#zoeys weed smoking boyfriends.
incendiaryrequiem · 1 year
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he they swag (derogatory)
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irlwakko · 1 month
mike sitting politely with a bong next to him all :) and being like
"care for a hit? :)" in the most casual voice possible as if he didnt just talk about WEED
~ 🌙
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the image moon anon is referencing and yeah. Yeah. Mike is the embodiment of :) at all times. it's right there in his model sheet
if mike smoked weed someone else would have to buy it for him because he looks and talks like a narc. it's not even his fault he's just like that
"zoey can you get your boyfriend please. he's being too kind and genuine and it's throwing off the vibes of the bong rotation"
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onlinegratitudes333 · 2 months
grateful for:
my gay boyfriend... building a life with him... haviing gay faggot stinky tboy sex w him
kindness of strangers... saw a young man give up his seat for an old man on the bus today so the old man could sit near his wife :')
performance, performance scores, amazing artists
the apartment tour!!! finding a nice apartment!!! holy fucking shit!!! the lakeview neighborhood in general, and our realtor for being so nice
springtime coming, the blossoms on the trees
dogs everywhere <3 but especially Zoey and her sweet spirit
gay intellectuals; reading and buying queer books
cooking, making food for myself; guacamole and banh mi
proud of myself for staying sober. today was actually a lot easier. I think I could get used to this life. it's just a shame that I like smoking weed as much as I do but I think I will try to use weed more mindfully now...
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william-nylander · 4 years
having a very rough day, do you have anymore top willy moments to gift us?
i am so sorry u are having a rough day pebble. i decided to go a bit rogue with this, in that it is instead a Top Willy Interviews On the Leafs Youtube Page listicle. i hope it makes ur day a teeny bit better.
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idk if you’ve ever been to toronto BUT this look is very like. like this willy lives in the junction and hates the “noise” of the downtown and has waited 2 hours in line for bangbang ice cream in august. he likes to smoke weed in trinity bellwoods. he goes to poetry readings on bar roof tops and says shit about how everything north of dupont is “north york”. hes been known to sit at the piano in the common room at university college (uoft) and play scales. he can and has fucked ur boyfriend.
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this willyum is your coworker at canadas wonderland one summer. he does not know what hes doing. he is either like :| or like :D depending on the moment. his nose gets sunburnt at the beginning of the summer but only ever in a charming way!!! u never see it peel. he works the stuffed animal stands and cannot understand why his has a line and none of the others do (hint: its bc every1 has a crush on him!!!!). before the park opens he wanders around with one of those velcro monkeys around his neck. he likes the mindbuster the best bc thats MY favourite ride and this is my listicle. 
also i miss willys gigantic front teeth gap. he used to have little tombstone teeth. what has he done to them. 
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hey i love kyle dubas with my whole heart and all but there was something to be said about how when lou made them all be clean shaven and hair short it meant that willys hair was always kinda like a dragon ball z character and also his skin was all fleshy and elastic like a babys arm 
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speaking of kyle dubas i found this choice shot of willy blinking while kyles prattling on about nothing and like has anything ever been more My Aesthetic 
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god. has any1 ever been more iconic. this willy lives just north of bloor on dufferin and will tell anyone that the ossington strip is the “most underrated part of the city” (& hes right!!!!). they know his name at sugo. he takes all his out of town friends there and he gets tattoos at ink + water (thats at lansdowne right? now ive confused myself). he goes to the value village there and owns 29 pairs of sunglasses. he has his bed on the floor. he listens to a lot of better oblivion community centre. he long boards. he goes to bulk stores for groceries. he wants to start brewing his own kombucha. actually u know the more i typed this willy might just be me whoops.
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this man is my next door neighbour for the summer in cottage country. he has a fishing boat but he doesnt fish because fish suck. i invite him over for bbq and telling stories around the campfire. we drink shitty beer. he is not interesting but he is hot. maybe we make out on the dock. willy looks weirdly good in green.
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whenever someone has bracelets on their wrist my mind goes str8 to SUMMER CAMP. willyum is a camp counsellor at a camp maybe on like idk lake erie or some shit. he is a cabin leader and he loves his little sprouts/campers. frederik gauthier is the HEAD LIFEGUARD and willy thinks hes so funny and weird and sweet and cute and he doesnt realize!!! until the end of camp!!! that he has a big crush on freddie goat!!!! its the last night of camp and theres a big campfire and a camp dance and willy asks goat to sneak away with him. they go down to the beach and sit on the picnic table under the lifeguard tent and willy kisses goat and its very romantic. 
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okay 1) love a man in a puffy coat & 2) there is something about “my father will hear about this” draco malfoy looking like He Was a Diplomats Son mp3 willy that just really gets my goat. he went to a boarding school in the swiss alps and fucked ur girlfriend. he has a closet for his shoes. he dated a member of the swedish royal family for a summer but broke up with him bc he was too clingy.
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speaking of that bitch…..here he is again. this is after his tour after high school. he rented out an apartment in lisbon and would smoke cigarettes with beautiful people on the balcony. he spends a month in the south of france turning golden on the rocky beaches and buying dinner every night from the market on his way back to the hotel. this willy takes molly at a gay club in dresden and wakes up in an architect students bed and then he goes to the park to sweat off a hangover and pretend to read nietzsche  
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this willy is absolutely the rapscallion son of the president. whats that movie with mandy moore (maybe???? oh no wait i just googled it its katie holmes) - that movie with katie holmes where the first daughter like falls in love or whatever?? this is willy. OOH IVE GOT IT. okay so this willy is absolutely a zoey barlett type from the west wing who is very cute and everyone loves him even though he is a spoiled brat sometimes/all the time. ENTER the assistant to the president - zach hyman - in a charlie young role. they fall in love over a pot of chilli. its the most beautiful thing u have ever s33n. 
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okay so like willy is the new Legal Assistant at the office. kyle is a Partner in Law or whatever tf they’re called. willy and he are Working Late One Night and u know what that means…..they go to rol san bc its open until like 6am and they eat the FUCK out of some dumplings and then kyle drives willy back to his apartment (maybe in this one he lives in a shitty place at yonge & college???? like classic “roommate in the living room” toronto living??) and they KISS in the CAR and its ROMANTIC.
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this willyumm is your date for thanksgiving dinner. he comes extremely bundled. my parents live north of toronto so i imagine this willy driving us north for the weekend. his scarf is very evan from skam and its sexi. he does not like the folk playlist that you have put on but its FALL and the TREES and OCTOBER MEANS HOZIER and hes like UGH FINE WHATEVER and is a bit grumpy but then u pass thru the holland marsh and he’s like “hm smells like onions” and its all fine again. his laugh confuses your extended family and he sucks at scrabble and is a pouty bitch about it but its a GOOD TIME.
