#yesterday i went through so many different emotions
library-fae · 1 month
me when being bipolar makes my mood unstable
how could they
so rude
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frannyzooey · 1 year
Short Days,Long Nights: 10
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: Mature (anxiety, pregnancy, grim mentions of childbirth)
Series Masterlist
A/N: thank you endlessly to @the-ginger-hedge-witch for reassuring me that this isn’t a terrible, no good, very bad piece of writing ❤️ and also, I wanna reassure you that despite the emotions in this chapter, my intention has always been a happy ending for these two. Don’t fret. ❤️
Something is off. 
He treads carefully down the path he’s followed for months, his boots leaving pressed imprints in the soft dirt and his eyes scan for signs of life. His mind is back in the cabin where he left you sleeping, your body curled into a tight ball along the edge of his form left on the sheets, and he tried hard not to wake you, though he didn’t have to be too careful given how tired you’ve been lately. 
Sleeping late, turning in early, naps in the middle of the day. You blame the heat, or the boredom, or the way reading makes you drowsy, but even he knows that’s not all it is. 
You’ve been distracted, quiet. Drawing into yourself more often these last couple weeks, he tries to recall if he’s said or done anything, to remember if he himself is the cause. It’s been a long time since he cared about what anyone else thought – definitely since he cared enough to want to atone for anything he’s done – but for you, he sifts through his words and actions.
He knows you so well by now. Knows every tell, every minute shift in your mood. More molecular than reading your body language, the air between you shifts and changes when you’re upset, your face betraying nothing to someone who doesn’t know you as well as he does. You’ve been hiding your face more from him lately, because he knows you must know it’s open for him like his is now open for you. 
The back of your head facing him in the garden, the peek of your forehead over the top of your book, the way you look at him like you’re about to say something, but when he gives you the space, you look away. 
Even at night, you hide your face into the soft crook of his neck to sleep.
He kneels to inspect deer tracks, his fingers brushing aside growth to follow their lead and heading deeper into the forest, the air around him cools under the canopy of trees. The woods are alive with sounds: bird calls, soft chittering, the rustle and slide of leaves, the crunch of his boots as they snap small twigs underfoot. 
Amidst it all, he tries to work out the puzzle of you; his bow held loose in his grip. 
Your hands shaking with nerves as you watch him disappear beyond the treeline, you pull your bottom lip into your mouth with a bite and scold yourself for not telling him about your suspicions this morning. 
Or yesterday.
Or the day before that.
You know you could probably keep your secret for at least a couple more months, but there was no point. Everything about surviving here depended on preparing; the sooner, the better, making all the difference between life and death. 
Your palms turn clammy, another rush of bile creeping up your sternum as you run out the cabin door before it comes pouring out into the grass and feeling shaky after, you walk over to the rocking chair on the porch and take a seat, letting your head fall forward into your hands. 
Being forced to confront the concept of your life ending more times than you would have ever imagined over the last ten years, you’d thought you’d be desensitized to it now… but this was a wholly different type of fear. Not so much the idea that you might actually die while going through with this, (which, over the course of the last few weeks has become a much more terrible, terrifying thought) but more the fear of doing it alone.  
Nothing to guide you, no one to help in case something went wrong. You knew that women had been birthing children in their homes for centuries now, many of them in the same exact position you were in – but they had midwives and neighbors who came from afar to help. Other women around them who had gone through it before, advice handed down from generation to generation. Reassurance in the form of knowledge. 
You would have someone, you reasoned with yourself, if you told him. Joel has always been there to take care of you, and you know this time wouldn’t be any different, but how much did he know about this? Even if he knew a little, that information was almost three decades old. 
Another small part of you felt, even though you know he would never mean to make you feel this way, that you let him down. As if you could stop the science of your body and it betrayed you, or that you compromised this entire setup by foolishly ignoring the consequences of your actions. The last couple weeks a brutal reminder that you have been somewhat romanticizing this possibility, that alone carried its own humiliation.
Now faced with the confirmation of it, you were ashamed. And scared. 
This odd mixture of feelings, just like the odd mix of sensations in your body, kept you from saying anything every time you had a chance. He wouldn’t be mad, you knew that, but your hormone addled brain kept conjuring images of his disappointed face and that was almost worse. 
You press your fingers into your eyes, liquid warmth seeping through the digits as you think and you let the tears fall, taking deep, shaky inhales. 
More than anything, you worried about fracturing the bridge that had been built between the two of you, especially given his past. He already lost one child, what if something happened to this one? His perceived failure almost ruined him the first time; a gaping, ten year wound that tore him apart and ravaged his mind and morals. Only now just beginning to heal, what will this do to him?
The thoughts are circular, never ending. 
Will he even want this? Are you unknowingly forcing him into something he’s dreaded? You know he knew the far away consequences of your shared actions, but will he hate you? Will he resent the burden you are? The one you’re carrying, for the rest of his life?
How will you care for it? How will you feed it? Is there enough food prepared for something like this? How will you do this alone? What if it gets sick?
The worries expand and grow, filling your head with a relentless noise that makes you queasy. You think about telling him as soon as he gets back, and a cold sweat breaks along your hairline, running over your limbs. 
Getting up, you lean over the railing and purge your nerves onto the ground below. 
Standing in the kitchen, his back is to you and you take a moment to study the broad width of his shoulders. The dark curls that edge around the nape of his neck, the strength held in his solid frame. Cleaning his gun, he’s recounting his day in the woods to you and you are trying so hard to focus on his words, but you can’t. Not while the worries from this afternoon run rampant in your head, clouding everything. 
Still, it’s the image of his back that convinces you to tell him: sturdy, solid, familiar. Those curls are the same you’ve felt in your hands for months: sliding between your fingers as you run through them at night, coiled tightly on the ground before they lifted into the air when you gave him a haircut last week, slicked smooth along his head after a swim. 
You hand wash the clothes on that back, massage the tired, thick muscles of it, stroke the tanned, freckled skin in the sunlight. Dig your fingers into the meat of those shoulders, curl your legs around that torso, feel its broadness underneath you when you straddle him. 
It’s guided you, carried you, the formidable strength in it has made this place a home, and the reassuring reminder of those things forces you to open your mouth. 
“Joel, I –” you start, and he stops talking, turning his ear in your direction. 
“Yea?” His attention is still on his task but he slows, and your gut churns with nerves and anxiety and new life. You take a deep breath and focus on his back; the one that you’ve been following for months, before you even knew who he was. 
“I’m pregnant.”
He immediately stills, his frame locking up as his hands stop what he’s doing. 
When he doesn’t move, you take a hesitant step closer, pushing through the urge to run into your bedroom and hide under the blankets. The air in the room is charged, your heart thundering in your chest and when you take another tiny step closer, he finally speaks. 
“You’re sure?” he asks, resting his hands carefully on the edge of the counter. 
“Yea,” you reply, letting out a breath and trying to ease the tension. “I mean, no test, obviously, but…”
He nods slowly, absorbing the information. 
You stare at the back of his neck, willing him to turn around, but when he doesn’t, shame and embarrassment begin to bloom. Starting in your chest, the emotions take root and your fingers find the bottom of your sleeves and twist into the fabric, the familiar tingle of heat growing behind your eyes. 
Even though you know that both of you had a hand in this, you find yourself apologizing.
“I’m sorry —“
As soon as the words leave your mouth, he turns quickly. 
“Hey — stop. No, don’t say that. Come ‘ere.”
Shortening the distance between your bodies, his face is a worried expression so thoroughly earnest that you step right into his arms, tucking your face into his chest. He gathers you into his hold, his familiar scent of sweat and cotton and woods soothing your nerves, and you lean into him, holding tight. 
“I told you, you don’t gotta say sorry. Not to me.” His arms squeeze tighter, his chin coming to rest on the top of your head. “I was just – I didn’t expect that. I was just thinkin’.”
“That’s all I’ve been doing these last couple weeks,” you admit. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. It’s just that I didn’t know for sure, and then I thought maybe I knew, and then I did know but I was so scared –”
“Shhh,” he soothes. “Hey, it’s okay. S’okay.”
Those words, said in his voice, bring fresh tears to your eyes, not realizing how much you needed to hear them until they were spoken out loud. Only by him, the only person you would accept them from because if he says it’s going to be okay, you know it to be true. He hasn’t failed you yet. 
As if it only just occurs to him to check, he suddenly cups your face tenderly in his hands and makes you look up at him.
“You okay? You sick? How do you feel?”
“I’m….okay. I can’t tell if I’m more sick from the –” you stop short, unable to say the word out loud. Saying it makes it real and you aren’t ready for that yet. “I was pretty nervous to tell you.”
He says nothing, frowning. Searching your face for a moment, he nods as if he understands and brings you back to your place in his arms. 
“I’m not mad at you, honey,” he murmurs. “If anything, you should be mad at me. I’m just as much at fault as you are. More, even.”
Your cheek staying pressed to the hollow of his shoulder, you frown. “How so?”
“I’m older than you are. I know better. I —“
“I know how sex works, Joel. I asked you for it, and I’m just as guilty —“
“I’m responsible for you.” His hand tilts your face up, so he can look you directly in the eyes and the statement is said with a finality that closes your mouth. “I gotta keep you safe — and there ain’t nothin’ safe about this.”
You feel your face start to crumple, your chest heavy with the shared knowledge. 
“No,” you swallow, the edges of your mouth turning into something solemn. “No, there isn’t.”
His expression softens, his thumb stroking the fine hair at your temple and his voice softens too. 
“It’ll be okay, honey. I’m right here.” His hold on your face firms, his eyes silently willing you to understand. “I would never, never let anything bad happen to you. Not ever.”
You both know that’s not a promise that he can make, but the words are like a raft in a storm; you cling to them, holding on with every fiber of your being. 
“You understand?” he asks and you nod, the constant weight on your chest these last few weeks temporarily dissolving. 
Your nod reassuring him, he guides your face back to his chest and with the weight of his broad hand sliding soothingly down your spine, you loosen under his touch. 
Each lost in your own thoughts, the two of you stand there, wound tightly together. 
It’s been hours, and he still can’t sleep.
A light breeze catches the curtain and the fabric waves lazily, your body still beside him in the dark room. You took some soothing to come down from the confession earlier, and he stayed by you until you went to sleep: tucked you into his side on the couch, wound himself around you in bed, took you apart only after he got your okay. 
He lays naked, nothing but a thin sheet covering his form but it might as well be a weighted blanket with how his chest feels. It tightens and burns, a crushing pressure settling on top of it. Every breath becomes a pained struggle for air as he tries to stay still so you don’t wake up. 
He doesn’t know anything about this. 
Hazy memories: partial pieces of advice, parenting books and pediatrician visits and the day Sarah was born. Everything blends together in rapid succession: her sharp, bright wail, the team of doctors, her impossibly tiny body, featherlight in his hold. 
He pictures the same thing in this room, but instead of bright lights and beeping machines, all he can picture is blood. So much blood. 
Your face, twisted in pain. 
Your face, crying. 
Your pretty face, pleading for him to help you. 
He tries to pull in air, his hand coming to push against the plane of his chest as the anxiety floods and gathers under his sternum, catching on and coating the muscles there until he’s locked in place. A cold sweat breaks out over his skin and he can barely hear the rapid, shallow pants of his own breathing under the rush of blood through his ears. 
His vision tunnels, the walls of the room disappearing and self loathing creeps into his mind, as dark as the night outside. 
He did this to you. You wanted it, but he knew better. He was supposed to protect you. 
