#yes I have been rewatching naruto
sweetlyvibe · 5 months
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. 🌷 〃 ⋯ TAGGING : : @amxto @yoghurtsan @achy-boo @kxnariswife @strwbrry-mntss @roseadleyn
NORA’S NOTE ! :: this is my bby so I had to start w & make one for him !! & after him is my other bby sasuke <3 if you guys want me to make a mb for you just give me a character & scenario !! 🫶🏻
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sage of six paths: you’re ashura’s reincarnation
naruto: pass
sage of six paths: you can’t pass it already happened
naruto: i said PASS
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sueske · 5 days
rewatching naruto and thinking about how clearly sasuke cares for his comrades and thinking hmm maybe i've been seeing things i wanna see about sns but then. but THEN. there's a whole episodes-long break-up fight between sasuke and naruto and i'm like yeah no. they're in love. like it might have stung a bit to say goodbye to sakura but it's DEVASTATING trying to leave naruto behind
sasuke did care for his comrades that much was clear but there’s always a clear divide how he felt for his comrades (team 7 and team taka) and naruto. he was able to break off team 7 bonds that night he left. but how was it with Naruto at vote1? how was it in shippuden? and when he left everyone else to their deaths? how was vote2? sasuke repeatedly says and thinks and does actions which highlight the bond he has with Naruto as different from the rest, the one he couldn’t break. and yes romance is one of those aspects of that bond. not to mention the Sharingan ‘the eyes that reflect the heart’ were only linked to his family and naruto.
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breithenua · 7 months
Probably gonna get some Sakura haters (probably including the misogynist troll variety, kill me now lmao) on this post but... here goes.
Rewatching the episodes where the majority of the Konoha 11 decide to "deal with" Sasuke and the fallout from that. And well, I think people's reaction to Sakura's "confession of love" to Naruto is unfair.
Yes, it was emotionally manipulative of her. Yes, if it had worked it would've resulted in a relationship based upon a lie. Yes, she hurt Naruto with that attempted manipulation. And yes, she's normally smarter than to think that's a good idea.
But y'all forget how emotionally broken she was at the time. She'd just gone through witnessing the entire village of Konoha being razed to the ground. People she had been treating at the time probably died in that Shinra Tensei attack (yes they were brought back afterwards but it was still traumatic). Her sensei and the 5th Hokage was in a coma that no one knew if she'd ever come out of. Danzo had just undermined and replaced Tsunade as Hokage, with her still being in a coma and being unable to defend herself from being deposed in any way, and then basically sent out a kill order on Sasuke. Sasuke, the man she's loved since she was a child, that she begged to not leave Konoha, had been directly involved in *two* different missions to bring him back, both failed, one of which was only a few weeks earlier and they had come *this* close to making it to him in time. Sasuke, the man she had only just found out had joined the Akatsuki and "kidnapped" Killer Bee, making Danzo's order all but justified. Sasuke, the man Naruto just willingly got the shit beat out of by Hidden Cloud ninja, in an attempt to appeal to their senses of mercy in regards for Sasuke. She has to be feeling absolutely powerless at this point. Afterall, she wasn't able to do much during Pain's assault (or probably at least perceived herself that way), can't do anything to help her comatose mentor, can't do anything to stop Danzo from taking over her mentor's position, and so far has been unable to bring back Sasuke. She feels powerless.
And then Sai comes up and tells her that she's part of the reason Naruto is in so much pain over Sasuke. That his promise to her to bring back Sasuke is causing Naruto even more pain and his shouldering of that burden is getting ever harder. And mind you, Naruto only recently lost his greatest mentor. And she's told that the rest of the Ninja of her generation (with the exception of her and Naruto obvs) have decided that they'll go and kill Sasuke themselves to avert war with the Hidden Cloud.
Sakura is incredibly fragile at this point in the story. And now she's told that she's causing one of her closest comrades and friends immense pain, and that said comrade's love for her is only intensifying that pain. She's feeling like a failure in *multiple* ways at this point, she's terrified she's going to lose her mentor, and her lifeling love interest, and she's struggling with the fact that her peers in the Konoha 11 *might actually have a point* in thinking everyone would be better off if Sasuke were dead. She's under so much emotional distress from so many sources, feeling guilty for not being able to bring her sensei put of her coma, not being able to stop Danzo from taking over as Hokage, not being able to stop Danzo from issuing an order to hunt down and kill Sasuke, etc etc. And there's nothing she can do about any of it. But she perceives that there is at least *one* thing she can do something about: The pain that Sai just told her she was putting Naruto through. And in her desperation and guilt, she decides she's going to sacrifice her own happiness and aid in killing Sasuke, and is willing to give Naruto what he's wanted from her for a large portion of their childhoods as extra insurance that he'll give up on aaving Sasuke.
