so great to hear. Because she know she made a mistake and that mistake hurt Callum and she intends to FIX that mistake. She gives him the space he needs while also staying close enough in case he would need her. Just like Soren said "sometimes you need time to work through the weird, and then it'll work out or dont. The heart do what it do or dont what it dont"
And thats exactly what happens! With time the awkwardness becomes less and less and their hearts do the job. Their feelings for each other were never gone in the first place, and when they both finally realise that it just keeps getting better. In the form of saving friends (Zym and Soren) they remember how it felt working together which helps them get closer.
But even tho they act close their words are still apart. They dont admit it. They dont talk about it. They just go along with it. But then Rayla gets caught sneaking Runaans' bow. When Callum orders them to release her even without knowing the reason why, Rayla picks up what he's putting down. He trusts her, he doesnt push her to explain him anything because he knows that she will when she is ready. She sees that there is still a chance to make things just like before maybe even better.
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(Also in this scene when they're going to the grand bookery and they cross this path, she says "its an old wound that's healing" I cant help but feel like its a parallel to their relationship. The wound of leaving for two years but now finally working through it. Its just perfect)
So yep after everything she admits it, which is also perfect because she was the one that made a mistake so she does fix it and she does it right.
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"Im glad we could be here together, looking at the stars..." She says.
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And Callum feeling the same way rests his head on hers. ITS JUST PERFECT AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! THE WAY THAT THEY STILL KEEP TALKING ABOUT STARS AND THIS WHOLE SCENE HAVING AS MUCH POWER AS THEIR KISS SCENE AND DARE I SAY EVEN MORE (i dont know which wins bc i was jumping around screaming when they kissed after Callums' poetic speech LOL it was ROMANTIC ALRIGHT?! 😭😭😭😭 SAME GOES FOR THIS ONE)
And the thing is that it'ss so easy to mess up. They could've gone for a route like "hey im back after two years of absence" "Oh hi its great to see you again" And its not just the characters and their relationships but also the world that you're telling to the audience. It is so easy to get it wrong ESPECIALLY if you are writing Fantasy. With so many kingdoms, dragons, elves and other species with also magic its very very simple to mess up. Im glad that they went this way with the story telling. Its more natural, more enjoyable and it just works perfectly.
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raayllum · 5 months
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5x01 / 5x08
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ms-poltergeist · 2 years
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ccieatchildren · 10 months
Specifically S5 E8.
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First, just him being locked away in the captain’s cabin, isolated and tortured by Finnegrin for the dark magic info.
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And him absolutely refusing to reveal anything right now, laughing at Finnegrin for what he sees as a hypocritical thought process, because it would go against his morals and he doesn’t want to give Finnegrin the ability to kill Domina Profundis.
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Finnegrin taunting him about his dark magic usage, typical villain spiel of asking if Callum has never thought about it or wanted/needed to use it. Learning that Callum has studied it extensively (and though Callum points out that he has also studied the other types, his curiosity always seems to get the better of him) and has once used it, to save his friends. Finnegrin taking this information in and twisting it on the boy. The defeated way Callum gets pushed out by Finnegrin, seeing all his friends chained up and having to make a “decision” for Finnegrin.
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Finnegrin forcing Callum to choose one of his friends' hand to cut off. Not being able to choose anyone, and the gang standing up for each other, offering their own hands. Preaching the love and friendship deal, only to peeve off Finnegrin even more, who tries to goad Callum into using dark magic once again. You can see the way he actually thinks about it, the guilt in his eyes but also the determination to save his friends. Only for Rayla to escape, making sure to take any option for dark magic out of Callum's hands. I believe if Rayla hadn't intervened, Callum would've eventually gone through with it, as the main thing holding him back was said guilt and own mental blockage. Finnegrin then freezing Rayla's blood, putting her in excruciating pain, and Callum, doing a full 180, goes batshite over Rayla being tortured, decking Finnegrin full force in the face. He is calm when faced with his own pain, but when someone he loves is hurt, especially due to his inability to do anything, he immediately loses his temper.
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However, this small win ends them back up at square one, with Callum tied up and at the captain's mercy. When Finnegrin tells him that he's gonna feed Rayla to the leviathan, and Callum can't do anything, he immediately gives up the info, thinking that would save her. Only for Finnegrin to turn around and go "nuh-uh," completely destroying him.
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He can't even save the person he loves. Callum may have primal magic (one or two of the arcanum depending on how you want to look at it), but he still can't do anything; he is completely useless in this moment. Realizing this, all hope drains out of him, and he does the only thing he can think of, spill the beans. He begins to break his principles by telling Finnegrin the dark magic spell (one of the darkest spells at that), in hopes of him releasing Rayla, only for it to backfire and be completely for nothing. Now, not only can he not save Rayla, but now Finnegrin can kill Domina Profundis. The guilt weighs even harder on him, he has essentially doomed everyone.
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Then, Callum gets out, stands up to Finnegrin, using his own arcanum against him, gaining said arcanum at the same time (also, I just really love how he figured it out, using Finnegrin's words against him, and the idea behind the ocean arcanum is just very fun, I just really liked this moment), and save his homies.
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So, everything turns out fine, right? Nope!
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Callum had to use dark magic to get out, preforming the same snake chain spell he had before on his restraints. When he was all out of options, Callum always reverts back to what he knows, even if it might break his morals. And while this action is totally justifiable, as he basically had to, Callum doesn't really seem to see it that way. Despite knowing that there are parts of himself he can't understand, he still is riddled with grief over it. The deep pain and guilt on his face as he hugs Rayla, not telling her or anyone else what he had to do to get out, shows us that he believes he had committed a grave sin. In his eyes, he is just as bad as Viren and Claudia, and he is still dealing with the PTSD of being possessed by Aaravos, of having the chance to turn completely to the dark side. This paranoia and anxiety makes him keep everything to himself. He doesn't think they would understand or forgive him, and he doesn't think they should, as he doesn't really either.
