#yeah like the tarot card
majorrobin · 7 months
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toypretend · 1 year
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the sun / the moon / the star
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bunbunsa · 1 month
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What does your future spouse look like? (2) — a pick-a-pile Tarot reading
🍵 Pinned | Ko-Fi | Other Collective Readings 🍵
Non-gendered. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't. There are three piles to choose from:
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Pile 1
They definitely have beautiful hair that they take good care of. It’s long, blonde (or dark blonde), and slightly wavy. They’re around 170 cm in height and are interested in fashion (could be even modeling that they want to pursue). They usually make their own clothing and wear what in their opinion is fashionable. They have brown/hazel eyes. They train from a young age. It could be some sort of martial arts (which makes their physique toned—their shoulder and arm muscles look especially good). They have a smile you’ll deem sweet and loving from the day you meet them.
I feel like you two met when you were 17. The number 7 seems important here. Maybe something related to 27, too?
Cards: Page of Swords, II of Cups, The Hanged Man in reverse.
Pile 2
It's a person with delicate features and mannerisms. You might see them as ethereal or even magical because of the physical attraction you’ll feel. They probably have long, wavy, or curly hair in a dark color. Their eyes are green or blue. They might be around 160 cm in height. You might meet when they’re 24 (or you’ve already met at that age). They have full lips and a hawk nose.
I feel like they dress in more pastel colors (especially beige, pink, yellow, and white). They like it when their clothes have flounces and many layers.
Cards: King of Pentacles in reverse, Queen of Cups in reverse, The Star in reverse.
Pile 3
I feel like they come from a poorer background or a dysfunctional family, which might have affected the way they look or perceive themselves. Addiction might’ve been an issue that influenced it as well. They usually hide anything they deem imperfect underneath their clothes (possibly oversized). They might have short brown hair and brown eyes.
I think that they exercise to be stronger to protect themselves and the ones they love (and as a way to cope). They have long lashes are are about 174-188 cm in height. They probably have slightly calloused hands. You might meet around the age of 33.
Cards: VIII of Pentacles in reverse, The Tower in reverse, V of Cups.
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pyrriax · 8 months
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i accidentally opened paint and this beast just . appeared.
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malk-with-tea · 2 months
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I got to draw a couple of my ocs as tarot cards for my illustration class! :)
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tuliptic · 1 year
Where Do I Go : From Here Until?
This reading is specifically targeted towards those who are about to graduate and have no idea where they should go, not knowing the directions. I believe most who have gone through this phase will understand how difficult it was to start adult-ing. Let us help the younger one through this as well. (This is supposed to be a career reading but it ended up becoming a How To Adult 101 kinda reading. To that anon who asked for a career reading, I hope you’re okay with this reading here)
Close your eyes, meditate on this topic and ask yourself the question: What messages do you need to hear? Breathe in and out, make sure your mind and heart is calm. Then, open your eyes to see which pile talks to you the most/draws you in the most. Once you’ve found your pile, scroll down to the respective parts to see what are the messages for you.
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Pile 1    -     Pile 2
Pile 3    -     Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever that you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. That aside, I do not consent to my work or images used here to be used by third parties on this platform or other websites.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
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Pile 1:
Overall theme (energy of querent) : The World
Overall, you’ve felt like you’ve achieved whatever you've wanted or deemed needed to. This pile is giving me the top student vibe, like you’ve done everything you can and have achieved top graduate and you’re ready for the next phase of life aka adult.
Where are you right now? King of Wands
You’re probably the type of person who’s the top in the class and have been leaders in group assignments. You have that energy still in you, and you’re maintaining it as much as you can. Currently you’re at a nice spot in life, not having that much worry about adulting cuz you feel that you’ve done all the necessary preparations for you to march into it.
Where should you go from here? Ten of Cups
Self-alignment is what I’m seeing here, preparing to be in harmony with yourself. You’ve probably heard about adult life from many around you and your best preparation you can do right now is to make sure you’re emotionally ready for what is to come. For some reason, I’m seeing something like counseling? Or humanitarian courses? Some fields that are related with human emotions and the regulation of it? I’d also suggest that you consult your family about this. You’ll be needing the support and hence, surrounding yourself with those who support your vision and share your values.