No, her and Naruto probably would not have been happy in the long run in a relationship built upon a lie like that. But again, she's not in a stable emotional state right now. She's probably not thinking long-term consequences. She tries to put on an act to convince him of it.
My point being that yes, maybe normally she'd be smarter than that. But there were a lot of extenuating circumstances that affected her emotional stability and judgement in those few episodes.
Not only that, but something I neglected to mention earlier in this post is that *she is a child* at this point. A teenager yes, but still a child. Her emotional maturity (outside of moments of cartoon gag violence, which imo should be given a pass considering the medium and the genre) is incredible for someone of her age at this point, sure, but at the end of the day she is still a child soldier in a world without mental health professionals and therapists. Under the pressure of what she was going through at the time, just about anyone of any age would have likely snapped, much more so someone that's only 16.
I have my issues with how Kishimoto writes Sakura, but this particular incident is not one of them for me.
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kanazawa-division · 6 months
Joey was glad that it was Christmas. It meant that he had the day off from work and could spend it with his two favorite things in the whole world: Mamoru, his boyfriend and the love of his life, and nonstop anime on Crunchyroll! As he was making his way through another episode of an anime he was currently binge-watching, he groaned as the doorbell to his and his boyfriend's apartment rung out.
Sighing, the anime fanboy paused the anime he had yet to watch and looked as it was postal man who had delivered something to investigator. Opening it up after he was done, the fanboy's grew wide at what was inside.
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It... it was a cookbook, but it was based on all of the delicious foods that one would typically see in anime shows and such. Flipping through it, Joey looked at the ramen that he frequently saw a blonde-haired ninja boy always eating. The sight of the noodles inside the bowl, though it was just a picture, made his mouth water. Flipping to another page, he looked as something fell out of it. Picking it up, he looked as it was a note. Unfolding it, it read:
'Merry Christmas, Joey! I'm, like, your Secret Santa this year! I know, like, how much you like anime, so I, like, decided to buy this cookbook for you! I would have used it myself, but I'm, like, useless in the kitchen, unfortunately. I hope you have fun with it! Merry Christmas again!'
“…Joey, have you been watching Food Wars again?”
In front of Mamoru was an assortment of delicious foods, it had looked like a buffet was placed on their kitchen table. But what had really caught the computer programmer off guard was that he could recognize these dishes from various anime.
There was the Ramen from Naruto
The Oden soup from One Piece
The Dorayaki from Doraemon
The Katsudon from My Hero Academia
And the Sakura Mochi from Demon Slayer
The male in question was sitting in front of him wearing a goofy grin as he slurped on his noodles, seemingly content with raiding nearly their entire food supply to recreate his Otaku dreams. “No but thank you for reminding me to rewatch that, Evelyn got me a gift! Can you believe it?! She’s so sweet!” The detective gushed as he went to go grab the cookbook to shove in his boyfriend’s face.
“That’s great but did you really have to make so much food? It’s only the two of us here, what are we gonna eat for the next few days?”
“Don’t worry, pookie! There’s recopies here that don’t require as much ingredients than what I made, say, you wanna try the coffee jelly from Saiki K.?”
“….Goddamnit, yes.”
“Hehe, coming right up!”
Thank you for the gift!
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lenorelovesmax · 2 months
Thank you @angelosearch for the tag! Took me a while but here I am!
I have to confess I have two ao3 accounts, but one is secret so I'll mostly talk about the stories on LenoreNevermore. I also technically have a third that I deleted after orphaning all my fics.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 4, plus another few on secret account. I also had a few orphaned fics on LenoreNevermore but I don't remember how many.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 73,142 on LenoreNevermore, 33k on secret account, and on my deleted one it was over 500k
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I don't even have 5 on LenoreNevermore rn 😂 but;
- One Last Chance, (Life is Strange) 292
- Righteous Retribution (Life is Strange) 76
- It Happened Once in Konoha (Naruto) 22
- Princess of the Forest Owls (Final Fantasy VIII) 4
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes of course! I wanna let the readers know how much I appreciate their feedback
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? We don't do that here. Only angst with happy endings!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I guess One Last Chance since it's the only one I've finished 😂😂😂 And Princess of the Forest Owls is a canon compliant one shot
8. Do you get hate on fics? So far I haven't. But I got a really weird comment on a now orphaned fic once, that I don't know if it counts as hate.
