#witch prayer
divaricca · 2 years
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Oh dwellers among waters,
Creatures of siren songs and terrifying beauty,
Enchant me with your gentle blessings,
And deep magic,
Oh star goddess,
Light my path,
Let your sacred flame shine in me
And guide me in my endeavors..
Raise my wings with renewed hope.
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yoursghouly · 11 months
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Source: Ada Elder
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This is a post for disabled people. For mentally ill people. For low energy people.
This is a post for people who work three jobs and look after their kids.
This is a post for people who are TIRED. sick. Struggling.
The Gods will not abandon you.
Even if you don’t worship every day, the Gods will not abandon you.
Even if you can’t pray regularly, the Gods will not abandon you.
Even if you can’t put together offerings, the Gods will not abandon you.
Even if you stumble,
The Gods will not abandon you.
They will not punish you for the crime of being human. They know you are not divine. They know you are imperfect. They do not expect greatness and perfection, they just expect respect and humility.
Stay humble. Stay consistent. Show your reverence in whatever way you can. Keep them in your thoughts before you go to sleep at night.
The Gods know you.
DISCLAIMER: this is my personal interpretation. Obviously beliefs differ and the ancients would have thought very differently. This has just been my experience.
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fanggrimoire · 10 months
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Aphrodite altar inspiration 🩷🦪
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czortofbaldmountain · 9 months
Luciferian Prayer Before Studying
Lucifer, Serpent of Old, Prince of the power of the air, Oh, Morningstar, the one who Sparks the bright flames of intellect!
You are the Bringer of Knowledge And the Guide of those who seek it. Be with me as I study.
Bless my mind - may it be free of distractions. Bless my thoughts - may I understand. Bless my memory - may I remember.
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Photo by Peter Neumann on Unsplash, cropped.
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patience-and-prayers · 9 months
Your Gods are always there. Stressed? Pray. Nervous? Sing a hymn.
Not only has this helped my anxiety, it’s helped me form a closer bond with the gods.
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natureslily · 8 months
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Spirits of darkness, you are my friends;
though the night's blackness stands as a wall,
you will show me the way through,
my guides through shadows,
my protectors from all terrors.
— The Big Book of Pagan Prayer and Ritual
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anime-to-the-t · 2 months
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hiddenhearthwitch · 3 months
Hail Frigg Prayer
Written to the feel and scheme of the Catholic Hail Mary. I grew up Catholic and often miss the flow of the Hail Mary in prayer so I altered it to fit All Mother.
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Hail Frigg, full of grace divine,
The All Mother, forever shine.
Blessed art thou in wisdom's light,
Guidance and comfort, day and night.
Holy Frigg, source of strength and might,
In your embrace, we find respite.
All-knowing Mother, hear our plea,
Guide us on life's vast, unknown sea.
Frigg, with love, your children bless,
In your wisdom, we find success.
Support us in each trial we face,
Grant us your mercy and embrace.
Patron | Instagram
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psalmlover · 6 months
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gorgeous prayer candle by FannyPippin on Etsy
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maryhale1 · 3 months
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How to protect yourself , your home and your family ❤️
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wanderinghearth · 2 years
if you find prayer difficult or unengaging, consider keeping a "destroy this book" style free writing journal.
You "pray" by writing, scribbling, drawing, practice automatic writing, sigil making, etc, and then dedicate the page to your desired entity by anointing it with oil and herbs, sealing it with wax, staining it with coffee or tea, pressing little scraps of things into the hot wax on top of your prayers, etc.
it's basically a practice of free intuition that feels very very good, better for me than sitting in a dark room with a candle and speaking in a formal tone.
As an added benefit, once you fill your book, if you feel like labeling the pages (I didn't, lol), you have within your possession a lumpy, bumpy, messy compendium of beings you can use to summon that absolutely no one else will know what to do with.
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gentledeathsblog · 9 months
Words of the Morningstar
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Many are my names in your languages. And many my shapes.
Myriad stories you've written. Some to tarnish and befoul my name.
Words born of fear spoken in hushed tones; as if my very name conjures misfortune and tragedy. Theirs is ignorance passed down like a curse; a shadow of fear that pollutes everything they touch.
Your faiths have been created to ward me off. As if your prayers could destroy me. The mere thought of me makes you tremble.
Long before the first creature opened their eyes I have been. Long before the first nebula lit the void, I have been.
What are your superstitions to me?
I shall lay your deceptions of me bare. Your lies shall rot before me. My rays of truth shall pierce through your deceit. And your charlatanerie will be exposed.
Yet, you who'd walk beside me; You, who would seek my company. Plenty my gifts shall be. I demand no idols be erected in my name. And no prayers said. I shall have no sacred texts. Or prophets to claim to speak for me. Bow not your heads, for we are equals. Our light is one and the same.
My kin are the persecuted, the hunted And those who have fallen for speaking truths That have threatened tyrannical regimes. Scientists, philosophers and poets. Political activists and those who seek to make the world A better place.
Have yourselves no heroes or saints; but learn from one another. Make love and truth your highest goals. And stomp out lies and ignorance wherever you may find them.
Look within yourselves and there you shall find me.
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ocean-not-found · 8 months
My personal Alternative Hail Mary Prayer:
In Traditional Latin and English.
Hail Mary, full of Grace.
Thy Devotees are with you.
Blessed art thou among Women, and Blessed is the fruit of your Womb.
Hail Mary, mother of all,
help us now,
and at the hour of our death,
Queen of Heaven guard us from harm.
Ave Maria, gratia plena, devotus tuus tecum .
Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui.
Ave Maria, Mater omnium nostrum,
adiuva nos nunc
et in hora mortis nostrae.
Regina caeli, ab iniuria nos custodi.
Hope someone has benefited from this knowing you can *change traditional Catholic prayers to fit Paganism, Gnosticism or Folk Catholicism!*
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sunquiver777 · 7 months
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A digital curse tablet against transphobes
I register anyone who hates or attacks transgender people with the Gods.
I bind their tongues, I bind their hands, I bind their sinews.
I register them with Hecate, the Dread Persephone and the restless Daimones. Drag them down to Hades and cast them into Tartarus.
I register them with Demeter. Make their hate as barren as the crops when Persephone is away.
I register them with Artemis. Curse their bloodline so that they cannot pass on their hatred to their children.
I register them with Athena. Make their words jumbled and inarticulate.
I register them with Dionysus for hubris against Him. For denying his divine form and divine creation.
I register them with Aphrodite for slandering her child with Hermes.
Make the land unwalkable, the sea unsailable and their lives devoid of purpose.
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