He closes his eyes tight and swallows hard, willing the panic away. 
If something happens to you, it’s going to be his fault. He’s going to fail you, like he failed her. Fail the both of you. 
Reaching out to grasp the sheet at his side as a means to anchor himself, he brushes the back of his hand against your hip and he opens his eyes, turning to face your back. Faced away from him, the soothingly slow rise and fall of your breathing catches his gaze and focusing on the pattern of it, he forces himself to match it. 
In and out. In and out. 
His hand splays over the slope of your waist, curving around your side and the warm give of your flesh reassures him. His vision clears, the softened edges of your shadowed form bringing him back to the room and the white noise filling his head fades, the tension in his chest slowly easing. He flexes his hold on you, his thumb sliding across your bare skin. 
You turn in your sleep, rolling over to face him and lifting his hand just enough to let you move, he rests it back on your side. His thumb drags across your petal soft skin, his eyes dropping down to watch and before he can stop himself, the back of his knuckles brush delicately against the natural swell of your stomach. 
He remembers the fear, but looking down at his hand, something blooms deep within that pit beneath his sternum. Something else, something that’s been lying dormant for years, but when he sees his hand against your bare stomach, it takes root and pierces through the surface of the panic.
Hesitantly, he lets himself feel those things, in the safety of the dark room. 
Anticipation. Joy. Happiness, contentment. Love, that he’d never imagined he’d feel again. 
He feels a version of it when he looks at you right now — a deeper version of it, a calmer one. A steady, anchoring emotion, one that he fought in the beginning but now has given in and gotten used to it. 
The love that he has for you planted within your body, taking root. 
His thumb drags over your belly button, and you shift in your sleep. 
“There’s nothing there yet,” you mumble, the words a soft slur in the darkness. “Go to sleep, baby.”
He hums lowly, his hand splaying to cover your stomach. Fingertip to thumb, it spans from hip to hip, but when you shift again next to him, he reluctantly pulls it away. 
Gathering you as gently as he can in his arms, he tilts his chin down to catch your mouth with his. Sleep warm and soft, you kiss him back and his arm winds around your waist, tugging you close. 
With your belly cradled between the two of you, he falls asleep. 
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spicycinnabun · 3 months
pt. 1 2 3 4 5 7 💐
Later that night, when Eddie showed Wayne the flowers for Kathleen, Wayne’s face cycled through a variety of expressions, none of which Eddie understood until he went over to a large gift bag that was sitting on the Lay-Z-Boy.
Wayne opened it, revealing a huge bouquet of about forty roses he had bought that morning. It was absolutely breathtaking, and that meant only one thing: he had gone to Harrington Floral.
“Awww, Uncle Wayne, you big ‘ol romantic!” Eddie grinned, clasping his hands over his heart. It made him happy to see his uncle—usually so cantankerous—head over heels.
“You be quiet now, boy,” Wayne said. His ears were turning the same color as the roses.
Eddie would do no such thing. “I will do no such thing.”
Giving Kathleen two bouquets seemed silly, so Eddie put his in a tall glass of water and set it on the windowsill to admire.
He was secretly pleased that he got to keep the flowers. It was almost like they were meant for him instead.
He could pretend.
Kathleen was a wonderful woman, and Eddie really liked her.
She was the complete opposite of his uncle, but their differences complimented each other, and Wayne hadn’t stopped smiling the entire night. Eddie had never seen him so animated.
The roses made Kathleen cry, horrifying them, but she assured them they were happy tears. She said nobody had ever gotten her flowers before.
“Expect many more, Kathy,” Wayne said, looking a little heartbroken by the admission.
Eddie looked down at his feet because, hell, this was too much for his little black heart to handle.
Then Wayne got down on one knee and pulled out a ring, just like Steve had predicted, and Eddie couldn’t stop the waterworks when Kathleen said yes.
Wayne actually picked her up and spun her around like they were in a ‘50s romance film.
“Congratulations,” Eddie said, laughing through tears. He tried to hide them, overcome and unused to the emotional onslaught of a good thing.
Wayne hugged him and ruffled his hair like he used to do when Eddie was a kid.
“I’m going to take very good care of your uncle,” Kathleen reassured him.
It was unnecessary, but Eddie appreciated the gesture.
They talked late into the night, swapping stories. Wayne told Kathleen all of Eddie’s embarrassing childhood moments, like when he’d accidentally shaved one of his eyebrows off and glued on a pipe cleaner to replace it.
Eddie retaliated by telling Kathleen about the time they had gone to a department store when he was seven, and Wayne had thought one of the mannequins was a real person and had asked it for directions to the little boys' clothing section.
Kathleen cried again—that time, from laughing so hard.
Eddie ended up calling the number from the ad the next day.
He waited with the phone caught between his cheek and shoulder, twirling his spoon in his bowl of Franken Berry.
Someone picked up on the fifth ring. “Hello?”
It was a man. He had a friendly and almost… nasally voice.
“Uh, hi. I’m calling about the ad you placed outside Starcourt Mall. Are you still looking for a roommate, by chance?” Eddie let go of his spoon to cross his fingers. It clinked against the side of his bowl.
There was silence, then a sneeze on the other end of the line and a heartfelt curse.
Eddie glanced suspiciously at the bouquet on the windowsill above the dull green sink. The sun was reflecting against the glass and making it sparkle, the flowers looking bright and cheerful.
He could have been wrong, but that sneeze sounded nearly identical to the ones he’d heard yesterday.
co-writing this with @batty4steddie 💕
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evalevaeva · 7 months
Hellooo, I hope that you are doing well <3.
Could you maybe write a fanfic for sio and nam soon. They have such good chemistry and I haven't found a fic for them .
Tysm <3
A matter of time| Ryu Sio x Namsoon
my first ever request can yall believe this im feeling overwhelmed thank you sm for this req anon! ♡
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Namsoon knew what her mission was. She knew Heesik was counting on her, the whole police station was counting on her, and finally , her mother was counting on her, but why was she thinking about Sio's words from yesterday?
"I've never had a birthday. I don't know my birthday so, it didn't feel important. They never gave me a birthday either, so I've never experienced it," Sio admitted as he looked out the window in his office. Namsoon sat on the black leather office chair behind him as she looked at him. Her eyes had a glint of sadness as she watched his back, feeling a certain emotion arise in her chest, pinching her heart. Namsoon shook her head as she pushed away the stinging feeling in her heart , not wanting it to affect her any longer.
Namsoon covered her watch with her palm, blocking the camera and microphone.
"Sio," Namsoon called out as Sio turned, awaiting her response. "Could we go out tomorrow? In the afternoon?" Namsoon asked with a wide smile on her face as Sio's lips turned into a smile, his cheekbones rising as he bent down, his face in front of hers as he responded, "Anything for you".
Namsoon's wrist was empty. Namsoon held onto the strap of her bag as she looked around the store. The store wasn't just any store, but an expensive cake store that was well known in Gangnam.
"Hello miss! Could I offer any help with our selection of cakes?" The staff approached Namsoon as she turned to them, a smile plastered on her face as she nodded.
"I'm getting a cake and maybe some brownies for..." Namsoon started but couldn't complete her sentence as she trailed off. Sio didn't feel like a boss to her, nor did he feel like a superior to her. He felt like someone that would take a bullet for her, someone that would be there for her at the snap of her fingers.
"Boyfriend? Excellent! We have a large selection of cakes and brownies that many couples get for each other and we're having a sale today as it's a weekend!" The staff spoke as Namsoon's eyes widened.
Namsoon had never considered it if he could be her boyfriend... he confessed his feelings to her, but she didn't respond. Wasn't that how all the Kdramas went?
The same feeling she felt the previous day returned as she looked at the glass casing, filled with different varieties of cakes and goods. Namsoon couldn't help but smile as she thought about what he'd like. Imagine his face, smiling as he looks at the cake and brownies, closing his eyes and making a wish. She felt the heat engulfing her cheeks as she slapped her face softly, trying to get rid of the embarrassment of her delusions.
"Would you like the cheesecake and brownie set? It's a very popular set among couples!" The staff asked behind the glass display as Namsoon nodded, eagerly watching the staff placing the cake and brownies carefully into the paper box.
Namsoon opened her wallet as she saw the photo Sio and her had taken during their steak dinner at the Mongolian Restaurant. Sio had a smile on his face as Namsoon held the camera up and held up a peace sign.
"That'll be 14,000 won, would you like to pay with a card?" The cashier clicked several buttons as Namsoon nodded, "Could you add candles to the order?".
The cashier smiled as she nodded, chuckling, "I'm sure your boyfriend will be very happy, especially when he has such a pretty girlfriend". Namsoon laughed at the cashier's flattery as she tapped her card on the reader, hearing a beep as the payment went through. Namsoon waved goodbye to the staff as she stepped outside the store.
"I'm at the address you sent, I'm outside." Namsoon's phone buzzed as she read the message from Sio. Her eyes lit up as she looked around the street, looking for the black car Sio would use to work and finally one of the windows on the cars rolled down, revealing Sio as he waved at her.
Namsoon grinned as she ran towards the stationary car, opening the door with her empty hand as she went into the car. Sio smiled at the girl as his eyes landed on the cake in her hand.
"What's this?" Sio asked as Namsoon looked at the cake in her hand, "Well, you mentioned that you've never had a birthday. So I thought we could have one today! It doesn't have to be a birthday, it could just be a party!".
Namsoon looked at Sio's face, expecting a smile or maybe look of upset, but instead, he looked like he had a lot running through his mind. His eyes were glued onto the cake before it rose to her eyes.
Out of anxiousness, Namsoon began blabbering, "Sio? Do you not like it? If you don't want to, then I could just bring back the cake home for dinner, we don't have to -"
"Thank you".
Namsoon looked at Sio, eyes wide as she looked at him. His hand was on hers as their hands rested on the solid cake box.
"Sio, this is the least I can do. Even in Mongolia, I had birthdays every year! You should have one too," Namsoon said as Sio looked at the girl, a hint of adoration in his face as he whispered, "Then celebrate with me every year. We'll celebrate together".
Namsoon swore she felt shivers down her spine as she looked at him. Every sense of responsibility given by the people around her seemed to disappear. Sio didn't make her feel like how she felt when she was with her mother, her family members, or even strangers around her.
"Let's go!" Namsoon yelled as she raised both her hands up in the air, running towards the grass patch beside Hangang River.
Namsoon didn't know much about South Korea... yet, but she knew that Hangan River was a place where many people would gather and have picnics in the day, while couples would come out at night. Technically, since the sun was setting, they were quite literally in the middle.
Namsoon crossed her legs as she sat across from Sio, who looked uncomfortable crossing his legs, his legs being too long and his pants being too tight once he sat down.
"Sio, should we just sit at the steps? You look like you aren't comfortable," Namsoon asked as Sio shook his head.
"I won't let something as small as pants ruin our time here. Now, what do we do now?" Sio responded as Namsoon began opening the cake box, revealing the cake and the brownies on the side.
Namsoon took out the packet of coloured candles as she placed them around the surface of the cake. The lighter in her hand clicked several times as her thumb rolled the wheel on the side, lighting a fire as she lit the candles.
"Sio, hold up the cake, I'll take a photo," Namsoon told the CEO as she held up her phone camera, pressing record as she sang.
"Happy birthday to you."
Sio didn't want the moment to end. It felt like he had the universe before him, singing him happy birthday. The only person that truly cared about him, right infront of him. The one he wanted forever and ever, with him at that moment.
