trash-monkey · 14 days
Not sure if you are aware but for sun kissed days chapter 7 is the exact same as chapter 6
Thank you so much for notifying me and I'll change it immediately 😁
Edit: I have fixed the chapter as it's now actually chapter 7
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trash-monkey · 30 days
Isekai The world of Tenby
Chapter 2
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"Oh almost forgot, here" Naaji hands me a nice and simple tan coat with white fur on the inside after I come out dry with my new clothes on.
"Thanks" I give him a smile as I take a close look at the coat before laying it on the magical pack Naaji has given me but I frown at the uncertainty I feel about all of this.
"Yes, some does get this chance of living a new life in a fantasy world or the world they grow to love in the pages of a book but remember not all is giving permission to replace the previous god or gods of the world they're in." Naaji says trying to ease my nervousness which I give him a small smile for trying.
"Hopefully getting some sleep will help me feel better........And Naaji?" I call out to him when he turns away which he hums in response.
"Thank you, for giving me a chance." He gives me a open smile showing me the old man's missing teeth once again.
"I know you where a good pick!" He crackles to himself like a madman.
"I'll try my best to help you with what I can on your journey but always remember this is your path, no one else." He gives me another open smile when he settles himself down before he leaves me to sleep on the bed roll I have waken up on earlier which I only caught a glimpse of a mischievous glint in his eyes but it doesn't last long so I just think it's my imagination, when I lay on the bed roll I stare up at the ceiling of the tent although not really seeing it as my eyes stares beyond with my thoughts scrambled around my head like breakfast eggs but unknown to me a familiar withered hand slips out from behind a curtain I didn't know that was close to me and peppered a small amount of white glowing powder onto me. The light of the powder fades to nothing before finally landing softly on my skin causing my eyes to droop the more that lands and soon my eyes are forced to shut as sleep takes over, once I'm fully asleep Naaji strolls out form behind the curtain with a soft smile although it does hold sadness as he kneels beside me.
"I am sorry for this but you have to start somewhere...." He whispers to me not caring if I can't hear him which he gently move a piece of hair out of my face before snapping his fingers which not only did I disappear from the tent and the bed roll in a flash but also the winter land scape only to reappear onto hot sand with a scorching sun over me replacing the tent ceiling, my pack and coat falls onto the sand next to me as the glowing white powder continues to lull me to sleep despite the blazing heat that's just been thrown onto me but luckily the power of the powder doesn't last long so I won't wake up completely burnt to a crisp.
"Mmm" I groaned as the powder looses it's hold on me after about two minutes of laying on hot sand and crack my eyes open only to get blinded by the high noon sun which I immediately shut my eyes tightly.
"The hell...." I trail off confused as I sit up only to see sand everywhere which I find a town or city standing high in the distance after looking around once I climbed onto my feet and knowing the dangers of the deserts from my world makes me hope that this one isn't any different as I quickly pack my coat into the pack before slipping it onto my back, seeing I have no water what so ever makes me panic.
"Fucking shit Naaji! You could at least had given me some food and water!" I yelled out into the thick hot air with anger not really caring if Naaji can hear me or not which I do kick at some sand but it doesn't last long knowing I better get a move on to the place I see in the distance before my body gives out or something kills me, I'm just glad my feet doesn't sink too far in when walking over soft sand. By the time the sun is two hours from the horizon I'm a little bit away from my destination which I can see it's a small city that's been abandoned long ago but right now all I care for is the shade some broken buildings will give me and when I feel the first one upon my skin by going into a alleyway my knees buckled under me, with difficult I throw off my pack to lean against the wall panting as the heat is making me itch to remove my shirt but I know that isn't a good decision to do in this heat.
When I finally got my breath back and that I wasn't feeling like I was baking in a oven I climbed back onto my feet to snoop around the abandoned city as there must be a reason that Naaji decided to dump me in this blazing desert, I turn the corner once I got to the end of the alley and opened the first door I'm closest to which is barely hanging on it's hinges. If dust isn't covering everything sand is as what cloth that was left behind has been eaten by moths and the things made from wood has rotted mostly away, whatever has happened to this city must have been catastrophic. Finding nothing I moved on to another building but the scene is the same as the first house and it continued to be that way with every house I enter, it changes slightly when exploring stores and when the last light of sun light I only check half of the city but no still haven't found food or water so I'm going to be hungry and thirsty tonight.
This world has one sun which I'm lucky for as it would have added heat onto me during the day and once night falls it comes to my attention that this world has two moons as they light the night greatly, allowing me to see almost perfectly as if it's day and helping me continue my search through the city although not really indoors. Luckily have half an hour after night fall I find a candle but the matches I also out find in the draw just crumbs in my fingers from age.
"How the hell I'm supposed to ligh it now?" I sighed as I slip the other two candles into my pack although there are smaller then the one I decided to keep in my pocket incase I do actually find something to lit it with but for now I decided to sleep in this house somewhere hidden, I scoot a box over to see if there's anything behind it as it's been sitting next to some wooden stairs which when seeing nothing but more sand and dust I decided I'll sleep here tonight. Luckily the box is large enough to cover the whole entrance of the under stairs although the space is small it'll protect me from any animal this world has and I can look through the steps if I need to, so I use my pack as a pillow and tried to get some sleep which takes me a bit to do so as I used my coat as a cover as some point but I do fall asleep although it's restless.
Once again day comes fast giving me a theory that the days are at least two or three hours longer then what I'm use to as the nights are one or two shorter, I put my coat back into my pack before leaving the under stairs to continue searching the ruined city hoping to find food and water as my stomach starts growling at me while my lips are badly chapped.
'I'm going to die and I just got here.'
I'm close to breaking down around what seems to be one a clock in the evening after finding nothing in the last few stores and houses I've checked but I quickly steel my will as my eyes landed on the last place I haven't searched yet, it's looks to be a large house a few miles out of this small city so with sweat already pouring I truck the miles to it.
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trash-monkey · 2 months
The World of Water (Rewrite)
Chapter 2
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It's around early noon when Naruto and Gaara got up for the day as their full stomachs let them sleep longer then they usually do.
"Stay here" Naruto whispered to Gaara before he strolls over to the left side of the large boat after they step out of the door of the right side of the boat to see that it's another cloudless and hot day but they don't see me, he looks in to see me working on something on the floor but he doesn't try to walk in.
"Morning" the sudden sounds of my voice cause Naruto to jump in surprise as I have my back to him.
"M-morning" Naruto hesitated before strolling into the hull of the boat that's my room as he's curiosity wins to see what I'm doing which I look up at him when I feel him near me and when I glance at the entrance to see Gaara is peeking in.
"Making jewelry." I said plainly as I show Naruto the bracelet I'm working on from nets and rusted pieces of peculiar shaped things before gesture to a basket filled with hand made jewelry.
"Why? And where you gets this odd things?" Naruto ask as he kneels next to me and look through the basket which I gesture Gaara to come in to which he quickly kneels on the other side of Naruto.
"Trade" I tell them as they watch my hands and fingers work for a while before one of their stomachs growls for food which I can see Naruto fidgeting in the corner of my eye as he trys his best hide it and can see in his eyes that he doesn't want to bother me anymore then they already have.
"Hungry?" I asked which Naruto immediately shake his head in panic.
"No! We're fine." But it's quickly disproven by Gaara's own stomach to growl for food which cause Naruto to deflate as Gaara gives him a apology glance, I give a nod and pick everything up to place on counter to finish later before leaving the hull with the two following behind and they watch as I move around the boat. They watch as I quickly turn the large sail to cause the boat to shoot forward in speed which I quickly grab a large machete from it's hiding place and a long rope before jumping into the sea, they see I'm being pulled by the boat although they know I'm a mutant and can breathe underwater for a time but that didn't stop them from worrying and panicking about me.
'I don't want to go back to them'
Bad memories of the abusive owners that Naruto had over the years of his existence resurface causing him to shake in panic as he feels his chest tightening and his breathing is getting heavy which Gaara immediately take a hold of his hands when noticing what's happening.
"Count with me! One, two,three, four..." Gaara specks softly to him and courage Naruto to count with him as he press his forehead against his as he continues to help Naruto count and get pass the episode, now a more calm Naruto snuggles into Gaara's side clinging to him.
"It's ok, he's only getting us food and he's not leaving us, look." Gaara whispered into Naruto's ear before gently guiding his head out of his neck to see a soaking wet me climbing back on board and pulling a large fish I had fight with although I obviously win onto the boat, immediately with just one look at them I can tell something important happened but it looks like it had passed and not wanting to push them I just turn to the task of the large fish.
"Wood" I said while gesturing to the wood pile of old dried wood near the opening of the two's hull after using the large machete I killed the fish with to easily cut into the fish and carefully skinned it after cutting the head off which I bump into a bucket along with the skin or any other part we don't eat, Gaara nods and went to crawl over but Naruto stops him to get the wood himself although he's shakey when he stands up.
"You know how?" I gesture to the fish that's waiting to by cut into strip and put onto the grill before laying the machete down to take the pieces of wood from Naruto's shakey hands, I look straight into his ocean blue eyes and what I see caused my eyes to soften as he shakes his head at my question.
"My masters never trusted me to cook for them." He whispered as he takes a seat next to me but I gently guide him to sit between my legs instead which Gaara immediately moves to our side.
"Let me show you." I whispered which I felt the shiver going down his back before handing him the machete which Naruto's hands shake in fear.
"It's ok, with a firm hand you won't slip and hurt anyone, I'll never be yours or his master unless it's to protect you both, I know I haven't earned both of your trust yet and I know that you know I have no reason to do so but I can see the pain you hold in your eyes..." I trail off as I gently guide Naruto's shakey hands to push the blade of the machete into slicing the fish meat and after hearing my words he's shoulders began to shake.
"Why? Why save us?" Naruto's voice quivers with his lips as his eyes fill with tears and curl into himself not caring he's in my lap, I give Gaara a glance to see he's also worried about Naruto and wondering why his emotions are unstable today.
"Because kindness doesn't need a reason." He suddenly turns and throw his arms around my neck tightly which he cry's loudly as his whole body shakes, I gently wrap my own arms around his waist letting him cry and letting him use me to be his pillar like Gaara is as I rub his back although it's awkward since I don't get contact like this often.
"Come" I carefully stand up with Naruto in my arms and gesturing Gaara to follow me as I walk into my hull which I gently lay Naruto onto my bed.
"Stay here and comfort him as he knows you longer so he trust you more then me, plus I'm not good at comforting people. I also believe the reason he's so emotional unstable is because this is the first time in his life that he feels safe and don't know what to do with that." I whispered to Gaara on my way out to start on cooking the fish meat as Naruto rest with Gaara in my hull which an hour later I return with two large pieces of fully cooked fish meat.
"Eat" I hand the cooked meat to them where they're still laying on my bed which the two sit up at the sight of food and take it from my hands before I step over to where I storage the pure hydro I boil and pour two cup for each of them, slowly the two eat and drink which I go back to cooking more.
"I want to learn." I rise an eyebrow which Gaara glances at Naruto after the two come out and sit together by the grill.
"We want to learn to make jewelry like you." Gaara shows me a bracelet I had made and put into the basket to sale later own.
"Ok, let's get done eating first." Gaara and Naruto smile brightly at getting to learn about something they want to learn instead of being forced to do so which they go back to eating their fill as I do the same. The meat I didn't cook goes into the cold box I have in my side of the hull which will keep it fresh a few more days then leaving it out and while the cooked meat we didn't eat goes overboard as we can't keep it without spoiling, once all this is done I grab the large fish head from the waste bucket and old metal pinchers although their rusted they work just fine for what I need them for.
