#yacht towing
thamvosinterior · 1 year
4 Inspiring Commercial Wallcoverings For Your Office
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Experts in workspace interior design are sure that your workplace should always be considered a place of employment first. Additionally, workplace interior design needs to promote cooperation, increased productivity, and creative thinking. If you've been considering a new office interior design in Dubai, the suggestions below can help you create a lively environment at work.
Accent walls
A quick way, and an affordable one too, to liven up creative office design is to have an accent wall. It could be just a bold color on the chosen wall, placing a bright mural, or an oversized logo. These would make a statement. Choosing the space for the accent wall would be best with advice from workspace designing experts. The wall has to be visible to many employees. The offices sporting the best interior solutions usually choose the hallway, lobby, or conference room to have the accent wall.
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d3marine · 1 year
How to Choose the Right Window Glass for Your Yacht Including the Thickness
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To preserve your boat or yacht in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, seaworthy for a longer length of time, it is crucial to take adequate care of it. Selecting the proper material for the windows is one of the most important components of yacht renovation or boat maintenance. Typically, the windows of maritime vehicles such as boats and yachts are created out of specialist materials rather than glass. Furthermore, they are built to survive exceptionally difficult operational circumstances out at sea.
The most commonly used marine window materials are:
Acrylic Glass
Acrylic glass is a sort of plastic that is not only incredibly resilient but also adaptable. Acrylic resists shattering, making it incredibly hard to break. It is also waterproof and weatherproof. Acrylic is also salt-water resistant, making it the ideal material for yacht windows. It provides superb visibility because it is also transparent glass. To gain more insight into this, speak with a supplier of megayacht refurbishment services in Dubai.
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assembletheimagines · 2 years
Could you do a Steve Rogers x reader where reader and Steve don't get along at all and they slowly become lovers. Idk if thats alright or not. Thanks. Ps love your work.
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A/N: Fuck, I feel like I don’t know how to write enemies to lovers' trope but hey practice makes perfect?? Idk, but lmao I tried. 
Summary: Captain America gets on your nerves. But he could say the same about you. 
“You can’t just-” 
“I can’t what?” You hissed, turning to Steve with a heated glare. “Save your ass?” You pushed and watched Steve’s eyes narrow as he puffed out his chest. 
“I don’t need saving, Sweetheart.” 
You were going to scream. 
Or fight him. 
Or both. 
“Just because you’re Captain America does not mean I won't kick your ass, Rogers.” 
His scoffed laugh infuriating you more, egging you further and without hesitating you swung. 
Stronger fingers wrapped around your wrist quickly, stopping your hand from connecting to Steve’s face. And you watched with a glare as his lips turning into a dark smile. 
“Like I said,” he hummed, his hand still holding your wrist in the air. “I don’t need saving.” 
Steve’s fingers twitched as a noticeable clicking sound resonated through the quinjet. 
“Stop,” Steve’s command calm and collected as he shot you an annoyed look before moving his eyesight to where the pen rested in your hand. Your thumb hovering over the end where you wouldn’t stop pressing causing the pen tip to appear and disappear with a simple ‘click,’ over and over again. 
You looked over at Steve, eyes never leaving his. 
Steve’s eyes narrowed. 
You flipped him the bird before leaving, moving towards the back of the jet to where Sam and Nat were. 
Steve had to close his eyes momentarily as he rested his head back on his chair. Inhaling through the nose before exhaling slowly. 
He must be going crazy, Steve’s eyebrows furrowing as he hit the punching bag in front of him. 
It’s been too long. It’s been too quiet. 
You had gone on a mission with Sam that had you both out in the field for over two weeks and he punched the bag harder. 
No, he didn’t worry. Another swing. No, he didn’t want to see you. Another jab. Actually, he was more than relaxed now that you were away. The bag split open, sand falling from the inside and slowly piling on the floor as his chest heaved. 
“Quinjet 316 has landed,” F.R.I.D.A.Y’s voice sounded from above and Steve tensed. 
He didn’t know why, but he found himself walking outside as the quinjet powered down. Sam walking out with you in tow. 
Steve’s face hardened, covering any emotion as you met his gaze. 
Your eyes rolled at the sight of him standing there. “No, don’t look too enthusiastic that we’re back.” You hummed sarcastically as you walked past him. 
He turned around, shoulders tensing again. “Don’t forget to file your report.” He watched as you almost stopped walking. But you continued without looking back, raising a finger in the air back at him as single response. Sam laughed and Steve relaxed, before looking away from you entering the compound. A small smile forming at his lips. 
You walked quietly across the deck, your wet suit sticking to your body from when you jumped from the plane and landed into the ocean. 
It was a simple mission. Get on the yacht, download all the files onto your flash drive and dip. 
“Hey!” A man called out and you froze at the sound of the safety of a gun being switched. You turned around slowly, seeing a man pointing his gun at you, looking angry. “Who-” 
But before he could finish his question, his mouth went slack, his grip on the gun loosening as his body fell forward. You grunted barely having any time to catch him, dropping his softly on the ground so no noise was made. 
Your eyes met with blue one’s. Steve already putting his shield back over his arm. “Are you trying to let everyone know we are here?” You glared and Steve looked from the guy unconscious on the floor then back to you. 
“Thank you would be nice.” 
You stared at him for a moment, blinking, before you looked up at him with round innocent eyes. “Oh, thank you so much for saving me, Cap.” Your words slightly sarcastic but Steve didn’t miss a beat. 
And you had to blink in surprise again, you were fully expecting him to bicker back to you. You were used to it. But you stayed standing in the same spot as Steve walked past you. 
You didn’t know what to say, so you kept quiet as Cap took over, leading you to the main communication room so you could finish the mission. 
Your fingers slipped the flash drive into the usb port and began the download, your gaze glancing over at Steve who guarded the door. You felt confused as you replayed his response in your head. 
Fuck this dress. 
And fuck these heels. 
That was what you were thinking as you walked around the ballroom, your mask covering the top half of your face. 
You were currently on a mission, gathering intel on a possible trade of stolen vibranium and the deal was supposedly happening at this masquerade ball. 
“Suspect is leaving through the doors on the west,” Sam’s voice rang through your comm. He was working communications from on top of the roof with redwing as you played dress up with Steve and Bucky. 
“Got it,” you murmured through your ear piece as you moved across the floor, eyes on the target as the door began to close. You slipped through and watched him turn the corner. 
You were so focused on getting to the dealer that you didn’t think about the possible guards patrolling. You heard the guards' footsteps from around the corner where the target had disappeared behind, coming closer. You raised your hand ready to strike but before anything happened a hand wrapped around your wrist turning you and pushing you against the wall. 
A head dipped into the curve of your neck as you gasped. You were about to fight the person holding you to the wall with their weight before hearing the man against you speak. “Wait,” Steve’s lips barely brushing on your neck as the guards walked around the corner. You froze. 
The guards snickered as they walked past the both of you, most likely thinking it was just a drunk couple kissing. 
Once the coast was clear, Steve moved back, leading you both to finish this mission. 
As you walked your fingers ghosted over the area on your neck, you could still feel Steve’s lips on your skin. 
“Stop moving,” Steve murmured as his hands brushed over your hips. He was standing between your legs as you sat on top of the counter. You had just gotten back from a mission with Nat and everything went well. Or as well as it could have gone with the target pulling a gun on you and shooting. 
You were lucky it had only grazed your side since Nat took the guy down last minute. But when you both returned with a bandage pressed to your side you found yourself in front of Steve’s door. A weak smile on your lips when he answered. His eyes narrowing when he saw your hand holding your side. 
“It’s just a graze, Cap.” You said softly and sucked in a breath as he lifted your shirt up gently, his fingers ghosting over your bandage. 
“It could have been worse,” He countered with a frown and you rolled your eyes placing a hand on top of his that rested down on your hip again. 
“But it wasn’t,” you reassured meeting his eyes. You couldn’t read what he was thinking but it had your heart racing. “Nat-” 
But your words were cut off as Steve dropped his head on your shoulder, his arms wrapping around you as he pulled you tight to his chest. “It could have been worse.” 
The way the words fell from his lips had your heart clenching as you moved your hand to the back of his head, your fingers tugging his head back so he could look at you. You two didn’t say anything for a moment, letting the silence fill the feelings you both didn’t say. 
You both realized the shift happening between the two of you at the same time. And you didn’t think as you pulled Steve back to you. Your lips pressing into his, confirming everything you felt for him and everything he felt for you.  
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
Midnight Beach
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Request: Yes or No
Please check the poll imma put up after reading this!
The bright sun shone down on the land, bringing about much-needed light as workers cleared out fallen branches and debris tossed around by Hurricane Agatha the day before. (Y/N) had already spent half of his morning clearing out the yard and driveway as well as making sure the water hadn't risen too high. Once work had been finished at home, he had made his way over to the Cameron Residence. It came as no surprise to see workers already there helping the family clean up the mess outside.
(Y/N) watched as two men worked on cutting a fallen log in half before a battle cry brought his attention back to the blonde. "Leave the animals alone, Sarah!" He hollered, an amused grin pulling at his features as Sarah leaped toward the seagulls with a tennis racket in hand. She swung it around aimlessly, nearly losing balance on occasion. Her blonde hair stuck out just about in every direction, chest and shoulders rising as she panted. 
