#younghyun scenario
agustd-png · 2 months
Day6 Smut Headcanons
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As promised, here's some smut headcanons for these boys! 💙🍀💚 I posted a Younghyun A-Z once, but that was 5 years ago (!) so my opinions are probably a bit different now. 18+ under the cut, yall~
It takes him awhile to really understand that you find him hot, to understand that yes, you are very attracted to him. He doesn't see himself in that way, so it's flattering and surprising for him, even if you tell him on many different occasions. Because of that, you often have to be the one to initiate sex, at least for a few months into a relationship. But when he is in bed, he's a good partner; very attentive, and passionate when he gets going. No dom/sub dynamic with him, just mutual pleasure. Everything's very balanced: you go down on him, he's gonna go down on you. He doesn't really think about which of those he likes better, it's all nice in his mind. When you give him head, he guides you carefully with both hands, watching you intently and holding your hair gently. When he gives you head, he focuses and closes his eyes, making out with your pussy until you're squirming. Loves to shove his tongue as deep into you as he can get it. He loves to be on top and in control, so something classic like missionary is definitely a go-to, but he also loves having you on your stomach and taking you from behind. His sounds are minimal, as he tries to maintain that Busan tenacity, but when he does let go, his moans are deep, clear, and melodic with a slight husk. When he cums, he pushes deep into you, bites hard on his lip and slips out a curse. And oh does he love to cum inside you, to fill you up and revel in his possessive tendencies. But if not inside you, he likes it when you jerk him off onto your tongue. Would call you something like "angel" or "kitten". He probably wouldn't say it outright, but he loves to spoil you.
A very intimate partner; his hands are all over your body whenever he gets the chance. He'll come up behind you when you're cooking or doing dishes and wrap his arms around you, kissing your neck or just standing there with you in his arms and his chin on your shoulder. In bed, he'll pull off your garments piece by piece and let his hands and lips traverse your body before anything else. He loves intimate positions where your bodies are closely intertwined, and loves to hold your gaze while you have sex. Having you straddling him while he sits on a couch or comfy chair is a fave for him, and he'd be up for cock warming too. Calls you "baby" all the time, and likes to be called a nice little domestic pet name like "honey". He's very talkative during sex, not just with dirty talk, but having like full conversations. He has such a penchant for truly enjoying and appreciating experiences while he's having them, so it's quite common for him to smile warmly at you when you're together. He loves oral sex, both giving and receiving. When he's giving, he spreads your legs wide and uses his fingers a lot, watching your reactions to everything. When you're going down on him, he furrows his brow and bites his lips till they're red and swollen, trying so hard not to let his instincts take over and fuck your face. But if you let him...yeah he'll take the opportunity. Deep throating is such a big turn on for him, and he just loves to cum in your mouth and see you swallow. He can be a bit shy with his moans, relying more on his words, but with a little encouragement will let you hear them more. And thank God for that, because he sounds lovely; relaxed and husky and sprinkled with dirty words under his breath. "Oh my God, you're so good for me, baby...taking it so good...yeah, you want it, don't you, baby? Tell me how much you want me..." If you suggest something a little kinkier or toys, he'd hesitantly be open to trying it.
Anyone who's read some of my Wonpil stuff knows that in my mind, he's the quintessential Baby Boy 😌💕 He needs a soft dom to take care of him. Very obedient and loves to please, he'd let you tie him up, gag him, blindfold him, leash him, tease him, edge him, whatever. He loves it when you take charge, and his favorite positions are when you're on top, though he also likes to spoon. He also would totally let you peg him. When he goes down on you, he prefers for you to sit on his face. Run your fingers through his hair and tell him how good he is letting you use his mouth, and he's melting into a whimpering puddle beneath you. When you go down on him, he squirms and whimpers for more, but bites his tongue to keep himself from begging too much. He watches you with shaky breath as you take all of him in your mouth. Cums wherever you tell him to, often ending up doing so in your hand. He tries his best to hold it until you tell him he can cum, but he has a hard time with that. Breathy, clipped, whiny moans leave him when you touch him, only getting louder and whinier the closer he gets. "Please, I'm so close, c-can I cum, please?" He's very curious about toys and open to experimenting with them, on himself and on you. Loves to be called "baby boy", "honey", "sweetie", things like that. He'll call you "baby" in public and whatever you want him to behind closed doors. He gets off to the idea of cuckolding, but would probably never actually let another person fuck you.
He gets kinda cocky when he knows you want him, and so uses the opportunity to tease you and make you ask for it. He likes to hear you say you want him, and sometimes playfully won't even let you kiss him until you say as much. Despite that, he's clingy, but not annoyingly so. It's really very endearing. Innocent date nights turn hotter faster with him, and you may never watch an entire movie together, as you always end up dry humping or fucking before the credits roll. He loves your ass and is always finding some excuse to have his hand on it. In public he'll just call you by your name, but in bed he likes to call you "princess" or "good girl" and to think of himself as more dom than he actually is. Deep grunts rumble in his chest, along with exasperated exhales, when you fuck. "Going crazy, can't believe how good you feel..." He's actually not that into receiving head, but he loves a good handjob. He'll go down on you, but thinks of it more as foreplay and doesn't stay down there long. Which is a shame, because he's quite good at it. He just can't wait to be inside you and often gets ahead of himself, and so most of your sex life is intercourse. But once he starts fucking you, he's so determined to do his very best. He's focused and passionate, and loves to try all kinds of positions. If he had to choose a favorite, it would probably be reverse cowgirl. Again, because he loves your ass, and because it's endlessly hot to him to watch you riding him. He's also a bit voyeuristic, loving to watch you get yourself off. Public sex is intriguing to him, but he's hesitant to actually try it. He loves to cum on your chest, and often ends up just pulling out and hurriedly cumming wherever's closest, like your ass or lower stomach. Doesn't often cum inside you though, he likes to see your skin covered in it.
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day6source · 7 days
240601 day6_kisstheradio
💬 Dear Billie Eilish Young K's reply has arrived. 🥰 Reasons for Replying The Billie Eilish Dekira case 🚨 Sent to Young D and Dekira See Billie Eilish's Message Video ✨
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chicken-fifi · 1 month
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KEY: Smut🌶️, Fluff 🥰, Angst 🥺, Violent 🔪, Ships 🚢, Suggestive 😏
Sodium Overdose 🥰 Haunted by You Masterlist 🥰🥺😏🌶️
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wondersky · 11 months
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My two worlds colliding.
This would be a perfect day.
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moonsaes · 4 years
alright this is absolutely absurd. i listened to day6 for the first time like 2 days ago and now i love them. and i 400% think younghyun loves control
pairing: kang younghyun x fem reader
genre: smut
warnings: super slight exhibitionism (not really), dirty talk, mentions of creampies, mentions of cum eating, mentions of handcuffs
word count: 570
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“I wish I could taste your cunt.”
It’s a whisper in your ear, placed closely enough for the hairs on your neck to stand at his breath. You’re tucked away in a quieter corner, away from the concentrated smell of sweat and alcohol. The music should be less deafening this far from the bar, but the space is cramped, too ambitious in its capacity. And now, with his lips so close to your ear, arm curved around your hip as if it belongs there, you realize just how close he is.
“Do you think it would still taste like me?” he asks, blowing a puff of air onto your ear lobe. Your knees buckle, too sensitive to his words, and you feel his lips curl against your neck. He tightens his hold on you, fitting himself in between the space where your legs have parted—an effort he later insists was made to keep you upright against the brick wall. 
But now you can feel every inch of warmth from him. Maybe it was the alcohol that made him brazen with his tongue, but that would suggest that this is uncharted territory, which it isn’t. The sly eyes, smooth words, controlled touches, you see often enough in private. Yet, he’s never been so public before, never outside of the barrier of linen curtains in your bedroom. Everything about how pointedly open this is should make you feel self-conscious, but his presence and everything that comes with it is fogging the last bit of inhibition you had. With your pussy wetting the edges of your underwear, there aren’t many more pressing matters than having his cock in you.
The thought of him filling you, pounding into the wetness he had painted white mere hours before makes you eager to fold into whatever he wants with a quick, hard yearning. You can never deny him, especially when it comes to him having his way with you.
His knuckles sear a path up your front, catching in your shirt. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you baby?” Your newly exposed stomach doesn’t have a chance to pimple before the heat of his palm covers you. “You’d like for me to fuck you until my cum’s filling you up, spilling out of you. I’d clean you up—you know there’s nothing that tastes better than you and me.” 
You mewl, hands gripping for some type of purchase at his shoulders. You’re burning, from the core out, and his cock pushes against you with the same insistence that his words hold.
“I would give you a taste after,” he muses into your ear. “Make sure you know how good we are together. You would do that for me, wouldn’t you?” 
He hasn’t moved his hands, hasn’t done anything other than speak, but you feel bare against the hardness of him. Stripped and stunned with the thought of his cum and his tongue without any move of your clothes.
He doesn’t like your silence. “You would do that, wouldn’t you baby?” he repeats with practiced patience.
“Yes,” you manage to gasp. That earns you a kiss to your temple.
“C’mon, baby.” He pulls away, steadying you with a hand on your waist. A quick adjustment of your shirt and another kiss on your forehead before he’s guiding you through the crush of people with a gentle hand on your back.
“Hope we still have the keys to the handcuffs,” he murmurs with a smile. 
