film-book · 5 months
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BLUE BLOODS: Season 14, Episode 1: Loyalty Plot Synopsis, Director, & Air Date [CBS] https://film-book.com/blue-bloods-season-14-episode-1-loyalty-plot-synopsis-director-air-date-cbs/?feed_id=113068&_unique_id=6599c8ce2858b
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sherilynhonso · 1 year
American Dreams, JJ Pryor
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excesslibris · 3 months
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Lighting practice with the Willest of Woods in his Mr. Capgras Era
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studyblr-perhaps · 9 days
we hafe bocs ond songes writon on ealdor formes of English. hwi ne we use thaem for-hwat theam was maede?
thaes helle's-syte moste tymes willest to fall-bacc on to ealdor-wordes ond ealdor-times ond ealdor-tales, so hit be of no goode use amid suche talkings thaet we keep oure speache to moderne standarde.
Tried to middle english my answer but it ended up looking like normal speech so-
Certainly, we should definitely go back to the time when the spelling corresponded to the pronounciation
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sillywillythings · 7 months
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It’s hard being the silly willest of them all 💔
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angeltreasure · 10 months
Children's Prayer to Mary
Dear Mother of Jesus,
look down upon me
As I say my prayers slowly
at my mother's knee.
I love thee, O Lady
and please willest thou bring
All little children
To Jesus our King.
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rionas-path · 29 days
Chapter 15
Memories of the Dark
CXLIV. The divine spoke softly: “Kaitríonne Eleanoir Of House Whotrin, firstborn of Chieftain Audar and the sacred Chiefess Eleanore. I ask thee, why wouldst thou have me awakened? Surely, not for trifles such as the rites of a fallen peer? The recent evets between thee, him and thine heart sharing invitee: My dearest lady; hast left thee devoid of company, Barren; hast she not? Thou wishest to speak… so speak and I will hear!” Her essence began to gather as she gently did draw near.
CXLV. The demigoddess remembered her teachings, kept her eyes closed, Her breath calm in the presence of deathly divinities, Despite such forthcoming demeanour in morbid activities: “Our Lady Raven, it is as earnest as I have proposed! I only wish to give the closure which his legend deserves! Won’t you grant me this mercy?” she felt the tugging on her nerves From the breezy air but steeled herself, remaining composed And hoping that the ghostly Shepherd would remain unopposed.
CXLVI. The divine chuckled in pity: “Oh, thou art a poor child, Indeed! To toil and make such passageway between the worlds, For such an innocent request… Alas, migrating birds Bring with them spring, so too is sacrifice by burden beguiled! Thy coming couldst cast a shadow dark upon the land once more. The congregation of the flow that has been brought ashore…” She trailed off, puzzled, as if only now seeing the reviled Realization of what might envelop the world defiled.
CXLVII. “Certainly, thou mustest know on what the Wicrow feed?” The goddess herself was taken aback in sheer horror. Ríona’s hair stood on end as she began to shiver. It could not be so, or could it? Her thoughts picked up in speed As she began to remember her lax practice of magick These past few weeks: the initial disturbance of the erratic And biting flow barely a footnote! For answers she plead While trembling fearfully: “What have I done?! A grave misdeed?”
CXLVIII. The Margrave replied, simply: “Thou hast followed thy destiny… I shall make the forthcoming preparations; this dawning Hath come too soon, sooner even than Aurianne’s warning! Open thy eyes, my kin-in-kind!” She demanded solemnly. Ríona obeyed, opening her blue, horror-struck eyes, Finally gazing at the Deathly Divine’s youthful guise. Between them still laid the body of the Tsar in serenity, Which would soon turn into a flaming display of revelry.
CXLIX The short-statured divinity gazed over her shoulder, Her golden braid loosely hanging, as she spoke unsparingly: “Thou shalt gaze into the azure flames of this pyre drearily. Within this blaze thou willest see his memories smoulder, Reminiscing of the Dark Days: let this horror prepare thee For what is to come, friend.” The goddess finished her decree, Began walking back t’wards the Innerworld’s divine border, Remarking: “I’ll make these events known to each heeding beholder!”
CL. As the flames burned, Ríona gazed at the atrocities Which the Tsar had to endure and commit in his fight against The hordes of the Wicrow. The sacrifices that were commenced, Thousands of people-folk given to the monstrosities; Men, women, and children alike, perished beneath the onslaught Of the wicked beaks. More and more fell and into their ranks were brought, Becoming our bane, matching our wits with their ferocities. Such terrifying acts were revealed in all his stories.
