yellow-cr0w · 12 days
The Wire Monkey Project - a conversation about childhood abuse and its effect on the body
The effects of childhood abuse/trauma are NOT talked about enough, especially in the medical field, especially with the overwhelming amount of studies documenting the link between childhood stress/trauma and a huge amount of chronic illnesses/psychological conditions.
What is this project?
This project is to spread awareness, and I admit (for a much more selfish reason) help me escape my own abusive situation. It's about childhood abuse, stress, and its effect on your body as you grow into an adult.
It covers physical and psychological effects of long-term abuse, and how it can cause things like asthma, IBS, heart disease, chronic pain, diabetes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, dissociative disorders, and much, much more.
These are a series of concept works for sweatshirts/tshirts, made up of different components:
Images (to be printed on transfer paper and ironed onto the garment)
Large text/shapes (to be painted with fabric paint)
Small text (from studies describing the effects of child abuse, to be embroidered)
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What is this project based on?
About 6 months ago, I read Solmaz Sharif's poem "Social Skills Training", and it goes as follows:
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As a survivor of child abuse, it's been seared unto my brain since I've read it. From this beautifully heartbreaking poem came a design project for a class last semester.
Are these for sale?
Unfortunately, I can't handmake any of these sweatshirts right now, as I live with abusive family and it would compromise my safety to even attempt to do so.
How can I make my own and/or support you?
However!! You can find the simpler designs on my Redbubble (under the "Wire Monkey" collection), AND I'm working on providing the image files on my Patreon (also under the "Wire Monkey" tab) so you can print them on your own clothing. I want to make my designs as easily accessible as possible.
Here are some examples:
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Will you make these in the future?
Once I am able to move out, I'm absolutely planning on handmaking the sweatshirts, and expanding them to different pieces of clothing like jackets, pants, etc. I do not want to produce the sweatshirts through a printing service (only the t-shirts).
They need to be hand embroidered.
I need to spend the 20-30 hours on each piece.
They are works of art.
The uncomfortable texture of the embroidered words on your skin, the fading of the fabric paint, it's a part of the art and I do not want to dilute that part of the message by getting it printed.
I will absolutely assist you in making your own using my concepts as a guide! Hence the downloadable pngs that I'm selling on my Patreon.
The studies that were used as part of this project:
"The Long-term Health Outcomes of Childhood Abuse"
"Understanding the Behavioral and Emotional Consequences of Child Abuse"
The Wire Monkey Experiment Original Text
^ Summarized
What will happen to the funds you receive?
If you choose to support me, your money will not go to a charity, it will not go to an organization. It will go to me, a trans man in his 20s desperately trying to escape his situation.
To those of you who have suffered the consequences of actions you did not take, to those of you whose lives are shortened through trauma, through chronic childhood stress, whose bodies have kept the score, I am so, so sorry. I see you.
Once again, my redbubble, and my Patreon (you do NOT need to be a member to buy my digital products, and they're listed for $3 each).
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yellow-cr0w · 11 months
Cím - an original story
A young woman with no memories of who she is or where she came from, ends up stuck with Erős, a grumpy, old, hot bear of a man, who is very reluctant to let her tag along. Despite their constant bickering, he's her only guide as she searches for answers in a world of monsters, tyrants, and people fighting to survive.
Tags: romance, slow burn, eventual smut (minors dni), adventure
Warnings (will get updated as the story progresses): violence, blood/gore,
Chapter One
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yellow-cr0w · 11 months
Cím - Chapter One
Note: This is an original story! You do not have my permission to translate or repost to other websites or claim my work as your own, of course. MINORS DNI.
Warnings: violence, eventual smut, blood/gore, head trauma, sexy grumpy dilf
Table of Contents & Summary
Waking up upside-down wrapped in a giant sticky web didn’t seem to be the best way to start my day, but here I was.
Once the fog eased from my pounding head, I took in my surroundings. The trees were silent and as a soft wind blew a putrid smell into nose. I glanced around some more, and noticed… bodies? They had been sucked dry, barely anything left to rot and almost fully wrapped in webbing. Holy shit, are those bite marks-
A deep grumbling came from the shadows in front of me, and 4 pairs of massive glowing red eyes opened one by one.
Okay, so maybe I started out my day absolutely fucked.
I wiggled frantically in an attempt to loosen myself, but the slime refused to budge an inch. A massive dark purple spider approached me, creepy, hairy legs outstretched. I sucked in a breath and froze as two arms as thick as my torso gripped my feet and shoulder.
I screeched, managing to kick one of the feet off of me, but before I could even process the responding shrill from the spider, its pincer-like fangs sank into my side.
