#zan listens
hotshot9 · 11 months
🎶✨️when you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-obligitory)🎶✨️
Thank you for the tag, @ageblue !!! Gonna put a few more than 5 because it's too hard to choose 😅
Meet my eclectic tastes:
Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier
Ghosts That We Knew by Mumford and Sons
Fire by The Score
Sanctuary by Welshly Arms
Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos
Rainbow in the Dark by Dio
Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen
Fall Into Me - Accoustic by Forest Blakk
This One's for the Girls by Martina McBride
And no pressure tags:
@gen-has-green-vibes @willowworkswithwords @smoooothbrain @i-will-bite @scoops-stevie @steves-strapcollection @thesitharts @mickalaem @afewproblems @alexeithegoat
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stablecrayon · 2 years
So I’m genuinely very curious- could any f@tt fans reblog or comment on this with what the first arc of the show they listened to was? And also why they gave it a chance then?
..bonus points if you want to add what your listening order for the podcast was from there on :)
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yourtwistedlies · 7 months
organizing cyrus hale’s downfall party tickets are free since nobody reads freaking spy school
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leota-nexus · 10 months
Music Tag Game
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people.
Tagged by @thegreatdivide , ty! 💕 This was so much fun but WAY harder than I expected! (How did I have more ideas for - than x?!)
[L] Light Years - Kylie Minogue
[E] Enjoy - Bjork
[O] Oasis - Gackt
[T] Turn Up - Bebe Zahara Benet
[A] Another World - Poe
[-] (GAUZE) -mode of adam- - Dir En Grey
[N] No Gods No Masters - Garbage
[E] Electric Fan Harp in the bathhouse - Electronicos Fantasticos!
[X] Xanadu - Olivia Newton-John
[U] Uprising - Muse
[S] Say Hey - Kylie Minogue
Tagging in no particular order & without pressure: @elmknight @mynonsenseistingling @dreamskug @neon-pink-witch @nananarc @voidkeeper @tinysweetvoid @luvwich @brentassins @tempestcorleone @moss-screeches @lafemmebrulee & anyone else who wants to join in! 👍👍
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azazeldaydreamer · 6 months
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"tangled up in lies, i see,
i'm just a fake phony."
phony - tsumiki (feat. zan partizanne)
alt versions under the cut!
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retiredcultistredux · 11 months
Zan, Are you doing alright? Was that some of Ester's Magic?
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Zan: "His ability to get into people's minds can cause quite a headache...and the more you start to believe the lies he tries to show and tell you, the further you deteriorate...though...I know it's not real. ...But focusing so hard on trying to resist...trying to ignore it when it's so loud...it isn't doing much to stop the pain..."
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egginfroggin · 4 months
Loving the thought of Zan Partizanne, in Where is that Ephemeral Paradise, constantly being given whiplash whenever she looks at lil Hyness mucking around with his powers.
Like, here's this orphaned lil kid! He witnessed a massacre. He's a lil screwed up. But he's very much a kid, and it's great to see him excited about something or hear him prattling on about some topic or another. He's so excited to teach Zan how to speak and read his language.
Then she sees him just. Zap something to oblivion. That Scarfy? It is dead. Extremely dead. Look at it. It's charred to a crisp. It doesn't even look like it was ever a Scarfy.
He's very ho-hum about it, too, and every time he utilizes his very considerable magical power for something, Zan just looks at him and is like "who or what the HECK did I adopt"
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zan-the-second · 2 years
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“Command your old servant,
AP Mabini”
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vaugarde · 1 year
me when star allies is so so so close to being a fantastic game with amazing characters like zan being the eldest who takes the brunt of hyness and her religion’s cruelty or hyness being someone driven to insanity over his religion and devotion and the darker tone of the ending is so interesting and the gameplay is wholesome and the dream friends are so awesome but its english translation is so botched and it shrugs off hyness’s actions with “oh he got carried away its fine teehee he and the sisters are on best terms afterwards despite him abusing them since childhood” and the main story is not fun to replay bc its so easy and i cant blame people for saying its mediocre because not everyone is as invested in coming up with a story from the lore but its agonizing bc the game was so close to being a knockout
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sleepingwiththegods · 2 years
my eyebrows are super ashy only the part closest to my nose is visible usually, so I talked to my stylist about dying them, and they dye their eyebrows to match their hair color, and they were like ‘yeah you can do whatever you want’ so i’m going to start dying my eyebrows monthly because it’s not that expensive and i’m not immune to vanity. 
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 8 months
Despite Danny's best efforts, no matter how much time past, Amity Park refused to see Phantom as a hero.
Sure, there were pockets of support, particularly among teens, but most of the town blames Phantom for the property damage, saying if he didn't fight the ghosts then it wouldn't be so bad, to that time he got mind controlled by Freakshow and "attacked" the mayor. It wears him down. It wears Tucker and Sam down. Jazz can only try to support them all.
Then one day, a member of the Justice League visits. Someone minor, and kinda a jerk... maybe a Wonder Twin? Zan? Whatever. They don't investigate; they don't look deeper. They listen to the town folks and declare the ghost hunters, Red Huntress and the Fentons, to be the official heroes of the town.
Worse? Danny Phantom is officially considered a villain to the Justice League. Tuck hacks into the Watchtower and confirms that they have a file (a heavily inaccurate file) about how to defeat Phantom.