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god THIS WILLYAM is ur older brothers BEST FRIEND and he comes over to play video games ?? i guess ?? i never had a brother but i YEARNED to crush on a brothers best friend. he is very handsome like a lion. maybe you write some weird diary shit about it. every time he comes over ur SO WEIRD and he KNOWS ABOUT UR CRUSH and hes VERY NICE ABOUT IT.
also would a willy listicle be complete without me marvelling over his long straight nose??????????? look how straight it is!!!!!!
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this will ham is in ur intro to gender studies class on friday mornings in sid smith. hes in one of ur projects and hes got no fucking clue whats going on. hes on the varsity blues hockey team and he thought that he clicked on “intro to geography”. despite the fact that he has no idea whats happening ever hes enthusiastic about listening. one time u go for coffee at mallo across from where honest eds used to be and he asks u what the male gaze is. 
okay. i hope u enjoyed this. it took me awhile and i enjoyed every second of it. to conclude, here is several screen shots from my favourite willy interview:
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u ever see a man more beautiful
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lil elastic face weirdo 
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esperinkdraws · 6 years
father’s day
AO3 link here
i’m doing day five early y’all. and as always, a prompt from @polyshipprompts
It was the first Father’s Day since Michael had showed up.
Michael had showed up at Jeremy’s and Christine’s door six months ago. They weren’t exactly happy to see him; it was more relieved anger than anything. Michael had dropped off the face of the earth for a while and nobody knew where he was.
He needed a place to stay, he explained after Jeremy had calmed down. Jeremy’s reaction to Michael’s sudden reappearance had been more emotional than Christine’s; they had, after all, been friends since they were four years old.
Jeremy and Christine had allowed Michael to sleep on their couch while he looked for a job. But some things had to change, they told him. He couldn’t smoke weed or curse as freely anymore.
The Canigula-Heere family had a child they had to be good examples for.
Little Zoey was only in kindergarten. She quickly got used to having an extra person in the house. In fact, Michael was her “favorite person”. Jeremy teased Michael about this, saying that it wasn’t fair to be two people’s favorite person. Zoey didn’t talk and used sign language to communicate, so Michael willingly learned the language.
About two months after Michael moved in, Jeremy had started to act unusual. Michael was confused, but Christine observed Jeremy’s behavior, and looked more closely at Michael’s.
Christine waited a month before saying, a little exasperated, “Just tell each other you like each other already!”
They were in the kitchen and Christine was cutting up watermelon, when she noticed the boys’ eyes meet and Jeremy quickly look away. That had been the tipping point for her.
Michael and Jeremy both froze and looked up. “You know?” they asked at the same time.
“Well, Jeremy didn’t make it hard to miss with how he was acting,” Christine said with a shrug, dropping cubes of watermelon into the nearest Tupperware container. “And I started to pay attention to Michael’s behavior too.”
Jeremy blushed and ducked his head. “You’re not mad?” he asked.
“Nope,” Christine replied, popping the ‘p’. “It was kind of cute, at first.”
“I still love you,” Jeremy hurried to say, clearly worried about Christine taking Jeremy’s crush on Michael as falling out of love with her.
“I know.” She put the containers of watermelon in the fridge. “You can love two people. You can be with two people. Others have done it before.”
“And you’d be okay with that?”
Christine put the knife and cutting board in the sink and started to wipe up the mess from cutting watermelon. “I’d be happy to have Michael be a part of our little family,” she said.
Jeremy looked at Michael, who had been silent and fidgeting, hands playing with the fabric of his worn-out hoodie. “Would you be okay with that?”
Michael nodded.
“It’s decided, then,” Christine said, moving to sit at the table. “We’re both your partners now.”
Michael gave a hesitant smile, but soon that was replaced with a happy grin. Jeremy seemed happy about it as well.
Zoey thought nothing of Michael being more affectionate with Jeremy when the three of them picked her up after kindergarten let out for the day. There was no trouble in the following months.
Zoey had brought home a little bag the Friday before Father’s Day. She shook her head with vigor when Michael asked about it. He figured it was a Father’s Day craft for Jeremy made in class. He didn’t quite know why he wasn’t allowed to see it, though.
On Sunday, Zoey insisted on helping Christine make Jeremy a breakfast. Well, she wanted to do it herself, but she was only five and a half and that wasn’t allowed.
“What’s that?” Christine hummed when Zoey tugged on her shirt. She looked over at where the child was pointing, at Michael, who had stayed up a little late and was sleeping on the couch since he didn’t want to wake Christine and Jeremy. Christine watched Zoey point at the pancakes and hash browns they were making next. “You want Michael to have a Father’s Day breakfast too?”
Zoey nodded. Christine smiled a little and agreed.
Jeremy and Michael woke up a little later. Zoey stopped them in the living room, signing to them to sit on the couch while she went to her room and fetched the bag she had brought home on Friday. She took out something small and wrapped in tissue paper and gave it to Jeremy.
Jeremy smiled and started to open it. Michael watched with a slight smile.
Zoey tugged on Michael’s sleeve, to turn his attention back to her. She stuck her hand back into the bag and brought out another tissue paper-wrapped gift, placing it in his hand.
Michael stilled. “For me?” he asked hesitantly. The girl nodded. “But it’s Father’s Day.”
‘I know,’ Zoey signed, waiting for Michael to open it. Jeremy had opened his gift and now was watching the exchange between his daughter and his boyfriend.
Zoey now frowned, trailing a finger down her cheek like a tear, in question.
“It’s happy crying,” Michael assured her.
After the gifts, Zoey grabbed both of her fathers’ hands and led them to the kitchen, where Christine had finished cooking breakfast. Christine smiled when she saw how happy Michael looked.
Zoey included Michael in every Father’s Day after that.
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zenwing · 6 years
doing an ask me meme but like... all the way
1.Kissed a girl?
2.Kissed a boy?
3.Had sex in public?
haha no. hopefully never.
4.What’s your religion?
5.What does your URL mean?
zen and wing. it’s a bit of a reference to my cockatiel zoey.
6.Reason you joined tumblr?
to interact with my now-ex more. lol.
7.Do you have any nicknames?
just xave.
8.Do you like bubble bath?
yes i like bubble bath
9.Kissed in the rain?
i’ve never kissed anyone unless you count using a bot command to kiss someone on discord... but even then, it was never serious
10.Dyed your hair?
too expensive so no
11.Soup or salad?
12.Vegetable or meat?
13.Go out drinking?
nah man i dont go out
14.Smoke cigarettes?
nah. too smelly
15.Smoke weed?
i wish
16.Do any hard drugs?
