blessedandbrokennn · 4 years
To do list (After the Breakup)
1. Take refuge in your bed
2. Don’t be afraid to cry (this is a good thing)
3. Don’t listen to slow songs
4. Delete their number
5. Whatever you do, DO NOT go through old texts or look through old photos
6. Treat yourself to Ice Cream
7. But new bed sheets
8. Focus on a new project or hobby
9. Whatever you do - DO NOT call them
10. Do not beg for what is broken
11. Allow yourself to wallow but only for a bit
12. Create new wishes for your new chapter
13. Most importantly - BREATHE
There will come a day where this will no longer hurt. One day you will realize this is exactly what was supposed to happen in order for you to end up where you’re supposed to be.
Blessed & Broken
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blessedandbrokennn · 4 years
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Merry Christmas 🎄
Three months ago I pictured my boyfriend and I cozied up by the tree on Christmas in matching jammies, hot cocoa, watching hallmark movies and opening gifts from one another as our home is filled with the smell of cinnamon and snickerdoodle cookies. Our dog would open at least 10 gifts from Santa like he does every year because he’s spoiled. We would make a pancake breakfast with bacon because B loved bacon and then just stay in our jammies all day layed up on the couch just living in the moment.
Three months later, present day Christmas is totally different. I woke up in a new home, made some coffee and sat by the fireplace with my dog enjoying the warmth of the fire. I opened up a few presents from family and my spoiled dog opened up several from Santa and then that was it. No hot cocoa, no big breakfast, no matching jammies nor hallmark movie marathons.
I am not sad because I still feel blessed and I know that one day I will be able to cherish that again with the person God has created for me and it will be 10x more cheerful because we will make our own memories and start our own traditions and eventually someday we’ll have a family that we created together to share that with.
This Christmas did not go as I pictured but I still made the best of it and I think that’s the beauty of it all. ❤️ Merry Christmas
Blessed & Broken
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blessedandbrokennn · 4 years
You say it doesn’t feel like Christmas.
However, maybe it does feel like Christmas. Maybe you just grew up and you’re experiencing Christmas like a grown up now.
And you know what? That’s alright. Feel it in your heart. Look in there. It’s Christmas, but it’s Christmas through new eyes. Experienced eyes. Eyes that still love the lights of the tree but can now appreciate the work it took to get them there.
Your new heart still feels Christmas. Still loves it. It’s just not new anymore and that’s alright. You’re the one hanging the garlands now. The one fighting the crowds. The one holding the youngest child up high so they can put an ornament on the tree.
And you can remember when you were that youngest one. When putting the bulb on that tree when mama or daddy or big sibling or family friend or auntie or uncle lifted you up so high you couldn’t believe it was the most important thing in the world. Remember that child you once were but don’t try to hold them or him or her hostage.
Let your childhood Christmas go. Don’t despair. The magic never left. It only took on a new form. You’re one of the giants now, not the little mice in danger of being crushed underfoot. Embrace that. Enjoy coffee with your cookies and have a glass of wine. Love what your aunt has done with the place and help the younger ones with the great mystery of the batteries.
I promise you it feels like Christmas. The Christmas spirit never left you. It just grew up with you, and that is a beautiful thing.
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blessedandbrokennn · 4 years
merry christmas
to you and especially...
to anyone who doesn’t have a home to go to,
to anyone who couldn’t afford presents,
to anyone who is missing a loved one,
to anyone who wishes they had more to be thankful for,
to anyone who feels completely alone,
to anyone who doesn’t know how to feel on the holidays.
i wish you a beautiful day that reminds you of the spirit of giving and loving and finding peace.
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blessedandbrokennn · 4 years
This is the End
I loved you B, I think a part of me always will. We met when we were so young and had unrealistic dreams of a life with one another. I pictured a future with you. Marriage, buying a house, traveling the world, having babies. The whole nine yards. I truly thought you were going to be my forever. But that’s just it — I think as we grew up, we grew apart. I would like to say that at one point we were “in love” but I can’t say for sure. But shouldn’t you know if you’re in love? If I have to ask does that mean we never were? We made memories and we had great times, memories that I will never be able to erase. But with those memories came some really tough times and moments in life and when too much damage has been done I truly believe it’s time to say goodbye...and that’s why I left. I woke up one morning and realized that this was no longer the life I wanted and when I was able to picture a future without you, as hard as it was I knew that it was time to say goodbye. After every bad thing that has happened each time we’ve tried to put the pieces back together but the truth is, they no longer fit as one and things never were the way they used to be with us.
This decision did not come easy because you truly were my best friend B, we used to finish each other’s sentences and we were so connected at one point. But we grew to want different things, we weren’t on the same timeline anymore. I thought the hardest part was the goodbye but after 4 years, it’s learning to live without one another. It’s trying to find a new routine that doesn’t include you. It’s coming home to an empty house, it’s driving past places that remind me of you, songs that we used to play together, traditions that we used to create, learning to sleep alone again.
I hope you learn to love yourself before you love again. I hope you find motivation to want more and do more for yourself and for someone else one day. Things didn’t work out with us but I truly do wish you the best. I will forever hold on to the memories of us, but they are just memories now and we have to accept that. I will always have a special place for you in my heart. I thank God that we crossed each others paths. I can’t say that we’ll never cross each others path again but until then, we will continue to grow in our own way & at our own time.