CLI. The penultimate vision that met her gaze sent chills down her spine: The Tsar stood still, alone in the field of death and demise. People-folk, kin-in-kind, Wicrow and even gods likewise Laid side by side, dead or dying. The end of many a bloodline. A figure approached his gaze; the face of her father Audar, Which was still young and unweathered, on his arm barely a scar. The demigod looked him in the eyes and made a cruel sign: “Find your own damned champion!” Thus, left empty was the front line.
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eunuchmaker · 3 months
I’m a spiritual lyrical individual spiritual miracle lyrical individual spiritual miracle individual lyrical lyrical
skipping and flipping and dipping and skipping and flipping and dipping the illest the killest the skill of the willest
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orthodoxadventure · 8 months
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Prayer of Saint Basil the Great in preparation before Holy Communion
O Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, our God, Fountain of Life and immortality, Creator of all things visible and invisible; Consubstantial and Co-eternal Son of the eternal Father, who in Thine exceeding great love didst become incarnate in the latter days, and was crucified for us ungrateful and wicked children, and by Thine own Blood didst renew our nature corrupted by sin:
Do Thou, O Immortal King, receive me, a repentant sinner; incline Thine ear unto me and hear my prayer. I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned against heaven and before Thee, and I am not worthy to lift up my eyes to the majesty of Thy glory, for I have affronted Thy goodness, and broken Thy commandments, and disobeyed Thy laws. But Thou, O Lord most loving, long-suffering and merciful, hast not given me over to perish in my sins, but dost ever await my return. For, O Thou who lovest mankind, Thou hast said, by Thy Prophet, rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live. Thou dost not desire, O Master, to destroy the works of Thy hands or that they should perish, but willest that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth.
Wherefore I, although unworthy both of heaven and of earth and of this temporary life, even I, a wretched sinner who had given myself over to every evil desire, despair not of salvation, though I have been wholly subject to sin, a slave to passion, and have defiled Thine image within me, who am Thy creation and Thy work; but trusting in Thine infinite compassion, draw nigh unto Thee. Receive me, O Lord, Thou that lovest mankind, as Thou didst receive the sinful woman, the thief, the publican and the prodigal son. Take away the heavy burden of my sins, O Thou that takest away the sins of the world, and healest the infirmites of men, and callest all that are weary and heavy-laden to Thyself and givest them rest; Thou that earnest not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance, cleanse Thou me from all stain of body and soul and teach me to fulfil holiness in Thy fear, that with the witness of my conscience pure, I may receive a portion of Thy Holy Gifts, and be united to Thy Holy Body and Precious Blood, and my have Thee, with Thy Father and Thy Holy Spirit, dwelling and abiding in me. And grant, O Lord Jesus Christ, my God, that the partaking of Thy precious and Life-giving mysteries may not be to my condemnation, nor may not through the weakness of my soul and body be received unworthily; but grant that even unto my last breath, I may partake of a portion of Thy Holy Gifts without condemnation, unto the Communion of Thy Holy Spirit, as a preparation for eternal Life and for a good defense at Thy dread judgment Seat; so that I, together with all Thine elect, may also receive those incorruptible good things which Thou hast prepared for them that love Thee, O Lord; in whom Thou art glorified forever. Amen.
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echantedtoon · 6 months
Mettakaard Week Day 3
Working Out
A lot hotter than what he was really used to, and to be perfectly honest, he didn't enjoy having the burning feeling in his lungs, or the amount of slime running down his body, or the heat baring down on himself. What was wrong with enjoying a nice wine inside and relaxing? Maybe cuddled up together in a nice air conditioned room, watching the live action of Romeo and Juliet? That was a beautiful tale is he did say so himself. But Noooo- he just had to go running today of all days. When the sun was fricking making it almost 80 DEGREES!!
He stopped and heaved his lungs out, hands on his knees and gasping for breath like a fish out of water. Metalic clangs rang out behind him and soon someone stopped next to him. It took a few moments but he eventually looked up into the smiling face of the robot.
"W-What art thou..*wheeze* smiling at?!"
He laughed. "Darling, when was the last time you even took a relaxing jog?"
He laughed again and very easily stood on one foot and stretched the other out into a ballet pose. "Darling, exercise never hurt anyone. I know I enjoy it.~''
"Oh don't be so cranky." He rolled his eye not paying him any attention. "We still have half a mile before we can start back."
