Hello! I'm still a bit sick, but at least I got my motivation to draw again :D I made this drawing of Ice king from Adventure time and a short animation in IbispainX, but whenever I tried to upload the animation, Tumblr told me that it's wrong format/file type. I'll try to figure it out, but in the mean time here is the drawing. :)
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Hello! I'm so sorry for not uploading much lately, I've been sick for the past two weeks and lost all motivation to draw, but I do have some drawings that I started which I'll finish once I'll be feeling better.
However I seriously need some help with Tumblr. Over the past few weeks an account that has explicit photos on it's profile started following me and whenever I block and report it within 24 hours another one starts following me again. This has happened already about 6 times. I am a minor, I feel very uncomfortable about this and I would like know if there's any way to prevent this from happening. If you have any suggestions, please tell me. I genuenly don't know what to do anymore.
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Hello! Yesterday I was doodling and in the process of it I drew a silly picture of Cucurucho wearing my sister's backpack. I didn't think of it much at the time, but today I colored it and I think I like the way it turned out. Although I'm not sure what's going on with their paws. I tried everything to fix it, but nothing seems to work…
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Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week! I was really looking foward to this, since I only found out a couple months ago that something like this exists, only for my calendary to betray me and not give me any notifikation (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) Anyways here's a quick drawing of snake with an aromantic flag :D
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I like snakes :)
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Hello! I originally wanted to post a different drawing, but when I went to scan the lineart from paper to color it digitally, I realized that I forgot it at school😅 Well, at least it forced me to finally finish working on this comic (I was drawing this for the past 2-3 weeks and it's been starting to make me crazy XD). It's from the last video of Sandiction, I'll put a link to it bellow.
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It was a lot of fun making this, but I think that I'll take a break from making comics for a while…
You can find the clip at 39:50 of this video:
See you soon!
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@ssavaart I watched the video and personally, I think it was great! The advice was really good and I even found out that I've been shading the iris wrong this entire time :D There's no need stress too much about it, as that is unfortunately how the YouTube algorithm usually works (prioritizes shorts over long content). Something that I've noticed to help people, is to take short clips from the long video and add a link to it that is leading to the original, serving as a way of promoting it better and helping it reach much wider range of audience. Even than, please take my advice with a grain of salt, since the last time I uploaded anything to YouTube was 2 years ago before I got bored and gave up😅
In case if anyone stumbles upon this reblog, I'll put a link to the video in question, since I found the advice there to be really helpful!
Apologies for any gramatical errors or incohearent sentences, as my english is self-taught through listening so most of the time I'm just taking my best guess at how things are spelled. Feel free to correct me, since I love learning this language from the bottom of my heart!
3...2...1... DEPRESSION!
Hi All!
Can we talk about how quickly we can become depressed when we try new things and they don't work out?
I have been doing short videos (vertical and under a minute) for almost 4 years now and I wanted to try and move to a long form format (horizontal and about 3-5 minutes) this year.
Yesterday, I made a video, that took me all day to make, about Drawing Eyes.
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I tried to make it as clear as possible and I was very proud of it (I even referenced the Death Star too).
I posted it around dinner time and walked away.
I came back to the worst performing video of my life.
I have made over 1,000 videos and THIS was the worst performing video... EVER.
Not only was it performing so bad but YOUTUBE kept sending me NOTES on HOW BAD IT WAS!
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And instantly... I went into a depressive state.
"Why am I even doing this?"
"I'm the worst"
"I'm going to be making Shorts forever"
I'm 55. I've tried new things SO many times and failed at them SO many times.
I've been through this before and... survived.
But despite that.... I STILL get depressed when things don't go according to plan.
Is this an Autism thing? Is it an Artist thing?
Or is this a HUMAN thing?
I'm still trying to figure it out, my friends.
But needless to say... yesterday's "experiment" really took the wind out of my sails and I'm still recovering.
As always... I want to share the triumphs and tragedies of being an artist. I try to share moments like this so you know you are NOT alone.
Artists bare their soul to the world and it hurts when an algorithm or critics or trolls piss all over your work. Your soul.
I'm hoping that by talking about it... we can feel... not so alone in our journey.
At least that's the hope.
Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥
PS. It was SO BAD, apparently, I LOST viewers!
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School is right now killing me and the fact that I'm working on four different pictures simultaneously doesn't help either. I'm not dead (yet), I'll just be probraly silent for the next week or so. In case you are looking for some cool art from other artist, I started a side blog for rebloging: @reblogs-from-mushroom
See you soon!
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Hello! Yesterday I made this drawing of goodtimeswithscar as hotguy and I'm having a bit of a trouble with deciding on which version of the picture should I use. I know that the difference between the drawings isn't that big, but I've been struggling with this for the past eight hours of my life and I'm simply clueless.😅 Which one do you think looks better?
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By the way, I'll be posting some QSMP stuff as usual in about two days. Tomorrow I'll be on a trip with my family, so the earliest I'll be able to look at the results of my last vote could maybe be the day after tomorrow. In case you would like to vote too, I'll put a link here. The vote is about witch of the different egg designs would you like to see more (human or dragon)
Hope to see you soon!