"What are you doing?" Gaara asked when I returned from my side of the hull.
"Fish teeth and bones makes great jewelry." I explained as I sit down with the fish head in my lap and with all my strength I pull the sharp teeth from the severed head.
"Wash" I hand all the teeth I pulled out to Gaara and gesture out to the water, he nods before taking a metal bowl from my hull he saw earlier to fill with the salt water to have a easer time washing all the teeth without the risk of losing any. Using what's left of the fire under the grill I sit the tip of the blade of the machete into the fire to heat it up so I can have a easier time cutting the meat off the bones of the fish head which I throw overboard with everything in the waste bucket before rinsing it out, it takes me some time to finish cleaning off the skull as the meat is tough around the head with Gaara and Naruto watching me work.
"Can I try?" Naruto gestures to the dead fish after a while of watching me which I hand the machete to him with a nod and when he grabs it he takes a deep breath to settle his nerves before moving to seat next to me, I watch as he slice into what meat that is left on the dead fish which I take and throw overboard as we don't have any use for it. Once I'm completely sure he'll be fine on his own for a little bit I rise from my seat to walk into my hull which I drink a cup of pure hydro on the way of grabbing all the things I use in my jeweler making and bring the large basket out onto the landing, once seeing Gaara done with the done I hand him the basket to hold while I quickly return to grab one more thing from my hull which is a large rusted blade with teeth and great at cutting through bones.
"I cut here...." I pointed to the very small space between the bones that Naruto had cleared up for me once I returned to them for the finale time.
"Easier to work with when it's not in a massive piece." I quickly finish my sentence before cutting off the part that is cleaned so Naruto can continue clearing the rest of the meat of the bones while I desembled what I have which I have to Gaara to wash after he places my basket in a safe place.
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trash-monkey · 2 months
Sunkissed Days
Chapter 8
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I study the Cats hunters as we rode through the forest at the edge of the border and noticed their clothes are similar to our own but the cloth hanging from their loincloth are longer while they also have thin but tight cloth around both arms starting at their wrist before stopping at their bicep and like us they to wear their tribes colors, red and white. Suddenly we pass through the tree line and into open space.
"This is just a small part of the Matasile plains that runs into the Cats land while the rest runs into The Hunters territory." Takeda whispers to me as we pass through the plains while the Head Hunter of the Cats tribe lead us onto a path through another forest on the other side of the plains, after a few minutes of traveling down the path we finally see the large Ichtys River Takeda talked about with different sizes of huts sitting on the left side of rivers bank while the Chiefs hut sit on the right side by itself with a wooden bridge connecting both side together. I straightened my back while holding my head high when people notices us arrive and started to gather to get a look at us, Kuroo hops off his horse once he got us over the bridge to the Chiefs hut and the rest of us did the same. We all move into the front room of the hut to see an old man with a large bone necklace sitting in front of a fire that sits in the middle of the room, he gesture for us to take a seat which we did and we're handed bowls of water before he started speaking.
"Welcome to my tribe, I'm Chief Nekomata." He smiles and we all say our thanks for having us as we continue to drink from our bowls.
"So who did Ukai pick?" He asked after a few seconds of silence, Takeda gestures to me.
"This is (Y/N)." I smiled at the old Chief before slightly bowing to him from my seat before the two started talking about business while I carefully listen, the rest of today I'll get settled into my hut I'll be sharing with the rest and I'll be introduced at tonight's fest before Chief Nekomata shows me the ones that are ready to marry in the morning. Then I'll choose someone to show me around the tribe while I spend the next two weeks to get to know everyone once the two weeks are up I'll do the Cats ceremony and once I pick someone we'll have the wedding ceremony before sharing a hut together until we leave for the Hunters tribe to find my next husband. Once the discussion is over for the time being Kuroo leads us back over the bridge and to a large hut on the outer edge of the tribe, Kuroo takes his leave while we using the rest of the daylight to settle in and started talking.
"Hello?" Half an hour after sunset a voice called out but we saw the light of a torch first.
"Yes?" Suga pull the flap open to see two dudes waiting.
"My name is Kenma, Kuroo's husband. We're here to show you to dinner." The shorter duo colored one speaks while gesturing us to follow which Daichi and Tuskishima quickly lite the spare torches in our hut to light our way a little more, once at the bonfire I quickly smelled the cooked food before Takeda takes me over to Chief Nekomata which he stand from his seat and hold both arms out causing everyone to quit.
"My people! You maybe wondering of the purpose of the Crows tribe people visiting and I will tell you why now! We, all Chiefs at the meeting, have agreed upon an action to keep the peace between us for many generations to come! That this young man here shall take a husband from each tribe to signify the peace between us! Now let us celebrate for peace!" Immediately everyone started howling, dancing, and singing in happiness while feasting, quickly I return to my people's side.
"Here" I thanks Suga after he hands me a food and water bowl once he returns to my side again with his own.
"Eat, I can see someone wishing to dance with you." I said with a smile as I leaned closer to Suga after glance around the bonfire only to see Daichi staring at Suga from where the food and water is being handed out.
"Stop it" He joked with a small laugh and a blush after also glancing around himself to also see Daichi glancing at him.
"Go after him, he's to shy to run after you." I said to Suga when noticing he's to busy thinking then eating.
"What?" He questions after looking up from his bowel.
"Although I don't know Daichi well but I can tell he's too insecure to go after you, he gives you loving eyes when you don't look or notice." Suga blushes at my word as I take his bowels.
"Go after him before it's to late and you'll regret it for the rest your life." He sighs as he gives in and gives a small nod with a smile before standing up and walking over to where Daichi is sitting, I pull my eyes from them as Takeda comes to my side from talking to Chief Nekomata and his advisors.
"You should have fun too, (Y/N)." He urges me to go dance before the bonfire like many others are.
"Show them why we picked you." I rolled my eyes with a smile and stand from my seat on the log as music of drums and stringed instruments continues to fill the air with rhythms and vibrations that gets people moving with it, with a deep breath I close my eyes and let the music guide how my body should move. My feet glide over the soft dirt around the bonfire as I twirl causing my skirt fan out and I can feel eyes watching which slides over my skin but unknown to me they belong to guys I will be seeing tomorrow morning, hoping I'll pick them by the end of the week and be their wife. My hips shake to the drums as they get faster and although I don't know who's watching but one of them feels so right, I try to glance around to see who it is but there's too many people for me to see.
The night continues on until the bonfire is only just embers and by that time my small group has already returned to our temporary hut, I changed out of my outfit which I sit aside to wear again tomorrow and into my usual loincloth.
"Out, everyone out now!" The next morning Suga awakes everyone up to make them get dressed in a hurry before urging them out of the hut except for Takeda as he got a hot bath ready for me and Suga pulls me from my bed roll, I gasped in shock when Suga basically throws half asleep me into the portable tub of hot water and without waiting for the shock to fade from me Suga start washing me.
"You nervous?" Suga asked as he washes my long hair after undoing my braids while also removing all the the feathers and beads I have in it, after giving me the rude awaking.
"Truly, yes and how did it went with Daichi last night?" I teased as I turn my head to him with a mischief glint in my eyes as I changed the subject to last night and causing him to blush bright red in the face, I playfully wiggle my eyebrows at him.
"(Y/N)!!" He scolded me while playfully hitting me in the head with some hot water and begin to roughly wash me down, I give a laugh.
"We talked and nothing more, you hear?" Suga narrowed his eyes at me after giving a sigh and finally tell me about his night.
"I hear, what you two talked about?" I asked curiously as I step out of the fast cooling water and begin to dry myself off with a fur towel.
"Just the usual small talk, (Y/N)."
"Oh, too awkward to about about anything else." I teased again only to get my clothes thrown into my face by Suga.
"(Y/N), leave the poor man alone! He wouldn't do that if it is you!" Takeda scolded me as he guides me to seat down on a stool so he can brush and fix my hair like I usually have it.
"Sorry Suga..." I apologize to him for my behavior.
"Don't worry about it as I know you was just playing around." Suga quickly reassured me that I don't have to actually apologize for it.
"I know but......."
"No buts and you were just curious, that's all! Yes, at first it was awkward between me and Daichi but we got over it after some time." Suga specks as he looks over my clothes to make sure their clean as Takeda put the finishing touches on my hair.
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trash-monkey · 2 months
What The Hell Is This Mess!
Chapter 7
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"WAKE UP!!!!!" Kesor shouted at the three of us as we had asked her to wake us up an hour or two before the sun rises for sweets in return when we get the money which really surprised us when we learn that she can actually eat if she wants to, Hanma lays in the middle of the bed spreaded out like a starfish as Draken lays at the edge of the bed on his stomach with his arm and leg hanging off while Sanzu is curled into Hanma side with his back against the wall. Kesor huffed when seeing us only moving an inch or two in our spots which she crossed her arms over her chest before giving us a evil smirk when getting an idea.
"HUFF!" Hanma's eyes suddenly pop open as he's forced awake when feeling something heavy slamming into his stomach causing him to hit Draken and Sanzu in the face with his arms, Kesor floated over the exposed male before letting gravity do it's work and slammed into his stomach knees first.
"Kesor~" Hanma hissed out once he gets his breath back after getting his lungs emptied of air which her fall will make a large bruise on his stomach in a few hours.
"What? You told me to wake you up?" Kesor said looking as innocent as she can while sitting on Hanma's stomach which Draken and Sanzu gives her a blank look once they got the sleep from their eyes.
"Thanks but please next time do something that doesn't end in me having a bruise somewhere on my body." Hanma stated as Draken get up to allow the other two up off the bed and after using the bucket of water that Yara has kindly left in the room yesterday to wash ourselves before getting our new clothes on and grabbing our weapons, without waking the family up we sneak out into the forest to hunt and forge for breakfast. We spilt up in three different directions as Hanma hunts while Draken gather edible plants and since Sanzu not only have steadness in his hands but also in his feet he'll be practicing both his balance and stealth while trying to catch something to eat, if we were need it he'll be great at spying or stealing without notice.
Today I decided to focus mostly on Draken as I let my subconscious handle Hanma and Sanzu, carefully strolling around I look at every plant I see which I pick up any berries and nuts with a few greens to put them into the sack Yara let's me borrow.
( ? quest)
Warning: survive!!!
- ???
Two hours after sun rise I'm kneeling down to pick some berries I see in a small bush when a quest pops up and right after reading it I hear a familiar growl which I see a Moon Madness Wolf standing behind me when I turned my head, this worries me as I'm still close to the village. I drop the sack making the sick wolf pounce forward and with quick thinking I throw my leg out as I twist my body around kicking it in the ribs causing me to throw it to the side but it gives me enough time to grab my Great axe and swing with all my might, a sickening crack and whimpering fills the forest as my blade digs into it's back as it has just stand up from my kick. Being as fast as I can I pull my axe out of the still alive but paralyzed wolf and end it's miserable life only for another to suddenly lunch from nowhere as it slams me into the ground with it on top of me, I press the handle into it's neck trying my best to keep it's teeth from my face and with difficulty I launch the sick wolf into the air using my feet to do so which I quickly roll onto my knees as it's right back on me.
"Fuck!" I yelled when a third wolf throws itself into my side causing me to fall back onto the ground which I give it's face a hard kick and it's yelps at the pain as the other wolf pounces itself at me once again, using my left iron plating bracer as a shield when the wolf trys to get it's mouth around my neck I quickly moved my hand up the handle of my Great axe to use better in close combat and with as much strength I can muster to swing my axe into it's side which it whimpers in pain as it let my arm go but by the time I pull my axe out the second sick wolf is back on me.
