#can you imagine rose with robin powers?
majorrobin · 7 months
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So this is basically just a thought I come up after watching the movie, I haven't got a chance to read the book but I'll try to when I have free time.
So short summary this might be headcannons I've come up for the time being before making a whole series about this.
This series might end up as Yandere Platonic Batfamily x Nimona!Reader
Nimona!Reader headcanon:
Reader is gender neutral since they can shape-shift into anything and anyone, the concept of being a girl or a boy is confusing to them, They are Y/N simple as that.
Y/N's power is like Nimona's minus the magic sparkles you see in the movie, their body shifts each cell to anything they want but like her or even Beast Boy they have telltale signs that it's not just any animal or person.
When Y/N shifts into any animal they have the hint of red on the skin, fur, scales or feather while if they shift to a person they have red stripes of hair on their head.
I would like to keep Nimona's red/pink-ish hair because why not? it's Iconic and I love it, really pops out in Gotham that Y/N is a the main character.
The rest of the other physical description is up for the readers to decide.
The setting of their origins goes back to the mid-early Gotham days, where the corruption is it's highest, a perfect plot to explain why they became so hateful to the city and later to the world.
Batfam Headcanon:
Bruce Wayne
Let's start with this bat pajama wearing vigilante
As I told before Y/N is already a citizen of Gotham at the beginning ahead of Martha and Thomas Wayne time and few generation of Wayne's and the original known influencial families in Gotham.
When Young!Bruce met Y/N it was the day Bruce fell in a cave/well at the back of the Wayne mansion
Except instead of Thomas rescuing Young!Bruce it was Y/N who did
Y/N save Young!Bruce and calm him down, he still became afraid of bats but the memory was tied together with their first meeting making it hard for him to forget Y/N
Young!Bruce and Y/N (who shifted to a young child) became friends behind Thomas and Martha's back
The two loving parents would always listen to their son telling stories about his new friend who can shape-shift
They only smile and encourage him to talk about his new friend because they thought Y/N was an 'imaginary' friend he made up after the traumatizing event.
Then here comes the canon event, I got two scenarios with me first is that Y/N was there when the death of the Wayne's happened and they shifts into a large deadly bat after the trigger was pulled and killed the mugger making Young!Bruce traumatized and call them a monster.
Second that Y/N was gone and came back after that night and Young!Bruce blames them for not showing up when he needed them because they promised to protect him.
Fast-forward to the present Bruce became Batman and already when through Dick, then him now as Nightwing Barbara from Bat-girl to Oracle (still in the process of healing), Jason, Jason's death, adopting Tim and making him Robin, Stephanie to Robin before Spoiler as well as adopting Cassandra before Damian came after Talia introduce and told Bruce to 'get to know his son' unfortunately no Duke yet because in order for him to be introduced everything in the batfam should have settled in including Jason but I will put him later on the series and He'll have his own introduction to Nimona!Reader.
Reread that again Jason's death but no reconciliation with him and here comes the next part I love.
Imagine this setting, it was raining in Gotham and Bruce as Batman was in pursuit of the Vigilante named Red Hood.
After finally cornering him, Bruce found out about Red Hood's true identity being the revived Jason Todd, his late Robin and son.
But before he could apprehend Jason, the younger male only smirk and whispered something before a pair of red blood bat wings emerge behind Jason.
A person rose up from Jason's back having a that familiar her color and a pair of glowing eyes looked directly at Bruce's as the mysterious person's with uncanny features that stood behind his son tickled the back of his brain.
Before he could utter a word he was cut off by a one strong flap of wings, soon Jason and the figure was up in the sky, the large bat wings flew up in the middle of the moon's form and their large wings spread open as if to mock the symble of the Batsignal before disappearing.
Headcanon for Nimona!Reader relationship with Bruce
At first I was planning on making Nimona!Reader as Young! Bruce's childhood first love before making it a sibling relationship
Still open to a romantic one if people are ok with it but I'm more fine with a sibling dynamic
You already see Young!Bruce as your Brother and you still do even after the harsh fall out the two of you had.
You already knew he was Batman by scent but never bothered with telling him or showing yourself
It's fun to wreck stuff at Gotham and making the big bad Bat frustrated and angy.
The only thing he's glad about is you never interacting with the Joker
for the Yandere part is that you being a big influence to his younger days being his only friend and literally the one who save him from the well/cave accident.
You became one of his fears and inspiration to become Batman
and seeing you again made his feeling from before come back and resulted to needing to find you and to reunite with you again.
Jason Todd/Red Hood
I'll pick him as second since I think I should put the order of how close the members of the Batfam are to Y/N
I can imagine him as Ballister to Nimona!Reader but more dark and is actually a villian that Y/N is going to join and become his sidekick
I was planning on mixing two version of Red Hood/Jason Todd maybe Arkham!Red Hood/Jason and Young Justice League!Jason Todd? weird but I need to this two version of him to connect for the plot I have in mind so stay with me
So Jason died by the Jokers hand at Arkham and his dead body was snatched and revived by Ra using the lazarus pit and became the League of Assassins puppet for a few years before escaping and became the Arkham Knight
He started a few solo missions, killing criminals and making a name -remember not Red Hood yet- first before moving on the recruite people not yet joining forces with the scarecrow
Y/N saw the Gotham news and found out about The Arkham Knight and was like
News reporter: He's a criminal
Y/N: He's awesome
News reporter: He blew up a building and killed people
Y/N: He's fucking metal
News reporter: He's Evil
Y/N: He's perfect
After that they broke into one of Jason's secret hideout and tell him about becoming his sidekick making Jason's ptsd come back about being a robin and Batman's sidekick
Jason threaten you with a gun since he's still angsty and depressed because of Bruce but you're more stubborn than him
First time you ever shape-shift he asked you if you were Beast Boy/Garfield's relative but you genuinely don't know who that is
He freaked out a bit but warm up to you little by little since your actions remind him of his kid days and unfortunately when he was Robin as well
As Arkham Knight he needed you for escape plans, distraction but most importantly on stealth missions seeing that your shape shifting powers was handy
But stealth missions are the ones you hate so when you end those missions You.Break.'Some'.Shits
He was pissed of course but quickly shut his mouth when you already had everything covered, now he doesn't even get bothered by your 'metal' moments
Then the whole Arkham happened, Gotham City was still fixing and healing but then the criminals still came back, Batman is still alive (Scarecrow didn't get to expose his indentity as Bruce Wayne because Jason save him in time) but didn't make up with Bruce and after that he finally became Red Hood
Headcanon for Nimona!Reader relationship Jason
When you met him you already smelled Bruce's phantom scent on him
It's smelled normal like a lingering scent but enough to tell you that Bruce is not Jason's biological father but still somewhat close with him, how you have that skill? I'll call it a weird mutation you have being a shapeshifter
You call him Boss but you actually treat him like a younger brother or act like mother/aunt-ish around him most of the time
Jason always think you could as well be his younger sibling but we all know your older than him by a few decades.
I kept Nimona's red colors since I think it'd be fucking awesome that two of the person that hated Bruce or became Bruce's nightmare and pain in the ass are both wearing or have the color red in their character palette. (Tim......is orange? Idk fckn know some of the fandom give him the orange color)
Damian Al' Ghul-Wayne/Robin
Before anybody say 'why jump to him quickly?' Well Lemme tell you something, Lemme tell you something
Damian's origin is connected to Y/N's origin story, remember when I told that Y/N existed early mid-Gotham days?
Well guess what Y/N was the connection of Ra to the Lazarus Pit and they became one his inspiration to use it.
Damian's grandfather speak highly of you, how you were the perfect being in this world that could widthstand the force of the Lazarus and continue to live forever.
Damian became influence by his grandfather's, mother's teaching and stories about you that deep down he wished to see you face to face
He still is an annoying brat from time to time but after staying at the Wayne and finally experience the life of living instead of surving he tone down for a bit
Ra's words still linger but now he has his own morals he keeps.
The first time he meet you might actually be pretty normal, him in his civilian Identity and you guys being you.
I guess maybe at the park? him just looking out for Titus and taking for a walk and you were just in the grass or the swings chilling.
He wouldn't care for the first minutes but when he saw Titus getting pretty close with you and he just watches as Titus let's you pet him.
He was intrigued and decided to introduce himself since he was in the midst of getting lessons about 'making friends'
Headcanon for Nimona!Reader relationship to Damian
How about like Mother-ish Aunty as well? and Damian also thinks you have a caring moments since you usually care even though you act crazy
Crazy? I was crazy once, they lock me in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, Rats makes me crazy, crazy? I was Crazy once-
and casually talk about killing and blood, lots of blood, buckets of blood.
He has alot of respect to you since you're this high being his grandfather talks about everytime
Likes that you can shape-shift into animals more
Follows you around after discovering your real identity and doesn't mind your 'metal' moments as well
This is not the last of headcanon but I might add more in the future for now I'm just gonna put this in before I forget.
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flimflamfranky · 6 months
my gift to @werelichen for @op-secret-santa!! i can never a good frobin prompt so here's some art and a fic! i hope you enjoy and happy holidays!!
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The moon rose high in the sky, bright and alluring. Robin stared up at it through the window, upside down in her view from her pillow. Around her, the crew (her crew) slumbered soundly, beds pressed tight together. Robin couldn’t help a fond smile as she sat up, seeing Luffy half-slumped out of the top bunk, arms stretching down onto Sanji, who was gently kicking Zoro in his sleep, Chopper squished between them, while Nami spread out like a starfish on her other side, hand curled around Robin’s own.
Robin should be asleep with them, but this wasn’t the first time sleep eluded her, nor would it be the last. A restless energy settled into her, begging for the crisp, moonlit night. And while she knew none of them would mind if she woke them up to keep her company, they deserved the rest.
She slipped out silently from the sheets, gently to not disturb her friends. Yet, the moment her feet hit the ground, there was a rustle, and Zoro’s head popped up, eyes barely open. “R’bin?”
“I’m just going for a walk,” she whispered to him. “I”ll be back soon, I promise.”