Danny doesn't think he can do this anymore.
A few weeks later, a young villain escapes into Amity and demands (begs) that Danny help them escape from the hero after them. No idea who, I can't find a lot of info on teen villains in DC, so let's fudge some ages and make it Kyd Wyckyd from the Teen Titans cartoon. Danny agrees, because to hell with the Justice Losers, and they defeat the hero, becoming friends in the process. Kyd confesses that they became a villain after being ostracized bc of how they look, and they've been trying to avoid villain organizations because HIVE was abusive, but it's really hard to be a villain alone bc of all the heroes.
Sam gets an idea. Tucker agrees with the idea. Jazz is just happy they'll end up making friends.
The next day, the Teen Villain Alliance is formed, ready to assist with any teenage illegal shenanigans their allies might get into.
Some notes:
It's created to be a healthier option for teen "villains" to connect with others and support each other.
It's more important that this is for Teens rather than Villains. They're tired of adult villains taking advantage of them. The TVA would rather ally with a teen vigilante than with an adult villain.
Again, no idea who the teen villains are, but Klarion is definitely here. He leaves the Light for the chaos of the TVA. Maybe Ember is there too?
Timeline wise, this is around when Tim is still Robin, but Damien has arrived at Wayne Manor.
This is because, when it comes time to try to infiltrate the TVA, they'll have a convenient child-assassin who has none of the monitors of a teen hero that Phantom immediately picks up on.
Damien, who at this point has been abandoned by his mother, dismissed and scolded by his father, and has had no success at carving his own place in the family, jumps at the chance. He is then surrounded by peers who don't insult him or try to change his behavior (too much; jazz is trying to help him find healthier methods of expressing himself). He... might not want to continue being a spy.
Danny, Sam, Tuck, and Jazz are the founding members.
Danny reinvents himself as the High Prince of the Infinite, Prince Phantom Dark. He got kingship from fighting Pariah Dark, but since he's still alive, he's only a prince. He steals the last name Dark as an intimidation tatic against those in the know; only Danny would have the balls to claim family with Pariah.
Sam works as a powerless villain, but she might no be powerless? Either way, Danny gives her a bunch of repurposed Fenton tech, and she buys the rest with her parents credit card. She does NOT care if that's traced back to the Mansons. She would choose something goth, maybe something spider related or even bat?
I love Pharaoh Tucker, so I think he should get magic powers? Since pharaohs of old were considered the balance between the real and the divine. He's still a tech guy, now he's a tech and magic guy.
Jazz isn't really a villain, more of a team mom who's planning on using everyone's psyche's as her thesis paper. You know what, that's her callsign, she's Psyche. Sometimes she flirts with Nightwing.
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flametrashiraarchive · 11 months
No one asked but... I'm trash and it's Muzan Monday!
NSFW Muzan headcanons
NSFW beneath the cut obviously.
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Now I know you're thinking "demon daddy is the ultimate top"
And you'd be right 99% of the time.
"I permit your continued existence solely for the purpose of my pleasure."
He fucks you when he's angry, stressed, disappointed...
So, multiple times per day.
The thing is, he can change the shape and size of his body
And that includes his dick.
So some days he's just a normal level of stressed out and just want a nice easy ride, listening to the symphony of your moans.
Wants you nice and wet so he can hear it slapping.
Other days he's beyond pissed and will make his dick huge, cramming it into you and pounding you until you scream.
And let me tell ya, that thing is not always smooth and human-looking.
Ridges... bumps... mouths
Making you cum is a point of pride. Knowing he can elicit a reaction from you with the simplest touch gets him off.
Sometimes he likes to experiment with new ways of bringing about your ruin.
And Muzan has a lot of tricks up his sleeve.
He can exert pressure on objects at will and manipulate vibrations in the air
Which is an ability he'll sometimes use on you.
You'll just be going about your day and feel a sort of tingly pressure down there
And notice Muzan is staring at you with a faint menacing smile
He loves to watch you try to keep your composure as he makes you cum with his mind.
Degrades AND praises.
"Oh, my pretty little slut is such a pathetic, whimpering mess."
"Mm, yes you're pleasing your king well. Such an obedient harlot."
"There isn't a single hole in your in your body I haven't defiled, is there? You belong to me, don't you? Say it."
But sometimes... sometimes...
The burden of command is too much
Muzan will, on occasion, permit you to top him.
"Speak a word of this and it will be the last thing you utter."
There isn't a restraint in the universe that can truly contain him, but he likes when you tie him up
Surrendering control makes him feel vulnerable and that's something he isn't used to feeling anymore. It's a thrill he only allows himself to feel with you.
Expects zero mercy.
Bares his teeth and growls as you fuck him.
Leaves claw marks in the floorboards.
and just milk his cock.
But he absolutely cannot keep his composure when you go down on him.
Your mouth is his ruin.
The only time you will ever see his face flush is when you lick his tip and maintain eye contact.
Put the tip of your tongue in his slit.
The man's a mess.
His back fully arches and he starts to pant
His voice cracks when he's close
"Nggghhh damn you... m-more... I'm cu-ohhhh fuck fuck ffffuck..."
Likes to read to you afterward while you lay your head in his lap.
Acting all dignified and calm as if he didn't just whimper so loudly he alerted Kokushibo.
Gently twists your hair around his fingertips as you start to fall asleep.