"But the mice, (Y/N)! It's not their fault!" She shouted in response, making another short jump into the air and missing another bird. (Y/N) crossed his arms over his chest and continued watching her run around frantically, making leaps she'd surely regret once her legs began to ache. Shaking his head and snickering softly under his breath, the teen turned his head to look at Ward as he approached with a woman in tow. The older man stared at his daughter with furrowed brows and squinted eyes as if attempting to figure out what exactly she was doing. 
"Morning, Mr. Cameron."
"Please, (Y/N). You can call me Ward." Ward smiled fondly at him, reaching out to place a firm yet gentle hand on his shoulder. A grunt from his daughter as she jumped up pulled his gaze away from him and onto her. "What is Sarah doing?"
Snorting, (Y/N) turned back to his girlfriend, watching her nearly trip over a branch. "Saving the mice." 
"Oh, Jesus," Ward sighed, dropping his hand and placing it on his hip, an exasperated look falling over his features. The older man stepped forward and, quietly apologized to the woman behind him before raising a hand to his mouth and calling out, "Sarah! I have an actual human being who needs you right now!" 
Whirling around and stumbling slightly, Sarah blinked at them and hurried over. (Y/N) chuckled softly and extended his arm, letting the blonde crash into his side. His girlfriend took in a big gulp of air, switching the racket to her other hand before reaching out to shake the woman's hand. "I'm so sorry, I'm Sarah."
"Guys, this is Lana Grubb, Scooter's wife. Now, you two were storm-prepping with him, right?" Ward questioned.
"Yeah, he helped us latch the cabin on the Druthers," Sarah answered with a nod, glancing back at the yacht as she wrapped an arm around (Y/N)'s waist and settled comfortably at his side. 
"Last night?"
"Yeah." Sarah breathed, brushing back some strands and furrowing her brows at her dad. (Y/N) slipped his arm around her shoulders, eyes sweeping over the workers on the property. Some were familiar faces, others were strangers but he couldn't help but notice the man in question wasn't amongst those present, and adding that to the fact his wife seemed upset made his stomach drop.
"Did something happen? Is he okay?" At his words, Sarah perked up, brown eyes widening when Lana glanced at her father desperately, the frown on her face deepening. Ward quickly placed his hands on the woman's arms, rubbing them comfortably and nodding his head to keep everyone from panicking further. 
"He is absolutely okay. I'm sure he's just hunkered down somewhere. We're gonna find him." Ward assured, slipping his hand to Lana's back and beginning to guide her away, murmuring comforts to the distressed woman as they rounded the corner and disappeared from view. Sarah took another gulp of air, still recovering from leaping and running around. She tilted her head up to look at her boyfriend, lips forming a small worried pout.
"What do you think happened to him?"
"He was probably heading home but got stuck somewhere. The roads are covered in all sorts of shit right now. I'm sure he'll pop by sooner or later, Sarah." (Y/N) assured softly, lifting his hand to push his fingers into her hair, combing down the strands sticking out. Sarah pursed her lips and nodded, leaning away from him when the seagulls began squawking again. She tightened her grip on her racket and took a step toward the bank but (Y/N) quickly hooked his fingers into two of the pant loops on her shorts and pulled her back toward his chest. "Leave the seagulls alone, Sarah."
"The mice are gonna be fine, I promise. The seagulls aren't gonna eat all of them." (Y/N) assured her with a chuckle, releasing the pant loops and instead wrapping his arms around her bare stomach. Sarah huffed softly and squinted up at the sky, shoulders sagging in defeat. Planting a swift kiss on the nape of her neck, (Y/N) began walking backward and away from the birds, in case Sarah had a swift change of mind. Sarah went limp in his arms, forcing the teen to begin dragging her away as she slowly began sliding out of his arms and toward the ground. Raising his brows at her, (Y/N) released his grip and watched Sarah fall onto the grass with a squeak and soft thud. 
"Babe!" She whined and pouted again, lifting her arms and wiggling her fingers for him to help her up. "I'm tired, c'mon!"
"And whose fault is that?" Dropping her arms down over her stomach, she shrugged her shoulders innocently, a cheeky smile appearing on her face in response. (Y/N) rolled his eyes and shook his head, offering her his hands and pulling her back up onto her dirtied sneakers. She wiped wet grass and dirt off her arms, crinkling her nose and reaching over to wipe her hand on his shirt, snickering when she heard him scoff softly. Stepping forward, she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in to plant a sweet kiss on his lips.
"Carry me?" She pleaded, tilting her head and batting her lashes.
"You're spoiled." (Y/N) murmured, pressing his fingers against her thighs. Laughing with glee, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, lifting a middle finger in her little sister's direction when the younger girl made a loud gagging noise at the sight of them. (Y/N) chuckled softly and walked around the pool, stepping inside the clean, air-conditioned mansion. Sarah released a sigh of relief at the feeling of cold air against her warm body, head drooping down to rest on her forearm as (Y/N) headed up the stairs and toward her bedroom. 
Pushing the door open with his foot, he entered the room and approached the bed, abruptly dropping her down on the mattress. The blonde released a soft 'oof' but melted against the bedsheets, pulling her fuzzy blanket over her body and dropping the racket onto the floor. She ran her hand over the blanket, head craning to watch (Y/N) sit down at her desk and bask in the cool air flowing in through the vent. Pressing her lips together, Sarah propped herself up onto her elbows.
"Do you really think Scooter's okay?"
"He's a tough guy, Sarah. He'll be alright." 
"Lana seemed really worried." She frowned, pushing herself up and crossing her legs, fingers toying with the white fuzz. (Y/N) lifted his arm to gently squeeze the side of his neck, sighing softly and pushing the chair toward her. He could understand her concern completely. Scooter had been working for the Camerons' for a while, so much so he could be considered a friend by the family. While he had questionable qualities, the man was overall a good guy. 
Placing a hand over Sarah's knee, (Y/N) rubbed his thumb back and forth over her slightly tan skin. Feeling his phone vibrate in his back pocket, he lifted his hips briefly to slip his phone out and look at the text message. For a brief second, he hoped to see a text from one of his parents, but the hope disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Humming softly, (Y/N) tapped on the message. "There's a party down at the Boneyard. Topper and the others are going-"
"Let me shower and get dressed!" Scrambling off the bed, Sarah collected some clothes and slipped into her bathroom, the worries that had been hanging over her head disappearing at the prospect of a party. Chuckling, (Y/N) responded to the text and leaned back further in the chair, listening to the sound of the water running as he waited. 
                    ✽        ✽       ✽       ✽       ✽       ✽
Sarah took off as soon as her feet hit the sand, a stream of giggles escaping her as she raced toward the red buoy that had washed up onshore. Her boyfriend and their friends trailed behind, taking in the familiar beach. Large branches and logs had been scattered across the sand, providing seating for those at the kegger. Teens happily took in the luxury of freedom after being stuck inside during the hurricane with their families. 
"You sure she should be climbing that? What if she falls?" Topper questioned, eyeing Sarah as she climbed the buoy and sat comfortably at the top. (Y/N) glanced at his blonde acquaintance with a knowing look, hands resting in his pockets as they walked toward the buoy. Topper Thornton's crush on Sarah had been growing ever more obvious since she had begun dating (Y/N). Sure, Sarah had her fair share of boyfriends but most got dumped within a week or two. However, her relationship with (Y/N) had been going steady for a while, to the point the Camerons predicted they'd be welcoming him into the family after they graduated; an honor most people on the Outer Banks would kill for. And with Ward's approval of (Y/N), Topper had to resort to hoping Sarah would view him in a more romantic light.
"Come down before you give grandma Topper a heart attack, Sarah!" (Y/N) called up to her, stepping onto one of the logs and offering her his hand. Sarah laughed, gazing out toward the ocean one last time before she leaned down, took his hand, and carefully climbed down off the buoy. Topper huffed softly, glaring at Kelce when the teen laughed loudly and gently bumped their shoulders together. The group made their way toward the crowd, greeting other Kooks and eventually finding a spot to settle down at. 
Night fell quicker than expected and Sarah linked her arm with (Y/N)'s, resting her chin on his shoulder. "Maybe we should grab a drink and take a walk." She said quietly and (Y/N) nodded, standing up and taking her hand in his. Topper jumped up at the chance and grinned at them, nodding toward the keg where drinks were being poured for anyone who walked over. (Y/N) exchanged an amused look with Sarah, following Topper toward the keg until JJ stepped in front of them with a wide grin.
"Sarah! Can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" He questioned, holding up the red solo cup. 
"No, thanks." Sarah dismissed with a shake of her head, prompting the blonde to tilt his head, his eyes flickering to the two Kooks with her. If any Pogue was quick to pick an argument with a Kook, it was definitely JJ. The blonde had no problem throwing the first punch and getting a talking-to from the sheriff. 
"Come on, is it not fancy enough for you?" He pushed further and his friend, John B, laughed at his antics. 
Before Sarah could respond, Topper cut in and stepped toward him. "You know what? I'll take it. Thank you, man. I appreciate it." 
"That's nice, but I didn't ask you. Now, if you said pretty please, then maybe. But you didn't." JJ shrugged his shoulders, his grip on the cup tightening slightly. Heads began turning in their direction and Sarah pressed herself further into (Y/N)'s side, quietly trying to get Topper to back off but JJ's words only ticked him off further. (Y/N) gently grabbed Topper's arm but he shrugged him off and moved closer to JJ. "So, Sarah, if-"
"She doesn't want it." Topper sneered, smacking the cup out of his hand and causing the beer to splash on JJ. The blonde quickly reacted, snatching him by the collar but before any punches could be thrown John B and (Y/N) got between them, pushing the two away from each other.
