#withered foxy x reader
lovesick-feelings · 2 years
can you pls write hcs for yan withered foxy? istg hes so underrated;-;;
Your right dear reader! It's strange how unpopular Withered Foxy is compared to his variants. Well, that is if you remove all the fan-made comics with Withered Foxy as a protagonist (っ´ω`c) Either way, I think it's because a ton of people see the original characters to be the same as the withered but broken and traumatized ⊙︿⊙ I personally see them as different entities tho. Anyways thank you for requesting lovely reader!! \(♡´౪<♡)/
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❤ Years of loneliness and neglect have left Withered Foxy in total disarray. He can’t remember the last time he left the dark, dusty service room. He could always roam around, but what’s the point when there is nothing out there for him? Normally, he’d recline and reminisce about his short time on stage, but lately, it's been harder with how restless he has grown. That is until he hears two employees talking beyond the door. Something about a new guard being hired? 
❤ Like every other Foxy, he appears reserved. Your first couple of nights will be him stalking you from the shadows of the hall. As he observes, he likes to fill in the gaps about what you could be like. You smile at a drawing a kid has made of him. Do you have a soft spot for children? Or maybe you're a fan of his? Either way, the more he watches it fills his head with delusions. Ones where maybe… you were meant to be his.
❤ Only when given an opportunity will Withered Foxy start talking to you. He’ll inquire about you; ask you who you are, why you chose this job, and such. Oh, how sweet you are to him. So patient even though you were alarmed by his presence. You’re so amusing to him; perhaps he should look after you more. After all, there are things worse than him in this pizzeria. He’ll make it his duty to visit you every single night.
This man has two sides to him: 
❤ Very weary. He doesn't feel the motivation to do anything besides seeing you. He’ll shuffle his way to your office and talk about anything on his mind. Even if you don’t talk back, the thought of you listening to his ramblings about the good ol’ days comforts him greatly. If you're interested, he’ll even recite his classic pirate stories. He's very hesitant when he realises he's talked for too long, regardless of how much you assure him that you enjoy listening to him. He’s mindful of his off-putting appearance, so unless given permission, he won't come any closer. To show him you are not afraid, you can reach out to him. Beware as this can unlock some unwanted clinginess. 
❤ The other is frantic. Impulse drives him to become more animalistic. When the only thing pledging his mind is you, what else do you expect from him? Instead of his casual greeting, he hides in the dark, ranting about you belonging to him only. Before you can process, he's already launched himself onto you. He grips you with every ounce of strength to make sure you don't leave him again. He holds you tightly until you bruise, and if that doesn't stop you from struggling, he’ll mark you instead. The last thing on his mind is the agony you feel. Only to be with you, no matter the cost. What's worse is the way he “compliments'' and patronizes your helplessness. He goes on about how beautiful the color red is on you. How, if this were anyone else, you would have been killed in seconds. Of course, he could never because he loves you~. The Flashlight is your only hope of getting you out of this madness.
❤ Once he resets, it takes a second for panic to set in. The poor fox does anything he can to make up for whatever he’s done. He doesn't know what he's supposed to bring, so he's breaking the first aid cabinet and rushing everything he finds to you. With all the overwhelming emotions you give him, he can’t control his mood shifts. He doesn’t want to wound you; yet, he doesn't want to leave your side either.  
“You know yur ol’ Foxy adore ye too much to hurt his treasure~” 🥰
“This is your fifth time biting me” 😐
❤ Withered foxy is both possessive and jealous. The mere thought of you seeing someone else sends him into panic mode. Anyone he deems to be getting too close he’ll maul into pieces. Even his withered friends are not safe from his scowls whenever they get too buddy-buddy. He wasn't the first animatronic to greet you, but you gave him your heart when you welcomed him with that beautiful smile of yours. To him, that’s the equivalent of marriage. 
❤ The only other animatronics he trusts to leave you with is Balloon Boy and JJ. Withered Foxy resents the Toys with a passion. Despite this, he still has a soft spot for BB, as he cannot bring himself to hate children, and they make a good team. Same for JJ except he empathizes with her being left behind. They sometimes follow Withered Foxy whether he wants them to or not. On rare occasions, he leaves BB or JJ in charge of watching you when he’s away. If you're good with children you could use this opportunity to your advantage. 
❤ His paranoia always gets the best of him. He’s the type to have a dream about you cheating on him and get angry at you for it. Heaven forbid he finds someone showing any type of romantic gesture too. He will gut them until they are nothing but mush in front of you. He won’t beg or talk you into staying. He’s dragging you into the parts and service to trap you in a suit. If he doesn't, regardless, you’ll still be stuck in the parts and service room. Resisting or begging won’t help much with him thinking you don't know any better. Maybe you would've been better off being killed in a suit.
“If there be one thing a pirate never shares between his crew it be his treasure! And you, me jewel, shall be with me forever~ ”
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fanficguy · 2 years
Can you write a Fnaf 2 x reader where they go to jumpscare/attack the guard but the guard is sound asleep? How would they react?
FNaF two x gn reader who’s asleep when they go to jumpscare them
notes- in the least offensive way possible, i forgot this request existed, i’m sorry. oh also, sorry it took so long there’s just a lot of spooky dudes in FNaF 2.
warnings- mangle + puppet uses all pronouns, withered bonnie’s a he/it, leaning to platonic/no relationship in general, mentions of violence, withered bonnie favoritism, some is more low effort than others, idk if there’s anything else i should be adding
Toy Freddy ♩
♩toy freddy ngl just don’t care, he doesn’t even attempt harming you because of this
♩probably gonna shove you off your chair and mess with the cameras, maybe play games if that’s even possible on the computer.
♩he’ll continue playing even if you wake up
♩tells the other animatronics to be quiet and stop because he’s trying to focus
♩you live through the night not because toy freddy cares, but because he wanted to win his game.
Toy Bonnie𖦹
𖦹toy bonnie’s offended you aren’t awake, he goes through the trouble to try and terrorize you every single night just for you to nap?
𖦹he wants to attack you but clearly you don’t care! fine, if he can’t kill you nobody can! he snaps at anyone coming near.
𖦹bonnie will explain how pissed he is when you return the next night, doesn’t even remember to try and get you.
𖦹you will never hear the end of it. he will keep others away while chewing your ass out too, everybody is so fucking scared of bonnie rn omg.
𖦹eventually though he goes back to normal(after a million years), bonnie’ll always hold a grudge on you for that though.
Toy Chica ↯
↯you may think because of toy chica’s vicious nature that she’ll take the chance to kill you, but no, she will probably just wait.
↯she might draw on you face
↯chica won’t care if you get attacked, kinda disappointed but attacking is the plan after all.
↯ not much for chica really, might steal your stuff.
↯if you wake up you’re dead though
❥mangle would be surprised, you’re being hunted by animatronics and your first instinct is to sleep? okay..
❥whatever.?? mangle has no clue what he’s supposed to be doing. should they be waking you up, let someone else get you?
❥she decided to just watch you until you show signs of waking up, mangle doesn’t really want to get you right after you fell asleep, they’re not that cruel.
❥climbs away when/if you wake up, mangle isn’t leaving you just giving you a minute to wake up.
❥good luck the rest of the night
The Puppet/Marionette❦
❦so this is why the puppet box wasn’t winded. puppet’s tempted to just take you out(like kill, not a date) but decides to go get you a blanket.
❦might hang out for a while in hopes you wake up, if you do puppet asks you how this even happened.
❦most likely tells the other animatronics something along the lines of “let’s not do this tonight” and stays around longer just to be sure.
❦puppet will leave you eventually, he has things to get ready for the morning.
❦she will never mention this to you, it’s as if you never fell asleep to begin with.
Withered Freddy✍︎
✍︎he stares at you. if you wake up from this he mutters a bye and leaves, freddy might return later though.
✍︎you don’t wake up? he slowly inches towards you until eventually he’s right at your desk.
✍︎he knocks on the desk so you can hear it/feel the vibrations. when you wake up he looks at you for awhile then stomps off.
✍︎if freddy returns he will act the same, kinda like the puppet he acts like it never happened.
✍︎you don’t even get easy mode or anything, just an average night after that. better than freddy having had killed you though.
Withered Bonnie ☜
☜it’ll freak bonnie out a bit, at first it thought you just died without any wounds or anybody doing anything.
☜not like he’s worried just a little bit freaked out because of his first assumption on what happened.
☜eventually when it walks up to you bonnie realizes your just taking a little nap, he even feels kinda bad.
☜bonnie will shoo others away when he isn’t sitting waiting for you to wake up, it will especially try to be quiet so you can rest.
☜i think this’ll end up being an accidental bonding experience for you two(even though you were asleep the entire time), bonnie isn’t gonna be all nice or save you anymore but at least it isn’t attacking you!
Withered Chica𓅿
𓅿 chica stands there awkwardly waiting
𓅿eventually just walks up to you and tells you to wake up, apologizes, and goes back to the night as normal.
