bucketofjuice · 10 months
6:40pm- aww so aesthetic today when i was talking to my dad I turned around and saw him holding his phone to his ear to hear his video better <33 he also kept nodding and saying "mhm" to me like he was listening!!
ok anyways... the real reason im journaling today:
why i counted calories today <33- because im a cute little anorexic that JUST CANT LIVE without counting all the little numbers in her tiny little meals. kidding i fucking wish, but nope instead its 7 o'clock and I've already eaten 1,500 calories and I haven't even had dinner or pm snack yet. how do I know? yeah, I counted calories. why? because my fucking mom (jk ily mom) decided to take us out to boba. delicious, but SO high calorie, and therefore scary. so I went back through my food log and added up all those silly numbers. <3 oh, I'm so skinny and sick and someone should just fucking lock me up.
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