Trying to control his breathing while running to help himself to go both faster and longer although his lungs are burning as he head towards to where Draken's marker is on the map, his feet stomps heavily onto the ground as he pushes himself to his limits while sweat rolls pass his sky blue eyes not caring about the cuts he gets from the branches he pushes aside while glancing every once and a while at the map that shows two markers speeding towards the one getting surrounded by red dots.
'where are these shits coming from!!!'
Draken's face and body are splashed in wolves blood in multiple places as I pant heavily while three dead wolves lay bleeding on the ground while two more circle around me but it seems a endless fight as another would take the dead ones place and my strength is fading fast so with no choice I take a deep although my grip on the Great axe tightens, a thin golden line surrounds Draken's dark pupils as his muscles begin to bulge in his body and his veins grows with boiling blood. Using the new strength in my legs I shot forward kicking up dirt as I do so and with a swing I easily sliced one of the wolves heads off causing fresh blood to cover my blade and face but I don't blink at it as I quickly move on to the another wolf, time is ticking as I can only use Rage for a minute and I don't how long it's cool down is.
"Ahhhhh" suddenly I screamed while falling to the ground on my front as a wolf I didn't see coming runs out from it's cover in the forest and jumps onto my back, sinking it's claws through the shirt and deep into the flesh of my back before letting gravity do it's work. Burning pain pluses as imy skin is ripped to shreds as the wolf's claw cuts through it like butter in quick session but no matter in what universe humans always have a earth shattering strength in survival instincts.
*people rush by on the streets in large crowds as cars do the same on the roads, kids and babies crying as others are laughing, horses strolling around the fields, rain falling in the jungle, wheat blows gently in the wind, lighting flashing through the dark clouds, deer grazing in a clearing, gun shots and sirens, people waiting in a hospital room, a group of people wearing black standing together in a graveyard, tires squealing on black top before the sounds of metal on metal*
'my world isn't perfect but it's my home and there might be a time in the future my opinion changes but I love it.'
I reach back behind me grabbing the wolf's scruff roughly and throwing it into the other wolf just to get it off if me while trying my best to ignore the pain as I forced myself to get back up on my feet as fast as I can, twenty seconds left.
'no world is perfect!'
I rush forward when seeing the two wolves stunned from my action which I quickly dig the Great axe into the back of one wolf before quickly grab a hold of the other muzzle with my hands and snapping it neck causing it to fall limply onto the ground, with staggered in my step I pull out the axe and with swing I quickly ended it's already fading life.
My eyes widen when I turned around after hearing another growling only to meet white eyes staring back with hatred and pure evil, the eyes sets deep in the sockets of a hairless head which is connected to a body of only bones and skin if what I can from underneath the dark robes this guy is wearing as two Moon Madness Wolves stand at each of his sides drool dripping heavily onto the ground.
".........." His speech is heavy of clicks and growling but horrific to my ears as it allows me to see he's missing a few teeth
"The hell you talking about?" Although my voice is raucous but also wheezy from not only the fight and also the adrenaline as my body is trembling from the pain in my back while it leaks blood causing my shirt to stick as Rage fades away.
"........" The guy growled as he points a boney finger which has a sharp fingernail at me with a scowl on his face causing the two wolves to pounce into action, I get ready to swing once they get close enough to me but before I can do it Sanzu suddenly appears and throw himself onto one of the wolves backs which he digs a dagger into its neck before doing the same with his other dagger on the opposite side of the neck, with all he's strong he rolls off the wolf's back not only throwing the sick creature into a bush but popping it's head off which Sanzu quickly springs back up onto his feet as two arrows bed themselves into the second wolf's head and body making it fall dead to the ground before Hanma stroll out from behind a tree with a arrow notched in his longbow.
"........." The guy just laughed before spewing out words in his horrible language while shaking his head for a moment before getting a glint in his eyes as he head turns to us again.
"He's definitely insane." Sanzu mumbles as he grips his daggers tighter while fear claw at our hearts as this is our first real battle in this world and one of us is already hurt.
"You will died." He's pronunciation is off as he speaks in our tongue which shocks us and he uses that time to blow into a whistle that hangs around his neck, immediately we hear many howls in return and the sounds of a stamped of paws heading towards us.
"Ahhhhh! ...........!" The guy screams in pain before specking at the wolves and pointing after us as we ran at the sight of the many sick wolves heading our way in the distances which Hanma let's his arrow fly through the air, hitting the guy in the shoulder before running after us and re-notches arrow while on the run.
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trash-monkey · 2 months
Hey, sorry for bothering you. I wanted to ask if there's an issue with your master list. I was trying to find chapter one of your "Tasheylu (Remake) " fic but none of the links seem to work. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not. Again, sorry for bothering you if it is.
You're not bothering me at all and thank you for asking, I just took a look and I can access the chapter fine from the link so there maybe something that isn't working on your end. To make things easier here's the link again!
Tasheylu (Remake)
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trash-monkey · 2 months
Tasheylu (Remake)
(v) a bond, a neutral connection
Chapter 3
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'Sa'nok (Mother) smiles at me when I asked my question but I can see the hidden sadness.
"Sa'nok (Mother) what are these Tawtute (sky people) that Olo'eyktan (clan leader) speaks about?" She pulls me close before speaking.
"Tawtute (sky people) are small and fragile creatures that come beyond the taw (sky)." She points to the taw (sky) with a glaze in her eyes as if she looking beyond our kifeky (world).
"Some are dangerous with their metal things but some like Olo'eyktan (clan leader) who used to be one has seen this place as kelku (home)." Her eyes glazed again as memories pass by her eyes like she's there again.
"They're ketuwong (alien)! But what do these Tawtute (sky people) even look like?" My question pulls her from the memories as I have never seen these Tawtute (sky people) before.
"Not every Tawtute (sky person) is the same, my 'eveng (child)." She continues on describing what most Tawtute (sky people) look like.'
Suddenly I'm thrown out of my thoughts at the Tawtute (sky person) voice yelling from behind me as I'm walking over a high breach that hangs over a rushing stream but it's big enough for him to get under and drown, so with him following me like a child he slips which I quickly take ahold of him before he could drop into the stream below and quickly pull him across the breach to throw him to the ground with a hiss of annoyance.
"What you doing, taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast)!!" I bare my teeth at him as I have the tip of my Olo'eyktan tako (clan leader, bow) pressed against his small chest.
"Hey, I'm not here to hurt you! I just want to thank you for saving me from that creature!" The taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast) rises his arms in his defense as he's voice is deep and rough with a hint of softness to it which is a pleasure to my ears to hear but I get annoyed and angry at myself for thinking so.
"I don't need it from taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast)! Leave my kelku (home) now!" I hissed loudly in my angry as I press the tip a little harder into his small chest before completely removing it and stroll off to where I was heading to my Kelutral (hometree) but the taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast) quickly follows behind again.
"Hey! Why do you hate me so much?" At the question I snap around and got into his face.
"You want know why?" I hissed, when he gives a nod I quickly take ahold of his arm and started dragging him through the forest.
"What are you doing!? Where are you taking me!?" He struggles in my hold but I keep a tight grip not caring if I bruise his skin and when we are were to what I wanted to show him I throw him to the ground once again.
"This! Kind like you! Did this to my kelku (home)! Burn and kill everything in path!" I yelled at him in both anger and despair, although it's been years since the war the massive hole in the ground is still having a hard time growing vegetation.
"My people gone to Ewya." I mumbled as tears fills my eyes like it usually dose when I come here and the tawtute (sky people) metal ioang (animal, beast) still rest where they were left in the massive hole as vegetation trys it's best to devour them, at the sight of what had been done to my kelku (home) makes the taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast) go quite.
"I'm sorry for what happened here and I really am but there's no record, report, or rumor that I know of that my people have done this or even know this planet existed so the people you're talking about must of have come from a different star system." The (sky) ioang (animal, beast) specks after overcome his shock at display I have shown him and although I don't understand most of his words I can hear his intention in his voice, he turns to me which I see something shiny over his face reflecting the sun light but it quickly disappears as he began to speck again.
"I need your help, I know you hold hate for people like me but inorder for me to leave your home I need things to fix my ship." The taw (sky) ioang (animal, beast) voice is kind and soft as he try to get me to understand his situation.
"Come" I gesture him to follow me when I finally spoke after being quiet for a while and thinking over he's words, Ewya did stop me from killing him earlier so she must have a important plan for this Tawtute (sky person) like Olo'eyktan (clan leader) Jake Sully which I jog through the forest with ease but not caring if he can keep up or not.
"Hell's Gate" I pointed at a large compound once the Tawtute (sky person) catches up to me as I waited for him at the wired fence that surrounds the compound, old and rusted RDA metal ioang (animal, beast) lays scattered around on cracked concrete that has plants growing through.
"Wow." I hear falls from the Tawtute (sky person) lips at seeing the compound which I guide him through a hole in the wired fence as even animals won't come here so the air is filled with silence, I watch as Tawtute (sky person) jogs over to a door and since it's rusted he has a difficult time opening it so I give him a hand which gives a piercing roars to our eardrums as it opens which it only opens up a few inches but enough for him to slip through.
"Hey!" As I wait for the (sky) ioang (animal, beast) to return I stroll around looking at the resting metal ioang (animal, beast) and when I hear him calling I turn to him to see him jogging over to me.
"For me to fix my ship I need to fix this place." He gestures to the vegetation covered building he came out of as he trys to get me to understand he needs to do with what little English I understand, I think over what he has said and understand he need to do something to this place inordered to do something to his circular metal ioang (animal, beast) meaning it'll take some time.
"You do that action, I bring you metal ioang (animal, beast) here." I said with a dismissive tone as his gesturing helped me better understand what he's talking about and decided I should bring his circular metal ioang (animal, beast) here to save some time, without warning I give out shrilling whistle and not a minute later with a screech (ikran name) lands next to me.
"Oel ngati kameie (I see you), (ikran name)." I greeted my ikran friend while press my face against their face before sliding a hand across their head that has a beautiful pattern and color which they purrs in return, I connect my tswin (queue, braid) to them and hop onto their back with another screech (ikran name) launches into the air. Before bring the Tawtute (sky person) he's circular metal ioang (animal, beast) to him I decided to pay Vitraya Ramunong (Tree of Souls) a visit and hopefully get some answers.
"Easy (ikran name)" I whispered to them when I hop off of their back and detached my tswin (queue, braid) from them once they landed a rock that's inside the sanctuary where Vitraya Ramunong (Tree of Souls) rests, I slide a gentle hand down their neck to ease them before strolling over the moss that glows from my footprints and remove the Olo'eyktan (clan leader) tako (bow) from my back before kneeling before the ancient glowing utral (tree).
"Eywa, what should I do about the Tawtute (sky person)? Why did you stop me earlier? What is your plan?" I whispered to a telem (cord) I had gently taken into my hand before connecting my tswin (queue, braid) to it with a deep breath causing my vision to turn white.
"Oel ngati kameie (I see you), 'itan (son)." She whispered into my mikyun (ear) as warmth speaks through my tokx (body) like she's hugging me.
"Oel ngati kameie (I see you), Sa'nok (mother)." I whispered back to her with a irrtok (smile) which I can feel she returns.
"Srung him for that poan is my stxeil to nga, my 'itan. Nga have heyn mì loneliness alìm nìhawug nì'i'a 'eveng, tsunslu poan slu a tsmukan fu muntxa si it's your txe'lan tìftxey." I can feel her lips as if she's placing a kiss on my forehead before fading away as my vision returns to my once again and with a sigh I pick up my tako (bow) and walk back to (ikran name) to fly where the Tawtute (sky person) circular metal ioang (animal, beast) rest.