I’m going to die.
As the beginning of a scream left my lips, the beast reeled back, an arrow lodged deep in one of its eyes.
I sucked in deep breaths, trying to calm my pounding heart. Warm blood gushed from the bite, and the pain dulled into a numbing cold. The spider continued to screech in the background, and I whipped my head around to search for the source for the arrow. A dark figure stood at the edge of the clearing, nocked arrow glinting in the dappled sunlight from the trees. It shot through the air, piercing another one of the spider’s eyes down to the feathery tip. The monster lurched forward for a second, before stumbling down and collapsing. The figure turns, and nocks another arrow, this time pointed straight at me. I squeezed my eyes shut.
Instead of being skewered, however, I fell to the ground with a soft thud.
As they walk towards me, I realize the figure is a man. A very well built man. His face is shrouded by a hood, but I can just make out the fine details of his leather amor as he kneels beside me and starts cutting at the webs. Large hands press hard against my side, but I barely register the feeling.
“I’m fine, it doesn’t hurt.” I mumble out. My hand weakly pushes against his arm and he bats it away, grumbling. “I had him right where I wanted him.” I continued, words slurring together. The cold creeps outwards, filling my arms and legs with lead. The branches above me blur into the darkness of his hood. The man finishes tying a piece of cloth tightly across my torso, before taking off his cloak. He’s handsome, but older than I thought, with lines beginning to etch themselves around his eyes. His short dark hair has streaks of grey, and so does his trimmed beard. He looks stern, almost annoyed, as he wraps the cloak around me and tosses me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
“I’m sure you did, kiddo.” His gruff voice responds.
The trees that pass me by mix and swirl into each other, colors blending into hazy mirages. It feels like seconds have passed before he’s setting me down inside of a tent. He supports my raised head with one hand and is pushing something to my lips with the other. I swallow the bitter liquid, listening to the shifting of his leather as my vision goes dark.
I stirred awake to my injured side being wiped down with a cloth.
I groggily peered at my savior as he worked. His brow is furrowed, brown eyes focused on the wound. I glance around instead, and notice the tent’s quite small, with barely any room for the sleeping bag I was resting on. There’s a couple bags of gear towards the entrance, and a small bowl filled with bloody water next to where he’s kneeling over me. A hand sliding under my back interrupts my looking around, and he lifted me up enough to bandage my wound. I manage a peek at it, and-
That looked ugly.
The wound itself was expertly stitched closed, but angry purplish green welts surrounded it. What was that thing? Although, more importantly, how did I-
“The nagypók is venomous, you’re lucky to be alive.” His deep, almost gravelly, voice interrupted my thoughts. He tied off the bandage and neatly tucked it underneath. He lowered me back down, and it was at this point I realized the only thing covering me was a thin blanket that came up to my hips, and another barely covering my chest. An embarrassed squeak escaped my lips as I tried to pull down the blanket over my stomach.
“You undressed me?” I almost didn’t recognize my voice as it came out, raspy and shrill. He finally looked at me, stoic expression betrayed by a twitch of his eyebrow.
“Did you want to still be covered in webs? If so, I can haul your sorry ass back over there.” He turned away, grabbing the bowl of watered down blood and rag, before standing up and making his way out of the tent.
“Well no,” I sputtered, “but-”
“-I had to clean off all of the blood you lost too-you’re welcome by the way- now, shut up and drink.” He handed me a bowl of what smelled like soup, and my stomach gurgled in longing. He ignored my outstretched, shaking, hands and instead placed his other hand behind my head to support it once again, and pressed the bowl to my lips. I ignored the heat on my cheeks and drank the broth greedily, counting the stitches in the blanket to avoid his intense stare as the strange, admittedly handsome man  hand-fed me.
“Thank you for helping me.” I mumbled once I was done, fingering the hem of the blanket. He made a noise that sounded like a scoff and stood up. Some clothes landed on my lap. I looked up.
“We have to head out in an hour, it’s not safe to stay in one place for too long, and we’ve already been here for two days. Get dressed.” With one more huff, he left.
“Grumpy old bastard.” I shot under my breath as I got dressed. The clothing was way too big for me, but it would have to do. I managed to use a piece of rope as a makeshift belt, careful to avoid rubbing against my side too much. I tied the bottom of the pants to keep them from catching on anything, and rolled up the sleeves to my elbow. My knees shook slightly as I stepped out, but they stayed standing.
“What should I call you?” I asked, watching him snuff out the fire. He glanced over at me begrudgingly.
