assessmentonlife · 8 years
I don’t want to jinx it, but I feel like this year’s already better than the last. People seem better, less volatile and shitty to deal with. I’m piling up my commitments, but I’ve thought it through and I enjoy every last one of em far more than all my previous ones added together. I know what I want to do (well, sort of) and I’m starting to see a world that I enjoy living in, one that intrigues me and makes me want to understand its unending peculiarities. It’ll get shitty soon because of exams and all, but at least I’m doing subjects I care for, and at least learning all this finally starts to make sense. I see a purpose, and that’s all that’s necessary.
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assessmentonlife · 8 years
Oddservations: Overrated Success
Hey! I’m going to title all my future random observations ramblings odd-servations in future, essentially odd observations about the world. 
So, I’ve spent the last month obsessively trying out new things, mainly because it hit me some time last December that school life was ending really soon and that I really should make the best out of it. Here’s a list of stuff I applied to participate in, and their success rates:
1. INVENT (some ICT science programme in my school) (Success!)
2. Players (the drama club in my school) (Rejection and also i messed this one up big time. Oops)
3. Film Society (as stated. I’ve also directed a film for school submission and that was a very very interesting and enlightening experience. I’m starting to really enjoy this.) (Success!)
4. A computer science research project (Success!)
5. Knowledge and Inquiry (a subject on questioning all that we know) (Success!)
6. Council (the big leadboard in my school) (Success...? I think? I sure hope so. I’m not sure but I really do hope so)
My point in saying all this is not so much to brag (but also hey private post from private blog written by me so i have every right to do so a little bit) but more of proof that I’ve been trying things out and experimenting and may hopefully be somewhat justified to make a conclusion:
Interest and effort gets you really far. 
I’ve gone into all 6 of these with pretty much zero experience and a big mouth that rambles about how fascinating the world is. And what I’ve noticed is 2 things. 1. Not many people actually apply for further enrichment classes or commitments like these and 2. Yet people are incredibly impressed if you state that you’re participating in all these extra-curricular thingums.
And perhaps that’s the scary thing, that people don’t get how easy it is to achieve such things, that you don’t really need so much of experience rather interest. That’s a hopeful thought, that you can use all these experiences in school as a bedrock for experimentation. Perhaps best analogised as a breadboard, where you build prototype after prototype of yourself (as a product) and each time, you find out what works and what doesn’t. And you learn and you grow and you get better and at some point you’re able to function in the world, and fit some grand purpose. That’s a really hopeful analogy, but I’m starting to think so.
Interest brings people really far. It gives them the foundation to do what they want, and it’s surprisingly quite easy to start off from there. And, hopefully, from there, this drives one to learn more, and go further and deeper into what they’ve learnt that they love. For two reasons:
1. Using the Dunning-Kruger effect, as we start to learn about a subject, we better understand what we do not know about it, how much there is that we do not know, and its importance in the world. In this sense, it drives us to keep learning, to do the best we can to keep searching for that endless amount of knowledge about what we care for.
2. We learn to love it, for it inspires us, tells us what purpose we can fit in the world, and how we can keep going. It creates a hazy but exciting new path to step towards. And maybe we won’t know where the journey would bring us, but it promises to be a hell of a ride.
So, that’s an update of my month. Coupled with some sort of enlightenment about school life and a hopeful, positive start to it. And now, the journey begins.
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assessmentonlife · 8 years
Social Circles Simplified
Social circles are a bit like trees, in that they keep branching out. Okay, that’s driving it perhaps a bit too far. But here’s a proper question. If your social circle was a plant, would it be a cactus or an oak tree? (It’s supposed to sound classier than this, but I needed some very specific attributes for the latter plant. Sorry, folks. 
If it were a cactus, then the roots of your circle are shallow but widespread, in that they spread parallel to the ground. This allows the cactus to maximise water intake in the shitty desert condition, by opportunistically grasping for every bit of rain when it makes its ohsorare arrival. Similarly, a social circle of that sort involves many, many friends, all the contacts you talk to when you need help and all that. And in the rain, when you most need an umbrella, someone on the road will happen to be your friend, and offer shelter for you, a friend. But beware, for the cactus is easily uprooted by some form of shitty weather, and, with climate change, we never really know where the wind blows (double entendre, in which the analogy continues to stand, unlike the cactus).