(Translation: Help him for that he is my gift to you, my son. You have sit in loneliness far too long child, may he became a brother or mate it's your hearts choice.)
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trash-monkey · 2 months
Love your writing and can't wait to hopefully see a update on your fics when you have the time or get the chance to ❤️
I'm so happy that people are loving what I'm writing and the ideas I'm sharing😭😁 Please, never be afraid to a suggest something you would like to see in my fics and I hope you continue to read in the seeable future 💞
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trash-monkey · 2 months
Isekai: The world of Tenby
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The wind blows hard as the blue moon shins brightly in the cloudy night sky causing the already freezing temperature to drop a little more as the dry snow on the ground is pushed around like sand but somewhere far off in a room of ancient and unknown is where a figure sits on their knees on the stone cold floor with their eyes closed as if they don't even notice the coldness of it, the figure is that of a young looking man that appears to be in his twenties as longish snow white hair rest elegantly on his head and looks to the softest to the touch. His posture is strong with muscles but at the same time so feminine with leanness and his skin it that of the most healthiest one has ever seen with pink tones, peach colored lipstick and eyeshadow adores his face. The clothes he wears looks to be made by the most gifted hands, his shirt fits him tightly as it has a black collar that stops in the middle of his neck with a real plate of gold at the base of it as it holds elegant craves while more gold travel up the front of the neck and circle around the top of the fabric, the shirts front holds two colors both white and black as the top is white as it ends in a arrow that points up and curves at the bottom of his biceps while the rest of the shirt is black and points down into his black skintight and smooth fitting pants, the shirt has no sleeves as it stops at the end of his shoulders and down to show his under arms as the left arm is cover in black skintight fabric that ends at his wrist and wraps around his middle finger allowing his palm and other fingers to show as the top of it begins at his forearm while his right arm is also covered in a black skintight fabric but it begins a under his elbow and cover his whole right hand.
Slowly his eyes open to show glowing golden eyes that hold powers beyond belief as under the shining blue moon in the winter land a purple swirling ball comes into existence which it twisted and turns fast as it grows bigger until it's the size of a boulder, suddenly it stopped as if time has stopped itself and with a cracking roar it splits opens with blinding lights only for it to disappears seconds later as if it never existed in the first place as the only evidence of it is a body laying prone in the soft snow wearing clothing that is strange to this world but not suitable for the cold weather.
"What?" The guy laying in the snow gasped after slowly opening his eyes only to shoot up onto his feet in panic and look around wildly only to see what seems to be a endless winter land all around, his body shivers at the coldness of the air which he warps his arms around himself trying to warm up before noticing a dim light in the distance and slowly he push himself to walk to it. By the time he gets to the source of the light to see a little tent his feet feels so numb along with his body which he unwilling collapse into the snowy ground in front of the opening of the tent although he's unconscious he's breathing heavily, old withered feet uncaring of the coldness of the snow steps into it from the opening of the small tent to stroll the short distance to the guy laying in the snow and old withered but firm hands easily pick him up into their surprisingly strong arms to carry into the tent.
"Oh, your finally awake!" A face full of wrinkles with a open smile that has missing teeth pops into my vision after opening my eyes only to see blurry colors but after blinking a few times to get them focused to see a unfamiliar ceiling hanging over me.
"Sit and listen, I'll explain everything." The old man crosses his legs as he sits a little way from me as I go to sit up and he holds up a hand when I went to ask questions.
"What you see now is not the real me as this plane of existence can not handle the power that comes with my true form so I have to use a vessel when wanting to visit, for who I am and where you are? This world is Tenby and I'm it's god, Naaji. You may not remember but you have passed from your world so you can't go back to it and I have brought you here to replace me as this world has already forgotten about me so I don't hold much power to it anymore, it's time for a new god to rise but you must first journey through this world and it won't be easy also Tenby holds many things you may recognize as it's a combination of worlds that already exist." I stare at my lap in shock at not only I've been brought to a new world and can't go back to my previous one but I have dead and I'm going to become a god, the god let's us sit in silence for a while to let me progress the information he had just given me.
"But you aren't starting empty handed." He stands up to hand me a few things after grabbing them.
"Two simple pairs of clothes......." As he says the clothes are just some simple clothing to help me blend in as I don't have to wander around in my PJs now.
"A simple pack that comes with a tent, one pot, and a single bed roll......" It's a simple leather pack although it's empty right now except for the small pot and I guess the dark green roll on top is the tent while the soft brown cloth on the bottom is the bed roll.
"And one blessing from me which only you can see." He snaps his fingers immediately causing a golden screen to appear in the air which my eyes widen at.
Lvl: Backpacker
Points: 0
Inner comforts:....
Outer comforts:....
Other Comforts:....
"What's that look for?" Naaji asked when I give him a deadpan expression.
"A point system?"
'Like any another Isekai there's always some type of system given by some god or goddess...'
"Well, a god-to-be's journey have to be full of unexpected twists and plus I like the concept of it from what I have read from your world's books." Naaji played with his fingers as if he told some big secret which only deepen my deadpan expression.
'..... Of course he's a weeb'
"Hey, stop giving me that look! Fine, if you don't want it then I'll just take the blessing back then!" He goes to snap his fingers again which I immediately stopped.
"Please no! I'm sorry!" I cried out while shooting from the bed roll I was laying in to hold his fingers apart to keep his fingers from snapping, he blinks in surprise at the sudden closeness.
'I probably won't be able to survive without it...'
"Okay..." He gently push me back out of his personal space so I sit on the floor with him instead of returning to the bed roll.
"The blessing I have given to you is called the Eyes Of Fortune which your eyes will give off a glow when looking at it so others can tell when you're using it."
'With the upgrades to the tent seems like I'm meant to be on the move all the time'
"But what if I went to settle down in some town?" I mumbled to myself as I look through the many options for the tent that it has at it's current level.
"You can if you wish so I only made the tent a special item in case you want to be on the move a lot, you can even make your own town for all I care as long as you replace me in the end!" Naaji waves his hand nonchalantly when he heard my mumbled question.
"Wait, special item?" I question when I finally process what he just said.
"Yeah, there's all kinds of special items I have made throughout the centuries though I don't know if they still exist but since you have the Eyes Of Fortune blessing you can use them if you find any of them." This information gets me thinking.
"Does this blessing only work with special items? If so how am I meant to replace you if there's no way to strength myself beyond my human possibilities? What if I don't to replace you!?"
"If you truly don't want to take my place then I'll just send you back to your afterlife and for the strength, why should I tell you when you'll find out anyway?" He gives a smirk at the end and let me progress this.
"This is a once in a million chance to new start to live the way I always wanted to....." I trail off while staring at my lap which Naaji nods right as I start getting doubts.
"But what if I go evil in the end? Will you cut me down?" I question about the possibilities of my future.
"You might do so but light can not shine without the darkness as death can not live without life, if it turns out that way I'll bring another soul here to be that light if that happens." I give a nod as that settles most of my doubts.
"I'll pour you some hot water for a nice bath!" Naaji stand up from the floor knowing I need some time to myself to think everything over of what I have just learned.
'a nice hot bath sounds nice'
After a few minutes of waiting Naaji comes back and I follow him to a small secluded part of the tent after grabbing one of the pairs of clothes he has given me to see a wooden tub with steaming water inside waiting for me which Naaji gives me a kind smile before shutting the curtain as he goes, I undress from my PJs before giving a sigh in pleasure when sliding into the hot water chase away chill that had settle deep in my bones and I lean my head back to stare at the ceiling of the tent. The old man stares blankly at the fire inside the lantern while taking a buff now and then from the worn smoking pipe as he seats on the floor in silence, the withered faded green eyes glows a light golden color from the god within as smoke roll from the cracked lips.
'This old man is the last that remembers me, the last host I can use to visit this plain of existence, and the last of a quickly fading age of this world'
@happyface002 @it-veries023
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trash-monkey · 3 months
Ran's Little Dragon
Chapter 10
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"Dragen" I reluctantly answered as I flop back onto the bed from where I was sitting up as my body still feels incredibly weak and my shoulder burns like hell.
"Shoulder" I pant as I finally noticed that my whole body is sweating and making my worn out cloths stick to my skin, Takemitchy quickly rewet the cloth before gently patting down my face after gently taking Yara from my arms and sitting her down on the floor where Draken had made a small bed for her.
"That's bad." Draken commented worried after Takemitchy unbandaged my shoulder to see a infected dog bite which he immediately got things to bandage it again.
"We need to get him to a hospital, this infection is serious." Takemitchy said as he continues to pat my face with the wet and cold cloth.
"No, the bad men will find and take me again." I shake my head wildly at the mention of being taken to a hospital which is where the Yuu Osamu gang will be looking for me after they had tortured that info from Mercy if they had caught her, while in Mercys care she told me the name of the gang she and Steve works for in case I have ever gotten back to my father.
'It's still a risk I'm not taking, either for mine or these two safety'
"Who sweetheart? Who will take you?" Takemitchy questions softly when hearing the fear in my voice as Darken returns with his first aid box which he quickly opens to pull a the things he need out after sitting at the edge of the bed again beside Takemitchy.
"Sorry little guy but this is going to hurt bad, Takemitchy hold him down." Immediately Takemitchy dose as told before I could try to get away as Darken wets a gauze in alcohol, our eyes connected as my lip quivers and eyes filled with tears which caused his eyes to soften but he shakes his head.
"I want Papa and Uncle Rinrin." I sob as my fever suddenly becomes intense again which worries the two farther as at my words that some people are after me for some reason and for that I can't be taken to a hospital as I might be taken again, regret squeezes at both of their hearts at hearing my call for my dad and at my crying but for my health they have to push on.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs at the feeling of the burning that's eating my shoulder alive causing my body to twist and turn trying my best to get away from the pain but it's no use with Takemitchy holding me down on the bed and with tears fall rolling down my face I pass out a few moments later, Yara barks and whimpers loudly at her small human being hurt and in pain as she trys her best to get back on the bed to her human but she's still a small pup herself. After Draken carefully dress my wound Takemitchy pats my face with the wet cloth again as he tries he's best to get my fever back down which he watches Darken picks Yara off the floor and onto the bed next to me in the corner of his eye.
"We need to find his father, he must be worried sick." Takemitchy sighs out as he rewets the cloth once again with his shoulders slumped as Draken placing the first aid on the nightstand for easy reach.
Fancy spotless black shoes walk with power and purpose over the concrete as the feet are careful not to step in blood, bodies, or bullets that littered the ground of the gang hideout as the cry of a man getting tortured can be heard from somewhere in the building which the feet are strolling to, although the man is clam but inside his anger is boiling hotter then the sun. Ran steps into the room where Rindou has been torturing the leader of the Yuu Osamu gang for the past two minutes but once he saw his older brother he immediately stops.
"Where is he?" Ran asked emotionless after sitting in the chair he pulls up very close to the bloody guy and showed a picture on his phone of his sweet little boy, Dragen. After realizing his son has been kidnapped both of the Haitani brothers has become mostly emotionless at their job which Mikey doesn't like at all as it could make the two careless and that's very dangerous to his business so he decided to use as must resources as he can spear to find the boy, plus Mikey did take a liking to the boy.
"You'll never find him~" The guy laughs as if there's no blood pouring from his completely messed up nose.
"Hell! I don't even know where that brat is! You should see his handler, Stan~" the guy hisses the name out thinking if he gives it up easily he might have a chance to get alive out of this.
"I will after you show me who he is." Ran jerks the guy off the chair and roughly pulls him out of the room to identify this Steve guy as Rindou trail behind the two which he leads the two to the far end of the building where he had left Stan chained to a wall to starve to death after finding out his betrayal to the gang, he was going to do Mercy worse if he could find her.