“Erős.” He paused, before returning to pack supplies into one of his large bags. I mulled over the pronunciation. Eh-roush? Ehr-ush? There was a sound in there I couldn’t quite place. I opened my mouth to introduce myself back, but words froze to my tongue. “It’s common decency to introduce yourself when meeting someone new, didn’t your parents teach you manners?” He continued, glowering at me expectantly.
“I-” I swallowed thickly, meeting his gaze. “I don’t remember my name.”
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yellow-cr0w · 11 months
Hey! This is my new fan account for Bones, I won't be publishing any fanfic here (will def reblog community favorites! + memes), but I'll mainly be posting merch designs :)
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There is a distinct lack of meme shirts for Bones (2005) on Redbubble, so as the Very Obviously Official Jeffersonian Institution Social Media Account, we decided to make some Very Official merch. 
It might be July, but you can wear this shirt any time of the year. If anything, wear this any time of the year besides December.
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yellow-cr0w · 1 year
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I made this account with the sole purpose of sharing my writing, but as this is my only public account I gotta say something about this bullshit.
I never liked SunnyV2 after he accused someone of faking Tourette’s (who cares, you can’t prove it, mind your own damn business) and blatantly misgendered them while including their fuckin pronouns in the thumbnail for the video, but this vid is just blatantly transphobic.
Chris isn’t a fucking character. They’re a real human being, she’s being himself. I don’t watch Mr. Beast and I’ve never seen a video, but these people are friends with each other. This isn’t a tv show, these are real people making this, not writers.
I hate the internet, because people never know when to shut the fuck up and mind their own damn business.
You do not have to right to be a dickhead to someone just because they share something publicly. No one gives a crap about your opinions on somebody else’s appearance, identity, relationship, etc. You do not have the right to know things about people just because they’re famous.
They’re a real human being, she’s being himself.
I also don’t want to hear shit about this sentence, Chris uses all pronouns and I’m going to use them. If it makes you uncomfortable to see someone’s pronouns used in a sentence like this tell me so I can block you and never have to listen to your shitty opinion again.
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yellow-cr0w · 1 year
I love dressing like a lesbian archeologist in a 90s adventure film. Send post.
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yellow-cr0w · 1 year
[FREE] The Writer's Workbook
Hello hello, it's me! Hope you're doing well.
Today I am announcing a project I've been working on and is finally ready for you guys to download (for free!)
So, what is it, you ask me.
It's a digital WORKBOOK with over 90 pages to help you develop your new novel!
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With clear instructions, plenty of examples, and helpful resources, I designed this workbook to be easy to use and accessible for writers of all skill levels. It has plenty of worksheets and templates to help you organize your ideas and plan your novel!
Over 60 exercises
Worksheets and templates
A comprehensive list of additional resources to help you continue your writing journey
You can download it as a PDF and use it digitally or print it out!
I hope this is helpful <3 have a nice day
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yellow-cr0w · 1 year
I LOVE this post because it is absolutely very on-brand for everyone and now that I’m writing a Sweet’s x OC fic where the OC is Hodgins’ intern, I am 10000000% including the WYR into their dynamic.
I can absolutely see Hodgins and my OC (Julia) goofing off in between waiting for the spectrometer (and making moonshine) to play a game like WYR or that one game called Conspiracy Theory where someone gives you 2 topics and you try to connect them in the most bizarre way possible. And roping a very confused Zack and Brennan into it when they stop by the bug and slime room to relay case info.
I love your brain thank you for existing and writing this post
okay so here's how the bones family works imo
Caroline Julian is the protective mother bear to Booth even though sometimes she acts distant, as well as Brennan's mother in law (it's mostly cause feelings are hard sometimes, but never touch her family or you are done for)
Booth and Brennan are the caotic parents to Sweets and the Squinterns cause they're the B&B Ducklings Children (Booth will act like the big macho dad while also singing along to disney songs at the top of his lungs cause they are classics, okay? you can't not sing them!) (Bren will be very awkward about vocally supporting her kids even though she always does, but she'll also have no shame about talking about ANYTHING so there will be no taboos in this household. she smacks Booth upside the head every time he tries to Catholic Boy his way out of an Awkward Talk)
Hodgins is the weird in a cool way uncle who always plays Would You Rather with you at family functions (it's become tradition for him and the ducklings to have a WYR competition at every family dinner, whoever wins is crowned Monarch of the Family Dinner. the first time Zack won, hodgins cried with happiness at finally having succeeded in teaching him to properly Human™️)
Angela is the cool aunt who's travelled the world, always supports the ducklings' hyperfixations, and sneaks them vodka when the grown-ups aren't watching (she accidentally snuck too much booze into Sweets' cup one time and he admitted to having gotten a belly-button piercing in college cause he thought it made him look edgy. it didn't. that girl tricked him.)