"You belong to me," he says.
He means "I love you."
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tinandabin · 1 year
Guys. S4 EP1 Kny. Let's insert reader there because YESSSSSSSS!!!!!! im SO EXCITED TO BE WIRITNG FOR KNY AGAINN!!!!!!!
updated a/n: y'all, it's me, tina except now kny has s4 ep8. wow I forgot about this draft lemme continue it.
Yandere Muzan x Reader ( I hope this is yandere )
You were summoned in the infinity castle, well not really summoned, just teleported to a different area since you quite literally live in the infinity castle. All because of stupid Muzan being love-sick over you. Like bro, find a new obsession or something. Stop being a creep.
"[Name], come here. Stand beside me." Muzan said without looking at you, sensing your presence as soon as you were here. He was mixing some chemicals, since when did bro know chemistry?
You obeyed nonetheless, it would be futile to resist. So you got up and stood beside him, like a dutiful pet. You couldn't help but look at all the different chemicals Muzan was mixing, like bro, tell me the atomic mass of barium!!! You had this sudden urge to poke the chemicals, so you did. "Darling, don't do that." He chided you softly, as if you were some child. Did you listen to him? No.
Soon, all of the uppermoons were summoned and Muzan went on and on like some boring professor lecture. You almost fell asleep, almost.
"Ne ne, Muzan-sama, who's the new guest?" Douma, sitting in a criss-cross position, pointed a finger at you, staring at you menacingly. You stared back, more menacingly. Soon, it turned into a staring contest between the two of you before you decided to jump down the platform where Muzan is also standing, because why not? You have free will!!
Muzan glanced at you before sighing, irritated. "Don't do it." He warned. You looked back at him, smirking. "What if I did?" You replied in a snarky tone. Muzan looked fed up with your bullshit while Douma only merrily laughed in the background, finding it amusing that someone was able to challenge the demon king. A mere human, at that.
"Don't," Muzan said, not bothering to look at you again. "What's the magic word?" You wiggled your eyebrows at him. Really, all of the uppermoons were just waiting for you to get your skull burst open because who in their sane mind tells the demon king to say the magic word? Psh, as if he will- "Please don't." I kid you not, the uppermoons let out collective gasps. "Are you a witch?" Daki muttered, looking very surprised.
You only laughed and decided to not jump off the platform. Maybe another day. It was comical seeing the oh-so-feared demon king listen to the demands of a tiny human. That, my dear, was a normal day with the feared demon king. Just some uppermoon meetings, where you got Muzan to do something polite, effectively shocking the uppermoons to their core so much that they might just go into a coma. They all have concluded that you must be some type of goddess to be able to get Muzan to say, 'please'.
"Moo-zan." You poked Muzan's cheek as he read some boring ass book about flowers. He looked at you out of the corner of his eye, humming.
"I'm bored."
"And? That is not of my concern."
"I'm bored."
"I still don't understand how is that my concern."
"I'll eat your books."
"Would you like to go to dinner, tonight?" Muzan felt threatened. He knows you won't be beyond eating his books.
Silly little threats always work, guys. Try it out! Sponsored by [Name].
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wooataes · 9 months
Real Eyes, Fake Lies (Part Five)
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Pairing: soulmate!Lee Jihoon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4K
Warnings: angst, Hanahaki AU, swearing, tooth rotting fluff, Jihoon is a tsundere and his emotions are all over the place, tears, mentions of bleach (for hair dye)
Summary: What do you do when you find out the one person that was created by the universe to be yours doesn’t want you back?
A/N: Thank you all for the ongoing love for my story! I cant thank you all enough for wanting more 🫶🏼 a special thanks to my gals Zan and Jess for helping me pretty much plan the whole story with me and wanting more always 🩷
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Jihoon stirs with a low groan, his eyes fluttering open as he blindly reaches for his phone. He winces at the bright screen displaying ‘03:12’ at him, the sounds of seven of his ten friends (plus his unwanted soulmate) sleeping around him.
He rubs at his eyes as he spots 3 unread messages, a small smile lining his lips as he skims over them.
Ji-ah 🖤: I’m sorry again I couldn’t be there with you, baby. 💕 I hope you’re having a good time!
Ji-ah 🖤 sent a photo
Ji-ah 🖤: guess what!! Unnie asked me to be her Maid of Honor! 😍
Jihoon smiles at the photo his girlfriend sent; an invitation from Ji-ah’s older sister officially asking her to be the Maid of Honor for her upcoming wedding, including a singular red rose and a pretty bracelet.
Jihoon truly didn’t mind how much time Ji-ah spent with her family. Almost every weekend she would travel to spend it with them, and he knew this. He sometimes would join her, but unlike his girlfriend, he enjoyed using his personal time to recharge from being social all week. Being an only child, for Jihoon, works out perfectly for his personality. He spends his time with his friends and girlfriend during the week, and his weekends usually recovering and recharging his social battery. Of course, Ji-ah and his friends were the exception, a small fondness having built up in his heart for his little circle of friends. He didn’t really know the close bond of a sibling, but doesn’t ignore the fact it must be like no other, considering how close Ji-ah is with her siblings, and how close you are with Seungcheol.
He reaches up to quickly type an excited congratulations for his girlfriend, with a ‘miss you’ and ‘can’t wait to see you’ thrown in. He doesn’t know why, but typing that out with his soulmate so close makes him feel a little bit sick.
