#wof camel
ninoxwof · 2 months
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Camel the Sandwing
[Image Description: A digital drawing visualizing Camel from Wings of Fire. He is a light creamy orange sandwing with an orange off white for an underbelly and on the webbing of his wings. He's plump with thick forearms and legs. His facial features and sail greatly resemble that of a camel, with a slight snub nose, and his sail being short and flowing like the fur on the back of some camel's necks. From his nose through to the top of his tail, he has a mid toned orange dorsal marking where his shoulder shapes into a tear drop shaped stripe. On his arms and legs he has two orange boxy stripes. He has dull rigged horns that point up. Along with his nose horn, tail barb and claws, they're all colored a neutral brown. /.End ID]
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confusedlittleguy · 6 months
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part.. seven i think??
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ravewing · 3 months
wof infection au part 7.5 eem more under the cut
im not able to work on it coz the file is damaged or some shit and itll take like two hours to restore it so . heres what i have😞idk if im gonna end up finishing it or not but i wanted to share what i had,, if i ever end up finishing the rest of this there should be a lil card thingy of nautilus and a short 'comic' thingy at the end. cw for gore and whatnot u guys know the drill
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thepoisonjackal · 9 months
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Wings of Fire Design Project #73 - Camel of the Sandwings
Description under cut
[Image description: A fullbody drawing of a brown sandwing dragon, Camel from Wings of Fire. He is looking very nervous off to the side and pulling at his red cape. There is a golden pin on his cape. He has his wings outstretched and his tail is curled. End ID.]
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mothiesdragonpile · 1 year
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dead-end-draws · 3 months
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Tribe Banner concept art:
Folks seemed to enjoy my WOF WIPS, so here’s more concept art for y’all! My favorite thing about WOF is the potential for world building. I thought it’d be cool to see a tribe emblem represented on a banner/flag of sorts:
Read below for some of the thought process / headcannons behind the design choices: 👇
Skywing Banner:
Skywings pride themselves on 3 things; treasure, fire, & their enormous, soaring wingspan which steals the sky.
As such, portrayed on the banner, the fabric (often made with dyed cow or goat leathers) resembles draped dragon wings. Two Skywings embrace a goblet, which is spewing golden fire.
The banner is often held aloft with iron or gold poles, signifying to other tribes their wealth and pride.
Mudwing banner:
These banners are fashioned with leather hides from cow or crocodile skin, held aloft with bamboo, and painted with a Talon-print & Reed crest.
The talonprint symbolizes community and the strength of Mudwing sibling bonds. The reed border unifies all Mudwings regardless of their relationship to home; the swamp. Bigwings are often seen carrying these into battle, signifing their status and making it easier for a sib to locate them in the flurry of a fight.
Sandwing Banner:
Sandwing flags are made with camel skins and dyed cactus leather.
A crest shows a Sandwing coiled around a beaming sun, a reminder that despite the revered 3 moons, Sandwings are born to thrive in sunlight.
The fabric is cut in a way to mimic the swooping dunes of Sandwing territory. And the poles of the flags are equally intricate, with scorpion tails and golden ropes which frame the banner.
These flags make prominent appearances in parades, festivals, and markets, and even miniature version are often displayed in homes or as tapestries/carpets.
Seawing banner:
These banners are often seen displayed in royal quarters or councils, or above land to mark territory.
A nautilus shell crest on front echoes the swirl-pattern associated with royal Seawings: The banner’s borders resemble waves and a dragon swimming beneath their surface.
These are crafted with rich materials, strung with seashells, pearls, silver dollars, and deep oceanic color fabric. There is severe penalty for Seawings found plucking treasure from the banners, as they are a direct symbol of royalty.
Nightwing Banner:
These banners emphasize the Nightwings’ relationship to the moon, their source of power and praise. The material, a contrast of white stitching against purple velvet showcases moonlight and night, black scales against stars, magic and mystery.
They are seen decorated with 3 moons at the top and a centered dragon reaching up into the night sky.
These banners were often used during the war as secret code by spies to deliver to other tribes. Prophecy scrolls often came attached, delivering cryptic messages or secrets in the night. These banners all helped add to the secrecy of the Dragonet Prophecy, and kept tribes on their toes around Nightwings.
Rainwing banner:
Rainwing banners are not used for battle purposes like other tribes, most are mere decoration, location indicators, and have no unified design.
However, It is said back when Rainwings left the rainforest to trade pre-war, this particular banner design was often raised above Rainwing merchant tables, and showcases the coiled tail of a Rainwing with leaves, vines, and other sights from the rainforest adorning a bamboo pole. Bright color combinations accentuated the flag to entice curious customers.
Now, only one tattered version of the original Rainwing banner remains, displayed proudly in Queen Glory’s quarters, a reminder that building the Rainwings’ community is their most important goal.