9. Do you wrote smut? If so, what kind? Nope, we don't do that here.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written? Oh, as a kid I used to do that all the damn time. Mostly between the final fantasy games and kingdom hearts, and Naruto. I had this fic planned, of a Life is Strange x Ouat crossover but... I don't think I'll be writing that anymore. I'll talk about this more on question 15.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes one of my orphaned fics.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Ouch that's a hard one. I can only pick one? Idk... It's either NaruHina or Squinoa, I can't really pick one.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? It was called Endless Blue... My Life is Strange x OUAT crossover. Before the entire cast ruined ouat for me forever. I get sick whenever I see the actors faces now. It was supposed to be a post bay ending where Max traveled across the country and somehow found Storybrooke, and here she would learn more about time travel, then traveled into the past saving both Rachel and Chloe without fucking up the timeline. I loved this story and I've wanted to write it for the longest time, but the actors ruined the show for me to the point that now, whichever scene of the show I rewatch, it seems stupid to me. Plots I once loved now appear like the trashiest writing I've ever seen. I don't know if their shitty behavior just opened my eyes to what has always been shit writing, or if I just see it that way because the cast are pieces of shit.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Oh I love doing that.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Final Fantasy! Although most fics I wrote when my age had less than two digits are lost to old computers that stopped working and notebooks that are who knows where :(
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? Right now is Righteous Retribution, but I'm really proud of Princess of the Forest Owls too.
I tag @weer02 , @celinou and everyone who wants to do it!
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luffythinker · 10 months
IM CRYING, IM GLAD YOUR OPEN TO MY SHIKANARU CAUSE EVERYBODY I TRY AND TALK TO ABOUT THIS SHIP DOESNT CARE I actually am making a story i just got to get it all together. IMA SHARE IT WITH YOU WHEN I GOT IT TOGETHER it's really just me changing some events in the story and making it where Naruto and Shikamaru end up together. My plans are to have Naruto end up with Shikamaru, I love Sai/Sakura but Ino loves Sakura and i don't understand the Ino/Sai i'm still watching the anime it's just i never finished my run so i started reading the manga back to the part im at and im at ep 145 of shippuden i think? I'm not allowing myself to finish watching it until my story is caught up to where i am. Back to what i was saying I'm thinking of making it Ino/Sakura/Sai but it's more of "This is my girlfriend Sakura and her boyfriend Sai" my reasoning for this is when Ino witnessed Sasuke pull that guys arms out the socket as a kid it traumatized her, made her scared of him and Sai apparently looks like Sasuke, they were saying he looked like Sasuke a little bit in the anime if i remember correctly. it just creeps her out. I don't think Ino really ever liked Sasuke she just liked him cause that's what was cool when she was a kid so the whole rivalry with Sakura was just built on that idea. I was rewatching some scenes and i think, ok i gotta back track a little bit. I headcanon Ino's famliy is the most chill with same-sex stuff, so like if their daughter was gay they wouldn't mind. Ino puts this thinking in Sakura's head but Sakura's not as understanding as a kid and thinking it's weird cause different households (Not saying her parents were homophobic, it's just never been brought up to her before) Ino finally realizes she's in love with Sakura after she comes to her rescue when he hair gets cut that's the whole of what i wanted to say. So from that point on Ino likes Sakura, Sakura still has her feelings for Sasuke and Naruto's crush on Sakura has gone. I noticed he still asked her on dates but ultimately before and after Sasuke leaves it really hits Naruto that Sakura holds something special to Sasuke. Tsunade even notices it when she watches him leave the room to give them a moment after she heals him, Naruto walks out the room and says he wants her to look at Lee but his body language said "Oh im not needed here" and his feelings looked a little hurt. Another thing Neji developing a crush on Shikamaru before and during the timeskip because those two are the smartest in the group meaning they must work together alot even if they weren't in the same squad, Chunin Neji and Chunin Shikamaru being paired up alot is something i look at with shining eyes. But Neji, he notices Shikamaru's crush on Naruto so backs off, this leads him to back to Lee cause i'm a huge Neji/Lee shipper as well. Now, i've been reading this fic i'll include it here (Love Is A Battlefield by MadamZenobia on AO3) my endgame ships are
As for Hinata i'm not throwing her away, just changing her motifs a little i guess? She has a crush on Naruto yes, after him being away for so long she has time to work on herself and find herself more. She does like him but it isn't what's going to make her happy. It isn't because i don't like Naruto/Hinata it's cute it's alright but it doesn't make sense even if i haven't seen the movies or episodes that show it. I feel like Hinata needs to do some self reflecting. Naruto is a huge inspiration to her, she's watched him train, become who he is but those two with a family together isn't something i can see happening even if it canonly happened, when i first got into this i didn't see it coming. So in my story Hinata is happy living her best life being single, watching her friends be happy together has brought her so much peace, even watching Naruto be happy with Shikamaru. (I wanna plan a talk she has with Shikamaru about his crush on Naruto and them discussing their feelings about Naruto so Shikamaru doesn't feel like he just took Naruto from her since from his point of view it looks like she liked him first but Shikamaru's had a crush on Naruto since he meet him, Shikamaru met Naruto first. ) I also have an idea of Hinata just wanting to be a single mother in Boruto, and Naruto/Shikamaru adopting and teaching a orphan both their Jutsu's turbsdfuvbhrsu IT'LL BE SO CUTE
i'm not finished with my story im writing but i can give you my fic i'm rewriting, the original version it's Shikamaru and Naruto what a troublesome love story by ZerosWaifu (I don't have a tumblr im using my friend's account they said it's fine so don't worry )
I'm so glad you're into shikanaru as well, I have never really found someone to talk to about them!! Please do share your story when it's done, I would love to read it <3
I feel pretty neutral about Sai/Ino, not because I think they are madly in love or anything but in Boruto I like the dynamic I saw of them, plus inojin is my favorite kid so I'm biased here… But I'm also super down for a Sai/Sakura/Ino, with mostly Sakura being the bridge between them!!!
