#why does louis seem ooc here i-
the-faceless-bride · 2 years
ₜₕₑ Bᵤₙₙy, ₜₕₑ Wₒₗf, ₐₙd ₜₕₑ ₕybᵣᵢd
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⚠️warnings:This fic has yandere themes, sexual themes, gets kinda spicy towards the middle/end, possibly OOC Haru(??) Kinda OOC legoshi(??), reader has some very not nice thoughts and says not nice things, threats, manipulation, unexpected kisses, betrayal, delusional thinking, accusations of cheating. Strap in! Its long (pt2?)⚠️
Requested? Nope
Proofread? Nope
You hated her, you loathed her... But you never really knew why. Well, you did.
You just didn't want to admit it...
You never wanted to hate anyone, you never thought you would. Poor Haru... You liked her at the start, you really did.
Sure she slept with a few girl's boyfriends, sure she could be a bit pushy and mean but she didn't mean to be, it was just that she put up her walls because of her past. That was it, she really wasn't a bad bunny.
You had gone out of your way to be friendly and become friends with her since her reputation kept her from having friends and you being a hybrid made others avoid you out of confusion and fear, you didn't have friends either.
You sat and ate lunch together, you walked to classes together, and you even joined the gardening club.
Everything had been going fine, but then you met him. The Wolf. He was beautiful; tall and lean yet strong, gray with hints of white in his fur, his eyes here big and doe-like? He slouched over on himself trying to seem less threatening, but just from taking a deep wiff you knew there was more to him than just his wolf.
You hadn't been listening to lost in your own world, your eyes following him around the garden. It wasn't until he had disappeared into the shed to look for whatever it was that he came here for, something about flowers the drama club, and whatever else he started adorably started rambling about.
You paused for a moment thinking about him, you started brushing down the fur on your large droopy ears pushing them over your shoulder and fixing the puff of fur on the top of your head as well.
You smiled with an excited huff, ready to spring into action as he walked out. But your smile soon dropped hearing a commotion going on in the shed; you stood up and started to make your way over when the large wolf came barreling out, your small snout bumping right into his lower stomach, causing him to stumble, freeze for a moment looking down at you, and start profusely apologizing as he hovers his large hands over your shoulders as he motions you to the side of him.
You tilt your head to the side, lips slightly pulling into a pout. Where was he going? What happened? Why was he running away?
When you turned your head into the shed your nostrils slightly flared as you took in a deep breath, your brows turning up, and a soft growl verberated from the back of your throat... You shook your head, your ears slightly flopping as your eyes widen, you had never made that noise before; thankfully Haru didn't hear it.
She sat there in her Bra, panties, and shoes covered by a blanket.
You blinked a few times before forcing a smile, walking towards Haru and sitting on your knees next to her; she looks at you and smiled " I suppose I miss read his intentions. " she smile with a small giggle, and a soft sigh leaves your lips, a misunderstanding... That's all this was.
As the week went on, you had given advice to Haru on her 'relationship' with Louis, she cried on your shoulder plenty of times about how she was so confused, not only about what he wanted but if this is what she wanted.
"Well-" Haru sniffed "are you having any relationship problems?" She rubbed her button nose, you blushed as you started playing with one of your fluffy ears.
"Well, there is... This... Boy." You say shyly and Haru smiles as she lightly shakes your shoulder, "oh! Who! You have to tell me!" She gasps and you smile, "well, I haven't really gotten to know him. I've seen him around and just been well... Admiring, you know?" I asked her hopefully and she smiles, "I know just what you mean, gosh that's so cute! What is he?" She asks as her ears perk up, "he's a wolf, a gray wolf-" you say sighing dreamily as you start going into details, "he's tall and fluffy, and he's adorably awkward, and he has such a soothing voice..." You stare into nothingness, lost in your thoughts of the Wolf you had been finding yourself watching for some time now...
Haru's once perky ears are now slightly drooped at an angle, eyes darting back and forth as she thought, she knew who you were talking about. The only issue was he seemed interested in her... And she'd be lying if she said he wasn't a bit interested, he was the whole reason for her questioning if Louis was what she wanted...
She wasn't going to tell you that though, the poor bunny thought that's what would be best.
The more time passed the more infatuation you felt, even worked up the courage to speak to him once or twice.
Now in class, you were placed in partners; Legoshi as you had learned, was your partner.
Legoshi had grown fond of you over the past few weeks working together, less awkward and more friendly. He liked you, you could tell. He was just too afraid to tell you.
So you took it upon yourself to tell him how you feel, or at least you were planning to... But as of right now it seemed the world around was growing blurring and cracking, the corners of your vision going red.
There, hand in hand stood Legoshi and Haru...
Why? Why would she do this? I told her about him! How could she go behind my back and do this?!
Your hands clutched your skirt tightly, as your breathing grows heavier and heavier, and your eyes stung with water.
Everyone was right. She is a backstabbing slut! How could she?! Why would she?! Weren't you her ONLY friend?! Why would she do this?!
You quickly turned on your heel, speeding away.
You weren't giving up that easy, you weren't going to let him go. You didn't care anymore, didn't care what lie you had to tell, didn't care who's relationships you had to get between, didn't care who's feelings you had to hurt, didn't care who's blood you had to spill.
Legoshi will- no he was yours.
He didn't have a choice.
You had done a lot of planning, giving an anonymous tip to the right carnivores about a little white bunny in the area, and ready to see just how far Legoshi was willing to go and just how much work you would have to do...
When Haru was kidnapped, you were the one to comfort Legoshi and listen to his ramblings of worry.
You weren't exactly surprised when he went after Haru but you would be lying had you said it hadn't stung a bit. He was just confused and a good wolf, he wasn't doing it out of love. Not really.
You knew that, you just needed him to see that.
When Legoshi came back and things when back to 'normal' things was... Off between Legoshi and Haru. You were confused, with some prying and some acting you were able to get most of the information from Haru, as she acted like she hadn't stolen something very important to you.
She had told you about the lions, the fight, the love hotel...
That made your eye twitch, but you tried to brush it off. You tried to get close enough to smell her but it didn't work as she kept moving around.
But the more days passed, the more you got a clear idea as to what was going on. Legoshi and his training, Haru feeling neglected, and her lingering love and admiration for Louis. A weak point... One that you could and would gladly use to your advantage...
You sat next to legoshi as he vented to you, you listened carefully; being sure to nod your head so he knew you were still listening. Sitting close and leaning in towards him.
"I just... I don't get it..." Legoshi huffed plopping his head in his large hands, " I've done so much... I just wish... I wish things were different sometimes..."
"I'm so sorry Legoshi, I wish I knew what she was thinking... She hasn't been that open with e recently.." You lied, raising a hand to reach for one of his larger hands that held his head.
He let you take his hand, looking from you to your hands and then back to you. "I can't believe you went through so much... And she isn't grateful for any of it..." You cooed to him, your soft 'sad' voice flowing into his ears making them twitch.