The ocean arcanum also gives us a look into Callum. He states himself about how it is accepting the hidden depths in oneself, even if you may not truly understand it. Callum's ability and willingness to do dark magic at times is part of those deeper depths. He doesn't truly understand it yet, and may never will, but, like any other human, there are many paths for him to follow. I do not think he is truly evil, or what he has done is irredeemable, but I believe that Callum, like all of us, is neither truly good or bad, but chooses where he takes himself (we also see this with Viren throughout the season). He could become someone filled with light and kindness, a "do-gooder" if you will, which is what I believe he wants to be, but he could also lead himself down a much darker path if he isn't careful, placing himself among the ranks of Aaravos, Viren, and Finnegrin, or he could be someone who carefully struts the line in the middle. The point is that it is up to him. Though he has become in tune with the ocean arcanum and those "hidden depths," him not accurately understanding his potential for darkness could usher him into a much more disastrous existence. Hopefully linking with the ocean arcanum will allow him to slowly accept these parts of himself and find a true balance between dark and primal magic, whatever that balance may be.
(Also the implications of him being the one in the intro rather than Viren...)
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All in all, this whole episode was just very whump (even in the B plot somewhat). Callum and Finnegrin were very much whumpee and whumper -coded and you can't convince me otherwise.
The emotions in this episode for the main gang were top-notch. Watching what each character did to try to help themselves and their friends, and seeing the physical and emotional consequences of their actions (whether positive or negative) was amazing. Not just with Callum, but also the others (Ezran instantly offering himself up again and again, practically begging; Rayla breaking herself out to try and save Callum, only to be quickly and severely subdued; and Soren continuously taking the hits to help Elmer find his own worth, saving the gang in the process), was very well done.
I hope we get more moments like this in future seasons.
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TDP S6 poster!!!
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let's see what we've got in this one! omgomgomg
this won't make a lot of sense, I'm just gushing
First impressions: there is a LOT of magic going on in this poster, and most of it seems to be Moon magic, which Aaravos is casting from his cool book.
There are moon moths everywhere!
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Ethari's lotuses are everywhere too!
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Some of them are breaking. Some of them have vivid colors coming from them. They could be from the differently colored crystals they all have.
There are also a large number of spirits in the picture!
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There's also a red colored spirit, uh oh:
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Is this one looking at the white one, do they see each other?
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Aaravos has a full moon behind him, and his cube has a blazing moon rune on it. I'm not sure how many other moon themes this poster can hold, are we missing any?
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Of interest, there's a thematic similarity to the key art we got of Rayla jumping into the Moon Nexus, where the lower left was dark and creepy with lost spirit arms and the upper right was lighter with the arms of her family reaching for her. In this art, those corners are again the darkest and lightest:
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And then there's the man himself. His eyes are glowing bright with magic, he's got his bling on. And it's hard to be certain since we can't see his chest well but it's likely that his star is lit, as it gets when he casts magic.
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Okay let's take a quick peek at what is actually happening in this poster. Aaravos is casting magic from the book. It's pouring out of the cool crescent-moon portal thingy there and swirling around.
eta: it's actually connecting the rune cube to the book, but I'm not sure which way the connection is flowing. But he seems to have plugged the cube in, and it is called the Key of Aaravos. Is this book the thing of great power that gets unlocked in Xadia?
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And behind him, across the top of the art, you can see something else: a weaving of thick white strands.
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What is he actually doing? Is he weaving them, or unweaving them? Is he just releasing three elves from their coins? This looks way more powerful - and destructive - than that. Is he releasing all the spirits ever? Why are there so many spirits in this picture?? Where are they from? Are they also trapped? Were they crossed over? Is he breaking the whole duality of life and death?
Aaravos wouldn't bother casting a measly little spell just to free three elves from coins just because Callum asks him to, not when he could flex stylishly and get something he also wants out of the deal.
Remember when he helped Viren get past Lux Aurea? He didn't have to kill Khessa and poison the Sunforge to help Viren reach Zym. But his method got the caterpillar a burst of primal magic so it could start growing, it stopped the Sunfire forces from retaliating, it gave him some form of payback on Aditi's bloodline, and it stopped the Sunfire elves from being able to use the Sunforge on anyone else corrupted with dark magic. Plus it netted him Pharos and made Viren trust him even more. It was indeed elegant and efficient.
So he's probably doing something on that level again here. Sure, Callum may have given him an opening to help Rayla's family out. But Aaravos will stop when Aaravos decides to stop, and not before. If Callum makes a deal to free three souls that he can't get out of their coins on his own, then Aaravos can definitely work with that.
But he thinks bigger. If Callum wants three souls freed, that's easy enough. But why stop at three? It's so inefficient. Maybe he attacks the Moon Nexus next, and makes it volcano out all the souls it's ever held and looses them on the world in some kind of spirit plague. Job still done, deal met, requirements satisfied. And while the mortals scramble to deal with his mess, he just does whatever he has planned next. All the better that he did something so big that no one can step away from cleaning it up to try to stop him!
Anyway. Art gives me thoughts. Very excited about this poster and its moontastic implications for S6!
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m4rs-ex3 · 6 months
i love 4x08 Lair Rayllum so goddamn much
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the way callum is the one who runs for her
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and i liiive for the fact that they show him hesitate
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before doin this and making rayla immediately perk up
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n omg he has the best guilty-as-charged face. he looks like they just got told to get a room lmao
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him scooting away from her as far as possible so rex isn't focusing on her awwwwww
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rayla just giving him the Best look omfg
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iconic. this is my fucking favorite like it's giving "omg this is so sad alexa play despacito." likee "what if we.. kissed..... while my brother gets eaten.. jkjk...unless................" either he is using this terrifying situation to get some bonus touch in there or he's genuinely going to her for comfort and both are awesome.