"Drop it, Topper." 
"You gonna let these dirty Pogues-" Before Topper could finish his sentence, John B whirled around and shoved Topper back, causing him to stumble backward. Pope and his other friends pulled him back with Pope desperately whispering to him. Topper clenched his jaw, fingers curling into fists as he stared at Topper. 
"Topper, don't-" (Y/N) reached out to grab him but Topper moved quicker than he expected, reeling back his arm and punching John B hard enough he fell down on the wet sand. Sarah and the others gasped loudly and Pope held JJ back from stepping in as Topper kicked the fallen boy, causing him to fall back again into the water, completely soaking him. The crowd began chanting, encouraging the two boys to fight and Topper seemed to back off after another kick but as he began stepping away, John B staggered to his feet and wrapped an arm around his waist, bringing him down into the water.
"That's enough!" (Y/N) called to the two, voice mixing in with others trying to get the boys to stop and others continuing to encourage the fight between them. The two stood up from the water, completely soaked and they quickly got entangled, throwing punches and trying to wrestle each other back down. (Y/N) kept his arm out in front of Sarah in case the fight moved further up the beach. They could only watch the fight from the sidelines, both sides knowing that if anyone else got involved it'd encourage more bystanders to join the fighting. The two broke apart for a moment and began circling each other with their fists up, throwing punches and shoving each other down onto the ground until Topper eventually pinned John B down, holding his head down by the waves. 
"Topper, stop! Do something, (Y/N)!" Sarah pleaded, grasping her boyfriend's arm desperately. Cursing softly under his breath, (Y/N) stepped forward only to stop as JJ quickly approached the two, something shining in the moonlight. His stomach dropped, feet keeping him planted in the sand when JJ pressed a gun to the back of Topper's head. At the sight of the gun, people began shouting and running to get away from the armed Pogue. Calls for Topper to stop quickly shifted into pleading for JJ to put the gun away.
"Kie, can you check your psycho friend, please?" Sarah called to her former friend, tears beginning to form in her eyes. Her voice pulled (Y/N) back and he swallowed, lifting his arms and slowly approaching them. JJ watched him closely, only pointing the gun away from Topper when (Y/N) grabbed him and pulled him away from John B. He winced upon hearing John B gasping for air and coughing, hands tightly gripping Topper's arms and dragging him back toward Sarah.
"Everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" JJ shouted into the night, firing off two warning shots in the air, the sound alone sending more teenagers off running to safety. Pulling Topper along, Sarah and Kelce followed, frantically glancing back at JJ and his friends in case he decided Topper needed a harsher lesson. Moving through the trees, (Y/N) listened to the sound of teenagers leaving the area as quickly as possible until he reached his jeep and threw the door open, practically throwing the stammering Topper inside.
"H-He had a gun-" Cutting Topper off by shutting the door, (Y/N) sighed deeply and faced the two, motioning for them to get in the car. (Y/N) opened the driver's side door and climbed in, turning the car on and waiting for everyone to settle down before peeling off, the tires kicking up sand and trash. Topper continued to stammer and talk, switching between defending himself to calling the Pogues psychos and dangerous. (Y/N) reached for the radio, turning up the music to tune him out, hands tightly gripping the steering wheel as the adrenaline in his veins began dying down, leaving him with exhaustion. 
Dropping Kelce and Topper off at their places, (Y/N) finally lowered the music and glanced at Sarah, taking her in. She had lowered the window sometime before dropping the boys off, letting the cool night air blow in her face and mess with her hair. She toyed with the end of her short dress, leg bouncing and teeth nipping at her bottom lip. "You okay?"
"After all that?" Sarah breathed, lightly shaking her head. "I can't believe Kie hangs with them."
"Topper was trying to drown him, Sarah. JJ could've gone about it much differently but it did stop the fight. I doubt Topper will be messing with them again any time soon." (Y/N) pointed out, pulling into the Cameron driveway and coming to a stop by the front doors. His gaze lingered on them for a moment before he turned to look at her. "Want me to come inside for a bit?"
"I'll be fine," Sarah said, lips finally forming a smile. She leaned over and kissed his cheek, leaning back slightly and gently bumping her nose against his. "See you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow." (Y/N) smiled, watching her hum and lean back, pushing her arm against the door as she opened it. Hopping out, Sarah closed the door and rounded the jeep, lifting her arm to wave at him before stepping inside the mansion. (Y/N) stepped on the pedal, driving down the other end of the driveway and back out into the street. The streets were dark, apart from the glow of some large houses casting out onto the road. (Y/N) neared his house, sighing deeply at the sight of it. No cars in the driveway, no lights on, and no parents waiting for him to get home to eat dinner together. 
Pulling into the driveway and shutting the engine off, (Y/N) slumped back in his seat and peered down at his discarded phone in the cupholder. He pressed his lips together and picked it up, turning it on and tapping on the screen. Looking at his message, he felt his stomach twist when he had to scroll to find the last conversation he had with either of his parents. Finding one and tapping on it, he hummed softly. His last message remained unread despite having been sent weeks prior and neither one of his parents had called to check in after Agatha. 
"Home sweet home." (Y/N) whispered, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of his car. Shutting the door and putting the alarm, he strolled toward the front door, finding no urgency in stepping inside the empty, lonely house.
 At least in the Cameron household, he was treated as family. Always a spot at the dinner table for him, always a hug ready for him from Ward or Wheezie, and even Rafe checked in on him from time to time. So, when he opened the door and stared into the darkness inside, the only thing he wanted to do was get back in his car. But he didn't. Instead, he took a deep breath and flickered on the lights.
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emmi-kat · 6 months
I just want to grab Riley Poole by the shoulders and shake some sense into him.
"You think like Ben and Ben is always right"
NO the HECK he is NOT!
BOY, Ben almost got you killed on MULTIPLE occasions!
He wouldn't have ever even known there was a map on the Declaration of Independence if you hadn't come along and helped him find The Charlotte. (And that's without that goofy line about Riley wanting a yacht. Ben spent 30 years trying to find Charlotte and wouldn't have come close without Riley's calculations.) Much less pull off that heist without your technical expertise. You literally guided him every step of the way!
Not to mention breaking into his ex's HOUSE to steal her government work ID/key card (which he again couldn't even do without you). Or treating her the way he did on the rest of that adventure. Or treating you the way he has! He should have been at your book signing. He could have been at your book signing (even with the after-presentation examination of the diary page and going hone with his dad, he still had time to sit wait for Riley who probably left his own signing early after his car got towed and he had to walk home). He brought a book to wait with!
Riley is too smart and talented and capable to depend on Ben Freaking Gates or to put Ben on a pedestal that way. He deserves so much more.
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Quality Over Quantity
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TW: angst. Smut. Fluff. 
SUMMARY: Your relationship with Trevor is strained from a lack of quality time. He makes it up to you just as you find your own way to do the same…
Word Count: 2600
@beautifulvoidwinner asked
HI! Over the few days I've fell in love with your work. I was wondering if I could put in a request for a fanfic of trevor from hellraiser, maybe a fluff and smut? 
So Basically Y/n and Trevor haven't been spending a lot of time together because he's been getting a lot of shady jobs causing him to not have a lot of time for you so 1 night after work he decides to go vist Y/n at work (she's a bartender) and they start quietly fighting about how much he's neglected her, after her shift they both go home and have sex (so that he can show how much he loves her) then they apologize for everything that was said (while they were fighting), after all that they cuddle and watch a movie maybe??? 
- Your newest fan 
Quality Over Quantity
You should have been used to his absence by now, and yet it set you in a bad mood for the duration of any day you couldn't wake up in his arms. Which had become more and more frequent. A set of schedules never quite in tune as they once may have been as you were left making up for the role he now failed to continue. Such thoughts continued through your mind as you made the bed, craving the specific way the sheets were left in disarray into the way you clawed at them from the multitude of sensations that made up for the time apart. But now it only seemed to be a bittersweet reminder of passions left to simmer. If only you were able to feel the same attention from your boyfriend as the patrons at the bar, you wouldn't have crossed the threshold with that same scowl. 
"Still nothing?" Your colleague and closest friend asked as she finished off a martini for an elderly woman and you crafted a Negroni for a collegiate male trying to impress some girl with his drink of choice. 
"You know, playing hard to get has yet to fail."
"I don't have to. He's never home…" You sighed with your hand set on your hip as you stood in wait for another customer. 
"Maybe motivate him a bit?" A decorative cocktail sword was positioned at the already unlatched button of your uniform top. 
"Slip away to the bathroom and send him a few photos? Bet he'd come home pretty quick…"
"I can't…He is just trying to help make bills. I just wish he didn't have to have such weird hours…weird jobs, too…" She nodded. 
"Well I miss when you smiled. So do what you have to do and just let me know if I need to cover ya." 
A series of smirks and orders broke up your conversation until you became swamped with the happy hour crowd. Those coming in after dinner or with significant others had been the reason you didn't need to follow in Trevor's steps. The tips were well worth the misogynistic comments and sexualized glances. Even those bold enough to hit on you despite the fact you offered only the necessary smirk to warrant a compliment in the form of a few singles. 