𓅿that’s it. chica’s gonna be polite but you aren’t just getting off easy
𓅿if you don’t wake up somehow chica probably sits there for a bit
𓅿eventually leaves
Withered Foxyᨎ
ᨎ”the hell’re you doin’?” that’s his very words, all rage foxy might’ve had previously has left.
ᨎfoxy shakes you awake(with his non hooked hand) then starts questioning you. why are you sleep? how are you even sleeping right now? aren’t you scared? are you scared of him?
ᨎwhen he calms down foxy tells you to start sleeping so you’re awake next time he’s after you
ᨎyou’re lucky your not gonna get hurt tonight!! foxy will get you next time though, just count on it.
ᨎat least foxy kind of cares
Withered Golden Freddy☝︎︎
☝︎he’s so sick of this.
☝︎goldie isn’t surprised just really annoyed, he never gets a break from all the bs here.
☝︎won’t try to wake you up
☝︎ goldie probably won’t hunt you the entire night
☝︎asks wtf is with you next night, how the fuck do you do this?
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fnaf-enthusiast · 9 months
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FNaF 2 general Headcanons
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Withered Freddy
He is still the same tbh
Nothing much changed for him and on him
He somehow drops even more dad jokes
'Raises' Toy Freddy like one would their son and the others always giggle at that
He deeply hates BB but won't show it openly, he probably doesn't even know himself why he dislikes him
Actually likes the new tunes the toy animatronics play but still prefers the songs his band used to play
Whithered Bonnie
We all know he has a lot insecurities now because of his face and his arm but mostly his face
He is the most insecure of the four and it shocks his friends to see him not only change appearance but also personality
He's now just deadpan walking around and sometimes makes a sarcastic joke or two
Though he sometimes still talks a lot and is back to his old self when he talks with the other withered animatronics
He actually doesn't hate his replacement they hangout sometime but it's more like a distant friendship
He also started to swear a lot more and it actually funny to see BB's expression when he hears those words
Withered Chica
She is a close second next to W. Bonnie when it comes to insecurities
She somehow still manages to keep that secret, she sometimes talks with Foxy and Bonnie about such stuff, and she is still very extroverted and happy
She's kinda sad she can't eat pizza anymore but she surprised herself by not caring about it that much
Loves to scare everyone with her broken voicebox and sometimes teams up with BB to annoy the others
Withered Foxy
He's not as flirty as used to be but he doesn't really care all that much
He's had his own insecurities a long time before and knows how to handle them
He turned the flirty jokes and dark jokes up a little now
He and Bonnie now take bets on who will start a 'fight' with who because the toy animatronics always manage to get into arguments
Scratches the wall with his hook and 'draws' his storys and tells them to BB
Once in a week or two he talks with the Puppet because he reminds him of golden Freddy a little
Golden Freddy
He's even more distant now
He already kept to himself but damn he sets new records for that
It isn't like he's insecure, he never really was, but he's afraid he might get a little too emotional when he sees they others
He hangs out most of the time he shows himself with the Puppet
They both are mostly silent or whisper to each other but they love to just observe what's going on in the pizzeria
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Toy Freddy
He's like an average teenager
He would play fortnite if he could 100%
He sometimes tries to prank the withered animatronics but almost always fails and gets scolded by Freddy or cussed out by Bonnie
He and toy Chica make almost every day a food fight and sometimes W. Chica and W. Bonnie join
He rages relatively quickly when he loses, no matter what he's loosing at
A huge fan of ice cream, choko-mint to be specific
Toy Bonnie
He is very social but has small mood swings
One day he chats nonstop and the other he sits in W. Bonnies corner with him and talks about live
Is a little clumsy but covers it up by using a joke he got from W. Foxy or W. Freddy
He loves slushys(ya know what I mean, right?)
He always empties the machine and tries to mix every flavor possible
Has also no concersln about himself when he wants to win a bet and makes all types of crazy stuff
Toy Chica
She loves to talk with W. Chica and is from her personality a lot like her original
Sadly has no taste in music and somehow ends up with everyone teasing her about it
But she can tease back and she is very good at making people flustered
She can also be very sassy
Loves lollipops and would probably also love cotton candy
my poor bby
She is very distant from the others
Has a lot of insecurities, knows that they should talk about it, but doesn't have a clue how to talk about her problems
Since mostly static comes from their voicebox they don't have that much courage to talk
But sometimes she talks with others, the others can understand W. Chica even though her voicebox is almost just as broken, most times they talk with W. Foxy or hang around Puppet because they find their presence comforting
Is the calmest but also the most caring of everyone
Is almost like a therapist for everyone
They mostly keep to themselves but don't mind a nice soul keeping them company
Has a nice laugh wich reminds one of a small child
'Protects' BB when he once again gets in trouble for one of his pranks
Once in a blue moon they tease one of their friends in a fun, harmless way but they don't do that often because they are worried of hurting someones feelings
Baloon Boy
The biggest troublemaker of them all
But also the worst
Has distorted his laugh to scare the toy animatronics multiple times and got his ass almost yeeted across the pizzeria
Puppet is his safe zone
He loves cotton candy, he inhales that shit
Tied to learn the guitar on multiple occasions but somehow he can't learn it
Mad respect tho, he won't stop trying
He laughs at almost every joke, no matter if he understands or not
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apex-bull-shark · 1 year
Alright so I once say something that was like “FNAF ____ with a reader who is a speed runner”? Or something like that I’m just wondering if anyone has found something like this or have made it before?
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iamtotallyfineokay · 9 months
Okay but imagine Yandere UCN x reader. You aren’t Afton now, but rather yourself. Imagine playing UCN but then you wake up to be in the office in UCN while being behind the desk. Imagine Foxy instead of throwing only parts of him, now throwing only his upper half first cause he wants to see you and your cute face being a scared p*ssy. Imagine Withered Chica going through the vents all for the trouble just to say hi to you then ramble on about her love for you. Imagine Toy Bonnie teaming up with BB for only a small moment just so they can jump on you cause they want cuddles. Imagine the Phantoms appearing on the cameras just to see your face. Imagine Nightmare Freddy sending out his Freddles while telling them to find ‘mommy’. (Which is you btw) Imagine Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy also teaming up to be an annoying duo, just so they can get a chance of a hug from you. Imagine Lefty silently walking towards you while saying that they are glad to found you. Imagine DeeDee wanting to even cling on you while you are desperately trying to cut out the murderous lovesick robots that will haunt you down just so they can get a drop of affection.
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oftenwantedafton · 6 months
Craving - Vampire Dave Miller/William Afton/Springtrap x Female Urban Explorer Reader
Rating - Mature
Warning - mild blood and violence
Also available on AO3
Taglist - @yellowbunnydreams
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In the dream, the restaurant is restored again.
Sunlight streams through the skylights above, illuminating tables surrounded by joyful guests. There is laughter and music and the smell of fresh baked pizza. Latex balloons drift lazily in the air before you. You brush them aside, sweeping past the long curled ribbons that trail like kite tails, searching for William.
Instead you see the yellow rabbit, crouching down beside a young girl. He reaches out to take her hand and she accepts, trusting. He turns to you, holding a finger up to the mouth of the headpiece, indicating your need for silence, then stands and leads her away, back to the Employees Only area.
You frown, following the pair, weaving through corridors that are now as familiar as the creases on your palm, a map imprinted in your mind. One last glimpse of the girl’s figure is all you’re afforded before she vanishes into a set of double doors you’ve never been through marked with a red glowing exit sign.
You hurry after them, your sense of unease growing by the moment. Something is wrong. You shouldn’t be here; shouldn’t be able to see what is happening in the past. You shove repeatedly at the handles of the barrier and slap the cold surface but it refuses to budge.
”No. No, open it. I need to get inside!” Your pleading goes unheeded. It’s not enough to gain passage. A greater sacrifice is required.
You glance down at your scarred wrist, thinking you understand.
There is a low rumbling sound, as if the establishment is groaning, the vibrations rippling through your extremities. Just beyond that central barrier you imagine its ravenous maw gaping, leading to the depths of a stomach churning in eternal hunger, the terrible starving beast dissatisfied with the meager offering it’s just received.
The scenery around you begins to decay and withers, the colors graying, the sounds of employees working in the nearby kitchen and the partygoers in the dining room fading.
“Wait! I’ll do it,” you protest, offering to donate back to the building.
A new melody now blankets the growing stillness, a gentle hum that sounds amused, and you hear the heavy tread of one of the animatronics rounding the corner.
