bloomingoutcast · 8 months
I fucking hate my grandmother. As if the society isn't fatphobic enough I have to hear her unsolicited opinions on what fat people decide to wear. Like I'm genuinely just starting to hate people more and more everyday due to bigotry. I've gotten to a point in my life where I have become less insecure about my weight, sexuality, and other parts of my identities, but people just love to be bigoted for no reason and it just pisses me off! I know if I lived by myself with my dog in the comfort of my own home I wouldn't have to deal as much with other people's perception of me, including my family. I could be myself more and not have to hear about how much my grandmother or the rest of family look down on whatever marginalized identity they decide to talk shit about that day. Even if they aren't directly talking about me, It's really draining to hear them say messed up and offensive things about other marginalized people. Maybe most humans deserve global warming because a lot of them are just fucking awful creatures. I'm just so tired of it. Whether it be in real life or on the internet I can never escape being around shitty people.
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bloomingoutcast · 8 months
The only people following seem to be bots, maybe I should just delete Tumblr and find another way to advertise my blog. I don't even like using tumblr as much anymore anyway. Maybe I'm just pooped out from using social media, idk. Using social media isn't even as fun as it used to be for me anymore. it's probably because most websites have an algorithm now, which makes it harder to curate what you want to see because it is already chosen for you. I've already talked in a previous post how shitty youtube's algorithm is, but unfortunately I think most social media algorithms suck now in general. Although tumblr doesn't have a prominent algorithm like other websites it still has issues that haven't been fixed. It makes me sad that most of the mainstream social media websites used to be fun and worthwhile to use, but now most of them are just a chore to use because the algorithm is awful and you either see stuff you don't care about, or stuff that is just flat out offensive.
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bloomingoutcast · 9 months
HELP A BLACK TRANS WOMAN PAY FOR A MONTH OF RENT  reposting this because my last one died and this is urgent!!! story: my mom became aware of my transition several months ago and for a while didn’t tell my dad, who is incredibly transphobic. because of this my living situation was tense but amicable. but when she learned about my estrogen and progesterone treatment (because of the changes in my body), she told my dad. the backlash is pretty much what i expected. since she told him (a couple weeks ago) he has threatened me, checked my social medias, and is now trying to take away my medication. he even threatened to go to the pharmacy to pick up my medication himself with the pure intent of throwing it away. needless to say, my home is no longer a safe living space. with florida’s recent treatment of transgender people, i feel there is nothing to do beside try find a safer living space. fundraising goal will go toward rent as well as any payments needed to move into a place where i can live with my girlfriend and roommates. any donations are appreciated, as are shares. everything counts.
goal: $800 kofi paypal if you use c*sh *app: $veronicagemmas
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bloomingoutcast · 10 months
I was originally going to post this on my blog, but I don't feel like waiting to finish making it, so I'll just post it here. I also want to get my thoughts out there before something were to happen to me.
This is a very long and personal post that deals with serious topics like suicide, paraphilias and discrimination. If these topics are too upsetting for you I would advise you not to read.
When I look back on my life, especially the most awful parts, I realize just how prevalent I was hurt by another human being, especially emotionally. This isn't to say that all humans are inherently evil or bad, but there's a lot of things that humans have done to cause me more pain or ruin my life compared to non human animals. One thing that I have particularly noticed is that I am not as suicidal, self conscious anxious, or annoyed when I am by myself, or with my dog in the comfort of my home. An example of this is when everyone  went into quarantine due to the pandemic.
When Covid 19 first hit in my country, I was a senior in highschool. I was stressed over schoolwork and my suicidal thoughts were starting to get worse. However, due to the pandemic, my school shut down, and all of my classes moved online. This was a godsend to me because not only could I focus better on my classes and not have to deal with annoying classmates all day, but the workload provided in my classes was shorter as well. I didn't feel as sad, grumpy or anxious at home as I did at school. Ever since middle school, I've always wanted to take classes online instead of going to school in person.
However, my mother would always protest against it because she believed that the only type of online learning was homeschooling and she and my grandmother were too busy with work to homeschool me. As covid continued into the year 2021, I started taking online classes for college which is a much better learning environment than the one I had in middle and high school. Another reason why online college classes appealed to me was that I could go at my own pace and not be forced to take multiple classes at once.