"Happy birthday our dear Sio, Happy birthday to you," Namsoon ended the song as she whispered behind the camera, "Make a wish!".
Sio closed his eyes as he wished, with all his might to every higher being up in the sky listening to him.
"I wish... that we'll be together, forever. Just Namsoon and I," Sio wished as he opened his eyes and blew out the candles.
Namsoon tapped her wrists, mimicking clapping as she stopped the recording, placing her phone down.
"What did you wish for Sio?" Namsoon asked as Sio responded, "Isn't it a thing that if we say our wishes out loud, they won't come true?".
Namsoon whined as she said, "But I'm really curious! So I have to know!".
Sio sighed, a cheeky smile on his face as he said, "I wish for us to always be together".
This made Namsoon's smile fade as she looked to the cake, avoiding his stare as she sighed.
They would never be able to be together, and she knew that deep down. They could try to escape and avoid everyone, but her mother or pavel would find them. It was only a matter of time, but they'd make use of it, spend every second together.
"I know I've already said this, but I still have feelings for you. I won't force you into anything, but I want you to know that I'll always choose you," Sio said as he looked up to the orange sky, turning his body to see the sunset behind him.
Sio looked breathtaking, and Namsoon couldn't waste the moment. Taking back her phone, she snapped a photo as she looked at him, a wave of sadness washing over her as she stared at him.
It was only a matter of time.
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utilitycaster · 3 months
i think it's telling that so many of the responses to imogen's convos with liliana and laudna were 'this is kinda fucked up and i am fascinated by it and am enjoying it' and but the response to THAT was like 'STOP trying to make everything toxic, ugh fandom never should've learned therapy speak'. like. ignoring that's NOT what that is, people are pretty clearly interacting POSITIVELY with these moments but because what they're enjoying is the parts that are messy, that's somehow bad too???
YUP! There are definitely people who use therapy speak inappropriately, including about Imogen and Laudna, and honestly I pretty specifically avoided using the word "toxic" (or "codependent") about their most recent interaction, but like...there is nothing wrong with enjoying the relationship for being messy! A good deal of the people who are calling it toxic or messy are people who support it and enjoy it! A good deal of people who don't particularly like the relationship for being flat and bland and the conflict constantly fizzling out into nothing, myself included, perked up at yesterday's conversation! It was fascinating: Laudna went to comfort Imogen and told her she loved her, and Imogen's response was to say "oh, you love me? well then why did you go running off to Delilah the second we were apart? why did you lie to me a second time [Laudna did not lie to her the first time, which by now Imogen knows]?"
I don't actually think Imogen's opinions re: Delilah are inconsistent - I think she very specifically started becoming uncomfortable after encountering Delilah in the middle of the night in Whitestone (and I think Laura said as much on a 4SD too), and so her previous assertions about digging into their power sources are not hypocritical. However, yeah, I think we should talk about how both of the two big kisses between these characters are specifically Imogen trying to cut off an emotional speech from Laudna - I don't think it is intended as manipulation, but rather coming from a place of profound fear, but that's still something you need to deal with because this is now three pretty significant cases of kicking the can of conflict down the road and it's only snowballing. I think we should talk about how actually maybe it's valid that Imogen, who has had to make a lot of difficult decisions regarding her engagement with Predathos's power and could be risking losing her powers through her actions, is frustrated that Laudna hasn't done the same with Delilah, but neither of them are working it out. Imogen is letting an assassination of her mother go forward - and I agree with her choice - and Laudna hasn't done anything to extricate herself from Delilah in 30 years despite expressing interest early in the campaign. Imogen is about to lose her mother because her mother declared her reliance on a potentially evil power as an inevitability and wouldn't listen to her, and Laudna's now doing the exact same thing.
And on the other hand, again, Laudna hasn't lied to Imogen. Imogen cut off Laudna's angry, hurt, and extremely valid rant about being betrayed by Bor'Dor by asking to kiss her and so Laudna, trying to make Imogen happy, never worked out these feelings and they've just been building up. Laudna can't express her fears to Imogen because Imogen will demonstrably cut her off. If Imogen is disgusted by Delilah, and that's not going away, what does that mean? Like, is the love enough? I don't know? Could be, but not without actually having a means of resolving all of these extremely valid hurt feelings, and they don't have that. And maybe some of us would like to have some resolution, and are getting real tired of the particularly dim children going "uwu let me have my cottagecore stardew valley dream you all are such MEANIES let people like things" which. Again, if the fact that other people want different things from this relationship is genuinely preventing you from liking things, that's entirely your problem, because I like all kinds of things other people dislike. If you cannot stomach any dissent from your personal interpretation and perceive it as an attack, that says a lot of things about you and none of them bode well.
There is a deeply frustrating tendency that is not limited to this fandom, nor to discussion of Imogen and Laudna, to deny that traumatized characters can hurt other people. You see it with some of the dumber discussions of Ludinus that presume he is specifically a survivor of Aeor (valid as a theory, but unconfirmed); his (hypothetical) trauma does not negate how many other people's lives he's ruined. Percy is deeply traumatized but he did still introduce the gun to the world. Fjord is traumatized but had he willingly completed Uk'otoa's unsealing that would have caused untold damage. Astrid is traumatized but she's still done terrible things as a Volstrucker. FCG and Yasha are both traumatized and both were not even in control of their actions when they caused their worst harm, and they both feel terrible about what they've done. I mean, touching on this episode, it is not actually a contradiction to say both "Liliana is traumatized and has been indoctrinated by a cult and is a victim of said cult and genuinely believes she is doing this for Imogen's benefit" and also "Liliana is a fucking shitty mom." These are both true. This is what cycles of abuse and generational trauma look like. This is what that "blorbo-centered morality" is; suddenly when it's your favorite character they can do no wrong and every explanation becomes, instead, an excuse.
I've been talking a lot about the harassment in this fandom and it really is like...look, I don't know if this harassment is coming, from some of those partaking in it, from a personal trauma. I do not want to ascribe shitty behavior to mental illness, because some people are just assholes. But if it is - it doesn't make it okay! If you are lashing out and sending hate because you project a lot of your own trauma onto Imogen or your own relationships to that of Imogen and Laudna and you perceive every bit of criticism as an attack on you, guess what! You're being a fucking asshole by trying to hurt other people and it does not ultimately matter that it might come from a place of your own hurt and you need to stop.
I've been going off about this and related topics all morning and so I do want to step back and say that I believe this is a relatively small group of people with an outsized toxic impact. I do think that many people are enjoying the relationship for its complexity and unhealthy, messy aspects, that most people would love to read more Imogen meta that covers her as a whole, complex person and not as a tee hee just a silly guy girlfailure. But yeah, I think everyone is getting increasingly done with the group of people who throw a tantrum and retreat into the most idiotic See Spot Run-levels of conflict fantasies whenever there's actual grit and friction and mess in the relationship.
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Heya Misfits! I've decided to write a quickie for ya. It just clicked in my mind, and I'm recovering from a cold, so what better way to get my creative juices flowing than with some fluffy cuteness.
Body Swap, Chaggie Style:
Charlie and Vaggie have a massive fight, Lucifer wanted the girls to stop fighting, so he shoots them with magic like a kid yelling at his friends and yelling, "Stop fighting!"
It was the start of a sad morning. A huge fight between Charlie and Vaggie caused the two to sleep in different rooms, making the others worried. Lucifer, being the sweet dad he is, decided to do some magic to ‘help’ the girls make up.
“Hmm?” Charlie awoke feeling heavier than normal. She dragged her figure out of bed only to go face first into the carpet. “Ow!” She groaned, rubbing her nose, but blinked, feeling a more angular nose than her usual black button nose. The princess started to panic and went to the bathroom mirror. “WHAT IN SATAN?!”
On the other end, Vaggie grumbled, sitting up rubbing her eyes, but when she opened them, she blinked. “What?” She could see out of both. However, that wasn't the only thing. She felt heat surging through her body, plus she felt something weird with her feet. “Aye meirda?!” She gasped once she moved the covers and saw red hooves.
Both girls stared at the mirrors, each seeing the other, Charlie saw Vaggie looking tired, as she saw the dark circles under her girl's lone eye. While Vaggie saw those beautiful ruby eyes puffy and swollen with the latter not bothering with switching to her red pajamas.
The fight played on in their minds, Vaggie had spiraled again with her self worth issues as yesterday had been particularly bad, and Charlie was too busy planning for the new hotel to recognize her girlfriend needed her.
Charlie felt the phantom pains act up and blinked wincing. “Fuck…” Her body trembled. “Oh Vaggie, why did I ignore you when you were in this much pain? Then again you always did know how to hide it..” She sighed lightly stroking the old scarring where Vaggie's eye used to be.
Vaggie in Charlie's body felt the stress and massive flux of emotions the princess had to deal with, plus the ever present demonic form that ached to come out, which red horns and a tail did peek through. “Charlie..” Vaggie sighed though blinked seeing the massive scribble pile on Charlie's desk. Carefully as to not burn any she peered over and stared. Surely enough it was so many apology notes with tear stains, drawn in many colors. Vaggie smiled a little, however her eyes widened seeing something under the notes, a small box labeled ‘For Vaggie, with love Charlie.’
“Better not, I can't seem to control what I set on fire..” Vaggie sighed with another fire coming onto the couch this time. “Shit!”
However when she was extinguishing said fire, she saw her own body come into view. “Oh uh hi..” Vaggie blinked, looking a little messy.
What happened next was Charlie tackling Vaggie and hugging her tight, and sure enough she looked like a cute crying mess. “I'm so sorry!” It was weird hearing her own voice as Vaggie blinked realizing how small she must look to Charlie.
It felt weird, yet Vaggie couldn't stop a demonic purr from escaping. “I'm sorry too hon..” She had to bend down to hold Charlie close.
The two stayed close to one another until another fire occurred on the carpet which made Charlie giggle. “Can't handle my pyrokinesis yet huh?” She asked as Vaggie grumbled. “Deep breaths, like this.” She smiled, showing Vaggie how to control the magic and the demon.
After a couple of deep breaths, Vaggie managed to stop setting things on fire for now. “And uh, how do you put these away?” She asked, pointing to the horns and tail.
“Hmm?” Charlie blinked though her wings popped out seeing the form. “Huh?!”
This got a flustered groan from Vaggie as she hid her face. Though this made Charlie give a devilish smirk. “Before you say anything babe, yes I do think your demon form is hot okay?”
“It is weird to see myself like this, but I will say, I do look pretty hot.” Charlie giggled again. “But since you're in my body Vaggie, can you see how I view you?” She asked though she struggled to fold in the wings.
Vaggie blinked but smiled softly. “I do hermosa..” She replied feeling the rampant emotions grow calmer. Though her expression grew sad, she was about to speak when Charlie placed a finger on her lips.
“Don't be sorry ok? If anything, this little experience has helped me understand you a little more even though I thought I knew everything.” Charlie grinned despite the trembling.
Vaggie looked at her hand and flexed her fingers. “I see what you mean sweetie, but here let me help you with my wings.” She smiled moving behind Charlie who blinked curiously. “Give them a stretch. Like imagine another set of arms on your back.”
Charlie nodded and did so, she smiled, able to move them a bit better, though couldn't help but flap. “These feel so weird but also very strong..” She grinned, turning around and wrapping both her and Vaggie in a cute wing cocoon.
Vaggie felt that black tail with a red heart in the middle of its tip slink over and wrap around Charlie. “Shit, your tail has a mind of its own!”
