#yandere the conquerors
aphroditelovesu · 4 months
Sitting on Iron Throne is kinda difficult, because you get cuts. But imagine how interesting it would be for Modern!Reader just chilling on Iron Throne and there’s not a single cut on them.
Just imagine the reactions.
Aegon The Conqueror: The King must never sit comfortably and always must be strong.😤
Modern!Reader being curious: Hold on! Let me try it!
Modern!Reader sits on Iron Throne and relaxing on it, chilling comfortably with no problems or discomfort: 😎
Yan!platonic!Targaryen Conquerors are worried about their precious Modern!Reader:😨😨😨
Modern!Reader: I feel fine 😏
Yeah, imagine reactions. Especially when others are getting cuts despite how careful they try and there’s a Modern!Reader who absolutely chills and even falls asleep on Iron Throne as if it’s an armchair.
Modern!Reader just sitting on the Iron Throne, feeling like a King/Queen and enjoying it. It's not the most comfortable seat, but it's powerful and makes them feel good. So, why not try it?
Aegon would be a little stunned and very worried. He is naturally protective and would be worried about Modern!Reader cutting themself with the swords. But imagine his surprise when he arrives at the Iron Throne and finds them taking a nap on the Throne. He would find it funny but obviously worried.
Rhaenys would be insistent about the Modern!Reader not staying on the Throne as it could be dangerous. She finds them attractive and believes they suit the vision of a Ruler, but that throne is made of swords! They could get cut or seriously injured. Luckily she is always there to take care of them.
Visenya would not be bothered or act like a protective dragon like her sibilings, she would be slightly worried about the idea that they might get hurt, but she would be less protective. In fact, I can see Visenya encouraging them to try out the Iron Throne, you know, just to see what they'd look like sitting on it.
Rhaenys and Aegon worried about Visenya smiling at the sight of them on the Throne.
While many cut themselves on the Throne, like Maegor, Viserys and Rhaenyra, for example, the Modern!Reader receives no injuries and acts as if it were the most comfortable chair in the world...
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ladyempty · 2 months
Yandere Maegor, Daemon and Aegon I reaction to Reader running away and marrying someone else and having children?? Please 😭😭
° | This is a yandere work and may contain triggering behavior. I'm not in favor of that in real life. |
Aegon I
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Aegon Targaryen I is the definition of a conqueror, courageous, intelligent and ambitious, with a friendly and captivating personality, easily lovable and admirable, but with few close friends. A certain air of enigma surrounded his figure, making people try to unravel him, attracted like moths by his light of monarchical dignity.
The king was comfortable and accustomed to sycophants, women dragging themselves for crumbs, or simply a single night in his bed. He was unfamiliar with something denied to him. He had "conqueror" in his name for a reason that went far beyond the submission of the other lords.
So it came as a complete shock when he was so bluntly denied when he approached you at one of the numerous banquets hosted by the royal family. At first, Aegon couldn't even process it, the features remained the same with a gentle smile and analyzing eyes and no words uttered. Like a person who was suddenly punched and in the first few seconds didn't understand or simply didn't know how to react. He just narrowed his purple eyes and watched you leave in an elegant bow.
The first time he was seriously denied, you hadn't done it to pique his interest, but rather to preserve your own honor, not wanting to be just another king's case knowing that he would return to Rhaenys at the end of the day. He admired this. If his plans were to push him away, you were not successful, you only made a dangerous obsession settle in your being.
He began to pursue you subtly, with gallant and courteous gestures, he urgently wanted to erase the first impression you had of him. Forcing the Targaryen to reveal his personality beyond the superficial, rambling for countless hours about some common interest and constantly summoning his presence, whether to read to him while I work or simply enjoy his warm presence.
And when his barriers were still not lowered, the king had to resort to more drastic measures, asking for her hand in marriage and making it clear that he would not accept being denied.
You would be softer when you were a wife and had duties towards him. The conqueror thought wrongly. Never in a thousand lifetimes did he expect you to run away. As soon as he found out, Aegon simply went crazy, the image made up of himself falling down the moment he threatened to destroy the entire seven kingdoms again if he didn't get you back.
Stone by stone, leaf by leaf. Everything was meticulously investigated by the countless guards spreading even through the most forgotten places by the gods. The Targaryen king became somewhat paranoid and easily irritated by his disappearance, not even Rhaenys could calm him down or change his mind. It was two years of pure torment.
Ah... When he finally found you in a small house in pentos... Married and obviously pregnant... It was like the world was open beneath your feet again. A loving feeling of betrayal. How dare you? Did you think that pathetic man could love you more than him?! How stupid.
He coldly killed her husband and none of her tears and pleas could change his mind. His heart was partially darkened by his betrayal. He won't forget anytime soon, you'll have to regain his trust to have the slightest amount of freedom. Countless guards will follow you closely, if you are even allowed to leave your quarters.
And your son? Don't worry, Aegon will assume paternity of the child even if it comes with rumors about having deflowered you before the wedding. It didn't matter. He just wouldn't let you mother a bastard or have that other man as a part of your life. Aenys was his heir anyway.
Maegor, The Cruel
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You were certainly a very unlucky person to have caught the attention of the Targaryen king who was called cruel. You probably met at an event organized by him to celebrate one of his conquests, reaffirming his power and sovereignty as king, or you were one of his wives' ladies-in-waiting.
Whether you were from a big house, small house or even a commoner. It didn't matter. You were his the moment the king laid eyes on your enchanting figure.
Maegor was a man of few feelings, he didn't truly love any of his wives, it was lust mixed with the rational thought of creating heirs. But you were different, there was something special that made Maegor feel a bubbling sensation in his chest, a pleasant and addictive warmth like he had never felt before. It was something unfamiliar, one that he felt slightly hesitant to demonstrate or how to handle. But he just knew he wanted you and he would have you. At any cost.
Maegor was far from the definition of courteous, he knew little about the gallant arts or gentle love. Therefore, he had little knowledge about the courtship, the little he knew was from his mother's advice, who only knew about these things from the poets who surrounded Rhaenys.
Either way, he is not discreet. He doesn't even make an effort to appear less intimidating than he is. His eyes are fixed on you no matter the moment, his intimidating and darkening presence looming over you like a shadow. Once he even gave him a white fur coat, an animal he himself killed. It was his way of showing his interest. Something raw and rustic, without words, just proves to be worthy of you.
Either way, he wouldn't wait long. The moment he gets tired of waiting and the itch that grows in him is not relieved, he will attack. Demanding her hand in marriage from her, leaving no room for disagreement. He didn't expect you to run away in the middle of the night... Stupid little bird. Did you think he wouldn't come after you?
The man flew into a rage the moment he found out, destroying everything and everyone in his path, no matter if they were his wives, servants or important masters. Everyone should pay for his blinding rage. He turned the seven kingdoms into hell looking for you. A thick layer of blood, smoke, ash and corpse covering every corner of the kingdom.
And when he found you... Ah, dumb little bird, did he think he could hide for another year? Never.
He killed her husband the moment he saw the man, not even bothering to give him a painful death to pay for his crimes. He was as furious as a bull at the sight of any trace of red. He never thought about seriously hurting you, but he would have to punish you in a certain way to put you in your place. But his angry thoughts strayed the moment he caught sight of her swollen belly with a child.
A baby, that could and should be his. It was someone else's... It was an unforgivable betrayal. He could never fully forgive you. He would never forget or leave you alone for even a second.
He wouldn't kill the child, he would keep you away until you gave birth and then pretend that the child belonged to his lady-in-waiting, even if it was his child behind closed doors. It was a good way to keep tabs on you. Do you love your child? So better obey, you don't want something bad to happen, right?
Do not worry, dear. If you want to be a mother and wife so much, who would Maegor be to deny you that? You would be two things very soon.
Daemon Targaryen
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Daemon was never a man to love madly, he fell in love a few times. He rolled from bed to bed without a fixed commitment, just looking for momentary fun and vague pleasures. He indulged in his desires without shame. Bad luck for you to have been so captivating. He was hooked on you the moment their eyes met his.
Any slight affection he ever had for other women and men was forgotten. For you he felt love. Real love that went beyond lust. After all, he had never touched you intimately and he already had such overwhelming feelings.What was it if not love? You were his only thought.The first thought when waking up and the last when going to bed.
And Daemon had no intention of hiding his affection. His hands constantly find their way to your shoulders or start from your waist, a touch that lingers on a simple handshake and a look so intense that it would make anyone else tremble in fear.
As expected, rumors were created questioning his honor and how terrible the prince was. When his father went to confront him, Daemon just smiled mischievously and just said he would marry you. To everyone's great surprise, after all, the Targaryen had demonstrated his unhappiness during his first marriage.
But you weren't like that woman uglier than a sheep. You were perfect in every aspect and in the very definition of the word. Something to be admired every day.
It was a strong, stunning blow when you disappeared during the night, your maids only finding cold, wrinkled sheets when they went to wake you up that morning.
Where in the seven hell were you? He would find you... You couldn't run away.
He destroyed, killed, tortured and threatened. He spent days flying with Caraxes to every corner of the seven kingdoms just to find you. Unsuccessfully. A long year without having your favorite addiction... You.
He drowned himself in e wine while you were gone, nursing a bubbling rage and constantly exploding at everyone, scaring even Viserys, who thought he had seen the worst side of his brother.
But nothing lasts forever. He found you. He invaded your home in Essos without hesitation. He didn't kill your husband at first because his stunned mind simply refused to understand that you had betrayed him in such a disgusting way.
But the moment she saw the little newborn baby in her arms. He understood everything.The black sister ran through her pathetic husband without mercy, blood spatter staining his robes in small crimson droplets.The cold, darkened eyes like never before were directed at you.
For a moment you feared for the baby's life, placing the small bundle against your chest to protect it.
"Don't worry, I would never hurt our son." He smiles as he says each word slowly. He would legitimize that child as his and didn't care what he would say. A good way to keep you behaved and not tarnish his bloodline with bastards. Obviously he would love his own children more with you, but he wouldn't show it so openly. You're lucky the child looks so much like you…
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amaea-jewels · 6 months
—— summary: In a world where soulmates exist. Your fate has been sealed to the dragons who burned down your home.
—— genre: Dark!au, soulmate au, yandere
—— warnings: Obsessive and possessive behaviour, murder, mention of torture, kidnapping, some very light angst, smut
—— pairing: Aegon Targaryen I x female!reader, Visenya Targaryen x female!reader, Rhaenys Targaryen x female!reader
—— word count: 5k
*no beta we die like bruce wayne's parents * first-time writing, english is not my first language
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Never before had you experienced such overwhelming terror. You were a collected person by nature, content with allowing chaos to unfold for others, more so even when you had a hand in creating the chaos. Yet, tonight, it appeared that the karma of all of those nights of "fun" had finally caught up to you.
You found yourself being dragged by two strangers, being forcibly led toward the direction of one of the larger tents positioned at the farthest edge of the camp. You had known you were fucked from the moment your eyes had first locked with violet ones. You had felt the bond snap in place. Those violet eyes, the ones that had burned ypur home to ashes, now held you captive. Your life was now entwined with those haunting eyes that had taken your family from you.
You briefly entertained the idea of ending your life. The tent that they were leading you to was situated relatively close to a cliff. Though you were unsure whether the height would prove itself to be fatal, you felt more than ready to take the risk.
Choosing to end your life would be much more honourable than warming the bed of those who had caused your family's demise.
Newly formed soulbonds were meant to be consummated, and you were well aware that the longer time you spent with them, the more inevitable it would become. You knew that it was only a matter of time.
Ending your own life would save you from that fate.
The thought quickly leaves your mind, as you finally arrive at your destination. A sense of relief washes over you upon seeing that the tent is empty. However, that relief swiftly fades away as you are pulled toward the large bed situated in the room's centre. Your arms are tightly bound by sturdy metal chains, anchoring you to the master bed. You sigh, leaning your head against one of the pillows, attempting to find some rest.
The next several hours pass like a blur.
New guards take the place of the former standing right outside the tent. One usually remains on guard while the other leaves — you're not sure why. The idea of you actually being able to escape or cause any kind of damage is laughable at the very least. How would you be able to run whilst tied to a bed with metal chains?
You know it's late when one of them finally shows up — the darkness that fills the room is more than enough of an indication — it's the older one you realise after a few moments of watching her. Her hair was beautifully braided into intricate patterns. She was beautiful but there was an air of darkness that seemed to cling to her. She swiftly took off her ringmail, not even sparing you a glance, as she started undressing.
You did your best to avert your gaze, as she undressed herself fully. She turned toward you, recognising your presence for the first time since entering the tent.
She sauntered toward you. Her cold harsh unforgivable violet eyes digging into you. You're keenly aware of the fact that she's still not wearing anything, as you keep your gaze toward the side. Attempting to hide yourself from her.
She seizes hold of your jaw, redirecting your gaze toward her, eliminating any possibility of evading her. With a firm touch, she runs a finger across your face. The bond hummed at her actions.
"So you're the one."
Eyes still cold as she studies you carefully. Her hand which was previously caressing your cheek, start travelling down south. Stopping briefly at your throat, giving it a light squeeze before moving on, her hand stops when it reaches down to your waist.
She presses her naked body closer to you, keeping the eye contact as she dares you to do something. An amused smirk crept onto her face, at your obvious discomfort. The both of you stay there for a few minutes. Neither speaking, as she continues to study you with those violet eyes of hers.
Simultaneously, she seizes both of your hands, releasing her grip on your jaw and waist. She brings both your hands up to cup her breasts, as she brings herself closer to you. Both of your bodies pressed tightly up against one another. She slowly starts grinding herself against you. Disregarding you completely.