Another way that humans have hurt me is through friendships. To elaborate, I only had two people I considered my friends while I was in highschool. I got along with one of my friends well, but during the pandemic we lost touch. The reason we lost touch was that I didn't feel like they were putting in as much effort into the friendship as I was so I decided to test them to see how long they would contact me if I stopped iniating conversations. My friend never texted me back, so I just asumed that they didn't care or didn't want to be friends anymore. In addition, I realized that they were using me as a therapist, and they didn't really care about my feelings as much as I cared about theirs.
My other friend hurt me because she told me she cancelled her birthday party, just so I wouldn't go even though the party wasn't canceled for other people. Her reasoning was that there would be people smoking and vaping and she just assumed that it would make me uncomfortable, but I didn't understand why she couldn't just tell me upfront instead of lying to me. There was also one time where she showed me a video of a guy shooting himself in the head because she thought it was funny for some reason.
I was devestated when I realized that my friends weren't really any good, but after some time, I realized that I don't need human friends to make me happy as I was spending more time by myself during the pandemic. To clarify, as I stayed home during lockdown I also got to spend more time with my dog. Throughout our time together I noticed that my dog provides me with the most loyal and accepting amount of love I have ever received in my life. Unlike most of the other people in my life, she accepts me for who I am and she isn't socialized to see me as less than due to my blackness, gender, weight, sexuality, appearance, personality etc.
She sees someone who pets her, plays with her, makes her feel happy and loved and that's all that matters to her. Although I appreciate and am very thankful for the love and financial support that other people like my mom give me, her love for me would most likely vanish or diminish if I told her the truth about my zoosexuality or if I failed out of college. Even when I get mad at my dog for sometimes barking and growling at people while going on walks, I realized that this tiny dog full of spunk and spirit would protect me faster than most humans even when it wasn't needed.
Also, as a Black woman, I know just how dehumanized and unprotected Black women are, even within the Black community (Insert link here). So I really appreciate just how much my dog values my life enough to protect me from any harm, even if it isn't that effective due to her size. I never realized just how much I took my dog's love for granted until the pandemic and I am truly grateful for her being in my life. Although our relationship isn't perfect as she can be stubborn, noisy, and annoying sometimes, she is the only one who has fully accepted me as I am.
I've never had to hide anything from her in fear that she wouldn't love me anymore. My relationship with her opened my eyes to the way that romantic and sexual relationships with animals are devalued in society despite the fact that most pets aren't as bigoted or judgmental compared to humans.
This isn't to say that I wouldn't mind having a person to call my friend or even lover, but making human relationships has become less of a priority in my life. I didn't really miss anyone from my highschool outside of a few acquaintances that were nice to me, so it's not like I lost any sense of community, because I never felt like I belonged in one to begin with. To elaborate, ever since middle school, I've always felt like an outsider, but at home I could be myself, (atleast more of myself when my family isn't home).
I realize now that humans are the reason why I feel so out of place in this world. A large majority of humans subscribe to prejudice and discriminatory beliefs about others due to inconsequential things like gender, skin color, class, sex, weight, disability, sexuality etc. In addition, society has created expectations and stereotypes based on these characteristics and indentities.
The second you don't fit into a nice neat box for people to profile you, you are treated like a defective robot, or you are even ostracized by other people who have the same intersections as you because they Internalize bigoted stereotypes too  History has shown that some marginalized identities today were able to thrive in some communities and civilizations because people were not socialized to view them in a negative light. Sometimes, I even have to check myself for having bigoted beliefs due to how prevalent they are in the media and throughout most human interactions. When I'm by myself, I have more time to critically think about the roles and expectations  that society places on others and on me as a Black woman with multiple intersections. This makes ot harder to internalize bigotry as I spend less time around people who reinforce harmful beliefs.
Moving on, as time in quarantine went on, I became more focused on myself. Specifically, I focused on my beliefs, what I wanted from life, and how I could achieve my goals and happiness without other people. I also focused more on my hobbies such as reading, drawing, listening to music, playing videogames, and watching my favorite shows due to the increased amount of free time I had under the pandemic.
For awhile, I thought my suicidal thoughts and constant mood swings were on their way out, atleast when I didn't have to be be around my grandmother or around rude people. Unfortunately, I was proven wrong when I started my first job in 2022 as a "part time" cashier. I put part time in quotations as when I first started the schedule was fairly descent, but during uptime, I dang near worked fulltime.