“Sorry about that, it's just you're like my rock Vaggie, you keep me grounded when I often get swept up in my own little world..” Charlie admitted though smirked as she lightly traced the tail. “I can see why you do this, it's fun seeing me get flustered huh?” She added being cheeky.
Vaggie grumbled feeling the shiver and blush. “I'll admit yes it is, but hon you haven't told me what you see from my view.” She answered changing the subject.
“Oh right, sorry.” Charlie giggled but blew at the bangs in her face. Getting the ok, Charlie closed her eyes in deep thought, she saw the darker thoughts of the self-hate, the guilt, and the need to be useful to Charlie. It hurt seeing this but Charlie opened the lone eye and looked at Vaggie with a loving gaze.
“You ain't alone in the self hate Vaggie.” She took hold of those hands. “But you're more than what you were back then, what I see now love, is someone who gets giddy over new weapons, loves tacos, can bark orders like a sexy drill sergeant, and most of all, I see someone who cares deeply for me and for everyone in the hotel, a kind yet stern person. Seriously meeting you was the best thing that's happened in my life.” She grinned though blinked, feeling teary eyed again.
Vaggie just stared but couldn't help it and grabbed Charlie holding her close in a big hug, nuzzling deep into her neck. “Oh Charlie…” Her voice came out cracking as she just sniffled.
However magic surged as the two switched back, making both let go and blink. “Huh..”
However the girls giggled and cuddled again enjoying the new found appreciation for one another. Vaggie felt those loving hands gently massage her back when the wings were tucked back in. “Hey, I know you're strong, but whenever these flare up, please don't hide it from me..” Charlie spoke softly, her natural tone being music to Vaggie's ears.
“If that's the case, please don't try and do everything alone hon, I'm the hotel manager for a reason you know.” The smaller woman replied, moving back to look up at those ruby eyes. “I support you with everything you do, but I can't help you if I don't know what's going on babe.”
“I know. Also sorry about your nose, I uh fell onto the carpet..” Charlie gave a sheepish grin though left a gentle peck on said nose.
Vaggie smiled softly. “Well I'm sorry about setting fire to our room, and… Seeing that little box.” She replied as Charlie gasped. “No, I didn't look inside.” The angel added, making Charlie sigh in relief.
“Good cause, it is a surprise..”
“Well can I see it now?”
Charlie beamed and nodded, poofing the box into her hands. “I took up a little hobby kinda like dad did, but I'm not very good, so..” She rambled, blushing.
Vaggie blinked but opened the box. To her surprise, it was the cutest little dark grey leather pouch with wings carved into the flap. The stitches looked a little crude, but it added a handmade charm to it. “You made this..?” She looked surprised, holding it.
“Yeah… It started out as a way to keep my hands busy since I kept digging my nails into my palm..” Charlie started to ramble as she giggled. “Next thing I know, I was having fun and making things. To which my dad kept snatching up for himself because he's weird like that.”
Vaggie planted a soft kiss on those lips to show her appreciation. “It's beautiful, hon, thank you..” The kiss made Charlie flutter, and she gave a love struck gaze.
The princess smirked and started to spoil Vaggie some more as things started to lead to the two getting hot and heavy. The hotel was fine. Sure, they can get in a fun love making session, right? After all, make-up sex is the best part of making up with your lover. Plus, Charlie wanted nothing more than to get her hands on her gorgeous girlfriend, and Vaggie couldn't help but indulge her since she craved that loving touch.
Thus the day went by in the new hotel, love was in the air once more as downstairs, Lucifer looked quite pleased with himself even if the spell was kinda a spur of the moment to get the girls to stop fighting. Though in his room, when he went to his closet, all the cute little leather objects Charlie made had come piling out, burying his royal ass alongside his massive rubber duck collection.
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mariacallous · 4 months
On Sunday, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson went on television and mixed up Iran and Israel. “We passed the support for Iran many months ago,” he told Meet the Press, erroneously referring to an aid package for the Jewish state. Last night, the Fox News prime-time host Jesse Watters introduced South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem as hailing from South Carolina. I once joined a cable-news panel where one of the participants kept confusing then–Attorney General Jeff Sessions with Representative Pete Sessions of Texas. I don’t hold these errors against anyone, as they are some of the most common miscues made by people who talk for a living—and I’m sure my time will come.
Yesterday, President Joe Biden added another example to this list. In response to a question about Gaza, he referred to the Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as the president of Mexico. The substance of Biden’s answer was perfectly cogent. The off-the-cuff response included geographic and policy details not just about Egypt, but about multiple Middle Eastern players that most Americans probably couldn’t even name. The president clearly knew whom and what he was talking about; he just slipped up the same way Johnson and so many others have. But the flub could not have come at a worse time. Because the press conference had been called to respond to Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on Biden’s handling of classified documents, which dubbed the president an “elderly man with a poor memory,” the Mexico gaffe was immediately cast by critics as confirmation of Biden’s cognitive collapse.
But the truth is, mistakes like these are nothing new for Biden, who has been mixing up names and places for his entire political career. Back in 2008, he infamously introduced his running mate as “the next president of the United States, Barack America.” At the time, Biden’s well-known propensity for bizarre tangents, ahistorical riffs, and malapropisms compelled Slate to publish an entire column explaining “why Joe Biden’s gaffes don’t hurt him much.” The article included such gems as the time that then-Senator Biden told the journalist Katie Couric that “when the markets crashed in 1929, ‘Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, “Look, here’s what happened.”’” The only problem with this story, Slate laconically noted, was that “FDR wasn’t president then, nor did television exist.”
In other words, even a cursory history of Biden’s bungling shows that he is the same person he has always been, just older and slower—a gaffe-prone, middling public speaker with above-average emotional intelligence and an instinct for legislative horse-trading. This is why Biden’s signature moments as a politician have been not set-piece speeches, but off-the-cuff encounters, such as when he knelt to engage elderly Holocaust survivors in Israel so they would not have to stand, and when he befriended a security guard in an elevator at The New York Times on his way to a meeting with the paper’s editorial board, which declined to endorse him. And it’s why Biden’s key accomplishments—such as the landmark climate-change provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act, the country’s first gun-control bill in decades, and the expected expansion of the child tax credit—have come through Congress. The president’s strength is not orating, but legislating; not inspiring a crowd, but connecting with individuals.
That said, although Biden’s Mexico mistake might not be a demonstration of dementia, it is a warning sign of a different sort that his campaign would be wise to heed. Recently, the White House declined to have Biden participate in the traditional pre–Super Bowl interview this coming Sunday. The administration framed this decision as part of a broader strategy favoring nontraditional media, but it was reasonably seen as an attempt to shield the candidate from scrutiny. The president’s staff is understandably reluctant to put Biden front and center, knowing that his slower speed and inevitable gaffes—both real and fabricated—will feed the mental-acuity narrative. But in actuality, the bar for Biden has been set so laughably low that he can’t help but vault over it simply by showing up. By contrast, limiting his appearances ensures that the public mostly encounters the president through decontextualized social-media clips of his slipups.
As Slate observed in 2008, the frequency of Biden’s rhetorical miscues helped neutralize them in the eyes of the public. In 2024, Biden will have an assist from another source: Donald Trump. Among other recent lapses, the former president has called Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán “the leader of Turkey,” confused Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley, and repeatedly expressed the strange belief that he won the 2020 election. With an opponent prone to vastly worse feats of viscous verbosity, Biden can’t help but look better by comparison, especially if he starts playing offense instead of defense.
But none of this will happen by itself. If the president and his campaign want the headlines to be something other than “Yes, Biden Knows Who the President of Egypt Is,” they’ll have to start making news, not reacting to it.
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bomberqueen17 · 7 months
The Witch King
This is not like, a coherent review or anything.
Yesterday I was just like possessed with anxiety nonstop the whole day and everything I did seemed to make it worse and i just like spun my wheels and I got some things done but mostly felt worse and worse and more and more stressed, due partly to external circumstances but largely, i think, to nothing in particular. And finally after dinner I was sitting on the couch comfortably and realized you know what, fuck it, I am not going to "try to write" and wind up refreshing tumblr and chatting on discord all night, not while I'm already fretting and stewing like this, i'm going to be miserable and probably get in a fight or something and i don't want that. Fuck it. So I went to the tab I already had open in my browser, which I'd had open for weeks but the time was never right, and I bought the kindle version of Witch King and read it right there in my browser, the whole way through, did not click away or put it down or move or do anything else, and you know what it was fantastic.
I'd read a preview and been like hm i don't know what this is about and read a couple of amazon reviews that were like this was really confusing, some of which concluded so i didn't like it and some of which concluded so i super liked it, and like, I've been a fan of Martha Wells since she put the Element of Fire up for free chapter by chapter on her Livejournal when the rights reverted to her in like 2006 or so, so I knew what I was going to get and also knew that I would not particularly know exactly what I was going to get until I got it, and I also knew I was going to enjoy the ride, but I hadn't wanted to read it in stolen or exhausted moments lest the "this is confusing" bits prove too much.
In the end I found it not in the slightest bit confusing, it was a very straightforward interspersed flashbacks storytelling technique that i thought suited the story beautifully (not to be spoilery but we join a character in medias res with an action scene and it's him trying to figure out who has betrayed him in a complicated political scenario, and in the process of unspooling this he has to revisit the site of where the complicated political scenario was first set up, some sixty (?) years earlier, so he's retracing his own steps and it's really well done I think, introducing new bits of history right as they're relevant to the current storyline-- and just fantastically done, not at all forced, completely natural and compelling, and no the reader isn't told anything they don't need to know but you do get everthing you need to know, there's no unneccessary coyness at all).
So anyway i loved that, and I hope there's a sequel planned but it stands alone just fine if not, I'm already figuring i'll alternate my rereads and do every other chapter each time, so I can do All The Backstory first, then All The Current Timeline story, and that's such a fun way to eke out many many many rereads of a story that like all of Wells' works I will reread until I have chunks of them memorized (anyone who has read my works surely has found whole undigested bits of hers bobbing around in there because I do this so much; I found the phrase weary past bearing in something of mine the other day and was like oh that's moon when ember first shows up i stole that whole emotion wholesale out of the third raksura book yes i did).
Little side notes: Love the aroace qpr vibes with Kai and Zeide, also sort of enjoy the lowkey genderfuckery that comes with a demon who has his own gender then inhabiting bodies that had different genders. Great magic system too, and I love that we first get introduced to how Kai's pain magic works as a like totally fait accompli chunk of didactic worldbuilding and then in a later chapter we get to see the flashback of him inventing it and understand why it works the way it does, that was also so well-wrapped-up.
Anyway-- Definitely recommend this one but probably it is best if you can do it like I did, in one big binge-read. It took me probably three hours and I was trying hard not to read it too fast.
Yeah. Anyway. People assume I'm a big reader. I was, as a kid. I am not now. This is the first new book I've read since probably the spring sometime. I don't casually read things i only read them if I'm going to add them to my Pantheon of Rereads, and that goes for fic too mostly.
