bangchanswall2 · 3 years
Listen up!
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You see a post like this? Where OP might hurt/kill themselves? You hit that button that I circled
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Hit that.
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Click Suicide or Self-harm Concern
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Fill in the rest of it, and hit submit. The "content you reported" will fill itself in
Tumblr will follow up and help them.
Warning: this is only for mobile. If anyone knows how to do this for desktop, please add it!
And yes, REBLOG. Liking does no shit at all. This isn't ig.
You reblog, people see it. You don't, people don't see it. This shit's that simple.
This could save someone's life. It's not a joke.
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bangchanswall2 · 3 years
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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bangchanswall2 · 3 years
Do you ever think you'll stop drawing fanart? No offense it just seems like the kind of thing you're supposed to grow out of. I'm just curious what your plans/goals are since it isn't exactly an art form that people take seriously.
Ah, fanart. Also known as the art that girls make.
Sad, immature girls no one takes seriously. Girls who are taught that it’s shameful to be excited or passionate about anything, that it’s pathetic to gush about what attracts them, that it’s wrong to be a geek, that they should feel embarrassed about having a crush, that they’re not allowed to gaze or stare or wish or desire. Girls who need to grow out of it.
That’s the art you mean, right?
Because in my experience, when grown men make it, nobody calls it fanart. They just call it art. And everyone takes it very seriously.
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bangchanswall2 · 3 years
what the fuck is wrong with you?
Please be more specific and resubmit with the proper paperwork. 
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bangchanswall2 · 3 years
Juno's dorm room/Dorm history
Survival show (2017)
She shared a room with Jeongin
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White side: Juno
Patterned side: Jeongin
District 9 to Miroh Era
She had her own room at the dorms
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Side effects era - now
She has her own apartment in Gangnam
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(The bathroom inside of her bedroom. Her bedroom is upstairs, the living room, kitchen, guest bedroom and 2nd bathroom are downstairs)
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(Downstairs Bathroom)
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(Her home studio)
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bangchanswall2 · 3 years
Ships within Stray Kids: Maknae Line Edition
Juno + Han
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These two are polar opposites. He is loud while she is very quiet, however the thing that these two have in common is the fact that they're both introverts. They are very close considering that Jisung's first impression of her was a very weird one (he was VERY intimidated by her, according to him, she had a cold look on her face like those rich kids in movies.) She later told him that she wasn't having a great day that day. All in all these two have immense love and care for each other.
Contact name (in her phone): Sungie🐿
Contact name (in his phone): Ling-ah🌵
Jordyn: Do you take constructive criticism?
Jisung: I only take cash or credit.
Juno + Felix
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These two are the cooking twins, they often spend their Saturdays making brownies and other delicious pastries, Felix once said that Amanda is basically a walking recipe book, she once taught him the recipe to her dad's famous paella, when asked about her friendship with Felix, Amanda said she didn't really spend much time with him at the beginning since she hung out with a specific group of people and he hung out with another group of people. These two are also known for being very passionate about giving back to the community, all in all they are always there for each other.
Contact name (in her phone): Lixie Hyung
Contact name (in his phone): Manda
Felix: treat spiders the way you wanna be treated.
Jordyn: Killed without hesitation
Felix: nO
Juno + Seungmin
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These two are the greatest of friends, since they are both MyDays it's not surprising to see them at the dorms having a Day6 listening party at 3 am. But that's not the only thing that bonds them, they are also the braincells guardians of the group (ironically, since Amanda can't take care of hers properly lmao)
Contact name (in her phone): Minnie Mouse 🐶
Contact name (in his phone): Jordyn "Taiwanese-Texan" Xie ✨
Seungmin: I've got the braincell!
Jordyn: Oh Fuck I dropped it.
Seungmin: Never Mind!
I.N + Juno
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These two are partners in crime, they are often called the Smolnae (Juno) and the Tallnae (Jeongin) he is WHIPPED for the girl. During Christmas or birthdays, Amanda wants, Amanda gets. They were roommates at the dorms until SKZ moved and Jordyn got her own room.
Contact name (in her phone): 楊先生 (Mr. Yang)
Contact name (in his phone): 미스시에 (Miss Xie)
Jeongin: I can explain. Jordyn: Can you? Jeongin: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
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bangchanswall2 · 3 years
Stray kids 9th member (JUNO) M.List
Started: 05/22/21
Edited: TBA
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bangchanswall2 · 3 years
Hi, so this is my Backup account where I will be posting my works from now until further notice if you wanna see my older works feel free to go to @bangchanswall thank you for your time.
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