"How much?"
"Still not enough for my yacht." You teased.
"Maybe enough for your break to be spent with me?" A familiar voice drew your eyes upwards as you found his tired gaze looking at you with relief. 
"Do you-" You turned to your friend, her arms already pushing you out from behind the bar before you could finish your question. 
"Take care of our girl." She hinted to Trevor, who offered a grin of discomfort before you pulled him to the booth in the far corner. 
"I only have a few minutes before I have to get ready for the delivery for later but-" You let out a sigh, retracting your hands as he'd taken hold of them over the surface of the table. Arms crossed at your chest, eyes focusing on the stain of this specific table, he moved closer towards you. 
"I promise it won't always be like this…"
"You said that last time. Months ago…"
"I'm trying…" He expressed a self-deprecating exhale. 
"I hate waking up alone. I hate seeing you only to say goodbye…Do you even remember how long it's been since we…"
"I know. Believe me, I know…But I also can't let everything fall on you."
"So it's your pride…Trevor if it means we get to see each other, just let me-"
"No. I'm supposed to take care of you, feminism and masculinity aside, I want to."
"Then be home…I miss you…" 
"I have to go…" He explained as his phone buzzed, an alarm set to remind him of the need to be punctual. 
"Soon baby…I promise." You allowed the swift peck on your lips but kept still as he produced it. His own frustration would be felt but ignored by you both until he left. As you returned behind the bar, you threw yourself into the remainder of the shift. Wishing everyone a safe night, you moved back to the direction of your apartment at the end of the block, climbing the stairs and struggling to open the door with your frustration. All because you knew what awaited you on the other side of that door. 
Another night of entertaining yourself with some rerun played only for background noise as you ate a meal heated up for the third night in a row, finishing with a lukewarm shower and fighting tears as you fell asleep. At least this was how the other nights had gone. 
The second the door came open, you saw candles lining every surface. The cheap kind with a sentiment meaning as much as the most expensive of wax illuminating the scene. 
"It isn't homemade or anything, but it's the effort that counts, right?" He asked while pulling the takeout containers from the restaurant he'd taken you on your first date. 
"They didn't have those sauce packets you like, so I went to the store and got two that if you mix together should come close…oh, and I'll do the dishes, consider it-" His list was enough of an aphrodisiac against your former frustrations. Pulling him down into you, you fisted the fabric of his oversized shirt until you felt him understand your desperations. 
"You're not hungry?"
"Not for that." You explained as he smirked, taking over the lead as he began at your shirt. A gentle touch to your skin beneath rivaled the best behind your eager grip to leave him bare for you. Even if you knew his body well, rode against his muscles in thrusts as both receiver and instigator, you craved it more now than ever. Having felt prohibited to touch him until now. 
"Wait, don't you have a job in-" You paused as your eyes came to the clock behind him on the stove. The very one that had only ever been used once since you moved in with him. 
"Only one job I need to focus on…" He explained as he teased your hand against his swollen seam. You bit your bottom lip. 
"Tonight's about you, baby…Making up for so many nights alone."
"That is quite a feat, Trevor. So many nights alone…" He smirked. 
"Better get started then." You were lifted around him and into the bedroom, tossed rather abruptly on the bed before he stood between your legs. 
"Did you know this when you went to see me earlier?" He paused. 
"I moved some things around. Prioritized…" You grinned. "So you're mine tonight."
"I'm yours every night." You explained as he pulled your pants clean from your legs, exposing the plumb lace left beneath. 
"Yeah? Well then I've been missing out…" You watched him as he kissed along your thigh as your leg bent in unrest. A sweet string of kisses towards your sex already had your eyes in a roll and your back in an arch as he continued to your center. 
"Just feel me, baby…" His low tone added decadent sensuality just before the volt of pleasure as he began slowly between your folds. His tongue was the artist to your blank canvas below, the intention to cover you to drip for him, a masterpiece possible by his tongue alone. Your fingers ran through the short buzz of his hair, desperate to pull at the absent strands that found accomodations in the sheets at your side. But with each rise of your hips to deepen his tongue or motion for more, he would only slow. 
"I have a lot of nights to make up for…"
"I need more…" To that, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before resting back over you. Palms to the bed for only a moment as he kissed you sweetly enough to forget of anything but his tongue grazing your bottom lip. 
"Don't need this…" He spoke to himself as he dismantled his belt and you crossed your arms over your torso in order to remove your shirt. It took only a second before you were left in only your lingerie. 
"If I thought this was happening, I would have worn something that matched…"
"What do you mean?" He asked as he kissed your breasts. "It's my favorite pair…" Your eyes narrowed. The old bra with the worn clasp was definitely not among your favorites so you questioned how it could be his. 
"Any pair I can make wet are my favorite." You blushed, unaware how you missed such dirty words until now. Even such promiscuous words he somehow made so sweet. 
"But my absolute favorite are the ones on our floor…" He grinned, pulling down the center of your bra until your nipples were exposed. 
"This still feel as good as before?" He asked, taking one nipple behind his teeth, sucking it slowly as his tongue moved over the hard mound. All while his hand accommodate the other side. When you didn't respond in anything but a pair of parted lips and unsteady breathing, he mirrors his motions now to the other side. 
"That good, baby?"
"Please, Trevor."
"You don't have to beg…Just show me what you want…" You rose your hips against his lower abdomen. 
"You wanna be on top?" You nodded. 
"Anyway…." You confessed as his smirk widened. 
"Dealer's choice? That's unfortunate for you, baby…" He kissed you sweetly, onto to set you onto your stomach. 
"It's gonna be a long night…" But where you expected to feel a quick and rough penetration from limiting patience, you found him to pull you to the very edge of the bed. His tongue returned to you, only now, from this new angle. 
"Trevor…TREVOR!" You called out to him in repetition born from desperation and need. 
"Fuck, you're already close for me, aren't you?" You whimpered, facing him and finding only his eyes just peeking from over your ass. His fingers gripped into the sheets having existed as further evidence of his affect on you. 
"Fuck me. Trevor…I can't take it…" 
"Not yet, baby…"
"Please…" You winced before he stood upwards, a swift slap to your ass before that same hand climbed along your curves and to your cheek. The rest only came when he took your hair. 
"I missed how you look at me…On your knees." You were quick to take the hint, crawling into position as he moaned to the feeling of only your breath on his naked cock. 
"It's been a little bit. But I know you remember just how I-" His breath hitched as you took him slowly at first. Savoring his taste and the automatic precum from the initial connection, you took him in depth as your name became the motivation to bypass the discomfort of his length. 
Your hand came in a wrap at his base, twisting to his tip as your tongue broke from his shaft and to the sensitive and heavy spheres beneath. You took your time seducing him, his inability to speak acting as proof of your success. 
"Now." Was all he could muster as he pulled you back up to him. A deep and tender kiss rivaling the selfish need to claim you at this instant, even through your tears and rasps left behind from your endeavors. 
"Trevor…" You moaned as he pinned you beneath him with his weight. His dominant hand pulling both above your head. 
"Don't hold back on me…I want to hear just how much you've missed this…" He explained just before that initial thrusts. The body already failing beneath you as he hid his groan into your chest. Once that first sensation set the stage for the growing pace, be refocused on your body. 
"Fuck, you feel so good…" He groaned with your breast taken by both his hand and his mouth as you writhed against him. 
"Harder!" You pleaded as he obliged. 
"That good baby?"
"Kiss me…" He consented once more. Only now, feeling your desperate breaths behind his lips. 
"Oh my God!" 
"Not yet…"
"I can't wait…"
"Baby…with me…" He slowed before lifting you around him, your body set in a new position of a straddle as you reclaimed dominance as he served as an outlet beneath you. Nails tracing down your shoulders and to your hips until he kept you in place to offer. A break to the ache forming in your thighs. 
"Baby-" Trevor warned as he pulled you even tighter into him, his cheek at a rest against your breasts. 
"Ah…Ahhh!!" A pornagraphic moan left your throat as he took you into your back one final time, ending the final thrusts just as he'd become. Slow and steady. The flex of his cock to release himself would prompt the beginning of overstimulation for you as he lowered between your breasts again. 
"Keep coming baby…" Two fingers back inside of you, pushing his cum in place for further lubrication, and a second release was already in the near distance. Your hands wrapped around his determined hand as he quickened with each thrust. 
"I fucking love hearing how wet you are…" 
"Ah!Mmmhmm! It's too much-"
"Shhh…" He bowed over you. "Just a bit more for me, baby…" Your eyes rolled as he kissed your lips, enough to feel you tremble and ultimately unbuckle for him again. This time, spurt after spurt as you soaked his arm and torso.
"I told you it was too much…" You defended yourself. 
"Wrong…That's just enough…" His eyes darkened before he pulled you to the edge of the bed. 
"Trevor…I need a minute…"
"I know, baby…let's get you cleaned up…we both need it now…" You smiled and followed him the best you could with trembling thighs as he brought you into the shower before him. A tender exchange more sensual than erotic and you were cleaned off with the softest of intentions before you faced him in the mirror. 
"I love you, baby. I'm sorry I haven't been around…but I promise that I want to be…and I'll try to…" 
"And I promise to make it worth it…" You teased on the tips of your toes, ghosting over his lips. His cock swelling beneath the towel. 
"Oh, I'm not done with you tonight. But I still need a minute to recover from before. You always drain me, baby." 
