hey chat in hyperfixated on mha so bad it hurts so plz
im gonna add a shit ton of tags for reach💋
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your-yandere-bestfriend ¡ 3 months
     ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.Wet dreams.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Todoroki Shoto
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Based off the song Wet Dreamz by J. Cole.
(Guys do I drop this after a 2 year hiatus or no )
。。。 Though it was the second day of school already, there had already been talk of a new student—most likely gossip overheard from the U.A. staff. Typically a new student wasn’t of much appeal, this was a huge school after all, even though it was prestigious, but what made the U.A. students so chatty about this new student was the fact that she was a foreigner. There had only even been three American students in the long history of U.A. high school, so getting a transfer was not only impressive, due to the fact that she wasn’t required to participate in the entrance exams, and also exciting.
The bell chimed for second blocks end, and next for the students of class 3.A., was the drowse inducing subject. Math. The teachers filtered out in order to teach their proper subject, after all just because this was a hero school didn’t mean that they were excused from engaging in normal, more uneventful subjects. Todoroki sat with perfect posture in the back of the room, awaiting the teachers entrance. His ears perked up when he heard Midoriya speak of the new girl who might’ve been making her first entrance today, though he didn’t quite care for a new student, it honestly had nothing to do with him, he hadn’t found a need for more friends, Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, and Floppy felt plentiful.
The door slid open, the chattering of the class going still. In walked Cemento, but it wasn’t just him, it was also the new girl, and now that he has seen her with his own eyes, he could understand what the excitement was for. She had mesmerizing, smooth skin, she was delicate looking, with the such pretty eyes, they put his heterochromia ones to shame. Along with her pretty eyes and gorgeous figure her hair was long, around 30 inches, and red just like his left side, Todoroki couldn’t care less if it was real or not. He was sure his mouth was keenly open, but he knew he wasn’t alone, even the girls in the class were shocked at her appearance.
Cemento guided her to the front of the large classroom, in front of the expensive smart board that wasn’t yet displaying geometry problems, thankfully.
Cemento was preparing to give her the go ahead to start speaking but she already took that initiative for herself.
“Hi everyone it’s an absolute pleasure to meet you all! I’m … and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you,” she beamed.
Sure she was already beautiful but todoroki could feel fire coming out his right side when she smiled revealing a straight line of pretty, white teeth. His multicolored eyes glanced around his classroom, and even the notorious Bakugou was in awe, a sight he has never yet seen.
“It is an absolute honor to have you here … ! Your Japanese is impressive!” Iida stood up moving his arm in the odd robotic like motions, but todoroki doubted anyone missed the telltale pink blush flushed across his pale face.
… bowed in response, traditional Japanese etiquette that she had obviously studied along with the language.
His eyes followed her long legs as she walked to the only empty seat in the room. Right next to him.
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why r u so mad abt the inclusivity thing... it’s nawt that deep especially for some tumblr fanfics get a job
because poc deserve to see themselves in the reader, to feel that love from their favorite hq boy UNCONDITIONALLY. hq is a comfort fandom. every person in the world needs and deserves their comfort. for poc readers, they cannot entirely relate to a piece of content that distinctly draws the reader a certain and specific way. when this occurs, a tone is set; it begins to say poc cannot be with a hq boy, can’t share kisses in the morning, hold their hand or confidently say, belong with my kin/fav.
additionally, (I have been writing for 8+ years and have been adapting my style constantly) making a piece of writing skin tone inclusive IS NOT difficult in any means. perhaps it occurred accidentally, but a piece of writing that repeats a skin tone suggestively continues to alienate and define a reader in black and white; you as a reader can or cannot identify your self with someone you love (hq) whole heartedly when you distinctly deserve to belong with them!
hq is a massive comfort fandom, as mentioned before, what’s wrong with being actively inclusive in your writing when it comes to skin tones and how you describe it, especially when hq boys go crazy for the reader? seriously, what’s the fuss in just using alternative terms, huh?