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AND BETTER YET DOES NOT LET GO 😭 i remember thinking that s5 rayllum was so drastically different that it was just a lil bit jarrring, but like look at this this is the fluffy nonsense i've aquainted myself with (by watching s5 hundreds of times.) god i love them so much. wait what was i talking about
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oh yeah. them.
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theredhairedmonkey · 2 months
Adding to the fact that Sarai is the one to actually carry out killing the Titan despite being most disapproving of it, I think it is fitting that Callum is also the most vocally disapproving of Dark Magic yet if ultimately the one who uses it, twice. Even though Sarai's moral reasons for not wanting to kill the Titan are more similar to Ezran and not Callum, but I digress.
Even though non of the main trio have any affection for Dark Magic, it looks quite clear that two of the three are at least willing to let it slide.
The first time Callum uses Dark Magic, Ezran never expressed any outrage or contempt, just concern for Callum's well-being. He even chastises Rayla for scolding him over it.
Speaking of, while Rayla does express outrage she ultimately overlooks it as well ("it doesn't matter what you did before"). Callum is more important to her.
But Callum...
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Doesn't overlook it, and even his scant use of it haunts him to the present day. The moral issues involved in Dark Magic weigh on Callum more so than it does Ezran and Rayla.
And yet he's the one who uses it. And lives with the consequences.
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jelzorz · 2 months
The Nova Blade is bigger and heavier than Callum thought it would be. It fits awkwardly in his hand, too large to be wieldy, heavy enough to make his wrist hurt if he holds it outstretched for too long, long enough to run down the length of his back and then some as he and Rayla made their way back to Katolis.
Now, it lies horizontally across his desk, almost the full length of it, the ivory stark and foreboding against the polished grain. He's been sleeping up here recently anyway, because there's so much to do, and it's easier to just stay instead of head down to his room, and at least this way the Nova Blade is in reach, in case—
In case of emergencies.
The others still aren't happy with him. Every conversation he's had with Ez since their return has been clipped and full of tension. Opeli's disapproval is obvious in the way her lips tilt downwards everytime he enters a room. Soren he just avoids, because he hates the sneer, the warnings, and the way Soren looks at him like he's one moment away from turning into the same monster Viren was, which makes him mad more than it makes him feel guilty.
They won't even let him near the pearl, which, he supposes, is for the better, but he doesn't like the way it feels like they don't trust him either. The chamber it's in is locked now, and the key lives on Soren's person who is immune to even Stella's sticky fingers, and all the while, the Nova Blade is there and ready, and if they'd just let him—
"Do you even know how use it?"
Callum scowls. This morning's council meeting is tense for a number of reasons but it's the first formal one they've had since his and Rayla's return. Soren stares him down from the other side of the table, blue eyes icy and hard and unimpressed.
"It's just a sword," bristles Callum. "How hard can it be to stab a thing?"
Soren snorts, which only annoys Callum more. "Feels light and easy to use, does it?"
"I—" Callum scowls. "I can figure it out."
"Like you figured out how to use the hand-and-a-halfs everyone else uses."
Silence. Callum feels his face burn because everyone in the room knows how poorly he handled swords when he was younger, how Soren had tried to coax him into learning more in Rayla's absence only for him to grow impatient and leave before a single lesson had finished. He hasn't touched a blade since—and why should he? He's a mage, and he's never needed a reason to, and he can fight with magic better anyway.
"It's a two handed sword," says Soren. "It's different from the one you used when you were training with me. It's designed to let its weight to do the work. You can't use it like the standard issue swords here or you'll hurt yourself."
Callum scowls again. "Just say what you want to say," he snaps. "I'm not in the mood for another lecture."
"He's saying you should learn how to use it," Opeli cuts in, clearly sensing the danger. "With respect, Prince Callum, you cannot seriously expect to use it against Aaravos if you don't even know how to hold it."
"If there's even a need to use it at all," mutters Ez sourly.
Another pause. Another long moment that Callum uses to scowl at everyone but Rayla, only for Rayla to say, "They're right."
Callum rounds on her but she only shifts uneasily in her seat. "You can't use it against him if you can't use it at all. I know you're worried about his influence over you, Callum, but the best way to make sure you can take him is to learn how to use the only weapon we know will work."
"How am I gonna do that?" grumbles Callum. "Where am I gonna get that kind of instruction?"
One more pause. Everyone turns their heads towards Soren and Callum almost walks out entirely.
"He's the only one here who can use a greatsword, Prince Callum," points out Opeli.
"Why can't Rayla teach me?"
Soren scoffs. "Her blades aren't even little bit the same."
"Oh, right, and you were such a great teacher when we were kids."
"He's better now," snaps Ez. "You would know that if you'd pulled your head out of your butt enough to learn from him while Rayla was gone. Are you seriously so proud you'd rather go in not having any idea what you're doing?"
Callum scowls at them all a third time. Soren's accusations still ring in his ears, and Soren takes one look and knows that it's all he can hear.
"You don't wanna be like him, right?" he says, a challenge in his voice. "Here's your chance. Admit you don't know. Learn how to use the sword."
"Callum." That's Rayla. She reaches across the table to him and touches his hand. Something in her eyes stalls him: something in amongst the fear and concern that he hopes might be the remnants of what they had two years ago; something that might burn for him still.
He relents.
He starts training with it at dawn.