You chuckled as he pulled you to the couch. 
"So what are we watching?" He cocked his jaw, pulling up a DVD from the rental place on his way home. The food from earlier reheated and set on your lap for consumption. 
"Some old movie…Hellraiser…ever heard of it?"
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 
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sparklepocalypse · 5 months
Five fun facts AU, because you know how much I love the tentacle fic: *chants* Mermaid AU mermaid AU mermaid AU
xoxo MJ/kiwiana-writes
Well hi, @kiwiana-writes! While I’ve definitely got some more tentacle fic on The List, mermaids are something I haven’t actually considered. UNTIL TODAY.
One: Henry absolutely despises yacht bros. They’re the worst type of human: loud, destructive, drunk, and they won’t keep their dumb arses out of his part of the ocean. And he means this both literally and figuratively, because he rarely sees other humans flinging themselves over the rails of their boats and into the surf.
Two: White Gladis hates yacht bros far more than Henry, and despite all his protestations that she and her pod are going to get the humans’ attention where nobody needs the humans’ attention to be, she is determined to sink as many yachts as possible. There’s even a betting pool in one of the local shoals, much to Henry’s consternation.
Three: The human Coast Guard doesn’t always get there in time. As much as Henry despises yacht bros, he doesn’t actually believe they deserve to drown in the deep just because they’re deeply stupid. He starts… casually hanging out on the periphery of Gladis’ pod, just in case the Coast Guard is delayed.
Four: He rescues his first yacht bro a week later, off the coast of Gibraltar. The water is choppy that morning, which gives Gladis and her protégés excellent cover for some hull ramming and rudder biting, and in the chaos, Henry spots the most beautiful human he’s ever seen… just before the human trips, and topples over the rail and into the churning waves below, without a bloody life vest on. For a moment, Henry is stunned — and then he realizes the human hasn’t resurfaced. Henry dives.
Five: Henry wishes he could say that the yacht bro remains unconscious while Henry’s towing him toward the shore. Unfortunately, he wakes up about fourteen seconds after they’re back on the surface and immediately starts babbling and touching him. After pretending not to speak English for the first few minutes, he finally snaps and tells the yacht bro he’ll answer his questions if he’ll stop poking Henry in the damned gills. Henry confirms that yes, he’s a merman, and yes, he’s sure, and yes, he’s been a merman his entire life, and no, he won’t sing “Part of Your World,” and yes, he is going to put the human on land. In return, he learns that the human is named Alex, that he’s American, and that he’s the son of the American President. Knowing what he does about the American Navy, Henry nearly puts Alex back where he found him. He swears Alex to secrecy — although he understands he can hardly trust a human he’s only just met — and in exchange for his silence, Alex asks Henry to meet him on the beach the next day. So Henry does. And then the next day. And then the day after that…
Send me an AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts about it!
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
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AN: It’s about to be a hot mess at the end. Fair warning for you to get readyyyyy 😘
Synopsis: You have been seeing Jack for an entire year and early on when you met, you were told to sign an NDA. What happens when you find out the person that you thought you knew had an entire separate life from the one he created with you?
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Please do not repost my content anywhere
"Will I see you this weekend?" You asked your boyfriend of one year and four months over Facetime.
You had been missing him since you last saw him two weeks ago.
You knew he was busy.
I mean your boyfriend was Jack Harlow after all.
And nobody knew except the both of you.
And that was okay.
You liked being able to go out in public and not have anyone following you around with a camera just because of who your boyfriend is.
"I'm going to do my best, baby. But, no promises. It's just so much going on."
"I know, but you deserve a break once in awhile too."
"I know, I work too hard but how am I supposed to buy the expensive ass shit you want if I don't mamas?"
"I know. Oh and I decided which bracelet I wanted."
"Just send me the picture baby girl. If you send it to me tonight I'll make sure you have it by the weekend."
"How about you hand deliver it to me with kisses in tow?"
"That does sound tempting..."
"Well you didn't flat out tell me no so I'll hold out hope."
"Soon we'll be able to be together how we want to be. Everybody is going to know. Just a little while longer."
"And I can't wait for that."
"I'm putting that ring on your finger too."
"Princess cut?"
"Anything my baby asks for she gets."
"I love you but you need to go to sleep because you can barely keep your eyes open."
"I love you too mamas and I am. I'll call you tomorrow, promise."
"Okay can't wait until then."
You both blew kisses at each other before hanging up and you were nothing but smiles.
He was the first man in your life to literally sweep you off your feet.
You didn't work, pay bills or anything.
Jack did everything for you.
And I mean everything.
He bought you a new condo, upgraded your car to a range rover, and paid all your bills.
Bottom line was he spoiled the hell out of you and didn't want for you to lift a finger.
So you spent your time shopping, having spa days with your best friends and going on expensive trips.
And you loved every second of it.
Jack had promised that within the next year you two would be married and start a family like you both wanted.
You had to start on those eight daughters sometime.
However, explaining how you lived the expensive life that you did was difficult to your family and friends simply because of the signing of the NDA.
They saw your Instagram filled with you going to Cabo, Dubai, Japan, Indonesia, and the Maldives and there was never anyone else pictured with you.
All that you would say to them is that you got by how you needed to and that's all they needed to know.
They damn sure didn't say anything when you were able to throw a yacht party for your mom's 50th birthday because the yacht was in your name.
Courtesy of your future husband of course.
Here you were 25 years old, about to married to the man of your dreams.
And nothing was going to get in the way of your happiness.
It was Saturday morning and you woke up with two arms wrapped around you and all you could do was smile.
He was here.
You turned so you could face him and was immediately met with those baby blues that you loved so much.
You placed a kiss on his nose before moving yourself closer if that was possible.
"When did you sneak in here?"
"About two hours ago. I love watching you sleep."
"Naw mamas. You just look so peaceful. Even if your bonnet is falling halfway off."
"Imma let that slide one time and one time only."
All Jack did was smile and place a kiss on your forehead.
"You like your bracelet?"
"Wait, what?"
"Look at your wrist, baby."
And sure enough there it was.
A bracelet from Tiffany and Co. with a simple heart charm graced your wrist.
"Thank you, it's perfect. It actually looks better than the picture."
"Because it's on you."
You rolled your eyes so hard you thought that they were going to get stuck before laughing.
"You are such a cornball Harlow."
"Only for you though."
"Better be only for me."
"So, I wanted to ask you something."
"Yes, I'll marry you."
All Jack did was laugh before tickling your side.
"Not yet mamas. I want to do it right. I haven't even gotten your ring made yet."
"Then what is it?"
"I'm headlining Forecastle and I want you to be there."
This was huge.
You both in public where someone could see you and take pictures?
"I know what you're thinking but I'm going to fly you out, put you up in the best hotel and fuck you senseless that entire week."
Well shit, you weren't about to argue with that.
"You know I never turn that down but... won't someone see us?"
"You don't have to worry your pretty little self about that. I got everything handled baby girl. You just have to bring yourself."
"And that won't be a problem."
"I wanted to ask you something else."
"Well aren't you full of surprises this morning?"
"I just.... I promised you all those things for a reason. I'm going to make it all happen. But, are you willing to move?"
"Like another county over?"
"No baby. Across the country. Kentucky specifically."
You had literally never lived anywhere else but your home state for your entire life so that would be a huge adjustment.
A huge adjustment that you were willing to make.
You were down bad for this man.
"Well yeah, I know you've been wanting to move back for awhile so.."
"I need a definite yes or no mamas."
"Good because I already bought our house."
"Jackman Thomas...."
"I know you'll love it and if you don't we'll make adjustments until you do."
"You bought us a house?!"
"I have never been as serious about someone in my entire life and I want this with you. No reason in me waiting around for someone else to come and snatch you up."
You didn't know what to say you were floored.
"Please say something baby girl. You got me nervous over here."
"I definitely wasn't expecting that but I'm okay with it. Wouldn't want to be doing this with anyone else."
"I literally cannot wait to marry you."
It was the night of Jack's performance at Forecastle and you were so excited that you could hardly keep still. As promised he had spent the entire week with you in that hotel room and he didn't disappoint.
You had just found out you were pregnant earlier in the day and couldn't wait to tell Jack after his performance.
Looks like you were starting early in the kid department.
He told you that he would have you in a little VIP section off to the side because knowing you, you would have headed straight toward the pit and Jack would probably have a heart attack if he saw you with all of those people surrounding you.
You simply showed your special lanyard to security and they led you to where you would be sitting.
And it had a perfect view of the stage.
Jack was due on at any minute and everyone around you was hype.
You put in a specific request for him to do Heavy Hitter since that was one of your favorite songs.
Shit, if it was up to you the entire Confetti album would be the setlist since it was your favorite.
You then spotted Urban making his way towards you and you weren't even sure if he knew who you were but apparently he did.
Or knew enough to let him know how important you were to his best friend.
"Hey Y/N, Jack asked me to come and check on you."
"Oh hey. I'm fine. Got a perfect view of the stage."
"If at any time you need something just ask security and they'll come and get me. He's excited that you're here."
"Okay, I will and I'm excited too."
You left it at that because you didn't know how much Urban actually knew. Just because he was Jack's best friend didn't mean anything.
It almost looked as if Urban wanted to say something else but decided against it and left it at that.
"When it's over he says to go back to the hotel and that he'll meet you there."