You start thrashing against her desperately attempting to move your hands away from her body. Suddenly, her grip on your hand loosens, and one of her hands swiftly flies up to encircle your throat, exerting firm pressure to keep you in place. You look up to study her facial expression, to see every ounce of amusement had disappeared, instead replaced by a serious demeanour. She leans in intimately, bringing her face close to your ear.
"You fight so viciously, just like your family. What a shame that couldn't save them from their fate," she speaks venomously, "but there's still some of them left, aren't there?"
She looks down at your horrified expression. A smile starting to bloom across her face.
"Your nephew, what was his name now? Was it Flammin? Fliden? No, it is Florian, is it not? Such a sweet young boy. Just passed his fifth naming day hasn't he?" she taunted a wicked smile still present on her lips, "it would be such a shame if his life was to be cut short now, wouldn't it?"
Tears welled up silently in your eyes as the weight of her words began to settle in. Florian, a young boy, was the sole family you had. His mother had succumbed to childbirth, and his father had fallen victim to those ruthless monsters. Florian had always been a frail and sickly boy. Without proper attention, he wouldn't survive even a fortnight. You had dedicated countless nights to his care since his birth, nurturing him in the absence of your older brother. Who always had matters of the court to attend to.
You felt guilt prickle away at your chest. You had completely forgotten about him. In your defense, you hadn't even been sure he survived. Most had suffered the cruel fate of being burned alive by dragon fire. But surely if Queen Visenya knew of his existence, that must've meant he was still alive?
You didn't answer. There was nothing to be said. She had won. And you could tell she knew that too from the smirk that was covering her face. Slowly her hand started slipping down your body again. Coming to a halt when she neared your breast. Keeping the eye contact, she started palming them. Realishing in seeing you melt. As the bond started to hum even stronger.
"Visenya" a female voice called from behind, halting Visenya’s movement, "playing your games again, aren't you?"
"I have no idea what you refer to," she snapped, keeping her back turned toward the woman, "I was simply familiarizing myself with our bonded."
The woman standing behind Visenya was beautiful. With silver hair that swayed openly down her back. It took you a moment, to recall her name; Rhaenys. The youngest of the three conquerors.
You continued to stare at her shamelessly. She was beautiful, both of them were. You absently noted, that her violet eyes were lighter than that of Visenya, there was also a sense of playfulness in them. You presumed that made sense, from the rumours you had heard, Rhaenys was supposed to be the more kindhearted and playful of the three.
Rhaenys' eyes flicked down briefly to meet yours. You were met with a comforting smile, as her eyes flickered up to meet her the older again.
Her lips parted, and unfamiliar words flew from her mouth, a language entirely unknown to your ears. Amidst the unfamiliar words, you faintly understood the mention of the name "Aegon."
Aegon. You're body subconsciously shivered at the mention of his name. It had been him who had discovered you. After the burning of your home, the survivors had been brought before their new king. They were to bow and hail him for his mercy. It was at that moment when your eyes had locked with his, you both knew.
Words had not been exchanged. He had simply walked through the crowd and grabbed a hold of your wrist where your mark was located. With one simple glance at the three-headed dragon symbol marked into your skin, there had been no point in denying it. King Aegon had motioned for his men to take you, as you stood frozen to your spot. He started barking orders for his men to follow, but you could barely make out any word he was saying. Head still reeling from the revelation.
You could feel the irritation radiating off of Visenya as she completely let go of you. The two continued to speak in a foreign language, as Visenya dressed herself once more. The two seemed to be on the verge of arguing before they both left, leaving you alone once again.
You lay sprawled across the bed, sleeping peacefully until the gentle touch of an unfamiliar hand caressing you, caused you to startle awake. Your eyes were still drowsy with sleep, and it took you a minute to fully recognise the person sitting in front of you.
"Aegon," you whispered in shock.
You had only just spoken the words when you jerked away harshly, your body moving on its own accord. You were unaware of when you had fallen asleep last night. You must've drifted off the sleep while lost in your own thoughts.
"Hello," he greeted warmly, edging closer up the bed toward you. You didn't answer. To dazed by sleep to fully comprehend what was going on.
"You must be cold," he tried again. You could feel he was attempting to start up a conversation and unlike Visenya, you had an irking feeling he would want you to respond.
"I'm fine," you responded meekly.
He hummed, seemingly not convinced. He inched himself nearer toward you, aligning his thigh with your reclined figure, the pressure causing the bond to hum. Encouraging you to move closer toward your bonded. You relented. Despite whatever desire that remained inside of you to give in to the bond, and allow for them to do whatever he wished to you. You could not forget the screams of your people as the dragon fire consumed them. How could you ever forget? When their screams would haunt you to the night you die.
“I apologize for Visenya’s behaviour. She can be very . . . . forward to say the least.”
You nodded, accepting his terrible apology and excuse, so you could move on to what was important.
You sat yourself straight up. “My nephew, is he well?”
“He is well,” Aegon confirmed. His finger returned to your face once more, as he started trailing your features. “I can assure you no harm shall come to your nephew, as long you as you remain with us.”
While his words were meant to be comforting. The underlying threat was not lost on you. The message was clear: attempt to run and your nephew would suffer the price for your foolishness. Instead of arguing with the man who held your nephew’s life in his hands, you opted to change the conversation.
“What time is it?”
His reply came instantly. “Late at night. By now most, if not all, have retired to their tents.” His finger continued trailing over your features, now reaching your lips. He applied firm pressure, eyes keen on your every expression, as he moved on to fiddling with your hair.
“Where are your wives then?” You had not meant for the words to escape as bitterly as they did. But at the very thought of Visenya and her complete disregard for your discomfort and family. You couldn’t help the root of anger that was settling over your heart at the mention of her.
“In their tents, resting for the night.” If he had heard the bitterness in your tone then he was certainly ignoring it. He kept a comforting smile on his lips. You furrowed your brows at his answer. Should the Queens not be on the side of the King? While it wasn’t fully uncommon for spouses to have separate rooms, you would’ve assumed bonded like them would remain together.
He seemed to be able to tell your confusion for a moment had not passed before he started explaining himself. “My sisters enjoy having their own separate beds. I fear they would argue far too much about the other stealing all their space. Though I suppose that may perhaps change with your arrival.”
Sisters. They were siblings. Right, you had completely forgotten. The Valyrian custom you had heard so much about. It had completely escaped your mind that all three conquerors were of the same blood and of the same father. Disgust crept its way through you at that revelation.
“Should you not be sleeping?” You quickly said after realising that you had spent far too much time pondering about the strange Valyrian custom. “I much rather spend my time with you,” he replied smoothly. Eyes flickering up to meet yours again.
“And how fun that must be, staring at me sleeping.” You bit back, before realising you had spoken back to the King. “It is indeed,” he replied back rather amused, “especially with my name rolling off your mouth whilst you slept.”
Heat begin to prickle at your skin at his words. Surely you did not?
“What were you dreaming of?” He asks.
You're aware that he’s only asking because he already knows the answer. And despite you not remembering the dream, you're also keenly aware of the sheet of sweat that covers you and the way your undergarments seem to cling to you. You internally curse yourself. You recognise it to be a symptom of not having the bond consummated immediately after your initial meeting. The heightened sense of arousal, the sexual dreams and the need to be in one another’s presence. Direct symptoms of the bond. You remember your mother’s stories of bonded ones meeting for the first time. They usually consummate the bond at the exact moment they meet, the frenzy of the bond simply too strong to resist.
“I don’t remember.” Only a partial lie, you truly did not remember, however, you had an irking suspicion toward what that dream contained, as did he.
He laughs a quiet yet dangerous sound that strokes a fire inside of you. “Perhaps then, I could help you remember. It was after all me you were dreaming of.”
The meaning of his words caused your body to grow fully warm. “You’re flattering yourself far too much,” you lamely attempt.
He moves closer toward you at those words. As you started slowly crawling back from him. A large smirk grew on his face. “I’m sure you like to think that, wouldn’t you.” He drew himself nearer, standing so close to you, you’re faces were merely an inch apart, “but I heard the way you called my name, so sweetly.”
“I did no such thing.”
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of.” His voice drops down to a sensual tone, “I myself have to admit that I have found myself dreaming of you plenty of times throughout the day,” he closed his eyes momentarily. “Every time I close my eyes, I see you writhing in pleasure beneath me.” He begins, keeping his eyes closed as if he was imagining it right now. “Or I see you laying on this bed, my sisters between your legs, worshipping you with their mouths, bringing you to ecstasy over and over before I finally take you.”
Your heart starts pounding fast. In fact, you’re not sure if your heart has ever gone this fast before. You feel warm. Too warm, despite the coldness of the night seeping into the room. You can feel your pulse in your throat and the dryness that has settled over your lips.
“So tell me once more, what was it that you were dreaming of?” He asks in a hushed voice.
“Nothing.” You reply quickly, averting your gaze toward the exit. The idea of running away from this entire situation seems suddenly very appealing.
“So you don’t wish for my help?”
This time you don’t reply too afraid of giving the answer that you truly wish to say. After a moment of pure silence. With you ignoring his longing eyes, he decides to change his approach.
“You must be feeling so desperate.”
You don’t respond too afraid to say anything anymore. He leans toward you. You can feel his breath in your ear. You can feel the ache between your legs growing stronger.
“We’re not meant to go this long without each other,” he whispers delicately against you, “you know that. It’s only been a couple of hours. Yet, your body is aching for me, just as I am for you.” He glides his tongue against your cheek. Fire spreads everywhere he touches you. “Poor Visenya could barely contain herself from want. I had to order her and Rhaenys to leave you alone or else I fear they both would’ve ravished you the moment you entered our camp. But I convinced them it would be best if I warmed you up to us first. That all of us at once, forcing your attention upon us. Whilst your mind was still reeling from loss would be far too much.”
Your breath comes out shaky as you struggle to contain your own wants. It would be so wrong to give in. They had murdered your family. They had even threatened the only one that remained. Briefly, you wondered how things could’ve been different if you had met under normal circumstances. Telling your mother how happy you were at finding your bonded, asking permission to court you properly once the frenzy of the bond had passed. How different it all could’ve been. Instead, it was them who had robbed you of all of that. Your mother was dead, and so was your father. There was no need for a courting period for there was no one alive for them to ask permission for your hand from.
“Give yourself to me.” Aegon’s voice is rough with wanting like this is just as hard for him as it is for you. “I know you feel it. I feel it, too. You yearn for me, you crave my touch. Let me make you feel good, let me ease that ache you feel. Give yourself to us, and in return, we shall give you whatever your heart desires.”
“My heart desires for my family to be alive, tell me can you make that happen.” You snap back tears brimming into your eyes at the mention of your deceased family. A full night had yet not even passed and here you were dishonouring them all by giving yourself to the man who had killed them.
Something shifted in Aegon’s eyes at those words. Violet eyes growing stern much like Visenya’s had. His hand grabbed at your jaw bringing your eyes up to meet his. The familiarity of the situation was not lost upon you. As you stared up into his beautiful violet eyes.
“What happened to your family was their own fault had they simply bent the knee as I had asked of them. There would be no need for the pointless slaughter of your people,” his grip at your jaw tightened, “but I have been merciful have I not? I could’ve burned the survivors in dragon fire as well, but I did not. I could’ve killed your pathetic nephew who continuously begs my guards to be brought into your presence. But I do not. You know why?” He rubs the tears falling from you eyes away, “for I am a merciful King, but that does not mean, I shall remain one.”
“What is merciful of you burning my family alive? It was our King who made the decision to not bend his knee, not us!” You shouted back, jerking yourself free from his hold. "You say it’s mercy letting us live. Very well, then go ahead kill me. Give me the solace of being united with my family once more.”
He laughs, coldly at your little display of anger. “Very well, but remember that you asked for this.”
He backs away from the bed, grabbing his sword on his way out. “Wait! What’re you doing.” You desperately yell after him, “I told you to kill me, to punish me! Wait!”
You struggle against the metal chains keeping you tied to the bed. Your screams for Aegon to stop echoing through the night. Soon those screams are replaced by those of others. Dread fills your being as you realise what was happening.
Tears stream down your face your throat becomes sore from your sobbing. Eventually, you fell asleep, tears still streaming down your face.
Upon awakening, a throbbing headache greeted you—a consequence of having cried yourself to sleep. The light streaming into the tent suggested that it was now daytime. You glanced down at the blanket enveloping your shivering form. Vaguely, you remembered someone entering the tent late at night after you had drifted off. Whether it was Aegon or another you weren't sure. Exhaustion had overwhelmed you to the point where the mere thought of opening your eyes and checking was too much.
After throwing the blanket on you, the person joined you in bed. But remained at a comfortable distance so as not to disturb you. As you stirred around, you became aware that the person had left.
You sighed, running a hand through your face. The metal chains still digging painfully into your wrists.
The events of the previous night played back in your mind on repeat. A sense of dread fills you. What would the consequences be if you continued to reject their advances? How far would they go to keep you in line? How many would die as a consequence of their anger? Would they kill you if you continued to deny them?
You remained sprawled on the bed for several hours, unable to free yourself from the metal chains that bound you. Eventually, tiredness overcame you, and you slipped back into slumber. When you stirred again, it was to the sensation of someone shaking you awake.
"You must be starving," the voice observed. You recognised the voice; Rhaenys.
