tenkoscumslut · 7 months
Hey guys, I am going to be rating the most popular BNHA ships!! Plz note this does’t mean anything I just thought this would be fun to make.
: Honestly an adorable ship, I can see why they ship them together.  Kirishima and Bakugou relationship wouldn't be abusive and actually would make sense.  This is far from a crack ship and I like it a lot.
I do not understand this ship much but it is a cute ship.  They show them having a nice and sweet relationship where theres no mental or physical abuse, they also show respect now, and they show concern for each other but thats after 16 years of abuse from Bakugou.  I think this would be more of a abusive relationship but it is adorable and I do like it.
This is adorable, I love it, I do enjoy seeing them getting into a relationship later on, but I find it very unlikely for it to be a good relationship.  I think there relationship is more of a brotherly sister type of relationship.  I do still think this is a valid ship and deserves a lot more recongition 
Uraraka and Izuku:
This is one of my least favorite ships and ill explain why.  I personally think Uraraka is the traitior for multiple reasons, and I will show them later, but throughout the manga she has shown possiblities of only using Izuku.  I think it would be a pretty cute ship if I didn’t believe she was the traitor but I doubt they would actually get in a relationship.
Adorable, this is the only ship that I actually love to the point I sometimes makes senarios in my head with.  I adore this ship, jiro is extremely nice towards Momo and respects her.  Momo loves everyone (except mineta) and wants to help everyone out, shes kinda like the perfect girl.  Their relationship woud be amazing because they would have to try and keep it a secret so Momo stays “perfect”, even though your sexuality doesn’t define you.  Overall amazing ship.
Shoto and izuku:
I can defenatly see this actually pooping up in the show.  Izuku is the first person Shoto has openly trusted and cared for, then slowly with his classmates.  Izuku and Shoto would defenatly be the perfect couple and almost never fight.  I think its amazing and is perfect.
Denki x Jiro:
Mixed feelings about this one, I do not ship Jrio with Denki, if anything it should be Kota.  Kota saved Jiro and they seem to have such an adorable friendship, and what i’ve noticed is that the only reason why people don’t ship them is because Kota is a side character and not deemed attractive.  Overall KamiJiro is cute and does make sense.
Shoto x Momo:
No.  Absolutely not.  Momo does not like Shoto in that way at all, she was there when Hagakure said he was the hottest boy in the class, and Momo instead said hes the most respected.  She literally looks up to him like she looks up to Mr. Aizawa and she doesn’t see through his flaws which would make their relationship awful.  Taking out all those factors they are cute together but they just wouldn’t pair well.
Tenya and Uraraka:
I love it I love it I love it.  This ship makes sense, they get along, they enjoy each others company and their quirks would blend perfectly.  Tenya is extremely smart and I think he is rich even though we haven’t seen much about his home, I also think Uraraka would be able to be in a relationship with him without fights because they have many interesting subjects, they get along a lot of the time, and Tenya would always make sure she feels loved, and she would make sure he does to.
Shouta x Hizashi:
This is my favorite ship with Mr. Aizawa, it’s the cliche Loud blond x quiet emo boy.  They have their differences but they are shown to always get along, even Hizashi suggested the hero name Eraserhead and Mr. Aizawa actually took the name.  I think this ship is adorable and makes perfect sense, I definitely ship them.
Tsuyu x Izuku:
i don’t see it, it doesn’t make sense at all in my opinion.  They are extremely wholesome friends and have never showed any interest of being in a relationship with each other or expression of liking each other more than friends.
All Might x Inko:
Despite his father still being in America, I think this ship is adorable and I totally ship it.  Not only would Izuku have ana ctual father figure, it would be the first person he looked up to.  It would be best for izuku and it does make sense.
Denki x HItoshi:
I think this is a perfect ship, Denki said Hitoshi was hot in the manga during the sports festival.  This is an amazing ship and makes sense, they would be adorable together.  I do ship, 10/10.
Izuku x Hatsume:
I don’t really ship but I see why this is a ship I guess.  Not much to say about this ship, I just don’t understand they are literally just friends, or even less than that.