"N-no, I'm sure- she just- she doesn't- she-" she stumbled to get an answer, "she doesn't mean to- she's just in shock- it wasn't that bad-" he stumbles.
"It wasn't?" You asked your other hand slowly moving up and you gently brushed your knuckles over the bandage under his eye, "it seems like it was a lot to handle to me, the thought of what you went through... Only for her to turn her back and turn to Louis-"
You heard a soft noise come from Legoshi, a sound between a growl and a whimper. You only pouted...
"It's ok Legoshi, I'm here. Whenever you need me, whenever you want me. I'll be here..." All it took was a small tug and he let himself fall into you, he hugged you.
One large hand cupping the back of your head, your ears slightly in the way but neither of you seemed to mind.
His thumb stroked the soft fur, as you inhaled his sent. He pulled you closer, he huffed thanking you as he pulled away from you. Though you desperately wanted to hold on.
You had it, Legoshi and Haru were on thin ice. Legoshi just needed a push and so you gave him one.
Legoshi came to you, eyes watering but he didn't let the tears fall. Telling you about Haru and him and his plan to soon break up, about her feeling she still had for Louis, how he was trying hard to be strong for her... And it wasn't working.
You hugged him, stroking his fur saying it was ok. Even though you wanted to give him more you couldn't not yet... You needed to give him one last big push to be sure that whatever he and Haru had would be over.
Haru found out, and she was very unhappy.
She came speeding towards you, her brows furrowed and her nose twitching rapidly in anger.
In front of a few other students, who stood watching and you already knew you had one. this was it. The big push.
"Who do you think you are!? Seeking around with my boyfriend like that!" Haru yelled, her accusations of you seducing and sleeping with Legoshi reaching the lingering students. This was all you needed, for Haru to get ugly for what seemed like no reason.
Painting her in an even worse light than she already was for the others, but a worse light in Legoshis eyes.
You had never done anything with Legoshi except comfort him when he had doubts about him and Haru, but She didn't know that. All she knew was that you and her boyfriend were meeting alone, usually at night, and neither of you had told her. And from things she had done, and heard that meant nothing good.
You made sure to also give a show, with a pouty and quivering bottom lip, tears, gasping, and trying to explain yourself lowering your head and giving a little flinch when she raised her voice to speak over you.
You knew the students that stood watching would gossip and it wouldn't be long before word got to a certain wolf.
After running off crying from Haru, gossip spread like wildfire.
"Paybacks a bitch-"
"Remember when she slept with Mizuchi's boyfriend?-"
"What goes around comes around-"
Legoshi was getting all kinds of odd looks, some of disgust, some of satisfaction, and a few of shock.
He was confused, it wasn't Until Jack told him.
"Your bunny girlfriend when off on a girl, claiming you were cheating on her with the Hybrid girl. Even when she tried to explain Haru wasn't hearing it." Jack explained and Legoshi felt a combination of emotions.
Anger, sadness, worry, pity, confusion, and...relief?
He would deal with Haru later, according to Jack she wasn't the one that ran off in tears.
When Legoshi found you in the garden in the shed curled in a ball sitting on the floor, he rushed over pulling you into him offering all he could to comfort you.
You cried into his neck, and he nuzzled your head. "Please don't cry."
You sniffed looking up at him, "I'm sorry, it's my fault." You whimpered, Legoshi looked at you confused.
"It wasn't your fault..." He mumbled as he pushed one of your floppy ears behind your shoulder so it wasn't in the way.
After what felt like hours of comfort, reassures, and him correcting and making a point to say it wasn't your fault.
You leaned towards him, and he didn't move away.
You did it. You had him.
He didn't need to know you had planned this all, he didn't need to know you had watched him long enough to know what he would want in a relationship, he didn't need to know what happened to Haru was you.
It didn't matter.
Not anymore.
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ageless-aislynn · 4 months
Aislynn's Jumble of Random Thinky Thoughts on Halo s2 ep4 "Reach"
SPOILERS, but of course
Cpt Admiral Keyes went out like a total badass. I really do hate to lose him but I'm glad he got a better send-off than he did in the game (Halo: Combat Evolved). Seeing him with a pipe was an awesome little callback to the game, IMO. (Though smoking is bad; don't smoke, kids! 👎😬😉)
The fact that The Powers That Be took Silver Team's Mjolnir with them as they ran like cowards evacuated but abandoned actual Silver Team is the most realistic bureaucratic part of the episode. 🙄
I suspected Louis wasn't going to survive but him losing Danilo and then choosing to make that stand immediately after was both heartbreaking but bittersweet: he couldn't live without his beloved and his sacrifice gave John and Riz a chance to escape but also ensured that he didn't have to live long without his beloved. 💔
My Halo vehicle fangirling was cranked up to 117% 😇 here, with me pausing the show to yell, "WRAITH, IT'S A WRAITH! I love hijacking those things!!!" and then "SCORPION! A SCORPION TANK! Aw, man, I do BUSINESS when I have a Scorpion!" *wistful, lovestruck sigh* 💖 Please imagine my dad's 🤔⁉️ face during all of that, lol! 😇
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John, my beloved, and Scorpion tank, my beloved... 😍🤷‍♀️😇😉
I was legit upset that Kai was gone the entire ep, not just 'cause I wanted to see her, of course, but because it seems an awful lot like she abandoned her team and that just doesn't seem like her at all. I know last ep she was very torn and upset about John and not really believing what he was saying, but also not wanting to narc him out, either. When she finds out what happened to Vannak, I think she'll blame herself for not being there and, honestly? I think she should. (Same as she should feel bad about not believing John, evidence to the contrary.) Not saying she could've prevented any of the bad stuff, of course, but she wasn't there when Silver Team desperately needed her and if they don't have her feel guilt over that, then that's really going to be OOC for her, IMO. 😔
And then of course, the "two" of the "one-two punch" from this ep... Vannak, nooooooooo! I was completely not expecting to lose him here but I really should have, considering we're straight up doing a version of Reach's game storyline and, as we all know, Noble Team didn't make it out of the game alive (other than Jun).
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And yet still... Vannak! Not when he's just learned to love animal documentaries and feeding the birds! The big guy had so much more living to do!!! 😭😭😭 I'm going to really miss him and I'm going to completely ignore his death in any fanfic I ever again write, I'm just saying. 🤷‍♀️😉
Are we feeling like Soren will be getting a place on Silver Team, at least temporarily?
Okay, so I was a little surprised but in a good way over how hard everything about Keyes hit Halsey. She was genuinely kinda tongue-tied at seeing him, then her absolutely screaming at his death and her sobbing... I wasn't expecting that sort of reaction. She really did love him and I wouldn't have thought that before this episode.
