elliespectacular · 1 month
What are the origins of Yurf? I keep seeing them pop up in your ytps. I think they're v silly but I wanna know where they came from
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Yurf first appeared in The Bat Is in a Sack - Upon hearing the phrase "And even your friends" from the source video, I thought it'd be funny to cut it off early and create a nonsense word in the process "And even yurf--". I had done this kind of joke before (for example, "The toaster pastry doughf" from WIM 3) but this time I wanted a visual to go with it. So I imagined what the word Yurf could mean, and my first thought was that it could be the name of a gnome or something.
I didn't want Yurf to be a gnome necessarily, just to vaguely give the vibe of one. To that end I added some elements to make Yurf distinct - namely the double-pointed hat, mittens, lack-of visible nose, and the lipstick.
After I had found excuses to throw Yurf jokes into other videos like Guns & Ropeses and Thing of Da Hill it became apparent that this character would be a recurring bit - so I commissioned my pal @dukeofash to bring the design to life further, and as usual he nailed it! You can see in the attached image the alternate design I sometimes use which takes heavy inspiration from Duke's version.
Yurf is kinda everything-ambiguous and I prefer it that way. Yurf is a stand-in for any time a sentence is said about an object or concept, but would be made funnier if it were about a silly lil' blorbo instead. There isn't much to know about what Yurf is "like" or "about" - just that they're happy to be included!
I think it's funny and awesome that my intention was to create a character that looked unique enough that nobody would mistake it for being a reference to anything else - but in doing so I instead created a character that everyone initially thinks is some outside reference they can't quite place.
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sbnkalny · 6 days
Bro.. yurf!?!
Bro.. Yurf!?!
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inkehart · 7 years
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Freebie for AFI @ Subeta!
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pooberoo · 4 years
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Just a reminder that if the bees are canon this season I will paint bwave and yurf board on my wall xx
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the-angery-sapphic · 4 years
I am crying at these yurfboard memes
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tribbetherium · 3 years
The Early Glaciocene: 100 million years post-establishment
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From Dusk Till Dawn: Duskmice Diversity in the Early Glaciocene
Duskmice, a group of hamsters that have remained very basal throughout the Rodentocene, lived up to their name as small, crepuscular mouse-like rodents. Indeed, many species still remain small, unassuming and unremarkable. However, three of its branches have gained tremendous success as of the Glaciocene, and taken on forms far unlike their ancestral lineage-- the burrowing molemice, the aquatic pondrats, and the carnivorous hammibals.
Many other lineages aside from these three have emerged, many being basal in form, as small, stout, short-tailed rodents akin to the founding hamster. These include the hampters and their pointed-nosed cousins the nholes: in an almost comical irony, the hampter is one of the only hamsters of this world that still resembles what one would recognize as a hamster very closely-- virtually unchanged for a hundred million years. Yet despite its mundanity it is a winning formula, and the hampter thrives in the niche it has held all the while, of seed-hoarding desert rodent, while all else changes around it.
Other lineages of basal duskmice not part of the three aforementioned clades would include the arctic fluffball, polar rodents that nest and migrate in enormous numbers, the herbivorous gwinnie that lives in a wide range of habitats feeding on foliage, and the prickly heckhogs whose bristly fur has been modified into sharp defensive spines.
But it is the three lineages of the molemice, hammibals and pondrats that have reached the greatest levels of diversity, morphing into forms defying the basic shape of a rodent --or mammal, even, and are barely recognizeable as being related to the primitive hamsters they coexist with. Evolution is not a ladder with "evolutionary levels", but a complex and often chaotic process, and here on HP-02017, hamsters basically unchanged live side-by-side with their other, distant cousins who are unimaginably different in form and function.
Yet this illusion of levels is quite visible among the molemice: a group of duskmice that had evolved subterranean adaptations. Small, furry members of this clade still thrive, with different means of burrowing, such as the insectivorous shovelsnout and its spade-shaped nose, or the long-toothed molrus that excavates dirt with long incisors to search for roots and tubers.
Yet among these molemice is one very special clade: a hairless, ectothermic group called the molrocks. Adapted for living in deep, underground burrows, they evolved slower metabolisms to better cope with decreased oxygen levels in their subterranean tunnels. Their eyes had dwindled in the dark, and instead feel their way through sensitive whiskers all over their body, like the gregarious, colonial ruffrus, while its insectivorous cousin, the stellasnoot, developed fleshy tendrils on its snout that can feel, smell, and even "hear" the vibrations of small prey.