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thrandilf · 4 months
I've always viewed the possession scene in S4 as manipulation meant to spur the heroes on to go after Aaravos because he wanted them to give chase, with the possession acting as a threat but not the end game
and while I still think that's true I also was considering how everything Aaravos says to them individually works as they react to it
he's also driving them in Specific ways to Aaravos's benefit, even while they think they're angry at Aaravos, but really, with what we know is coming in S6 in mind:
the moonshadow assassin who isn't capable of killing: we think he's taunting her to come after him and we see Rayla warm up to the idea of killing Aaravos in the beginning of S5, but the actual person she'll be put to the test about killing in S6 is more likely Callum
the failed son whose father wishes he had never been born: this one makes me wonder if Aaravos was distantly aware of Viren's change of heart/perhaps Viren's avoidance of the staff if Aaravos is able to sense such things through the staff or Sparklepuff or their connection in general which he seems to be able to pull on in S5 without having to give Viren an eye sigil (horrifying if that entire thing in S3 was for Show), and it pushes Soren further against Viren, who Soren won't believe has changed and who is not one of Aaravos's pawns by the time we hit S6 and therefore no loss for Aaravos
the whining child king, in over his head and he knows it: this one doesn't seem to have a specific target for Ezran to go against but it does make me think that Aaravos wants Ezran to be heavily involved in whatever comes next, perhaps because he thinks Ezran is an easy target, or better yet, Ezran could be swayed to be merciful and is Aaravos's best shot at gaining sympathy or a nonviolent ending, if that's what Aaravos wishes, so also to Aaravos's benefit
the human mage, destined to play right into my hands: this one has been the most blatantly obvious that even as Callum doesn't want to do this, his fighting against playing into Aaravos's hands seems to be leading him right into Aaravos's hands especially with the S6 comic con promo image making it look like he takes Aaravos to the Starscraper in the backpack which is probably the Last thing he should be doing, so this one's really Callum vs himself/Aaravos but also going in Aaravos's favor
Every instance of this is lining up for Aaravos inspired friendly fire without them realizing it/while trying to fight against him and that's incredible, with the most worrying one for me probably being Rayla. Yay!
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zuppizup · 10 months
So, if there is an Ocean/Moon arcanum connection, Callum mayhaps waxing lyrical about Ocean and the Moon and the influence of the Moon over the Ocean while Rayla listens and humours and encourages and entertains him, all with a “this dork” doe-eyed look on her face?
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raayllum · 2 years
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I find it interesting to compare and contrast this to Rayla’s homecoming the following episode. Claudia, Soren, and Rayla, are all branded as traitors, partially due to their own actions but also because of preconceived notions about their parents. But where Soren and Claudia are later let off scot free in spite of actually doing “something wrong,” Rayla is brutally and (currently) permanently punished for something she didn’t even do. Yes, she did mess up on the assassination mission, but how she messed up isn’t even what she’s been banished for. Claudia is furious on her own behalf but never wavers, whereas Rayla is heartbroken, indignant, and then rounds back to believing she deserves to be treated in such a way.
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xadian-daydreams · 9 months
What's been mentioned for the Dragon Prince Season 6: Book Stars so far...
Having listened and read a bunch of interviews, here's my collected notes (Updated for October 2023);
No current release date, but confirmed 9 episodes, same as previous seasons.
Seasons Four though Seven are all the Mystery of Aaravos arc.
While there's not going to be any real time skip between S5 and S6, there will be a small one within S6. Update - there's a few days time skip between S5 and S6.
Season 6 will be more mature to the point the age rating is increasing. It will also go into deeper emotional stuff - "fans should enjoy the breather before being emotionally wrecked by the next book."
(Most of) Episode 1 of season 6 was shown at NYCC 2023 panel. Notes on summaries people have posted here.
New characters to be introduced;
Astrid - voiced by Boone Williams - Female Celestial Skywing elf. She's mysterious and there's 'something cool' about her design.
Character based off Moonberry Surprise.
A new Startouch elf. Possibly the Merciful One (they/them) from the Sea of the Castout statues.
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Upcoming for main characters;
Callum - every time you do dark magic, it becomes harder to come back from it. Info on Callum birth-father. (Callum and learning Moon Arcanum - Giehl's opinion is doesn't want Callum treading on Rayla's thematic territory and stealing her thunder). Rayllum note - how would Callum using dark magic affect the trust and friendship they've been building up?
Rayla - On the curse coins - too spoilery, so they won't answer questions related to that. On Rayllum note. Would Rayla do anything for Callum? And what would Callum call upon her to do if that was the case? Questions getting asked next season, just to make you suffer.
Callum, Rayla and Stella confirmed visiting the Starscraper.
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Ezran - sticking to his ideals and pacifism will be tested. Rough and tough decision(s).
At some point Ezran and Callum will visit some 'weird' ruins.
Soren - has had lighter seasons so far, but is about to face darker questions. There is trauma that the writers haven't told anyone about that will come to light at some point. Soren is getting an opportunity to confront Viren about what happened at the Storm Spire (they did meet up in S4E7, which is covered in the short story Strangers, but writers felt it lacked the satisfaction needed, as neither really was in the headspace to talk), but uncertain if this is just a therapy thing or if Viren lives.
There's going to be a funny Soren and Corvus story later on.
Claudia - S5 she was under a lot of pressure, and it's not easing up. How will Claudia be impacted by Viren's decision - further into darkness or pulled back into the light? Claudia being willing to risk life and limb for her goal(s) - and then actually paying the cost of a limb - what does that mean for her and Terry?
Karim - is about to get in over his head. He doesn't realise the kind of alliances he's making.
Amaya and Janai don't get enough love in these interviews. 😢
Zym - Goes with Soren to find Zubeia. Spoiler indicates Zym has a heart to heart with her
Characters we'll be seeing more of;
Aaravos - there's a lot more of him coming in S6.