Why should you go there? Nine of Cups
Satisfaction. Wherever it is you want to go will give you the utmost satisfaction as you're able to help others to get better. I feel that it’s like you’ve received help in the past and now you want to be able to extend the same help to those who need it. It’s like you’re at the position to be able to repay the gratitude. You’ve wanted to be free, you’ve wanted to repay the energy and you’ve wanted to create peace in your life, in the lives of others.
How do you get there? Three of Wands
Consistent progress, step by step. Just keep moving forward and the paths will be opened unto you. I’m also seeing some overseas opportunities for some of you. So if you’re given the chance, grab and take them in your hands and go act on your dream. It's the perfect time for you to be making changes towards a new you.
What do you do when you get there? The Hanged Man
Learn, expose yourself to as many things as you can and observe things from every angle possible. But for you to be able to accept those new perspectives, you’ll first need to let go of whatever limiting thoughts you have as they could hinder your learning process. That aside, this card is ruled by Neptune and it’s a planet that rules spiritual and religious themes, so there’s something you may be interested in venturing into.
Advices for you: Five of Pentacles rx
You may have felt left out during your school/college days but now, as you’re adjusting yourself to enter the adult world, you’re slightly feeling more adjusted as compared to how insecure you were in the past. You’re probably the type of person who was not really much welcomed because of how excellent you are? And there may be people who didn’t like that part of you, resulting in you yearning (maybe?) to enter the adult world, so that you can be away from childish people who are trying to hinder you because of their incompetence. Your confidence is now slowly being restored. Believe in every reason that makes you feel better
Overall energy: The Chariot, Six of Swords rx
The overall energy here is a pleasant one, where we can see movements. Six of Swords in reverse gives me the feeling that you’re adjusting your energy and preparing for a personal transition, which the cards earlier have further explained. This is a time for rebirth, and upon waking, you are ready to act on your passions and dreams, to proceed into the life of adulting with your chin up.
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Pile 2:
Overall theme (energy of querent) : The Tower rx, The Hierophant rx
You’ve experienced a lot of lows as of now. A bunch of unwelcomed changes were thrown to you and you originally were at a loss. But you’ve gotten tired with how problems and changes kept coming their way. After a couple of introspection and consultation you’ve done, you’ve decided to go “fuck it” and go through a 180 degree change in how you view things.
Where am I right now? The Sun rx
You’ve probably experienced something not so nice and you’re still at your low. For some reason (since this is mainly targeting students), I thought maybe you’re unsatisfied with how your thesis turned out, or unhappy with your finals? Something that happened in school/college/university affected you and made you down, made you lose your light.
Where should I go from here? Two of Wands
For some reason I’m seeing travel. Solo traveling, specifically. To travel to some place with a different culture, or to a place where you’ve never been, so that you observe and immerse yourself in them, to be independent and plan your own schedule. You’ll be able to learn things from this trip. I don’t quite know how to properly explain but lemme give an example. You’re used to the city life and out of impulse or proper planning, you’ve decided to travel to the countryside alone to see how the people there live and pass their time, take some pictures or sit and have a conversation with the locals there. (Suddenly this sounds a bit dangerous so please don’t go solo thanks.)
Why should I go there? Eight of Swords rx
You’ve already had some preset beliefs that need to be turned over. Example, you’ve believed life in the countryside is just all mud and trees and no internet. But it’s not that. Life in the countryside sure isn’t as glamorous in the cities, but the necessities are met and there’s internet. You’ll realize that the countryside is colorful as well, just that the colors it is painted in is different from the cities. From this experience, you’ll probably realize how it’s similar to you, where you have a different color compared to other people, but you two are equally colorful. You’re called to be kind to yourself and let go of the self-criticism that’s been eating you up.
How do I get there? The Moon
Listen to your heart, tune in to your intuition. I know this sounds hella vague and some of you don’t exactly know how. But as long as you do what your heart tells you to, then you’ll be able to make do somehow. Remember that you’re the co-creator of your life and destiny, and that you’re the one who gets to decide where you wanna go, how you wanna go. You wanna take a week’s journey instead of a day? Go ahead, do that. Listen to what your heart has to say. But also please remember to stay responsible.