I feel vaguely like John's ex just kidnapped his current girlfriend, lol. Also, I keep staring at Makee, thinking, "Is her hair a different blonde? Is she dying her eyebrows or something?" more than anything else so I really need to get over that, lol! Annnnnd I could kinda ship her with her Arbiter but nobody should be surprised at that 'cause I can ship a character with a mop that has a wig and googly eyes on it if the chemistry feels right to me...
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I could also see not-Thel!Arbiter as being a suuuuper jealous boyfriend trying to prove he's better than Makee's ex... *shipper glasses, I has 'em at all times!* 😜😉
Since Makee didn't let her Arbiter (whose name is escaping me at the moment) go ahead and kill John, one wonders if it was because she does still have feelings for him or if she just needs him for some later nefarious purpose. And why does she need Cortana? I'm still wondering if we're going to get some sort of "evil" Cortana ala Halo 5 since her new look reminds me a lot more of her Halo 5 look.
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This is a still, not GIF, from Halo s2 Cortana's new look, so you don't wonder why it's not moving. 😉
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Halo 5 "evil" Cortana.
And you can see s1 Cortana in the GIF right above all of this.
Annnnd my favorite version of Cortana...
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Halo 4 Cortana, whom I imprinted on as my very first Cortana, so this is her definitive look to me, what can I say? 🤷‍♀️😉
And bringing things back to the episode once more, I also had a game fangirling moment when John yelled, "Frag out!" as he lobbed the grenade. My dad soon learned that the marines tend to yell that as they're lobbing frag grenades in the various games, too! 😎
Ooo, and almost forgot John's absolute panic eyes when Keyes called him forward during his inspirational speech, lol. Poor Chief, d'aww! But that was a really great moment to show people that Master Chief isn't a robot, he's a flesh and blood person, and I think that was used to great effect in this moment. 💖
In summary, this episode had me
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itsnickgalitzine · 7 months
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i'm too tired for making this separate between muses, so mostly focusing ooc here and posting on nicholas as i'm so fucking sore and drained but also, i want to post this because.. my love for so many of you and this whole group really is undeniable.
a few of you, mean so much to me and i want to specifically reach out and say that i appreciate you for the true happiness you bring me.. so, special moment to appreciate..
@milcycyrus / @florenvcepugh - rae, i've seriously come to love you like family and getting to know you has been amazing. the miley videos you send me, the ideas for our ships, talks about how life is for us.. all of it makes me smile. you make me so happy because of how just amazing and sweet you are. i adore our ship, awsten loves miley so much and i adore you as much. and also nicholas loves flo like a sister, honestly.
@joeykvng / @rossyhq - where do i even begin? you make me happy because of the connection we had since day one. the little squad we have with melody makes me day and talking to you both is always a reason for me to smile. i can't not say something. so honestly.. love you so much and thank you for making my day in so many ways and being a reason i smile. ross and tyler are adorable, btw and i'd never trade joey's friendships with nicholas, awsten and selena for anything.
@therestayzakhar - honestly, i think we've known each other forever it feels like. you're incredible. how don't you make me happy? i'm always smiling and laughing with you and it's just the best. sometimes just seeing you online really makes my day and i couldn't ask for anything better. you're amazing and thank you for also being another reason i smile. nicholas is also always smiling thanks to taylor, sofia and jacob.
@ariianaz / @tylrswfts - you're just sweet and adorable, okay? i could list so many things as to why and how you make me happy. i loved the way our celebs meshed from day one and both have awsten so drawn to them as a friend and a fan. don't even get me started on selena who's always happy to interact with them.
@famejauregui - you already know you make me happy. we don't have to talk every day, but the ship we made? has my heart. i love plotting with you when we can and talking to you about our muses, each other and just checking in sometimes. all small things that leave me smiling. you're amazing and i'm so glad we got to know each other.
@lilyjxmes - you had me the moment we started talking and more so when you said you like amy & jonah that became ben & america. even if we don't talk or interact as much as we might like, whenever we do, i'm left smiling. you definitely make me happy with all our interactions and the ship will always be special to me. silly and cute.. just like you.
@margseliserobbie / @mollymaehague - i had to include you because you make me so happy as we've connected and interact. seeing you on the dash (outside of your queue) always makes me happy and smile. i enjoy seeing your and your girls on the dash and will always want something going with you on them. you're amazing ic and ooc.
@hale-raiser - from ava max swapped to awsten to nicholas.. you've made me happy because of how well our muses just seemed to connect. i easily see the best friendship with nicholas and lucy and any friends he gets makes him the happiest guy. she's easily becoming someone he loves and appreciates and he couldn't be happier with her in his life just in the same as i'm glad i have you in mine. even if we don't talk as much ooc, i still appreciate having you. and seeing you online does make me happy. you're so much fun to roleplay with.
@m-mount / @lw-tomlinson - i have to include you because you've made me happy is undeniable. we haven't spoken a lot ooc, but it's all definitely made me happy. the connections your boys have with mine? mason and awsten, louis and andy -- know it makes them truly happy to have such amazing friends to talk to and joke with.
there's so many more of you i could list and right now, with what i'm dealing with i'm just adding this little ending thing. (prior to things, on like tuesday) even in my drained current state, i can't not remind so many of you that you make me happy because how nice and welcoming you all are. all the interactions, ooc talk and just making me and my celebs always feel appreciated and welcomed. i couldn't ask for a better place to do what i love most.. write. this whole group really makes me happy. ( @hollywoodfamerp ) - adding this a bit late but.. happy sunday, i can't not include the group as a whole. just had to add how special this group as a whole is and made me happy since day one of joining being so welcome, sweet, understanding. the admins are amazing, the events are fun and i just love being apart. i always get so happy to wake up and make gifs for my people or get on for replies. it's truly a wonderful group and i'm happy to be apart of it.
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lioncunt · 2 years
so basically i’m just watching this as it’s own show now and not relating it to the books at all. i think it’s fucking dumb they didn’t put a domestic violence trigger warning - not because of the brutality itself, which is par for the course in the books, but because it was an intense level of physical abuse in a marriage.
i’m still maintaining: that wasn’t book lestat. NOT because he isn’t capable of that level of violence, because he absolutely is and he does it against armand. he is a terrible person and anyone saying he isn’t doesn’t actually like his character, they like a version of him they made up. BUT he just never does that against louis. and also, that’s not to say he isn’t abusive towards louis in other ways, or to negate the impact OF that emotional abuse. i’m saying that this was a level of torture against louis that is out of character for book lestat and in my opinion not necessary and in poor taste to depict against louis’ character. in all other versions of this story, louis never suffers like this. there are a couple of equally matched fights that louis and lestat have early on in the first book, but they’re both powerful white men and neither of them comes away with any injuries. lestat in the book is the same age as louis and has only been a vampire for ten years when he meets him, so there’s much less of a power imbalance. he even has his living father come live with him and louis. they also aren’t explicitly romantic in the first book. it’s not at all comparable to the situation on the show and i wish people would stop bringing it up as evidence to justify what happened.