17.Have you had sex today?
haha no
18.Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
i’ve fallen asleep with my phone while talking to people i love does that count
19.The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
the last person i texted (on discord) is a guy named john and i don’t really know him but i wanted to send him gifs of a cute bunny getting petted...
20.Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
not that i remember
21.Skipped doing homework to play a video game?
22.Tried to commit suicide?
aw gee. not really. one time i drank like 2.5 liters of water all at once to see what would happen but i never intended to die
23.The last time you felt broken?
last week ! ^_^
24.Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt?
never to everyone. i always confide in someone.
25.Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
nah. used to.
26.Do you have Long hair OR short hair?
i like all hair. for myself i like short hair bc fuck tangles.
27.First thing you notice to a guy/girl?
...their appearance...
28.Do you sing in the shower?
not since my mom called me out for it when i was like 10
29.Do you dance in the car?
30.Where were you yesterday?
here. at my laptop.
31.Ever used a bow and arrow?
ye. it’s been a while
32.Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
last year for my yearbook. i skipped the yearbook photo this year :)
33.Do you think musicals are cheesy?
lmaoo idk man. my friend magic loves them so i love them too!
34.Is Christmas stressful?
nah. if i wanted, i could just give no one gifts. they’d understand.
35.Favorite type of fruit pie?
pumpkin. pumpkin is a fruit, yes.
36.Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
fuckin uhhhhhhh i dont fucking know
37.Do you believe in ghosts?
not really
38.Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
everyone does every now and then
39.Take a vitamin daily?
ye. my L-methopholate. :/
40.Wear slippers?
41.Wear a bath robe?
only after i bathe
42.What do you wear to bed?
sometimes i dont even bother changing clothes when i go to bed
43.Do you want to get married?
gggggg too soon
44.Can you curl your tongue?
Relationship preference: 45.How many relationships have you had?
46.How can I win your heart?
47.what makes a great relationship?
i haven’t had a great relationship, so idk.
48.Shy OR open?
a little bit of both!
50.Religious OR non-religious?
i prefer non-religious. spiritual is fine (otherkin for instance).
51.Caring OR non-restricting of you?
no preference? both are good
52.Straight edge OR non-straight edge?
straight edge, i guess. it freaks me out just a little when my friends talk about how high/drunk they are. but it’s whatever
53.Piercings OR no piercings?
no preference
54.Tattoos OR no tattoos?
no preference. just don’t have a nazi tat, i guess.
55.Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type?
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Survey #86
“will we make our mark this time?  will we always say we tried?”
what is your opinion on homesexual people? they're just as human as heterosexuals. are you an atheist? why? no. because the idea of this world existing as it does by pure chance is ludicrous. are you a skeptic? why? on certain things, sure. you gotta be lest you wanna be naive. do you know what anime is? yes? do you tolerate people who are against, or just don't like your opinions? why and how? of course. people think differently, get over it. that's how and why i do it. do you watch youtube? constantly lol do you draw often? not anymore. :( do you make art (any form of it)? photography regularly, drawing very, very rarely. are you a leader, or a follower? i'm a follower unless i need to be otherwise. are you an introvert, ambivert, or extrovert? i'm a massive introvert. are you an optimist, realist, or pessimist? mix between realist and pessimist. would you punch me in the nose for $20? i wouldn't punch anyone. do you think your country is better than other countries? if so, explain. absolutely not. all countries have their flaws. civilization itself does. if you had to be stuck in one age for the rest of eternity, how old would you want to be? 21. do you accept constructive criticism easily? sometimes. i'm very sensitive, so i sometimes take it as someone being disappointed in me. would you rather have immense physical strength or strength of character? strength of character, of course. lions or tigers? hmmmm... tigers. how is your life going right now? where do you want it to be in 5 years? things are actually going great. all i want in five years is to have a steady job, hopefully as a photographer. what is your favorite quote? by who?  "plant trees you know you'll never sit under the shade of," by mark fischbach. do you button your shirt from the top or the bottom? the bottom what was the last song you listened to? "rooftops" by the lost prophets do you like snow or see it as annoying? i love the snow!! what was your favorite disney movie as a kid? is it still your favorite? "the lion king," and yes. do you ever think about embarrassing moments and cringe? a lot, actually. do you watch scary movies on your own? yeah. have you ever been called vain? do you agree with them? no. what is your favorite condiment to go with french fries? ketchup what color is your mp3/ipod? hot pink have you ever laid in a hammock? yeah. we used to have one. have you ever lost a pet in a tragic way? how did you cope? we had to put our dog dale down when he got horribly sick with spleen cancer, and watching him die so quickly... that was awful. my chinese water dragon also died horribly; it was agonizingly slow and he was obviously in pain. :( have you ever ate a zucchini? fried zucchini, yes. what type of art would you hang up in your room? morbid/goth shit. what are your pet’s names? teddy, cali, bentley. and i'm adopting my snake whom i'll be naming venus very soon. (: honestly, do you think that you’re going to be an overprotective parent? i don't want kids. but if i ever do, i know i'd be overprotective as all fuckhell. would you rather have ice cream, freeze pops, or popsicles in the summer? ice cream is love, ice cream is life. do you ever read someone else’s survey site and know pretty much what’s going on or what went through in their life? lmao yes have you ever encountered a ghost? 100% positive i have. would you rather be at the beach right now? yes, actually. i went to the beach last may, and this question's got me thinking about it. it was fun. do you know any parent that lets their kids smoke or drink? my friend, who has a pretty conservative mother (i think), lets her. i mean, this girl flaunts it on facebook, and she's friends with her mother. i don't get it. would you ever let your kid smoke weed? over my dead fucking body. are you currently in love? no. do you swear regularly? yes. do you believe in abortion? N O are you homophobic? no. have you ever done anything illegal? illegally downloaded things. what’s your favorite time of day? dawn. do you prefer to be called by a nickname or your real name? real name. what's the farthest you’ll go on a first date? just hugging. have you ever been to a rave? no. are you racist? not at all. do you ever find yourself daydreaming? i do that a lot. what is the lowest thing you’ve ever done? inadvertently getting my friend's boyfriend to break up with her because he was interested in me. is their someone in your life you know you couldn’t live without? my mother. where do you stand on body piercings and tattoos? fuckin' awesome. if you were granted one wish what would you ask for? to not be mentally ill. if you wear glasses, are they dirty right now?  not really. do you put your hair up when you cook?  i don't cook. do you prefer mountain dew or sprite?  