Kim'dael - 'big plans' that even go beyond the show, though specifically refused to answer if she'll met Rayla again (they met first time in Bloodmoon Huntress graphic novel).
More with the pirates and Scumport (however, Finnegrin while not confirmed dead, won't make a reappearance in S6/7). Scumport set up a bunch of stuff for going into season 6.
Kpp'Ar - confirmed there'll be more stuff about him in both S6 and S7.
Mukho - the mushroom mage, Earthblood elf who's a world expert mycologist.
More shadowpaw content.
Possibly Ellis and Ava briefly, but could be S7.
Lore -
The lore about Stars primal and Startouch elves and other mythology will be explored. How you kill a Startouch elf will be answered - including more info on Laurelion (mentioned in the Death of an Immortal poem).
(Going by how the graphic novels releases are generally introducing things that are mentioned in the next season, Puzzle House's emphasize on unicorns, and how there is a big bit of unicorn lore mentioned in the novels, is a good hint that this unicorn lore is getting explained in show too. But, just to clarify, it's not confirmed this is happening - however, it is a impactful bit of backstory and there's only 2 seasons left).
Most likely information about how Primal Stones are made - specifically how a storm was trapped from the top of Mount Kalik to create the Primal Stone Callum smashed. Ehasz mentioned that something brought up in the second episode will be expanded on in S6, and the info about the Sky Primal Stone is the only info that hasn't been addressed elsewhere from E2 that I could pick out.
More lore about golems (as in the rock guardians and Elmer)
Other notes;
Season 6 will have an explosive start.
Questions raised by Ehasz;
Was the dragang moving Aaravos's prison smart or would it have been safer to have left it? It's something they'll grapple with right away.
Is Aaravos being honest with Viren about what's going to happen? (I'm wording it as being honest rather than saying is he lying, as Aaravos's thing is manipulative truths and misdirections etc, rather than outright lies).
No context: 🔥 (Can't help looking at the use of explosive start by the NYCC notification)
There's stuff in Season 2 that will get explained in Season 6 - while they're not exactly clues, there will be referencing from S2.
Keep an eye on changes in the openers - they're continuing the hints - like when they swapped out Viren with Callum to let you know Callum and dark magic/Aaravos is going to be in the episode.
Season 7 will be Book 7: Dark.
The next graphic novel will be about "family and building trust." Update: Title Dreamer's Nightmare
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Can young Ezran and Callum quell the brewing storm in the quiet town of Noct, or have bad dreams come to haunt for good?
Giehl says this story has Ezran as the lead character and the artist said they enjoyed doing the many animals.
There were hints dropped at NYCC 2023 that there may be other projects based on the Dragon Prince world, but they'll come under a different name. TDP will only be the 7 seasons. (Most hints I've seen suggest they may be working towards an Orphan Queen film/series, but it could also be a continuation).
Sources; Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast E27 Reel James Season 5 interview with Aaron Ehasz AIPT Comics 'The Dragon Prince creators dish on season 5 post-mortem AnimationWorld: The Dragon Prince Season 5, a swashbuckling blend of design tricks and emotional turmoil Screenrant SDCC 2023: The Dragon Prince creators on taking the Mystery of Aaravos past Season 5 CBR: The Dragon Prince creators reveal the secrets of Season 5 and the road to Season 6 ComicBook: The Dragon Prince creators talk season 5 and entering the show's Empire Strikes Back era Game of Nerds: SDCC 2023 The Dragon Prince All Aboard for Season 5 Official Discord Season 4 Q&A NYCC 2023 panel Secrets in the Stars Random tweets and Discord stuff from the creators and official social media.
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its-leethee · 6 months
What kind of magic does the Jailer use, and what is her connection to the Key of Aaravos?
I have thought for a while that perhaps the Jailer is neither a primal nor a dark magic user, and that she utilized the Key of Aaravos to serve an important role in his imprisonment. Now, there isn't a lot of overt evidence for my hypothesis here; this is a ramble of pure speculation. I'm going to do my best to present the dialogue and canon-consistent logic to support my thoughts. Here goes:
The prevailing opinion in Xadia is that "human magic" is akin to trickery and sleight of hand. When confronted with Callum's claim of being a primal mage in 5x07, Nyx dismisses his boast reflexively: “I’ve seen ‘human magic.’ Fake ropes, false doors, birds and rabbits stuffed into clothing.” To her, it's common knowledge that humans can't use real primal magic, and her derisive attitude shows she doesn't have much respect for human magic either. As for dark magic, Nyx doesn't even mention it at all; as Lujanne said in 2x01, "we do not call that practice magic. It's an atrocity."
But human magic has one more specialty: creating and solving puzzles. The mechanical devices and riddles guarding the secrets in Kpp'ar's labyrinthine house and the rock-stone puzzle hiding the staircase to Viren's dungeon are story-significant examples of the types of innovations created by human magic. In 1x03, Ezran solves the rock-stone puzzle to reveal the staircase hiding Viren's dungeon. Callum answers the riddle posed by Rex Igneous in 4x08, "having knowledge isn't knowing knowledge…. He has a map!"
So neither a primal mage nor a dark mage would resort to puzzles and riddles, the gimmicks used by magic-less humans. So let's now consider the Jailer.
During the post-season four Discord Q&A, Aaron Ehasz states that the Jailer is a "mastermind of prisons and puzzles."
In episode 5x05, Archmage Akiyu tells the story of how she met the Jailer and introduces her as "a human mage." Akiyu goes on to explain:
"The archdragons had given the Jailer a daunting task, to design a magical prison that could hold a Startouch Elf. She needed my powers to craft the prison itself." (emphasis mine).