all that to say, it’s become very clear to me that this is not the lestat from the books, despite their insistence it is. and that’s okay! i just wish they wouldn’t have said he’d be book accurate if they planned on departing THIS much from his character.
im coming into this series after having obsessively followed its development for a year. they said they’d be very true to lestat and loustat from the entire book series, so that’s why i’m really confused by this. it seems antithetical to what they were trying to accomplish by making lestat WORSE than he was at his very lowest in the books, when they said they wanted to make him more of the lovable antihero anne decided on in the second book onwards. again, im not condoning any of the fucked up shit he does in the books or saying he’s some misunderstood nice guy. this is a very specific thing that i think is ooc.
i think what happened to claudia was a fucking abhorrent joke. including sa to toughen up female characters and make male characters sad. it’s 2022 do better. again, it never happened to the character in any other iteration of this story.
anyone saying “it’s horror, they’re toxic, what did you expect” - come back to me when you’ve read lestat slaughtering 500 men because he’s mind controlled then wiping their blood on his hands so he’s marked as unclean. or louis beheading santiago and kicking his severed head across a burning theater. or armand cutting nicolas’ hands off to punish him so he can’t play the violin in his insanity. or armand (always armand lmfao) sewing claudia’s head onto an adult body. THAT is the horror of this book series. louis and lestat’s relationship, while toxic and emotionally abusive, is never depicted with outright extreme one-sided physical torture. i’m not mad about the violence, im mad about who it was against.
anyway, that’s my two cents. like i said im invested in this show and i am going to continue watching it and talking about it, albeit much less on here because i really dislike some of the takes i’ve seen. i understand if a lot of my fellow book fans fall off here, i was debating it too, but my love of amc louis and claudia and my curiosity to see how they’re gonna make people want to watch this version of lestat be a protagonist have won out.
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hi!! i'm new here and i stumbled upon your posts regarding these interactions with the chatacters and i would like to try, too!! so to louis, "hi louis! i hope you're doing alright today. i would like to remind you to take your rest at times as well, because i know that your brothers really appreciate your efforts at the mansion. honestly, let me confess, you really bring me comfort in these stressful and tiring times that i am currently experiencing. seeing your beautiful face and smile just brings genuine joy to me. lastly, i love you with all my heart, louis! that would be all, 'til we interact again and take care, my love. ❤️"
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❝ 𝐋𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 ❞
“Greetings, my lady,” greeted the younger Moriarty as he served you a beverage, he told you to sit down and make yourself comfortable as he listened to your message. “How kind of you, dear,” chuckled the male, “thank you, I shall remember your words.” 
He smiled as you voiced out your inner thoughts and feelings about him, he felt delighted to know that he could bring such a beautiful feeling to you. “Is that so, my lady? I am honored, thank you.”
“I’ll always be here if you need anything, don’t be afraid to come to me,” his tone was tender and his smile was gentle. He did not know how to properly reply to your sweet words, all he could do now is hope that whatever he said were the right choices.
“Oh? You... love me?” He lost his composure for a second, before showing you another smile, “glad to know, I love you too.” He stood up as he handed you an envelope that is most likely to be his special letter for you, “till we meet again, my dear.”
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starfirebird · 6 years
It has been nearly 3 years since I discovered that Lestat: the Musical existed, looked it up on Youtube, and decided to watch the video of the San Francisco version first because it was longer. Even though I have a pdf of the Broadway sheet music, I’ve only referenced it for specific songs and just now finally got around to watching the whole video of the Broadway version. I’m kinda glad because now it’s ‘new’ stuff for me, but also, I tend to have Opinions to release, so my play by-play reactions are beneath the cut (yes, this is just how I am about musicals, but I usually don’t have the opportunity to write immediate responses)
-Wow the intro lyrics are way more dramatic
-Why did they change ‘In Paris’ like that? SF version was more book-accurate
-So /that’s/ how the lullaby song is supposed to sound (I had looked at the sheet music for it)
-There are some slight changes that explain why the sheet music doesn’t mesh with how I learned the songs by listening-like the added stuff at the end of ‘The Thirst’
-The Nikki and Gabrielle dialogue?
-What is this extra song before ‘Make Me as You Are’ (and why did I never notice it scrolling through the sheet music)? This version really goes for the Nikki/Lestat angst apparently and I love it
-Did they cut twenty minutes just by making everyone talk faster? Otherwise what is left out later?
-The transition into the slower part of ‘Make me’...why is it like that?
-Scene transitions were revised to less clearly resemble melodies, mostly by changing rhythms, and it feels weird but only bc I’m used to the other version
-They cut the kidnapping? /Why/? That was literally like one line of dialogue...
-Ugh who thought the choral echo in ‘To Live Like This’ was a good idea? It was not. 
-Oooh more slightly different lyrics
-Oh they added in the line about Allesandra!
-Oh /now/ we have the kidnapping-oh, huh. Huh.
-There’s so much more intro to the theatre scene now
-Oh wait they changed this /completely/ I liked the overly cheerful ‘hacking and stabbing’ what the fuck is this metaphor stuff where is the simplified backstory
-Why...have they changed the plot just enough to be deeply annoying IT WAS FINE THE FIRST TIME YOU GOT IT (mostly) RIGHT THE FIRST TIME
-Okay at least the mixture of gayness and hatred is there
-Nikki goes with them?!?
-It was a “quest to cure Nicolas”?!?
-Literally WHY is Nikki the reason Gabrielle leaves in this one? No one asked for this! You got it right the first time who rewrote this show!?
-At least the ‘Crimson Kiss’ is the same…(but I knew that bc it was one I actually sang from the sheet music in voice lessons two years ago and it was the same as the SF version)
-Reprise of the previous new song-well scrambling the plot does give you some more Nikki/Lestat angst, so I suppose it’s not all bad...I mean it’s bad but...in a good way y’know
-No WHY? That is so OOC and also just why, and also why was there a fire there without the whole coven sabbat explanation implied, like, the plot scrambling makes NO SENSE
-And Marius is still bald (sigh)
-The percussion parts in ‘Welcome to the New World’ are quite nice and hearing the different version just feels refreshing. Overall, the song is more cheerful and less problematic, I think I like it alright
-Nice, same music for Louis’ turning
-I have /seen/ The Magic Flute and I still have no idea what part of it that quote is from, but glad to see it kept
-They literally just accelerated the tempo again on ‘Embrace It’ like, this is allowed to be slow and angsty was the director just really pushing for a shorter runtime or were they trying to make the show more upbeat and like, not well?