"Can't wait."
You were in awe as you watched him perform simply because this was the first time you actually got to see it in person.
And he didn't disappoint.
"So I have a special request from a beautiful fan. When she saw me earlier today, she asked me if I could do one of her favorite songs. It wasn’t originally on the setlist but she was gorgeous so I couldn't tell her no."
The crowd was so hype trying to figure out what the song would be while you were just sitting there smiling the entire time.
"Alright pretty girl, this one is for you."
The beat dropped to Heavy Hitter and if the crowd was hype before, they were going insane now.
When Jack finally spotted you, he winked and all you could do was smile.
Since Jack told you to meet him back at the hotel room, you went and got yourself comfortable while also taking the time to display his surprise gift where he would learn that he was going to be a father for the first time that you went out and got earlier today.
Everything was a go when there was a knock at the door.
You were confused as to why Jack didn't just use his key, but you figured that he might have forgotten it.
You practically ran to the door and flung it open only to be met with a medium height dark haired woman who looked about your age dressed as if she just came from the festival herself.
"Umm, hi. Can I help you with something?"
"Are you Y/N?"
"Yes, how did you know my name? Who are you?"
"My name is Ava Harlow and Jack is my husband and the father of my kids. I think we need to talk."
Part 2
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female-malice · 7 months
A pod of orcas has attacked and sunk another boat in southwestern Europe after relentlessly bombarding the vessel and its crew for almost an hour on Halloween. It is the fourth time that orcas from this region's population have sunk a vessel in the last two years.
On Oct. 31, the Grazie Mamma — a mid-size sailing yacht owned by Polish cruise company Morskie Mile — was attacked by an unknown number of orcas for around 45 minutes oof the coast of Morocco in the Strait of Gibraltar, Morskie Mile representatives wrote in a Facebook post translated from Polish.
The orcas repeatedly hit the yacht's rudder causing major damage and allowing water into the vessel's hull. Despite receiving aid from the Moroccan Navy and being towed toward safety, the boat eventually sank as it entered the port of Tanger-Med in Morocco. All passengers were safely evacuated to rescue boats before the ship sank.
The unusual attack is the latest example of one of many unnerving new orca behaviors that have highlighted the striking intelligence of these deadly predators. 
Since 2020, orcas have been regularly harassing boats in the Strait of Gibraltar — a narrow strait between Spain and Morocco that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea — and the surrounding waters off the coast of the Iberian peninsula. (continued)
I love them so much 🥰
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neonponders · 10 months
Part 39 for @wrecked-fuse ‘s pocketverse 🧜🏻‍♂️ ~ marine biologist!Steve x shark!Billy with his pilot fish guppies 🍣
Part 37 & 38 (merman!Billy x marine biologist!Steve)
Part 36 (main plot)
Part 31 & 32 (werewolf!Billy chapters haha)
( pt. 7′s art 🎩 ) ( pt. 9′s art 👀 ) ( pt. 14′s art 💨 ) ( pt. 19′s art 🦇 ) ( pt. 20′s art 🍳) ( pt. 27’s art 🦦 )
~ on ao3 ~
• • •
A quiet boat. That’s what Billy had said.
Steve presumed this meant a boat without an engine, but this cut Steve’s options in half. He didn’t know how to use any kind of sailboat - yet. He put that on the list of classes to take - and the matter of price made his options even more limited.
He decided on renting an ocean kayak as well as a satellite radio and a nautical gps because he had no idea what Billy intended. If the shark abandoned him in the middle of nowhere, he might have a chance to get himself back to shore.
In the shallows of their customary beach, he practiced paddling around, both seated and standing. He tipped himself on accident a few times, one of which had him coming back up in Billy’s arms. You call this a boat?
Steve wiped his eyes and shook his head for clarity. “I have conditions if we’re going somewhere.”
The subject got sidetracked by the littles greeting, “Hi, Stevie!”
“What’s this thing?” Small Billy smacked the side of the kayak and darted back to Billy’s side.
“It’s a kayak,” Steve said, wiping his eyes as Billy let his feet sink to the sand. “Billy said to bring a quiet boat. This is the best I can do in a day.”
Steve pressed the pads of his fingertips into Billy’s chest, warranting a lifted brow. “We can’t go far. If I can’t use an engine, I need enough energy to get back here. I’m not as strong as you.”
“I know,” Billy said, but it echoed a little in Steve’s mind. Maybe he wasn’t good at separating mental and auditory things the same way he couldn’t kiss without a little teeth.
For some reason, Steve felt like they were at an impasse. “Can I ask where we’re going?”
��You never asked before,” Billy said, and unfortunately he was right. Steve had always trusted him.
“This time I’m asking.”
“Not far,” Billy answered, scrutinizing the backpack Steve had tied to the front of his kayak.
“Could you not do that?” Steve droned as his rope got untied, but Billy ignored him to rework it to the front of Steve’s kayak.
“Get on, pretty boy. Would hate for you to get too tired to swim.”
“Why does that sound like a threat?” Steve countered, but he figured out what Billy intended. Once seated on his rented plastic salvation home, Billy started to swim with the kayak in tow. Steve felt bad. Sharks were like cheetahs; they could do impressive bursts of speed, but they were lazy endurance swimmers. Steve hoped his paddling relieved at least a little of the strain.
He and Billy had different measurements for ‘not far,’ but they stayed within a mile of the shore. Jagged pieces of land, not big enough to be an island, went by as well as clumps of reef.
Steve didn’t know what he expected. A sunken ship? An abandoned yacht? No, humans would notice those. But a cave was not it.
Billy must be able to feel or read his thoughts, because he stopped before the break in the cliff face to breach the surface and look at him. Steve felt his heart in his ears. Everything about this was different. He was used to seeing Billy in turquoise waters, so much blue, green, yellow, and pink. Not darkness. There was no way the littles lived in darkness. Colorful fish needed sunlight.
“You live in a rock closet?” he all but spat.
“Home is safe.”
“Where’s the sunlight?”
Little Steve held onto Billy’s hair as he tried to say above the choppier water, “It’s inside, Stevie! The fwont’s gotta look scawy to keep the bad fishies away.”
Little Billy joined him. “Thewre’s a beach inside. You gotta come with when the waterw’s down.”
That hole is usually covered, Steve’s brain reeled. What was he going to do? If Billy had finally decided to eat him, it’s not like Steve could out-swim him. And he’d constantly broken the hiking and sailing rules about telling people where he was going or when he’d be back. Nobody would come looking for him, except maybe his work colleagues when he’d missed too many shifts.
He rested the paddle on his lap, resigned. Billy took that as his cue to keep swimming. Steve had to use the paddle as a rudder to thread the needle of the opening. It was large enough for three or four kayaks to pass through, but with the sea swinging widely, he could become a bug splattered on the rocks too fast.
Once inside, the water was calm and aglow from the sunlight outside. Veins of light rippled over the rock ceiling. Steve’s heart bounced ferociously between the black tip of Billy’s silver tail and every new turn the winding tunnel made. Sometimes a stripe of rock would glitter, full of quarts flecks. If Steve wasn’t busy trying to figure out what he wanted his last words to be, he might appreciate it all more.
Of all the things he expected to see - fish skeletons, human debris like beer cans, maybe a piece of a boat or airplane - he did not anticipate the color green. Green like leaves. Green like there were holes in the ceiling, and the holes were getting bigger. Leaves and grass sprinkled the water from where masses of foliage hung over the collapsed sinkhole rims.
Steve was so busy looking up that he yelled when his kayak struck land. Small Billy giggled. “Scarwedy Stevie.”
Little Steve swam in excited figure eights. “Wewlcome to our beach!”
Steve carefully stepped out, glad that the stalagmites stood by the walls and not all over the floor. The beach had some soil and sand but was largely solid rock underfoot. Steve dragged his kayak up to where a long stretch of grass grew lush and green directly underneath the sunlight. Hopefully this area stayed dry during high tide.
“It’s pretty,” Steve admitted, and it was. He could see some wildflowers on the fringes of the biggest hole, and a butterfly fluttering around them.
Billy’s hand grasped Steve’s ankle, but didn’t pull. When Steve looked down at his long form stretched out over the beach, Billy said, “Let’s swim.”
Steve unpacked his flippers, snorkel, and mask. In the water, he crawled on his fingertips since the littles darted all around him, but after Billy took his hand, he gently kicked behind him.
The biggest sinkhole was just down the beach and around the corner, large enough for a couple of boats to anchor in. It made sense why Billy called this place home; with the above ground compromised, no humans would dare settle here, and any predators would have to risk entrapping themselves in the narrow tunnels.
This main room had sand and tall kelp that provided more hiding places if the littles needed it. When small Billy heralded, “Stevie! Fowllow me!” he followed the fish into the vast green swaying like hair in the gentle current.
“This is my shewll,” Billy said, managing to lift a shell no bigger than a dime. The inside of it was bright, watermelon red.
Steve tried to say, “Pretty,” under the water, but he settled on chipper humming instead. He pointed to his dandelion yellow shirt today, and the littles sorted through their shell collection until they found the yellowest one.
Little Steve moved on to a spot of sand. "We’ve got these ‘cause they wook wike big Biwwy.”
Steve helped him dig through the top layer of sand and made an awed sound over the collection of pearls. He touched his chest and gestured upward, where they followed him up so he could breathe and say, “Do you have a favorite?”