"Take him back." Ran shoves the guy to Rindou which he takes back to the room he was in once Ran opened a door to a large room with one dim light bulb to see a very roughed up guy handcuffs to a pip that's connected to the wall.
"Stan?" Ran questioned after crouching near the man.
"Who's asking?" Ran just showed the picture as the answer which Steve gets immediately although Steve can only see it with one eye as the other is swollen shut.
"The little dragon." He smiles at seeing the picture of the boy.
"Me and my wife were his handlers when the Boss decided to make him a ring fighter, he loves modifying them to fit their code name." Stan spills easily as there's no reason to hid this info from him after cocking his hip out for Ran to grab his phone from his back pocket which he hands to Stan when he gestures for him to hand it to him and he opens the phone to pull up a picture of him, Mercy, and the boy to show Ran which completely surprised him
at seeing the picture of his son looking almost completely different and he had lost what baby fat he had.
"His code name was Ryuu and he is such a sweet and understanding boy, he understood we didn't have a choice and that he wasn't anger at us." Stan's voice cracks as he haven't had water in a day and a half but he pushes forward as he continues to stare at the picture on his phone.
"He got sick two days ago from a wound he had gotten during a match, Mercy had a plan in case something like that happened and the only thing I know about it is that she's going to drop him off at someone's place. She didn't tell me where in case the Boss find out and try to torture the info from me so I'm sorry you just missed him but if you find Mercy she'll tell you where he is." Stan pointed to the lady in the picture which Ran takes the phone from his hand to get a closer to look at the picture before turning the phone off and pocketing it which Ran stands up only to suddenly pull his handgun out from his back holster, seeing the gun Stan close his eyes as he accepts his death but when he hears the shot he doesn't feel pain which he quickly finds out that Ran shot at the cuffs causing them to broken in the middle and freeing him from the pip connected to the wall.
"Why?" Stan questions confused.
"Because you'll find her for me." Ran demand as he leaves no room for any argument and the feeling that he will kill him at any time he wishes, Ran roughly pulls Stan off the ground and pull him to where everyone is in the mean room as the bloody scene doesn't faze them while Mikey stands in the cleanest part there is which Ran pushes Stan to kneel in front of Mikey before handing him Stan's phone to see the picture.
"So he was here" Mikey stated after wakening up the phone, opening it, and studying the picture which he hands to Kakucho once done with it.
"Kill and disposed of her but don't worry you got a new playmate on the way." Mikey hangs up after calling Sanzu's cell as him and Hanma stayed behind at headquarters to continue to torture the maid that Dragen had giving them days ago which during the call he did give the leader of the Yuu Osamu gang a glance when saying playmate as Rindou has him kneeling with a black bag over his head.
"Him and his wife was his handlers but once he got sick the wife had to drop him off somewhere safe behind their leader's back but he doesn't know where, only he can find her and when we do get her she'll tell us where he is." Ran explained as simple as he can without leaving the important stuff out as he stands next to Stan's kneeling form which the barrel of Ran's handgun rest on his shoulder.
"Why should I let you live?" Mikey questions as he step closer to Stan which he crouch down to look deep into his eyes with his head tilted.
"Because we care for that kid and tried our best to protect him while he was here without dieing ourselves." Stan didn't hesitate as he stare head on into Mikey's eyes with determination.
"I'll keep you alive....for now. Shion and Rindou, you know where to take these two." Mikey stands up ordering Shion to take Stan to a hideout as a prisoner for now while Rindou with take the leader to where Sanzu and Hanma are.
"Of course." Shion responded jerking Stan off his knees and out of the building as Rindou remains silent as he drags out the unconscious leader which he had knocked out seconds ago.
"Let's find that woman." Mikey said before everyone leaves the building.
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trash-monkey · 3 months
A Sunrise Is A New Day!
Chapter 5
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"I can guess you're the Alpha that got the whole village buzzing like bees and giving all the unmated Omegas heatstrokes~" the tall Alpha teases with a mischief glint in his eyes.
"I guess I am" I amused back knowing the effort of me moving here had on the small village as I lean against the tree trunk we're standing next to and watch everyone mingle together.
"He yours?" I gesture the male glearing at the guy next to me from his spot with a few others, thick frames sit on his slim nose and cover his blue eyes as his blonde hair is slick back while his body frame is covered in a nice but simple suit.
"Yeah, I'm Hanma Shuji." He hands his hand out for me to shake which I did.
"Oh yes, the Alpha of the villages Beta doctor, Hinata told me." I give a amused smirk as I can tell from the glearing the Beta is giving to the Alpha is that's he's the boss of the relationship.
"Let's just say I live for trouble..." He trails off but I can tell he left that his Beta keeps him in line unsaid.
"I was told that there isn't a lot of Alphas around here, why?" I questioned although I already know most of the answer but just trying to make small talk.
"I don't really know but there's a myth and rumor that the village is cursed to be that way~" He jokes as he stuff his hands into his pockets but slightly frown when seeing his mate power walking over to us.
"Witches? Also I guess you do live for trouble." I joke back with a smile before the Beta finally got to us.
" Kisaki Tetta and as you may know I'm the doctor of the village, I was wondering when I'll see you and the little one in my office?" He holds his hand out for a shake after slipping his glasses back up his nose which I shake and tip my hat to him as a polite Alpha would do.
"Sorry about the wait but I finally got settled down yesterday, how does tomorrow around noon sound?" I watch as he pulls a small book from his back pocket which he flips through until he stops at a page.
"I can fit you in for tomorrow at 11:30." He stated which after my nod in agreement he pulls out a pen from his vest pocket to note the appointment down in his small log book
"Have a great day, Mr...." He trails off not knowing my name.
"(Y/L/N) (Y/N) and the little one I have with me is named Eden, my little sister." I quickly told him mine and my sisters name although people knows I'm the new Alpha but that doesn't mean they know our names which Kisaki nods at before putting our name next to the appointment before slip it and the pen back into their proper pockets once again.
"I'll see you then, Mr. (Y/L/N)" Kisaki gives his Alpha a glare before firmly taking a hold of his ear which he pulls him with him as he leaves.
"Later! Ow!" Hanma waves bye to me before owing when Kisaki pulled on his ear as they walk farther away which I guess is a sign I must get back to Eden so I slowly stroll back to where Hinata is which her and the young Omegas had moved to the edge of the lake, I smile at the scene of Hinata sitting on the ground carefully dipping Eden's bare feet into the water making the little one laugh with joy while some of the Omegas has pinned their skirts up and pulled their shoes off to play in the cool water with some of the village pups and others sit near Hinata to watch everyone play.
"Hey" I smiled as I sit down near Hinata.
"Hey to yourself." She jokes with a bright smile before handing Eden to Draken after getting a nod of permission for Darken to hold Eden from me and I watch him gently sit in the shallow part of the lake not caring about getting his clothes wet to let Eden stand on her wobbly legs in the water, other pups and villagers are also playing in the shallow part of the lake to.
"He'll make a great wife and mate one day~" Hinata teased into my ear only for me to hear after catching me watching as Draken have a small smile as him and the pup plays in the water together.
"Hinata!" I scold her quietly for that comment.
"What? I'm just tell the truth and it goes for all..." She gesture to the other unmated Omegas sitting around us.
"These too, ready to be picked for a young Alpha like yourself~" Hinata gives me a playful smirk as she whispers.
"Hinata! I'm no that kind of man, I don't play around like that!" I scold her again right as Emma sits right behind her.
"Is my Omega being naughty again?" Emma teased with a playful smile as her hands rub Hinata's round belly from behind as she sits her chin on her shoulder which caused Hinata to become red in the face.
"That she completely is~" I smirked as I teased Hinata back.
"Oh, I see~" Emma said with a flirting tone.
"Hey!" I turn my head to see Shin which I immediately stand up to greet the pregnant Omega.
"Hello again Shin!" He smiles at me before asking me to help him sit down next to Hinata which I immediately do so and pull his shoes off so he can put them into the cool water of the lake like Hinata.
"(Y/N) is such a gentleman!" Shin teases like I'm not here as he gives Hinata a playful smirk which I give a playful eye roll in return causing them to laugh.
"Hey (Y/N), let me introduce you to the other farmers." Wakasa called my attention after strolling over to where we are by the lake before gesturing to a group of Betas and a few Alpha's a little way off from the group of Omegas.
"I'll see you all later." I give the Omegas a wave before walking over with Wakasa.
"In a small village like this it's inappropriate for a unmated Alpha like yourself to mingle with a group of mated or unmated Omegas." Wakasa whispered to me as we approach the group.
"Oh, is that why they've been glearing at me?" I whispered back.
"Yeah it is but I told them that you meet Shin and Hinata first when coming into town so it's natural for you to drift off that way, I also told them that you might not know about the customs of a small village like this. It calmed them down enough for me to quickly grab you."
"Thanks, I own you one." I give the other Alpha a sincere smile and a hard pat on the back which Wakasa checkled as we approach the group which he introduce me properly to everyone.
"(Y/N)? Eden needs her diaper and clothes changed and wondering if you have her bag with you?" An hour later of talking Hinata strolls over to us which I can see Eden sitting on Draken's lap as Shine, Emma and other young Omegas sitting around him cooing at her in the background or talking.
"Oh, yes I put her bag in my horse's saddle just in case." I tell her to wait one moment as I jog to my horse and take out Eden bag from the pouch of the saddle before jogging back to hand it to her which she takes and wobbles back the her group, the reason I didn't give the bag to Hinata before is because she already have the supplies to take care of a baby.
'I need to get Hinata and Emma a gift.'
I thought to myself as I turn back to the group to continue talking and it quickly becomes dinner time around 12 to one.
"Hey, little one!" I greeted my sister while she sits in Shins arms which I gently poke her nose causing her to squeal happily and she hold her small arms out to me, I coo at her as I take her into my arms for the first time in a while.
"Thanks and tell the other that to, please?" I tells Shin which he nods and saids that's she's a doll to look after before I leave him alone to eat with his Alpha in peace and skillfully I hold Eden on my hip as my right hand holds a place of food that many of the villagers had made for us all to eat, I sit on the ground under a tree away from the others as they have grouped up in families during dinner.
"Did you have fun?" I asked my sister which she happily babbles at me with a bright smile and I returned one to before getting the both of us to eat.
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trash-monkey · 3 months
The Endless Sea
Chapter 7
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Me and Takemitchy sorted through the rest of the two large garbage bags of clothes which we found a few more dresses for ourselves as we're lucky enough that they can fit us and went to the apartment besides ours to set up a few clothing lines before supper and bed, the next morning we all woke up early again which I take my heat suppressants before attending breakfast and after Draken used what's left of the top I had given back to him yesterday to make a pulley system on the small balcony to get water easier to our apartment, the Alphas and Beta go back to working on the border as I started boiling water for washing which I used the wood Hanma sit in the kitchen for the handmade stove.
I dump the hot water into the tub in the apartment over where Takemitchy waits until the tube is half way full before putting clothes in and used a stick to stir so he doesn't burn his hands, after a few Takemitchy pull the clothes from the hot water and once cool down in the washing pan that Takemitchy put them in I pour in water that's has already been boiled and cool down. I got onto my knees with Irish Spring soap bar and started washing clothes the old fashion way by scrubbing the soap into the fabric of the clothes with my hands, once I wash the soap out and ring the water out I put the clothes into a basket where Takemitchy will grip it to hang them up to dry.
"I can handle hanging the rest up, you can go up to the roof garden and continue to get a it started." I give him a kiss which only caused him to blush red as I take the basket from his hands.