I won't specifiy the corporation of where I worked due to safety and privacy reasons, but the job seemed fine at first. The work environment was nice, and didn't feel as stressful even when I was new to everything. The reason why I started this job was to gain more experience in the workforce and earn some money of my own. Although I am grateful that I had the chance to gain some work experience and earn money for myself to help pay for some of my college expenses, there were definitely some things that bothered me.
About two months into the job, I started feeling a bit stressed about going to work and sometimes my mood would shift drastically in short periods of time, even more than it already does. However, I am a very private person and I am used to keeping my thoughts and feelings to myself, so I tried to hide my negative emotions as much as possible. In addition, I was also learning how to drive at this time, which also added more stress to my life, but over time I got used to driving while I carpooled to work with my mom.
At work I was almost constantly surrounded by larger groups of people, whereas before I was mostly just by myself or with my mom and grandma at home. Sometimes when I messed up at work I felt like I could never do anything right and I mentally beat myself up for it. It doesn't help that I had this one coworker who liked to micro manage me and act like the manager even though it wasn't her place. The worst part is that she always tried to hide her bossiness by pretending to be polite.
I kept my negative thoughts about her to myself and tried to keep a straight face, but she was so fucking annoying. She always had to critique me about some small thing when I was in her presence and she always acts like I couldn't hear her so she says"Did you hear what I said?" all the fucking time. She would get on me for shit the head manager didn't even care about. Everytime she opened her mouth I couldn't help but think to myself, Shut the hell up no one cares! Her voice is so whiny and high pitched that she sounds like a child and it makes me want to yank her ponytail from her scalp.
Sometimes I would internally panic when I thought I heard her voice, only to realize that it was a customer that sounded similar to her. Thankfully, I didn't have any other issues or problems with the rest of my coworkers as some of them were really nice to me. I also had a bad experiences when my job moved to a bigger store. I wasn't used to working at a big store, as the first store I worked at was much smaller.
When I started work at the bigger store, there was little to no training for me, so I just spent most of my time making the shelves look neat and putting things back in place where they didn't belong. This was one of the few things that I genuinely enjoyed doing because I found organizing things to be satisfying. Unfortunately, the store was being redecorated and lots of products would move to a different place everyday.
I still worked part time, so for the most part I didn't know where everything was, so it was annoying when customers would ask me where something is and I'd have to go on a scavenger hunt to find it. The way the store restocked things was different from what I was used to and I would spend hours trying to find a place for things on already overcrowded shelves which was stressful to me. Some customers were understanding when it came to finding things for them, but some were really rude about it.
One time, I was helping this customer find something, but I didn't know where it was. I wasn't too far off as it was in the same ilse as the product, but then they found it and told me "Next time someone asks you where something is, now you'll  know" in a passive aggressive manner. I wanted to punt them in the face so bad, but I didn't want to lose my job, so I just walked away. Although being belittled by customers is unfortunately expected of most minimum wage jobs, it's still something I'd rather not be subjected to.
Sometimes, it makes me feel more justified in hating myself because of my mistakes or the lack of patience I receive with some customers. Luckily, there are some really nice people that usually sometimes outnumber the rude ones but I can't help but feel my emotions so strongly when I have to interact with so many people while simultaneously make sure that I am doing my job correctly. I will say that it does make me happy to help people at my job.
One of the positive experiences I had is when I helped a customer find a hat that they wanted to buy and they were so happy, despite my simple effort. Despite all of this, it can feel like whiplash when I interact with a kind customer only to be dehumanized by another. It's like my feelings are on a tightrope and any interaction can make me fall into a range of emotions. In addition, I've always been told that I'm too sensitive and I take things too personally, especially by my mother, but it's not like there is an off switch to my emotions. Also, someone has to give a damn or else things will stay the same. So what if I'm sensitive? In my opinion, the world needs more people who are vocal about their emotions and feelings.
We live in such a materialistic society where it is normalized for others to be treated and discarded like objects. If nobody cared or was sensitive enough to talk about the impacts of this extreme materialism, nothing would change. If past activists weren't sensitive to the way society treated them and others, none of us would have half of the rights that we have today.
As I get older I have become tired of trying to hide my emotions all of the time. Atleast when I am by myself or with my dog, I don't have to hide how I feel and I can freely express myself with no guilt. Although it can feel like a burden at tines, my strong emotions remind me just how human I am and that holding it in isn't healthy no matter how much society says otherwise. People can be so judgmental when you don't act like an unemotional robot, or happy all of the time, especially at work.