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Hello! I currently have 2 different drawing ideas, but they require a lot more complex pose and I have no clue on in what form should I draw the eggs in. I made a bunch of doodles with some of them in human and dragon form. Let me know with one you would prefer! :D
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Hello! At this point it seems that me apologizing for not posting when promised is becoming an unfortunate part of every post that I make, but since I haven't posted in so long I feel like I need to at least explain myself. I'll put the explanation underneath the drawing and below a cut, just to make this post a bit easier to read. For people who aren't interested (which I totally understand) here is a drawing of Quacki :)
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First of all, I'm so sorry for the long wait. I got quite overwhelmed after seeing the amount of response that my last drawing got and while I am thankfull to everyone for that, it made me feel a bit anxious about how many people have seen it😅 But worry not! As during the time I was inactive I made a ton of drawings, doodles and sketches that I'll try my best to share :D
And secondly, since whenever I promise to do something on time I fail miserably, I'll leave the question of when will I post again with the answer "hopefully soon". I would love to post with some kind of schedule, but seeing that I'm probraly not ready for this much responsibility over a hobby I'll keep the deadlines much looser for now.
That should hopefully be all for now, If you have any questions you can ask them either in the comments or by using the "ask me anything!" button on my profile and I'll be more than happy to answer them :)
For now, bye! :D
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Oh my god! My sister just gave me a pair of googly eyes, so I decided to put them on my braces case and it just looks so silly! I LOVE IT SO MUCH, JUST LOOK AT IT
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I don't usually post this kind of stuff, but I just had to lol
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :D
That sounds like fun! Ok, here are some of mine:
- Rainy days, especially without umbrella. There is just something so wonderful to me about putting all my cares aside and coming home (as we say in czech) wet like a chicken
- Food. I think that's all I need to say about this one.
- Drawings from my younger sister. She is such a great artist and seeing her drawings is amazing!
- Biology (except for human bodies, yuck!). I especially love learning about plants and insects
- As for the last one it definitely must be drawing! It's one of mine most favorite things to do and I'm not sure what I would do without it.
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Hello! Lately I've had a lot of school, so I only have about 1-2 hours a day to work on my drawings. Although this means that my uploading schedule will be slower, I'll try to post some drawing or at least a doodle or sketch once every 3-5 days. Anyways I randomly found this screenshot and I just had to draw it XD
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This took almost 9 hours, help💀
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Birds are unfortunately not really my field, but my best guess is that there is some kind of food source near by. For example, we have a lot of trees with berries planted in our small town that are pretty close to a path which many people walk on. And so a lot of blackbirds gather here usually around 8 am to collect the berries, since that is the time that the least amount of people are around. Maybe the reason they are there at such a specific time may be because at other times there might be some kind of disturbance or predator, that could also be the reason why there are so many of them, since the higher the amount of them, the higher are the chances of scaring off any danger to them.
This is just my best guess however and I recommend taking it with a grain of salt.
If anyone who stumbles uppon this and might think that they have something to add or think that I'm wrong, feel free to correct me! Birds are something that I would love to learn more about and I'm just as interested in finding out why do the crows do that just as anyone else.
I apologize for any gramatical errors as my english is self-taught through listening, so most of the time I'm just taking my best guess at how things are actually spelled. I hope it's not too hard to read :D
Okay so I really an answer to this-
Lately, the crows have been acting weird, I live right next to a forest, I can see it straight from my window. Two days ago, a bunch of crows, and when I say a bunch, I mean like a bunch. Like, that's gotta be at least a hundred! (They were so many they looked like flies gathering around a rotten apple– they were legit covering up the sky!! It was crazy!) They were just gathering together covering the sky and flying around and sometimes they would circle around and charge at one spot together then just scatter! They would all land together on a bunch of trees right next to each other and then scatter again! Just randomly- I took a viedeo of it but only for 2 minutes. They kept doing it for half an hour till it got dark at 17 o'clock and then they just disappeared as randomly as they came.
I thought it was weird, but y'know, whatever– sometimes birds just be crazy.
But for the last two days they have been doing the. exact. same. thing.
At. The. Exact. Same. Time.
For the. Exact. Same. Length.
They always start at 16:30 and end at 17:00 when it's dark outside. Somehow no one else in my family has seen it?!?? I'm starting to think some beast-tamer-dark-magic-wizard is just fucking with me.
And today they kept flying towards my room, they flew towards the trees and then towards my window, flying up right before getting too close and then flying back to the trees and redoing that over and over again. And I've gotta say, it's really unnerving when like 60 crows are doing it at the exact same time. (They have been getting fewer in number). I dont think I've ever pissed a crow off so I don't know why it's right outside my window- but yeah I'm just confused rn bc it seems so weird to me. My leading theory was that the crows were just coming back from migration but then I remembered that it's still January, not summer. And crows don't even migrate! So yeah no leading theories anymore.
Anybody know what going on?
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It's finally over, WOOOOOOOOO! On one hand I'm relieved that I'm done with it, but on the other I'm feeling really nervous about whether or not I'll get accepted to the art school. Here is (after way longer than I would like) a drawing of Tallulah! I wanted to try a bit more silly and cartoony style than I usually do and I figuret this screenshot would be the perfect match for this :) Also this is the first time that I'm drawing any of the eggs as humans, hope you like it!
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I know that I wrote in one of my previous posts that I would upload sooner, but I was feeling so tired that I just couldn't bring myself to draw anything 😅 In case if you're wondering when will I post the drawing of Empanada and her moms, don't worry, I'm still working on it, but I'm right now stuck on the color pelette of the drawing. I'll post it as soon as it's done, I just needed to make something silly to motivate me. Hopefully see you soon :D
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Tomorrow morning is the day of my admissions… Fingers crossed that I'll get accepted
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Happy New Year everybody! I hope you're having a wonderful time :) While waiting for midnight I made a bunch of doodles with my best friend I colored one of them and thought you'd like it. This one is inspired by a bracelet she wore and we both thought one of my oc's would love it lol, she is a lesbian cyclops pirate and I love her :D Wish you an amazing year!!!
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The day of my admissions is coming in just 3 days… God, I'm so nervous 😅
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