Three different sets of voices can be heard from the kitchen, the only source of the light in the house filtering into the living room where the guests slept for the night. It catches Jihoon’s attention as he starts to focus on the conversation.
“Y/N.” His best friend’s voice is soft but can be easily heard from Jihoon’s position in the living room, your name piquing his interest.
“Yes, Soonyoung.” You reply back in a monotone voice. Jihoon’s eyes wander around the sleeping bodies to spot Soonyoung’s soulmate curled up on a mattress, arm draped over a pillow to suffice for his cuddle buddy not being there.
“I know you’ve said it before…” he sounds serious, and you heave a heavy sigh. “But… would you love me if I turned into a worm?”
Jihoon scoffs quietly, shaking his head at the silly question. Of course Soonyoung would ask that.
“Oh yes,” You reply back enthusiastically. “I would make up a little enclosure for you, and make sure you get enough sunlight to grow big and strong.”
“Really?” Soonyoung sounds excited.
“No.” You deadpan, resulting in a loud gasp of betrayal from Soonyoung, and a loud giggle erupting from the third voice, your brother.
Jihoon couldn’t help it. He cracked a smile as he now stared at the ceiling, listening quietly to the others in the next room.
“Whyyyyyy?” Soonyoung whined, and by the sounds you make, Jihoon assumes that his best friend has tried to cuddle up to you. “You know I would do it for you!”
“Do I?” You hum, swatting at his arm. “Hop off you giant oaf, you’ll get it on your clothes.”
“Oh please,” he scoffs. “Like I haven’t dealt with bleach before.
Bleach? Jihoon balk’s, pursing his lips in confusion.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Your brother asks Soonyoung.
“Nothing good ever comes out of 3am sleep deprived choices, y’know.” You remind your friend.
“That didn’t stop you both from putting it on your scalps, so you’re just as bad as I am, if not worse!” Jihoon can tell that Soonyoung is flailing his arms around as he speaks. He knows him too well.
“Yah!” You bark back, your soulmate chuckling softly as he hears you swat Soonyoung, resounding a loud yelp. “You peer pressured us, you fiend!”
“Nah, you did it because you loooooove me!” He sings, making loud kissy noises.
“Yah!” Your brother barks now, another smack and yelp resounding in the room. You and your brother are definitely similar, that’s for sure. “Don’t tease my sister, you little gremlin!”
“Wah…” Soonyoung gasps, pressing a hand over his chest. “Betrayed by my favourite hyung…”
“Ooh, don’t let Hannie-Oppa hear.” You giggled as a timer rings out. “Okay, we gotta wash it out.” After a brief pause, you click your fingers. “Are you gonna help?! You got us into this mess!”
“Don’t yell at me!” Soonyoung whines, but when the three of you all start giggling, Jihoon lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He blinks slowly with a soft yawn, letting sleep take over him once again.
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When Jihoon wakes next, he groans as he shields his eyes, the morning sunlight filtering into the living room as Soonyoung pushes the curtains open.
“Are you sure she isn’t in her room?” Jeonghan calls out again from the bottom of the staircase.
“I’ve looked three times already!” Your brother shouts back, his heavy footsteps stomping through the house. “She’s not here, I don’t know how long she’s been gone but we need to go-”
“Hyung, it’s alright. All of her things are still here.” Soonyoung calls back as Jihoon sits up, leaning his head back against the headrest of the couch, rubbing at his eyes.
“What’s going on?” Jihoon yawns.
“Y/N isn’t here.” Wonwoo replies, running his fingers through a half asleep Mingyu’s hair, head nestled sleepily against his shoulder.
Jihoon’s eyes widen as he glances at your brother, who’s once long black locks last night were now dyed a bleached platinum white, disheveled from running his fingers through it constantly. Jeonghan, bless his soul, reaches out to pat at his soulmate’s hair to calm him down.
“I’m sure she has just gone for a morning walk, hyung.” Seokmin tries to rationalize, smiling sleeplily. “You know she likes to do that.”
“I don’t know.” He grumbles, his arms taking solace around his soulmate’s waist to stop him from fidgeting. “Last time we couldn’t find her…”
Jihoon frowns as he remembers Seokmin’s words from the fateful day he figured out you were soulmates. Surely you wouldn’t be that silly to run away again.
“Hyung, don’t freak out.” Soonyoung smiles, patting Seungcheol’s shoulder. “Really. You don’t need to get so worked up. She’s grown a lot since all those years ago. I know she wouldn’t leave without any notice.”
“Who wouldn’t leave?” Your voice fills the room, and everyone’s heads all spin to you with wide eyes.
You’re walking through the hallway in a pair of blue faded jeans with rips in the knees paired with a large oversized black hoodie, pulling out and placing your AirPods into their case with one hand and placing a large plastic bag on the counter with the other. Only your left side of your body is visible to the others, your long dark hair covering your face. The jingling of a leash rings through the room as a fluffy white dog runs excitedly across the room to your surprised brother, wagging her tail before trotting through the living room.
“Kkuma-ya!!!” Seokmin squeals happily as the dog, who now Jihoon notices up close has a baby pink clip holding her fur out of her face, leans her head against Seokmin’s leg. He reaches down to scratch behind her ears with a giggle.