mountain dew. i don't like sprite. does anybody in your contacts have a heart after their name?  no. what did you last use a q-tip for? cleaning my ears. who was the villain in the last superhero movie you watched? don't recall... i don't watch superhero movies a lot. but the last occurrence that comes to mind when i saw the batman movie with bane in it. so it's been years. well, i saw "logan" recently. is wolverine considered a hero?? silver or gold? gold. i'm allergic to silver. what is your favorite unisex name? hmm... good question. i just went through a list of unisex names just outta curiosity to see if i could find one that really resonated with me, and i like blair, dakota, and hayden. name a movie that you think is completely stupid: "the purge." the concept is so fucking stupid. does your phone have hole for charms? no. do you like the color green? no. was it your fault your last relationship failed? it was no one's "fault." he wanted something i wasn't. what time zone do you live in? est. who do you wish you would never see again? why? rachel. because she's a motherfucking bitch. who have you hurt the most so far in your life? what did you do to them?  idk? probably my mother. what was the first movie you can remember seeing at the cinema? probably "finding nemo." have you ever been physically or mentally abused? how did it effect you? no. do you consider yourself a vengeful person? if so, why’d you think that is? not really. have you ever been in a physical fight? what started it? no, but almost. what one quality do you have that you are proud of?  i'm passionate as fuck. have you ever been hospitalized? what for? i've been to mental hospitals five times. who’s the last person you talked to about sex? my doctor. she asked if i was sexually active. where is the biggest scar on your body? my left shin. it was itchy as all fuck one day and i scratched it to the point that i left a pretty big scar. would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?  fuck no. are your parents divorced?  yes. do you have any friends that are emo?  yes. would you ever live with any of your best friends?  sure. how many people in your life have you kissed? two. are you photogenic?  HAAAA would you ever date anyone your parents disapproved of? yes. who i date isn't their business. i mean of course i'd take into account why they think i shouldn't date him, but ultimately, they don't decide. how many tattoos do you have? and how many do you want? i have four, but i have over 100 ideas saved. i wanna be covered. the only area that's off-limits to me personally is my face and actually on my boobs. do you think it’s a bunch of bull shit when people say “i have no regrets”? honestly? yeah. i know damned well everyone's got at least one thing they wish they hadn't done. do you get scared during scary movies? no. they're just movies. where do you want to live when you’re older?  in the mountains of nc. do you miss your past? little parts, but not really anymore. do you slam doors when you’re mad? sometimes. have you ever been out of your home country? sadly, no. do you consider yourself pretty? no. do you consider yourself brave?  no. if you could pick a new name for yourself, what would it be?  zoey. do you think you’re indecisive? i'm the most indecisive person you will EVER meet. what’s something you want to change in your life? i want a career. what brand’s your winter jacket? i don't have an exclusively winter jacket. how many books have you read this month? none. is it hard to find parking where you live? no. welcome to the south. have you ever taken a picture with santa when you were little? yeah. have you ever dyed your hair and if so, what color? it's been black, purple, red... are you a secretive person? yeah, honestly. what’s something you’re attracted to? usually tattoos. who was your first celebrity crush? jesse mccartney lmao describe as much as you can remember of your first kiss. we were tickling each other on his bed, he pinned me, his face was close to mine, so i kissed him and he blushed and it was adorable. i know a lot of first kisses are awkward, but ours was actually wonderful and super cute. favorite romantic movie? "the notebook" Weeps is there anywhere you rather be? where?  i'd always rather be at the zoo lmao who is the first person that you know will respond to your messages asap?  mom. name one unpopular opinion of yours:  abortion is fucking repulsive. is there anybody you wish to open up to but just can’t for the sake that they will judge you? lots of people. if you either had the choice of being able to teleport anywhere or being able to read anyone’s mind, which would you pick? teleportation, 100% favorite holiday? H A L L O W E E N ! ! ! would you rather go to california or texas on vacation? texas to visit two of my friends, but cali in general. do you call it fall or autumn? autumn can you fall asleep in a car? usually, no. do you live in an area that gets all four seasons? usually. are you closer to your mother or father? mom do you have a best friend of the opposite sex? he's not my best friend, but i have a guy friend. name's girt. ever been to a bar or club? no. have you ever been in a secret relationship? kinda... but it wasn't an official relationship. do you like rollercoasters? i've never been on one. i'm scared of getting sick. tell me about your first break up, if you had one. it was easy. i wasn't into him like that, so i told him via a note because i'm lame as fuck. where do you want to travel next?  i wanna go to south africa to photograph. what is your favorite gif at the moment?  hm. i don't really have one? what is your favorite word? "rigorous" if you had the chance: would you go to space?  no. no one goes to space for a short period of time. do you like the beach boys? sure! their songs are so happy to me and make me think of summer. can you blow bubbles with gum? yeah. does your last ex deserve to die? absolutely not, jc. who do you tell the most to?  sara. has anyone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you?  yeah. how long does it take for you to take a shower? like 10 minutes. do you like the smell of gasoline? NO would you rather date a person with a british accent or an irish accent? BRI'ISH how many kids do you want to have? none. have you had the chicken pox?  no. which makes me nervous 'cuz i know it can be fatal when you're older. have you ever been around someone who was high?  yes. do people ever spell your name wrong? yes. lots of people spell it as "britney." do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? side is it easy for you to accept loss? NOOOOO are you wearing a ring? yes. do you think it’s possible to fall in love with someone in just 2 weeks? hell no. what kind of signs do you use when you pose for pictures? (i.e peace signs, thumbs up, rock, etc) none. where do you find new bands? youtube recommendations. what math subject is your favorite? (i.e. algebra, statistics, business math, trigonometry, geometry, etc.) uhhh, none? how about science?  genetics. would you ever dye your hair? if so what color? lots and lots of colors. do you wish during 11:11? no. do you flush the toilet with your hand or your foot? hand. i ain't that flexible, brother. what’s your myers-briggs type indicator (ex: entp)? infj what’s your favorite game show? "family feud" how many times a day do you use the restroom? lots. i drink a lot. do you still speak to your ex’s parents? no. who was the last person who drew you a picture?  tyler. are any of your siblings married?  yes. ashley. maybe tiffany, but i don't know her, so. what do you usually put in your omelets? cheese, bacon bits. have you ever tried to go vegetarian and if so, how long did you last? no. what kind of exotic animal do you think you could keep as a pet? i wish i could have a fox, but it's not legal in north carolina and their urine is horrendous. what’s the largest body of water near your hometown? do rivers count? in that case, the tar river. do you like kiwis?  hell yeah! at school, which area of science did you prefer, biology, chemistry or physics? biology. i had a hard time with parts of chemistry. which did you prefer between geography and history? geography. i hated history. have you ever had a main part in a play? no. when do you prefer to take a shower, in the morning or night?  