strawberriemarswrites · 4 months
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Chapter Summary: You're having some interesting dreams lately, and one day after work you catch some unwanted attention. Good thing someone's started following you home. Pairing: Bartolomeo x F!Reader Rating: Explicit, NSFW Chapter (18+ only; PiV sex) TW: public harassment, Barto's full-on stalking now, first dream is nice and steamy but the second dream at the end involves a bit of gore Ao3 Link: Chapter Seven (2,877 words)
Spring melted into Summer, and you quickly learned the AC rattled for just a bit too long whenever it turned on. It hadn’t yet been pushed to its limit, but it left you worried that it would kick the bucket when the first truly scorching day rolled around. It worked for now, at least, which was a godsend given the more pressing matter at hand.
Namely, someone pressing into you while you were bent over the kitchen counter. You weren’t entirely sure how you got there, or how Bartolomeo got into the apartment, but things had apparently escalated quickly.
His hands gripped your hips, your toes grazing the floor with each languid push. He nuzzled the shell of your ear, and you were surprised his septum ring was still cold against your skin, sending shocks down your spine.
“Sweetheart,” he purred, his voice impossibly low.
“Barto,” you whined, his name echoing despite the small space. “More.”
He obeyed, pulling out almost completely only to slam back in, his pace increasing. He was long, that much you knew, even though you hadn’t seen it. No matter how deep he pushed, he always seemed to be able to go even deeper, his cock dragging against your tight walls as his pace grew more erratic.  
“My girl. Mine.” He punctuated his statement with a hard thrust, the rough handling contrasting sharply with the soft kisses and playful bites on your neck and shoulders. Sparks flew through your veins as the head of his cock pressed against your sweet spot. You hardly recognized yourself through the animalistic cry that wrenched free, your cunt being pushed to its limit.
Right on the cusp of release, a familiar rattling sound cut through the air.
Blearily, you opened your eyes. You were flopped over on your couch, dried drool on your cheek. The AC was wheezing to life, pulling you from your delicious reverie.
You groaned, covering your face. “Fuck.”
It was a beautiful evening as you got out of work for the day. The sky was a gradient of pinks and oranges as the sun began its slow descent below the skyline. Its reflection glinted off of buildings and cars, filling your vision with little sparks of gold.
The darkening sky made it easier for Bartolomeo to keep an eye on you as he followed you home, keeping three buildings between you and him.
For all intents and purposes, he could have casually walked up and passed off his presence as a coincidence, as if he was just out running errands. He imagined you’d ask if he wanted to walk home with you, something he’d do with all the enthusiasm of a puppy playing with his favorite toy. Maybe you could stop at the diner, and he’d actually get a chance to show that he loved the little brushes of contact with your legs against his. Maybe he’d even get to feel those legs around his hips—
Bartolomeo shook his head, expelling the thought. This was why he was following from a distance. He didn’t trust himself not to overwhelm you with advances, or let slip one of his more lewd thoughts.
You were blissfully unaware, a slight spring in your step as you walked down the steps to the subway platform. He watched you swipe a train pass and waited for you to turn the corner, before jumping the turnstiles and resuming the pursuit.
He’d never admit that, despite the risk of being caught, he was starting to get a bit of a thrill out of the whole situation. You hadn’t said anything about noticing break-ins in a while, which meant he was getting better about hiding his tracks. On occasion he hid on the fire escape when he knew you were awake, or sat by your door and listened to you play with Luffy or sing to yourself. Part of him felt guilty still, but that part was slowly getting quieter as he continued to get away with his antics.
Following you was another step down into the obsession pit. Bartolomeo could justify it to himself all he wanted to, despite the obvious truth. He boarded the subway car behind yours, watching your back through the windows.
The car you chose was less crowded than usual for this time of day, devoid of the locals you’d grown accustomed to seeing. It wasn’t completely empty, as there was a group of people near the front of the car who were too loud for the tiny space, horsing around and engaging in general foolishness. Not long after you sat down and started to look at your phone, however, the volume died down somewhat, replaced with some muttering and hushed snickering. Maybe they were being more considerate now that someone else was in the car with them.
If only they were that kind.
A few minutes passed before a shadow loomed over you. Startled, you looked up.
A blond man with sunglasses was staring down at you with a wide grin. He had two long scars across either side of his face, giving him an almost ruggedly handsome appearance, if it weren’t for the fact he was leaning over you with imposing intent.
“Hey there, dollface,” he said. “Traveling alone?”
You bristled, tucking your phone away. “I’m meeting someone.”
He laughed, “Sure you are. Who’re you meeting? A boyfriend?”
You shook your head, pulling your shoulders in, instinctively making yourself smaller.
The man laughed, “Aw, no need to be shy. I’m just making conversation.” He suddenly leaned over you, putting one hand over the back of the seat. “Tell you what — why don’t you ditch whoever it is and come join us?” He tipped his sunglasses down. “I’m sure my friends and I could show you a fun time.”
You tried to inch away, pressing yourself closer to the cool window. “I’m just meeting a friend. I’m sure we can have a fun time by ourselves.”
“Maybe they can join us. The more the merrier, right?” He cocked his head, looking you up and down. “If they’re half as pretty as you, you’ll both look good on either arm.”
You suppressed the urge to gag, instead shaking your head again. “I’m really not interested in a night out, thank you.”
“So a night in, then? I don’t mind going back to your place.”
You ground your teeth, a dial in your head moving a few notches from flight toward fight. Why couldn’t this guy take a hint? Abruptly, you stood, throwing him off guard enough that you were able to push past him and stand by the doors. “No. Thank you. Maybe some other time.”
One of his friends piped up from the front of the car, “Come on, Bellamy. She said she’s not interested.”
He shot the group a glare before smiling at you again, his tongue peeking out between his teeth as he regained his composure. 
“Your loss,” he said with a shrug and leaned against a support pole as the train slowly pulled to a stop. “See you around.”
You couldn’t get off the train fast enough, not caring that you were still several stops away from the apartment. You took off at a brisk jog, rushing back up to the open air and hugging yourself as you tried to come down from the adrenaline rush. You knew your way to the next station, you could get back on once the train came back around — surely they’d all be gone by then. The sky began to darken further as you slowed back down to a walk, pushing your hair back with a shaking hand. Granted, it was a brief encounter, but you were confident you’d had enough excitement for one night.
With that thought, you again tempted fate.
As you came up to the next subway entrance, you grew increasingly aware of a chill down your spine. Initially, you chalked it up to the slight drop in temperature of the crisp summer evening, but it started to feel more like there were eyes on you. You rounded the signpost for the subway entrance, trying to casually catch sight of whoever may have been behind you—
On the entrance stairs was the scarred man — Bellamy, was it? — surrounded by his entourage.
“Hey there, dollface.” He grinned, his tongue darting out between his teeth. “Where’s that friend you were meeting?”
After assessing each one of his friends in turn, the dial in your brain switched back to flight so quickly the knob broke. 
Voices shouted behind you as you ran faster than you believed you ever could, your steps thundering against the concrete. You couldn’t tell if the streets were strangely empty, or if you were running past people so fast that you stopped seeing them, only registering them as obstacles to dodge as you fled. You probably should have cried for help, but by the time you thought about it, your voice was lost in your lungs, smothered by the chilled night air that filled them. The only thing on your mind now was run.
