#you can really tell this one came between intensive hand studies
scorpioriesling · 2 days
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So American
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairings: Rhysand x reader
Warnings: this is so fluffy oh my
Summary: Rarely do you get to go back to the continent to visit what you once called “home”, and when you do, your newly discovered mate is happy to accompany you — and learn some of the things that make you who you are (a human), as you’ve already learned things about what it is liek to be fae.
SR’s Note: Bare with me guys… this inspo came from Olivia Rodrigo’s song and I was getting all the giggly, feet kicking vibes. I wanted this one to be about Rhys, and the “continent” in this fic is just going to have to be America because it fits the theme I’m rockin with this time pls ENJOY <3 I apologize for how short it is lol
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"And you... ride them for fun?" You glance sidelong at the male to your left as he thumbs through a flyer, brow furrowed in confusion as he studies a page going over details about your city's amusement park. You can't help but giggle at his contemplation over what humans consider "fun".
"Yes, and a lot of people like to ride rollercoasters for the thrill," you explain. He looses a breath, shaking his head slowly and widening his eyes as he flips the page. The afternoon sun gently casts the sidewalk in a golden glow as you walk the streets of your hometown, finally having time with your lovely mate to show him the place you've always called "home". As a couple moves past you on the sidewalk, you pull Rhys close by his elbow to sidestep them; him blissfully unaware, his nose still buried in the pamphlet he'd picked up from the gas station hours ago.
That in itself was quite the revelation.
"Are you hungry, my dear?" You ask. He finally looks up, and smiles softly at you as he notices your touch on his arm. His hand is placed over yours in an instant, and he nods.
"I am," he says. You approach the crosswalk, and he stops.
"We wait until the red," you say, and he rolls his eyes playfully.
"Oh come now, Y/N -- I've seen a stoplight before," he teases. You scoff, and he earns a swat on the arm.
"Hey! I don't know how much you know or don't about the Continent." You say. He quickly kisses the crown of your head, and as the light flashes red, you make your way across the street. You walk quickly to match his pace, his lethal grace propelling him forward at an almost unmatchable speed.
"So, where shall we dine, my dear?" He questions. You bite your lip in ponderment. Glancing around, you pass storefront after storefront -- none of them quite catching your fancy. That is, until you approach the unmistakeable golden arches. You grin mischieveously.
"Rhysand..." you purr. He grins down at you innocently.
"Yes, darling?"
"Have you ever been to a McDonald's?" You ask.
"Why... no, I don't believe I have-"
*✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
"Rhys, you've got something..." You lick your finger, swiping it across his cheek as you exit the Mickey D's, giggling at your mate's unusual messiness. He grins, chuckling down at you.
"Oh my... what was it?" He asks.
"Ketchup," you grin. Between his practical orgasm over a McDonald's cheeseburger and trying to pay for your food in Prythian currency, you'd say the dinner was... quite eventful, to say the least.
"Well... I can say, I do quite like it. Ketchup, I mean." He tilts his head in thought, and you laugh. "And, McDonald's. Very good choice, Y/N."
"I'm really glad you liked it honey," you say, biting your lip to hold back your smile. "But, that's nothing compared to the fine dining we could have-" He gasps, grapping your hand in his as you continue your walk down the sidewalk.
"You mean to tell me that was not fine dining?" You laugh again, and he smiles at you, gazing into your eyes so intently that you have to pull to the side of the walkway and stop for a moment to return the sentiment.
"No, silly," you say between chuckles. His intense gaze lingers, and he pulls you close to press a kiss to your lips, smiling into you as he does. You wrap your arms around his neck, not caring about the looks you get from the numerous passerbys.
"I'll never tire of hearing that laugh," he says, pulling back slightly. You stare up at him, and his hands brush up and down your sides. Standing on your tip toes, you press a kiss to his cheek before he takes your hand in his once more, pulling you close to soon wrap it around the small of your waist.
"Just wait until I expose you to ice cream-"
"There's... ice cream to be had?"
*✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
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valhethella · 9 months
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Leon Kennedy period problems from May Patreon
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shadowdaddies · 5 months
Hi! I hope you're doing well. I was wondering if you could write something where you're Cassian's mate and you confess to him that you've always wondered what it would be like to have a threesome with him and Azriel? And Cas gets really excited and goes to ask Az if he's interested
hi hi love! so I have a little mini series with Cassian x Azriel x Reader and this prompt fits perfectly as a second part, or it can be read separately. I'll link the other parts below:
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
Listening In (Pt. II)
Cassian x Reader ft. Azriel
Warnings: very suggestive
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Cassian stormed back into the room, grumbling under his breath as he set a glass of water for you on the table. Running hand through his long black hair, the Illyrian let out an angry huff, hazel eyes turning to yours as you reached a hand out in concern.
Holding his hand in yours, you rubbed the back of it with your thumb, taking in his frustrated expression. “Cass, what’s going on?” 
His gaze flicked towards the door, lower lip tugged between his teeth as he thought for a moment. Shaking his head, he muttered, “it’s nothing, sweetheart. Don’t worry about it.” 
Sitting up in the bed, you pulled Cassian to sit next to you, your hand cupping his cheek as you attempted to soothe him. “Cassian, please talk to me. You know you can tell me anything.”
“Az heard us just now,” he whispered, eyes studying your reaction. You couldn’t stop the flush that crossed your cheeks, butterflies erupting in your stomach at the thought of the beautiful shadowsinger having overheard such a private moment. “If that makes you uncomfortable at all, I will go beat his ass right now,” Cassian growled, his hand tightening its grip on your thigh.
Clearing your throat, heat rushed further to your face, a nervous laugh leaving your lips. You couldn’t bear to look at Cassian. “It doesn’t bother me,” you whispered, heart thundering in your chest as you anxiously awaited your mate’s reaction.
Instead of the hurt or anger you feared from him, Cassian tilted your chin up, looking down at you with mirthful hazel eyes. His tongue subconsciously flicked out over his lower lip, the scent of your combined arousals filling the room for the second time tonight. 
“Would you like that? For Azriel to hear your pretty moans, see how you writhe under my touch?”
Your legs clenched at his words, barely holding back a moan as your breaths grew uneven at the thought. You’d imagined what it would be like to be with both Cassian and Azriel, but never dreamed of crossing the line by mentioning it to your mate.
Cassian’s voice came out as a low growl, the Illyrian leaning in as his lips brushed the shell of your ear. “Or would you like for him to touch you? To taste that sweet pussy as I watch, getting a perfect view of your body for myself before we both pleasure you?” A mewl escaped you, mind whirling with intense desire at his taunt. 
“Mmm, that’s it, isn’t it? One male isn’t enough for you, my greedy little mate? Did I not fuck you hard enough earlier?” he whispered, hand moving in between your legs to feel the slick there. 
Lowering himself on the bed, Cassian spread your legs as he bared your pussy to him, eyes darkening as you instinctively arched into his touch. “Maybe I’ll talk to Azriel, see if he’s deserving of this sweet pussy. But it’s mine for tonight,” he murmured, breath hot against your core before diving in.
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thephantomsdream · 2 months
So I just have this idea in mind about a meet-cute with our dearest John.
[Notes: I am writing this at work, and it is raining, and no, I have no costumers, and yes, it is self-indulgent because why not. We're just vibing and dumping cute stuff with some spell-checking, but I could've missed something so I do apologize for that. No use of Y/N or Reader in this one.]
Imagine it's raining where you are right now and you work dealing with customers somehow, yeah? Anyway, John is in the city for work, as always, and he coincidentally entered your workplace. He's smitten, not gonna lie. I see him as the type of man to know, you know? Hell, he'll look at you and you'll also feel the want too, the way he's seizing you up, almost as he is planning how to slowly kiss you. I swear you can feel his warm and rugged hands running over your body, but you have to act professional because he's hot and you're most likely looking too much into things.
But you're actually not, yeah? He smiles at you, a little small smile, blue eyes flicking between your eyes and lips. And god, he fucking looks into your soul. If you have time to talk to him, he'll definitely ask you about yourself while telling you some things about himself, vague but enough to satisfy curiosity. It's also raining, meaning you don't have many costumers, so the conversation goes and he runs it smoothly. It's effortless, the way he talks to you and makes you comfortable. Yes, definitely, you can tell he's flirting with you, but contrary to some younger men, he's calm, he's not pushy, although he is a little in your space. Just a little intense, and you can tell he's like that all the time. Close enough for you to smell his cologne, close enough to hear his voice rasp as he finishes his sentences as he's a little bit distracted by your lips. When you notice and smile, he does too, naturally, happy to get a good reaction out of you.
But everything stops when he gets a message. His lips purse and he grunts, shoving the phone in his pocket and smiling at you, disappointment in his eyes. He sees you get busy as a client walks in, a little sad he has to leave and can't even say goodbye properly, but he reaches for something in his pocket.
"I insist. You said you didn't grab one when you left home, yeah? Take it, love." He says, pushing his damp umbrella in your hand. It was velvety and sturdy, and his hand brushed yours in the right way. Not too much, but enough to get an idea of how warm he was.
"John, really, you don't have to do this. How will you go back?" You'd question.
"Nonsense, I have my coworkers waiting for me close-by and afterwards I won't need it anymore." He did say he'd have to leave the city, showing no sign of wanting to ask you about... anything, really. No number, no proper full name, no social media. Maybe it was just meant to be a very pleasant conversation with just a costumer. It didn't help that you couldn't bring yourself to ask either.
You accept bashfully, smiling at him when he seemed relieved and happy to have you take his small gift. You then wished him a good journey to wherever he's heading. And good luck with everything.
It did look like the man wanted to say more than a simple "Thank you, dove." but he stopped himself with a nod then headed out. Basically rushed, honestly. It did throw you off, how interested he was and just how fast it suddently finished.
Rain stopped not long after and you didn't need the umbrella that day, ending up at home, put away somewhere safe. At least you got a good quality umbrella out of this ordeal, yet you couldn't stop thinking about him.
That story now behind, spring came full force and the rain did not come back until almost three months later.
Weather app lied, it seems, as you glanced outside the store and saw zero rain, and you sighed, having carried your (new and fancy) umbrella around with you all this time. As your eyes studied the outside scenery, someone walked through the front door and you already plastered your "Welcome, dearest costumer" smile when it faltered a little in surprise as you recognized the man that entered rushing in the store. Of course you would, as if you stopped thinking about him. As of today, you were slowly starting to think less about the mysterious John, having to accept that he was just passing by and that you were a little encounter in his busy life. But he was here. In your store. Again. Looking for something. Or someone...
Rushing through the door, almost out of breath, he scanned his surroundings in a milisecond to spot you already watching him. The relief was prominent on his features, making you feel excited? He looked relieved to see you, then he immediately looked a little hesitant, unsure. As if his legs brought him there before he could think it through, although it didn't take long for him to smile at you.
"Been a while, yeah?" God, his voice was even better slightly breathless.
You eagerly get to talking again, his chest puffed and his back stood straighter when you easily told him that of course you remember him because how could you not, really? Conversation was just a tad awkward, him searching in your eyes for something while trying to play it cool.
He pointed out the entrance with a small nod of his head and smiled as you both watched a few shy droplets of water finally hit the dry floor, seconds later it starting a downfall. His eyes locked back onto your face and he asked a simple "I trust the umbrella's been handy?" and to that you smile, explaining how you never got to use it but coincidentally, it was now hanging out in the back with your purse, since finally it was supposed to rain again (Weather App redeemed). To that he just looks at you, expression morphing from shock, to relief to amusement.
He had this way of commanding a room, having people wait for him to react and this would be the first time you'd notice a quirk of his as you yourself held your breath, seeing he was about to say something. He'd take a sharp breath, tilt his head and take a small step forward when he was going to say something intense, something from the bottom of his heart and guts.
"Would I be a fool to ask you on a date, love?" He'd swoop the the rug under your feet with that and continue. "Because I was a fool once to try to act subtle and I almost missed my chance." He laughs at something, something that will turn into a light-hearted joke between you.
As you stutter a yes, you also ask him what he meant. You weren't an idiot, he was interested few months back, but he never made a move, not even a subtle one, just rushed out. Just like that. Poof.
Funny, huh? How he slipped his number on a small piece of paper in the umbrella, thinking it would be cute for it to fall out as you open it. Also, he didn't want to bother you anymore at work, specially since you already had some costumers and he already took so much of your time. (They could've waited, but whatever. Ugh, that mindful dumbass.)
The first time you made him stutter was exactly after he explained that to you, as you raised a brow at him and asked. "What if I used the umbrella in a rush, in pouring rain and I'd never see the piece of paper fall?" It was indeed a question he surely asked himself afterwards a couple of thousands of times in the dead of the night, berating himself for it, yet he still didn't have a good answer for that, hence the stutter and the absolutely fucking adorable shade of pink painting his cheeks for a couple of seconds there.