The fox robot likes the idea of your willingness to surrender your lifeforce, pausing a moment before he rushes towards you, impossibly fast. You cry out and abandon the doors you’d sought passage through, dashing down the hall, all too aware that the echoing metallic footsteps are far faster than your own. Foxy chases you down the corridors, the hooked appendage slashing and tearing at your flesh as your strength falters and you no longer outdistance him. You reach a dead end with an unmarked door and burst through into a liminal space, the in-between, often unseen back rooms of the shopping mall, jerking to a halt as you collide with the first structure in a row of dumpsters. The metal storage bins reek and you gag, covering your mouth. You glance anxiously behind you but the door remains shut. There’s a harsh scraping sound as the hook drags in frustration over the galvanized steel of the fire door, gouging its surface but finding no way through to access you. Your heart pounds wildly, struggling to circulate everything you need throughout your body, and your throat burns desperately for air. You creep around to the front of the rubbish container, your misgivings confirmed when you see that it’s overflowing with broken bodies in various stages of decay. The fluorescent lights lining the ceiling flicker and die one by one, plunging you back into darkness, and you fear you will be extinguished in the same way.
You’re awake, but the nightmare hasn’t ended.
You slam your hand against the manager’s door and batter at the security room, but there is no answer. William’s shut you away, abandoning you to your fate. Your blood is no longer of any use to the evil building, the contract terminated. You can no longer feel its presence, the oppressing emptiness of the growing darkness suffocating you. You stumble into the dining room and find the animatronics have awoken, eyes glowing with a terrifying light, their great paws shoving aside the stage curtains as the main trio descends from the platform. You catch your foot on something and fall to the carpet. The robotic creatures stomp towards you relentlessly. You’re only just able to rise to your feet and escape through the entryway.
You continue running, dashing past shuttered stores and empty displays, feet pounding on the terra cotta and cream shaded tiles.
You run and run and you don’t look back.
You can no longer feel William, and that’s perhaps the worst part of all.
The last marks he’s left on you from his teeth have healed, the edges of your skin knitting together, the bruise on your thigh fading to yellow. There’s almost no physical trace left of his presence.
The emotional scars run much, much deeper.
You feel empty, drained worse than any feeding he’s taken from you. His absence tears at your heart. It’s impossible to concentrate, to make any sense of life, to find any purpose. You go through the motions of existing and it all feels so mundane and pointless.
The impetus to go back gnaws at you, convincing you the dark establishment wants you, that its owner needs you, withering away your resolve until you surrender to it, vowing to return and face your fate.
It’s dark and quiet when you first enter the pizzeria.
You call William’s name, making your way to the office first, the hallways here illuminated with red emergency lights that bathe everything in a shade that reminds you of blood. You turn away when there’s no reply and the door refuses to budge.
Further down the hall you recognize a familiar pair of twin pinpricks of white light.
“You stupid, stupid girl. I told you not to come back.”
His voice is rusted, more like what it had been when you’d first encountered him. You’d forgotten how dry and lifeless that tone had been, so cold and dead, scraping raw against your skin.
You swallow thickly. “Why…why are you back in the suit?”
“Because this is who I really am.”
You shake your head, hands balling into fists. “No, it’s not. I helped you with that. I healed you.”
The rabbit chuckles bitterly. “You cannot heal me. It was only temporary. I am beyond repair. Beyond redemption.”
“That’s not true.”
“Oh, but it is. I’ve killed so many people,” he says, sounding thoughtful, as if he is reminiscing over the memories, savoring them.
“The trespassers…”
“No.” He interrupts sharply. “Before that. The children. They trusted me, and I led them to their destruction.” He takes a few steps forward, the advancement making the eyes appear larger and brighter but you stand your ground, refusing to back away. “And the worst part is, I never regretted any of it.”
“Why children?”
“Because they are easy prey. They are malleable. Simple to control.” His head tips to one side. “Not unlike yourself. You gave yourself so willingly. Enjoyed it, even. And here you are, back again for more. Even when I was gracious enough to release you from your bond. There is no turning back now.”
You tremble, dragging palms slick with sweat over your thighs. “Whatever happened in the past, I know you’ve changed. I’ve changed you. I’m stronger than you think,” you reply, trying to build confidence and convey conviction. You have to get through to him somehow, breaking down this barrier he’s trapped behind.
“You’re delusional. And a liar. I know you’re terrified of me. And you should be.” You hear him drag a deep lungful of air in. “I can smell the fear on you.”
“I’m not leaving.” You wish your voice was steadier. Your legs are tremoring violently, urging you to leave this place.
“Are you so eager to face death?”
“You won’t kill me,” you whisper.
“Of course I will. I nearly have already. It won’t take much more to push me over the edge.”
“I belong here, with you. I don’t care what you say.”
The lights from his eyes grow brighter still as he draws closer, as if he’s drawing energy from your very presence. The backup lighting stains the tall figure in an eerie scarlet color, revealing he’s only donned the head of the mascot costume, giving you faint hope that he’s not completely unreachable.
“You should care. After this brief meal, things will go back to the way they were before. None of it will have mattered.”
“It mattered to me,” you say quietly.
“Then for your sake I hope that is enough to comfort you in these final moments.”
He’s drawn even with you, head tipped slightly to one side, pausing.
“I want a new contract,” you say quickly.
“There is no point. You will not live long enough to fulfill it.”
You reach for the object you’d stowed in your jacket pocket earlier, carefully unfolding the switchblade. You slice open a shallow cut on your palm before he can stop you, drops of blood pattering on the dirty checkerboard patterned linoleum beneath your feet.
You hear his breathing go ragged.
“Why did you do that?”
“To prove to you I mean it. I know you won’t kill me.” You wince at the sting of the laceration but keep your arm held out firmly, as if beckoning.
“How can you be so certain?”
“Because I know you.”
“You don’t.”
“I do.” You reach up for the headpiece, lifting it and dropping it immediately, the distasteful rotting object landing with a loud clang.
William groans as you wrench it free, pushing against you until your spine strikes the wall. You reach out to touch his face with your injured hand, feeling his own close around it and bring it to his lips, still hesitant, his chest heaving, breathing harshly in the darkness.
“I’m yours. Not because of any contract, not because you’ve threatened me, I’m here because I want to be. I love you.”
He exhales heavily, tongue darting out to taste your offering, quickly bypassing your extremity in favor of your mouth, his canine teeth sharp against your lips. Your neck arches and he follows the movement, fangs sinking in, the familiar ache and pleasure as he latches onto you burning through you. You quake in his arms and try to hold onto consciousness as long as you can.
You awaken to the soft glow of a desk lamp, recognizing you’re back in the manager’s office, this time cradled in his arms.
You sigh and burrow against his shirt while he strokes your hair.
“You were right,” he murmurs.
You shift, tipping your head back to look at his face. “About what?”
“Everything.” His lips twitch in a small smile. “We still have to be careful. I don’t want to hurt you.” The look of amusement fades and he frowns.
“I trust you.” You sweep back the errant locks that have tumbled down over his forehead and stroke his furrowed brows, the gentle caress continuing down until your hand rests against his cheek. His face turns and he kisses the inside of your wrist, cherishing the steady pulse seated there before he moves, pushing you down beneath him, his mouth touching yours.
Beneath you, you can feel the establishment’s gentle vibrating hum, a sated purr that welcomes you home.
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mochiimadness · 2 years
Withered Care
Bonnie needs some more love and I've run out of Bonnie works to read on tumblr
Withered Bonnie x Maintenance Reader, Fixing Him Up
You desperately needed a job, and ended up snagging a maintenance position at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria.
The night guard position was open, but you knew better than to pick that one
Most people knew about the rumors surrounding the night guards
Some guards came back terrified
Raving about "haunted animatronics" and "fighting to survive"
Other guards didn't come back at all.
You figured it was probably just over exaggerated, or maybe some dangerous people had been breaking in the pizzeria at night
At least the maintenance job would be safer
The hours were decent at least
You'd get there about an hour before closing, and do some routine checks on any animatronic that wasn't busy still entertaining the few stragglers remaining in the pizzeria
Just a quick check up here, tightening of the screw there, and of course, cleaning the animatronics- and then you' get to go home.
Easy peasy!
Well, minus Mangle. That poor animatronic was always ripped apart everyday
No matter how much you tried to fix it, any progress you made would be destroyed the next day
Who even allowed the kids to "break apart and put back together" the fox animatronic for fun?!
That was a liability waiting to happen.
On your third day on the job, you had to go to the parts and service room to grab a few screws-
Only to stand at the door in shock when you saw broken down animatronics scattered around
These models were obviously older compared to the shiny, new, plastic animatronics in service right now.
These animatronics looked like they might have once been soft, but were now torn apart with metal and wires sticking out everywhere
The worst of them was the purple rabbit- Bonnie, who was sitting slumped against the wall
His right hand and left leg were missing the plush suit, revealing the metal endoskeleton that was normally hidden underneath
His left arm was missing completely past the shoulder
The worst was his face
It was missing almost entirely, save for the bottom jaw.
All that was left was parts of the endoskeleton, but even some of it's metal parts were missing.
What in the world happened to these animatronics?
They were just sitting here collecting dust in such horrible states.
You figured you could at least try to patch them up, like you had tried with Mangle
At least there wouldn't be any kids ripping them apart.
So you started coming by once you finished your tasks
Patching up the holes in their suits, trying to fix or replace some wires
The easiest was Freddy, he was mostly just covered in holes.