Also, when I messed up at work, sometimes I would feel really stressed, or suddenly become very apathetic, like nothing matters in life because we're all going to die or get harmed from global warming, or some other catastrophe like nuclear warfare. I don't know why, but thinking about the end of the world, or society collapsing gives me this morbid sense of comfort. Like if something bad happened similarly to what happened with covid 19, I would be forced to take another break and I could focus more on the things that bring me joy in life before I die from said catastrophic event.
Another set of thoughts that I sometimes think about is the destruction of most if not all of the human race. These thoughts usually occur when I'm pissed off or really sad. Sometimes I fantasize about aiding in the destruction myself. Although these destructive fantasies scare myself at times, these thoughts make me appreciate that nothing in life is forever, even if it takes awhile for something to end.
Another distinct customer interaction that stood out to me was when I asked a customer for their I. D. to check their age as it is required of my job while as a cashier. The customer got upset with me and said that it takes years to get to the high position where they are. I didn't say anything rude back to them and continued on with my job, but I was smiling through my mask (At the time, I wore a face mask at work so I wouldn't get covid). Usually when I'm angry, I frown, but this time I smiled which scared myself a bit, then I started to chuckle to myself, but not loud enough for the customer to hear. The only thing I could think to myself was, It's so cute how special you think you are. The fact that this customer thought that rules don't apply to them was a little funny.
I realized that no matter how much older this person was than me, they were acting like an entitled child. Although being in a higher position can be impressive, it does not give you an excuse to be rude or do whatever you want without consequences. In my opinion, a person's status means nothing if they use it to be an asshole and after reflecting on this experience, I noticed just how unimportant this customer's position would be if all of society were to collapse or if humanity ceased to exist. Humans are but a small presence on the earth's lifespan. Although we have a big impact on the earth's environment, none of our social norms or hierarchies inherently matter to nature. Unless enough humans abide by it, being in a high position of power means nothing.
For instance, being a dictator usually means that you have enough people under your control to get almost anything you desire. However, in nature you can not force a tree to bear you fruit or tell the weather to be sunny just by being a dictator. Nature has its own rules and humans can not always alter or force it to change unless we have the technology to do so. Even when the earth has been damaged, it usually finds a way to heal itself even if it takes awhile. Humans however, are not as invincible or untouchable as some of us think we are. Even if the last person left on earth was a ruler, president, CEO, a celebrity, a government official, etc their position wouldn't matter because there is no one else around to uphold their status by giving them preferential treatment.
Nature doesn't care what position you are, only people do, because all of these high positions in society are man made inventions. Nature can be very humbling as most of it is beyond human control. I feel like there was a reason why a majority of ancient civilizations had deities based off nature, or even animals. I think that this is because those civilizations realized that humans were equal to nature. They realized that no matter how high your status was in society, there would always be things outside of your control and nature was probably the biggest reminder of that.
Although unpleasant, my interaction with that rude customer was one of the many things that helped me realized that most of, if not all of society is made up, and just like that customer's status, these hierarchies mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Anyway, as of now, I try to minimize my intetactions (mostly face to face interactions) with humans. Although I used to be somewhat excited about meeting new people, I've realized that it's usually not worth it.
Even when I seem to get along with someone, eventually, they end up saying something bigoted, I show more of my personality to them and weird them out, or they treat me like an object and not a person. I'm also tired of feeling disrespected and having my kindness taken advantage of at times. Somedays I feel like the only time people notice me is when I do something wrong, or when I'm needed for something. Any other time, I might as well be a ghost. Even family and ex friends have made me feel terrible over the smallest things. It's like the second I make one mistake, everyone gets mad at me, but no one really explains why they're mad at me.
Sometimes I also get unsolicited opinions about my appreance, introversion, or hobbies. I'm already hard on myself most of the time, so when others judge or get angry at me, it makes me feel fifty times worse about myself. Even my mom, who I am closest to, can make me feel bad or stupid for not knowing everything despite the fact that I don't expect her to know everything as well. She also has expectations for me to do well in college which make me feel pressured, and even more scared to fail. Sometimes she can be very indecisive, or she won't tell me all the details of something and then she'll jokingly tease me or get mad at me because she expected me to already know something.