Shigaraki x Dabi:
Um I’m confused, they literally hate each other.  Whenever Dabi x shigaraki shippers try to explain, they say Dabi is staying next to Tomuras side, and that he could’ve left a long time ago.  Yes he could have but he needed Shigaraki to get what he wanted, it’s a very one sided relationship, and they both show clear aggression and dislike towards each other, they aren’t even acquaintances.  
Dabi x Hawks:
I’ll be honest, I love this ship, it doesn’t make much sense at first but elt me explain.  We all know Touya is the only one who knows Hawks real name, he is th eonly one who said it.  When Hawks wings were burnt off, Dabi says his true identity and Kiego is in shock.  We all know he is Touya know, and if Kiego didn’t know Touya then he would’ve have been shocked and would’ve revealed his true identity.  Obviously they have some type of connection from their past, I am assuming they were lovers, going against the commision and Touyas father to be together.  Then Touya became Dabi and changed himself, Kiego wanted to get back at Dabi and he killed Twice, both for revenge and because the commision had him spying.  Dabi in turn burnt his most prized possession off.  This ship also makes sense because they are both in their early 20′s and they did get along before the whole incident, Hawks also was the person he sought out rather than Toga, he could’ve easily got to Tomura if he would’ve gone to Twice, Toga or even Mr. Compress but he chose Dabi.  I love this ship a lot also because of the fan art and fanfics, but this is just an opinion.
Endeavor x Hawk:
Um this is disgusting (my opinion), are we forgetting Endeavor is married with 4 kids and has a wife? Hawks is 23, Endeavor is in his late 40′s, and age doesn’t define love ever, but Enji is married.  Enji wouldn’t cheat on his wife when he’s trying to show he loves her, and he’s trying to get closer to his kids, and having a relationship with a 23 year old stoner wont get him closer to them.  enji also has shown he doesn’t like Hawks very much and is even quite aggressive towards the bird.  Kiego also showed he looks up to endeavor he doesn’t love him, those are both 2 very different things.
Hawks x Mirko:
Cute ship I just don’t get it at all.  Mirko has friendzoned Hawks without Hawks trying to form a relationship with her.  Mirko is described as a friend, the only thing I think Mirko x Hawks shippers use is when Mirko said she liked Hawks, but other than that they have only showed a best friend type of relationship with them but I do see why some people love the ship.
Mirko x Dabi:
Um no.  They haven’t had any interact almost never, Mirko has shown clear anger towards him adn hates Dabi.  This is a crack ship that literally makes no sense, and the farnart isn’t even good, neither are the fanfics.  I’m sorry if I offended you with this ship but it makes no sense.
Dabi x Toga
J  A  I  L.  Toga is a fucking minor! Dabi said she thinks of her as a S I S T E R not a L O V E R.  This makes literally no sense and it’s just wrong, I don’t even care if I offended you with this ship, you need help if your making romantic ships or intimate ships with a minor!
Shigaraki x Mirko
I don’t understand but its a cute ship.  I think it’s ok, it is a crack ship that makes no sense but I think it would be good for Shigaraki to find his soulmate and if it’s Mirko then I totally ship.
Aizawa x Shigaraki:
I love this ship, it makes sense and just amazing.  Though there is an age gap Shigaraki did say he thinks Aizawa is cool on multiple occasions and he is mentioning him sometimes.  I also ship them because Aizawa is the only one who can actually hold Shigarakis hand without disintegrating.
Dabi x Overhaul
I don’t understand this ship at all but I guess it’s OK.  They are never really mentioned together.
Shigaraki x Overhaul
No. I really don’t think this has to be explained.
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tenkoscumslut · 7 months
Izuku smiled as he walked into the school already planning on what he was going to do with Katsuki since it was the day he discovered his quirk. The green haired boy smiled and walked inside class 1A, there was a special surprise for Kachan in his bag, a limited edition all might figurine he knew Katsuki had been longing for.
Izuku walked up to the hotheaded blond and spoke with a warm smile, “hey Kachan!”, who couldn’t love Izuku? He was perfect, but Bakugou hated him.
