Everybody does the exact same stupid shit. That white nationalist anon I was getting a while ago would send me story after story of some random black guy or immigrant committing a violent crime against a white person. Well, yeah, people are violent, you're gonna find those if you go looking for them. And there's a lot of racial animosity in the world, so you'll even find racially charged ones if you go looking! No shit, Sherlock. We could play this game all day. You find me a news story of a black guy killing a white guy, I find you a news story of white guy killing a black guy. This does no one any good.
TERFs are identical. News story after news story of a trans woman raping somebody. Yeah, the world is an awful place and people rape each other. I can find you a news story of a cis woman raping a teenage boy and getting three months in jail. I can find you a news story of a cis mom killing her disabled kid cause they're too much work. But I don't want to. The world sucks shit, why gorge yourself on the tragedy?
Zionists come up with news story after news story of pro-Palestinian/BDS/whatever protestors being antisemitic. Yep. A lot of people out there hate Jews. And there has been a genuine rise in antisemitism since the Oct. 7th attack, and that's awful. There are no excuses for that. Do you know what else has happened since then? The Israeli military has slaughtered tens of thousands of Palestinians, including huge numbers of innocent civilians—men, women and children.
People are often terrible to each other. Welcome to Earth. If you go looking for bad actors in a big enough group, you are guaranteed to find them. How about this. What about all the black people who didn't kill a white little girl? What about the black little girls? What about their hopes and dreams? What about their chance at life? What about all the trans women who didn't rape anybody in a bathroom? What if they just want to go about their lives, without constant public scrutiny of what genitals they have (as a cis woman, can you empathize with that? Constant public scrutiny of what you're doing with your genitals?). What about the 30,000 Palestinians who have been killed, and the 70,000 who have been displaced from their homes?
Fear has made you a monster. Fear has driven you to demand slaughter and oppression of innocent people because they look like guilty people you read about on the news, and since they look the same to you, you feel fearful—how can you tell whether these are the innocent ones or the guilty ones? Best to oppress and slaughter them preemptively just to be safe. I am here to tell you that this twisted logic of self-defense does not hold. I do not care if you feel safe—I do not care if you are safe—if the cost of your safety is innocent life. The world is a risky place. I am not going to deny that. Horrible things could happen to any of us. If we go around preemptively attacking other over it, we do not make it a bit better. And, needless to say, danger comes from everywhere, from every group of human beings, and oppressing the people who make you nervous will not, in fact, deliver you from danger. It just makes you a monster.
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Fresh Out of The Sand
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Stardew Valley Willy centric fan-comic
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Ten Major Artists:
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Wong Wong & Lulu
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Pepper examining himself before commencing a self-portrait
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Pepper’s self-portrait
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Tiger the spontaneous reductionist
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Misty goes off the wall
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Minnie, the abstract expressionist
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Minnie’s Reindeer in Provence, 1992.
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Smokey painting after an hour in the catnip patch
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Smokey at work
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Ginger’s Stripped Bare Birds, 1992.
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Princess, the elemental fragmentist
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Charlie, the peripheral realist
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In an alternate reality Arlan Hellison wrote a story about a sentient computer named AINT who's really chill and keeps 5 humans alive so they can hang out and watch movies
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sunday morning in a still hot september
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I think a lot about how, if the glorious violent revolution happens, every kid with significant medical needs in a hospital where power gets cut will die.
You can decide you're willing to sacrifice your own life, but you don't get to tell everybody else on the planet that they're acceptable collateral damage.
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Title here - Submitted by adventures-of-oak
#202C39 #283845 #B8B08D #F2D492 #F29559
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Watterson pulled no punches
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Is Elliot a hive mind of eels being a person or a person who just so happens to be made of eels? Have the eels formed a union?
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unfortunately, the eels have not unionized 😔 (apologies for indulgently goofy reply, I scripted this at 3am while failing to sleep)
transcript under cut
Elliot, frustrated: "No, I am Not a Hivemind. I just turn into-" Kid, interrupting: "Aren't you though?"
Kid, squatting on a table: "Do you Really Think you are Anything More than That Which Makes You?"
text overlaid: "Interview cut short due to obnoxious co-star" Kid, flying into the distance after being punted by Elliot: "Are we Anything but Meat and Friction, Rivennnnnnnn???"
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I don't know how strictly accurate this is, but one of the things I find shocking about watching historical dramas is how many people there are around all the time---according to Madame de... (1953) a well-off French household in the Belle Epoque maintains a workforce of at least 3, and the glittering opera has staff just to open doors. According to Shogun (2024) you can expect a deep bench just to mind your household, and again, people who exist to open doors.
Could people....not open doors in the past? Were doors tricky, before the standardization of hinges? Because otherwise, the wealthy used to pay a whole bunch of people to do it for them in multiple contexts, and I find myself baffled.
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So The "The canon can't get me if I don't let it." just grabbed me straight by the limbic system regarding several fandoms where I have fic ideas that predate newer canon that contradicts it and/or that I don't want to touch from spoilers I received, and that I felt self conscious about considering pursuing. So. Thank You. Again. I might just make it a tag on ao3 for those fics, if you don't object.
"The canon can't get me if I don't let it" is an ancient fandom tradition, so by all means, follow it and make the art that fills your heart.
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Daytime Strolls
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Pulp sci-fi illustration by Italian artist, Aldo Di Gennaro (b. 1938).
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When I was younger and researching the autism diagnosis criteria and symptoms, I thought “oh I couldn’t POSSIBLY be autistic.” Because when I read “takes everything literally” I thought it literally meant EVERYTHING and I was like “I don’t take EVERYTHING literally, just most things!” And I just realized the other day that it didn’t actually mean EVERYTHING and that was an overstatement.
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My Birdfeeders Welcome All Kinds
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Concerned voids
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Shady dealers
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Entitled customers and their staff victims
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Gothic models
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The curious
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The Mafioso
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The sports fan
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Boudoir Models
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Rock climbers
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Its fuckin wimdy
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The angry cosmic void
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Tree Gremlin
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awkward dates
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The highly-caffeinated
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Existential dread
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Adrenaline junkies
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Board meetings
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The dramatic
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Where's Waldo designers
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Post-shift retail workers
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Free sample enjoyers
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Family reunions
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2010s viral trend participants
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Those suffering coworkers with bad takes
and many, many more!
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