The way John sees it is that he spent two months waiting for a message, a call, anything. He sometimes couldn't attend his phone but made sure that the number he gave you was always available, even if he couldn't answer immediately. Hell, he even pulled through missions faster to come back to base and look at the device and be greeted with disappointment. It took him a few weeks to accept that you weren't going to contact him and acceptance started to hit, although John can't really let it go before thinking of all the what-ifs imaginable (after some more weeks of sulking silently), so of course he checked the weather in your area after he left you. And of course he saw that in fact it did not rain again, yet he couldn't be sure if it rained that same day, and if it did, how much. Records weren't that clear in your specific area.
He needed to know if you found the paper or not. It was all he had to know. John Price was left stumped and in need of answers. Answers he came to get because John Price knew the moment he saw you that it would be too good to let go.
You had to check yourself, it didn't matter that it was at work with him there. You went back, grabbed the umbrella and opened it, and surely enough, with his observant eyes studying every single one of your movements as he followed right behind, you watched in fascination as a small piece of paper fell swaying side to side in its descend, as if mocking you.
"I'd love to hear from you again. Call me anytime. John."
As you'd tell this story to anyone who asked you two how you met, you'd roll your eyes at John any single time. He called it fate, said the wait was worth it to see you watch that paper fall out of the umbrella, meanwhile you ways end up calling him an idiot. Lovingly. For such a bright man, he was indeed an idiot. Your idiot thought. (In his defense, it was the only time he ever attempted subtleties with you, learing his lesson and all.) One thing for sure? The story never ceased to bring a smile on your face.
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shius · 5 months
can you write Aki x Male Reader NSFW…
| roommate |
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modern + college au | top!roommate!aki x bottom!m!reader
summary - you and aki have known each other since middle school. now that you’ve entered your second year of college together you had to ask him about the unspoken tension between the two of you.
cw - dubcon, amab reader, unprotected sex, mentions of smoking, aki is your childhood best friend, vouyerism, masturbstion, caught in the act, oral sex, not proofread
wc: 2.4k
your best friend, aki, was always so serious. since you’ve been in school with him he never slacked on his studies. he was on top of everything the moment it was handed to him. you were honestly surprised when he took up smoking in high school, but when you asked him, that’s all it was to him. smoking. he never pushed it on you or anything, it’s just what he did.
it was as soon as the two of you entered college and began living in a dorm with each other for you to notice that you and aki had pretty intense chemistry. maybe even beyond just platonic friendship. the two of you seemed to frequently catch each other staring. he always cooked for you. days you decided to eat out before getting home, coming back to a full lunch or dinner prepared, you would have to break the news to him that you already ate, watching his face so displeasure. he played it off saying it was alright and storing your portion of the food in containers and putting them in the fridge. you had to admit it to yourself, aki was extremely attractive. his jet black hair looked so soft. his body on the other hand- his tall stature, his body slim but it also wasn’t bulky. it was like a golden ration. apart of him you caught yourself staring at a lot though, were his large rough hands. whenever you saw him cooking or even driving, they just looked so large on whatever they held. of course he caught you staring, but he didn’t really understand what exactly you were staring at. aki wasn’t oblivious. there’s been more than one instance where he came back to the dorm, hearing behind a half wall that blocked the door from the bedroom, you jerking yourself off. he tried to ignore it, embarrassed about catching you in such a way. you were so lost in your own thoughts you failed to hear the door open, every time. or did you? this last instance, however, caused everything to change.
aki was in class, you were at your shared dorm since you finished all your classes for the day. the evening sun setting, shining into the room, an illuminating gold glow making it beautiful. you were bored out of your mind, especially having to wait for aki to make dinner. sure you could microwave something but, you know how sad you get seeing his disappointed face after telling him you already ate a tv dinner over his homemade cooking. you pulled through, deciding to wait. but now you’ve started thinking about aki, you can’t stop. it started innocent, but it didn’t last for long. you were so attracted to him, more that any crush you might have had growing up. this was serious. you laid in your bed, in your pjs already. you already showered so there wasn’t much left for you to do. the more you thought of aki, his body, his face, his stoic personality, the more turned on you felt yourself getting. it was shameful, but you thought about all the times he had caught you-somewhat. you know as soon as he came inside he’d stay for just a moment, realizing what he was walking into, and left quietly, coming back many minutes later, assuming you were done. he could never see you behind the wall, he could only hear the lewd noises and whines you’d make. what did he think? you truly could only imagine what was going on in his mind. was he aroused? you needed to know if he was attracted to you the same was you were to him. what did he find attractive about you? you wanted him to show it to you someway, yearning to know what kind of lover he was. how would he have sex with you if he got the chance? he never even gave you the opportunity to see his length. he was quick about changing if you two were in the same room together. god. you couldn’t take it, finding yourself reaching inside of your loose sweats to touch yourself. you slid your hand to touch your hole, sliding in one finger, then two. feeling the slick already coating your digits. you threw your head to the side, getting lost in your thoughts as usual. imagining your fingers as if they were his. how would he touch you, if he was gentle or rough? maybe even both. he was a mystery to you and you’ve known him for so many years. you’ve bonded over many things, but this was another kind of interested you had no idea if he shared or not.
you bit your shirt collar, muffling your moans, both of your hands simultaneously worked on yourself. one stroking your length, the other fingering yourself. it was at this point you quietly whines out aki’s name. it was also at this point aki pressed his back against the wall in disbelief. his eyes were wide in shock at what he was hearing. he felt his cock strain in his pants. he didn’t know what to do. you whined until your release, which was when you noticed. you slowly opened your eyes, sitting up and catching your breath. you saw a shoe peeking from behind the way, you gasped. “a-aki?…” you said, your chest tight. aki was frozen. what was he supposed to do? “aki… please come out. i know you’re behind there…” you said, extremely, and genuinely embarrassed. you were moaning his name this time and you know he heard. what if he was mad? “i’m sorry y/n. i don’t think i should come out.” he answered, his voice sounded deeper. you were confused, “i’ve covered myself back up aki. just come out. i’m embarrassed enough…” you said, standing up to get off the bed. you quietly made your way to him, which was when he suddenly stuck out his arm to block you from going past the wall. “aki? what are you doing just let me explain-“ you said, before being cut of by him, his voice sounding more serious. “y/n. i can’t come out right now. i- i just can’t.” he said, his head turning from you. you pushed against his arm until it lost its strength, you fell forward, almost running into the front door. you turned around, seeing his wide eyes, and the large noticeable bulge in his pants. your eyes widened with him, mouth opening in shock. “y/n- damnit.” he said turning himself to walk away from you and into the bathroom. you quickly grabbed his arm, not letting him go anywhere. he looked back to you, blush prominent on his face. “y/n let me go.” he said sternly. “no! i know you heard me aki, i know you heard me saying your name.” he looked at the floor. you started walking towards him , backing him up to his bed. his thighs hit the edge of the bed before he realized he couldn’t get out of this. “aki please tell me…” you said, pushing him to sit on the bed, standing in between his knees. “are you attracted to me? do you think of me in a way more than friends should?” you asked him. looking hopefully into his eyes for an answer. “y/n-“ he almost said something, but you cut him off. “dont beat around the question. tell me now.” you said, demanding an answer. “i… i do. i know i shouldn’t.” aki responded. his face visibly heating up. you felt your chest tighten again. you put your hand to grab his face, lifting his jaw towards you. you kissed him.
it was the first time any intimacy had ever been initiated between the two of you. it was intense, like emotions that have been held back were being released finally. you slipped your tongue inside of his mouth, he allowed it, doing the same. you swiftly undid his hair as he grabbed your waist with his hands, finally feeling your large they were for yourself. his grip was firm, it didn’t take long for your erection to come back. you broke the kiss, looking into his eyes. they looked so loving, unlike anything you’d seen. “do you… aki do you want to have sex with me?..” the blunt questing sending a shockwave though his body. he looked at you surprised, before standing up, keeping his grip on your waist, and making the two of you switch spots. you fell to sit against the bed as he pushed a knee up in between your legs and leaned down to kiss you again. you worked your hands to undo his belt, then his pants. you were surprised by his quick movements. you pulled his pants down, your fingers slipping under the waist band of his boxers. you broke the kiss again, allowing him to stand up right, and for you to finally take his length on completely. as you pulled down his underwear, his cock was completely erect, curving up, the tip flushed a deep pink. you felt the arousal pool in your stomach. you were always curious of his length and it was more than you could’ve imagined. it suit his build perfectly, the sheet girth at the base sending a tingle through your body. you reached up to grab hold of it in your hand. his crotch was perfecting in front of you, aligned with your lips, as if it was meant to be. you licked a fat stripe up the base to the head of his cock. he groaned quietly at your warm mouth. you jerked him in your fist, slowly, as you opened your mouth to fit the tip of his cock inside. as your lips wrapped around it your pace soon began to quicken. you took him into mouth, sinking into you him to allow his length deeper inside. he hissed in pleasure, his head falling back but quickly coming back to look at you. you looked up at him, looking away soon after. you bobbed your mouth up and down his length, feeling his hand suddenly grab hold of the back your head. he didn’t push, he just dug his thick fingers to grip your hair. you whined as soon as you felt the tug, the vibration of you him fueling him further. he couldn’t wait longer.
he pulled himself out of your mouth and pushed you back on the bed he tugged your pants down easily in one go. both of you were being completely run on desperate passion. you pulled your shirt off your head as he completely undressed himself. the two of you were moving so fast in a heat of craving each other. so many years led up to this. he pushed you further on the bed, climbing on top of you, his hands pressed right next to your head as he lowered himself to kiss you again. he planted one knee on the bed to balance himself out as he moved his left arm to hook under your knee and his other hand found its way to your aching hole. he knew you already played with yourself just before this so you were still wet. he quickly aligned the head of his cock into your heat and slowly pressed inside. you broke from the kiss as your back arched off the bed and you whined out to him. you could feel him stretch you out as his length dragged against your walls. you heard his heavy breathing as he could feel your body quivering around his. as soon as he bottomed out he lifted himself up properly and used his right hand to hold the backside of your other knee. he could completely see you bare like this, but you could see him too the way his hair fell against his face. you nodded at him, telling him it was okay to move. he started slowly, taking his time with you. though he’d never admit it, this moment he was dreaming of since he recognized his feelings for you. as his mind raced with thoughts of you his pace sped up. his thrusts were mixed. some were quick, some were deep, and as soon as he felt every inch of you with his cock he made sure the focus was you. he watched you shake, grip onto the sheets below you, moan out his name. god. he loved hearing you cry out his name. you could feel him hit you at the perfect spot. you knew you should’ve have been this close to cumming but his strokes were making it impossible. especially when it got to the point he started grinding his hips into you, pulling out, and repeat. you were driving him mad. your head was called back as your parted lips let constant noises spill out. the way you were tightening around him, you were practically milking him inside of you. his thrusts started to get sloppy as he neared his orgasm. you were gone, already cumming on your stomach without any control. he hurriedly pulled out of you as he came against your abdomen. you jolted, watching his throbbing length release on you. it was honestly extremely arousing in itself. his head was tipped down, catching his breath. he let your legs fall back against the bed as you did the same.
you sat observing the mess left on your stomach. you picked up your shirt that was discarded on the bed and wiped yourself clean. you watched as he quickly dug in the drawer under his bed for some sweats. he slipped them on before turning his focus to you. he looked down at you, grabbing your face just as you did his and kissed you. it was a gentle kiss, his thumb rubbing your cheek afterwards. he didn’t say anything, just basked in your essence. “aki… thank you. even if you don’t want to be more than my best friend, i think after all these years i’ve fallen for you.” you confessed to him. “y/n. i wouldn’t have done this if i never considered my feelings for you.” he stated. you felt happiness cloud your being. “go shower aki, i’ll pick up out here.” you told him, as you beggin to grab your pants off the floor. “you sure?” he asked you, helping you off the bed. “mhm, positive.” you said, a gentle smile on your face. he did as you asked, afterwards making dinner and it was one of the best to say the least.
thank you for requesting! i hope this was good ~ shius
| written by shius, please do not steal or repost my work without permission! |
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sh0tanzz · 3 months
shotaro as bf and ideal type pretty please, thankyouuu
SHOTARO AS YOUR BF based on astrology ~
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(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
Sagittarius Sun: In a vid Riize made around the time love119 came out Sohee asked the guys what they'd do if they accidentally liked their crushes posts and Sho said he wouldn't care and would let it be to show that he's interested...and yea that sums him up 😭. He'd be pretty blunt about being interested in you in the beginning..like imo when a sag sun genuinely wants you you'll know and they'll definitely LET you know, he'd ofc be your friend initially but he would most def be flirty (especially with that scorpio mercury sextile his cap venus) and try to have a specific personal rapport with you and inside jokes between you two. Would be a personal mission for him to make you laugh and spend time with you. Once you two are officially together he'd want to have so many fun memories with you. He also may have this want to "wow" you or show you things nobody else has shown you before.. "a taste of what youve been missing" type of guy yk. Similarly to Sohee, it would be like dating your bsf. There's an idea that Sag suns can be flighty but his cap/scorpio placements help anchor him down imo.