Rage bubbled through his stomach and he grumbled, trying to keep his anger more contained. “Soooo-“, Izuku hummed, “today is a special day, and I thought maybe we could grab lunch together”.
“I’m busy”, Bakugou snapped at his friend. “Busy ...?”, Izuku repeated while thinking to himself. “That’s ok, we can hang out another time”. It’s like his happiness could never go away.
He got a text from his mom, ‘I found some childhood photos of you and bakugou, do you want to keep them?”, Inko asked.
Izuku was about to reply when Mina had called him over. Normally Inko would be his first priority in this situation but Mina was already dragging him away.
They started to talk when Kirishima walked up to bakugou and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, “hey bakubro!”, he exclaimed.
Bakugou didn’t even push his arm off or yell, instead he actually greeted Kirishima with a small smile, “hey”.
But Izuku didn’t pay much attention to it at first, “shitty hair we’re going out to lunch together you can’t say no”, he mumbled.
Kirishima looked like a kid who’s mother actually said yes to McDonalds. And then Izuku. He glanced over and stopped mid sentence to gaze over at the pair of boys sadly.
“Hey, heeeyy, izukkkuuuu”, Mina whined and clapped her hands in front of his face. He jumped and quickly muttered an apology before going back to what he was saying.
Thoughts wouldn't stop running through Izukus head, even after his conversation with Mina had ended. Izuku walked back to his seat, lida leaned over, "would you like to accompany Uraraka and I tonight?" , he asked.
The green haired boy accepted the request and stopped thinking about Bakugou.
Izuku walked home, he was starting to realize how wasn't going to ever be Bakugous friend. The
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tenkoscumslut · 7 months
Mina returns
Hey guys, been inactive and highkey forgot about this account till me and an irl scrolled through to find this. Let me know if we are willing to continue the fanfiction???
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tenkoscumslut · 2 years
I take that back
lol I take my last post back. Im going to try and write to make up for the horrible trash I use to post. So please leave any ideas in my messages or comment section! feedback is welcome !!
anyways omega shigaraki x alpha dabi 4 life
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tenkoscumslut · 2 years
Hey guys, I haven't been active on this account at all. Though I'd love to share how I've grown in my writing and matured, I think it's best if I leave this account all together. I might pop in with new drabbles or stories, but who know! Thank you all for reading my trash, and im sorry for not being able to write out requests lol! GOOODBYEEE
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Little teaser to my next story~
Maybe in another life they would be together. Her eyes glazed over, small wisps of golden sunlight assented her dull blue eyes which always seemed to shine, that's how she knew this was her ending, and new beginning.
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Idk if you’re still active but i just found out there’s a filter on Snapchat that gives you Dabi’s scars, staples and hair and I need to ask you what you think his reaction to that Existing would be
I just started school again and I've been rlly busy but I'm probably going to be clearing out my drafts for the next few weeks<3
Dabi is really insecure about his scarring even though he acts like he doesn't care. When he finds out he'll act like it nothing when in reality he's dying inside. He'd get mad if u send him a pic with the filter on, we all know he wants a sweet s/o bc of his curroption kink, and he also loves bad ass s/O whether it's a boy girl non binary, genderfluid (he don't care bout your gender or if you don't have one). But I mean he don't want to see his baby wearing his scars, it would definitely make him mad and sad
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
I would like to create my own ending of my hero academia here. I have seen a ton of ideas and videos about this and I have no idea if someone already came up with this!!
The camera slowly zoomed out of earth, Shigaraki had finally gotten the father he needed, Toga was a normal schoolgirl, and Dabi had worked out his issues with his father and siblings.
Izuku would be talking about all the cool missions he completed and all the people he saved. The camera would begin to zoom in and Katsuki would take over.
First he would argue “Oi, Deku it’s my turn!”, he snapped. “O-oh Kachan!-“, Deku would stutter and let the hotheaded blond take over.
Katsuki would talk about his character development, then about Kirishima since I do see them becoming a couple in the future. They would have a duo fighting team known as DynaDestroyer (Kirishima picked the name out). The camera would zoom in on a graveyard.
