animaldamnation · 3 months
I always find it surprising how so many women’s feminism is centered around begging men to treat us better or appealing to some perceived core of compassion in men, that would hypothetically make them deconstruct an entire system build around women’s unconditional servitude of them. 
Rather, I feel like feminism should aspire to create independent communities and networks by and for women, so that instead of begging men for scraps, or a seat at their table, we will not be at their mercy anymore. Feminism should not be about pleading to men, but rather to educate, free and unite women so that our lives are no longer isolated and under men’s control. 
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animaldamnation · 3 months
“Individualism lies at the heart of liberal feminism, championing the benefits of ‘choice’ and the possibility that freedom is within reach, or occasionally, that it already exists should women choose to claim it. It also pushes – sometimes  overtly and sometimes covertly – the fallacy that substantive equality has already been achieved and that the pursuit of opportunity lies solely in women’s hands. Liberal feminism has helped recast women’s liberation as an individual and private struggle, rather than one which acknowledges the systemic shortcomings of existing systems of power and privilege that continue to hold women back, as a class. Women’s liberation has been reduced to a series of personal statements about whether women like or dislike particular aspects of themselves or their lives.
Liberation cannot be found at a purely individual level, nor can it be forged from adapting to, or simply accepting, existing conditions of oppression.”
-Freedom Fallacy, The Limits of Liberal Feminism by Miranda Kiraly and Meagan Tyler
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animaldamnation · 3 months
Hijab: I dare you.
I am told that I’ll burn in hell for not wearing a hijab. This probably means nothing to an atheist, but can you imagine what it means to a God fearing, pious girl? Tell me that the hijab is a choice and not a compulsion. Tell me. I DARE YOU.
I am told that my body is a piece of property, that the hijab will protect me from the lustful gazes of perverts. I am constantly compared to money that is kept safe in a bank. I am told that robbers are tempted to steal money that is left in the open rather than money which is in the bank. Tell me that this is not objectification and body shaming. Tell me. I DARE YOU.
I am greeted with dirty judgemental glares whenever I go to a family gathering and my hijab isn’t in place or if my sleeves are not up to my wrists or if my kurta is form fitting. I have had elderly women reach out and pull my hijab over my hair when it slips back, without bothering to ask me whether I’m ok with some of my hair showing. And when I remove my hijab and put it into my bag, some of my friends and cousins, who I would expect to be more liberal, keep asking me why I do it and telling me that I shouldn’t. Tell me that this isn’t peer pressure. Tell me. I DARE YOU.
Tell me once more that the hijab is a choice and not a compulsion.
I dare you.
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animaldamnation · 3 months
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girl what
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animaldamnation · 4 months
One of the things I hate the most about the sex positive movement is this irrational, iron-hard insistence on severing any relationship between sex & love/intimacy. There’s just so much focus on how to fuck & how to get off & the biggest problem for these people is not being ashamed about it. You can’t talk about the pressure to participate in hookup culture or male entitlement to casual sex with women without sex pox idiots screeching about “slut shaming.” It’s exhausting. God forbid we acknowledge that having sex actually affects you emotionally, that someone treating your body like a toy to play with & cast aside when they’re bored is potentially deeply hurtful & psychologically distressing. But nah, if you even suggest that being in a loving relationship enriches sex, you’re a grim, conservative puritan brainwashed by religious prudery. Sex pozzies want to introduce BDSM in sex education & encourage teenagers to watch porn because tying up & beating your partner (& being unashamed!!!) is more important than stupid love & feelings. Sex pozzies are garbage & I hate them all.
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animaldamnation · 4 months
Oh I forgot to tell you that a drag queen and his friends harassed me a couple of weeks ago! The guy on the left here.
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I was on instagram and saw a video about a “famous” french drag queen who does his horror burlesque shows in Paris. Lots of people left comments, some in his favour and some saying it was wrong and he was a freak. Mostly men. 
I said it was misogyny, a caricature of women, laughing at women’s oppression.
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But the man the video was about, the somewhat famous drag queen pictured above, saw my comment and replied to me; he was offended that I said it was misogyny and he tried to taunt me but I didn’t respond. Annoyed by my lack of response, he sent me a lengthy private message, pretty much throwing a fit, telling me that I was obviously a very angry woman with issues and did not understand all the good he did to us silly ladies; he said thanks to him women learn about their “femininity” and become “real women”, because he teaches them burlesque. He said he helped some women with breast cancer by reminding them to be feminine. He then ordered me to keep quiet and to delete my account, ending by repeating how furious he was again. All of this because I left a comment saying I thought his job was misogynistic. He didn’t go after the men calling him a freak, oh no, but a woman with an opinion? OMG 
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So I responded to him in a very… vehement and sharp way, basically telling him to fuck off, that he was indeed a misogynist and that he just made his case worse, I told him not to contact me again and then I blocked him. He screenshoted my response and published it on his official facebook official, giving my instagram address as well, encouraging people to come and attack me. That’s how upset he was over one woman criticizing him. I started receiving tones of abusive messages, mostly people telling me to “delete my account”, to “shut the fuck up”, “asshole”, that I was “the real misogynist” and a “homophobe” (?) but mostly they called me a crazy, hysterical, insane woman who should be sent to a mental hospital. Just boring misogyny covered in glitter. They also said I should be “ashamed” of attacking such a pure soul apparently. I laughed at them and blocked them one by one. 
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Now, my instagram account was public at the time, it’s not a political account, I just mostly post pictures of nature, of my hiking and camping trips with my dog in the mountains or on the coast.
