ask-xal · 2 years
this isn't a ask but i just wanna say i like ur art style
it cool 😎👍
uh? thanks? Don't usually get that many of just nice comments so I dunno what else to say but thank you
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ask-xal · 2 years
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"We are in the middle of a war, I don't expect anyone to drop everything and start looking everywhere for me."
"I have to find my own way back."
⍑ᒷ∷ᒷ ∴ᒷ ꖎᔑ|| ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ∷ᒷᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ⎓ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ᔑ ⊣∷ᒷᔑℸ ̣ ᒲᔑリ|| ||ᒷᔑ∷ᓭ 𝙹⎓ ∴ᔑ∷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᒲᒷᒲ𝙹∷|| 𝙹⎓ 𝙹⚍∷ ꖎᒷᔑ↸ᒷ∷ ᓭ⨅ ̇/ᔑꖎ⍑||ᓭꖎᔑ∴⍊
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ask-xal · 3 years
What kind of food do you like?
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"For now I've been eating Fruit and Grain. They're not bad I suppose, better than the stuff I'm used to eating at least"
"Ugh, I can taste it again just thinking about it" Xal's face twists with discuss "Meat paste with Additives - Fuel for warriors."
"You never get used to the flavour, no matter how much everyone tells you otherwise"
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ask-xal · 3 years
Do you miss home, or do you just missing telling people what to do?
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"I'll have you know, I'm not just someone who barks orders." He scowls "My fleet respects me as much as I respect them."
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ask-xal · 3 years
...Was a mountain where you were supposed to be going or was you looking for something else?
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"I'm still trying to figure out where I am"
He scans across the landscape
"But I can't see anything I recognise, even from up here"
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ask-xal · 3 years
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Male Enderman
Roughly 4 Blocks tall
Cannot Teleport by himself
(Crutch not strictly necessary)
He also has a page on > ToyHouse <
~ ~
Just something basic of Xal, to get a bit of a better look at him since their look might vary between posts done with screenshots
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ask-xal · 3 years
You're kinda loosing it pretty badly there pal, try not to die alright?
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Xal watches the moon as his mind settles back to (something that resembles) normal, leaving behind only the foul taste and a mild buzz of a migraine.
[[ There we are, Redstoned Xal is done :)) Back to his normal self again ::)))
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ask-xal · 3 years
Reblog if ur a active minecraft askblog
i’m doing a thing for the community but i won’t tell y’all what yet
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ask-xal · 3 years
So you mentioned "your men" and "your fleet" before. Were you some kind of military commander before you were captured?
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."It's not I 'were' a Commander. I still am a Commander" His tone shifts as he starts a seemingly well rehearsed pledge "I can't get rid of that status given to me" "It doesn't matter what happens to me; It doesn't matter where I am" "I've got far too many relying on me, and I've far too much responsibility to lose it" - Xal clutches his head as flashes of memories jolt around his mind. "I hope I'm not letting them all down by getting so lost - I'm the Highest Elite of all of The Ends ranks, you know" He gives a strained sigh "...Lead at the front of the entire army a few times too..."
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ask-xal · 3 years
Why are you even out of The End anyway? You must have *chosen* to go through the end portal but you're so unprepared I don't even get *why* you even left
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"I don't understand that either" Xal takes a moment to try and think, he stops still in attempt to focus better
"...I don't know..."
An oddly familiar feeling of -something- emerges from the back of his mind
"I don't think I went through a portal?"
The encroaching void returns at the edge of vision and he can almost feel it smothering him again.
Xal shakes off the forming migraine and continues walking...
[[ oof, took a while for me to get to it x_x but now the ask box is officially empty. This and the last question were a bit on the older side too :| [[ I think this Redstoned arc will only last a few more posts, so if you want an answer while Xal's denial in inhibited make sure to get them in now :p
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ask-xal · 3 years
those markings down your sides are interesting, are they unique or do other endermen you know have them?
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"You mean my skin?" Xal limply holds his arms out "I didn't used to have them."
He follows the tear of lighter skin up his arm.
"I was injured, or attacked, or something else..."
"I'm not sure, That must have been when I lost my vision"
Xal rubs away the patterns forming in his eyes and gets to his feet.
"Must get moving- Got to burn the redstone out my system..."
He mumbles as he wonders off in a random direction.
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ask-xal · 3 years
oh, wellp, Enjoy the redstone high, hopefully you dont have a bad trip.
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"It's nothing I won't be able to handle" Xal says firmly as he forces the words out
"I've survived worse" he stares at his hands, turning them over as his skin seems to crawl and come apart
"I'll be fine"
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ask-xal · 3 years
You've never heard of bees? Have you ever eaten honey?
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"Are you talking about these things?" Xal leans over cautiously to scowl at the insect "...why is it so large?"
"I guess honey is something to do with bees?" He watches as the creature buzzes away "Obviously, No, I haven't tried it."
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Xal stumbles backwards.
"Ugh- I think I breathed it in--" he says, coughing.
[[ I "accidentally" started doing a whole bunch of other non-blog things so here's a twofer for being inactive lol :p -- Redstone-anon probably didn't mean 'throw it in his face' but I figure it'll make some of Xal's answers interesting for a little while~
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ask-xal · 3 years
[[<xal voice> who are all you people
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The 2021 Tumblr Askblog Community Height Chart! I hosted an event on the Minecraft Askblog Discord Server ! (Must be 16+ and have an ACTIVE MC askblog to join) Thank you everyone that joined! It was a lot of fun putting this together and seeing the size differences between everyone's characters! <3 Sorry if anyone missed out, I will be hosting other events in the future themed around different things. Make sure to join the server so you don't miss out!! Full Image Blank Height chart base (Free to use with credit)
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ask-xal · 3 years
shouldn't you be using that thing to walk all the time instead of just whenever you feel like it
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"Actually, I'm using it for longer trips."
"Even so I am perfectly fine to walk without it" He adds firmly
An unknown buzzing catching Xal's attention and he scans around the woods "...why do the trees make noise over here?"
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ask-xal · 3 years
Look man, You gotta suck it up. How can you think you're *oh so important* when you're so naive and act like you don't care about the overworld.
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"All that I've ever heard is how horrible life here would be." Xal recalls a few of the rumours spread around The End. "Endless sprawling caves full of who knows what, Abandoned structures emptied and left to rot, Giant lakes of poison that falls from the sky." "When you hear how that sounds , it makes me think why would anyone want to live here??" "but actually being here now? Maybe I got lucky but ...it's kind of nice..." He pauses to be silent for a moment "and I'm happy to be able to relax a little too."
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ask-xal · 3 years
You cant Craft. You cant Farm. You cant Mine. What can you do aside from be a Tall Dumbass?
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Xal scowls hard "I may lack some skills I may need here, but that doesn't mean I'm a 'dumbass'"
"When you're as high up in the hierarchy as I am, You're more prepared to die than to..." He groans in frustration "-Do whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing here."
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