And if it were an oak tree, then the roots of the circle spread far less, but are far deeper, digging into the soil and building an intricate system to remain rooted in position. This means the oak tree is less likely to budge, being less vulnerable to weather conditions. A social circle like that involves far less people you consider ‘friends’ but rather more acquaintances, and a small network of ‘close friends’. And, although in the rain you cannot find someone you know on the street to offer an umbrella, perhaps it’s these people who will brave the rain foolishly with you, then watch the rainbow that follows after. 
So, what would you pick?
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assessmentonlife · 8 years
Technically, Yeah
Hey black void/Tumblr!
So, I’ve been thinking excessively. I’ll try and be vague here but essentially I’m trying out for this extremely prestigious (well to me anyway) school enrichment activity which gives you access to workshops, resources and platforms for learning and showcasing some ability to control technology, build software and take over the world. The last bit’s a bit of an exaggeration (for now) but yes. I’ve always been extremely intrigued by technology, through a layman’s perspective of ideas, connections, the little sparks of brilliance and the work put into them. Those simple ideas to make our world better, solve our problems and possibly set up new ones but perhaps far less frustrating ones.
So, the application process requires you to think of a real world problem you want to fix, then figure out how to solve it with technology. And write a pretentious and jargon-filled essay about it. I suck at that but when the world forces you to try and take note of everything you’re unhappy about and a long-term way of solving it, the world gets really interesting for a bit. For one, you notice so much, and you try your best to be analytical about it. You break down the core issues, then explore the possibilities, then try to be practical about it. So, here are some ideas I’ve had. Let me jot them down and analyse them properly so I can hyperrationalize them.
1. A legitimate, closely-moderated online education forum!
Mainly, education here refers to standardised tests. The problem is that there are a lot of problems. And quite often, when we go higher up, google can’t solve all our problems. At least, not in the way that’ll help us score. We also don’t know where to buy great smooth pens for easy essay writing and perhaps the nice mugging spots around. So, why not a worldwide forum for such questions to be asked and answered? And perhaps each part can be broken down by nation, then by school (for more specific syllabuses etc.) and perhaps there you can meet a community that, through going through the same exam, learn together? 
Problem about this is that forums aren’t hard to set up, but hard to maintain. This is really community focused and mostly it’s people work not software so it’s not too practical. As my friends have also pointed out, it’s hard to implement everywhere and we already have local school communities, so as long as you have friends you don’t need this.
2. The Meal Choice
I’ve even come up with a cheesy name for this already. Essentially, it’s a lunch-choosing algorithm that helps you settle what to eat, based on your previous tastes indicated, how experimental you want to be today, Yelp reviews, proximity and perhaps size of group etc. I was thinking something similar to OKCupid’s algorithm for dating, in that you rate your choice for each category, then we add a value according to how important you feel that is to you. And we then rank how suited each food is based on your preferences. Basic, but surprisingly unexplored territory.
Yup that’s about it. I had more ideas but I’m already rethinking all that. Bye.
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assessmentonlife · 8 years
Step Two: Reassessment of Life
So, here’s where I am right now.
I’m 17 (this year). I study in a really good school, and part of me fears I got there by accident, the other part knows so. I want to prove I deserve to get here, and more. I’m an idealist, and I really do hope that my notions of possibly being a special snowflake are right, that I can amount to something in future. 
There are a billion things I want to do, and just about zero ways to achieve them in my current state. I lack academic brilliance, any specialised knowledge (besides being able to choke some people (useless if I’m not aiming for a job as a mercenary (and I’m not))) or any proof that I may actually be that special snowflake.
I got into the gifted education programme when I was 10, in a nation with supposedly the best education in the world, and perhaps it’s because of that that I have that hubris to believe I may be someone brilliant. I want to change the world, to (apologies for the cliche) be the future Steve Wozniak (the actual guy behind the computer, Jobs chose the font and presented well), the person who comes up with some revolutionary piece of tech that changes the world for good. For myself, and myself in the eyes of others. I know that sucks, but I also don’t believe in altruism being the driving force of the world. Just being honest.
I want to do something great, to be great.
So, I’ve been trying. Not very hard. Hopefully that’ll change. Here’s what I’ve been doing:
1. Reading How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (A book that teaches Python)
2. Exploring Cryptography on Coursera, on and off, because of the lack of technical understanding
3. Taking a Film History class on Hollywood movies. The style, the reasoning, the subtlety infused in the good ones.
That’s about it. Wow. That actually really sucks for a two-month holiday. (Though I have been catching up on 9 seasons of HIMYM). Okay. I really should buck up. Let me post my findings and possibly anything cool here. Bye.