Katsuki would be sitting on the grass facing a large statue with the words DEKU imprinted on a gold platter. Katsuki would chuckle and slowly stand to his feet, “well that’s how the nerd would’ve told the story”, he hummed and smiled up at the statue.
Izuku had died in a battle against some low life villains who had nothing better to do. Most of his classmates hadn’t gotten over his death, some were in a mental hospital recovering from his death and the war arc.
Katsuki would look into the camera and say, “and this was the story about how Izuku became the”, he would pause and glare at someone from behind the camera and break the fourth wall.
“I’m not saying he became the greatest hero”, he snapped, there was a silence before he reluctantly looked back at the camera. You could tell he didn’t want to say it since he was now dead, his voice trembled as he spoke, “and this is how Izuku became the greatest hero of all time”.
The screen slowly went back as scenes of Izuku fighting flashed across the screen. The last pictured that stayed was class 1A, all smiling and waving their goodbyes towards the camera.
A sad melody began to play as the credits started to roll. You could hear Izuku and class 1A say their goodbyes, “thank you for watching our stories, goodbye!”, they exclaimed and you could hear them rush off along with some petty arguing and laughing.
I know this was kinda short, it was just a Drabble and I might go into it later, tell me what you guys think of it :D <333
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Hey, no hate for your posts but I came across one of your hawks x reader posts on the Hawks tags. Totally fine if you prefer not to answer, but what generates your hawks x reader HC? The cheating/not cheating thing confused me.
Sorry guys! I was kinda in a rush to write that, I was re reading it and it did come out as contradictory. Hawks sees kissing others or flirting with others as not cheating which is why I put loyal. Our bird man WOULDNT go all the way, he thinks kisses are a sign of appreciation and not in a affection thing.
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
What people make hawks: - cheater
- spring heat!!
- never really pays attention to you when hes out
- cuddly and just a soft boy
What hes actually like:
- because of his quirk he does understand emotions
- would be extremely annoying
- chirps, a lot
- is loyal
- he is a red tailed hawk which means he mates for life
- raptor grip (if you dont know what it is, when he gets overwhelmed with any emotion he will grip onto you and will not let go until he calms down. The best way to calm him down is to put him in a dark room and he will let go once he feels safe but he can't function in the dark)
- he isn't soft but he would have a small soft spot for you
- he wouldn't hesitate to put you in danger for the sake of the public
- Hawks hides a lot of things and has huge trust issues
- Hawks thinks you have to have plastic surgery to be pretty because he had to get plastic surgery
- often doesn't care about your feelings
- openly flirty with every girl he meets and gets mad when you ask him to stop
- kissing other women/man isn't cheating in his book
- hates it when you try and cuddle
- his wings aren't sensitive in a sexual way
- he would be trying to impress, not fuck you during spring
- after finding out what endeavor did he despises him and would probably take a small liking towards Dabi
- he often compares you with his exes and just says to be better
- trauma dumps on you
- still is a nice boy with some really toxic traits
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Look away If Dabi is your comfort character
What he is made into:
- cuddly
- has a sweet spot for you and you only
- would die for you
- cherishes you
- is extremely nice
- would give you kisses
- takes you on late night drives for dates
- extremely loyal
- would be the best dad
What he would actually be like:
- cheats 24/7
- hates affections with his entire being
- you hair would get caught in his staples (unless you dont have hair)
- is the opposite of loyal
- extremely toxic
- has both a god and victim complex
- "You dont think I dont notice when you look at other men?", its the phrase he uses every time you confront him about cheating
- will not commit/settle down
- hates cuddles and will burn you
- he likes to grab your wrist and brunt it just for fun
- torments you
- he would fuck your best friend and then bame you
- hurts you
- everything is your fault or endeavors fault
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Ok imagine you pass away.
Hawks cant cope healthily.
He is always puttin your perfume on everything, making sure it smells just like you.
He perfected cooking so the food tasted just like yours.
H would talk to picture of you lie you were still alive.
At night he would shift just to hear your voice, to feel your fingers run through his hair, for your soft lips to kiss him
Every morning he'd feel alone and lost
He couldn't touch your clothes, they were for you, not him.