“Biwwy, obviously,” little Steve said.
The former laughed. “Yeah, he’s my favorite too. I like the blue and green ones. They look like your tails--”
Steve couldn’t say more, because a certain shark grasped one of his flippers and pulled him under the water. They spent a while playing Kissy Fish, which is just a variation of tag, but they were in Billy’s home terf and Steve tried his best to keep his flipper kicks gentle in their home. The consequence was his mask getting knocked off, a lot of kisses, and a bite on his leg that had him swimming back to the beach.
“Okay, okay. I need water and rest. Ow, this feels like a jelly fish sting.”
The littles knew that Steve needed fresh water, but beyond that they didn’t really understand. He sat on the beach, tossed his flippers onto his kayak, and guzzled from his two liter bottle as they spoke just as much to him as with each other.
“We twied swimming in borwing water.”
“It wasn’t borwing. It made me dizzy.”
“The snaiwls were yummy, but the water was dizzy, yep.”
“Stevie, why do you dwink borwing water but taste like us?”
He shrugged and offered, “Because we’re the same. We’re both salty; you just have a tail, and I have legs.”
His gaze lifted and he frowned a little at Billy pacing back and forth, black tips of his fins reminding him of the tips of cat tails.
“But why do you need borwing water then?” small Billy asked.
“We both need fresh water, but I drink mine and yours comes down as rain and rivers.”
Small Billy beached himself on Steve’s knee cap, chin poised on his little fist to think over that. “But we don’t swim in wivers.”
“That’s good for me. It’d be hard for me to find you in a muddy river.”
Billy smiled. “We found you firwst.”
“Stevie?” his smaller self asked. “Do you wike shewll meat?”
Like clams? he wondered, just in time for Billy to emerge with a bushel of oysters in his hands. Considering he’d only brought a sandwich and pickles today, a grin brightened his face. “I sure do.”
All three fish stared at him when he removed his shirt to use as a scrub for the oysters. “What? You knew it wasn’t attached.”
The littles whispered to each other while Billy sank so only his nose and eyes gazed at him over the water. All Steve had to work with was how Billy’s face had flushed a rich pink. Steve defended weakly, “No biting.”
Billy crawled in between his legs, his shoulders knocking Steve’s arms out of the way for him to climb right up and kiss his mouth and purr, I’ll bite whatever I want.
“BIWWY!” the littles screamed as Steve slumped backwards onto the grass and weeds.
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sanjoongie · 10 months
Bucket List Mini Masterlist
ღSummary: You take a summer off to check off your personal bucket list but what you don’t realize is you become a beacon of hope for three lost boys {Summer Event for Kvanity network}
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Vampire! Wooyoung
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ღSummary: You’ve always wanted to explore an abandoned building and this summer you’re actually doing it. You pick an orphanage that had been closed since the 70’s, aware of the myths surrounding it. What you didn’t expect was to find a vampire in the process.
Wooyoung's past explained
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Incubus! Hongjoong
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ღSummary: After a long day of driving, you’re looking to put your head down at the nearest motel, unknowing that the owner was an Incubus and you were not going to get your intended rest
Hongjoong's past explained
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Werecat! San
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ღSummary: Wooyoung accompanies you to a trip to the lake and low and behold, you encounter another supernatural being, but Wooyoung isn’t angry about it
San's past explained
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ღSummary: With San and Wooyoung in tow, the three of you backtrack to the motel where you met Hongjoong and offer an escape he’d been searching for. Not that he expected it to occur on a yacht
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d3marine · 1 year
What Parts of a Yacht Need Regular Maintenance?
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Yacht repair is just as crucial to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and megayacht owners as operating the boat. Superyachts need substantial financial outlays, and numerous components of this asset need routine maintenance to ensure reliable functioning. The major objective of the superyacht refit in Dubai is to maintain the yacht's regular functioning for many years.
Yacht maintenance is crucial for travelers' safety and their own peace of mind. With increasing yacht size comes an increase in system complexity. In this blog post, we make an effort to outline the various yacht components that need routine maintenance. The value of your cruise yacht will also be preserved with regular maintenance of these components.
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kayssweetdreams · 10 months
A "Perfect" Vacation Ch 42
Meanwhile, With Prim...
Prim had managed to grab Aria and escape the dogpiled groups as she made her way back to where Yuri, Dolly and Kaylo had been stashed. She told the guards to hide them once the chaos began to occur, and she wasn't about to lose AGAIN. "Girls, C'mon now. It's time to leave." She said, her voice dripping with fake honey.
"Coming mother." The girls said in perfect unison, much to Aria's horror "What did you do to them?!" She gasped as Prim grabbed her arm again "The same thing I'm going to do to you dearie" She sneered her eyes gleaming with the same insanity from the first time. Dragging Aria with her, she pulled her over to a nearby yacht that was ready to go. "Now then. Let's go and pick up my dearest Roy shall we." Prim said, now trying to force Aria to take the same pill.
"YURI!! KAYLO!! DOLLY!! WAKE UP!! HELP!!" She shouts, trying to fight off Prim, but the woman slams her to the ground, and tries to forcefully shove the pill into Aria's mouth. "They can't hear you. And very soon, you'll be joining them, and be a part of our 'Family'" She cackled out, to Aria's horror. That's when Jett crashed directly into Prim, knocking her off Aria, making Prim angrier.
Prim shrieked, grabbing a nearby harpoon for the next time that Jett swung around. "COME OUT NOW YOU LITTLE BRAT!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO OBEY ME!!" She screamed, gazing at the blue haired teen. "No. I'm. NOT." Jett growled, having enough of Prim. In an instant, he grabbed the arm Prim was using to hold the harpoon
And snapped it like a twig.
Prim screamed in agony at her demolished arm as Jett grabbed Kaylo, Yuri and Dolly, who were oblivious to everything going on. "Aria! C'mon!" He said, zooming back to the hotel, girls in his arms...but not before giving Prim another electrified punch to the face, hopefully knocking her out "C'mon! While she's unconscious!" He said as he quickly zoomed back to the hotel with the girls in tow.
Aria followed as fast as she could on foot (which...isn't that as fast as Jett whatsoever.) Back to the hotel. "I hope there's still enough antidote to cure them!" She said as she ran through the foilage in the jungle...
And not noticing Prim slowly waking up.
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
Jett belongs to @jettthespeeddemon
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cantsayidont · 8 months
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December 1971-January 1972. If you've read any number of comic books at all, you probably have an idea what Jack Kirby stories dialogued by Stan Lee sound like. Here's a fine sample of Kirby's own writing and dialogue, unmediated by Stan Lee, in one of the best stories in perhaps the greatest series Kirby did at his creative peak: "The Glory Boat!"
The premise of "The Glory Boat!" is relatively straightforward: A squad of ocean-going villains from Apokolips called the Deep Six is wreaking havoc throughout the Atlantic Ocean, so Orion, champion of New Genesis, sets out to stop them.
Into his path comes a life raft containing three ordinary people, the survivors of a yacht wrecked by the villains the night before. Taking the raft in tow with a magnetic force beam, Orion follows a signal from his Mother Box (the sentient living computers of New Genesis and Apokolips) that leads him to "an ugly, misshapen craft made of aged wood--with a bound, man-like figure for a mast," as seen on the cover above. Having no time to take the shipwreck survivors to shore, Orion brings the three to this curious vessel, where he discovers that the figure on the mast is his friend Lightray, previously captured and bound by the Deep Six. Once Lightray is free, introductions are made:
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This issue was published during the Vietnam War, so Richard Sheridan's conscientious objector status means that he's not merely a pacifist, but has been able to convince his draft board that he is so philosophically opposed to war that they have granted him alternative service. Achieving this, especially if you weren't a clergy member of some kind, was not easy, but Richard's father, Farley Sheridan, is obviously unimpressed. Lightray, however, finds it perfectly reasonable — although note the ironic cut to Orion, who is definitely not "like that!!" (Although he's a defender of New Genesis, Orion is a curiously feral individual, the reasons for which Kirby had not yet revealed at this point in the series. Orion himself is something of a monstrosity: the son of Darkseid, raised by his greatest enemy.) On the other hand, while Lightray is at least superficially more sympathetic than Orion is, note that he's really quite condescending, a consistent feature of his interactions with Earth people.
Orion and Lightray investigate the cabin of the strange craft, and discover that it houses a ghastly mutated thing, which Orion calls a "Sender" and which is controlling the sea monster the Deep Six are using to destroy ships. Orion is prepared to kill the Sender, but Lightray insists, "It shouldn't be destroyed!! It should be changed!!"
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Lightray's Mother Box is in the front of his headpiece. In the original Fourth World books, Kirby modeled the Mother Box on tefillin, which are small leather boxes containing scrolls with Torah verses. Tefillin are worn strapped to the head and the arm; the New Gods generally wear their Mother Boxes on one or the other. (Orion, the contrarian, usually carries his on the front of his Astro-Harness, the glider he uses to access the Astro-Force.) Note that while Orion obviously understands what Lightray is doing, this is all Lightray's show; even Orion has to cover his eyes at the forces Lightray is unleashing.
Mother Box reduces the Sender to a cube-like "basic life form," but this is only the beginning of its transformation. Over the next few pages, it becomes "techno-active," growing and changing into something quite different, as we'll see.