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luv4day6 · 5 years
1:39 am
Rarely ever staying up late your head pounded from the headache you had accidentally given yourself. Younghyun laid next to you with a protective arm rested along your waist. No idea why or how your mind was running with so many thoughts it was impossible to keep up. Groaning to yourself internally you turned for what seemed like the millionth time and the sleepy boy next to you finally lifted his head. “Baby?” He spoke out in a raspy voice his arm tightening around you. Turning once again to face him you snuggled into his chest. “I can’t sleep I’m sorry” you quietly spoke above a whisper. “No it’s ok really,” Younghyun spoke and shortly after a yawn followed as he held you in his arms. “I’ll hold you until you fall asleep.”
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Hot Chocolate | kyh
KangYounghyun/YoungK/BrianKang Oneshot
Genre: fluff
Warnings: Language?? But it’s pretty PG.
When you walk into the coffee shop, you're immediately hit by the warmth. You notice the dimly lit lights, the empty tables, the soft indie music playing quietly over the speakers. You notice how it's the complete opposite of the bustling life outside in the cold November weather. You also notice the smell of hot chocolate brewing behind the back counter.
“Be with you in a second,” the barista behind the counter yells without looking up from his order. You stand at the register patiently, opting to pull out your phone to make the wait go by faster. After a few minutes you hear a “What can I get for you?” causing you to look up.
And when you do, you're floored.
Shit, he’s beautiful, you think. The most beautiful, fierce, feline eyes are staring at you expectantly. Don't just stand there, give him your order!
“Uhm, I'll get a small hot chocolate please,” you say, rather shakily. “Alrighty,” he replies while scanning the screen in front of him. While he rings in your order, you can't help but stare. From his carefully styled raven black hair to his perfectly pointy nose, he was perfection.
You almost don't hear him when he gives you your total, brought back down to earth when his sharp eyes meet yours. You stand there for a second before realizing he’s waiting on you to pay. You hurriedly look down and start digging into your wallet for your card. When you look up again, he's looking at you with a quizzical brow and an upturned smirk, almost knowingly. You give him your card while keeping your eyes down, not daring to make eye contact.
After swiping your card and giving it back, he turns to the various stacks of upside-down cups and gets started on your hot chocolate. While he's making your drink, you get lost in his features once again. God, how can one human be so gorgeous? Honestly, what normal person has hair that nice? Does he use mousse to get those waves? And that body? How can someone look so angelic and so sinful at-
“You don't have to wait at the counter,” you quickly avert your eyes from his ass and to his face to find him already looking at you. “I can just bring it to your seat,” he says with yet again another smirk.
Shit, he knows. Shitshitshitshit.
“Uh, I- Uh, I actually just wanted it to go,” you stumble out.
Saved by the bell, the machine in front of him dings and he brings his attention back to your drink. He pushes the button and starts filling your cup with the brown liquid and you're saved for a few seconds. For the first time since you walked through the cafe door, you're not focused on the gorgeous barista and instead focused on the delicious smell of hot cocoa. After finishing your drink, he puts a lid on your drink and turns to walk back to the register you’re standing opposite of.
“Here you go” he says with a tight-lipped smile as he holds your drink out to you. You grab it and hastily turn on your heels. “Have a good day” you squeak out, walking like hell for the door. You're just about to break free when you hear a “Wait!” over your shoulder, making you pause in your tracks.
You take a deep breath before slowly turning to see the cute barista leaning with an elbow against the back counter and- you guessed it- another smirk spread across his lips. His eyes are mischievous this time, and you anticipate that what he’s about to say is going to ruin you.
“On a scale of one to ten, where do you think my ass falls?”
Your head falls back with a slight chuckle and he stands up straight, walking around the counter towards you. “Cause honestly, I’ve always thought I had a strong seven, maybe an eight on occasion, but I don't know. I've always thought of myself as a Kim but maybe I'm just a Kendall.”
He’s only a few steps away when he stops, towering over you. The way he’s looking at you, with his small crescent eyes and blindingly bright smile, you could faint. You break free from his trance, turning towards the door and feigning annoyance by rolling your eyes with a smile on your face. Before turning the knob, you’re stopped once again when he says lowly, “My name’s Younghyun.”
This time when you turn, he’s only a few inches from you, smile much softer, but still there. You can hear your heart pounding, and you're pretty sure he can hear it too.
“Y/N,” you reply. He repeats your name and lets out a breath, still sporting that beautiful smile, still sporting that twinkle in his eye. You could get used to this, you think.
Your moment is broken by the door opening, a man outside the threshold silently begging for you to let him into the warm shop. Younghyun greets the man and quickly walks behind the counter while you're blurting apologies, both of you equally flustered. After apologizing a hundred times, you rush out of the shop and back into the cold.
You curse as you walk down the street to your apartment, trying to keep your winter coat as tight to your body as possible and taking sips of your drink every now and then. When you get to your building, you carefully use your free hand to pick your keys out of your purse and let yourself into your apartment. You plop straight down on the couch, studying the hot chocolate in your hand and thinking about the cute barista, Younghyun.
You spin the cup in your hand round and round, thinking of the fairy lights wrapped around the menu board, they way they brought out the hues of brown in his eyes, the way his hair shined in them. You're snapped out of your reverie when you see writing peeking out from under your  fingers placed on the cup. You move your hand around to the back of the cup and bring it closer to your eyes. On the cardboard gripper wrapped around the cup reads:
You immediately sit up straight. He was into you? You didn’t make a complete idiot out of yourself? Oh my god, stay calm. He's just a guy, right. Just a nice, funny, beautiful, guy. No pressure, right? Noooo pressure at all.
You pull your phone out of your coat pocket with shaky hands and unlock it, tapping the new message button. Your thumb hovers of the screen. It's not like you don't want to, that's quite the opposite. Is he pitying you? Has he changed his mind by now?
God, just do it already.
You finally type his number in and take a deep breath.
Great, now you just have to type a message. What do you say?
'Hi! This is Y/N, how are you?’
You think on it for a second before backspacing. Too basic. Ummm funny! Try funny.
‘if you were a coffee, you'd be a cutepaccino.’
You immediately backspace. Okay, what the hell was that? After going through a million different options, you eventually settle on something.
495-5633 [Sent 7:13PM]
You stare at your phone for the next ten minutes before placing it on the couch cushion beside of you, deciding to forcibly put your mind on something else. You walk to your bedroom and start doing your night routine, trying to distract yourself. After changing into your pajamas and washing your face, you'd done nothing but watch TV, not daring to overthink the text. The minutes turn into hours and you start to lose hope. Maybe you should've just sent what you’d typed first. He’s probably changed his mind about you.  It's when you're staring out the window and drinking your nightly tea that you hear your phone buzz.
The nerves that had been long gone are coming back in an instant. You run to your phone, stargazing long forgotten. You pick your phone up, though it almost slips from your sweaty palms. Your phone is lit up with only one notification.
1 message from 495-5633.
You unlock your phone and stare at the text displayed.
495-5633 [Received 10:01PM]
Can I ask what that means??
You [Sent 10:03PM]
On a scale of 1 to 10, its a 9. i'd give it a 10, but i don't want to rub your ego any more than I already have.
Younghyun [Received 10:07]
Hahah I'll take it 😂
Sorry I took so long to reply, I just got off work 😭
You [Sent 10:12PM]
Ew. Ur an emoji person.
Its fine, i've only been a nervous wreck for the last 3 hours, nbd.
Younghyun  [Received 10:15PM]
Emojis are staying. Take it or leave it.
You [Sent 10:17PM]
Ugh, fine.
So, do you give your number to every girl that comes in your shop?
Younghyun  [Received 10:20PM]
Haha honestly, no. I know i probably sound like a douche but I just wanted to get to know you and I didn't really have the courage to ask for your number
You [Sent 10:25PM]
Oh, but you had the courage to call me out for looking at your ass earlier? A man of mysteries.
Younghyun  [Received 10:28PM]
Woooow. You know, you're pretty mouthy for someone who couldn't say three words to me without blushing a few hours ago.
And I had reason! You were staring me up and down like a piece of meat. I am a human being you know?
You [Sent 10:31PM]
A man with jokes too! Goodness, you're a Jack of all trades.
Younghyun  [Received 10:35PM]
…. So are you not gonna acknowledge the topic.at hand here or…?
You [Sent 10:37PM]
Absolutely not.
Younghyun  [Received 10:38PM]
Care to acknowledge it over lunch then? Tomorrow at 1? The sandwich shop next to my shop is really good
You [Sent 10:42PM]
Lunch- yes. Talking about my embarrassments- no.
Younghyun  [Received 10:45PM]
Fair enough. I’ll take what I can get
Younghyun  [Sent 10:47PM]
LOL i'm gonna go to bed. See you tomorrow.
Brian [Received 10:50PM]
Sweet dreams.
You [Sent 10:53PM]
… Bring hot chocolate
You break your intense attention away from your phone and clutch your mug to your chest, mind going a hundred miles an hour. You set your mug down in the sink and head to your bed, ready to get under the sheets (although you probably won't sleep at all tonight).
The next day when you arrive at the sandwich shop, ten minutes early, Younghyun is in the corner, already seated. Your eyes find his, already looking at you. You're greeted by a hot chocolate and a gorgeous smile, and that smile doesn't leave for the rest of the date. You guys talk about books, movies, how he's a bassist in a band with his best friends, and how you're in love with the stars in the sky, though neither of you know you’ll also fall in love with the ones in his eyes. And when it's time to leave, he walks you to your apartment and leaves a sweet kiss on your lips. He does the same thing the next time you meet. And the next. And the next, until it becomes a regular routine. Until his kisses and hot chocolate become as normal as taking the bus every morning or looking at the sky before drifting away every night. And even after winter is long gone and summer brings it’s sunny skies and warm weather, his sweet kisses and hot chocolates are still a constant.
