autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
Word List: Alternatives to "Walk"
Instead of walk, consider:
Amble: walk easily and/or aimlessly
Bounce: walk energetically
Caper: skip or dance about in a lively or playful way
Careen: pitch dangerously to one side while walking or running
Cavort: jump or dance around excitedly
Clump: walk heavily and/or clumsily
Falter: walk unsteadily
Flounder: walk with great difficulty
Foot it: (slang) depart or set off by walking
Footslog: walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud
Gimp: limp; hobble
Hike: take a long walk, especially in a park or a wilderness area
Hobble: walk unsteadily or with difficulty; see also limp
Hoof it: (slang) walk; see foot it
Leg it: (slang) see foot it
Limp: walk unsteadily because of injury, especially favoring one leg; see also falter
Lumber: walk slowly and heavily
Lurch: walk slowly but with sudden movements, or furtively
March: walk rhythmically alone or in a group, especially according to a specified procedure
Meander: walk or move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction
Mince: walk delicately
Mosey: see amble; also, used colloquially in the phrase “mosey along”
Nip: (Britishism) go briskly or lightly; also used colloquially in the phrase “nip (on/out/over/round/down/in)” to refer to a brief trip to a certain destination, as if on an errand
Pace: walk precisely to mark off a distance, or walk intently or nervously, especially back and forth
Pad: walk with steady steps making a soft dull sound
Parade: walk ostentatiously, as if to show off
Perambulate: see stroll; travel on foot, or walk to inspect or measure a boundary
Peregrinate: walk, especially to travel
Plod: walk slowly and heavily, as if reluctant or weary
Pound: walk or go with heavy steps; move along with force or vigor; see lumber
Power walk: walk briskly for fitness
Prance: walk joyfully, as if dancing or skipping
Promenade: go on a leisurely walk, especially in a public place as a social activity; see parade
Prowl: walk noiselessly and carefully in a predatory manner
Pussyfoot: walk stealthily or warily
Ramble: walk or travel aimlessly
Roam: go without fixed direction and without any particular destination, often for pleasure; see ramble
Rove: travel constantly over a relatively lengthy time period without a fixed destination; wander
Sashay: glide, move, or proceed easily or nonchalantly; see parade
Saunter: walk about easily
Scuff: walk without lifting one’s feet
Shamble: walk or go awkwardly; shuffle; see scuff
Shuffle: walk without lifting the feet or with clumsy steps and a shambling gait; see scuff
Skulk: move in a stealthy or furtive manner
Somnambulate: walk in one’s sleep
Stagger: walk unsteadily
Stalk: walk stealthily, as in pursuit
Step: walk, or place one’s foot or feet in a new position
Stomp: walk heavily, as if in anger
Stride: walk purposefully, with long steps
Stroll: walk in a leisurely way; see saunter
Strut: walk with a stiff, erect, and apparently arrogant or conceited gait; see parade
Stumble: walk clumsily or unsteadily, or trip
Stump: walk heavily, as with a limp; see lumber
Swagger: walk with aggressive self-confidence
Tiptoe: walk carefully on the toes or on the balls of the foot, as if in stealth
Toddle: move with short, unsteady steps, as a young child; see saunter and stagger
Totter: walk or go with faltering steps, as if from extreme weakness; see stagger (also, sway or become unstable)
Traipse: walk lightly and/or aimlessly
Tramp: walk heavily or noisily; see lumber and hike
Trample: walk so as to crush something underfoot
Traverse: walk across or over a distance
Tread: walk slowly and steadily
Trip: walk lightly; see also stumble
Tromp: tread heavily, especially to crush underfoot; see lumber
Troop: walk in unison, or collectively
Trot: proceed at a pace faster than a walk; see nip
Trudge: walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions; see plod
Waddle: walk clumsily or as if burdened, swinging the body
Wade: walk through water or with difficulty, as if impeded
Wander: to move from place to place without a fixed route; see ramble
Resources: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
NOTE: The words on this Word List are not necessarily synonyms of walk, simply alternatives. If you feel you could improve upon this Word List, please message us with your recommendations. We appreciate all civil messages we receive, and will amend this Word List as suggestions for its improvement are made. Thank you.
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
Writing great friendships
Some of the best chemistry/relationships in fiction exist between characters who are/become friends. Here are some tips for making friendships come alive on the page:
1. Banter
One of the most interesting aspects of fictional friendships is the way the characters interact with each other whilst important plot points are occurring.
If your characters have easy banter, teasing one another without missing a beat and managing to bounce off each other even in the toughest circumstances, it will be clear to the reader that these two are/should be good friends.
Friends know each other well. They know the other’s character so well that they can easily find something to tease each other over. However, this also means knowing which topics are off-limits.
If you want to write a good, healthy friendship, your characters shouldn’t use humour/sarcasm as a way to hurt the other. It should be good-natured and understood as such from both sides.