-‘I Want More’ seems the same, since it was up-tempo already- oh wait, more added drums. (I learned this one as a possible solo in high school, too-although it can technically be spun as a small group for Thespians, as I once had the misfortune to witness (the Claudia was decent, the Louis and Lestat were utterly unenthusiastic, anyhow, I digress))
-Ah the Dracula scene, lol, anyway the second act seems to have survived more intact than the first
-‘I’ll Never Have That Chance” was unchanged, too, but this video is definitely better quality-not bad for a camera 12 years ago
-I just realized they made an entire musical about vampires with no fake blood and I bet every single person working on that show was very happy about that because fake blood is a NUISANCE
-Yep, ‘Sail Me Away’ is the same, I will hesitantly posit that the second act was untouched (Also this is probably the one I can sing best these days)…oooh, but the ending /is/ up instead of down
-The dialogue is a bit switched around, but not much
-It’s in both shows, but ironically the only reason “Until you have been forced to live forever in the body of a child” makes proper sense as a line is because they! refuse! to! portray! Armand! properly! (since musical! Claudia is turned at 10) (although honestly I like the casting of musical! Armand and I think the actor could’ve been made up to look somewhat younger if the show hadn’t decided to go with the movie aesthetic) (OK obligatory rant over)
-“’To Kill Your Kind’ creepy and tragic as ever, no apparent changes
-Did they cut the ‘Embrace It’ reprise?
-Finally lost my vague dislike listening to ‘After All this Time’ that I developed after practicing it to death a couple years ago (it became my go-to performance piece for a bit. I wound up singing it during karaoke at a cousin’s wedding, and at the orientation week talent show my first year at college. It’s kinda sad but I’ve not touched it for long enough that I can like listening to it again) Okay, where were we…
-New angsty dialogue…I feel fandom pain
-Added the ‘Sail Me Away’ reprise
-Huh the ending is very different but I kinda guessed since they cut the origin story song
-The ending is a ‘Crimson Kiss’ reprise before going into “From the Dead’? Okay
-Noooo they got rid of all the closuuure, you can’t get rid of the closure that’s mean! No! Come on I thought you were just getting rid of Akasha! That thing with Gabrielle and Marius was not enough to dissolve the angst!
 Anyway, hope you enjoyed my commentary. Also here Are links to the recordings:
San Francisco:
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sokennyjenner · 6 years
Future AU weekend plot ideas:
So I figured out I could come up with a few plots (totally stole the idea from Becca) instead of show making ooc’s asking people to hmu. This are for Benzo, Kendall and or Dominic. Just reply this post or message me if some of this catch your interest or if you have any other idea. In some plots I mention genres but it’s not mandatory, it was just easier for me to write “she” or “he” that is all.
Muse A and muse B got married in Vegas, but instead of the usual “oh fuck we are married” I want to play the aftermath of them being forced by the court to stay married like at the Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher movie. ft @ohsobutler
The Vow: Muse A was involved in a car accident and lost her short term memory and now muse B is helping A recover it. It doesn’t need to be romantic like the movie though. ft @capchriis
500 first dates: for the ones who never watched the movie, Muse A meets muse B who seems like someone “normal” but at the next day A realises there is something odd with B who can’t remember him and that is that she has been living the same day for years. The difference from plot 2 is in this case A can remember B somehow but she doesn’t realise it, plus she will never fully remember.
Muse A and muse B form a band/duo or they won a talents show.
Muse A and muse B work on a movie together
While filming muse A’s videoclip he/she falls in love with muse A.
Muse A and B used to be friends, now they are stuck in boring relationships and once they reconnect they start and affair. ft @ffschemsworth
Bad Moms: like the Mila Kunis movie, a group of moms who is reckless and act like “rebels” who aren’t like moms are supposed to be.
The bachelorette: A and B meet at a reality show
Superheroes/zombies/ alien/ end of the world AU ft RoseM
An au in which we recast a movie or TV show with our characters taking the leading roles.
The final girls: A and B are watching a horror movie on a stormy night and then they suddenly find themselves inside of the movie they were watching (it can also be another kind of movie)
Crazy ex girlfriend: after years without seeing each other, A and B bump into each other and talk about how good it’d be to hang out, unluckily A is moving out of town. B, who is bored of her life and wants a change to be happier, takes their meeting as a sign she should follow A and try to recover what they used to have.
Santa Clarita Diet: In which A and B are a regular couple/friends until something happens to A who is transformed into a zombie and now B is forced to help A find a cure and cover up her murders. ft @soalexdaddario (?)
Royal Au: somehow A and B end up being part of a royalty.
Muse A and B’s kids go to the same school, now this can lead to many different plots like: a)Them hating each other ft troian b)Them being each others romatic interest ft @ohhrb c) A hating the idea of her kid being with Muse B’s
Muse A haven’t seen or heard from B in ages when she meets a guy way younger than her and they start dating but OH, what do you mean it’s muse B’s kid? (this one just for Kendall)
Made of honor/ My best friend’s wedding: pretty much like the movies, it’s the best friends who wants to steal the bride/groom who they’ve been in love for years but never told them.
A and B had a kid years ago, but A never told B. Now, some years into the future they bump into each other and B is like “why does your son/daughter look a lot like me as a child?” it could also be a relative of B who tell’s A that in B’s presence. ft @itspksubbs
Plots I already have:
It was about time! Ashley helps Zac find the perfect ring for Alex.
Kendall haves to deal with the fact that Louis is getting married to Taylor her “enemy”.
Dominic and Zoey Deutch are married with kids.
Dominic and Zoey broke up and now some years in the future they bump into each other
Noah (Ashley’s kid) and Soph (Troi’s daughter) are rivals.
Please let me know if we had something planned out and i didnt add it here/
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A/B/O headcanons for the batfam?
I’m way too late, but I finally finish it!!!!
Long Post alert! like, 1600 words?!?!
Wolves pack system.
A society that is similar to ours, gender equality is in progress.
There are about 60% people Beta, 20% Alpha and 20% Omega. A/B, B/B,  A/O and B/O couple are common, and A/A and O/O are fewer, they’re in a situation similar to current gay couples. Couples can get married no matter what their sexes are, but some of A/A and O/O are still suffer from discrimination.
Omega’s scent is able to calm Alphas, even when they’re not mates. Omega’s existence is very important to a pack. Without an Omega/Omegas, packs are hard to hold.
People in established relationships tend to mark their partner, and the mark works on both side. A old mark can be covered by a new one, but can not be removed.
Male Omegas are able to be pregnant, and female Alphas are able to impregnate.
Bruce- AlphaThe most famous Alpha in Gotham, though being such loved, he stayed unmarked. The tabloids are always guessing who will get his mark, but it seems that he’s quite satisfied with his current status. Disguised as Beta when he’s Batman (so does the other Bats), but most of the JL members know his real gender.
Selina- AlphaHas been messing around with Bruce for decades, it’s safe to say they’re deeply in love, and their genders are never problems. But they both feel that it’s not the right time for them to be established yet. The whole family know their relationship, but they’re not equally approve.