Zoro yawned and then nodded, like she said a fact instead of a reassurance. “A’right.” His head flopped back down, and shuffled around, turning to curl around Chopper and smacking Sanji in the face, who sneered at the hand in his sleep.
Robin breathed out a light laugh, careful not to wake anyone else, and then stepped out the door into the night.
She didn’t have a destination in mind, yet her feet lead her to one anyway. She stopped at the top of the stairs, and looked down onto the island of scrap. The skeleton of a keel and hull was starting to form by the shore, bare now but full of promise. She was too far up to make out more, but she could just see a hint of movement and the smallest flash of blue, still hard at work.
She smiled to herself. Oh course.
She headed down into the flattened junk, keeping her eyes down and using her powers to guide her, until she could follow the sound of metal scraping on wood. It grew louder and louder as she picked her way past the sleeping bodies of the shipwrights and dismantlers. She rounded one last towering pile of wood, and finally set eyes on him properly.
Franky was working on a large hunk of wood, a circular shape starting to take form from the rough edges. Shavings littered his feet as he bent over, smoothing the wood down with even, practiced strokes. His stance was firm, his movements confident, completely in his element.
Robin paused for a moment to admire him. There was a lightness to him that hadn’t been there before, and she thought it suited him wonderfully. A smile stole across her face. It was almost startling how fond she had become of him in such a short time but she couldn’t imagine it any other way. She almost felt like she could spend the rest of the night just watching him, but his company would be much preferred, so she stepped forward.
“Franky,” she called out, as she approached.
Franky startled, the scrapper tumbling from his hands as he whipped around, valiantly trying to hide his work. “Nico Robin! What are you doing here?”
She covered her eyes with her hand. “I’m not looking,” she said, a smile in her voice.
There was a moment’s pause, and then Franky sighed in defeat. “Nah, it’s alright. Not much to look at right now.” Robin uncovered her eyes in time to see him wag a finger at her. “But don’t you go snooping! I want it to be a surprise for everyone.”
“I won’t,” she promised, coming to a stop near him. She bloomed a hand out of the wood, and handed the fallen tool back to Franky. “Here you go.”
“Thanks.” Franky took the tool, but then set it down, giving her curious look. “What are you doing here?” He looked up at the moon like he was surprised it wasn’t the sun. “It’s late!”
“I couldn’t sleep,” she said. “I suppose I was looking for some company.”
“Aw, with me?” Franky chuckled, fiddling with the scrapper. “Did you miss me that much?”
Robin considered it. “Hmm. I suppose I did.”
Franky blinked, surprised at her genuine admission, then turned back to the wood, looking pleased. “Well, I’ll always welcome your company, Nico Robin.”
She crossed her hands, and brought over an unused stool for herself to sit on, settling a few feet away. Franky returned to his work, catching the tool on the wood and gliding it across its surface.
It was soothing, watching him. The repetitive rasp of metal cutting wood, the even wood shavings peeling up and falling gently to the ground. The crash of waves on the shore, the soft wind whistling through the abandoned ships. The movement of Franky’s arm, back and forth. It eased the restlessness inside her, bit by bit.
After a moment, Franky glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “So…how are you doing?”
That was a question Robin had become quite familiar with the past couple of days. One she still had trouble answering. Her crew had done so much for her - she owed it to them to be honest. But, at the same time, she didn’t want to worry them any further. But with Franky…it was different. He had been a steady rock during the worst day of her life.
“A little overwhelmed,” she admitted, drawing her knees closer. “So much has changed so quickly, I still don’t think it’s sunk in yet. But…” She looked up, towards the city, towards the Galley-La Company where her crew rested, safe and secure and hers. “I’m happier then I think I’ve ever been.”
Franky straightened slightly, glancing over at her as he brushed wood dust from his shoulders. “Well, that sounds like a good problem to have.”
She smiled, resting her check against her hand. “I suppose it is.”
Franky glanced at her again, looking almost…hesitant. Which seemed at odds with his brash, confident persona. She met his eyes, and raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”
Franky hesitated for another moment, and then asked, “What were they like? Those scholars of yours.”
That was a question Robin had not been expecting. She opened her mouth, then closed it, as she thought back, wondering where to even begin, when Franky waved his hand through the air.
“Never mind, actually, forget about it.” He cleared his throat, looking away from her. “I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories, so just-”
“No! No,” Robin cut him off. “It’s aright. It’s just…been a long time since I’ve really talked about them with anyone, outside of yesterday. And, well.” She paused, and then sighed. “It’s been a while since I’ve thought about them in any context other than tragedy.”
Franky nodded, his eyes soft, tender. Understanding. He stayed silent, and Robin took a moment to look out at the ocean, the waves almost black and white under the moon, collecting herself before starting to speak.
“They were like a family to me. With my mother gone and my aunt, well. They were the only family I really had. They treated me like one of their own. They were such a caring, eccentric bunch.” She let out a soft laugh.
“Professor Clover always called them crazy old kooks when they acted up, even though he was probably the oldest, craziest kook of them all. He would make me tea with honey in between lessons and tell me about his adventures as an explorer. He saw so many wondrous things, made so many grand discoveries, and got in trouble with the Marines more times than he could count.”
“I’d bet he'd be pretty damn proud of you, then.”
“I think he would be, too. Rint would always tease him about being more of a pirate than explorer, but I don’t think he would have minded that. Not that Rint was much better. She never talked about it, but I’m pretty sure she was a pirate, when she was younger. Nothing seemed to phase her. She could drink everyone under the table and still win at poker.”
Franky glanced back into the scrapyard with an amused snort. “Heh, sounds like someone I know.”
“She would’ve liked you. She always had a taste for the wilder things. Oh, and Busshiri, you would’ve liked him. He was the carpenter of the scholars. Not a shipwright, but he knew his way around wood.”
“Sounds like my kinda guy.”
Robin nodded. “He always wore these shirts that would say bomb, boom, any explosive word you could think of. I asked him why once, and he said that he wore destruction to remember how to create. I think he made it up on the spot, though.”
Franky gasped, faux offended. “Dismissing his wise words like that! Nico Robin, you wound me, to let such a man go unappreciated in his time!”
Robin giggled at his teasing. “Roche said something like that at the time too. He was always teasing me when I got too serious. I thought it was so annoying at the time, but looking back, I think he just wanted me to enjoy being a kid. They all tried so hard to look after me…”
A surge of emotions swept through her, harsh and overwhelming, that familiar, complicated mix of grief and anger and hopelessness that plagued her for so long. She curled inward, instinctively. She forgot herself, and was that scared little girl again, forced to face the world alone, alone, alone-
“Nico Robin?”
And she was back here again, on the shore of the scrap island, the ocean heavy in the air, breathing uneven, body shivering. Franky hovered over her, hands outreached but not touching, face so openly worried, and something inside her loosened.
“Are you okay?” He asked, voice low and soft. His hand hovered closer and she leaned in, resting herself against his palm, arms looped around his wrist in the semblance of a hug.
“I’m fine,” she mumbled without thinking, so used to ignoring her hurt. Franky leveled her an unconvinced look, and Robin paused. Was she fine? Her body still shuddered slightly, but the emotions had dulled, softened, and there was a…lightness. Relief. Grief tempered by nostalgia and joy, by the reminder that she was no longer alone.
“I think I’m better than fine, actually,” she said, a smile blooming across her face. She squeezed Franky’s hand. “Thank you.”
Franky relaxed, and though she didn’t want to, she let his hand fall away, and he stepped back to lean back against the uncarved wood. She did follow him though, moving to stand next to him, crossing her arms to rest against the wood.
“You scared me there, Nico Robin,” he said, half serious, half teasing. “I get it, though. The past can be complicated.”
She tilted her head in a silent question. Franky shrugged, and then looked away, almost bashful.
“Me ‘n Iceburg…we used to be close. We fought almost all the time, but he was like a brother, ya know? And then I went and messed it all up. But when I came back, Iceburg, he was…still so mad but he missed me. He was happy to see me again, despite it all.”
Franky paused, looking back towards the partial built hull. “I’ve got a lot of good memories from back then. And they’re still good, but…they hurt now. And doin’ this now, like back then, with him…” He trailed off.
“You used to be a shipwright,” she said. That had been obvious but she can see the complicated emotions mixed up in it now - the grief and anger and almost hatred of something you still love and need so much.
“Not anymore,” Franky said, a touch defensively. “This is an exception.”
“...it suits you.”
Franky didn’t meet her gaze, eyes fixed past the shore of the small island. “Doesn’t matter. This’ll be the last one.”
She recognized what the lightness she had seen earlier was - he was happy, building ships. And that happiness scared him, like he didn’t deserve to feel it at all. That made a protective indignation rise up in her, a fierce desire to protect that precious happiness of his.
She realized that's what Luffy and the others had felt, standing on that government building, flag burning above them.
“You should come with us.”
Franky startled, whipping around to stare at her with wide eyes. “What?
Robin was startled herself. She hadn’t meant to say that aloud, but she had meant it. “Luffy is planning on asking you. To be our shipwright, that is.”
She saw it again - that mix of grief and longing and joy. He wanted that - wanted to say yes, to join them, to live his dream.
But still, he turned away. “I-I can’t,” he said, voice raw. “I owe this place too much.”
Robin felt that sharp protectiveness again, to take him anyway and make him hers, part of her crew, but she tucked that away for now.
Franky glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “I’m sorry.”
She shook her head, “It’s your choice.”
Silence stretched between them, heavy longing and regret, but she savored it anyway. Part of her wanted to make it last forever, but her crew pulled her back just as strong. She couldn’t stay.
“If this is goodbye, then,” she started, turning toward Franky, leaning a bit forward to look up him through her lashes. “May I have a kiss to remember you by?”
Franky softened, expression incredibly fond, and he reached out, wrapping his hand around her waist and pulling her close. “For you, Nico Robin, of course.”
She smiled, and rose up on her toes, hand resting on his chest, his head dipping down until their lips met. It was soft and tender, passion nipping at the edges. The waves crashed behind them, matching their push and pull. He fit against her so perfectly, and she could imagine how perfectly he’d fit into her family too.