night. what’s your most recent mistake? hmmm. if you could live in one country, where would you live?  here's fine. who inspires you the most? mark edward fischbach<3 what’s your opinion on fast food?  it's fine. at the moment, what song you listen to the most?  "rooftops" by lost prophets what was the last liquid that you choked on?  *shrugs* when you kiss a person, where do your hands usually go?  neck. when drinking hard alcohol, do you take shots more or make mixed drinks? i don't like hard alcohol. have you ever been told you’ve punched someone in your sleep? lmao yeah. poor jason. when can you legally go to an american bar?  i can now. if a bug is in your car, do you kill it or try to push it out your window? i try to get it out the window if it's flying. what was your first pet? do you still have this pet? the pet my family had when i was born was a female collie named trigger. my first personal pet was a guinea pig named squeak, i think. where was the last place you went on vacation?  the beach. do you know anyone who self-harms? sadly. if you were president, which one would you legalize first: abortion or marijuana? well i mean both are legal in most places, but if they weren't and i had to pick, marijuana. what are your parents’ names and what do they do for a living? donna- pharmacist; ken- mailman. do you have any siblings? what are their names, age and grade they are in? katie (30-something, not in school); bobby (30, not in school); misty (29, not in school); tiffany (???); ashley (24?, not in school); nicole (19, college student). do you know a schizophrenic person? my half-sister. did you ever watch sailor moon? if so, who is your favorite? yes, but i don't remember who was my favorite. have you seen the game show “baggage”? yeah. it was so fucking scripted but seeing people's secrets was kinda interesting. would you ever dye your hair pink? sure, but i'd wanna be skinny. i don't believe certain hair colors look good on certain weights. have you ever liked someone of the same gender while otherwise classifying as straight? no. are you saving it for marriage? i am. have you ever had sex with someone as a favor? no. do you worry more about other people’s happiness than your own? not anymore. my happiness comes first. name five people you care about more than anything: mom, dad, ashley, nicole, and i honestly can't pick between a fifth?? what is your favorite accent or tone of voice? british favorite game of all time? "silent hill 2" is a motherfucking masterpiece worst injury you’ve ever had?  i skinned the everliving fuck out of my knees. do you collect anything? meerkat stuff, "silent hill" memorabilia do you like hot sauce?  yes. what is your heritage? german, irish, polish are you rich?  hell no. do you prefer writing with black or blue pens? black what was your favorite book as a child? i really liked "how to make a rainbow" and "stellaluna" what is your most used emoji? probably ;v; did you ever consider getting your tongue pierced? yes, snake eyes. i didn't though because it's really unsafe when you have a metal retainer. if you had to only use either shampoo or conditioner, which would it be?  shampoo. i don't use conditioner anyway. type of music you dislike most? rap what kind of back pack do you have, and what’s in it? the one i had in college is a ouija board design. have you ever had to be put to sleep for an operation? i actually don't know. i had tubes put in my ears as a young child, but idk if you're put to sleep for that? are you scared of giving birth? more like horrified. it's part of the reason i don't want kids. do you prefer boys to shave down there? i honestly don't care at all. it's natural. if your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say? that's physically impossible. do you have a funny last name? does anyone make fun of it? what's it start with? no, and "d" what color is your cell phone? black. would you rather sing or dance? dance. if you were a witch, which animal would be your familiar? a sphinx which country would you NOT want to travel to? well i mean, obviously north korea. would you ever visit a ghost town? sure! which natural disaster scares you the most? T O R N A D O S what is your favorite phase of the moon? full. if you get a one-word response like “lol”, do you still bother to reply?   no. do you know your blood type?  a- what was your favorite board game as a child?   "mall madness" lmfao d o n o t j u d g e m e would you cry if you found out you were pregnant?  more like sob. have your parents ever smoked pot?  idk have you ever met any bands/band members before?  no. are you stuck in the past?   not anymore! (: ready for winter to come?  hell yeah.  make this spring+summer quick. do you think the person you like is cute?  he's adorable what kind of dog do you find most ugly?   i don't think any dog is "ugly," but i'm not particularly fond of chihuahuas. which show is better spongebob or the fairly odd parents?   "fairly odd parents" was the bomb.com do you have a reoccurring dream?   no.
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The GOD Particle
She Mexican stands with El Diablo, With those Zoey Kravits eyes, Around a plastered uncle with an aroused affection. The type who refused to converse about her daily chores – including nude capturing for her boyfriend’s flaws. How dare you as her ‘lover’ not attend to her soft soul Watching the fifth stepfather suicide himself to sleep. New money in the family meant a cause for three silent baby aborts, She chased away the only guy who grafted for her heart more than any other – then tried to clone his kind cause. What do you expect from the type of girl who smokes because it’s a marked curve? How could she ever listen when she barely catches God’s feminine voice.  Barely recognized by her mother in the same room for a stretch of years. They never knew the three guys who monetized her temple and pride Her soul - lighter than a cider. She was a Persian tale with a tainted essence –   Cheated on every guy she tried being part of,   And they abhorred how tight her jeans blinked every second. Dad’s single noteworthy act in her life was let his friend sleep with her in good faith same dude she sat by in a foreign country watching him get drunk, There’s more to that fiction than Thailand and a missing maternal. Expecting the world in all directions rarely meant good plugs The summer set of a typical looking suburban girl was every man’s view. Friends the size and depth of Saturn’s ring When she was nine she had seen mom with a basket full of dudes each named uncle. There was no story in the world that could replace dead Grandmother’s applause In her spare time [a few times] she befriended a writing nature Smartest girl when you get to know her mind’s personality,  Her biggest armada – solving the world. And curfew to death the second time he hospitalized her.  Motion with her sitting through four hours of therapy per week, thinking greens would be better on her usual hot winter’s day. Airing from a family of generational daddy disfigures, a balaclava could not hide her breasted lore. A milieu, the kind to expose her to a daily sobbing mother,  for she drove through an eternity of pain watching herself get rapped. A stream of blindness was her faith, her life has seen more intentional accidents than religious wars in our 21st century. Whilst sitting through classrooms trying to graduate into a corporate world – here’s a girl with three scars by the thigh, face and arm. And she’ll never speak of her beautiful mess, but she’ll carry conversation like a wave of good preaching;   astronomy, good weed, politics, Lianne la Havas and what feeds the soul. In her bad manners towards guys she always got karma in the worst feedbacks. Sitting back letting her social status take control; a beauty, a hoe, a slut, a model, a disappointment, a bad bitch. Threesoming with the cousin the age of a doll. She’s too fake, too beautiful, too raw, too much, too littl, too broken – too everything. And she’ll dictionary her conscious with metaphors Yet you still find that fissure because her fucks up in are no hurry. She cries at 3am whilst talking to the next guy hearing the creep voice of the next panic attack.