What do I do when I get there? Page of Wands
You’ll probably be feeling a lot of creative urge during that stage. Write? Art? Photography? Do that. Record your journey, let new ideas flow through you. There may also be some stubbornness in it but balance it out with your strength and you can see that your vision, your thoughts will be seen through your work. Cultivate and curate. You are heading into a new beginning so welcome it.
Advices for me : Strength
Believe in your strength, let courage flow through you. Embrace the fierceness in you and let it guide through your life. Do not cage the Lion, but be friends with it, tame it, and let it be your loyal protector. If somebody crosses your boundaries, let the Lion defend you. Also, let the Lion lead you to act on your passions and dreams upon waking up. Believe instead of finding excuses, show the world your own charm and let yourself love freely.
Overall energy: Strength, Two of Cups
Strength is here again and courage is an important theme for you as you proceed into another phase of life. I usually refer to the Two of Cups as a couple’s card, and pairing with Page of Wands earlier, you may have a partner who’s very supportive of you, or you may find a partner who’ll be very encouraging to what you do in life. Your higher self is sending you signals and messages through dreams and they’re waiting for you to communicate with them, to get the messages they want to send you to jump into adulthood easier.
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Pile 3
Overall theme (energy of querent) : The Hermit
First thought is that you may be an introvert. Second thought is that you enjoy your alone time as much as your social time. Reason is that you can enjoy time at your own pace without having the need to rush. There’s actually a lot on your mind and those are mainly thoughts on how you can improve yourself. For some reason, I’m also picking up on manifestation as well? You are very in tune with your higher self and probably communicate with them in dreams.
Where am I right now? The Sun 
You’re at a pretty nice place for you to start taking action. The Sun symbolizes positivity, symbolizes vibrant energy. And you’re in this state. Maybe graduating from university gave you hope and you’re just ready to enter this new phase with a new mentality, ready to act on your passions and dreams. You give me the vibe that you have a bucket list to complete when you’re an adult and you can’t wait to accomplish those.
Where should I go from here? The Lovers rx
There may be more than two paths available for you and there’s some dilemma, confusion, questioning which to do first. There are quite some inconsistencies in you that may result in choices not getting you on the best path. However, allow yourself to be inconsistent. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Honor your inner grace, wisdom and beauty. Take a look at your current situation and decide however you want to walk. It may not be the best, but at least you’re walking without regrets.
Why should I go there? Eight of Pentacles rx
I feel that the path you’ve chosen to tread on is a path you’re meant to go on. This card here talks about traditional hard work that you’re required to complete. It also tells you things that can be ignored and cannot be ignored, and when you’re called to master a skill, you need to do so. Your main task is to turn this card into the upright position, to master the particular skill you’ve selected. It’s like the card above, where you walk without regrets, learn without regrets. When it’s all over, you will feel very happy about what you have accomplished.
How do I get there? Page of Wands
By taking this journey as an adventure. We all know that adulting is a new beginning and there’s a lot to us all but also, take it with a twist of creativity. There’s the symbol of will and with that, you can go far. Along with stubbornness, strength and balance, your vision, your path can gradually be seen, and you know how to define yourself better. Hard work will pay off if you’re loyal to yourself.
What do I do when I get there? Seven of Wands
Spending most of your time going with the flow of life is cool, but it’s not advised to do so in the long run. Sometimes, you’ll feel some lack of content or comfort being left alone and you want to hang out with someone. But you’re called to be aware of what’s happening around you cuz there may be some competition, jealousy, or even work conflicts that can arise due to you being excellent in your job or something. You will want to resist them or change the whole direction of the negativity that’s directed towards you.
Advices for me: Three of Cups
This card is a card about celebration. So celebrate every small wins and let them be definitive. A lot of small wins make a big win, after all. With this card here, I’m seeing that you’re called to take time off for yourself, for your loved ones and build new relationships, with yourself and some new people. Get yourself involved in a community or a society, as it will benefit you not only in the future, but also helps you to adapt to adult life better. There’s abundance waiting for you.