Scorpio Moon: Super Observant pt.1. The moon is in fall in scorpio and his moon is opposite to saturn so he might have a hard time expressing his more intense emotions. He might similarly to Eunseok keep things to himself and not really letting you know unless you pry it out of him or if he does attempt to tell you himself he'd be pretty vague to ensure that you don't worry. On the other hand, he's pretty big on things such as loyalty and honesty and that would be a big theme in the relationship. Super protective. He reads into your feelings and is pretty emotionally intuitive so he'd know how you feel without you needing to say much. A downside is he can take things pretty personal and if he feels hurt or betrayed he could be very struck down by it and might even feel like "returning the energy", it would be more passive since libra is in mars but it would be sooo obvious. Also his eye contact goes craaazyy.
Scorpio Mercury: Super Observant pt.2. He is very analytical and pays deep attention to what you say and how you say it, so he sometimes might overthink or worry himself by looking way too deep in between the lines of things you tell him. He has moon conjunct mercury so similar to Anton he can speak deeply from the heart as well as remembers everything in regards to you (downside if you said something that hurt his feelings he'd remember it FOREVERR). He also has venus sextile mercury so he most def has a seductive charm within his words or his flirting can be very upfront or comes naturally to him and since his mercury is in scorpio he'd know exactly what to say from your past reactions. Also he might stalk your insta when initially getting to know you to find out things himself.
Capricorn Venus: LOCKED IN LIKE GLUEEEE. Would prefer to take the lead or be the dominant counterpart. Cares sm about loyalty. Would rather talk through problems and endure throughout a relationship rather than just dropping everything. He loves physical touch and gift giving both ways. A common occurrence in Capricorn venus men is to kinda just constantly provide to keep their partner pleased so he may just randomly give you gifts and not just plain gifts they’d have a specific value to them or acts of service/doing tasks for you in order to keep you happy. Takes the relationship pretty seriously especially since he has a Scorpio moon. Since he has Venus square Mars he lowkey likes having to “endure” and for things not to be super easy? He enjoys a cat and mouse dynamic or for one partner to not give in so easily..kind of as though he kinda has to work for your love and attention or a "hate"/love kind of situation. He might also deal with a lot of "right person, wrong timing" scenarios or have periods where he just can't be 100% there for his partner and the guilt of it probably eats him up inside. Quietly possessive, seems ok and says he’s ok on the surface but inside he’s seething trying to not start tweaking. 😭
Libra Mars: Pretty avoidant when there’s a severe conflict in the relationship. He might wait to actually get to the bottom of the issue and may jump around the topic but when it’s time to finally speak up and out he really does try to speak from his heart from his Scorpio mercury. He just really cares about coming together again and keeping the peace 😭. If there were issues he’d either become distant or passive aggressive. His Mars is sextile Pluto so he can be very intense and even obsessive about things like passion and consistency but due to the fact the aspect isn’t harsh and his mars is in libra his approach isn’t as harsh or threatening. Very quick to become your friend or at least familiar with you when he’s first interested in you because how else will he find out as much as he possibly can.. He might lowkey put his emotions to the side to pay more attention to yours and what you have going on/your happiness and deal with his issues on his own. He also has mars trine uranus so he may have random bursts of being passionate and energetic and then a random switch to being chill and more to himself.
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mari-writes · 4 months
“Here you go, my prince!”
Akaashi felt Bokuto’s lips brush his cheek, and a mug was quietly placed near his laptop on the kitchen island. He mumbled his thanks, with every intention of continuing his grueling night of studying. He had so much to do…
But then he registered his boyfriend’s words. He blinked, looking up from the screen to where the man was heading back to the kitchen. “Wait. Bokuto-san, what did you just call me?”
“Huh?” Bokuto hummed as he poured from the kettle.
Akaashi was almost too embarrassed to repeat the phrase. “You… called me your ‘prince?’ Where did that come from?” Akaashi knew that Bokuto loved to use pet names. They’d only been dating for a few months, but he’d heard plenty. ‘Babe’ was the most common. 
But this was new.
“Oh!” Bokuto laughed nervously. When he turned around, Akaashi noticed a rosy blush working its way up his neck. “Um, well…”
“I don’t mind.” Akaashi smiled softly. “You’ve just never called me that before.”
Bokuto nodded, putting down his mug and leaning across the counter. “Well I’ve always wanted to! And now I get to whenever I want!” He grinned at Akaashi’s continued confusion. “What I mean is… you’re really, really beautiful.”
It was Akaashi’s turn to go red. He looked down into his tea to avoid Bokuto’s fiery gaze.
“When I first saw you, I remember thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, he looks like a prince from a fairytale, or a historical drama on TV!’ And that was before I even realized I was bisexual!” He chuckled.
Akaashi sputtered. “B-Bokuto…”
“You were just so proper and lovely! And you had such good posture! That part’s changed a bit, I guess… but you’re still so put together, and focused, and um, regal? That’s a word, right?”
Akaashi was close to falling off his stool. He didn’t know how to deal with this. Would he have to endure this sort of flattery all the time now? Was this his life from now on?
“‘kaashi?” Bokuto made his way around the island. “Are you okay in there?” His voice was kind, but Akaashi detected a slight teasing tone. The man knew what he was doing. And Akaashi would have none of it.
Slamming his laptop closed, Akaashi turned and grabbed his boyfriend by his shirt. “Shut up,” he snapped, and smashed their lips together.
Akaashi wasn’t great at expressing himself. But he knew how to do this. He knew how to show the love of his life that he felt the same way, that he had been enamored with him since the very start, as well. 
Bokuto made an odd sound, like a cross between a yelp and a groan. It didn’t take long before he was eagerly reciprocating, his hands sliding around Akaashi’s trim waist and pulling him off the stool. Akaashi’s arms found the back of his neck, long fingers tangling in monochrome locks.
After a few heated minutes, Bokuto pulled back. His face was beet red, hair in disarray, and the smile that split his face was blinding. “Wow!” He shook his head in disbelief. “Who knew you were so into being complimented!”
Oh you have no idea, Akaashi thought, a bit shamefully. 
Perhaps, someday, he'll tell Bokuto of the pleasure he experiences when being praised. Akaashi was embarrassed at how intense it could be—especially when said praise came from the man he was currently pressed up against.
Akaashi huffed, annoyed at how close Bokuto already was to figuring it out. He was supposed to be the analytical one, wasn’t he? He bit back a pout. “Oh, just shut up and kiss me more,” he demanded.
Grinning, Bokuto leaned back in. “Sure thing, your highness...”
Yes, I wrote another silly little thread fic instead of working on my other (more important) WIPs. I’m sorry. I hope you enjoy this enough to forgive me. If you do, please leave a comment and share! It really helps me out.
You can check out my other fics here!
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Morpheus x friend/virgin reader.
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-You and Morpheus had been friends for a while now. It was a natural connection formed after you had saved him from the Burgess's grasp.
-The moping Endless had started visiting you in your dreams first, appearing and watching to make sure the dreams remained just dreams.
-After a while though the lines between duty and friendship began to fade after which he suddenly came over regularly to the waking world to visit you.
-You usually spend your time together catching him up on the latest popculture he had missed while in captivity. Him seated as far as he could on the other side of the couch, back straight and gaze fixed on the movie screen.
-Sometimes instead of watching movies you read to him instead, him seated in the chair in the corner while you are laid out on the bed with a book grasped in your hands.
-You spend more time with him every day, until at one point all the free time you have awake and asleep goes to being with him.
-After a while when you start visiting the dreaming almost every night you have a talk with Lucienne. "I worry about the pressure he is under right now" her eyes stare out the window with a familiar worry. "He seems different lately, like something of great importance is bothering him."
- "I'll try to talk to him" You mutter softly placing a hand on her shoulder. The woman just gives you a slight smile before turning back to the paper she was reading.
- "A new study shows bathing or showering together can decrease your anxiety immensely." A newsreporter with a plastic smile points to a graph showing the positives of the activity. You might have saved that piece of information a bit too religiously.
- A week later as you and Morpheus are watching the amazing movie called "Star wars" you find your gaze straying to the godlike being beside you.
-His blue eyes are fixed on the screen, his strong jaw clenched and eyes narrrowed. He didn't seem relaxed at all, his hands were curled into his black sweater tightly, his knuckles white.
-"Morpheus...?" you ask. His gaze turns to yours in a flash, his eyes soften as you make eye contact.
- "Are you allright? You seem tense" You turn your body toward him putting all your attention on the man.
- He lets out a soft sigh and looks away from you. "I fear my duties have tired me a bit"
-Something in you tells you that there was more to it but you decide to leave that alone for now.
- "Maybe we could do something to make you relax?" You mutter putting a hand on your chin in thought.
- His interest seemed peeked "What did you have in mind?"
- "Well not really anything yet... well maybe.... bathing together could work" You hadn't realised what you had muttered under your breath until Morpheus responded.
- "Bathing together?" He looked perplexed by your suggestion.
- You quickly tried to backtrack. "OH well i read this article and uhhh it said it decreases anxiety, but i understand if you don't... want to.." You scratched the back of your head sheepishly.
- An unreadable expression passes his face, "Well if you think it will help, i suppose we could try"
- You feel your face burn bright red "Well the article said to shower first then bathe for the cleanliness... and to use lavender soaps..."
-The only response you get to your stammering is a slight lift of the corner of his mouth and an intense stare.
- Which is exactly how you are suddenly having to gather the courage to step out into the bathroom, an plush pink towel the only thing between you and being completely nude. This isn't a lovely time to gain some body insecurities.
- You shake your head, a heavy breath. You grasp the handle pushing it open quickly. Instantly your standing in the bathroom the door closed behing you.
-The energy in the average sized bathroom feels warm and intense.Your heartbeat feels like an drum solo in your chest.
- The bare figure of Morpheus is stood in the shower cabin allready, the damp on the glass doing little of disguising the lines of muscle and supple skin.
- You slowly walk over to the shower, somewhere along the way you lock eyes with morpheus, he turns the shower off and turns toward you.
- His gaze doesn't leave your face, the damp is more effective disguising your bodies this way. It was not possible to see any bodily features except for his face now, you hoped he couldn't see yours either.
- Your now cold fingers untangle the top of the towel slowly, his eyes follow the movement a little too closely. It finally loosens and a rush of air hits your body as the towel falls to the floor.
- You didn't understand how this was supposed to be relaxing, you can feel the panic fill your head.
- You could swear you heard a gasp escape his lips, his hands reach over to the door handle the glass wall sliding to the side. The only barrier between your bodies now naught but air.
-You both take a second to appreciate eachother.
-His muscles are devined and close to the surface, his skin looks so smooth and white you wonder how it would feel to run your fingers over it. Before you can stop yourself you catch a glimpse of something equally as smooth and white located between his legs. You didn't dare check again to observe it.
- You shiver a bit, Morpheus steps to the side so you can step in. Your arm slightly brushed past his chest at the movement. His breath fans your neck.
- The silence almost hurts and you can't help but break it. "I have never been naked in front of someone before" You mutter softly planting your gaze on the ground.
- A harsh breath from him, this time acompanied by a whispered comfort. "I am honored to be your first"
-He didn't specify the first of what, which didn't go by unnoticed for the both of you. He slowly moves his hand behind you leaning forward to where there are but a couple inches between you, a soft noise echoes as the shower door clicks shut.
- He smirks softly leaning back and turning the shower on. "Shall we begin?" He whispers.
Chapter two:
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seonghwa10ve · 4 months
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Fboy!Taehyun x Nerd-ish!Reader
Content: angst, smut (um..... maybe) ,fluff
A/N: so um.... This is my first fic and I feel really nervous but yeah. Hope you enjoy and please support me❤️.
"Come on, just this once can't you agree to come with me?" Taehyun says a bit too desperately while following you down the hallway.
This is the hundredth time you've rejected him but he won't stop. You stopped your tracks and sighed turning around to look at him "Look, I'm not a fan of parties okay? Besides there are plenty of girls waiting to be asked. I'm not interested."
" Please.... just this once?." He pleaded with a glint of hope in his eyes. You know he won't stop until you agree. He was a fuckboy, of course you were sure he was going to use you .
But it won't hurt saying yes to him right?
"Fine" you agreed while sighing . "What time is the party starting?" You asked him while standing outside the campus trying to resist the urge to take your fingers through his silky looking hair
"At 7 so be ready I'll pick you up" he said with a hint of excitement in his voice "I'm leaving, see you at 7" you said while walking away heading to your apartment just near by the campus so it was only a ten minute walk from there.
Time Skip........
It was actually alot harder than you thought picking out an outfit for the party and to be honest you were quite nervous going to the party.
You were wondering what would happen if you went to the party with Taehyun . What would people think , that you're one of his toys?
You decided to go with a simple flared sky blue dress with a denim jacket and white sneakers (I'm sorry I don't know what the hell I'm doing 😭)
After a few minutes you heard a knock on your door and was not surprised to see Taehyung but he looked ...hot.
"hey.." He broke the silence and he leaned against the door frame while somehow hovering over you with an intense stare.
"h-hi" you stuttered, cursing yourself because you were nervous. "You look beautiful " he complemented you but this time he didn't smirk and he had a genuine smile .
Almost as if he was trying to tell you something but what was it
Your heart skipped a beat and you could sense the tension between the both of you .