He kept your old desk clean and spotless just how you left it after work
He would have the coffee always brewing like you would so nobody would have to wait
He would carry a body pillow with him just so he could fly you around the city
He would take you out to dinner
Even so, he still felt empty without you
He would listen to voice recordings of you just so he could pretend he was talking to you
His phone consisted of photo of you, from child to your dying days.
Hawks wishes you were home, with him again
Mk bye yall
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Hawks isn't real. Dabi isn't real. Shiggy isn't real.
Knowing that I will never be able to hug them in my reality, that I'll never talk to them in my true form, or be able to be myself around them make me break.
I'm never going to be with them an that's the truth. I'm going to grow old one day, and I'm going to forget how to shift.
I'm going to forget about them, I'm going to forget about Hawks. That hurts on another level, there going to see me never return, an watch me he married, and have a family of my own.
I'm going to die, and no matter how badly I want to, I'll never seen them again.
No here this
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Hawks x reader (angst)
(credit to _yorixxxx on tiktok they inspired this)
Your mind was in its own universe, walking through a rich meadow, the smell of blue gold filling up your senses, it was almost time to go home, almost.  You almost leapt out of your chair when the clock hit 5, you little fantasy vanished, forgotten, like you.  
You couldn’t help but smile as you walked home, it was months after the incident, months.  Kiego had promised to never do it again, promised and promised and promised, but all of them were lies, though you were to blind to see it.  The familiar streets were your comfort area, you loved your life, you loved your boyfriend, his affection, your apartment, your job, everything.
As you flirted with the keys, trying to find the right one, you managed to find it.  It opened up his apartment, tonight was date night, he always did the sweetest things, he would take you out on late night flights, kiss your forehead and apologize for that one night.  His words were meaningless, but they filled you with happiness.
Before you were drowning, you head was submerged underwater and you could swim to the surface.  You were exhausted, even though it was right there, it was so close, it was in your grasp, you could never reach it.  Thats when Hawks came, he made you go head over heels for him, he was your savior, he was the one who saved you.  He picked you up, letting you take deep breaths of the fresh air, and you loved it.  You were addicted to it.
So when you opened the door, and saw another pair of shoes, you didn’t mind, you didn’t even think about any bad outcomes of this.  You quietly closed the door and set your shoes next to his, assuming he had a coworker over.  You walked up the steps into the living room, and there was Hawks with his “coworker”.
You couldn’t move, they were to loud to notice you, her loud moans, his grunts of pleasure, you could barely believe what you saw.  No, Hawks would never cheat on you, you knew Hawks, or did you.  You knew the hero, the man who saved others, the man who never broke someones heart.  But did you really know Kiego, did you know how he broke hearts, how he was a lying cheating bastard who was so toxic he couldn’t recognize your feelings.
“Hawks?”, you whimpered softly, not even knowing how to react to the lewd scene in front of you.  They both stopped, the girl, panting, a huge blush on her face turned to Hawks, “Hawks, who’s this?”, she asked trying to catch her breath.  Kiego stuttered, “J-just an old friend babe, Y/N, can you leave?’, he asked with...what was it? Irritation? Annoyance? Anger?.  
“Old friend?”, you repeated, “Were dating Hawks!”, you exclaimed, tears beginning to form, the girl clambered off of him, quickly putting on her clothes, “What the fuck do they mean Kiego?! You said you weren’t with anyone!”, she shouted.  “Y/N is lying, I don’t know them!”, he shouted, pulling up his boxers.
“You know what?! Get out! Both of you!”, you shouted over them, Kiego looked at you, shock in his eyes, the girl walked past you, she looked just as broken as you, “I’m sorry”, she whispered and quickly left the scene.  You stared at the ground, your fists were placed at your sides, Kiego walked up to you.  That voice, it made you fill up with joy, but know it felt so wrong to hear him.  “Babybird, listen to me, she didn’t mean anything”, he said.  Empty.  His words were fucking empty.
