zh0nggucc1 · 1 month
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Tartarean Paradise
Pairing: Incubus!Hongjoong x Gn!Reader
WC: 4.8k
Content Warning: NSFW, cunnilingus, praise, spanking, possessiveness, use of marijuana, use of alcohol, demonology, fingering, Dom!Hongjoong, Sub!Reader, unprotected sex
Content: You and your roommate decide to go to a concert but little do you know behind the curtains the band has a dark secret.
A/N: This has not been proofread so I do apologise for any mistakes. Please if you guys have any requests I would love to hear them! I hope you all enjoyyyy 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
You had never been the religious type. You didn’t believe in Heaven or Hell. The eternally damning, consequences of one’s actions never crossed your mind. You believed living in fear of making one wrong move was no way to live a life. Time was not a luxury we were blessed with, you refused to live your life in regret. In conclusion, you did whatever you wanted and you didn’t give a shit about the consequences.
You had one mission for the night, as you threw on the least modest outfit you could find, a good time. If that meant getting black-out drunk or as high as the ceiling then so be it.
“Y/n! Hurry the fuck up! We need to leave!” Your roommate yelled from outside of your room. “Five more minutes, I swear!” You replied, stumbling to put your shoes on. You and Exodus had been roommates for 2 years now but you had known him for a lot longer. You met Exodus in university through the mutual view that it was an absolute fucking waste of time. Ever since then, you refused to leave each other's side. Once you had your shoes on, you grabbed a bag, you had prepared with all of your concert essentials inside of it.
You were going to see an underground band called ATEEZ. Tickets were pretty cheap and from what you had heard their music was pretty good. You didn’t know anything about the band itself and you didn’t even really know many of their songs but it was something fun to do.
You grabbed your hoodie and left your room. “Alright, I’m ready.” You spoke. “Finally, let’s go.” Your roommate gently pushed you towards the door, in a rush. You left the apartment complex, fidgeting with your bag, pulling out two pre-rolls. “We better smoke these before we get to the venue.” You smirked and handed your roommate one of the blunts. He rolled his eyes, snatching it out of your hands, a small smile playing at his lips. “You’re a bad influence on me.” He jokes, though he was probably right, your reckless attitude caused trouble.
You placed the addictive drug between your lips, swiftly lighting it. Once it was lit you threw the lighter to Exodus, allowing him to light his. With the first inhale, you allowed the toxic steam to enter your lungs, immediately feeling a calm rush hit your head. You were more of a drinker but you still enjoyed smoking.
You smoked while you walked to the venue, it wasn’t too far from your apartment complex, only a fifteen-minute walk. You strutted confidently, you saw the world as your runway and you were obsessed with the outfit you had picked out, it didn’t leave much to the imagination, just how you liked it.
Once you were finished smoking, you carelessly tossed what was left of the joint onto the ground. “Are you excited?” Exodus asked, a grin painting his face. “Fuck yeah,” you replied, rubbing your hands together mischievously. He playfully rolled his eyes, tossing his finished joint onto the ground.
Although you were excited, a dark feeling was bubbling in the pit of your gut and you couldn't quite pinpoint why. You had absolutely nothing to be concerned about today so what was this feeling? Weed usually relaxed you so what was it? You just brushed it off and continued your walk without thinking about it too much.
Soon enough you arrived outside the venue, it was pretty small but that was expected for an underrated band. You noticed eyes peeking at you, which was understandable due to your provocative attire. When you arrived, the doors were open however there was still a small queue of people going in. You both made your way to the back of the queue and waited to have your bags checked. You slumped your shoulders, impatiently. You were too excited, you wanted to go in already.
You made sure you were ready and you unzipped your bag as the line progressed further into the building. Excitement soon turned into adrenaline and your palms were becoming sweaty as it pumped through your veins. You were now at the front of the line, getting your bags checked. Once you received the green light, you couldn't have made your way to the bar any faster. Surprisingly, there wasn't much of a queue around the bar. “Can I get a vodka Red Bull?” You asked the bartender, sending her a playful wink. She got to it immediately. Once you had received it, you tapped your card, waiting for Exodus to order his usual vodka lemonade. Once he received his drink and had paid, you both made your way as close as possible to the stage.
There were multiple instruments sprawled out on the stage and a microphone stand near each one. You took a sip from your drink, the burning alcohol lingering in your throat. You loved that feeling. There was a series of random songs that played before the band began their performance. There were probably only two rows of people in front of you and Exodus and due to your platforms heightening you, you had a perfect view of the stage.
Soon enough, the lights dimmed and the music stopped. The band made their way out onto the stage, a dark aura following them. There was something strange about this band, they weren't like anyone you had ever seen before. They were dressed in pristine white like angels but gazing upon them felt oddly sinister. There was one member in particular, his energy was more stygian than anyone else in this room. He entered the stage with a sinister smirk planted on his face. Confidence simply oozed off of him and it was extremely attractive, though he didn’t need it to be attractive, his face looked as if it was moulded by the Gods. His outfit contradicted his aura. He picked up a guitar, right in the middle of all of them. He must’ve been the lead guitarist, even more attractive. Who doesn't like a man that's good with his hands?
The first song started, and it was like the lead guitarist had become a demon the second his fingers touched the guitar strings. His eyes found yours and it made you feel like you were the only person in that room. You knew nothing about this man, it was a surprise to you that he had this immediate effect on you. It was as if he had put a spell on you. That obviously wasn’t the case though, right?
You continued to sway your hips to the music, your drink raised. You brushed your slender fingers through your hair as you danced with not a care in the world. You felt eyes boring into you as you danced. It was the lead guitarist, it felt as if his eyes never left you like you would disappear if his eyes even left you for a second. His eyes were different from any eyes you had ever seen before, you couldn't see anything through them, nothing but secrets. He was so intriguing, you felt the desire to explore him, his thoughts, his body, you wanted to know it all. He threw his jacket off, revealing a tattoo on his arm, it read ‘no1likeme’, you knew that was no word of a lie. You couldn’t tell what it was that you were feeling but you knew that no man had ever made you feel that way before.
They performed the first three songs and paused to speak to the audience. “Hello, I am Hongjoong!” The lead guitarist started. “I’m Seonghwa!” “I’m Yunho!” “I’m Yeosang!” “I’m San!” “I’m Mingi!” “I'm Wooyoung!” “I'm Jongho!” The rest followed. They were all equally as breathtaking as the other but Hongjoong was different, you couldn't understand why. Something about him drew you to him more than the others.
“Yunho and Wooyoung are fine as fuck, dibs!” your friend childishly exclaimed. “Fine by me, I dibs Hongjoong!” you spoke back, making you just as bad as him. You both chuckle at your mutual childishness.
“Thank you all for coming tonight, it’s so lovely to see everyone’s beautiful faces,” Hongjoong spoke through a smile that could captivate souls. That face could get him whatever he wanted and he knew it. Kim Hongjoong was in fact, not like everyone else, he harnessed a power. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He had the visuals of an angel but he was no angel, he was quite the opposite. He belonged to the underworld. He was an incubus, Asmodeus’ favourite. He had the power to wrap anyone he wanted around his finger. You were falling right into it.