Extra message: This is gonna be a short one sentence but, some of you may be welcoming a new love as you step into adulthood OVO
Overall energy: The Hierophant, The Star rx
This pile is gungho but also scared. I have a feeling that people around this pile have been instilling fearful thoughts and responsibilities into them these entire while. Something like “now you’re an adult, you’ll need to start having savings and get some stuffs done,” or “once you start earning you gotta buy your own car,” or something similar. I can’t think of much right now. There’s much tension there, but you’re called to surrender those old, limiting beliefs, whatever thoughts that have been fed by older people. Now, you have to awaken and allow yourself to be reborn into limitless possibilities.
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Pile 4
Overall theme (energy of querent): Justice
I immediately thought of Libra energy when I saw this card and some of you may have prominent Libra in your chart. You guys adore and adhere to balance in everything y’all do, including interaction with other people. I suddenly thought of karma. No, I'm not saying that you are karma (or maybe you guys embody that energy a lillll bit?) but you guys are a firm believer of karma’s retribution. Karma’s gonna come to collect your debt kinda vibe.
Where am I right now? Page of Pentacles rx
You’re currently in a standstill. You’re easily distracted at the moment and have been wanting to try a lot of things, which may be standing in the way of your ability to realize your goals and dreams. Planning and skills are fundamental and you realize you have neither, hence standing still in where you are. You don’t have a solid foundation to stand on, and you’re probably lost with all sorts of options available for you right now.
Where should I go from here? The Chariot
Action. You need to find a direction and take action. This is not an impulsive energy, but instead, it’s an energy about motion, about movement, about going for things, about getting things done. I mean, where’re we going? No one knows it, even us, the main characters of our stories. But we still gotta go on, right? This is the energy this card is telling you to embody, to go and charge forward, and see where life takes you. Stop standing there like a scarecrow.
Why should I go there? Four of Swords rx 
Why? Cuz you’ve slept for far too long. I don’t mean in the literal sense but if you’ve been sleeping a lot it’s time to wake up and get your body moving. You need to remember you’re the lion and you shouldn’t be hibernating, but instead, you’re supposed to get up and do what The Chariot has instructed you to. It’s time for you to wake up and surrender any old or limiting beliefs, awaken yourself to let yourself be reborn into limitless possibilities.
How do I get there? Three of Pentacles rx
It’s giving me a solo journey kinda vibe. Three of Pentacles is a team project kinda vibe but now, you’re alone. You’ll need to ride that Chariot yourself else you’ll let your team take you there. Your higher self is saying “No, nope.” to this and it’s now up to you to maneuver your own journey to finding where you want to stand. You won’t be alone for a long while. It will be so until you’ve found your path and found a nice team who will work together with you.
What do I do when I get there? Seven of Cups
You’ll be seeing how the real world is like when you enter adulthood. You’ll learn that whatever you’ve heard in your student days are just… Not so realistic. The adults you see once you’ve graduated are just tired all the time with their day to day tasks cuz of responsibilities, but you also manage to see a few who are capable of making the best out of their lives. In the end, you’ll realize that it depends on each individual, and you’re called to realize that you’re the co-creator of your life and your destiny. Seeing them makes you reflect on who you are, what you want to be as a person. 
Advices for me : Nine of Swords
Do not be afraid or anxious. It’s probably the fear that’s throwing you into a standstill and that you’re unable to move forward. You need to know that the present is what’s defining you at this moment. The present is where you learn. Look for opportunities in life’s challenges and learn those lessons. Be prepared, but not fearful. Adulthood is a phase of life that we all need to go through and take your time to figure it out as you journey. Adulthood is not a solo journey, but the path to finding yourself, finding what you want to do is. 
Extra Card (that fell out): Knight of Pentacles rx
You’re called to be patient and allow yourself to make gradual progress. Sometimes the gusts of wind blowing at you may be strong and you can only walk in small steps, or even get blown back a bit. It’s still alright, as long as you make the steps later with the energy of The Chariot. Know that the source of strength comes within you, and only you can release that energy out. 