Meanwhile, the Sheridans have what's clearly just the latest in a long series of arguments between Farley and Richard, with poor Lynn (whose nerves seem understandably shot) caught in the middle. The gist is that Farley, who, like Kirby, is a WW2 veteran, thinks that Richard's pacifism makes him a coward, declaring, "Well, at least I fought! When my outfit hit the beach at Normandy, I walked into that rain of bullets with the rest of them!!"
This argument is interrupted by the arrival of Jaffar, one of the Deep Six. Confronted by this monstrous creature, Farley freezes in terror, but Richard chooses to fight for his father and sister:
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Despite Lightray's earlier contention that transformation is an alternative to destruction, for Richard Sheridan, it means not only death, but also the loss of his identity, in a way that obviously parallels the way Lightray previously turned the Sender into a simple "life cube." Another important point here is Jaffar's acknowledgement of Richard's futile courage; grudging respect for an opponent engaged in a struggle they can't possibly win is a device that recurs throughout the Fourth World saga.
Orion responds to this atrocity by killing Jaffar (the second of the Deep Six he's killed; he killed another in the previous issue), but seeing his son reduced to a literal faceless victim is too much for Farley Sheridan. He's gotten what he said he wanted — his son has leapt into harm's way when called — in a uniquely awful way, and his mind snaps:
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Richard Sheridan is dead, but his journey isn't yet over. As his father imagines himself back on the beach on D-Day, Lightray carries Richard's body to the heart of the "techno-active" transformation still taking place within the weird craft. Orion, meanwhile, straps Lynn into his harness to carry her away from the imminent confrontation with the rest of the Deep Six. Farley Sheridan remains:
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A lot of Kirby's dialogue in this series has the pace and cadence of a stage play. Note how Farley and Lightray narrate parts of the action the reader can't feel or hear. Unlike a stage play, though, this isn't a way of talking around battle scenes or vistas that can't be shown — there will be real fireworks, and imminently. Rather, Kirby uses this technique to add a sense of anticipation and gravity to the situation.
Orion grapples with the rest of the Deep Six on the deck of the wooden boat, which soon catches fire. However, there's still a bigger threat on the horizon: the villains' mutant leviathan, which is fast approaching, drawn by the signal of the transformed "Caller." To Orion's annoyance, Lightray has occupied himself making some seemingly dubious tactical decisions. A central aspect of Lightray and Orion's friendship in the Kirby stories is that Lightray is not really a warrior at heart, often seeing the war as an elaborate game. This frustrates Orion, sometimes for good reason, but it also sometimes gives Lightray insights Orion lacks:
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Richard Sheridan is still dead, but the techno-active process has now restored the face that he lost when he chose to abandon pacifism to fight for the lives of his father and sister. Meanwhile, the big wave Lightray spoke of before is finally breaking, revealing the leviathan, the ultimate product of the Deep Six's more horrific transformations. However, Lightray has prepared an answer for that as well. This is what finally emerges from the transformed Sender, the final form of the "Glory Boat" of the title:
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This strange torpedo collides head-on with the leviathan in an apocalyptic cataclysm: "Thunderous notes!— White-hot, elemental and all-consuming!! A Wagnerian offering to the Source!!" Lightray, who can fly at incredible speeds, carries himself and Orion away as the explosion consumes the leviathan, the Deep Six, and the mortal remains of Richard Sheridan. As for his father:
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We can probably assume that Lightray and Orion later go back to retrieve Farley, or at least tell rescuers where he can be found — Orion is gruff, but he does have some concern for bystanders — but Kirby chooses to end on this tableau: Farley Sheridan coming to his senses, but still trapped in the wreckage of his shattered ideals.
This is heady stuff, and unlike many of DC's attempts at "relevance" in this period, it doesn't boil down to an obvious conclusion. Farley is a fool, to be sure (interesting, then, that he's the character closest to Kirby in age and experience), but the story isn't a straightforward endorsement of pacifism or even the need to change and compromise, which more conventional liberal morality plays (e.g., Star Trek) generally treat as the highest form of virtue. (Orion and Lightray kill all of their opponents in this story, and not even Lightray proposes that they talk it out!)
There's a line I often hear from comics fans and even comics pros who ought to know better to the effect that Kirby couldn't write (or, more offensively, couldn't write without Stan Lee to smooth things out). It's true that Kirby was never one for naturalistic dialogue, or the kind of quips and topical references that superhero comics often substitute for characterization, but "naturalistic" and "realistic" are not synonymous with "good." The Fourth World books in particular are largely unconcerned with realism (although they do contain a variety of topical references, some very pointed), but they're thematically rich and often vividly characterized, and Kirby's narrative drive and flair for the dramatic have few peers.
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archivist-crow · 6 months
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On this day:
On the evening of December 22, 1967, hotelier Dan Burack and his friend, Father Patrick Hogan, left a Miami marina in Burack's twenty-three-foot cabin cruiser, Witchcraft. Burack was the ultimate safety man and had installed plenty of lifesaving gear, as well as having flotation built into the craft so that even if the vessel capsized, some part of it would remain above water. The two men planned to head a short distance out into the bay to view the Christmas lights of the city.
They had reached Buoy #7, less than a mile from shore, when Burack sent a message to the coast guard that he had been hit by something from below and would need a tow back to the marina. He said that there was no emergency. If the situation changed, he was ready to fire flares to direct the coast guard to his exact position.
Responding immediately, the coast guard reached the area in less than twenty minutes. Searchlight beams flooded the area, but there was no sign of the "unsinkable" boat or any debris, lifejackets, or passengers in the water. Over the next six days the search had spread out to cover 24,500 square miles, but no trace of the yacht was found. There was no indication that it sank, yet it had disappeared so quickly that there had been no time for Burack to fire a flare, and was lost so thoroughly that there was no evidence it had ever existed.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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mareislandfoundation · 3 months
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Life and Death at the Gate
At dawn on Sunday, 25 June 1950, the North Korean army crossed the 38th parallel supported by massed artillery fire. With the support of the Soviet Union the invasion was based on a false claim by North Korea that South Korean troops had attacked first. The real aim of the invasion was to take by force and subjugate South Korea under rule of the current North Korean leader's grandfather and his sham democracy. Condemned by the Free World, the invasion drew the first ever response by the United Nations, primarily supported by U.S. troops and aid. The war has technically never ended, and it resulted in millions killed and over 100,000 U.S. servicemen wounded or killed in action. In recognition of the coming carnage, a short time after the invasion, the World War II era hospital ship USS Benevolence (AH-13) was towed from a mothball fleet to Mare Island Naval Shipyard (MINS) in the San Francisco Bay Area to be taken out of mothballs and recommissioned. The US Navy Hospital Ship Benevolence would never make it to Korea. She tragically sank just minutes outside the Golden Gate while returning from sea trials.
Benevolence departed Mare Island at 0800 on 25 August 1950 for limited sea trials following recommissioning. Eight and a half hours later the fully loaded freighter SS Mary Luckenbac passed under the Golden Gate Bridge in thick fog bound for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Visibility was reported to vary from 300 to 400 yards. Radar had become common place by the 1950’s, but the Mary Luckenbac‘s radar had malfunctioned and was turned off. As the Mary Luckenbac passed under the bridge, she was on a collision course with the Benevolence returning from her sea trials. Aboard the Benevolence the radar was on and operating, but for some reason the crew was unaware of the approaching freighter. Both ships had bow lookouts posted and were operating their fog horns, but their combined closing speeds of 27 knots would doom the Benevolence. At an estimated 1,000 yards bow lookouts on the Benevolence sighted the bow wave of the approaching freighter. Benevolence began blasting the emergency signal on the ship’s horn as both ships attempted evasive action. It was too late, within three minutes the freighter slammed into the hospital ship raking her compartments open along the port side.
Following the collision both ships vanished into the fog. Unaware of the extent of the damage to his ship, Captain Barton E· Bacon on board the Benevolence gave no orders to prepare to abandon ship. However, within 5 minutes his ship’s main deck had sunk to sea level at the bow and she was listing 45 degrees, too far over to launch the lifeboats. The Benevolence had managed to transmit a message requesting emergency assistance just after the collision and then radio contact was lost. Twenty minutes later the Benevolence rolled over and sank in the shipping channel between Pt. Bonita and Seal Rocks. Five Hundred and twenty-five men and women went into the frigid water as the outgoing tide scattered them further out to sea. As word of the disaster spread a small armada of fishing boats, yachts, coast guard and naval vessels began scouring the seas in the thick fog looking for survivors. Survivors would continue to be found and pulled from the sea for nearly two days and as they were landed by rescue ships the Red Cross handed them a carton of cigarettes and the Service’s gave them booze. In the end eleven Navy, ten Military Sea Transportation Service and two MINS tradesmen were lost.
The Benevolence laid just beneath the waves in the south shipping channel as a hazard to navigation for sixteen months as separate courts of inquiry were held by the Navy and Coast Guard on Treasure Island and in San Francisco respectively. While the inquiries were underway MINS was directed to study the possibility of salvage. A no cure no pay request for proposals was sent to Bay Area salvage firms to evaluate the feasibility of salvage. A tanker suffered a minor collision with the Benevolence hulk, before MINS officials determined that salvage was not feasible, and the decision was made to remove the hazard with explosives. When you visit the USS San Francisco memorial near Lands’ End on the 49 Mile Scenic Drive and look out to sea you are overlooking the site of the Benevolence sinking.
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