Before you, she stood, as breathtakingly beautiful as you remembered her to be. It took a moment for her words to fully register, and then you nodded in agreement. The audible growl of your stomach served as a reminder of the prolonged time you had gone with the absence of food—it had been two full days. Rhaenys smiled, offering you a plate of food. Without a word, you accepted the plate and began to eat. Rhaenys remained silent, unabashedly observing you as you ate.
After finishing your meal, you silently set the plate on the side table. The room fell into a hush as the two of you sat in silence, you with your gaze fixed on the floor, and Rhaenys studying you intently. Suddenly, she rose and positioned herself directly behind you on the bed, your back pressed against her chest. A surge of fear gripped you—what was she planning? Would she force herself on you as Visenya had done, or would she threaten you much like Aegon had done?
Surprisingly, she did neither. Instead, she pulled a brush and began running it through your hair. You started relaxing under her gentle ministrations. Eventually, she transitioned into braiding your hair skillfully. Two large braids took shape, and she proceeded to pin them up into an elegant updo, her actions gentle and kind.
"You shouldn't have said those things to Aegon, you upset him."
Her words sent a sudden jolt through your body, erasing any trace of comfort that had briefly settled into you. Instantly, tension gripped your frame.
"Your continued denial of the bond shall only bring pain to us. Embrace it. Acknowledge your destined path. You belong to us now," the calmness Rhaenys exhibited while speaking, caused shivers to run down your spine, "should you attempt to escape with your little nephew, our forces will inevitably hunt you down and bring you back. Half of Westeros has fallen to our whim, the rest shall soon follow. Tell me, who shall risk their lives and those of their kin to shield you from us? Last night, you incurred only a speck of Aegon's wrath, forcing him to unveil but a fraction of our might. Imagine the repercussions should you provoke us once more."
With that final word, she left. Leaving you once more in a state of fear.
Days pass before someone attempts to visit you again. Each day, a new guard came to attend to you, delivering food and bringing you to a nearby lake to clean yourself.
As days pass you begin to fight your own instinct. Begging for you to be near your homicidal bonded. Each night you were haunted by dreams of them, each dream leaving you more frustrated than the last. The fact that you know that they have been visiting every night while you pretend to sleep doesn't help.
It is on the fifth day of this behaviour continuing that you finally snapped.
A gentle hand traced along your back as your consciousness began to return. Most of your nights since entering the camp had been spent sleeping, daydreaming or reading. The familiarity of the rough hand hinted at Aegon's presence, a revelation that didn't surprise you. Although all three had taken turns visiting you every night. Aegon was the one that usually ended up curled next to you sleeping at night.
Upon feeling you stir, he retracted his hand from your back. Instantly your own shot up to stop.
“Wait,” you all but begged, “don’t stop.”
“Don’t stop what?”
His voice was rough, just like you remembered it to be. He hadn’t spoken to you directly, not since that night. You had heard him bark orders at his men and seen him conversing with Orys Baratheon. But he had refused to speak to you ever since you had snapped at him.
“Touch me, please.”
The pure desperation in your voice wasn’t lost on you. And though you felt heat creeping up your skin at your confession, you couldn’t deny how badly you needed him. After all, Rhaenys had been right. You were only causing yourself misery by refusing yourself what you wanted. At your request, his hand rubbed down the side of your waist. Your breath becomes shaky as you turn to lie on your back to face him. Aegon was staring at you intensely.
You didn't know what to say to him. How to voice out the desire building in your chest. So you settle for calling out his name. Your voice is dripping with desire and desperation. Gazing into those violet eyes, you catch a glimpse of the fire so characteristic of the Targaryens just before his lips meet yours.
There’s nothing gentle about the kiss shared between you two. It’s the kiss of two people who have been deprived of their true desires for far too long, your teeth bumping against each other, tongues twisting and tangling. His hand grabs a hold of your hair and keeps you in place. The bond hums loudly in approval of your actions.
Aegons draws himself back slightly to look at your expression, his free hand moving to palm your breast over your nightgown. You moan at the feeling. His other hand lets go of your hair to slither down your body and press against your core.
“You’re drenched,” he mutters breathlessly, slowing down his movements as he starts to tease you, “I could make you cum from this alone.”
“Please” you beg, your hips bucking up to meet him.
“I should make you beg me for it after everything you put us through.” His eyes are dark as he speaks, his thumb pressing hard against your clit, making you moan. “Luckily, I am a generous King. I can feel how much you need to come on my fingers.”
You nod wildly, as he inserts a finger into you, pleasure pulsating through you.
“You’ve been craving this, waiting for this very moment,” Aegon murmurs against your ear with a wicked smile. “You’ve tried to deny yourself, but you need me, you need my touch.”
You whimper pathetically, your hips rocking wildly aganist him. “Say it,” he demands, pushing another finger into your dripping core.
“I need you to make me come, Aegon. Please, my King, I need you so badly.” You purposefully empathize with his title, knowing what button to press to make him give in.
His violet eyes darken even further as he pulls you towards the edge of the bed, getting down on his knees in front of you. He makes swift work of removing your clothes. Before his lips descend down on you. You moan loudly your hand moving to entangle yourself into his hair.
Aegon mumbles something against your clit that you can’t hear, before teasing you with the tip of his tongue and then pressing it flat against you and rubbing it in slow circles. Meanwhile, his fingers moved to find that soft, aching spot inside of you and he purposefully pressed against it in slow, firm thrusts that made you tremble.
“Aegon, please” you moan, partly as encouragement for him to continue and partly because you want him so badly. You’re so close. Your entire body is tense and trembling; all you can think about is how badly you need to come, how much you are aching for your release. You’re so close.
“Aegon, please,” you plea again, truly desperate now. “Please my king. Please.”
You’re not sure if it’s what you said, the desperation in your voice, or if it’s just pure coincidence, but in that moment. Aegon shifts his rhythm, bringing you closer toward your peak and over the edge.
Your orgasm hits you hard. You have never felt anything like this before. You feel satisfied but also feel the ache growing stronger than ever before. He looks up at you a smile displayed on his beautiful, handsome face. He crawls up to you, pressing a deep kiss into your lips. He continues kissing you as he slides a hand down to your core again. Firm fingers pressing against you. “There you go, feels good doesn’t it?” He murmurs into your temple pressing a kiss against it, “I wanna see your expression this time. You can come for me again. Can’t you my sweet girl?”
He speaks as if it’s a question but from the way he’s pressing his finger into you. You know, you have no choice in the matter.
“Oh, dear, Lords,” you gasp loudly.
You’re doing so well for me,” he kisses you again. He lowers his voice to a sensual whisper, leaning in closer to your ear. “I can’t wait to fuck you until you’re trembling and coming all over me like the sweet girl you are.” It’s the combination of his words, his voice and his perfect hands that bring you over the edge.
“Yes, that’s it,” Aegon mutters encouraging, as he watches you. “You are so beautiful when you come undone like that.” He kisses you slowly. It’s only then you realise that he's still fully clothed while you lay naked underneath him.
You don't have time to complain. All of a sudden, he grabs hold of your body, manhandling you around so you now lay on your stomach. He pushes your head into the bed harder as he scoops a hand underneath your hips, lifting your bare ass into the air, exposing your drenched pussy to the cold air.
He lands a hard smack on your ass.
"If you hadn't been so stubborn, this could have happened much earlier" Aegon spoke in a hushed voice, hands trailing down your waist. You said nothing. Entirely too breathless to defend yourself. Aegon placed himself at your entrance and allowed you no time to adjust to the massive length of his before he slammed into you. It felt as if the wind had been knocked out of you. You gasped as he picked up his pace, fucking you with wild and reckless abandon.
"Come on, my sweet," he taunted, "tell me how much you hate me now."
Aegon slammed into you so deep it really felt like he might kill you after all. You felt yourself pulse around his cock, your pussy trying to somehow pull him in deeper.
"So. Fucking. Tight," he said through gritted teeth. His hands gripping your hips with such force you knew they would bruise. Part of you beamed internally at the idea of being marked up by your bonded. Heat exploded inside of you. Your eyes were momentarily blinded as you felt yourself reach your climax.
"Please, fill me, Aegon," you begged, head still shoved into the bed. Aegon groaned at your words, holding your hips tightly as he pulled you back up against him to fuck him. He picked up his speed, thrusts becoming messy and sloppy as he chased his own peak.
He thrusted in roughly a few more times before he finally stilled, pushing inside of you as far as he could. He stayed inside of you for a few moments more before slowly pulling out, watching his cum spill out of your abused cunt. The loss of him being inside of you, causes you to whimper, feeling empty.
"That was truly a spectacular show," Visenya's voice sounded. Turning to your right, you beheld the sight of both the sisters standing there, a hint of amusement evident in their expressions. "I certainly hope you're not too tired for another round," Rhaenys quipped. The two women sauntered closer toward the bed where the two of you were situated. Crawling over the duvet toward you.
"Not that it truly matters if you are," Visenya smirked. Planting her mouth at your shoulder blade, she started sucking. Rhaenys copying her movement on your other one. You hummed in delight, completely unaware of the massacre that was befalling your people outside the tent, as your bonded made sure to keep your undivided attention on them.
They couldn't afford the possibility of your focus being split between them and the well-being of your people, especially when you were destined to belong to them. And with the bond now finally complete, you would never be able to leave. The strategy of isolating you without their presence played out flawlessly, leveraging the bond into compelling you to yield.
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gulnarsultan · 7 months
hi I hope you are fine can you please write yandere aegon the conqueror x stark! reader Where she forced the reader to marry him, and she was doing her best to be nice to him and help him, but he did not love her and he always ignore her , and when he finally realized that he loved her, she began to hate him and ignore him, just as he treated her before.
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Hello. I hope you like it. If you want a happier ending, feel free to write.
" Scenario "
You were Torrhen Stark's only daughter. That's why you were the apple of House Stark's eye. You had a happier life than the day the three Targaryens conquered the land. All Kingdoms except Dorne had submitted to the Targaryens. Aegon chose you as his third wife when he was crowned. Your wedding was beautiful and lavish. However, your married life and your husband were not good at all. You were trying to be the best wife you could for Aegon. You were hoping to have a relationship based on friendship, even if there wasn't love between you. Despite months of trying, you had never been able to create a significant relationship between you and Aegon. You don't remember what exhausted your patience. Scolding you for his sister Rhaenys? His contempt? Falling in love with him right before your eyes? Or Aegon beating you because of a lie Rhaenys told? After Aegon beat you, you ran to your room, battered and in tears. You stopped when you saw the balcony in the hallway. You were trying to run and jump from the balcony, but Visenya caught you. That night you found solace in Visenya's arms. You've decided to make big changes in your life. You were only speaking formally to Aegon. You didn't approach Aegon unless necessary. You were acting as if Aegon didn't exist anymore. You spent most of your time with Visenya or alone. Aegon immediately understood the change. Thanks to Aegon's urging, Rhaenys told you all the evil she had committed against you. She came to you and apologized because of Aegon. Aenda had sincerely apologized to you and asked for a second chance. However, the spiteful and disgusted looks he encountered told him all the poisonous words you didn't say. Aegon was trying hard to win you over again. He confronted you when he found out about your moon tea order. You told him to get his beloved wife pregnant. You said you would only carry the children of a man she would love after she got out of this damn marriage. Aegon couldn't remember ever being hit so hard in his life. At Visenya's request, you agreed to become pregnant with Aegon's baby. After all, the King needed heirs. Before Rhaenys, you gave birth to three Princes and a Princess. You had more children over the years. You had a total of nine children. You were a good mother to your children and a good Queen to the Kingdom. The Targaryen line continues through your blood. Aegon the Conqueror's efforts to regain your love have been the subject of stories and poems. For centuries, bards have sung about the ice queen before whom Targaryen the Conqueror knelt.
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sugarprincessbitch · 1 year
Targaryen men x Targ! Wife Reader
(Reader suffers the same death as Laena)
Warning ⚠️ (Angst).
Maegor Targaryen x reader, Aegon Targaryen x reader, Aegon II Targaryen x reader, and Aemond Targaryen x reader
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Aegon II
The king's council was pressuring you and Aegon to give the throne a heir, despite being pregnant three times none of each were a boy, instead you had three beautiful daughters.
Now you were in your fourth pregnancy. Wanting to be near your mother, princess Rhaenyra, in your labor, your little family decided to move to Dragon stone.
The labor started early than expected, but that wasn't saw as a problem because the pregnancy developed normally.
Your mother and the maester were inside the room with you, meanwhile Aegon was walking impatiently outside your birthing chambers with the fear of something going wrong. Daemon and the boys tried to calm him down, reassuring him that you were at the hands of the best maester and midwife's they could found and you where going to be fine.
Hours passed and you were still fighting in that room to bring your child to the world, wrenching screams could be heard in all Dragon stone, but none of a child, only yours.
Suddenly the door open, and the pale face of the master came into view, he told Aegon that the baby was stuck inside of you and the only way of get it out was to cut you open.
Angered by the maester words he was ready to strangle him right there, but your anguished callings stop him before doing something.
You were bedridden, pale as a ghost and sweating a lot, the baby was slowly killing you each passing hour.
Rhaenyra was at one side of the bed, trying to calm you down by whispering sweet things in your ear, but by the look of her face she was also deeply worried by your state.
when he was finally at your side you told him to help you get up, and ignoring the pain you stubbornly start to walk outside the room despite the pleadings of the others.
Aegon start to follow you, calling and pleading that you will be fine and there will be another way. You still didn't want to listen to him and continue walking.
He found himself outside, inside the dragon pits he found you. You were in front of your dragon saying something that he couldn't comprehend, his panic calls were covered by a roar and you were engulf by flames.