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juceynightmare · 1 year
dating 101 (18+) part 23 - cody rhodes x reader
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my masterlist
dating 101 (18+) masterlist
pairing(s): cody rhodes x fem!reader, roman reigns x fem!reader
warning(s): swearing
genre(s): college!au, slow burn, fluff, angst
|| previous part || next part ||
“what are we?” was the question that echoed in the room the second it had left y/n’s mouth. it was the late in the afternoon now, and after showering together, buying a plan b, and eating out at a nearby pho restaurant, the two of them went back to cuddling on y/n’s bed. he knew one of them was bound to ask the question sooner or later, considering the fact that the two of them had quite literally scarred each other with their initials, and the last mark cody had cut into her skin had been his first name.
cody sighed, his gaze trained on the ceiling although he could feel y/n’s gaze on him, almost as if she was begging for him to look down at where she was laying on his chest. “i don’t know.” he mumbled, feeling his heart hurt in his chest at a realization that y/n was most likely still going to go to roman. for whatever reason, the man didn’t want to bring up roman. the thought of roman had suddenly made him feel angry, and not because cody likes y/n. he figures something had to have happened during basement night, because whenever he tried to remember what happened with roman, he’d only see red. “are you still going to be with roman even though i’m the first person you see in the morning when you wake up and the last person you see before you fall asleep?” he asked, and the question had been laced with so much hurt that cody couldn’t even mask it if he tried.
god, y/n couldn’t believe austin was right.
she tore her gaze away from cody’s face, fixing her gaze on her wall as she slid her head off of his chest and into the crook of his shoulder. roman had texted and called her that morning as soon as he woke up, but y/n couldn’t bring herself to even open the text or call him back. the guilt was too much, and now it had all erupted in her face.
she’d be stupid to not recognize the hurt in cody’s voice. cody liked her, but y/n couldn’t even figure out if she was simply infatuated with roman and not actually liking him in the way she thought she did. what she did know was the fact that she was drawn to cody like a moth to a flame, and that every part of her body that was currently touching his had felt as if she had been electrified.
“you don’t even date.” she mumbled, her defense mechanism telling her to argue, argue, argue.
“you haven’t even thought of there being a possibility that maybe, just maybe, i see myself dating you.” cody angrily huffed. and despite the anger that laced his voice, he tightened his arm around her to pull her closer into his side. “i like you, y/n. and maybe i’ve liked you this whole time, i don’t know.”
that certainly wasn’t the way cody had expected to confess to y/n, although he supposes it was the perfect confession for two humans who used each other for their own needs.
“cody, you said yourself that you don’t see yourself being committed to one person.” she said, ignoring cody’s confession because she knew now that cody has liked her the entire time. when she pushed herself up to sit up on her bed and face cody, she found that his gaze was already piercing through her. it was as if a dam had broken down in his gaze, and every unsaid emotion cody has been hiding from her had finally flowed over.
“god forbid that i grow up and have a different view on what i want out of life.” cody scoffed, pushing himself off the bed so he could also sit up on the mattress. “i tried, y/n. i tried to ignore my feelings for you and fuck them straight into someone else. yesterday morning, right after you had gone off to roman, i tried to literally bury my feelings in some other girl’s pussy and guess what? it didn’t work. because here i am still in your bed hoping that you’d wake up and realize that i don’t give you the ick when i kiss you, no matter how many times you say that me being a frat boy gym rat is an ick in itself.”
y/n stared at cody, eyes wide and her heart falling in her chest. here, her best friend was pouring his heart out for her in the most cody way possible.
“i like you, y/n. you’re my favorite person in this entire world, and if this doesn’t prove how much of myself i’m willing to give to you-” cody grabbed her hand and lifted his shirt, pressing the palm of her hand over the cut she had made into his stomach. “then i don’t know what will. i’m not good at this relationship shit. i’ve never had a girlfriend, and i’ve certainly never felt this way about someone.”
y/n gulped, her fingers brushing over the cut gently. she stared down at her lap, breaking the eye contact with cody and feeling her brain began to pound against her skull. her heart had felt full in her chest after his confession, and the cuts of cody’s initials on her hip and his name on her back had began to burn and itch, as if to remind her that she had asked him to carve himself into her.
she thought about the way she’s been acting around cody. the way she’d literally run to him after feeling disgusted about kissing roman. the way her body had literally wanted to claw at itself after realizing that she had made out with randy and not cody. the way cody had made himself a permanent fixture in her college life. the way that cody was the one who lured her out of her shell and made her realize that if it weren’t for them, she’d most definitely be hating her college life right now.
she had also learned that despite the fact that cody had always sounded like he’d be an emotionless asshole considering the trail of broken hearts he left behind, cody was the same man who’d tie her hair up every morning, hold her hand so she didn’t get lost in the crowd, and make sure that she felt safe at all hours of the day. he’d literally flip the world on its axis just to make sure y/n didn’t have a shit college experience and that she’d only have happy memories here.
“i’m not good at relationships either, i’ve never had a boyfriend.” she mumbled in response, finally looking up to meet cody’s gaze. “i don’t know if what i feel for you is more than platonic.” she admitted softly, and her heart threatened to jump out of her chest at the way she could visibly see cody’s heart break. “but i do know that i like being around you, being taken care of by you, kissing you and getting fucked by you. you’re my favorite person and…” her voice trailed off, and suddenly y/n felt embarrassed. she leaned forward, her head turned downwards and she rested her forehead against cody’s shoulder. “i know that i don’t feel fireworks that tingle all the way down to the ends of my fingers and toes when someone hugs me that isn’t you and i hate kissing someone who isn’t  you.”
cody would settle for that answer for now, and he wrapped his arms around the girl. he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in, and he felt his heart pump slowly in his chest. “so what now? you know i like you and see myself being committed to just you. you don’t know how you feel for me, but it sounds like you don’t want me to stay away.” he asked, closing his eyes and burying his face in the girl’s hair.
“let me figure things out, i guess.” she mumbled, wrapping her arms around cody’s midsection and moving so that she could straddle his lap. “i don’t want you to stop how you’ve already been acting around me, but i think it’s best we don’t kiss or fuck for a while. not until i figure out what i want.” she said.
cody nodded his head, not trusting his own words as he pulled his face out of her hair. he brought his hand up to the back of her neck, squeezing it gently as if to tell her to look up at him. when she pulled her head away to look at him, cody felt as though he could read her thoughts when he looked into her eyes. he could feel the way her thoughts were running a thousand miles an hour, and cody knew what her first step was to figuring out her own emotions. “you’re going to talk to roman, aren’t you?” he asked, watching the way shock quickly took over her features. he flattened out her hair, leaning in as if he were going to kiss her, but quickly dipped his head and pressed a kiss where her neck and shoulder met. “go. i’m getting angry at the thought of you being with roman for reasons that i know isn’t just because of my jealousy.” he laughed, lifting his head and seeing the uncertainty in y/n’s eyes.
“will you be okay if i go talk to him?” y/n asked, bringing her hand up to cup cody’s cheek.
he smiled at her, a half-assed smile that hurt y/n where it really mattered. “if it helps you figure out what you want, then yes, i’ll be more than okay.” he assured her. he bucked his hips up, as if to tell her to get off of his lap and leave. “text ted if you’ll be joining us for dinner. he should be back soon.”
it hadn’t gone over her head that cody had told her to text ted instead of him, but she didn’t push it. everything had blown up so quickly and y/n needed to figure things out now - midterms were starting the very next day and she didn’t need to have this on her mind when she should be worrying about her upcoming exams.
she pushed herself off of cody, stopping herself from leaning in and pecking his lips despite how much her body and heart were yelling at her to ease his pain. she walked over to her desk where both of their phones were resting, picking up her phone and texting roman.
[y/n] can i come over? we need to talk.
she watched as his read receipt showed up almost immediately. what caught her eye was the fact that cody’s phone had lit up with roman’s contact calling him, and she turned to look at cody.
“who is it?” he asked as he got out of bed.
“why did roman call you after reading my text?” she asked, pulling cody’s phone off of the charger and handing cody his phone once he stood beside her.
he stared down at roman’s contact, his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion as he watched the call eventually drop because he let it ring for too long. “no idea.” he mumbled, looking over at y/n’s phone and reading her text with roman. “you didn’t text him anything about me either, so really there’s no reason why he should call me.”
cody unlocked his phone and pulled up his and roman’s text message, about to call the man back before a text from roman popped up.
[roman] she’s texting me talking about suddenly “needing to talk”
[roman] i’ll kill you, rhodes. i know you told her.
he turned his phone off after he read the texts, and before y/n could see it. he cleared his throat, wondering what happened the previous night because seeing roman’s text had ignited something in him. “he text you yet?” he asked her, shoving his phone into his pocket.
“yeah he did. apparently he’s already here in the building talking to a friend of his so he’s coming up.” she hummed, looking up at cody. “you should probably…” her voice trailed off.
cody nodded his head, wondering if it would be okay for him to reach out for a hug. he didn’t like the thought of roman being in the room with y/n alone, considering the threat roman had just texted cody. he settled for patting her head and telling her, “call me or knock on my door if you need me, okay?”
she nodded her head and it took cody a moment for him to actually get moving, feeling as though his feet were glued to the floor. reluctantly, cody made his way out of the room, the only sound as he left being the sound of his keys.
just as he left, roman was already outside of y/n’s door. instead of greeting cody when they crossed paths, roman simply bumped shoulders with cody, and cody returned roman’s fiery glare as the two stood side by side facing opposite directions. for whatever reason, seeing roman now had cody wishing he could raise a fist and slam it into roman’s jaw as hard as he possibly could. but why? because cody wanted to make a statement that he’s better than roman? no, even cody knew that picking a fight with his love rival wouldn’t make him win the girl. so why did cody feel as though he wanted to strangle roman, and why did roman share that same hostility? did cody spill his feelings for y/n during basement night and roman remembered? was roman’s threat because he told cody not to confess to y/n because it’d ruin his chances with her?
every scenario was running through cody’s head, but instead of pressing further, he simply bumped shoulders with roman again, harder than roman had pushed his shoulder against his, and walked past him to walk into his room. cody was going to do everything he could to remember what the fuck happened that night.
y/n watched from inside her room, her eyes wide at the hostility that had occurred outside of her room. eventually though, roman realized that y/n’s door was wide open and she had seen the entire interaction.
roman sighed, thinking of lies to make up to get out of this situation while still saving his 500 dollar bet as he stepped foot inside the room and shut the door behind him.
“look, whatever cody said, it’s a lie, okay? i don’t even know who she is. cody’s trying to spread rumors about me because he’s jealous of us and-” roman began, only to be cut off by a very confused y/n.
“what’s a lie? who is this ‘she’ you’re referring to?” y/n asked, crossing her arms over her chest and raising a brow at roman’s words.
roman couldn’t think of a lie quick enough that’d get himself out of this deeper hole he had dug himself into.
|| next part ||
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makeitastrength · 6 months
Hi! Missing your fics and wondering if you wanna tease anything you've got coming soon?
Hey anon! Thanks so much for dropping by 😊
I didn't mean to go so long without posting but life has just been super busy lately. As usual, I have a bazillion and one WIPs I haven't managed to finish. I also have a fic I've been writing as I rewatch the series and it's basically a complete dissection of chenford's feelings for each other from 1x01 up through 4x22. It's been a fun challenge to write and it's turned into a 45k word monstrosity and it's finally almost done and I'm so excited to share it!
For now, here is a sneak peek from season 2.
Lucy is fine.
Despite what everyone else seems to think, she’s fine.
But deep down, she knows she’s not. She’s been white knuckling it since the moment they pulled out of the station yesterday, and she knows, despite her denials, that Harper and Lopez understand what happened last night. She knows she overreacted, and she knows that visceral instinct probably isn’t going away for a while.
And she really does appreciate Harper’s support and her willingness to help.
But the truth is, the first semblance of safety Lucy feels is when she turns around to find Tim standing behind her, tossing a compliment at her in a way that only he could pull off.
