#who he gives to each other…….
rush-the-stars · 2 months
hiii nai anon here again
would it be more like nai playing you and vash out against each other??? or would it be more along the lines of a demonstration....👀 like nai keeping both of you right where you belong
we all know nai is not above using violence to get what he wants, even on the people he cares about because it's ultimately 'for their own good'
he drives me insane with how absolutely horrifying he can be
hello nai anon!!!
defs more along the lines of..,..demonstration. instruction. perhaps sort of like..,….nai who believes only plants should be with other plants…..”gifting” you to vash bc he knew his brother had such an affinity for you…..,.or vice versa.
maybe he just wants to teach vash about plants and their biology and their mating, since he’s lived among humans for so long now…does vash even know how plants mate?
and who better to help nai teach vash but you?
and vash feels soooooo guilty. feels sooooo awful. and a large part of it is bc it feels good and he has, in some baser part of his mind, thought of this….,..
probs also weeeiiird plant or otherworldly gate connection between the three of you…….
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catoscloves · 4 months
no because like the moment where peeta and katniss were going back and forth fighting about the other being talented/a strong contender for the Games is so great because katniss was exposing the fact that she pays attention to what peeta does/says "peeta is so strong and he can lift big sacks of flour and he has big arms!!" and peeta's like "yeah well my mom said you were more likely to win than me, and you don't know the effect you can have on people" and katniss's oblivious ass is like "tf does he mean idk what effect i have on ppl is he talking abt how ppl hate me so much omg" and then in the corner is just a Live Haymitch Reaction
this is probably where haymitch got the idea for peeta to pull the star crossed lovers strategy out because they were literally both acting like children with very obvious crushes on one another and they were so blatant and unserious about it
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localapparently · 7 months
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happy pocky day
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macksartblock · 2 months
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beware of burnout it's so real i'm afraid
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also bc ended up making my writing into a font to avoid killing my hand as much and bc I saw Caden do this, I thought it would be fun to see who y'all think it suits lol
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I know the bi-generation was silly and goofy and all but like also
The Doctor getting to the point where they couldn't bear the weight of it all, Eleven and Twelve and Thirteen's guilt and grief on top of all that Ten already carried, and the only way to survive it was splitting in two?
Where one Doctor takes most of the trauma and has to stop and process it so the other Doctor is free enough of it that he can keep doing what they always have to do, keep running because what will the universe do without them? What will they do without the universe?
The self destruction combined with the most radical self love where they share the burden and the responsibility and the grief and the joy between them-
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(x x)
They couldn't survive it alone any more, but between them they can
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kagoutiss · 3 months
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din’s champion
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topnotchquark · 4 months
Nico saying that Lewis gives his daughters boxes of presents every Christmas just got caught in my mind.
Imagine you were a mixed race boy born in Hertfordshire, different from everyone else around you. Bullied in school, being raised by your father to compete in a sport where money is very much of essence and you and your family do not have a lot of it. And then you meet this other boy who comes from the kind of life you dream to live one day. You're friends and fierce competitors. You find solace in each other. You visit Monaco for the first time with your friend, dreaming up the life you will have when you make it, when you beat out of the mould that the world thought it could capture you in.
And then you two grow through the ranks and you're at the pinnacle of your sport and you have what it takes to win and the world recognises that you can win. And you win. You win with your friend and fiercest competitor by your side fighting with you for those wins, and this fighting ruins something something that was valuable to both of you when you were still innocent and unsullied by life.
But despite everything that went into the doing and undoing of this relationship, you still realise that this person you once called a friend has a life and family beyond your bitter dynamic. He has children, and children need love and affection and good memories. And you're a better man now so you understand that. So you make sure the kids get gifts on Christmas. And you make sure of it every year. Afterall, if you met someone you loved deeply when you were both kids, wouldn't you feel a pang of nostalgia when they had kids. Wouldn't you try to extend the warmth that you couldn't find for your friend to his children. Afterall, whatever happens during childhood basically remains with you forever.
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allforthe-gay · 11 months
it is completely one hundred percent baffling to me that any of the foxes would come away from witnessing neil and andrew's reunion in baltimore with the opinion that their relationship was just hate fucking . like my brother in christ are you blind
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lilnasxvevo · 3 months
I love you Monkey D. Luffy I love you protecting the power of friendship through the power of incredible violence
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chandralia · 5 days
“for the rest of our lives”
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buckttommy · 1 year
Bobby immediately turning to look at Eddie when he saw that Buck was dead was certainly....a choice
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ryssbelle · 4 months
Does the flower from your first n2 post have any significance? Why isn't it blooming?
Yes the flower here does have significance!
It’s a memorial flower, the exact species of flower is one I made up, it’s one that has a strange growth period, there’s no real way to tell when it’s going to bloom but it does only bloom at night.
John Dory got the seeds while on one of his searches and gave it to Floyd since at the time Floyd was severely depressed and was spending all day everyday in his room in the bunker. JD had given Floyd a bunch of seeds for a garden but Floyd ended up only planting one which he’s been taking care of since he planted it.
He planted it on Clays birthday so they refer to it as Clay’s flower, but it’s a memorial for all their lost family members, so their parents, grandma, Clay, and Spruce/Bruce
Other than just maintaining it, Floyd also talks to it like the ones they lost can hear him through the flower, he visits it at least once everyday while the other brothers only visit on anniversaries and birthdays. (They also only bring the lights and photos out then as well, to keep the photos safe from damage)
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It’s Floyd’s way of grieving :)
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ruporas · 1 year
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soft (and some bittersweet)
#trigun stampede#trigun#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#i think they both spent majority of their lives in solitude and ofc vash went town to town and made friendships promises and etc along the w#way + he had his home and whatnot in the long years he's been alive but he still just seemed so lonely.#in prior versions of trimax he had friends at home at least and maybe he mightv made some but luida and brad are basically just his#guardians in this adaption. like brad used to be a homie.... vash watched that little dude grow up.... and jessica too.... but he doesn't#have that in this adaption. nor a town like july where he had grown close to the townspeople and shaped that tragedy to be closer to his#heart. and wolfwood spent years fighting under the eom and doing shit under their jurisdiction when we saw him so adamantly try to reject#and fight back against that fate. i dont think he had a second at all to get familiar with townspeople or even care to#so its just these two lonely ass souls and  vash immediately seeing the good in ww and points it out#ww who is under orders again to be involved in vash's business but he's also SO touchy about it bc vash is so careless and lack that self#regard and also just is not seeing the world that ww is seeing. but then vash helps him and saves him by sharing a piece of what /he/ sees#and it fucking. rescrambled ww's brain for a sec. HE GAVE HIM HOPE!!! he gave him hope!!!! and in turn ww gave vash hope too and its#all done in like 3-4 eps. there's so much fervent attachment in what they managed to give each other in such a short time#but theyre limited to the contract to the inevitable confrontation with knives - so while theyd want to give into that chance to love this#person who managed to give them smth special they just can't at all#ruporas art
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rozecrest · 2 years
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if you get pregnant just to secure a place in the home of your true enemy so you can constantly throw yourself on them physically and homoerotically fight them you are no longer rivals you are just gay
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lovehours · 8 months
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i don’t even fucking care
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People are so boring about classic literature sometimes. Like I know it’s cool to be critical of men in books from the 19th century or whatever but it just leads to ripping out all of the nuance in favor of “Uh all of the Brontë men were evil and abusive and that’s all there is to those characters.” Say something interesting. I’m begging you
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