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agustd-png · 5 months
Young K: One Door Away [Part 2]
i truly cannot believe it's been almost 2 years since i posted the first part of this! 😬 it makes me incredibly happy to hear that you all enjoyed it so much, all my younghyun stories hold special places in my heart, so i'm happy to continue this one and hope you all like it too 💗 (fyi there will be a part 3, this story's not over yet!!)
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Younghyun x Fem Reader. Smut (office coworkers, mutual pining). 5.3k
[Part 1]
You blinked your tired eyelids, a heavy sigh pushing itself out as you stretched and waited for your vision to adjust. You saw a pile of clothes on the chair next to your head: black men's dress pants, a sleek blue tie, and a maroon blazer...your maroon blazer. Suddenly everything came back to you, and you remembered you were not in your own room. Your head whipped around and you saw Younghyun still asleep, the soft skin of his bare chest a lovely golden hue in the light of the morning sunrise that streamed in through the large hotel window. So it wasn't a dream. You really had slept with Younghyun, the man you'd been pining over for God knows how long. You sat up and a blush rushed through you when you remembered all the things you'd said and done to and with each other the night before. Not that you wanted to take them back, certainly not, but slightly embarrassing to think about nonetheless. Things you'd only fantasized about, kept locked in your head for so long, had become reality.
A mild panic took over your senses though, the more you thought (and over thought). What if he didn't really like you that much? What if he was just trying to fuck you? What if now that he had, he would drop you, not talk to you at work anymore? What if, what if, what if?
You felt Younghyun stir then, and glanced over at him again. He carded a hand through his tousled hair and smiled up at you. "Hello," he chuckled groggily.
"Hi." You smiled warmly back at him, happy to see that he seemed okay. Despite everything he'd told you the night before, you still couldn't help your self doubt. It wouldn't go away that easily, despite your thoughts last night that it would.
Younghyun stretched an arm out across the mattress, silently inviting you into the warmth of his embrace, and you couldn't resist the urge to lay back down with him. So you didn't.
You fell back onto your side and your heart skipped a beat when he pulled you in to kiss you. That certainly helped convince you he was really into you. You started to wonder at what point you wouldn't need that kind of reassurance, if ever, and sighed internally at yourself.
"What time is it?" He asked through a yawn. You'd both stayed up late, indulging in quite a few fantasies for longer than you originally anticipated.
"Eight fifteen," you answered.
"Ugh, we have to check out by nine."
Your heart sank a bit at the acknowledgement that your little trip was almost over. You'd have to go back to "the real world", to your complicated lives that were suddenly even more complicated, instead of this sort of oasis you'd created.
"Hm, so forty five minutes yet?" You smirked, climbing to your knees and moving to straddle him.
Younghyun chuckled, getting the idea, and rubbed at his still sleepy eyes. "I suppose so. What did you have in mind?"
"Dunno," you shrugged, but pulled the T-shirt you'd borrowed over your head, leaving you completely naked.
Younghyun smirked and shook his head, then lunged playfully at you, tumbling you onto your back and pinning you against the bed below him, sending a high-pitched giggle from you. He glanced down, drinking in the sight of your body, then back up to your eyes, making you blush again.
But his expression was one of warm comfort, his gaze more loving than lustful. Younghyun lowered himself to press his chest, pleasantly warm, to yours, skin against skin, and kissed you passionately, not pulling back until you were both breathless. His lips just fit so perfectly against yours, you didn't even care if you had morning breath.
"We really can't be too long," he said halfheartedly between little kisses now. "Gotta pack..."
"Yeah..." You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, really not wanting to face the rest of the world when this perfect moment was right here and now, so warm and cozy...
Younghyun kissed you again as his hands curved over your legs. They moved over your waist, your torso, groped at your breasts briefly, and ended at your jaw, cradling it. A long, dissatisfied sigh left him before he reluctantly pulled back, forcing himself to sit up and get the day started.
You sighed too and subconsciously pouted as you stretched, then got up as well, cool, air-conditioned air ruining the warm bed.
You felt how shaky your legs were when you tried to stand, and tumbled back onto the mess of sheets for a moment. Ruffling your tousled hair, that you were sure looked like an absolute wreck, you heard Younghyun snicker as he walked past you.
"This is all your fault, you know," you teased, calling towards him as he entered the bathroom.
He laughed heartily and came back out in a few seconds, toothbrush in hand. "Uh huh, and why's that?" He leaned against the wall near the bathroom and started brushing away, watching you stretch your sore muscles. You grabbed your own shirt off the chair and pulled it on.
"You're the one who wanted to keep going," you answered with a sly smirk, securing a couple of buttons on your shirt. "Maybe I wouldn't be so sore today if we'd stopped after the first couple rounds."
Younghyun pulled the brush from his mouth and spoke in a slightly muffled voice. "Oh right, like you didn't want to keep going too."
You were only teasing him, of course; you wanted to keep fucking him the night before just as much as he did, if not more so. And while, yes, your muscles did ache a bit today, it was well worth it, and you didn't regret your actions at all.
"Hmm, maybe," you quipped.
You glanced at the clock; 8:21 now. Sighing, you grabbed the rest of your stuff and remembered then that you had locked yourself out of your own room. You actually couldn't recall if you'd left the adjoining room door unlocked from your side or not. So you tried the door. It opened. So you must have. Wishful thinking must have swayed your actions; hopes that you would have a chance to have a night alone with Younghyun.
"Gonna shower and pack, I'll meet you at nine," you called to Younghyun, who acknowledged it positively.
So you did exactly that, doing your best to stay focused on your tasks, even though all you wanted to do was jump around your room giddily and hop back into bed with Younghyun. In the middle of packing, you heard your phone buzz, and checked it to see Hyerin had texted you.
Hyerin: updates pls?? 🤲
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the huge smile that crept across your face. You wanted to call her and gush about the night you'd had. But things were just starting out, and you didn't want to jinx it. Besides, you had things to do, and didn't want Younghyun overhearing your conversation.
You: tell you when i get home!
That should be good enough. You set your phone down but it buzzed again before you fully set it down.
Hyerin: so there are updates???
You ignored it, getting back to packing, but heard a few more buzzes over the next few minutes. You got a quick shower, got dressed, and when you were ready to go, it was nearly 9:00. You cleared away your text notifications from your lock screen, not bothering to read them right now, and headed out the door with your luggage. Younghyun met you in the hallway just a couple minutes later, the door locking behind him. You didn't see him in casual clothes too often, but he looked extra cute in his jeans and t-shirt.
"Alright, let's go," he said with a smile.
When you were both back at work Monday morning, things were different. You knew they would be, but you were nervously unsure of the ways they would be.
While most were positive, you were a realist, and still acutely aware of the fact that things could always go sour. And then you'd be stuck working together with that between you.
You'd talked with him on the plane ride home how you'd handle things at the office. You both agreed it was far too early to say you were dating (you hardly knew if that was even true yet, anyway). For now, to them, nothing had changed between you two. To your coworkers, you and Younghyun we also only coworkers.
But you found yourself smiling more. In a better mood.
The next day, Tuesday, you met in Younghyun's office to compile your notes, the connections you'd made and information you'd received while at the conference. His door closed behind you and your heart pounded harder, especially when you heard the lock quietly click. This was the first time you were alone with him since getting home. Lucky for you he didn't leave you hanging. The second he turned around he whisked you into his arms and kissed you for the first time since you'd returned from your perfect weekend.
"Sorry," he said with a happy sigh, pulling away. Kissing you at work; was it professional? No. But were you happy he did it? Of course. Besides, it's not like you could focus on work distracted by his presence. Letting off a little steam now and then was...a good thing then? Right?
That logic was good enough for you. You didn't let him go far before pulling him back into your arms, lips back on his. Younghyun relaxed against you, smiling against your lips and kissing you back, wrapping his arms as far around you as they would reach.
"We shouldn't...at work..."
He nodded in agreement but neither of you showed any indication of stopping. "I know."
You found yourself soon straddling Younghyun while he sat in his office chair, your skirt hiked up your thighs and one too many buttons on his shirt undone. It was taboo, it was unprofessional, and it was exactly what you'd been fantasizing about for months. Younghyun mouthed hungrily across your jaw and down your neck, his hands helping your hips rock against his. Everything was rushed, breathless, hot. You wrapped your arms around him, pressing your body into his touch, small whines making their way through your heavy breaths. Your hands carded through his hair as his mouth nipped at your collarbone, getting lost in how perfect it felt to be in his arms. Your hips were moving without his help now, rolling along his crotch, lust guiding your every action. You could feel Younghyun was getting hard but there was a part of you that was tied to reality, your rational brain pushing its way to the forefront. You reluctantly pulled back and though he instinctively moved towards you, you used your hands to physically push him back. Younghyun looked up at you expectantly, hair and clothes so gorgeously mussed.
"We can't do this here. Or, at least...I can't."
Younghyun swallowed hard and wiped his mouth that was a bit stained by your lipstick and nodded, pulling himself back up in his chair as you climbed off him. You stood in front of him, wanting so desperately to sit back down. But you really liked this job, and being here, in the moment, the paranoia that you might lose it broke through it all. But you didn't know if you could verbalize these feelings to Younghyun at the moment.