Aegon started to scream horrified by the view as his legs gave out and he stumbles against the hard floor. He felt his heart tear apart. A river of tears run along his face at the sight of your body, your burnt body.
After that horrible night Aegon was not the same, he was a shell of the man he was with you. For his family pity, he returned to his old habits, ignoring all his responsabilities in court and as a father, neglecting your daughters.
His mother and grandfather force him into a new marriage, saying that he still needed a heir.
Poor the unlucky woman that married Aegon, because the shadow of your memory will be always there to haunt her.
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Maegor I
You were the only wife that had given him children and pure blooded too, due to being his half sister. Because of that you were the most dear and important wife of Maegor, treating you with a fondness that was rare of him.
The maester had warn him to not try for more children, your health was fragile since having many children without repose, another pregnancy could cost you not only your life but also the one of the baby.
Maegor didn't listen to it and stated that his wife should do their duty to him as a woman without caring if she wanted or not. That was the end of the discussion.
The new pregnancy developed progressively worse as months passed, debilitating the mother day after day.
Visenya was the only one that had permission to attend the pregnancies of the queen, due to the fact that Maegor wasn't fond of maesters, believing them to be useless for caring correctly of her sister-wife.
In the middle of the night you went in labor, Visenya and the midwife's were the only ones present with you. Maegor was on one of his campaigns battling the faith, so he couldn't be present.
It passed a long time and the baby didn't wanna come out, there was blood everywhere and the women in the room shared with each other worried faces.
Due to the pain pleadings of the queen, Visenya decided to call a maester. The maester tried without effectiveness, stating that the only way the baby would come out is by cutting you open.
Knowing the end was near, you pleaded to Visenya that if you were going to die you wanted to do it at the hands of your dragon, not of the maester "From fire I was born, from fire I will die" you said.
When Maegor landed in kings landing the news of the torturous labor and death of his wife reach his ears.
He immediately saw red, mad with fury he grab his sword and went to search for the one or ones guilty of your death.
That day it was told that the fury of the dragon rain upon the people of kings landing, no one was saved from Maegor's want for blood.
He burned, tortured and killed everyone that was in charge of your well being. When no one was left to appease his Mad pain, innocents were also slay. But no killing or torture could fill the hole in his wrenching chest, the one you and your unborn child left behind.
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Aegon I
They say that Aegon married his three sisters for different reasons. He married Visenya for duty, Rhaenys for love and you for devotion.
You were his twin, the half of his soul, the mother of his only daughter. His sweet Daenerys.
Your second pregnancy came as a glad surprise for the two of you and the kingdom, after the tragic death of your little sister at the hands of Dorne, in the castle there was only days for mourning or sadness. So the unexpected new was a ray of hope for everyone, specially Aegon who desperately needed a little hope to grab on to.
All different types of maesters were pestering you day and night all along the duration of the nine months, this was a direct order of their king and their queen, your older sister Visenya. The two of them worried about the fragile state you were in.
Because of you being a little pass your prime, the announce of you being pregnant was a miracle on itself, and the dangers of having a baby at your age was of their over protectivness.
You were now two days in labor, since your contractions starting in the early morning of the first day and continuing in the night of the second day, you haven't stop pushing.
Everyone was in distress and the tension was burdensome in the air, Aegon vigilant gaze and your sister angry commands were not helping at all.
That second night Visenya nor Aegon could be with you, an important meeting regarding the next attack to Dorne was held, and you found yourself all alone in a room full of strangers.
The pain was now unberable, each passing day with your baby stuck in you was agonizing, you knew death was in the horizon although Aegon didn't want to acknowledge it, extending your suffering.
In one of your moments of consciousness you got up of bed. Shoving the maester and servants aside, you got out of the room.
A terrified servant abruptly interrumpt the meeting and told them about your current disappearence. For a second Aegon was shock in place by the horrifying news, that hesitation was enough time for Visenya to start screaming commands to the guards to inmediatly find you.
They found you in the dragon pit, screaming to your dragon, pleading him for mercy. Aegon was the last one to get to there. Seeing you in just a dangerous situation send him on edge and without thinking it he tried to run to you, but the fire was quicker and reached you first.
A part of Aegon died that day in the fire with you, his hope was lost, everything was lost without you by his side. He attached himself to the only part of you that was left, your daughter.
Your loss was the final drop for the strain relationship between Visenya and Aegon to broke beyond repair. Dividing the family, creating resentment not only between the parents but also, between the children.
When Aegon's last days were near, he went in and out of feverish deviations, the only thing that calmed him was the milk of the poppy that the maesters gave him.
In his death bed his last words were pronounce again and again with a trembling and a voice full of anguish "My sweet y/n, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Until he finally took his last breath the prayers didn't stop.
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Aemond I
Your family, specially your mother, wasn't fond of your sudden marriage with Aemond, she had other plans for her younger's. Being Haelena and Aegon the ones married as the Targaryen tradition dictates, she didn't needed more than one. But love seal by fire couldn't be stop.
For the first time Aemond felt joy, the gods heard his and his wife prayers and gift them with a child, the one that were dessesperately hoping for.
The pregnancy went normally without much of a fuss, the two of you were expecting with excitement the day your baby will come into the world. Aemond didn't care if it were to be a girl or a boy, as the second son, he didn't have the burden to produce a male heir.
During the later stages of your pregnancy the tensions between the blacks and the greens grew increasingly dangerous. When the high septon crowned your brother as king everything explode. Due to this, Aemond had to fly away to Storm's end as a negotiator for the greens, leaving his much pregnant wife at home.
An urgent letter from her mother came in the second day he was staying there, telling him to come home as soon as possible, his wife started labor hours ago.
Only one thing retain him for some time before going back to his dear sister, the bastard that took his eye, Lucerys.
When he arrived at the pit in Kings landing the storm had long passed. Without changing his wet clothes he inmediatly went to the birthing chambers, in the rush he didn't notice the commotion of the servants and guards of the castle.
Entering he found the room empty, except from his mother who was in the floor, with her hands covering her face, crying unconsolable. Ameond silently reach her, and with a pang of fear in his chest ask "Mother, were is y/n... Were is she?".
Alicent gasp and cried more, he grew desperate and ask in a more forceful tone this time "Mother, stop crying and answer me, were is y/n?" Finally she answered him "I'm sorry Aemond, I'm so sorry I couldn't stop her... Oh god how horrible!" For a moment everything went silent, the pang in his chest grew and stab him with more force this time.
His mother rose her head and look at him with tears in her puff eyes "Th-the pregnancy went wrong, the baby, the baby wouldn't come out"
She stop and shed more tears "She killed herself Aemond, she command her dragon to kill her..." Stoping for a moment she screamed "OH GOD HOW HORRIBLE!"
Upon hearing this Aemond block himself out of the room, unfocusing his gaze he hug his mother that continue to cry in his shoulders. His face was still as a rock, solid, without a feeling. Only a treacherous tear falling slowly from his good eye, showing the emotion behind the empty gaze.
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sunnytarg · 2 years
How would Yandere!Aegon I, Aemond, Daemon and Margor react to a Stark!Reader who refused to marry them on religious grounds? (As in she doesn’t want to marry and have children with someone that doesn’t worship the Old Gods)
I’m still having a hard time writing Daemon and I have no idea if anyone can tell through my writing. Anyways, enjoy!
TW: Somnophilia, dubcon, kidnapping(?), and stalking.
Aegon I (The Conqueror)
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Aegon was a persistent man. When he wanted something he would eventually get it even if it took him a while.
None were surprised when after the Lord of Winterfell finally bent the knee to him, Aegon soon set his eyes on conquering another part of the North. The Lord of Winterfell’s sister. Unlike most that had come before her, she was not bending over backward to fulfill his every want nor was she cold and distant. She was dismissive, as though he didn’t have a dragon perched outside the walls of the cold castle. The more she acted as if he was not there, the more attention he paid to her.
He soon learned she was unwed and that every day she would take a stroll out to a tree that he had been told was where they worshipped the Old Gods. While his sister-wives were entertained by the feasts the northerners put together in their honor, Aegon found himself following Lady Stark out into the forest. He tried his best not to be seen. He watched as she knelt in front of the tree’s face for several minutes before getting up to leave. He didn’t follow her back that night. He only stayed for a few moments longer and watched the tree. He knew nothing about the Old Gods and why the northerners worshipped them. Truthfully, he didn’t care enough to know. He couldn’t see why it would be so important to him.
The next morning as Visenya and Rhaenys still slumbered, as well as most of the castle, Aegon went to the Lord of Winterfell. With the Lady barely giving him the time of day, he knew he wouldn’t get the answer he wanted so he decided to ask her brother for her hand in marriage. The man agreed quickly, stating that his sister only needed to agree, and once she did they would be wed.
Aegon had not expected an immediate yes but he hadn’t expected the Lady to say no so quickly and with so little thought. She refused to marry him due to her Gods. The Gods he did not worship. She stated that she could not marry nor bare children for a man who did not understand her Gods or the way of her people. Aegon had suggested that a Weirwood tree be brought to King’s Landing for her to which she only laughed, claiming he clearly understood nothing of what it represented. With a forced smile, he nodded and left the Lady to herself.
That night he had asked his dear sister-wife Rhaenys to find a Weirwood tree and place it in King’s Landing. She left without question and when Visenya raised an eyebrow, clearly waiting for an answer he gave none.
He went to the Lord of Winterfell again who patted Aegon on the shoulder and pitied him for the rejection. Aegon had only to remind the Lord of the two dragons that stood outside his gates and what had happened to his previous enemies when they went against him. It was a threat and the Lord could see that. It was something Aegon appreciated because he didn’t care to dance around this for much longer.
The next morning, Visenya made sure that their things were packed and atop their dragons. Along with Lady Stark’s belongings. When the Lady herself was brought into the room in which Aegon stood with her brother, the look of boredom that was present on her face every time she saw Aegon was wiped away with a look of worry. Aegon stood back as her brother explained to her that she would not be wed to Aegon, as she wished, but she would be going to King’s Landing with him. When a look of confusion appeared on her beautiful face Aegon smiled and took her hands and told her that she would live with him as his mistress. She would not need to bare him any children and a Weirwood tree had been brought to her new home for her.
It may not have been what he wanted initially but perhaps after years as his mistress and years without a child of her own, Aegon could only hope that the love he showed her would be enough for her to finally agree to wed him but for now, he could settle for this.
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When it is whispered that the Stark family might join his nephew in rebelling against his claim to the throne, Maegor himself goes to Winterfell to sort things out with the Lord of Winterfell. When he first arrived, though, it was not the Lord that caught his eye but one of his daughters. She was beautiful, Maegor noted, but that was not what drew him to her. There was a fire in her eyes that he had truly ever seen in dragons when she looked at him.
That night, as he was talking to the Lord of Winterfell, he brought up his daughter. He claimed she was a Snow, a bastard, but he had loved her mother very much and had agreed to raise her alongside his sons. Maegor seeing the opportunity had suggested that if the Lord held no objections to Maegor marrying her, he would simply forget about the talks of the Starks rebelling. The Lord quickly agreed, knowing how Maegor handled his enemies and he wasn’t going to disagree with the man whilst his dragon, the same dragon that frightened his father enough to bend the knee, was outside the castle walls. Despite his agreeing to give his daughter's hand to Maegor, he warned the king of how devoted his daughter was to the Old Gods. Maegor simply laughed and said that it could be dealt with.
The next morning, as they were breaking their fast, Lord Stark announced the union that would be had between their House and House Targaryen. When his daughter heard this news she immediately protested but it didn’t matter. Maegor had already decided she was to be his wife so under his command he had his men take her to her rooms and have her locked in there. She was only to be let out that night when they were to be married. Lord Stark said nothing as the guards took away his daughter, who only spat in Maegor’s direction before she was out of view. When everyone at the table was settled again, Maegor smirked and said to no one in particular, “I think I will enjoy this marriage.”
When night fell he stood before the Weirwood tree and awaits his bride. When she was walked down to Maegor by her father, her beautiful dress could not hide the chains Maegor had requested be placed on her. She glared at him the entire ceremony and after she said her vows, she declared that this was a mockery of The Old Gods. Maegor refused to acknowledge her as the ceremony continued and when it ended he brought her to the chambers he was staying in by himself, although, he refused to remove the chains. She would learn that despite his name, he could treat the things he wanted well as he believed he did when he had their wedding ceremony before her precious Weirwood tree.
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Daemon had asked the sister of Lord Stark to marry him on several occasions. The first time in his youth and the most recently after his first wife had died. He made no secret his love for the Stark woman. Proclaiming she was his to anyone that had ears. She was not his, of course, as she would remind people. She never would be. She could never marry anyone who did not understand and worship the Old Gods. She would not compromise on this it infuriated Daemon because he was no king and his brother had refused to make the match on the grounds that the Lady, herself refused.
So, Daemon watched her. He was lucky enough that she lived in King’s Landing as one of the queen’s lady-in-waiting. When many thought he snuck down to the city and the depravity below them, he only snuck through the hidden passageways in the castle to find Lady Stark in her chambers. She mostly read or slept and when he saw her leave her room he would enter it. Searching for things that smelt like her. Once, he found her nightgowns and decided to take them all. Knowing that until she could have more purchased for herself she would have to sleep naked. It was something he enjoyed watching immensely. He didn’t know if she knew that he was behind the stolen clothes or if he watched her every step but even if she did, he would not stop.
Eventually, though, as most Ladies-in-waiting do, she got married. It was to a man who belonged to a Northern House a house no one could really remember. He did pray to The Old Gods, though, and apparently, that was enough for the woman he had so longed to marry to agree to be another man’s wife. Luckily, because he was not the Lord of his House the Queen could request that they stay in King’s Landing.