Just as you made a sharp turn into an alley, a hand shot out and grabbed your arm, finally wrenching free the shriek caught in your chest. You clawed at the hand grabbing you, glaring daggers at Bellamy as he took off his sunglasses to stare down at you.
“Aw, you’re even prettier when you’re pissed off,” he laughed, lifting your arm over your head. With a sickening lurch in your stomach you felt your feet leave the ground, and your shoulder strained as he effortlessly held you up like you weighed nothing. He stopped when he had you dangling a good few feet above the sidewalk, his eyes wide and manic. “I’ll give you another chance: lemme show you a nice time, huh?”
It probably wasn’t the wisest decision, given the position you found yourself in, but it was the only thing you could think to do. You felt your palm sting and your feet hit the concrete before you fully realized you slapped him, hard enough to make him drop you. Staggering, you took off again in the direction you came, weaving around Bellamy’s friends only to run straight into someone’s chest. Panicked, you balled your hands into fists before you looked up and saw whose chest it was.
Bartolomeo put an arm around your shoulders and held you close, staring straight ahead at his target. In spite of the red creeping into his periphery, his expression was calm, only showing the bare minimum of the rage he felt firing through his nerves. “There a problem here?”
Bellamy’s troupe gave him a wide berth as he approached, a fading red handprint on the left side of his face. “What’s it to you?”
“Nothin’,” Bartolomeo started gently coaxing you behind him. “Just a friend passin’ through.”
The cocky grin from before slowly crept back up as Bellamy made eye contact with you. “Guess you weren’t lying after all about that friend.” His gaze then met Bartolomeo’s. “Not all that pretty though.”
“Funny,” Bartolomeo smirked, “that’s not what your mother was sayin’.”
Bellamy seethed, cracking his knuckles. “Looks like you and your little bitch need to learn some manners.”
Bartolomeo’s brow ticked and he took a step forward, before he felt you lightly pull on the back of his leather jacket. He looked down to you, putting an arm around your shoulders.
You tugged on his jacket again. He was outnumbered, and you really didn’t want to see him get hurt. “Come on, he’s not worth it,” you said. “Let’s just go home.”
His expression softened slightly, his fury abating. “You sure?”
You nodded, and he relented, turning his back slightly—
Before ducking out of range of a right hook. He backed up to keep out of Bellamy’s reach, nudging you further behind him. Bellamy threw another punch, and Bartolomeo brought both fists up to protect his face. 
You quickly backed away from the fight, surprised to see the rest of the group do the same, as Bartolomeo swung from the left. As Bellamy went to block, he was struck from the right and nailed in the solar plexus, knocking the wind from him. Fueled further by the anger flooding his veins, Bartolomeo started wailing on his face, the sound of flesh hitting flesh and crunching bone echoing against the buildings.
You flinched with each hit, unable to look away as Bellamy’s face turned bloodier and more bruised. One of his friends tried to step forward before another one stopped him, muttering things between them before giving Bartolomeo a wide-eyed stare and backing up further.
Finally, the sounds stopped, and Bartolomeo shoved Bellamy backward toward his friends. He looked dazed, for as much as one who could barely see through the swelling on his face could, blood staining down the front of his shirt. Cuts on his cheeks and nose stood out sharply against the bruises, and he struggled to stand upright, before staggering back and being caught by two of his bigger comrades.
Bartolomeo turned back to you, barely having broken a sweat, knuckles bruised and his shirt spattered with blood.
You gaped, your heart racing, and a faint flush crept to your cheeks.
That is. Disturbingly hot.
He pulled you to his side with an arm around your shoulder, holding you close as he led you from the bloodbath. “C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s get home.”
When you returned back to the apartment, you spent way too long in your living room helicoptering around Bartolomeo and dressing his knuckles, trying to insist that you treat his shirt with peroxide, and fangirling about how he handled that fight. He happily let you do so, even allowing you to shove an icepack into his less bruised hand to take with him, despite him having plenty of first aid material already. He was just relieved he’d gotten off the subway in time to follow you, and that you hadn’t noticed him when you were trying to get to the next station.
And he was relieved to show that prick what happens when someone messes with his girl.
Later that night as you slept, you felt a weight on your chest. You tried to move it, assuming it was Luffy, but your arms wouldn’t listen. You tried to roll over, but your body wouldn’t budge. You felt hot, heavy breathing across your face, and with immense effort you managed to open your eyes.
Bartolomeo was straddling your waist, his arms on either side of your head to keep his body from completely pinning yours down. His lips were pulled back into a snarl, his eyes glowing. His teeth looked even larger, especially up so close. Puffs of steam came from his mouth as he breathed, and in the darkness you weren’t sure if what was dripping from his lips was drool or blood.
You couldn’t stop the snarky part of you from saying, “What large teeth you have.”
Bartolomeo’s snarl turned into a grin. It was definitely blood coming down from between his teeth. His voice came out low, layered over itself as he growled, “Better to eat you with.”
The weight on your chest moved, and you looked down. There was a pile of gore, gently beating.
“A gift?” you asked, your voice detached and distant.
He leaned down to your ear, “Our heart.”
An interesting word choice. Not “my”, not “your”. Our heart.
His tongue slid over your cheek as he pulled away, leaving behind a dark, wet trail over your face. Your arms finally responded to your demands as you reached up to try and keep him in place. But your hand slipped right through him, instead landing right on top of the messy heart on your chest.
It felt strangely furry, and made a very confused “mrrreep”.
You opened your eyes with a gasp. No Bartolomeo, no heart, just Luffy wondering why you awoke him from his sleep. You pushed yourself upright, surveying the room.
Nothing. No one. Just you and the kitty.
And it was uncomfortably hot in your bedroom.
You groaned and gently nudged Luffy off of you, stretching as you rolled out of bed to find a box fan. There was no way in hell you were going to try messing with the AC this late at night. You retrieved the fan from the hall closet, flicking on the light in your room as you dragged it over to the window to the fire escape. Before you could push it open, something on the floor caught your eye.
Flecks of rust, dirt, and chipped paint were scattered around near the window. You groaned, crouching down to look at them a bit closer. You knew you vacuumed just the day before, so where the hell did the stuff come from?
You got your answer when you opened the window and bits of rust shook loose, littering the carpet.
It occurred to you that you’d never opened this window before now.
Everything you had been trying to ignore, everything you thought had been resolved, all of it came flooding back, pouring in from the window and sending debris to your floor.
Someone had been in your bedroom. And the fire escape was how they got in.
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Bartolomeo is canonically OBSESSED with the Straw Hats so I'm imagining him head over heels for a Darling and being that obsessive kind of yandere. Keeping a shrine for them, getting all giddy if they look at him, almost passing out when he gets to smell their shampoo and soap...
Eagerly diving down to worship them after using his barrier to keep them with him while he confesses his love to them, cuddling them and being so happy to be close to them
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Just wanted to hop in and say that I’m so excited for when you reach the Dressrosa arc, because Bartolomeo is just the perfect platonic yandere for Lizard… (and maybe romantic for Lucky..?)
And what’s good/bad (good for Lizard, bad for everyone else) is that Lizard would absolutely get along with him and love his troll-gremlin-goblin behavior, taking notes on how to be an even worse menace to society
And also:
Lucky, fed up with yandere BS and desperate for a break, seeing how Bartolomeo pisses off an arena full of people just by being there:
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And then later, when Bartolomeo burns Shanks’ flags on multiple islands and replaces them with the Straw Hat flag, Doll calls him on the transponder snail and just says “You are brilliant. I love you.” And hangs up. Bartolomeo almost dies from joy.