That weekend she had the trace of her five guys inside of her That month she watched her brother get shot That year she watched her parents divorce - again   And that day she posted three new snaps of the three new cars they bought. Visiting the second aunt starved with her new born, And her life looped into ‘wisdomed’ pain.
And so, When she first stood in my renegaded sight I think I happened to be the only human that saw how beautiful of a mess she still is, And I began to pace myself for a century worth’s race
Because we both were universes of uncovered footprints.
                                                     - Anima
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kageyasame · 7 years
How many ocs do you have? Do you have a favourite? Gotta know my dude, gotta know about everyone's ocs.
i have like, wait a sec, counting… 20+ Ocs (25 TOPS)
i’m love all them but my faves rn are Gio, Kai, James, Kaede n Junko… heres a little abt those faves
Gio (her full name’s Giovanna Doe. like jane doe but it’s giovanna instead which is italian… im sorry). she’s a ROBOT and she’s also a femme fatale and she does robot pride rallies and she’s a Private Detective and worked with the MAFIA… holy FUCK… life goals i’m so g a y fo rher… she’s bi, she has a girlfriend called Jana (Their ship name is giojana and i had the url saved. deleted it cus i was Nevr gonna use it tho). jana’s also her mechanic and her mom is Gio’s Most Important Maternal Figure tm… gios done SOME SHIT some BIG shit BAD shit and i lov her (i have an aesthetic pinterest board for her) (also a charahub profile) (and i made a playlist and i’m remaking it and when i finish remaking it i’m gonn link to it)
KAI MY BEAUTIFUL CHILD theyre so good and so soft and they suffer so much and they become a super jotaro style hardass… i’m lov… They did Some Shit too which was Not Good like killing people n stuff… beautiful baby enby (also a board for them, n a charahub) (theyre agender :’D !!)
james is their boyfriend. james is a GRUMPY FUCC. he likes violins.. hes trans and his dad’s evil but his dad supports him. Yves is his dad’s name, i might talk abt him at some point kdjshfkdsj. he realized he was Not Cis when he met kai also that… hes a Soft… (heres his board and the kaimes board) (i havent done him a charahub yet R I P)
JUNKOOOOOOO she’s my mp100 oc aka “a good excuse to make a character AND make them interact with my literal soulmate Kageyama Shigeo????? yus” i’m LOVE MY BAE shes good… she’s a bancho at an all girls school and she’s bi and a fuckin PUNK. she tries Far too hard to be spy from tf2 that too like she tries to be sneaky and backstabby… she has pyrokinesis… she meets Mop after the Psycho Helmet broccoli arc and they become buddies and by buddies i mean she’s a terrible influence (charahub / board). she loves pirates and fire and cheesecake and turtles shes a DORK oh man
and KAEDEEEEEE kaede’s junko’s best friend. they become gfs after a Lot of Pining for each other and This Is Not Gay This Is Just Pals Bein Gals Rite and other shoddy stuff… she’s super chill and short, like she’s a full inch shorter than Junko and she’s a year older?? tf… shes a punk bitch… but shes also chill. she graffittis. shes that kinda girl. she would probly smoke weed if she lived in the US skjdhskajdhsak i’m gonna be FULLY HONEST… (board)
i have TONS more like Jana, Yves, Penny Oliver (talked about them a while ago!!), Zoey (gio’s ex, fierce, will cut you), Bella (gio’s friend, aroace, a buff queen of boisterous bruising), Corinne (softest, very op), Sarah (shy but will cut you, underpowered), Lucrecia (you ever heard “genki girl”?), Sam (lucre’s bro and the Gun Man Take Me By The Hand Lead Me To The Land badpun tss), Angel (shes SO PURE… she jsut wants to do Good), Louisa (if angel is Joshua, louisa’s her Biff. she does her lying and hacking and other Stuff), or Ellie (Shes Gay And Angry And Shes Gonn Fite You), and Aline (pink and from the future) and fuckkin’… awh man. i have so many i lov them all… golly gosh….
im RAMBLY im sorry i’m love them thank you so much again for sendin me this ask ahhhhhh
(i have…………. a blog for them 2………….) (its @vevocharas………)
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onlinegratitudes333 · 5 months
Grateful for:
Smoking weed
My dear darling boyfriend
Delicious meals
My room in chicago and my home in NC
Zoey!!!!!!!! My mom and my dad
Having a safe and fast flight
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Survey #78
“why are the children all marching into the desert to die?”
list your three favorite scents. lilac, uhhh and then cinnamon and coffee, maybe? how do you ground yourself or recharge? sleep, go online... comfort food? my #1 is definitely ice cream have you ever been on a laptop inside a vehicle? no while on the road, do you play any road games? not anymore are you scared of semi-trucks? especially when you’re driving next to one? AHHHH YES if you have any pets, do you talk to them in a baby voice?  hell yeah! do you like screamo music? i do not. i want to be able to understand the words. like, they can even be in different languages, i don't care, i just want to understand clear words. what is the relationship between you and the person you last kissed? much to my dismay, there isn't one. if you could change your name what would you change it to? zoey, probably. have you ever tried weed?  no, and i have no desire to. how much effort did you put into your last relationship? way, way, way too much. are you a patient person? NOPE. do you have impulse control? DOUBLE NOPE can you use chopsticks? my tremors would never allow it. do you like the smell of gasoline? NO NO NO NO NONONONONO did you ever live in a house with more than one story? nope what’s your favorite fast food place? bojangle's what's your favorite alcoholic drink? i haven't tried many, but the best thing i've had thus far was a watermelon margarita thing. have you ever given yourself a tattoo? no, and i wouldn't. i'm very serious about the professionalism of my tats. do you ever buy your pet(s) birthday or christmas presents? sure do! can you lick your nose?  nope. can you lick your elbow?  nope. would you rather watch a movie in theater or at home?  defs in theaters. do you still own any vhs tapes? do you ever watch them?  no, mom got rid of them all. what hobby have you always wanted to pick up?  hmmm. crafts. have you ever rolled off your bed in your sleep?  no. have you ever had a penpal?  nope. do you put your shirt on or your pants on first?  pants are you afraid of spiders?  only if they are venomous or have extremely long legs in comparison to their bodies. have you ever been stung by a bee?  i haven't. do you enjoy board games?  no. what do you like on your burgers? (cheese, ketchup, mustard..)  cheese, ketchup, mustard, onion pieces, pickles how much water do you drink each day?  none. do you enjoy mario games? not particularly, but with friends, sure. has the last person you kissed met your father? he has. what’s your favorite breed of dog? akita inus, chow chows, beagles... do you swear in front of your parents?  i'm totally open around my dad, but i usually don't say "fuck" around mom. what would you do if you found out you were pregnant to the last person you kissed?  cry and probably become obsessed with the child's well-being, even while in utero. can you make yourself cry? i can't. what do you tend to drink a lot of? milk have you ever woke up crying from a bad dream? yes, and i once woke up screaming. have you ever had to block anyone online? i've been actively using the internet since dial-up, whatcha think? are you scared of ending up alone? i'm legitimately horrified. are your pets asleep right now, if you have any?  i'm not at home, so idk. have you ever done three or more shots in a row? i've never done shots. favorite undersea creature? dolphins i think, but i also really like jellyfish and whales. seahorses, too. describe the darker side to your personality.  