"Shall we? " Taehyun said while he held out his hand for you and you hesitated but gave in anyway. When you reached his car he opened the door for you and he went to his seat afterwards.
The car ride was silent apart from the radio on. You turned to face him while studying his features while enjoying the silence but it wasn't awkward, it was..... actually comforting.
"You can take a photo,it will last longer " he said while smirking . You scoffed " Why would I? " You said as you two reached the frat house, hearing loud music a looking at some couple making out at the door. "Because...." he stared at you while leaning in and leaving a small distance between your faces "You like me ... don't you?"
You got flustered and cleared your throat " We should um.....go inside" you told him without sparing him a glance
When you entered with Taehyun you were immediately hit with the stench of cigarettes and beer and not gonna lie but the place smelt horrible . "Taehyun wassup my bro !!" A tall guy appeared with a red solo cup in his hand while he came closer and shook Taehyun's hand .
"Hey , you must be Y/N" he said "And you must be....." You trailed off waiting for him to tell you his name "I'm Yeonjun" he said while handing out his hand for you to shake. "I'll go get us some drinks, what would you like?" He asked "Just some grape juice will be fine" you told him. "I'll be back in a few" he said looking at him get lost in the crowd while you remained with Yeonjun.
"You're Taehyun's girlfriend right" Yeonjun asked , curiosity lingered in his voice." Oh um....no I'm just .... a friend?" You said while questioning yourself . But what were you to him a toy? friend? girlfriend?
Before you could justify your answer Taehyun came back with two drinks in his hands " You're not taking alcohol?" You asked him while said a small thanks to him "No I'm actually going to drive so I need to be sober"
"Oh....I see" you said while trying to find anything else other than standing there awkwardly with him. "Hey Taehyun come play beer pong with us!" Yeonjun yelled " sure!" Taehyun yelled back. "I'll be back " he said while facing you and he left.
You went to the the kitchen and sat on one of the stools "Hey there" you heard someone say behind you. You turned around to face the owner of the voice. "Hi" you said while smiling at him "Do you remember me?" He asked you "Um ..... I think so" you said "I'm Heeseung from class" he said hoping you remember him. " Ohhhhh ... Heeseung I'm sorry I couldn't really recognize you for a bit ,you sit behind me right" you questioned him " yeah."
From Taehyun's view he saw Heeseung flirting with you . You were laughing with him while hitting his arm . He doesn't deserve to see your beautiful smile. He went over to you and Heeseung and before you knew it you were being grabbed and found yourself upstairs in a room . "What the hell Taehyun what is wrong wi-" " Do you like him" he interrupted " no he's my classmate" you said while he stook a few steps near you until your back hit the door "good" was all he said until he pressed his lips on yours.
His lips were sweet and soft like strawberries
He leaned back and he pressed his forehead against yours while he his hands were on your waist " Fuck.... I'm sorry I couldn't help-" this time you kissed him while finding your fingers through his hair. "Shut up and just kiss me" you mumbled on his lips
He lifted you up, signaling you to wrap your legs around his waist as he led you to the bed "Shit, baby you just don't know what you've done to me" he said as you stared at his dark eyes screaming out lust.
He trailed kisses along your neck until he found your sensitive spot "mmh" you hummed while trying to find relief for the problem between your legs . You switched positions with you on top of him while grinding against his hard on "Fuck..... baby stop" Taehyung said while his hands were on your waist to still your movements.
He flipped you two again and he removed his shirt . You quietly admired his toned body while moving your hand to slide it down his abs. "What do you want me to do" he asked while liking his lips " I-I want you to..." You looked away but be forced you to look at him " No no no , baby look at me go on what you do you want me to do" He said while waiting for your answer " I want you to -fuck- to eat me out" you told him .
You removed your dress and unhooked your bra so you only had your underwear on. He leaned forward to kiss you hungrily. Taehyun dipped his head low so that he could suck your right nipple . "Oh ... Mmh fuck!" You moaned while pulling his hair as he pinched your another nipples to give it the same attention. " S-shit I need y-you now please" you begged him and he gladly listened and pulled you panties down while seductively looking at you "aww is my baby wet" you eagerly nodded your head but he wasn't happy with the answer " Baby use your words" " Yes I'm sorry wet for you and only you" you said as he stared at your glistening cunt and he kissed your clit. "Please fuck me" you said but he looked at you and just said " baby I'll fuck you later, daddy first has to have his meal." He said as he licked his lips
This was going to be a long night.....
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excelsi-or · 1 year
chance encounter (jihoon fic)
just a little fun one today! hope you’re all well :)
w.c. 948 (fluffity fluff)
Jihoon and Seungcheol balance the trays of drinks and box of pastries between the two of them. When Jihoon slows, watching the girl working away at her laptop at a window seat, Seungcheol doesn’t notice until he’s partway out the door.
“Yah,” Seungcheol hisses, “what are you doing?”
Jihoon looks between the girl, Seungcheol and then his watch. He has time. “I’ll meet you there.”
“Do you know what sort of shit I’m going to get into if only half of them have drinks and food?”
Seungcheol is completely baffled. It’s unlike Jihoon to even notice women let alone want to stop and talk to them. While he wants to encourage this so he can tease Jihoon about it later, dealing with at least six whiny grown men does not seem like a fair exchange.
“Take the drinks with you.” Jihoon’s already in the middle of fostering the exchange. “Tell them I’m on my way with food.”
“You know when I tell them you stopped to talk to a girl, they’ll insist I’m lying, right?”
Jihoon chuckles. “Tell them that there weren’t enough pastries, but they’re making more. I just have to wait.”
Seungcheol narrows his eyes. It’s an oddly reasonable lie. “Don’t be long.”
Jihoon nods. “I won’t.”
Seungcheol heads out and catches Jihoon walking right up to the girl. His friend seems to ask to sit down and must be well-received, because he pulls a chair.
Wait until the members hear about this.
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“Can I sit with you?”
As soon as Jihoon had walked into the café with Seungcheol, his eyes had been drawn to the woman sitting at the window. She had an iced drink at her hand, a plate with remanent of cake and a fork on it, and a laptop in front of her. He’d noticed the furrow in her brow, evidence of intense concentration.
He couldn’t stop looking over at her as he and Seungcheol placed their orders. When they’d sat at a table to wait, Jihoon took the chair with her in view.
He couldn’t waste the opportunity.
And the smile on her face when she looks up at him now is worth it. “Of course.” She glances over her shoulder, gauging the patrons in the café.
He sets one box on the table to slip into the seat next to her. “I’m alone.”
“Oh.” She turns to him, pleasantly surprised. “Hi. What are you doing here?”
Jihoon lifts the other box in his hand. “Picking up food for the members.”
She closes her laptop and turns towards him. “Alone, you say?”
He chuckles. “I promise I’m alone.”
“So,” she leans towards him, “I can…?”
Jihoon closes the distance and kisses her properly. He scoots his chair closer. “What are you doing here?”
“When you left this morning, I couldn’t really focus. Thought I’d come here to work.”
“At a café. Near my work?”
She snorts. “O-kay, Mr. Ego.”
Jihoon smirks. She lived in the area, closer to his work than he and the members even lived. They’d bumped into each other a few times at the gym. Multiple times, he’d asked her if she was done with various equipment to talk to her.
She’d asked him out one day, seeing through his poor attempts at conversation.
They’ve been seeing each other for a couple months now. Not that his members know that. He’s been very careful. Not quite ready to share what he’s found and fallen into, because…
Well, there were multiple reasons at the start.
He can’t quite remember them now, as he studies her. Easy and comfortable in his presence in public.
A knowing smile plays on her lips. He knew he was being obvious about his infatuation. He could study her all day. “You didn’t actually come alone, did you?”
“I’m surprised you didn’t see us. I came with Coups hyung.”
“And what did you tell him? You were going to hit up a girl?” she teases.
Jihoon tips his head both ways. “I might’ve implied that.”
She studies his expression, likely trying to figure out what he’s thinking. She’s gotten pretty good at reading him, but she always does him the courtesy of asking. “And what are you going to tell them when you get back?”
“That I got your number.”
She laughs, a slight throwing back of her head. He notes the fading hickey on her neck and wonders if she knows it’s there. “Based on what you’ve told me, they won’t believe you.”
Jihoon shrugs and pulls his phone from his pocket. He finds her in his contact list. The picture there is one of her he’d taken while he’d been teasing her one morning. Her lying on her stomach looking up at him with her bright smile. His members would infer 100 things about the image if they ever saw it, but he holds his phone up to take another picture of her now.
“You can’t be serious,” she laughs. But she poses anyway with her bright smile, eyes closed, hair flipped in his favourite way. The sunlight from the window makes her ethereal. It’s almost as good as the photo before. Almost.
“There we go.” Jihoon turns his phone to her now. “Who’s gonna check my camera roll anyway?”
“Your nosy members, maybe,” she chuckles.
Jihoon shrugs and gets to his feet. “I should get back.” He kisses the top of her head and she wraps her arms around his waist. “I probably shouldn’t come over tonight. Keep up this new act for a while.”
She laughs and looks up at him. Her eyes are sparkling. “But we can call, right?”
He pecks her lips. “Of course. I did get your number.”
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accio-sriracha · 5 months
Fight me - Part Two!!
A drarry microfic, you can find the first part here: <3
Written at the special request of @plus-tax !!
(Sorry it took so long, I was on sleep medication and fell asleep halfway through writing this lmaoo, hope you enjoy!)
He let the doors slam shut behind him, his legs carrying him forward in Potter's footsteps without a second thought.
"You shouldn't have come after me." Potter's voice was cold. Draco huffed as he came to a stop halfway down the corridor from him,
"Don't act surprised. You knew I'd follow you." He shot back.
The long silence that stretched between them was different now, lighter without the weight of all of their peers.
"You're right, I did." Potter conceded.
"You don't usually give in this easy." Draco worried for a split moment it was happening again. He worried Potter was going to retreat into himself, numb to the outside world, refusing to stick up for himself even out of self preservation.
"There's no point in lying to you, Malfoy." Potter turned to face him and Draco was thrilled to see his eyes were still very much alive.
"Then tell me the truth."
Potter stared at him, those eyes that were so full of the fire Draco always admired studied his face,
"Why do you care so much about what happens to me?" He asked instead, "Why did you need to see a reaction so badly?"
"You know why." He repeated.
Potter didn't relent, still scanning his expression, searching for something. Draco wondered what he would find there.
"Humor me." He whispered.
"Because you're you." Draco replied immediatley.
And it was obvious, wasn't it? Why shouldn't Draco care about what happens to Potter?
After everything that was said and done between them, after everything that wasn't said or done... was it that hard to believe Draco would worry about him?
He felt that intensity spark between them again, the one he'd spent half his life running from, fearing more than anything else. This wasn't a way one should feel about their enemies. But then... they were never really on opposing sides were they?
"Meaning?" Potter asked when he'd given up on waiting for further explanation.
Draco sighed and turned away from him to continue down the corridor.
It gave way to a bridge with beautiful archways overlooking the hills beneath them. He leaned over the stone, resting his elbows on the frame and letting the slight wind cool his face,
"You're not someone anyone can forget about, Potter. What you've done for the world... what you've done for me-" He broke off, shaking his head, "I can't just sit by and watch you destroy yourself. You let everyone talk down to you. You let them speak your name like it leaves a bad taste in their mouth. Like you owe them and not the other way around."
"I care about you because the Potter I know would have never given up. He would have never stopped helping those who needed it or proving that it's okay to just be normal sometimes. I care because no matter how tired you got of all of the fighting and the running and the war: you never stopped laughing and having hope and being alive either. You were famous, yeah, but even then you were always still just... you."
Potter stayed silent, watching him with that same intensity. Draco gathered every bit of courage he had left and took a step forward to close the distance between them,
"I care about you, Potter. What that changes is your decision. Just know the option's out there, yeah?"
Potter made a quiet humming sound and leaned forward, his hand holding the stone for support.
Draco wasn't sure how to feel about their closeness; about the knowledge that he could reach out and touch Potter's face if he wanted to.
He was surprised, however, by the realization that maybe he did want to.
"Do you think it's weird that I care about you too?" Potter asked softly. His breath was warm in the cool winter air, the feeling of it fanning out across Draco's skin gave him shivers that had nothing to do with the temperature.
Draco felt his lips twitch into a smile, "Stranger things have happened." He replied simply.
"None stranger than this." Potter gestured between them, a challenge to the arch in his eyebrow.
"Are you honestly telling me you didn't see this coming?" Draco couldn't keep the amusement out of his tone.
Potter considered that for a moment, than gave a small smile of his own, "I can't say I never expected it." He paused as he took in Draco's smug expression and jumped to defend himself, "Well it doesn't help when you say things like 'You know why' whenever I ask why you care so much."
Draco laughed again, the sound that echoed back to him was something he almost didn't recognize, it was so... free.
"You do know though, don't you?" Draco asked. The echo this time carried a hint of hopefulness. He wasn't sure it went by unnoticed,
"I do." Potter agreed after a long moment. His voice so quiet it barely picked up over the wind.
The feeling that settled netween them now was anything but light.