"I understand. It's totally fine." He cleared his throat and worked on retying his tie while you pulled your skirt back down. You sat into the chair on the other side of his desk and saw him adjust the tent in his pants. Ugh, leaving him like that felt cruel, to both of you. "I'll just...get off in the bathroom later," he said with a chuckle, smoothing his hair back into place.
"No no, hey..." He waited for you to look at him. "I'm not gonna do anything you're not comfortable with. I promise."
Ughhhhh. Maybe...it wouldn't be a big deal if you did one or two things. Apparently Brennan and Sooin were doing it pretty often and they were still here. Why couldn't you let loose and have a little bit of your own fun?
You quickly undid a few buttons on your shirt as you walked back around to his side, and his brow furrowed, confused. "You don't need the bathroom." You sank to your knees and yanked at his belt, fumbling to undo it and his zipper, but he stopped you.
"Y/N, no." His hand held yours tightly and his voice sounded authoritative, which you were certain was not having the effect he intended. It only made you want him more. "I'm serious; I'm not letting you do something you're not comfortable doing."
"I know. I want to do this."
He studied your face, searching for any sign of wavering, but evidently he could tell you were fine, so he wordlessly let go of your hands and let them resume their task. Younghyun adjusted in his chair, helping you get his dick out, biting hard to his lip. Your heart pounded in your chest, a flush rushing through you when you had his length in your hands again. It grew harder in your grip, the veins trailing up it deliciously, the head red and starting to leak precum already. You watched his face as you dragged your tongue up the shaft, reveling in the way his mouth hung ajar. You swirled your tongue over the head then pulled it between your lips with a light moan. God, your mouth was simply watering. You heard the bustle of your office just outside his door, but you had found a way to bring the little slice of paradise you'd formed with him in Chicago back home. In the back of your mind you knew....there was no way this could be a regular occurrence. You'd have to do these things in the privacy of your own home, like everybody else (well, almost everybody else). And that was fine. Actually, that was more than fine, so long as Younghyun continued to be the one there with you. But for right now, this was perfect.
"God, your mouth feels so fucking good, " he murmured, not wanting to be too loud. His hand ran through your hair and gently pushed. Clearly he was impatient for more, perhaps worried about the time. You didn't waste any more time then, letting your jaw fall slack and taking in as much of him as you could, then hollowing your cheeks for suction. "Oh Y/N..." Younghyun breathed hard through his nose, teeth digging further into his reddened bottom lip. You worked your hand over the base of his length and bobbed your mouth over the rest, moving quickly, just wanting to see him cum. Besides, the longer you spent on this, the more turned on you were getting.  You knew you didn't have the luxury of time for you both to get off.
"Want you to cum in my mouth, Younghyun." You moved quickly, pushing him on, coaxing him along to that exact endpoint, and you heard his breath catch. He gripped the black plastic arm of his office chair and let his head fall back.
"That's not gonna be hard, believe me."
You smiled to yourself, absolutely loving that you could seemingly have the effect on him that he had on you.
You felt the way he subtly thrust into your throat, the way the head of his cock bumped against the roof of your mouth, and you struggled to keep your hand out from under your own skirt. Your panties were stuck to your skin and simply ruined by now, and your clit throbbed for attention. You weren't sure how you'd make it through the rest of the day, but you knew you'd be having a busy night with your vibe when you got home. You heard your phone chime in your pocket with an email notification and rolled your eyes. It could wait.
"I'm gonna...I'm so close," he groaned. He brought his gaze back to yours and held it, intently watching you, pupils dark with lust. "Gonna cum in your mouth, baby..." Those last words drifted out of him dreamily, like he couldn't believe his luck. That tone made your heart warm and the words made your pussy throb.
"Mhmm," you encouraged, taking his length further into your throat, almost making you gag. But you pushed on, doing your best to breathe through your nose, and just when you were about to pull off for some much needed air, he pulled you off himself.
"I got it, I'm--I'm gonna cum." He leaned forward and his hand took the place of yours. You sat back, positioning your outstretched tongue right in front of him. "God, you're so good, so fucking good." His hand tugged at his cock so quickly, in mere seconds you felt his warm release hit your tongue, splatter across your lips. The sound he made when he hit his climax was like fucking music to your ears, and you were absolutely soaked at this point. You were sure if you walked out of his office at that moment anyone who passed you would be able to smell exactly how turned on he made you. Thankfully your office was right next door and the day was nearly over.
Younghyun held your chin in his palm and tilted it up, letting you look into his eyes. You could see the genuine appreciation in his eyes, even when they were clouded with lust. He leaned down and kissed you, letting his tongue mingle with yours, saliva and cum mixing messily and making you feel absolutely filthy. You wanted to feel like that every day.
Younghyun helped you to your feet and you kissed again, both of you having a hard time pulling away from each other's lips. "How 'bout we get this work done?"
He sighed and rebuckled his belt and zipped his pants back up. "Yeah, we really should."
It certainly was not easy, but you got your mind almost entirely back on track, though it was extra difficult when every time you moved you could feel a huge damp spot between your legs. But finally you finished your work with him and were done for the day.
This would work, right? You wondered to yourself again if you were making a mistake, involving yourself with a colleague like this. It was clearly distracting you, and you worried it would affect your career. You walked to your car, your mind full of anxious thoughts, but Younghyun's voice broke in, when you heard him calling your name.
You turned around and saw him lightly jogging to catch up with you.
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Um...just gonna eat dinner and watch some movies, I guess." And jerk off as many times as I can.
"If you want, I'd really like to take you to dinner, and also repay you for your, er...service." He smiled at you and you couldn't help but laugh at his phrasing. "Not necessarily in that order."
You blushed a bit and looked around, wondering if anyone saw you talking to him or heard him asking you out.
But you did want to go out with him. "Okay, yeah. That'd be nice." You smiled back and hitched your bag higher on your shoulder. "Time?"
"Sounds good." You dropped your eyes, getting a bit shy at the idea someone you worked with could see or maybe even hear you. This wasn't what you'd talked about; you had planned to keep things quiet at work. Between an office blowjob and now him asking you out so blatantly...Could your plan already be going awry after only two days?
"I'll pick you up, just text me your address."
"Okay." You started to swerve away from him to make your way to your car, but his hand caught yours, stopping you.
"Wait, Y/N." You turned around, and you both had to move then to get out of the path of your coworker's car that was coming through. You instinctively yanked your hand out of his grasp and gave a little wave to your coworker as she passed. "Listen, I..." His voice dropped a bit so you knew only you could hear. "I know we've moved...pretty fast...physically." Younghyun cleared his throat and shifted his weight nervously. "But like I said the first night in my hotel room, I'm not usually so forward. And I don't usually, you know...do things like this. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I just really like you."
You figured that was probably the case, especially because it was for you too. You so appreciated hearing him say that, though, as it helped immensely with your self doubt. But this was not the time nor the place. "I know, I'm not...really like this either, usually. We can talk about it more tonight. I'll see you at 6:30."
Younghyun picked you up right on time, and you felt almost giddy getting into the car. Outside of work, you could be normal, in a relationship like anybody else. You hopped into the car and gave him a big kiss that made him giggle, and you were off to your first official date with him.
He took you to your favorite restaurant and you had such a wonderful, relaxing evening. You connected with him so well, he was able to make your anxieties about work the furthest thing from your mind.
"I still have to repay you for this afternoon," he noted as he took another bite of his steak.
You shrugged innocently and smiled as you sipped your drink. "I wanted to do it. You don't have to repay me." While you meant that, you were also just dying to have him touch you too. You'd held back from masturbating the way you had planned and even though you'd changed from the soaked panties you'd worn at work, the current ones were quickly getting to a similar state.
Younghyun chuckled darkly and grabbed his own glass. "Not a chance."
You smiled and crossed your legs in an effort to quiet your clit that throbbed for attention.
He cleared his throat and broke the small lull. "Y/N, I wanted to get back to what I'd said in the parking lot earlier." He put his utensils down and crossed his arms on the table, giving you his full attention. You remembered his words and your heart started pounding. You stayed quiet and let him talk. "I...wouldn't have gotten involved with you unless I had good intentions. I don't want you thinking I'm some playboy that sleeps around. Or that I've only been with you for sex."
You let him finish his thought and nodded understandingly. Although you didn't want to believe it, that thought had crossed your mind, so you appreciated him acknowledging it without you needing to bring it up. You set your glass down and gave him your attention in return. "I know that, Younghyun. I don't think that about you. And I'm not...used to doing so much, so soon either." You dropped your gaze, embarrassed now. "It's been awhile since I've been with anyone."
"Me too."
You both left that topic alone after that, not wanting to dwell on it. You switched your conversation to a lighter one. It was so easy with him, you loved how freely you could talk to him. It felt like you'd known him your whole life.
You weren't sure exactly why you both were always so ready to jump the other's bones; you figured it was a combination of waiting so long to get together, having sexual tension built up for so long, and being in the proverbial "newlywed phase" of your relationship. But whatever it was, it landed you back in Younghyun's lap, straddling him in the front seat of his car in the back of the dark restaurant parking lot, like a couple of horny teenagers. But he did want to repay you, and who were you to deny him that?
He fumbled for the button on the side of his seat, sliding it back as far as it would go to give you more room. Your hips rutted desperately against his, your mouths moving perfectly together, his hot breath mixing with yours.
Younghyun's fingers slipped under your dress, the tips of the digits gliding along the outside crotch of your panties. "Oh my God, you're so wet already."