Icewing Banner:
These banners reflect the same standards Icewings hold themselves to.
Like a visual of the rankings themselves, each banner is cut perfectly from an Icewing’s trained, serrated claws to resemble icicles, and crafted with fine blue stitching.
Flags are often held aloft with perfectly polished narwhal horn or bone, and can be inlaid with sapphires or diamond.
Icewing soldiers are often gifted these during ceremonies, and perform training exercises with the flags to test their stance/attentiveness. The crest showcases the swift sharpness of ice through a flying dragon, and a snowflake toward the bottom reminding Icewings that even minuscule snowflakes, small things, should be perfect in form.
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puzzled-pegasus · 3 months
WoF tribe specific curses/exclaimations (some used in a sentence so you get a better sense of the impact lol)
*some of these are morbid so be warned*
"Flaming feathers, you scared the smoke out of me!"
"Holy fireballs, that's a lot of treasure!"
"Leaping sheep, how long have you been standing there?"
"Smoke and fire, what happened to all my deer jerky?"
"Moons on fire, what in Pyrrhia's peaks were you thinking?"
"Corpses in a canyon, what happened to your arm?"
"SeaWing's salty scales, what did you put in this drink?"
"Snakes on a rock, why do we still have that horrible thing?"
"Ravens and crows, what am I going to do with you?"
"Son of a one legged camel! Argh, I thought I told you to close the window screen!!"
"Oh, sweet prickly pears."
"King Cobra's teeth."
"Blister's burning tail, it's hot out here even for me!"
"Blue desert sky, I hate when he does that."
"Queen's cloaca, next you're going to tell me it's wrong to steal other dragons' purses if they leave them unattended."
"Jellyfish sting, have some tact for reef's sake!"
"Oysters on the half shell, you need a breath mint."
"Woo, slippery sardines, you make a good margarita!"
"Cuttlefish guts, what a thing to say to someone!"
"Mullet down my gullet, why is it always me that has to take care of things?"
"Sweet Prince Albatross, what the herring is going on here?"
"What in the Mariana Trench?"
"By all the stars!"
"Darkstalker's teeth, don't sneak up on me like that!"
"Falling stars, that's a big fruit!"
"Moons curse it!"
"Venomous vultures...what happened here?"
"Queen's fire, be careful with that!"
"Burning IceWings, I thought I told you not to touch my notes!"
"Well, cut off my wings and call me a crocodile, I never thought I'd see you again!"
"Oh, catfish whiskers, I can't believe I let it burn!"
"Now, where in Pyrrhia's green swamps did I put those onions?"
"Peas and carrots, darlin', what happened to you?"
"Cattails in the clay, what are you doing aggravating my poor bees?"
"Oh, for goose's sake!"
"Ow, green and orange, that hurt!"
"Vipers and anacondas!"
"Sky full of spiders, you NightWings are bummers."
"Howling monkeys, stop that horrible noise!"
"Great green sloths, what could you possibly need so badly that I have to stop my sun time?"
"Sweet tangerine."
"What in the name of the Great Ice Dragon?"
"Freezing moons."
"Frosted flames, is that a firescales?"
"Blue ice."
"Beluga's blubber, you dragonets ask too many questions."
"Silver horns, that's a big polar bear."
"Darkstalker's dagger!"
"Son of a bee!"
"If I see one more STINGING pen where it's not supposed to be, I swear to STINGING CLEARSIGHT---!"
"Bloodsucking flies, this place looks awful!"
"Oh, for Wasp's sake!"
"Royal jelly on bee bread toast, I can't believe you."
"Clearsight's book!"
"Coca leaf salad, you've all gone nuts."
"Holy tomato!"
"Dragon blood sap..."
"Jolly jaguars, that can't be good."
"Murderous mushrooms, where did she go?"
SilkWings don't curse, silly! :)
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wof-reworked · 5 months
Got any more wof animal husbandry ideas?
Not much I haven't already covered in one form or another !!! I think most of the livestock in wof remains pretty one-to-one with real life, tho I love the diversity in like. whether or not dragons have pets. It's funky when everything is a food source and there aren't those hard lines of "food animals" vs "luxury animals".
I love Skywing falconers and the idea of dragons having beasts of burden (like camels, oxen, etc) bc it's such a cool tradeoff when everyone can just straight up fly. I think it depends on the terrain and the goods being traveled with but hunting birds would be useful.