“See? I told you!” Soonyoung beams proudly at Seungcheol. “I know my best friend.”
“Yah! Where have you been?!” He yells, rushing to you with Jeonghan following close behind.
“What do you mean?” You ask with a tilted head, pulling out the 3 cup trays from the bag. “Didn’t you see the note I left on the fridge? I took Kkuma to work to get some coffees and some birthday treats for Soonie.”
Seungcheol balked, and Jeonghan just turned to smirk at him.
“You didn’t check the fridge, did you, darling?”
Your brother just grumbles with a pout on his lips, taking one of the iced coffees from the trays, leaning over and giving you a thankful but also relieved kiss on the forehead. You just smile sweetly at him as Jeonghan takes a hot cup of tea.
“Thank you, Lady Bug.” He smiles and bumps your hip with his before following his soulmate to occupy a small section of the couches with a donut in hand.
“Noona works at a bakery?” Chan’s eyes widen as he finally pulls the blankets off him at the sight of enough plastic cups for everyone in the room, and a box of various cupcakes, slices and donuts.
“It’s nothing special, Chan-ah.” You laugh, taking two of the three trays, turning towards the boys. “But the employee discount works pretty well when you have friends who are addicted to caffeine and sugar.”
“Woah!” Junhui voices what everyone is thinking. “Your hair!”
Jihoon’s eyes go wide once again as you face them completely, the right side of your hair bleached the same platinum white as your brother, your cheeks turning pink as they all stare.
“What? Is it bad?” You stand in place, your face getting darker and darker.
“Of course not!” Seokmin speaks up as none of the others seem to be able to form words.
Jihoon’s cheeks are flushed a dusted pink as he takes in the innocent look of worry and shyness on your face. It looks anything but bad. You look fantastic, he thinks, if he was single, he would even go as far as thinking you look-
“You look hot.” Hansol blurts out, your face somehow turning even darker. Jihoon side-eye’s the newcomer to the group with a frown.
“Wow, you have such a way with words.” Seokmin laughs, a proud grin on Soonyoung’s face.
“What can I say, I have that rizz.” He retorts with a laugh.
“More like harizzment.” Mingyu huffs, Chan guffawing at the pun along with Junhui.
“Thank god you said it first, babe!” Seungkwan grins, rising from the floor. “I thought it wouldn’t mean much from me, since I call you hot all the time.” He laughed happily, reaching out and running his fingers through it. “My best friend is so stunning!” He squeals, taking one of the trays from your hands to hand out the usual drinks to Junhui, Chan, Hansol and himself. “Thank you for getting these for us, Bug!”
“O-oh..” you’re flustered, laughing quietly as you pass Seokmin, Soonyoung, Mingyu and Wonwoo their drinks. “Thanks, guys.” You laugh nervously, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear before grabbing the last two drinks.
“Yah, don’t thank them!” Soonyoung smirks. “Thank me! I’m the genius who decided it was a great idea to change your look last night! You’re welcome, Lovebug!” He laughs proudly.
Jihoon blinks out of his daze as he realizes you’re making your way over to him, cheeks still flushed. “Uh, Soonie said that you’re not much of a coffee drinker. I don’t drink coffee either, so I just got you what I normally get, a hot chocolate. I hope that’s okay.” You push the paper cup gently into his hands, unable to look up into your soulmate’s face as you sink into a beanbag on the floor. “I don’t know if you like marshmallows or anything, so they’re on the counter-”
“This is perfect, actually.” Jihoon stops your rambling as he takes a sip of the warm drink. “Thank you, Y/N.”
You glance up at him at his words, giving him a gentle smile and nod. When he’s sure you’re not looking at him, he lets the small smile take over his face at your consideration. The chocolate is way too sweet for his taste, he prefers the bitter taste of dark chocolate. But, he couldn’t find it in himself to reject the drink from you. The satisfaction and pride on your face when Jihoon told you the drink was perfect is too memorable for him to want to strip away from you. Instead, he grins and bears the overly sweet chocolatey drink for you.
“See, I told you he’d like it.” He overhears his best friend whisper to you, and you smile into your paper cup. Kkuma climbs up into your lap, wagging her tail happily as you use your free hand to run it through her fur.
If he was honest, Jihoon doesn’t know why he so blindly accepted the sugary sweet drink. If it were Soonyoung or Mingyu, he would’ve rejected them without a second thought. Why has he suddenly accepted your drink without any thought for his own likes?
You didn’t have to get this drink for him. Heck, you didn’t even need to be talking to him period for what he did to you. You are too nice for your own good, Jihoon thinks. He didn’t deserve someone as good as you as a soulmate. You didn’t deserve such a jerk like him, either. One too many times lately, Jihoon again lets his thoughts take over as he absentmindedly sipped from his cup, again not noticing the eyes of your brother’s soulmate watching him; studying him.
“Y/N,” Seungkwan broke Jihoon out of his spiraling thoughts, and you hum in response. “How did you manage to get Mr Park to accept your hairstyle for Mamma Mia?” He tilts his head. “Is he going to get a random ass wig for you or?”
“Oh, about that.” You laugh, shaking your head. “Nah, I’ve decided I’m not auditioning this year.”
You swear you could’ve heard a pin drop in the room as the uncomfortable silence swells.