I'm really excited to get to that arc too! I saw film red when it was in theaters (I am obsessed with Ado, I had to), and it took like three seconds of screen time for Barto to endear himself to me. He's a goofball and I love him. I cannot put into words how disappointed I was when I checked to see when he debuts and saw that it was like over half way into the series.
I can very much see Lizard and him getting along and taking notes from each other on how to be the most feral gremlin possible. Doll is definitely going to become his number one fan the second he starts burning down Shanks' flags, and might even recruit him into helping with her plan to eliminate him (heavily dependent on if she can get Kid to be okay with it).
I do plan to make him a romantic yandere for Lucky. He's already obsessed with the Straw Hats, it just makes sense. However, thanks to how much he worships them, he refuses to take Lucky away which leads to him being the general favorite amongst the Straw Hats as far as Lucky's suitors go. Lucky gets along well with him too, and has gotten him to use his barrier on multiple occasions to shield herself from the other yanderes. Bartolomeo is on cloud nine because not only is he helping a Straw Hat, but now he gets to spend a prolonged amount of time with her while they wait out whoever was pursuing her.
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olinblogin · 7 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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thepepsislvt · 4 months
here i will have the links to everything!! yippe!!
Fluff 💜
Angst 💔
Ask 🤍
Oneshot ✨
Headcannon ‼️
Song inspired 🎵
Drabble 🌈
Samuel Ask 🏳️‍⚧️ (sam is my best friend)
Tulip my beloved 🌷
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Law x Gender Neutral Reader (Mutual Pinning) (Samuel ask) 💜🤍✨🏳️‍⚧️
Law Relationship head cannons (Samuel ask) 💜🤍‼️🏳️‍⚧️
Donquixote ‘Corazon’ Rosinante
Corazon x Ftm Reader (Comfort with transphobia) 💔💜✨
Corazon Pros and Cons 💜‼️🌈
Portgas D. Ace
Punk!Ace x Male Reader (Birthday gone wrong)💜✨🎵
Ace Pros and Cons 💜‼️🌈
Bartolomeo the Cannibal
Bartolomeo x Gender neutral reader (Relationship headcannons) 💜❤️‼️
Bartolomeo x Gender neutral reader (Cute things he does) 💜🤍‼️🌷
Bartolomeo x Winged! Gender neutral Reader 💜🤍‼️🌈🌷
Bartolomeo Pros and Cons 💜‼️🌈
Did you enjoy the show? (Bartolomeo x Short chubby Gn Reader) Part 1 Part 2💜🤍✨
Bartolomeo Biting Drabble ❤️🤍🌈🌷
Punk Modern Au Bartolomeo 💜🤍‼️🌷
Nsfw Piercing headcannon ❤️🤍‼️🌷
Pepsi goes insane and got barto headcannons ❤️‼️
Yandere!Bartolomeo x GN Reader💔✨🎵
Nsfw Bartolomeo x Virgin Reader ❤️🤍🌷✨
Black Leg Sanji
Sanji Pros and Cons 💜‼️🌈
Izou Pros and Cons 💜‼️🌈
Nsfw Alphabet ❤️‼️
Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy x Ftm Reader: Periods 💜🤍✨(the headcanons)
Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid
Dating Kid and Killer 💜🤍‼️🌷
Relationship headcannons ft kid n killer❤️🤍‼️
Cowboy!Kid “Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy” ❤️🤍‼️🌷
Kid n Killer with a Popstar/Rockstar S/O
Dating Kid and Killer 💜🤍‼️🌷
Relationship headcannons ft kid n killer♥️🤍‼️
Cowboy!Killer “Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy” ❤️🤍‼️🌷
Kid n Killer with an Popstar/Rockstar S/O💜✨‼️
Don’t see your baby girl? please ask i’m begging 🥺 requests are open
i strictly do Gender neutral/Trans Masc/Male reader bc there’s not enough out there :(
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
hi franky!! i’m so excited for the halloween prompt list 👀 could i get prompt 8 (vampire) or h with a yandere twist for sanji or bartolomeo? thank you! ❤️
Okay this was fucking fun and I really hope you enjoy it my dear <3
Sanji x GN Reader Prompt: Cursed SFW YANDERE - HORROR THEMES Modern AU Word Count: 928
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Nightmares, terrible nightmares flashed through your mind. They weren’t filled with monsters and demons though, no ghouls lurked in the corner of your mind to chase you screaming through the forests that had been planted in your mind. The nightmares that twisted and clawed at you as you ran were ones of factual nature, people, awful people that wanted to harm you, to ruin you, to do things considered worse than death.
You woke up screaming, body drenched in sweat, hair plastered across your forehead, and nightshirt clinging to your clammy chest as it heaved, gasping for breath, gulping down air, your hands balled up in the sheets as you heaved and tried to tell yourself it was alight, you were safe, this was your room.
Still, though, the coat that had been hanging on the back of your door lay slumped on the floor and the window was open a crack, you didn’t remember having opened it. Staring out the window, into the night sky where the moon greeted you.
Such terrible nightmares had started out of nowhere.
Sitting at your laptop with a tea clutched in one hand, you started to scroll and sighed a little, trying to work out why they’d started. Using the internet to ask your questions you found article after article that you’d been cursed and if you’d read that week ago you’d have laughed at the ridiculous notion of it all.
Now though? Now it felt heavy on your shoulders, gravity in the truth that rang out in the back of your mind. It felt real, it felt like this word summed up everything that had been happening to you. 
The strange online messages started to come in, random anon messages, accounts on discord you didn’t recognise. They said such an assortment of things, from crude comments to declarations of undying love, how the person would die without you.
You couldn’t stand looking at your laptop or your phone, no matter how many times you deleted, blocked or changed accounts they would follow you. 
Crying into your hands as the phone screen kept flashing, lighting up your dark bedroom for a moment you took a shaky breath, grabbing it, and ignoring the messages you looked online, how to break a curse, how to break a curse like the one placed on you.
You needed to confront the person who had set it upon you, and make them take off, if that failed you’d have to go to drastic lengths.
Please reply my love, I would die for you, I would give anything to be at your side! I can help you with your little problem….
Taking a breath you opened the message up and reapplied. You had a feeling the messages and the curse had been connected. Alright, please come and meet me, at the park at 6 pm.
I can’t do 6 my dearest! What about 10? I promise I would never hurt you!
Your heart beat faster, shit, you’d been right that they knew you. You had been so vague and random about the ‘park’ and they knew what one you meant, they did know you, they were close to you and you jumped up quickly, checking all the doors, all the locks, shutting the curtains and feeling the tightness of panic in your chest.
You would simply tell a friend to meet you there, if you had someone in the area with you nothing bad would happen. You just needed to get this over and done with.
Sending a message to your best friend you told them to meet you at the park, the time and you’d tell them what it was about when you got there, that it was going to be okay, you hoped.
Standing in the park under one of the few streetlights you looked at your phone and clicked your tongue in annoyance, there was no reply from your friend or the stalker. You sighed and leaned against the light, gently bumping your head against the cool metal as you glanced around the area.
A small red light appeared in the distance, it bounced with the sway of walking, you looked up and griped your phone harder, having not heard back from your friend you felt panic erupt in your heart as your breathing became ragged but the small light got closer and closer.