more than anything, i can be viciously jealous. i have an interior savagery, but just barely enough control to contain it. what makes a movie really enjoyable for you? creative, whimsical story and artwork, drama, and relatable characters. favorite type of bird? owls. favorite forest animal? deer! do you think you could ever have an abortion if you unexpectedly turned up pregnant right this second? absolutely not. what is your favorite video game console? why?  ps2 has the best games. do you like vanilla candles?  sure do. how many girlfriends/boyfriends have told you they love you? one, i think. juan might have... have you ever smoked a cigarette? no. who did you last share a taxi with? i've never been in one. do you vape? nope. do you enjoy the arctic monkeys?  i like two songs. where’s your favorite place to shop for clothes?  rebel's market. have you ever seen a mountain in person? i have. have you ever explored somewhere abandoned? i have. there's a shack and old house near my house that friends and i explored when i was younger. we got in trouble lol. have you ever found a four-leaf clover? i discovered a patch of four-leaf clovers the day after my dad left... (: would you rather live in a coastal town or a town closer to the forest? ohhh. can it be in the forest? are you lazy? i am, honestly. regularly burn incense? i used to. i need more sticks... who was your high school crush? i had a few. i was kinda interested in a guy named kyle, i really liked this boy sebastian, but my biggest crush was jason. are you cpr certified? no. who accompanied you to your first concert? mom, nicole, and jason. do you and your friends listen to similar music? depends on the friend. my best friend, no. do you believe in the idea of taking from the rich and giving to the poor? why or why not? no, because who says the rich don't deserve what they've accumulated? do you believe that animals are capable of “human” emotion? why not? it's very obvious that they feel emotion; now are their emotions the same as how we humans feel it, maybe not, but they obviously feel. who do you consider “family?” my mom, dad, ashley, nicole, katie, bobby, misty, a few aunts and uncles and uncles, colleen, chelsea, bradley, and despite having no relationship with him, jason will always be my family. could you sacrifice yourself for someone you barely knew? honestly, no. does the thought of having children scare you? horrifies me. i'd prefer to never imagine pushing a seven-pound human being out of my fucking vagina. xbox or playstation? playstation! have you ever asked someone out? i kinda-sorta initiated the asking out with aaron, but not exactly? when do you want to get married? i see 23 as an ideal marrying age, but there's literally no way that'll happen with me unless j comes back. did you like your middle school life? ACTUALLY fuck that. that's when my anxiety and depression started, and it was just... awkward and uncomfortable. have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? yes and no... maybe. like, with jason, i thought to myself, "wow, he's really weird" when i met him, but at the same time, i found myself thinking, "this guy's gonna mean something." what’s your favorite zoo animal? meerkats, on the rare occasion they have them. do you have any plans for tomorrow? skating! :D what’s your favorite part about the fall? the colorful foliage, omg! which scooby-doo character are you most like (scooby, shaggy, daphne, fred, velma, the monster, scrappy?) probably scooby or shaggy. what “group” did you belong to in high school? i resonated/made friends with mostly the goths, emos, metalheads... describe your favorite pair of pj’s. a black pair of pajama pants with a design of harley quinn holding two guns sitting on her knees with "hey, puddin'" written beneath her. i usually wore them when i wanted j's dick honestly lmao. i still wear them tho honestly just 'cuz they're comfortable. if you could have any job in the world, which one would you want? meerkat biologist OR a member of the mythical crew how did you learn to ride a bicycle? my dad taught me. (: have you ever been to a sports game? hockey, yes. have you seen all the shrek movies? no and i cry every night because of it. have you ever finished a whole video game? of course do you know anyone with a pet snake? currently, i don't believe so. your parents split; would you want to live with your mom or dad? they did split, and i live(d) with my mom. how does it make you feel looking at pics with your ex and someone else? i've seen one picture of him with his current girlfriend, and i legitimately wanted to murder the bitch. no exaggeration. have you ever slept in the same bed as your friend? multiple times. what is on your bed right now? well, my own bed is in storage right now to my understanding, but the bed i'm using at colleen's currently just had pillows and blankets. are you someone’s best friend? i am! :D what do you think of when you think of australia? my friend shaylee ever ridden on a roller coaster? no, too scared. what is your birthstone? amethyst is anyone jealous of you? literally no reason to ever be. do any of your friends have children? not any close friends how did you get one of your scars? i scratched the fuck out of my leg. it was overly itchy. honestly, what is your point of a view of a friend who goes for their friend’s exes? consult your friend about it. when was the last time you laughed so hard you couldn’t breathe? when playing "cards against humanity" with colleen, chelsea, and bradley would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? zoo! do you sleep with a night light? no. do you bite your toenails? nope. what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime? overall, i feel most connected to otep's lyrics. have you ever gone to the person you like’s best friend to help you out? no. who is the most blunt person that you know? colleen do you think you will be going to sleep soon? i might take a nap. what nervous habits do you have? my eyes dart, i play with/knead my hands, avoid eye contact, etc. when was the last time you were hit on by someone? i'm not sure. what is your ringtones on your cellular? "telescope" by starset do you wear makeup? rarely. do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? nope. what is your pet’s name? the only pet i personally "own" is teddy, a beagle-cocker spaniel mix. do you have any siblings? do you get along? my two immediate siblings are ashley and nicole. what is your favorite color? maroon. what color are your eyes? blue do you like your parents? i love them. how long does it take you to shower? like 8 minutes. is the last person you kissed older than you? by two years name everyone you kissed this year: no one is it awkward when you run into your ex’s? i've never "run into" him. i've seen him once, but it wasn't awkward honestly. have you ever fallen asleep with the last person you kissed? probably hundreds of times... do you change your phone background a lot? nope. think back to your last relationship. was it worth it? yes, it was. has anyone seen you in your underwear, other than mom? yep. do you hate being the first person to start a conversation? sure do. if you had to live off one type of fruit, which would you pick? strawberries what do you usually order from olive garden? spicy shrimp fritas. fucking perfection. how do you like your steak cooked? well done do you know anyone who self-harms? i know people who have, but i certainly hope they still don't. do you have any siblings? what are their names, age, and grade they are in? doing immediate siblings only. ashley: she's 24, i think, and she's graduated. nicole: she's 18 and is a freshman in college. do you know a schizophrenic person? yes. my own half-sister tiffany is a schizophrenic. do you own many pairs of shorts? i don't have any. is there a certain song you like to headbang to?  surprisingly, i don't headbang. is there a band/artist who has strange lyrics but you love them anyway?  