Different friendships will have different types of chemistry. Some friends may tease each other with facial expressions. Others may already anticipate a snarky remark and counter it before it’s been spoken. Others will have physical ways of goofing around. 
Some friends might not tease each other at all. Banter isn’t necessary; it’s just a good way to make your characters come alive and make their friendship one that is loved by readers.
What’s important is chemistry - the way they automatically react to each other.
Think Sam and Dean in Supernatural or Juliette and Kenji in the Shatter Me series.
2. Mutual support 
Unless you purposefully want to write an unhealthy/toxic friendship, your characters should both be supportive of the other. 
This means that, even if one is the MC and the other the side-kick, both should be cognisant of the other’s feelings and problems, and should be considerate in this regard.
Few things will make your MC as likable as remembering to check in and be there for their best friend even when they are in the thick of a crisis.
You need to show your characters being vulnerable in front of each other and being supportive in ways that are tailored to the needs of each friend.
So, if one of the characters really responds to physical comfort, the other should know to give hugs/rub their back when they’re not feeling well. Similarly, if one of them doesn’t like being touched and responds to material comfort, have the other bring them ice cream and join them for a movie marathon. Whatever works for your characters.
What gets me every time is when a character is falling apart and won’t listen to/be consoled by anyone but their best friend (but this is just personal preference).
3. Knowing the other’s past/family life
This really only applies to characters who have been friends for quite a while.
Good friends know each other’s backstory - the highs and lows and mundane details. They know they layout of their family home and they probably know their family members well.
Friends will often talk about these things, only having to mention a few words for the other to know what they’re talking about i.e. “The ‘09 Thanksgiving disaster” or “You know how Uncle Fred is”
This will instantly make it clear that your characters are close and have come a long way together. 
Perhaps there are issues at home/trauma from the past that the other character will immediately understand. So, if one character appears with a black eye, their friend might know that the father was probably drunk the night before and got violent. Or if the character has a nightmare, the friend might know that it was about childhood abuse etc.
This can also apply to good things i.e. if one of the characters gets a nice note in their lunchbox, the other might know that their grandma is in town.
Whatever works for your story should be used to indicate the level of unspoken understanding the friends have.
4. Being protective
Few things will make your readers love a friendship more than the friends being fiercely protective of each other (in a healthy, non-territorial way).
Has someone hurt one of the characters? The other should be furious and want to exact revenge. Does someone say something demeaning to one of the friends? The other should defend them immediately and vehemently.
This can also take on a humorous twist if one of the characters starts dating someone. The friend can make extra sure that said date is sincere and promise to exact vengeance if their friend is hurt.
This can also be a great plot device, since it could explain why the MC’s best friend joins the quest/goes along on the journey. Perhaps this is the main plot point: a character seeking to protect/avenge their friend.
If you want to go in a toxic direction, this can be taken too far i.e. a friend who never lets the other spend time with anyone else/stalks the other/is patronising etc.
5.  Common interest(s)
Even if the two characters are vastly different, there should be something that keeps them together besides loyalty.
This is especially important for characters who become friends throughout the course of the novel.
This doesn’t have to mean that both of them go hiking every weekend or want to become pilots one day. It could be something small, like a love of cheesy movies or a shared taste in music. Maybe they both enjoy silence/don’t like other people. Maybe they are both social justice warriors, but for different causes. 
This could also be common characteristics instead of interests. Perhaps both are very ambitious/funny/social.
There should just be some factor that ignited the friendship and brings the two of them together.
This doesn’t necessarily have to be a big part of your story, but you should at least have it mentioned to make the friendship appear more authentic.
Reblog if you found these tips useful. Comment if you would like a Part 2. Follow me for similar content.
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
World-Building Resource List
us A quick note about how this works - I’ve put a double asterisk (**) next to anything that is particularly good, useful, or well-regarded, but they are all good resources! If you know of anything you think should be added let me know!
Articles & Blogs
100 World-Building Questions
5 Tips For Creating Believable Fictional Languages
Building A High Fantasy Religion **
Crafting Fictional Cultures
Creating A Distinct World **
Creating A Fictional Religion **
Creating Religions & Belief Systems
Creating Realistic Cultures
How To Create A Rational Magic System
How To Create Your Own Fake Town
How To Invent A Language **
Law For Fantasy Writers **
Making New Cultures
Naming Countries, Continents, Cities, & Towns In High Fantasy
The Language Construction Kit **
The Magical Worldbuilders Guide (available in PDF)
Welcome To World-Building **
World-Building 101
World-Building Guidelines **
Worldbuilding: Fantasy Religion Design Guide **
Worldbuilding: Magic Systems
Eight Day Genesis: A Worldbuilding Codex For Writers And Creatives - by Maurice Broaddus et al
Jester David’s How-To Guide To Fantasy Worldbuilding - by David Gibson
Stan Lee’s Master Class - by Stan Lee **
The A - Zs Of Worldbuilding - by Rebekah Loper
The Art Of Language Invention - by David J Peterson **
The Kobold Guide To Worldbuilding - by Wolfgang Baur et al
World-Building - by Stephen L Gillet **
World-Building From The Inside Out Workbook - by Janeen Ippolito **
Worldbuilding Theory: The Second Pillar Of Fantasy Adventure - by Berin Kinsman
Generators & Builders:
AutoRealm; a program which lets you build your fantasy realm in map form. 