The person stepped into the light and you sighed, letting your head flop forward as you laughed at how stupid you’d been, the red dot had been the light from Sanji’s cigarette. He took a drag and puffed it out into the chilly night air and raised a brow at how you were acting.
“Sorry, I’m a little late.” He said and walked closer to you, putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close against him and you let him, melting against the comfort of a familiar face, his warm embrace.
“It’s fine, for a moment I thought you’d stood me up.” You mumbled and closed your eyes, you were safe with him.
“Were you worried I was the crazy bastard who sent all those messages?” He said with a laugh and held you with both arms.
“Huh?” You opened your eyes.
You’d never told Sanji why he needed to meet you, you hadn’t told him about the nightmares, that you were cursed, that you were being stalked…
“Curses are a bitch to lift even for those who cast them I’m afraid.” He mumbled and gripped you harder. “But I’m here, I’ll protect you from them…”
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rosinantecigarettes · 10 months
★ ★ ★
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★ i paint my nails black. ★
9teen. she/him. english isn't my first language, keep in mind the possiblity of having a few mistakes.
MDNI, my page is for +18, i'm not responsible for ones that fake their age but, if i catch a minor, i'll block. ageless blogs incluided.
I won't write for -18 characters nor age them up. I won't write incest or step-cest, extreme bdsm (piss or related & others), yandere much less things or kinks involving lack of consent.
I will only write what I'm comforable with and i'll gladly ignore requests that involves anything I don't like. I mainly write for chubby/plus sided readers (gn, male and fem (trans incluided)
★ ★ ★
what's real love for them (sanji, corazon, law. part 1)
what's real love for them (smoker, kid, killer. part 2)
what's real love for them (luffy, zoro, mihawk. part 3)
period sex (law)
when the reader likes to make eye contact and smile (buggy, law, bartolomeo, koby)
requests are open!
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damagedintellect · 4 months
Hey, so I saw you made a writing tier list for BSD I was wondering do you have one for One Piece. I gotta know if we have the same brainrot!! Love your work btw <3
💌 Oof I'm not gonna lie this was hard, also I did it on my phone so that didn't help either
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💌 If people want to make request I’m 100% down and here’s my list of how motivated towards characters I would be! This could be romantic, platonic, sibling/family dynamics, yandere, whatever the case may be. I just like writing and character dynamics are my bread and butter.
💌 No one is surprised that Law stands alone at the top, I have several fics posted and more wips then I know what to do with /w\
💌 Buggy, Ace, Sabo, Sanji, Luffy and Zoro are all characters that I will think about & if I see an x reader for them I'll probably read that too. I've written some things for them but Sanji's the only one I posted for.
💌Brook, Corazon, Mihawk, Shanks, Franky & Perona are all people who I think are neat and could probably write for, I've just never had a solid idea for a fic.....I just realized Koby & Helmepo weren't on the tierlist like at all they would proabably go here.
💌 Bartolomeo, Katakuri, Bonclay, Gangsta gastino(Ceaser) are all characters I find interesting but not enough to actually write anything for them. When I used to do gift exchanges I would try and sometimes it worked out.
💌 Basil, bellamy, Doffy, Kid & Lucci, I do not think any amount of research or character analysis would help me write for them.
💌 One Piece has so many characters, if they're not on here I either don't think about them at all or I don't think I could write them/do them any justice. See a lot of the women I don't think I can do justice because they are too good for me to ruin.
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kaeyankat · 1 year
What I'll write for
Oneshots, headcanons (All x reader, no ocs or canon x canon)
Some au's or themes I'm good with: Yandere, poly, love triangle, celebrity, monster au, etc. Themes I WILL NOT WRITE FOR ANY CHARACTER: Angst (Death of character or reader included), cheating, r^pe, abuse, certain Kinks (Non-con, bathroom kinks, extreme pain, etc)
In mature posts, all underage characters are AGED UP past 18.
Seven Deadly Sins
Meliodas, Ban, King, Gowther, Howser, Gilthunder, Griamore, Slader, Arthur, Helbram, Gloxinia, Zeldris, Estarossa, Monspeet
One Piece
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Ace, Akainu, Smoker, Coby, Mihawk, Doflamingo, Shanks, Benn Beckman, Marco, Kid, Killer, Law, Buggy, Crocodile, Cracker, Katakuri, Bartolomeo
Fairy Tail
Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Loke, Laxus, Bickslow, Freed, Elfman, Lyon, Hibiki, Ren, Eve, Bacchus, Sting, Rogue, Orga, Rufus, Jellal, Midnight/Macbeth, Erik/Cobra, Zancrow, Mard Geer, Jackal, Zeref, Acnologia, Larcade
Vampire Knight
Kaname, Zero, Ichiru, Akatsuki,Hanabusa, Senri, Takuma
My Hero Academia
All Might, Aizawa, Present Mic, Vlad King, Aoyama, Iida, Ojiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Shoji, Sero, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Monoma, Mirio, Tamaki, Shinso, Enji, Keigo, Fat Gum, Shigaraki, Dabi, Twice, Kurogiri, Mr. Compress, Overhaul
Hunter x Hunter
Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Illumi, Pokkle, Silva, Chrollo, Nobunaga, Feitan, Phinks, Shalnark, Uvogin, Wing
Potentially Others, Ask. But these are the main characters. I do not do Females.
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strawberriemarswrites · 6 months
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Chapter Summary: Bartolomeo is your neighbor and has it really bad for you. The kind of bad where your stuff is out of place and going missing. Pairing: Bartolomeo x F!Reader Rating: Mature, SFW chapter TW: Stalking, breaking and entering, obsessive behavior Ao3 Link: Chapter One (3,510 words)
You moved to the city about four months ago. Life had become stagnant and suffocating, especially after finishing college. You needed to get away; from overbearing parents, from your snobbish peers, from everyone. The only good connection you made in college was able to get you an archivist job in the heart of the city, and you snapped it right up. You applied for whatever apartments were in the area that you could afford, and went for the first one that became available.
That might’ve been your first mistake, really. For one thing, it was in a grittier part of town. It was also small, barely the size of two dorm rooms put together, and the neighbors below you were always yelling at each other or loudly fucking each other. But the building was clean, the rent was cheap, and the neighbor across the hall was friendly enough. A bit crass and blunt, but friendly.
His name was Bartolomeo. He was a mean-looking motherfucker by all accounts: wild green hair, septum piercing, tattoos — he was exactly the kind of person people from your hometown would have hated on appearance alone. He had an odd sort of overbite that showed his long canines like a vampire, except that all his teeth were equally sharp, and at first you’d been intimidated by both that and his impressive height. (After a few trips on the train to and from work, you noticed much stranger and much taller folks, and figured it must have just been a quirk of diverse city life).
Despite all appearances, however, Bartolomeo was nice. He held the elevator if he saw you running up, even if it was nearly shut. Some days you’d see him in the hall and he’d stop to chat for a while. One day you realized you two had been talking for almost thirty minutes, and only stopped because he’d gotten a call from his coworker asking him where the hell he was. Even running late, he still moved and talked with an aloof sort of air about him, like nothing could get to him. 