It stands to reason that a competent dark mage, with the notoreity to catch the attention of the archdragons, could bring that kind of power into her grasp on her own. So why would the Jailer seek out the powers of primal archmage, unless she couldn't wield that power herself? Furthermore, knowing the prejudice that the archdragons hold against dark magic--all of humanity was driven out of Xadia for refusing to forswear its use--I don't believe the archdragons would ever condone cooperating with a dark mage, even to quell an existential crisis like a demi-god bent on world destruction.
Akiyu tells us one more intriguing thing that the Jailer said:
"'The puzzle is the real prison,' she told me with a proud smile," (again, emphasis mine)
There's another word besides "magic" that we can use to describe the practice of creating and solving puzzles: cryptography; the art and science of creating and breaking codes and ciphers. The terms code and cipher are often used interchangeably, but their meanings are technically different. Basically, a code uses arbitrary substitutions while a cipher uses an algorithm.
Now, if you wish to solve a puzzle, you're going to need all the pieces - and if you wish to solve a cipher or code, you're going to need a key.
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More than one use has been hinted at for the Key of Aaravos. We've heard Rayla refer to it several times as a toy and a game piece (1x04, 2x07). In the book two novelization, Callum notices that the Key left marks on the ground that appeared to point toward Xadia (we get a glimpse of those lines in early episode 2x07). In 4x07, we get suspiciously up-close framing of the Key when Callum asks, "is there no primal gem for star magic?"
And a few months back, one of the TDP creators shared on Twitter about a season 6 scene that was eventually cut. In the scene, Callum holds the Key up to a symbol on a wall and says, "I'm gleaming the cube!" (if anyone remembers this twitter convo and can provide me a link to this, I would be so grateful)
This is the Key feature we're all most familiar with: its glow. When exposed to a source of magic, the corresponding primal magic symbol on the Key lights up. This is why I think one of the potential functions of the Key of Aaravos is as a cryptographic key. If it were held up to a magic-infused symbol, the glow effect would reveal the primal magic source - and in this way it could be used to decode a secret message.
In cryptography, a key is the series of words, symbols or phrases that contain all of the basic information you need to decode or understand a specific coded message. Both the sender and receiver of the coded message need to know the key in order to create the coded message or decode it into plaintext - to lock or unlock the meaning behind a cipher or code.
I can't speculate on the exact nature of the secrets that she encrypted with it, but the Key can literally shed light on the solution! It was a toy that was repurposed by a the Jailer, magicless human mage and mastermind of ciphers and codes, to protect the secrets of Aaravos and his prison.
Exactly what secrets it will be used to reveal remains part of the Mystery.
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if you're interested in learning more about cryptography, this page has links to a lot of my favorite resources
Recommended reading for more Key of Aaravos and the Jailer theories:
the post that initially enabled my crazy train of thoughts, thank you @beautifulterriblequeen
super rad analysis of the Jailer's unique character design by @kradogsrats, who also authored one of my favorite alternative hypothesis for the real function of the Key of Aaravos
an amazing thorough and detailed Key analysis, by @raayllum and another very interesting conversation about the Key here
Special thanks to @raayllum for answering my random Akiyu and Jailer questions, and to @self-spaghettification for giving me the push I needed to bring this essay together!
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kazisgirlfriend · 7 months
Like Aunt, Like Nephew
I happened across @raayllum's meta here about Callum and Amaya, and certainly raises a few really interesting points about them that I wanted to touch on. Most notably, it demonstrates how their overall differences really stem from a simple difference in overall experience - at the end of the day, Amaya has potentially years if not decades of experience on a teenager Callum. So, when there are similarities between Callum and Amaya, they are as frequently about who Amaya WAS as much as who Amaya IS.
However, differences in experience do not negate parallels between characters. Just as Runaan is far more experienced than Rayla, that fact alone does not diminish the very clear parallels she has with her father figure. Similarly, the differences between Callum and Amaya do ultimately come down to a level of experience.
Callum and Amya's contrast in prejudice actually demonstrate how their level of experience influence their differences. Amaya had spent years at the breach, which solidified distrust and even hatred that she had towards elves ("I've slain monsters before").
Callum's prejudice, while relatively muted, is still there. Not only does he assume Rayla drinks blood, he initially refers to as a "creature" in the novelization, and later amends to thinking she's "one of the good ones."
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As a sidenote, it's important not to dismiss Callum's prejudices as mere "misconceptions" simply because they are less intense. TDP is ultimately a story about overcoming prejudice, which is something that Callum does quicker than Amaya does. But this is ultimately the result of his prejudices being borne out of a lack of exposure rather than years of war like Amaya. Amaya has had years to let her prejudices fester, while Callum's simple ignorance gets dispelled rather quickly. But both Callum and Amaya demonstrate admirable open-mindedness in overcoming personal biases, even if at different paces.
The Test of Light
The other comparison is between how Amaya handles her test of light in 3x02 vs. how Callum handles his "test" in 5x08. This, I admit, was a peculiar test since whatever situation Callum was faced with in s5, it had nothing to do with purity. It was not a test of light.
Instead, Callum faced his test of light in s3, when he rode the Twin-Tailed Inferno-Tooth Tiger.
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A creature that can sense the purity of one's heart (much like Pharos' staff), and a creature that Callum rode.
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Instead the test that Callum faced in 5x08 was a test of darkness. Facing down his own dark side, and ultimately emerging triumphant, signified by the narrative rewarding Callum with the Ocean Arcanum.