Dick- OmegaWhen he grew into an Omega, tons of rumors about he and Bruce’s relationship came up. It was terrifying then, but thanks for Gotham’s ridiculous ability of making hot news, the topic didn’t stayed long. When he’s dating Kori or Babs, Bruce had a great concern that some day Dick might come back and cheerfully tell him that he’s gonna be a grandfather, to Bruce’s relief, it never happened. 
Disguised as Beta when he’s Nightwing, but half of Gotham and Bludhaven assume he’s Omega, because there’s no way a Beta can be that graceful and agile.( but actually they can, John and Mary Grayson are both Betas) In Superhero community, only people who are really close to him know his real gender, such as Tim’s Titans don’t know about that.
A group sometimes turns into more hive-like in his lead, it’s pretty different from Bruce’s or Tim’s leaderships. Getting of on Jason’s scent when he first smelled it( in the middle of a close combat fighting each other when Jason newly come back maybe), but only started to seeing him when he made sure Jason’s purpose. After months or even one or two years messing with each other, now they’re in an established relationship. But once being marked, their scent will change, and they think it’s not the perfect time to let Bruce know about their relationship, so they stayed unmarked.( but Tim, Barbara and Alfred already know ( so do some of Dick’s friends.)
Jason- AlphaHe didn’t get his second gender even till he died, but he’s already a Alpha when he’s conscious again. Has loved Dick’s scent since he’s being Robin, but never thought it’s possible to date him or to be his mate.
Kinda struggles with his Alpha instinct to be a pack leader while facing Bruce, who still take Dick as one of his pack member even after his independence. Consistently gets into fights with Damian, who declares his possession over Dick all the time. However, when Dick’s Alpha friends or co-workers standing close to Dick, he will get a bit disturbed, but he’s not that kind of over-possessive Alpha. He has know Dick for so long, he won’t let his minor jealous becomes a problem between them.
It’s annoying when he’s just running errands and suddenly being hit on by some random Omegas or Betas( “How comes such a nice Alpha like you hasn’t got a mate?”) , so he covers his scent even in day.
After he found out that Tim has already known their relationship, he somehow manages to get blackmail materials. And in Dick’s next heat, Tim is bringing them food and condoms.( It WILL backfire, it just not backfires YET.)
Tim- BetaThough being the “ordinary” gender, he’s quite satisfied with being a Beta after seeing all the troubles that Alphas and Omegas can make. And he’s dating Connor, a demi-alien with no second gender, so there is zero his business.
Sometimes he would worry about Dick being Jason’s almost-mate, but he knows that it’s Dick, the original Boy Wonder, he will be alright dating a former psycho bomber.
Damian- AlphaActually his second gender hasn’t shown yet, but he is gonna be an Alpha. Treating Jason like he’s an intruder of their family, being very possessive over Dick. Believes in many conventional values of a “good Alpha”, it’s kinda funny to see him act like that.
Barbara- AlphaIs like thiiiiis close to get married with Dick/ be Dick’s mate, but they couldn’t work it out after all. She doesn’t looks like an Alpha, but her scent is rather strong, sometimes even Jason feels uncomfortable around that.
Steph- OmegaThough it’s bothering to her, she is able to calm the other Bats when Dick’s not there. But she doesn’t it, it’s like doing someone else’s job. Quite active into Omega’s right promotion movement, awares much more about disadvantages of being an Omega than Dick does. Her scent is really sweet, she doesn’t cover it but she will punch anyone who tries to take advantage of her.   
Cass- BetaShe’s quiet, and being a Beta makes she even more quiet. She likes that, she doesn’t need to be an Alpha to kick everyone’s ass, and she doesn’t have to worry about accidentally exposes her position because of her scent. She’s kinda curious about what’s having scents like, and what’s all the mates and heats thing like, but that’s it.
Alfred- BetaBeing a Beta, there were some troubles raising all the Alphas and Omegas, but he made it. What can we say? He’s Alfred.
And there’re something more I want to talk about.
*A! Jason/ O! DickThere is a setting I really like that Jason was a Beta when he was Robin, but the pit turns him into an Alpha. Because that he’s not born Alpha, he’s kinda different from normal Alphas. Like, he can’t smell others’ and his own scent, or he’s not able to mark his Omega, something likes that. Or the other way around, his scent and other Alpha traits are much stronger than regular Alphas, and he has to spend much more energy to control himself not to hurt others.
In this setting, Dick would remember Jason as a Beta, so it must be a shock to him when he finds out. (and how would he find out?)
There are so many possibilities, I really like this.  
A! Jason/ B! DickI believe that there’re many great fics with this setting, and it can be really angst or fluff depends on writers. But it can be cheesy and OOC if the not handle carefully. ( don’t I say?
A! Jason/ A! DickThis is a rather unusual one? But it can be really hot! It’s only gay in Omegaverse when it’s A/A, B/B or O/O, right? Like I said, I can only go with bottom! Dick. So there’s a kink(?) in this setting that Alpha! Dick getting fucked till he knots, wow. (this is definitely too nsfw for my regular rate.) And how Alpha’s body gonna take another Alpha in, things like that, y’know.
B! Jason/ A! DickThis one is kinda similar to the A/A one, but like the upgrade version?? I mean, the literally power bottom! Dick???? Dick can’t control himself but bite Jason’s gland while getting entirely fucked???? I should better stop here.
B! Jason/ B! DickImagine how hilarious if they’re the only Betas in the family lol. It doesn’t have to be that way, but I think it could be fun.
B! Jason/ O! DickWell, we all agree that Dick would be the hottest Omega someone could ever meet, right? It must be though for Beta! Jason to have a mate like that. But they will be fine after all.
Clark and Connor- N/A (both disguised as Beta)People think that Superman and Superboy are Alphas? Nope, they’re aliens.
Diana- N/A (more similar to Alpha)It would be hard for Steve to wash her scent off if she’s an Alpha, but she’s an Amazon made out of clay. Sorry, Steve.
Arthur- N/A (more similar to Alpha)When he was younger kids in the school called him freak when they found he didn’t have a second gender. It was an Ah-ha moment when he knew he’s not only human.
John (Mars Manhunter)- N/A (disguised as Beta)Earthing is weird to Martian. Why does it have to be so complicated???
Koriand’r- N/A“Do you want me to knot you? Will you be upset because we can’t do that?” She gently asked Dick.
Hal- AlphaBarry- BetaThey can possibly be the A/B couple of American. Though one of them is mostly not in American.
Louis- AlphaToo precious! So pure! Must protect!!– Alpha! Louis about Beta! Clark.
Oliver- AlphaDinah- OmegaClassical A/O couple? Dinah is showing what an Omega is able to be, she encourages many young Omegas/women.
Wally- BetaHe treats Dick like second genders don’t matter, which they both believe. Dick appreciates that.
Roy- AlphaIt makes his conflicts with Oliver even more serious.Have I ever said that I like the idea that Roy and Dick were fuck-buddies?
Slade- AlphaIt’s safer for me not to talk about this.