You blushed a bit, somewhat embarrassed at how crazy he made you, but you knew he'd find it hot. "Been wet ever since I sucked you off," you said breathlessly, spreading your legs more to give him better access. He moved your panties aside and let a single finger play with your clit, and you hummed your approval into his mouth. It was such a small action, but it felt so fucking good. The car was already getting humid, the windows starting to fog from two sets of heavy breathing. You yanked your shirt over your head and he quickly dropped his head to mouth over the swell of your breasts. A finger entered you and made you gasp, hands flying to grip the seat at either side of his head.
"This what we're gonna do?" You chuckled airily. "Just 'repay' each other over and over again?"
Younghyun laughed against your skin then peered up at you. "'Course not. You think I'm letting you go one of these times without fucking you?" Fuck. Part of you wished he'd do just that right at that moment, but you also couldn't get yourself to stop him when he was already making you feel so good. His hand moved quickly now, and he held your gaze and watched your mouth slip into an "O" shape, rubbing harshly to your clit and making you moan loudly.
His free hand came up to pull the cup of your bra out of the way, his tongue poking out to play with your nipple, prodding and teasing it deliciously. It felt like live wires were connecting you, sparking with every touch. You knew you would cum easily if he kept this up.
"Ah, Younghyun, please don't stop, please..." Younghyun sucked at your nipple, groaning all the while, his fingers making you see stars. You felt your heels hit his steering wheel and gripped your hands tighter on the headrest. Your climax was within reach, right there, already. Your voice got higher in pitch, your hips rutting more strongly, and Younghyun didn't stop for a second, determinedly reaching his goal. Your eyes jumped down to catch his just as your orgasm washed over you, the dark sensuality in his heightening the feelings that much more. You gripped his hair and pulled him off your nipple, leaning down to shove your tongue into his mouth hungrily. He moaned into your mouth and his fingers curled inside you and made you gasp, your pussy swollen and throbbing in overstimulation. Clenching as he pulled his fingers out, completely breathless, you closed your eyes and tried to swallow hard, but your mouth was quite dry. Your head was spinning at the whirlwind orgasm, but your weren't exactly surprised it didn't take you long, since you'd been so horny for the last few hours. Younghyun brought his dripping, sticky fingers up to his lips, making you blush as he sucked them clean. "Don't, oh my God," you giggled, embarrassed, pushing his hand down.
But he resisted, groaning at the taste when he got his fingers back into his mouth. "You taste so sweet, baby, I'd never let that go to waste. Need you to sit on my face again, like that first night."
Your pussy clenched again at the memory alone, and you sighed, sitting further back on his thighs. Your own were weak from shaking and your heart was thrumming strongly in your chest, but you felt that melancholy feeling of reality creeping back in when he kissed you.
He pulled back but kept his forehead pressed to yours, his warm breath ghosting over your cheeks. "It's late, gotta work in the morning. Let me take you home."
You sat in blissful, sleepy silence while he drove you home, watching the lights out the window pass, each stop light and street lamp like a twinkling Christmas light to you in your rose-colored haze. At least you could have this feeling outside of work. But every time you thought of the office again, you worried. Things were so different now. If you had to choose between Younghyun and your career, you worried you wouldn't know the right decision to make. You turned to look at him, remembering how he used to look to you when you were merely coworkers, just a few days ago even. Things changed so quickly, maybe they could change quickly again...
"So when are you and Younghyun gonna do something?"
You took a bite of your sandwich and raised your eyebrows with an inquisitive expression as Sooin sat beside you for lunch in the break room a few days later. "...'Do something'?"
"You know, get together. It's so obvious you want to."
God, if she only knew. But you were glad she didn't. Evidently she didn't suspect anything was going on between you and Younghyun already. And you preferred to keep it that way. It was really none of her business.
"What, like you and Brennan?" You scolded yourself internally for mentioning that as soon as it left your mouth. You weren't sure if that was something you were supposed to pretend to not know.
But she smiled, taking a bite of her pasta smugly. "Yes."
You popped a chip into your mouth and tried to seem nonchalant. You didn't want to get into this with her, even if she was probably the one person in your office who would understand your situation. "We're just friends."
"Whatever you say." She clearly didn't buy it, but so long as she didn't pry, it didn't faze you much. Unfortunately, she continued. "But I'm just saying, I can tell you like him. And he seems like he likes you. He's cute; someone else might snatch him up if you don't hop to it. Hell, I probably would have took my shot if Brennan hadn't gotten to me first." You might have something to say had your situation been different. If you weren't already with him, you might have a comeback, something to get her off your back. But you simply held your tongue. "I've seen Marissa eyeing him."
The mention of the cute new receptionist's name almost put you over the edge. You were so happy with Younghyun, and that should be enough, at least for now, but a big part of you wanted to just scream that you were with him, that you'd gone out with him, that you'd fucked him, that you'd sucked his dick, that you'd sat on his beautiful fucking face. But you didn't. You took another bite of your sandwich and you let it go. You were at work, in a professional environment, not in a frat house. You were all coworkers, not on a reality dating show.
"She can look wherever she wants. I told you, Sooin; Younghyun and I are just friends."
You had a meeting with a couple of coworkers after lunch, including your "friend", and you again had to really focus to keep your attention on work. Especially now that Sooin was planting thoughts in your head, thoughts that played into your insecurities. You stared at Marissa through the glass of the conference room, as she obliviously typed away at her desk, then glanced over to Younghyun, across the table from you. You were just starting to feel confident in your relationship with him, and now felt like you were rolling back down the other side of the hill you just climbed. Not that you thought he'd cheat on you. You just didn't like the idea of someone else, especially someone pretty who also saw him every day, to be...Oh God, were you turning into a jealous girlfriend? You rubbed your temple and refocused, notes of pricing increases and new employee hiring needing to be in the forefront of your mind. You wondered if Younghyun was having any other similar thoughts, if your relationship was distracting him from work the way it was for you, the way you'd promised yourself it wouldn't...
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dearly-somber · 4 months
I’m Yours | k.yh | day6
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-> pairing. non-idol!younghyun x female reader
-> genre. fluff, s2l (strangers-to-lovers), university!au, pining
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 886
-> warnings. none!
-> a/n. I’m you-o-o-o-ours
-> collection. songfic
-> started. ???
-> fin. Oct. 18th, 2020 @ 20:23
-> edited. Fri., Jul. 14th, 2023 @ 23:45
Light summer breeze. Petals falling down in the most satisfying way, pooling at your feet as you walk to the beat of your heart, holding the handle of your umbrella tight enough to whiten your knuckles.
The crickets were out now that the darkness had fallen, a slight drizzle of rain warming your blood. You were wearing an oversized sweater and some shorts that were hidden underneath the fabric you wore on your upper half, a pair of old sneakers to match.
You had decided to take a late night walk, eyes red and puffy from too much crying. You had been having some boy trouble and had been embarrassed in front of probably your whole university, so crying was the only way to make you feel less shitty, and no one could tell you otherwise. You had been walking for a few minutes and stopped by your favorite café near Han River, going to stand over the bridge running over the river after ordering yourself some coffee. You were sniffing the air with closed eyes when you suddenly opened them to what you had assumed was an angel, before you realized that he didn't have wings.
He was wearing a creamy beige turtle neck sweater and jeans with ankle high boots, his black hair falling very gently into his face and accentuating his jawline as he watched the water as if it was the most interesting thing on earth. He had a see-through umbrella over his shoulder, the fairy lights that were attached to it only making him look that much more angelic, if it were possible.
You continued shamelessly staring at the gorgeous stranger, eventually wandering over and standing next to him.
"Penny for your thoughts, stranger?" you asked in a light voice, a warm smile adorning your face.
The angel turned to look at you slowly, eyes jumping around questioningly, as if to ask "Who? Me?"
You immediately decide that this angel was cute and that you wanted to keep him, your smile getting wider. Just a few hours ago you had embarrassed yourself in front of everyone you knew while talking to a boy that you liked, yet here you were making it seem effortless.
"Do I know you?" He asked in the most honey like voice you had ever heard, the sound strangely addictive. Still smiling, you shook your head with a shrug.
"Not at all." You giggled childishly at the way his brow furrowed in confusion, at his mercy, completely helpless to his charms. "I just noticed the way you were staring at the water and you look like you're thinking very deeply about something," you explained, heart jumping into his hands when he laughed in disbelief, tilting his head at you with a smile.
"Is that so?"
You nodded, your cheeks starting to ache from smiling too much.
"Why don't I tell you over a cup of coffee, since we're at a café?" he asked cheekily, a grin pulling at his lips.
You nodded eagerly, taking his hand and pulling him over to the seating area. You turned to look at him with a grin of your own before saying, "Great idea! I've already ordered."
After sitting down he introduced himself as Kang Younghyun, occasionally called Brian by his close friends, who was majoring in Business at your university with Music as his extra classes. You told him your name, telling him that you’re majoring in Writing, hoping to become an editor (since you weirdly enough enjoy editing), and that you were taking art and music as extra classes.
"So then, Younghyun, you sill haven't answered my first question," you said matter-of-factly, sipping at your latte with a raised brow.
"Oh, that? I thought that was you flirting?" he mused with a smirk, the teasing tone in his voice making you chortle.
"Oh no it was, but I'm genuinely curious," you said, chortling at the way he laughed disbelievingly.
"I was thinking about how I need to man up and ask this girl I like in my music class out." he said, shrugging as he sighed deeply.
"Oh, you like someone?" you asked dejectedly, playing with your coffee cup. Brian nodded, sighing again.