They each had some sort of connection to Hell. Seonghwa and San were also incubi, Yunho, Mingi and Yeosang were fallen angels while Jongho and Wooyoung were just regular chaos-inducing demons. They were a band from hell with some sinfully good music. Demons weren’t ugly creatures with abnormally large horns, a tail and red skin, they were whatever they wanted to be. ATEEZ had grown particularly fond of their overworld facades, they began to relish and yearn for more of the attention they received, which simplified the devouring of souls.
You were too busy undressing Hongjoong with your eyes to notice the attention Exodus was getting from Wooyoung and Yunho. The two hellish creatures glared at each other, silently fighting over your oblivious friend. The boy's silent bickering was forced to come to a halt as the next song began to play.
The way Hongjoong’s fingers strummed the guitar strings was so unintentionally sensual… or was it intentional? You couldn't tell but you wished that he would strum you like that. You weren't sure if it was the alcohol or weed but you were feeling so unbelievably horny right now, little did you know it was neither. Hongjoong was working his diabolical magic on you and to say it was working would be an understatement.
Unlike him, you harnessed no special powers but you were having more of an effect on him than he displayed. The way you swayed your hips to the music, the way you messily brushed your hair back with your fingers, the way you looked at him with a mischievous glint in your eyes; it was all driving him insane. He needed to get you in his bed, watching you simply wasn't enough. There had never been a time when Hongjoong didn't get what he wanted and he wasn't going to make this his first. He was going to have you one way or another.
Once the concert was over, you were drunk enough to be stumbling out of the venue. Exodus wasn't completely sober either but he was definitely more sober than you were. You held onto your friend's arm for support as he ordered an Uber. “Y/nnn we smoked before the show, you did not have to go getting this drunk.” Your dear friend scolded you as he escorted you out. “Alcohol is a great thing, you know.” Your words were ever so slightly slurred as you spoke. You both took a seat on the sidewalk, approximately 5 metres away from the venue, waiting for your Uber to arrive. As you waited your mind was clouded with thoughts of that undeniably stunning lead guitarist, you couldn't understand why but for some reason you couldn't get him out of your mind. He was attractive, yes but usually, guys never drove you insane like this.
You attempted to brush it off as your Uber arrived. You both entered the Uber and it soon began driving back to your apartment. It didn't take long till you were parked outside of your apartment complex. It took roughly a ten-minute drive. Once you had arrived, you both stepped out of the car, bidding your gratitude to the driver and made your way towards your apartment. Once you were both outside, Exodus unlocked the door and you both lazily threw yourselves on the couch, taking five minutes to just sit there in silence and take in everything that had happened tonight.
“I’m gonna go take a shower, being in those sweaty crowds just makes me feel dirty and I need to sober up.” Exodus nodded, understanding. You threw your shoes and jacket off, making your way to the bathroom. You turned on the water faucet, giving the water time to warm up as you undressed. part of you wished that it was Hongjoong’s hands undressing you instead of your own, the other part thought you were foolish for obsessing over a silly lead guitarist. Once you were completely naked you hopped into the shower, letting the warm water drip down your body, relaxing your muscles.
You couldn’t help but imagine his slim fingers gripping your hips as he pounds into you from behind. You felt a familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach, you needed to be touched. You had a feeling the shower head was about to become a good friend of yours, a little too good of a friend. You unattached the shower head from the wall, changing the setting to a more intense flow. You brought it towards your soaking cunt, the water perfectly stimulating your swollen clit. You used your free hand to submerge your middle finger inside of yourself, imagining that it was Hongjoongs. Soon enough, you were sliding two fingers in and out of yourself at a steady pace, letting out quiet moans as you did so. The thought of Hongjoong doing the things you were doing to yourself brought you immense pleasure. You curled your fingers inside of yourself, hitting that spot that drove you wild. After around 10 minutes of this repetitive movement, you felt that familiar knot forming in your stomach. Usually, it would take much longer for you to get to this state but just the idea of him had you squirming. You soon came, your fluids coating your hands and the shower head. You felt shameless for cumming that quickly over a man you have never even spoken to but it gave you a good orgasm so you didn't care much.
Once you had finished your shower, you realised you had forgotten to grab a towel. You silently scolded yourself over your stupidity. “Hey Ex! Could you throw me a towel?” You yelled from the bathroom. You waited for a reply but you received nothing. “Ex?!” You yelled out again, this time louder and again you waited just for silence. You assumed he had gone to bed. “I’m coming out! You better have your eyes closed!” You yelled once again. You stepped out of the bathroom, making your way to the cupboard where you kept the towels, you quickly grabbed one and as you turned around you noticed the back of your roommate's head from behind the couch. “Exodus! I was calling you! Why didn't you answer?” You scolded as you walked towards the front of the couch.
Once you were standing in front of him, you realised that this was not your roommate at all. You let out a shriek in surprise, almost dropping your towel. It was Hongjoong, right there in the flesh, the man you had just been masturbating over. You pinched yourself, hoping you would just wake up from a dream or something. It was not a dream, you did not wake up.
“How did you-?! Where is-?! Why-?!.” You struggled to spit out your words. “Try one question at a time, sweetheart, might work a little better,” Hongjoong spoke as if it were completely normal that he had appeared in your apartment out of nowhere. “How did you get in my apartment?! Where is Exodus?! And why are you here?!” You panic-yelled. “One, I'm a demon, hun, I can go wherever I want. Two, don't worry about where he is, trust me he's definitely safe and he's definitely having a great time and three I'm here because I want you~.” His voice lowered an octave at the last part. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. “I’ll give you a moment to process all of that.” He softly uttered. It was hard to kick him out when he was so soft-spoken… and so fucking sexy.
”Demon you say? That's gotta be a joke, demons aren't real,” you scoffed in disbelief, “now how did you actually get into my apartment?” He chuckled softly in response. “I knew you wouldn't believe me, would you like me to prove it to you?” He raised an eyebrow. You shrugged. “I’d like to see you try.” You challenged. “Alright then, doll,” he smirked, “sit.” He commanded and it was like your body moved before you could think. You were sat down on his lap, your back facing him, at his command. His clothed member was strained against his sweatpants and you felt it press against your ass; It was rock solid; it caused you to let out a gasp. “Now do you believe me?” He whispered, his lips gently grazing your neck. You nodded, hesitantly. “Despite my power, I won't force you into anything… but I have an inkling that you want this just as much as I do…” His lips made their way to your earlobe, sending shivers down your spine. “You gave me quite the show earlier, you may not have seen me but I was watching~.” He continued to whisper directly into your ear. “Usually the idol is the one that gets watched but I couldn't keep my eyes off of you, the way you thought of me to get you going… fuck I need you so bad.” You felt his cock twitch against your ass as he spoke. You were a tomato, no man had ever made you as nervous as he did. There was another wet patch forming on your towel as he spoke.