Talia- AlphaThat’s how we know Damian will definitely be an Alpha.
John and Mary Grayson- B/B
Thomas and Martha Wayne- A/O
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(Reads your rules about "Nyotalia" and punches in you retarded ugly ass face) Stop making up pathetic excuses and excluding you dumb whore. Just admit, you just don't want any more vaginas in your dumb yaoi fantasies. Cause you DO know that Nyotalia strongly differs Hetalia. 2p Hetalia has far more racist stereotypes with far more disgusting unfortunate implications. Stop being a dumb slutty hypocrite.
Wow, okay. Let me clear three things up before continuing.
1. You can’t use that “R” word anymore.
2. Do your research I am an AroAce who feels no sexual or romantic attraction, so I do not have any fantasies. So, no. I can’t admit to anything, don’t assume my sexuality.
3. If you’re gonna talk shit, then don’t hide behind a Anon face, coward.
Let’s take Italy and Nyo! Italy. I know that there’s a lot more to both characters regarding their personalities, but they are too similar for 3 lines of chat. Other chats don’t reference each other, and there are no “Part 1′s” and “Part 2′s” to create a small story, I don’t write long fanfics here, and I don’t draw comics, all these places are where you would see their differences. For small chats, there isn’t a lot much I could do differently. I know Nyo! Italy is portrayed as more brave then Feliciano, but for the small chats, it’s just going to be pasta jokes, and the only difference is their genitals. What’s the point? I rather you all see the differences than just a simple gender swap for no reason.
I had a rant a while ago regarding the 2p’s and race, and since you’ve hidden your face, I can’t tell if you’re the same anon from last time so let me sum it up.
The only race “stereotype” argument that I’ve seen was either by you last time, or the other anon. This said that “darker skin = criminal”. I think this is regarding Allen because he’s only character who’s skin looks different from their 1p. Concept: Allen, and all the other 2p’s are FANON characters, therefore up for interpretation, and your own portrayal. So, where have I portrayed the 2p’s as stereotypes? Where has Allen acted like a criminal? Never. It’s been nothing but smooth talking and vegan jokes in his chats.
And here’s something a little controversial that I’m going to whisper here, if anyone read far enough to see. You are defending the wrong minority group. All the 2p’s are portrayed as insane sociopaths 90% of the time, and it’s…To put it gently, frustrating to see stereotypes of people with psychological illnesses flung around like that without anyone getting mad about it. But do you see me portraying their illness as a psychopathic? No, because, as someone with OCD, I don’t like it at all. So what do I do? I portray them realistically. Does Louis have depression? Yes, but not all of those with depression attempt suicide, and I have to keep in mind that there are different levels of depression, and many different treatments. Is Allen abusive? No. He doesn’t have a filter, and is poor at communication, so what he says never really comes out right, and sometimes may seem hurtful. Is Oliver obsessed with people liking him? Nope, just social anxiety, and he’s afraid of coming off as rude.
So, to sum up:
1. You’re a coward.
2. Chats consist of 3-6 lines of dialogue, and are nothing but jokes with no character development, so in this case, the characters and their Nyo counterparts are too similar.
3. There are no racial stereotypes in the 2p universe. Sorry Allen seems to get more sun. He probably mows his lawn more often to get hat slight tan he has.
4. Don’t portray the 2ps as insane, it’s inaccurate and an insult to those with real psycological illnesses.
5. If you don’t like my content, then why the FUCK are you here? I would get it if it was something along the lines of “the artist doesn’t want you to reblog their art, check their page more carefully” or a “Hey, why did England say that? That was a bit ooc”. But, this isn’t the case, so if you don’t like seeing the 2p’s and want more of the Nyo characters, then go to a different blog.
6. *Ugly-ass. There’s a “-” between the words. Also, it’s “Dumb, slutty, hypocrite.” Commas exist for a reason. If you must insult me, use grammar correctly.
~Go ship somewhere else!
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larryfanfiction · 7 years
Tumblr media
Ao3?   hattalove
Tumblr?     hattalove
Name?   kris
Age?   21
How long have you been a fan of One Direction?   i think it’s going to be four years this march….jesus
Who is your favorite fic author?   tashie togetherwecouldbealright, and i’m also very partial to 100percentsassy and gloriaandrews’ fics.
What is your favorite fic?   THIS IS TOO HARD i don’t know if it’s even possible to just have one favorite, but the first thing that popped into my head was be my little good luck charm.
When did you start writing?   long enough ago that i can’t really remember, i learned how to write at 5/6 so probably not long after that. i think i wrote a very lengthy poem about spring when i was 7, so definitely by then.
What was your favorite fic to write and why?   in all honesty, the general process of writing is extremely painful for me..but probably run away home, partly because it was about horses and i really love horses, and partly because i’d like to think i improve a little with every fic i write and i ended up really liking the character dynamics i created there, especially lilo and h/l.
How and where do you find inspiration?   all sorts of media, usually. i’m very, very bad at coming up with original ideas (working on it, though!), but when i’m watching a movie or tv show, i immediately start thinking of what harry and louis would be like with that kind of dynamic or how they would fit into that environment. it’s been movies, tv shows, a gif…the one i’m writing now was also inspired by a movie, and the one i want to write next is set in a tv show environment.
Are any of your stories influenced by personal experience?     i guess it depends. i’d like to think i’m a decent baker, so i drew on that experience when writing leave it to the breeze, and i’ve been a huge horse nerd since age four, which came in useful when writing run away home. i was also in a long-distance relationship, and i’m asexual, which were both key elements of wait up i’m coming home (i just almost forgot that i wrote that one, lol). so i actually guess i do, even though i was ready to say not really.
How do you get over writer’s block?   i don’t think i really get writer’s block, i just get lazy. usually it’s because i’ve come to the end of what i initially had planned for the plot, so the only way i move myself forward when that happens is sitting down and forcing myself to plan. if i’m just feeling like i don’t want to write, i try to use time management techniques (like pomodoro, i.e. 25 minutes of focused writing and 5 minutes of pointlessly browsing the internet to reward mysel) or, if it’s an ongoing thing, i try to leave off in a place i know i’ll want to continue the next day.
On average, how long does it take to write a fic?   all of my longer 1d fics were started/written as part of nanowrimo, which really helps move things along. for the monster fics i always seem to end up doing i’d say maybe two to three months of consistent writing. the issue, and the reason i literally post one fic a year, is that i’m not consistent, lol.
How often do you sit down to write? What does your ideal work setting look like?   if i’m in the ‘groove’, ideally i like to write every day. it just helps keep everything fresh in my memory so i know where i’m picking up, and also helps get everything done faster. the only thing i really need is complete silence/white noise. i used to be really particular about where i wrote, but i’ve learned to be more flexible as my life got busier, so now i don’t really mind - i’ve written at work, at school, at coffee shops, bus stops, in the library, all over the place. if i am at home, though, i like to have a cup of tea while i write.
