ut-agere · 3 years
Super cute!!
I love the Undertale headcanons! There's not enough of them! Do you have any Regressor Sans headcanons?
Little!Sans Headcanons
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A/N : Special interest go brr. I’m very happy you and another anon asked for these! I really like writing Undertale stuff so this was really fun! (I also self project onto Sans a LOT)
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His long term caregiver is Toriel! She found out about his regression when they were talking through the door. He had slipped and she comforted him! Papyrus is his go to babysitter.
Sans regresses to around 2-5, rarely going into baby space. His regression tends to be involuntary rather than voluntary. (If you had to put it on a scale, 90% involuntary and 10% voluntary)
He really likes picking up stuff with his magic when small, he can’t pick up anything too heavy when regressed though!
He steals borrows papyrus’ scarf a majority of the time. He likes to cuddle up with it, it makes him feel all safe and comfy.
He really likes being called “kiddo” when regressed. (Or just any nickname to be honest)
He has a goat stuffie that he named “Tori!” after Toriel! He takes it with him basically everywhere he goes. Especially if he’s not with his caregiver (not because he misses her, nooo /s /p)
When they moved into their new house on the surface, (Sans and Papyrus) they decorated a room just for lil Sans! It’s main theme being blue and a light grey. He’s still a bit embarrassed about it but, his brother is always there to assure him that it’s fine.
Do not trust him with markers, he will try to draw on his face. And/or eat them. (/hj)
Sans is very quiet when he’s regressed. He definitely isn’t a chatter box, though on the rare occasion he is, he talks a lot. (Or well, it’s usually incoherent sentences since he’s usually on talkative when he regressed to younger ages)
He still takes a bunch of naps even when small. He’s just very tired and needs his rest! He will never say no to nap time, but he will want a story.
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ut-agere · 3 years
Agere! Cross oneshot
TW: violence, involuntary regression, cross overworking himself, cussing, hinted Nightmare regressing
Cross felt like shit to put it bluntly, his entire head felt fuzzy and he couldn't focus for anything. He chugged coffee and ate an energy bar to pull himself together, they had a mission today and as one of Nightmare's soldiers he needed to be at top shape. He wanted to just lay down and let someone, anyone protect him but thats not how the world works.
He walked out to the elaborate throne room ready to go, looking at his family fellow soldiers who would be on this mission. Nightmare spoke to them about the mission. Cross' mind was in a mist none of the words quite reaching his mind until, "Criss-Cross your with me to beat up the swap shit au come on." Killer motioned to the inky black portal ready to cause excessive chaos. Cross followed behind Killer, sloppy and sluggish in movement. His entire body was lead with iron inside of it, but he pulled himself out to just go a little bit longer, to do his job as a soldier, like he was made to do.
Blue was walking by humming softly to himself, going about his day. Cross took notice sitting up a bit more straight and launched forward recklessly in order to get the job over with, to just land a few good hits to get it over with much to Killer's chagrin, "Cross what the hell are you doing?!" His face had somehow paled in panic.
Cross went to land a hit only to be blocked by a bone then hit in his gut area by a giant hammer, sending him back. He let out a slight wince despite the color building in his sockets he didn't make a sound.
Killer had stepped in to take over, not noticing the gaster blaster moving to shoot the disoriented Cross. The blaster hit him square in the chest, sending Cross flying into a tree, leaving him completely overtaken by the fuzzy feeling and sobbing quietly, as he had also managed to cut his hand on his sword during the attack.
Killer doesn't notice focusing on Blue's attacks to find a weak point to use against him. He is able to hit a weak spot knocking Blue out he looks for Cross, "Criss-Cross?"
He notices Cross sobbing silently in pain against a tree and rushes over trying to figure out injuries. They all seem minor though luckily, but with how Cross is acting there might be another injury that would be better suited to be taken care of at home. Killer picks Cross up into a bridal hold carefully as to not aggravate any injuries, they renter the portal back to safety. "Alright lets have Boss check you out Crossy." Killer hums softly as he notices the odd fuzziness that Cross' eyelights seem to hold, shit this could be a concussion on top of other injuries.
"Ey boss Cross didn't do to well and got his ass handed to him could you take a look? Make sure he isn't concussed and if there is any type of care we need to worry about handlin?"