“Trust me, darling, I can rock your world.. If you'll let me?” He asked, begging you with his eyes as you turned your body to look at him. “I want you to…” You whispered, confirming your decision. “Just know, after you make this decision no one will ever be able to satisfy you like I did, you'll be left searching for me in other people for the rest of your life but you simply will never find anyone quite like me.” He spoke, confidence laced in his voice. You didn't care about the risks anymore, you needed him as much as he needed you. “After this, your body will be mine, I could take your soul but I think I'd prefer to keep you around, you're irresistible, doll~.” He left a gentle kiss against your jaw. “I don't care, I need you.” you firmly announced.
He giggled and picked you up bridal style, earning a gasp, and took you to your bedroom, tossing you on the mattress before he crawled on top of you, hovering over you. He smashed his lips against yours, and you responded quickly, finding his rhythm and moving your lips in sync with his. Soon enough, he was forcing his tongue into your mouth by biting down on your bottom lip. He explored every corner of your mouth, making sure every nook and cranny got some attention. Once you had both become breathless he pulled away, moving his wet and sloppy kisses down your jaw and onto your neck, beginning to kiss rougher, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive skin. He was determined to mark you. He kept going until there was a trail of visible purple marks going down to your collarbones.
He worshipped your body with kisses as he kept getting lower and lower. His lips were now grazing your lower stomach; you flinched as it was ever so slightly ticklish. Your towel had completely been discarded and abandoned on the floor. He was now face to face with your soaking wet sex. He gripped your thighs, spreading them apart for easier access as he showered your pussy in gentle pecks but you didn't want gentle from him, you wanted rough. You whimpered, signalling your desire for more. “Hm? Use your words, sweetheart, what do you want?” His words vibrated against you, causing you to buck your hips up into his face. He quickly pinned your hips down, halting your actions. “Hongjoong… devour me…” You whimpered, in desperation. “Your wish is my command, baby~.” He soon started, lapping at your cunt, getting a taste of your sweet juices. You gently moaned, brushing your hands through his blonde locks. He smirked at the sound of your moan, it only fueled him more. He wanted- no he needed to hear more of it.
He swirled his tongue around your clit, knowing exactly the right spots to get you squirming. It was as if he had studied your body for years and he had never even touched you before today. While his tongue was working on your most sensitive area he easily slid a finger into your slippery hole, earning a gasp from you. He slowly pumped his finger in and out of you, readying you for his second finger which he soon slid into you with ease. He continued to stimulate your clit with his tongue as he curled his fingers inside of you, creating a squelching sound that echoed throughout the room. He was hitting all of the right places. He knew he was doing well by the way you gripped his hair and the way you expressed it vocally. You could already feel your orgasm nearing. This was much better than the showerhead.
You were in utter bliss as you wrapped your thighs around his head, pushing him deeper into your cunt. “Joong~ I'm gonna cum~!” You moaned out. “Cum for me, baby.” He replied, the vibrations of his voice going straight to your core. You couldn't hold it in any longer, your juices coated his mouth and his face. He gazed up at you, a smirk painting his face. He made his way back up to you, now face-to-face. He grinded his clothed shaft against your naked wetness, creating an obvious wet patch on his grey sweatpants. He was quick to connect your lips again as he threw his sweatpants off at the same time. You tugged at his shirt, signally that you wanted that to be the next thing he took off. He did as you wanted throwing it next to his sweatpants on the floor. Now all that was left was his boxers, you could see the outline of his cock in them, he seemed big to say the least. There was a small wet patch of precum where his cockhead was located.
He then slid his boxers off, his cock springing out. He was even bigger than he seemed. He was a demon so of course he was big. He was approximately eight inches, veins angrily bulging from the base to the tip, where he leaked precum. He wasn't just long but he was also girthy; this man truly had a monster cock. You were almost scared that he would rip you. The look on your face boosted his confidence even more. He knew he was big, bigger than the average male but he was no average male; he was a demon, which is why it made sense.
“Are you ready for me?” He smirked, aligning his tip with your entrance. “Are you sure it will fit?” You questioned, nervously. “Don't worry, we’ll make it fit.” Although he told you not to worry, the second statement worried you even more. You sighed. “I'm ready.”
He pressed his lips against yours as he pushed his tip inside of you. He already had you moaning with just the tip. You gripped his forearms, leaving crescent marks on his skin. “Slow… please…” You whimpered. He had a look of mercy on his face as he halted his movements, his cock only halfway in, giving you time to adjust. The way your walls squeezed him made him feel like he was going to cum already but he wouldn’t allow himself to release so soon. You soon adjusted and signalled him to move. He did just that, he filled you up completely in one thrust and you let out a high-pitched gasp, digging your nails deeper into his skin.
“It's okay, you're doing great, darling~.” He praised, very slowly pushing himself in and out of you while letting out quiet whimpers and moans. Hongjoong was definitely more vocal than some of the other men you had slept with before but that just got you going even more. The more he let out those slutty little moans, the wetter you got and overall the easier it became for him to slide in and out of you.
His pace suddenly quickened as he threw your legs over his shoulders for a better angle. Now that the pain had gone down, this felt like Heaven in Hell. He slammed his hips against yours repeatedly hit your G-spot over and over again, this angle made it so easy to do so. “F-Fuck..~ you’re taking me so well~.” Hongjoong groaned, his face hidden in the crook of your neck. Once he was in the zone, his actions became relentless. He pounded in and out of you mercilessly, a red glimmer shining in his eyes, it was unnatural but his whole existence was unnatural so you didn’t question it. You also couldn’t question it, he was fucking you so hard you couldn’t think. All that left your mouth were loud, high-pitched moans.
All of a sudden, he pulled all the way out with no warning. “On all fours, now.” He commanded, coldly. You couldn't refuse due to his abilities but you also didn't want to refuse. Your body moved before you could think once again and you were now on your hands and knees, giving him a full view of your behind. He realigned his cock with your entrance once again, this time shoving it in at full force. You practically screamed at the impact. He gripped your hair with one hand and your hip with the other. His grip on your hair was slightly uncomfortable but you didn't care, he made up for it by fucking you like a pornstar. The sound of skin clapping and loud moans (mostly from you) filled the room. If your roommate was here, earplugs wouldn't have been enough, soundproof walls wouldn't have been enough. No one had ever made you feel this good. You began to feel your third orgasm of the night forming. Your walls clenched around him and that's when he knew you were close.
“Hold it a bit longer, doll, I'm not done with you yet~.” He moaned out, slowing down his thrusts. The loud sounds quietened as he slowed his actions, in an attempt to halt your orgasm. Even though he wasn't going at the same unsympathetic pace, it still felt unbelievably good. You definitely felt the need to cum but you knew you couldn’t just yet. If you did as he asked, you would have the best orgasm you had ever had. You suddenly felt a stinging sensation on your ass, you jolted forward at the action. He had spanked you. A red handprint formed in the area where he spanked and it only turned you on even more. You liked a man who could be rough with you as much as you liked a man being gentle with you.