Early on, maybe a few weeks after moving in, you admitted to him that you’d never lived fully alone before, and wondered if maybe you made the right choice to live in such a rough part of town. Bartolomeo had laughed, like finding the neighborhood rough was something he’d never considered. You still remembered what he’d told you:
“People around here aren’t too big on hospitality, but they mind their own business. Don’t mess with them, they won’t mess with you.” He then smiled wide, showing off the rest of his uniquely sharp teeth. “Tell you what — since you’re so nervous about it, if anyone does mess with you, let me know. I’ll take care of ‘em for ya.”
Just the memory of how he had smiled that day brought a faint blush to your cheeks. Fine, you’d admit it: aside from being nice, Bartolomeo was also frustratingly attractive. His devil-may-care charm was hard not to be lured in by, and you couldn’t help but feel some of it rubbing off on you the more you got to chatting. He was loud and so were his friends, and the landlord rarely stuck around long if he stepped into the hallway. You definitely felt a little safer knowing he was around.
Two months ago, the troubles began.
It had been a day like any other. Average shift, average commute, about the only exciting part of the work day had been your coworker, Robin, inviting you for drinks on Friday. You came home and went to your bedroom to change into comfier clothes, but something was off. You couldn’t tell at first, but when you reached for the top drawer of your dresser to pull out some pajama pants — 
It was already open. 
Just slightly, with the edge of your pajama pants stuck in the drawer’s track. 
Now, you weren’t necessarily a meticulous person, but in general you kept your dresser pretty tidy, so it seemed odd to find it this way. Puzzled, you pulled out the pants and a loose t-shirt, frowning as you put them on. Had you been in a hurry that morning? It was possible, since you were struggling to remember what you had for breakfast. Hustling through your routine and being a bit careless with the drawer as a result wasn’t totally out of the question. You pushed down the knot in your stomach and moved on with your evening, the incident forgotten.
Or at least, it would have been forgotten, had there not been further incidents.
Another day, you had been unexpectedly called off. There had been a power outage on the block your workplace was on, and they hadn’t been able to get the emergency lights working. You spent the morning getting your laundry done and putting fresh bed sheets on the bed, and left to run extra errands. When you came back, exhausted but satisfied with your personal productivity, you went to jump into your bed for a quick nap before dinner.
You stopped just short literally jumping in when you found the comforter was already disheveled somehow. As if someone had been laying on top of it.
The frequency of problems seemed to only increase from there. You came home to find your door was unlocked, when you were nigh-obsessive on double-checking it before leaving. Your favorite t-shirt to sleep in had gone missing, and you had just put it in the hamper the night before. You had a journal in your nightstand that you didn’t write in terribly often, but with the strange things happening you felt it’d be nice to get it all documented — you opened it and found creases in a couple of the pages, like it had been clumsily closed and tossed back into the drawer.
You had convinced yourself that everything was fine. Maybe you lost your t-shirt at the laundromat. Maybe you thought you double-checked the door but you hadn’t. Maybe you were nodding off the last time you handled your journal. Maybe, maybe, maybe. At this point, the only thing you were sure of was that you were in denial that any of this was fine.
In hindsight, you really should have brought it up to Bartolomeo sooner than you did.
Drinks with Robin and a few other coworkers became a biweekly affair, lining up with payday. The weather was finally warming up after a particularly cold April, so you put on one of your frillier blouses that you were saving for such an occasion and a pair of jeans. Then you spent way too long looking for your favorite perfume. 
You slammed your palm against the wall in frustration. Of course. Why the fuck not? With all the other weird happenings, why wouldn’t that fall victim to the bullshit, too? Shaking the sting out of your hand, you got up from the bathroom floor and stormed off, snatching up your purse. You’d just have to hope no one noticed the blouse was a little stuffy-smelling from being put away for so long. Frustrated, you slammed the apartment door on your way out, triple-checking the lock and muttering curses the whole way.
“You good?”
Bartolomeo’s voice behind you made you jump and fumble your keys. With a deep sigh you crouched down and scooped them up, running a hand through your hair. “I’ll be fine. Just running late for payday drinks.”
“Oh yeah,” he said, and you saw him lean to one side in your peripherals. “That’s tonight. When are you guys gonna come out to my bar, huh?”
“When I’m more confident that they won’t mind the heavy metal music,” you said and stood upright, smiling and adding, “Which might be sooner than you think.”
As usual, Bartolomeo was the picture of nonchalance, leaning against his doorframe in a Cannibal Corpse t-shirt that had seen better days. He gave you a sort of half-smirk then nodded to your door. “You sure you’re okay? Sounded like you might’ve hurt yourself in there.”
“Yeah, just...” you sighed and shook your head, “kinda frustrated. I can’t find my good perfume.” You paused, remembering your conversation with him when you first moved in. “Hey, uh, Barto?”
He stood up slightly straighter at the nickname. “Yeah?”
“Can you, uh...” you paused again, twisting the strap on your purse. His suddenly intense stare made you blush and avert your eyes. “Would you mind keeping an eye on my apartment when I’m gone? Like, if you’re around, let me know if you hear or see anything?”
“Yeah, sure!” he answered with surprising eagerness, before he cleared his throat and quickly reverted to the casual tone. “I mean — can I ask why?”
You would have laughed at the outburst, had you not been trying to find the words to explain you thought someone was breaking into your apartment. “It’s just... I don’t know. Some of my stuff’s gone missing. Random things. And sometimes I come home and there’ll be something out of place, or a little off. Like... someone else has been there.”
“Oh, shit.” Bartolomeo pushed off the doorframe, the chain hanging from his belt clinking as he took a step closer. “How long’s this been goin’ on for?”
You continued avoiding his gaze. “Two months, maybe?”
“I figured I was just forgetting things,” you said quickly. “It happens, I can be a little spacey. But... not like this. It feels different.” You finally looked at him again with a sheepish smile, your heart melting a bit at the worried look he had. “I probably should have mentioned something sooner. I’m sorry to freak you out like this.”
He shrugged, now suddenly avoiding your gaze. “At least you said somethin’ before it got any worse.”
A chill went down your spine. You didn’t want to think about what “worse” entailed.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I told ya you could come to me if anyone was messin’ with you.” He smiled, his fully-bared teeth all the more imposing as he punched one fist into the opposite palm. “I’ll keep an eye out for ya. If I catch anyone hangin’ around where they don’t belong, they’ll be shittin’ sideways for the rest of their life.”
Despite yourself, you laughed. All things considered, you felt lucky that you had such a cool neighbor.
Relief gave way to panic when your phone pinged; a reminder that you had somewhere to be. You cussed under your breath and started rushing toward the elevator, but not before turning and waving to Bartolomeo, shouting as you ran, “Thank you! I owe you one!”
“Don’t mention it!” he called and waved back, watching you turn the corner for the elevator. He leaned against the wall next to his door, shoving his hands in his pockets and listening for the soft ding of the elevator’s arrival. Once he was sure you were out of earshot, he stepped back into his apartment and shut the door, taking a deep breath.
Bartolomeo put both his hands over his face, yelling every curse word he knew. How could he have gotten so careless?! He knew he’d gotten way too comfortable with sneaking into your apartment, but two months? You’d been onto him for two months?! He groaned and dragged his hands down, wincing when one of his fingers tugged on his nose ring. No, that wasn’t right; you weren’t onto him, specifically. You only noticed the missing stuff, and whatever it was you meant by “something out of place”.
(He knew exactly what you meant by that, considering his favorite thing to do in your apartment was lie down on your bed and cuddle your pillows.)