i personally feel that repeating red tones on a reader is lazy writing, ya i fucking said it, its lazy because there is no distinct effort or respect towards the reader and their desired relationship to said character. it’s extraordinarily painful to not be capable of finding comfort in a character who helps you when you’re at your darkest moments, who probably is the voice in your head telling you you look so pretty, who makes you smile and laugh while you’re breaking down, who accepts you as you are.
poc readers fucking deserve it all the time and an ask like this just demonstrates that negligence.
in complete simple terms, a reader will not be able to feel complete effective comfort with a reader who does not look like them, exhibiting features they cannot identify with.
the entire tone of my message circulates the idea that writers be aware of how you write a reader. writing your reader to the upmost inclusivity (skin tone wise, ofc we want more inclusivity in other domains but for the sake of answering you, we are focusing on skin tones) you are capable of, that, (in my opinion) is the sexiest writing i have ever read!
when you say it’s ‘nawt that deep’ : it’s fucking deep as hell. fan fiction is an escape from reality and the people who produce the content enjoy what they write and find a small hub with other people who enjoy and love it too!
i don’t care really if writers write for themselves and determine they want to write with shades of red, but it’s worth being aware that, that will affect a reader. that same word can easily be replaced with heat or fire, an alternative description. i’m not here to police how people write but i am here to remind you that your writing can affect a reader!
sometimes when i see these words used, i kindly message the writer and mention it and they’re very kind about the matter and eventually change it! but when i read a lot of content in one sitting and see it throughout amongst different accounts, it does affect me to a degree.
if anything I have said and mentioned upsets you or offends you as a reader or writer and you feel the need to voice that via my inbox and perhaps even critique my own reading, you’re more than welcome to. but this is how i feel and i’m not apologizing. if you absorb my words as an attack on your writing, your missing the purpose of my response. this concern might not matter to you, but it matters to me. you’re entitled to your own opinions but this is my dispute.
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How many times do I have to read “red” as a mention of the readers skin tone. Red is not an inclusive term to use for all reader inserts. Read over your work. I’ve seen 7 pieces in the last few days that feature the mention.
PRACTICE INCLUSIVITY. It is not difficult. I do not mean to sound aggressive but seriously. Please don’t alienate your reader because they cannot identify with the description.
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one of my biggest flexes is that i’ve never called myself a weeb
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Sketches requested by my dear followers on Instagram and Twitter :)
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I looked at this and said “you should have stopped telling him He should have come to shiratorizawa”. xD
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huey coming for hero society’s neck as he should
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I get so angry hearing and reading about what's happening in Palestine right now. I don't even know what to do and it all feels hopeless 😔
The situation around Sheikh Jarrah should make everyone angry. For those of you who might not know what’ going on here’s a brief breakdown:
Indigenous Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah, for a very long time, have been fighting lengthy legal battles in Israeli courts against eviction orders which aim to replace these indigenous people with illegal Israeli settlers. 
On May 7th, the illegal Israeli settlers along with courts (an apparatus of Israel’s apartheid regime) have started a campaign to illegally take over the home’s of Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah. These families were given until today (May 10th, 2021) to “reach an agreement” with the occupiers. This obviously prompted protests. The IDF has also brutally responded to these protests. Now the world is watching and global protests have started happening.
Some important things to note:
-Sheikh Jarrah belongs to the Palestinian families. It is part of the occupied Palestinian territory, and therefore any Israeli settler presence in it amounts to a war crime under international law. 
-There has been a mountain of UN Security Council resolutions demanding that Israel withdraw from East Jerusalem which Israel continues to ignore.
-This is ethnic cleansing
I know you feel hopeless but here’s what we can do:
-Support BDS (Boycott, Divestments, Sanctions) movements (What”s BDS?) Boycott Israeli products from their colonial settlements
-Understand whats happening in Palestine and the crimes of apartheid/persecution being committed by Israel. (Check out this great report by HRW on the situation) After getting an understanding. SPREAD AWARENESS. Especially in the US. This is key to combatting Evangelical propaganda and Israeli lobbyists. Do this through social media.