You wanted to screech, kill him, you wanted to wreck him, make him feel what you were going through.  “I already said get out Kiego” you managed to say, not bothering to speak in hopes of your voice not cracking up.  You looked up at him, those eyes, so beautiful, so ethereal.  You always thought he would only look at you like that, with so much love and passion, but behind it was emptiness.  He fucking used you.
To him you were a doll to be played with, a fucking sex toy.  You gritted your teeth when he didn’t move, instead tried to embrasse you in a hug, “Get the fuck off of me!”, you shouted, the tears finally spilling out while you kicked him, punched him, scratched him.  He didn’t let go, he couldn’t, Kiego was to selfish, he wanted you, he wanted a side chick, he wanted to fuck anyone he could but he couldn’t have you leave his side.
You were his other half, his soulmate, he truly loved you, yet he continued to hurt you, over and over and over and over.  It hurt him, sometimes he wouldn’t realize he was kissing someone else, he would try and imagine they were you, that it was your soft lips caressing his own.  That is was your walls clamping down on him, and it was your moans every time he hit their sweet spot.  Seeing you, without that smile, without that look like he was your everything made him break.
He fucking hurt you.  He did that.  “Get out Kiego!”, that was the last shout, he let go, knowing you couldn’t be with him anymore, his heart was strangled as he slowly walked over to the entrance, he’d let you stay at his apartment until you could leave.  He would give you the space he needed.  With one last look of sorrow, he left.
As the months went by, you had found a new job, away from Kiego, a knew boyfriend, a home, a new life.  It was perfect, Dabi was perfect, all that time thinking Kiego had saved you, all those times you felt like he was your savior was lies.  He blinded you, choked you, drugged you into thinking you were happy, but Dabi was your real savior.  He opened your eyes, showed you the world, real affection and loyalty, trust, everything you could possibly imagine.
Though Dabi did have his flaws, like almost burning the kitchen down when his ramen didn’t turn out perfect, he was amazing, and truly loved you.  Dabi would never go behind your back, and you would never go behind his. Ever.  
As for Kiego, he was a wreck, bringing home girls almost everyday.  They weren’t the same, they never were, you were truly one of a kind.  He was sobbing, he was forgetting your touch, your lips, you voice, it was all fading away.  He was desperately trying to salvage what was left of you, he had pictures of you in his bedroom, he cooked your favorite foods, he only dated people who looked like you but it was never enough.
Every night, their moans never riled him up, their lips wrapped around him never was the same, they never tasted as good as you, their kissed weren’t as sweet or filled with love.  Their eyes never held the same fire as yours, never the same passion.  Your sweet smell was slowly fading away to, one of the only things he had left.  
he had even bought the same perfume you would wear just to scent things and try to keep it in pristine condition.  As for the girl he was dating behind your back, seeing her walk into his office everyday made him gag, she couldn’t even compete against you.  
After months of not being able to hear your voice, enough was enough, he opened up your contact, there were tons of messages from you, left on read from when he was cheating on you and he didn’t bother to reply.  His fingers manuevered over the keyboard.
He didn’t know how to start this off, would he say sorry? Hi? How are you?, he then just settled on Hey, nothing really complex or to formal.  His heart was beating faster than ever, he set himself down at his counter, his wings flapping lightly at the prospect of you replying.
You were making dinner, just some rice and fish since you didn’t feel like making something to extravagant.  Your phone dinged next to Dabi who was watching a show, he lifted up your phone, narrowing his eyes at the unknown number.
He stood up and walked over to you, unlocking your phone to look at the message, “Hey, doll, who’s this?”, he asked, staring at the conversation before you found out Hawks was a cheating bastard.  You had deleted his contact, thinking you also blocked him.  You grabbed your phone and looked at the message, trying to remember who it was.  “i do-”, you cut yourself off when you saw the previous text messages.
“It’s my ex, you don’t need to worry about him”, you said, turning your phone off and kissing Dabi softly.  He hummed happily, his hands snacking around your waist and massaging your inner thighs.  You turned off the stove and fully turned around to kiss him, things quickly escalated, your bra was off and your panties were thrown somewhere.
