addictofreading · 2 years
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My drawing for this year's Zutara Big Bang (@zkbigbang) is for the fic The Forest of Lights!
After reading the description, I knew I wanted to make cover art for this story and was very happy to be assigned to it. The amazing author and betas have worked hard to make this fic as wonderful as it is, so do yourself a favor and give it a read and don't forget to leave them a comment! :)
Also, you should definitely check out @risemaclay 's art made for this fic. It's gorgeous!!
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zkbigbang · 2 years
ZKBB 2022 Sneak Peek
The Forest of Lights
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Interested in seeing the full piece? Posting begins on September 1st, and the writers’ identities will be revealed on September 18th!
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doodleladi · 2 years
Zutara Big Bang 2022
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[id: digital painting with red, textured background with inconsistent black scale pattern. Two golden eyes staring at the viewer are in the top half, with the left one scarred. Below is the fic title 'Closing the Distance' in white uppercase letters. Below the title are Zuko and Katara from the waist up, posed in profiles and facing each other. They are both painted in full colour. Zuko has two horns on each side of his forehead. Both have their long hair down and are without clothes. The red background texture covers parts of their chests. End id]
Art for Closing the Distance by @kaligraphy
So excited to finally post this!! Twas a long time coming but it feels like home to be drawing zutara again.
Make sure to check out the fic & keep your eyes peeled for the grand author reveal next week!
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barelyaware · 2 years
@zkbigbang art for Slowly, And Then All At Once
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[ID: Digital art of Zuko and Katara walking close together through a market. Katara is dressed as watertribe ambassador and Zuko is dressed as Fire Lord. Katara is holding onto Zuko's arm. They are smiling widely at each other. /End ID.]
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risemaclay · 2 years
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[ID in alt text]
Forest of Lights
The Avatar has been missing for a century, and the spirits are getting bold. One night, Katara watches the southern lights fall and gets trapped in the rapidly growing ice forest. On his ship, Prince Zuko sees those same lights and decides to investigate.
Soon, they run into each other in the Forest of Lights. By now, Katara has learnt that she needs to find the Avatar to save the world. And right now, the only way to do so in time is to team up with her biggest opponent – Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation.
And this is my last artwork for this year @zkbigbang ! As always, read the fic on AO3 if you haven't yet and be sure to check out the other artist work for this fic too, @addictofreading 💜
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petrapunk · 2 years
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Please enjoy this scene from the brightest shade of sun from this year’s @zkbigbang !
This was such a challenge to finish but what a blast!
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midnightmaestra · 2 years
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[ID in alt text]
take me back, to the place I've never been
Katara jumps up, turns to where she thinks Zuko is and finds him standing two inches away from her. She sees the stubble on his chin, his Adam's apple moving up and down in his throat. 
If there's an "Oh" of realization, you know it's gonna be a good story! Check out take me back, to the place I've never been, the muse for my @zkbigbang piece.
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lostlunaticprincess · 2 years
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My art for the @zkbigbang 2022. 🌊🔥 It was inspired by What flowers may bring!🌸 You can see art by @llamalpaca for this story here. 😊
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merruschka · 2 years
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-Where The Stars Fall-
My little participation in the amazing @zkbigbang event! ♥️
The angsty and super amazing fanfic I drew for is Where The Stars Fall 🌟
Another wonderful artwork for this lovely, heart-breaking fic was done by @sternschauer-detektiv ♥️ Check Aurelia's artwork on it as well!
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icrowler · 2 years
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My piece for the @zkbigbang , accompanying wonderful multi-chapter story Salt In The Wound !
> post to share the story <
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do0hwa · 2 years
Here's one of my two art pieces for this year's zutara bigbang!! (@zkbigbang)
This artpiece is for Mile of bloodshed
I drew the scene where Katara held the blade against Zuko's throat and Zuko has his gun pointed at Katara's stomach.
Please click image for better resolution
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Image ID: Zuko is lying on the floor on his back with Katara on top of him. His hair is pushed back in a messy way, wearing a silky crimson button up dress shirt with long sleeves. Katara's hair is loose and parts of it are cascading down her back and some are hanging near Zuko's face.She is wearing a silky blue silk slip on dress. Katara is holding a short blade under Zuko's chin with her left hand while he is pointing a gun at her abdomen with his right hand. The background is a blurry city street at night with blue, pink, and purple neon signs. End ID.
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(the one above is the fanart without the background!)
So grateful for all the support the whole project team gave to me :) Sending love and thanks to all the project members  and mods💕🥰!!
Please be sure to check out & show love to the other artist(@juune-moon) 's work :)
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tourqued-lugnuts · 2 years
The Legend of Katara: Breath of Honor
I’m so excited to share this work I made for @zkbigbang​  I actually finished it a month or so ago, and it’s just been sitting there lonely in the dark.  This was fun collab because it combined two of my favorite fandoms, Breath of the Wild and ATLA.
Fic: The Legend of Katara: Breath of Honor by the lovely @cynical-mystic
Image Description:  A memory of Zuko dressed in Link’s blue champion tunic with the Master Sword at his back is hugged by a crying Katara wearing Zelda’s ceremonial white gown.  They are knee deep in water before the Goddess statue in the spring of power.
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zkbigbang · 2 years
ZKBB 2022 Sneak Peek
The Engagement Scheme
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Interested in seeing the full piece? Posting begins on September 1st, and the writers’ identities will be revealed on September 18th!
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soopersara · 2 years
A Light in the Darkness
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[ID in alt text]
Avatar Zuko! Avatar Zuko! AVATAR ZUKO!
As soon as I saw the description of this scene from A Light in the Darkness with these two kiddos being sassy at each other, I knew that I had to try drawing them for my @zkbigbang piece. They're just so cute when they're being grumpy!
Obviously there's a LOT more to this fic than little Zutara sassing each other, so check it out at the link below to see lots of worldbuilding, lots of plot, lots of angst, and an eventual happy ending!
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barelyaware · 2 years
Here's my first piece for @zkbigbang for 'The Smallest Things'!!
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[ID: digital art of Zuko and Katara in bed fully clothed. Zuko is holding their newborn baby and they are both smiling in awe. /End ID]
You can read the lovely story here:
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clerfait · 2 years
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My first artwork for @zkbigbang to accompany the fic 'The Smallest Things'!
Please check out the story about Zutara being parents for the first time here!
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