He heard his lover groan behind him and he chuckled again, well the sooner they finished the sooner they could go back. It was just then he heard a blup sounds behind him and he turned around....and blinked. His blue boyfriend was no where to be seen. Until he looked down that is and saw a puddle of blue slime on the sidewalk.
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film-book · 1 year
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BLUE BLOODS: Season 13, Episode 18: Family Matters Plot Synopsis, Director, & Air Date [CBS] https://film-book.com/blue-bloods-season-13-episode-18-family-matters-plot-synopsis-director-air-date-cbs/?feed_id=142879&_unique_id=64399c573330c
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Book 1 - The Road Unto Love
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A young man leaves home seeking adventure, and finds love.
Ralph looked on her and himseemed some pain or shame touched his heart, and he said: "I am a knight adventurous; I have nought to do save to seek adventures. Why should I not go with thee?" She looked at him earnestly awhile and said: "Nay, it may not be; thou art a lord's son, and I a yeoman's daughter." She stopped, and he said nothing in answer. "Furthermore," said she, "it is a long way, and I know not how long." Again he made no answer, and she said: "I am going to seek the WELL AT THE WORLD'S END, and to find it and live, or to find it not, and die." He spake after a while: "Why should I not come with thee?" It was growing light now, and he could see that she reddened and then turned pale and set her lips close. Then she said: "Because thou willest it not: because thou hadst liefer make that journey with some one else." He reddened in his turn, and said: "I know of no one else who shall go with me." "Well," she said, "it is all one, I will not have thee go with me." "Yea, and why not?" said he. She said: "Wilt thou swear to me that nought hath happed to thee to change thee betwixt this and Bourton? If thou wilt, then come with me; if thou wilt not, then refrain thee. And this I say because I see and feel that there is some change in thee since yesterday, so that thou wouldst scarce be dealing truly in being my fellow in this quest: for they that take it up must be single-hearted, and think of nought save the quest and the fellow that is with them."
Ralph is the youngest son (21) of King Peter, who rules the small country of Upmeads. Upmeads is peaceful and pastoral, but across the woods to the north is a tyrant who in the past threatened Upmeads. Ralph and his four older brothers live easy lives, but they all want to go adventuring and see the world. King Peter allows them to go on the condition that one remains behind to rule after his death. Ralph draws the short straw, and so must remain behind.
Despite this, Ralph run away the next morning to find adventure. He goes south, and comes to the market town of Wulstead, where he visits his Gossip (godmother), Dame Katherine, and her husband, Clement Chapman (a merchant). When they discover that Ralph has run away, Clement wants to tell King Peter, but Dame Katherine stops him and supports Ralph, giving him a necklace of blue and green beads which are said to be lucky and connected to the Well at the World’s End. Ralph says that he will get the necklace blessed by a priest, but Dame Katherine warns him against this.
When Ralph asks about the Well, neither of them knew much about it, but Clement says it is past the Dry Tree, which is far away, and Dame Katherine says that drinking from the Well gives one charisma, power, and maybe eternal life.
Beyond Wulstead, Ralph comes to the Downs (hill-country) and stops at a church. There, he encounters a Knight wearing the symbol of a leafless tree, whois rude to him, but when Ralph tries to pick a fight, he advises him to not try to fight everyone who makes him angry, or else he’ll live a short life.
Later, riding the Downs, Ralph stops and shares his wine with some shepherds, who tell him about themselves and about the Knight he had seen, whom they have seen before and took as an omen of strife and bloodshed. Grateful for his friendship, they tell him how to summon the shepherd folk if he ever needs armed men.
Ralph then comes to Higham-on-the-Way, a town ruled by a Bishop, which is celebrating a feast day. He meets a monk who shows him around, encounters that Knight again, and sleeps. In the morning, the monk offers him a rosary to exchange for his beads, but Ralph refuses. This refusal, along with Ralph’s refusal to join the Bishop’s armed men, causes an argument, but the two part on good terms.
Next, Ralph comes to a tiny village called Bourton Abbes, where he stops to eat at an inn. There, he encounters the Maiden, a young woman with whom he becomes quite smitten, but he refuses to heed her advice and not go into the Woods Perilous beyond the town, where recently her friend went missing. She advises him to go to the Burg of the Four Friths in the Woods.
He travels into the Woods Perilous and stays at the crossroads for a time, hoping adventure will find him. There he has several encounters:
First, he meets armed men of the Burg, who are leading four prisoners to be hanged. The prisoners are of the Fellowship of the Dry Tree, who rule the nearby town of Hampton under Scaur and are the Burg’s sworn enemies.