Daemon was glad that his love wasn’t going to be taken away from him but he couldn’t help but roll his eyes and glare daggers into the ungrateful man that his Lady now called her husband. At the feast to celebrate such a joyous event, Daemon made sure to sneak out when the newly married couple decided to take their leave for the night. He hide in his usual spot and watched as his Lady undressed for her new husband and laid down on the bed with her legs open for him. Daemon pulled out his own hard cock at the sight of her naked form. Her breasts her soft and he would give anything to taste her cunt. Her new husband didn’t even think to have her on his tongue, he only climbed on the bed and thrust his cock into her.
Daemon watched as her tits bounced with every thrust and pumped his own cock harder when she moaned. Her own husband had finished before she had and rolled off of her and promptly fell asleep. Daemon bit the inside of his cheek to not growl at the thought. How could a man have this beautiful northern lady underneath him and not have her cum with pleasure? He stayed long enough for her to fall asleep and he debated with himself for a few seconds on if he should enter the room.
Her husband had drunk so much wine, Daemon doubted that a wild horse running about their chambers would wake him. His lady had also had a fair amount to drink, especially after her husband had fallen asleep. So after a moment of rationalizing to himself, Daemon snuck into the chambers for the first time that she was also in there as well. He walked over to her side of the bed with his cock still out. He knew simply jerking off to her would no longer simply suffice. So he positioned himself on the bed carefully, so as not to jostle her husband or wake her, and slipped his hard cock into her. Her poor cunt was still wet and after a few slow and deep thrusts, he could tell it was just begging to be pleased.
He leaned down and latched his mouth onto one of her soft tits to muffle his moans as he continued to thrust into her. He brought one hand to her weeping cunt and rubbed at her clit. She clenched around his cock which made him buck harder into her. She moaned in her sleep but did not wake and when Daemon was sure she wouldn’t wake he continued until he felt her clenching again and soaking his cock with her creamy cum. When he felt her release he quickened his own thrusts and finally spilled his seed in her. When he pulled away he stood and looked down at his Lady. Her cunt was a mess of her own cream as well as her husband’s and Daemon’s seed. He snuck out of the chambers the same way he came in and told himself he would find another opportunity to taste her on his tongue.
Nearly nine moons after her wedding she gave birth to a son and when Daemon finally saw him he smiled in triumph. The babe had patchy white hair on the top of his head and large lilac eyes. Despite her marrying another man, Daemon had still managed to make it so they were bonded through blood.
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When Aemond is sent out to all of the great Houses of Westeros to gain the support of his brother he wasn’t expecting his attention to be grabbed by a widowed Stark. While the Lord would deliberate and talk to his counselors, Aemond would find himself sitting with the Lady and talking. He learned of how her husband was a Stark and how he died of a fever a little less than a year ago. When Aemond offered her his sympathies she only smiled sadly and shook her head saying, “I prayed to The Old Gods, and they saw it right to take him. Who am I to argue with that?”
After their talks, Aemond would find the library in Winterfell and read about The Old Gods. They clearly meant quite a bit to this widow. When he searched out a maester who resided in Winterfell and believed in The Old Gods, he told Aemond that the widow he had his eye on would never marry him nor bare his children because he did not worship The Old Gods. Aemond refused to believe the old man and on his second week in Winterfell, he went to his dear widow and asked for her hand. She smiled sadly at him and declined. Claiming that she had grown to care for Aemond and that despite her love for The Old Gods she would never want him to pretend to believe in something he truly didn’t. She kissed him on the cheek in parting and left.
Aemond didn’t know what to do with himself. He was certain he loved the sad woman despite barely knowing her. He wouldn’t force her to marry him and she was right, as fascinating as The Old Gods seemed, he didn’t believe in them. When he realized that his affection for her couldn’t go on any longer he drowned himself in ale with a rather burly northerner.
The northern man took pity on Aemond and brought him to the only brothel in Winterfell, there Aemond found a woman who looked like his widow from behind. He spent the entire night with her and when he married her the next day he was still slightly drunk because that was the only way he could look at her face and see the woman he truly wanted. By the time he left Winterfell, he did not have the North’s allegiance to the new king nor the widow he had coveted but a new wife who when he bedded her he would moan the name of another.
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ladydostoevsky · 2 years
Merhaba. Umarım seni rahatsız etmiyorumdur. Bazı Got ve HOTD karakterleri hakkında yazmayı düşünüyor musunuz? Aegon 1 Targaryen, Maegor 1 Targeryan ( Zalim), Rhaegar Targaryen, Aerys 2 Targaryen, Cregan Stark, Rickard Stark, Eddard Stark, Robb Stark, Stannis Baratheon, Tywin Lannister, Roose Bolton, Domeric Bolton.Are you thinking of writing how these characters will be yandere wives or girlfriends? Please
𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝘼𝙚𝙜𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙧, 𝙈𝙖𝙚𝙜𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙚𝙡, 𝘼𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙨 𝙄𝙄 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙮𝙚𝙣 (𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙙 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜), 𝙀𝙙𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙠, 𝙍𝙤𝙗𝙗 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙠, 𝙏𝙮𝙬𝙞𝙣 𝙇𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧
𝐴/𝑁: 𝐼 𝑐𝒉𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝒉𝑒𝑚. 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑢𝑐𝒉 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝒉𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑐𝒉𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐺𝑜𝑇 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑜 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒.
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𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐫
Aegon was a very loyal man, you knew that. So it surprised you when he told you that he wants to marry you, despite him having 2 wives already. But you were in no position to decline your conqueror’s wishes or rather, demands.
It wasn’t bad to be married to him. He was loving and sweet. Sometimes he would raise a hand but you looked past that.
His sisters were skeptical at first but later welcomed you with open arms.
Rhaenys wasn’t the friendliest at first. She feared that you would steal him and his love from her. Later when she met you she got why Aegon would want to marry you.
Visenya liked you the moment Aegon talked about you to her. She couldn’t wait to welcome you into the family.
You didn’t mind that he went from one bed to another, it just was how it was. And he didn’t mind when his sisters went into yours.
He kept you away from common people. He and his sisters were possessive and overprotective. One little rumor of you and Balerion was ready to dracarys them all.
He didn’t let you fight or ride a dragon. You had to be in the castle and always wait for him to return to you.
His biggest desire was you to give him strong and healthy children. Secretly he has always planned to put your son on the Iron Throne and make you THE Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. And no one could stop him, not even his own sisters.
𝐌𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥
Maegor as a husband is eternal torture. He is very cruel king, like his name tells. He killed anyone who displeased him, whether it was his own nephew, the builders of the Red Keep or his wives.
You have seen how he has slaughtered his other wives like flies, only because of his suspicions. Of course how could you not when he specifically orders you to watch. Watch what could happen if you disobey him.
Everybody knew you were his favorite, he knew, you knew, his other wives knew, everyone. Maybe it’s the fact that you are the only one who has given him children, and all sons. Maybe it’s the fact how good you feel in bed, after slaughtering some innocent citizens your body is all he desires.
He is abusive mentally, physically and sexually. You sometimes just pray that he would die because of the throne.
Everyone respects you very highly, no other wife of Maegor wouldn’t dare to cross their rank, one word from you and their heads are on spike for everyone to see.
You are known as THE Queen.
You know he loves you, in his own twisted and cruel way, but he cares for you and for your children. Right?
Even if sometimes late at night laying in bed he whispers softly how he would burn his sons alive in front of you if you ever would disobey him like his other whore he just killed a few hours ago.
Why would he care? He can always make new children with you.
𝐀𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐈𝐈 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 (𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐝 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠)
In his youth he was everything a woman could want from a husband. He was ambitious, charming, smart, gentle and so much more.
He was protective from the beginning, you were gonna be his queen, he always had to have eyes on you. Especially near his hand, Tywin Lannister, who always gave him some kind of paranoia.
But you were loyal to your king and now husband, just like he wanted.
With years and decades he turned more into madness. You didn’t know how to help. Was it because of his father’s death? Or because of his hand, Lord Lannister? Maybe just his paranoia overal?
He was afraid of traitors and the Targaryen dynasty collapsing. He bedded you more and more to have more children to protect the succession and dynasty.
He started to take your freedom and lock you up with your children. He was gone to full madness.
One bad talk about you in the city and he burned them alive with wildfire. You remember the screams, the smell of smoke and chemicals, the smell of burning corpses. You were afraid of him.
You even thought about going to talk with Tywin Lannister but you didn’t want to get yourself or your children in any more trouble.
You suffered in silence with his madness.
𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤
Eddard Stark was the definition of gentleman. He did everything for you and he was never cruel to you.
He knew you needed freedom and gentle love, so he gave it to you. He was never mad at you, rather he blamed others. Whoever dared to disrespect you or your rank as his wife and Lady of Winterfell got their head chopped off. You never saw them again.
He never doubted your love and loyalty, he knew he had given you anything so there is no need.
He could see you in your children’s eyes, especially in Sansa’s.
But you knew he was ready to sacrifice anything for you. His titles, his house, his children, even himself.
He was protective and kinda like a puppy or even slave for you. So you could never imagine him as a mad man who could do horrible things just to keep you.
But of course you can’t read his thoughts in his head, you can’t see the dark glimmers behind his love stuck eyes.
𝐑���𝐛𝐛 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤
Just like his father, Eddard, he is the definition of gentleman. He did anything to show off and impress you.
You two were like open lovers. Everyone knew you had something going on. The eye contacts, the touches, the sounds late at night in his room gave it all away.
Despite knowing you were loyal and loved him with all your heart he was a little delusional and paranoid. He always feared that one of the other younger lords would steal you away.
Sometimes he even suspected his own ‘half-brother’ Jon Snow. So he tried to hold you away from him as much as possible and always hinted that you were his lover and future wife.
He was never cruel towards you but his ‘enemies’ or competitions got to taste his steel blade.
He always fantasies about you. How you would get married, how you are gonna be as the Lady of Winterfell, you carrying his children and how he's gonna lock you up in the future, only for his eyes to see.
𝐓𝐲𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
Tywin never thought he would marry again after his first wife died.
But love is love.
Tywin was very intelligent and very ambitious. He knew how to court a woman and so you fell into the lion’s claws.
He was harsh you have to say. But he never raised his hand against you.
You got along with his children well. Well except one. Jamie and Tyrion welcomed you warmly. They were happy their father found finally someone else to spend his old age with. It was good to see him happy again.
But his daughter Cercei was another matter. She didn’t like you at all. She thought you were just some whore who thinks that you can replace her mother. A slut only here for the money and title. Tywin was so angry that he slapped and threatened her for that. After that Cercei didn’t dare to make any talk about you near you or her father.
He was protective. He wouldn’t let anything harm you. He vowed not to lose another wife. So he kept you behind Casterly Rock walls most of the time.
Only his most trusted servants he let near you because he had many rivals.
He had taught many times about baby trapping so you couldn’t flee and then you would have something to do all day. Also he needs a new heir to the Rock. His eldest son is a knight, his daughter is queen and then twarf. He needed a new son anyway but remembering what happened with Joanna he promised he wouldn’t press the matter. Only if you wanted.
And besides why would you even flee when he gives you everything and anything? You couldn’t step out of the castle even if you wished. Everyone has their eyes on you 24/7.
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Ok, Imagine: The Targaryens as yanderes
Thank @missglaskin for this, i've been reading too much of their headcannons and i need to get this off my chest, so bear with me
T.W: The Targaryens(yes, considering how problematic and delusional they can be, they are a warning) Kidnapping, Pregnancy and Death by birth (Maybe even miscarriages, remember this is the medieval era x-x) probably mentions of SH/SA (Not gonna go into details about this) and maybe more (BE AWARE, THESE ARE MY 8AM THOUGHTS BEFORE COFFEE)
So imagine that the reader from the HOTD is not a kidnapped child from a unfortunate family. They are descendants from an kidnapped person (It's not any better, i know-)
1. Aegon I!Reader:
Now, Aegon the Conqueror, conquering all of Westeros until suddenly, he meets a person that he can't understand why at first, but he feels infatuated with this person, even more than with Rhaenys.
You could be a mere commoner or a lady from a small house. Either way, you are taken from your home never to be seen again. Maybe he convinced your family to give you away, maybe he burned them to ashes, we will never know.
And although they were completely against this at first, Visenya and Rhaenys grew to adore you and now they spend time with you a lot, wanting to protect you(mostly Visenya) and gain your affection(especially Rhaenys). Not that it bothers Aegon, he feels great to know that both of his wifes are on board, and you are terrified. The people who kidnapped you and took your life away, want to play "Happy Family" like they don't keep you locked 24/7 while they terrorize all of Westeros.
Maybe Aegon did married you, but i like to think that he didn't considering he has two wifes already. But he did got you pregnant (cuz of plot and stuff).
All the 3 adore your daughter (Yes, it's a girl, again, plot and stuff), she is the apple of their eyes, their little princess, and no one is gonna touch her.
Both Aenys and Maegor see you as their fourth parent, doing anything to gain your praise and affection, especially Aenys since Rhaenys passed when he was 3 years old, which causes you to be more motherly to him(Also because he is a sick baby boy-), consequently making Maegor jealous.
Speaking of Rhaenys' death, that made your and your daughter's incarceration worse, since Aegon's paranoia grew a lot more, wanting nothing but to protect his beloved and his sweet princess, Visenya was no help, she just indulged her brother's tendencies.
And may the Gods bless Dorne, cuz the attacks will be tripled now X-X.