Admittedly, part of him was relieved. You asked him for help! Sure, from the time you noticed to the time you said something had him a little concerned, and sure, it was his doing to begin with — but you weren’t aware of the second part! And, if you hadn’t said something, it would only have been a matter of time before he got caught in the act. He had time to correct that now. With you asking for help, it meant he’d be seeing you more, so he wouldn’t have to break into your apartment anymore, and he could act like it never happened!
(He was aware, on some level, that it wouldn’t be that simple. It wouldn’t be enough just to see you more. He had to be with you.)
Bartolomeo groaned again and sat down on the couch, head still in his hands. His heart had finally calmed down, having been racing just from talking to you. You were so cute, from how you fidgeted when you were nervous, to how your laugh sounded, to how you looked in that outfit (well, he thought you always looked nice in any outfit, but that was beside the point). And your eyes — what he wouldn’t give to be able to look into your eyes for more than a handful of seconds. He’d started a habit of looking at your nose when you two chatted, just to keep from turning his head away when your eyes were too much, but it only led to him fighting the insatiable urge to kiss it. He wanted to kiss your whole face, really, but if he started thinking about that, his heart rate was bound to pick up again.
All this to say, Bartolomeo had it bad for you. Real bad.
It started out innocently enough when you moved in across the hall. He thought you were cute from the start, and wanted to be nicer than usual; holding the door if he saw you coming, taking time to chat with you. But then the more he saw you, the more you two talked, the more he found himself looking forward to it. Before he knew it, he was listening for the elevator every time he could, just so he had a chance to talk to you again.
Even though it wasn’t hard to tell you lived alone, you admitting out loud that it was the first time about sent him into shock. Seriously? And in the shittiest neighborhoods you could have possibly ended up in? Something in his brain cranked up to eleven, and he was determined you needed someone looking out for you. Someone close by, who knew the area well, and had more than enough street smarts under his belt. Of course, that someone would be him. Why wouldn’t it be? And so, he came up with something to ease your worries (it was mostly true, in that at the very least the people in the building and running businesses around the neighborhood minded their own), and offered help. The relief on your face was well worth it.
Bartolomeo hadn’t intended for things to get this... intense, though.
The first time he’d broken in had been on impulse. See, the apartment building had older fire escapes, where the ladder wasn’t as compact as it really should be and about half of it hung down below the bottom landing. Most people still couldn’t reach it without significant effort, either by dragging over something to climb on or risking their neck by trying to parkour that shit.
Bartolomeo, however, was not most people. Standing at seven-foot-three, he just had to reach up and haul his own weight for a few rungs. He only did it to prove to himself that he could, in case you were ever in trouble and he needed to get in quickly without fighting with the front door.
Then, he wondered if it would take very long to get to the fourth floor, where both of you lived. He knew he wouldn’t have to worry about the tenants on the way up making a fuss; the unit on the second floor was used by the landlord for storage, and the people directly below you were always too busy arguing or fucking to notice anything.
And then it just. Happened. You weren’t home, and the window was so easy to open, and he had to know everything. How you lived, what you showered with, what sort of stuff did you keep. He had a general idea from talking to you, but he wanted, needed more.
The first time, Bartolomeo just sat on the windowsill, looking around and taking in the bedroom. You kept the floor clear, so if he felt brave enough to venture further in the room he wouldn’t have to worry about tripping and breaking something. You had a desk with a bookshelf built around it that was full of books and video games and figurines, and one of those desktop computers with the rainbow lights on the tower. Your bed was neatly made, adorned with overstuffed pillows, with a storage bench at the foot that was currently being commandeered by a collection of plushies dressed like pirates. The bed itself looked wide enough for two, though he might have to get a little creative to make it work with his taller height.
Not that. He was thinking about laying next to you. Or holding you close. Or watching you fall asleep.
(He absolutely was thinking those things. But in his bed, not yours. What could he say? He needed his California King. It wasn’t perfect, but he couldn’t afford one of the fancy custom beds that other city dwellers somehow got their hands on.)
Bartolomeo resolved that breaking in was fine, so long as he always took off his boots (couldn’t rightfully wear shoes into your apartment now, could he?) and didn’t touch anything. That way you’d never know. He stuck to that for the first handful of trips. Then one time he couldn’t resist picking up and fawning over your monkey plushie at the foot of the bed, so he decided it was okay to touch things, but he had to put them back exactly as he found them. Before he knew it, one day he was poking around the jewelry trays on your dresser, and...
He only had the top drawer open for a minute. Two, tops. Any longer and he would have gotten dizzy from how much blood was rushing downwards. He slammed it shut and made a beeline for the fire escape, nearly forgetting his boots in the process. He told himself he wouldn’t be looking in there without your permission, otherwise the temptation would be too great and he'd steal something he really shouldn’t.
(Which is why he eventually stole your shirt instead.)
Okay. So Bartolomeo let his little guilty pleasure get out of control. He just hadn’t realized how easily that happened. Now that you said something to him, he was going to ease off. He pushed up off the couch and sauntered to his room, putting his hands back in his pockets, flinching when one hand touched something he forgot he’d still had on his person. Frowning, he pulled the perfume bottle out, a slight twist in his stomach at the thought he’d frustrated you with his antics. He really hadn’t intended to keep it — honest. He only swiped it because the shirt under his pillow was starting to smell like the rest of his stuff. Not necessarily a bad thing, as it wasn’t like he was unclean (he was unkempt and dirty minded, even peed in the shower sometimes, but not unclean), but. The whole reason he took the shirt was because it smelled like you.
He turned the bottle over in his hands and sat on the edge of his bed. The label on it just said “Elegia” — why couldn’t the names of these things be simple? Fucking vanilla, or flowers, or whatever, so that he could put it back and get something similar. He supposed at least this way he could try to find another bottle online, so he could get it exact, but still... what a pain. Point being, if it had been easier to remember the name, he wouldn’t have had to take it.
...Okay, fine, Bartolomeo stole it thinking you wouldn’t notice. You had a few others, he figured it’d be fine.
With a sigh he reached under his pillows for your shirt, unable to keep from smiling when he saw it. It was light purple, with the words “Bite Me” on it in a black, drippy font. He saw you wear it on laundry day once; it took an immeasurable amount of self control not to take it as an invitation. He then uncapped the perfume and sighed again, his eyes rolling back just a bit. At least he guessed right; this was definitely the one you wore the most often. It smelled like vanilla and strawberries.
Like you.
Shaking out of his reverie, he sprayed the shirt and folded it back up under his pillows. It had been in his possession for too long for him to give it up without arousing suspicion, so he’d settle for returning the perfume.
While you were gone, of course.
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Bartolomeo is one of those f/o's and/or Yanderes that is so sweet and gushing to you but will flip on a dime to beat the shit out of anyone he thinks MIGHT be bothering you...and then go back to fawning over you
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Just watched the One Piece Stampede movie and no plot spoilers but damn it would be absolutely hilarious with the Strays because so many of the yanderes and other people are there
A list of those I remember:
Smoker, Law, Kid, Killer, Crocodile, Buggy, Barto, Foxy(? Is he a yandere? I don’t remember if that was decided), Lucci, Koby (not yandere I believe), Sabo, Perona, Boa
The absolute chaos that would be unleashed… A world be having the time of their life
I need to watch more of the movies, so far all I've seen is Film Red.
Having a super smash bros tournament of yanderes sounds wild though, I love the idea.