Not all molrocks had poor eyesight, however. Some molrocks, the surface molrocks, began living above ground again, in small populations along Easaterra where they lived as insectivorous ambush hunters. Their eyesight had re-emerged, with larger eyes better adapted to daylight vision, and it is this lineage that would give rise to one of the most unusual rodent species of all: the rattiles.
Rattiles became so successful on the continent of Fissor that they would end up outcompeting all the basal surface molrocks, leaving only the armadiles, large molrocks that were Fissor's top predators, and the noodnoots, which thrived on some forest habitats on the Easaterran mainland.
The rattiles would diversify to dozens of species, thanks to various adaptations. Their pangolin-like protective scales, fat-storing tails, and their r-strategist reproduction would give them an edge: bearing well-developed young that could fend for themselves at birth, they would recieve minimal care from the parent--little more than the beneficial microbiota passed to them as they exited the birth canal-- and thus saving energy, could instead invest in many self-sufficient young, where few will survive to adulthood.
These strategies allowed the rattiles to fill most of Fissor's small-animal niches, be it the herbivorous gwannas, the arboreal hameleons, the aquatic monisaurs or the burrowing sninks. Their unique anatomy allows them to fill unusual ecological roles-- but at the same time, constrains them in other ways that true reptiles weren't, and forces them to evolve in niches far removed from those of the squamates they so closely mimic.
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The carnivorous hammibals, meanwhile, would become HP-02017's first predators, preying upon smaller hamsters in the days of the Early Rodentocene. Tiny predators like those still exist in the Glaciocene, filling a niche akin to small mustelids, such as the tiglets, which chase small prey down their burrows, or the social gamsters, which hunt in groups of about three to five to take down prey as big as a small hamtelope.
This clade, in the Late Rodentocene, would bring about the carnivorous hamyenas, a clade of predators that, unlike the ferrats, would adapt their upper incisor into a single stabbing point while whetstone-like lower incisors kept them sharp and lethal. The hamyenas would be devastated, however, by competition from beelzeboars and fearrets as the continents collided in the Therocene, and today a few species remain, such as the hamsanians of a few isolated islands off the Ecatorian mainland, and the vulweirines of the continent of North Ecatoria.
But one lineage of the hamyenas would survive: the zingos. Gracile, canine-like cursorial hunters, they would come to dominate most predator niches by their adaptability and greater social intelligence, more quickly pushing aside the carnohams in retaking the carnivore niches after the Glaciocene mass extinction. Today they dominate nearly all continents except Borealia and Peninsulaustra, and are found in an array of diverse and unusual forms.
Some zingos are small and fox-like, filling omnivorous mesopredator niches, such as the omnivorous fawndogs that supplement their diet with plants and fruit, the zingdings that specialize on small, bite-sized prey and sometimes carrion, and the specialized insectivorous moundhounds that feed primarily on ants, termites and the numerous grubs and beetle larvae that nest under rocks and logs.
Another clade of zingos, in the meantime, would become larger and more akin to wolves and coyotes, being large-scale predators that chase after bigger prey such as ungulopes. Some are solitary or pair-hunters like the rintins while others such as the zingerwolves hunt in bigger packs to subdue larger prey, and one genus, the nearly horse-sized marewolf, has turned to powerful jaws and brute force to tackle Easaterra's largest herbivores, the scruffalo.
And the marewolves are not the only zingos to specialize in hunting the enormous ice-age giants, as on Ecatoria and Westerna, the saber-toothed daggarats have done the same with the local megaherbivores of their continent: the hammoths. Of the basal one-fanged lineage are the slaybers, with their fang being utilized as a stabbing weapon designed to puncture vital organs for a quick kill, and the lycanines, smaller, shorter-fanged forest hunters that target smaller ungulope prey. This one-fanged lineage had long been driven from their role as slashing-toothed plains predators by their cousin the double-sabered dark mauler, which now reigns as top predator of the Westernan plains, targeting ungulopes, drundles, and small-to-medium sized hammoth species.
And last, but definitely not the least, are the aquatic pondrats: a group of semi-aquatic duskmice that, lacking tails, instead came to use their hind feet as propulsion in the water. Small diving species such as the puddlemouse and the riverat, which feed on small invertebrates at the bottom of ponds and streams and inflate their cheek pouches as flotation, are similar to the ancestral forms of the entire clade back in the Rodentocene.
From these, bigger otter-like and beaver-like species arose, such as the shrish-eating lutrons and the herbivorous capstors, which are primarily found in freshwater rivers and lakes. Some of their relatives would later head out to sea, becoming the bayvers, pinniped-analogues such as the arctic poleroles that live in the freezing northern sea, and the more tropical yurf that frequents equatorial beaches. This clade would further specialize to life in the sea, and are now very clumsy on land, the fusion of their pelvis and hind limbs facilitating better swimming, but leaving them unable to properly walk and having to awkwardly flop along on their foreflippers and stomachs.