"Well then," you said, slamming your fist against the table and gaining not only Younghyun's attention but a few people around you's attention as well.
"I say, go for it! I doubt you have anything to lose," you encouraged him confidently. He raised a brow with a smirk, looking at you as if to say "excuse me what?"
You rolled your eyes before starting to explain.
"Listen, Brian—can I call you Brian?"
"Go ahead." He smiled.
"Right then, Brian, listen. You seriously have nothing to lose. Maybe a smudge of pride but that's nothing. I mean have you seen yourself? I'm sure every girl would be willing to throw themselves at you, hell, sign me up!" you rambled on, hands all over the place and not realizing the way Younghyun was looking at you.
"You really think so?" he asked softly, making you think of a puppy, your heart melting.
You nodded solemnly, smiling at him.
With the most shit eating grin ever, he cleared his throat. "Okay, then. Y/N, I really like you and would like to take you to dinner."
“Oh, shit.”
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pocket-scenarios · 6 years
Animal Band-aids - Young K
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(Admin: Babyboiii this was originally part of the Hurt series I’m working on, but I decided to just make this bit a oneshot)
“Stop being such an angsty teenager and let me clean this up,” your glare is just as fierce as his own he lets out a defeated sigh knowing he won’t get anywhere with you and releasing the tension in his arm allowing you to pull it forward.
You run the antibacterial wipe on his hand and wrist: “I can’t tell if this blood is yours or his,” you mutter Younghyun lets out a small laugh looking down, “why did you start fighting again?”
“I don’t have any reason not to anymore,” Younghyun says and you can feel his eyes burning holes in your face, “you’re not going to stop me,” he grumbles looking away from you.
“Yeah, I guess I can’t stop you anymore,” you murmur, “I’m dating Jaehyung, not that you’ll care,” you say continuing to clean up the cut on his hand before opening the band-aid package.
“I figured you two were dating he’s practically glued to your side,” Younghyun mutters you wrap the band-aid around Younghyun’s cut finger and another one on his knuckles.
“These were the first band-aids I saw,” you say leaning forward to put the next one on the small cut that’s on his cheek.
Younghyun keeps you in place silently not letting you move from your place. It takes you a second to regain your composure before you push his arm away and then pulling yourself up from your spot on the ground and holding your hand out to him which he takes.
“Thanks,” Younghyun says holding his hand up with a small smile showing the animal covered band-aids that were on his hand he presses his lips into a line before turning away.
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blu-joons · 2 years
First Mentions Of A Family ~ Kang Younghyun
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You waved quickly as the member of staff’s daughter ran back across the studio after her mum returned from a meeting with some of the group’s other managers. “She is just too cute,” Younghyun smiled as he waved too.
“She is a right little sweetheart.”
“Part of me didn’t want to give her back to her mum,” Younghyun laughed as the studio door shut, bringing your afternoon of entertaining Younghyun’s manager’s daughter to an end. “When she’s as adorable as that, part of me wants to hold onto her forever.”
“I wish all kids were as sweet as her,” you chuckled as you stood up from the studio floor, “I mean some kids are nowhere near as nice as she is.”
Younghyun stood up too as you began to make your way over to your bag to pick up your belongings and leave the studio too, heading home for the evening together.
“That old manager that you used to have, do you remember his son? He was horrible,” you then added as you thought.
“Yeah, but he’s a minority, and I’m pretty sure he took after his dad too.”
“His dad was the worst manager I’ve ever seen you experience,” you told Younghyun as you picked up your car keys, following behind him through the studio door to the elevators.
As you made your journey down to the carpark, plenty played on Younghyun’s mind. Having watched you with his manager’s daughter all afternoon, he was stunned by how good you were with her, keeping her entertained and laughing all afternoon.
But then he heard you starting to fret, wondering if what he thought about earlier was right after all. Kids wasn’t something that the two of you had spoken about, but seeing how good you were with one, definitely set off plenty of thoughts for Younghyun.
Once the two of you were in the car, he looked across at you. “Are you scared that if you have kids in the future they won’t be as adorable as H/M/D was? More like my old manager’s son?”
Your shoulders shrugged, “I don’t really know how I’d like my child to be in the future.”
“Do you want children?” Younghyun then asked as you began to pull out of the carpark, “is that something you see happening one day?”
It took a moment for you to respond, ultimately staying silent as you thought for a little while. Unlike Younghyun, it was something that you thought about too much, whenever you did, it usually ended up worrying you and scaring you a little bit.
“A family is something that I’d like,” Younghyun told you, hoping that it would get you talking if you knew how he felt about having a family of his own.
“I think it’s something that I’d like,” you whispered, keeping your eyes on the road, “but only when the time’s right, and with the right person too.”
His head nodded as you spoke, “do you think you’ve found the right person yet?” He nervously asked, tapping his hand against the rest on the car door.
“I do,” you spoke, too shy to look across at Younghyun, “as much as it scares me to admit, I think that I have.”
It was Younghyun’s turn to struggle to know what to say, as he felt his smile grow quickly, and his heart flutter too.
“Seeing you with her today made me think about how good you are with kids too,” you told Younghyun, much to his surprise, “I didn’t think it would bother me, but it has.”
A chuckle came from him as you spoke, “it’s scary to think about the future, I agree, but if we’re both on the same wavelength, we don’t need to be scared, right?”
“That’s true,” you hummed, slowly turning your eye to look across at Younghyun’s wide grin, “maybe I was scared that it was something that I’d want, but not you, you’re so busy at work.”
Despite how busy he was with work, there were plenty more dreams that Younghyun wanted to achieve in the future too. After finding you, and realising how happy he was with you too, Younghyun knew that you were the perfect person that he wanted a family with, whenever the time was right for you both.
Slowly he stretched his hand across to rest against the top of your leg as you drove, keeping his eyes still on you. Hearing that a family was what you wanted was all that Younghyun wanted, especially after watching you today.
“I think our children would be amazing,” he told you. “We’re the perfect team to be parents, don’t you think too?”
“I worry sometimes that I could mess up.”
Younghyun’s head shook back across at you straight away, “I can guarantee that you wouldn’t mess up, especially after seeing you today. Every parent makes mistakes, but you’d have me there, so you’d never be alone if you needed help or support.”
“You make having a family with you sound so appealing,” you joked back to Younghyun, “you’ve got it all figured out, haven’t you?”
“I’ve done a lot of thinking today.”
“I had no idea that was what was on your mind today,” you smiled, “you seemed to be too occupied with H/M/D to think about anything else.”
The smile on Younghyun’s face grew as he met your eyes, “I was thinking about you all day, and how much I wanted today to be an insight into our future together too.”
“Can you really see things between the two of us going in that direction?” You smiled, “is that how you want it to be?”
“Absolutely, it felt right being there.”
“I agree,” you acknowledged, “there was something about the two of us taking care of her that felt as if it was something that we’d done for years.”
As you continued to speak, Younghyun found his heart getting happier and happier. “I want to be a dad one day, but like you say, I want it to happen when the time is right, we should never force it, otherwise it won’t happen.”
As much as he loved being an idol, it wasn’t going to last forever. A family unit was something that Younghyun dreamed about, and especially with you too, he couldn’t wait for the day that the two of you would start a family.
“Maybe it won’t happen for a while yet, but I want it to happen someday. I couldn’t imagine the two of us not becoming parents at some point, when we make such a good team, it seems like the perfect role for us both.”
“And now we know that it’s something that we both want too, we can talk about it more often,” you reminded him too, “we don’t have to worry that it’s maybe not something that the other person wants as well.”
Younghyun nodded in agreement with you, “I really want for us to talk about it more, it’s something that I love to think about, but talking about it will be much better too.”
You smiled once again at Younghyun as you briefly took your eyes off of the road, “this was not the way that I imagined our day would go today.”
“I’m glad that it has though, today’s been perfect.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
“It’s a big step,” Younghyun noted, “but I’m glad that we were able to overstep it today and think more about our future together.”
“Our future is something that I can’t wait for,” you told him.
“Me too, I can’t wait.”
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im-jaebongi · 3 years
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oh so i guess now there's no more us
day6 even of day | 07.05.2021
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you-did-well-moon · 3 years
Day6 Reaction to s/o learning their instrument while they're away
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Type: Fluff, angst in Dowoon dont know what happened wasnt me
Word Count: 2.865
A/n: I took some creative freedom with why they were away but that is it. Keep in mind, I have no experience with instrument except for when I played the piano in 5th grade for like two weeks. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! - Moon
TW: small cuts, fight, second hand embarrassment
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Sungjin was absolutely and devastatingly exhausted. His own guitar case felt like it was weighing him down tremendously, and he had a huge headache. Jae and Wonpil arguing in the back of the car was not helping in any way. It has been going on since they left the airport. He rubbed at his temples tiredly pressing his head against the cool window from his place in the passenger seat next to their manager. 
Still, he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips as he thought about seeing you, probably curled up in the couch cheeks puffed from the snack you were inhaling. The pounding in his head lightened at the cute sight he would soon get to enjoy as he played with the loose threads of his old button up shirt. 
True to Sungjin’s imagination, your form was sitting on the couch. Not true to his imagination, you were actually bent over something in your lap, lightly humming and bopping your head to the rhythm being produced by your still clumsy fingers. The guitar in your lap had gotten lighter as the days went by without your boyfriend, and in replacement of his touch, leaving your fingertips warm and tingling, it was small cuts you hadn’t bothered to bandage as it disrupted you when playing.