Foxy seemed in good condition too, apparently he was already ripped in some areas to fit the pirate vibe
Though, you couldn't do much for his legs since you didn't have that much extra plush suit pieces
Chica was harder, but you managed to fix her beak enough for it to close.
You also got her arms unlocked from their stretched out pose.
You couldn't replace her hands sadly, but at least she looked more comfortable.
Bonnie was rough...
You didn't have an arm replacement, much less a face replacement
But you did patch up the holes in his body
And you managed to fix up the wires inside his endoskeleton, getting the 'eyes' of his endoskeleton to flicker (though, the actual plastic eyeballs were missing, all that remained were the red LEDs)
You still felt proud of the work you managed to do with so little resources
That night, you ended up staying way later then you were suppose to and when you tried to leave the building, you found out you were locked in
At first you didn't really panic, and just headed towards the security guard's office to see if whoever was on duty could help
But then you saw Toy Chica
She was missing her beak and eyes-
And coming straight at you!
You screamed and just started running, having to avoid Toy Freddy as well before diving under the nearest table
You had to hold you breath as the two animatronics passed by
This wasn't suppose to be happening, they were suppose to be in rest mode or something!
Eventually, you had to crawl out from under the table and try to make your way to the security guards office
It was the only somewhat 'safe' place in this building
The memories of all those 'crazy' security guards came back to you as you made your way through the dark halls
Looks like the rumors were true
Just as you turned the corner, you spotted the very animatronic you had just finished working on
You screamed when he came towards you
But he didn't do anything
He just... stood in front of you
After what seemed like hours of just staring at each other, waiting to see if either one of you would move, you heard him speak
His voice box was scratchy after years of unused
(Save for when he shrieked at security guards of course)
You stared at him in petrified shock, before saying a quick "You're welcome."
He started moving away, before stopping and turning to look at you
You realized he wanted you to follow him
Honestly, you'd chose him over running into Toy Chica or Freddy again
So you followed him.
He ended up taking you back to Parts and Service
The two of you just sat there and, after several minutes of awkward silence, started chatting
You found out that he was the bass guitarist for the old dinner, and that he'd like to play one day if he ever got the to chance again
You promised you'd try to find a way to replace his missing arm.
His ears sprung up at that
Eventually the security guard found you once their shift was over
You came back to visit Bonnie every shift, and you two were quick to become friends
One day you'd figure out a way to fix his arm, and his face
Until then, you were happy to sit and talk with him.
I'm not sure if I like it. But- it's almost 1:30am and I'm tired
I hope y'all liked it!
Updated and edited as of July 2023
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kevin-eleven-xd · 7 months
𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐢'𝐦 𝐢𝐧!
I may struggle with mental health due to my bad mental stability but i can try to get stuff out as soon as possible. Also, you don't just have to send me requests! I love to talk w/ you. (maybe, gotta see if i like you first ;) )
Freddy (any version Glamrock, Rockstar, toy, nightmare..? Phantom?) Chica (Any version ^) Bonnie (Again, any version, even glamrock, or withered cuz withered bon is cool) Foxy (every foxy, even funtime, toy, captain foxy [hw2] or Glamrock foxy igg???) Roxy/ Roxanne Wolf Monty/Montgomery Gator Mapbot... He's so misunderstood... :( Almost any others. Just ask
𝔼ℕℂ𝔸ℕ𝕋𝕆 (not rly into it anymore... ill still write tho)
Bruno x Reader
Camilo x Reader
Dolores x reader
Antonio x reader (platonic)
Isabella x reader
Luisa x reader
Mirabel x reader
THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS (this fandom has become toxic, i might still write for it but there is a lot of r34 and i might not write...
𝘞𝘏𝘈𝘛 𝘐 𝘞𝘐𝘓𝘓 𝘞𝘙𝘐𝘛𝘌: 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 (rarely cause I'M SO SORRY BUT HOW DO PEOPLE LOVE ANGST? It makes me mad for some reason?????) 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘮, 𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘵𝘤 (Cause yeah relatable) 𝘴e𝘭𝘧 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮, 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘴 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘴 𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 (I LOVE reading and writing fluff) 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘴 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘴 𝘗𝘓𝘈𝘛𝘖𝘕𝘐𝘊 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘴 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵/𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘭𝘨𝘣𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘦, 𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱𝘴 (𝘪 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘪𝘵, I love writing when the newer boy/girl/whatever-friend is comforting them after mentioning it)
If something isn’t on here that you wanna request, just ask me! I write fucked up shit too, sooo…. 𝘞𝘏𝘈𝘛 𝘐 𝘞𝘐𝘓𝘓 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝘞𝘙𝘐𝘛𝘌: 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘹 𝘢𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘵 (𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤) 𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘦 (𝘪 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺, 𝘰𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥)
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lily-pythonz · 1 year
- Requests -
What I WILL write:
Smut, Angst, Fluff.
male, female, trans, and gn!reader.
What I will NOT write:
adult x minor, minor x minor, weird kinks (like piss kinks, etc.), or anything I'm uncomfortable with. Please understand.
FNAF characters I'll write for:
Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Foxy, Chica, Golden Freddy, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Withered Freddy, Springtrap, William Afton, Michael Afton, Nightmare, Nightmare Freddy, Nightmare Bonnie, Nightmare Foxy, Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, Scraptrap, Lefty, Rockstar Freddy, Rockstar Bonnie, Glitchtrap, Vanny, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, Montgomery Gator, Sundrop, Moondrop, Roxanne, FNAF Big Band animatronics, etc.
(basically most of the FNAF characters but none of the minors, I can do nsfw and sfw for the characters!! Just request it and I'll do it. I will also write nsfw and sfw for FNAF fan game characters as well. Will write for the super mario bros characters as well!! Like Bowser, Mario, Luigi. I also will write for helluva boss characters since the newer episodes came out! And I'll write for (Movie) Mike, William, and Vanessa!)
If you wanna request something, go ahead! Requests are open at this time 🤍
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Hello! I write fanfiction. Typically Character X Reader, but I will be willing to try Character x Character.
Requests Are: OPEN
Below Is Information On
Link to Masterlists
Link to Works In Progress
What fandoms and characters I write for
MCU/ Marvel Cinematic Universe Masterlist:
Twilight Masterlist:
Coming Soon
The Santa Clause Masterlist:
Five Nights At Freddy’s Masterlist:
Stranger Things Masterlist:
Coming Soon
Harry Potter Masterlist:
Coming Soon
The Hunger Games Masterlist:
Coming Soon
Anne With An E Masterlist:
Coming Soon
Julie And The Phantoms:
Coming soon
Works In Progress
What Fandoms I Write For & Which Characters
It’s easier for me to write for characters I like versus ones I do not. It is also easier for me to write romantic stories for characters I personally fancy/like.
If the character that you want isn’t there, I’m not doing a certain type of request for them, etc. You can still ask, but please be nice about it if I say I won’t write it.
Characters that are minors/under 18 will NOT be shipped with readers who are over the age of 18. If a character ages throughout (example: Harry Potter) specify which age you want that character. Honestly please, please, PLEASE specify in general!