"I believe a customary 'I told you so' is in order, then." Draco smiled, trying to eae the mood. Potter gave a reluctant sigh,
"Yes, yes, whatever. You're acting far too superior for a guy who just had my wand pressed to his throat in front of the entire school." But he was laughing too, the sound was equally freeing and made Draco's chest tighten in a way it never had before.
"Maybe I feel superior because out of everyone else in that hall..." He hesitated, "It's me you're standing out here with."
Potter watched him, and there was something behind the fire in his eyes now, a different kind of passion Draco couldn't place,
"Maybe I prefer it this way too." He whispered back, "Maybe there's nobody else in there I'd rather be standing with."
Draco wasn't sure when they started whispering, or when his heart had started slamming in his chest. He blamed it on the running he did earlier to catch up to Potter, but he could tell from the way it spiked with every glance Potter took towards his lips that wasn't entirely true.
"We should probably go back, they must think we've killed each other by now or something."
Potter nodded, "Yeah, we probably should."
Neither of them moved, Potter's eyes never left Draco's face.
"So when you say you... care about me...?" Draco started after they had been staring at each other for a little longer than he'd care to admit.
Potter nodded for him to go on but he couldn't find the right words. He wasn't even sure what he was trying to ask. Potter spared him, clearing his throat and glancing out into the beautiful view expanding out as far as either of them could see.
Draco couldn't seem to bring himself to care for it, his eyes glued to Potter's face, to the lively expressions he'd missed so dearly. He was still gaunt, the dark circles beneath his eyes and sunken cheeks still prominent. But his eyes... they gave him life.
"I think you're the only one who ever really sees me. I think you're the only one who knows just what to say to me to snap me out of whatever I'm going through. I think you're exactly who you always were, and not like anything anyone ever expects you to be."
"How do you mean?" Draco whispered.
"People think you're cold, unfazed, this... this untouchable son of a Death Eater." He shook his head, turning back now to meet Draco's eyes, "But you're not. You're not any of those things. You're one of the smartest, most ambitious people I've ever met. Even withdrawn you're full of poise and manners, you've got more restraint in a single interaction than I've ever managed in a lifetime. You're full of warmth, and you care, you really care about everyone close to you. I've seen how you are with Parkindon, she's like a sister to you. I can see how much you love her. You have this mask but I can tell you're not really unaffected. I mean, you reached out to me today, didn't you? Clearly this bothered you- worried you- enough. You're good, Malfoy. I know you are. You've saved me on more than one occasion, even though it could have cost you your life."
"And as for untouchable?" Draco pressed. Potter rolled his eyes at the coy smile easing its way onto his lips,
"Well... you're not entirely untouchable either." He muttered.
"Oh, is that what you think?" Draco asked, tilting his head to the side and regarding Potter in this new, playful light. The banter between them came easily, as it always has, a second nature that eased the ache of tension threatening to tear them apart.
"Yes, it is."
"Prove it." He whispered.
He waited, his breath caught somewhere between his lungs and his throat. Every muscle in his body frozen, waiting for Potter's response.
His eyes fell to Draco's lips, he licked his own in a swift, almost subconscious movement, "Maybe I will." He mumbled.
It only took a single breath longer before they were kissing.
Draco's arms lifted up to wrap around his shoulders immediatley, the release of pressure so great he worried he was going to faint from relief.
Potter held him, his own arm wrapped securely around Draco's waist, his other hand moving from the stone to tangle in his hair.
And in that moment, Draco knew that nothing would ever be the same between them.
"I hope you know I still think you're an arse for causing such a big scene earlier." Potter whispered when he broke the kiss.
"Of course you do." Draco shook his head fondly. Potter smiled,
And they stood there, beaming at each other for a short while longer. Just long enough for Draco to take in the sight of how much better Potter looked when he was truly happy, before he pulled them into another long kiss.
And nothing would ever be the same. Well... almost nothing.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 months
The Campus At Night
Summary: Azula can't sleep and Katara sacrifices sleep to study for her mid terms. The two cross paths during a midnight snack run.
Azula doesn’t bother with shoes, this late at night socks are enough. She doesn’t bother dressing herself either, this late the dormitory hallways won’t have anyone around to see her in her frumpy sweatpants. 
She rubs her eyes as she pads her way down the dim hallway. She can hear the hum of the vending machine. It isn’t her first choice, not in the slightest. But she has once again stayed up well past when she’d like to go to bed. She tells people that she is studying like everyone else–people seem to take more kindly to her when they think that classwork doesn't come naturally to her. They aren’t so petty and hostile when they think that she has to pull all nighters to get her good grades. And so it is a double win; people will leave her alone and nobody has to know why she is really awake.
Though campus life suits her just fine, she rather misses home. More than she had anticipated. It would have been easier if she had left on a bad note; if she had nobody to miss. Sometimes she lies awake thinking of home. And when she does fall asleep things are sometimes worse. 
It wouldn’t matter if she were at home instead of in her private dorm room, the night terrors have plagued her since she was a child and, though they are less in frequency, they are thrice as potent and intense as they were when she was just a child. She has more to fear, more stressors to fuel her episodes. 
Tonight is no exception. She awakens with a racing heart and a few tears decorating her cheeks. Whatever it was that had played out in her mind retreats back into the darkest corners of it, leaving her with only a vague sense of doom and dread. 
She can never really go back to sleep after one of these episodes and so here she is, going for a midnight snack just to have some sort of distraction. 
It works better than it did when she was at home but it still doesn’t work so well. Dim hallways with flickering lights make her nearly as jittery as corridors completely engulfed in darkness. She doesn’t know what she expects to come and whisk her away, just that she is certain that something will. It will leap from her mind into reality, jump out at her from around a corner or grab her hand as she reaches it into the vending machine. 
She shudders. Maybe she should just go back to her dorm room. But then she would just be entirely alone when the entity came for her. Just as she had been at her family’s mansion, when the darkness between her room and father’s room was great enough to make staying alone in her room and waiting it out more appealing than making a mad dash down the hall only to be scolded for her ‘silly’ fears–a twelve year old girl shouldn’t be acting like a frightened toddler. 
Tonight these thoughts infringe so intensely that they push her night terrors aside. And that is worse; at least she can remind herself that the night terrors aren’t real. The things that she thinks about now are. Father had hurt her, he had made her feel inadequate and humiliated. And she had turned around and made Zuzu feel that way. And where was mother? Where was uncle? Those answers hadn’t come up during the therapy sessions that father insisted were making them look foolish. What will my investors and business partners think? They’ll ask me how I expect them to believe that I can manage a business when I can’t even manage my daughter. I had high hopes for you…
She swallows hard, the tears prickle in her eyes but she doesn’t let them fall. She forcefully shoves her hands into her pockets as she sulks up to the vending machine. Father has since taken those words back but now and then they resurface. Now and then she believes those words more than any of the praises he has extended to her. 
She pushes a few buttons and hopes that whatever snack falls will be good, she hadn’t exactly been paying attention to which buttons she’d struck. It doesn’t matter, she’ll eat it anyhow, she is hungry and stressed enough. It’ll give her something else to put her attention to.
 Katara is no stranger to late nights--that's what the college experience is supposed to be about from what she has heard--staying up late and regretting it the next morning. She knows of only one other student who interprets that notion the same way that she does. And she doesn't particularly like that person. Not that she has ever talked to her, but she has always had this aura about her. Katara also doesn’t trust business majors on principle. 
Katara groans and rubs her head--it aches with the load of several study guides from several classes. She yawns and looks at her watch; nearly midnight. No wonder her stomach is rumbling. No wonder her eyes are beginning to gloss over.
Truth be told she isn't sure how much more she can cram, her head is overflowing with sociology facts and terms. She looks back to her watch, 12:02. She supposes that now is as good a time as any for a midnight snack run.
She rises from her chair and stretches her arms and legs. She swears that these exams are going to be the death of her. She has put enough caffeine in her body to take out a bodybuilder and she is considering another one. She is beginning to understand why Sokka had been so hooked on energy drinks. 
Yeah, that’s what she’ll get. An energy drink. She groans. That’s probably a horrible idea; what she really needs is some sleep. A lot of sleep. She puts on her fuzzy slippers–the blue ones shaped like dolphins–and ventures out in the hallway, trying her absolute best to not shut the door too hard, lest she earn herself a disgruntled, ‘you need to be quiet’ from that On Ji girl. 
Her legs feel so heavy.
Really, her entire body feels weighted.
More likely she simply has no energy to drag it much further. 
Katara groans again when she sees someone else standing before the vending machine and does so a third time when that person turns her head to reveal a familiar face. Even at this hour and free of all makeup, that face still has a remarkably self-important, cocky air about it. 
Reluctantly Katara pushes through that ripple of superiority that radiates from Azula and approaches the vending machine. She clears her throat and Katara swears that Azula jolts, if only a little. “I need to use that.” 
“Right. Yes.” Azula mumbles and, to Katara’s surprise, sidesteps out of the way. 
Perhaps it is the lack of sleep that puts her in a daring, or perhaps, uncaring mood. But she doesn’t stop herself from remarking, “I never took you for a midnight snack kind of person.”
Azula shrugs.
Of course Azula can only spare her a shrug. She probably thinks that Azula thinks that she should consider herself lucky for even being acknowledged by her. But then she replies. “I am usually not.”
“Well, what’s so special about tonight?”
Another shrug. 
Four words is probably just as much as Azula can stomach speaking to someone who had to save up and work extraordinarily hard to get into a university like this. This time her silence is much longer before she finally speaks, “why are you up? I thought that you didn’t like the people who pull all nighters.”
Katara considers mirroring Azula’s dispassionate shrugs. “Late night study session.”
Azula nods. “Yes. That’s why I am up.” 
“You study for your tests?” Katara scrunches her brows. “I always thought that…”
Azula half frowns. “I need to study just like everyone else.”
Katara bites into her newly acquired peanut butter protein bar. “Okay, now why are you really up?” She laughs. “I know a straight A student when I see one.”
“Because good grades also come naturally to you?” Something about her posture seems to relax. “Right, yes. You’re the student who got in here through exceptional academic performance…”
Katara grits her teeth, readying herself to sling some sort of comeback at her.
“This campus needs more of that.” Azula nibbles upon a chocolate bar. “A whole lot of idiots are walking around here because money can’t buy brains even if it's spent on ivy league education.” She takes another bite. “Acquiring brains would require Chan and Jet to actually show up to class and show up without hangovers.”
Katara laughs. Azula manages a laugh too. And then the silence resumes with Azula staring off at nothing in particular. A few times it seems as though she wants to say something else but ultimately doesn’t. Maybe she doesn’t know what to say. 
Truth be told, she hadn’t expected Azula to be so quiet and softspoken. She is always so confident and eloquent in class.
“So why are you up?”
Another shrug. 
Another pause.
“I suppose that I have trouble sleeping in places that aren’t home.” 
Katara can tell by the bags under her eyes that it is something more than that but she won’t push.
Azula finds herself biting the inside of her cheek. “Would you like to see my dorm room?” It gets quite lonely sometimes. More often than not she finds herself wishing that she had chosen to the same university as Mai, but she hadn’t wanted to go to a whole different country. She wishes that TyLee would have come along with her instead of going to cosmetology school. 
“Yeah.” Katara smiles. “Sure.” 
Azula’s tummy tickles. She hadn’t expected the girl to say yes. “Okay.” 
Right, yes, she should start walking now. She gestures for Katara to follow and leads her to the door with the dragon painting. 
“Did you paint that?”
She shakes her head. “My brother did.” 
“He’s a good artist.”
Azula nods and slides her key into the lock. “It’s a little messy.”  She motions Katara in.
“Messy!? This is the cleanest dorm I have ever seen.” She looks around. “If you’re talking about those papers scattered on the desk…” Katara trails off into a laugh. She wanders about the room gandering at the books on her bookshelf and the strands of blue lights that she has strung up on the ceiling. She runs her fingers over some perfume and nail polish bottles and pauses to inspect the dragon sculptures and incense burners by her bedside. 
“I like these.” She points at Azula’s small collection of theater masks. 
“Mother gave them to me. I got a lot of going away and good luck presents.” She crawls onto her mattress and hugs a pillow to her chest. “Father gave me those speakers and the TV. And the violin. I think that he wants me to learn to play it.” She pauses. “I’m not musically inclined.”
“But you have a nice voice.”
“That doesn’t mean I can sing with it.”
“Have you tried?” 
Azula grimaces. “I don’t plan on it.” 
“Maybe one day.” Katara flashes her a mischievous smirk. 
Azula flops down onto the mattress. Her eyes feel so, so droopy. “Maybe I can help you study.” She yawns. 
“Help me study? You look like you’re going to fall asleep at any minute. I should probably let you get to that.” 
Azula’s stomach sinks, she isn’t ready to be alone yet. “I’m wide awake, I assure you.” She ends with a betraying yawn. 
Katara chuckles. “I can tell.” She pauses. “I should probably get some sleep too.”
Azula’s stomach sinks further as Katara nears the door. She has only just met her, it would probably be weird to ask her to stay the night. “When was the last time that you had a sleepover?” 