But that was a desire that would have to wait. She relaxed back onto her heels, pulling away just slightly, still close. She looked up at Franky, meeting his fond gaze, sad and sweet. Her hand lingered on his chest, machinery thrumming warm under her fingertips before finally pulling away, already chilled again by the night.
“I’m glad I got to know you, Nico Robin,” he said, his voice a low rumble.
“Me too, Franky,” she said. She couldn’t bring herself to say good-bye, so she ran her hand down his arm one final time, then stepped out of his embrace and walked back into the night.
As she slipped back into bed, next to Chopper and Zoro this time, arms wrapped around her and Luffy slipped down to snuggled into her side, still half-asleep. She ran her fingers through his hair, at his relaxed, open face, and decided she deserved to be selfish. She bent over to whisper to him.
“Franky looked so happy, building our ship.”
Luffy grinned, and she slipped her hand down to thumb at his dimples, just under his scar. “Good.”
“You won’t take no for an answer.” It was more a statement than question, because she already knew what he would say, but Luffy still huffed a laugh.
Robin grinned. “Good. Now go back to sleep.”
Luffy dozed off again almost instantly. Robin settled down, wrapping her arms around him, safe and warm amongst her crew, and she slept.
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jessysapphireblue · 9 months
Goddess on board Luffy x Oc
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Nicknames included are Lu and Je, which you can replace with your name, since nothing else is mentioned. A born female magician and being damn powerful
Sighning, you leaned back on your cloud pillow you created to rest your muscels and mind from the past few days being coped up in your room, trying to figure out how to make Devil Fruit users swim, due to the constant whining of your boyfriend, also captain.
Closing your eyes, you breathed out, enjoying the quiet time, until you felt something in the water, making you groan. "Nami! 15 Marine ships comming in our direction with speed. 1 Mile away", you shouted to your orange-haired navigator, as hell broke loose.
Usopp and Chopper screaming for their lives, while Luffy was ready to kick some ass with Zoro and Sanji, which only made you groan. "Rough days, I presume", Robin stood next to you, looking at you. "I finally took a break and now this...why?", you whined and stood up, dismissing your cloud, in which Robin chuckled. "Nami! They´re comming from 2 o´clock, and cannonball is fired at 3...2...1", you said and indeed a cannonball came fireing, making you held your hand out as it stopped midair, before it fell into the water. "How the-wha-", Franky asked confused, looking at you. Standing on the railing, you heard the marine shouting about attacks, making you groan.
You began to concentrate your magic into your finger, as a tiny ball formed, hovering over your index finger. Pointing to the ships, the ball released.
"This tiny ball can´t do much-", began Zoro before a gigantic explosion interrupted him, making all turn to it to see the marine ships gone, soldiers in the water. The whole crew went silent.
And with a simple snip of your fingers, water rose by the sunny, releasing food and treasure onto the deck of the Sunny. "Good, peace and quiet now", you said and jumped onto the grass before going back onto your cloud.
"That was-" "AMAZING!!!!", Luffy sceamed and beamed, shining and joined you. "How did you do that!?" "Concentrate my magic to one point before releasing it. Quick and painless", you simply said as Nami, Chopper and Usopp came. "WE ARE UNWORTHY!", they said before bending down to you, making you blink. "...you just pretend to be weak?!", Zoro came to you. "I never pretend anything. My magic is 90% deadly, so-" "Oh, my beloved Goddess! I am just unworthy in your presence, pls forgive me", Sanji swooned over you before going on a knee in front of you.
"Sanji, pls. Neither of you is unworthy or weak. Magic is just different" "I didn´t knew you could be this strong!", Chopper looked at you with sparkles. "...that was actually nothing compared what I can do"
"Yohohoho...my eyes would defently pop out just imagining it, ah, I nave no eyes anymore. YOHOHOHOHO!!!", Brook laughed. "How strong are you?", asked Jinbei.
All looked at you. "When I say a One woman Army it´s enough. Believe me. I don´t want to go deeper", you admitted. "SUGE!", Lu was now in your face, beaming like a child because how cool he found you. "S you can kill", pressed Zoro and you nooded. "Very easily...with Lu, I could demonstrate it" "YES! YES!", your boyfriend was so eager for you to show off. Holding your hand out, you released a short breath.
"I can´t move", said Luffy before you moved your hand down, making Nami and Usopp, Chopper included, scream. "WHAT THE!" "Our captain is now a pancake", chuckled Robin and you lowered your hand, making your boyfriend sping up. "Now imagine this with real bones", you said.
"YOU COULD EASILY-", Zoro shouted, a vein pulsing on his head. "Yeah. But no" "Bro, she just stole your spot", patted Franky Zoro´s shoulder, who just growled. "Show.Me.More!!!", demanded your boyfriend. "Tomorrow? Please. I just finished up the thing you wanted" "The...thing?", Luffy tilted his head. "Yeah. I can now make Devil Fruit users swim"
"OH HELL NO! WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?! I`M OUT!", Zoro stormed away, clearly pissed. "Should we actually call you Goddess now?", admitted Robin. "Hm? Je a God?", asked Luffy Robin. "Yes. I mean, kind, gentle, sweet, always there to listen, strong, and you feel protected by her", she admitted with a soft smile.
"MY GODDESS~~~I will follow you to the end of the earth!", Sanji proclaimed and took your hand to give it a kiss but was pushed directly away by your boyfriends´ foot to the face, while he pulled you close.
"Stay away from Je! She´s mine! You have no right to kiss her hand, Sanji"
Loud bickering broke out, which made you laugh loudly. You always thought, that once they found out how strong you are, they would want you to leave the crew, in fear of endangering everyone else but never thought that you were being worshipped.
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byghostface · 3 months
//long rambling
There is a vent in the last part (about pro ship:/+ wired shipping + block list) it's naturally negative so reading at your own risk.
So in the new Batman and Robin issue #7 Nika's sister making an appearance, got me thinking of other possibilities for sibling characters to come back.
Mostly I’m thinking about Respawn since he is Joshua Williamson's own character. And He made Respawn appeared in the last issue of Robin(2021), he also brought back Mara in that run too (just some appearance in the later issue).
And now Joshua Williamson is writing Batman and Robin, so naturally he can bring some characters back in this run. He had said in an interview that he might have figured out a way(try) to bring back Maya.
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Throwback to 2022 of this old wip/art I made, is about what I think the emo teens of Lazarus squad dynamic would look like.
I imagine Nika and Respaw are irritated/tolerate with each other but would stay for Damian because Nika is Damian's girlfriend and they want to stick together. Meanwhile, Damian likes to include his half-brother in some fun activities (Respawn is acting reluctant bc of his own issues but he actually likes to have friends and feel include).
I haven’t finished this art bc I was going to add more wips (with other characters like Rose and Hawke) to make it a post. I didn't finish this art back then bc I was afraid Talia fans would be mad at me for drawing Respawn.
Trust me, I hate that Talia gets associated with Deathstroke like this, but I think Respawn is a confused/mistreated teen character and Damian (bless his heart and soul) still wants to be his brother regarding the whole mess. I will explain/talk more about my thoughts on Respawn as a character and his situations once I finish these drawings and get ready to post them.
Writing/typing words is harder than drawing for me personally. Drawing is like channeling my energy into a picture and forming an atmosphere and hopefully people will understand what thoughts and feelings I was trying to convey. Writing is using more brain powers to choose the correct and cohesive words, so people would not misunderstand what I'm talking about. Especially when English is not my first language, and even so I normally don't talk(write) much in my mother tongue either…(I'm not a quick thinker, it took me a longer time to think things through, writing literally exhausted me physically and mentally more than drawing.)
It doesn't mean I don't enjoy writing, it's just not my first choice to convey thoughts… but considering I can't draw everything I have in my mind and it takes even longer time to finish any art, I just need to write down things first from now on. Tumblr is the only place I can think of that has this longer text feature blog post and I'm more familiar with this platform format. So I will still be here posting my fan content.
(↓Vent, if you want to avoid being block by me then read down below.)
I must say I will forever hate respawn x flatline as ship, cus I know who started this ship and their reasons behind it—Don’t let the new character develop naturally as the story goes, let’s put them in made-up weird situations first so I can prop up my own ship!😍 And get both of the new characters out of the way, since no one would defend them so I can fanon the hell out of them by making them look bad all around!🤞 (What if I stone you first hand🪨🪨💥)
And I will continue to dislike/against any shipping Damian's sibling to Nika. I simply don't like the unnecessary sibling conflict just for romance tropes! So go away boooo I hate you‼️ Not to mention the ignoring of different age range multi-ship hide behind poly… that's straight up proshipping I hate you even more!!👎
Also for people who said Nika should be crush on Damian's mother instead of him… I hate you twisted proshipper rotten smooth brain‼️‼️ She dating a boy her age and has mutual connections with him, why would she crush on her boyfriend's mother instead?? Just because Nika is a big fan of Talia??? So you telling me young ppl can't idolize adults normally without being labeled as romantic nowadays huh??( Not saying you can't crush on adults, but why crush on your boyfriend's mom? ) Your weird ass mind is showing with this ass hc be fr. Again, why would you imagine that? You just wanted to push a fake narrative of Nika being wired so you could have an excuse to make Talia and Damian dislike her (which is not true), but in fact is YOU are the weird one projecting your twist thoughts/hate onto Nika‼️💥🪨🪨
I will start to block ppl who are shipping/liking respawn x flatline (+proshipper) and STILL interact with me, read the room!! My art is not for you weirdos‼️Go away BOOOO💥 🪨🪨🪨💥💥
Can't believe I need to type this all out cuz some of you weirdos will still do these things and think is okay to interact with me and my post/showing in my notifications BOOO👎🪨🪨💥🪳🪳🪳🩴🩴🩴
(sorry for venting about random weirdos/Nika haters again, and thanks for reading.)
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lolahauri · 4 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
5/9/24 Update: This is a strictly smut/nsfw fic blog only, my fluff and angst stuff are being deleted and reposted to @lolahaurisfw - I've also expanded my character list a LOT, so check that out before you request!
I do take requests. I don't have an anon list but I can start one if anyone wants to be labeled and become a regular anon.