Marvel Cinematic Universe
40s Steven “Steve” Rodgers (Pre Serum)
40s Steven “Steve” Rodgers (Post Serum)
40s James “Bucky” Barnes
40s Margaret “Peggy” Carter
40s Howard Stark
Avengers & Family
Anthony “Tony” Stark/Iron Man
Steven “Steve” Rodgers
Natalia “Nat” Romanoff
Clinton “Clint” Barton
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Samuel “Sam” Wilson
James “Bucky” Barnes
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Lila Barton
Cassie Lang (Child)
TASM Peter Parker
TASM Gwen Stacey
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Samuel “Sam” Wilson & James “Bucky” Barnes
Natalia “Nat” Romanoff & Clinton “Clint” Barton
Steve Rodgers & Bucky Barnes
Carlisle Cullen
Esme Cullen
Alice Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Renesmee Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Jasper Whitlock/Hale
Bree Tanner
Jacob Black
Seth Clearwater
Charlie Swan
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Emmett Cullen & Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen & Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen & Emmett Cullen
The Santa Clause
The Elves
Bernard The Head Elf
Curtis The Elf
Judy The Elf
Abby The Elf
The Claus Family
Scott Calvin/Santa Claus
Carol Newman/Mrs. Claus
Buddy Calvin-Claus
Sandra Calvin-Claus
Charlie Calvin
Lucy Miller
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Bernard The Head Elf & Curtis
Sandra Calvin-Claus & Bernard The Head Elf (What I Imagine Their Relationship Would Be Like)
Sandra Calvin-Claus & Lucy Miller (What I Imagine Their Relationship Would Be Like)
Five Nights at Freddy’s
The Afton Family
William Afton (Games)
Mrs. Afton
Michael Afton/Mike Schmidt (Games)
Michael Afton (Teen) (Games)
Elizabeth Afton
Crying Child
The Emily Family
Henry Emily
Charlotte “Charlie” Emily (Games)
Charlotte “Charlie” Emily (Books)
Sammy Emily
Missing Children’s Incident
Cassidy MCI
Susie MCI
Fritz MCI
Jeremy MCI
Gabriel MCI
Five Nights At Freddy’s One
Bonnie The Bunny
Chica The Chicken
Foxy The Pirate Fox
Five Nights At Freddy’s Two
Toy Freddy
Toy Bonnie
Toy Chica
Withered Bonnie
Withered Chica
Withered Foxy
Five Nights At Freddy’s Four
Nightmare Freddy
Nightmare Bonnie
Nightmare Chica
Nightmare Foxy
Nightmare Mangle
Nightmare Fredbear
Sister Location
Funtime Freddy
Bon Bon
Funtime Foxy
Circus Baby
Pizzeria Simulator
Security Puppet
Mr. Hippo
Happy Frog
Security Breach
Glamrock Freddy Fazbear
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Montgomery Gator
Mini Music Man
DJ Music Man
Vanessa (Games)
Gregory “Fazbear”
Shattered Freddy
Shattered Chica
Shattered Roxy
Shattered Monty
Five Nights At Freddy’s Movie
Mike Schmidt (Movie)
Vanessa (Movie)
Abby Schmidt
Garrett Schmidt
Fredbear’s Family Diner
Spring Bonnie
Golden Freddy
Golden Freddy
Glamrock Bonnie
Shattered Bonnie
Glamrock Foxy
Shattered Foxy
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Michael Afton & Charlie Emily
Charlie Emily & Elizabeth Afton
Michael Afton & Crying Child (Especially With The GlamMike And GregBot Theories in mind)
Stranger Things
The Kids
Eleven/Jane Hopper
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Erica Sinclair
The Teens/Young Adults
Steve Harrington
High School Steve
Robin Buckley
High School Robin
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Eleven/Jane Hopper & Max Mayfield
Dustin Henderson & Steve Harrington
Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley
Harry Potter
Harry’s Year
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Below Harry’s Year
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Above Harry’s Year
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Minerva Mcgonagall
Rubeus Hagrid
Severus Snape
Remus Lupin (Adult)
Sirius Black (Adult)
Molly Weasley
Marauders Era
Remus Lupins (Teen)
Sirius Black (Teen)
James Potter (Teen)
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Luna Lovegood & Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley & Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley & George Weasley
The Hunger Games
District 12
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Primrose “Prim” Everdeen
District 11
District 7
Johanna Mason
District 4
Finnick Odair
Annie Cresta
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Katniss Everdeen & Finnick Odair
Finnick Odair & Annie Cresta
Haymitch Abernathy & Effie Trinket
Anne With An E
The Kids
Anne Shirley
Ruby Gillis
Diana Berry
Tillie Boulter
Josie Pie
Jane Andrews
Minnie May Berry
Cole Mackenzie
Jerry Baynard
Gilbert Blythe
Moody Spurgeon
Billy Andrews
The Adults
Marilla Cuthbert
Matthew Cuthbert
Sebastian Lacroix
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Anne Shirley & Jerry Baynard
Ruby Gillis & Anne Shirley
Anne Shirley & Diana Berry
Julie And The Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Reginald “Reggie” Peters
Alex Mercer
Flynn Taylor
Top Three Favorite Character Combos
Julie Molina & Luke Patterson
Alex Mercer & Julie Molina
Luke Patterson & Alex Mercer
And a couple others
What I Will Write And Will NOT Write
What I Will Write
Platonic Relationships
Romantic Relationships
What I Will Not Write
Anything that I am uncomfortable with
Side note: I am okay with requests for Depression, s3lf !njury, Su!c!de, Anxiety, P@n!c attacks, Autism (Meltdowns, Shutdowns, Etc), ADHD, and things like that, so don’t be afraid to ask!
If you are ever unsure of if something is okay or not, feel free to ask.
PLEASE Request! <3
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Oh your requests are open! By the way I’m “hey thanks for helping me not be depressed anyway wanna see my fanfic” anon, I guess? Hi there? Hope you’re doing well?
How about Withered Foxy, The Puppet, and Withered Bonnie with this prompt?
Reader is autistic and was pressured by her parents to get whatever job she could and not complain/ask for help. She became a night guard and handled it better than most for the first two nights. Then on night 3 she finally cracks and has a massive panic attack. The music box winds down, the mask isn’t on her face, and her flashlight has no batteries. As the animatronics are about to finish her off they just find her sobbing while struggling to say sorry over and over again. How do they react?
(In case anyones wondering: I’m autistic and I ended up in a call center because I was so desperate to please my parents by finding a job, even if it wasn’t good for my physical/mental health. I broke after three months of working there, and I am still recovering from it… NEVER work at a call center by the way. It’s arguably worse than FNAF2 in terms of inducing panic.)
(At the time I post this, requests are still closed)
Hi again! I'm sorry you've had a rough experience at the call center and I hope these hcs cheer you up <3
Withered Foxy
With BB’s obnoxious laughter playing on a loop and Foxy ready to charge down the hall...it was all just too much for you.
So you ended up sobbing in your seat, hands too shaky to put on the Freddy mask as you ended up dropping it anyways.
What good was it gonna do when Foxy wasn’t fooled by it?
Then you heard metal footsteps, but they’re not running ones that were going be followed by horrific animatronic screeching.
Instead they’re calm. And you look up and see Foxy standing over your desk. “Aye, lassie..no need for th’ tears..” He speaks softly, with a lisp, but soft nonetheless. “Sorry for th’ scare.”
But you’re still crying--not in terror but from being so overwhelmed over everything that happened tonight.
He realized the main source of your stress is BB and promptly tells him to shut up and return the batteries.
Then he gives you a soft Foxy plush, and you squeeze it, trying to calm down as he crouches beside you. He continues speaking softly and gently. Even if you can’t fully pick up everything he’s saying..his voice is soothing and helps you out of your meltdown.
All the while, he keeps his hook on the button, keeping the music box wound for you.
Being so overwhelmed by the other animatronics, you neglected the music box entirely and freaked out as its tune changed.
A fast-paced Pop Goes the Weasel definitely wasn’t calming you down.
So as the Puppet showed up seconds later you just cried and keep mumbling “I’m sorry” over and over again.
You’re so upset. You made her mad..and now you were gonna pay.
Yet..she doesn’t kill you, realizing you weren’t the evil man she was looking for--quite the opposite, in fact.
She sees how panicked you are and does her best to comfort you. 
Of course, she does this the best out of all of the animatronics, being calm and handing you plushies and reassuring you that you’re safe. She even turns off the music box as she knows how anxiety-inducing it can be.
As for the others, she’ll make sure they stay out of the office so you don’t get overwhelmed again.
Withered Bonnie
Putting the mask on and off constantly was sensory hell for you. The material itched your face badly and it was so stuffy.
It didn’t help when you had to ramp up how fast you multitasked on the third night.
At some point you forgot about Bonnie in the vents and freaked out when he showed up in your office.
The mask slipped from your hands, and you just cried about how you couldn’t do it anymore and just accepted your death.
But the faceless rabbit tilts his head, standing there looking concerned.
He’s aware of how scary he looks and isn’t the best at comforting, but he sees the mask that fell in front of the desk.
When you realize you’re still alive you look up at him, only to see him put the mask over the gaping hole in his face.
“Guess I should put on my best-t-t face” He jokes in a choppy broken voice.
Once you get the punchline it makes you laugh/grin a little as you calm down.