You began to feel his cock twitch inside of you and you knew he was close too. “Let’s cum together, sweetheart.” He groaned, sloppily thrusting in and out of you at a steady pace. One last thrust and he had exploded, emptying his load into you, you whimpered, cumming not even seconds after him, a mixture of your fluids overflowing from your stuffed cunt. Your knees gave out underneath you, collapsing onto your stomach. “Did you enjoy that?” Hongjoong asked, laying down next to you. “Fuck yes.” You replied tiredly. “Good because from now on, i’ll be the only one allowed to fuck you.” He pulled you into his chest, allowing you to peacefully drift off.
The next day you woke up to an empty bed. His lack of a presence next to you when you woke up left you feeling slightly disappointed. You just held onto the hope that you would meet again.
All of a sudden, you heard your bedroom door slam open. You shot up quickly to see who it was, deep down hoping it would be Hongjoong. It wasn’t but it was your roommate. “Y/N, you would not believe the night I had last night- and by the look of things your night went similar.” Your roommate spoke, seeing your frazzled state. “Where did you go last night?” You asked, worried about Exodus. He sat on your bed, making himself comfortable. “So I was drifting off on the couch and suddenly I was in this hotel room…
15 notes · View notes
zh0nggucc1 · 3 months
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Drippin desires 2/2
Word count: 3.1k
Pairings: Mingi x Gn!Reader (ft. Hongjoong)
Content: Wet dream, coffee shop, slight jealousy
Warnings: Eating out, fingering, slight praise, slight bondage, big dick Mingi, Dom!Mingi, Sub!Reader, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it people)
A/N: please if you have any requests let me know, I would love to write them
My back was slammed against the wall with a hard thud. His hand rested on the wall, just above my shoulder. His eyes darkened with lust. He used one of his long and slender fingers to lift my chin so that my eyes connected with his devilish orbs. He tilted his head, his pink plump lips just an inch away from mine. Fireworks were erupting in my stomach and a storm was starting down under.
He smashed his lips against mine, dominating the kiss. Our lips moved in sync as he pulled me by my waist so that our bodies collided. I could feel his rock hard erection on my lower stomach. Fuck, I needed it in me so bad. I was dripping wet. He bit down on my bottom lip forcing his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought like soldiers for dominance and to no surprise he won. I pulled away for air, a string of saliva connecting us both. The second air entered my lungs again, I smashed lips back onto his.
He tapped underneath my thigh, signalling for me to jump. I obeyed, wrapping my legs around his hips. I could now feel his clothed cock right on my dripping cunt. His hands cupped my ass, carrying me over to his desk. He swiped all of the clutter off of the desk with one arm and sat me down on it. He moved his lips from mine to latch onto my neck, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive skin like a leech, marking it.
“You’re mine…” He groaned in my ear, sending chills down my spine. “Let’s let everyone know.” He uttered, beginning to unbutton my white shirt. His speed gave the the impression that he was hungry. He threw my shirt on the floor and began kissing down my chest, leaving a trail of purple bruises. His lips soon latched onto my erect nipple. He swirled his tongue around it, the stimulation causing me to squirm around and let out little ‘mmh’s’. He soon moved onto the next nipple, repeating his previous actions. He continued leaving wet and sloppy kisses down to my stomach. Eventually he was knelt down on the floor, lifting my skirt over my ass, leaving him face to face with my aroused womanhood.
He started by kissing my knees and dragging his lips up to my thighs. “Don’t forget to be loud darling, let the world know how good I fuck you with my tongue~” He spoke before swiping his tongue across my folds, tasting my juices, I immediately wrapped my legs around his head, burying his head deep in my pussy. He gave my clit little kitten licks before sucking and nibbling it, causing me to throw my head back, letting out whimpers and moans.
He soon moved down to my soaking hole, sticking his tongue inside it, immediately. I could feel his sharp nose on my clit, the stimulation was driving me insane. I could feel him smirk against my cunt, he knew he was making me feel like I was touching heaven in the most sinful way. I arched my back, my hand making its way to his luscious locks, pushing him further into me. He let out a low groan, the vibrations hitting my clit, causing me to moan. It was all too much for me, His nose grazing my clit, his tongue pumping in and out of me, the vibrations of his groans. I could feel a knot forming in the pit of my stomach, it was all too soon for me to be nearing my orgasm.
“Mingi~ I’m gonna c-cum.” I whimpered. He lifted his head, resting it on my thigh. “We can’t have that happening so soon, darling~.” He replied, smugly. He lifted he body back up, beginning to unbuckle his belt, it was the most sexiest thing I had ever seen. My juices coated his lips, a slight red tint painting his cheeks while his eyelids hung low, lustfully. His hair, messily sprawled against his forehead from me tugging at it. The way he unbuckled his belt so quickly with ease, I was getting wetter every second.
The second he whipped his belt off, he threw his bottoms off with it. Now he stood in between my legs, the only thing stopping his from being inside of me was his boxers. I gazed down at his print, a look of horror coating my face. How was that monster going to fit inside of me?!?! He saw my reaction at smirked. “What? Too big? Nah you can take it~.” He whispered, his lips, ever so slightly, grazing my earlobe. I gulped. “I-I’ll try my best…”
His happy trail teased what was underneath. He soon removed his boxers, his perfectly long and girthy cock, springing out. His tip was a pretty shade of pink that faded into brown, going down his length. Veins bulged from the length, it looked frustrated. Precum spilled from the head, making its way down. It stood, in all of its glory, rock hard. You could probably put a towel on it and it would hold the towel with no struggle.
“Are you ready, darling~.” He uttered. I nodded in response, my eyes connecting with his. I could see the hunger in his eyes and i’m sure he could see the same in mine. He soon began to line himself up with my entrance when suddenly…
Smack! I had been awoken from by slumber to my face smacked against the keyboard. I sluggishly lifted my head, rubbing the red mark on my face from where it hit the solid cubes. It was just a dream. I could feel the wetness between my legs. I just had a wet dream at work. The embarrassment suddenly hit me. I got up and practically ran to the bathroom to fix myself up. ‘What if I moaned in my sleep?’, ‘is there a wet spot on my skirt?’, ‘what if Mingi saw me in that state?’. Many of these questions raced through my head, causing a wave of anxiety to wash over me.
I entered a cubicle, lifting my skirt up to clean up the mess I had made down under. Lust dripped down from my womanhood, to my thighs. I swiftly wiped it away with some tissue, my cunt still pulsing with need. I was like a bitch in heat and in the worst place for me to be in that state.
I suddenly received a notification. The name ‘Joongie<3’ lit up my screen with a message. ‘Heyyy, i’m on my break, come to the coffee shop for a free drink<3’ it wrote. I checked the time, it was also my designated lunch time, what a coincidence. I hastily typed out a reply. ‘Be there in 5!’ After cleaning myself up, I left the bathroom and started making my way out of the building. I suddenly felt like I forgetting something, I just brushed off the feeling and walked across the street and into the coffee shop.