For me, Ino would be a lesbian who had to deal with a lot of compulsory heterosexuality, so she forced herself to have a crush on Sasuke when they were kids because that's just what girls are supposed to do, but after a small breakdown after a fight with sakura she talks to her parents and surprisingly it's them that tell her that she might have a crush on her and they tell her that it's okay if she feels that way and that there is nothing wrong with her.
I think it's pretty accurate that Sakura would be a little reluctant to accept that, but eventually, she does understand that she's bisexual and things become a little easier for her to figure out what she wants and who she wants to be! [Discovering non-monogamy/polyamory is a whole other can of worms so I'm not gonna get into that here unless you want me to!!]
I'M SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT UP NEJI AND SHIKAMARU. Okay I know they're not your main pairing but a few years ago I read a fic of them that to this day has a place in my brain, I will leave linked it here if you're interested
But yes, for our shikanaru endgame purpose, Neji is very perceptive so he kind of always knew he never really had a chance here, he backs off, and eventually, his feelings for someone else grow which is how we get to neji/lee!!
Also thank you for the fic rec, I'll try to give it a read soon <3 Sasuke and suigetsu is such an interesting ship, I never got into them fully but their dynamic is so fun!
I like your take on Hinata, for me, i ship her with Kiba, he was so in love with her it's crazy, I don't know if you noticed the signs but they would have so much potential, honestly a throuple with shino would work too. But I also really like your take on her talking it out with shikamaru and realizing that her feelings for Naruto lean more toward admiration than actual romantic love, would love for her to have a happy life, would also really adore seeing her become the head of the Hyuuga clan and start making the changes Naruto promised Neji he would do it (and he never actually did it)!!
I think that's all i have for today?? do hmu whenever you want cause i'm super happy to explore more about naruto <33
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okamirayne · 2 months
Heeeeey Rayne *trying to be casual* I always wanted to know how you would include Neji in The Last, because your take on him is the best out there 🥺 I know the BtB universe is canon divergence so have you ever even thought about adding/referencing the Otsutsuki threat to your story? Idk if you have answered this before 😭 really love u <3333
Heeeeey Rayne *trying to be casual*
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I see your sweet casual vibe and I raise you a creepster over-confident hello, my lovely.😉
Aw. Thanks for taking the time to drop your ASK!
I always wanted to know how you would include Neji in The Last, because your take on him is the best out there 🥺
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Aww hell...*immediately loses all sense of false cool* That's incredibly kind of you, Anon...🫠🥰 I'm so, so happy to know you enjoyed my take on Neji. 🫶🏼💜
The Last. Yes...ah...*squints, trying to remember the full storyline*...forgive me, Anon. I've been on a Shippuden series/movies rewatch to get back into the Narutoverse for BtB and I've yet to rewatch The Last. That said, I recall the major events, so I'm on the same book as you, my luv, just trying to get the pages straight in my demented head. 😅
Well...if following the BtB-verse...that entire movie might look oh so very different...I can't say too much without giving away spoilers for HHU...though I can certainly say that Neji would've been present when Hanabi was taken, so how that kidnapping played out would definitely have involved a showdown with Neji. He'd also have been deployed on the team to recover Hanabi. Again, because I'd be sticking to the BtB-verse there are several things that would've played out differently in the events of The Last. Sorry I can't give a fuller take on this, luv.
I know the BtB universe is canon divergence so have you ever even thought about adding/referencing the Otsutsuki threat to your story?
Great question. Hmn, yes and no. I wasn't a massive fan of how convoluted everything got with the introduction of the Otsutsuki, though I can appreciate certain elements of this narrative especially in relation to Hagoromo (Sage of Six Paths) and the explanation for the Rinnegan/Pein's Six Paths etc. Hagoromo's interference/involvement with Sasuke and Naruto, and the events just post-War is about as far as I'm willing to dive regarding the Otsutsuki, though mentioning their existence wouldn't be beyond the scope.
