blacklightblitz · 23 hours
Even if she was a villain, can Barbie have anything to do with the plot? Like I love my girl, why are they so bent on making the story and characters as hollow as possible. You should fold a story in, that's how you create layers. Instead they just keep spreading all the important plot points out to irrelevant characters.
Blitz: ‘they told me you didn’t wanna see me’
Fizz: ‘and no one told me you came’
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blacklightblitz · 6 days
This is my issue with Fizzarolli. There is no depth as to WHAT MAKES HIM TICK. He whiplashed back and forth between what he can handle and what he can't. What scares him and what annoys him. And how he responds to these things starts with a fortitude of zero and jumping between 2 and 200 as the plot demands and what Viv thinks would make people like him. I'm upset at this change to Fizz because of how absolutely weak his characterization is. Someone wanted to roll their eyes like "I guess male characters can't be vulnerable"
But the whole point is that he just changes to either elicit whump or badass. No consistency. It fucking hurts my soul that people think characters crying over everything is character when it literally is just audience manipulation. You need to actually make a character and explore THEM like PEOPLE and figure out exactly what their breaking points are. Where their boundaries are. What their limits are. There is none of that in Helluva. I don't get WHY they feel the way they do and I have no concrete sense of how they think let alone feel. It's all a show and it feels hollow
Consistency is a requirement of characterization. Crying isn't ooc, but you really need to establish WHERE THAT LINE IS. And once you find it, you need to maintain it. Not jump all over the place. Once you lose the limits you lost the character. Fizz as a character is not real. Not as in lol he's a cartoon, I mean he isn't even a real person in the confines of his own show. He's a puppet and he feels like a puppet that is being controlled for my reactions and I have none.
I need something real at the heart of this guys. There isn't anything consistent, there isn't anything at all.
the question, you see, is not ‘is it too ooc for this character to cry’ but rather ‘what circumstances would push this character to cry’
this is the whump wisdom, go forth and make that character cry
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blacklightblitz · 10 days
It is easy to see why, with the community she has fostered, Vivienne Medrano felt the need to retcon the Stolas/Blitz relationship. Having a very vocal minority of fans who find morally grey representation of queer characters somehow an attack on those who identify as LGBT. It comes from this purity mindset that queer characters must be portrayed as morally right as possible. As such, the inherent blackmail premise had to go. However, Medrano lacks the experience or skill to be a show runner and completely missed how this change made the relationship even worse.
In the initial premise, it appeared that Stolas took advantage of Blitz taking advantage of him. Seeing an opportunity to tie down someone without consequence and never having to face a fear of rejection due to Blitz's own inherent selfishness.
Blitz has the choice to decline the engagement for the book, and all he loses is his business. It is established that he has a found family in his business and coworkers, however, so there is that need to keep the business in order to preserve his new chosen family.
However, this keeps the emotional commitment tied to Blitz. As abstract a concept this is, ultimately, this setup keeps the stakes tied solely to Blitz. Radically speaking, this is Blitz's choice just as much as Stolas'. He could choose to start over at any time, and we see he is a character who has routinely done so in the past. Losing his business does not necessarily include losing his found family either. So the blackmail doesn't ever reach the same level of exploitation as the old homoerotic animes Vivienne and the rest of us grew up on, like NO MONEY. There is an option for Blitz to decline without any necessarily lasting damage to him
Additionally, by keeping the stakes as far removed from Stolas as possible in the beginning, it has a very clear starting point to travel from. Starting off at "This is a transaction" to "This is a relationship" very clearly lays out a plan of navigation. There are a multitude of ways to get to the same place in a narrative, so from the transactional starting point, have one or both of them find conflict in the relationship. Have one or both find themselves becoming genuine in their little game. There are many ways to do that, and this was the clearest idea we had at the start of the series. Effectively speaking, this was the DNA, or blueprint, of Helluva Boss.
However, the internet has changed, and what was once considered grown is more akin to an extended teenager. Factually speaking, there is plenty of evidence to show that humans are maturing even slower than previous generations, so the ability to think critically, conceptualize moral ambiguity, and rationalize around emotions has been delayed in the younger generation of those below the age of 26. Which unsurprisingly makes up the majority of Medrano's most vocal fanbase.