 You missed Sungjin an abnormal amount. The cold spot in the bed or him making weird faces at you through the mirror in the mirror when brushing your teeth. You missed all of it. With a slight tremble in your chest you started playing the chorus to “You Were beautiful”.
You were so focused on trying to get it right you didn’t notice the door closing only to startle when you slightly looked up through your lidded eyes seeing the shadow looming over the coffee table. With a small yelp of surprise you jumped immediately looking up only to find your boyfriend staring at you with wide eyes. 
His surprised expression made you shrink into yourself. You threw your head into your hands in pure embarrassment letting the guitar gently slide off your lap, hitting the floor with a soft thump. “Can you just pretend you didn’t see that I can’t believe I even tried learning all that by myself I” you cut yourself off with an un-pleased sigh shaking your head and looking at him with pleading eyes. 
Your boyfriend continued in his frozen state for about five seconds before breaking out in the biggest smile rushing around the coffee table in which you panicked trying to get away from him with a squeal, but being too slow im the excitement that was usually in a much dormant state in Sungjin. The wrinkles near the corner of his eyes deepened adoringly, and his chest shook with soft laughter while he held you close. 
There was a fond twinkle in his eye as Sungjin forgot any tiredness that clung to his bones and kissed the tips of your fingertips while maintaining eye contact. He kept your hands encased in his when scolding you for having such low faith in yourself and softly encouraging you. He would probably put little stitch band-aids on your fingertips and continue teaching you, sitting you on his lap and scolding you when you lose focus with a sharp poke at your ribs smiling when you giggled. This man just fell impossibly more in love with you.
“You shouldn’t say those things, look at you love, learning all alone and doing so well. I'm so proud. Would you rather have the elmo band-aids or the stitch band-aids… I don’t know about you but Elmo kinda creeps me out. Just five more minutes little love then you can go mug Young k with Dowoon. Don’t look at me like that! You finally have a teacher and you take him for granted. The audacity-”
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Jae was a thin hair away from just ripping his hair out. He didn’t believe the kpop industry would take very kindly to him going bald, but he had come to a point where he didn’t really care about what people thought anymore. But thinking about you not being able to play with his hair anymore while he drifted off to sleep with his head on your chest severely upset him.
 Jae had gotten stuck in another limbo, stuck in the studio and in his own head desperately trying to finish any of the unfinished songs left in his computer files. He missed you so much, he eventually called it quits, deciding to go home to you, who he hadn’t seen in days.
Just the thought about seeing you energized his previously exhausted self. He never could get sick of you. Every day, every week was a new adventure, a new chapter, all with his favorite person in the world. The night sky, although beautiful, seemed to mock him, reminding him of how late it was, meaning you were most probably asleep. 
Opening the door to his apartment, he heard soft music. He briefly recognized “I Need Somebody”, and thought you were playing it from your phone. All his thoughts came to a halting stop when he saw you perched on the bed, in his shirt, playing the melody of the previously mentioned song.
You had hair falling into your eyes with your eyebrows slightly scrunched trying not to mess up and heavily focused. Jae had loudly yelled in surprise, causing you to flinch and look up shocked at the sudden surprise. When you saw it was just him, you had comically thrown your hands in the air yelling at him about how it was supposed to be a surprise. 
The irritated look on your face vanished as you went up to give him a light hug with a kiss, softly smiling at him. Meanwhile Jae, was completely out of it, lovestruck eyes while he instinctively returned your affection.
“Come Jae, you look like you haven’t slept in ages, your eyes are so sunken babe”, you had softly whispered to him, rubbing the soft skin under his eyes, the way you were always soft with him when he came back from the studio. You slept in the same bed for the first time in what had been days, Jae tightly clutching on to you.
 He may have not been completely there at the moment, but in the morning when he had time to process everything, he was a changed man. He wouldn’t stop laughing and giggling excitedly, eagerly wanting to hear everything you had learnt. He even poked fun at you when you made a mistake. But it was all lovingly as he also praised you non stop while looking at you with his messy hair and big smile next to you on the couch. He had so much inspiration now. To finish what had been left behind.
“Pop off queen who gave you this much talent, you couldn’t even tell me what bass was last time we talked, which was like a week ago. Might just make you play when I don’t feel like playing. Give you a wig and people won’t know the difference! Why are you booing me, I'm right?”
Young K
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Young K’s foot tapping on the floor of the car was the only sound that filled the car aside from the soft sound of the car’s engine and tires. He was absolutely spent, having to have stayed in a different city for a show he was invited to that was filmed far away from his home. 
Far away from you. Young K could tell his manager was starting to get irritated, but Young K was already massively annoyed and too far in his own world to really care. He missed the pine scent of his sheets, and he missed you.
It was not a good combination. When he got to his place he quietly thanked the manager,  getting his bag before trying to ignore every urge telling him to run into the building and fall into his soft bed with you in his arms. When he opened the door, your keys were there, so he knew you were in the building. That thought filled him with more relief than it should have. 
He did have to admit, hearing “I smile” this early in the day was odd as you usually saved the more mellow songs for later in the night. Young K told himself he had many euphoric moments in his life, but seeing you staring at a sheet of paper with so much determination and a bass guitar in your arms came pretty close to the top.
The absolute warmth that exploded in his chest was a feeling he would not forget in a long time. He could feel his lips slightly curl up in fondness as your hands shook while your eyes wavered unsurely between your hands on the strings and the video on your laptop sitting further on the edge of the bed. Your face scrunched up before you sighed and stared dejectedly at the instrument on your lap. 
“Why so sad love?" His voice made you instantly sit up, pushing the instrument gently off your lap. You crawled to the edge of the bed where Young K had already gotten closer where he met you tenderly running his hand through your hair, and he curved his hand around the back of your head bringing your forehead to his abdomen.
He brushed his thumb over where your hairline met the sensitive skin of the back of your neck immensely enjoying being back at your side. Your hands were clutching the back of his shirt, and your simple touch brought a warm feeling to his chest. You both leaned back as Young K’s chest started to rumble with laughter “You should have waited for me, it would have been easier if I could teach you”, he softly said, pushing your hair back from your face causing you to lightly laugh.
 “I wanted to surprise you, but I didn’t get that far anyways. Can’t become a prodigy in one day I guess”. Young K smiled again, promising to himself to help you as much as he could as he put his hand fondly on top of your head.
“You’re doing so good, just move your finger up a little, you’re plucking the c chord instead of the e chord during the chorus, don’t look at me like that i’m trying to help?! I wouldn’t put you on my level, but I think you’re doing really well. I’m hungry now, what do you want? No- What do you want? I am okay with anything just tell me-”
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Wonpil was trying his hardest not to think about you. From the way you got excited when you got to see the moon in the cloudy sky to the way you smiled when you saw the neighbor’s cat while getting the mail. 
He was happy to be on a trip with her sister, he hadn’t had much time to be with her in recent, well forever really. While you had been invited, you hadn’t been able to attend due to work. Wonpil did his best to keep his mind off you and enjoy the trip, he just hadn’t spent this long without you in a while. 
Even so, he still had a fun time with his sister and her boyfriend creating many memories. He didn’t regret it, but he was extremely happy to come back to you. Opening the door to your apartment, he dropped his suitcase by the door, an excited smile tugging at his lips as he traveled through the apartment with his arms spread knowing you would embrace him as soon as you saw him. He felt so giddy, he didn’t even notice the broken keyboard sounds ringing throughout the living space.
His smile fell in a comical way, his face morphing into one of confusion instead. He recognized a broken rendition of “Mary had a little Lamb”, and tilted his head as he opened the door to your room seeing you with really big headphones on your head staring down at the keyboard with the most offended look on your face.
 How dare this keyboard not give you its secrets! Wonpil couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his chest, not mocking you, but he just thought you were so cute. He lightly touched your shoulder causing you to jump, and the slight movement of your head caused the headphones to slide off your head. It didn’t matter much. You instantly dove into his arms, pressing the side of your face against his chest.
He felt warmth flood his chest as his hand encased the back of your head while he pressed his lips to the top, closing his eyes in bliss enjoying having you in his arms again. He leaned back from the brace as his eyes flashed with amusement and yours with slight embarrassment. He lightly laughed, eyes crinkling. He cradled your face in his hands, a teasing lilt to his voice, “What were you trying to do, hmm?” He could feel your face grow hot under his finger tips.
 “I was just trying to surprise you. I felt bad for not being able to go with you”. He shook his head, hands playfully pinching your cheeks as you whined. “You shouldn’t act that way, I understood from the beginning. It must have been hard for you. Here, come, your lovely boyfriend will make this easier for you”.
“Y/n the keys will not bite prEsS dOWn, no, no keyboards do not have to be oiled, this is a musical instrument not a mechanical vehicle. You are so cute. What am I gonna do with you? No, you can not play the keyboard with your forehead, DO NOT put your foot on the keys. I don’t care if it’s for the vine. 
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Dowoon was beating himself up. Looking back at what happened a few hours ago made his chest tight. He couldn’t help but wince at the words both of you had thrown at each other. You had been with each other for so long, and when his lovely mother asked him when he would propose, although with good intentions, it put pressure on him.
 He was still young. He had mentioned it to you in a joking manner, but there was a misunderstanding and you thought he was blowing it off as he didn’t see a future with you. 
Somehow feelings were hurt, and the fight escalated. And Dowoon decided he was a coward because it was when you had started stuttering through your words and avoiding eye contact, he knew. He knew he had pushed you across a line that might not be able to be crossed again. 