DNI: Map, Zoo, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Minors, Discourse Blogs. Block me if you don't agree. ❤️🖤🤍💚
Things I Won't Write:
Sex crimes of any kind, super extreme kinks, violence/abuse used as a kink, anything most would consider "gross/weird" (ex: puke, shit, ddlg, pet play, age play). no exceptions, and no hate to dead dove writers, i'm just personally not willing to write these.
Things I Will Write:
Pretty much everything else i guess? Daddy/Mommy kink, Cheating, CNC/Dubcon, Sex Pollen, Legal Age Gap, Yandere, Power Dynamic (Prof/Student, Boss/Employee), Foot Fetish, Piss Kink, Breeding, Any regular/non-extreme kink (ex: Cock Warming, Dry Humping, Voyeur, Orgy, 3somes, Sex Toys, etc...) *if you aren't sure, just ask!*
Hc's, one shots, short multi-chapter fics, imagines/drabbles.
Canon-friendly, Au's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Fictional Other (F/O) Imagines: +18, no names.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request others from these fandoms, but it will prob take me longer)
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve. Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee. YOU: Joe, Love, Beck, Peach. Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta. Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson. (Human Ver) Attack on Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin. BNA: Michiru, Shirou. Stardew Valley: All Adult Humans. (Including SDVE & RSV) Total Drama: All season 1 contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley. SheRa: All Adults (Except Rogelio) King Of The Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luanne, Nancy, Dale, John Redcorn, Kahn, Min. Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V, Tony. Riverdale: FP Jones, Jughead, Veronica, Hiram, Betty. Creepypasta: Ben, Jeff, Jane, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Slenderman, Masky, Hoodie, Toby, X Virus, Nina, Clockwork, Splendorman, Kate. Gravity Falls: Stan, Ford, Soos, Giffany Steven Universe: Jasper, Amethyst, Blue Diamond, Peridot, Lapis, Garnet, Rose, Bismuth, Greg. Adventure Time/Fiona and Cake: Princess Bubblegum, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona. COD: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria. Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabby, Edie, Mike, Lynette. DC: Batman, Harley, Joker, Ivy, Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenburg). Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface (general), Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Wraith, Huntress, Trapper, The Trickster, Pearl, Carrie White, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven. Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Waluigi, Bowser. Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo. Rick and Morty: Rick, Beth, Jerry. Stranger Things: Robin, Billy, Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper. Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast. Princess & The Frog: Shadow Man, Tiana, Lottie, Naveen. Ratatouille: Collette, Linguini. The Nanny: CC, Fran, Maxwell. Full House: Danny, Jesse, Joey. BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Amy, Penny. Spiderverse: Miguel, Jessica Drew. Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite. Breaking Bad: Skylar, Jesse, Walter. National Treasure: Benjamin Gates, Riley Poole. Superstore: Jonah, Amy, Dina. Spongebob: Man Ray, Dennis. Tangeled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell. Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy. Jane the Virgin: Jane, Micheal, Rogelio, Petra, Xiomara, Rose, Luisa. Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie. Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie. Bistro Huddy: All Staff Members, Poppy. WWE: Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns. American Animals: Evan Peters (Warren), Barry Keoghan (Spencer). The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler. Little Mermaid (2023): Ariel, Eric. Bob's Burgers: Linda, Bob. Avatar: Jake, Neytiri. Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff. My Hero Academia: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa. Futurama: Leela, Amy, Fry, Bender. Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Wiploc, Zeebo, Valerie. Supernatural: Dean, Sam, Castiel. Sherlock (2010): Sherlock Holmes, John Watson. Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden.
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch) Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River) Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim vs The World) Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby) Randy Marsh (South Park) Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Prairie) Master Chief (Halo) Ian Hawke (Alvin & The Chipmunks) Poe Dameron (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) Linda Gunderson (Rio) Bruce (Beyond Therapy) Jack Harrison (Transylvania 6-5000) Peggy Bundy (Married… With Children) Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto) - M Reader Only Scarecrow (Batman Begins) John Wick (John Wick 4) David Levinson (Independence Day) Jackson Rippner (Red Eye) Stevo (SLC Punk!) Mike (5lbs of Pressure) Santa/Babbo Natale (Violent Night) Dan Conner (Roseanne) Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House) Lt. Robert 'Bob' Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick 2022) Francine (American Dad) Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs) Fujimoto (Ponyo) Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980) Doug Remer (Baseketball) Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park 1993) Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops) Astarion (Baulders Gate 3) Trevor Phillips (GTA5) Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor) Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia) John Doe (John Doe Game) Paul Blart (Paul Blart Mall Cop) Fezzik (Princess Bride)
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e-vay · 10 months
Hey, how can you imagine if Sonic, Amy, Aurora, shadow, taila, CC, knuckes, rouge, stick and the children of knuckes and rouge go to a cosplay convention, what cosplay would they do according to your opinion? Ah it doesn't matter if it's anime, series, movies or video games
Great question, very difficult to answer hahaha
Hmmm Sonic would maybe go as Mario because he’d think it was hilarious
Amy would go as either She-Ra, Wonder Woman or Barbie. All powerful ladies!
IF Aurora could convince Shadow to go with her, they would go as Ten and Rose (Doctor Who) because they’ve done that for Halloween and it doesn’t involve an embarrassing costume for Shadow. If Shadow wouldn’t go then Aurora would go as Link
Tails and CC would be Joker and EDI from Mass Effect
Knuckles would be John Cena AHAHAHA
Rouge would be Lara Croft, the original version
Ruff and Tumble would be Batman and Robin, the Adam West era. It’s too funny for them to pass up
Sticks, hmmm… She’d dress up as Amy because she doesn’t quite get the idea of cosplay and thinks she can just dress up as anyone cool
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 3 months
ok im curious do you have any jason todd headcannons
These are (all) mostly angst, so be forewarned
Idc where the autopsy scar came from, but I like the idea that the LOA did experiments post resurrection bc Ra's is so obsessed with immortality.
I don't hate the 'pit madness' trope, so long as it feeds on already existing emotions and it's temporary after getting out of the pit. Kind of like it's this voice at the back of his mind that is amplified and urges him to do things he would typically hesitate to do. But it's still well within his power to resist or give in.
Jason would hide non-perishables all around the manor for the first two years living there and genuinely believed he was one misstep from being kicked out the whole time
Kinda related to ^ (TW: Food issues) he has really bad issues with food insecurity. He has a habit of switching between scarfing food/binge eating, and then storing things for too long because he's afraid of running out and having empty shelves ever
Sometimes he forgets how old he is and his knee-jerk reaction is to answer "15" when someone asks
He ran a bicycle gang with other kids on the streets when he was homeless. Mostly to steal food and help each other out. But Winter typically picked them all off one by one, some would get taken into the foster system, kidnapped etc... so it didn't last.
He can't stand needles
He hated galas as a kid bc of the obvious classism, and the expectation for him to mask his 'roots', mannerisms, accents etc
of course, that didn't stop people from commenting and comparing him to the first Wayne Ward.
He could have his pockets lined with gold and still always chooses the cheapest option when he's out shopping for food/necessities. He never lets anyone else pay for him, and if for some reason someone does, he picks the cheapest thing he can find
He needs his bedroom door locked at all times
Can't sleep without a night-light, but he'd take that info to his grave
Learning to shave and drive were incredibly emotional experiences for him, because he was on his own and just really wanted Bruce to help him
He was the first to call Bruce 'Dad' normally as Robin, (aside from Damian, but he calls him 'Father' which is just different to me) and Jason had the most 'dad & son' relationship with Bruce out of all the robins. This is part of the reason he can't reconcile the Bruce he knows now, with the one he left.
He is often the only one to call Bruce 'dad' to this day, and it's more subconscious than anything. It slips when he's really emotional or drugged up and he hates himself for it
He's an angry crier (most emotions make his eyes burn)
He used to really want to get married and have kids, and some part of him still does, but he's terrified of damaging his kids bc of all his own issues and he can't imagine ever meeting someone who would put up with him
He can't stand to be in the manor for too long but he will hangout with his brothers and the girls outside of it. Typically these hangouts only work if it's kept light/surface level
He loves all of them and would kill and die for them, but this is not common or expressed knowledge. It's in the subtext.
He wants to be close to all of them, and Bruce- but there's just too much trauma and bad-blood to ever really fix it all. He knows it will never be fixed, and he's not willing to compromise his beliefs for it.
He wants to go to college
and is working on getting his GED
and lastly: I lowkey vibe with him and Stephanie as a ship if it was given the care and attention it deserved
Canon ship wise though, I HC Rose is the only girl he's ever genuinely seen a future with and she feels the same about him which is why they're terribly avoidant of each other
sorry this was legit all angst <3
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Love the evil boyfriends content. Gives me twisted Gomez and Morticia vibes.
How about Nathmarc in a Descendants AU or Ever After High AU?
Marinette: Mulan
Adrien: Aurora (Canon confirmed it)
Alya: Tiana
Nino: Genie (He would break the 4th wall)
Kim: Raya (She’s South Asian)
Max: Moana (… He’s gonna be half Polynesian, just go with it)
Juleka: Snow White
Rose: Prince Charming
Chloé: Cinderella
Sabrina: Merida
Ivan: Belle
Myléne: Rapunzel
Alix: Alice
Lila: Pinocchio
Nathaniel: Queen of Hearts
Marc: Evil Queen
Aurore: Yzma
Cosette: Cruella De Vil
Reshma: Maleficent
Ismael: Gaston (You can imagine how thrilled Gaston was when Ismael said he was his son)
Simon: Madame Medusa
Denise: Dr. Facilier
Lacey: Mother Gothel
Mireille: Hades
Jean: Ursula
Zoé: Anastasia Tremaine
Austin T: Jasmine
Austin A: Captain Hook
Austin B: Robin Hood
Austin Q: Peter Pan
So, Nathaniel’s in the same class as the Royals for some reason
Caline, one of the 12 good fairies from the original sleeping beauty story is adamant on all children following their destinies, no matter how awful or disturbing
She constantly pressures the other rebels into accepting their fates, not caring that Reshma gets stabbed, Marc gets trapped in a mirror, Aurore lives out the rest of her days as an animal, Cosette gets put in an asylum, Ismael falls to his death, Simon gets mauled by his crocodiles, Denise spends the rest of their life as a shadow, Lacey dies of old age in a really bad way, Jean gets skewered, Zoé has her eyes pecked out, Mireille gets dragged into River Styx, and Nathaniel’s subjects eventually rise up and decapitate him
“All is necessary for the royals to have their happily ever after.”