Dabi was on his knees, your legs on his shoulders while he devoured you, you tugged at the roots of his hair, whining and moaning for him, crying out with he hit the perfect place.  Your orgasm was quickly building up, and then your phone rang.  Dabi pulled away from your lower lips, a scowl on his face while he glared at your phone for ruining the mood.
You picked it up, scowling when you saw it was Hawks, you did not want to talk to him, “Who is it?”, Dabi asked, tracing circles into your thighs, “my ex”, you grumbled, your thumb was about to press decline but Dabi stopped you,  “Answer it babe”, he said, you whined softly, “Why?”.  He smirked, “Do it baby, for daddy~”, he said, you pouted and answered the phone and brought it up to your ear.
Hawks wings were flapping widley when you picked up, his heart was racing, he wanted so savor your voice, memorise it, imprint it in his brain so when he manages to win you back its like you never broke up.  Like he never cheated.  Like he really was your savior.
Dabi leaned back down, and started to kiss your lower lips, his tongue traveling over your clit.  You held back a moan and managed to greet your ex, “Hello Kiego”, you said, you were greeted with a happy Hello.  Hearing his voice made sadness seep into your heart, but you were through with him, you were done, you had Dabi.  
“Why are you calling me”, you asked, your hand slithering down to pull at Dabis hair, you knew being this close to your orgasm, plus the thrill of being on the phone with Hawks was only going to end in something bad.  Dabis skilled tongue pushed into your sopping wet hole.  Your hand quickly covered your mouth, staffing another moan.
“I-I guess I just missed you...”, Hawks mumbled from the other end, “I was a fucking dick to you, I cheated on you twice and thats not right”.  Your orgasm was quickly building up again, Dabi removed his tongue and easily pushed in 2 digits, his mouth started working on your clit.  Your thighs clamped down on his head, trying to make this oh so more pleasurable.
“I was wondering you know...if we could start talking again?”, he asked, Dabi then hit the special spot he knew by memory, you couldn’t help but moan loudly.  A huge blush adorned to your face, “U-Um a-are you busy right now? C-cuz I can t-talk later?”, he suggested.  “N-no, I want to finish this conversation”, you mumbled, “I just ran into the corner of my dresser”, you lied.  Dabi was pinching at your thigh, you knew he didn’t want you to hang up.
Hawks was leaning back into the chair, a generous amount of lube coated his hand, he gripped at the base of his dick, squeezing softly, trying to replicate your walls.  He bit his lip, god just you alone had him painfully hard, and the moan that came out of the other end of the phone was the cherry on top.  His thumb ran over his sensitive head, over his sensitive slit, and rubbed back and forth.  At this rate Hawks could cum any second.
“Could we maybe meet up at the building I use to fly us to?”, he asked.  You bit your lip, another moan rising up, your release was so fucking close, you could feel it.  Your hand gripped at his wrist, not wanting him to pull away and take your sweet release with it.  “S-sure”, you were in a daze, Dabis wrist snapped forward, roughly hitting your sweet spot.  Your eyes rolled back, your body spasming and your walls fluttering around his digits.  Your sweet juices leaked out of your spasming hole.  Dabi removed his fingers and quickly started to lap at the juices.
You thought you hung up, your thumb missed and instead you put him on speaker, you started to moan and cry out, it was turning into to much, “Y/N..?”, you heard hawks through the speaker. “FUCK!”, you shouted, quickly hanging up before you could reply.  Dabi was laughing, and your face was flared with embarrassment.  He got up from his kneeling position and helped you off the counter.
Your knees were wobbly underneath you, Dabi carried you to the bed and finished what he started.
The mess on Hawks chest, there were no words to describe it.  He had cummed harder than he has ever cummed before, the thick white liquid shot out in thick salty white ropes.  His post orgasm soon kicked in, a hollow feeling burned in his chest.  He wished it was you instead of them, he wished he payed attention to you.
He wished he brought you around to parties since he knew how much you loved to dance, he wished he brought you flowers, and held your hand, he should’ve given you all his hours when he had the chance.  But know your dancing, but your dancing with another man.