Nightmare nods and takes Cross, who whines out about being moved now putting his hand in his moth to self soothe. Nightmare studies him and even runs a full check, the flavor text throws him off in particular, "feels really small, please don't leave."
He sighs with a soft smile, "He's alright just seems to have regressed deeply, he'll need our help with how young he seems to be."
"Wait regressed like you do Boss? That means crossy is a baby bones."
"We both know that isn't the case Killer, he is capable when he hasn't spiralled into exhaustion and stress." Nightmare reminds gently whilst rocking the tired baby.
Cross closes his eyes resting his head against Nightmare's chest, feeling safe and settled at home.
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ut-agere · 3 years
can i get some regressing Undyne headcanons? maybe with caregiver Alphys? 👀
Yes ofc this will be fun!
Cg! Alphys and Regressor! Undyne
Undyne regresses unintentionally, it can easily be read as her being the usually energtic fish she is.
Due to them becoming close Alphys starts to pick up on differences when Undyne is small even if she isn't sure why its happening yet.
Undyne tends to talk less though her running around and accidental trouble crossing manages to increase and that catches Alphys' attention. This leads to research and actually checking in with Undyne in and out of these states.
Undyne is still herself she just feels a bit softer, smaller even if she were to describe it and eventually admits this to Alphys. They research this and realize Undyne tends to regress due to long term stress and repressing her own emotions that she even hides when small.
This leads to them to eventually find healthy ways for Undyne to regress and work out her emotions through comfort and love, getting her much more comfortable as Alphys is an amazing partner in general.
As a kiddo Undyne loves various activities to do with Alphys. They make slime, various crafts, and kid friendly science "experiments." These two are still nerds of course and also watch kid friendly anime like sailor moon or Naruto. They also manage a schedule to the best of their ability for self care.
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ut-agere · 3 years
Fandom agere blogs!!
PLEASE make sure you tag any content containing potentially problematic ships. Even if it’s not in a romantic context, just regressor and CG content. Agere blogs and tags are meant to be safe places where people can regress in peace and seeing problematic ships can be potentially triggering.
So please remember to tag the ship, and add a content warning so those with the tags blacklisted won’t see said content.
Sincerely, me and a few friends who were ranting about how uncomfortable we got seeing such content in a place that’s meant to be safe.
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ut-agere · 3 years
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-Sans voluntarily regresses.
-Most of the monsters know one of the skeleton bros regresses but they often mistake Pappy as the regressor since he is seen as the more childish one whereas Sans is seen as the more grown up one! (mostly because of the dad jokes)
-Sans used to be really insecure about his regression, but after talking to his fellow monsters about it and seeing how understanding and accepting they were he began to feel a lot better about it! He still hides it from others though because he finds it funny.
-One time when sans was really upset and insecure about his smaller self Pappy got dressed up like a baby and tried to do what his brother would do in the head space, the pretend baby didn’t help Sans feel any better about himself but he did appreciate the gesture
-Sans sometimes has nightmare about finding his brother smoking in a crib
-Toriel and Alphys are the only other monsters aside from pappy to know about sans. 
-Toriel is the fun rich aunt who spoils both of the brothers
-Alphys likes to babysit but she gets very nervous when she actually does. 
-Alphys has started studying sans (with his permission) to better understand regression.
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ut-agere · 3 years
I can do this with characters like Nightmare! Sans or Dust or Killer
Pretty much any "bad" character I cam hc as babey or kiddo
Who’s a character that you HC as a regressor but it makes like,,, no sense. They’re just baby?
I’ll go first. L Lawliet is baby, and when detective work gets too hard he puts on a froggy onesie and sneaks cookies after he’s told not to.
Ya know who else is baby for no reason other than I said so? Cat Noir. And Ladybug is his CG, sorry I don’t make the rules.
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ut-agere · 4 years
Next day reblog!!
can , there be some,, headcannons of CG swap papyrus x reader? 🥺
Heya of course!!
Swap Papyrus
Alright now Paps is a chill dude in general with his behavior, but seeing you so small kinda freaked him out at first. He has never seen anything like age regression before so anxiety kicked in and he kinda wanted to bolt but he didn't, he doesn't want to hurt you. So instead he carefully interacts with you to get an idea of your behaviors and works with what he has. If you can vocalize your needs and wants hes attentive and quick to figure you out as he's close to you.
