astraerystarr · 2 days
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The idea come from @astraerystarr! I design my own Shimo human form! Thanks you for the great idea!
The mini Moth sleep on her Titan human GF head!
Link of the original idea!
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astraerystarr · 4 days
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I'm not sure about this design yet :(( I tried to make him look as much as Monsterverse-like I could but his body looks strange. but he's so cool I wish he was real
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astraerystarr · 5 days
Wingard can fuck off with his attempts at lore building.
Shimo is still a fully mature grandma for me and Mothra is still an immortal deity capable of (self sufficient) reincarnation.
But sure, Wingard. Yeah. She's the mother of KOTM Mothra.
Because. you know. She lays her own eggs?? The ones she is reborn in? I really hope that's what he's trying to say because if it's not I'll just give up.
Or she was SUPPOSED to be reborn in the eggs she lays before he made her spawn straight out of her cocoon instead. (And only with the help of a human from an island the isolated Iwi would have no knowledge of)
((Because of course the immortal reincarnating deity needs help from the little guys that worship her))
But idk. Maybe if they had thought about this a little more they could have introduced her into this movie in a way that wasn't disgustingly messy with her lore?
How much stuff was retconned with this movie? Little bits of lore and characterization the fandom embraced and enjoyed? If it wasn't for Shimo and Kong's story I would just disregard this movie as non canon
I'm sorry if this is all harsh but I just really love the silly moth, and since KOTM I grew such a big love for the concept of the Monsterverse and everything in it. Monarch, the hierarchy between the Titans, the dynamics between the Titans. It's so awesome. Such a creative spin on Kaiju and these iconic characters.
Next director, please. Preferably one that tries harder.
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astraerystarr · 9 days
Mama's boy
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Legendary!!! Bring Leo to the Monsterverse with all the music from the trilogy along with Bear McCreary and my life is yours!!!!
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astraerystarr · 10 days
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I love the idea that Mothra is Godzilla's crown and Godzilla is Mothra's shield. The brainrot is never ending. I love them with my whole heart and soul.
This is the first and last time I draw her wings.
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astraerystarr · 13 days
You know what. I hate Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.
I'll never forgive Wingard for how insignificant he made Mothra be in The New Empire, and how much he messed up the little bit of lore we had established from KOTM.
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Less than two minutes of screentime?
Enough that you can forget she was even in the movie even with the characters mentioning having to bring her back every thirty minutes?
Why does she need a human to be reborn? That takes away so much of her mysticism. Before we assumed that Mothra could feel it was time for her to be reborn. Like she was always aware of something deeper, like she was connected to the Cosmos itself.
Now she needed a human? Specifically from Skull Island? How would the Iwi, who were in the deepest parts of the Hollow Earth for however many years, even KNOW about Skull Island? Ffs the more you think about the movie the more it falls apart. Everything is held together by stitches.
And I was so looking forward to seeing Mothra's cute larval form. She looks like a Tardigrade. But Mothra wasn't meant to be in the movie and Wingard had to lie through his teeth to say she was the original plan. I don't trust him with hers or Godzilla's characterizations.
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Don't even get me started on how obvious it is that she was just shoved into the movie with animations and sounds that fit a peacock better (Like what Fosphera was going to be with those feathers).
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The bird sounds are so out of place with her reused sounds from KOTM. Those ones are based on whales and dolphins.
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astraerystarr · 14 days
it's a messy little sketch but it's made with love
King and Queen <333
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astraerystarr · 14 days
Shimothra in the brain,,,,
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astraerystarr · 22 days
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Titanus Mosura
GxK The New Empire Mothra GIF Pack 1
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astraerystarr · 23 days
Throws this at your head
Ilene x Iwi Queen. Or as I like to call it, Ilween. I do not accept criticism
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astraerystarr · 23 days
Shhhhh, she's sleeping
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Grannies of Monsters,,,
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she has a little receding hairline (understandable) but we love her anyway
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I'm sick as hell but they're worth the headache the screen gives me
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astraerystarr · 27 days
Mothra and her Freak of Nature buddy, Fosphera
la creatura,,,, she's so fucking weird and unsettling I love her (from a good distance)
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Look at this freak I'm scared of her. A face only a Mothra mother could love
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astraerystarr · 28 days
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IDW how’s it feel to have written the best love story ever told
(I’m sorry I had to get this out of my system byeeeeeee)
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astraerystarr · 28 days
May I offer you some!!!!