Unfortunately, life sucks and you die due to a disease, leaving your daughter in the hands of insane Targaryens who become even more possessive over her.
2. Aenys/Maegor!Reader:
After your mother's death, your family turn their eyes to you, now as the only remark of their beloved, since you took most of her characteristics, in appearance and personality.
And don't come thinking that once you reach adulthood that you will be free, Aegon admitted that he was not gonna marry you off anytime soon, he just lost his beloved, he is not gonna lose his daughter too, and the entire family agrees. Although Visenya did offer to marry you to Maegor, your father didn't seen to believe that Maegor was a proper suitor for you(+ The Faith of the Seven was gonna go crazy on them, considering that you are half-siblings-) and Aenys was already married to Alyssa Velaryon at this point.
You enjoyed spending time with Alyssa and your nephews, it was a way to distract you from the rollercoaster that was your life. Because of that and the obsession being a part of their blood at this point, Aenys' kids tended to find confort in you even if you were not too far from eachother in age.
As for Maegor, well, unlike Aenys and his family who only felt platonic feelings, Maegor's feelings grew into a romantic and sexual obsession that at the time he could not fulfill and Visenya was not much of help either, she told him that one day, you two would be married. So imagine his anger when he was forced to marry Ceryse Hightower.
For a couple of years, your life started to finally take course, sure, you were still trapped and with no way of getting out of your family's view, but it was better than when your mother passed, at least you walk around...with at least 4 trusted guards taking care of your every move...
And then Aegon died.
After taking the Iron Throne, Aenys became even more needy of your affection and support due to the huge stress he was dealing thanks to the rebellions against him. You would stay by his side most of the time trying to give him the emotional support he needs. And boy, that infuriated Maegor a lot. Everyone is competition to him at this point, doesn't matter what feelings they have for you.
Maegor's relationship to you was another rollercoaster. As children, you were pretty clingy onto him since he is your older brother and Aenys was always sick or busy. As teens, he became more touchy with you, but had to cross limits after some time and stopped almost completely after marrying Ceryse. However that did not stopped him from making something clear, he wanted you, you would be his, and that frightened you.
Now, isn't suprising that he was married to Alys Harroway. To you, it was, Maegor was always adamant about you and him, so what changed? Maybe he needed to suppress his feelings and saw something in Alys that resembled you? Maybe you would never know, since he was exiled right after everyone discovered, and Aenys didn't even let him say goodbye to you. But the reason was obvious, only the Gods would know what Maegor would do to you if had the chance to see you one last time before going to Pentos.
The last years of Aenys reign was stressful and agonizing, not just because of the rebellions. Because of Aenys' disease that made you stay and take care of him, you tried to stay around his children to find confort on each other. Visenya would also try to confort you as your stepmother, and help you take care of Aenys. But at end, when you thought that he was getting better, Aenys passed away.
And you barely had any time to mourn the loss of you half-brother, cuz after the funeral, Visenya leaves on Vaghar to return with Maegor. You could only watch as your stepmother was crowning your half-brother in your nephew's place and the decapitation of Grand Maester Gawen. Not too long after, Maegor marries you in a Valyrian Ceremony.
And you spend the rest of the night in your shared chambers with Maegor reminding you who you belonged to, with his words haunting your every thought.
Then everything went downhill, you were locked away from the world, Maegor was the only one you saw, sometimes maybe Visenya. No one could get in your chambers except the servants when you needed something, but they wouldn't say much out of fear.
You had no chances of escaping, even when Maegor went into coma, you had to watch over him, take care of him. Since that was your duty as his wife and Queen.
You never met Alys Harroway or Tyanna, you only saw them once: When Maegor executed them both, his way of teaching you what could happen if you disobeyed him.
Since you couldn't leave, you never discovered what Maegor actually did or how many did he killed, but you knew that he was no good king. You only worried for you sister in law and your nephews, that Maegor forbidden you from meeting.
Only when he married Rhaena, is when you had a brief chance to know what happened to the rest of the family, how he killed Aegon and Viserys, how Alyssa had to run away with Jaehaerys and Alyssane, and also 'met' her daughters with Aegon, Aerea and Rhaella. Rhaena did spared you the details of the atrocities that your husband did, you had heard and seen enough.
For years, Maegor tried to have an heir, specially with you, mostly with you, but you never got pregnant, had many miscarriages and you never understood why. Until you did.
That pregnancy was hell, in shorts, but you tried to go through with it. But nothing works out for you and unfortunately, you didn't make it.
When Maegor heard the news that you didn't survive, his only question was about the child, not gonna lie, he was devastated over your death, but he needed to know what killed you...and it was a girl.
You had a daughter, which made easier for Maegor to simply want her dead, after all, he needed a son for a heir. But when he demanded the child to be brought to him, the baby was no where to be found. Since Rhaena had took her away.
Your daughter would live without knowing who her father nor her mother was, but surely, she would have a life better than yours.
And that's all that matters, right?
A/N: I guess this is it, i don't have the mentality to continue now, so if you want more, let me know...ok bye
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hxmocrastic · 1 year
Yandere!Aegon I x M!Reader + NSFW HCs
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— pairings ; Yandere!Aegon I x Male!Reader
— a/n ; There's barely any M!Reader fics in ASOIAF Tags so I wanted to make my own ! (And bc I was curious 🤭)
— warnings ; NSFW ; 18+ TWT Links ; Coercion ; Dark Elements ; Yandere Behavior; Hinted Homophobia ; Affair ;
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You're a Lannister boy, The youngest of your four brothers and considered the weakest because of your stature, frame, and meek personality. Your father —Loren I Lannister— has always looked down upon you, He shunned and spurned you relentlessly even claiming that you weren't a Lion but a insolent rat. You're brothers were worst, Like your father they maligned you any chance they got hindering your self esteem to a crippled sheet of parchment. Though despite their belittlement, You were determined to prove yourself.
You caught Aegon's Attention when you attended a Tourney, Adorned in Red & Gold Armor representing your house colors. You were up against Ser Dayken Tyrell, A formidable knight but viscous as well. You fell from your horse more times than you could count surely making a mockery of house Lannister. Tyrell came charging at you atop his white stallion until his grace, King Aegon abruptly halted the knight ceasing the tournament.
Aegon took an interest in you and started to unintentionally eye you in the courtyards, Though very discreetly. His stare would linger as you bowed and sulked past him. He began wondering why you always held that glassy look in your eyes.
After watching you for long enough he decides to make you his cupbearer, Deeming you unfit for tourneys. Truly he just wanted to get closer to you. To know you.
During this time the both of you became close with one another, You vented to him about your problems and he'd listen. With his permission of course, It was almost impossible to get this information out of you.
A year passes and Aegon feels something stir within him, The Dark desires he tried to keep down boiling to the surface.
His behavior started to...shift within the last couple of months. He grew overwhelmingly possessive of you, You could barely pour another lords wine without his violet eyes burning holes into your form. You couldn't even go out and speak with your friends without him requesting your presence. Seriously you couldn't even eat by yourself !! And the worst part is you couldn't question him about it either...
It was only a matter of time before His sister-wives started to grow suspicious. I mean who could blame them, He spent more time with you than he did with rhaenys which said something.
Anytime they'd bring this to light to him, Aegon would just chuckle and reassure them that you were a mere servant— a cupbearer at that, And he would never have any relations with you.
Oh boy was he wrong. He'd sabotage and oppose any & all of your marriage proposals. Even going as far as having one of your bride-to-be's killed in her sleep. But for some reason, Even after all the marriage annulments they'd always end up missing.
This put a far greater stain on your reputation, on your house. There was rumors that you were cursed and you started to believe them yourself. But Aegon with that stupidly handsome smile on his face placed your sobbing form in his lap and cooed into your ear with sweet nothings. You couldn't see the twisted grin on his face.
Aegon would pull you from his chest to stare into your (E/C) eyes as he'd persuade you into Bed with him. You stared at the man in shock, mouth agape with no words spewing. You tried to reject him but he'd subtly threatened the Livelihood of your brothers and father, Cornering you. You had no other choice...
— 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 18+
✪ The Faith already had issues with the Targaryens Incestuous polyamory but lying with another man—A Lannister at that, If they were to find out chaos would erupt. Good thing they weren't ever going to. You two had your affairs in secret, You would sneak into his chambers at a certain time and not the other way around.
✪ He's never laid with another man before, But he's willing to try for you. Though Same sex relations weren't entirely scorned upon in his childhood, They weren't praised either. Aegon figured it worked just how a Man & Woman had sex, Let's just say he's a fast learner.
✪ His pace is rough and quick almost unforgiving, He likes to use you as a stress reliever especially when he's aroused. He's quite big, Cut and pink 9'8 but his girth certainly makes up for it.
✪ Aegon can be just as possessive in sex as he is when you're speaking with your brothers. After all the hell they put you through, He dislikes having you around them so more often then not he has you face down ass up on the table with hips slapping against yours. ⭐
✪ He loves taking you on your back with your legs over his shoulders and you underneath him. It gives him a sense of dominance and control over you as if he doesn't have already. But it's also intimate and passionate, He can gaze into your eyes and witness your face contorting into different motions of pleasure. ⭐
✪ When he's feeling gentle, Best believe he will absolutely WORSHIP YOU. I'm talking Shoulder kisses, Feet Massages Etc.
✪ Even though you two were quiet in your affairs, By this point Both Rhaenys & Visenya had put two and two together and already discovered your affair. Rhaenys encouraged him and Visenya could care less.
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Art By @chillyravenart
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del-thetiredwriter · 1 year
Yandere conquerors x Dancer reader
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He saw you for the first time that night dancing in the middle of the square at the festival. You were like a fairy. A fairy girl described in fairy tales and legends…
After Aegon was crowned, celebrations were held all over Kingslandig. Although Aegon is king, one night he mingles with the people, hiding his identity.
Then he saw you. You were dancing gracefully . Your face was covered with a veil but it could not hide your beauty. You gave him a feeling that he didn't know what it was. There was something that drew him to you. He wanted to have you.
When the musicians changed the music, you invited the people around you to dance and before he knew what was happening you were dancing with him. Aegon could have sworn his heart would burst at that moment.
And the music is over. You started to gather together with the musicians. But Aegon took you by the wrist with a moment of courage. “Excuse me, would you please give me your face and your name.” He was so embarrassed when you looked at him in surprise but it was worth it. "Y/n" you said smiling. Oh, you were so beautiful. No wonder you hid your face with the veil, Aegon thought.
After that night, Aegon thought of you every moment. Your dancing, your gaze, your smile… This situation of his did not go unnoticed by his sisters/wives. What kind of woman had put their brothers/husbands in this situation.
Aegon sent his mens to find you. When he found you, he wanted you to perform for him and his sister/wife.
The king's request is an order, even if you want to refuse it you couldn’t . You danced once again that night. Rhaenys and Visenya understood why their brother were so madly in love. You were perfect. You should have been theirs.
After that night, you started to stay in the palace. You danced every night for the King and his wives. Strangely enough, the king and his wives were very close to you. This intimacy was so extreme that you couldn't spend five minutes without them. People started calling you the Conqueror's doll over time.
Rhaenys was the kind and friendly one. Unlike the other siblings you were less afraid of her. She was kind and sweet to you. She loved playing with your hair and dressing you up. Every outfit you wore was chosen by her personally. Even if you don't like it at first, you get used to it over time.
Visenya was serious. Even though you couldn't understand her facial expressions at first, you started to understand over time. You were oftenly playing arp for her or accompany on her walks.
Aegon was hopeless. You were most afraid of him. He was aware of this. Unlike his sisters, you didn't get close to him. You were doing your best not to be alone with him. Every time he caught you alone, you ran away to either Rhaenys or Visenya. He was the first to find you, but you were interested in his sisters, not him. Rhaenys and Visenya helped their brothers, although they liked you to come to them on their own. After all, he was going to be your future husband.
After a while, Aegon and his sisters proposed to you. You couldn't refuse him. Why would you, he was king.
They were so happy to finally have you when you accepted the offer. They showered you with their love, they did everything for your attention, they spoiled you with gifts, they did whatever you wanted except your freedom you couldn't dance with people anymore you couldn't go outside the castle because they were all a danger to you. But you don't really need it do you, after all you have them now.
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sunnyhvnny · 1 year
Hi Sunny❤️ Would you mind writing something with Yandere!Aegon I and a Martell reader?
Tw: past noncon, dubcon, kidnapping
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His hand covered her mouth to quiet her moans as he rolled his hips against hers. The sounds of their coupling filled the room. The wetness between her thighs making loud squelching noises every time he thrust himself into her.
It was his first time visiting her in her chambers since he had Visenya steal her away from her homeland and marry her the night she arrived back at the Dragonstone. Her eyes were red-rimmed and she had refused to cry as he forced her to wed him. Forced her to fill in the gap that her people had left behind when they had taken his Rhaenys from him.
Truthfully, he would have preferred the prince of Dorne’s eldest daughter but she was too well protected so he settled for his secondborn. She was no less beautiful and having her underneath him calmed the anger in him when he thought of what her people had done to his dear sister-wife.
She lifted her hips to meet his thrusts and he couldn’t hold back the cruel grin that spread across his face. When he first took her after their wedding he had to take her from behind and cage her between his arms as he fucked into her. Her sobs had filled the room and he wished he could bottle the sound and send it to Dorne. He wished he could see the look on the man’s face when he learned that his daughter hadn’t just been stolen away but she was being fucked by the man they called the ‘Conqueror’. Would he be angry that something of his was taken? Or would he be devastated that he was unable to protect her? Was it the same feeling Aegon felt when he thought about how he couldn’t save his younger sister and beloved wife from her demise?