As time goes on you both find a well working schedule with research and lots of discussions about approaching your regression for both of your own comforts. So he doesn't go all out with his actions, he buys stuff that's lowkey or can be hidden away easily so you aren't outed to friends or family. This could include coloring books, snacks, pacis, plushies, ect. He is very careful even if he seems lazy and finds your safety to be top priority, you don't deserve to be hurt for coping and he doesn't want to cause it.
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ut-agere · 4 years
can , there be some,, headcannons of CG swap papyrus x reader? 🥺
Heya of course!!
Swap Papyrus
Alright now Paps is a chill dude in general with his behavior, but seeing you so small kinda freaked him out at first. He has never seen anything like age regression before so anxiety kicked in and he kinda wanted to bolt but he didn't, he doesn't want to hurt you. So instead he carefully interacts with you to get an idea of your behaviors and works with what he has. If you can vocalize your needs and wants hes attentive and quick to figure you out as he's close to you.
As time goes on you both find a well working schedule with research and lots of discussions about approaching your regression for both of your own comforts. So he doesn't go all out with his actions, he buys stuff that's lowkey or can be hidden away easily so you aren't outed to friends or family. This could include coloring books, snacks, pacis, plushies, ect. He is very careful even if he seems lazy and finds your safety to be top priority, you don't deserve to be hurt for coping and he doesn't want to cause it.
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ut-agere · 4 years
Reblogging because this is the undertale fandom for me in a nutshell
how other people see my enthusiasm in writing fics: passion
how it really is:
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ut-agere · 4 years
Hi hi! Could I get some CG Mettaton x little reader headcanons? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Hiya! I can definitely give it a go for sure!
Mettaton as a CG
In general we all know Mettaton as extremely flamboyant and loud. This can change depending on your little space. He can be very calm and quiet with a soft voice or loud and dramatic to play pretend! He prefers using his humanoid form when you are small as he enjoys being able to carry you in a non-discomfort filled way, plus its easier to show emotion in this form!
Mettaton loves playing dressup with you no matter your age range. He will dress you up in cute onsies if your really small, or over the top clothing of your choosing to look like royalty! He also is always mindful of any skin sensitivities even if he doesn't fully understand, he just wants you to smile!
Also of course there is playing pretend. It can be a simple game with plushies and dolls, tea parties, or crazy castle tours built out of cardboard for all your imagination desires.
When you get grumpy about naps, MTT discovered a way around this, by using his soul as a soothing light show if you don't mind the light as well as using music box music to help you relax.
In general he is very active and much more babysitter like in his behaviour but genuinely tries his best at caring for you and making you happy!
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@agerefandom @agere-fandom-time @mcschnuggles
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ut-agere · 4 years
Next day reblog!
could i get some caregiver! papyrus headcanons? Either with Frisk or with regressor!reader (dunno if that's ok) (thank u)
Heya! Sorry for taking so long anon! So this will be a Papyrus taking care of a regressor Reader headcanons!
Caregiver Papyrus Headcanons
Papyrus is always viewed as very naive and innocent, but he's extremely intelligent and intuitive. This means early on in your friendship or relationship he picks up on signs of you being a regressor.
He doesn't confront you immediately, he researches and tries to find the best ways to help you depending on your regression age. This means being slow and finding your favorite foods when small, do you need lots of cuddles, bottle, sippy cup, ect? He's very attentive.
Once you do finally open up to him, he goes all in. He had been looking at various toys for you for months at this point, so he orders a wall of boxes of toys and cute clothing. He is amazing at helping you regress and carries you around because he enjoys the chance to dote on you more.
Papyrus will have activities based off your interests. From kid video games to crafts to trips in the park when no one is around so you can get out energy. His goal is about allowing you to regress and show it in a safe and loving environment.
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ut-agere · 4 years
could i get some caregiver! papyrus headcanons? Either with Frisk or with regressor!reader (dunno if that's ok) (thank u)
Heya! Sorry for taking so long anon! So this will be a Papyrus taking care of a regressor Reader headcanons!