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assessmentonlife · 8 years
An Explicit Resolution
Hey Tumblr. Or the dark void I’m shouting into timidly as I finally dare to take the step closer. 
So, I’ve always treated Chinese New Year as the actual new year for resolutions, 1. because I’m Chinese and 2. because it’s the way less stress-free, jam-packed one and 3. you get money, and blessings and all, sort of all you need to get off your lazy ass and start fulfilling your life goals.
Chinese New Year’s in about 10 hours. I’ve had this blog lying around here for a month or so, with no idea of how to start it off, or any motivation to do so. And then it hit me really hard that it’s 2016, that I’ve already wasted a month drifting around. So, here goes nothing.
I’m going to start this little (hopefully private) exploration into education. I mean, proper. In a way where I’ll record my findings in this little corkboard. And not in the most aesthetically pleasing way, or the most organised, just whatever it is I notice about the world, about things I stumble upon, and whatever my interests lean towards at that point. I love making little observations, analysing the great unknown. And maybe I can remember all my thoughts for once, compile em here.
Hopefully this motivates me to perhaps be a better person, one who cares to learn and learns to care. Alright, tip 1. Always count to three before you do something you’re scared to do. Then do it.
Here goes nothing.
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assessmentonlife · 9 years
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hello pals!!! school is tough, life in general is tough + we all need a break sometimes. remember to take a day off at least once a week or take frequent breaks + take time to care for yourself because you deserve it!! this is a masterpost to help you out if you’re stuck + don’t know what to do <3
for your ears
calm songs that make me feel warm inside
for relaxing + taking your mind off things
tranquilising coffee shop sounds
rainy sounds
nature sounds
the infinite jukebox
for your body, hair + face
head-to-toe self care
helpful makeup tips!!!
eye makeup stuff
braid your hair like the ladies in game of thrones
winged eyeliner
makeup/hair/perfume post
for your eyes
marvel movies masterpost!!!
movies for angsty teens
movie night masterpost
classic chick flicks
indie films
childhood movies
spooky movies
a bunch of series!!!
giant panda cam
puppy cam!!!
kitten cam!!!
for your tummy
microwave mug cake
vegan smoothies
vegetable burgers
recipes for students
bake really nice stuff!!!
layered ice cream pops
rainbow cheesecake
food hacks
myfridgefood [make something with stuff you have in your fridge!!]
spice up your hot chocolate
what tea you should take according to how you feel
for your mind
put your thoughts in this box
free online therapy
a website that compliments you
who’s the cutest?
weave silk
do nothing for two minutes
make stuff with sand [this is really calming i love it!!!]
the dawn room
the thoughts room
make everything okay
mental health masterpost
other stuff
a sleep calculator
photoshop downloads
photoshop for beginners
art links!!
what you should do when you’re stressed
my positivity tag
+ my masterposts
notes, studying, and self-study resources
self-study resources
igcse resources
improving your handwriting
how to studyblr
literature masterpost
aesthetically pleasing notes
studying a foreign language
really great apps
college + uni
summary writing
the discursive/argumentative essay
the narrative essay + the descriptive essay
the ultimate english masterpost!!
+ more
hope this helps you guys be stress-free for a while!!! take care of yourself, i love you <3
-helena xx
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assessmentonlife · 9 years
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Ten steps to writing an essay //Science Scribbles
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assessmentonlife · 9 years
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11/26 || My spread is a little different this week since its break but here it is! Featuring an apple crisp recipe that I’m using for Thanksgiving. Yum yum 😛
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assessmentonlife · 9 years
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hey guys!! so, quite a few of you seem to have liked my other masterpost about notes and studying and i recently received an anonymous question asking me for a masterpost particularly about self-study resources. so, this is it!! :]
languages masterpost
another language learning masterpost
check out my tags
spanish essay phrases
spanish checker
best online spanish dictionary and translator!!!!
gradesaver [english lit]
french checker
french grammar
french resources!!!!!!
another proof reading program
more language stuff ft. a lot of languages
arts and humanities
3 minute philosophy
world history
european history
art history
human geography
sciences + math
science glossary
best math website!!!
calculus cheat sheets
studying biology!!!
balance chemical equations
periodic table of elements
a lot of courses and other websites on various subjects!!!
khan academy + on youtube
crash course videos!!!
the school of life yaaaas
google scholar
more free resources
okay, so i guess that’s about enough! if you’d like some more help then please don’t hesitate to message me or request a masterpost yourself! hope this helps :] 
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