Katara tilts her head. “I have one every night with my roommate, Suki.” 
“I mean a real sleepover with music and magazines and gossip.” 
“Technically, never.” Katara confesses. “Toph and Suki were always bored by that and we would spend our sleepovers terrorizing my brother, Sokka.” 
Azula smiles. “Mai, TyLee, and I did that to my brother. One time we managed to braid my father’s beard before he woke up.”
Katara laughs again. “Yeah, we haven’t done that since we were kids.” She leans against the door. “Are you trying to imply that you’d like to have a sleepover?”
“That depends…”
“I’ll go get my pillows.”
“You will?”
The more time she spends with Azula the more apparent it becomes that she doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends. And now that she sees it, it seems pretty obvious. Azula always has kept to herself during class. She doesn’t think that she has ever seen the woman talking to anyone outside of class either. Nor in the cafeteria–come to think of it, she has never seen Azula in the cafeteria at all. She spots her sometimes in the book and coffee shop and she is always by herself. 
The more time she spends with Azula the harder it is to see why; she’s actually quite friendly–a bit of an awkward dork. A prideful, somewhat snobby dork. A dork who always likes to be right about everything but a dork no less. 
The more time she spends with Azula the more it seems as though she just has a very serious case of resting bitch face and a very serious case of resting menacing aura. An aura that sleepiness is slowly eroding. She rubs her eyes with the backs of her sleeves. Baggy sleeves that cover the entirety of her hands. She is so much smaller without those high heels. 
“Are you ready to go to sleep?” Katara asks. 
She is met with a sleepy mumble that she can’t decipher. It is an answer in itself. Azula has already curled herself up under the covers with her head burrowed deep into her mountain of pillows. Katara would wager that she is already asleep. Sleep that was probably very long overdue. 
She gets the sense that Azula has trouble sleeping. “Goodnight.” She says just in case and turns off the lights. Perhaps she could have a few more sleepovers with Azula. Perhaps, if things go well, they can be roommates next semester. She thinks that, that could be good for both of them.
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spacecowboyhotch · 2 years
By Chance: Jonathan
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summary: jonathan makes it clear that whatever this is between you two isn’t just physical.
pairing: newly research!assistant!fem!reader x jonathan levy
content: 18+/nsfw/MINORS DNI, pining, mentions of divorce, kissing, unprotected sex, spit kink, feelings, fluff, get together
an: we’ve made it to the end of this series! thank you so much for reading and for your patience, this one really kicked my ass! thank you to my dear @hotchs-bitch for helping with the smut <333. gif credits @pyramidmoon.
word count: 4.1k
series masterlist | misc. masterlist | requests are open
You’re successful in your efforts to avoid alone time with Jonathan. One of the other graduate assistants, Logan, has never shut up about how hot he thinks Professor Levy is, so when you offer to give up your paper drop-offs to give him a chance to flirt, he takes it. To your surprise, he doesn’t ask a lot of questions but you’re grateful because you haven’t come up with a good reason.
The weeks pass with fleeting glances and pleading eyes. By the end of March, he has news for you, good news but you avoid him at all costs. These days, you’re the last one to arrive at meetings and the first one out. The only means he has to contact you is your university email and it would feel wrong to abuse his power to get any personal contact information from the registrar's office. So he continues his failing efforts, waiting for you by the door at meetings or trying to race after you once they’ve ended. He has no luck, you’ll either murmur that the meeting’s about to start or find an escape to the women’s restroom.
Eventually, he starts to go stir crazy and shows up at your office. If he didn’t look closely he would’ve assumed your door was closed but it’s cracked a fraction of an inch. He knocks and calls your name softly before entering. He’s surprised by what’s in front of him; you’re on your couch, asleep, you and the floor littered with folders and paperwork. You’ve never looked so endearing and he wishes that he could sit beside you and wake you up with a kiss. Instead, he studies your features until he feels like a creep, organizes all the paper on the floor into neat stacks, and locks your door from the inside on his way out.
You aren’t much better emotionally. Though you scoffed when he said he missed you, you get it now. You miss returning his glances and engaging in conversation with him. You miss the coarse feel of his beard as he kisses you, the intense gaze he regards you with, the feeling of his warm hands on your skin. Most of all you miss his smile, his laugh. Since you broke things off you haven’t seen them, not genuinely. Even as you avoid him you can tell he’s off. When you do steal glances, sad eyes look back at you. There’s something off about his smile and his usual deep belly laugh. It makes you miss him on an even deeper level.
When you wake up that day he’s in your office it just makes things worse. There’s only one person you know wouldn’t wake you, one person that would leave your office cleaner than how he found it. The thought of him standing in your office, walking around softly as he organizes and tidies is the last straw. You sit up on your couch, your face falling into your hands as you succumb to the tears that have been building in you since you walked out of his office that day.
His gesture that day almost makes you give in but you continue to do what you think is right, what’s honorable. It’s what’s best for you and him and his family. Things stay this way, empty and estranged until a few days after your graduation. You’re in your office, not only purging but decorating it a little more now that you’re here for the foreseeable future. There’s a knock on your door, and you wonder if it’s Santi, the building’s janitor, making sure that you’re okay in here. It has been hours. But when you open the door it’s none other but Professor Levy.
Your eyes go wide, blinking rapidly, at the sight of him. It’s clear that he came from home, he’s in a comfy sweatsuit and his hair’s a little wild, looking like the dad that he is. He’s holding a bouquet of peonies and an envelope, and you finally remember that you haven't said anything, “Hi.”
“Hi. Happy graduation,” His lips turn up into a smile as he holds the flowers out to you.
“Thank you, Professor. I have the perfect vase for these at home. They’re beautiful,” As you take the flowers into your hand, you move out the way allowing him in.
You glance at the door, making the firm decision with yourself to leave the door open.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”
It’s sweet and pulls at your heart, but it was probably best he wasn’t there, especially if he was to bring his wife and daughter, “It's alright, I didn’t expect you to be. Plus now I have these.”
He runs his tongue over his bottom lip before he smirks, though he can’t maintain eye contact which you immediately notice, “Mmm, that’s true.”
“Everything okay?” You tilt your head, studying him as his eyes flicker back and forth.
He’s much more nervous than he expected to be. It takes him a moment to figure out why. He’s been busting at the seams with this information, ready to tell you and start whatever will be between you. But now that he’s here, that what he’s wanted since he first saw you a year ago is a possibility, the words are almost stuck in his throat, his mind buzzing with questions that have been brewing in his subconscious.
What if you don’t want him? What if you’ve moved on? What if it was just sex?
“I have something to tell you, I didn’t realize that I would be nervous.”
“I think with our past we don’t have a lot to be nervous about,” You tease but your concern grows when he doesn’t even give you the ghost of a smile.
What could he be nervous to tell you? He’s seen you vulnerable, heard of your shitty past, and even tasted you. There’s not much more between you that can be exposed. Other than how deeply you feel for him.
He looks at you again, almost in surprise, as if he’s forgotten you were there, “Right…I, uh. It’s good news. Great news actually, if things work out the way I want them to.”
“Hey, Levy, it’s just me,” You reassure him, reaching out to run your hand down his arm as you step closer.
That’s what you don’t understand. You’re more than just you, you’re a breath of fresh air or a fine spring morning. You’re everything he didn’t know he was missing until your eyes met his. There aren’t many things in this world that he thinks could beat spending time with you— in fact, as he thinks about it right now, his daughter is the only thing more important. Slowly but surely, his lens of the world has shifted, and now you’re in the frame.
He blows out a deep breath, running his hand over his beard before speaking, “Mira and I are getting a divorce. That’s what I was handling the day you graduated, it was our first negotiation.”
A gasp leaves your throat, so soft that he doesn’t hear it. Your heart feels like it’s in your stomach, subject to the acid as it burns with guilt. It pumps through your veins, clouding your mind. This is exactly what you didn’t want and the reason you walked away from him, and it happened anyway. You feel like a homewrecker.
“A divorce?” You squeak, your cheeks warming.
“We mutually agreed to get a divorce. She’s been seeing someone else for years apparently, and I…well I’m hoping to have you.”
“Me?” Your hand comes to rest on your chest, your heart beating rapidly. This isn’t how you expected this to go, not just this meeting but life in general. It’s hard to wrap your mind around what he’s saying; you get to….have him?
He frowns slightly, “Is that a surprise?”
You ignore his question, still trying to process the gravity of the decision he’s made, “You ended things with your wife…the mother of your child…for me?”
“For you, for me, for her and her potential partner. It’s for all of us.”
As you piece together his answers, they make you feel a little better. He didn’t do it selfishly, he didn’t just leave her. She was ready to go, she’d built a life outside of him. He wants you. He did this not only for himself, for her, for his daughter, but for you. You make his list.
“You chose me,” You say quietly, mostly to yourself in disbelief.
He wants to close the gap between you, cup your face and reassure you by pressing soft, loving kisses to your cheeks. But he can see how overwhelmed you are so he stays where he is, “Yeah baby, I chose you.” Doubt lances through him, nerves rolling through his stomach as the uncertainty of you wanting him returns in full force, “I hope that you’re happy about that?”
You’re not sure about the range of emotions you’re going through right now can just be simplified into happiness. There's some guilt, some fear, and unsureness so you change the subject to buy some time, “I have some good news of my own. Shelley offered me a full-time position on her research team.”
He closes the space between you, pulling you in for a hug, “That's incredible. Wait, are you taking it?”
“I’d be an idiot not to now, right?” It's a way to answer his earlier question that hangs in the air indirectly.
He pulls away, his eyes slowly tracing every feature of your face, “As in, you’ll stay to give this a real shot?”
“We can give us a real shot, yes,” You say tentatively, shivering in his arms from the intensity of his gaze.
As soon as the words are out of your mouth his eyes flash with need, and he’s pushing you back towards the couch, his lips hungrily crashing to yours. Your hands are in his hair immediately, to anchor his mouth to yours. He licks into your mouth, eager to taste you after months of being denied the privilege.
The two of you are like a tornado, frantic and leaving a flurry of clothing and mess in your wake. His hands fall from your waist and start on your button-down, his nimble fingers making quick work of it. It feels like a race, trying to get you out of your clothes so that he can see all of you.
As if you can hear his thoughts, it dawns on you that you’ve never seen any of him. That this will be the first time that any of him is bared to you, and it just makes your arousal burn brighter deep in your belly. You’re ripping at his clothing now, breaking away from the sloppy kisses he’s treating you to and pulling his shirt over his head. You can’t keep your hands off him, groping every part of his torso as you run your hands up and down his chest.
“You’re pretty,” You whisper, eyes flitting up to meet his.
His pupils are blown out with lust, cheeks tinted the softest of pinks from your compliment as he sucks his bottom lip in between his teeth, “You’re prettier.”
The back of your knees hit the couch, and you switch positions with him, pushing him down onto the couch and straddling him. His hands gather your hair into a makeshift ponytail, gently pulling you down into another kiss. He’s stealing your breath, licking into your mouth but you can’t find the wits to care as you run your hands up and down his body. Your body moves without thought, your warm, wet center begging for some friction. Your hips press down into him, and your eyes pop open at the sensation of feeling his erection against you there for the first time. Through the layers of clothing between you, you can feel him, hot and heavy.
“More,” He murmurs against your lips, his hands circling you to unclasp your bra, freeing your breasts. He blinks a few times, taking in your nearly naked frame before he starts to kiss them, rolling them delicately between his teeth.
You throw back your head as his tongue continues to switch between your nipples and you knot your hands into his curls, anchoring him to you. Your hips are still moving, grinding desperately against him as pleasure builds inside of you. You wouldn’t be surprised if he could get you to cum just from this. But you want more, and move one of your hands between you, groping at him through the material of his sweatpants causing him to his.
“Want you,” You breathe, running your hand up and down his length.
“Need you,” He counters, abruptly getting you on your back.
He starts to trail kisses down your neck, continuing to your breasts, treating them to love bites that make you arch into him. Your hands are his hair, not to guide him but just to feel. He runs his tongue down your stomach, dipping it into your belly button before peeling you out of your pants and panties. Running his hands down your thighs, he can’t take his eyes off of your completely naked body.
“Don’t make me wait, please?” You don’t care about how desperate you sound.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. Are you?”
His eyes grow soft, filled with tenderness, “I’ve always been sure about you.”
That confession makes your heart pound in your chest, it's unexpected and romantic, and your feelings start to bubble in your throat, though you’re not quite ready to go there. You don’t have to worry about responding because he’s getting himself naked in a rush, and soon every inch of his bare skin is pressed to yours. He’s so warm and heavy against you, and your hands make their way down his back, squeezing his as in a move that makes him chuckle.
He presses his forehead to yours, stealing a quick kiss. “Will you say it?” He asks hesitantly, and you immediately know what he means.
He wants you to say his name. To cross the last of the boundaries that lie between you.
You hesitate, sucking your lip between your teeth, “Levy…”
“No, say it. It’s just me and you now. I’m yours. Say it, please,” He practically begs, his gaze intense. “Please.”