She thinks that’s the end of it, turns back to the bag, but then Tim is speaking again, telling her about his own scars and giving her a glimpse into a childhood she knows nothing about. And she knows what he’s trying to do, knows he’s trying to show her that he can relate to what she’s going through. She appreciates his attempts to help, too. She does. But his scars are different, and she doesn’t want to push him away, but she needs him to understand that it’s not the same.
She went on a date with a serial killer who tattooed her and buried her alive, and despite her psychology degree and months of training as a cop, she somehow missed all the signs that could have prevented her from ending up there in the first place. Instead, she now has a permanent reminder of her failure inked into her skin.
Lucy opens her mouth to fight back – to tell Tim that she appreciates his attempts to help but that he’s missing the point – but before she can he’s speaking again, and this time he’s saying everything she didn’t realize she needed to hear.
But you didn’t die.
I see it as proof that you’re a survivor.
It was the first day of the rest of your life.
And then he tosses her ring back to her and smiles softly, and Lucy is hit by so many emotions she can’t even begin to decipher them all.
Her feelings for Tim have gotten… complicated. She likes him. Not like that. Just… as a person.
But it’s more than that, because now he’s not just the guy she spends twelve hours a day with, sometimes navigating all kinds of complex and often dangerous situations and sometimes simply talking about any and everything. Now, he’s the guy who has her back without question. He’s the guy who is willing to share painful pieces of his own trauma just to help her come to terms with hers. He’s the guy who pulled her from the ground and breathed air back into her lungs and spent the night at her hospital bedside.
She owes him her life.
She owes him… everything.
And she’s not quite sure how to reconcile the man standing in front of her with the one who used to make her life a living hell in every possible way.
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raamitsu · 1 month
Yesterday, my friend on Twitter revealed to me that a lot of Choso stans were having a dissatisfactory discourse with Todo’s sudden appearance because it underwhelmed the atmosphere that was supposed to be the only focus between Choso and Yuji 🤔 Even though I have a Twitter, most of my focus are on the important causes, since getting involved with anitwt discourse would bring me no good.
Not going to lie, it is a very good point. I know JJK is known as a series where there is no room for emotional moment or mourning for the lost ones in a war - in fact, the reason why JJK is quite different is because of its direct and straightforward plot. There have been plenty of deep interactions too but it’s unlikely for Gege to invest in it that much, and if you noticed, we are only getting them through flashbacks - which is why majority of fans were hoping for a training arc before Gojo vs. Sukuna took place.
Couple of people found “training arc” to be very typical just like any other Shounen series, and not suited with JJK - but the readers who requested it did not even asked for big revelations. If the author is a good writer as people claimed to be, he can continue with foreshadow or hidden clues because I bet nobody will give a fuck until Gege reveals it few chapters later. Literally no one wanted Gege to drop so many information, people just wanted some more interactions at the moment Gojo was unsealed. Sadly, in the previous flashbacks we have gotten so far, it was then revealed that not one of the team ever interacted with him so it was a bit upsetting other than his old friends + Ino, Nanami’s close associate.
Now back to Todo’s appearance, do you remember how it went seconds after Gojo lied on the ground and dead? Kashimo instantly went to the battlefield then straight ahead to Sukuna. It happened again in Chapter 259 and again - no space for mourn.
Dunno about yall but I personally believe there will be no problem to have Yuji had his breakdown moment for awhile (ex: Shibuya blackout) and trust that it’s very much needed for someone like him who stands on business every single time - to show that you can be wrecked easily when your opponent gets a few steps ahead of you, makes you feel like you’re going to regret for the rest of your life and deserves to die.
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In my opinion, this panel below has the potential to be the most vilest cliffhanger Gege could pull off but I wonder why he didn’t this time. This is why I refrained from making any post for new chapters, because Gege is known for twisting or crashing the reader’s POVs.
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mins-fins · 9 months
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⊹ ˚. synopsis: it's only tonight, on closing night, on the night of the last ever performance, that the two of them actually realize their feelings for each other.
⊹ ˚. pairing: kim taerae x m!reader
⊹ ˚. genre: fluff, angst but not really
⊹ ˚. warnings: isa's lame theater kid knowledge, crying because again its closing night, might seem very rushed but tbf it is
⊹ ˚. word count: 1.4k
⊹ ˚. notes: hi i went insane yesterday and literally listened to the whole heathers soundtrack before going to sleep and then i woke up and world burn from mean girls immediately began playing so my mind is fried, also i was looking at zb1 trying to see which member would most likely be a theater kid (taerae is so obvious is it not?) okay enough of this long ass note enjoy!
⊹ ˚. this is for favorite taerae delusionist stan jun (@so2uv / @luvjiun) adjshds love you babe
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murmuring, pushing, singing, bustling, sound checks, and of course, last minute line rehearsals. y/n has been through the process many times, though he officially joined the pre-production team in his sophomore year, he's become used to the chaos which ensues on closing night.
he's already prepared for the tears, the shouts from audience members, the constant reminders from the director that he needs to follow the very specific instructions so that the sound operates correctly and according to plan. he can hear the mutters from the other hundred people either apart of production, pre-production, and theatre staff as they all converse about closing night.
y/n usually never gets emotional during closing night, because he doesn't perform on the stage, it makes sense why the actors would be emotional, but he usually never find a reason to become emotional during closing night, because he was only behind the scenes, he never usually did anything important onstage.
but this year.. this year is different.
y/n listens to everything going on around him, all the consecutive noise blending into his ears and just becoming blurry, but out of all the singers warming up their voices for the final ever performance of the year, there's one that really stands out.
kim taerae.
y/n can't help but admire taerae. he's been in musical theater for as long as he can remember, and he's never met someone who peaked his interest more. taerae has never really done musical theater as a serious thing before (which y/n honestly respects) but his voice is incredible, and he can certainly act amazingly even without any experience in theater.
kim taerae is practically flawless. he's beautiful, he's funny, he's talented, well spoken, y/n could probably listen to him sing for hours and not get bored he swears on his life—
alright, now this just sounds like a rant on how y/n is totally and mortifyingly in love with kim taerae.
which is totally not true! he isn't in love with kim taerae at all!
he just loves every single little thing about him, enjoys spending time with him whenever he can, will listen to him ramble on and on, will listen to him sing and simply admire his voice the whole time, or just admire his face and poke his dimples because he finds taerae to be one of the most beautiful men he thinks he's ever seen in his life.
but he's not in love with him, that would be absurd! that would be crazy.
"zoning out on closing night is crazy" jay mutters, lightly nudging y/n, who was busy admiring taerae. "jesus when'll you ask him out?"
"i have no idea what your talking about".
park hanbin peaks from behind lee jeonghyeon, giggling. "aw, y/n has a crush?"
"i do not, jay's just crazy" y/n states flatly, he hopes hanbin can't see the fact that his face is turning red, it's just the heat in the room! yeah just the heat in the room!
"uh huh, like you weren't looking at kim taerae with lovestruck eyes".
"yeah no you guys are crazy".
jeonghyeon stares at y/n like he's crazy, clearly not buying his act, and y/n glares at jeonghyeon, crossing his arms. "sure y/n, and would you look at that, your lover boy!"
"my what—"
y/n isn't able to finish his sentence when he's lightly pushed forward and he bumps into taerae, how great, he curses at jay in his mind but smiles as soon as taerae looks up at him.
"y/n i was looking for you!"
"you were?"
"i was!" taerae claps his hands. oh my fucking god he is so pretty y/n is trying so hard not to faint with taerae so close, they've been this close before obviously, but it's just so much more different like this, especially tonight, on closing night. "just wanted to talk to you, before the final performance, obviously".
y/n chuckles, feeling like a teenage girl talking to her crush or something. he feels oddly giddy, and it's very embarrassing, but he can't think about that right now. "oh my god, don't sweat it your gonna do great".
"i—" taerae pauses, grabbing y/n's hands, he opens his mouth but then doesn't speak, a little nervousness taking over him, but that's expected, he's doing the lead singing part. "yeah, i know, it's just closing night, and that gets everybody pretty emotional and the stakes are pretty high tonight, you know? i'm just nervous and all—"
"taerae" y/n cuts in, and taerae hums, blinking as he stares up at the other. y/n can't form words for a moment because taerae just looks so.. pretty, god he's going to die. "i have watched every single performance of yours, every single practice, i know you, i know how you are, and i know that your very talented, your going to do amazing".
taerae looks dumbstruck, like he'd just been told the secrets of the universe or something. he just pauses as he stares at y/n, with his wide, pretty eyes that seem to be shining. y/n can't tell what kind of look he's being given, and with the way taerae is staring, simply frozen, worries him a bit.
taerae finally laughs, still holding onto y/n's hands, just swinging them back and forth. "i— your so corny" he looks away, face red. "but thank you, i'll take those words into account".
"were up in five!"
taerae blinks, looking back to y/n for one last time. "okay, that's my cue, do well sound guy".
taerae stands on his tippy toes, leaning forward to press a kiss onto y/n's cheek. he gives him one bright dimpled smile before walking away, giving no explanation for that action.
y/n just stands there, in awe, his face is burning, his face is red, holy shit he probably looks like an idiot right now, but how does one normally function after an action like that? he blinks a few times, just trying to process what just happened.
"y/n! come on places!"
"oh— yeah! coming!"
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sniffling, sobbing, sad laughing, happy tears, and crazy hugs. again, y/n has seen this all before, closing night is usually very depressing, and for some reason, the air after the performance ends and all the actors get backstage saddens him.
it could just be because he's a senior and the nostalgia could be hitting him hard, he's leaving next week, then it's off to college and student debt. some of the pre-production crew even get emotional, and y/n finds himself comforting them as they cry.
still, his mind is focused on one person.
he was distracted by taerae the whole time, and to be fair, who wasn't? taerae was amazing, he hit pretty much every note there was to hit, and his acting was simply flawless, y/n found himself smiling every time he came onstage.
so, as he listens to the talking, the sobs, the sniffles, and watches the tightening hugs, y/n's eyes naturally look for taerae, not spotting him at all.
well he doesn't have to look hard.
y/n lightly jumps, startled by taerae and his loud voice. he calms down and smiles as he looks at taerae, who looks like he's on the verge of tears. "gosh, don't scare me like that, taerae".
taerae giggles. "you were right, everything went well".
but as y/n stares at taerae, he seems to begin crumbling, like he's trying to hold in his tears yet can't do it. and he can't, because taerae breaks down and pulls y/n into a tight embrace.
"oh, oh my god, are you okay?"
taerae sniffles, just burying his face into y/n's shirt, and y/n allows it, letting his shirt be stained by taerae's tears. "i— i don't know it's just very hard not to cry during a time like this and i feel like i gave it my all and—"
taerae can't continue, he simply sobs into y/n's shirt, holding onto him like he'll slip from his reach if he lets go. "you know, rae, i am so proud of you, you did so well".
y/n rests his chin onto taerae's head, running his hand up and down his back, a smile coming to his face. "you worked so hard, and you did so well, i'm so proud of you, i'm so happy to have you, i love you".
he's too into the moment to realize what he's saying, but taerae clutches onto him again, taking a deep breath.
"i— i love you too y/n".
what a happy ending, huh?