There he stood, in all of his glory, Hongjoong. He sent me a pretty smile followed by a wave. I made my way over to him. “Heyy, i’m glad you came.” He spoke, his voice just as pretty as he was. “Of course, you offered me a free drink, how could I miss out on that?” I playfully joked. I noticed his lips part, giving me a shocked face. “I’m jokinggg.” I reassured to which he just rolled his eyes. “I got you a caramel latte, extra cream.” My heart warmed at that, he had memorised my order. “Thank you so much, Joong.” I gave him a half hug, a pretty shade of pink painted his cheeks as I pulled away. He was simply adorable. “I’ll have to buy your drink everyday if it means getting a hug from you~.” He flirted, sending me a wink. I giggled, playfully shoving his arm.
I ended up hanging out with Hongjoong for my whole lunch break, he was so sweet. Throughout the time I spent with him, I learnt that he had a passion for music, he even showed me a snippet of a song he had written, he was a rapper and after I heard that snippet I found myself even more attracted to him. The time soon came for me to start heading back to work. He walked me back to my building and I bid him goodbye with a kiss on the cheek. The second I walked through the doors I had remembered what I had forgotten. Mr. Song had told me to meet him in his office on my lunch break, It completely slipped my mind. I haphazardly, sprinted towards his office in a panicked state, trying to think of an excuse on the way. I had nothing and I was already at his door. Before I could even knock, the door swung open. I was welcomed with a vexed-looking Mingi. “I thought I told you to meet me here on your lunch break.” He spat, pulling me into the office and shutting the door behind me. I knew he was angry but it was so attractive seeing him in that state.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Song.. it completely slipped my mind.” I spoke, fidgeting with my fingers and looking down. “I know exactly what happened, you got distracted by your little coffee boy,” He said, mockingly. “But I can assure you, you will have no more distractions once i’m done with you~.” He added, his eyes dark and mysterious. He neared closer me and I walked back, soon enough my back hit the door and he was getting closer and closer until his body was completely pressed against mine. His semi-hard shaft poked my lower stomach. He towered over me as an attempt to intimidate me. It worked.
“Because you let our meeting slip your mind, I guess we’ll have to have it now, meaning you’re doing overtime but i’m sure you won’t mind, right darling~?” He uttered, I just shook my head. My cheeks were coated red and words just seemed to get stuck in my throat. For some reason, his dark gaze, stuck my eyes to his like superglue. He brushed his lips against my earlobe. “Let’s get started then, shall we?” He whispered, seductively. I couldn’t take it anymore, dignity was a thing of the past. I pounced on him, like an animal, my lips smashing against his pink, plump ones. He immediately pushed his tongue at the entrance of my lips and when he wasn’t instantly granted entry, he used his teeth to bite my bottom lip, forcing his tongue in. I let out a gasp as our tongues danced. It was safe to say, his cock was no longer semi-hard. He stumbled over to his desk and used one arm to swipe off all of the clutter, just like in my dream. He then gently placed me on the desk and continued to war with my mouth. He began unbuttoning my blouse with one hand, his other cupping my ass to pull me closer to him so I could feel his rock hard erection.
My pussy throbbed with need. He soon pulled away from the kiss, his lips seemingly more plump and swollen. He began attacking my neck, looking for my sweet spot. He knew he had found it when a quiet moan left my throat. He sucked and nibbled on the area until it was painted purple. He smirked, proud of his art before he moved down, leaving a trail of kisses from my chest to my lower stomach. I had to admit I was rather ticklish on my stomach, therefore I was unable to restrain my giggles. I could feel him grin against my belly, he was unable to hide it. Nevertheless, he carried on, determined to make it to my dripping wet cunt. He soon unzipped my pencil skirt, quickly pulling it down my legs. As it got to my ankles, it simply fell onto the floor. Mingi took this as an opportunity to kneel in between my legs.
His face confronted my soaking mess and he was ready to go down under like an Australian. “You have no idea how long i’ve waited to taste you~.” He growled lowly, his eyes boring holes into my soul. He cupped my ass and suddenly pulled me forward, his face buried in between my thighs. This action startled me. He smirked against my pussy before he began teasing it with gentle kisses. This man wanted me to beg for it. “Mingi~ please~.” I moaned, softly. “Please what, darling? Use your words.” He demanded, teasingly. “Fucking eat me out already!” I yelled, impatiently. “Good slut~.” He hummed against my clit, driving me insane.
He began by swiping his tongue against my slit, tasting my juices and earning a slight shudder from me. His tongue made its way to my clit, circling it and sucking on it. I moaned at the sensation and my hand found its way to his luscious locks, brushing my fingers through them. He was obviously satisfied with this reaction because he sped up his pace and went at it a little rougher. He soon moved his tongue to my hole, his sharp nose making contact with my clit. As his tongue dug into my hole, he rubbed his perfectly shaped nose against my clit earning a louder moan than before. It felt sensational. It was so sinful but it brought me to heaven. I threw my head back, biting down on my lip. “Mmh~ so good~.” I muttered earning a grin of satisfaction from him. He continuously fucked my dripping hole with his long tongue, his nose increasing the pleasure by its contact with my clitoris. It was too much, my cunt was overstimulated and soon enough he was moving his tongue back to my clit, his fingers now taking the spotlight.
I always thought Mingi had gorgeous fingers but never did I think that one day they would be inside of me. He began to pump two fingers in and out of me as he stimulated my clit with his impressive tongue. My wetness now coated his fingers and I could no longer control the volume of my sinful swears. I gripped his hair ever harder, earning a groan from him. It was so attractive. He began to curl his fingers inside of me, continuously hitting that spongy spot that drove me insane. “F-Fuck~! Mingi.. I need- I need you- more~ ngh~!” I moaned out. He looked up at me. “Patience, darling~ you’re not ready for the main event yet, trust me~.” He grinned, cockily. I knew he was big because of his print but I still couldn’t tell exactly how big.
The more he curled his fingers and the more he hit that spot, the more I felt that knot form in my stomach. “Min-ahh~ I’m gonna cum~.” He hastily pulled his fingers out with a plop and stopped stimulating my clit with his tongue.
“We can’t have that happening so prematurely, can we? not before I put my cock in you~” He smirked, getting up and towering over me again. He unbuckled his belt, his bottoms falling to his ankles. Before he had the chance to, my hands made their way to his boxers, pulling them down. My eyes widened.
His cock sprung out, precum dripping from the tip. He stood tall at around 7-8 inches with a girthy base. Is there anything this man lacked? It was so veiny from the base to the tip that it looked frustrated and it tilted ever so slightly to the right. His tip was painted a pretty pink that matched my flushed cheeks.