Lucky tries to use the chaos as an excuse to sidle up to Smoker, but is thwarted by Bartolomeo who lies and says Luffy ordered him to keep Lucky safe. She's stuck in his barrier-hamster-ball and pouting because she knows Barto would rather die than disobey an order from Luffy.
Lucci and Crocodile are fighting over Lizard and yell at Koby when he tries to mediate. Then Lizard is yelling at them for yelling at her dear, sweet Koby.
Doll is being carried around by Boa who is in full mama bear mode.
Foxy kinda is? Him and his crew are platonic yanderes for Lucky, but it's not really serious. I want to keep that arc relatively lighthearted to counter how dark Skypeia will be. Lucky gets chosen after the first round and is just kinda chilling with the Foxy pirates after being lured away with the promise of a spa day (because god does she need it after Enel). Everyone else is fighting for their lives in some bullshit games, and Lucky is none the wiser and vibing in a hot tub.
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sugxrslushy · 2 years
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welcome sinners to my first ever kinktober, I’ve been beyond excited to do this for months so it’s time for prep to begin!! am I doing this early? possibly!! buuut I work best doing things early so it’s time introduce the prompts and rules
posts will be begin on Oct 1st 2022 - Oct 31st 2022
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🩸this is not first come first serve, more so first come first considered. if I don’t feel I can make the characters you requested for work for the prompt it may be denied, once half of the prompts are chosen I will update and you are welcome to send a different one (ONLY OFF ANON ASKS WILL BE ACCEPTED + MUST HAVE AGE IN BIO)
🩸please pick one prompt from the list and give me THREE characters for me to work with!! the prompts are not in order of the day schedule
🩸choose the gender of the reader!! this will help me be more descriptive, my default will be gn (unless the prompt is directed at a certain gender/body). I’m absolutely open to writing for non-cis readers
🩸state the dynamic!! who is receiving?? who’s top and who’s bottom?? and please be mindful that some prompts require multiple characters
🩸there is no specific word limit for this, I write depending on what I believe is enough. please do not think I value any ideas any more or less than others <33 some prompts just fit longer/shorter pieces!!
🩸BE MINDFUL OF PROMPTS LABELED WITH A ⚠️!! these are prompts that contain more dark content (blood, manipulation, possible dub/non-c0n). be wary when picking them, it's no guarantee it'll be included but as a just in case
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🥀 toys
🥀 pet play
🥀 lingerie - Law/Izou/Doffy (requested by @juerus)
🥀⚠️ corruption kink - King/Doffy/Law/Mihawk (requested by @lawscorazon)
🥀 overstimulation - Kid/Corazon/Shanks (requested by @riseofdraven)
🥀 edging - Smoker/Robin/Crocodile (requested by @tardiiart)
🥀 hate sex - Zoro/Sanji/Smoker (requested by @sanjithesimp)
🥀 impact play
🥀 threesome (please include two characters) - Ace & Marco (requested by @marco--the--phoenix)
🥀 cuckolding (also please include two characters) - Nami/Sanji/Zoro (requested by @effervescenttgirl)
🥀 cockwarming - Sanji/Ace/Izou (requested by @duck-ee)
🥀 rimming
🥀 begging - Kid/Ace/Sabo (requested by @kiddo-for-pk)
🥀 praise kink - Nami/Zoro/Crocodile (requested by @angliet)
🥀 face fucking 
🥀⚠️ voyeurism - Rayleigh/Smoker/Law (requested by @enby-coffin)
🥀 mutual masturbation - Law/Killer/Smoker (requested by @heartpiratessupremacist)
🥀 choking - Shanks/Law/Zoro (requested by @aji-writes)
🥀 sadism/masochism - Sabo/Shanks/Law (requested by @ace-is-hot-but-law-is-hotter)
🥀 size kink - WB/Fukaboshi/Jinbei (requested by @secretsnailor)
🥀⚠️ incubus/succubus - Perona/Law/Tashigi (requested by @furyianna)
🥀 thigh riding - Shanks/Thatch/Rayleigh (requested by @pebbsie)
🥀 striptease
🥀 body worship - Rosinante/Kanjuro/Bartolomeo (requested by @rosiinante)
🥀 frottage - Ace/Luffy/Sabo (requested by @roronoaswifey)
🥀 tied up - Thatch/Izou/Franky (requested by @itsthefandommash)
🥀 creampie - Ace/Marco/Zoro (requested by @spitfire-of-the-sea)
🥀 pegging - Smoker/Kid/Thatch (requested by @childofblackmaria)
🥀⚠️ devil fruit misuse
🥀 anal - Akainu/Borsalino/Issho
🥀⚠️ yandere
characters no longer being accepted: Ace, Law, Zoro
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thepepsislvt · 3 months
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Yandere!Bartolomeo x GN Reader
Based off of the song My Bloody Valentine by Good Charlotte
I also paid like $2 to have an ai cover of Bartolomeo singing it so enjoy (or not I’m the target audience anw)
Warnings: Violence, Unhealthy relationship, 18+, not nsfw but just very possessive Barto
Tags: @tulipps-maehem @daddychoso
Oh my love, please dont cry
I’ll wash my bloody hands and we’ll start a new life
Bartolomeo had just finish showering when he received your call
You were crying on the other line and he knew exactly why. He pretended to be greatly distressed and worried. Bartolomeo was grinning widely even with the fake pain in his voice.
He knew you needed his comfort so he started grabbing his essentials to stay the night with you.
When he left his apartment it was storming. The rain was falling and thunder was loud. Bartolomeo knew that you were also scared of thunderstorms and you tend to get clingy during those times. He smiled darkly to himself as he made his way to his car for the second time that night.
on his way to your place he always drove past your partners place. This time it was different with all the police cars with their flashing lights and the crime scene tape.
He drove slowly by the house just to look like any other passer byer who was slightly curious and snoopy.
Barto truly thinks that what he did was right. In his eyes it was. He would finally have you. He doesn't know wrong from right.
Once Bartolomeo made it to your apartment he had to put on a fake somber face.
When you opened the door with your tear stained face a part of Barto’s heart broke. He knew he was the cause of this. But in the long run it would be worth it.
He held you so lovingly like hes done before. Whenever you got into a fight with your partner or something happened in your life that was heartbreaking, he was always there to hold you and let you cry on his shoulder.
You had the news playing on in the background and after the local sports he finally saw the work of his own hands on the news.
“A Lover Died” he thought to himself.
He say you starting to cry even more so he turned your tv off even though he wanted to see what the pigs thought happened.
He had a flash of him ripping out your partner’s throat with his bare teeth. He had to rub his face with his hand to prevent you from seeing the dark smile on his face.
Once you had finally stopped crying and the rain subsided, he whispered to you
“Can I tell you a secret?”
With your full attention on him, his heart started pounding with joy and excitement to tell you what he had did. He almost was too exited to say it but he knew he had to if he wanted to start his new life with you.
“They dropped you off and I followed them home” He started with his big smile forming on his face, revealing his sharp teeth that you always thought were harmless until now. You now know they can cause harm especially with the blood shining in the light of your living room.
“Then I stood out their bedroom window”
you knew exactly where he was going with this now and he knew that. You sit up from your position of laying on his chest and now realize there was blood all over his clothes. You were too much in a state of fear and shock you couldn't move anymore. Your brain was yelling at you to run but you physically couldnt. It was fight or flight mode and god knows how much you cant fight. Not him. not your Seven foot best friend.