“Jonathan,” It comes out of you rough and taboo, almost like a curse. Your voice is laced with need, and you have to admit to yourself that it feels good to finally call him that. You look up at him and his eyes are a little misty, filled with wonder as he starts to move his hips forward. And as he enters you inch by inch, you feel the breath leaving your lungs, your body turning to jello. This time when you say his name it’s a whimper, a soft desperate, “Jonathan.”
“I know, baby, I know,” He runs his hand over your hair affectionately, understanding how overwhelmed you feel. This feels right, him inside of you, it feels like home. “So fucking good.”
He snaps his hips forward again, and it’s almost as if you feel him in your lungs, “You’re so deep, I can’t…”
He stills, pulling his face out of your neck to look at you, eyebrows knit in concern, “Are you okay? Should I stop?”
“No, no, please don’t stop, you feel so good.”
“You’re sure?” His eyes scan your face for any hesitancy.
You nod, a bashful smile on your lips, “It’s just been a while for me, I’m okay.”
The gears turn in his head as he digests that information before his mouth turns up into a smirk, “Were you keeping this pussy safe? Just for me?”
Your eyes widen at his confidence. If you weren’t already so hot from the sex, your skin would flush from his gaze, “Yes.”
“It’s all mine, isn’t it? You’re all mine. You and this pussy?” He’s so deep inside you in this moment, proof of his words before you can even answer.
“Yes, all yours. And you’re mine?”
“Since the moment I saw you,” He says firmly, not a doubt in his mind.
You groan at that and bring him in for a kiss before whispering words of praise against his mouth. He smiles against your warm, sweet skin and takes your lip in between his teeth, reminiscent of the first time the two of you ever kissed. He’s got his hands on your thighs, spreading you open wide as he slowly ruts into you. You run your nails down his back, pivoting your hips up to meet his with every stroke. Words cease, and it’s nothing but the two of you, getting lost in the taste and feel of each other. It’s a little overwhelming, how much he means to you, and you pull him even closer, wanting to be completely consumed by him.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” He murmurs before capturing your lips in another sloppy kiss. Watching him collect the spit in his mouth you open wide, and he lets it fall slowly from his tongue onto yours. You swallow greedily before pulling him closer, and he buries his face into the crook of your neck. “I love how this pussy feels, I love you,” It all comes out of him in a rush, and his entire body freezes, tense with nerves. He hadn’t meant to say it this early though he’s been thinking about it for months now. He’s worried that he’s ruined this moment.
But then you whine, “Don’t stop, Jonathan,” tilting your hips up, focused on the feel of him and your impending orgasm, and he feels much better.
When he moves again, his pace is quicker, though he doesn’t sacrifice depth, pulling completely out of you just to fill you up over and over. It brings you to the brink of your orgasm, and you hold two fingers up to his lips, raising an eyebrow. He understands immediately, taking your fingers into his mouth, sucking them loudly. Once sufficiently wet you drop them to your clit, rubbing in time with his thrusts.
You spiral into the most intense release you’ve ever had, pleasure lighting up every nerve in your body. He watches you moan and shudder under him, your eyes closed and mouth wide open as you let it overtake you. Your hands are roaming, finding their place in his hair as you come down, your breathing still harsh.
He can tell that this orgasm has taken a lot out of you, your eyes are still closed and you’re sinking into the cushions, “Are you alright?”
“Can I make you cum one more time, baby?” He asks softly between chaste kisses to your lips.
The way he asks makes arousal bloom in your belly once more, and he feels your pussy tighten around his cock before you answer verbally. He grins at you, a knowing look on his face that somehow makes you feel shy, your cheeks warming. How you can feel this way he’s taken you apart and put you back together in multiple ways is lost on you.
“That’s my girl,” He gives you another kiss before pulling out of you and sitting up.
Your eyes drink in every inch of him still, you don’t think you’ll ever get used to having him like this. He’s soft and firm in all the right places, his chest dusted with hair in a way that makes you want to run your tongue over it.
“Baby?” His voice brings you out of your trance and your eyes meet his.
“I said bend over the couch for me,” He whispers, gripping your hips to help you up.
You feel exposed, and a little self-conscious once you’re in this position but his next words clear any of those thoughts from your mind.
“You’re so wet,” He marvels, his voice is so endearing that it doesn’t sound like he’s talking about something so obscene. “So beautiful,” He murmurs as he lines the head of his cock up with your entrance.
You wiggle your hips impatiently, throwing your hair over your shoulder to get a good look at him. His curls are stuck to his forehead, a sheen of sweat glistening on his entire body.
He loves the sight of you like this, desperation pooling in your eyes, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you silently beg him to enter you. He has to give in, not just because you’re looking at him like that but because he wants to be buried in your tight heat once more. He pushes into you until his hips are flush against yours, and you mewl beneath him, rolling your hips in hopes to take him deeper.
“Exquisite,” He grits out as he pulls out and snaps his hips forward with so much force it makes you yelp.
He’s rougher this way, chasing after both of your orgasms as he sets a fast pace. He fucks into you with bruising strength, though his hands that hold your hips steady hold you with so much tenderness. The sound of cock entering you over and over is indecent, both of you coated in your arousal.
“Fuck, yes, just like that,” You start to push back against him, feeling your second orgasm building steadily in your lower belly.
“You and this pretty little pussy gonna be the death of me. You take me so well,” His eyes lower to where he’s entering you, completely mesmerized by the sight.
“Jonathan,” His name rolls off your tongue easily now as if it’s meant to be. You knot harshly into the material of the couch, using the leverage to rock back even harder against him.
“I’m right here baby, I’m not going anywhere,” His lips are at your ear before he wraps his arms around to pull you close, continuing to pound into you.
He holds you flush against him this time as you meet your release a second time. Your body trembles in his arms, pleasure overwhelmingly coursing through your veins. He’s still kissing you, and thrusting inside of you, just on the precipice of his own orgasm. You’re completely fucked out but with the little energy, you have left you squeeze around him, pussy clenching so tightly that it hurls him over the edge.
His hips stutter as he cums, his strokes becoming slower as he fucks his seed further inside of you. The thought of what that looks like, your lips messy against each other’s, hips working together, moaning wantonly makes your pussy flutter around him once more. It makes him want to turn you over and fuck you all over again, but he’s spent, falling back into the couch cushions, taking you with him.
You focus on the warmth of him, against you and inside you as you try to return your breathing to normal. His hold on you loosens so he just got an arm around your waist, his harsh breathing slowly bobbing you up and down. After a few moments pass you carefully turn over, breath catching when he slips out of you.
Some of his curls are damp, sticking to his forehead and his eyes widen slightly as everything that’s just happened flickers through his mind. He’d said it, he’d told you that he loves you and while you hadn’t stopped everything, you certainly didn’t say it back. That anxiety that coursed through him when he’d first gotten here is back.
Jonathan looks anywhere but at you, “About what I said-”
You lean into him, grasping his chin so he has to look at you, “Did you mean it?”
His eyes are crystal clear, full of sincerity, “Of course, without a doubt in my mind.”
His certainty is all you need to say it back. You know in your heart it’s true, you haven’t thought about anything but him since you laid eyes on him. All of that has led to this moment.
“I…I love you too,” You push your fingers through his curls, before leaning in for a quick kiss.
“Yeah?” He smiles against your lips, and it’s infectious.
“Maybe I could have you over for dinner tomorrow? I’ll cook.”
“I would really like that.”
“We can take this as slow as we both need. I want this to work. I need it to.”
“Jonathan, it's just me and you, like you said. It's us, okay? Don't worry about what's happened in the past.”
He didn’t realize how important it would be for you to call him his name until today. The way your mouth molds around it, makes it sound sacred and makes his heart flutter. He doesn’t remember the last time he felt like this, like a bright-eyed lover who feels safe and held. Understood. But the way you look at him, delicately and compassionate almost brings tears to his eyes.
“It's just us,” He agrees before tucking his head into the crook of your neck.
Just you. Just him. Together.
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if you’d like to be on my jonathan levy/oscar issac taglist let me know!
jonathan levy taglist: @giona45-5, @angelfxllcm, @sweetascherrylies, @hotchs-bitch, @jakelcckley, @mrspector, @jitterbugs927, @myorestes, @winwin70, @ninebluehearts, @siezethenights
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
The Taste of Your Lips - Matt Murdock x Reader
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Summary: You and Matt have feeling for each other but it takes oh so long for you two to give into them
Words: 2.6k 
Warnings: none I think 
Notes: I just really had to write a Matt story; been on my mid for days 
I first met Matt in college, he was studying law and I was studying creative writing. Despite our differences we bonded over our mutual love of comics; literature and music. We quickly became friends, spending countless hours talking about everything from our favourite novels to new music that we wanted the other to enjoy. It always amazed me how Matt had an uncanny ability to sense things that most people couldn’t and his reflexes were always lightning fast as if he could actually see. I never though much of it, chalking it up to his intense training as a lawyer and his dedication to his physical fitness. 
After we graduated, Matt moved into an apartment in Hell’s Kitchen and offered me a free space in there. I couldn’t take it, finding a cheap and rather shitty apartment that Matt wasn’t too happy about. One day I came home to find a set of keys on my kitchen island and a note from Matt saying I could come over whenever I wanted and it makes my heart jump. It was such a small gesture but it meant so much to me and a small part of me hoped it meant that maybe, just maybe, Matt had feeling for me too. 
I began to notice little things about him that I found rather endearing and I started looking forwards to our time together, feeling a flutter in my chest whenever I knew we were going to meet up. I would catch myself staring at him for a few seconds longer than necessary or feeling a sense of disappointment when we had to go our separate ways for that day but it wasn’t until we were spending an evening watching a movie together that I realised I was in love with him. We were sitting on the couch, him happy to listen to the movie with my head on his chest and our feel intertwined, feeling his smile into my hair. As the movie had ended I knew something had shifted between us for me, my heart racing at the realisation that I was head over heels for my best friend. 
I didn’t know how to tell him and I didn’t want to risk losing our friendship as I was scared for what his reaction would be so I left it. I pushed my feelings aside and acted like they were just a passing crush but of course they weren’t. The ore time I spend with Matt the stronger my feelings got and I was starting to daydream about what it would be like to be able to kiss him and how his face would feel in my hands until it got too much. I had been wandering through Hell’s Kitchen late at night when something snapped and I was bursting into Matt’s apartment before I knew it, ready to tell him I was in love with him when I found him standing there. The Daredevil suit on and mask in his hands. 
All I could do was stare at him as I try and process what was in front of me as Matt was the last person I expected to be Hell Kitchen’s vigilante. He’s blind for one but two the Matt I thought I knew was just too soft to be Daredevil. My shock quickly dissipated into anger as Matt had been keeping this from me, from Foggy. How could he? How could he put himself in such danger every single night? It hurt me, the thought of him getting so hurt he can’t get home and no one can help him. 
“What the actual fuck?” I’m hissing out, voice shaking with anger and fear as he looks in my direction, a guilty look on his face. 
He forced me to sit down, calmly explaining to me about his ability to ‘see’ the world around him using his other senses, how it helped him navigate the streets of Hell’s Kitchen. How he uses a form of echolocation, listening for sounds bouncing off of objects around him which he can form into mental images of his surrounding based on the way the sounds interact. He explains how it’s not perfect and has a lot of limitations and how it takes a lot of practice and concentration to ‘see’ effectively. He told me that he had gotten his hearing so precise he could hear my heart currently racing in my chest.
As Matt told me that a rush of emotions and realisation floods my mind and I flushed. Surprised at first, almost taken aback by thee sheer power of his senses and it’s almost hard to comprehend that he can hear physical manifestations of my emotions so clearly. Then the shock wears off and embarrassment takes its place as that means Matt could hear every time my heart races when I thought about kissing him, he could smell my arousal every time my mind wandered further than it should and he could feel when my cheeks flushes every time he would touch me. He would have been able to see through all the times I stared at him with heart eyes and all the times I tried to hide my feelings for him. 
I couldn’t help feel vulnerable and exposed as I processed it all. It was like all of my secrets and desires were laid bare before him but at the same time there was something strangely comforting about it. Matt could hear everything I was feeling meaning he had the ability to understand me in a way nobody else could, a strangely intimate connection that we share. In that moment, I realised that my feelings for Matt went far beyond mere friendship. It wasn’t just that I find him attractive or that we have a good rapport. It’ was something deeper, something that I couldn’t quite put into words. And as I looked into his eyes, shades of deep and rich chocolate, I wondered if he could hear my heart racing then and there too.
It’s been a few months since I found out Matt was Daredevil and I’ve been staying at him more often than mine that at this point I should just move in but I don’t want to deal with his smug ‘I told you so’. 
It was awkward at first as I couldn’t help the feelings of betrayal that he had kept this huge secret from me, telling Foggy and Karen before me. Matt gave me time to adjust, letting me find my own way back to him which took a week or two as I took the time to realise why he did what he did and honestly? It’s made me feel somehow closer to him than before as we’ve fallen into a routine now. He lets me clean him up when he gets hurt, it took a few days of arguing for that to happen, but he gave in knowing just how stubborn I can be. I clean up his injuries, make sure he’s fed and hydrated and make sure he gets enough sleep to work the next day. It’s not always easy but it’s become somewhat of a bonding experience for us and it puts my anxieties at easy. 