It seemed that the Dornish princess had accepted her fate, though. She no longer cried or fought against him as he held her down and fucked into her without a care. He soaked up the sight of her bouncing tits as he chased after his own pleasure. While her moans spurred him on, the thought of vengeance pushed him closer to the edge. He would fuck her every night until she was heavy with his child. He didn’t need another. He already had two sons, but he wanted his Dornish wife to give him a daughter that she could write to her father about and tell him that his granddaughter was named Rhaenys.
Aegon buried his face into his wife’s neck and snapped his hips harder. Anyone that walked by the chamber doors would be able to hear what was happening inside by the sound of his wife’s loud moans and the bed hitting the wall loudly. Finally, he bit down into her shoulder as he coated her walls with his seed.
He didn’t bother rolling off of her instead, he let himself collapse on top of her sweaty body. Not caring that he was pushing her further into the mattress with his weight. She didn’t seem to mind, though. Her hands snaked up his back and sunk into his silver-blonde hair. A part of him wanted to turn away and refuse the comfort she gave him but he chose instead to lean into her soothing hands.
He wondered how she could be so kind after what he had done to her. He didn’t plan on dwelling on that thought, though because soon he felt himself hardening again. Within minutes he was rutting into her lazily again.
Neither of them said a word as she spread her legs further and he, for the first time, brought his hand down to the bud between her thighs and rubbed it between his fingers. She moaned in pleasure and this time he wanted to see what she looked like when she reached her release.
As he leaned down to capture her lips, once again another first for them, if perhaps he wouldn’t only get back at Dorne through marrying his princess but if he would end up falling in love with her.
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
Hello. Yandere husband Aegon the Conqueror ?
❝ 🔥 — lady l: I love Aegon and I feel that lacks content for him, so I'm doing my part. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of death and toxic relationships.
❝🔥pairing: yandere!aegon the conqueror x female!reader.
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Even though Aegon already had two wives, he still chose to marry you. People often say he married Visenya out of duty, Rhaenys out of desire, and you out of love. But what few knew was how much in love he was with you.
Aegon the Conqueror dedicated his love to you intensely and silently. Amid the challenges of the newly unified kingdom, your presence was his strength. There was no doubt who his favorite wife was.
Some said you were chosen as his third wife as a way to stake a greater claim on Westeros, still fragile after the Conquest. You were a good choice, you came from a good family and you had honor, which was enough for others, but Aegon was in love, he was obsessed.
He fell in love with you quickly, being enchanted by your manner, your personality and your beauty. There was something about you that attracted him and he knew he couldn't let you go. He wanted you to become his wife and so it was done.
Some expected reservations from his sister-wives, but there were none. Visenya and Rhaenys liked you and supported Aegon's choice. The preparations were made and you quickly married him, becoming his third wife, Queen and the one he loved most.
Life with Aegon brought joys and challenges. His obsession flourished even in difficult times, consolidating a unique partnership between you. The court commented on the happiness that emanated from the king when he was at your side, and the union between you strengthened the bonds of the kingdom.
He was a loving and dutiful husband, Aegon would always make sure that you were happy and satisfied and if there was something that bothered you, you should talk to him without hesitation. Your happiness was the priority for him.
Aegon pampers you without limits, bathing you in gold, jewels and silks, everything worthy of a Queen. Your whims and desires were met immediately. If you just wanted to eat cake for breakfast, for example, you would have cake every day.
Your husband always sought your advice, confident in the wisdom and vision you brought, your opinion was always considered the most important. The complicity between you was evident, and although it aroused envy in some, Aegon would not let them harm you.
You played a vital role as the king's advisor and confidant, contributing to the stability of the kingdom. Aegon, in turn, never failed to express his gratitude and admiration for the woman he chose as his Queen. He adored you completely, from head to toe and would make sure you knew that every night.
Most nights, Aegon spent by your side. He shared a room with you, unusual for Kings, but he wasn't just any King. He loved you more than anything and wanted you to know that. He loved sleeping cuddled with you, your legs tangled together and arms wrapped around you. Aegon feels at peace by your side.
The harmony between you, Visenya, and Rhaenys solidifies the strength of the Triple Crown. The three of you, the Three Queens, work together to overcome political and social challenges, uniting the kingdom under the symbol of the dragon. Your presence, as the beloved Queen, triggers a period of stability and prosperity.
Aegon is extremely overprotective and possessive over you and this only got worse after Rhaenys' death. He knows he would go crazy if something happened to you and he can't allow anything to happen. He's suffocating and will be breathing down your neck for as long as he can and will kill anyone if they cross you, if they cross him.
You are the only person who can truly control him and Aegon will be happy to let you do so. There is no doubt about who holds all the power over him. Aegon would do anything for you, he would kill everyone for you, slaughter anyone for you. Yours and yours alone.
Once Rhaenys died, Aegon's obsession only grew stronger, Visenya's as well. They lost someone important and not all the destruction caused is enough to make up for it, they couldn't lose you too. Aegon cannot lose you. May the gods forbid, but if something were to happen to you... The world will know the true fury of the dragon.
Your love with Aegon not only stood the tests of time but blossomed into a deep connection that inspired songs and legends. In the halls of the Red Keep, where the flames danced, it was clear that your union was more than political; it was a bond intertwined by the most darkest feelings. It was a shame the bards didn't know about his obsession.
Aegon loves you, he truly does, and although he may be consumed by jealousy and anger, he would never lay a finger on you. He respects you too much to humiliate you in such a way. After all, you are his wife and his Queen and his favorite.
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venus-maneater · 2 years
yan! conquerors | visenya, aegon i, rhaenys
general yandere headcanons !
implied fem reader ! (no pronouns used)
note; this takes place before, during, and after the conquest of Westeros (before Rhaenys’ death), so it’s a bit open-ended and this can be viewed an au where she doesn’t die !
WARNING(s): obsessive/possessive tendencies, implied grooming, unhealthy relationship dynamics, abusive behavior, implied kidnapping and Stockholm syndrome, mentions of war and various forms of violence
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Because Aegon refuses any marriage offers from other houses (due to already having 2 wives and not desiring another), you likely meet the three differently. I would say their top pick in a darling would be someone from a lesser house that’s sworn to Dragonstone.
you’re a bit younger than the three, and they quickly grow attached to you. At first they viewed you as maybe a little sibling or even a pet, but the affection they have for you eventually becomes romantic, especially once they decide to conquer Westeros. You first came to Dragonstone at around 15 years old (Rhaenys being 18, Aegon being 19, and Visenya being 21).
Rhaenys was quick with her affection towards you, immediately infatuated by your genuine kindness. She, of course, has you accompany her almost everywhere after only a few days of knowing you. Visenya starts calling you “Rhaenys’ pet”
Aegon is easily influenced by Rhaenys, so her endless praise of you rubs off on him pretty quick. He comes to view you just as fondly as his younger sister does, requesting for you to watch him train and join them all in their daily activities.
Visenya and Aegon train often together, and the two of you really meet because of Rhaenys and Aegon always dragging you along. She dislikes how they cling to you and takes upon herself to shied you from them, not wanting you to be too overwhelmed. She stops calling you a pet after a week because she now understands her siblings’ feelings.
Visenya may be your favorite for a little while because of this; she outwardly respects your time and individuality more than her younger siblings.
but after just a few weeks of knowing you, all three become fussy about you; wanting to control your schedule and refusing to do their duty without your presence. Even something as simple as eating a meal, they won’t do it unless you’re there to join them.
they do, however, keep you out of politics or any kind of war planning. They all think it’s too violent or serious for you to be listening.
you are not allowed anywhere near the dragons at this point, mostly because of Aegon’s paranoia that something bad could happen (this greatly upsets Rhaenys, as she wants to ride Meraxes with you)
when they aren’t with you, they keep you heavily guarded and switch out your guards as much as they can to prevent you from making friends with them
If they’re apart, they each want you alone. This leads to arguments and eventual agreements where they alternate days with you. This is the time in which they’re the most clingy, even Visenya.
They’re all slightly aware of their tendencies, but don’t care at all. They’re much nicer to you than what they see in most relationships, so they fail to see the issue. You could be up North, married to an abusive Bolton, but you’re not; you’re with them.
The three were already married by the time you joined them (although they didn’t behave that way) and their parents were dead, making Aegon Lord of Dragonstone
with your family sworn to the Targaryens, the three can control you pretty easily, although you may not realize it. As different as they are, they make an incredible team and can be as subtle as they need to.
(Also Rhaenys is def a gaslighter) “What do you mean you think we’re purposefully sabotaging your family visits? That’s crazy omg I can’t believe you would think so low of us”
They absolutely sabotage any visits with your family unless they can be there as well. They’re pretty paranoid about your father trying to betroth you to a Lord or King (which is something they’ll definitely put an end to, one way or another)
Rhaenys is able to talk your father out of engagements with relative ease due to her charming personality, but that can only get her so far.
if you do somehow end up with a fiance, then he will end up dead or missing but it will likely be made to look like an accident
The three really value your opinion of them; they want you to admire and trust them so they keep up a good appearance in front of you. They lack cruelty, so it’s harder for you to suspect that they’re doing these horrible things on purpose.
It takes a few years, but their feelings for you do become romantic. Rhaenys is first to fall for you in that way, mostly because of her sexual nature as a person. Once she expresses these feelings to her siblings, they immediately follow suit.
Now that you’re around 18, there’s more pressure for you to get married, but they (esp. Visenya and Aegon) always reassure you that you don’t have to give in to societal norms.
they also get rid of any letters your family sends you, strengthening that gap and ensuring that you rely on them the most
Rhaenys takes advantage of her siblings’ political intelligence, using it to spend more time with you while the other two focus on the details of keeping you in their possession
they argue over who gets to kiss you first or if they should marry you, etc.
they all probably are under the impression that they claimed your first kiss (it was actually Aegon, surprisingly) because when they kiss you, they tell you not to tell the others
you follow their instructions pretty well, as you were pretty much groomed to be theirs. You hold a lot of trust in them, but you also have a good grasp of their dynamic. You kind of tell them all what they want to hear to avoid arguments.
Most of the bickering is actually done by Aegon. Rhaenys is pretty good at sharing with her siblings, as clingy as she is. Visenya doesn’t entertain arguments, she’s the problem solver.
Aegon is the most jealous of the three; he’s possessive. He doesn’t show his emotions, but he’s easily annoyed when you’re not with him. He lets himself go when he’s with the three of you and saves his more stern moments for when he’s politicking.
Visenya is a strong believer in marrying you, for multiple reasons: It’ll guarantee you can’t get married to another, it will keep you close to them permanently, and it will justify taking your maidenhead. They all agree with this at first, but their conquering of Westeros complicates this.
During their conquest is the height of their intensity. This phase lasts a few years and they leave you primarily under the care of Orys Baratheon (their bastard brother). You’re carefully hidden away at Dragonstone, far from being touched by battle.
Aegon especially trusted Orys; he was close to your age so you ended up getting along very well. You spent the better part of two years with him as your sworn shield. Your three admirers are surprisingly unbothered by your new friendship.
among all their planning and battle, you’re left ignorant to pretty much everything. They don’t tell you much, preferring to isolate you and keeping you compliant, so all the information you get comes from Orys
Orys is the one who tells you what’s going on, but even he doesn’t give you all the details
Along with their conquest came the opportunity to rid themselves of your family. Visenya brought this idea to light and Aegon immediately agreed. The men in your family were quickly sent to fight for the Targaryens and most of them died in battle.
without the men in your family, no one could make decisions for you anymore and they were now the only ones in control of anything concerning you
Once their conquest was done with (at least mostly, and excluding Dorne) you were brought to King’s Landing on Vhagar when Visenya was sent to get you
there you were all set to live in the Aegonfort, where Aegon served as King on the Iron Throne and his sisters were his queens
At this point, they all wanted to marry you (especially Aegon so that he could make you his queen) but the faith played a large role in politics and wouldn’t support Aegon taking a third wife. Visenya obviously didn’t care and supported the idea of marrying you anyways.
you end up either getting married publicly (making a ton of people angry and getting them all killed) or a secret Valyrian wedding is held
Despite most people not liking the idea of Aegon taking a third wife, you’re shockingly well-loved by the public
partly out of fear, no one at court utters a bad word about you. the increasing number of people in King’s Landing only hear good things.
It’s always been intended for one of your children to become Aegon’s heir (the three discussed it without you)
so until you’re pregnant, Aegon doesn’t lay with either of his other wives
if you’re unable to have kids, then it just becomes a matter of first born (or whatever child you favor the most)
you may not realize it, but you have all the power here.
eventually you may learn to take advantage of them to get what you want. Rhaenys and Aegon are too smitten with you to spot any manipulation, but Visenya sees right through you and pretends not to notice.
Truthfully, none of them are stupid, but they just don’t mind being used by you as long as it’s not hurting anything.
they keep you a good distance away from the Iron Throne (not wanting you to be accidentally cut), but they each have their fair share of fantasies with you on the throne
Aegon has made a habit of placing his crown on your head
You’re fr the most powerful person in Westeros with these three obsessed with you.