And the Royals are completely oblivious to the truth because she’s been sugarcoating a bunch of shit and try to push the Rebels to accept fate
That, or they know what happens to the Rebels *cough* Marinette *cough*, they just don’t care and want them to conform to that whole destiny BS
Alix, Nino, and Adrien are teetering to the Rebels side because Alix is tired of being labeled a flighty drunk because of her mom, Nino doesn’t want to be trapped in the lamp, and we know what went down in Sleeping Beauty. (And it CAN happen to men, so shut up!)
Marinette is constantly trying to get Nathaniel riled up so he’ll act like his mother, but he remains refined and poised every time
Someone even goes so far as to spray mercury on him so he’ll become deranged. Fortunately, Marc and Aurore had antidotes on hand
Nathaniel is sort of the unspoken leader of the Rebels since he was the first student in years to not sign the Storybook of Legends on Legacy Day while Marinette is the leader of the Royals since she’s all about following Destiny
Most of the Royals are just a little misguided and don’t want anything bad to happen to the Rebels, but they’ve been fed the Disneyfied renditions
… Also, the Storybook of Legeneds is a fake, the Queen of Hearts hid it back when she was a student, a Royal straying to the Rebels side hides it when they find it, and it ends up in Wonderland… Back to the story!
DuPont is a dormitory school, two to a room, and since Marinette’s mom is on the school board, Damocles gives her a say in who’s assigned to which dorm because he’s still a coward. Of course, she has villains and heroes in the same story assigned together
The Villain Rebel students are encouraged to cheat in classes, use any powers they have on the students, and poison some of the Royals… No one sees how wrong that last thing is? Okay.
Marc’s dorm room only has one mirror, surprisingly. Nathaniel constantly tells him he’s the Fairest, so he has no need for more
He and Juleka are good friends and neither one wants Marc to be trapped in the mirror at the price of Juleka getting her Destiny
Adrien and Luka Piper (half sister of Juleka) are secretly dating
Denise can hear the narrators on the Other Side… No, not that Other Side, the other Other Side. You know, the one with the voices and the people with no faces.
Lila is constantly causing discord among the Royals and Rebels. And thanks to a spell she found, she can lie without her nose growing longer
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3minsover · 10 months
AUgust Day 22:
the great gatsby au (tw: manslaughter + murder)
old money socialite edward munson had a passionate summer fling with a bright-eyed, hopeful, romantic young soldier named steven. he promised edward the world, if only he would wait for him to return from war.
steven never returned.
when professional polo player jason carver asks for edward’s hand in marriage, he says yes. his heart is still broken, will remain so, but pressure from his family to make an advantageous match is too powerful. years pass, and edward’s life is rose-colored. he drifts through dinners and sunrooms like a ghost, keeps his steps light so that others do not notice him, do not look too close and see the gaping hole in his chest where his heart once was, a heart that he gave away to a soldier with no prospects, no property or land to his name.
at night, when all is quiet, he looks out over the water that laps at the shore of his extravagant home and sees the distant glimmer and glint of lights, hears the muted thrum of music, and sees a grand mansion illuminated by luxury and excess.
he hears of parties, almost every night, that take place at this mansion, and wonders whether one day he might know the origin of such conviviality. however, trapped in his loveless marriage and bound by duty to remain a beautiful artefact in his husband’s collection, edward simply turns away, ignoring the siren call of an emerald green light that blooms on the end of the opposite dock.
when edward’s cousin robin moves into the groundskeeper’s cottage across the bay, she attempts to strike up the old friendship they had had as children, becoming instantly fascinated by edward’s dearest friend nancy.
one night, robin invites edward, and by extension, jason and nancy, to a party. a party at the house across the bay. she insists that they must meet the host, that he’s simply a marvel, and grudgingly, jason agrees.
the festivities are in full swing by the time they arrive, strangers streaming through every hallway, drinking from fountains of champagne, splashing in shallow pools and dancing to the yellow cocktail music that pours from every corner of every room. edward is overwhelmed, overcome by the eccentricity of it all, longs to return to where it’s quiet and calm, where he may disappear to the safety of his own imaginings, where a sweet soldier offers his hand and his heart without reservation.
edward slips away from the group with nancy’s help; she guides him to a small room in which there is only one man, standing with his back to the entrance. his suit is tailored neatly, his hair slicked back with careful precision, and when he turns, edward’s breath is stolen from his lungs.
“steve?” he gasps, feet carrying him closer, lest this be simply an overwrought imagination playing him for a fool.
“eddie. eddie, darling,” the man exclaims softly, meeting him stride for stride, until eddie’s hands can clutch at the lapels of his suit. “you came. you’re here. you saw- it doesn’t matter. you’re here.”
“you never came back for me,” eddie whispers, gaze fluttering over steve’s face, because it is steve. older, broader, fashioned into something gilded in gold and sculpted from ivory, but it is him.
“i know, my darling. i wanted to, god how i wanted to. but i’m here now. is that enough?” steve’s eyes are wide, imploring as he cups eddie’s cheeks as though he were the fragile, delicate thing he feels himself to be.
and it’s not enough, eddie will come to realize. too much time has passed, too many bridges crossed and set ablaze, too much mess to be cleared away, but for now, for tonight, they might pretend. under steve’s gentle touch, eddie wills himself to forget jason’s harsh one, at the sound of steve’s sweet voice, eddie pushes away that of poor chrissy, the girl who calls and calls their home asking to speak to jason. he allows himself to be swept by the tidal pull of his steve, here and alive and everything he needed him to be all those years ago. and for a while, it brings him joy. for weeks after that night, eddie steals across the bay with the help of nancy and robin, plays make believe in the life they might have had.
until a dinner in the city ends with smashed glass and jason’s stern glare and steve’s cries that ‘he doesn’t love you!’. until eddie begs for steve to come home with him, dragging him back to jason’s car and curling his fingers around the steering wheel until they flash white. until eddie’s flooring the gas and he can’t see for tears, and steve’s carefully imploring for him to slow down. until the screeching of tires and smashing of bones, a shock of strawberry blonde hair streaked with red.
until a gunshot rings through the bay, a widowed husband standing on the edge of a pool with a gun in his hand and chrissy’s name on his lips.
until steve harrington floats face down in the water, and eddie can’t bear to even look at the funeral invitation.
in the end it’s not enough, and it never was.
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ruby-freeinthesky · 11 months
𝕾𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖙 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖘. 𝖂𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖙 𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖞. Chapter Nineteen
Previous Chapter
[ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟]
𝕾𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖙 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖘. 𝖂𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖙 𝕱𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖞.
Some call it Chaos. We call it Family.
> X <
Shanks sweat-dropped at the anger targeted at him, “The gum gum fruit is the name that the world government want to the world to believe, but in reality-”
Shanks got interrupted by Chopper, who changed forms into his reindeer form and jumped on board the ship with the exclamation of “Her heart beats!”
The doctor rushed towards Luna, “I can hear her heart beats!”
“Wha-? How?” there were many exclamations from the whitebeards in confusions, as Ann and Sabrina stared in shock at their sister.
Sabrina took her sisters hand, touching her wrist to feel a pulse. Ann stared at Sabrina in hope, “Can you feel anything?!”
Sabrina took a second, but then she took in a shuddering breath and nodded, “She’s… She’s alive!”
Marco rushed towards them, falling down on his knees as he reached out to touch her other hand. “How?” He croaked out.
“Her devil fruit,” Shanks said, laying an arm of Marco’s shoulder, “It’s a mythical zoan, the hito hito no mi, model: Nika.”
“Nika?” Sabrina asked, brushing Luna’s hair.
“The sun god.” Robin answered, as she came aboard, with the rest of their group coming near. “In skypia, we heard of the sun god, Nika, who was a warrior in the ancient times.”
“So, you were aware that Luna is Nika?” Shanks asked the archaeologist.
Robin gave the captain a small smile, “I had suspicions. Especially when Luna told me of the reason that she was called Fenrir.”
At the confused looks she was given, Robin continued, “Fenrir, the wolf monster, or the god of wolves. As Akainu had revealed at Marinefold, Luna was given that title as a mockery. However, it had hit me. There was a myth, of a god, Apollo I believed was their name. And they were known as a sun god.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Ann frowned.
“The thing is, Apollo was also known as wolf-born. Their sacred animal the wolf, and some call them as the god of wolves.”
“So,” Ann began, “The government meant the name Fenrir as a mockery, only for it to be related to the truth.”
Shanks let out a whistle, “Never thought of that connection. But did Luna know that herself?”
“The sea had told her,” Zoro said, “Not everything, even we didn’t know about this all, but the sea had informed her that she will die only to come back due to her devil fruit.”
Confusion rose once more amongst the commanders, but Whitebeard’s eyes widened in surprise. He let out a whisper of “Voice of everything?” which wasn’t heard by anyone.
“What does the fruit do anyways?” Ann asked.
“I don’t know much.” Shanks shook his head, “Only that when awakened, the person changes appearance. Look.” He pointed at Luna, and true to his words, her appearance is changing, her hair slowly turning white. Her abdomen was also closing up, healing, leaving the area healed up with a giant X shaped burn mark now there. “I had also heard that it is only limited by someone’s imagination.”
“And in the hands of a person like Luna, who has unlimited imagination…” Robin trailed off.
Shanks nodded, “It will be too powerful.”
Silence overcame the deck.
Ann and Sabrina watched as Marco traced their sister’s face. Love evident in his eyes, a soft smile on his face expressing the relief that they all felt and body relaxed.
Ann and Sabrina exchanged looks, grinning at each other in happiness. Their sister is alive. Luna is alive.