-Contact your local reps and pressure them to stop giving Israel military funding or any form of financial support. Fight against zionist lobbyists such as AIPAC or Christians United for Israel.
-Donate if you can. Here’s a few links. If you can add more (reputable) donation links to this, I ask that you please do. 
International Medical Corps
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
Grassroots Al-Quds
I found this great twitter thread of donation links
Here is another
This is a start and we can honestly make change happen. I personally believe social media outrage coupled with supporting the BDS movement is a great way for you to help even by sitting at home. 
Most of all, it’s important to spread awareness.
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popular reader & shy boi :]
ib: @leylaniee !! go like their post !! // no proofreading srry
kenma knew he wasn’t attractive or interesting enough to catch the eye of anyone at his school. he was reminded of this every year on valentine’s day when he was greeted with an empty locker. this year though, he received a bright pink letter decorated with heart stickers that read ‘meet me on the rooftop after school’ kenma somehow couldn’t process this and started making up every excuse as to why this was happening. ‘this was probably a mistake’ ‘maybe it’s for kuroo’ ‘yeah that’s it’. the whole day, kenma agonized over how he would tell this poor person that they put their love letter in the wrong locker. the knot in his stomach only deepened when he approached the stairs of the roof and saw your face. you were one of the most popular people in the whole school, this was definitely a mistake. kenma began apologizing without making eye contact. “sorry, you put your letter in the wro-” “i really like you, kenma” kenmas eyes shot up at you, not really sure if he was hearing what you said correctly. kenma was a stuttering mess, not really sure how to respond. but the furious blush on his cheeks told you all you needed to know.
aone couldnt believe this was happening. every morning on his desk, a note and some assortments of sweets stood on his desk. the notes always contained sweet compliments about him, and as nice as they were aone couldn’t trust it. he genuinely believed that this was some elaborate prank mf some weirdos were pulling. so, today, aone decided to wake up a little earlier and find out who was teasing him. he hid in the boys bathroom until he heard the squeaking of sneakers approach his classroom. he followed the sound into the classroom, where he saw you halfway into putting the daily note and candy on his desk. aone froze, taken aback by the fact that the person who was leaving him notes was someone so highly valued in the school. you, who also froze, decided now was better than ever to confess. “i’ve been leaving this stuff on your desk everyday because i was too scared to tell you that i like you...” aone was still stupefied as to the fact that this was happening right now. when it all processed, aones ears bursted a crimson red as he tried his best to avoid eye contact.
yamaguchi had little to no experience with crushes. which is why everytime you flirted with him, he laughed at off as a joke. because why would you ever like him? you were yards out of his league, and because of that he internally punched himself when he realized he was starting to like you. he knew if he confessed and you rejected him, everything would be awkward, so he took the safer route: avoiding you completely. he stopped walking home with you, sitting near you at lunch, and did everything he could to make sure you two were never alone. you eventually got fed up. you approached yamaguchi while he was distracted at his locker, and he jumped with a sqeak when he finally noticed your presence. “d-do you need anything?” his breath was shaky, you couldn’t bear to get angry at him. “yes, actually, i do. why have you been avoiding me?” yamaguchi fiddled with his fingers. he couldn’t tell you the truth, but he couldn’t possibly lie either. “i’m really sorry, i think i like you!” yamaguchi confessed with his eyes closed. you touched his shoulders, which made him stiffen up and open his eyes. “dummy, i like you too”
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Reblog and put in the tags your comfort anime
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Shark teeth buddies
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Also why do I feel like this some stuff kirishima would say or denki...
No just me
@liltodo @lilsparkyswife @queenofallimagines
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if you only like fatgum in his skinny form
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and not his fat form...
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then you don’t deserve him 😤
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Kags is done finally!! I should honestly just buy a braid brush 😅. Anyways Atsumu is next! Send requests!
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