“I’m sorry…” Seungkwan starts again as you avoid his gaze. “Are you telling me that the one musical that you have dreamed of doing for years is being done and you’re not going to audition for the main role?”
“Uhhh…” you shrink into the couch beside Soonyoung, almost curling into him. “Yeah?”
“What is wrong with you?” He bellows, and you flinch. “You’ve wanted the role of Sophie for years, Y/N! Now you’re pretty much guaranteed and you won’t do it?”
“Boo..” you sighed as Soonyoung wrapped an arm around you.
“No, I’m not going to let you throw this opportunity away!” He insists, his frown evident.
“I just…” your voice is smaller now, teeth sinking into your bottom lip. “I really didn’t want to have to pretend to be in love for countless hours of rehearsals and on top of that, seven performances.” Jihoon winces as he can feel your anxiousness and sadness brewing in your stomach, and he, alongside the rest of the group, eyes your friend to see his reaction.
Seungkwan sighs, reaching out and letting his hand rest on your knee. “I’m sorry for shouting,” you place your hand gently over his, nodding wearily. “I just love you, Bug,” You don’t love me, you think. “And I want only the best for you. But if you think this would only hurt you more in the long run, then I won’t bother you about it anymore, okay?”
“Thanks, Boo.” You hum quietly as you take another sip from your cup. “I’ll just be behind the scenes for this one. The costume team needs more helpers so that’s where I’ll be this year.” You laugh with a hollow smile, before you glance at Soonyoung, who still held you.
“You have to have some cake, Soonie.” You change the topic swiftly, and much to your relief, everyone goes along with it and takes multiple treats from the bakery.
Jihoon is the only one who doesn’t eat, though. He quietly sips on his sickly sweet drink in his hands as he occasionally glances to you, who seems to thrive in the fact your friends are enjoying the goods that you purchased for them.
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“I missed you.” Jihoon hums as he takes Ji-ah into his arms late Sunday night.
She had just arrived back from visiting her family, and she let herself melt into his arms. “And I missed you!” She cooed, lips pressing softly to his cheek. He smiled as they both settled down onto his bed, Ji-ah snuggling sweetly against his chest.
“Do you have to go every weekend though?” He jokes playfully, his hand stroking along her arm absentmindedly.
“You’re getting a bit greedy with me, Hoonie.” Ji-ah smiles as her arm drapes around his waist. “You get me all week every week! You know how much my family means to me, you big goof.” She giggles softly as Jihoon lets out a chuckle. “You can always come with me if you miss me that much, you know.”
“Ah, I’ll keep that in mind.” He plays along, smiling.
“Soonyoung’s party was good?” Ji-ah asks sleepily as Jihoon nods.
“Mhm,” he hums, looking up to the ceiling for a moment. “He was ecstatic the entire night. Never knew that someone could still be so excited about a birthday.” He laughs quietly as Ji-ah giggles along with him for a moment before going silent.
Jihoon watches his girlfriend drift off to sleep in his arms, leaving him alone with his thoughts once again. He closes his eyes in an attempt to try and sleep, his stomach churning slightly in guilt. He’s cuddling up to his not-soulmate while his actual soulmate is all alone and feeling the comfort and contentment he’s feeling.
You need to learn to get over it, Jihoon. You’ve made your bed, you can lay in it. He needs to be tough on himself; it’s the only way he will be able to get through his inner turmoil.
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For a week, everything goes without a hitch. Jihoon is in a good place with Ji-ah and quite frankly, with you as well. He finds himself not waking up most nights with overwhelming emotions, and he begins to wonder if you’ve started healing. He hopes you have. You have become Jihoon’s desk mate for Film Studies class, and are due at the end of the week to have your first big study session to discuss what film you’ll pick to present about. You’re civil, and even at your third class together, you had brought two familiar paper cups; one for you and one for your soulmate. It’s the first class of the day, and after an explanation to Jihoon that you just finished the early morning shift at the bakery, it really was no trouble to get him another hot chocolate. Like last time, he grins and bears the overly sweet drink, but smiles to himself when he sees the satisfied look on your face.
Auditions have begun in the auditorium, with Jihoon having to sit and endure hours worth of playing the same four chords of the main song of the musical at the piano by the stage. He loathed it, really. He didn’t know that this is what he signed up for when he applied to be in the orchestra for the play. Despite his reasons, Jihoon trudges on without complaint; at least he can practice his piano skills and improve his progression in that area. He does, however, complain to himself at the majority of the drama club auditioning. Half of them can’t hold a tune to save their life, and by Bad Singer #14, he is beginning to think that this musical will be a lost cause. Maybe you should have auditioned after all. He wouldn’t mind another hot chocolate drop, either.
With a sigh, Jihoon adjusts his backpack on his shoulder as he glances up to the sky. It’s full of dark oranges, pinks and purples, and he feels himself smile. He had grown fond of sunsets since he found you - he decided after a week that this was the best time of day. He always likes that no sunset is ever the same; unique in its own way and always breathtaking to everyone who takes the view in. These sunsets were his favourite so far, though. The setting sun hits the wispy clouds just right, making the sky erupt in eye popping colours with the tiniest little stars beginning to emerge.
He takes a long breath as he watches the sky above him, letting his feet take him subconsciously along the usual route to his home. He finds himself slowing down and coming to a stop about five minutes away from his destination, not surprisingly in front of your house. His eyes widen as he sees none other than you, his soulmate sitting on top of the roof of your home, headphones on and, just like Jihoon, staring at the sunset.