Then Ann nudged Sabrina, at the annoyed expression she got, she pointed at Law. Sabrina eyes followed the direction she was pointing at to see Law staring at her with intense eyes. Sabrina could feel the blush rising on her cheeks at how he was looking at her.
She looked away when he raised an eyebrow at her. She’ll talk to him later. After all of this is settled.
> X <
Luna’s eyes snapped opened, and she sat straight up. She let out a groan at the bright lights hitting her eyes.
There were voices speaking all around her. But she couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying. All that she could hear where drums beating. And her heart was beating at the same rhythm of the drums. They sounded familiar. Where had she heard them before?
She couldn’t remember where she had heard them before, but she could feel excitement building in her just from hearing them.
Luna closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, trying to calm down. Succeeding, she could start differentiating who was speaking now.
Her nakama. Her Marco. Her older brother. And her sisters.
They were all calling out her name.
When she opened her eyes the next time, she could see properly. She could hear them clearly, the drums had stopped, and the feeling of excitement had vanished.
“I’m alive.” She spoke, startling everyone around her. She let out a laugh at their expressions, “Shishishi!”
“Nee-chan!” Sabrina and Ann were the first who broke out of their shock, and tackled her.
Luna let out a gasp of surprise as her back collided with the floor of the deck. Her arms wound up instinctively around her sisters as they hugged her.
“You were dead!” Ann started.
“You died protecting us!” Sabrina continued.
“Don’t die on us again!” They both exclaimed.
Luna smiled at this, laughing again. And when the two girls let go of her, she could see their tears.
“Come on now,” She whispered, letting go of them to wipe their tears away, “Don’t cry.”
Ann shook her head, “I’m not crying.” She denied, while Sabrina let out a wet chuckle.
Luna chuckled, pulling them into another hug, and they latched into her. “Alright, if you say so.”
She looked at Shanks, who was grinning at her. “Hi, nii-chan.”
“Hello, Anchor.” Shanks replied, “Looks like I couldn’t rage a war. I did kill Akainu though.”
She grinned at him, “Shishishi! Yeah, thanks for avenging me!”
Shanks nodded at her, then glanced at Marco and back at her. He pointed his head at her lover, while raising an eyebrow at her. Luna sent him a smirk.
“Little Star. Firecracker. Can you please let go of me?”
At Luna’s request, there were two shouts of “NO!” from the two sisters.
Luna sighed at this, “Please? I won’t leave your sight. I just need to do something important.”
With hesitation, the two girls let go of their sister. Getting rewarded by a smile, each a kiss on the forehead and head pats. Their expression brightened at the affection received from their older sister.
The Whitebeards couldn’t help the laughs and chuckles at how easy the sisters got happy from something so simple.
Luna got off the ground and turned to the waiting Marco, who was watching them with a smile.
“Luna,” He breathed out, “I’m glad you’re okay-yoi.”
“Shishishi!” She laughed, “Of course! I wouldn’t die, or stay dead, until after I become Pirate King!”
Marco chuckled, caressing her cheek, “If you say so-yoi.”
She smiled dopily, eyes landing on the ring box in his other hand. Her smile turned smug then, “Ne~. Marco~. Was me coming back to life a big surprise?”
At his look of confusion, she giggled. “Yeah?” He answered.
“Then,” She reached out to take the box from his hand, “I win!”
She opened the box and picked his ring, looking up at him with a large grin. “Will you marry me?”
Izou’s “It’s happening!” while Thatch’s, Haruta’s and Shanks’ whistles can be heard in the background.
Marco’s shocked expression turned exasperated, “You just had to take advantage of the situation-yoi.”
Luna looked smug, she was proud of herself, “Duh! So?”
He sighed in defeat, and smile softly at her, “Yes. I’ll marry you.”
Cheers and clapping were all around them. The loudest of them being Luna’s yelling of “He said yes!”
She threw herself at him and he caught her, circling his arms around her waist.
Luna grinned brightly, then smashed her lips against his.
When they separated, they were rushed by their family, many congratulating them.
Shanks stared at his younger sister in happiness, then he couldn’t help himself from commenting, “Looks like we’ll be in-laws now, Marco.”
Marco glared at Shanks who was smirking back at him.
“Wait!” Ann exclaimed, gaining looks from everyone. “Does that make Marco my brother-in-law? Or Luna my sister-in-law?”
“What are you talking about now?” Sabrina sighed.
Ann pouted at her, “Well, Luna is my sister, but so is Marco.”
“Marco will be your brother-in-law, duh,” Luna replied, “I was your sister first after all.”
Ann nodded, “Oh. Okay.” Then turned to Marco, “I don’t think I need to threaten you.”
“Yeah,” Sabrina joined in, “If anything, Marco-san will be good for our nee-chan. Please continue taking care of her. I hope she doesn’t drive you crazy.”
“Oi!” Luna exclaimed, offended.
Marco laughed, “I stuck with her for eight years, I’m sure I’ll be able to handle the rest of our lives together-yoi.”
Ann shrugged, “If you say so, man. Good luck.”
Luna pouted, Shanks laughed from beside her, patting her back.
“Shanksssss,” She complained, “They’re so mean.”
“It’s alright, Anchor.” He comforted, “Besides, there is something important we need to do.”
Luna looked confused.
Shanks waved at Benn to come over.
When Luna’s eyes landed at the hat in Benn’s hand, and they widened before she looked excited.
At this point, everyone else was staring as Benn passed the hat to Shanks.
“This,” Shanks started, “Belongs to you.”
Luna was vibrating in her place, tilting her head down for him to place the straw-hat on. “And this time, you will bring it back to me only when you fulfil your promise.”
When Luna lifted her head, her eyes shown in determination. “I will become the King of the Pirates.”
Shanks grinned proudly at her, “That’s our Anchor!”
“Shishishi!” Luna dove for a hug, lifting Shanks up from his feet.
Laughter can be heard from the Red-haired pirates’ ship. “Good on ya, Anchor!” Lucky Roo yelled.
“Put me down!” Shanks’s face was flushed from embarrassment. How could she just lift him so easily like this in front of another emperor.
Speaking of the said emperor. Whitebeard was laughing at the sight of Shanks being carried, “Gurararara!”
“If you say so.” Luna let go of Shanks, who took several steps away from her and hid behind Benn, who was smirking at the pair. Shanks glared at Luna, but she just grinned back at him.
“Brat,” Whitebeard called out.
Luna looked up at him, pointing at herself as if asking “Me?”
Whitebeard nodded at the woman, “It is nice to finally meet not only Marco’s lover, but Ann and Sabrina’s older sister. I’ve always wanted to talk to you.”
“I did too!” She replied, stepping forward to be in front of him, “I also wanted to thank you.”
“Oh?” Whitebeard raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah,” She nodded, then bowed, “Thank you for taking care of my sisters and giving them a family!”
“Gurararara! Left your head up, Brat!” when Luna did so, did he continue, “Ann is a part of our crew. She’s family, of course I’d take care of her.”
“But Sabrina isn’t a part of your crew, yet you still took of her.” She pointed out.
“Sabrina is Ann’s sister, so she is family. And just like you. Now, you’re family too, Daughter-in-law.”
> X <
While Luna was talking to Whitebeard, Zoro had asked Usopp and Franky to bring over their captive.
The pair had nodded, and left to Sunny-Go.
“Captain,” Zoro called out.
Luna turned to Zoro, “Yeah?”
“Usopp and Franky are bringing the bastard.”
Luna’s eyes lit up in recognition, “Oh, you caught him?”
Zoro nodded, “Yes. We took care of his crew, and left him for you to decide what to do with him.”
Luna nodded and turned back to Whitebeard, “Shanks used to tell me that when a member betrays their crew, that their punishment should be decided by the crew’s captain.”
Whitebeard nodded, “That is right. It is a matter of pride. Sadly, Teach had not been caught.”
Luna grinned, “Well, my nakama caught him.” She gestured to Usopp and Franky coming back with a tied up, beat up but awake Teach. The pair threw him in front of Whitebeard, “And he’s yours to handle.”
There were gasps of shock at this, Izou and Ann were clutching Thatch’s arms at the reminder of what was done to him.
Marco walked over and stood beside his captain, as Whitebeard stood up, his bisento hitting the ground.
Luna stepped back to let Whitebeard decide his punishment. Standing beside her sisters who held into her hands.
“His chains are sea-stone, I believe?” He asked, Luna, who after glancing at her nodding crew, answered, “Yup.”
“Alright.” Whitebeard glared at Teach, who was crying, snot coming out of his nose, the coward.
His mouth was taped shut though, unable to beg for mercy or give any excuses.
“Throw him into the sea.” Whitebeard ordered.
Marco nodded, transforming into a phoenix and caught Teach with his talons, not caring if he scratched the traitor. He flew above the sea and let go. He looked down to see Teach sinking. With no way of surviving.
Flying back to Moby Dick, turning back into his human form as his feet touch the deck.
“I give you my gratitude,” Whitebeard thanked Luna, “Is there anything we can do to repay you for this?”
Luna had shrugged, “You did say we’re family, and family help each other with no expectations of getting anything in return.”
“Gurararara!” Whitebeard laughed, “Alright, brat.”
“Now then,” Luna turned to her crew, “We’ll need to get in contact with our allies. Also, Jii-chan, Smokey and Tashigi-chan. Oh! And dad!”
Ann sputtered at the mention of her boyfriend’s name.
“Already ahead of you captain,” Nami replied, “Got in contact of our allies and told them you’ll be fine.”
Luna nodded at her navigator, “Thanks! You’re the best, Nami!”
“Why Smoker?” Ann asked.
“So that I can meet your boyfriend?” Luna said, as if stating the obvious, not aware of the shocked looks of some of the commanders. “I mean, we know each other and all, but now I can officially meet him as your sister. And since Torao-”
Law flinched at the mention of his name.
“-is here too. I also will be able to talk to him officially too.”
Sabrina and Ann blushed.
“You knew I was dating Smoker?”
“Tashigi told me.”
“And what about my feelings for Law?”
“Dad told me.”
“Do you have contacts with everyone to stalk us?” Sabrina raised an eyebrow.