I'm a person that prefers to know most of the details before I start doing something, but my mom will usually tell me the details afterwards which can be frustrating. It makes me feel like I'm not allowed to be human and make mistakes like everyone else. That everyone is just waiting for me to fail, just so they can yell or laugh at me. That I can never do anything right and I'm a useless waste of space. Socializing and spending time with most humans has shown me just how uncompatible I am with others and that I should just keep my distance from them when I can. Everytime I feel bad about myself, i realize that the main cause was interacting with other people.
Even when I'm by myself, I'll often remember a painful memory that happened when I was socializing and I become all sad or angry again like it just happened. Each bad memory chips away at the peace I usually have when I'm alone by myself or with my dog. It's really difficult for me to find someone that I truly get along with on a deeper level. Someone that shares or is even open minded to my point of view. Someone that doesn't make me feel bad or weird for not abiding by the status quo by being myself. Someone who is patient with me and understanding. Someone who appreciates me as I am and doesn't make me feel like I need to be like everybody else. Someone who reciprocates the same amount of sympathy, kindness, and thoughtfulness that I do.
Even when I do seem to get along with someone, we just end up being acquantises and I never see or talk to them again. Also, they would most likely hate me if I came out about being zoosexual anyway. At this point it's for the best if I stay away from humans in general. A lot of them have shown me just how awful and disappointing most people are. Due to my past experiences, I can't help but feel like most human relationships are a waste of time and energy.
Despite all of the good times I've had socializing, the bad experiences outweigh the good. Hopefully in the future I can find a good paying job that I'm decent at with minimal to little human interaction. I feel like that's the only way I could make a living while staying somewhat sane. At the time of writing this, I don't have this job anymore as I am focusing more on college, but sometimes I still feel suicidal due to tragedies like discrimination and global waming, when I remember painful memories, or due to the pressure to succeed in my harder classes.
I just wished I lived in a world where degrees and arbitrary things don't determine my worth. It's like sometimes, no matter what I do It's never enough for society or the people around me. Why can't I just exist and have my value determined by the way I treat other people or the good deeds that I've done? I'm just glad that I have my dog in my life. Sometimes when I think about departing from this existence, I think of the pain I would feel from leaving her. She is the only one who cares about me without any bigotry or societal pressures to fit within the status quo.
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bloomingoutcast · 11 months
My daughter and I are fleeing from my abusive husband and need some help to start over.
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My name is Beverly Black. I jave a 2 year old daughter named Arabella. We're fleeing a domestic violence situation. I've been a housewife for five years and I don't have a driver's license. My husband threatened to turn the gas stove on while the baby and I slept. We spent a night in a women's shelter and now we are staying with relatives but I need help. I have nothing. The money I am requesting will go towards getting my massage therapy license reinstated so that I can work. To get my driver's license and fix up my sister's old car. And to put a down payment on an apartment to rent. Anything you can send would be a blessing. Prayers are also appreciated.
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bloomingoutcast · 1 year
Happy Juneteenth!
I don't have much to post, but I still wanted to celebrate. Remember none of us are free until we're all free, that also includes Black people who are LGBTQ+, disabled, have paraphilias, neurodiverse, plus size, otherkin, or don't fit into beauty standards. We're all important and intersectionality is a very important step in gaining freedom.
If you want to learn more about Juneteenth or intersectionality, I have provided links to some videos below. Have a good day everyone!
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bloomingoutcast · 1 year
This is just another vent post, but this really pisses me off. Why can't Youtube actually have a blacklisting or blocking feature that works? I'm tired of seeing offensive shit pop up in the algorithm, even when I dislike a video or hit not interested it still gets recommended to me, especially in Youtube shorts. I've dealt with some not so great algorithms before such as Instagram, but atleat I could block a user and never see them again.
Blocking channels on YouTube doesn't work at all. In fact, I don't even think you can block people anymore, now you can only "hide" users from your channel. It's great that these hidden channels can't comment on my videos, but I can still see their content despite them being "hidden" from my channel. I'll search something in the search bar and still have videos from channels that I've hidden show up.
There's apart of me that wants to continue to use youtube as I grew up with it, and there are alot of amazing content creators on it, but using it feels like such a chore sometimes that I'd rather not use it at all. Honestly, it's gotten so unbearable to the point where I only try to use youtube on my computer because it's the only place where I can use the Youblock extension .