In the effort to make the story less problematic on the surface, it has become much darker than that. The childhood friends plot, as previously mentioned, killed any forward trajectory the story had. Rather, it literally restructured the plot to make the present also the end. But that also means the only reason Blitz and Stolas are together is because of that one day when they were children.
Place this in concept:
Blitz breaks into Stolas' home to steal the book and manages to keep Stolas occupied before trying to just leave. There is no implied desire that Blitz even has an ounce of attraction or even affection for Stolas within the dialogue or the animation. Instead, it maintains that everything Blitz is doing is for the sole purpose of getting the book.
Once Stolas is incapacitated and Blitz has the choice of his own to either follow through or grab the book and go, he chooses the latter. There is no sequence of Blitz being genuinely interested in the developments going on. Stolas is not also having an effect on him, and is shown to be instead playing up the personality in a comedic way to achieve the ultimate purpose of his being there: to get the book. It could have been that Blitz also became aroused during the foreplay and chose to instigate the sex on his own, taking Stolas' obvious enthusiasm as a means of "What the hell, why not? I'm feeling what he's putting down."
But that is not what happens. What occurs is that Blitz tries to leave, and the only thing that stops him is Stolas calling him his "first ever best friend." Seems like it's not meaningful, but the animation highlights an explicit desire to leave, but being torn against something else. Unfortunately, being someone's childhood best friend doesn't naturally conclude in sex, so the idea that just because they were friends should result in sex feels, bluntly put, rather incel-ish.
But what would result in this emotional conflict within Blitz is much darker. Imagine for a moment that you have isolated everyone you love in your life. Your family, your friends, everyone who ever knew you from that time in your life that you should be able to look back on happily, but can't. Everything is tainted by loss and resentment directed towards you, even if justifiably so. And then there is one person who remembers you from back then who doesn't hate you.
However, if you don't sleep with him and just steal his book, then he's going to hate you too.
That removes the ability of choice for Blitz. He either HAS to have sex with Stolas or lose that one thing we know is more important to Blitz than anything: his emotional connections. While there is no real emotional connection between Blitz, there is an argument to be made of having a true trigger response based on whatever happened between him and Fizzarolli. Additionally, one could conceptualize how Blitz may suddenly put so much more value into this relationship with Stolas now as a means to retroactively keep his past close.
It hamstrings Blitz to the point of there not being a choice. He can have sex with this weird guy he only met once when he was ten, or lose that very last person from his past who doesn't hate him, causing Stolas to hate him too. It would be the last nail in the coffin that Blitz is just unworthy of being loved by anyone. So he prostitutes himself.
This can only be framed in such a manner due to the addition of the childhood friends trope. Which somehow makes that connection also even creepier. That the only reason this becomes a case of true manipulation (intentional or not, the writers are aware of implications, or should be), and prostitution is because Children, adds a slime coating of ick to the idea of these two characters having a sexual relationship. That it isn't because they even know each other as adults. They don't but immediately culminate into sex based on their childhood selves, which is frankly disgusting.
So Medrano has not only kneecapped her own story moving forward, but has succeeded in rewriting the part of the show we actually wanted to happen into a disturbing quagmire of adults having a relationship involving prostitution and blackmail because of a fantasy idea one had of the other when they were both children that he has not only never let go of, but perverted and distorted to the point of debauchery.
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blacklightblitz · 18 days
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Hi im back at it again,,
Follow my twitter
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blacklightblitz · 20 days
not “oh my god it’s just a tv show” as in you are not allowed to find genuine joy and form a true connection to fiction, but “oh my god it’s just a tv show” as in, if it legitimately stresses you out and impacts your mood when things don’t happen exactly the way you want them to, and it causes you to lash out at other - real - people, maybe you need to take a massive step back.