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lovesick-feelings · 2 years
Hello, my lovelies~! ♡⌒ヽ(*'、^*)
This is my blog where I mostly do yandere FNAF drawings and headcanons! I can do other fandoms as well if I know them well enough. Please be specific on which and what you would like when requesting~ (♡´౪`♡)
Request Status:
Writing: CLOSED
Questions: OPEN
❦ FNAF 1 - 7 & Fazbear Frights
❦ Happy Tree Friends
❦ Creepypasta
❦ Welcome Home
❦ Killer Klowns from Outer Space
❦ Living Dead Dolls
💕: Headcanons
💝: Art
💘: Scenario/ One-Shot
💗: Story
Tumblr media
General Headcanons
♡ Animatronics with an animatronic darling vs human darling 💕
♡ Yandere Chica x Y/N 💝
♡ Yandere Foxy x Y/N 💝
♡ Yandere Freddy x Y/N 💝
♡ Toy Bonnie x reader 💕
♡ Yandere Withered Bonnie x Y/N 💝💘
♡ Yandere Withered Foxy x Y/N 💕
♡ Yandere Nightmare x Y/N 💕
♡ Fluff: Yandere Nightmare Fredbear x Y/N 💕
♡ Nightmare Freddy x Y/N 💘
♡ Funtime Freddy Sketches 💝
♡ Yandere Funtime Freddy x Y/N 💝
♡ Birthday Suprise: Yandere Funtime Freddy x Y/N 💝💕
♡ Yandere Bon-Bon, Bonnet, Funtime Freddy x Y/N 💝💕
♡ Celebrating Yandere Funtime Freddy's Birthday 💝💕
♡ Yandere Lolbit x Y/N 💕
Pizza Simulator 
♡ Yandere Security Puppet x reader 💕
♡ Yandere Rockstar Bonnie x reader 💕
♡ Yandere Music Man x Y/N 💕
♡ Human Lefty Sketches 💝
Security Breach
♡ Trying to Impress Baefy: Yandere Glamrock Freddy x reader 💕
♡ Yandere Glamrock Freddy x Y/N 💝
♡ Yandere Sun & Moon x Y/N 💕
♡ Gemini AU: Sun & Moon x Y/N 💝💘
Fazbear Frights
Yandere Playlists
♡ Yandere Baby x Y/N
♡ Yandere Funtime Freddy
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fanficguy · 2 years
Freddy ✪
Golden Freddy☢︎︎
Toy Freddy♩
yandere toys x affectionate post-kidnapping gn reader
FNaF two x gn reader who’s asleep when they go to jumpscare them
Toy Bonnie𖦹
yandere toys x affectionate post-kidnapping gn reader
yandere toy bonnie and roxanne wolf X gn cute + confident reader
FNaF two x gn reader who’s asleep when they go to jumpscare them
Toy Chica↯
yandere toys x affectionate post-kidnapping gn reader
FNaF two x gn reader who’s asleep when they go to jumpscare them
yandere toys x affectionate post-kidnapping gn reader
yandere mangle x night guard gn! reader
FNaF two x gn reader who’s asleep when they go to jumpscare them
The Puppet/Marionette❦
yandere toys x affectionate post-kidnapping gn reader
FNaF two x gn reader who’s asleep when they go to jumpscare them
Withered Freddy✍︎︎
FNaF two x gn reader who’s asleep when they go to jumpscare them
Withered Bonnie☜︎
FNaF two x gn reader who’s asleep when they go to jumpscare them
Withered Chica✌︎︎
FNaF two x gn reader who’s asleep when they go to jumpscare them
Withered Foxy☟︎
FNaF two x gn reader who’s asleep when they go to jumpscare them
Withered Golden Freddy☝︎︎
FNaF two x gn reader who’s asleep when they go to jumpscare them
Phantom Freddy➯
Phantom Chica𖤹
Phantom Foxy𖣯
Phantom Mangleꔘ
Phantom Puppet/Marionette𖨆
Nightmare Freddy𖦹
Nightmare Bonnie᯾
Nightmare Chica༄
Nightmare Foxy꡴
Nightmare Fredbear⇝
Nightmare Mangle↻
Nightmare Puppet/Marionette↺
Circus Baby⚘
Funtime Freddy ✄
Funtime Foxy𖥞
Rockstar Freddy¢
Rockstar Bonnie◎
Rockstar Chica𒊹︎
Rockstar Foxy⦿
Security Puppet☮︎︎
Scrap Baby✤
Molten Freddy♲︎
Glamrock Freddy ✮
Glamrock Bonnie⏻
Glamrock Chica❀
Glamrock Foxy☠︎︎
Roxanne Wolf♔
yandere toy bonnie and roxanne wolf X gn cute + confident reader
Montgomery Gator◎
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Ooooo! Hi hi!! I have a small request for some characters of your choice! ( but if you can, could you please include yan!DJMM? It’s alright if not! I just don’t see him in a yandere nor anyone writing for him which i am saddened by. ) w/ a animtronic darling who’s a scrap? Like- they hide in the vents to avoid their “death” ( im not sure what else to call it ) and run into each of them while running away from the other? I love your blog!<3
~ 🎠
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄!𝐃𝐉 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐌𝐚𝐧, 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐰 -> 𝚂𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐
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> 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺: 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝙰𝚝 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢'𝚜 2, 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑
> 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿: 𝙳𝙹 𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝙼𝚊𝚗, 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢, 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎, 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙵𝚘𝚡𝚢, 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚌𝚊, 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙶𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢
> 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 , 𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚝, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛.
> 𝗧𝘆𝗽𝗲 𝗢𝗳 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁: 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗
•I'll always write for the less written characters whenever it comes to letting me choose you know XD-
•ALSO DJMM is a very unexplored character for me so this, my first time writing him, will come out a bit weak. I make this man mute to begin with because I don't know how he'd talk- a few tips would be nice after :'D
•I've noticed I write them too human like and I'm tired of hiding it 💀
-> 𝐃𝐉 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐌𝐚𝐧:
The lil' music man probably found you first and alerted him.
Might have played some soothing tunes through the vents to get you to calm down and come out.
Proud that you're trying so hard to survive, good job!
His protocol would say to report you to the STAFF but... DJMM likes your presence... Like REALLY likes it. So he decided to keep you around.
You hide way more securely when you're with him, DJMM is really huge so there's no way for the STAFF to even think you're somewhere close by.
Sometimes the smaller music man's that hide in the vents linger on parts and services to find parts, maybe you could use them to repair yourself.
DJMM would help, he really would but he doesn't know anything about it and doesn't want to ruin you further.
Just means he'll be even more protective because of it...
Whenever DJMM hears someone talking about you just know the lil' music man will be told to scare the shit out of them... Then the person will be lured to DJMM while trying to get away and get squashed down.
DJMM doesn't take kindly to bad stuff being said about his new favourite bot.
Also you know you're never leaving his grasp right?
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-> 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲:
Will literally be watching you a lot before he approaches you, needing to know how you are first hand so he can get to -manipulate- know you better.
He's sweet, quiet and even a little funny, telling puns he told kids a long while ago and hopes that you like them.
"You're so cute... Hm? No one was there darling, keep your focus on me."
You're gonna start feeling like a pet by the way you're treated and patted. Even more so with how Withered Freddy doesn't let you know anything. You've got NO information on the outside world.
"You don't need to know anything, you have me here to take care of you."
Will literally tell you the worst about the others, even his own group so you stay away from them.
And when you disobey him, Withered Freddy gets upset. And by upset I mean you'll be left alone somewhere which equals to possibly encountering the others. The devil's reincarnated into different bodies as Withered Freddy says.
So of fear you'll get hurt even further you're gonna end up seeking him out.
Obviously this is gonna make Withered Freddy happy- um... Satisfied that his plan worked.
His tactic is to make you terrified of everything around you so you come to him for protection.
"That's it darling, you should listen to me unless you want to get hurt further."
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-> 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞:
He rarely approaches anyone so it will take a while for him to get used to you.
Facepuns incoming. A lot of them.
Will start clinging onto you once he's comfortable but not admit it.
"I'm just... trying to help you stand..."
A thing he does is have his ears immediately flop down to hide his face- or what's left of it anyways.
It's clearly to show how he's embarrassed or flustered.
He's very quiet and possessive. Although he lingers around you so obsessively you don't really talk to each other- well he doesn't.
So you'll be surprised when he attacks the other bots or people that get too close to you out of literally nowhere.
"Why are you so shocked? They... Would've hurt you if I didn't do anything."
You didn't even realize before but now Withered Bonnie has actually begun talking to you more.
He's even joking around with you way more and clinging shamelessly
He's adamant on protecting you but he's not scared to admit that he enjoys your presence anymore.
"We can stay together forever so you can be safe."
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-> 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚:
She feels useful for actually taking you under her wing. To Withered Chica it's like she has a purpose again.
You're gonna get babied a lot. Withered Chica relates to you a lot because you both are scrapped and at the bring of not existing anymore.
Protective mother hen-
"[Y/N], where are you going? No, no it's dangerous, please stay by my side."
You bet she's not gonna let you go anywhere without her.
When you're alone she's just cooing and trying to make you feel better, her focus is on only you.
But when you're with others it's like her personality does a 180, there she's too busy glaring and keeping everyone away.
Both bots and humans should take it as a threat when Withered Chica is around and you're with her.
But she'd never hurt you! In fact, you're the only one coming out unharmed out of this.
"Hm? The blood? No need to worry about me [Y/N], just the new security guard who had an accident..."
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-> 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐨𝐱𝐲:
Probably has been out of order for so long and just accepted it. Finds you amusing for trying to stay alive and kicking.
Likes hanging out with you a lot after hours, even when the store is open would just talk to you.
You didn't even realize it before he became your literal bodyguard.
Withered Foxy doesn't throw hands. But he's gonna have other bots keep their distance after showing how he can when he desires too.
"Ye best stay away from 'em. If ye know what's good fer ye."
Toy Bonnie tried messing with you and he left with a cracked casing and a lot of wires coming out of him.
Gonna put another bot on Mangle's state... Or a person. Leave them a bloody mess for the others to clean up if they mess with you or even say anything he can hear.
Withered Foxy doesn't talk much, but he's a secure shoulder you can lean on.
Man is so soft when it comes to you. Teases a little -flirts-, a little -very- possessive and a quiet -murderous- sweetheart.
"Heh, ye're so pretty darlin'... My pretty lil' swee'heart."