"Let's do it together." Takemitchy said after over coming the shock which makes me smile with a nod before giving him another kiss and we started to hang the clothes together, half way done a shadow covers the window which me and Takemitchy immediately ran to see a daycare floating by. Our eyes widen at the sight before looking at each others in the eyes to see our Omega instincts coming out at the stray though of any pup being in there alone so we quickly ran out of the apartment and to the bottom floor of the building to find that the Alphas and Beta have already connected the cable, me and Takemitchy quickly prepare what we usually do when a building comes by while trying to settle our instincts.
'There ain't any pups in there but that also gets me to thinking, is it just us in this new world?'
I thought to myself trying my best to get my Omega to settle down as I stand at the front door of the building watching the daycare rock back and forth as I see dark clouds on the horizon.
"A storm is coming." I told Takemitchy when I hear him coming up behind me as I feel the salty wind gently blows into my face.
"Our first strom since being here." Takemitchy takes ahold of my hand for a few moments before leading me back into what we call our home now.
"It'll take a while for them to look through that whole place and with a storm coming, it makes me more worried Takemitchy." I nervously chew on my bottom lip which he nods as he's also worried too, we sit down on the floor of the storage apartment leaning onto each other as we wait for the Alphas and Beta to come back.
"You're so cute." I coo at the younger Omega after a few moments of silence between us which I decided to break as I can't stand it anymore as it makes me think unnecessary things, he blushes completely red after kissing his cheek which I nuzzle my nose against his neck and take in his scent.
"Such a beautiful Omega." I coo again before kissing his soft lips.
"(Y/N), if you continue you'll burn through your suppressants and go into full heat." I chuckled at him as I pull away fully.
"There's no need to tell me, I know that and I won't mind spending my heat with you." Takemitchy's eyes widen at the statement I just spoke.
"(Y/N)! The others?" He yelpped as he continues to blush at the thought of us together like that but we're suddenly interrupted by a dripping wet Hanma with bags filling his arms, quickly the two of us get off the floor to take the bags from him at the storage apartment door and organize the canned food inside, I glance up at the tall Alpha when his fingers linger on mine when I take some more bags to see a knowing smirk on his face.
'If he knows that the two of us are getting close the others can see it see to.'
I give Hanma a shy smile before quickly heading back into the living room to look through the bags but I become confused when seeing baby things.
"Takemitchy? Why would they bring these things?" I show the the baby things to him.
"They probably thought we could use them for something." I give a small nod in agreement.
"Takemitchy" I coo at seeing a very cute onesie for a baby boy which makes my Omega instincts to act up again, I give a small whimper while thinking of having a baby and that Takemitchy is lucky he isn't on his heat.
"(Y/N), what's wrong?" Takemitchy grows worry at the whimper I let out.
"I'm sorry, it's just that although the suppressants does work it messes up my Omega instincts." I explained why my emotions and instincts are unstable as I quickly put the onesie back into the bag and handing it to Takemitchy to organize.
"(Y/N), I and the others know you can't help it so it's alright." For the first time Takemitchy coos at me before laying a sweet kiss on my cheek which cause me to smile at him with a blush and he lets out a small chuckle at getting me to blush instead of him this time, we get back to organizing before a wet Draken comes to the door with more bags which we quickly take from him. Any bags that hold any clothes or baby related things I give to Takemitchy to organize through while I deal with food or any other stuff we get but our organizing is soon cut short by wailing of a child.
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trash-monkey · 4 months
Dog House
Chapter 7
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Takemitchy pov
"Please no more fighting in this house hold or tearing anything up." (Y/N) said to us all after I stood at the living room entrance and watched as (Y/N) strolls back into the house from the back porch with Sanzu behind him, I follow after him into the kitchen where he grabbed bags and a large box from the counter before he walk to the living room which he sit down on the floor.
"Everyone line up! I got trackers to go on the collars!" Immediately Hinata jogs up to (Y/N) as he takes a small package from a bag which she waits patiently for him to open it and slip the tracker on her collar after he makes sure that it's on and also works on the app for the trackers on his phone, I walk up to him next to the tracker on my own collar and the rest got theirs quickly. I quickly follow on my short little legs after (Y/N) when he got up from the floor curious on what he's doing now as the rest laze around the living room and watch as he opens four packages with round thing on the kitchen counter before he sticks them on both sides of the front and back door of the house where both large and small of us can reach them.
"Door bells!" (Y/N) yells to the rest which surprised me that he's so kind to us and immediately test the bells outs, I run back and forth of the front and back door pressing the buttons which got the attention of the others which they slowly strolling to see what all that rings is.
"Look! He put bells on the doors for us!" I yelled as I pass them to press the back door again.
"Wow!" Mikey press the button on the back of the front door causing it to ring which I hear in the kitchen after I returned to (Y/N) side panting from all that running and watch as he open a box with a knife.
"He's turning out to be a really great owner." Draken commented as he stroll into the kitchen after me and we watch as (Y/N) pull out colorfully pieces with buttons on them as words sits under them, he piece them together to make a large colorful button pad.
"Look! You can talk to me now!" (Y/N) said happily as he place the large colorful button pad on the floor of the living room against the wall.
"I. Love. You. Hero" He saids as he press each word button which I barked in surprised causing Mitsuya sisters to run towards the pad to play with the buttons as Naoto is trying his best to ran after the two girls with his short legs.
"No you three it's only for talking and not for playing." (Y/N) laugh as he remove the three puppies from the button pad and place the three hyper kids on his lap after sitting down on the floor, I stroll up the pad looking at the many buttons before hear Mikey coming up next to me and press the treat button multiple times, I glace at Draken to see he rolled his eyes at Mikey knowing what he's wanting.
"Dorayaki! Taiyaki! and Omurice! I miss you! Oh I wish to taste them again!" Mikey whines not realizing that (Y/N) is talking to him until he press the what and treat buttons which his attention snaps to (Y/N) before Mikey continues to press the treat button.
"I have no treats right now, Crash." (Y/N) give Mikey a pet.
"Now, I believe you all have stayed in the house enough for today! Outside. Time." He opens the back door after pressing the two word buttons which Baji and Chifuyu immediately bolt out the back door when opened with both the kids and Mikey close behind as the girls just simply stroll out to lay in the sun.
"Hold you two!" (Y/N) told Draken and Mikey when seeing the two strolling out of the back door and I watch as he get the fur out of the two eyes by giving Mikey a ponytail on top of his head while (Y/N) braided Draken's long fur, this surprise us as these are the usual hairstyles the two had when human.
"There, ain't that better?" (Y/N) asked, the two give a bark as a answer to the question which he smiled and give the two a some petting.
"You two can go out now." (Y/N) gesture to the back door as the two are now free to leave which they did as (Y/N) walk to the kitchen where I watch him fix something up.
"Don't tell." He hold a finger over his lips as he drops a piece of veggie on the floor for me to eat and he also gives my head a stretch which feels amazing, I basically melt to the floor which caused him to laugh at my reaction before returning to his task.
"Squirrel!!!" I tilted my head when hearing Baji yelling in the back yard which I find out he saw a squirrel and chased it up a tree when I jog to the back door, I can see Chifuyu talking to him once he stop him from barking up the tree and had to do a double take when seeing Baji trying to clam the tree which I just shake my head a little at while the others are either laying around or exploring.
'I guess the more we stay in these dog forms the instincts that comes with these bodies grow stronger.'
I thought as I go back to watching (Y/N) in the kitchen but stopped by Mikey.
"Takemitchy!" Mikey calls after me when seeing me coming to the back door which he quickly jogs over from Draken's side by the edge of the property.
"I'm going to explore the forest at the edge of the property to find a new place to be our meeting spot and I want you to come with us." I glance back into the house before reluctantly following him know he'll drag me with him if I don't go willing so I jog with Mikey to Draken at the edge of the property.
"Why we need a meeting place?" I asked as we stroll into the forest.
"Although we're dogs now and maybe for forever we still need order, our owner is nice and kind so I tend to try to keep the order as repayment for that kindest." I give a nod as we continue to still around the forest.
"Mikey! What about this place!" I yelled as we separated so we can look faster not want to let our owner worry if we're gone to long, I stumble upon alone apple tree in the forest which as a very small clear and a rock in front of the tree for Mikey to stand on during meetings.
"This is prefect!" Mikey yelled when seeing what I have find after running to where I am with Draken following closely behind.
"Gather everyone" Mikey ordered Draken which he jogs back to the edge of the forest and return with everyone following behind him which they immediately got into position when seeing Mikey standing ready on the rock, except for Emma and Hinata as they relax on the back porch.
"Attention! This is the start of our first meeting since our incident" Draken called out before standing aside to let Mikey speck.
"I know we are still getting use to our new bodies, instinct, and our owner but we must come to realize that we may never be normal again as we still and may never know how we become to be this way!" Mikey calls out to everyone.
"I'm sorry for those that have family back in the city and even if they are looking for us we can't return to them like this!" Mikey informs them.
"All that we can do is hope that we will return to them one day but for now until then we must learn to live here, in our new bodies but we mustn't forgot that we were one human!" This causes everyone to bark in either in excited or sadness before Darken quiets them down a moment later for Mikey.
"Fifth Division's Vice-Captain Sanzu step up!" Mikey calls Sanzu up which the Belgian Tervuren strolls up to the front.
"I don't understand the reason for your behavior earlier and you even dragged Second Divison Captain Mitsuya into your mess! You should have obey the orders that Captain Mitsuya had given them to
you! Luckily I don't have to punish you as our owner (Y/N) is doing so, you'll take this punishment without any compliments Vice-Captain Sanzu! Am I understood?" Mikey gets a low nod in response before Sanzu strolls back to his spot.
"I believe that concludes our todays meeting!" Mikey calles out to the group which allowed everyone to stroll from their positions to look around their new meeting place before he tells everyone to books it back to the house, some takes their time to stroll back to the edge of the forest like me.
"Dinner time!" Suddenly our heads prick up at the shout which caused us all to blot to the house at the word dinner and we stamped through the back door to get in line for food.
"Hey Hinata!" I greeted my girlfriend after getting my dog bowl filled and scooted it all the way over to where she's eating.
"Hey Takemichi!" Hinata greets back after letting her head from her bowl as her and Emma are the first in line for dinner, she gives him a small lick on his cheek and if it wasn't for the fur everyone would see his whole face becoming red.
"Hahaha" Draken and Mikey gives the two a small dog laugh at seeing the kiss and Takemitchy frozen as they pass the two after surprisingly scarfing down their food fast, luckily they didn't get sick from it. Emma frowns after turning her head at hearing Draken's and her brothers laugh to see the lovebirds together which cause her to feel longing and jealousy as she glances between the two before going back to her food, (Y/N) has a amused smile at seeing the glancing Sun is doing towards Dragen and the surprising couple of Lady and Hero.
"Don't worry Sun I'll help you get him." (Y/N) whispered and give a wink to her once Draken is completely in the living room resting with Mikey, I and Hinata look at each other which we give a chuckle before going back to eating.
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trash-monkey · 4 months
Chapter 3
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Sunlight blazes through a window and into my eyes causing me to wake up with a groan before sitting up which I hissed at my cramped muscles from sleeping on the couch.
'That was a mistake and I would rather sleep on the floor next time.'
Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I stood up and started walking to the bathroom but stop when noticing the limp in my leg causing me to be confused before remembering what happened yesterday.
'I thought I had broken my leg but now I'm walking on it without a problem except for this limp?'
I shake my head putting it as a fracture or bruising to cause the pain and the limp before removing the splint I had placed on yesterday and getting started on my shower, once I got done with my small breakfast of dried cereal and water I limp my way over to what's now is Draken's apartment after emptying along with resupplying and checking my backpack before putting it on along with my usual weapons I knocked one the door while calling out to him which takes him a little bit to open the door with his stiff fingers.