Overall energy: The Sun, Strength
The Sun and Strength being here talks about having courage, having faith, welcoming the adult world. It is not something for you to shy away and run from. Adulthood is a new phase in life and it’s difficult, but it’s also something to look forward to as you grow up. As you grow into the new you that you’re becoming, remember to have fun and play once in a while. You need to reconnect with your inner child as well. Balance yourself between adult life and your child life.
Thank you for reading until the end! Feedbacks and reblogs are always appreciated! See you soon in another reading!
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nympippi · 1 year
The amazing, the clairvoyant, the girl who will beat anybody’s ass, Gwendolyn Blake!!
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In this au Gwen is pretty much the same, except she’s learning to accept her gift and is actively experimenting with it.
In this au, Gwen gets really interested in criminal justice and helping people like she did with the boys before they came back. She likes putting her gift to good use and helping others,
She is an honorary ghost boy along with Finney, but she’s also the boys little sister, they always try to look out for her in some way. But yeah she doesn’t really change much in this au.
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mothocean · 6 months
Every fandom needs a hanged man actually
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ask-mark-stuff · 5 months
Do you guys believe in future reading stuff, like tarot readings, palm readings, psychics, etcs? Just wondering since I’ve been touching on those subjects-
Yes, actually!
We do?
Of course, Mark. Look, I'll show you!
(Billy brings out tarot cards)
Here, choose a card.
(Mark pick out a card)
(Billy takes the card from him to look at it)
Oh no!
What is it?
You got The Tower! Which means bad things are gonna happen to you, and you won't be able to stop it.
Your life is going to be a living nightmare and you'll just feel pain over and over again to the point where you feel like death would be better than being stuck in a life like this :)
(Mark looks scared)
We could also do some palm reading to see what your future holds!
(Billy grabs Mark's hand forcefully to see his palm)
I can see here that you're going to live a short life and die alone. In your last moments you're gonna spend your time agonising about how you just wasted all your life away and it was all meaningless, because no one would even be there to miss you when you're gone! You will be forgotten by everyone and no one will even try to save you from your slow and painful death and you'll be left there thinking about when everything went wrong in your life and regret the choices you've made, until the light leaves your eyes and you finally get to escape from this pathetic situation we call life.
(Mark shakes, he isn't even able to talk)
But don't worry, Mark! I'll still be there with you when you die :)
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Reading Tarot
What you think it’s going to feel like:
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What it actually feels like:
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sensationseekng · 5 months
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izzy as 8 of cups - maybe i'll finish it one day
this card is about moving on, turning away from old ways of being, finding the strength to continue - setting aside what you once longed for. (and maybe still love)
is this ghost izzy on a ghost ship? or alive izzy on the revenge? alive izzy on his own? ghost izzy on the revenge? yes. all of the above. that is the inn in the distance.
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i love the thing season 2 had about making Blaine appear at/with ridiculous dramatic mentions of death
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yonpote · 1 month
Is this what your reading was tapping into, you think??
hmmm maybe! i asked about the gaming channe specificallyl, but it could be why its been a bit since they uploaded on there.
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goldicthehedgefox · 4 months
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just "beat the game" (beat The One Who Waits) on Cult of the Lamb, this is my cult it's named after the funny world i have for my ocs no, i will not elaborate why my followers are named the way they are for i know not the reason myself for some of them
just know that the ones named after Dragon Ball characters and my ocs were 100% on purpose
speaking of DB, here's all the followers related to it that are currently alive (at the time I took these screenshots):
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the egg you saw in the nest is planned to be Goten since Chi-Chi and Kakarot made that and Kakarot is the second Goku-related follower in this cult (4th if you count the two Goku Blacks that are already dead)
Fun Fact: Bulla exists in the cult because some random follower I named Coconut wanted to bang Vegeta. That's it, that's all they wanted, they just wanted to get laid by the Prince of All Saiyans because they thought he was hot
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and I already had followers named Trunks and Bulma, soooo
last screenshot for this post, it's a follower that's not named after a DB character but IS related to one (don't ask why his parents are the god-turned-saiyan and the ultimate life form, ok, they just happened to have the highest success rate at the time and none of these breedings were made seriously)
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chronodia · 2 years
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