breweda · 9 months
What are the health benefits of drinking turmeric tea?
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What are the health benefits of drinking turmeric tea?
Hello tea lovers!! Few drink tea out of addiction and few drink tea for the benefits it is providing them. There are various herbal teas with various health benefits associated with drinking them. These herbal teas have no side effects to very negligible side effects and are better than regular or caffeinated beverages. The other advantage of drinking these herbal teas is it is easy to prepare, and are readily available in the online market too. You can try Breweda for its wide range of herbal beverages. Now let’s discuss the health benefits of one such herbal tea called turmeric tea.
What is turmeric tea?
Turmeric is famous for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is also associated with various health benefits. Turmeric is made from the root of the Curcuma longa plant. It is also used in food for flavoring and color. It contains an ingredient called curcumin, which when absorbed into the body helps a lot. Turmeric is native to South Asia and is found in a few states of India. When having turmeric tea, most people consume it with pepper, as the ingredients in pepper help in better absorption of the compound curcumin.
What is turmeric tea good for?
Turmeric is mainly used for its antiseptic and antibiotic properties. It is in India since the prehistoric ages as a natural medicine. It is believed to be good to treat skin disorders, the upper respiratory tract, joints, and other issues related to the digestive system. And today turmeric is used in a few medicines, herbal products, and most cosmetic products for its healing properties. It is also used as a dietary supplement as it can be consumed directly, and used in many foods. 
Types of turmeric tea
Here is a list of different types of turmeric tea:
 Turmeric ginger tea
Turmeric cinnamon tea
Turmeric cardamom tea
Turmeric basil tea
Turmeric anise tea
Read more: https://breweda.com/blogs/news/what-are-the-health-benefits-of-drinking-turmeric-tea
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breweda · 10 months
Spikenard plant tea- health benefits, uses, and more
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Spikenard plant tea- health benefits, uses, and more
There are various herbs on this planet, and each one of them has its own set of uses. Most of them are into use since prehistoric times, mainly in countries like India and some parts of the middle east. The only reason for this is that they are only grown in these places, and people here are focused on natural herbal ways rather than normal ones. And one such natural herb with numerous health benefits is the Spikenard plant. For ages, Spikenard has been in use for religious, beauty, and other health purposes. It is used as a main ingredient in tea, oil, and in other beauty products too.
What is spikenard essential oil?
Spikenard essential oil is just like lavender oil mostly used for its cosmetic benefits. It belongs to the class of aromatic amber-colored oils extracted from the plant named Jatamansi. It is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It gets an earthy and musky scent and is available as a highly prized perfume. It is mostly grown in the Himalayan region of Nepal, India, and China. 
Spikenard essential oil benefits
Here are spikenard essential oil benefits:
1. Soothes pain
Spikenard is anti-inflammatory in nature, and it helps soothe pain. It is applied externally in Ayurveda to treat arthritis, joint pain, and migraine, and it is also used to relieve pain too. 
2. Anti-depressant
Spikenard when consumed and its aroma has calming effects on us. It is used as an anti-depressant, it reduces stress, and anxiety thereby reducing depression too.
3. Improves sleep quality
As mentioned above, Spikenard’s aroma helps in calming your brain down and improves moods, and improves overall sleep quality.
4. Improves brain functioning
Spikenard is also shown to have positive effects on the brain. It helps to reduce stress, reduce anxiety, calm your brain, and improve brain functioning too.
Read More: https://breweda.com/blogs/news/spikenard-plant-tea-health-benefits-uses-and-more
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breweda · 10 months
What is herbal peppermint tea? And what are its benefits?
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What is peppermint herbal tea good for health benefits, nutrition?
We all must have heard about the name peppermint. But do you guys know that there is a tea made from peppermint? Yes, the tea is peppermint tea and is famous for its various health benefits. We use peppermint in most products of our day-to-day life, such as in foods as a flavoring agent, in toothpaste, face washes, creams, lotions, and more. And surprisingly it is also used in tea too. Many people consume it too. It has been a historic tea in India and other parts of Europe and Asia, as it is mostly available in those places only. Later, it became popular for its flavoring and medicinal properties. Let’s know more about this peppermint tea and its health benefits.
What is peppermint tea good for?