Lastly B, thank you for showing me love that I never knew I could experience again. It wasn’t the type of love that lasts forever but still, it was the type of love that couldn’t be forgotten.
Blessed & Broken
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blessedandbrokennn · 5 years
S u n d a y Checklist ✔️
• Yoga
• Bubble Bath
• Coffee
• Church
• Laundry
• Meal Prepping
• Journaling
A Sunday well spent brings a week of Content ❤️ What does your Sunday’s consist of?
Blessed & Broken
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blessedandbrokennn · 5 years
doggo ❤️
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blessedandbrokennn · 5 years
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What’s in your Bulletproof Coffee?
Rise and shine loves! I am one of many who needs a great cup of coffee in the morning to get you going and this coffee fuels my addiction the most. I have to admit, it wasn’t my favorite at first but you have to get over the thought of what’s in the coffee to appreciate the true taste of it. Now, I need my BPC every day! Plus, the benefits are great such as a meal replacement, helps you increase fat burning, and it’s a total energy booster. Some add syrups and chocolate, etc into their BPC but I like to stick to the main ingredients to get the most benefits out of it.
Brewed Coffee
2 T. Grass-Fed Butter (I use Kerrygold)
1 T. Coconut Oil
1 T. MCT Oil
2 t. Vanilla
Dash of Cinnamon
Dash of Pumpkin Spice
2 T. Heavy Whipping Cream
Whipped Cream on Top
Now, Blend! Enjoy!
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blessedandbrokennn · 5 years
“Just Give Him 3 Days”
Best advice my best friend ever gave me.
I was 18 and pining over a boy who I thought was the sexiest guy on the planet. A boy who had made me feel so special. We had met at a party and I couldn’t believe he even had an interest in me, so I thought. We were talking and texting every day for a couple weeks and then all of a sudden, all of it just stopped. He hadn’t returned any of my texts and I felt so shitty. Two weeks later his name popped up on my phone, he had wanted to hang out that night. I fell into his trap again and just like that, a couple weeks later of us continuing where we left off and he had ghosted me - AGAIN. Then sure enough not long after, he tried to come back like nothing happened.
My best friend at the time told me to give him 3 days. 3 days of no calls, texts, no anything. I felt like I couldn’t wait 3 days. She had said “you keep running back to him and he gets off on it. He knows no matter what he does, you’ll always go back to him. You’ll always be there. Give him 3 days and make him realize, oh shit she’s serious. I’m losing her.” I had wanted to try this 3 day rule or whatever you want to call it but I told her I was scared that he wouldn’t come back. She asked me, “Then why would you want to be with someone like that? Someone that can just drop you like that and come back only when it’s convenient for him?” She was right. Why was I so stuck on a guy like this? Was I really into him or just into the thought of being with him?
So just like that, I carried out the 3 day rule. Then 3 days turned into 7 days, 7 days turned into 14 and 14 turned into 30-odd something days and I thought about him less and less. More importantly though, he wasn’t worth my time. He hadn’t reached out. If he was the one, he would have fought harder to keep me in his life. He had moved on, we both did.
Ever since, I’ve used the 3-day rule and in some cases it saved me from a long road of heartache. Has anyone else used this rule?
Much Love,
Blessed & Broken. Xoxo
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blessedandbrokennn · 5 years
Lovey Dovey 💕
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blessedandbrokennn · 5 years
“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”
— Alexander Den Heijer  (via thegardennymph)
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blessedandbrokennn · 5 years
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2019 Goals
I’m going to be honest, every year I have had the mindset of “new year new me” but this year I don’t want to become a new person. I want to remain who I am but just better myself in certain areas. Today as I recuperated from last nights festivities it gave me a chance to figure out what I would like to accomplish in 2019.
Break a Bad Habit (We all have one)
Drink More Water - Sayonara Soda
Eat Healthy
Cultivate Happiness
Stop Comparing My Life to Others
Find a New Hobby
Grow Relationship More with B
Increase Credit Score
Create one amazing memory for 2019
Even if I just accomplish half of what’s on the list I would be so happy. What’s on your list?
Much Love,
Blessed & Broken. Xoxo
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blessedandbrokennn · 5 years
white on white on white
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NEW BEAUTY INSPO >> http://bit.ly/2T99lp1
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blessedandbrokennn · 5 years
Happy New Year Babes! Xoxo
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                                        h a p p y   n e w   y e a r   e v e r y o n e
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blessedandbrokennn · 5 years
For as long as I can remember NYE was a time before popping champagne and celebrating the new year, to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. To remember both our triumphs and our lossed opportunities. Our promises made and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures and the times we held ourselves back in fear of getting hurt or let down. That’s what New Years is all about - getting another chance. A chance to forgive, to let go, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more and to stop worrying about ‘what if’ and start embracing what will be.
Tonight as I’m surrounded by people whom I love, I will also be making a new promise to myself - to live 2019 for me. To love me. To be a better person. I am thankful for a chance at another year. Stay humble, stay safe and above all stay you.
Much love,
Blessed & Broken. Xoxo
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