I sit here, longingly at the window. I've only sent the letter today and I'm awaiting Your reply. You said You wouldn't be gone for long, and Darling I know you only left a few minutes ago, but I'm staring at the mailbox, waiting for Your words to reach me. I miss Your voice. I miss Your touch. I miss being in the same room as you. You said You'll be back soon, but I spent all that time writing those heartfelt words, pouring out the part of my soul that yearns for you with the ink that flows from my pen. My kiss seals the envelope and adheres the stamp, and makes its way to you. I miss you, I do.
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Another day without You, another evening spent alone. We could have met yesterday, but I forgotten what You look like. Maybe I've never known that, maybe I never will. I miss You, dearly, or the idea of You at least. I hope I'll meet You someday. Hopefully someday soon. Until then, I am here, not entirely alone; A Ghost and her Imaginary Friend.
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The days are getting shorter, and Dear, I think I fear our morning sunrise We share Together may be leaving Us soon. I wish You were here, that I would know what You would want to do when the sun no longer rises with Us.
We could stay in bed just a little longer, the Two of Us against the dreaded cold of the hard floor.
Mayhaps We will brave the growing frost and sit on a bench with blankets surrounding Us, still sipping coffee in the blue hour.
Or, We can be in the kitchen, listening to Our song and slow-dance while Our cups cool enough to drink at the kitchen counter.
If You are up to it, we could sleep and wake up a little earlier, so I can cook for/with You. We could eat breakfast together and hold hands Together.
I don't really care, as long as I am with You.
But You're not here, only the idea of You. I wish You were here. I long for the day that my bed will not feel empty despite the pillows and plushies. I yearn for a moment I could spend with a significant other, with You. Until then, I can only wait and wait and wait some more. If it's for You, I'll wait an eternity.
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Everyday I wake up, and every morning my heart breaks without You. I grind and grind, the smell of coffee fills the air, filling a void where Love should be. A french press full of espresso grounds, the break of day, and I sit alone; watching a sunrise at a table for Two.
I still pour a cup for You, in case by some miracle You happen to show up. Sometimes I imagine the dawn will announce Your arrival; the sky turns a lovely rose hue, the Sun larger than normal on that fateful day, as You step out onto the horizon and grace the world with Your presence. Oh! How joyous a day that would be! If only...
But now I sip my coffee alone, sitting at a table for Two, across from Your cup as the sun rises. I don't know if You even like coffee, but You're not here to tell me what You'd like for breakfast, so I do the best I can to make You happy, even if You're not here.
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another lonely night without You. I wish I could sleep with You; to have Your arms around me, Our legs intertwined, Hearts beating a smooth steady rhythm, only for Us. I would dream so sweetly with You, of You. I don't know You, but I know you are my world.
Whereever you are, I hope you sleep well. Even if it's not that time yet, I wish you sweet, happy dreams.
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Waking up without You is disenchanting. I dream of You constantly, but eventually I have to wake up. I think that's a good thing, because one can never dream without being awake beforehand, and all good things come to an end so they can begin anew. I find comfort in that, even if You only exist in my dreams.
My morning ritual is the only religion I need, in eternal service of You. I make an extra cup for You when I wake, even though you're never here to drink with me. I bring them to the front porch that faces the sunrise. Here, an old glass table glistens with morning dew, but not a single drop is more radiant than You. I sit Your cup at Your seat, and I sit across from You, and sip mine. I imagine Us; admiring the sunrise, thankful that We are able to share this moment, with fingers interlocked at the center of the table, a constant reminder that We will always be there for Each Other. But soon, the cup runs dry, and I must continue with my day. A small, quiet prayer is said as I pour out your cup, and continue with my day.
I shower, and sing songs about You. Sometimes I wish that wherever the soap and water touches, the same may be touched by You. Every hair, every inch of skin, all my shapes and curves. I yearn for a day where my towel is not the only warm embrace I experience in the morning.
My only reason I get dressed in the morning, is to wear the clothes you like on me. I like to think that after I dry off that my outfit that is carefully folded and laid out on Your side of the bed was especially chosen by You, but I know that I have done this the night before, but it is the very idea of You that keeps me going, even though I have never known You. I turn on the radio to listen to the morning traffic and weather report, and start to get dressed, but I imagine we have a conversation about what we dreamed about last night instead. Perhaps, we can complain about pet peeves and minor inconveniences about Our jobs while putting on makeup before braving the work day. And just like that, the first commercial of the morning chimes, and it's time to go. I turn off the radio with a solemn reverence, before grabbing my keys and shoes.
Before I open that big front door, I turn around and say goodbye to You, even though You were never here. I wish You were here, and that We could be together. I want Us to be happy Together. It's sad to say I don't know what You look like. I have never heard Your sweet and caring voice. I have never known your scent that should cling to my clothes like a prolonged embrace. However, I know that You will always care for me, through me. I know You will always be there in my heart, the same heart that beats for You.
Though, I'll never know Your name, I'll cry for You the same.
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Introductory Post:
20s, FemNB, Asexual(?), Sapphic-Romantic, Single (painfully so), Askbox open.
Men, Minors, RadFems, Nazis, and outstanding malicious persons DNI. I will expand this list as the need arises.
My name is Midnight. I'm in my early 20's, femme-leaning nonbinary, and currently suffering from touch starvation and loneliness. I've created this blog as a sort of "trying to fill the void" type thing. If I may be blunt: I've never really had any sort of luck with dating apps or live near an area with an active dating scene.
It feels like everyone around me that's my age is either not interested or aware of the concept of romance (unless it's a means to get laid), or they're already married to the love of their life before they graduated high school. But maybe that's just my small town and the problems that comes with it. Most nights I dream someone would take me away from here, but I doubt that'll happen (but I haven't given up on the idea).
I am very romantically inclined, and lately it is the lack of such a thing that's been eating a hole through my heart like hot lead. I just want to be with someone that will be my Goddess. A person I will gladly wake up before the Sun to hand-grind coffee and freshly brew Her morning offering. I want to be at Her side, Her every beck and call. To care for Her and grant Her every whim. To laugh, to cry, to spite, and vibe with. Lazy Winter mornings cuddled under a warm blanket. Soft Spring evenings dancing in the kitchen. Summer nights spent sipping wine (or sweet iced tea) enjoying the cool air after a hot day. Chilly Autumn walks talking about everything and nothing.
If I must wish upon a Star to be with Her, then I shall do so to every Star I can see in the Night's sky, until there are no more Stars and no more Nights.
I know this isn't exactly the right place to look for someone, but this is more or less just Me, venting my feelings into a void. Maybe someone will see this, maybe no one will. The main reason for this blog is an outlet for my unreciprocated feelings, that sinking feeling in my chest that I may never be able to do these things, that this line of thinking is pure fantasy in today's world. A public journal depicting a lonely heart.
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