Caregiver Papyrus Headcanons
Papyrus is always viewed as very naive and innocent, but he's extremely intelligent and intuitive. This means early on in your friendship or relationship he picks up on signs of you being a regressor.
He doesn't confront you immediately, he researches and tries to find the best ways to help you depending on your regression age. This means being slow and finding your favorite foods when small, do you need lots of cuddles, bottle, sippy cup, ect? He's very attentive.
Once you do finally open up to him, he goes all in. He had been looking at various toys for you for months at this point, so he orders a wall of boxes of toys and cute clothing. He is amazing at helping you regress and carries you around because he enjoys the chance to dote on you more.
Papyrus will have activities based off your interests. From kid video games to crafts to trips in the park when no one is around so you can get out energy. His goal is about allowing you to regress and show it in a safe and loving environment.
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ut-agere · 4 years
could i possibly get headcanons for a caregiver error sans and/or a caregiver nightmare sans? they are big comfort for mes!!
Of course!
Caregiver! Error:
Lets be honest Error is a grumpy cat in skeleton form, so its difficult for him at first but he slowly gets used to you regressing.
Error often will knit for you items like blankets or plushies! He also enjoys binge watching shows with you and grabbing a lot of your favorite food and his favorite food! Error has issues with the voices but with you he is able to focus especially once you regress, because hey your essentially a baby bones now and need care.
Error also often enjoys stealing large amounts of toys and activities. He also managed to get enough furniture for you to have a proper home in his anti-void! Once Error cuddles you, he can't stop, he enjoys being able to hold someone close and not feel horrible about it.
Also if Ink is a bother when you're regressed, Error has found some ways to turn him into entertainment or just throws him out of his void.
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Caregiver! Nightmare:
Nightmare is very thrown off by your regression at first, and skirts around it, he doesn't hate it, just doesn't know what it is. He researches your regression and is able to figure out your needs.
Nightmare starts slow in interactions with you, he mainly starts by making sure you aren't a danger to yourself and that basic needs are met.
Overtime he softens up, spending more time with your regressed self and learning the ways to entertain you, and honestly he buys you a royal purple octopus plushie.
Eventually he reaches dad levels in caring for you and when you are regressed he refuses to leave you completely alone, the amount of times the gang has been roped into babysitting for 10 minutes so Nightmare can do something is absolutely ridiculous.
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ut-agere · 4 years
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Kiddo Ralsei aesthetic for anon!
Middle art is by chofana on deviantArt!
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ut-agere · 4 years
Boosting an amazing undertale regression story!
A Story For Sans
Fandom: Undertale
Characters: Papyrus & Sans
Words: 2,200
Prompt: Character A isn’t taking care of themself and Character B decides that it might be time for a break, not knowing Character A is on the verge of regressing from exhaustion. (featuring regressor!Sans and a confused but enthusiastically loving Papyrus)
Content Warnings: Unhealthy eating patterns and a moment that borders on forced regression: feel free to message if you want more specific details before reading.
Prompt List Here! / Request Rules / Other Stories
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Keep reading
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ut-agere · 4 years
Couple days later reblog!
Hi hi do you have ships that you will/won't do? I was wondering if I could get some headcanons for Sans and Toriel as caregivers kind of like a dad and mom taking care of a regressor?
Hey! So yes I do have limits on ships, I honestly have no problems with romantic pairings at all and will do any pairing, except pairings that include pedophilia or non-con. As for your headcanons here they are!
So early on Sans isn't sure of the approach to take with you, he often uses pictures on his phone or cartoons on TV to keep you distracted but this changes as time goes on. Later he is a complete dad, he does not like you swearing and loves to tease you, carry you around, and let you have too many sweets, this does change when Toriel enters the picture.
Toriel enters the picture after Sans as she didn't find out about your regression until later. But when she does, oh boy you have goat mom, being a huge mommy. She cares for you in the practical ways, making sure you are properly fed healthy food, schedules, ect. But she is also just as punny as sans, often keeping you entertained with various activities and giving you snacks.
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Note: This is not my art
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ut-agere · 4 years
Hey all requests are open!
Just a reminder if anyone is interested!
I will do basically any ship, pinned post explains a bit more, and I will do headcanons or writing!
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