Cam is Brennan's tired older sister who just wants to have 1 (one) normal family dinner for once in her life but that seems to be impossible with the chaotic family she's found herself in (she'll still tuck everyone in at night when they inevitably pass out, then finish a few bottles of the expensive wine while watching a rom-com with Bren and Angie. if anyone asks, no she didn't.)
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yellow-cr0w · 1 year
Fandom: Bones (2005)
Pairing: Lance Sweets x Reader
Rating: Teen & Up
Warnings: Severe injury and blood loss, description of an attack with a deadly weapon. I’m very new at writing so be warned that there might be other things that I didn’t think to include.
Description: I really really want to write a long term slow burn fanfic for Sweets, this is the first scene that I had fully formed in my head (even though it occurs MUCH later in the plot, so I supposed I’m spoiling the fanfic for everyone rn but you’ll probably forget this happened by the time I get around to writing it). At this point Sweets and the OC, Julia have been friends for years and moved in together after he dumped Daisy and stayed with Booth and Brennan for a while. I forget which serial killer was in this era but I’m going to be rewatching the entire show while I write so this scene will also be heavily edited later once I get to that part of the plot. 
Let me know if you have any suggestions since I haven’t written anything in a LONG time and this is my first ever fanfic that I’ve actually put on the internet!
I hope you enjoy! :)
Distracted by my thoughts, I stepped into the shower, the heat helping ease the tension from today. Sitting down to let the near-boiling water beat down onto the top of my head, I replayed earlier events.
A faint noise ripped me from my thoughts.
“Sweets? Is that you?” I stood, it should be way too early for him to be back home - unless I had been in the shower longer than I thought. He shouldn’t be home for another two hours at least, but maybe I had lost track of time. I winced, the water bill was gonna be high this month if that was the case.
Hands trembling, I reached to turn off the water.
The lights were out. I held my breath, frozen in place under the heated water.
Suddenly, the shower curtain was ripped open. The beginning of a scream left me before my mouth was covered. The weak light from the little toy nightlight outlined the horror in front of me. I blindly scratched at the silhouette - managing to land a few feeble hits until a sucker punch landed on my right side. The rough hand released my mouth and I was shoved hard into the tile wall.
The last thing I remembered was the ground disappearing from underneath my feet, and the quiet click of the light turning on.
I woke up shivering.
The freezing cold water contrasted the dull, crippling, warmth on my right side. I blinked at the filtered light coming from the closed shower curtain.
How long had I been here? My vision spun as I tried to push myself up on shaking hands to turn off the water. A spot just above my ear pounded. My stomach lurched and I resigned myself to leaning back and shivering.
I opened my eyes to the sound of the front door. 
Maybe whoever did this to me came back to finish me off. Maybe it was-
“Sweets,” my voice croaked out. He wasn’t going to hear me. Hell, I could barely hear myself. I tried again, sounding even weaker than the first time.
I closed my eyes again, praying to whatever, whoever, inhabited the sky that he would decide to use our apartment’s one and only bathroom soon. Maybe he would be too tired to brush his teeth before bed. Maybe he wouldn’t risk coming in with the shower running. Maybe he didn’t hear the water at all.
“Jules? You didn’t slip and fall down the drain did you?”
A small cry left my throat in my attempt to call for help.
Please, I silently begged.
“Are you okay in there?” A gentle knock along with a pause, “Julia?”
Come in.
The creak of the door and gentle footsteps pushed me to try again.
”Help… please.”
The shower curtain was hesitantly pushed open and I came face to face with a wide-eyed Sweets. He muttered expletives under his breath, rushing to turn off the freezing water and start grabbing several towels from the bathroom closet. He stumbled over himself trying to get a towel to lay flat on the bathroom floor before moving to cover my exposed body.
“-crap crap crap, how long have you been here? Do you know how much blood you’ve lost?” He leaned over the side of the tub. His eyes frantically searched my face.
“I’m not bleedi-“ I slurred out, my words fading into a cry as his hands pressed the rough fabric into my side. High pitched ringing blinded me and a furious coil rose into my throat.
“-s okay. You’re okay, stay with me.” A small tapping on my cheek prompted me to blearily open my eyes. “How long have you been here?”
“Don’t know.” A heavy lead filled my muscles, keeping me from shivering any longer. “-m so cold. I just woke up.”
“I’m gonna put you on the floor until the paramedics arrive, okay? You’re gonna be fine-“ Sweets repeated more soft encouragements as he carefully moved his arms under my bare upper back and just under my thighs. I sighed in relief as the hard curves of the tub no longer pressed into my bones. He lifted me like I was made of paper thin porcelain that would shatter at the slightest bump.