Impeded on land, the bayvers would spend more time in the ocean, and some would leave the land entirely to live their whole lives in the sea. These would include the herbivorous hamatees, which feed voraciously on the sea-dwelling grass known as coast kudzu, and the highly-unusual jousting bayver whose asymmetrical upper incisors would come to form a single forward-pointing tusk used for both self-defense and for stirring up bottom sediment to search for the seafloor invertebrates that comprise much of its diet.
But most abundant and successful of these fully-aquatic bayvers would be the cricetaceans, and in the Glaciocene would find greater levels of diversity due to the more nutrient-rich cold seas. With the formation of the land bridge Junctus the Centralic Ocean has become one giant bay of sorts: and while inside the bay small leviahams flourish as porpoise-like hunters, on the outside of the Centralic and up to the polar seas the cricetaceans would instead prosper, like the small, speedy shrish-eating blippers that travel in cooperative pods, and the more solitary, predatory phorcas that feed on other marine hamsters as well as larger shrish and floating carrion. And, to conclude the list of the duskmice's diverse and fascinating descendants, are the seavers-- giant, filter-feeding marine hamsters that, in the colder seas of the Glaciocene, have since grown into the biggest creatures ever to grace the surface of this spectacular, seeded planet.
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penumbra-io · 4 years
Bees On The Bwaves
It was a sunny day in Remnant and every human and faunus were splashing around in the water, cooling their tanned skin with the refreshing sea. Everyone except a bright yellow surfboard that was hidden away in a dusty closet, anxiously waiting to be picked out among the other eye-catching surfboards.
Then came a loud voices, squawking and a loud bang against the hard wooden door. A click followed shortly afterwards and the voices grew quiet. From there, Yurfboard quickly waddled out, being careful not to fall on her face. "Sis!" A chipper red beach umbrella cried, hopping over on her handle, "I missed you so much! After the boat incident I thought you were gone forever!"
Yurfboard gulped at the memory, remembering a large, crimson red boat with black streaks charging towards her. The tide only sent her back towards it, so she had no choice on escaping, she was trapped under the weight of the gigantic vehicle. She then felt the small umbrella fall against her, signalling a hug from her younger sibling, "I missed you too."
"Um, guys, I know this is a family reunion and all but we have a beach to get to." Neptowel piped up, dangling from Schneegull's beak. Schneegull nodded with a squawk, "We can save the tears for when we're down at the sand."
In silent agreement, all of the colourful creatures and objects tumbled out of the small shack. They were soon at the beach, to their relief. Neptowel was set down on the sand, looking up at his best buddy, Sun, who was high in the sky and smiling down at them all. Schneegull was squawking and terrorizing the people who were openly having a meal by the sea, Rubrella assisting her by floating and crashing down on their tables. And Yurfboard?
She was chilling by the Bwaves, completely relaxed. "Hey, Bwaves?" Yurfboard hummed, rocking gently as the tide pulled in and out. Water suddenly crashed down next to her, revealing the beautiful face she had longed to see. "What is it?" Bwaves replied, her body reflecting the blue sky.
"... Can I go surfing again? Just once?" She asked, a gentle blush on her face. She had been surfing on the Belladonna Beach a few times, but she always wanted to make sure that Bwaves was okay with it, as it was her body of water, after all.
A light laugh erupted from the water, pushing Yurfboard back from the ripples of water created. "I've said this so many times, Yurf, of course you can." She smiled, soon pulling back from the shallow end and entering the deep end.
"No, Bwaves, she can't." A masculine voice called, booming just before a loud horn. "This is my dock, Xiao Long." Adam Taurboat growled, his angry eyes appearing from behind the rocks. "And this is MY water. So you should leave before there will be reports of a surfboard shreds all the way back in Vale."
Yurfboard froze, memories of the incident rising to eat her once again. She had tried to stop Taurboat from entering the Belladonna waters before, but the way it turned out gave her scars. Having to be awake as she watched people stick together random parts of yellow board together, her pride ripped to shreds, just like her.
"Leave her alone, Adam! These are waters of the Belladonna family!" Bwaves argued, furious waters rising and crashing against the sand. Yurfboard's eyes snapped open, watching as Bwaves angrily splashed towards land, keeping a protective cover over Yurf. Her eyes welled with tears as she spoke, "Bwaves? What are you doing, you should go to safety, call your parents-"
"She's right, Bwaves. You should go. After all, me and her have unfinished business." The large boat turned, directing himself towards them. His icy blue eye menacing while his blind eye was faded and cold. "After all, she'll only get ripped apart if you stick around."