Peppermint tea is good for lot many things. It has been the main ingredient in modern-day products such as toothpastes, candies, teas, face washes, shampoos, and more. It is famous for its taste, it has a minty flavor and has a lot of potential health benefits. However, there is not much scientific research done on peppermint tea and its benefits to validate. Peppermint is composed of menthone, limonene, and menthol and these all compounds have a positive effect on our health when consumed. It is very easy to prepare in the comfort of your home too.
What are the benefits of peppermint tea?
Here is the list of benefits offered by drinking peppermint tea:
1. Aids in digestion
Peppermint is believed to have positive effects on digestion. Consuming peppermint tea before having food has shown positive results in digestion, that is, it helped in faster and easier digestion, without bloating as it relaxes the muscles in the digestive tract. It is also shown to be effective in treating nausea and stop vomiting sensations.
2. Stress relief
Peppermint tea is famous for its relaxing properties. When it is consumed, it is shown to decrease stress and also helps in relieving headaches. The menthol present in peppermint tea increases the blood flow to the brain and also provides a cooling sensation and which helps in relieving stress.
3. Eliminates bad odor
As mentioned above, peppermint is used in toothpaste, face washes, and shampoos for its cooling effect and soft smell. Peppermint is antibacterial and when consumed helps fights bacteria and the bad odor in the mouth giving a fresh and cool breath.
4. Soothes menstrual cramps
As peppermint acts as a muscle relaxant, it is also shown to be effective in reducing the pain caused by menstrual cramps. Peppermint tea may help reduce the severity and length of muscle cramps during menstruation.
Read More: https://breweda.com/blogs/news/what-is-herbal-peppermint-tea-and-what-are-its-benefits
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breweda · 10 months
Benefits of drinking ashwagandha with coffee
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Benefits of drinking ashwagandha with coffee
Different individuals drink different coffee, based on their tastes, preferences, and expected outcomes. Most people drink coffee to keep their day energized, and focused, get relaxed, and fulfill their caffeine cravings. Apart from regular coffees, there are various other types of coffee that are aimed at numerous health benefits. Usually, these types of coffee are belonged to the herbal/ayurvedic group, with less caffeine content or low caffeine content to provide various health benefits. 
Ashwagandha is one such herbal plant, where it is used in coffee instead of regular coffee beans or powder to get benefits. Let’s know more about the benefits of drinking ashwagandha with coffee.
What is Ashwagandha?
Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb plant (ayurvedic plant) that belongs to a class of adaptogens that are best known for their medicinal properties and various health benefits. It is often used in coffee, tea, and other beverages, and also as a supplement in either the raw form or mixed form to enjoy its benefits.
Ashwagandha herb is also known as Indian Ginseng, which has its scientific name Withnia Somnifera, where its roots are berries that are used for many health benefits. Here are a few of the health benefits offered by Ashwagandha.
Relieves stress and anxiety
Lowers blood sugar and fat
Improved muscle strength
Improved sexual performance
Increased testosterone levels in men
Boosts focus and memory
Improves overall heart health
Read More: https://breweda.com/blogs/news/benefits-of-drinking-ashwagandha-with-coffee
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breweda · 10 months
Did you know these benefits of drinking chai tea for sore throat?
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Is chai tea good for sore throat?
Due to the elements that might offer comfort and relief, chai tea may be beneficial for sore throats. Black tea, which is commonly found in chai tea, has antioxidants that can strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities of spices like ginger, cinnamon, and cloves, which are frequently found in chai tea, can also help soothe a sore throat and lessen discomfort.
Apart from that, people also add honey as a supplement to make their tea taste sweet and better. Honey is also known to be effective during sore throat. It is antibacterial in nature, which can fight the bacteria present in the throat and can reduce throat irritation.
Teas that helps with sore throat
There are several teas that can help treat sore throat. However there is no proper research that these teas are going to help, many people found it useful and helpful during their sore throat and these teas are 100% natural.
1. Ginger tea:
Ginger is anti-inflammatory in nature. It is also said to be effective in relieving pain and swelling in the body. You can prepare ginger tea, by adding a few chopped pieces of ginger to boiling water. Stir it for a while and consume it when it is hot. You can drink up to two to three cups of ginger tea daily for better results.
2. Chamomile tea:
Chamomile tea is often used for its calming properties, apart from that it also helps treat a sore throat. Add a few dried chamomile flowers in boiling water, let the water absorb the flavor and the essence and you are good to go. 