I think Icewings (and some Seawings) would farm seal colonies, ala real world seal hunting. I don't have any real thoughts I just think they deserve some responsible animal husbandry. as a treat. Seawings would also probably have some amount of fish-herding (I wonder if you could incorporate sharks into that,,,, maybe some animus gift from the past for sharks able to corral fish like herding dogs. much 2 think about)
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aaronymous9 · 2 years
Hi, do you have any headcanons about what and how the tribes keep pets?? Sorry if this is trandom or if you’re already answered this before. Like, I imagine that SeaWongs would keep fish of course lol as pets
Okay so here are my hcs
Seawings: Dolphins, Sharks, Belugas and stuff like that as pets! Manatees are a Seawing favorite pet, since they are so chill, they are kinda big pets but everyone loves them and they are sweet like big dogs. Also on a small note, they like tiger sharks and they are kinda like small dogs. However there is a lot of controversy in the Sea Kingdom about whether eating these animals is ethical, and some Seawings keep fish however those are eaten very often so many Seawings only keep them in the same way we do.
Sandwings: I feel like they would keep Camels as pets and not much else, some Sandwings would train vultures however Sandwing culture much more relies on surviving… so uh sometimes their camels and vultures are stolen and eaten by other Sandwings. ( I imagine this because the past few Sandwing queens have been pretty ruthless so it kinda changed the mood and access to resources in the kingdom. But there are eras where Sandwings prosper as well just like all other tribes. The worst offender of the bad chain of Queens are the Skywings and Icewings. )
Mudwings: Mudwings never eat crocodiles or alligators so some of them keep them as pets! Some also keep wild hogs or traditional farm animals but they are usually raised to be eaten. Not much else is kept as a pet but if Mudwings had Monkeys or other animals in their territory they would keep them. Mudwings seeing a Manatee and wanting to cuddle with it but also eat it.
Skywings: They don’t keep pets lol, maybe a few mountain goats but most Skywings would be like “why keep pets? When you can eat it?”
Icewings: SEALS!!! Icewings sentenced to the 7th circle out on the icebergs will keep seals as pets, some even keep polar bears. Royalty sometimes will keep Polar bears on leashes and things like that but typically most other Icewings would just eat most animals.
Rainwings: Ofc they keep Monkeys and Sloths as pets, and honestly they would keep most animals they come across as pets if they could. Most Rainwings are vegetarians but let’s say in the past a couple of wars have started because a Sandwing ate the Rainwing queen’s sloth.
Nightwings: They don’t really keep pets, although if those 5 foot bats that live in the Philippines lived near the Nightwings they would keep them as pets 100%. Most animals though? They typically eat them or keep them to study them.
Silkwings: THEY LOVE PETS BUT THERE AREN’T ANY GOOD ONES IN THEIR TERRITORY- They sometimes will buy Sloths from Rainwings to keep as pets or they will find friendly big cats or deer as pets since they are also vegetarian.
Hivewings: No pets for them sorry <33 ( Unless you indulge in my headcanon that there are fantasy creatures in wof and Hivewings have giant beetle pets and stuff and Skywings have Phoenixes and <333 )
Leafwings: They have been fighting plants for so long they forgot about animals HAJAHSJSJDN but if you asked them if they had pets they would be like “this is gary my succulent he is a very good boy I watered him well and-“
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qibilette · 9 months
🦆🌻 and 🐋 for the ask game!
:D ty for asking!
🦆 favorite background character? favorite background character... some that come to mind are jambu, abalone, allknowing, and mastermind! mastermind is a particular favorite of mine.
🌻 do you have any unique designs for the tribes? I try to make them unique when I draw them! for example - I like giving my icewings antlers & fur. I also make nightwings very batty, put tusks on mudwings, and give sandwings big hairy camel ears. other than that I tend to just mess around and go with what's fun when drawing.
🐋 show your wof sona! my girl basil! she's a mudwing/rainwing and has varying lore; sometimes she's a student at jma, sometimes she's a snail farmer, it really varies. I ought to redesign her soon...
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here's a headshot of her drawn by koi-pool on deviantart!
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seawingwof · 1 year
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Wof dragons as an animal pt 1
Clay as a Bear dragon,Tsunami as a Dolphin dragon ,
Glory as a Frog dragon, Starflight as a Rat dragon,
Sunny as a Camel dragon.
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soda-wof-designs · 3 years
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#1. Camel!
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confusedlittleguy · 5 months
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this one on its own
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cursed-wof · 3 years
Camel, the guard that Sunny met in TBN, sits like a camel. That's why his parents sent him to the army, not caring if he lived or died. His front legs were just too weird.
Well that's not very nice :(
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snowfoxorca · 2 years
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1. Byblis
2. Cadelle
3. Camel
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outsmartingbasilisk · 6 years
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Batch one of SandWing designs/redesigns, going in alphabetical order. Blister, Blaze, and Burn are excluded along with other main SandWings because I’ll make separate drawings to show them off. 
Capybara isn’t a hybrid in canon, but I made them one just because that's the only way that name would make sense to me. Addax and Agave’s designs were the most fun for me personally.
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