“It’s not stalking? I just needed to make sure both of you were always okay.” Luna shrugged.
Ann and Sabrina smiled at their older sister, “Okay. Whatever you say so.”
> X <
A few days later, they met up with Garp, Smoker and Tashigi.
Garp had grabbed all his granddaughters into a tight hug then gave each of them a fist of love. When Luna whispered to him that she proposed to Marco, he had told her he was proud of her for doing the first move before giving her another fist of love for not waiting until he arrived for her to propose.
Next Tashigi hugged Luna, crying in relief.
Ann had gone to Smoker, who had kissed her the moment she stood in front of him.
Sabrina pouted at this, then turned to Law who was near her and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. “I’m going to kiss you.” She said, when he didn’t push her away or reject her, she pulled him down into a kiss.
When they broke apart, Sabrina had demanded, “Be my boyfriend.”
Law, finally tired from rejecting her all the time just pulled her into another kiss, whispering an affirmative against her lips.
There were cheers from the heart pirates. Luna giggled at them, “Finally.”
> X <
“You’re going to Sabaody-yoi?” Marco questioned Luna when they were laying in his room later on.
“Mhm,” Luna hummed, “Gonna show the world that not only am I alive, but that now I’m a pirate.”
Marco shifted on his bed so that he’s laying on her side, looking at Luna, “Then what-yoi?”
“Then we’ll go to fishman Island.” She replied, shifting so that she’s facing him as well, “Jimbe already left, needing to settle things there now that he’s no longer a warlord. We'll pick him up from there, he's going to join my crew."
Marco smiled at that news. “Then?”
“Then we’ll meet up with Torao. Promised him an alliance to take down Mingo and Kaido.”
Marco raised an eyebrow. “Why them?”
“Mingo is for some personal reasons, somethings about him killing Torao’s father figure,” She lifted a hand and played it on his cheek, “Kaido ‘cause Mingo supplies him, so after we defeat Mingo, Kaido will come after us.”
“So, we’ll meet you in wano-yoi?”
“You’re going to Wano?” Luna asked.
“Oyaji said that after we’re done checking on the islands under our protection, we’re going to Wano. Izou wants to free her country from Kaido’s control-yoi.”
“Izou-chan is from Wano?” Luna asked in wonder.
“Yes. There is a story behind this, I’m sure you’ll hear about it soon.”
Luna hummed, putting her head on Marco’s chest. It was only a few moments after Marco had thought that Luna might have fallen asleep that she spoke again.
“Ne, Marco.”
“After defeating Kaido. How about we get married in Wano?”
Marco smiled, laying a kiss on top of Luna’s head, “Alright. I’m fine with that. We’ll talk about all the details tomorrow though.”
Luna nodded against his chest, yawning, “Alright. Love you.”
“I love you too-yoi.”
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roydeezed · 1 year
One Piece-Chapter Round-Up(Chapter 1081)
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After a break we’re treated with a colour page! Whoo! Sanji reading an instructional booklet on cocking while lying next to a sleeping Zoro…hmmm. Greatest One Piece love story since Noland and Kalgara? (No lie though, their story makes me bawl, it wasn’t fair). Jokes aside, we got some beautiful double page spreads and some pretty significant events taking place in this chapter so see yall below the “Keep reading”.
We see Garp’s ship land in the plaza and Prince Grus use his clay fruit to have it come to a soft landing. Much like how Akainu’s fruit is an evolution on Ace’s fruit, Prince Grus’s clay fruit seems to be an evolution to Mr.3’s wax fruit, capable of making soldier’s and such. Garp laments that he’s gotten weaker, we get some banter with the other marines, Hibari gets frozen and Aokiji reveals himself as the tenth titanic captain!
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I was curious about what people thought of this chapter and after browsing some forums and comments, I saw a majority of the people reading believing that Aokiji had honestly gone over to Blackbeard’s side. Um… yall. Can we just think about this rationally? Please. First of all, let’s start with something concrete. The above line. It’d be a bad look if Koby escapes while Teach is away. Does that not sound at all suspicious? To me what it sounds like is “make it convincing”. It also makes me believe there’s a chance Garp dies here. To sell Aokiji as a proper pirate. 
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To me, Aokiji is a marine through and through. Though he doesn’t agree with everything, it’s the closest to his ideals. Ideals aren’t something people in the One Piece world abandon cause they took a loss. Aokiji, time and time again, while staying a marine, finds a way to do things his own way. He leaves Saul alive and lets Robin get away. He doesn’t exterminate the Straw Hats when he has a chance. What could the Blackbeard Pirates offer him other than an infiltration opportunity? They’re a proven menace. I strongly believe that he’s a SWORD agent infiltrating the Blackbeard Pirates. 
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Obviously, I could be wrong, I have been before, but let’s look at how the plot has progressed so far. Aokiji was revealed as the tenth captain after bringing up the fact that SWORD is a thing. After bringing up that Saul is alive, a man he was supposed to kill. Also he was brought up by Garp! A marine rebel. And rose to the rank of Admiral. Those aren’t things you shed that easily. Those are things you pretend to shed in a conversation with Blackbeard. And Blackbeard’s not stupid either, I feel like he has to know. 
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Blackbeard seems to have a few sides to him. The desperate and cowardly side of him recruited Aokiji, not wanting someone of that caliber against him, and the shrewd side of him suspects him I’d bet, especially after hearing about SWORD. By the way, speaking of things I’ve been wrong on, if Aokiji is here, then Lafitte and Devona are on their way to Egghead. Who are infiltrator types. Which makes me wonder if they were the ones who initially put York up to this whole thing? They’re either going there to steal something or someone. Maybe the memory bubble, maybe Robin.
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Anyways, getting back to the actual events of this chapter, we see the Blackbeard Pirates socializing with Aokiji. And honestly, despite being ruthless pirates, they look like a pretty fun hang, definitely one of the more chiller crews. Imagine hanging with Kid’s crew, you’d just hear Kid yelling in the background. They bring up the man marked by flames. And that’s also basically been confirmed right? As Jaguar D. Saul? Though the description of the ship and powers makes me think of Dragon. With the frequent mentions of Saul though, it makes me think they’re talking about him. Also if he is at Elbaf and has the power to part seas, he could help and bring Kid to safety, as Kid and Killer both can’t swim due to devil fruits and smiles. 
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Finally we catch up with Law. And as expected he lost. But it’s still admirable he put up a fight against the Blackbeard Pirates. He was basically the only major player on his crew and he held them off quite well. We also get a little bit more information on the Rocky Port Incident. To sum up, it was an incident in which Law gathered the 100 hearts he gave over to the Marines to become a warlord, which he got from the Rocky Port at Pirate Island. I’m assuming the marine’s were there in some capacity to assist Law or were called in by Blackbeard as Blackbeard used Koby to help take down the then leader of the island. 
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We see the Polar Tang destroyed and a mention of the heartless. Bepo goes sulong and gets Law out of there. This was an absolutely heartbreaking page right at the end. It was bad enough to see the Polar Tang destroyed. Not only was it one of the coolest ships in the verse but it was also the ship that rescued Luffy more than once. The crew wore uniforms and were generally quite dorky and lovable. The named members, other than the two that escaped, were quite unique in Shachi, Penguin and especially Jean Bart. Jean Bart not only showed Law’s kindness but the cohesiveness and camaraderie of the heart pirates.
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This really drives home how each crew has their own story. We don’t know what they’ve gone through but just like our Strawhats they must’ve had to crawl through hell and back to get where they did. I love Bepo so it was heartbreaking to see him beg Law not to die while Law wanted to go back for his crew. I was kind of indifferent to Kid being taken out because in the story he’s shown to be quite ruthless and he’s attacked peaceful villages to get back at bigger pirates. But Law has not only had a hard life, with his whole backstory involving Doflamingo, but he’s clawed for every inch of what he’s gotten. The genuine one-two gut punch of showing Blackbeard as charming to then have him brutally knock out one of the most beloved crews in One Piece is such a brilliant move by Oda and has me anxiously waiting for when Luffy finally kicks their ass. 
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kazoosandfannypacks · 10 months
Hey I’m the anon from earlier talking about Cygnet Scholar. I don’t really use tumblr mainly a lurker sorry but I will definitely be coming here to drop a bucket load of head canons and talk about the ship. This can be my emoji so you know it’s me: 🦢📚
Also I will definitely keep my eye out for that fic 👀
Gideon is scared to use his magic. Having three evil magic users in your direct family tree can mess you up a bit so he has always been hesitant to use it. Hope is the one to help him learn to control and become comfortable. Magic has always come easy to her and she uses it readily to prank her friends and family.
I have a vivid scene of Gideon trying to light a candle and no matter what it’s not working so Hope takes him to a room filled with unlit candles and a piano in the center (Gideon is amazing player and a good singer but insecure about the later) She has him play a song for her which she sings too (she has a really good singing voice but most don’t know that) and as they are finishing up they almost kiss (but don’t because slow burn) he looks up realizes he lit all of them up
Hope is much more outgoing then him. I imagine there friendship started because one day she just sat next to him and started talking and didn’t stop and they’ve been friends ever since.
I like to think they have a big friend group but are closest with each other. Friend group includes: Neal (goes by Leo because it is weird to be named after your sisters baby daddy I’m sorry okay it just is) Charlotte or Cassandra (second daughter of Snow and Charming) Philip jr, Melody (Ariel’s daughter), and a daughter of Red and Dorothy gale (don’t know the name yet). It’s a weird group but they all low each other and we’re brought together by Hope.
I think everyone around them realizes they like each other before them. I think it’s a case of he feel first but she fell harder.
For Gideon he always noticed the little things and feel in love slowly but firmly. The way she always bring him lunch when he forgets. And anytime she visits him at the library she’ll bring something for his mom usually a Rose because she finds it hilarious. She gives advice to her girl friends about guys and always has their back. She is but Leo’s side when he wants to come out. And if she ever hears someone talk bad about her friend well let’s just say that right hook is powerful.
For Hope it just hit her one day. Subconsciously I think she fell in love with him as they grew up but she realizes it really quickly. One day she didn’t know and the next she did. Hope has her heart on her sleeve so it’s obvious when she realizes but she plays it cool or tries to, she doesn’t really succeed but luckily Gideon is oblivious.