Shimothra :DD
i'm completley normal about them. I don't have like five fic drafts going on at the same time right now. I didn't make a playlist for them either. so normal
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astraerystarr · 28 days
Din Djarin x Boba Fett fic recs
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Agonistic Courtship by Selma (FAVE) [M, 114.015 w., ongoing]
When a strange artifact calls out to the Child, Din sets out on a journey that takes him to the wildest parts of Wild Space. Also, Boba Fett shows up and the problem is that he refuses to leave. That is, it's only a problem until it isn't.
~ The first bobadin fic I read and my favourite to this day. it has fluff, angst, action, Grogu being cute — the whole package
A Century Of Lonely Nights by Hammocker [E, 11.917 w.]
Din had heard stories about the palace being a hub of every flavor of drug and degeneracy in the galaxy, and certainly not without its racier entertainment, but this was something else. Something entirely unexpected and foreign to him."
~ Din and Bobba dance!
Pel'gam Copad by Cryo_Bucky [E, 6k+ w.]
"Pel'gam Copad" lit. "Skin desire" - the need to touch and be touched by another person.
Din doesn't know what he wants after losing everything he's known, but tagging along with Fennec and Boba Fett isn't so bad. Maybe if Boba would stop touching him he could think straight.
~ I blushed reading this and that's saying something
A Series of Unfortunate Collisions by skrrtnation [Teen and Up, 40k+ w.]
Din Djarin is a bounty hunter desperately trying to make a few extra bucks by streaming his bounties on the holonet. Boba Fett is a veteran hunter with a cult following returning to the holos after 10 years out of the game.
After running into each other on the job, Boba proposes a scheme: stage a rivalry to make more money. For Grogu and the covert, Din can't refuse.
But Din can't outrun the imperial remnants forever. Instead, they'll face them together.
~ I was obsessed for MONTHS after reading this kskdjh
Hang your last lariat in the hallway by whimsicalimages [E, 9k+ w.]
The man turns to face him fully, then, helmet tilting. “You got a point, Fett?”
He’s not usually so impatient, from what Boba’s seen, but he’s been coiled tight as a spring since Morak. It’ll mean trouble, if he gets impulsive on the mission. “No,” Boba says. “But I’ve got an offer.”
(Or: 5 times Din didn’t show Boba his face + 1 time he did.)
~ good reading!
Deleted my last account @numbraerys and had to reupload this ^^
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astraerystarr · 28 days
Din Djarin x Luke Skywalker fic recs!!
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You're going to have to relocate the covert by aiden_ng [Teen and Up, 6k+ w.]
‘This is the Way,’ Din says aloud to the empty cavern. He feels—or he seems to hear—his kin and his vanished forebears echoing the words back to him, ghosts in the walls around him, all the dead and the scattered and the not-forgotten. He walks with them, these watchful invisible companions, on the way of the Mandalore.
~ i can't even describe how simple and wholesome and meaningful this fic is
We could be enough by snapdragonpop007 [Teen and Up, 25k+ w. ongoing]
Din Djarin fights a war he never wanted to be a part of, and Luke Skywalker slowly makes a place for himself in a family he never knew he needed.
~ :']
Parry, parry, strike by AlchemyAlice [Teen and Up, 7k+ w.]
“Oh? What are you, their king?” the Senator says sarcastically, and then freezes at the same time Din does.
“...No,” Din says. He does not sound convincing.
~ kjhsdkhkjjksdf
A lantern in the darkness by superhusbands4ever (Potterwatch97) (FAVE) [E, 53k+ w., ongoing]
Danger. Help. Please.
It hit him all at once. What began as a gentle prodding turned into a rushing tidal wave, a tsunami of thought and picture and emotion. His knees felt weak with the strength of it and Luke felt himself wobble, felt hands grasp his arm and shoulders as he was guided down, but reality fell away from him as images, visions, started flashing like a holo on the inside of his eyelids--
Sitting in the dark, voices and blaster shots coming from the distance but getting closer and closer. Fear, paralyzing fear. Afraid and alone in the dark for so long--
And then, light.
~ love this fic and the universe the author created and the characters meeting each other and how Din deals with being a king and aaa-
A Warrior Dance by twoseas [Not Rated, 14k+ w.,]
Luke reacts strangely to Din’s bared face and an overheard conversation leads the Mandalorian to believe the Jedi thinks he’s ugly.
Things spiral out of control from there.
Featuring Mandalorian combat without armor, Han and Leia being a little into Din, and Luke being so much into Din he accidentally makes him think he’s unattractive.
~ you know that fic you read when you're having a bad day? This is that for me
Hand in Glove by unsuborsuper [Gen, 737 w.]
“Here,” Luke says, “help me with this?”
“I’m not really a mechanic--”
“That’s fine, I just need your hand.”
~ handholding. handholding. han-
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astraerystarr · 29 days
He wasn’t ready for more I guess
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