And although it hurts, he’d be the first to say he was wrong, but he hoes he buys you flowers, and holds your hand, take you to every party because he remembers how much you love to dance.
150 notes · View notes
tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Naughty girl  🖤💛
I’m pregnant ❤️🖤
I want to go home ❤️🖤
Toxic traits 🖤
I’m a dad? ❤️🖤
Please take me back (part 1) 💛❤️🖤
Please take me back (part 2) 💛❤️🖤
I’m pregnant ❤️🖤
Toxic traits 🖤
Mine 🖤
Way to good at goodbyes 🖤
You like Maddy?! 🖤
I’m pregnant ❤️🖤
I want to go home ❤️🖤
Toxic traits 🖤
I’m pregnant ❤️🖤
Short stories:
I’m sorry... (kiribaku and bakudeku)🖤🖤🖤
Why don’t you love me...? 🖤❤️
Maybe in another life 🖤
13 notes · View notes
tenkoscumslut · 3 years
NSFW list ❤️💛
No consent 💛
Walked in on 💛❤️
Naughty girl  🖤💛
Angry boi 💛❤️
Caught in the act 💛❤️
No nut november 💛❤️
Thick thighs 💛
Squirting 💛💛💛
Calm down 💛❤️
Eating you out 💛
Nesting 💛❤️
NSFW list 💛
Caught in the act 💛❤️
Thick thighs 💛
Squirting 💛💛💛
No nut november 💛
Calm down 💛❤️
Eating you out 💛
Nesting 💛❤️
I’m a dad? ❤️🖤
Headcannons 💛❤️
Please take me back (part 1) 💛❤️🖤
Please take me back (part 2) 💛❤️🖤
Caught in the act 💛❤️
No nut november 💛
Thick thighs 💛
Squirting 💛💛💛
Calm down 💛❤️
Eating you out 💛
Nesting 💛❤️
HIs doll 💛🖤
Caught in the act 💛❤️
No nut november 💛
Nesting 💛❤️
Dinner? Sure 💛❤️
18 notes · View notes
tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Master list
❤️= fluff 🖤= angst 💛= NSFW
NSFW list ❤️💛
No consent  💛
Walked in on 💛❤️
Shigaraki as a dad (part 1) ❤️
Shigaraki as a dad (part 2) ❤️
Naughty girl  🖤💛
Angry boi 💛❤️
Caught in the act 💛❤️
Parenting ❤️
Periods ❤️❤️❤️
No nut november 💛❤️
I’m pregnant ❤️🖤
Thick thighs 💛
Squirting 💛💛💛
I want to go home ❤️🖤
Calm down 💛❤️
Eating you out 💛
Nesting 💛❤️
Toxic traits 🖤
I’m a dad? ❤️🖤
Headcannons 💛❤️
Please take me back (part 1) 💛❤️🖤
Please take me back (part 2) 💛❤️🖤
Caught in the act 💛❤️
Parenting ❤️
Periods ❤️❤️❤️
No nut november 💛
I’m pregnant ❤️🖤
Thick thighs 💛
Squirting 💛💛💛
I want to go home ❤️🖤
Calm down 💛❤️
Eating you out 💛
Nesting 💛❤️
Toxic traits 🖤
NSFW list 💛
Mine 🖤
Way to good at goodbyes 🖤
You like Maddy?! 🖤
Caught in the act 💛❤️
Parenting ❤️
Periods ❤️❤️❤️
No nut november 💛
I’m pregnant ❤️🖤
Thick thighs 💛
Squirting 💛💛💛
I want to go home ❤️🖤
Calm down 💛❤️
Eating you out 💛
Nesting 💛❤️
Toxic traits 🖤
HIs doll
Caught in the act 💛❤️
Parenting ❤️
Periods ❤️❤️❤️
No nut november 💛
I’m pregnant ❤️🖤
Nesting 💛❤️
Short stories:
I’m sorry... (kiribaku and bakudeku)🖤🖤🖤
Dinner? Sure 💛❤️
Why don’t you love me...? 🖤❤️
Maybe in another life 🖤
19 notes · View notes