Pick 3 things that are absolutely necessary to make a good story!  
characters!! nothing works for me if the characters aren’t good or, in the case of fic, if they’re ooc.
character growth/development
things like grammar, syntax, punctuation, capitalisation, paragraph breaks. i’m unfortunately a very picky reader, so what a story looks like plays a big role for me.
What do you like most about the writing process?   i really love how stories change from what you intend them to be. when i start i’ll usually have a basic outline of the plot and characters, but the story kind of takes on a life of its own and new scenes/plot points/character motivations come into my head as i’m writing and often take the story in a different direction, so i end up with something totally new! i also love the rush of excitement after i post the fic. i usually go to sleep right after so i can wake up to reactions, whatever they might be, haha.
What is your favorite genre/tag to write? in my early fanfic days i used to really enjoy writing angst, but 9 times out of 10 it doesn’t work with h/l. when i’m writing about them i just like all sorts of romance-y stuff, especially them getting together, so in terms of tags i guess i’d say friends to lovers.
What kind of scene do you find hardest to write? Easiest?   hardest is probably action/scenes where a lot of things happen in quick succession, i struggle with pacing those properly. smut is really hard, too. easiest are dialogue-heavy scenes, both friendly and romantic fond banter, and specifically lilo friendship scenes, haha.
Do you write chronologically?   yes. if there’s a scene i’m really looking forward to writing, i plot it out in detail and use it as motivation to write faster so i can get to it.
What’s one thing that not a lot of people know about you, and you feel comfortable sharing?   i feel like i put everything really personal on the internet to be honest, haha. but i feel like the most interesting thing about me is the fact that i work at an escape room, so i literally lock people in rooms and then spy on them through a camera for a living.
Are you currently working on something? Can we have a little preview?   i am! i’ve talked about this a little on my blog, it’s an au based on the movie sweet home alabama. it’s a huge mess right now, but here’s a bit i like:
“I’m not sure I believe you,” says Louis, half-grinning. “I’ve moved on, Harry, the best that I could. I’d love it if you disappeared tomorrow, sure, but you being here isn’t—I don’t know. It’s not breaking my heart in two, or whatever Liam would have you believe.”
He avoids Harry’s eyes as he says it.
“But—actually. Since you are here, I wanna show you something.”
Harry blinks at the sudden change in demeanour, and has to scramble to get up and follow Louis out of the door. He’s walking up the stairs briskly, brushing his hand over the picture frames as he goes in what looks like an unconscious habit.
Harry catches up with him on the landing upstairs. He’s standing right in front of the white door that Harry tries to pretend isn’t there, looking at it with his arms wrapped around himself.
“What…” Harry starts, looking him over. He looks small, but determined, standing firm, with his chin tipped up.
“You know what,” he says, quiet.
Harry shakes his head. He, too, hugs himself, needing something to keep him together just in case.
“You don’t have to do this,” he says.
“I want to,” Louis replies. “It’s been too long. I just—I didn’t want to get rid of it without you. That’s just stupid, isn’t it.”
“No,” Harry says immediately, reaching out to touch Louis’s shoulder before he realises who they are, where they are, and pulls back. “It’s not stupid, Louis.”
“Don’t start indulging me now,” he half-laughs, rubbing his arms like he’s cold even though it’s June. “It felt like the right thing to do, I don’t know. It’s just that—regardless of the fucked up things you did,” and Harry flinches there, can’t help himself, “this hurt you, too.”
It’s not a question, of course it’s not. They’d cried about it together, enough times for Louis to know exactly how heartbroken Harry had been.
They share a look, there in the dark corridor, that’s heavy with understanding, perhaps for the first time.
Anything you would like to say to your readers? thank you!! thank you all a million times over. i never, ever imagined my writing would get the kind of response it has gotten from everyone in this fandom. i get really overwhelmed when people say nice things and don’t always reply, but know that i see and appreciate all of it ♥  also, sorry for being shit and only posting once a year, lol.
Thank you so much, Kris! The Sweet Home Alabama fic sounds amazing! 
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vampiresman · 7 years
That Night. (TLA Ch. 1)
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shrpghq · 7 years
Congratulations Kirsten!
You have been accepted as your 6th character, Henry Doe (Louis Hynes FC)! And congrats on receiving 1,000 points for picking up a male patient! Please send in their account within 24 hours.
–> Name: Kirsten
–> Preferred pronouns: She/her
–> Age: 21 (though yestderday when I was getting dinner the dude behind the counter asked me if I was twelve)
–> Time zone: CST
–> Activity: 7/10
–> Today’s date: 23rd January 2017
–> How did you find us? (If tags, please specifys) Bees? I think I’ve used that joke like five times now but I don’t care
–> Did you read the rules? Please give the TWO passwords: RFP
***please actually read through the material to find the passwords. It will be very obvious to us if you don’t, even if you put down the rights words and we accept it, we will know, and we’ll use it as a judgement of character (meaning you, OOC). Thank you!***
–> Character desired: Henry Doe
–> Canon face claim: Louis Hynes
–> If staff, will they live in on-site staff housing or in housing off campus?: N/A
–> Are you requesting any changes to the bio?:
–> Writing Sample (2 Paragraphs, please)
IC Questions (Please write SEVERAL sentences –4 TO 5, MINIMUM EACH. Mandatory for both canon and original characters. Not required for staff.):
Do you know why you’re here at the Serenity House?
“I… I don’t know,” Henry shrugged. He spoke dazedly, not sure if it was because he still hadn’t processed what was going on, or the medication they’d given him at the hospital. He supposed it could be both. “The police officer, they said they were sending me somewhere so I could remember while they found my parents. They said my stomach hurt because I had anxiety but I don’t think that’s true I-” He stopped abruptly. He’d been about to say his stomach had hurt before, but he wasn’t sure why because he couldn’t remember before and something told him he couldn’t lie to a doctor about something physical if he didn’t know. “I don’t remember.”
How do you feel about being here? Good, bad, indifferent?
He frowned. All of him wanted to answer “I don’t know” again, but that was an answer that got you no where with people, he had learned in the last couple of hours. However, it was true. There seemed to be a great deal lately that he did not know, and it made his head hurt when he tried to figure out what was missing. So he made something up. “Good I guess. I want to remember, I think.”
What is your biggest fear coming to the House?
“What if, what if I don’t like what I remember? I feel like I’m forgetting something important, but when I try to think of what it is it just makes me upset. Or what if I forget even more? Right now everything feels like a black hole. It’s just so… confusing.”
How do you feel about the patients on other wards? (Medical or Rescued Wards)
He shrugged again. “I really don’t know. I can’t think of how I feel about myself, let alone people I’ve never met.” The whole questionnaire seemed pointless and almost sinister when they had already asked him so many questions at the hospital and the police station. Surely they knew enough by now? Did they know something about him that he didn’t?
–> Anything else
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