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blacklightblitz · 21 days
I just saw someone say "people talk about media literacy as a shield for criticism for their favorite media." And I'd like to beg to differ. You can not like something and find something wrong in all sense of the word but when I talk about media literacy being dead its because people will enjoy the same shit and hate on others for consuming it "wrong." People will enjoy Sangwoo and have "proship dni" in their bios and I'm just like "oh so you like the serial killer, rapist, abuser in a god honouring way." I'm talking about those who watch Hannibal and will say that hannigram isn't problematic because it's not pedophilia or incest and I just stare into space because how when and where did those only mean problematic. I'm talking about those who will watch media and LITERALLY HARASS the voice actor of a terrible character or cosplayers who cosplay them (this happened recently) and think they're in the right because they play/dressed up as someone bad.
*Taps the sign*
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Anyways let people enjoy what they want and you can hate it and spread why you do but don't fucking harass people who enjoy it. It's as simple as fucking that. I miss when that was just fandom common sense. I also wish people would stop saying niche media is normalizing things like pedophilia and incest when GRRM writes it in most of his BEST SELLING books and you've never seen a rise in either so please hop off. You can not like it and it can make you uncomfortable but that doesn't mean it's a problem. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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blacklightblitz · 22 days
"someone who allows you to rest" is the relationship dynamic of all time
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blacklightblitz · 22 days
I'm liberal with blocking people who are a waste of time. Know that now. You have an issue with how I feel about the show, go touch grass.
My opinions, thoughts and feelings are not up to debate. You do not have to agree with them. But they are also under no circumstances up for debate. I share those parts of myself EXCLUSIVELY with my friends. If we are not friends, I owe you no explanation for anything. I do not owe you my time. I have better things to be doing than dealing with some adult child who thinks they are the smartest most right-est best person on the planet with a pHD in gay furry demons.
Go get a real hobby and leave me alone.
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blacklightblitz · 22 days
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Or maybe I can just spot a narcissistic meltdown a mile away and know when people are starting bullshit emotional tantrums under the guise of "logic and reason".
Go to fucking therapy.
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blacklightblitz · 22 days
Vent vent venty vent ugly vent
Debating just burning this whole thing to the ground. I literally just wanted to enjoy the show my way. Express my feelings in my own way. It's my art, it's my interpretation of art. People are so ugly in this fandom that I hate everything I put into this show more every goddamn day. I feel like I wasted my time and happiness in this ugly place.
I get if you don't agree with my perspective. Go find other people who agree with yours and just don't bother me. My art is extremely PERSONAL. That's how art SHOULD BE.
This isn't an essay blog. This isn't me posting critical hot takes about the show looking to have some sick burn or even an intellectual conversation. These are my FEELINGS that I put time and effort and real genuine thoughts into that I've shared in a space that is MINE. So don't come into my room being a bitch about my sentimental thing. Even in my disappointment, just to draw it is extremely vulnerable and earnest. Even if you don't agree with it.
Like I'm not your puppet just because I make fanart. Take your hand out of my ass and go make your own if you don't like mine.
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blacklightblitz · 22 days
Or maybe I don't want to argue, and exist in my own sphere doing my own thing, and don't want nor require you to shove your psychotic fixation down my throat. You instantly attack me as a person saying "I'm not a feminist" when all I'm doing is venting my disappointment in a furry demon webseries.
It isn't that deep but you saw the need to try and throw moral superiority around when all I did was voice an OPINION. You, on the other hand, feel the need to humiliate and "educate" everyone who has a different belief than you when, if you actually possessed Media Literacy, you would know there is no wrong way to interpret media so long as there is any evidence in the story to support it.
Invalidating my beliefs or my conviction to them is humiliating. To write me off as stupid, uneducated, ignorant, or whatever just because I won't engage with you in this nasty way is dehumanizing. To laugh to yourself on your blog with your equally ugly inside little friends about how superior you all are is narcissistic.
You are not my mother, regardless of how similar you act. I DO NOT OWE YOU a justification for my thoughts, beliefs or feelings that don't align with yours. Nothing you think you have to "teach me" is of any practical value, you just want to either HARASS ME for my opinion or FORCE ME to align to yours.
You are no one special.