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Since there were no pictures of me I guess they couldn’t attack my appearance so they commented on my pets, saying my dog looked like a rat, that she wasn’t even a real chihuahua (it’s true, she’s not, who gives a fuck?) that my pet rabbits were going to die, that animals were my only friends because everybody hated me and -obviously not understanding the concept of backpacking- saying I was a “tramp”, a “bum” living in a tent in the middle of nowhere. They don’t like homeless people I guess. I’m sensing a bit of classism here. Then the pseudo-famous drag queen came back on another official account of his, commenting on my pictures, encouraging the comments saying my pets were going to die and sending me private messages again, calling me “an old lady”, “lonely”, “bitter, “crazy” blablabla. Blocked him again, made my account private cause I didn’t want to manage all this shit and waited for them to move on before I made it public again. I also reported his post on facebook for harassment, facebook answered it wasn’t harassment, reported again, second review said it still wasn’t harassment, a bunch of my feminist friends reported it and finally a good facebook moderator deleted the facebook post about me. I still took a look a the comments before it was gone, it was pure misogyny saying how much I needed “a good dick” to set me right. What a nice community. Who knew that literal clowns took themselves so seriously?
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animaldamnation · 4 months
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animaldamnation · 4 months
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any time men are violent towards other men the solution is to inconvenience and burden a woman, apparently. if this is done with knowing consent fine, but we all know the majority of cases is just some innocent, unsuspecting women being relentlessly cheated on and made a fool of. men of all sexualities see women as nothing more than objects of utility to use and discard with
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animaldamnation · 4 months
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animaldamnation · 4 months
A gay man just told me he gets more dicks than me because he's prettier than me even as a boy, I said I don't like men and he called me a "lesbo". Must be that good old LGB solidarity I hear so much about. A man is a man is a man.
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animaldamnation · 4 months
Oh my god I have never seen a feminist so perfectly describe and analyze romance fiction. Maybe more older radfems are based and Get It but I'm sorry, most younger rads don't get this at all cause they have no exposure to this shit.
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animaldamnation · 5 months
ever wanted to just squeeze a man's neck until he stops struggling?
it feels like everywhere I turn, women are not only becoming more disrespected and dehumanised but men are more blatant about their exploitation too. its sick that it is now considered progressive and politically correct to pimp your wife out and boast about enjoying the fruits of her sexual slavery but if you speak out against this you are called a jealous ugly swerf.
if Mary Wollstonecraft saw this she would weep
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animaldamnation · 5 months
"swerf" is a misnomer and a word used solely to pit women against each other. radical feminists do not "exclude" sex workers. many are survivors of the sex trade. they only recognise that "sex work" is not work and that consent cannot be purchased. this is not exclusion. this is inclusion and recognition of abuse and oppression. liberal feminism brands anything less than encouragement and promotion of sex work as exclusionary and hateful and it's poisonous and dangerous
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animaldamnation · 5 months
i don't know who needs to hear this but if you put the comfort of a few happy sex workers who could easily get other jobs over the literal safety of millions of women and children you are fucking evil
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animaldamnation · 5 months
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having hard time talking libfem art seriously 😐😐😐
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animaldamnation · 5 months
I think the reaction to young men who’s problem is clearly that they’ve grown up feeling entitled to women catering to their every needs and being given the impression that they’re automatically superior to the girls around them who have then run into backlash about those beliefs and gone into alt right online spaces as a result being that actually we should coddle them more is very odd and I would say I can’t believe so many left wing people think that the answer to coddled young men is coddling them more but unfortunately I very much can
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animaldamnation · 5 months
“Part of the appeal of pro-porn politics resides in its apparent rebellion against conservatism. Women and girls who recognise the patriarchal trap of ‘traditional family values’ are urged to demonstrate their independence and rebellion against said values by buying a stripper pole and learning to lap dance. Yet contrary to popular belief, conservative and pornographic ideologies of sex and gender are very nearly synonymous, the surface differences between the two obscuring their fundamental unity. 
Conservatives typically support the private male ownership of women one at a time, as wives and daughters, localised in the home and the ‘traditional family’; whereas progressives often defend men’s collective sexual ownership of women outside the home, in the ‘public domain’, including in pornography and prostitution. 
To reject both forms of male sexual ownership, as radical feminists do, is thus to commit the ultimate heresy. Until we find ways to communicate the linked dangers of both forms of male control, the fear of one form will continue to send women and girls directly into the lap of the other.
In both camps, women and girls are systematically made to suffer for having sex. In the world of pornography, the sex itself – aggressive, hostile, humiliating – is the punishment, the mechanism by which men viscerally experience their manhood by putting women in our place. In the world of ‘traditional family values’ the suffering of shame, stigma, unwanted pregnancy (or at least the fear of it), and forced childbirth is a woman’s just punishment for having had sex that she shouldn’t have had. And in both worlds we hear the constant refrain – sometimes whispered, sometimes shouted – ‘Bitch. Slut. Dirty whore. You’re getting what you deserve.’ As Andrea Dworkin once put it: ‘Pretending to argue, they collude. And if one don’t get you, the other will.’
As daunting as this convergence is, it also suggests a certain hermeneutic of feminist resistance, one that, happily, is pretty easy to communicate. People who care about justice and who want a way out of porn culture need to act and think in ways that won’t make either bunch of woman-haters happy. If you’re doing and saying things that the religious right and the libertarian left both really hate, then you’re on the right track! So that’s my first suggestion. My second suggestion is that we connect our critique of pornography and porn culture to a broader critique of the commodification of everyday life and, in so doing, promote a non-marketised conception of freedom. My final suggestion is one that’s been made before, and that is that we need a vision of alternatives. As we continue to tell people what sexual freedom isn’t, we should also encourage them to think deeply and creatively about what it is. What would real sexual freedom look and feel like, the kind that everyone can have, instead of the kind that amounts to freedom for some at others’ expense?”
- Building Feminism, Resisting Porn Culture: where to from here? by Rebecca Whisnant
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