Next, he meets two more armed men from the Burg, and they are taking a captured woman to be tortured and killed, just like the prisoners he saw before. This upsets Ralph, and when he demands the two men explain what’s going on to him, they attack. With the help of their prisoner, the Lady, he kills them both. The Lady is the most beautiful woman Ralph has ever seen, and he immediately falls hopelessly in love with her. She advises him to go to Hampton under Scaur, but she leaves, following the trail of the other prisoners.
Third, he meets the Maiden again, who tells him that she is setting out to find the Well at the World’s End, or die trying. He asks to go with her, but she refuses, saying that something about him has changed and that his heart would not be fully devoted to her or the quest. Ralph cannot argue with that. The Maiden is going to Hampton under Scaur, hoping that the Fellowship of the Dry Tree knows something about the Well, but she tells Ralph that it is a bad place and that he should go to the Burg.
Lastly, he meets Roger, who says he is an escapee from the tyrants of Hampton, and that he is going to the Burg in hopes of joining their forces to fight his former captors, the Fellowship of the Dry Tree. The two are attacked by the Fellowship, but escape to the Burg, where they are viewed suspiciously but allowed to enter. Ralph is told many times that he should join their group, but he refuses, and is refused certain services because of that. Ralph is suspicious of Roger, thinking he may actually be an agent of the Dry Tree, and he notices Roger acting oddly near two cloaked strangers.
They learn the story of the Burg. It is a fortress town that raids lands to the south and takes the women of those people (the Wheat-wearers) as slaves, killing the men. They do this because they are descended from former slaves that the Wheat-wearers conquered, who rose up in rebellion. This makes Ralph uncomfortable, but he holds his tongue. He also hears talk about the Dry Tree and their wicked leader, a woman whom he thinks might be the Lady he met before.
Ralph is awoken during the night by Roger, who says that his life is in danger and they must leave. The two meet with another group of men and sneak out of the town, fleeing pursuit into the woods. The Knight Ralph had met twice before is among the group, and he learns that they are of the Fellowship of the Dry Tree, and that Roger is, too. They offer to take him with them, or he can go his own way with Roger.
He goes with Roger, but is upset and suspicious of him. Roger placates him by offering to take him to the Lady, and Ralph goes willingly. They travel through dangerous territory where many wars were fought, and then come to the Plains of Abundance, an idyllic place hidden among the dangerous woods. There they stay at the castle, where the Lady is said to visit often, and Ralph waits there for her to come.
Roger leaves on business, telling Ralph to wait a few days for him to return, and then to go do as he wants if he doesn’t come back. Ralph spends several days wandering the Plains, talking to its people, learning about the Lady of Abundance, and following even more terribly in love with her.
He reads a book which purports to tell her story. It says that she is so beautiful that all men who see her fall in love with her, and they will kill each other to have her. This caused many wars, and she fled to the wilderness where she was enslaved by a witch for a time. Ralph hears more conflicting things about the Lady.
Eventually, the waiting becomes too much for Ralph and he decides he must leave. In doing so, he goes south and eventually comes to a lake where two knights are fighting, and the Lady is nearby. The Knight of the Sun defeats the Black Knight, who it turns out was his best friend. They fought over the Lady’s love, though the Lady denies loving either of them.
When the Knight sees Ralph, he fights him, too, and wins. Just as the Knight of the Sun is about to kill Ralph, the Lady makes a deal with him: she will go with him if they take Ralph with them as a prisoner.
Ralph agrees to these terms, and does as he is told, being happy simply by being near the Lady. They discover that the Black Knight is not dead and begin caring for him. The Lady is a skilled healer and she repeatedly gives signs of affection to Ralph, but is careful not to anger the Knight of the Sun.
After that, the  Knight of the Sun wishes that some holy man would find them and take care of the Black Knight while they go get supplies. Ralph sees the Lady gesture oddly and whisper something, and shortly afterward that exact situation occurs. That night, they all camp out in the woods.
Act 1 comes to a close, and we enter Act 2, which is fairly short. Yes, Book 2 is very long, but if we’re talking about overarching plot, there’s another arc that begins here and ends about 10 Chapters into Book 2, and then the BIG arc starts.