3. Lemon and honey tea:
Lemon and honey are both observed to be soothing sore throats. This tea also has anti-inflammatory properties so it helps relieve inflammation and pain. You need to squeeze the lemon into boiling water, add 2-3 tablespoons of honey, stir it well for while, and consume it hot. 
4. Turmeric tea: 
Turmeric is already known for its antibiotic properties, it is effective in treating infections and fighting pathogens. It is also anti-inflammatory, so it helps soothes your sore throat. Drinking turmeric tea on regular basis can have lots of benefits.
5. Fenugreek tea:
Fenugreek has numerous health benefits and one of them is treating sore throat. You can dip the fenugreek seeds in the boiling water and can consume them. It also has antibacterial properties, that help fight the infection and bacteria, keeping the irritation away. 
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breweda · 10 months
6 Surprising Lemon Ginger Tea Benefits
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You must have already heard about lemon ginger tea or must have already tried this tea. Lemon ginger tea has exceptional benefits that our regular tea. Drinking a herbal beverage like lemon ginger tea has exceptional health benefits. Lemon is already known as beneficial for its Vitamin C content. And ginger for its phenolic compounds. Here are a few benefits of Lemon ginger tea.
What is lemon ginger tea good for?
As mentioned above, lemon ginger tea is good for lot many things. They are easily available, cost-effective, and can be prepared in the comfort of your home. 
1. Immunity Booster
Lemon and ginger are rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C which are crucial in boosting the immune system and protecting against various illnesses.
2. Treats Digestive problems
Ginger is also known to be anti-inflammatory. This helps treat nausea and Vomiting related problems. And lemon aids better digestion by stimulating the production of digestive juices. 
3. Reduces inflammation
As ginger is anti-inflammatory it helps reduce inflammation in the body ultimately resulting in reduced pain and swelling.
4. Promotes weight loss
Lemon and ginger, when consumed in the morning, are known to boost metabolism and also decrease hunger cravings which in turn helps us to lose weight. 
5. Enhances mood
Lemon in general cools down the body and has a calming effect on the mind while ginger is shown to have positive effects on the mood. 
6. Improves skin health
Lemon is famous for its rich source of Vitamin C. And Vitamin C is known to improve skin health by reducing the appearance of dark spots, and wrinkles and giving a radiant glow to the skin.
Is lemon and ginger tea good for you?
Ginger is thought to lower the risk of certain cancers, while both lemon and ginger contain components that are also believed to decrease the risks associated with cardiovascular disease and liver disease. Drinking lemon ginger tea can effectively alleviate pain related to inflammation, arthritis..... Read More
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breweda · 10 months
Does chamomile tea make you sleepy?
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Chamomile tea has been famously known for its medical properties and the fact that it induces sleep. Chamomile tea is made from the Chamomile flower and it is considered a medicinal herb in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Later in the 17th century, it was introduced in Jammu Kashmir, and from then on it has been used in Ayurveda too. 
More than 70 million people in the U.S. suffer from sleep disorders, and it is a known fact that using medication for longer periods of time for sleep deprivation or for sleep-related problems then it can have unimaginable side effects. Using a natural and alternative solution is best recommended so that there won’t be any possible side effects. 
Chamomile contains an active ingredient called apigenin that helps induce sleep and that is the most reason most people consume it post-dinner. Chamomile possesses potent antioxidants known to induce sleepiness, thereby enhancing the overall quality of sleep. Scientific evidence suggests that consuming chamomile tea can effectively promote better sleep.
What does chamomile tea do for skin?
According to Engelman, chamomile tea can significantly enhance your skin's well-being by harnessing its calming anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial attributes. This remarkable beverage aids in brightening the complexion, minimizing acne breakouts, and fading dark spots, effectively improving your skin's health from within.
Chamomile can be found today in a few of the skincare ingredients today. Chamomile has been used as a natural skin-soothing agent by Greeks and Egyptians. They applied Chamomile to their skin by crushing the flower and treating their skin problems.
Chamomile has benefits both when applied to the skin as a paste and when consumed as a tea. The following are the advantages of Chamomile tea.
Wound healing
Reduces inflammation
Reduces Redness
Treats Eczema
Radiant skin
How much chamomile tea should I drink for sleep?