I wouldn't go too far along the timeline (she says, saying she'd never write Post-War, haha-joke's-on-me 😅)...I'd certainly never touch the Boruto-verse *hisses*, which is where I understand most of the Otsutsuki narrative plays out. That generation is hands-off for my brain, as many of the relationships don't play out due to the canon-divergence of the BtB-verse, also certain characters don't follow the Boruto-verse character arcs...and uh, yeah, certain babies don't get born. 😅😅😅
Idk if you have answered this before 😭 really love u <3333
Aw! No, sweetie, I hadn't answered this before, so thank you for your question surrounding this bigger branch to Kishimoto's canon world tree. I'm so chuffed you'd be interested in my insane take on this. 😘 You're a sweetheart. Big love and appreciation is coming at you for your warmth and kindness. 💜💜
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tired-biscuit · 3 months
biscuit!! update on the Naruto rerun : i have officially reached the chuunin exams and i am so EXCITED
i am waiting on my hands and knees for Kiba to properly show up but AHHHHH it’s been a while since I did a rewatch so the fresh perspective is so fun for me!! Gaara is so chilling I can’t believe I just thought he was “cool” before and omg i cried so hard at the Zabuza Haku death..
Thank you biscuit for being my push to watch it again i am being blessed once more
🍁 anon
i still find it so funny that my boy got put into a stretcher cos of a fart fidjdjdhdjd (granted, it was naruto’s and his are definitely rancid) LMFAOOOO
personally, the sasuke retireval arc is my favourite when it comes to og naruto :3
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wing-ed-thing · 4 months
the telepathy omg!
and yes lol i was just caught up with this silly thing called ✨ Life ✨ internship, and graduation in a few months
and basically the reason i’m back is because i was listening to Marilyn Manson and im thinking, “hm i feel like this is the guy Chunin Exam Gaara would listen to” also he kinda looks like orochimaru so i decided on the rewatch and omg i forgot so many arc and characters
That's very exciting! It sounds like a ton of things have been going on for you and I'm so proud! Nothing like rewatching Naruto to start off every new life chapter
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Solar Opposites Super Hero Identities
So, I kept on rewatching superhero animation shows and movies from 2000’s, that Rick and Morty episode “Full Metal Jackrick”, Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated and other superhero stuff and that gave me an inspirational idea for my next fanfics: The Solar Opposites as Super Heroes!
So here are what the superhero outfits look like:
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These suits from the episode 3 and 5 really got me inspired for the suits that the Solars should wear when they are super heroes and they think should have different colors later if the new episodes has these suits again.
Just in case you’re all asking what their powers would be, here is what the Solar Opposites’ powers would be:
Korvo: invisibility, inner beast (like Naruto)
Terry: super sensing, strength
Yumyulack: laser eyes, weaponry
Jesse: flower power, colors
Pupa: growth powers, telekinesis
So, yeah. That’s what their powers are gonna be. I haven’t been to come up with any super hero names for the Solar Opposites’ super hero forms, so yeah, I’m gonna make fanfics on them soon, but I may warn you. I got a lot of ideas on my mind. So, please be patient and wait until I’m ready.
By the way: here is my upcoming fanfic that would be my first Solar Opposites super heroes fanfic: Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars in….. Taken Away from Me. It’ll be based on a real life situation that I am currently facing right now, which involves a broken heart, I am not ready to talk about now.
I hope you don’t mind and love my new idea and yes there’ll be superhero fanfics on other shows that I like too, like Amphibia, Owl House and Monster Universe too. So please be patient. Like this post if wanted and no mean comments. Please send love to my new ideas! Be free to draw from this inspiration for the Solar Opposites as their new super hero forms…… THE MIGHTY SOLARS!
Terry: Time to suit up!
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innocentimouto · 1 year
Do you have any issues with how Itachi was written
Oh yes.
I don't make my own posts about Naruto too much. I love Avatar and stick with it more than other fandoms because they delivered in so many aspects.
Naruto I saw as a kid and thought it was good and now every time I try to rewatch it, I can't deal with so many things. (Though I'm going through a phase of avoiding watching any anime at the moment for some reason, so maybe one day I'll get around to it.)
So I don't like making my own posts about Naruto because all I will do is criticize and point out flaws, which isn't bad I guess, but I'd rather do that with a show I actually like.
Anyway. Itachi. He's hailed as this great, selfless brother who would sacrifice the world for Sasuke. He's considered a child genius and on Hokage level.
Yet everything he does is stupid. What even is his goal? To have Sasuke kill him to avenge the clan...
Itachi chose to kill the clan. He blamed the clan for pushing him to do it. Apparently he missed the racism the Uchiha faced and how every Hokage never favored them in any way despite being one of the founders of the village. Imagine being in the military, sacrificing your life and children for your country, and your whole life the people you're protecting believe you're a traitor.
Somehow Itachi missed all of this? And just blamed his clan?? Because every single person within his clan was arrogant and hateful??
None of that makes sense. And it's just an excuse to justify killing all of them.