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- venus
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Yandere Aegon i, Rhaenys, Visenya HC
Requested by @gulnarsultan :)
Growing up with the future conquerors wasn’t an easy feat. Perhaps you were an orphaned distant cousin from a noble house sent to live with them. Or the child of a maid that served their mother. Either way you were a common presence for the three. Who would find the books agon requested, bring flowers for Rhaenys, assisting Visenya with the dragons. Though it wasn’t like you were very close with them in the beginning. Young Aegon was the first of the older siblings to take note of you. He was somewhat distant, yet treated you better than some of the members of the court. When he cut his arm training, you came rushing into the training grounds, running past the knights. With some bandages, amused at the sight he let you wrap his wound, under the eye of a maester. From there Aegon allowed you to sit closer, watching as he trained. You were calm and steady compared to his life. Aegon wondered how he didn’t notice you beforehand. He knew you must have been nice company for his younger sister. Especially when Rhaenys would talk about her lovely walks in the garden with you. 
 Visenya started to notice her brother’s watchful eye on you, especially when they were training. Not understanding why he was drawn to the non dragon rider, and non Targaryen. She thought of you like a shadow, since you were a bookish person, studying to become a maester. It wasn’t until she personally requested you to heal her, Visenya understood why Aegon was drawn to you. To say she watched you like a hawk would be an understatement. Eye’s sharp and following your every move. Not like Aegon who at least tried (failed) to hide his gazes towards you. She was a bold girl, and it made you even more determined not to make any mistakes. So you went above and beyond when it came to her care. Visenya asked you many quick witted questions and scenario cases. Along with bringing up that any mistake that resulted in her death, would seal yours. Despite the intimidation and quizzes you still treated her kindly. Read to her, and brought in fresh plants to keep the room lively. Small gestures that Visenya didn’t understand. But what she did know is that she wanted to start keeping you nearby. Under the guise of her needing a maester on call of course.  
 Rhaenys started to catch on to her older siblings' treatment of you. Little did they both  know she spent the most one on one time with you. Braiding her long blonde silver hair with fresh florals. Though you were more introverted, the fact you made an effort to be more lively for her. Made Rhaenys joyful, she often asked you to help her ‘practice’ dancing. Or riding with Meraxes where she had you all to herself away from everyone else. Out of the 3, you considered her the most like a friend. A fact that she often teased Aegon and Visenya that she was your ‘favorite’.  
 As all of you grew, so did their obsession. Aegon would have married you first if he wasn’t sworn to Visenya. Rhaenys was actually the one who brought up that they could all ‘share’ you. Visenya agreed as well, annoyed at the ever growing group of men that wished you your hand. Afterall Aegon had two wives, having another wouldn’t be so out of the question. Especially when they were just as intent on having you as he was. When they started conquering the seven kingdoms it became harder for all of you to stay together. Like it once was, by the time you reached adulthood you were truly all theirs. Aegon had you following him around for more average duties. Spending many hours on dragon back with Rhaenys. Visenya practically had your room moved next to her chambers. Their lovely little healer.
 Aegon always had you dressed in finery, gifting you many jeweled dresses, rings, necklaces. All in gold and red, with the 3 headed dragon seal. To represent all of them, and keep everyone aware of who you belong to. Visenya still had you read to her late at night, your sweet voice calmed her, after a day of fighting and political headaches. Rhaenys simply loved to hold your hand, lay on your lap, and braid her hair before battle. It was an open secret that you were the apple of the three conquerors' eyes. 
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
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Yandere mother-in-law Visenya Targaryen and daughter-in-law reader and yandere husband Maegor Targaryen.
~ Maegor discovers his reader first. Although he was married to Ceryse for twelve years, he still had no heir. That's why he decided to look for a woman to give him heirs. After his father's death, he will make his decision alive after adopting the dragon named Balerion, known as the Black Horror.
~ He sees the reader when he goes to the Red Fort to attend a meeting. It will immediately gather information about who the reader is. Visenya doesn't know what to decide when Maegor asks her for help. However, as soon as she sees the reader, she develops inclinations towards the reader like her son.
~ She accepts her as a daughter he never had. She believes wholeheartedly that the reader will be able to give her many grandchildren. She will encourage his son's inclinations. This does not give a good result at all. Maegor King asks his brother to annul his marriage to Ceryse. If this is not accepted, she asks permission to take the Reader as his second wife. If both requests are not accepted, he will choose another path. He gets angry and will hold grudges against his brother, the council, and anyone who opposes his wishes.
~ Maegor will make a plan to take you by force. But Queen Visenya will be more cunning. She would take you as her bridesmaid and make everyone look like you died. Maegor had immediately accepted this plan. You are soon sent to Dragonstone as Queen Visenya's bridesmaid. For a few weeks, Queen Visenya chooses to wait for you to get used to them. After a few weeks, Queen Visenya says she wants to marry you off to her son. At first you object. But for the sake of your family and Westeros, you are forced to accept his plans. They lie to everyone that you are dead. Many believe this.
~ You soon marry Maegor in accordance with both Valyrian and Westeros traditions. Queen Visenya is preparing you for the evening. Maegor is trying his best not to hurt you all night long. Maegor no longer goes to his first wife's bed. Even if Ceryse suspects something, Queen Visenya silences her. He spends every night with you. She spends every opportunity she gets with you.
~ It turns out that you are pregnant almost a month after your marriage. Maegor is very proud and Queen Visenya is very happy. Queen Visenya is spending time with you and her unborn grandchild. You are trapped by two possessive dragons that stay on top of your head throughout your pregnancy.The best food for you and the baby is brought to the Castle from various parts of Westeros.
~ You don't get rid of these two dragons even while giving birth. If you ask your mother or another family member, they will say that they are your only family and that they are with you. They do not agree to leave your side until the birth is over. They don't leave you alone no matter how long it takes. Queen Visenya wipes the sweat from your forehead and face with a cloth. Maegor holds your hand with one hand, while the other supports you on your shoulder. They both support you verbally. Maegor gently puts pressure on your belly so that the baby can come out when needed.
~ The gender of the baby born is not important. As long as you and the baby are healthy, they don't care. Maegor will say that he is not disappointed or upset that he is not the son. You will try until you become a son. Queen Visenya agrees with her son. If it's a girl, she'll want to name the baby after herself.
~ Visenya will take care of you until you are fully recovered. For the second child, he will order his son not to approach you until your body is fully healed. He refuses to put you in danger. Maegor readily agrees so as not to endanger you.
~ Queen Visenya will teach the baby Valyrian language and history. She will learn how to use swords and other weapons from her grandmother and from the best masters. Maegor will go for rides on Dragon's back with his child.
~ Every child you give birth to is loved by them.They will all be pampered and protected. They will burn anyone who tries to harm or insult them. Maegor is trying to get you pregnant as best he can. Queen Visenya wants you to give birth to her grandchildren as long as they don't harm your health. Maegor tries very hard to be the best father for children.
~ They panic a lot when you get sick or injured. They don't stop worrying until you get better and regain yourself. They will take care of you until you regain your health. They cannot entrust you to anyone in your sensitive state.
~ They're showering you with lots of presents. Clothes, jewellery, gold, luxury and expensive fabrics, books, works of art and much more. They will provide all the necessary things so that you can do your hobbies while you are in your room.
~ Maegor would never cheat on you. From the day he married you, he does not look at or touch any other woman. Even his first wife, Ceryseni, will no longer visit. No one can tell Maegor anything about it. If Cerys and her family try to do anything about it, Maegor and Queen Visenya will silence them.
~ Punishments will be more isolation. They prefer psychological and emotional punishments more. They do not hesitate to manipulate and use guilt against you when necessary.
~ You can't escape them in any way. Even if you run away, they will find you and bring you back no matter how long it takes. No one will help you with them. (Because they are afraid.) If anyone helps, they will execute them all.
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lunarmoonanons · 1 year
The Second Mother
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
Pre-Conquest (they are Aegon, Rhaenys and Visenya parents)
Yandere Aerion Targaryen x Reader x Yandere Valaena Velaryon
Reader tried to Runaway but was caught by the Dragons of her stepchildren and brought back. A Boat vs Dragon would not end well, Aerion choose to get her pregnant as a way to force her stay with them.
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
YN didn’t know how, but she was able to smuggle herself on a boat sailing for Yi Ti. Her home. For the past few months she had been kept prisoner by her employer and his family who had all grown a strange obsession for her. 
YN was a tutor from Yi Ti. She had been the emperor's top educator for his children and the tutor for many noble families back home. When she received a request from one of the last Valryian families to tutor his children, YN was excited for a chance to see a new land and meet the last remains of the Valyrian empire. A choice she would soon regret. 
She didn’t know what it was, but ever since she started working for Aerion Targaryen, he and his wife had been trying to entice her into an affair between the three of them. When she said no and very publicly (as public as you can be on an island) denounced any affection and attempt at romance there was a visible shift in her stay at Dragonstone. Her freedoms became less and less, and soon the few people she was allowed to see became fewer and fewer. Soon, even the maester on the island was forbidden to speak to her. 
The only people who remained in close contact with her were Aerion and his wife Valaena as well as the three children she was tutoring. 
The obsession didn’t just end with the parents. Instead it extended to the children as well, if their father or mother were not at her side, then one or all of them would be. They idolized her, loved her, and demanded her attention at almost all hours of the day. The only normal child seemed to be Orys, the bastard son of the head of the Targaryens. 
YN had planned her escape with great detail, everything down to the letter. What boat would smuggle her, what route she’d take, what provisions she would have, and what she’d pay the captain. Her escape was escalated by the death of Valaena just over a few weeks ago. The whole family was in mourning and that meant they were distracted. Rhaenys was so distraught over her mother, it took all of her siblings to calm her down. And though Aerion still tried to seduce YN, he too was distracted by the death of his wife to notice YN planning her escape. So in the breaking hours of dawn, with a bag of her belongings and help from the Maester, YN escaped onto a ship bound for Essos. 
YN bit her thumb and paced about the ship, the swaying of the craft not bothering her. Her hair shifted slightly by the sea air, but nothing seemed to calm her from the pit in her stomach. She was worried and slightly regretful. Even though they scared her with how much they loved her, she would miss the children. Visenya with her wild ways. Aegon with his strong personal morals, Rhaenys’ sweet nature, and Orys’ with his curious mind. They might have also contributed to her capture, but they were her students and she couldn’t place all the blame on them. 
When the sun was high, YN decided to ask the captain how long it would take. They had stopped at an island at the stepstones for a bit and YN wanted to pay half of her pay now. She barely made it a few steps when large shadows had started to over take the sky. 
Two large beasts had started flying toward them. Dragons. 
YN had seen them on the island, and had kept her distance. The beasts were monstrous and frightening, especially the large one. It seemed too big for its own good, large and scary. So seeing two of them flying toward her, put the fear of the Lion of Night into YN’s heart. Once they landed, YN’s heart fell to her stomach when she saw Aegon and Visenya dismount from the two dragons. 
“Mama. I knew you wouldn’t be far” Aegon smiled and walked up to give her a hug. YN was frozen for a second before she gained sense and pushed him back. 
“I’m not your mother, Aegon. I’m sorry but she’s dead, you cannot replace her with me.” YN stuttered, eyes wide and frantic. Aegon merely smiled a terrifying smile tilting his head as he looked at her. 
“But you are my mother. Father said you two are to be husband and wife, now we must get you back. He’s waiting for us.” Aegon was calm, too calm. 
Visenya looked with a scary grimace and kept a hand on her sword. She was not as peaceful as her brother, and she would drag her “confused” mother back if she had to. 
“You will come with us. Aegon may be willing to negotiate, but I will draw blood if I have to.” Visenya stated, glaring deep into YN’s eyes, not with hatred but annoyance. “In fact, Aegon and I will burn this entire island to smolder if that’s the only way to get you.”
“We’ve already killed the Maester for helping you. Do you want more blood on your conscience, Mama?” The 14 year old sweetly smiled, but his eyes held a terrifying glance. 
YN gasped and held a hand to her mouth, swallowing her sobs at the pain she caused the maester. She didn’t want to go back, but she couldn’t be responsible for everyone else dying too. She took a look back at the crew who stood frozen in place, terrified at what she would say, begging with their eyes to spare them. 
“I… I will go with you, Just let them live.” YN stuttered. 
Aegon’s smile grew as he held out his hand for her to take. YN’s shaking hand held his, her legs wavered as she climbed the black dragon. Her hands didn’t stop shaking as she stared down in horror at the beast. 
“Do you like him? I claimed him today, in search for you.” Aegon said, but his words fell on deaf ears. 
It was quiet trip back to Dragonstone. Once they were back on the island, and back to the castle, Yn’s hands had finally stopped shaking. She steadied and reminded herself to be strong. Rhaenys was the first to greet her. The 12 year old bounded her way to the woman and wrapped her arms tightly around her waist. She was very excited to see YN. 
“Mama! You’re back! Did you hear the great news?! You and father are to be married tonight!” Rhaenys squealed and bounced on her heels. YN merely patted her hair absentmindedly. 
“Where is your father Rhaenys?” YN asked. 
“I am happy you have found your way back.” Aerion stated, making his way over to the woman. He shooed his children away and made his way closer to the woman. When he was close enough he placed a hand to the woman’s cold cheek and smiled at her, ignoring the tear that fell from her eye. “We shall be married. You cannot deny me what I want anymore. It is what Valaena wanted. We have to honor her in death.”
“You are grieving, you do not love me. You are just trying to replace your wife’s memory with me.” YN tried to reason, but to no avail. 
Aerion Ignored her and placid a kiss to her lips. That night, YN was frozen in shock at what future her life would hold. YN cried during her ceremony. Her clothes from Yi Ti were taken and she was placed in Targaryen garments. Her life would be as a Targaryen wife and mother to Targaryen children. And she would be forced to carry Targaryen children. A life doomed to be a Targaryen.
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Whoo! Two requests in one day. 
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