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Framing Callum's test as a defeat stems from a simplistic view of light and darkness as mutually exclusive. In truth, light and darkness exist in all of us, even heroes. Callum's realization that he contains complexities beyond his understanding is integral to his arc, not a failure. Everyone has a dark side, and it is this realization, that Callum has a part of himself he can neither fully understand nor control, that leads Callum to reach a breakthrough with the Ocean Arcanum. His eventual triumph would not be framed as such if he did not face this shadow side.
But as this lesson is one that is wholly irrelevant to s3, it raises the question as to why should we compare these two moments across two seasons at all. And the reason is that, if we were to compare the actual parallels this season, find that Callum and Amaya--as they both charge in to save their loved ones--are not so different at all.
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In the end, their nuanced journeys demonstrate how light and darkness can coexist within us all. Comparing dissimilar tests obscures this meaningful complexity that makes both characters human. The distinction lies in understanding, not judgment.
Stronger Together
While Amaya's lesson to Rayla about being stronger together vs. alone is important, the reason this conversation never comes up between Amaya and Callum is because Callum already knows this. It is yet another similarity that he has with his aunt.
Even after the tribulations of 5x08, Callum is still the one to insist that the trio does everything together. Akiyu gave the group only one amulet, meaning that only Callum can theoretically go underwater after the pearl. In spite of this, Callum takes it upon himself to reverse-engineer the amulet to create magical gills for all of them. Far from insisting he should be strong alone, Callum acknowledges--much like Amaya did--that they are stronger together.
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The writers convey Callum already comprehending Amaya's lesson through his own actions, rather than needing the moral spelled out for him. It's a great example of showing rather than telling. This creative choice highlights the strong unspoken bond and understanding between aunt and nephew.
The Canon of It All
Challenging the notion that Callum and Amaya are especially similar is a peculiar undertaking, given that the show spends a large amount of time highlighting their similarities.
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I could show all the similarities between Callum and Amaya throughout the series, but rather than dragging out the meta any further, all I and anyone else have to do is merely point to the fact that their similarities are called out by the show itself. If the narrative is indicating its significance, then it's significant. Rather than denying the undeniable, it is more constructive to examine why this relationship is highlighted and what significance it may hold for future story developments.
After all, the writers make a concerted effort to draw connections between Callum and Amaya across multiple scenes and story arcs. Questioning why such focused narrative choices exist will likely offer more meaningful insights into their characters and bond. Challenging textual evidence risks missing the forest for the trees. If the show itself calls attention to a theme, then clearly it carries weight. The deeper question is what purpose these parallels serve in the broader storytelling. Their interconnected journeys likely foreshadow an integral joint role to come.
Conclusion - What does this all mean?
It's very rare for one to write a meta around the argument that the story beats and similarities audiences are noticing are actually not important, especially when the show itself expressly calls out these similarities and story beats in such a prolific way. So that really raises the question - what is this all about? What is the motivation behind the argument that fans are wrong for noticing the things the show explicitly draws attention to?
At the end of the day, what motivates disagreements about whether Callum is like Amaya isn't about objective scoreboard-tallying. After all, Callum's s5 parallels with Viren are only held together by one single utterance of "I'd do anything for X" from each of them in very different contexts and that hasn't deterred many folks.
Instead, it is an issue of bias. As I mentioned before, there is a certain stereotype about characters with nerdy interests, and Callum has been no exception. He's a human mage, and so it's frequently assumed that the only "proper" comparisons he can have are with other human mages like Claudia and Viren (which also leads to his depictions as morally dubious, since the only other human mages we've seen are morally dubious ones).
He also starts out the series as "bad at everything" and a bit clumsy. Rather than realizing he's simply insecure and inexperienced, the argument goes that actually his ineptitude is innate to his character. He's scrawny, weak, a pushover, someone who belongs on the sidelines and with his nose in his sketchbook. Unlike the strong, brave, tough, capable warriors like Sarai, Amaya, Soren, Rayla, and so on.
But when seasons 4 and 5 rolled out, when it was revealed that Callum was far from a pushover--that he is strong, talented, confident, tough, and brave--along with the explicit comparisons between him and Amaya, most fans I think realized and recognized who Callum really is now. But a few instead doubled-down, and saw the parallels between Callum and Amaya (which, again--cannot stress this enough--are called out by the show directly) as a threat to this initial takeaway back in s1.
Assumptions about "proper" character archetypes or stereotypes around nerdy, awkward characters can cause some to overlook Callum's growth. But his strengths as a mage do not preclude similarities to a warrior like Amaya. Wells-rounded characters defy singular boxes.
But that's neither here nor there. The most pertinent question here is not whether, but why the show so explicitly calls out Callum's similarities with Amaya. My guess is that it has something to do with seasons 6 and 7, about the kind of person Callum will become. That it has something to do with why Callum, despite Aaravos' insistence, is not destined to play right into his hands.
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But that is a story for another time ;)
Postscript - Viren and Amaya
As a sidenote, there was some stuff about the ways Viren and Amaya were similar that I found interesting. Haven't forgotten about that, and wanted to address it, but I'll do that separately as I don't want to drag out this meta beyond what's reasonable.
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comicaurora · 2 years
What were your thoughts on the latest season of the dragon prince. Personally, I was underwhelmed with the season and the writing in general. It felt like a lot of circling the point but never actually getting there.
To me it felt like setup in advance of getting three more guaranteed seasons of television?
It's not like the season was devoid of development, it was just mostly centralized on character arcs. Callum and Rayla got past their emotional block, Claudia slid down a very depressing yet understandable path, Viren had a protracted existential crisis that finally drew on the planted idea that he's not simply evil, he's just desperate to mean something. Ezran acknowledged his pain and anger for the first time while also proving it didn't have any effect on his dedication to peace, which is the first really kingly thing we've seen him do - heck, even Soren got some non-punchline treatment and genuine concern from his friends, and is now fully integrated into team good-guy.