"I don't know, it must have been a fracture or bruising but I now have a limp." I explained when he points to my injured leg once the door is open to see me without the crutches, his eyes narrow before giving a confused nod.
"Hold your hand out straight so I can get these gloves on and after I'll tie your boots." I carefully get the skin tight gloves onto his hands to protect myself from the virus which he understands so he didn't protest and let me put the gloves on his hands before I slid down to sit on the floor to tie the his boots that he had slipped on after his shower and putting on his new clothes, he has on a loose black shirt and jeans.
"Here, let help you get this on." I had grab the extra backpack I had and help Draken slip it on his back.
"I know that you said that I smell like you and the others but that may not even mean I won't get infected if I get a bite or cut by accident. So I still have to be careful so we'll sneak around and if one get close or curious you'll get them to go another way." I whispered to him as I slowly limp down the stairwell of the apartment building, he nods and give a little grunt in agreement before looking out of the exit door we come through last night to check if it's clear for me which it is so he holds the door open for me before I wedge the exit door open with a piece of wood to prop the door open so we can get back in later on.
"So, do you remember your life before this?" I whispered as I tried my best to not allowe my limp to create a lot of noise as I walk down the street with Draken shuffling beside me, in the corner of my eye I can see that he's having trouble saying something.
"F.....fl......fl-flahes.....m....mos-mostly fr.... friends." He finally manages to get out before suddenly stopping in his tracks which I stop to and watch as his eyes move fast seeing something that's not there.
"Hey" I said softly as I place a hand on his arm snapping him out of his head and whatever he's remembering, he looks me in the eyes as our faces are a few inches apart which I become frozen when realizing how close we are so we're staring at each other for a few moments but we're broken from it with a groan of a zombie shuffling on the others side of the street.
"We better continue then." I whispered before carefully limp down the street again without getting the other zombies attention which I head down the first alleyway I come to.
"In here" I softly call to Draken as he stands a few feet down the alley from me after checking a random door in the alleyway which cracks opens.
"Head in first and scout around for other zombies, if you found some lead them out the front door and lock it behind them." I whispered to him once he comes to me which he nods and heads in while I wait in the alley for him, I look down both ways of the alley but sees nothing.
"Clear?" I asked once seeing Draken at the door after hearing his boot clabed feet shuffling back through the back room, he gives a grunt while giving a stiff nod at my question.
"Go scout and clear other places along this side  of the street as I look through this place, meet back here in 10." I told him once shutting the door behind me after giving the alley a last look and I quickly realize that this is a pet store when looking around the back room I'm in, pet stores weren't first on many people's list to raid so a lot as been left alone. With a grunt Draken leaves through the store's front door which he made sure no other zombies could get though it by accident before moving on to the store nextdoor and not only I fill my backpack with all the medicines I find as I don't have time to look through it all right now I also pack dog food, if push becomes shove I won't hesitate to eat it so I grab what I can to fit in my backpack which caused it to become heavy as I place it back onto my shoulders before slipping out the town map from my jean pocket to mark with a red pen where the store is and that there more things here to pick up later that I can't fit into my backpack right now.
I quickly fold the map up again after the notation to slip it back into my jeans pocket and put the pen back into my backpack pocket before limping into the front of the store to see the pets that where left behind on the first day of the end are just bags of bones sitting in their cages as they have starved to death, I give a sad sigh before leaving the store through the front door after seeing there nothing in the front store for me. I limp to the store nextdoor and try the front door which is unlocked but also means that there might not be anything left in the store for me, after glancing around I find out that's this is a thrift store which after finding two duffle bags I started filling them up with clothes, all the knifes I see, and anything else I think will be useful. I place the duffle bags into a shopping cart as with my limp it'll be easier to get it all back to my outpost easier then just carrying it and what I can't get into the bags I put into the cart, I went to take a look into the back but the door is either stuck or locked and as I was leaving a barrel of canes caught my eye which I pick out three canes. A grey metal with a snake head which has a hidden sword, another metal one with a dragon and hidden knife, and a simple wooden one which I hang the three on the handle of the cart before leaving the store as quietly as my cart will allow me as I leave through the front.
"Draken?" I whispered out once on the street again as I haven't seen him for a little while which I decided to park the cart by abandoned car before going to look for Draken and using the snake cane to help myself down the street better.
"Draken?" I call again as I look around the street but this I'm a little louder but a bark of a dog answer me back which caused me to pause at the strange answer before following it down the alleyway on the other side of the street which leading to a street of houses on the other side, when I'm at the other end of the alleyway that comes down beside a house immediately I see Draken sitting on a pouch petting a black male Great Dane.
"What are you doing?" I asked after limp over the road to him which he's head snap up to me as he continues to pet the dog but I can clearly see that the dog is starving by the ribs I can see.
"D.........do-dog......" He trys his best to talk but can't get it out so he holds a old leash up instead and I can see evidence that it was caught up in something that's caused the dog not only to be stuck but to also stave as it couldn't get loose, the dog must of ran from his owner on the first day of the chaos and must of ran back here to his home to hide while waiting for his owner to return but they never did.
'I'm surprise he isn't aggressive from the starving'
I thought to myself as I carefully hold out my hand to the Great Dane which he smells before  trying to jump on me and immediately Draken stands up to get him off me as I almost fall to the ground, I can see the permanent intent around the dogs neck of where his collar use to be from how long he had it on as the collar is still connected to the leash.
"W.......wan.......wan-want." Draken struggles out as he gives the dog a hard pat in his side as he stand by his side which I give a sigh at.
"Ok but he's your responsibility." I give in as even I can't leave the poor thing here either.
"Let's go back to the pet store to get him a harness and a few other things." I gesture to the dogs neck where the permanent intent from the collar is which Draken rubs gently before standing up and following me back to where we were before Draken got distracted by the sounds of the dog, once I cross back over the road I grab the cart where I had left it and push it back to the pet store.
"Which one? Also what's he's name?" I gesture to the rack of harnesses after walking back into the store and at my second question he pulls a dog tag out from his pocket which he holds out to me in stiff fingers, I hold out my hand which he drops it onto it.
"Bully" I chuckled at the name of the dog that's carved into the around tag.
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trash-monkey · 5 months
Hello everyone 🖐️☺️
it's Trash Monkey, I'm doing good which I hope all my readers are also too and I'm here to say I have a great idea💡
I've been playing Isekai: Slow Life, I love that concept of the mobile game which gives me an idea to write a story inspired by it!
I was wondering who would like to read it!
The story with have a harem like Isekai: Slow Life! Meaning you readers will have a choice of who gets to be in the harem, it can be both male and female! But it won't be the characters from the mobile game you get to choose! It'll be anime or other game characters 🤩
Some with be hybrids but you won't know what they will be until you meet them in the story! I also will be included some twists to make the story as fun as I can! I will be taking request for characters and events you all wish to see!
Please remember the story depend on you if you want it to continue reading or what you read 🤌
Here's the characters I have so far!
Attack on Titan:
Twisted wonderland:
Jujutsu kaisen:
Maki Zenin
Yuji Itadori
Toge Inumaki
Tokyo revengers:
Genshin impact:
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trash-monkey · 5 months
The World Of Water (Rewrite)
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A blazing sun sits in the middle of the blue sky without a cloud in sight while the endless void of water below crosses all sides of the horizon. A large boat sits alone on top of the water, made up of two sail boats in the style of a trimaran boat without the middle hull. It's hold together by metal poles and strong nets, in the middle of these boats is a pole that connects to each boat which holds the large sail and another pole that crosses under it has the turning system for the sail at the back.The empty spaces has strong nets so it's easy to walk to each side of this large boat, once inside the back holds a bedroom while the small room on the right is a bathroom and the large room on the left is a storage while the front is a small living room.
Suddenly a large wet hand grabbed a railing, one of many on the side of the large boat while the other hand quickly throw a bag made from nets onto the boats floor before grabbing a railing and pull it's person onto the boat. A large man with (H/C) shoulder length hair and (E/C) eyes sits on the boats floor only wearing black faded to gray pants that fits him perfectly as it have some holes down the legs while letting the water on his skin dry up in the blazing heat of mid day. Once rested and semi-dry he started looking through what he have brought up with him in his net bag, pulling out old rusted things but hopefully would be good for trading and put the bag inside the cabin he's sitting in front of once he had a look at everything. With swiftness he pulls a lever on his way to the other side, pulling another lever in the same spot as the first one and watch as both anchors are pulled up before turning the handles on the turning system for the large sail letting it catch the wind when the sail turned causing the large boat to speed across the water despite the large size of the boat.
The large man looks out onto the horizon through a old rusted binoculars seeing nothing until something catches his eye, pieces of boards float around with other things.
"Somkers" The man growled to himself as he views the rickage of the another boat, Somkers are like scavengers. Some of them ride on small boats powered by machines while other ride on lager boats with large fans on the back and the only warning you get is the loud noise from their boats to alert you, once they see you just hope your boat is fast enough to get away unless you have a death wish. He continues looking around making sure the Somkers are long gone but something unexpected popes up in his lens, two people floating on a piece of board. How they survive the Somkers or Why did they let them live? Somkers don't care who you are, woman, child, slave, or man, they'll kill you no matter what. With hesitation the man sail the boat towards them and once he's right next to them he quickly drops both anchors stoping the boat from moving any farther. The man quickly notice both are unconscious and barely hanging onto the board, he quickly grab them with gentle hands before laying them on the net for the sun to warm and dry them. With speed the man pulled the anchors up while keeping a eye out on the horizon until both anchors slam into place, he turns the sail to caught the wind and before long they're speeding across the water.
By the time I consider us safe and stopping the boat the Sun seats closer to the horizon, with a relief sigh I hit a secret lever to pull my sail down before I sit down against it before glancing at the two I have rescued. Both male with short hair but one is blood red while the other is sun yellow and the only piece of clothing they have on are black skirts that lays around a few inches away from their knees but what really catches my eye is the metal sitting on leather with a large ring in the front while a lock perch on the back that rest on each of their necks, slave collars and by the way they're dressed and the few scars I can see their master wasn't kind. An hour or two later night falls along with the temperature so I carefully moved the two into the room on the opposite side of mine and cover them with the large but thin pieces of clothes I had stored away on this side of my boat.
An hour after the first rays of sun I have already boiled water to drink and started to grill the fish I have caught earlier which caused the two I have saved to finally wake up with growling stomachs at the smell of cooked fish but they quickly pushed their hunger away when they noticed they're in a unknown place, carefully the yellow one peeks out from the hull as the red one is a step behind him. He looks around to see their on a large boat before his eyes lands on my back which is facing them and pulls away from the door to whispered to his friend. Since I have better hearing then most people do I can hear them talking but can't tell what their saying.
"You two going to come out and eat?" I asked as I hold out some cooked meat without looking while they jumped at my rough voice and surprised that I know that their awake, the yellow one peeks out of the hull again to see me holding cooked fish towards them without looking. Quickly he snatch the meat from the hand and returns to his friend where he rips the meat into two pieces for them both after he gives it a sniff to make sure I didn't do anything to the meat before eating it.
"I found you two drifting in the water with what was left of your boat, Smokers?" I asked while holding out more meat to them but before the yellow could grab it I pulled it just out of his reach, he narrow his eyes at me as he moves closer and reach for the meat again but I quickly pull the meat away once again before pointing the seats opposite of me.
"Sit, you'll get more." The yellow one glance between me and where I have pointed at as he thinks, quickly he sits with a leg under him but sits in a way I can't see up his short skirt as he thinks I'm a lot larger up close then he thought and I hand him the piece of meat. He waves over the redhead before taking a large bite out of the fish meat, with hesitation the redhead sit snuggly to his yellow friend side and eating in a slower rate then his friend when I hand him his own piece of cooked fish meat.