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soupwoopsage · 5 months
I’d do it for you
pairing: aesop sharp x reader
summary: as you were working under an internship program at J. Pippins potions, you happened to see a certain potions professor quite often. This certain professor just so happens to become your new boyfriend.
while going out collecting items for work you decide to take a small stroll around the school hoping to see someone in particular….
warnings: !established relationship (but it’s fairly new) lots of love and talk of love
note: i wanted i write for this handsome professor again…. heh
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as the sunshine creeps through the windows of your small apartment in hogsmede, you awake suddenly at your desk looking around in confusion. you quickly come to realize that you did in fact fall asleep at your desk again instead of your bed
what a night… you think to yourself as you stand up and stretch your limbs, letting out a long yawn feeling the strain in your neck from not sleeping in a proper bed
you spent all night studying books about healing potions once again, still trying to find a upgraded version of the wiggenweld potion to help cure more… serious injury’s…
you walk towards your tiny bathroom to wash up quickly so you wouldn’t be late for work
you continue to yawn constantly as your wash your face, moving your wand to help fix up your hair at the same time.
i wonder if aesop has sent me anything this morning you think to yourself while changing out of yesterdays clothes into todays
on cue to your thought, your snowy owl comes flying through your bedroom window with a letter perched up in his small beak
“ah there you are leo” you say to your pet, who you named leo after your father “i hope you brought something from aesop” you say as you gently grab the letter and open it up
y/n, i would love to see you this afternoon after you have finished all your work. you may meet me in my classroom.
yours, aesop
you read the letter and lightly squeal to yourself. you absolutely adored your new boyfriend, which still felt so strange to call him that.
the first three months of you arriving here for your job offer at mr. pippins shop you would have a few regular customers of course, but nobody visited as often at aesop sharp did. for a moment you thought it was because he was the potions professor at hogwarts (that you came to learn from mr. pippins) but it soon turned into more frequent and friendly visits that never ended with him purchasing anything. he seemed a bit closed off the first few times you two crossed paths, a very reserved and well kept man was what you saw him as.
soon he began to create conversation with not only mr. pippins but with you as well. of course you were a ray of sunshine in his eyes, always smiling and showing such interests in the topics he would bring up (mostly potions and their backgrounds) it did take a few months, but the man mustered up enough courage to finally ask you out to a fine dining restaurant in northern hogsmede which you were quick to agree to.
the night had its fair share of deep emotional conversations and laughs, that turned into more nights spent together. soon enough he was asking you to be with him, not just as friends. since this all happened within the last week, the new relationship was still fresh as the two of you were still getting the feel for each other. you’ve already shared your first kiss as well, which has you feeling more comfortable around him already…you knew you were in love.
you quickly get ready for the day and make your way across the street to the potions shop and greet your lovely boss. you loved working here, you were able to brew potions almost all day long to keep items in stock since many students from the school always popped by to get recipes and bottles of different potions and on the days you weren’t brewing potions you went out finding specific ingredients for the shop to bring back. you liked to explode near hogwarts on the off chance you might see your beloved professor sharp walking around outside the building where his classroom was situated in. he doesn’t get out alot, but you never knew if you would be able to see him.
today was no different, mr. pippins asked you to retrieve certain ingredients for the shop which you gladly agreed to. after running through the forbidden forest for 2 or 3 hours you gathered alot of ingredients you needed to help out with the potion making.
you look up at the sky to determine the time from the sun and saw that it still was early afternoon
maybe i’ll take a small walk around hogwarts you think to yourself as you make your way towards the school
i wish i could’ve gone here, the architecture is so lovely you think to yourself walking around the castle grounds, admiring the building and all the students having fun outside.
“y/n? is that you?” you hear a voice call out to you from behind
you quickly spin on your heels at the sound, recognizing it as your beloved’s
“aesop!” you say with a bright small, walking towards him “oh i mean, professor sharp” you correct yourself with a smirk
“what are you doing here early? i was expecting you in another hour or so” he asks looking down at you
“i was just finishing up my travels from the forbidden forest for ingredients for the shop, i decided to talk a walk around the outside of the school” you say with a smile, holding back from leaping up and wrapping your arms around the rugged man
“that explains why your coat is so dirty…” he says looking down at you “let’s go back to my classroom, i have some things that can clean you up” he says in a serious tone while turning around and walking towards the building
“are you done with classes today?” you ask following behind him, watching his little limp
i need to find something for that soon, it looks so painful
“i’m finished for the day but i do have some work i must attend to. i’ll get you cleaned up first” he says walking towards the building his class was in.
the walk there was filled with glances from various students and whispers of “who’s that with professor sharp?” you lower your head as you walk behind him, not wanting to cause too much attention to yourself.
as the two of you take your first few steps into the classroom you inhale the scents of burnt ingredients coming from some of the cauldrons 
“seems some of your students went off book today huh?” you ask jokingly, noticing some of the cauldrons that were extremely messy
“yes, some of my students can’t seem to wrap their head around the basics” he says from inside of his office, rummaging through his drawers for something
“ah here it is” he says holding up a small box that seemed to be a med kit “go have a seat near my table at the end of the class there” he says assigning you the specific seat
“yes sir” you say smirking, walking towards the table
you hear his cough up a bit from surprise at your response as he walks behind you
once you find your way to your seat waiting for him to sit down you notice the piles of papers upon the table in front of his chair
“i wonder if i would fail your class if i went here” you say looking at some of the quiz questions written on the page
he sits down with a slight wince, possibly from a small shot of pain running up from him leg
“well that depends, would you study?” he asks while pulling out some cloth and liquid from the small box
“i think i’d be too invested in staring at you all class long” you admit smiling up at him
“well then you definitely would fail” he says cleaning up around your face with a small smile
“you know i’ve heard many rumors about you professor” you say as he cleans up the dirt around you face
“and what have you heard?” he asks intrigued, now looking directly at you
“students come into our shop all the time, talking about the big bad intimidating professor, how you don’t make any exceptions for anything at all” you say with a smile
“and what to you make of that?”
you think for a second “i say they are wrong, they just don’t know you like i do” you answer before giving him a small peck on his lips
he’s aken aback by your action before you go in for another “they definitely don’t know you like i do” you say against his lips
he lets out a huff as you pulls you closer than before, having you practically sitting on top of him, beginning to kiss your lips even more. you happily sigh into the kiss and allow yourself to completely melt into his arms. after a few minutes you pull away, quickly realizing that there are still students walking around the school and you didn’t want to get caught even if the door was closed
“you simply don’t know what you do to me y/n” he mumbles against your lips
you smile into him and give him a few more kisses before pulling off of his lap
“you don’t want your students catching you like this now do you mr big bad professor ?” you say pulling away and sitting back into your chair
“i suppose not….” he trails off still staring at you
you look at him for a little longer before clearing your throat “i can help you with grading some papers if you’d like” you offer with a smile
“that sounds good darling” he says
you feel a tingle in your stomach at the pet name, not expecting that from him
after a few minutes of reviewing and looking over students work you finish the stack of papers he has given you. you look around the room and realize that aesop has almost every ingredient in here, including ones that can help you with your recent studies
“do you think i could test some potions out? i’ve been working on something and i see you have a few ingredients here that i could use, i’ll replace them of course when i’m done” you ask with hopeful eyes
“yes you may, just make sure you don’t make too much of a mess like my student mr weasley seems to do every class” he says jokingly while writing on a students paper, but you could tell that he seriously was not happy with whoever this mr weasley was
pulling out your small journal from your bag, you get up and roam the area for ingredients. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel a pair of eyes on you most of the time as you moved your hips around the classroom grabbing what you needed
you turn around to catch aesop looking directly at you “am i distracting you professor?” you ask with a smirk, setting down the ingredients at one of the clean cauldrons
“maybe we can choose to hurry up so we can get out of here yes?” you follow up while opening up some of the bottles
“that seems like a wise decision” he replies as he picks up the pace on grading papers
you smile at him before going back to your journal, following the instructions you had written down that should get you to the result you want
after combining all of the ingredients you stir in the correct direction to see if anything happens.
that color doesn’t look correct…
with a quick flash and a ‘boom’ the potion seems to completely evaporate into gas form right in front of your eyes, leaving you with nothing inside the cauldron
you look up at aesop who was already standing up and walking over to you worriedly
“is everything alright y/n?” he asks taking a closer look at you for injuries
“oh i’m okay! i seem to have miscalculated with my journal entries here… i’ll have to try again another time i suppose” you disappointingly say looking down at your boots
“it’s alright darling, you will get it next time. whatever it is” he says reassuring you, his hand still on your face making sure there was nothing there
you smile up at him and give him a happy nod
i’m not giving up on this, i’m not giving up on you
after a few minutes of cleaning up and packing your bags, the both of you head out for another night spent together
you stop him before you walk out of the class and give him a kiss on the cheek
“thank you for letting me experiment today, even if i made a small mess”
“no need to thank me, after all i’d do it for you” he says looking down at you
that face… that handsome face… you lean up and give him a passionate kiss, pouring as much love as you could into that kiss. you felt so much warmth from him, so much reassurance. he smiles down at you with admiring eyes, squeezing your hands in his. soon the both of you head out towards hogsmede to drop off your ingredients for work following up with another romantic dinner at your favorite eatery.
later that night you tell yourself that you can and will make something for your beloved. you were determined to make him feel better no matter what. you would do anything for the potions professor, and nothing was going to make you give up.
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So this guy was venting. He was very upset after his mom took his ex girlfriend’s side of things.  This and the update aren’t very long so I’ll just copy and paste them 
This was the first one: 
I was raised by single mom. my dad died 2 years after i was born. I focused on my career for the most part of my life and my mom supported me doing that. but when i was 20 i met my ex girlfriend and we got together. we were colleagues first but she told me she'd work in a different sector soon. in her new workplace she met a new guy who she fell "in love" with while being in a relationship with me.
i only found out because she admitted to have sex with him to me after she went out for "girls night" with her friends. i immediately broke up with her and threw her out. a few hours of me trying to process what happened my mum called me and shouted at me that she hasn't raised me like this. i was confused and asked what she meant and she said that my ex girlfriend accused me of cheating on her and that she "found prove" of that on my phone. i couldn't believe what i just heard.
i tried to talk to my mother telling her that the exact opposite is true and that she has cheated on me but she didn't believe me. part of the reason is probably because she and my mom truly loved each other. i never had a problem with that. till then i liked how they got along with each other. my mother called me a liar and she said she'd disinherit me from her will as she's not having a cheater as a son. she said she never wents to see me again. then later my grandparents called me to tell me how disappointed they are of me and that i deserve every bad thing that is to come. you know what the worst thing was? i found out that my cheating ex girlfriend continued to meet with my mom after everything she did.
all of this was so painful for me. the only person that sided with me was my best friend who was furious with her. i talked to him and he hugged me and i cried in his arms. i know many people would think thats unusual for two guys. but his support really helped me getting through this. one year later when i already was over it my doorbell rang and when i opened i saw my mom with teary eyes and i began to feel how my emotions are coming up and i slammed the door and started crying asking her what the f*ck she wants here.
she said she wanted to talk to me and that she was so sorry. after she begged for 15 minutes straight i gave in and opened the door. she said my ex admitted that she cheated when she was drunk. she apologized profusely and said that she knows that she failed as a mother not believing her own child.
i told her that i accept her apology but i don't want to see her now and that i probably can never forgive her. even though she begged me to forgive her. over the last few months she started calling me daily "just to hear my voice" as she said. she said she missed me then apologized again and asked if i could just come over. her voice always sounded kinda painful and she always says how much she loves me and that even she could understand that i hate her she cannot live with this thought on her head. i don't even hate her. i still love her. she is still my mom but the trust is broken.
i can never trust her again because what if i got into a relationship again. who says that she wouldn't just believe their word over mine again? i appreciate her efforts but i just cannot forgive her or even see her now. and i hope she understands that i need time.