Itachi relentlessly tortures Sasuke again and again. Sasuke saw his clan's dead bodies, and somehow Itachi thinks he needs to see it all happen over and over again?
I'm sorry I thought all Uchihas were arrogant and evil and suffered from "the curse of hatred". Wouldn't just seeing his parents have been enough for Sasuke? How did Itachi rationalize doing that much torture to Sasuke? Everyone was already dead. Sasuke would have plenty to hate him for.
Then Itachi tells him to hate hate hate. Which is the propaganda against the Uchiha. And also why people think they tried to revolt...
So isn't Itachi just recreating the original problem? Does he even understand what he's doing to Sasuke?
And then Itachi returns and finds Sasuke weak, so he tortures him again. What's worse for me is that this is just brushed aside. Itachi strictly comes for Naruto. He takes out Kakashi.
Sasuke could only wake up from the best medic in the world. And people wonder why Sasuke decides to leave Konoha? Itachi just proved all of Sasuke's training was for nothing. Itachi targeted people close to Sasuke.
Kakashi is one of the best ninjas in the world and he lost. Why would Sasuke stay in the village where he'd risk watching people around him die again? Why would he stick around for people who have never bothered to understand him?
Why not go to the only place he could get stronger? Orichimaru is a monster, but Sasuke literally has no other choice. He isn't safe in the village. Not even his own teacher would offer any help. The village just let Itachi return. It's like his whole clan dying was for nothing. No one was doing anything to stop Itachi and no one seemed in a hurry to.
I'm veering off topic, but Itachi is horribly written with the only consistency being he hates his own people and constantly tortures Sasuke when he doesn't need to and is completely loyal to a government that would erase an entire clan if it stood in their way.
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shannarous · 2 years
I think many fans take Sasukes words and his actions too serious and literally. They don’t see (or wanna see) the situation or take feelings in condition.
They see Sasuke trying to kill Sakura. They don’t see the mental situation Sasuke was in or the fact that Sakura tried to kill him first.
They see Sasuke saying that Sakura can’t do anything in the situation where the infinite tsukuyomi started. They don’t see that Sasuke is right with this, don’t see that he said the same to Kakashi a few panels later and that Sasuke basically pretended/ wanted to to be an asshole to the entire team 7 because of his later revolution plans. ( Naruto called Sasuke out on this BS too) Sasuke himself said to Naruto after the final fight that he saw the shadow of his family in team 7 and everyone should know how much Sasuke loves his family.
They see Sasuke putting Sakura in a genjutsu of her piercing her heart and him saying that he doesn’t have a reason to love Sakura and take that as prove that he hates her and supposedly could never love her. They don’t wanna see that his foot was shaking during Sakuras confession, that he used the same words towards Sakura that he used during their first talk and after her first confession. And they ignore that Sakura made Sasuke remember his family after the confession shirt before his battle with Naruto.
Anon, say it louder for those in the back, all of this!
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You know, I just rewatched the very first episodes of Naruto just for fun and nostalgia, and paid special attention to Sasuke's behavior and nonverbal communication. I actually don't need to tell you, because I know you know, judging from your text. But it's so crystal clear that Sasuke always cared about Naruto and had a thing for Sakura, from the very beginning, despite playing the cool guy and probably not understanding his feelings himself because he didn't have the mind to think about it. He (rightfully) scolds Sakura for being disrespectful towards Naruto and he means it when he first calls her annoying, yet he doesn't avoid or ignore her, and is relaxed in her presence. He takes note of her scream when she's caught in Kakashi's genjutsu, he says her name gently when she walks by him being stuck in the earth, he stays with and waits for her to wake up when she passes out. He rejects her hug only halfheartedly, he tells her (though only cryptically) about his trauma after having been on a team with her for just one day.
Dude's head was full of revenge, yes, and since the massacre he had been unable to show his feelings openly, yes, but he was also just a 12-year-old boy and he liked and cared about both his teammates from the very beginning.
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nobleriver · 1 year
tag 9 people you wanna get to know better!
tagged by: @spacewives-in-spacetime in this post (who already knows I'm wordy as crap so all of this is your fault)
three ships: OTP: Doctorriver (from Doctor Who, all incarnations), BatCat (Batman/Catwoman), SasuSaku (Sasuke/Sakura from Naruto/Boruto)
I am a huge romantic. Romance, to some capacity, is required in almost every story I read or watch. As a result, I have a lot of couples I like. But shipping is another level of interest. So I decided to go with these three because I spent the most money on them lol. I've bought comics, audio dramas, books, and boxsets. And for those wondering why I didn't put Klaus/Caroline from TVD...they broke my heart that's why. :(
last song: Over the Love by Florence and the Machine
last movie: Avatar 2
currently reading: *takes a deep breath*
Ariadne: The Novel. Literally just finished this morning, so my frustration is still fresh. I absolutely adore the story of Ariadne and Bacchus. I almost wrote a novel based on them when I was 19 but I decided not to continue. But because I am so familiar and fascinated by them, I should not have bought this book. The book itself is fine. It was just a mismatch of expectations.