As per the advice of Breus, (PhD, a psychologist and board-certified sleep specialist), it is recommended to consume a cup of chamomile tea approximately 45 minutes prior to bedtime to promote a state of sleepiness.
This time frame allows your body to effectively metabolize the tea, enabling the chemical compounds responsible for inducing sedation to take effect.
This amount is considered safe for most people and may help to relax the body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep.
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breweda · 10 months
Amazing health benefits of Lemongrass and ginger tea
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Benefits of lemongrass and ginger tea
There are numerous types of tea, and almost every tea has its own advantages. But considering the right way is also important if you want to have its benefits. And right now, there is a huge demand for this lemongrass and ginger tea. So let’s know what actually is lemongrass and ginger tea.
Lemon grass is a plant, used mainly as a flavoring agent in food and beverages. The leaves are used to make oil and this oil is used in medicine mainly in ayurveda. Although there is limited research on this lemongrass, it is used to treat a variety of skin conditions and for other internal organs’ health too.
Ginger tea is made from the extracts of ginger and sometimes lemon and honey for flavor and taste. It has been used for thousands of years to treat ailments. Ginger is also used in food, and other medicines too.
Benefits of Lemongrass and Ginger tea:
1. Improves immunity:
Both lemon grass and ginger are rich in nutrients that include, folate, potassium, and magnesium and Vitamins such as vitamins A and C. These are the nutrients that play a huge role in increasing immunity in the body and help fight various pathogens and infections.
2. Improves skin health
Ginger and Lemongrass are rich in antioxidants. And antioxidants are shown to have positive effects on improving skin health. Apart from that it also helps increase hair health too. Mainly lemongrass and ginger tea help in skin glow, making it radiant and shinier.
3. Aids in digestion
Ginger is added to most Indian dishes, due to its properties aiding in better digestion. Ginger helps observe better in the digestive tract and also helps secretion of digestive juices which helps in faster and better digestion. And lemongrass also almost does the same.
How to make fresh lemongrass and ginger tea?
You can always buy readily available lemongrass and ginger tea, buy ready-made packets that can be dipped in water, or just make the tea yourselves in the comfort of your home.
Ingredients required: Few strands of lemongrass, 2 to 3 small pieces of ginger, lemon, black pepper, and hot water.
Slice the lemongrass stalks and crush them.
Add them to boiling water, and keep them heating.
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breweda · 11 months
Can you add sugar in your coffee? Is it good?
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Can you use powdered sugar in coffee?
Coffee is always a coffee be it cold or hot, sugar or sugarless, creamy, milky, chocolaty, and whatnot. There might be various types of coffee but not all are original coffees. Let’s keep that away for now, and we all must have this doubt. Is it healthy to consume sugar with coffee? Or can we drink coffee alone without any additional supplements? And many other questions regarding the additional supplement to it. Let’s get a glimpse of them today. 
You can drink coffee without adding sugar and also adding the required quantities of it too. Adding sugar to your coffee makes it much more tasty, flavored, and aromatic. Sugar can be added to your coffee, if you don’t have any issues with blood sugar levels, if you do have any issues with blood sugar levels such as diabetes or something else then you need to worry about adding sugar. But there is still an option for you, you can add sugar-free sweet supplements to it. They don’t affect your blood sugar levels and usually don’t have any long-term effects too.
So until then, you can always add any type of sugar into your coffee and have taste in every sip. You can try alternative sweeteners like no sugar sweeteners and cinnamon for a better spicy taste.
Powdered sugar vs granulated sugar which tastes good?
Powdered sugar is granulated sugar almost the same. Powdered sugar is obtained from granulated sugar, by grinding it into fine powder. But there are a few differences between them when they are added to the coffee. For instance, when you add powdered sugar to the coffee, it dissolves in the coffee very easily in no time where as granulated sugar takes more time to dissolve and it requires extra stirring to the coffee. And that’s the reason most people feel that coffee with powdered sugar tastes better and flavoury than coffee with granulated sugar. 
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breweda · 11 months
Can we put coffee in fridge?
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How long does coffee last in the fridge?
The word coffee takes our stress away. Our dopamine starts to play, and we start to crave caffeine. Sometimes all we want at the end of the day is good coffee, but coffee at any restaurant or café is always unpredictable, and we end up making coffee ourselves. But still, then we get a problem, we might make more cups of coffee than we actually crave, or else the coffee we prepare for our guests might not be interested in drinking it. 