What do you mean you don't want him to guard you 24/7? He will. He's been in a broken state longer and he's used to it but your case is different. You're so fragile.
"Who else but yer captain can protect ye darlin'?"
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-> 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲:
He's a spirit, probably found you by accident and decided fuck it, I'll stay by their side.
Scaring anyone that dares comes close to you.
Withered Goldie is a little colder and more nonchalant than his other version but his protectiveness is turned up.
"What are you doing in there again? Come on, get out."
Might seem harsh and bossy but I promise he just doesn't know how to properly express himself.
Puts your comfort above all else, and because you're a scrapped animatronic it makes him fuss even more... In that confusing kind of way.
"Just- stay put. Stay RIGHT here and listen to me, I'm doing it for your own good."
If you end up being soft on him is when he's going to melt, not good with words but good with actions instead. And although he looks kinda mad sometimes he'll never turn away any sort of affection.
"... No, you don't have to stop... I like it."
Might try to repair parts of you that are too damaged.
"I'll protect you and I'll keep you safe, you just have to stay put."
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astoryshark · 3 years
Fuzzy Feelings Pt. 2
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(Picture by XyurlovaX on Deviantart)
It was the next night, around 23:40 
I arrived a bit earlier than usual, I finished everything I wanted to do before my shift at home so why not come earlier. It surely will make a good impression, right?
I entered the building and pulled out my flashlight, shining through the path in front of me. My body was freezing on the spot as I heard people talking, it sounded like teenage boys and girls.
"You saw the nightguard yesterday? She was about to get eaten alive by that rusty old fox, it was kind of funny to watch" a male voice snickered, sounding extremely mischievous.
"Don't be like that! I think she did quite well in that though situation" a female voice answered and seemed to..defend me? It was very confusing to be honest, who could have seen me work last night? I checked the whole place; they were no kids around. I stayed quiet to not draw any attention to my position and carefully continued my way. I passed the Parts & Service room again, a shiver running down my spine as i recalled the past events. I still felt bad for the old animatronics; however, I did not want to encounter them before my shift today. I will look for spare parts another time or ask the other employees.
I quickly head to the office, not noticing that a familiar golden eye was watching me through the slightly open door.
The pirate fox was holding back a sigh, his ears hung down a little bit.
'Why was the lassie not coming to look again? Was it because me scared her that hard yesterday?'
Robotic gear shifting could be heard from the room, bright blue eyes giving the fox a judging look.
"Y-You r-r-really y-yearning for her a-attention, aren't you?" The glitchy voice mocked the pirate, earning an annoyed growl in return.
"Yarg! N-Nonsense! Why would me y-yearn for a-any lassie's at-tention?! J-Just w-wanted to l-l-look how s-scared she i-is this night!" Foxy protested aggressively, not wanting to show any sign of being flustered to his fellow bear animatronic companion. The brown robot let out a small chuckle at the answer, not believing a single word.
Time flew by really fast, and the clock hit 00:00 again, time for another shift.
Since I knew better this time, the flashlight became my new best friend quickly. Still startled to see the animatronics in the hallway, I tried to keep my composure and focus on keeping them away from me.
Foxy was in the hallway a lot, always trying to get near me but I kept him away with the light. I swear that I could hear an annoyed growl coming from it. 
The music box was winding down a lot faster now which did not make my job any easier. There are so many things I must keep track of, it's exhausting.
I was mostly watching the vents on the camera as well as the hallway, that toy bonnie really is after me today. Meanwhile I have seen toy Chica only one time, and toy Freddy did not come in the office at all. It was odd.
Above everything, that voice and laugh of damn balloon boy was driving me crazy.
"Ugh, can't you just shut up and play somewhere else!?" I groaned before i put on the mask to make that kid go away. Balloon Boy looked at me with a glare, did he feel insulted now? The animatronic stayed in the vent a lot longer than usual, giving Toy Bonnie enough time to step into the office as well. I started to panic, breathing was hard while wearing the mask and I was not able to see much of my surroundings. The two animatronics finally went back, giving me the chance to take off that stinky mask and breath in some fresh, as much as it can be in a restaurant, air.
I quickly hurried to the camera of the Prize corner to see that the music box was about to stop. I winded it up as fast as I could, completely loosing track of everything else.
It was all too much
As if the Animatronics could hear me struggle, withered Bonnie stepped into the office. My eyes widen, its red glowing eyes looked right at me, and I could feel a shiver run down my spine. I was terrified, even though I already saw the animatronic before my shift last night. However, this time it was different. The torn Bunny robot did probably not know that I wanted to help, that I meant no harm and I just want to do my job here. I quickly put on the mask, the animatronic stepped closer and looked right at my face. It tilted its head to the side for a moment and then left the office. I put down the mask and wanted to use the flashlight, but it did not work. 
Ballon Boy. 
I glanced over to where the sound came from and saw that the boy animatronic was standing in my office, holding batteries in his hand. He looked at me, an evil smile on his face. 
Why did he got into the office? I wore the mask! Was he insulted from my words before? Regardless of the reason, it was over now. That brat had my batteries and with that my only defense against the pirate. I was helpless.
The sound of metal footsteps running could be heard from the hallway. I knew what that meant.
The animatronic fox came closer into my field of vision, Balloon Boy still laughing like a maniac in the background. With a loud screech, the robot jumped at me, ready to end my life. It was the same situation as before, however this time, the clock could not safe me. I jumped out of my chair, away from the attack. Foxy turned around, his ears moving up a bit. I could see an amused look on its face.
"Wh-What ya g-gonna do n-now, little lassie?" The robot spoke and my eyes widen a bit. I never heard its voice before, it was glitchy and broken and had a heavy pirate accent to it. 
I walked away from it, trying to search for a way to escape. I knew it was no use since this place is full of robots, but I also did not want to give up. 
"Please, don't hurt me. I mean no harm, r-really!" I started to speak up, my voice trembling a bit. The fox tilted its head to the side, was it listening to me? 
"Im just doing my job, I even tried to help you guys! I searched for parts to fix you up so you can maybe perform again. P-Please, it's the truth!" I continued explaining myself, still sounding terrified by the whole situation. The fox stopped right in front of me, looking at my face, searching my expression for lies. After a while, it stepped back and looked, relieved?
"A-Alright, I will s-s-spare ya t-this night" the pirate said, my eyes widened. Was it serious?
"H-However, ya h-have to keep looking a-after us! T-To repair I mean!" it adds. I need to smile a bit into myself, the way he said that sounded kind of cute. 
"I will, I promise!" A relieved breath escapes my lips, my body started to relax. Balloon Boy looked confused at us, shrugged his shoulders, and then left through the vent with the batteries. Seems like he does not care about anything else. I sit down in my office chair, the fox leans against the wall behind me. I could feel that he was glancing over to me from time to time. I switched through the cameras and noticed that the other animatronics where nowhere to be seen. It gave me an uncomfortable feeling, only because foxy changed his mind does not mean that the others did as well. 
I looked up from the computer Display and into the hallway. I could hear familiar voices.
"Ugh, it was no fun today! Even though I played a bit more aggressive she still was able to mess with my facial scanners. It annoys me so much! Like we don't know that behind the mask is a person!" it was the male voice from before the shift again. I took a closer look into the hallway, trying to make out who the person is. The hallway was so damn dark that I could not see a single thing. I heard a growl from behind me, it was foxy. He sounded annoyed.  I turned around to face him.
"What's wrong?" I asked careful, trying to not anger him any further. The animatronic looks at me.
"T-That voice, it's th-that stupid lo-ooking toy bu-unny" he growled under its mechanical breath.
I look at him in confusion, toy bonnie? 
"But..the voice, it sounds way too human for an animatronic." I answered in disbelief
The fox let out a slight chuckle "Ay lassie, i-t's because h-he walks a-around in h-his human f-form. W-e-e all ca-can do tha-t-t" the pirate sounds casual about it; however, my mind feels like its exploding. 
Animatronics that can turn human? What is going on here?
Foxy seemed to notice that I did not really understand what he was talking about, he needed chuckle again and walked over to the hallway
"Ay! To-oy bonnie! get y-ya shiny ass over he-e-re!"
A sigh could be heard from the hallway and a teenage boy came into the view. He has light blue hair, two bunny ears that sit on top of his head and the outfit was like the animatronics design. I could not believe what my eyes are seeing. Toy Bonnie looked at me with a raised eyebrow. A girl came shortly after him, she has bright yellow hair and hold a cupcake in her hand. That must be Toy Chica then. She smiles at me.
"Hey Y/N!" she greeted me like nothing was wrong "It's nice to finally get to talk to you! Im sorry for Toy Bonnies behavior, I said he should just leave you alone like me and Toy Freddy, but he said it would be fun to scare you" she explained and shot a glare over to the boy. He just shrugged with his shoulders.
It took me a moment to understand what was happening but then i needed to smile at them "Thank you for trying to help me. I appreciate it" I answered her, and she needed to chuckle. I looked back over to Foxy "So..you said you all can change?" 