“Standing them, they begged me not to do what I knew I had to do, ‘cause I'm so in love with you”
This wasnt love. This was Madness. He was so sickly in love with you that he had killed your partner to be with you instead. You didnt realize you were crying again. Your best friend had turned your whole world upside down.
“I thought you’d be happy, he was an asshole to you. I hated seeing you come to my apartment from his only to be in tears and covered in bruises so I had to do something about it. For you and for us”
“You thought? you killed someone! what part of you was thinking? do you not know anything?” you shouted at him, finally gathering the courage to speak
“Well I don’t know much at all, but All I know is that I love you tonight” He reached up to wipe the tears from your face to which you flinched. He held your face still with his other hand and continued his actions “And everynight, always and forever”
You were trapped, you knew now that once you called him it was over.
“oh my love, please dont cry, its going to he okay, you’ve got me now. I’m the one who you should of loved from the start but you were blinded by their charm. Now we can start again and this time do it right”
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eustassmoss · 1 year
-Before you request-
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some things before you request
- i default to gender neutral reader, if you want you are free to request for other genders (fem, male, includes trans) i ask you add whether you want afab or amab bodies especially for nsfw works
- I am an 18+ blog so Minors DNI!
- i am lgbtq+ so this is a safe space for all, no hate will be accepted towards any sexuality, gender, race, or disability/illness
- please be kind and respectful, a please and thank you is always appreciated
- when requesting nsfw you must be 18+
- i throw event stuff and prompt lists out for requestings but you are always welcome to leave your own ideas and suggestions whenever, my inbox is always open
- i write what inspires me and sparks my interest, so not all requests will be fulfilled, but when i open commissions i will fulfill whatever as long as it’s within my commissions rules/which word size you choose
what i will write:
- fluff, comfort, angst, smut, gore and yandere
- polyamorous relationships!
- most kinks, check the i will not write list, it’s shorter
- threesomes (tell me if your okay with dp bc i love writing that), i will also write gang bangs
- headcanons, drabbles, one-shots, series (fics that have the same topic for different characters), and chapters (fics that continue onto multiple parts or book sized fics i write)
- write single parent or {character} with kids or adoption, with kids aged 5 and older
things i will not write:
- scat
- daddy/mommy
- incest/stepcest
- pregnancy, talk about getting pregnant, babies
- vore
- farting kink
- character cheating on reader or reader cheating on character, will write trashy ex bf cheating on reader and comfort/confession from character (i hope this makes sense)
- anything anti lgbtq+
characters i write:
Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Usopp, Franky, Eustass Kid, Killer, Heat, Wire, Law, Penguin, Shachi, Dracule Mihawk, Corazon, Doflamingo, Boa Hancock, Gol D. Roger, Silvers Rayleigh, Bartolomeo, Perona, Shanks, Kaido, King, Black Maria, Katakuri, Buggy, Ace, Marco, Thatch, Izo, Kuzan (Aokiji), Issho (Fujitora), Smoker, Sabo, Yamato
only platonic, fluff (human characters) and comfort:
chopper, bepo, Nekomamushi, Luffy, Whitebeard, Koby
characters i will not write:
Bellamy, Blackbeard, Akainu
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Best One Piece Yanderes
Donquixote Doflamingo
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The man screams yandere in the show and he screams yandere in the fanon too. Literally a manipulative, isolating and eliminating yandere all in one. Would take his s/o and lock them up, make them only rely on him (because he’s so godly), and if that doesn’t work he has no problem killing them so no one else can have them. 
If s/o was feeling miserable or crying he would coo at them and offer them whatever they desired (just not freedom of course~). Best clothes, finest jewelry, you name it he gets it. Would also put them in his lap and snicker at how they are being a crybaby.
Would only allow the family to see s/o; but if s/o gets too much attention or might have an attitude be prepared for isolation, even from him. The guy would leave you in a room for a week until he decides you are worthy enough to see him.
Would probably end up giving s/o Stockholm Syndrome and wouldn’t feel an ounce of guilt
10/10 for like hitting all the yandere marks, but honestly s/o might not mentally (or physically) survive
Trafalgar D. Water Law 
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My boy! Doffy said it himself, there is some of him in Law, and that also goes with yandere tendencies! Law would definitely be a manipulative and isolated type of yandere. Boy is so stressed he just wants to protect his s/o from everything. But he also still has to act tough and play the pirate part, so be prepared for threats about being sliced in half if you think about leaving.
He’s probably the chillest in terms of letting s/o do their own thing/hobbies unless it involves them getting hurt, then forget it, find a new hobby. 
If s/o was sad/crying/upset he wouldn’t know what to do, but just stares at them. Part of him blames himself which leads to him not wanting to comfort them because who would want him? And the other half is angry at s/o or the individual for allowing the person to make s/o that upset. So definitely a quiet watcher as s/o lets the emotions out, afterwards he might ask if you want to talk about it, depending on the situation.
The crew can hang out with s/o since Law isn’t a huge jealous type, but don’t expect the Straw Hat gang to be chummy with them, they are his, get your own. 
9/10 cause boy needs to calm down and take some melatonin 
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We all see how he obsesses over the Straw Hat gang (especially Luffy); boy would lose his mind over a s/o. The submissive type yandere, one who gives all his love and honestly doesn’t expect much back. Probably would just stalk his s/o and make sure they always get home safe and maybe sometimes will leave them small gifts at their door.
Would literally break down if he saw s/o crying or upset and would ruin his stalking just to run out and comfort them (which might confuse/weird out s/o-)
Knows everything about s/o, from favorite food to that one time in grade school where s/o got pantsed.
8/10 for caring, but doesn’t initiate unless really needing to. Really just wants s/o to live their best life (while he watches from afar).
Boa Hancock
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If Doffy is King of Yanderes in One Piece, Hancock is the Queen. She’s definitely another submissive type yandere who will follow whatever s/o tells her to do. 
“Hancock, you need to pay attention to the meeting.”
“Yes s/o-sama~!! Kyaa~!!”
She’s also the delusional type of yandere so sometimes s/o has to remind her, they are indeed not dating/married. 
If s/o were to get upset/sad/cry Hancock will definitely be the type to ask “who did it?”, whether it’s from her own trauma growing up or just not wanting to see her s/o so upset she doesn’t know, either way whatever happened she is going to change it!
10/10 for yandere tendencies and honestly who wouldn’t want to have her as their yandere lover.
Baby 5
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Baby 5 just wants people to accept and love her (honestly same). So when s/o was kind to her and thanked her, she couldn’t look away. Were they meant to be? Are the stars in line? 
Definitely a submissive yandere; I wouldn’t put her as fully delusional like Hancock, but she can get up there at times! 
She tries to act tough and not wanting s/o’s attention, but God when she gets it the girl is gone. Will literally get beet red when s/o compliments her on something random/small, lord be with her when it’s something big.
Would remember every anniversary and special day of s/o’s and wouldn’t even get mad if s/o happens to forget or says they are too busy for a big event she planned. As long as s/o continues to want her, she’s happy!
She would be in the mixture of Hancock and Bartolomeo on seeing her s/o distraught. She doesn’t know if she should comfort them, cry with them, solve the problem or do all three.
9/10 but baby needs to learn to love herself :(
Runner Ups:
Eustass Kid
Vinsmoke Ichiji
Vinsmoke Niji
Vinsmoke Yonji
Charlotte Pudding
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