You have a dreamy smile on your face as you pull a Polaroid camera from your side and take a snapshot. As you place the film beside you, you take some photos from your phone now, your hums quiet, but loud enough to travel down to where Jihoon stands by your gate, observing you. The wind is blowing your hair gently in the breeze, a shiver running up your body as you wrap your cardigan tighter around you. You type a little longer on your phone before taking a long sigh and start to carefully rise up and make your way down the slope of your roof and down onto the little balcony in front of what Jihoon assumes to be your bedroom window. You take one last look at the sunset with a gentle smile before you step inside, closing the window behind you. Your soulmate waits for five minutes more to make sure you don’t come out again, and once he is satisfied, he turns and starts to walk back to his home once more.
Once Jihoon is settled in his bed, he breathes out a long sigh before feeling a warmth of comfort begin to roll through his body. He wonders what makes you feel so content and comfortable, but welcomes the feeling nonetheless. He is scrolling through his useless Instagram timeline mindlessly before finding himself hovering his thumb over the Search button. After a moment of hesitation, he types in your name into the search bar, clicking on your profile without a moment to lose. He stares at your profile picture for a moment, laughing quietly at the picture being the same white dog he saw at your home, Kkuma. He feels his stomach swell at the sight of your latest picture, in both sadness and guilt.
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Jihoon heaves a breath. Your mother. He blinks before scrolling through your feed slowly. There’s the occasional photo of Soonyoung and your brother, some of your theatre performances and outings with your friends, but the majority of your posts were all of the sky. Varying sunsets flood your feed, each picture more stunning than the next. Your captions are almost always the same, each one being a thank you for your mother painting the sky for you, in your words, but Jihoon notices the ones after you found each other were more detailed. You could finally witness your mothers beauty the way the world intended it to be, and Jihoon weeps.
He weeps for your mother, whose life got cut so short for selfish reasons, he weeps for your brother who had to navigate helping look after a whole other human being before he was ready, and he weeps for you, his soulmate, who lost everything at such a young age and for the way he ripped away the one once of hope you had left, whose heart he broke more than it already was for nothing more than what he selfishly wanted. You, who goes out of your way to try to avoid him so you don’t interrupt his relationship with his not-soulmate. You, who offered him your umbrella on your first proper interaction so he wouldn’t get wet and who also offered to buy him drinks for class because you thought he’d want a pick me up for the first class of the day.
You may be feeling as fine as you could be, but Jihoon feels nothing but guilt for stripping everything you hoped for from you.
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Real Eyes, Fake Lies Taglist
@cinnamoroxie @enhacolor @mikachu-chu @jojowantstocry @changbinisms @scarlet789 @i-dont-give-a-fok @im-gemmy @shookyungsoo @ametheyistheart @friendlywraith @kawennote09 @coupddeongie @sunooschubbycheeks @zgzgzh @mar-627 @side-angel @kuleo26 @deltamoon666 @snowgirlfallen @lixiel0ver @phenomenalgirl9 @sumzysworld @vixensss @seokmatchu @etaerealboy @milopenne @jinyoungie0922 @chickenscoups @zadkielr @weebotakuboy
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argumentl · 5 months
2024/01/20 aknot only Gorilla Hall Osaka - Report
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I only applied for this date on this tour, so I feel super lucky to have gotten it, especially for such an iconic anniversary!
This was my first time at Gorilla Hall, but the entrance process was super organized and easy. I had quite a high ticket number, so was fairly far back when I first got inside, but I could see the stage, so wasn't too bothered. HOWEVER, there are no rails in Gorilla Hall other than the front rail! So as soon as the lights went down for the show to start, there was a big rush forward, and I pretty much found myself nicely mid crowd, only a few meters from the front, shimote of course! Happy!!
From the start there was so much fan service! Kaoru and Die standind together, Die and Toshiya standing together, Kaoru and Kyo standing together, everyone gathering around Shinya....even in the first few songs!
Die and Toshiya in particular looked...close. At one point Die stood behind Toshiya and rested his chin on Toshiya's shoulder, spoke in his ear, and after that even got down on his knees and played his guitar while looking up at Toshiya! 
Yes, I did see the other members a bit this time, haha. There was a spotlight behind Kaoru for quite some time, which would shine directly into my eyes and blind me whenever he stepped out of its beam, so I was forced at times to look elsewhere to save my eyesight 😂
Kyo was still bald, all white make up with black eyes. He looked really spooky. 
Toshiya was in his sparkly dress to start, and for the encore he wore a leopard print shirt, with the tiniest tight shorts ever. I only saw his shorts at the end when he stood up high on the truss, and I initialy thought he had lost his trousers somehow, haha (his shorts really just looked as small as underwear), but then i realised this was his actual outfit 😂 
Kaoru was in his black jacket/white shirt/waistcoat combo, looking like a total aristocrat. Blonde hair, combed back 😍 And for the encore he wore a White Zombie band tshirt! 
Kaoru was using his pink ganesa for Yurameki at the start, but changed to a few other guitars during the rest of the show. He also took off his black jacket few songs in. 