The pirate nodded "Ay la-lassie, that is r-right. Wanna s-see?" he answered, and I could hear that he sounded kind of smug. 
I nodded a bit shyly; I can't deny that Foxy has always been my favorite. Who can say no to a pirate?
Just as he was about to say something, the other Animatronics came into the office as well. I gulped but Withered Bonnie shock its head
"W-W-We mean n-no harm" he assured me; his voice box sounded broken. 
I nod and let out a relieved sigh. Withered Freddy let out a low chuckle "I-It seems like y-you k-k-know our s-s-secret now" the band leader spoke to me and looked to the others and waited for their approval. As they all agreed to whatever he meant, he looked back at me. "Pl-Please c-close yo-ur eye-s-s"
I did as he said and could hear some weird sounds, I could not really tell what they were but I just waited.
"Ya can look now, lassie" I heard Foxys voice and opened my eyes. In front of me where a bunch of people, all still looking similar to their Animatronics. If I would tell anybody about this, they would think I was crazy. My eyes wandered over to Foxy and I could not help but blush a little, he was indeed handsome. The pirate quickly notices my reaction and needed to grin confident "Like what ya see?" he mocked me with a low chuckle. 
I talked a bit with everyone, and we sat on the ground by now. They explained their stories and situation, even the Puppet joined after a while. I quickly noticed that they are not as dangerous as they seemed, they are just lonely and troubled by their past. The puppet explained the most complicated parts to me, but I was quick to understand and assured my help. 
I sat between Foxy and Withered Bonnie, getting in a longer conversation with the former musician. I felt sorry for what happened to him and wanted to comfort him the best I can. He said how much he misses his guitar and to make music with it, I showed him a sad smile
"Maybe we can get a new one for you" I suggested and gave him a light pat on the back. The Bunny looked at me with wide eyes
"Really? You would do that?" He asked surprised
I needed to chuckle a bit, "Sure, why not! I said I want to help all of you the best I can, so getting a new guitar should be one of the smaller problems"
Bonnie smiled at me, it looks like he got some hope back. "Thank you a lot, Y/N"
I shook my head "No need to thank me"
I could hear a light growl from the other side and before I could react any further, Foxy pulled me a bit closer to himself. My eyes widen and I couldnt help but blush, what was he doing? As I looked at the pirate, he glared and growled at Bonnie. Withered Freddy needed to chuckle and shake his head, seems like he knows a bit more.
"Foxy? You okay?" I asked and looked directly at him. His ears twitched a bit and I swear I saw a slight blush on his cheeks, he turned away his head to hide it
"Yarg! Of course! Why wouldn't it be?" He answered a bit flustered. It made me chuckle a bit and I just stayed close to him. He still had his arm around my waist and as he noticed that i shifted a bit closer, the blush on his cheek only grew brighter. The fuzzy feeling he felt before was back again. The others started to laugh a bit and Foxy raised his hook
"Shut up ya landlubbers!" He snapped at them to defend himself, it only made the situation worse.
Not long after the situation, the clock hit 6:00. The animatronics slowly said goodbye to me and got back to their places, shifting back into their robot forms. Foxy and I were the only ones left in the office.
I slowly stood up to gather my items together and looked at the pirate, our eyes meeting.
"Ya will come back tomorrow, right lassie?" He asked and smiled a bit at me, still trying to act all cool and captain like. It made me chuckle a bit, knowing that the scary looking pirate Fox is actually a touch starved softie.
I walked over to him and pulled him into a short but tight hug.
His eyes widen, cheeks becoming as red as his hair. Seems like he did not expect that move from me.
"Of course I will, I keep my promise with helping all of you" I whispered before I let go of him. A big smile came to my lips because of his reaction, he was a flustered mess. I waved goodbye to him, leaving him standing like this in the office.
Foxy put his hand on the place where his heart would be, the familiar fuzzy feeling was stronger than ever
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iamtotallyfineokay · 9 months
Okay so people actually like my previous yandere UCN idea, surprisingly, even one of my fave writers came to comment, so I guess I’ll continue the headcanons I guess. This is just a more detailed in a nutshell version of the previous post. Also thank you for the notes from the previous one, I was really surprised when I checked it! ——————————————————————————————————
As I said before, Yandere UCN is terrifying. In the universe I’m gonna set my Yandere UCN x reader, it’s gonna involve all sorts of animatronics from the whole franchise. Basically it’s Ultimate Custom Night slowly becoming Ultra Custom Night but with only the original and fanmade models. Oh and this might be out of character, so tell me in the notes if I did something wrong!
Part 1
Let’s start with the Classics. I personally think Freddy would be the type to be a gentleman of sorts. He would be glad to sing you a little song if you like, maybe you can also join him as well! Bonnie would definitely play the guitar role for you guys in your songs, since he seems to be a person with a laidback character, where he would kinda prefer to third wheel in a relationship. He enjoys your presence though, as you routinely like to check up on him for some reason. Chica would also be delighted by your presence! She’s sometimes told off by the others for being a bit too childish but you don’t mind it and kind of like it! She’s happy with that, along with Foxy! I think he and Chica would be a common duo who like to compete with others for your attention, with Chica acting as the wingman(girl) to your little relationship with them in UCN, while Foxy is just that slightly nervous kid in the corner who absolutely wants and not want your attention at the same time. He’s just so happy to actually receive attention from you after being neglected in his previous establishment! Golden Bear watches his cohorts enjoy this moment, he’s glad he doesn’t need to constantly give them plans or constantly comfort them, and he also wants some comfort himself through compliments from you!
The Toy animatronics absolutely indulge in your presence, along with the Withereds and Shadows. They all absolutely delight themselves in your presence. For the Toy animatronics, let’s say you played as a night guard in their establishment before you went into UCN. Toy Freddy was always so lonely, sad that he didn’t seem to be as cute as his cohorts sometimes. That is when you arrive! Maybe you even accidentally introduced Toy Freddy to playing arcade games because you couldn’t ‘bear’ how lonely he seems to be sometimes. He even wishes indulge in small tea parties with you in nights when his AI is sent down to one! Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica also seem to be a common duo! They go through the vents and such in UCN. You met them both in their previous game when you may have accidentally lured them to the office through lights! However, when your night is over, you sometimes comment on them being so pretty and adorable! This may have kicked a part of their code aside, but they indulge in you secretly when your night ends, as they prepare for your next night. UCN is where they just get more violent for attention!
Balloon Boy and the Puppet also have something in common: being creepily too ‘human-looking’ to most people. Even Balloon Boy gets comments on his weirdly shaped teeth while the Puppet is commented for their tall and lanky figure. Balloon Boy mainly acts like a child to their parent with you when your friendship becomes closer! He doesn’t steal your batteries in the original game, but he’s more hungry for praise from you in UCN, whereas he would steal more batteries from you, since he was given a deal by Withered Foxy to make the night end faster. Puppet also likes your presence, finding comfort around you as if you’re a warm blanket of mental comfort. For that, they give gifts to you when nights end in UCN, though they may trap you in their box when they win the night by jumpscaring you. Mangle is kind of the same as Puppet, only instead always needing constant praises of validation from you to feel ‘beautiful’. You used to like her so now she’ll return it fully by trying to make you as pretty as her!
The Withereds are like their original counterparts but more aggressive compared to them. Their restless, now feeling upset they don’t get to be on that shining stage anymore. Withered Foxy and Bonnie are the most aggressive of the four, being the first animatronics to turn on during the FNAF 2 game, with the indigo no-faced bunny now needing approval for his hopes to be turned up, while his cohort the red fox pirate, needs attention both physically and mentally to remember his short happy days on stage in his corner. They do team up though when they don’t at least argue for 1 minute, and damn do they made a good duo. Withered Freddy is just like his Classic counterpart, but now more laidback, kind of welcoming the fact his time on stage has reached its end, though he does dream and someday returning to it, and maybe sing along with you. However, not acknowledging his presence gets his temper a bit worked up, making him storm to your office and trying to get to the door. Withered Chica and Golden Bear kind of watch this unfold. Chica watches her male cohorts while she just decides to take things more slowly while maintaining her happy yet slightly now mature personality, hanging out with you during nights when the others have their AI set to 0 or 1, just kind of hanging out like couch potatos. This also applies to Withered Golden Freddy! He’s more tired, having a higher chance to materialise even when his AI’s set to a very low place. He likes to hang out and just chill with you during other nights, sometimes appearing while wrapping an arm around your back. He’s glad your here in this purgatory meant just for you!
The Shadows stay more distant from you. You’re just here, appearing seemingly out of nowhere, at least to them. Though they start to warm up to you, with Shadow Bonnie being the more friendly one of the two, and Shadow Freddy just overall being glad you’re here! Finally someone who they get to talk with who’s not a robot! Though instead, they may trap you in abandoned rooms to spend time with you! Better be careful, these two seemingly a kind of a mind alike! Oh well, what could they say? You’re as sweet as a birthday cake, and boy do they get greedy!
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