Another scenario is where we want to prepare coffee in advance, so as to fight time constrain. And the doubt now arises is whether we can refrigerate it, or store it in the freezer, should we leave it outside, and even if we leave it outside will it stay for more time, or how much time will it exactly stay fresh? These are the common questions of every coffee lover, don’t worry you will become a coffee expert by the end of this blog. 
In general, coffee stays in the fridge for 1-2 days at most, but it can spoil within a half day also because the amount of time it stays fresh in the fridge depends on the way we blend the coffee and ingredients used in it. There are numerous varieties of coffee, and cold coffee is the one if you are looking out for freezing it and storing it for a while. As cold coffee or iced coffee stays fresh in the fridge for 1-2 weeks. Apart from this, you can premake coffees that are available in tetra packs which usually last up to 3 months. 
How to store brewed coffee in the fridge?
Storing coffee in the fridge might be a new thing, trust us, it isn’t hard. A tip to remember, the longer the coffee is hot the faster it will oxidize. So transfer your coffee to another container once the coffee is brewed, do not overheat it. You can put some cream on the top, it makes your coffee tastier and keeps it alive for a longer period of time. Now make sure that the container is airtight, or in an insulated thermos flask. If the thermos flask isn’t your thing, then keep the container in the freezer, make sure light isn’t passing to the coffee, and the temperature is not low making the liquid turn solid. Now all you need to do is consume it in a day or two days maximum. And if it is a cold coffee, it will work well for a week. 
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breweda · 11 months
Green tea is a herbal tea; Myth or Fact?
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What type of tea is green tea?
Green tea is often categorised as white wine, usually the quality of green tea is varied from the regular super markets you buy, and when you extract them yourselves from the tea estates. Green tea originated in China and then spread to Southeast Asia. There are numerous varieties of green tea, based on the place it is grown, the production process, horticulture methods and time of harvest. There are a few benefits of drinking green tea regularly such as:
Improves brain function
Helps in fat loss
Lowers the risk of cancer
Reduces bad breath
Glowing skin
Does herbal tea have caffeine?
Herbal teas are made from natural ingredients which usually don’t have caffeine content in them unless we add them to satisfy our caffeine craving. Herbal teas are readily available in most of the beverage corners and are available in ready-to-make in regular stores. 
We can prepare herbal tea ourselves in the comfort of our homes too. Herbal tea has been in use for centuries and not all herbal teas are true teas. True herbal tea includes green tea, black tea, oolong tea, ashwagandha, cinnamon, Shatavari, Ashoka, Saffron, Turmeric, pepper, cloves, rose, and a different combination of these herbs. Every one of these herbs has different usage and benefits for our bodies.
Is drinking too much herbal tea bad for you?
In simple the answer is yes. Anything when consumed too much can have a negative impact than the actual benefits it has to offer. There are potential side-effects if herbal tea is consumed too much. The recommended consumption per day is 1-2 cups mostly. And when the limit exceeds it can have the following effects.
Anxiety issues
Sleep problems
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breweda · 11 months
Spearmint tea pcos - a tea that has no boundaries
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Spearmint tea pcos - What does spearmint tea do to you?
The market is filled with numerous varieties of teas and one such tea is Spearmint tea. But there are amazing benefits of spearmint tea. Spearmint plant is grown in both Asia and Europe and got its name from its spear-shaped leaves. Spearmint tastes pleasant and sweet and is mostly in special dishes, regular toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum, and candies.
In recent times it got “Spearmint tea pcos” and also became famous for its health benefits. Let's look at them.
6 Health Benefits of Spearmint
1. Aids digestion
Spearmint is often added to spicy food, so as to increase food absorption and easy digestion. Spearmint tea can also be used to treat indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and bloating issues. Spearmint contains a chemical compound called carvone which mainly focuses on stopping muscle contractions in the stomach which further helps in digestive upsets.
2. Rich in antioxidants
Spearmint is also known for its antioxidant properties, which help prevent free radicals and repair cell damage. Spearmint indirectly helps in relieving oxidative stress, which left untreated can lead to heart disorders and diabetes. These antioxidants also act as protection from free radicals.