"Names." I demand after their shock wears off when I hand them cups of drinkable water, I throw more meat onto the grill that's sits between all three of us as the yellow one glances around before finally answering my question.
"Naruto" He shoves more meat into his mouth after in nervousness then in hungry as he already eat a few mouth fulls.
"Gaara" The redhead specks softly although his voice is deeper them his friends voice as he continues to slowly eat.
"(Y/N)" I respond as I hold out more cooked fish meat which Gaara takes as he just finished his first piece but since Naruto had already eaten two he denys the piece I hold out to him.
"Clothes" I gesture to the large net bag filled with clothes I have collected over time which I had placed onto the twin sized bed of the left boat from where the two had woken up early and after I lead to the two back into to show them the clothes, I leave the two to change in peace as the two watch feeling uncomfortable with this stranger's kindness.
"What is he going to do with us?" Gaara asked Naruto slightly scared and worried about their lives.
"If he wanted to do something bad he wouldn't have clothed, feed, and even given us precious hydro." Naruto whispered back knowing if people wanted something from them they wouldn't be nice about it but this man, a complete stranger although strange himself is treating them like normal people despite the visible slave collars around their necks. Naruto just shakes his head and started looking through the clothes before he picks a light blue skirt that slightly touches the ground and sits comfortable around his low waist as the fabric is double so he doesn't have to wear anything under it but what caught his attention is the asymmetric design as the skirt has a wrap around style so it doesn't matter what size he is it'll fit, Gaara finds another one but in the same color as his hair and both decided to wear them instead of their shorter thin ones.
"Thank you for saving our lives." Naruto said as him and Gaara retake their seat across from me on the right of the boat with Gaara silently following behind him, I just give him a nod in return.
"You'll have to wear your collars for a while longer until most people know you're with me so Slavers won't try to grab you again, if someone asks why you are with me and not your previous master just say that I have traded something precious for you two." They both nod understanding my reasoning for keeping the collars on.
"His feet!" Gaara hissed into Naruto's ear at the sight of my wedded feet.
"It doesn't matter he still saved our lives instead of leaving us in the water to die." Naruto quickly hissed back scolding Gaara for his tone seeing that I'm a kind man but everyone has their limits, Gaara nods lowly in apology. The two watch as I quickly put out the first of the small grill before skillfully pulling up the two anchors and popping the sail open in surprising speed, wind blows greatly as the large boat flys across the water as the light wind pushes us forward. Gaara and Naruto moved to sit on the strong net as I stand at the steering, the two feels the air of the warming morning again against their face as they feel finally like their free.
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trash-monkey · 5 months
What The Hell Is This Mess!!
Chapter 6
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"We have decided to take your offer." Draken spoke after we returned to the chiefs office which before we left our temporary room that Kesor got a notification that we can't deny this main quest, Kesor stay in our room to nap.
"Thank you" We can see the relief and hope in in the chiefs eyes at our agreement, he pulls out three hiring contracts from within his desk for us to sign. Hanma takes one to read all the details and even the fine print safety message, the usual stuff about possible injury, dangers and death.
"Everything looks to be inorder." Hanma gives us the light that it's alright to sign the contracts and one by one we sign our own contract with a black feathered quill we passed around.
"When is the caravan leaving?" Sanzu speaks up this time.
"Tomorrow." The Chief pulls out a small wool stringed bag that clinks when sit on the desk.
"This is mine along with the towns thanks and gratitude for what you have done, bringing the girl back and burying our fallen." He scoot the bag to us across the desk which Sanzu grabs and open which he counts 30 gold piece, 10 for each person which we said our thanks before excusing ourselves to pack.
"Sanzu and Hanma go see what they have in the store, I'll get our packs ready to go." Draken said as Sanzu hands Hanma his gold while he keeps Draken's so if he sees something for Draken he can get it, with a nod at that plan they separate. The two steps into one of the very few shops in Bear's Foot and the scent of leather hits the two in the face before seeing that the shop sells mostly leather items but there are a few shiny weapons laying around for sale and after a look around we did find a few things for us. Sanzu found a belted wrist bracers with a knife sheath which comes with the small knife, lather dagger sheath with a 45 degree angle which sits on the back of the hips, and a short blade Katana, the two found leather bracers with iron plating on the and a triple one leg pocket grip belt for Draken, Hanma found himself some lather bracers also and a leather quiver with 25 wooden arrows.
'This leaves us all together 10 gold pieces which Draken and Hanma does need more appropriate traveling attire, well mostly Hanma needs it'
With this the two travel to a clothing shop which Hanma got himself a full simple traveling outfit that's similar to Sanzus current outfit just in different tones of purple and knee high boots, Hanma gets another set for Darken in different tones of blue along with boots also as Sanzu gets another set for himself in case of emergency.
'The three full set of outfits cost us 5 gold pieces which leaves us using the last 5 for food'
The two quickly got what they could with the last 5 gold pieces in food of Bear's Foot food market before heading back to the Chief house, which they can simply hunt if they need to.
"Once again we're penny less." Hanma simply comment to fill the silence as he and Draken change into their new clothes along with their newly bought things once the two return to their temporary room, although I couldn't help but admire their bodies while doing so.
'Damn, we're hot.'
I thought to myself with a laugh as Hanma runs a hand through his hair before helping Draken braid his hair as he just put it into a low ponytail after getting up this morning, suddenly there's knocking on our door.
"Breakfast ready!" Sanzu opens the door to see Yara standing there and tells her we'll be right down which quickly hurry before meeting the family at the dinner table, while eating the dinner we discuss the safety and details of the caravan.
"Thank you for the delicious dinner, Yara." Draken said as him and Hanma do dish wash duty.
"Thank but you make supper as I want see your cooking skills." Draken ask if she want us all to cook or one.
"You, you have cook hands! you hunt and pick for supper today for all, me watch over give tips." Yara gesture to Draken's hands before she points to Hanma when he came back for some for dirty dishes.
"Hanma, have hands for baking and me want him to today for supper also. Sanzu hands only for skinning animals and sewing, they steady and still, good for precision work."
"Thanks Yara, I'll get right on that." Draken smiles at her.
"Glade! Come here!" Yara yells for her son which he immediately comes at his mothers call, Glade is a teen that looks exactly like his father expect he's more thinner but with time he'll also be packing the muscles he's father has.
"Show him the food of nature, what to eat and not." Glade nods grabbing a sack or two before leading Draken into the forest to show him the ropes of a gather and how to step up traps.
Secret Quest, Completed!
- Life of a gather skill level 1
- Trapper skill level 1
"Thanks Glade, you can return home now." Glade nods seeing that Draken want to try his skill on his own now after Draken quickly blink the notification away after giving it a quick glance.
"Kesor?" Draken hissed into the air knowing that she can hear him even when she's with Hanma and Sanzu, she pops into existence at the call knowing one of us will be calling after the notification.
"Secret Quest?" Draken questioned as he look closely at the plant in front of him.
"Your system gets random updates but you won't know it as Agnus likes being complicated like that, it's the chaos he craves." Kesor shrub her shoulders as she bounce in the air.
"Why didn't you tell me this?" Draken picks more herbs and other eatable things but since of the new gather skill his fingers has a easier time pickinvg, she just saids that she wasn't supposed to until now as she floats to the ground to stand on her feet next to Draken.
Back at the house Hanma is kneading dough in the kitchen while wearing Yaras light blue apron which is small on Hanma large frame as Yara is watching from the kitchen island, Ione looks exactly like her mother Yara and a year younger then her brother Glade as she teaches Sanzu how to sew while the youngest child Nox is playing outside with his friends. Hanma puts the dough into a bowl with a clean dish towel over and into the fridge to sit before getting started on making biscuits, by the time the biscuits is done and Hanma just had popped in the bread to bake in the oven Darken comes in with the two sacks filled and two rabbits.
"Ione, thank you for the lesson but I have a dinner to help with." She nods in understanding and smile at me as she continue on with her pattern when I set the one I'm working in the chair I've been sitting in, I have a feeling she's developing a crush on Sanzu. Draken hands the two rabbits over to Sanzu to skin which he takes into the backyard which Yara immediately followings to see how his skinning work is, Draken works on cleaning and cutting everything he picked to cook.
"You don't open this particular fruit like that." Ione hand lays gently over Draken's own hand that is holding the knife which she gently takes from him and show him how to do it properly.
"If you opened it the way you was going to you'll mostly only get seeds." She glances up at Draken before continuing showing me how to open the fruit but I know what's she's doing she's trying her best to attach herself to one of us, any of us that is willing take her.
'She must be desperate to get love that isn't friends or family, she must have been turned down by her crush or something.'
"Thanks." That is all Draken said to her as to not want to give her any false hope that there might be something between them, she give Draken a awkward smile before slowly walking away right as Sanzu comes in with two cleaned skinned rabbits and bloody hands.
Secret Quest, Completed!
- Life of a skinner skill level 1
"He good but not great, with time he will be great in skinning animals." Yara comments as Sanzu hands over the two rabbits to Draken before washing his hands and the knife, once he sure all the blood is completely gone he goes back to his pattern in the living room and isn't surprised when seeing Ione is missing from her chair.
'that must have stung but it needed to happen, she must be in her room sulking'
"Yara, did Ione get rejected?" Draken ask as he prepare to start cooking rabbit stew with bread and biscuits as a side, Yara and Hanma sits at the kitchen island which Hanma checks the bread every so often.
"She has crush on this boy, Pierre. He is framer boy like his dad but don't know if she told him about her feelings, why you ask?" Draken sighed.
"You're going have to talk to her, she's trying to attach to one of us, anyone that is willing to give her love that isn't friends or family, to her it doesn't matter about age and that dangerous." Draken tells bluntly as Yara needs to know before something bad happens to Ione, Yara bows her head in thought.
"Thank you for telling." She says before pushing me aside take over the cooking at seeing Draken cluelessness on how to insert one of the rabbits into the stew .
"Watch closely." She shows me how to cut the meat off the bones and into the stew that's filled with edible plants Draken picked earlier with Glades help.
Secret Quest, Completed!
- Baker skill level 1
The notification pops up right as Hanma sit the finish baked bread onto the kitchen island to cool off which Yara takes a taste test of along with the biscuits.
"Bread hard but will get better with practice and biscuits good on first try." She gesture to the biscuits will be for supper as the side, Draken pops the last rabbit into the oven to bake. While that bakes Yara moves around the kitchen to cook a little more for supper to actually fill eight people.
"Only you three eat this for supper, if eat all then you three can eat good everyday by own hands." Yara is a mother after all so she worries about the people she cares for which I can see she had come to care for us too even if it's only been a few days we've been staying in her home. We set the table once everything is cooked and bring all the food onto the dinning table.
"They made baked rabbit, rabbit stew, and biscuits! Draken picked and trapped, Hanma baked, and Sanzu skinned rabbits! Can cook for themselves when traveling!" Yara sounds proud as she tells the chief about our achievements like we're their own kids.
"It's all thanks to you, Yara." Yara hears the words Hanma didn't say and nods at us.
"You all fast learners." Yara smiles bright at us.
"You taste test their cooking?" Yara ask her husband while gesturing to our food which he nods.
"Although I put most of the stew together, Yara showed me how to need the rabbit in." Draken sip at his cup of water since him and the other two denied the offered liquor, not knowing how these three bodies can even handle it.
"I'm begging you...." Hanma sings softly as he undos Draken's braid as the two sits on the bed already changed into their borrowed PJs, Sanzu is currently changing into his.
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