"I promised I wouldn't leave!" Bwaves retorted, "I promised that I would always be there for Yurfboard..." Yurfboard felt herself being lifted by the water, taking her gently from the sand. "She's not protecting me, Taurboat, and I'm not protecting her."
Yurfboard grinned, pride and love swelling inside her. Bwaves rose high as Yurfboard glided across, preparing to propel herself towards Adam. "We're protecting each other!" They yelled in unison, Bwaves splitting in two as Yurfboard soared, ready to win the war once and for all.
'You won't win Taurboat, not now and nevermore.'
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oh yeah last year’s hiatus there was a thing called yorse it was Yang as a centaur horse thingy. this year it’s yurf board
*chokes* yurf- yURF BOARD??!
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lucytara · 4 years
As a prominent member of the Bee community I’m sure you’ve heard of the Yurf board. My question is will the yurf board influence you to write the gnarly sufer AU?
i already have a surfer au i just haven’t finished it but frankly please do not inform me what yurf is or i will absolutely never finish it
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thatonepeppi · 2 years
taking a fat yurf rn
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elliespectacular · 22 days
Could you share a transparent image of Yurf?
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I wasn't sure if I had one lying around, but I just remembered this asset of Yurf if they were made of glass
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drumrguy75 · 6 years
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Very Proud of Ya - 1996
Track 1  -  He Who Laughs Last
Track 2  -  File 13
Track 3  -  Wake Up Call
Track 4  -  Cult Status
Track 5  -  Perfect Fit
Track 6  -  Advances in Modern Technology
Track 7  -  Theory of Revolution
Track 8  -  This Secret Ninja
Track 9  -  Soap Box Derby
Track 10 -  Asprin Free
Track 11 -  Fishbowl
Track 12 -  Charles Atlas
Track 13 -  Crop Tub
Track 14 -  Consult My Lover
Track 15 -  Take the Test
Track 16 -  Two of a Kind
Track 17 -  Shatty Fatmas
Track 18 -  Yurf Rendenmein
Track 19 -  Cruise Control
Track 20 -  Modern Epic
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yogbecom · 5 years
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"Karabuğday Çorbası" , https://yoog.be/YUrf
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cobwebsaint · 7 years
u know me better than know me so what my favorite band today bitch
A Story At Three Third Season Over Exposure Rizzo In the BoxMorningstar Yurf Rendenmein https://open.spotify.com/user/hluvslush/playlist/3033gnyXTe50bhIDSgFciiat first i made a different version but i deemed it too mean but Here It Is nonetheless, view at your own risk https://open.spotify.com/user/hluvslush/playlist/33fkX6GC6A0GwWoiqm7Nb9/send me your name and your favorite artist!
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hakohime · 7 years
Song Magic Time
I'm happy to become a song was yea ra chs hymmnos mea so that I may craft these wishes for you en crushue weareqye sos yor I'm eternally happy that I can live beside you. was yea erra manafeeze pitod yor
Holding wishes in my heart fou hierle ga houd weareqye anw innna I was imprisoned in a dark illusion dhezeall  ween dazua yurfe my small hands futilely reaching for the small droplets of light titilia mahin hueaf meycray tes fwillra luyse
Was it your voice on the other side? qafl yorr hynne eetor I sincerely believe that our meeting was the greatest blessing Was zweie ra shyfac yart wis glasden warce since then, the seed in my heart has begun to blossom. vl phira innna aulla
Entwining our souls together Wee ki ra lhasya anw sphilar I can feel your strength firle yor pauwel because of that, I can continue singing sos wazx sonwe
Stepping into the morning light Was yea ra enter daune lusye I feel the fragrance of the droplets of dew kissing the flowers firle milra oz iasien chess anw frawr Even the tears have become such blessings werllra xest so afezeria
I wish to share myself with you Was touwaka ra crannidale yor because I believe that you are stronger than anyone cietta oure shyfac yorr pauwel I wish to support you was touwaka ra juelicc yor
I'll become a gentle light Was ki ra chs yasra lusye and wrap you up in these feelings en enclone yorr ween murfanare please take one step further Presia sial faja
I'll be happy to become a song Was yea ra chs hymmnos mea So that I may craft these wishes for you en crushue weareqye sos yor Forever and ever I'll support the irreplaceable you enerel enerel juelicc ridalnae yor
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p0stmortem · 7 years
hapy birf to yurf
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