3. Helps with hormone imbalances
Few studies state that spearmint helps treat hormone imbalances mainly in women. Due to various factors, women develop extra testosterone, which is a male hormone. And Spearmint can help decrease this male sex hormone. Regular usage of spearmint in women have showed to decrease testosterone levels and increase LH, FSH, and estrogen levels. It is also believed that spearmint increases hormones that are related and necessary for ovulation.
What does spearmint tea do for pcos?
PCOS known as Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition where women develop more male sex hormones such as testosterone and androgen. And this further leads to develop men's characteristics in women such as facial hair, adam’s apple, excess hair growth on the chest, back, and buttocks; oily skin, and acne. Women suffering from PCOS often find it difficult to get pregnant and do have irregular periods. 
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breweda · 11 months
Immunity Tea: Everything You Need to Know
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What tea is good for immune system?
There are numerous teas that are used for developing immunity. There is easily available in most Cafes and are also available at regular supermarkets as tea powders so that we can prepare the tea on our own. Among all, the most recommended tea for immunity boost is Turmeric, pepper, and ginger tea. Turmeric has curcumin in it, which is rich in antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also believed that turmeric has benefits for the body and brain. 
Turmeric spice is native to the Indian subcontinent and is used as a natural antibiotic for thousands of years. It has antiseptic and antibiotic properties. It is also believed that Curcumin helps prevent Alzheimer's and heart diseases. Turmeric also boosts our metabolic and neurological activity. 
Pepper is also a native spice of India, mostly grown in the Kerala region. Pepper contains an alkaloid called Piperine, which helps in better absorption of curcumin into the body. Pepper also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also believed that pepper can benefit your brain making it calm, regulating sugar levels in the blood, lowering cholesterol levels, improving gut health and also helping in a weight loss regime. 
Ginger is almost available in every state in India, and is also the most common spice in most dishes. It has a role in ayurvedic medicines. It is also used as a main ingredient in most Indian herbal drinks. These three spices apart from the benefits mentioned above also help in improving immunity.
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breweda · 11 months
Impressive Health Benefits of Cinnamon Tea
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what is cinnamon tea
Cinnamon tea has been profoundly used for centuries in India for various health benefits. Cinnamon is extracted from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree, it is made into powder and then used in making tea. Cinnamon powder is rich in antioxidants and other nutrients that can be used to treat various health conditions. Cinnamon spice has been used as tea powder, and as an additive in breakfast, snacks, traditional foods, and more. Now let’s look at the benefits of cinnamon tea.
7 Benefits of drinking cinnamon tea
1. Improves heart health
Cinnamon powder has anti-inflammatory properties which directly help in treating chronic related diseases. Few studies also indicate that drinking cinnamon tea on regular basis reduces bad cholesterol and also protects your heart from vulnerable diseases.
2. Controls blood sugar
Cinnamon is a natural sweetening agent, and it can be used instead of regular sugar in food and beverages. As a result, this spice helps in regulating insulin levels in the body thus preventing diabetes and also helping in treating it.
3. Aids in weight loss
It is also believed that cinnamon tea is associated with reducing weight, especially around the belly and waist. Drinking Cinnamon tea regularly can keep your stomach full for a longer period, leading to less food consumption, and calories ultimately resulting in weight loss.
4. Fights pathogens
Cinnamon is also believed to have potent antibacterial and antifungal properties. Cinnamon contains Cinnamaldehyde which helps prevent the growth of various bacteria and fungi. Cinnamon tea also helps in keeping your breath fresh and fight tooth decay.
5. Helps with PMS
According to a few studies, cinnamon tea helps with some menstrual symptoms such as dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome. It helps women in reducing the pain during their menstruation. And in a few women, it is observed to decrease menstrual bleeding too.
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breweda · 11 months
5 Ashwagandha Tea Benefits You Must Know
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We drink tea regularly for many reasons, like habit, stress buster, mood calmer, treat headaches, and many more. These days ashwagandha tea has been gaining popularity because of its health benefits. Ashwagandha is an evergreen shrub that is found in India and a few parts of Africa. Read more, you will be surprised if you know what does ashwagandha do to the brain.
Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, that has been traditionally used for various medicinal purposes for thousands of years. These adaptogens help stimulate our central nervous system and improve our overall mood. Let’s look out for the benefits of ashwagandha tea.
What is ashwagandha tea good for?