“You ready for me, darling?” He asked. I gulped and nodded in reply. He jerked himself off a few times before he placed himself in between my legs and aligned his tip with my entrance, slowly putting it in. He wasn’t even halfway in and I was feeling a strong stinging sensation. I let out a shaky whimper. “Sl-Slow please~.” I managed to spit out. He continued to thrust further into me, at a slower pace until he filled me up. He let out a clear groan when he was fully in and waited for any sign that I had adjusted to his monster cock. “Move~.” Was all I had to say for him to begin pumping himself in and out of me. It was painful at first but when the pain faded away, it was the greatest feeling in the world.
“You’re taking me so well, darling~.” He whimpered. He began to thrust into me more and more haphazardly and my mind was becoming hazy as his tip consistently hit the highest spot possible. He gripped my ass cheeks leaving crescent shaped marks in my skin as he couldn’t help but let out breathy moans that synced with mine. As he sped up, a sloppy slapping sound echoed throughout the room.
“ugh~ I bet coffee boy could never fuck you as good as I can~” He groaned, jealously. he grabbed his had and placed it on my lower stomach, applying pressure. A bulge could be felt appearing and disappearing as he pounded in and out of me. “I bet coffee boy couldn’t do that~.” I had to admit, this act of jealousy only turned me on even more. I couldn’t reply as all that left my throat were loud, sinful whimpers. His tip continuously hit my g-spot and beyond, it was enough for a knot to begin forming in my stomach already. “I’m-mmmh~ close~!” I moaned out.
He loosened his tie with one hand, throwing it over his head. His chest collided with mine as he shifted to use his tie to restrain my hands from the back. It was way more attractive than I thought it would be. His lips brushed my earlobe again. “You look so sexy with your hands tied while I pound you, darling~.” He lets out, following a breathy moan. I felt his cock twitch inside of me, signalling he was close too. He connected his lips with mine, my moans mixing in the kiss along with his whimpers. His thrusts were becoming sloppy and I was about to burst. His tongue danced with mine as he thrusted one last time before I cream coated his pretty member with a loud animalistic moan. The clenching of my hole caused him to come undone soon after, he shot his seed far inside of me with one last groan.
After he rode out his high, he pulled out, a mixture of our liquids dripping onto the desk and onto the ground. I let out heavy breaths, my chest rising up and down in sync with his as my mascara and sweat dripped down my mess of a face.
“I hope you’re not planning on taking the morning after pill out of my pay check.” I broke the silence.
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zh0nggucc1 · 5 months
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Drippin Desires 1/2
Word count: 1.6k
Pairings: Mingi x Gn!reader
Content: Mingi is Y/N’s boss and he’s running late…
Warning: NSFW, public indecency, fingering, degradation, pet names (darling), dom!mingi, sub!reader
Splash! Droplets of the liminal greys above my head secreted its condensed layers. People scavenged around for any form of shelter, some even using the tops of their hood-less jackets to protect their heads from the harmless liquid. There was one in particular who caught my eye, the only one that could come out of this waterfall looking like a Greek God. If he wasn’t a Greek God he was surely blessed with all the beauty Athena had to offer
Song Mingi, unfortunately my boss. His brown, slicked back locks were beginning to fall down onto his carefully and beautifully, sculpted face, due to the rain weakening the gel that held his most likely, soft and luscious hair in place. A slight look of frustration painted his face before he glanced my way, replacing that sour look with a half smile. He soon approached me. We didn’t often catch the train together as he usually took the earlier train. I’m assuming he woke up late, putting him in this position.
“Good morning Mr. Song, are you running late?” I gently and professionally spoke to him. The rain dripping down his face enhanced his beauty by 100x, I could barely focus on anything but his stunningly shaped, pink, plump lips. They looked like they were itching to be kissed, I couldn’t bare it. “No need to be so professional, we’re not at work yet, call me Mingi.” He sent me a friendly smile. I couldn’t be friendly with him, I could barely resist ripping his clothes off on the spot. “I would prefer to be professional around you, sir.” As I finished speaking, the train had arrived at the platform. The moment the doors had opened, I swiftly hopped on hoping he would take the hint and leave me alone. The train was rather crowded so we had both ended up in each other’s personal space. It was more than i could handle.
“Come on, you can loosen up around me Y/N, don’t have to be so tight~.” His comment caused a light pink to cover my cheeks. “I don’t think it is appropriate for you to be talking to me this way and please, call me ‘L/N’, we must remain professional, sir.” I remained calm. “What? You don’t like it when I call you Y/N?” He sent me a very subtle smirk. No, I fucking love it, that’s the problem…
“Please don’t call me that again.” I spoke in between a gulp. Mingi spoke up again. “But I like your name, Y/N.” That was it. “I said stop!” I snapped at him, just like an angry chihuahua. I immediately regretted it. I turned around, My back facing him, feeling slightly guilty for shouting at him. Seconds later, I felt something solid poke my backside. Was that what I thought it was? This can’t be happening, I won’t be able to resist much longer…
“S-Sorry…” He muttered, as he grazed his finger along my hip, his tone much less confident and much more timid. He held his head lower, the sensation of his rough breaths down my neck, sending chills down my spine. I know what he wanted and I wanted it too but it was so risky, especially here.
Fuck it. Any dignity I left was gone in an instant as I backed myself up onto his partially hardened erection. I could tell he enjoyed this as he had to clear his throat to hide any devilish sounds that were aching to leave his mouth. It was so undeniably sexy. I needed to hear more of his sinful vocals. They caused a familiar liquid to coat my panties. I pressed my thighs together, in attempts of creating some kind of friction to satisfy this unbearable desire to be touched by him.
I hurriedly, scanned around the crowded cart. Once I was sure no one was looking, I grabbed his abnormally long fingers from behind and placed them exactly where I wanted them, up my skirt, in between my thighs. Not a word, left my lips in shame. I was about to let my boss fondle me on a train.
I heard a scoff leave his mouth and felt the vibrations from his chest due to our close proximity. Gosh that was so sexy, I felt myself getting even wetter. I bit my bottom lip, my breath becoming shaky.
His head tilted, his lips grazing my earlobe. “What is it? You want my fingers, hm?” He suggested, his voice low and quiet. It turned me on more than anything. I gulped and nodded. “I want to hear your words, darling.” He stated, stubbornly. “Y-yes..” I quietly replied. “Yes what?” He smirked. “Yes please...” I desperately spoke. He let out a low chuckle, sending shivers down my spine.
His finger’s collided with my underwear using one gentle touch and with one rough pull, they had been ripped off of me. I gasped in disbelief. He muttered a careless ‘oops’ and placed lacy fabric in his other hand, so he was now able to give me what I had been desiring.
He swiped his middle finger across my dripping folds, causing me to let out a shaky breath. He soon located my clit, rubbing slow and gentle circles around it. It felt good, but i needed more. I whined quietly. “What? is it not enough for you? How about this?” He hastily shoved two digits inside of me, causing me to let out a loud gasp. My reaction brought a wider smirk to his face. It created a sloshing sound due to the wetness. His fingers were so long, they easily reached my g-spot. He pumped his fingers in and out, rapidly, hitting my g-spot every time. My body jolted every time he hit it. I bit down on my bottom lip to suppress my moans, hard enough to draw blood.