Yes, in the Greco-Roman myths, there is a running theme that some individuals are heroes to men but dogs to women. And there are few variations to Ariadne's story, so one never knows which direction the author will go. But there is more to Ariadne than being a perpetual victim to all the men in her life. At least, to me, there is. This is why, if I have doubts, I usually check the middle of a book before I buy it. I checked this time too, and I thought I was safe, but it was actually the last pages that ruined it for me.
I wanted to read the liberation and empowerment of Ariadne, her conversion from the naive, discarded princess to the triumphant Libera, the ascendant goddess whose name literally means free; the woman who latched hold of a once in a lifetime opportunity and carved a place for herself in the halls of Olympia after her lover, Theseus, abandoned her to starve to death on the shores of Naxos; the Libera who watched, enthroned, as her would-be killer suffered a series of mishaps and fell from grace in the eyes of gods and man.
And were all those mishaps accidents? Or curses? And if so, by whom? Her? Bacchus? Another deity? Is Ariadne foolish or cunning, haughty or generous, vengeful or forgiving? There are so many routes her story can go. However, this book does not take the route of the empowered Libera. It has a negative character arc, which - again - is fine, just not for me. Unless it's about the protagonist turning into the villain in which case it's 100% for me.
Other books I'm currently reading because I do not read one book at a time: Francine Rivers's The Lady's Mine; Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None; Tom Baker's Scratchman; James Patterson and Emily Raymond's The Girl in the Castle; and Jacqueline Rayner's Legends of Camelot.
And don't get me started on the endless list of ongoing manga/manhua I read monthly.
currently watching: Nothing really. I've been meaning to watch the latest season of You. And I've rewatched a couple Doctor Who eps for research (fanfic) purposes. But I don't really watch tv anymore, at least I don't regularly follow any tv shows like I used to.
currently consuming: electrolyte water as prescribed
currently craving: Food. I'm hungry but I don't want to cook. But guess who promised to cook today? Me.
@iceinherheart-kissonherlips @livingdeadblondequeen @expelliarmus @wibblyowzah @whogirl42 @benoitblanc @nostalgia-tblr @watson-emma @clarabosswald
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Autumn Emoji Asks ✨
🍂: Make a simple autumn moodboard to show us your vibes this season! (or simply name the things you would put on such a moodboard)
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👻: What is something in an animated movie or cartoon that scared you as a kid? 
Woody the Woodpecker lol
🎃: What are some good memories you have of celebrating Halloween? And do you have any plans for this year?  
Last year I spent Halloween at a rave, that was pretty spectacular. Halloween as a kid was always awesome also :) I don't have any plans this year yet but I think I just want to make spooky baskets with my partner and have a spooky movie night
🥧: Regardless of skill, if you could bake anything right now (pie, cake, muffin, brownie etc.) what would you like to make? 
Pumpkin Bread
🌧️: Time for a movie marathon on a rainy day. Pick your top 5 movies to watch!
Practical Magic
Any of the Twilight movies
Pan's Labyrinth
Queen of the Damned
🍊: What is your favorite scent? 
Rainy Cedar or Pumpkin Vanilla Campfire
📺: Do you watch horror movies? If yes, which are your favorite? 
Not really, but Midsommer was very visually stunning
🍄: Write a short essay about your thoughts and opinions on mushrooms.
Mushrooms are wonderful wonderful things, I love them. They're cute in art, they're great in food, they're the beauties of nature, they expand the mind, they HEAL! And when I say they heal I mean in more than just the psychotropic ways. They can communicate under the earth. There's so many of them and they can thrive through so much that other plants cannot. I love mushrooms, I wish I could be a mushroom. Mushrooms have taught me about myself and others. Mushrooms changed my life.
🤖: If you were a video game NPC, what would be your catchphrase? 
"Sweet strawberries, oh my!"
🍪: Favorite kind of cookie? 
Turtle Pecan
📢: Shout any random thing that your followers really need to know.
@zepheriasimmer is my sims 4 cc account :)
💁‍♀️: What are items you definitely don’t need but tend to keep and collect anyway?
cool tags from clothes/other products
tiny boxes
🧡: Which 3 songs remind you instantly of autumn and why? 
the obvious sweater weather, im not explaining lol
Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - it just gives me big singing to your love drunk by a bonfire vibes, coziness
Boy with a Coin by Iron and Wine - this one gives me witchy tambourine around a bonfire vibes
📆: Is there any event or upcoming activity you look forward to? 
🎲: Which kind of board games do you like to play? 