I’m not sure why the book is divided this way; the division between Book 1 and Book 2 has always seemed a bit arbitrary for me, but I guess I’d either put the book divide at like Book 2 Chapter 2 or Book 2 Chapter 10, so it’s not that much of a difference.
For the quote to represent Book 1, I went with a long one, an expanded version of the quote I used for Chapter 10. I think it best sums up the condition of things: Ralph seeks adventure, but his heart is elsewhere (with the Lady). The Maiden, meanwhile, is going out ahead to find the Well. Ralph’s encounter with the Lady changed him in a noticeable way, just as her presence changes everyone around her. She may love him, but he is by no means immune to her strange power.
The map is hilariously linear so far and has no real scale. As I remember it, the next bit is kind of fuzzy on directions, but after that we’ll be heading east. I think once I finish, I’ll try to compress the whole thing down, impose something resembling a scale
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fictitiousfanfics · 10 months
Ssooooo, uno how Unskilled and Vance are both, like, depressed old dudes who probly need som1 to Be There? 🥺
THOU ART SO RIGHT!! Thine fair maiden willest haveth to wait… fluff ofeth selfarious coming sooneth. THINE SHANT WAIT LONG!!!
Twoeth dudes depressedeth and OLDETH
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0rdinarythoughts · 2 years
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▪️ A Pearl from Sahifa Sajjadiai
اللّهُمَّ إن تَشَأْ تعفُ عَنّا فَبِفضْلِكَ ،
وَانْ تَشَأْ تُعَذِّبْنا فَبَعدْلِكَ. فَسَهِّلْ لَنَا عَفْوَكَ بِمنِّكَ
وَأَجِرْنَا مِنْ عَذَابِكَ بِتَجاوُزكَ; فَإنَّهُ لاَ طاقَةَ لَنَا بَعدلِكَ،
وَلاَ نجاةَ لأحَد مِنّا دُوْنَ عَفْوِكَ.
O God, if You willest, You wilt pardon us through Your bounty
And if You willest, You wilt chastise us through Your justice. So make our ways smooth to Your pardon through Your kindness
And grant us sanctuary from Your chastisement through Your forbearance, for none of us has the endurance for Your justice
And none of us can reach deliverance without Your pardon!
📖 Dua 10, In Seeking Asylum with God
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noverim-te · 3 months
LIKE a flame that burns in silence, like a perfume that rises straight upward without wavering, my love goes to Thee; and like the child who does not reason and has no care, I trust myself to Thee that Thy Will may be done, that Thy Light may manifest, Thy Peace radiate, Thy Love cover the world. When Thou willest I shall be in Thee, Thyself, and there shall be no more any distinction; I await that blessed hour without impatience of any kind, letting myself flow irresistibly toward it as a peaceful stream flows toward the boundless ocean.
Thy Peace is in me, and in that Peace I see Thee alone present in everything, with the calm of Eternity.
—The Mother (Mirra Alfassa) / Prayers and Meditations
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 5 months
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🍃🕊🍃 In seeking asylum with 🍃🕊🍃
🍃🕊🍃 𝒜𝓁𝓁𝒶𝓁 (𝒮𝒲𝒯) 🍃🕊🍃
🍃 ‘O’ God, if Thou willest,
Thou wilt pardon us through Thy bounty and if Thou willest, Thou wilt chastise us through Thy justice.
🍃 So make our ways smooth to Thy pardon through Thy kindness and grant us sanctuary from Thy chastisement through Thy forbearance, for none of us has the endurance for Thy justice and none of us can reach deliverance without Thy pardon!
🍃 ‘O’ Richest of the rich!
Here we are, Thy servants, before Thee. I am the neediest of the needy toward Thee, so redress our neediness through Thy plenty and cut us not off from our hopes through Thy withholding, lest Thou makest wretched him who seeks felicity through Thee and deprivest him who seeks help from Thy bounty!
🍃 Then to whom would we return after Thee? Where would we go from Thy gate? Glory be to Thee! We are the distressed, the response to whom Thou hast made incumbent, the people from whom Thou hast promised to remove the evil
🍃 That thing most resembling Thy will and that affair most worthy for Thee in Thy mightiness is showing mercy to him who asks Thee for mercy and helping him who seeks help from Thee. So show mercy upon our pleading with Thee and free us from need when we throw ourselves before Thee!
🍃 ‘O’ God, Satan will gloat over us if we follow him in disobeying Thee, so bless Muhammad and his Household and let him not gloat over us after we have renounced him for Thee and beseeched Thee against him!
🍃 duas.org 🍃
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