“You smell nice.” My head rag dolled against his arm, and I caught the hint of the earthy cologne he aways wore. “Why’re all the colors weird.”
My mouth felt funny.
Everything feels funny. Half of a laugh slipped out.
Sweets muttered more curses as he kneed next to me. “-k you’re in shock.” One of his hand pressed hard on my side as he desperately fumbled to release his phone from his pocket. “It’s going to be okay- I’m calling 911 they’re going to help you.” He blinked rapidly, phone shaking and jerking with each beep of the keypad. “-you’re going to be okay. You’re going to be oka- COME ON answer the phone.” The pressure on my side increased.
“Lance,” I faintly tugged on his dress pants. I heard the faint noise of the 911 operator picking up and getting cut off in their standard introduction by Sweets speaking faster than I could register. I repeated myself, losing my grip on the fabric. Beautiful, wild eyes ripped away from the blood soaked towel to look at me.
“I’m in love with you.”
A sob broke out of his mouth as he switched the phone to speaker and threw it down onto the tile. He used both hands to stop the bleeding, now blubbering our address to the operator.
His left hand broke away and moved to cup my face. I leaned into his touch, the dark edges of my vision creeping to the center.
It feels so nice.
“Don’t cry.” I mumbled, vision swirling as I tried to fight it and focus on what he was saying.
“Jules. Julia, no- stay with- NO.”
Too bright, I tried to say.
I’m so tired.
I’m sorry Lance.
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yellow-cr0w · 1 year
I love how the wording of the caption implies that h0rdur created the craters
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Craters in Iceland by h0rdur
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yellow-cr0w · 1 year
my favorite free tools for writers
hello, hello! hope you're doing well.
today i am bringing you another list with my top 3 favorite (free!) tools that I find helpful for each phase of writing a novel.
brainstorming phase
Fantasy Names Generator - not only for fantasy (you can also generate real names). this website is just... amazing! it helps you come up with names for characters, places and locations, descriptions, generate traits, outfits (yes, outfits!!), and probably something else you could ever think of.
The Story's Hack - this one is so cool! you can generate names for everything, create your own generator, and practice writing through writing exercises! plus, you can save your generated names to see later, and you earn coins for each idea generated (you can later buy themes - dark, snow, forest, etc)
RanGen - my last favorite generator on this list is RanGen! you can generate plots, appearances, archetypes, love interests, cities, worlds, items, and more.
developing the idea phase
Bryn Donovan - in this blog you can find master lists under the tag "master lists for writers". it is so helpful when you first start developing the characters and need to find the right words to describe them and to find some quirks and flaws!
Writers Write (350 character traits) - again, this is so helpful!
Story Planner - ah, the number of times I've talked about this website... please, PLEASE take a look at it, you won't regret it. this website has literally everything you need to fully develop your idea with outlines for you to fill in step by step.
writing phase
Colleen Houck (80+ barriers to love) - need more romace conflict? there you go!
Cheat Sheets for Writing Body Language - so, you know how your character's feeling, but don't know how he'd physically act? check out this list!
Describing Words - honestly, this is a lifesaver. don't you struggle to find the right word to describe something? well, with this website all you have to do is to type the object you're trying to describe and see which description fits better to you!
revising phase
Language Tool for Google Docs - i know we all have heard about google docs before, but the truth is, it's almost impossible to find free softwares to check grammar and spelling. so, google docs is useful, because it automatically revises it for us, and it's completely free. plus, you can add adds-on, such as "language tool".
Unfortunately, there's only one (free) tool that I actually enjoy for the revising phase. if you know some others, please let me know so that I can try them out and feature in this list.
exporting phase
Google Docs - i find google docs very easy to format and export to .epub, so i'd recommend using it as a free tool.
Reedsy - this is also a free tool available online. all you have to do is to write down each chapter (copy and paste) or import your word document. it will format the document to your liking and export it to pdf, epub and mobi.
that's everything for now! i hope this post was somehow helpful or inspiring!
if you want to see more master lists full of resources, check these:
BEST accounts to follow as a writer
Useful Resources & Tips for Writers
also, if you are a notion lover just like me, check the free template I just released with everything you need to develop and write your novel!
thank you so much for reading! hope to see you around, and have a nice day <3
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yellow-cr0w · 1 year
Exactly why I’m working on a long term slow burn Sweet’s fanfic, I’ve been struggling to find any that are *chef’s kiss* (please recommend some to me if you know any slow burn (I'm talking like 60 chapters until a kiss scene) to smut fics)
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