I haven't played a board game in a very long time, maybe I should change that. I like dnd though :)
🛏️: Describe 3 specific items that are in your room.
I have a fabric rainbow woven basket full of incense and I just adore it so much
My partner built me a desk shelf and its just absolutely perfect, if I was at home I'd share a photo of it but its just a lil mini table thing with two shelves on it. I put all kinds of cute little figures and plushes on it, figures from naruto, avatar (aang and toph), a lil cubone dude and other desky things haha
My dnd dice are purple with a pink to gold shift sparkle and they have witchy looking numbers that are gold
👹: Favorite fictional monster or villain?
Beetlejuice obviously
😿: Describe any scene in a movie/series/book that never fails to make you cry.
Really any Studio Ghibli movies, rewatching them as an adult you just see all these themes you never understood before and it just really touches me.
📚: What are your favorite book? 
Circe by Madeline Miller
💀: Do you have any fears/phobias? 
🎪: If you could go see any broadway show or theater play right now, what would you like to see?
Oh I have no idea I'll be honest, I don't know much about theatre.
🤡: What is the dumbest way you have been hurt or injured? 
Pulling something slipping and giving myself a black eye haha
🍵: Top 3 favorite tea flavors?
Sweet (I'm from Texas lol)
💻: To feel nostalgic; what are some old games/websites you spent lots of time on when you were young?
The Sims, Animal Crossing, Online Dress Up Games
🧛: Did you ever dress up for a costume party, or maybe cosplay for a convention? If yes, which character? 
I did Velma for Halloween at Six Flags one year
🍯: If you could choose any three-course menu, what would be your ideal starter, main and dessert? 
Crab Ragoons, Some kind of spicy crunchy sushi, Ice Cream Cake
🍬: All-time favorite candy? 
Sour Belt Candy
🏡: You can make it as crazy and silly as possible; what would be some must-have features of your ideal dream house?
Oh an art studio/craft room with all the organization things installed but also a free wall to put tons of inspiration, an indoor heated pool in a glass room, a glass sunroom period, plants growing all over the outside (stone house), fruit garden, pole room with also room to just dance and be about, trip/mediation/spiritual/witchy room with big ass windows, just lots of windows, lots of natural light, canopy bed, butterflies come and visit, in the wood lots of wildlife, a pond, big full trees you can sit under, gaming room :)
🎮: Whether you’re waiting for its release or just until you can buy and/or play it; are there any video games you are looking forward to? 
The Hogwarts game!!
🍁: A new website, fandom, video, song, fun fact or anything, name a recent discovery you would like to share with your followers.
Trees with Human Skin by Head Empty - I promise you it's beautiful and angelic you will not regret giving it a listen!!
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scribe-of-elysium · 1 year
Hey Seraphina! I really hope you’re doing well. I have been following you and your stories for years now and I just started to reread Quietus for the 100th and seriously I don’t think I will ever get over it, it’s just so good. Not only Quietus but all of your other stories. They’re like my comfort food. You have ruined all Naruto characters for me (in a good way) and every time I rewatch the series I can’t help but think of them as Greek gods ;). I was scrolling through your feed and saw a post where you expressed that as a writer sometimes you tend to be insecure about some of your writing. Honestly I would have never thought that you would feel that way since your writing is one of the best I have ever read and trust me I have read a lot and I just cannot comprehend how you’re not a published writer yet. You’ve got a very loyal fanbase and just like me there are so many that have been fans for years. Like in our eyes you can’t do no wrong. You’re actually a very talented writer and know how to develop the plot and not just depend on some cringy cliches. You always manage to take me in a whole another world every time I read your stories and can only imagine the thoughts and the hard work you put in this especially as grown adult with a job. The fact that Quietus and Angelus Mortis are just fanfics but are still better than 100s of „Bestsellers“ published books like….And YES girl we want all of your oneshots BACK, hell you can just write about your morning routine and we will read it and eat that sh** up and we will also get it nominated for the story of the year 😂. You can never do wrong with your writing. Seriously don’t doubt yourself this much.
Have a great week and take care of yourself. Also sorry for any grammar mistakes, English isn’t my first language.
Greetings from Germany!
Hi, Anon. First, I apologise for taking so long to reply to your message. I've needed to distance myself from anything Quietus/writing-related for the last few months, and I wasn't in the right headspace to respond to this before.
I appreciate your kind words of support. I think, regardless of what anyone says about it, I'll always be insecure over my writing. That's just the nature of writing, to be highly critical of your own work. You either tend to hate on everything, or think it's half-decent at the time of posting - only to hate it and question what you were thinking immediately afterwards. I'm sure other writers can relate to the constant internal war that goes on when writing anything.
My writing is very far from any kind of perfect, and I'm not a professional by any means, so it's always an honour to read that anyone might hold such a high opinion of my humble work. Thank you for your message, and for taking the time to send it.
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