It satisfied him seeing me try so hard to keep my composure but failing miserably. “What a slut? taking my fingers so well.” He whispered, his lips, again grazing my earlobe. I wished those perfect lips of his could be all over my body. I wished for his tongue to replace his fingers ramming into my dripping cunt. Unfortunately, this was the most I could allow to happen. It was too risky.
His bulge rubbed against my ass as his fingers rammed into my clenching cunt. He used his thumb to circle my clit, rapid enough for an orgasm to be nearing. I couldn’t do that here… it would make a mess.
“Sir- I mean Mingi- I mean Mr. Song… you need to stop.. i’m c-close.” I stuttered, breathlessly. “So what? Why don’t we make a mess and let the whole world that you’re not as innocent as you make yourself out to be~.” He whispered seductively. As much as I loved this feeling, he had to be stopped. I grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand out of my skirt and just in time because our stop was approaching. Once the train had stopped, he leaned down to whisper in my ear again. “Meet me in my office on your lunch break, darling~” He got off of the train while I paused, almost forgetting to get off.
I hopped off and started making my way my usual coffee shop. I always stopped by there before work. As I walked in, I noticed a face i hadn’t seen before. I had grown quite fond of all of the employees, but this one I didn’t recognise. They must’ve hired someone knew. He was gorgeous, a little bit short, but nevertheless stunning. He had black, mid length hair, with a middle parting. He had a smile that could light up a whole room and quite a cute aura. I had been so focused staring at him, I didn’t notice that he was trying to take my order. “Ma’am, can I help you?” He gifted me a gentle smile, knocking me out of my trance. “Ah yes, so sorry! Could I get a caramel latte with extra cream?” I asked, He immediately typed it into the till. “Of course, is that all?” His voice was so soft and pretty, I could listen to it all day. “Yup that’s all, how much will that be?” I asked. “On the house… if I could get your number?” He flirted, looking me in the eye. He was confident, even more attractive. My cheek went a light shade of pink. “Eh sure why not?” I took my phone out of my pocket and opened up the keypad, handing my phone to him. He took it and swiftly typed his number in, saving his contact with the name ‘Joongie<3’. I read his name badge. His name was Hongjoong, what a pretty name. “thank you uhh-“ I cut him off. “Y/N, call me Y/N.” I smiled. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.” He passed my phone back to me. “Nice to meet you too, Hongjoong.” I replied. “Wait how did you- oh I forgot I wear a name badge.” He let out the cutest chuckle, to which I replied also with a chuckle.
After our conversation I waited, patiently for my latte. After it had been made, I bid Hongjoong a goodbye and made my way into my work building. There was nothing special about my job. It was a basic office job, nothing more to it, I sat at a computer all day and got paid to type. I can’t the pay was bad though, the pay was pretty good for what it was, it gave me enough to live on and that’s all that mattered. There was one thing I looked forward too everyday and that was eye fucking Song Mingi whenever he made a grand appearance however today I felt as if I had more than just eye fucking to look forward to.
I walked over to my computer, setting my coffee down on the table. I decided to take my phone out and message Hongjoong, just so my number would show up in his phone.
Hey! it’s Y/N, message me when you get the chance
I knew, as he was at work, it would take a while for him to reply, so I just got straight on with my work.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed!! please give me your opinion and/or requests!! thank you for reading <3
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zh0nggucc1 · 5 months
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Ridin and Rollin
Paring: Lee Jeno x Fem!reader
Word count: 2k
Content: Jeno and Y/N have a severe dislike for each other and a strong sexual tension. While trying to irritate Y/N, riding on his bike, Jeno gets injured and Y/N hesitantly helps him, taking him back to his apartment to bandage him up.
Warning‼️: NSFW, injury, bike accident, description of blood, cunnilingus, sex, explicit language, mentioning of female genitalia, mentioning of male genitalia, switch(leaning sub)!reader, switch(leaning dom)!Jeno, praise(receiving), riding.
She arched her back, fastening her pace as ecstasy and adrenaline washed over her. She suddenly bucked her hips up, the front wheels of her bike coming up with her, to do a wheelie.
She revved her engine, flaunting the beauty of the lump of navy blue metal below her.
The night was young, so young hints of yellow, red and orange still remained scattered, mesmerisingly, throughout the sky.
The cotton candy clouds stood proudly, knowing there was an audience of humans that envied its beauty.
The sound of revving echoed behind her. Instantly knowing who it was, she rolled her eyes in annoyance and sped up holding a stern expression.
She felt the vibrations of the revving from behind her getting closer. She cursed under her breath, clenching her teeth.
Soon enough the neon green bike caught up, a little too close for comfort to the side of her precious bike.
a sharp corner was coming up and the neon bike was nearing closer and closer, dangerously closer.
“FUCK OFF LEE JENO!” She yelled, her blood boiling from just having to mention his name.
He smirked through his helmet, deliberately getting closer to anger her even more.
Being too focused on her temper, he didn’t even notice the sharp turn. Her bike swerved, quickly, scratching it by knocking him off of his.
The sound of metal scratching caused her to come to a halt. She hopped off of her bike, observing the damage. “For fucks sake..” she muttered, approaching the injured man, whose bike looked worse than him.
She straddled him lifting his helmet off with force. His face was untouched, for now.
“You little bitch! You scratched my bike!” She slapped him across the cheek. He winced at the stinging sensation.
“Is that all you got? a silly little bitch sla-“ Before he could finish, her knuckles met his nose, resulting in a familiar crimson liquid gushing out.
“Shit!” He cursed, holding his nose trying to prevent the blood from oozing out. She smirked, satisfied with her work. “Not so much of a silly little bitch slap anymore is it?”
She got up, hopping back onto her bike. “So you’re just going to leave me after doing that?!” He raised his voice. She scoffed “Well duh, What does it look like?”
“Come on, pretty please? just let me ride on the back of your bike, my bike is clearly fucked and so am I by the looks of things, i’m asking you as a friend, not as an oppone-“ She cut him off.
“Gosh you talk way too much, if I let you get on will you shut the fuck up.” He nodded, vigorously. She sighed. “Fine.”
He limped over to her bike, His leg clearly injured. He hopped on, wrapping his arms securely around her waist.
She gulped, feeling how close he was to her. His crotch was touching her bottom. This wasn’t supposed to feel inappropriate at all but to her it felt like it. There was too much sexual tension.
“Are you going to start riding or not?” He spoke, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. She began to move the bike, at last, snapping out of her, not so appropriate daydream.
She sped through the streets, passing the limit, using the speed to distract herself from the inappropriate thoughts, but nothing could erase them completely.
Little did she know the same thing was on his mind and had been for a very long time. He tried so hard not to think such unholy thoughts while her ass was forced against his almost erect cock.