Despite all this I still haven’t given in to moving in with him. Part of me wants to but I’m not giving him that satisfaction and I know that the longer I spend at his the less I’ll be able to control my feelings for him as they grow stronger. I can’t help but wonder if there is something unspoken between us, something deeper than just friends when I’m sat practically in his lap and cleaning the cuts on his cheek or icing the bruises on his ribs. 
Today was no different, I slipped into his apartment in the dead of night to find him  half laying, half sitting on the sofa, back against the arm and one leg spread down the couch and the other handing off, foot on the floor as his eyes are pointed to the ceiling. My heart drops at the sight of him and I’m letting the door slam shut, whispering out a quiet ‘Sorry!’ when he winces. 
Without a second thought I’m rushing over to him, sliding to sit between his spread legs and pulling him into a tight embrace. He responds by his arms wrapping around me, strong and comforting, like a shield protecting me from the rest of the world. The muscles in his chest flex as he embraces me, the warms of his body enveloping me and his bare chest smooth and firm against me. I can’t help myself but bury my face in his chest, the scent of his skin mixed with a hint of sweat and his cedarwood cologne. My heart is racing and I know he can feel it too, the way his grip tightens ever so slightly and the warmth of his breath on my neck as he moves closer. I can’t help myself when I begin to wonder if he can feel the heat rising to my cheeks and the way I can’t help feeling a little turned on by him being this close. 
He’s breaking the hug, eyes moving around my face as if he can really see me and it sends a shiver down my spine. My eyes follow his fingers as the lightly ghost down my arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake and a small smile on his lips leaving me feeling a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. He’s leaning closer again, breath on my face  and hands cupping my face gently in his hands, thumbs brushing my cheeks softly. He speaks, voice low and rough, “I can hear how much you want this, can smell it and fuck,” he chokes on his words a little, letting out a sound that could be a whimper, “Fuck, you don’t know how long I have wanted to do this.” 
Then his lips are on mine, a soft and sweet kiss that sends my heart racing even more. His hands are moving to my waist as he pulls me closer to him while his tongue traces over my bottom lip asking silent permission to deepen the kiss. His hands on my hips feels so strong and firm, yet gentle at the same time. It's like he's holding onto me with purpose, but not with force. The warmth from his palms seeps through the fabric of my shirt, making me feel safe and protected. I can feel his fingers slightly digging into my sides as he pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. The sensation of his touch sends shivers down my spine and I feel like I could stay in his embrace forever. 
Matt’s breaking the kiss too soon for my liking, a soft rumble in his chest of amusement as his strong hands manoeuvre me so I’m straddling his lap, thumbs moving in soothing circles where they’ve slipped under my teeshirt. He sighs softly before speaking, voice low and a tinge of pain in it, “I’ve been so scared to make a move,” His grip tightens a little more, “I don’t want to put a target on your back darling.” 
As soon as the endearment leaves his kiss swollen lips I feel my heart flutter and from the small smirk on his lips he hears it too but I can’t help it as him calling me ‘darling’ adds to the warmth spreading through me. Without any hesitation, I’m placing a gentle hand on his cheek, turning his face to mine, “I know the risks, Matt,” I speak softly, as if I’ll break the moment if I speak any louder, “I’m afraid of what I’ll do if I’m not with you now that I have a taste.” 
That draws a genuine smile from him, a soft and tender expression making me let out a soft sound. I can’t stop myself from leaning forwards and capturing his lips in another gentle and loving kiss as his hands move to my back and pull me flush against him as if I’ll disappear. The kiss deepens, passion stoking the fire in my chest. His hands moving up and down my back under my loose shirt, fingers tracing over my skin and causing shivers to run down my spine. I press myself even closer to him, feeling the hard muscles of his bare chest and the warm of his body against mine. His tongue flicks against my lower lip and I part them eagerly for him to deepen the kiss even further. 
It’s like the ward fades away and it’s just us, lost in the kiss and the feel of each other. Matt’s lips are soft and gentle yet full of so much pent up desire it’s almost overwhelming. I can feel my own desire building with every passing second and I have to pull away too soon, panting for air and my breath hitching when his lips don’t hesitate to move to my neck. 
“I’m right here,” I gasp out, hands finding his hair and a small part of me revels in how soft it is. It’s like running my fingers through fine silk, falling around his face and making it addictive to touch, my fingers curling and pulling lightly as I add, “I’m not going anywhere.” 
A low sound escapes his throat as his lips trail soft and gentle kisses down my neck, leaning a trail of warmth and desire in their wake. His lips feel soft yet firm, breath warm against my skin and his fingers are tracing any part of me he can get his hands on as he tries to memorise every dip and curve for future times. It feels like electricity, the contract of his soft and gentle fingers compared to his lips that are sucking and biting hickeys into any skin of his neck he can get them on. 
He’s kissing me once more, soft and quick before he’s manhandling me off his lap as he shifts. His strong and firm hands lift me off his lap and back to my feet, pulling himself up and then making me lay the length of the sofa. I frown at him as he walks to his room until he’s returning with two pillows which he props against the arm of the sofa before he lays down next to me. He shifts us around until we’re comfortable with his head leaning on the pillows and my head on his chest, nestled into his side with his arm around my shoulders and squeezing lightly, his moves all smooth and fluid. Settling into his side, my ear pressed against his chest, I hum softly the his fingers move to card and lightly scratch throughly scalp soothingly. He turns the TV on, the soft glow of the screen casting a warm light over us as we snuggle together, the blanket at the bottom of the sofa being wriggled up by his feet until he can reach it with his hands. The blanket is fuzzy and warm, the mixture of it, Matt’s safe and solid form surrounding me and the quiet murmurs of the TV has me drifting to sleep. The steady rhythm of Matt’s heartbeat serving as my own personal lullaby as I sleep for the first time in months, knowing Matt is here and okay. I feel safe in his arms, knowing that he'll always protect me. 
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averysexyleon · 6 months
In which Ethan is crammed into a tiny space with Karl, who he doesn't remember
Ethan was uncomfortably close to the other man, who crushed up against him. The blond realized from the smell of leather and heat that a hand was pressed over his mouth. Finally he saw the flash of the Bowie knife just before it moved to his neck. Instantly he stilled, his brows raising as his gaze stayed on the brunette.
Ethan could only nod, once, curtly. Mostly, he couldn’t breathe with the fucking glove on his face. But the pressure only lifted slightly. He heard the door to their current car open and remained still from instinct, not because he was told to. He couldn’t turn his head, he realized, and huffed behind the glove. He could only stare forward. Thanks to the porthole’s moonlight, he studied the scarred features. The man’s uncovered strange, light eyes moved from Ethan’s face toward the partition, as if he awaited a confrontation. His lips were parted slightly. He almost looked eager for a fight, really.
The brunette’s sharp, intense gaze slid back to Ethan after the other door latched closed, signaling security’s leave. The gloved hand that muffled Ethan’s mouth slipped downward slowly, scratching his chin and jaw. The knife was still uncomfortably close; Ethan cringed, wondering if he was about to be decapitated by a goddamn knife after everything he’d been through.
When he opened his eyes a moment later, though, the knife was down, and the man was even closer.
“So you can follow directions.” It was said in yet another tone of voice. A purr. He was leaning even closer. This guy had zero definition of personal space; his chest touched Ethan’s, as did his hips. He still had a hand on the blond’s neck. “Good to know.”
When leather slipped past Ethan’s lips, he said in a breathless scowl, “Tell me everything you know.”
This amused the other greatly, and he replied with another flamboyant chuckle that seemed to never end. Ethan’s heart was fluttering; why were they still crammed into this tiny space? And yet he didn’t fight to leave. Ethan tried again, “About…the BSAA. And how you know me. And Rose.”
Thick brows, laced with grey, rose higher. The scars moved between age lines on the man’s forehead. He really was handsome, Ethan considered, for a maniac who dragged someone into a closet with a Bowie knife. Handsome, and warm, and teasing.
“Get her away from that place.  Don’t know why you’re goin or how you’re here, but…” the man shook his head.  “Don’t tarry.”
“Okay, and what about you?”
“What about me, Ethan?”  Eethun.  He was smiling.  God, what a smug bastard this guy was.  And Ethan was staring at his scarred lips.  How embarrassing.  Fucking Christ.  
At least when he met the other’s eyes, his gaze was intense.  
“You’re up to something too.  I want to know what.” 
With one more giggle, the man pushed them out of the small area, reaching around Ethan to holster the pistol in its rigid holster.  He made very direct eye contact while doing this, to Ethan’s horror.  His body came even closer.  Over Ethan’s shoulder, he chided, “Go get some sleep, Papa.” 
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Together? Until the End
Elliott x Autistic Reader
Autistic people have the average life span of thirty-six years at least in the United States and when I'm reminded that I don't get a lot of time on Earth I get really upset. So this is an intense story of what people may need to hear. So this story talks a lot about death and self harm, you have been warned.
Also it is almost one in the morning so I am not sure if this will be any good.
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It was another bad night, something that you often dealt with alone, but now that you were dating an incredibly considerate guy you didn't have to.
Elliott had come over around five to spend the night, he expected to find you outside with your cows or maybe even resting in the grass under a tree, not in bed clutching a stuffed animal to your chest like a life line.
"Love?" Elliott said, coming towards you.
You pressed your face into the stuffed animal as he came closer, Elliott sat near your knees in the bed. His presence making it a little easier for you to be cope.
He knew about your Autism and your history of self harm (he kissed most of your scars whenever he could reach them, a habit he also made when going in between your thighs), but what he didn't know about was this small piece of Autism that you didn't like to share with anyone and you were certain he didn't know.
You only found out when you were a teenager and now that you're older you felt like you didn't have hardly anytime left and you wanted it. You wanted to spend as much time as you could with him, you wanted him engraved into your soul so that in every life you'd remember how you loved each other, how safe he made you feel.
"(y/n)?" Elliott said, his voice pulling you from your thoughts.
"I have to tell you something." You say, "And I'm giving you another out, if you want to leave after I tell you then I won't judge you because no one deserves this."
Silently, Elliott grabbed your hand and squeezed it. The last time you told him this was when you two had first started to become interested in each other and it was when you told him you had autism.
You say up your one arm still clutching the stuffed animal around your chest.
"So autistic people have a shorter life expectancy.." you say unable to look up at him "We're given thirty-six years, sometimes maybe to our fifties, mainly our deaths are from suicide or heart problems...most of the time from stress of having to be "normal" in front of others."
Elliott gripped your hand as tight as he could, he took a deep breath studying the lines of your face. He felt his heart shatter in his chest, he wanted nothing more than to tuck you inside his pocket and keep you safe until you were both one-hundred.
"Can I hold you?" He asked
You nodded and you two met in the middle, your legs going around his waist, his head going to the spot in between your neck and shoulder.
"I'm don't want to leave you so early." You say crying. "I just got you. I don't want to leave you."
"You won't." Elliott said his voice broken, "You're gonna live so much longer."
"I get reminded about it every now and again," you say, "and I just get upset I'm sorry."
"No, no." Elliott said, "You're fine, you don't have to apologize, I'm glad you told me."
"Really?" You ask tears coming out of your eyes.
"Absolutely," Elliott responded, "It gives me an opportunity to insure that you will have a long and happy life. You are my entire world (y/n) and I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you here until we're both one-hundred."
You chuckle into his shoulder and kiss any part of his body you can reach without moving too much. You both move to lay on the bed, facing each other, Elliott's head above yours. His cheeks red from the tears that slipped out.
"I didn't mean to make you cry." You say, "I just..felt like it was something you deserved to know."
"It's not your fault." He said brushing the hair on your head.
"The idea of losing you is worse than any Hell that I could be put through."
"If I do die." You say, "I'd most likely leave the farm to you, you could sell it if you want or live here."
"Why on earth would you leave me anything?" He asks, "You've given me so much already."
"I plan on marrying you." You tell him, face going red, "So legally it would go to you."
Elliott tenses for a small moment and pulls away from you for a moment to look down at you and give you a soft smile.
"I'm glad we have the same plan for our futures together."
You laugh and lean up to kiss him sweetly, kisses with Elliott are always an occasion, they leave you breathless and needing more.
Quickly it becomes your hands roaming against each other wanting nothing more than to just kiss each other and keep each other grounded.
His hands go up your shirt and trace the scars from a time not yet forgotten, he leaves your lips only to go down and inspect your body to make sure you haven't relapsed.
"It's been a bad day." You say, "I'm glad you got here when you did."
"I am too." Elliott says coming back up to your lips, "Another moment away from you and I would've sold my soul to have some magic to transport me to you whenever one of us needed each other."
You roll your eyes at him, smile up at him and press another kiss on his lips.
When your make out session has ended the two of you lay in the bed, too lazy to get up and leave each other's warmth. Looking at Elliott you can't help but appreciate the time you are allowed to have with him and until he can find the fountain of youth to keep you both going for as long as he wishes, you'll just have to cherish every moment with him.
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