1. Reduces stress
Ashwagandha has natural properties to reduce cortisol levels in the body which are responsible for causing stress. It is also observed that continuous usage over 2 months has shown reduced cortisol levels. 
2. Reduces anxiety and depression
It is also believed that continuous usage of ashwagandha aids in reducing anxiety and also fights depression. Although there is no scientific evidence, most people who took ashwagandha for 60 days saw reduced anxiety levels compared to the ones who are under the placebo effect.
3. Promotes healthy sleep
Ashwagandha tea is also believed to improve restful sleep. Many consume ashwagandha tea before going to bed, as they believe it has the ability to promote more satisfaction in sleep and also help them get sleep faster.
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breweda · 11 months
Turmeric Coffee: The Perfect Health Drink
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The first thing most of us remember after a sound sleep, a stressful day, boredom, and many more is coffee. There are numerous types of coffee and we do prefer them on our taste, occasion, and purpose. There are many assumptions and beliefs about coffee that in the long term it can lead to health issues, while few believe it helps treat health issues. According to a study at Harvard, drinking coffee on a regular basis has a variety of health benefits. 
But, the reality is not every coffee we consume can be beneficial to us. Today, turmeric coffee has been gaining popularity due to its various benefits. Let’s know more about turmeric coffee today.
Turmeric in Coffee Benefits
1. Reduces inflammation: 
Turmeric is rich in an active compound called Curcumin. Curcumin is best known for its inflammatory properties. So turmeric coffee has the potential to treat and prevent various health issues.  
2. Improved heart health: 
The curcumin present in turmeric helps form a protective layer on the heart and safeguards it from various ill effects. It reduces inflammation in the cardiovascular region and also helps balance cholesterol levels in the body. It also has the ability to treat a few heart conditions like arrhythmias and myopathies.
3. Improves mood: 
Coffee usually helps relieve stress and anxiety. And when turmeric is added, the curcumin in it helps better control stress and reduces anxiety too, which on other hand also helps treat short-term depressive conditions. Continuous consumption of turmeric coffee for a longer period of time can yield a better mood and more productivity.
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breweda · 1 year
Did you know these health benefits of lemongrass tea?
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lemon tea
How to make tea from lemongrass?
Tea is a common drink for most of us and we have it in our daily routine, for relieving stress, anxiety, addiction, headaches, supplement, aperitifs, and more. Coming to tea, there are various types of teas, that include a combination of various herbs. Various teas have various health benefits and uses. 
There is one such tea, with more health benefits have come into the light in the past two decades and is called Lemongrass tea. It is famous for its medicinal properties and it is absolutely delicious. So, let’s look at this healthy and tasty tea recipe.
Ingredients needed:
Lemon grass leaves or stalks, water, honey, and ice cubes.
Chop the grass into small pieces to ½ cm each piece. And if you are using leaves make sure that it doesn’t have stains or bruises. 
Now boil 900ml of water over high heat until it boils. 
Now add the chopped lemongrass to the boiling water, let it heat for 5 minutes, give it a stir, and let the heat be still high.
Now add the solution to a cup using a mesh strainer, the lemongrass is edible but that makes the tea unpleasant.
Let it cool for a bit, and you can add honey if you want it sweet. 
You can also add ice cubes, or refrigerate them if you want iced tea.
What is lemongrass tea good for?
Lemongrass tea has a wide range of health benefits, due to its bioactive compounds such as geraniol, myrcene, and citral. A few benefits include increased digestion, boosted immunity, decreases anxiety, and stress, improves skin texture, and skin health, regulated blood sugar, and many more. Lemongrass has certain reactions to certain medications, and if you are on any medication, talk to your doctor before consuming it. 
Benefit of lemongrass tea
There are numerous health benefits of lemongrass tea, let us have a look at a few of them now:
1. Relieves stress and anxiety
Many people found that drinking lemongrass after a stressful day, have shown to relieve their stress. Apart from that it has also been shown to relieve anxiety issues too, due to its anxiety-reducing properties. 
2. Regulated cholesterol levels
According to a study, it appears that lemongrass is also effective in reducing bad cholesterol level thereby regulating blood pressure and keeping cardiovascular diseases at bay.
3. Boosts oral hygiene
Lemongrass is often used in some toothpaste for its antibacterial properties. So drinking lemongrass tea can help boost your oral health and also keeps your breath fresh and good.
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