rammstein's lyrics are rather different imo did you love playing hide and seek as a kid?  i really did! do you have a favorite font on the computer?  garamond, i assume. have you ever been severely burned?  nope. did you ever dream that you had a baby?  multiple times. what was the weirdest thing you ever saw cross the road?  hm, not sure... do you try clothes on before you buy them? i avoid that shit like the plague, but i guess if i have to. by society's standards, are you attractive? probably not, idk? mostly because i'm fat, so. i do have clear skin though? would you let your kid smoke weed? if i found my child smoking weed, that would probably be the closest i'd ever get to beating their fucking ass, to be frank about it. are you mentally stable? "no" should be the obvious answer. do you think marijuana is safer than alcohol? in some ways, sure. what do you hear right now? "the dope show" by marilyn manson, chelsea talking in her room... have you ever been in an abusive relationship? no. what color is your favorite bra? it's mostly baby pink, but has a black, swirly design on it. which would you rather have, a new puppy or kitten? i'd actually quite enjoy a kitten right now. if you could have one power, what would it be? shape-shifting. would you ever date out of your own race?   yeah. do you still watch movies intended for children?   every now and again. who is your favorite stand-up comedian?   john pinette. what is your strangest phobia?   whale sharks. what is the most pointless movie that you have ever seen?   "the purge."  just the concept of it was so stupid.  i mean, the film was okay, but still pointless. have you ever kissed someone of the same gender as you?   romantically, no. when a bee is coming close to you, do you stand still or run away?   depends on the kind of bee.  ex., wasp, i'm running.  honeybee, it's cool. are you self conscious about wearing a bathing suit?   very, yes. if you had to play one sport for a living, what would it be?   dance. have your parents ever thought you were gay? what happened?   i don't think so, no. what’s the best thing to eat for breakfast?   pancakes are your parents more liberal or conservative?   conservative, mostly, with some liberal views. when was the last time you saw your best friend?   this morning.  i am currently living with her; she's at work atm. how many jobs have you ever had? (including things like babysitting)   two. do you have family meals when it’s someones birthday?   we go out to eat somewhere nice-ish. are you comfortable talking to both your parents about sex and boys?   mom, sure, but i would never discuss sex with dad. have you ever wanted to be a teacher?   not at all. what do you think is overrated?   i don't really call things "overrated."  well-liked things are liked for a reason. what is underrated?   the band otep.  they should really be better known. can spiders jump?   yes, they can. there was a sculpture that was supposed to be displayed for a week in the rockefeller center in nyc of a falling woman - designed as a memorial to those who jumped or fell to their death from the world trade center. it was complained about as grotesque, inappropriate and describe as 'not art.’ what do you think?   who says something grotesque cannot be art?  it was absolutely art and carried with it a heavy message.  it shouldn't have been censored by not showing it. has anyone ever mistaken you for a satanist?   with my wardrobe, probably. what did you see today that was beautiful in an ordinary way?   i saw my best friend. are you dyslexic?   no sir. do you agree with the people who say that everyone is bi-sexual even if they don’t want to admit it?   heard that before, and it's bullshit. if you are the only human on the planet of the apes do you have sex with an ape?   ugh, no. do you believe that black people should get money to make up for their previous enslavement?   ... the fuck is this?  no???  look, i am in no way racist or anything, but there is no reason to pay african americans because of past mistreatment?  like, that shit's done and over with? have you ever tried to write poetry or song lyrics?   poetry, yeah. do you like men who have a sensitive side?   it's like.  mandatory for me. dangly earrings, hoop earrings, simple studs, or no earrings at all?   hmmm, studs. would you ever wear black lipstick? do you know anyone who does?   i do sometimes. do you lecture people about drugs?   if one prompts me too, yes. if you could pick the temperature of the outdoors for the rest of your life, what would it be?   like... 49, maybe? who was the last person to call you babe?   probably colleen, potentially juan. do you have family problems?   yes. were you smiling when you woke up this morning?   who the fuck just wakes up smiling? do you like being in pictures?   while it's great to be included, i only really like it if i'm taking the picture, 'cuz i know how to flatter my face. do you sneak out?   at 21, i can't exactly "sneak out," but when i was a teenager, no, i never did. how would you spend a day at the beach?   in the ocean have you ever experienced altitude sickness?   nope. do you ever make a big deal out of nothing?  only constantly. have you ever written anything on a bathroom stall?  nope. are your hands unsteady?   yes, i have an essential tremor. are you scared of moving on?  FUCKING HORRIFIED. when talking on the phone, do you place it against your left or right ear?   right ear are you scared you’ll get a q-tip stuck inside your ear?   nope. do you use index cards to help you prepare for tests?   i never did. what’s your favorite flavor of sunflower seeds?   i don't like sunflower seeds. what's currently on your mind?   meh.  i feel... alone and unaccomplished.  i just found out a veeery old friend of mine is moving out with her girlfriend soon, and.  idk.  seeing her grow up like that makes me jealous.  i miss having another half, okay? what’s your favorite hairstyle on a guy?   kill me pls, bc i like emo/scene hair the most ;-; what color is your hairbrush?   hot pink have you ever dated someone with curly hair?   not full-blown curly, no.  very few of j's tips would be curly, but his hair overall was more wavy. how many of the people you’ve kissed have had brown eyes?   one. what’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said to the person you like?   "i love you." are you currently in a “i wouldn’t mind if i lost 50 pounds” kind of mood?   losing 50 pounds would honestly be spectacular. are your parents religious?   yeah. would you like to have twins?   fuck no. if your best friend liked your last ex, what would you do?   oh, i'd tell her off. want to have kids before you’re 30?   it'd be ideal. has someone ever made a promise to you and broke it?   sure has. would you ever date anyone covered in tattoos?   sure. do you feel more comfortable with a male or female doctor/nurse?   female. are you interested in more than one person at the moment?   nope.
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