The set list was amazing, as follows:
mode of adam
Schwein no isu
Mouai ni shosu
304 goushitsu
Tsumi to batsu
Byou shin
Unknown...Despair...a Lost
Akuro no oka
Child Prey
So many of these songs were songs that I was listening to when I first became a fan of Dir over 20yrs ago, so it was actually surreal hearing them all live together like this. Especially having just watched the newly released footage from 1999, hearing Schwein, Tsumi to batsu, Byou shin, Karma together...omg, it was overwhelming! 
And Akuro no oka! The audience was quiet for the whole song, and gave a respectful applause when it finished. It was really emotional. 
My fave part of the encore was actual during Filth! Something came over Kaoru, its almost like he became the song...he was roaming the front rows of the crowd with his eyes, but his facial expressions just exuded the MOST erotic filth! Its like he was thinking about dirty, dirty things, and it showed on his face! If I had been in the front few rows, I would be dead for sure! 
At one point I saw him pointing straight in my direction, with his head tilted and eyes half closed, but that wasn't during Filth, haha. 
I didn't catch anything this time, but I did get watered on by Kaoru, Toshiya, and Die, so Im happy! Kaoru's bottle flew straight over my head, and when I was on my way out I saw a big puddle of (real) blood on the floor where it had landed, so Im assuming there was either a struggle, or someone had slipped on the water that splashed out of it. But there was a venue staff member standing there to stop people walking through it on the way out. 
Kyo, Shinya, and Toshiya left the stage, and then Kaoru smiled and pointed at Die before leaving. The Die came over and tapped the mic, and said, 'Can I say something?' 
He gave a really emotional speech about how they have come this far due to the support they have from fans and people around them, and he acknowledged that Dir en grey will have to end one day, due to the members being only human. But until that time, they will continue to cherish playing lives and being with fans. Then he said like, 'so Im not gonna let you die before us, promise me' 
You heard it everyone, you gotta look after yourself, and keep living for Dir, and they will do the same for you!
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phantombstone · 8 months
When you're tired, all you could hope for is to melt into your loved one's arms and to feel all their warmth. It's not good to feel like this, but their touch is healing - and you gladly welcome it.
Genre: Fluff, hurt to comfort.
TW: Spoilers of the character of Dottore (his real name).
WC: 728.
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Your heavy steps resonated through the corridors of the building, your figure not even able to stand properly. Everything was so gloomy and blue, so hard and unbearable.
"Why does it have to be like this?", you kept thinking, heading to the only place your mind would let you go to, to the only place it wanted you to be in that moment.
"Zandik?", you called for him, as you saw him bent over the table in his laboratory.
"What?", he muttered, without taking his eyes off the experiment he was working on. Nothing extremely important, it seemed, just a minor test on the reaction of different substances mixed together.
"Zan?". Your voice slightly cracked.
He looked up at you, his slim figure covered in a lab coat. He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to understand the problem - or, to put it better, he analyzed your expression trying to decipher your thoughts. There was a hint of worry in his eyes.
"YN? What's up?". He placed the tools he was holding on the counter surface and took off his gloves quickly, still looking at you.
"I-... I think I need a hug", you said, sounding so unsure and so in pain. Your voice cracked a little bit more.
He got closer to you and hugged your stiff body. An unusual behaviour from him, completely in contrast with his habitually skeptical and short tempered demeanor, but you accepted it anyway - of course. How could you not welcome his rare gestures of pure affection?
You could feel his hands move slowly to caress your back, trying to comfort you.
"What happened? Did someone hurt you?", he asked, hinting with his tone that he would've avenged you if that was the case.
You told him everything, and he listened carefully. He didn't say much, but his hands were constantly moving up and down your back slowly, and up and down your hair.
Your cheek and ear were pressed on his chest, and you could feel his heart regularly beat into his rib cage. It soothed you, a sweet lullaby taking care of your mind in torment.
He called for one of his segments and ordered him to tidy up his lab. The clone huffed but did as he was told anyway, giving you a curious yet preoccupied look as he walks right next to you. He must have trusted the man at your side, because he asked nothing and left you in his care.
Zandik took you out of the lab and into a private room, bright and calm enough to prevent you from feeling even worse. He never stopped holding you hand, not even once.
You were silent, and so was him. Maybe he knew that no words were needed in that moment.
He sat down on the sofa and gestured you to follow him, which you did almost immediately.
He was still wearing his lab coat, you noticed. You always thought it suited him, and liked to see him like that. His hair was messy, and his light blue locks were pointing in every direction. His eyes, instead, were looking at you, patiently waiting for any tipe of reaction from you, of course still analyzing your essence.
You moved your body closer to his and leaned on him, and he understood. He placed his arm behind your shoulders and then it around your waist, still holding your hand, in a sort of chaste hug.
He didn't care about the time passing, nor did you.
"Is there anything else you want to say?", he asked in a serious but sweet tone. You shook your head silently, and he nodded.
"The offer is always valid, you can talk to me whenever you want and I'll listen - even debate if your question or affirmation is stupid enough", he said, joking on the last part, and you smiled a little.
You put your head on his shoulder and your legs over his, and stayed there, taking in all the warmth coming from Zandik's body you could - we all know how cold it is in Snezhnaya.
He covered your shoulders with part of his coat and leaned with his back against the sofa, taking you with him. He caressed your hair and you relaxed under his touch, your muscles loosening.
You hugged his bust and slowly drifted off asleep, him following you not long after.
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