I think they both confess during a life or death situation but it’s not until all the fight is done do they get to talk about it. They have a spot in the woods that is just theirs and that’s where they have their first official kiss.
Anyway I can go on forever but my hand is starting to cramp and I have stuff I need to do lol. But please tell me about some of your headcanons!!!!
— 🦢📚
{from this message}
Hello, friend! Totally get that; I love all my lurkers on here! Nice to meet you, 🦢📚!!!
I love all your headcanons so much!!! Do you write fic at all??? I'd love to read them! The piano/candles story is so cute!!!
I love your headcanons about the friend group! My group for them consists of Neal Nolan (who goes by CJ [Charming Jr,]) Robin Mills, and Charlotte Nolan (the Charming's third kid.) They're all in a D&D group that Henry DMs, and eventually they go on this big adventure in an au I'll someday write.
In my mind, Hope and Gideon didn't quite get along at first, but eventually Killian is just like "look, I know you don't like him, but I need you to at least try to get along" and so she does and eventually realizes "eh, this nerd's not so lame after all" and soon they become friends.
Charlotte and Hope are absolutely best friends (Charlotte is only a month older than Hope, and because Gideon took a year off from school to travel the world with his parents, he's in the same grade as them,) and Hope has told her about her crush on Gideon. (Robin figured it out on her own.) CJ also figured out that Gideon likes Hope, and Henry's known for years- probably for longer than Hope and Gideon have even actually liked each other (author's intuition there.)
I think a lot of the group has friendship bracelets. Charlotte makes them with beads, Robin always picks out a charm that goes well with the recipient, and Hope makes some with embroidery floss. Gideon has never taken off the bracelet Hope gave him, and has a few other trinkets he's collected from her over the years.
I also headcanon Gideon as autistic. I'm not sure when that started, but I don't think that one's going away.
Thank you for the awesome ask, anon!
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tashizweig · 1 year
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I posted 493 times in 2022
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255 posts reblogged (52%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 418 of my posts in 2022
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#tv: titans - 35 posts
#tv: yellowjackets - 25 posts
#gaming: dragon age - 17 posts
#gaming: dragon age 2 - 14 posts
#tv: 911 - 13 posts
#tv: stranger things - 11 posts
#dick grayson tag - 9 posts
#series: the raven cycle - 8 posts
#tv: umbrella academy - 6 posts
#laugh rule - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and my therapist was like eyesemoji maybe it's because this is the longest stretch you've had in six years where nothing terrible has happe
My Top Posts in 2022:
i'm downloading da2 onto my nice gaming laptop because @clashofkings reminded me that the DA2 tvtropes page exists and i've been reading it all day dreamy-sighing like "god this lore is so fucked up god BLESS"
16 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
so my thing about dc titans jason todd is that if you know where his story is going (and i'd imagine that most people who are watching titans are at least.....vaguely familiar with where jason todd's story is going), you can literally see every single decision and failure on behalf of the people in his lives that leads him down that path.
from jason's perspective--dick lets go of his hand and lets him fall, donna and hank viciously blame him for their own resurfacing guilt, rose earns his trust and then horribly betrays it, his therapist turns on him, bruce doesn't think he's strong enough to be robin anymore
but the final straw for him being that he can't protect molly, and that he thinks bruce sees him as too weak to protect anyone? that fucks me up.
16 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
i literally shrieked out loud in SHOCK when eddie looked at bobby and went, "you got a hundred plus bodies on you and I'M unfit for duty?"
19 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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41 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
reasons you should play scarlet hollow
SCARLET HOLLOW is a horror narrative game set in the dying north carolina coal mining town of Scarlet Hollow, where you play the cousin of tabitha scarlet (head of the mines), coming back to town after a family rift for your aunt's funeral. things are wrong in town, and as tensions simmer over working conditions in the mine, the dark secrets of the town start to boil over in the form of supernatural events. work with cryptid hunter stella, general store owner kaneeka and her witchy mother sybil, newcomer avery, hot dad librarian oscar, mysterious artist reese, and of course, your cousin tabitha to uncover the secrets of scarlet hollow--before they drag you and your friends into the depths.
there are seven character traits to choose from (mystic, talks to animals, hot, street smart, powerful build, keen eye, and booksmart). you pick two, and they influence how you can react to situations and how people can react to you. i've done three playthroughs with different traits so far, and they have all been radically different. the second playthrough i did, i was blown away by how many things were fixable, or could be made so very much worse, or hadn't existed at all in my first playthrough.
going off of that: the choices that you make in this game actually matter. and not in a "you can have different buddies going into the final battle!" sort of way. in a life or death sort of way, in a brutal consequences for our heroes sort of way. there is at least one MAJOR decision in each chapter, which can end in multiple different ways depending on your choices, and they stick with you.
the characters have rich back stories, and you can tell that the writers planned this whole story out from start to finish before releasing chapter one. i just started a playthrough after finishing chapter four, and the events of that chapter are foreshadowed all over the place in ch1, which was released a year ago.
it's GENUINELY scary without relying on cheap jumpscares or gore tactics. so much of the horror in this game comes from the dread it invokes, and the implications for our heroes. in chapter four, i was literally hiding behind my hands for a large section of the game.
i need PEOPLE TO TALK TO ABOUT THIS GAME because i am LOSING MY MIND over how good and game-altering chapter four was, and i am gonna die. thank you please do the damn thing
246 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tigriswolfwrites · 2 years
article i want to write: analyzing the longevity/importance of the beastly husband
Plan: to trace the Beauty&Beast tale to its beginnings and then throughout telling to the modern day interpretations 
Status: *shrugs* 
                King Kong and Fairie Tale Theater, Disney, Tarzan and Jane, ABC’s ‘Once Upon a Time’ with Belle as a princess and Rumpelstiltskin as the beast… hundreds of novels over hundreds of years, all the way back to a Roman writing about a kidnapped girl being comforted by an old woman and the tale of a monster that was actually the most beautiful of gods.  What is about that story in particular that people keep coming back to?                 Retelling something is to re-imagine the well-known stories, to change something.  To leave your own mark on the story.  Sometimes the new version is better; sometimes it’s not.  Either way, it's like talking to the past, to our cultural heritage.  The stories are ours—every generation changes them, even as they're handed down.  And, of course, there’s changing the point of the story—whatever the original was, that Apuleius changed to comfort a virgin sure of rape, it’s probably very different than Disney’s movie, much less Robin McKinley’s Sunshine, where a baker teams up with a vampire for both their survival.  And Shrek, where the princess is cursed to be a monster and chooses to stay that way, and then in the sequel her monstrous husband becomes a handsome man and they both choose to become monsters again?                 Beauty and the Beast is a tale where most of the power is in the woman’s court (Hearne, 1989).  She must fall in love with the beast to save him, and love (for someone else) cannot be forced upon or cajoled out of someone.  He must woo her and she does not know why.  Within that framework is a whole lot of room to maneuver, and a clever author can make something wondrous from it.  What is very interesting is how, until the literary retellings began in earnest, Beauty and the Beast (original flavor) is almost always told from Beauty’s point of view.  Until the beast begins explaining to Beauty how he was turned into a beast, the story is hers.  Her father’s attempt to return with a rose, as requested; her time in the magical land, trying to understand what is going on; her refusing the beast’s proposal, night after night; her begging the beast to be allowed to visit her family; and, most important of all – her choosing to return.  The power is hers, to say yes or no; the beast’s fate in her hands.   The story is hers (McGlathery, 1991; Warner, 1996).                  The beast is trapped in a fancy prison and in a spell/curse/what have you.  Beauty travels from her riches to the country to the beast’s prison back to her family and then back to the beast to save him.  From Psyche all the way to Disney, she travels.  Beauty has a hero’s quest.  
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thecreativeforge · 4 months
 “eavesdrop” [roy about dick owo]
"Dick? Fuck, where do I even start with this guy." Roy couldn't help the exuberant chuckle that erupted out of him at the thought of the man, leaning back against his seat.
"He's the original Robin, Nightwing himself. He's been everywhere and done mostly everything you can possibly imagine, and people adore him. He's what people call a pillar of hope, the very core of goodness." He crossed his arms and looked up at the ceiling as he continued, a lopsided grin stretching his lips. "He's a role model for citizens and heroes alike. Everything he does is magic, everything he lends himself to turns to gold. He's the exemplary vigilante, the very face of heroism. I'd go as far as to say that he's up there with his old man Batman and Superman too, if not having surpassed them yet."
Another chuckle, and a shake of a head. "But he's also an idiot. He tries to chase this unrealistic image of perfection that he thinks he hasn't achieved already without looking back at everything else he's done, all the good he left behind in his blazing trail. He demands so much of himself without understanding that it's his flaws that make him the amazing person he is. And I'm saying person, because he's more than a mask. We all are, eventually; we're just human beings wearing masks and capes and just trying to make the world better one day at a time." He paused. "Well, not all of us are human, but you get my point." He continued.
"Me and Dick? We're just two normal guys who were taught how to play better in this playfield from a young age. We don't have any special powers or some spliced genes that make us special. We've been through a lot of trauma that shaped us into what we are. And while some of us took a lot of plunges..." He gestured to himself. "... Others, like Dick, soared high in the sky. Literally." Roy smiled fondly.
"Dick, in a lot of ways, is like trying to touch the sun if you think so highly of him. And while I still do, I also think of him as just who he is: Dick Grayson. A circus kid at heart, an overachiever in adulthood, and this really fun guy to be around with. He has a heart of gold but he gives so much of himself that he constantly leaves himself empty." He sighed softly. "I like to help him slow down and smell the roses sometimes. While he's never going to stay in one place or settle down - ever, probably - he deserves to be in touch with some normality. Get him to feel what it's like just being Dick again. Outside the mask. I know how hard it is, literally most of my own life revolves around being Arsenal, too." He stretched and shrugged.
"I care a lot about him. I did back then, I do now, and I think I forever will. I love him, and he deserves the best. I hope he knows that."
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