Donjon; a generator which produces random names, towns, inns, and adventures (also useful for D&D) **
Seventh Sanctum; generates names for characters, realms, ships, and even taverns!
Serendipity; generates names for places, people, and novels (fantasy specific) **
If you found this resource list helpful and you want to keep me writing and creating please consider buying me a Ko-FI or donating via paypal.
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
“Extremely detailed character sheet template”
Character Chart Character’s full name: Reason or meaning of name: Character’s nickname: Reason for nickname: Birth date: Physical appearance Age: How old does he/she appear: Weight: Height: Body build: Shape of face: Eye color: Glasses or contacts: Skin tone: Distinguishing marks: Predominant features: Hair color: Type of hair: Hairstyle: Voice: Overall attractiveness: Physical disabilities: Usual fashion of dress: Favorite outfit: Jewelry or accessories: Personality Good personality traits: Bad personality traits: Mood character is most often in: Sense of humor: Character’s greatest joy in life: Character’s greatest fear: Why? What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Character is most at ease when: Most ill at ease when: Enraged when: Depressed or sad when: Priorities: Life philosophy: If granted one wish, it would be: Why? Character’s soft spot: Is this soft spot obvious to others? Greatest strength: Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Biggest regret: Minor regret: Biggest accomplishment: Minor accomplishment: Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Why? Character’s darkest secret: Does anyone else know? Goals Drives and motivations: Immediate goals: Long term goals: How the character plans to accomplish these goals: How other characters will be affected: Past Hometown: Type of childhood: Pets: First memory: Most important childhood memory: Why: Childhood hero: Dream job: Education: Religion: Finances: Present Current location: Currently living with: Pets: Religion: Occupation: Finances: Family Mother: Relationship with her: Father: Relationship with him: Siblings: Relationship with them: Spouse: Relationship with him/her: Children: Relationship with them: Other important family members: Favorites Color: Least favorite color: Music: Food: Literature: Form of entertainment: Expressions: Mode of transportation: Most prized possession: Habits Hobbies: Plays a musical instrument? Plays a sport? How he/she would spend a rainy day: Spending habits: Smokes: Drinks: Other drugs: What does he/she do too much of? What does he/she do too little of? Extremely skilled at: Extremely unskilled at: Nervous tics: Usual body posture: Mannerisms: Peculiarities: Traits Optimist or pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Daredevil or cautious? Logical or emotional? Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Prefers working or relaxing? Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Animal lover? Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: One word the character would use to describe self: One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? How does the character think others perceive him/her: What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Person character most hates: Best friend(s): Love interest(s): Person character goes to for advice: Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Person character feels shy or awkward around: Person character openly admires: Person character secretly admires: Most important person in character’s life before story starts: After story starts:
found here
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
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~ character detail generators ~
Since it’s a good silly way to relax and pass the time, I’ve now made three random generators lol! Feel free to try them out if you’d like!  
– The first is the old one I’ve posted about before which will randomly generate a fantasy identity for you (species, where you live, what you do, and your background story).  – The second generates random background details for you/a character (in the format of “You are a [random job or title], who [random personal trait], that has always [random persistent trait], and wants to [random goal] “). – The third just generates a set of character traits ( 2 random traits, a skill, a quirk, a hobby, and a main personal struggle). Examples of results provided in images above …… have.. fun randomly generating things, I guess!  I don’t really have a clear reason, these are just fun to make lol
links:    first generator   |   second one   |    third one   
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
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Tag yourself I’m ‘sampler of drugs’
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
can we give it up for Suzanne Collins for fucking off into oblivion with her money after hunger games fucking destroyed the YA market for like 6 years. everything YA was dystopian “EVERYONES IN A DIFFERENT QUADRANT” shit from 2010 to 2016 and we didnt hear a peep from her. true fucking power.
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
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“One of my plays is getting produced!” “What’s it about?” “So there’s this guy, and he really loves this one girl— she’s the girl of his dreams. But she’s going off to college. So he applies to every nearby college, just so he can be close to her. But the only college that accepts him is a clown college. But here’s the thing— he’s terrified of clowns.”
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
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I mean when you put it like that..
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
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159K notes ¡ View notes
autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
what a legend
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
my mom, turning up “we will rock you”: football babey!
me, internally: straight people think they understand queen which is cute
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autumnerglow ¡ 5 years
Writing Tip:
If you don’t feel like actually writing, prepare for writing:
Open your WIP Word doc
Read the last page again
Scribble notes on what happens next
Once you’ve done this, you might just find yourself wanting to continue after all. And if you don’t, no worries. You’ve made it easier to jump back into it later. 
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