And there were some pretty significant plot advancements. Rayla now has the coins containing all three of her missing/presumed dead parents, setting up what I can only imagine will be a fraught arc where she and Callum work to figure out how to get them out safely - with the complication that one of them killed Callum's stepdad, and he's not gonna be super okay with that. The Sunfire Elf capital is still corrupted by dark magic and now there's a full-on succession conspiracy at play, with Amaya unknowingly caught in the middle.
I watched season 4 immediately after a full rewatch of the first three seasons, and I didn't have any trouble with the flow. If anything it's a relief after the relentless speedrun pace of season 3, which was driven by their premature cancellation.
The world of The Dragon Prince is by far its strongest asset. It's incredibly rich and colorful and I'm very intrigued to see more. If all this season does is show us more slices of that world, it's still a win in my book - and it did that.
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m4rs-ex3 · 10 months
people always make silly little lists of characters' crimes which i love but i'm gonna do smth a lillllll different
tdp character trauma log 🫶✨
lost his father at a Baby age (the perfect age actually; young enough to be very emotional and impressionable but old enough to have to process it)
was thrown into a drastically different + high-key terrifying environment at Baby Age
lost his mother--his comfort person, his only connection to his og life (besides amaya), and also just an amazing individual--leaving him alone in said environment
was constantly belittled for being bad at the thing he never asked to be
lost his stepfather aka his only parent left and experienced an array of regret over what he didn't do while harrow was alive
almost watched his little brother down/freeze to death
was betrayed by his childhood friend
endured a severe dark magic sickness + traumatizing fever dream
almost choked to death
watched his whole world jump off of the highest point in the world
almost died plummeting off of the highest point in the world
was abandoned by Love of His Life for several depressed years
was literally fucking possessed
was taxed with the decision between becoming a vessel for the most dangerous individual in the world to destroy everything and hurt everyone he loves OR essentially ending his life (a conclusion he himself had to come to)
was under the impression that Love of His Life was dead (and he never got to tell her what he wanted to)
almost died pt 3
almost died pt 4-5
bound and brutally beaten + electrocuted (?)
watched the most important person in the world to him mercilessly tortured within an inch of her life
almost lost her AGAIN and had to destroy his entire moral compass in order to save her
almost died 6: choked pt 2
where do i begin
well first off grew up in the silvergrove and hey moonshadow elves i love ya but oh dear god -promotes "strength" and stoicism over discussing your feelings and admitting to your weaknesses -so bound (literally) by duty and oaths that faltering results in either being good as dead or dead as dead -ETC
equipped with a debilitating phobia of water--a fear most would see as bizarre and silly and exceptionally irrational--in a culture that as previously mentioned shuns fear to all hell
was left by her parents and (despite them having a perfectly good reason) never really healed
almost drowned which was not helped by the phobia
almost ravaged by an ancient vampire
haunted by her "constant" mistakes; her strengths get wholly overshadowed by her weaknesses
told by the father figure she revered that she is a stupid baby useless idiot (roughly)
was flatly told by Father Figure he expected to kill her (to which she's just like "fr prolly" good god girl you are fucked)
had to not only sit and listen to, but conform to horrid stereotypes she's been haunted by since she was a kid
nearly slowly lost a hand (and just straight up accepted like ik this isn't the point but i feel the need to address when she does some insanely broken shit)
saw a person wither to dust before her eyes i feel like we forget about this
almost died like pt 4 ish i literally cannot keep track what counts and whats too minor a near death experience and why do i have to ask these questions
watched the love of her life (shut up harry styles) suffocate in his sleep in her arms
almost died pt 5-8 ?
i once again don't even know where to begin this time with her ghosting. linking this post again but tldr she didn't do anything wrong, she believed she did, her society not only confirmed these suspicions but god they pinned her with so much more, and she was told that actually no and what the fuck is she supposed to do with that u just told her everything she knows is wrong and that she actually has worth and she is not keen on that mindset
almost died 9? i include this one bc soulfangs are terrifying
cooly came to the conclusion that she deserved to die for her parents mistakes (and fully intended on doing so)
almost died jumping off the highest point in the world
suffered from persistent nightmares
almost drowned (the phobia once again did not help)
was nearly killed by the dead former co-workers she feels responsible for killing
forced herself to leave behind Love of Her Life and if you don't think that was the hardest fucking thing in the world for her
spent two, miserable years alone, getting beaten down again and again (mentally and physically,) plagued by her vendetta, haunted by all she lost, never knowing comfort, never knowing love, and probably so much worse that we don't even know woohoo!
thought that, after years of painful wondering, the parents she desperately wanted back were killed right in front of her
almost died pt who even fucking knows
almost died
almost died
almost died
almost died
almost died
was absolutely fucking brutally tortured (within an inch of her life) 😚✌🌸✨✨
almost died horrendously (she rlly couldnt catch a break that day)
had to choose between pushing her trauma to the absolute limit or hating herself for not protecting her friends
almost died
couldn't make friends (for a reason no one would believe)
that's why yo [daddy] dead. dead as hell. what shoes [he] got on what shoes [he] got on in [his] casket
almost drowned/froze
had the pressure of surviving as an orphan ANDD being a fucking king forced upon him at the same time
felt responsible for thousands of lives
was imprisoned
was almost motherfucking impaled by scary adult
all that? yea he was like 10
grew up weird like his brother and rayla
probably almost died a lot of times
imprisoned again & was threatened and bared witness to his brother + his closest friend tortured (+ almost murdered)
almost murdered by someone he once trusted
prolly a lot more idk i was gonna include soren n claudia but i am so fucking exhausted THESE KIDS ARE SO FUCKED OML 😭😭
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