So you can be a 31 year old with heart burn. I'm 29 with other things to do than argue with some adult with a kid over a cartoon, whom I have no interest in telling them they are wrong. I think everyone has a right to enjoy a show however THEY want, but you will never change my mind on my interpretation. Which then has you bouncing around your little blog with an added intellectual superiority alongside your moral one.
You need to blow your own fanfare by making me out to be stupid and anti-progressive, thus morally bankrupt, and all I ask is if you don't like my opinions, leave me and my art alone.
If you have to reach, and misinterpret, and justify, and disengage with all opposition in order to believe something, you might not actually believe it.
You may just be misplacing your justified anger at the fucked system we all live in into performative activism towards a web series about demon furries.
But idk. I’m not an icon. I’m just a 30-something with heartburn.
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blacklightblitz · 22 days
Gee it's almost like that was Moxxie's personality. Except now it's every male character who "takes it" in their relationship. Stolas, Fizz, Moxxie; all of them have the same anxiety disorder, have the same imposter syndrome, have the same crippling need for outside validation whether it is warranted or not.
You trying to get on me for being disappointed in how a character got retconned for the second season from being something fun and new to the same unbuttered toast we have been given throughout the show is uglier than you needing to break every character down into a replica of yourself to feel seen. If you are so offended by my not wanting a character to relate to you specifically just because they are your comfort character and my just wanting some variety in the cast, get off my page.
You are not welcomed in my space.
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Coping with the disappointment lol. Like man, grow a pair. Being a bottom isn't a personality and I just miss that aggression. This is the same thing that happened to Stolas so I feel this just is the new Fizz and, not a fan.
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blacklightblitz · 23 days
Reblog for a larger sample size!
No "show results", if you're not a fanfic writer just be patient.
I saw a post about an anon saying it was embarrasing to have an ao3 account in your 30s (it's absolutely not), so I want to do a poll and see what the age range actually is.
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blacklightblitz · 28 days
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blacklightblitz · 1 month
Tbh the problem with ship wars is that everyone tries to find a moral high ground to prove their ship is superior when actually shipping should be about making two characters kiss like a kid playing with barbie dolls
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blacklightblitz · 1 month
I love how on Tumblr, "media literacy" has become "Um, just because someone writes about this doesn't mean they're endorsing this. I hate all these media puritans ruining everything."
I'm sad to inform you that knowing when and whether an author is endorsing something, implying something, saying something, is also part of media literacy. Knowing when they are doing this and when they're not is part of media literacy. Assuming that no author has ever endorsed a bad thing is how you fall for proper gander. It's not media literacy to always assume that nobody ever has agreed with the morally reprehensible ideas in their work.
Sometimes, authors are endorsing something, and you need to be aware when that happens, and you also need to be aware when you're doing it as an author. All media isn't horny dubcon fanfic where you and the author know it's problematic IRL but you get off to it in the privacy of your brain. Sometimes very smart people can convince you of something that'll hurt others in the real world. Sometimes very dumb people will romanticize something without realizing they're doing it and you'll be caught up in it without realizing that you are.
Being aware of this is also media literacy. Being aware of the narrative tools used to affect your thinking is media literacy. Deciding on your own whether you agree with an author or not is media literacy. Enjoying characters doing bad things and allowing authors to create flawed or cruel characters for the sake of a story is perfectly fine, but it is not the same as being media literate. Being smug about how you never think an author has bad intentions tells me you're edgy, not that you're media literate. You can't use one rule to apply to all media. That's not how media literacy works. Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Aheem heem. Anyway.
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blacklightblitz · 1 month
Are you alright? :( please just block that person if they upset you, I’m sorry you felt alienated
It's not just that person 😔 the whole fandom vibe has been off for a while. I still love the BlitzFizz ship, and there is a version of the characters I will forever cherish, but I don't have the will to create art for now. I think I'll hang in the fringes and still support my boys, maybe get to writing half the ideas I still have in my head, but honestly just waiting for the hype to die so we can enjoy our fandom camp.
I miss the days in fandom where you could proudly call your hyper fixation trash and still love it.
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