He was trying so hard to hide it but how could he when her ass was pressed against it.
“Can we stop at my apartment? it’s just over there, I need to get my first aid kit.”
“Sure whatever.” She said focusing on the road.
Soon enough, she had reached the apartment complex. She stopped outside.
“You going or what?” She asked, with attitude. “Can you help me? I hurt my leg.” She sighed and got off her bike.
He put his arm over her shoulder resting on her as she struggled to help him walk into the apartment complex.
“You’re so heavy what the fuck?” She said, helping him into the elevator. “It’s muscle.” She rolled her eyes. “yeah yeah whatever.”
They reached his apartment and he put the key into his door, twisting it open. She helped him walk through the door, noticing how clean and luxurious his apartment was. He must’ve robbed a bank for that. There was even a beautiful view of the city. That must’ve been expensive.
She brought him to the sink so he could wash the dried blood from his nose.
After that, sat himself on the counter. “Can you grab the first aid kid from that drawer?” He pointed at the correct drawer and she opened it taking out the kit.
He lifted up the great cargos he was wearing, revealing an extremely bruised knee. “Be a dear and bandage it up for me?” He smiled, innocently.
She sighed. “For fucks sake fine but you owe me, got it?” He nodded.
she took out a long white bandage, kneeling in front of him. In a different context this would sound very unholy. She was almost face to face with his crotch, causing her cheeks to redden. She tried to ignore it, delicately wrapping the bandage around his knee. It looked like she knew what she was doing.
He was flustered, seeing her kneel down in front of him. All he could think of was how beautiful her lips would look wrapped around his dick. A bulge was growing in his pants.
She noticed it but she acted like she didn’t. she gulped, the sexual tension quickly building up.
She finished wrapping the bandage around his knee and got back up. “There, all done, we can go now.” She said, making her way to the door.
Before she could go any further, she felt a tight grasp around her wrist, halting her movement.
He pulled her back, grabbing her hips so she could stand in between his legs.
He grabbed her by the top of her shirt, smashing his lips against hers. In shock, she stood frozen. Eventually she began to move her lips in sync with his, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He slid himself off of the counter, his erection poking her lower stomach through his cargos.
He led her to the bedroom, not breaking away from the kiss. she pushed him down onto the bed, straddling him. She was just as needy as he was.
She rolled her hips against his clothed erection, letting out heavy breaths into the kiss as he let out small groans.
He switched their places, him now on top. He left gentle yet sloppy kisses down from her lips to her collar bones. “Let me know if you want me to stop.” He said. She nodded in reply. He then pulled her shirt off, her bra, hiding her breasts. He swiftly in clipped her bra, kissing down to her breast. He gently sucked her nipples, causing her to squirm and whimper under him. He went back to kissing her neck, sucking onto the skin, determined to leave a trail of purple mark.
Happy with his work of art, he moved down to her stomach, leaving delicate pecks. He took her sweatpants off, revealing a lacy thong. His eyes darkened in hunger as his mouth watered, anticipating his meal.
He pulled off her panties with his teeth. He then spat on her wet womanhood, making it easier for him to slide his long tongue through her folds. She wrapped her thighs around his head, keeping him in place.
He rapidly licked her clitoris, causing her to let out heavy breaths. She arched her back, her face contorting in pleasure. He stuck his tongue through her entrance, using his fingers to rub her clit.
“Fuck~” She moaned out, tightly gripping her bottom lip with her teeth.
He smirked against her, happy with the reaction he was getting. He moved his tongue in and out of her at a faster pace, his fingers rubbing her sensitive spot also moving faster.
He was good at what he was doing, too good. In fact, good would be an understatement.
Beads of sweat began to drip from her forehead and this was just the start.
He gave her womanhood one last gentle kiss before bringing himself back up to meet her other lips. He began to unbutton his cargos, pulling them down to his ankles.
He also threw his shirt over his head, revealing his perfectly toned abs with scars all over them, he was a criminal of course so it was expected.
She stared in awe at his body, wanting to devour it immediately.
She hastily switched them around, sitting on his clothed erection, it felt huge. She pulled his boxers down, his hard cock immediately bouncing out onto his stomach. As expected, it was huge with veins pulsing all the way up to the tip, where precum oozed out. It was not only long, but it was girthy too. It would definitely take some getting used to. She couldn’t even fully wrap her hand around it, it was that girthy.
She felt fearful yet anticipated at the same time. She knew she would be left bedridden the second he pulled out but she was so desperate to have him inside of her already.
“Like what you see, babe?” He said, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked away, her cheeks reddening.
“If you like the way it looks now, then u would love the way it would look inside of you.” He smirked and with with she smashed her lips against his, tracing her fingers over his scars.
While kissing her, he grabbed an XL condom from his dresser, breaking away from the kiss, he used his teeth to rip open the packet, sliding the condom onto his length. He threw the packet in the bin, beside his bed, reconnecting their lips.
He bit her bottom lip, sliding his tongue into her mouth, hungrily. Their tongues clashed together at war.
Soon enough, she began to lower herself onto his length, sliding the tip in. She felt a breathy moan leave her lips, into the kiss, as she did so. She slid herself further and further onto him until he was fully inside of her. He let out a deep groan, feeling her tightness around his cock.
When she finally adjusted, she began to slowly move up and down, letting out ungodly sounds. The sounds leaving his mouth weren’t any better. He sounded like an angel but the reasons for those sounds weren’t holy.
She began to speed up, bouncing up and down on his length, loud moans passing through her lips.
“Fuck, you look so good bouncing on my dick like that~” He groaned, gripping her ass so hard it would probably leave marks.
He moved his hands to her hips, guiding her as she continued to roll her hips.
He switched them over, now it was him on top. He threw her legs over his head, ramming into her like she was the last human on Earth. He let out growls, hunger and lust consuming him.
The sound of skin clapping, moans and groans filled the room. The neighbours could probably hear it.
“You take me so well, baby~” He moaned out, his eyes rolling back. He felt her clench around him, knowing she was close.
“Cum for me, baby~” He spoke, thrusting a few more times until she creamed. The clenching causing him to release shortly after.
He pulled out, sliding the condom off, tying it and throwing it in the trash.
He plopped himself beside her, breathing heavily.
“I can’t believe we just did that.” She said, processing it.
“We should do it again sometime.” He flirted, looking her in the eyes, laying on his side.
“I don’t think so, pretty boy.”
A/N: Hope you all enjoyed my first post, please give me your opinions! criticism is okay!! and if you have any requests I would love to take them, thank you for reading!!
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zh0nggucc1 · 5 months
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About me 🎀
~ My name is Venus (pseudonym) 🎀
~ I am 18 🎀
~ I ult ateez and NCT and they are the groups I will be writing about 🎀
~ Ult biases: Chenle, Mingi, WinWin, Doyoung, Johnny, Kun and Sunoo 🎀
~ I write angst, fluff and smut 🎀
~ Requests: open 🎀
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