He panicked. He was really good at doing that wasn’t he? He left. He took a bus and went to the nearest hotel he could find. There he was sitting on the edge of the too perfectly made bed with his head in his hands.
Had he just ruined his precious relationship because he was scared of what the future could or could not hold? Why did he have to run away? Why couldn’t he just stay? Most importantly, how badly had he hurt you?
 With a sigh he stood up, and he got on the bus back to your apartment. Staring at the door, the fact you were just on the other side and hurting is what pushed him to open it with the key you had given him. Opening the door, he was met with silence and darkness. Have you already gone? He walked through the apartment, hope dwindling with every step. 
Then he heard a soft thump thump thump. His heart seemed to match with it, and as he walked to his studio which held his spare drum set, he thought of what he could say to make it better. Opening the door, he saw you softly hitting the drum with one stick, as if testing the waters and humming along to “When you Love Someone”. Dowoon couldn’t fight the sad smile that broke out on his face, and the absolute warmth that filled his chest. 
Why did he ever even doubt your future with him? There was no person more perfect for him than you. He stood next to you, softly taking your hand in his and guiding your hand to the right beat, although a bit broken. When your sad eyes looked up into his, forgiving in nature but still frustrated beyond belief, he knew he could still fix things. You were you, and Dowoon was Dowoon. You always somehow found your way back to each other.  
“No no, put your hands higher on the stick, no lower, now higher...a bit lower. No, Y/n drum sticks do not belong in my throat. What do you mean I have no room to talk, I thought we were over the fight. I would marry you in this life and the next! Why are you looking at me like that? I am not cute, I am handsome and overflowing with testosterone. Oooh are those gummies?
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etherealyoungk · 2 years
a rainy day with youngk
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pancakes and hugs
the sun filtered through the curtains, lighting up the room. i was in bed, snuggled warmly in the blankets. i could tell by the dimly lit room that it was cloudy and gloomy outside. the air was chilly and cold. i stretched and turned over to see youngk, who was still sleeping. he looked so peaceful, his hair cutely messy. i snuggled in more and brushed a stray bunch of hair from his face. he moved a bit and his eyes fluttered open.
"good morning", i told softly.
"morning", he replied, his voice a bit raspy.
"what's the time?", he mumbled.
"almost ten", i replied.
i don't usually sleep this late into the morning, but since it was cold and the weekend, i gave in. and now come to think of it, i was feeling hungry.
"i'm hungry", i told pouting.
"and?", prompted lazily.
"someone's gotta get up and make pancakes", i continued. "it''s not going to be me so please bring me some nourishment", i finished, trying to do aeygo but failing. he chuckled.
His hand found mine and he weaved his fingers into mine. His hand was warm and soft.
"i could use some nourishment too", he told, placing a small kiss on my cheek. "i'll make you the best pancakes ever", he added and slowly got up.
"yay", i told and he smiled as we walked out of the room.
i rolled back under the covers and grabbed my phone from the side table, checking my messages and social media. the smell of coffee and pancakes wafted into the air and my stomach grumbled at the smells. i got up, deciding to go help him. it was still pretty cold and i was wearing a pretty worn-out full sleeve shirt, so i ransacked his wardrobe for a hoodie and put it on, instantly feeling warmer. somehow oversized hoodies are much comfier.
i walked downstairs and saw youngk pouring some batter onto the pan. i slowly crept up to him and hugged him from behind, wrapping my arms around him.
"i knew you wouldn't be able to resist my pancakes", he said and i nodded.
"they smelled too good!", i replied, hugging him tighter.
"is that my hoodie?", he asked, looking down at the too-long sleeves.
"yup, it's really soft and warm", i added.
"guess what it's made off?", he asked playfully.
"huh? what?", I asked, confused.
"boyfriend material", he replied and i rolled my eyes, nonetheless smiling at his words.
"really, come on", i said, whacking him playfully, before moving next to him and hooking my arm around his.
i took the stack of pancakes to the table along with some other stuff like honey, some fruit, and butter. youngk got the coffee and sat down too. the pancakes he made were really good and i devoured them happily.
"these are really good", i told while chewing.
"you bet they'd be the best ones you've eaten", he bragged.
"you're the best", i said, giving him a thumbs up, making him grin widely. today morning was fun and sweet.
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smolbeanieee · 2 years
Once Upon a Time | Nine
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strangers to lovers au
pairing: Younghyun x fem!oc  
genre: fluff, angst
warning: a very short chapter
Since their father’s death, Dahee and Dowoon becomes closer than before as they have resolve all their conflict. 
The only problem that Dahee need to solve is, Younghyun.
The last time she met with him was during their last project presentation, the time she pushed him away from her.
Dahee tried contacted him in every types, let it be through phone calls, messages, emails, Dahee even goes to his own apartment but Younghyun still didn’t want to meet her.
She becomes more frantic looking for Younghyun when Dowoon told her that Younghyun will go back to Canada for some time. Dahee can’t let him go, well at least before she apologize to him after what she had done to him. 
So when the group knew when Younghyun gonna depart to Canada, they immediately told Dahee even though they knew he want to keep it secret from her—they can’t let the lovers separate with unsolved conflicts between them.
“Are you sure he gonna depart today?” Dahee nervously asked his brother who was driving the car to the airport.
“I’m 110% sure! Younghyun hyung told Sungjin hyung the other day he gonna depart today.” Dowoon replied as he glance over his sister at the side who can’t sit still at the seat.
“Then speed up. I don’t want miss seeing him, at least before he departs.” Dahee urges, tears threaten to spill thinking about not seeing Younghyun after he goes back to Canada.
As soon as Dowoon parked the car at the side, Dahee immediately get off the car and start running into the airport, looking the man she longed for.
Her heart wrenched in pain as she runs with all her might but no sight of Younghyun were seen.  The airport filled with crowds which makes her even harder to look for him.
“Younghyun where on earth are you? I’m so sorry” Dahee sobs, lowering her head as heavy tears falls on her rosy cheeks. Thousands of thoughts and memories runs through her mind right now as regrets felt all over her body.
Regrets for pushing him away.
Regrets for not accepting his efforts.
Regrets for not accepting his love.
Dahee’s sobs is overpowered by the loud speaker played for departing announcement throughout the airport.  As soon as the announcement made, countless of people made their way to the depart gate—passing by Dahee who is getting herself together, thinking she has lost Younghyun before she could do anything to fix between both of them.
Mustering her strength, Dahee wipes her tears off her eyes and cheeks as she turns around, walking away from her spot just now.
However, as Dahee took a few steps, she caught a familiar face that stares at her that made her track stop
It’s Younghyun, with his luggage at the side.
As if on switch, her tears once again rolled down her cheeks as she made way to Younghyun.
Dahee didn’t know if the tears is the happy tears because she found him or sad tears because he’s leaving her.
“Youn—” Dahee tries to speak to him as she stands in front of him
“What are you doing here?” Younghyun interrupts her—he didn’t miss out on how baffled Dahee is when he cuts her off.  He take a good look on her face—the face that he will miss later however, part of him still hurt from what she had done to him.
His words really stung right into her heart, it’s really hurt her when she heard Younghyun spat the words coldly but she just accept because she knows he hurts more from her actions.  Dahee gathered her courage and look up at him.
“Look, I’m really sorry. I know I—”
“I need to go now.” Younghyun said—he know, the longer he stay, the more complicated things would be
Once again, he cuts her off and he tries to walk away from Dahee but she caught his wrist, making the man stop in his tracks.
“Please, one minute then you can go.” Dahee softly said, eyes pleading with tears pooling at corner of her eyes, something that Younghyun couldn’t resist when his loved one insist to stay.
Willingly, Younghyun stays for her as Dahee let go of her grip on his wrist.
“Fine, you got one minute” Younghyun clear his throat as he fix his watch, looking at the time.
Dahee took a deep breathe “I know you’re tired hearing this but I’m really sorry for everything.  I’m sorry for pushing you away, for not trusting you.  Back then, I know I didn’t appreciate for what you had done to me, which is brings back Dowoon to me, I’m really sorry for that.” She said as Dahee looks at Younghyun who has his gazes unwavering when they made eye contact. 
Somehow, it makes Dahee shiver throughout her body.  It makes her hesistate to continue her words upon seeing his expressionless face but Dahee know she gonna miss the chance if she didn’t let out all of her feelings before Younghyun leave.  “And I’m sorry for not acknowledging my feelings towards you.  You showed to me abundant of loves but I didn’t appreciate it.  You did everything to me while I did nothing for you.  I know I deserve nothing but I just want to let you know that I finally realized that....I love you Younghyun.” Dahee confess, felt like time stopped and everything went silent at the moment despite they’re at the airport.
She tries to read Younghyun’s face but he keeps his expression straight as if he didn’t affected with Dahee’s words.
After examining her expression for awhile, Younghyun lets out a small scoff.
“Wow, I really hate you.” Younghyun reply, making Dahee’s heart broke once again.
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luv4day6 · 5 years
2:16 pm
Laying your head on Younghyun’s shoulder you had given yourself a headache from studying. You felt Younghyun’s body tense from your touch, he couldn’t quite get the words out the way he wanted to. Gently grabbing his hand made him turn his gaze from the beaten up notebook to you. “Yeah?” Younghyun’s husky voice broke the silence between you two. “Let’s go for a walk it might help.” You replied with a smile on your face. Younghyun couldn’t help the feeling of joy that bloomed out of his chest as he stood up tugging you towards the door to grab your shoes.
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