And here’s the update: 
After reading too many comments yesterday i decided to meet with my mom today to clarify everything. I texted her to come over and she didn't hesitate. she literally appeared at my door within 15 minutes.
many of you pointed out good points i should ask her. even though she called several times we rarely really talked. so when she came over i sat her down in the living room. there i asked about my grandparents, her will and if she is still in contact with my ex.
she explained that she had told my grandparents and she expected them to call me but it seems like they were too stubborn. she also said i'm in her will again. she then started talking shit about my ex. she said that when she found out she punched her so hard that my ex lost a few teeth. I very much doubt the accuracy of this story detail but i wanted to share it anyway because for me it was a funny thing to think about. she said she told her to "f*ck off" and threw her out of the house.
she then again started apologizing profusely and telling me that she knows how hard she messed up and that i probably can never trust her but she wants to do "everything in her power" to make this right. she explained that the man before my father had cheated on her so infidelity was a sensitive topic for her. and then she said that she regrets not believing me or even remotely hearing my side of the story.
i sat quiet while she explained all this. i then asked her how i know that i could trust her now. what would happen if i got into a similiar situation and if she would just throw me away again. she said i have her word and i replied that her word is basically meaningless as i don't trust her in the first place.
she didn't reply to that answer properly and again begged me to forgive. i told her that i cannot forgive her for now and maybe i will never be able to forgive her but i also see her efforts and if she wants me in her life again then she has to show me that i can count on her. she started tearing up. i could tell she tried to hold in her tears the entire time. but then she broke down crying and with a wimpering voice she asked if she at least could give me a hug. i accepted that and she said she's gonna make this right no matter what it takes and then she left.
now while i am kinda touched in how she shows how much she regrets doing what she did i am really concerned about my own reaction. when she broke down and i saw my own mother there on the floor crying i didn't feel anything. i wasn't sad, i wasn't angry, i wasn't happy and i certainly didn't show any sort of empathy for her. i just couldn't. during the year of having no contact with her i refused to go to therapy. maybe its not to late to do that now.
in the end i want to thank all of you for your nice comments and support. i tried to read every single one of your comments but the post kinda exploded way more than i expected. have a nice day!
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(I know the pictures look different. I was looking at the post on my computer instead of on my phone and taking a screenshot) 
 I can’t look at this mother as a victim. I really don’t understand why the 2nd commenter doesn’t see what she did wrong. This wasn’t just a brief time where she believed the ex girlfriend and then apologized (to her son). This took a year to get to that point. she blatantly turned her back on him and took this a step further. 
Regardless of how close she felt to this ex girlfriend or how much anger she was carrying because she was cheated on previously, that’s her son 
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
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Tennis AU! I haven't edited this, so I hope it makes sense lol.
Part 1 | Part 15 | Part 17
Part 16
Daniel’s eyes fluttered open at the feeling of lips on his forehead, he couldn’t stop the soft smile that breached his lips even if he wanted to. Max was smiling down from above him, sun bleached blonde hair mussed from sleep, a few errant locks falling forward. He looked so soft and sweet and Daniel couldn’t help but lean forward for a proper kiss.
It was early, he knew. But Max had warned him that he would have had an earlier start today– it being his home race in Holland. Since he landed literally last night, Daniel was going to sleep in some more and come to the track closer to the afternoon race time.
“Go back to sleep.” Max whispered, his lisp a little more pronounced in the morning.
“Mmm love you.” Daniel mumbled into the sheets, missing but knowing that Max’s eyes crinkled in his smile.
“I love you too.” Then Max was clambering off the bed, Daniel peaked a honey brown eye to watch his boyfriend’s perfect ass and broad back walk across the room and into the adjoining bathroom.
It’s been a whirlwind 24 hours. This time yesterday, he was pacing around his hotel room, stomach in knots at the final. Max was on facetime rolling his baby blues and reminding him that he was going to win– in no uncertain terms. 
Well, after that, he just had to prove him right. And Daniel won. A second Wimbledon trophy for his cabinet and another slam for his stats. 
Stretching a little under the covers; which didn’t at all let in any cold outside air in his fluffy cocoon– Max was literally so perfect. Daniel looked around for his actual trophy. They one he clutched the whole plane ride and only let go once Max was pulling him in closer. 
He hadn’t wanted anything to come between him and the perfect plains of Max’s chest. Did he mention that Max was perfect? All broad shoulders and freckles. Strong strong muscles covered in a softness that meant he gave the most perfect hugs and could hold Daniel down.
Finding his quarry, he reached out of his blanket burrito and grabbed the cool metal. He shivered but still brought it under the sheets. Thankfully it didn’t take too long for the silver to warm up and he happily spooned and snuggled it in the middle of the bed. This was something he did when he had won in ‘18, in his emotional and physical exhaustion he had snuggled with the cup and promptly fell asleep. Blake had taken a picture– because of course he did– and he’d woken up to all sorts of teasing and memes the next day.
Last night he had something quite nicer to snuggle with, but this felt like a tradition at this point.
When Max left the bathroom with a towel around his waist and water dripping from his hair, he couldn’t help but chuckle. Padding to his side table, he grabbed up his phone and took as many photos as he dared. Daniel looked adorable– his mouth open and drooling on his pillow, clutching his trophy.
Max couldn’t blame him. Not when he slept with his first WDC trophy in his bed for three nights because he simply couldn’t believe it.
Sending the cutest picture to Blake, he went about dressing for the day ahead. If all goes to plan, he’ll have his own trophy tonight and then they would probably lay them in the center of the bed like babies. 
Shaking his head to release that thought, Max leaned over and kissed Daniel’s forehead once more, smiling when the tired man snuggled deeper in sleep.
When Daniel woke up at a more reasonable time (to him); his phone was blowing up. Curious, he blearily looked at all of his notifications. There were a few from his family, individually and from their family group chat. There was a tonne from his friends, but the majority were from social media. 
Warily opening instagram, he scrolled through his DMs seeing various reactions to a picture he posted. 
“Kinda delayed I guess?” He muttered. He’d posted a picture from the plane last night, a different version of the (pg) selfie he sent Max. Opening the message from Scotty, he couldn’t say he recognised the photo the other Aussie was reacting to. 
Waking up to a tonne of notifications wasn’t wildly out of the ordinary; Blake posted from Daniel’s verified accounts all the time. From sponsored posts to any sort of teasers from brand deals. He didn’t recall anything on the schedule but clicked the picture anyway.
His own sleepy face clutching his trophy like a baby stared back at him. The familiar hotel room was what told him that this was a recent picture and not a throwback to 2018.
“What the fuck?” Going back to his messages the two at the top of the pile offered some form of explanation.
Maxy Baby 🥵 ‘I had no clue he would post it. Sorry I thought you were so cute.’
Blakearooni ‘Revenge accomplished’
Chuckling in spite of himself, Daniel typed back a reply to both–ensuring to call Blake an asshole and to placate Max’s guilt– and threw his phone on the bed. He had to think of the perfect retaliation.
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan, Episode 5 - Her Melancholy
You know what, that's fair. I'm still mad but that's fair.
Again, I love Haruhi, she is my character, but I want the first thing I see this episode to be Haruhi flung violently out the window. Here we go.
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Okay, Yuki probably wouldn't violently fling Haruhi out the window. Running away crying in an anxiety panic is more believable.
But you, Ryoko. You can do this. I believe in you. You are the epitome of Lawful Menace and you can hurl that trespasser through that window. Here we go!
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She is holding it. She is holding Yuki's chocolates.
I mean. Reasonably speaking, Haruhi is innocent of any wrongdoing here. She had no idea. She met a boy, wanted to hang out, and hit it off. She barely even knows these people. Haruhi has done nothing wrong.
If she and Yuki were pals and she knew about Yuki's crush, then yes. If Ryoko had done this, then it would be a huge betrayal and personal violation of Yuki's friendship. But Haruhi's under no obligation to hang back and refrain from flirting with guys she meets in case someone else had eyes on them first.
As... bizarre as it is to say given her behavior in the other show, Haruhi is not the Bad Guy (TM) here. Reasonably, Yuki is simply running into the brick wall of "You never made a move". A curse that afflicts many a neurodivergent and anxietous person with their first or even later crushes. She had her chance at the Christmas Party and even tried to shoot her shot, but she took it back and let it pass her by. Now a bolder and more confident person is scooping him up instead.
That is a reasonable assessment of what's happened.
However, I have watched Yuki agonize over her feelings for four episodes so I am not feeling reasonable. I want Haruhi hit by a truck.
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For real, though, I do feel for Haruhi here. She has no idea why Ryoko's furious.
This is the kind of character drama where nobody's really in the wrong, and that's always the most heart-wrenching of all. Haruhi was right to take her chance but Ryoko is right to be livid over it.
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Oh shit, she wasn't even flirting.
(Opportunity to research Japanese Valentine's Day unlocked. Today I Learned Something!)
Episode 4 even set this up with Mikuru and Tsuruya discussing obligation chocolate. Valentine's Day in Japan is celebrated by the practice of women giving chocolate to men, but there are two different kinds: Inexpensive obligation chocolate and handmade true feelings chocolate, the latter of which can be used as a romantic confession.
Obligation chocolates are given to whatever guys happen to be in your social space. Colleagues, friends, acquaintances, etc. Just to avoid hurting anybody's feelings. Which has come under fire for pressuring women into pacifying men, with many opting in recent years to give friendship chocolate instead to just the people they're close to.
But, in any case, obligation chocolate is what Haruhi was doing here. She was just participating in a holiday custom, whereas Yuki and Ryoko spent the better part of yesterday whipping up heartfelt true feelings chocolate for Kyon.
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Okay she no longer needs to be thrown out the window. They totally faked me out back there.
(Partly because I didn't understand chocolate politics. I did think it was odd that Haruhi was casually handing Kyon what is clearly just a Hershey's bar from the corner store but I figured that was just Haruhi being the type to buy her chocolate rather than make it at home. I did not realize there were actually different cultural meanings to the different gestures.)
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Did she know that? She popped by yesterday and Kyon told her, "Yeah, everyone went home so club's cancelled." And then the two of them went off and hung out instead.
How would Haruhi know that Yuki was preparing true feelings chocolate for Kyon?
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Lawful Menace is as much of an emotional roller-coaster of First Time Feeling Things as Yuki is. She just hides it better.
Ryoko Asakura is this show's MVP. No question. I like how she cherry-taps her punch because she even at her wit's end, she can't bring herself to attack another person over something she knows, in the rational part of her brain, isn't their fault.
So she takes a moment to just. Break down. And cry. And work through her feelings. This is good. Meanwhile poor Haruhi isn't really consoling her so much as she winds up having to be breakdown adjacent.
Sometimes there's nothing you can say or do. Sometimes you just have to be breakdown adjacent.
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Yuki is entirely to blame here. She saw chocolate and had a panic attack. Even though, unlike me, she's lived in this culture for her entire life and would know what obligation chocolate is.
Ryoko needs to throttle Yuki. With love. But also throttling.
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There we go. Throttling with love.
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She doesn't even realize she dropped the box.
So she didn't have a panic attack and flee. She's just. A disaster.
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Yuki. Yuki. Why are you the most precious thing ever to walk on Haruhi's green earth?
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Yuki sitting there like, "I'll be okay with it if you like Kyon too."
And Ryoko's face like, "I won't. I'll cut a bitch."
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