I just want to watch my favorite channels and content without being recommended fatphobic, sexist, racist, LGBTQ+ phobic, etc stuff. I'm reminded enough that people hate me for existing, especially in public or even just looking at the news, so it would be nice if I could actually enjoy my time on the internet without being shown bigoted shit.
Google has so much information on its users, but it still can't be bothered to implement blocking features so that users can curate their own feeds. I swear the basic functions on YouTube keep getting worse. I can't even look for specific videos without being recommended content that has nothing to do with what I searched for. You can't even filter videos in the search bar by oldest date. This makes it harder to find older videos, especially if they aren't popular, essentially making them lost to time. It would be nice if there were settings where I could turn recommendations off in the search results. Like give your users options, don't just decide what they should watch.
This makes me wish there were more companies like Tiktok to compete with YouTube. I am in no way saying that Tiktok is perfect or even less bigoted than YouTube, however, due to Tiktok's successful algorithm, it does pressure other companies to hopefully do the same and upgrade their own algorithms to actually be more relevant to their users.
One of the main reasons why I spend so much time on the internet is to find and engage in things that bring me joy, further my understanding of certain topics, or help me feel empowered. It just sucks to have some of this taken away from me because YouTube can't be bothered to care more about the wishes of it's users than forced engagement.
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bloomingoutcast · 1 year
This is just a random vent, but it really sucks when I'm enjoying myself in public, but sometimes there will be that one asshole I run into that ruins my mood for the day. I know I shouldn't let it impact me as much because it's usually just one person, but it still pisses me off. I'm mostly nervous or uncomfortable when I'm in public and stuff like this only soldifies why I hate interacting with people most of the time.
Atleast when I'm home, (As long as my grandmother isn't home with me, but that's a explanation for another day) I can have some piece of mind and not worry about how people perceive me. I truly wish I could just exist in public without the fear and anger of running into shitty people. Is that too much to ask?
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bloomingoutcast · 1 year
I think I might just start posting some of my thoughts on here before I finish my blog. I guess I just have a lot I want to say and a part of me doesn't want to wait to formally write about it.
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bloomingoutcast · 1 year
Recent Update: Still haven't started my blog yet as I am busy with college (Why does trigonometry have to be so damn hard! RIP my GPA!) and I'm still deciding some things like which type of server, word processing website, or domain name I should use etc. But I just wanted to give an update about what I plan for this account.
At first, I was thinking about only using this account to promote my blog once and then deleting it, but I've been thinking about keeping it and just uploading previews and links to my articles on here. As much as I use to hate on Tumblr's user interface and experience it has surprisingly gotten better, especially conpared to 2018 and onward.
However, I still believe that creating my own website is the way to go as I'll never know what will happen to Tumblr in the future.
I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent here, but after seeing what is happening to other social media websites like Twitter and Instagram and how their changes have dramatically changed their platforms for the worst I would really be disheartened if it happened to Tumblr.
Although Tumblr is no where near perfect, I can atleast follow the accounts I actually want to see without sponsored content taking over the algorithm. Tumblr also has a better blocking system and your posts are usually contained to specific communities or accounts, which makes it harder to be mass reported or harrassed by more people.
Anyway that's all that I have for now. I really hope to make more progress on creating my blog this year. A lot has happened in my life and I really need some place to just vent it all out.
Until next time, have a good day everyone and enjoy these pretty pictures I took of some flowers!
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bloomingoutcast · 2 years
Tumblr really wants its users to pay for an ad free experience when ad block exists. No thank you. I swear its always something happening on this website when I make an account.
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bloomingoutcast · 2 years
As an introverted nerdy fat black woman, I've always felt isolated just because of my looks and personality even among other black people. I've never really had a lot of friends and I never felt like I fit in anywhere. Although I have gotten used to not having any friends, I still feel ostracized by society because of my black womanhood, my weight, and my sexuality. Even when I'm nice to people, some people will be rude or passive aggressive to me for no reason. I'm just tired of people trying to make feel bad for existing when I didn't ask to be born in this vain society. That's why I want this account to be as unapologetic as possible. I want to exist as all of my intersectionalities without someone denying one aspect over another.
I also hope to be a beacon of hope to other black people who are going through the same thing. Just know that you are not a monster because of your blackness, your paraphilia/sexuality, your disability, your weight, your gender expression, your deviance from beauty standards, or your resilience to be put in a neat stereotypical box that society created for you before you were born. You are human, end of discussion.
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